Homework 1

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In the following

activity, you will

practice your
and you will

practice some of
the "parts of the
body" vocabulary,
as well as physical


Read the following physical Once you've guessed the name of the
description of a famous person: famous person, either draw a line or
write letter-number pairs.
Try to guess the who is the famous
person based on their description I hope everything is clear. If not, do
not hesitate to contact me.
If you're having trouble guessing, try
searching some of the vocabulary on Have fun !
online dictionaries (type the word and
then write "definition")
He is a young man with short,

blonde hair and striking blue eyes.
He has a slim, athletic build and is
known for his tattoos, which cover
much of his arms and chest.

She a curvaceous figure with an

hourglass shape and beautiful, long
curly hair. warm smile and
expressive eyes are some of her
Tips B
most striking features, and she
exudes confidence and grace in
everything she does.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur

adipiscing elit. Aenean imperdiet purus in
She has a unique sense ofsapien
style, semper congue. Vivamus faucibus
often sporting bright, bold colors
and oversized clothing. Sherisus C
has a quis molestie hendrerit. Nam ac
pharetra justo
slim, petite frame and a beautiful,
porcelain complexion. She
sometimes wears her hair in colors.

She has a slim complexion. She has

soft, flowingipsum dolor
red hair that sit amet,
she often Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
styles adipiscing
in loose curls elit. Aenean
or waves, which D
consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean
frame her face
imperdiet beautifully
purus and semper
in sapien imperdiet purus in sapien semper
congue. green eyes, which
Vivamus are often
faucibus risus quis
congue. Vivamus faucibus risus quis
accentuated by her elegant makeup.
molestie hendrerit. Nam ac pharetra molestie hendrerit. Nam ac pharetra
justo. Curabitur semper rhoncus nibh, justo. Curabitur semper rhoncus nibh,
id placerat nibh elementum vehicula. id placerat nibh elementum vehicula.
Maecenas massa ante, bibendum Maecenas a massa ante, bibendum a
He hasnec,
nulla a more portly varius
iaculis build, with a Donec
nulla. nulla nec, iaculis varius nulla. Donec
round face and chubby cheeks.
est urna, pulvinar tristique turpis sed, E tristique turpis sed,
est urna, pulvinar
Despite this, he has a charming
condimentum euismod condimentum
velit. euismod velit.
smile and a great sense of humor
Pellentesque et likable.
that make him very quam at leo Pellentesque et quam at leo
commodo tincidunt a in leo. Aliquam commodo tincidunt a in leo. Aliquam
sollicitudin magna at mi ornare sollicitudin magna at mi ornare
elementum. Suspendisse potenti. elementum. Suspendisse potenti.
He is a slim,
Integer handsome
gravida manet
vel orci with Integer gravida vel orci et consequat.
short, curlytristique
Integer hair and a charming
bibendum erat Integer tristique bibendum erat
smile. He often wears stylish, casual
pulvinar rutrum.
pulvinar rutrum.
clothing. Despite his relatively
small stature, he has a magnetic
personality that draws people to
Good luck !

Now that you have read some of the word you can use to describe someone,
you might as well try and describe yourself. You can describe

Your face (your nose, ears, eyes, eyebrows, teeth, mouth...)

Your build (are you slim, fat, corpulent, curvy...)
Your extremities (your arms, legs, hands, feet...)
Your heigh (tall, short...)

Have at it, and have fun !

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