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Shape & Form

 SHAPE is two-dimensional, flat, or limited to height
 GEOMETRIC - These are shapes that you
Contemporary art – It is defined as the art of (the) already know and have names for.
“NOW”.  ORGANIC - These shapes are not so
 produced by the 21st century artist living in the precise; they don't have set of rules. Many of
post-modern age. these are "free-form" which can be found in
 It functions in a global society that is culturally nature.
diverse and technology-oriented.  FORM is three-dimensional and encloses volume,
height, width and depth.
Late 1970's artists reacted to the previous art
4. Color – most striking art element that catches the
eye. It is a mixture of organic or synthetic
substances called PIGMENTS.
 COLOR WHEEL - A round spectrum to show
the relationship between color families created
by Sir Isaac Newton.
 Primary - Basic colors from which all colors are
produced. You cannot make this with any other
MODERN ART colors.
 emerged in the late 1800s and continued to grow for  Secondary - The result of mixing two primary
more or less a century. colors.
 developed as styles and techniques  Intermediate or Tertiary Colors - These colors
are good starting point on what we call
CONTEMPORARY ART "Sophisticated" color pallet.
 Postmodernism then gave birth to what we know
now as contemporary art. 5. Value – The lightness of darkness of an object or
 “With the times” (con tempo) = Art of the present color. Often used with drawings.
6. Texture – is the surface of an artwork.
 Note: Both art uses issues as a subject to their  Actual/Tactile - it can be felt or touch
artworks.  Simulated/ Illusory - it can only be seen or felt
 Crossbreeding - in the contemporary scene has
resulted in a hybrid called Integrative Art. 1. HARMONY - refers to the wholeness of the design,
the pleasing arrangement of parts, and the agreement
LESSON 2: ELEMENTS OF ART between parts of a composition, resulting in a united
1. Line – It is the extension of a point, a short or long MUSIC WRITING
mark drawn or carved on a surface. Combination of musical The theme or the topic is
notes simultaneously to the uniting factor
produce music

2. VARIETY - it pertains to the assortment or

diversity of a work of art.

3. RHYTHM - It is the regular, repeated pattern in the

elements of art.
2. Space – In visual arts, it can be defined as a void, an
emptiness which can either be positive or negative. 4. PROPORTION - It is the relationship of the work
 Positive space is the term used when referring to an of art with one another.
object itself.
 Negative space is the area around, between, and 5. BALANCE - It pertains to the even distribution of
within an object. weight.
FORMAL / symmetrical INFORMAL /
It pertains to the even It refers to two sides are
distribution of weight. not identical yet equal in
visual weight.

6. MOVEMENT - It is a way to convey feelings and

 used to give artists the ability to lead a viewer's
eyes around an art piece.


principle that gives importance or dominance to a
unit or an area.

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