#Likeagirl Assingment1

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TOPIC: Communication, culture and context


Link: https://youtu.be/XjJQBjWYDTs

SENDER: here the sender is the copywriter of the advertisement and the whole advertising
team of the “ALWAYS” campaign.

RECIEVER: here the receiver is the audience or viewers of the advertisement

CHANNEL: here the channel of communication is the advertisement itself and all media
platforms where the advertisement is being aired.


The advertisement #likeagirl is a social experiment in this society where gender stereotypes
are so ingrained in the culture that they have even become a part of language. A lot of times
expressions such as ‘run like a girl’ ‘hit like a girl’ are used in a derogatory manner. It is often
used as an insult to tease somebody weak, over-emotional, or used as insult. And at a time
when identities are already very fragile, it can have a tremendous impact on a child’s growth.

Researches show that girls’ self-esteem drops twice as much as boys during puberty and they
never really regain that pre-puberty level of self-esteem. In the process of growing up the
little girls somehow end up getting robbed of their self-worth.

This commercial explores the way that our society has evolved to believe that female gender
is physically inferior. A woman is taught what it means to be a woman and womanhood is
defined by a set of rules such as beauty and being submissive and reserved, having a curvy
body and perfect hair, and being a female means being ‘not good enough’.

Whereas men on the contrary are told to be smart, powerful, and dominant. Society dwells
on gender differences and stereotype people from a young age to believe that physical
strength is equated with importance, leadership, power, and supremacy.
The commercial takes into account the gender notions prescribed by society I.e. (women can’t
run, women can’t fight, women are weak) which impair woman’s dignity.
Women, boys, and men behaved in a silly and doltish way when told to behave like a girl. they
presented the female gender as fragile and demure with the use of body movements and
gestures to match the pre-existing image of women in their minds.

Contrary to that the pubescent girls reacted differently. They ran as fast as they could and
fought as hard, they could. Exhibiting pride and conviction in their actions.

For them doing something like a girl meant doing their best.

The advertisement is a mirror to the society and its pre-existing notions about women and
how it has stereotyped people in believing doing something like a girl means doing something
in a silly or funny manner. Even young women carry the same notion about themselves. It
proves that young women subconsciously believe that being a woman is being not good
enough. The young girls or pubescent girls have high self-esteem and do not follow the
demarcations set by society. They believe they are as competent as the men and are no less
in any aspect of life.


From ancient times the society has been gender-biased and favoured the 'so-called' stronger
gender i.e. men. Roles which demand leadership, power, intellect have been given to men.
Women are believed to be an epitome of beauty and are often conditioned not to cross
certain boundaries. Humiliating words such as "bimbo", "dumb", "fragile", "demure", and
"weak" are often associated with women trying to question their intellect and physical

This advertisement is an eye-opener for everyone, it strives to educate people against social
evils such as gender inequality and sexism and tries to place both the genders at par.

#likeagirl means to be proud of the way you are doing things the way you do it not the way
society wants them.

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(Subject in-charge) Section-A

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