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Exam oral EPFC A2

(1) Daily routine + adverbe (Often, Always, Generally, Usually, Never)

(2) Talk about hobbies and things you like/don’t like doing
(3) Talk about things you can/can ’t do
(4) Talk about things in the Past (New year’s, Christmas, Birthday)

(1) Routine

I usually wake up of my bed at 9 o’clock and I watch the news on my phone. After, I have my
breakfeast with a good apple juice. It’s my favorite juice.

Generally, my day begin with classes at the university. For the break, I eat a sandwich with my
friend Telma, after that, I stay again for one class then I go home and I walk my dog, he’s so cute.

Then, I go to my laptop to play with my friends.

(2) Hobbies

I really like climbing with my friends.

On Wednesday, I usually go to the climbing room.
It makes my day. Another passion that I have is cooking.
But, I’m not good at it. I often cook pasta or rice because it easier.
Last holidays, I read a lot of books.
I also played games on my laptop when i had free time.

(3) Can/ Can ’t do

Last year, I couldn’t climb at trees, now I can.

I can swim in the sea.
I can dance in my room but not in public. I’m shy.

(4) New year’s/birthday / Chrismas

This day, I saw my boyfriend and my family and We went to restaurant after that We went to the
home and We ate a cake (because it’s my birthday). I receveid a great gaming headset. We were
so happy this day. It’s my favorite time of year.

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