Aqualitic - AL200 COD VARIO

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Bluetooth®- Interface


AL100, AL110
& AL200 Illuminated

One Time Zero,

saves time


Me asu re me n ts u sin g h igh qu ality in te rfe re n ce Usin g an in te rn al rin g me mo ry, th e last 16 data Bluetooth ® is a wireless technol og y subjec t to regional approv a l.
The use of the AL110 with Bluetooth ® is curren tl y only permi tted
filte rs with lo n g-life LEDs as a ligh t so u rce in sets (AL100, AL200) and 125 data sets within Europe, the USA, Japan and in Canada. The use of the
a tran spare n t sample ch ambe r. (AL110) are sto re d au to matically with date , AL110 will also be possibl e in other regions in the future.
time , parame te r an d me asu re me n t valu e . For current regions and further informa ti on, visit:
Th e u n its pro vide accu rate , re pro du cible re su lts
ve ry qu ickly. Oth e r majo r advan tage s in clu de Regions in which the AL110 with Bluetooth ® can currentl y be

e ase o f o pe ratio n , e rgo n o mic de sign , co mpact Th e te sts are co n du cte d u sin g e ith e r Lo vibo n d ® used (status: 01/2019 ): within Europe (accordi ng R&TTE Directive
1999/ 5 / EC) ; USA (accordi ng to FCC part 15, compri sed in FCC ID
dimensions and safe handling. table t re age n ts with lo n g-te rm stability, VARIO QOQBT1 1 3 ) ; Canada (com pri sed in IC 5123A- B GTB L E1 1 3 ), Japan
po wde r re age n ts o r liqu id re age n ts. (includes CAB ID 007-AB0103)

* analog IP 68 1 hour at 0,1 m General catalogu e July 2020

Scroll Memory (SM) Data Transfer
To avo id u n n e cessary scro llin g fo r th e re qu ire d te st Th e o ptio n al available IRiM (in frare d in te rface do n gle , th e PC so ftware make s it po ssible to
me th o d, th e in stru me n t me mo rize s th e last me th o d mo du le ) u se s mo de rn in frare d te ch n o lo gy to impo rt data dire ctly fro m th e ph o to me te r to th e
u se d be fo re switch in g o ff th e in stru me n t. Wh e n th e tran smit me asu re me n t data fro m th e AL100 an d Win do ws-base d PC. As a statio n ary so lu tio n ,
in stru me n t is switch e d o n again , th e scro ll list co me s AL200 ph o to me te r to o n e o f 3 o ptio n al in te rface s. it facilita te s th e tran sfe r o f data th ro u gh a fast
u p with th e last u se d te st me th o d first. Th e se in te rface s can be u se d to co n n e ct to a PC, e stablish e d, pe rman e n t wire le ss co n n e ctio n .
a USB prin te r1) o r alte rn ative ly a se rial prin te r2). Fu rth e r pro ce ssin g o f th e re su lts can be pro ce sse d
bo th in th e so ftware itse lf an d by e xpo rtin g th e
Zero Setting (OTZ) Th e u n it is su pplie d co mple te with data lo ggin g data to Exce l o r as a CSV file .
so ftware pro vidin g e asy an d rapid tran sfe r o f data
Fo r ce rtain ve rsio n s o f th e in stru me n t it is n o t

to th e PC. As an o ptio n , th e data can be save d as Th e se t o f so ftware an d Bluetooth ® do n gle is
n e ce ssary to ze ro th e in stru me n t e ach time .
an Exce l sh e e t o r a .txt file . o ffe re d as se parate acce sso rie s u n de r ite m n o .:
Th e ze ro se ttin g is h e ld in me mo ry u n til th e in stru -
me n t is tu rn e d o ff. (On e Time Ze ro - OTZ). Me asu re me n t da ta can qu ick ly be p rin te d o u t, Code 2444480
Th e ze ro se ttin g can be co n firme d wh e n e ve r it is u sin g a spe cifie d 1) U SB o r a lte rn ative ly a prin te r
required. Fo r mo re in fo rmatio n ple ase se e :
with a se rial plu g-in co n n e cte d to th e IRiM.
Th e AL110 ph o to me te rs h ave a Bluetooth ®
Manufacturers Test Certificate M feature.
Be side s th e “Ce rtifica te o f Co mplian ce ” th e Via th e Bluetooth ® in te rface , th e me asu re me n t
man u factu re rs te st ce rtifica te s M is available at re su lts are tran smitte d to e xte rn al in stru me n ts
co st o n re qu e st. Man u factu re rs te st ce rtifica te s M fo r pro mpt asse ssme n t an d pro ce ssin g, so th at all
are in dividu ally su pplie d pe r in stru me n t an d pe r data can be e valu ate d an d co llate d dire ctly o n site .
method. In o rde r to ge t th e be st u se o u t o f th is, Tin to me te r
Th e man u factu re rs te st ce rtifica te M h as to be o ffe rs an app fo r mo bile in stru me n ts an d PC so ft-
o rde re d to ge th e r with th e n e w in stru me n t an d ware with a do n gle .
can n o t be de live re d at a late r stage . Th e fre e app AquaLX ® is ide ally de sign e d fo r
u se in o n -site me asu re me n ts. Co mpatible with
NIST Traceability iOS®- an d An dro id ® TM-base d smartph o n e s an d
Table ts, it e n able s fu ss-fre e data tran sfe r. It maps
Th e in stru me n t is facto ry pre -adju ste d to in te rn ati- all me asu re d valu e s as de scriptive graph s with
o n al stan dards. Th e u se r can se t th e in stru me n t in min imu m an d maximu m limits an d su ppo rts e x -
"u se r calibra tio n mo de " with stan dards trace able po rt o f th e data as an Exce l®-co mpatible CSV file .
to NIST adju st.
(NIST = National Institute of Standa rds and Technol og y ) With th e aid o f th e co mplime n ta ry Bluetooth ®

Primary standard chlorine

Ide al fo r validatin g th e ch lo rin e me th o d.
Th is stan dard is e asy to h an dle an d will me e t
th e re qu ire me n ts o f US EPA 334.0.

Reference Standard Kit

for AL100, AL110 and AL200
Verification Standard Kit Th e re fe re n ce stan dards are de sign e d to ch e ck th e
Th e ve rificatio n stan dards se rve to ve rify th e ph o - accu racy an d th e re liability o f th e re su lts.
to me tric accu racy an d re pro du cibility o f th e re su lts It is n o t po ssible to calibrate th e ph o to me te r with
at th e diffe re n t wave le n gth s. Th e abso rban ce th e re fe re n ce stan dards.
valu e is state d. Th e sh e lf life o f re fe re n ce stan dards is two ye ars ValidChec k Chlorine 1,5 mg/l
Th e kit co n tain s o n e ze ro stan dard, six diffe re n t fro m th e date o f pro du ctio n , pro vide d th at sto rage Code.: 48105510
vials fo r ch e ckin g six diffe re n t wave le n gth s an d
an d u se are in acco rdan ce with th e in stru ctio n s
allo ws ch e ckin g th e co mple te ran ge o f AL100 provided.
Kit Chlorine fo r in stru me n ts 275650
Th e sh e lf life o f th e ve rificatio n stan dard kit is
two ye ars fro m th e date o f pro du ctio n , pro vide d with table t / liqu id re age n t 0.2* an d 1.0* mg/l
th at sto rage an d u se are in acco rdan ce with th e Kit Chlorine fo r in stru me n ts 275655 ➲ Please see pages 88 onwards for
reagents (order codes)
in stru ctio n s pro vide d. with table t / liqu id re age n t 0.5* an d 2.0* mg/l
Me asu re me n ts are take n in mAbs. Kit Chlorine fo r in stru me n ts 275656
with table t / liqu id re age n t 1.0* an d 4.0* mg/l
Verification Standard Kit 215670
Kit Chlorin e fo r in stru me n ts 275660 The Bluetooth ® word mark is a registered tradem a rk owned by
(AL100, AL110 & AL200)
with po wde r re age n t 0.2* an d 1.0* mg/l Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use by Lovibond ® Tintom eter GmbH
is under license. IOS® is a registered tradem a rk of Cisco, Inc. and
Kit pH fo r in stru me n ts 275670 licensed to Apple, Inc. Androi d™ is a tradem a rk of Googl e, Inc.
with table t / liqu id re age n t 7.45* pH
* Approxima te figure, actual figure specified in Certifica te of Analysis

General catalogu e July 2020

Single-Par a m e ter AL100 / AL110 / AL200

Instrument OTZ* Range Method name usable reagent delivery content

with Parameter Handbook / Display form incl. reagents

Aluminium 0,01 - 0,3 mg/l Al M40 /AL Tablet Tablet ✓ 276200 - -


0,01 - 0,25 mg/l Al M50 /AL Powde r Powder ✓ 276205 - -

Ammonia 0,02 - 1,0 mg/l N M60 /A Tablet Tablet ✓ 276060 - -

0,01 - 0,8 mg/l N M62 /A Powde r Powder ✓ 276065 - -

Chlori n e Tablet ✓ 0,01 - 6,0 mg/l Cl2 M100 / CL6 Tablet ✓ 276000 - -

0,02 - 4 mg/l Cl2 M101 / CL6 Liquid ✓ 276005 - -

0,1 - 10 mg/l Cl 2** M103 / CL10 Tablet - - -

Chlorine DUO 0,01 - 6,0 mg/l Cl2 M100 / CL6 Tablet ✓ 276020 - -
0,02 - 4 mg/l Cl2 M101 / CL6 Liquid

0,1 - 10 mg/l Cl 2** M 103 / CL10 Tablet

0,02 - 2,0 mg/l Cl2 M 110 / CL2 Powder ✓ 276025 - -

0,1 - 8,0 mg/l Cl2 M 111 / CL8 Powder ✓

(10 mm multi vial-2)

Chlorine 0,02 - 2,0 mg/l Cl2 M 110 / Cl2 Powder ✓ 276010 - -

0,1 - 8,0 mg/l Cl2 M 111 / CL8 Powder ✓
(10 mm multi vial-2)

Chlorine 5 - 200 mg/l Cl2 M105 / CLHr Tablet ✓ 276170 - -

Chlorine dioxide 0,02 - 11 mg/l ClO 2 M120 / CLO2 Tablet ✓ 276030 - -

0,04 - 3,8 mg/l ClO 2 M122 / CLO2 Powder ✓ 276035

Chloride 0,5 - 25 mg/l Cl- M90 / CL-1 Tablet ✓ 276180 - -

5 - 250 mg/l Cl- M93 / CL-2

(by dilution)

COD 3 - 150 mg/l O 2 M130 / Lr Tubes without reagents 276120 2961202 2892502

15 - 300 mg/l O 2 M133 / MLr

20 - 1500 mg/l O2 M131 / Mr

200 - 15000 mg/l O2 M132 / Hr

Iron 0,02 - 1,0 mg/l Fe M220 / FE Tablet ✓ 276050 - -

0,02 - 1,8 mg/l Fe TPTZ M223 / FE2 Powder ✓ 276055 - -

0,02 - 3,0 mg/l Fe M222 / FE1 Powder ✓ 276056 - -

Fluoride 0,05 - 2,0 mg/l F M170 / F Liquid without reagents 276090 - -

Hardness total 2 - 50 mg/l CaCO3 M200 / tH1 Tablet ✓ 276190 - -

20 - 500 mg/l CaCO3 M201 / tH2

(by dilution)
Urea 0,1 - 2,5 mg/l Urea M390 / Ur1 Tablet and Liquid ✓ 276210 - -

0,2 - 5 mg/l Urea M391 / Ur2

(by dilution)

Hazen 10 - 500 mg/l Pt-Co M 204 / PtCo without without reagents 276160 - -

Copper 0,05 - 5,0 mg/l Cu M150 / Cu Tablet ✓ 276080 - -

0,05 - 5,0 mg/l Cu M153 / Cu Powder ✓ 276085 - -

Manganese 0,2 - 4,0 mg/l Mn M240 / Mn Tablet ✓ 276100 - -

0,01 - 0,7 mg/l Mn M242 / Mn1 Powder ✓ 276105 - -

0,1 - 18 mg/l Mn M243 / Mn2 Powder ✓ 276106 - -

Molybdenum 0,03 - 3,0 mg/l Mo M251 / Mo1 Powder ✓ 276140 - -

mixing cylinde r 19802650
(not included )
0,3 - 40 mg/l Mo M252 / MO2 Tablet ✓ 276141 - -

0,6 - 30 mg/l Mo M250 / Mo3 Tablet ✓ 276142 - -

Ozone (DPD) 0,02 - 2,0 mg/l O 3 M300 / O3 Tablet ✓ - - 2899802

Green Chemistry * OTZ (zero adjustm ent applies to all methods

of the measuri ng instrum en t)
➲ Please see pages 88 onwards for reagents (order codes)
** Delivery without reagents General catalogu e July 2020

Single-Par a m e ter AL100 / AL110 / AL200

Instrument OTZ* Range Method name usable reagent delivery content

with Parameter Handbook / Display form incl. reagents

Phosphate 0,05 - 4,0 mg/l PO 4 M320 / PO4 Tablet ✓ 276040 - -


0,06 - 2,5 mg/l PO 4 M323 / PO4 Powder ✓ 276045 - -

Silica 0,05 - 4.0 mg/l SiO 2 M350 / Si Tablet Tablets 276110 - -

0,1 - 1,6 mg/l SiO 2 M351 / SiLr Powder ✓ 276115 - -

1 - 90 mg/l SiO 2 M352 / SiHr Powder ✓ 276116 - -

Suspended 10 - 750 mg/l TSS M384 / SuS without without reagents 276150 - -

Instrument OTZ* Range Method name usable reagent delivery content

with Parameter Handbook / Display form incl. reagents

Chlori n e Tablet ✓ 0,01 - 6,0 mg/l Cl2 M100 / CL6 Tablet Tablets for Chlorine, pH 278020 - 42889402

0,02 - 4 mg/l Cl2 M101 / CL6 Liquid

0,1 - 10 mg/l Cl 2** M103 / CL10 Tablet Liquid reagents 278025 - 42889412
pH for Chlorin e , pH
6,5 - 8,4 pH M330 / M331 / pH Tablet/Liquid
Chlorine 0,02 - 2,0 mg/l Cl2 M110 / CL2 Powder Powder reagents 278030 - -
Powder for Chlorin e ,
0,1 - 8,0 mg/l Cl2 M111 / CL8 Powder
Tablets for pH
(10 mm multi vial-2)
pH 6,5 - 8,4 pH M330 / M331 / pH Tablet/Liquid

Copper ✓ 0,05 - 5,0 mg/l Cu M150 / Cu Tablet Tablets for Cu und pH - - 2872102

pH 6,5 - 8,4 pH M330 / M331 / pH Tablet/Liquid

Hydrogen- 1 - 50 mg/l H 2O 2 M213 / HP1 Liquid Liquid reagents for H 2O 2 - - 2888102

peroxide 40 - 500 mg/l H 2O 2 M214 / HP2 and pH

pH 6,5 - 8,4 pH M330 / M331 / pH Tablet/Liquid


Chlorine ✓ 0,01 - 6,0 mg/l Cl2 M100 / CL6 Tablets for Chlorine, pH, 278010 2980102 2860102
or CyA

0,02 - 4 mg/l Cl2 M101 / CL6 Liquid Tablets CyA 278015 2980152 2882002
Liquid reagents
for Chlorin e , pH
0,1 - 10 mg/l Cl 2** M 103 / CL10 Tablet

pH 6,5 - 8,4 pH M330 / M331 / pH Tablet/Liquid

Cyanur ic acid 0 - 160 mg/l Cya M160 / CyA Tablet

Chlorine 0,01 - 6,0 mg/l Cl2 M100 / CL6 Tablet Tablets for Chlorine, pH, 278060 - 2889002

or Alka-M

0,02 - 4 mg/l Cl2 M101 / CL6 Liquid T a bl et s A lk a -M 278065 - 2889302

Li qu id re ag en ts
for Chlorine , pH
0,1 - 10 mg/l Cl 2** M 103 / CL10 Tablet

pH 6,5 - 8,4 pH M330 / M331 / pH Tablet/Liquid

Alkalinity-m 5 - 200 mg/l CaCO3 M30 / tA Tablet

Chlorine 0,01 - 6,0 mg/l Cl2 M100 / CL6 Tablet Tablets for Chlorine , 278000 - -
or Chlorin e dioxide
0,02 - 4 mg/l Cl2 M101 / CL6 Liquid
Chlorine HR (KI) 5 - 200 mg/l Cl2 M105 / CLHr Tablet

Chlorine dioxide 0,02 - 11 mg/l ClO 2 M120 / CLO2 Tablet

Chlorine ✓ 0,01 - 6,0 mg/l Cl2 M100 / CL6 Tablet Tablets for Chlorine , pH, - - 2861802
or Bromine
0,02 - 4 mg/l Cl2 M101 / CL6 Liquid

pH 6,5 - 8,4 pH M330 / M331 / pH Tablet/Liquid

Brome 0,05 - 13 mg/l Br 2 M80 / Br Tablet

Chlorine ✓ 0,01 - 6,0 mg/l Cl2 M100 / CL6 Tablet Tablets for Chlorine , pH, - - 2889012
or Acid capacit y
0,02 - 4 mg/l Cl2 M101 / CL6 Liquid Tablets Acid capacit y - - 2889202
Liquid reagents
for Chlorin e , pH
0,1 - 10 mg/l Cl 2** M 103 / CL10 Tablet

pH 6,5 - 8,4 pH M330 / M331 / pH Tablet/Liquid * OTZ (zero adjustm ent applies to all methods
of the measuri ng instrum en t)
Acid capacity 0,1 - 4,0 mmol/l KS4.3 M20 / S:4.3 Tablet ** Delivery without reagents
Green Chemistry
General catalogu e July 2020 www.aqu alyti
Instrument OTZ* Range Method name usable reagent delivery content
with Parameter Handbook / Display form incl. reagents

Chlorine ✓ 0,01 - 6,0 mg/l Cl2 M100 / CL6 Tablet Tablets for Chlorine, pH, 278070 2980702 2860502

or CyA, Alka-M
0,02 - 4 mg/l Cl2 M101 / CL6 Liquid Tablets for CyA , Alka-M 278075 2980752 2860542
Liquid reagent s
for Chlorin e and pH
0,1 - 10 mg/l Cl 2** M 103 / CL10 Tablet

pH 6,5 - 8,4 pH M330 / M331 / pH Tablet/Liquid

Cyanuric Acid 0 - 160 mg/l Cya M160 / CyA Tablet

Alkalinity-m 5 - 200 mg/l CaCO3 M30 / tA Tablet

Chlorine DUO 0,01 - 6,0 mg/l Cl2 M100 / CL6 Tablet Powder reagents 278160 - -
for Chlorin e ,
Tablets for Chlorine, pH,
CyA, Alka-M
0,02 - 3,5 mg/l Cl2 M113 / CL2 Powder

5 - 200 mg/l Cl 2** M105 / CLHr Tablet

pH 6,5 - 8,4 pH M330 / M331 / pH Tablet/Liquid

Alkalinity-m 5 - 200 mg/l CaCO3 M30 / tA Tablet

Hardness, 0 - 500 mg/l CaCO3 M191 / CAH Tablet


Chlorine ✓ 0,01 - 6,0 mg/l Cl2 M100 / CL6 Tablet Tablets for Chlorine, pH, - - 2860512
or CyA and Acid Capaci t y

0,02 - 4 mg/l Cl2 M101 / CL6 Liquid Tablets for CyA and Acid - - 2860522
Liquid reagents
for Chlorin e and pH

0,1 - 10 mg/l Cl 2** M103 / CL10 Tablet

pH 6,5 - 8,4 pH M330/33 1 / pH Tablet/Liquid

Cyanuric Acid 0 - 160 mg/l Cya M160 / CyA Tablet

Acid Capacity 0,1 - 4,0 mmol/l KS4.3 M20 / S:4.3 Tablet

Chlorine ✓ 0,01 - 6,0 mg/l Cl2 M100 / CL6 Tablet Tablets for Chlorine, pH, - - 2862912
or Acid Capacit y, Urea
0,02 - 4 mg/l Cl2 M101 / CL6 Liquid (add. Liquid)

0,1 - 10 mg/l Cl 2** M103 / CL10 Tablet

pH 6,5 - 8,4 pH M330 / M331 / pH Tablet/Liquid

Acid Capacity 0,1 - 4,0 mmol/l KS4.3 M20 / S:4.3 Tablet

Urea 0,1 - 2,5 mg/l Urea M390 / Ur1 Tablet/Liquid

0,2 - 5 mg/l Urea M391 / Ur2

(by dilution)

Chlorine ✓ 0,01 - 6,0 mg/l Cl2 M100 / CL6 Tablet Tablets for Chlorine, - - 2863802
or Chlorine dioxide, pH,
0,02 - 4 mg/l Cl2 M101 / CL6 Liquid Acid Capacit y

0,1 - 10 mg/l Cl 2** M103 / CL10 Tablet

Chlorine dioxide 0,02 - 11 mg/l ClO 2 M120 / CLO2 Tablet

pH 6,5 - 8,4 pH M330 / M331 / pH Tablet/Liquid

Acid Capacity 0,1 - 4,0 mmol/l KS4.3 M20 / S:4.3 Tablet

* OTZ (zero adjustm ent applies to all methods Green Chemistry

of the measuri ng instrum en t) ➲ Please see pages 88 onwardsfor
** Delivery without reagents reagents (order codes) General catalogu e July 2020

Instrument OTZ* Range Method name usable reagent delivery content
with Parameter Handbook / Display form incl. reagents

Chlorine ✓ 0,01 - 6,0 mg/l Cl2 M100 / CL6 Tablet Tablets for Chlorine, pH, 278080 - 2861202

or CyA, Alka-M, CaH

0,02 - 4 mg/l Cl2 M101 / CL6 Liquid
0,1 - 10 mg/l Cl 2** M103 / CL10 Tablet

pH 6,5 - 8,4 pH M330 / M331 / pH Tablet/Liquid

Cyanuric Acid 0 - 160 mg/l Cya M160 / CyA Tablet

Alkalinity-m 5 - 200 mg/l CaCO3 M30 / tA Tablet

Hardness, 0 - 500 mg/l CaCO3 M191 / CAH Tablet

Chlorine 0,01 - 6,0 mg/l Cl2 M100 / CL6 Tablet Tablets for Chlorine, pH, - - 2861212
or CyA, Acid Capaci t y, CaH
0,02 - 4 mg/l Cl2 M101 / CL6 Liquid

0,1 - 10 mg/l Cl 2** M103 / CL10 Tablet

pH 6,5 - 8,4 pH M330 / M331 / pH Tablet/Liquid

Cyanuric Acid 0 - 160 mg/l Cya M160 / CyA Tablet

Acid Capacity 0,1 - 4,0 mmol/l KS4.3 M20 / S:4.3 Tablet

Hardness, 0 - 500 mg/l CaCO3 M191 / CAH Tablet

Chlorine ✓ 0,01 - 6,0 mg/l Cl2 M100 / CL6 Tablet Tablets for Chlorine , 278090 2980902 2861902

or Bromin e , pH, CyA ,

0,02 - 4 mg/l Cl2 M101 / CL6 Liquid Alka-M, CaH

0,1 - 10 mg/l Cl 2** M103 / CL10 Tablet

Bromine 0,05 - 13 mg/l Br 2 M80 / Br Tablet

pH 6,5 - 8,4 pH M330 / M331 / pH Tablet/Liquid

Cyanuric Acid 0 - 160 mg/l Cya M160 / CyA Tablet

Alkalinity-m 5 - 200 mg/l CaCO3 M30 / tA Tablet

Hardness, 0 - 500 mg/l CaCO3 M191 / CAH Tablet


Chlorine ✓ 0,01 - 6,0 mg/l Cl2 M100 / CL6 Tablet Tablets for Chlorine, - - 2861912
or Bromine , pH, CyA, Acid
0,02 - 4 mg/l Cl2 M101 / CL6 Liquid Capaci t y, CaH

0,1 - 10 mg/l Cl 2** M103 / CL10 Tablet

Bromine 0,05 - 13 mg/l Br 2 M80 / Br Tablet

pH 6,5 - 8,4 pH M330 / M331 / pH Tablet/Liquid

Cyanuric Acid 0 - 160 mg/l Cya M160 / CyA Tablet

Acid Capacity 0,1 - 4,0 mmol/l KS4.3 M20 / S:4.3 Tablet

Hardness, 0 - 500 mg/l CaCO3 M191 / CAH Tablet


Chlorine ✓ 0,01 - 6,0 mg/l Cl2 M100 / CL6 Tablet Tablets for Chlorine, - - 2862102
or Bromin e , pH, CyA ,
0,02 - 4 mg/l Cl2 M101 / CL6 Liquid Alka-M , Copper , Iron

0,1 - 10 mg/l Cl 2** M103 / CL10 Tablet

pH 6,5 - 8,4 pH M330/33 1 / pH Tablet/Liquid

Cyanuric Acid 0 - 160 mg/l Cya M160 / CyA Tablet

Alkalinity-m 5 - 200 mg/l CaCO3 M30 / tA Tablet

* OTZ (zero adjustm ent applies to all methods
Copper 0,05 - 5,0 mg/l Cu M150 / Cu Tablet of the measuri ng instrum en t)
** Delivery without reagents
Iron 0,02 - 1,0 mg/l Fe M220 / FE Tablet
Green Chemi stry
General catalogu e July 2020
Delivery Content
• Instrument in carrying case • Warranty information
• AL100 & AL110 • Certificate (Certificate of Compliance)
4 micro batteries (AAA) • Instruction Manual
4 micro batteries (AA),
• 3 round vials (glass) with lids
• 1 stirring rod & 1 brush & syringe
• Re age n ts (se e table s)

Instrument OTZ* Range Method name usable reagent delivery content

with Parameter Handbook / Display form incl. reagents

Aluminium 0,01 - 0,25 mg/l Al M50 /AL (PP) Powder without reagents 276230 2962302 -
Boiler Water

2+ 3+
Iron 0,03 - 2 mg/l Fe / M225 / FE (L) Liquid

Copper 0,3 - 5,0 mg/l Cu M150 / Cu (T) Tablet

Silica 1 - 90 mg/l SiO 2 M352 / SiHr (PP) Powder

Chloride 0,5 - 20 mg/l Cl- M92 / CL- (L) Liquid

Phosphate 5 - 80 mg/l PO 4 M335 / PO4 (L) Liquid

Oxygen 10 - 800 µg/l O 2 M292 / O2 Vacu-vials


DEHA 20 - 500 µg/l DEHA M167 / DEHA (PP) Powder

Hydrazine 50 - 500 µg/l N 2H 4 M205 / Hydr (P) Powder

Polyacrylates 1 - 30 mg/l Polyacr yl at es M338 / POLY (L) Liquid

Bromine 0,05 - 13 mg/l Br 2 M80 / Br (T) Tablet without reagents 276240 2962402 -
Cooling Water

Chlorine 0,01 - 6,0 mg/l Cl2 M100 / CL6 (T) Tablet

Chlorine HR (KI) 5 - 200 mg/l Cl2 M105 / CLHr (T) Tablet

Chlorine dioxide 0,02 - 11 mg/l ClO 2 M100 / CL6 (T) Tablet

(Factor 1,9)

Ozone 0,02 - 2 mg/l O 3 M300 / O3 (T) Tablet

Aluminium 0,01 - 0,25 mg/l Al M50 /AL (PP) Powder

2+ 3+
Iron 0,03 - 2 mg/l Fe / M225 / FE (L) Liquid

Iron in Mo 0,01 - 1,8 mg/l Fe M224 / FEM(P P ) Powder

Copper 0,3 - 5,0 mg/l Cu M150 / Cu (T) Tablet

Zinc 0,1 - 2,5 mg/l Zn M405 / Zn (L) Liquid

Sulfate 5 - 100 mg/l SO 4 M360 / SO4 (PP) Powder

Molybdenum 0,03 - 3 mg/l Mo M251 / Mo1 (PP) Powder

0,6 - 60 mg/l Mo M254 / Mo2 (L) Liquid

Triazoles 1 - 16 mg/l Benzotriazol es M388 / tri (PP) Powder

Polyacrylates 1 - 30 mg/l Polyacr yl at es M338 / POLY (L) Liquid

➲ Please see pages 88 onwards

for reagents (order codes) General catalogu e July 2020

Item Code
Set of 12 round vials with lid height 48 mm, Ø 24 mm 19 76 20

Set of 5 round vials with lid height 48 mm, Ø 24 mm 19 76 29

Satz à 10 round vials with lid, height 90 mm, Ø 16 mm 19 76 65

Adapte r for round vials ø 16 mm 19 80 21 90

Set of 12 plastic vials (PC), with lid "Mult i "-T y p e 2, 10 mm 19 76 00

Vial stand for 6 round vials Ø 24 mm, acryli c glass 41 89 51

Vial stand for 10 vials (Ø 16 mm), acryli c glass 41 89 57

Mixing cylind er , 25 ml, with stopper required access or y for molyb d en u m LR test 19 80 26 50
with AL100 (276140)

Membr an e filter set for use when preparin g sample s , 25 membr an e filters , 0.45 µm, 2 syringes 20 ml 36 61 50

Cleani ng cloth for vials 19 76 35

Set of 12 sealing rings for round vial ø 24 mm 19 76 26

4 micro batterie s (AAA ) AL100, AL110 19 50 026

4 batteri es (AA) AL200 19 50 025

Battery lid AL100, AL110 19 80 26 17

Battery lid AL200 19 80 22 41

Measuri ng beaker , volum e 100 ml 38 48 01

Plastic funnel with handle 47 10 07

Plastic stirring rod, 13 cm length 36 41 00

Plastic stirring rod, 13 cm length, (10 pcs.) 36 41 20

Plastic stirring rod, 10 cm length 36 41 09

Plastic stirring rod, 10 cm length, (10 pcs.) 36 41 30

Infrare d data transfer module IRiM (AL100 , AL200 only) 21 40 50

Bluetoo t h -D o ng l e and Softw ar e (MD110 only) 24 44 480

Technical Data AL100 AL110 AL200

Interface for data transfer Infrared interface (IRiM needed) Bluetooth® -interface Infrared interface (IRiM needed)

Storage internal ring memor y for 16 data sets internal ring memor y for 125 data sets internal ring memor y for 16 data sets
Power Supply 4 micro batteries (AAA), capacit y approx. 4 micro batteries (AAA), capacit y approx. 4 batteries (AA), capacit y approx. 53 hours
17 hours or approx . 5000 tests in continu o us 17 hours or approx . 5000 tests in continu o us or 15000 tests (conti nu o u s operati o n withou t
operatio n with the display lighting switch e d operatio n with the display lighting and displa y lighting )
off Bluet o ot h ® Functi o n switche d off
Dimensions 155 x 75 x 35 mm (L x W x H) 190 x 110 x 55 mm (L x W x H)
Weight basic unit ca. 260 g basic unit ca. 455 g (batteries incl.)
Optics LEDs , in te r fe re n ce fil te rs (I F ) a n d p ho to se ns or i n tr an s par en t
sample chambe r . Dependi ng on the version , up to 3 diffe re n t
int er fer en ce fi lte rs ar e u se d . W a vel en gth s p e ci fi ca ti on s o f in ter fer e n ce fi lt ers :
430 nm   = 5 nm
530 nm   = 5 nm
560 nm   = 5 nm
580 nm   = 5 nm
610 nm   = 6 nm
660 nm   = 5 nm
Wavelength Accuracy ± 1 nm
Photo m et r ic Accurac y 4 ) 3 % FS (T = 20 °C - 25 °C)
Photometric Resolution 0,01 A
Absorption range -2500 to 2500 m Abs
Auto - OFF automati c switch -o ff
Display backlit LCD (on keypress)
Time real time clock and date
Calibration factory calibrati on and user calibratio n .
Reset to factory calibration possible
Environmental conditions temperat ur e : 5 - 40 °C
rel. humidit y : 30 - 90 % (non conde ns i ng )
Conformity CE
tested with standa rd solutions

General catalog ue July 2020

Sch le e fstraße 12
DE-44287 Dortmund,
Tel.: +49 231 94510-755
Fax: +49 231 94510-750
sale s@aqu

Sch le e fstraße 8-12
DE-44287 Dortmund,
Tel.: +49 231 94510-0
Fax: +49 231 94510-30
sale s@lo vibo n m
www.lo vibo n m

Technic al chang es without notice

Printed in Germ a ny 07/20
No.: 938060

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