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(Wagholi ● Hadapsar ● Kalyani Nagar)


Class III

Theme: Health, Fitness and Happiness

Family Time:

Salads are a tasty, nutritious to get big and strong.

Make your salad bowls attractive and transform them into different shapes and animals.

 Carrot - 1
 Big onion - 1/2
 Tomato - 1/2
 Cucumber - 1/4
 Capsicum- 2 tbsp (finely chopped)
 Cabbage - 1 leaf (chopped or grated)
 Coriander leaves - few
 Salt - as needed
 Pepper powder - 1/2 tsp (adjust)
 Lemon juice - few drops
 Olive oil or cooking oil – 1/2 tsp

Wash and chop all the vegetables into small cubes. Add salt, lemon juice and pepper powder. Mix
well. Lastly add 1/2 tsp of oil, mix and serve ! Adjust the quantity of pepper powder as per your
taste buds.
Wohoo!! Your salad is ready to be served. Enjoy it with your family.
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Activity 1: Make a creative table mat for your family ,paste pictures of healthy fruits and
vegetables from old magazines and newspapers. You can laminate them .

Activity 2: (Link for work out everyday)

Exercise every day and stay fit.

Write down your experience in 8 to 10 sentences of exercising regularly

Activity 3 Make a list of healthy food you are having every day with your family to boost your
immunity to fight with COVID -19:

Preparing/ design a

A) Board game
They can choose, ascending order/ descending order, place value, face value, expanded form,
standard form, etc as concepts for designing the same.
B) spinner( spin wheels)
On one of the wheels, the child can write random numbers below 5000
And on the other wheel, the child can write random numbers above 5000
And then they can add the numbers.
This is just an example. They can choose, ascending order/ descending order, place value, face
value, expanded form, standard form, etc as concepts for designing the same.
C) dart board game
Topic: Numbers up to 10000 and Addition

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Please mention rules for the same

Use the numbers and concept of the chapter-1 Numbers upto 10000...
Also name the DESIGNED GAME

Marathi: Draw or stick pictures of 4 fruits in Marathi notebook and write their names in Marathi.
Identify the benefits of these fruits and talk about them. Mention their benefits in your notebook.

Hindi: सेहतमंद रहने के लिए स्वस्थ आहार का सेवन क्यं जरूरी है। इस के बारे में पााँच वाक् लिखय।

ICT: Draw a fruit basket in paint or tux paint. Click a photograph of the same and share it with
your teacher


Look at the activity sheet below and record what foods you eat and drink throughout the day.

Place each item in the correct food group and try to choose foods from all five food groups
each day.

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Practice MatsYasana(fish pose) & Trikonasana (triangle pose) everyday.

Yoga helps to build a strong physical, mental and spiritual health system. When combined with
breathing and meditation, it acts as the best element to take care of our mind, body and soul.
There are different forms of yoga that can help us to stay physically strong and mentally balanced.

Matsyasana / Fish Pose

Matsyasana can help in balancing and distributing oxygen by enhancing blood circulation and
stimulate deep respirations by stretching the lungs. The pose encourages deep breathing thus
providing relief from respiratory disorders. It also helps to relieve tension in the neck and

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Trikonasana / Triangle Pose

Trikonasana allows for the easier passage of air to the lungs and helps to open and expand the
chest cavity. The twisting of the body in Trikonasana helps to massage the internal organs which in
turn enhances their ability to get rid of toxins and ensure their proper functioning.


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