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2 Beginning of Term II Examination, 2019

Christian Religious Education

Name: _______________________________ Stream: ______
SECTION A ( 2marks each)
1. Name the earthly father of Jesus.
2. Give the town where Jesus was born.
3. How many commandments God gave to Moses?
4. What was the work of Jesus’ earthly father?
5. Who was the mother of Jesus?
6. Write down the first man God created.
7. How many days did God take to create the world?
8. What is a family according to Christianity?
9. Give any one member of God’s family.
10. Mention one role of a father in a family.
11. State any one way a P. 2 child can help a friend.
12. Give one way we can care for other people.
13. Name the sacrament makes a person a Christian.
14. Why did God send Jesus on earth?
15. Name the holy book for Christians.
16. Mention any one leader in the church.
17. Give one way Jesus cared for His followers.
18. Give one way Christians use their legs.
19. Give one use of the sun to Christians.
20. Give one activity at school when children pray to
SECTION B (2 mark each):
21(a) Give one type of prayer.
(b) Give one reason why people pray to God.
(c) Name one place where Christians go to worship
22(a) Name the two main parts of the Bible.
(i) _________________________________________________
(ii) _________________________________________________
(b) Give one benefit of reading Bible to a Christian.
23. How are the following things useful to a Christian?



24(a) Write down any group of people who need our
(b) Mention any one way a P. 2 child can help his /
her parents.
(c) Mention reason why teachers punish children at
25(a) On which did God create light?
(b) Name any one dangerous animal God created.
(c) Give one way a Christian can care for God’s
26(a) Give one way man is different from other
(b) Who was the wife of Adam?
(c) Where did God put Adam and Eve to live?
27(a) Give one way Christians show love for one
(b) Mention one thing that can cause
misunderstandings between Christians.
(c) What did Jesus teach us to do to those who do us
28(a) Who baptised Jesus?
(b) In which river was Jesus baptised?
(c) Mention one item priests / pastors use when they
are baptizing people.
29a) Why should Christians bathe regularly?
(b) Mention two things used when bathing.
(i) _________________________________________________
(ii) _________________________________________________
30(a) Mention two of Jesus’ disciples.
(i) ______________________ (ii) _____________________
(b) Mention two ways God talks to His people.
(i) _________________________________________________
(ii) _________________________________________________

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