Hafsa K

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Writing a research report about Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela was a really famous person from South Africa who worked
hard to make things better for everyone. He fought against the government
which was treating people unfairly because of their skin colour. This research
report is all about Nelson Mandela's life and work. We want to learn about why
he became so famous and how he made a big difference in the world. Our
research question is: What made Nelson Mandela so famous, and how did he
change things for the better?

We used books, articles, and interviews to learn about Nelson Mandela's life
and work. We also looked at pictures and videos to get a better idea of what he
was like. We analysed all the information we found to come up with a better
understanding of his life and work.

Nelson Mandela was born a long time ago, in 1918, in a small village in South
Africa. He grew up and became a lawyer. He saw that people were being treated
unfairly because of their skin colour and he wanted to make things better. He
fought against the government and was put in jail for 27 years because of his
efforts to stop the unfair treatment. But he never gave up. After he was released
from jail, he kept working to bring peace and unity to his country, and he helped
to end the unfair system. Mandela's life and work have inspired many people
around the world to work towards making things better for everyone. In 1993,
he was given a big award called the Nobel Peace Prize for his work.

Nelson Mandela was famous because he fought for what he believed in and
never gave up, even when things were really hard. He worked to make things
better for everyone, no matter what their skin colour was. He helped to end
apartheid, which was a really bad system that treated people unfairly because of
their skin colour. He worked hard to bring peace and unity to his country and
inspire others to do the same. Mandela's legacy is that he showed us that we can
all make a difference in the world if we work together and never give up.
In conclusion, Nelson Mandela was a really famous person who fought against
unfair treatment and made things better for everyone. He became famous
because he stood up for what was right and worked to bring peace and unity to
his country. We learned that he was a really important person who made a big
difference in the world. He showed us that we can all make a difference if we
work hard and never give up.

By Hafsa Kouachi

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