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Background of the Study

- The background of a study is the first section of the paper and establishes the context underlying the
research. It introduces an unaware audience to the research and its importance in a clear and logical

- The background may even explore whether the study builds on or refutes findings from previous
studies. Any relevant information that the readers need to know before delving into the paper should be
made available to them in the background.(Elsevier, 2022)

- Establishes context
- Introduces the study and its importance in a clear and logical manner
- Builds on or refutes findings
- Relevant information


1. Establishing a territory
2. Establishing a niche
3. Occupying the niche

CARS Model:
I. Establishing a territory
Step 1. Claiming importance = why do we need to research this topic?
Step 2. Making topic generalizations = what has been proven?
Step 3. Reviewing items of previous research = what research have supported the need to study the
research problem?

II. Establishing a niche

A. Counter-claiming
B. Indicating a gap
C. Question-raising
D. Continuing a tradition

III. Occupying the niche

Step 1A. Outlining Purposes
Step 1B. Announcing present research
Step 2. Announcing principle findings
Step 3. Indicating article structure
In selecting literature, consider the ff:
1. Select literature based on your Statement of the Problem (SOP).
2. Select literatures that are related to your specific topic and field of interest.
3. Select literature that uses evidence.
4. Select literature that are current.
5. Select literature published locally and internationally.

Primary Source
- This refers to literature that contains first-hand evidence
- Primary source of data can guce authoritative and credible support for the findings of your study.

Secondary Source
- This refers to interpretation of data and summaries of results from primary sources
- this kind of source of data helps researchers in gaining a wider background of knowledge
Purpose of sources
- Giving credibility to your study
- Providing a detailed overview of existing literature
- fitting results of study to existing literature
- citation is a reference to the source of information used in your research.

Purpose of Citing Literature Sources

- To give credit to other writers and researchers
- To support evidence in the researcher’s argument
- To easily locate sources about a certain topic

In text Citation
- Appears in between research writing

Reference List
- Found at the last part of the paper, usually before the appendices

Narrative citation
- is the citation where you insert the author’s name and year (in parenthesis form) in the body of text.
Ex: According to Stoltz (1997),
Based from the study of Delizo (2017),

Parenthetical citations
- are placed at the end of the sentence of the paragraph in the body text of your research paper.
Ex: (Stoltz, 1997)
(Delizo, 2017)
● The background of the study:

- Establishes context

- Introduces the study and its importance in a clear and logical manner

- Builds on or refutes findings

- Posts relevant information

● In writing the BOTS:

- Refer to the CARS Model: Creating a Research Space

 Establishing a territory

 Establishing a niche

 Occupying the niche

 Primary Sources contain first-hand evidence, raw experimental results or survey data from
different studies.

 Secondary Sources contain summaries of results of literature, articles, and studies related to
your topic.
● Purpose of Citations:

- Give credit to other researchers, make the research work credible, and track relevant sources of

- The most commonly used citation style guides are APA, MLA, and CMOS. UCC uses APA format

● Citations:

- The two parts of citations are the in-text citation and reference list.

- Two types of in-text citations are parenthetical and narrative citations.

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