FOOTBALL Leadup Game Activities

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•   Nerf footballs
•   Pinnies / game vests
•   Rip tags
•   Traffic cones
•   Kicking tee

•   Throwing and catching technique
•   (check out the tips and drills from the start page)
•   Place kicking and punting
•   Defensive technique - mirroring and rip off skills
•   Pass patterns
•   Centering or snapping
•   Pathways - moving in safe directions using agility and coordination

•   Adjust rules to equipment and spatial configuration
•   Adapt skills to each classes ability
•   Participate in small sided games

NOTE : Practice skills utilizing one ball between two partners

•   Use a rubric or task sheet for individual improvement
LEAD UP GAMES :  Check back the last week in
TWO PASS :  Assemble the class into a scattered formation with one
football between two students. After practicing throwing and catching
skills have them toss the ball back and forth from about 6-8 feet away
from their partner. On a signal , or designated upbeat music , the
person who catches the ball last must run away from their partner
within 10 seconds. On the stop signal , the points are scored as
•   If the chaser tags the runner then score one point
•   If the runner can't be tagged or ripped off score one point
•   Any bumping into another group subtracts one point (pathway
As an alternative switch partners after a short time or
decrease/increase the distance between partners.
TWO PASS and RUN :  Place 10-14 footballs on the floor in a scattered
position on the gym floor. Match up any two designated partners. On
a signal , the class with their partners must run to any football and
complete two successful passes. Next , they place that ball on the
floor and go to another ball . Establish a 30 second time limit each
time and try to beat the previous score . Exchange partners often and
check to see if they are doing the proper techniques of throwing and
catching .

FOOTBASEBALL : Arrange the class into two fifferent teams on each side
of the midcourt line. The players are in a scattered position with one team
at bat and the other in the field. Number the players equally on each side .
That is , the #1 pitcher will face the #1 batter . The batter catches the ball
from the pitcher . If caught , the "Batter" may place the ball on the floor or
punt it and then run the bases in order. The fielders must throw the ball to
the pitcher or relay the ball between players. When the ball is received by
the pitcher , the runner(s) must freeze at their last place of running. Each
team bats for 2-3 minutes and continue until all have pitched . Switch
places every time limit.

STEAL THE BALL : Place 24 + footballs in the center area between 4-8
teams. At each area place a box or hula hoop for the footballs to be placed
after it is taken from the middle area. Each player goes one at a time ,
places the ball in the hoop and tags the next person. The object is to take
as many footballs until all are gone. As an alternative , the next time , when
all the footballs are gone , then take one ball from any of the other teams.
After a designated time limit count the footballs
THREE LINE RUN : Establish three separate running lines about 15-20
feet apart . The starting , middle and finish lines are the running lines to be
called in random order. The object is not to be the last person or group to
the last line after a designated time limit. For example ? Call finish , start ,
middle , start , start , middle.........then wait and no call . The last line called
will be the final line to trick the runners. This agility drill will prepare them
for pass patters and defensive maneuvers.

SHADOW DRILL : The play will be different inside and out . On a sunny or
partly cloudy day have the students try to step on the other players
shadows shadows . Keep an individual total each time and then repeat for
a better score. Inside play will be played with partners . Establish one asa
runner and the other the chaser . Give a 15 second time limit to have the
chaser be able to stray with the runner . After awhilw stop the action and
see if the chaser can be within an arms distance with the runner . Change
places and partners often.

PARTNER TOSS : Arrange the class into two separate groups on each
side of the midcourt line. Place 2-3 footballs on the floor to start the
activity . On the signal to start , the students pick up the ball and toss it
over to the other side within the boundries , which are the sidelines of the
b-ball court. Any ball that goes past that line is let out of play . The endlines
are in play which has a a wall as a boundry. After the ball is received , that
person must throw it to a teammate , who then throws or rolls the ball to
the other side. The object is to be the group witout the most footballs .

STEAL THE BALL : The class is scattered on each side of the midcourt
line with rip tags or pinnies tucked in the back. Place 3 footballs beyond
each teams endline inside a hoola hoop or box. Give the class numbers
from 1-3 . Call a number to leave their zone and try to steal the ball from
the hoop . The othe two numbers will try to rip off the tags . IF ripped that
person must go back to their zone and start over again .No person is
permitted over the endline except the number called. After a ball is stolen ,
the passer(stolen ball) must try to throw the ball to a teammate in their
zone. Any ball that is dropped stays out of the game. The first team to
complete a pass wins the score point. Call new numbers each time . The
sidelines are also out and that constitutes a return to the zone to start over.
As an alternative replace the ball and the first team to complete al three
catches wins the points.

SCOOTER-FOOTBALL : Chose two teams with equal numbers with one

in the field and the other at bat and on scooters. The scooter team starts
from one sidline to the other after the football is either punted or place
kicked into the field. At this point all scooter players take off back and forth.
Anybody from the fielding team may receive the ball and start a passing
rotation. To ensure proper distances place poly spots or frisbees in a
scattered position. After the ball is caught that person sits down and the
rotation continues until all have caught the ball ans sit down. If the scooter
team comes back first they will win. If the fielding team completes their
rotation and sit down first then they win. Switch places after each turn and
the activity is completed when all have a turn to kick the ball .
Place two equally numbered teams in the following order and
positions :
•   One team in the field in   a scattered
•   One team at bat under the b-ball hoop on the
Chose 2-4 players to place kick the ball into the field as there are no foul
balls. The outfield team is equipped with rip tags or anything that hangs
from the back pockets. When the ball is received that player can't be ripped
off until the ball is tossed to a teammate . The other outfield players are
free to be tagged by the kickers . Any ball that is thrown to the four
designated players deems that ball out of play . When the ball is caught
place it inside the hoop . The kickers may try to knock down or intercept
the ball , too . Any person that is ripped off will stop play and the "kickers"
team scores as many points as rip offs. Any interception will also count for
a score. Establish a time limit for each kicking/ripping turn . Switch places
often or until all have kicked and had a turn to be a receiver inside the hoop
.NOTE : After the ball is received that player with the ball may not be
ripped off and can't move but after the toss , that person must also run
away from the kickers. Any remaining players will try to pick up a lose ball
and try to toss it to their teammates in the hoops . Score an extra point for
the fielders if all four (2-4) footballs can be received by the designated
hoop catchers.

  ACTIVITY for the week of

10/4/2001 :
Divide the class into six different and evenly numbered teams . Place all
the footballs in the center area inside hoola hoops . All the students are
lined up behind the hoops on one side of the midcourt lines equidistant
apart. Give hte groups rip tags or vests of different colors. Place the vests
in the back pocket area. Chose one person from each team to be a "ripper"
who tries to rip off the vest before anothe rcolor can steal the ball . If that
person is ripped off then return to the start place and the ball is reset to the
hoop . If the ball is stolen then the next person in order goes , also , if any
person is ripped off , too. Change new rippers each 30 seconds and the
team with the least footballs loses a point each time while all other teams
gain one point.
Arrange the class into a scattered formation equppied with gamw
jerseys in pockets or rip tags of different colors( 4) . Place all the
available footballs in the jump circle and then chose one person to be
the quarterback from each color . The object is to throw the ball to a
teammate who is outside a marked area ( cones , b-ball lines ). No ball
may be caught inside that area. Any ball that is dropped is out of the
game . The first teammate to catch the ball joins the origonal QB to
continue the process until all have entered the jump circle . mention
to the remaining players that they may intercept or knock down a
pass from another team color. Also , they may rip off that person who
is trying to get to the jump circle and help all the other QB'S . The last
team to enter the jump circle loses one point while all others gain
one. Chose a new QB each time and repeat the process .


Soccer games
•   Toe taps
•   Sole trap
•   Side of foot trap
•   Thigh trap
•   Double leg trap
•   Heading(soft ball)
•   Dribbling
•   Passing
•   Small sided games using offense /defense schemes
•   Goalie play
CIRCLE/LINE/Square Soccer:
Arrange the class into numbers from 1-5 in   a square , circle or line
formation . Call one number to leave the assigned positions and use
scooter boards in the center area. Use more than one ball in a larger
space. The number called most try to kick the ball through the
remaining players who will act as goalies and to keep the ball away
from the players. make sure to have extra soccer balls ready so
there is no stop in play. The goalies may not catch the ball but slap it
away from the players. Call a new number each time .
Arrange the class into two separate teams with half the group as
goalies on the endline of the b-ball court and the other half at the
midcourt line . Give a ball to each player on one side of the line while
the opponents place a foot on the ball . The players may roam
thecourt and try to score a goal and continue until all scores(6) have
been made. Switch places between the players and goalies. Any score
must be placed in a box or container to keep that ball out of play.
Align the students into four different circles with one ball at each
place. Each player must straddle their legs with no kneeling ,
squeezing and bending permitted. Chos eone player from each circle
to go to another one and try to smack the ball between the legs or
two players from the head down. The players will try to keep the ball
away from the circle player . After 30 seconds switch to a new player
to go inside the circle. The object is to be the group with the fewest
gaols allowed. Each player should have an opportunity to go inside an
opponents circle .
Ball :
Place a kinball or large beach ball (36") in the center of a large
square lined by the students on the sidelines, endline and midcourt
line of the b-ball court. Give every other player a nerf ball to kick at
the ball . The object is to force the ball over another teams
line .Make sure to mention that another player may have a better
angle for good teamwork .
Cone ball soccer ;
Place traffic cones at four different places equidistant apart on the
endline , sideline and midcourt line. Number the students off from 1-
5 , who will be standing in between the cones . Call one number from
each team to leave their positions and try to kick the ball through
the cones for a score.(below head level) . Have an allotment of extra
balls for stray shots . The goalies will try to keep the ball away from
the players by  rolling  the ball to another group of goalies . Call a new
number after a few minutes and repeat the process . As an
alternative have the teams in between the cones on the same team
and the least amount of goals scored wins the score . They will try to
score against the three other teams.
Steal the ball soccer :
Arrange the class on each side of the midcourt line with numbers (1-
3) and each stdent is equoipped with a game jersey in back pocket or
rip tags. Place traffic cones on the midcourtline in the following
X ( 1 point) X        ( 2 points)        X   (3 points)        X ( 2 pts)   X   (1
pt)     X

The players are scattered and three soccer ball are placed behind
each endline in a hula hoop. Call a number to run into the other teams
zone and steal the ball . If they are ripped off they must go back to
their zone and start again. If a ball is stolen then they place the ball
on the floor and try to kick it between any of the traffic cones and
the points are rewarded from the grahic above . The first team that
scores gets the points . Any ball that is outside the cones counts as
no score and that ball is not played. The
two numbers not called have two jobs( rip off and then turn around
and try to block the kick into the cones . The number called
must( steal the ball and kick) . Nobody is permitted over the endline
except the number called. Use the sidelines as out of bounds and
that player must return to their zone and start over. Call a new
number each time.
Make four different bowling areas with three bowling pins in   a
triangle configuraion about 12-26 inches apart. Chose one person
from each of four squads to stand behind the pins as a setter . The
remaining players will line up behind a starting line with the first
person equipped with a soccer ball .   At each squad place a clipboard
and pen to write in the scores for their respective groups. There will
be scoring for one point for every pin knocked down.   The ball must
be kicked with the side of the foot or instep. After a few moments
switch setters until all have had   a turn . As an integrative project
with MATH - have the students computer their percentages of
attempts versus knockdowns.
FOUR GOAL SOCCER : Place a goal   at each end of the floor and
two more at the midcourt lines. Place as many wiffleballs as possible
into the center area. Divide the students into four teams of
different game jersey colors.
Place a goalie for each team in the net and after a score has been
made thta ball remains there until all have been scored.   They will try
to score at any of the three other goals. Give a point value for the
wiffleballs to use as an integrative activity . (red ball - 1 point ; blue
ball - two points ; yellow ball - 3 points ; green ball - 4 points ; orange
ball - 5 points ) . Change goalies often . The remaining players will
start at the goal area and be placed between two traffic cones. Give
each player a number and call all new nunmbers after a few moments .
Keep a tally after each turn and as an alternative change the point
totals to fractions for the older students.
Furnish one line /squad with pinnies - these are the taggers . The
rest of the class is scattered around the gym . PLace 6-8 soccer balls
on the floor-these soccer balls will be used to free all the tagged
students. If a student is tagged they sit or kneel down on the floor
and wait for a soccer pass by any other student who is not tagged.
Then that tagged student may re-enter the game. Give a 30 second
time limit before you change to new taggers.   Mention that the more
students who are set free with good passes the less points(for a a
tag) the taggers will score. Repeat the process to better the
previous score for an alternative approach to the game.
Arrange the class into three separate lines for each team. The goalie
will be at the endline in a goal. The rest of the goalies will be placed
between two traffic cones thta are placed 8-10 feet from the goal
net. The sideline players are standing at each sideline. The players
will roam the floor but start at their own side of the midcourt line.
First , you must practice some speedball skills:
•  FLIP UP - place ball between feet , jump , and catch the ball
•  FOOT SLIDE - place the foot under a rolling ball and it slides up
the leg and catch the ball
•  JUGGLE UP - from a bounce , juggle the ball off any body
part(except "hands") and catch the ball
1. Any ball on the floor can't be picked up - play soccer rules
2. Running with the ball is permitted until tagged - at that point
the tagger kicks the ball - tagee must move away 3 paces
3. The sideline players pass the ball to their players(soccer kick)
4. The goalies may throw the ball to their players
5. Players may throw , catch , kick and score
•  1 point for a kick between the
•  2 points for a run ( only after 3 consecutive throws) outsdie the
cones and past the endline
•  3 points for a soccer kick into the
The game starts with a jump ball as in b-ball and play continues using
soccer , volleyball(slapping , hitting) , basketball and speedball skills .
The goalie may be removed when there is a score . That person will
move between the cones. After a score , the goalies throw the ball to
a player. When there is a new line change , the game starts again with
a jump ball . The players exchange with the sidelines , the sidelines
go to goalies and the goalies go to the players.
NOTE : Remember a ball may be lifted anytime off the fllor using
speedball skills .
    Y (cone)    X (goal net )
X        Y( cone)

        P                     P                      P                 P

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< MIDCOURT

Arrange the hula hoops around the gym (7-10) and place a ball in each
hoop to be used as a safe haven for runners who will stay there until
they practice a skill . Choose 4-5 taggers with deck rings to chase
the runners. If   a   runner decides to enter the hoop , they will have
to perform one of the following skills in the hoop :
•  5 soccer toe
•  5 side
•  3
•  5 tosses to
After that is performed then they will have to leave the hoop. Any
runner that is tagged must give the ring to the tagged person.
Establish a 30 second time limit each time. The object is not to
perform all four skills before the time limit   or nevr to be tagged .
Arrange the class around a large parachute numbered off from 1-4 .
Place 4-5 soccerballs on the parachute that they will try to pop off
by waving the chute up and down at shoulder level(no lifting above
head). Call one number to go around the chute in all directions. When
the ball pops off the chute onto the floor that ball is taken out of
the game. But the number called students must try to either head
the ball from a no bounce or juggle the ball back onto the chute.
After a time limit a score is kept on how many soccerballs remain on
the parachute. Call a new number each time or repeat the process
trying to beat the previous record .
Arrange the class into two teams on the jump circle of the b-ball
court. The teams will be sitting on the floor and in a crab kick
position. Make a dividing line at two places with a traffic cone to
differentiate the teams. Assign 2-3 players to stand up behind their
respective teams. These will bw the catchers , or the ones who must
stop the ball before it lands on the floor by a kick from the other
team(crab soccer?). After a few moments switch to new catchers
until all had a turn. After a catch that player gived it to the closest




•   Nerf footballs
•   Pinnies / game vests
•   Rip tags
•   Traffic cones
•   Kicking tee

•   Throwing and catching technique
•   (check out the tips and drills from the start page)
•   Place kicking and punting
•   Defensive technique - mirroring and rip off skills
•   Pass patterns
•   Centering or snapping
•   Pathways - moving in safe directions using agility and coordination skills

•   Adjust rules to equipment and spatial configuration
•   Adapt skills to each classes ability
•   Participate in small sided games

NOTE : Practice skills utilizing one ball between two partners

•   Use a rubric or task sheet for individual improvement
LEAD UP GAMES :  Check back the last week in
TWO PASS : Assemble the class into a scattered formation with one football
between two students. After practicing throwing and catching skills have them
toss the ball back and forth from about 6-8 feet away from their partner. On a
signal , or designated upbeat music , the person who catches the ball last must
run away from their partner within 10 seconds. On the stop signal , the points are
scored as follows:
•   If the chaser tags the runner then score one point
•   If the runner can't be tagged or ripped off score one point
•   Any bumping into another group subtracts one point (pathway practice)
As an alternative switch partners after a short time or decrease/increase the
distance between partners.
TWO PASS and RUN : Place 10-14 footballs on the floor in a scattered position
on the gym floor. Match up any two designated partners. On a signal , the class
with their partners must run to any football and complete two successful passes.
Next , they place that ball on the floor and go to another ball . Establish a 30
second time limit each time and try to beat the previous score . Exchange
partners often and check to see if they are doing the proper techniques of
throwing and catching .

FOOTBASEBALL : Arrange the class into two fifferent teams on each side of the
midcourt line. The players are in a scattered position with one team at bat and the
other in the field. Number the players equally on each side . That is , the #1 pitcher will
face the #1 batter . The batter catches the ball from the pitcher . If caught , the "Batter"
may place the ball on the floor or punt it and then run the bases in order. The fielders
must throw the ball to the pitcher or relay the ball between players. When the ball is
received by the pitcher , the runner(s) must freeze at their last place of running. Each
team bats for 2-3 minutes and continue until all have pitched . Switch places every time

STEAL THE BALL : Place 24 + footballs in the center area between 4-8 teams. At
each area place a box or hula hoop for the footballs to be placed after it is taken from
the middle area. Each player goes one at a time , places the ball in the hoop and tags
the next person. The object is to take as many footballs until all are gone. As an
alternative , the next time , when all the footballs are gone , then take one ball from any
of the other teams. After a designated time limit count the footballs
THREE LINE RUN : Establish three separate running lines about 15-20 feet apart .
The starting , middle and finish lines are the running lines to be called in random order.
The object is not to be the last person or group to the last line after a designated time
limit. For example ? Call finish , start , middle , start , start , middle.........then wait and
no call . The last line called will be the final line to trick the runners. This agility drill will
prepare them for pass patters and defensive maneuvers.

SHADOW DRILL : The play will be different inside and out . On a sunny or partly
cloudy day have the students try to step on the other players shadows shadows . Keep
an individual total each time and then repeat for a better score. Inside play will be
played with partners . Establish one asa runner and the other the chaser . Give a 15
second time limit to have the chaser be able to stray with the runner . After awhilw stop
the action and see if the chaser can be within an arms distance with the runner .
Change places and partners often.

PARTNER TOSS : Arrange the class into two separate groups on each side of the
midcourt line. Place 2-3 footballs on the floor to start the activity . On the signal to
start , the students pick up the ball and toss it over to the other side within the
boundries , which are the sidelines of the b-ball court. Any ball that goes past that line
is let out of play . The endlines are in play which has a a wall as a boundry. After the
ball is received , that person must throw it to a teammate , who then throws or rolls the
ball to the other side. The object is to be the group witout the most footballs .

STEAL THE BALL : The class is scattered on each side of the midcourt line with rip
tags or pinnies tucked in the back. Place 3 footballs beyond each teams endline inside
a hoola hoop or box. Give the class numbers from 1-3 . Call a number to leave their
zone and try to steal the ball from the hoop . The othe two numbers will try to rip off the
tags . IF ripped that person must go back to their zone and start over again .No person
is permitted over the endline except the number called. After a ball is stolen , the
passer(stolen ball) must try to throw the ball to a teammate in their zone. Any ball that
is dropped stays out of the game. The first team to complete a pass wins the score
point. Call new numbers each time . The sidelines are also out and that constitutes a
return to the zone to start over.   As an alternative replace the ball and the first team to
complete al three catches wins the points.

SCOOTER-FOOTBALL : Chose two teams with equal numbers with one in the field
and the other at bat and on scooters. The scooter team starts from one sidline to the
other after the football is either punted or place kicked into the field. At this point all
scooter players take off back and forth. Anybody from the fielding team may receive
the ball and start a passing rotation. To ensure proper distances place poly spots or
frisbees in a scattered position. After the ball is caught that person sits down and the
rotation continues until all have caught the ball ans sit down. If the scooter team comes
back first they will win. If the fielding team completes their rotation and sit down first
then they win. Switch places after each turn and the activity is completed when all
have a turn to kick the ball .
Place two equally numbered teams in the following order and
positions :
•  One team in the field in   a scattered
•  One team at bat under the b-ball hoop on the
Chose 2-4 players to place kick the ball into the field as there are no foul balls. The
outfield team is equipped with rip tags or anything that hangs from the back pockets.
When the ball is received that player can't be ripped off until the ball is tossed to a
teammate . The other outfield players are free to be tagged by the kickers . Any ball
that is thrown to the four designated players deems that ball out of play . When the ball
is caught place it inside the hoop . The kickers may try to knock down or intercept the
ball , too . Any person that is ripped off will stop play and the "kickers" team scores as
many points as rip offs. Any interception will also count for a score. Establish a time
limit for each kicking/ripping turn . Switch places often or until all have kicked and had
a turn to be a receiver inside the hoop .NOTE : After the ball is received that player
with the ball may not be ripped off and can't move but after the toss , that person must
also run away from the kickers. Any remaining players will try to pick up a lose ball and
try to toss it to their teammates in the hoops . Score an extra point for the fielders if all
four (2-4) footballs can be received by the designated hoop catchers.

  ACTIVITY for the week of

10/4/2001 :
Divide the class into six different and evenly numbered teams . Place all the footballs
in the center area inside hoola hoops . All the students are lined up behind the hoops
on one side of the midcourt lines equidistant apart. Give hte groups rip tags or vests of
different colors. Place the vests in the back pocket area. Chose one person from each
team to be a "ripper" who tries to rip off the vest before anothe rcolor can steal the
ball . If that person is ripped off then return to the start place and the ball is reset to the
hoop . If the ball is stolen then the next person in order goes , also , if any person is
ripped off , too. Change new rippers each 30 seconds and the team with the least
footballs loses a point each time while all other teams gain one point.
Arrange the class into a scattered formation equppied with gamw jerseys in
pockets or rip tags of different colors( 4) . Place all the available footballs in the
jump circle and then chose one person to be the quarterback from each color .
The object is to throw the ball to a teammate who is outside a marked area
( cones , b-ball lines ). No ball may be caught inside that area. Any ball that is
dropped is out of the game . The first teammate to catch the ball joins the
origonal QB to continue the process until all have entered the jump circle .
mention to the remaining players that they may intercept or knock down a pass
from another team color. Also , they may rip off that person who is trying to get
to the jump circle and help all the other QB'S . The last team to enter the jump
circle loses one point while all others gain one. Chose a new QB each time and
repeat the process .


Soccer games
•   Toe taps
•   Sole trap
•   Side of foot trap
•   Thigh trap
•   Double leg trap
•   Heading(soft ball)
•   Dribbling
•   Passing
•   Small sided games using offense /defense schemes
•   Goalie play
CIRCLE/LINE/Square Soccer:
Arrange the class into numbers from 1-5 in   a square , circle or line formation .
Call one number to leave the assigned positions and use scooter boards in the
center area. Use more than one ball in a larger space. The number called most
try to kick the ball through the remaining players who will act as goalies and to
keep the ball away from the players. make sure to have extra soccer balls ready
so there is no stop in play. The goalies may not catch the ball but slap it away
from the players. Call a new number each time .
Arrange the class into two separate teams with half the group as goalies on the
endline of the b-ball court and the other half at the midcourt line . Give a ball to
each player on one side of the line while the opponents place a foot on the ball .
The players may roam thecourt and try to score a goal and continue until all
scores(6) have been made. Switch places between the players and goalies. Any
score must be placed in a box or container to keep that ball out of play.
Align the students into four different circles with one ball at each place. Each
player must straddle their legs with no kneeling , squeezing and bending
permitted. Chos eone player from each circle to go to another one and try to
smack the ball between the legs or two players from the head down. The players
will try to keep the ball away from the circle player . After 30 seconds switch to
a new player to go inside the circle. The object is to be the group with the
fewest gaols allowed. Each player should have an opportunity to go inside an
opponents circle .
Ball :
Place a kinball or large beach ball (36") in the center of a large square lined by
the students on the sidelines, endline and midcourt line of the b-ball court. Give
every other player a nerf ball to kick at the ball . The object is to force the ball
over another teams line .Make sure to mention that another player may have a
better angle for good teamwork .
Cone ball soccer ;
Place traffic cones at four different places equidistant apart on the endline ,
sideline and midcourt line. Number the students off from 1-5 , who will be
standing in between the cones . Call one number from each team to leave their
positions and try to kick the ball through the cones for a score.(below head
level) . Have an allotment of extra balls for stray shots . The goalies will try to
keep the ball away from the players by  rolling  the ball to another group of
goalies . Call a new number after a few minutes and repeat the process . As an
alternative have the teams in between the cones on the same team and the least
amount of goals scored wins the score . They will try to score against the three
other teams.
Steal the ball soccer :
Arrange the class on each side of the midcourt line with numbers (1-3) and each
stdent is equoipped with a game jersey in back pocket or rip tags. Place traffic
cones on the midcourtline in the following order:
X ( 1 point) X        ( 2 points)        X   (3 points)        X ( 2 pts)   X   (1
pt)     X

The players are scattered and three soccer ball are placed behind each endline
in a hula hoop. Call a number to run into the other teams zone and steal the ball .
If they are ripped off they must go back to their zone and start again. If a ball
is stolen then they place the ball on the floor and try to kick it between any of
the traffic cones and   the points are rewarded from the grahic above . The
first team that scores gets the points . Any ball that is outside the cones counts
as no score and that ball is not played. The
two numbers not called have two jobs( rip off and then turn around and try to
block the kick into the cones . The number called must( steal the ball and kick) .
Nobody is permitted over the endline except the number called. Use the
sidelines as out of bounds and that player must return to their zone and start
over. Call a new number each time.
Make four different bowling areas with three bowling pins in   a triangle
configuraion about 12-26 inches apart. Chose one person from each of four
squads to stand behind the pins as a setter . The remaining players will line up
behind a starting line with the first person equipped with a soccer ball .   At
each squad place a clipboard and pen to write in the scores for their respective
groups. There will be scoring for one point for every pin knocked down.   The ball
must be kicked with the side of the foot or instep. After a few moments switch
setters until all have had   a turn . As an integrative project with MATH - have
the students computer their percentages of attempts versus knockdowns.
FOUR GOAL SOCCER : Place a goal   at each end of the floor and two more at
the midcourt lines. Place as many wiffleballs as possible into the center area.
Divide the students into four teams of different game jersey colors.
Place a goalie for each team in the net and after a score has been made thta ball
remains there until all have been scored.   They will try to score at any of the
three other goals. Give a point value for the wiffleballs to use as an integrative
activity . (red ball - 1 point ; blue ball - two points ; yellow ball - 3 points ; green
ball - 4 points ; orange ball - 5 points ) . Change goalies often . The remaining
players will start at the goal area and be placed between two traffic cones. Give
each player a number and call all new nunmbers after a few moments . Keep a
tally after each turn and as an alternative change the point totals to fractions
for the older students.
Furnish one line /squad with pinnies - these are the taggers . The rest of the
class is scattered around the gym . PLace 6-8 soccer balls   on the floor-these
soccer balls will be used to free all the tagged students. If a student is tagged
they sit or kneel down on the floor and wait for a soccer pass by any other
student who is not tagged. Then that tagged student may re-enter the game.
Give a 30 second time limit before you change to new taggers.   Mention that the
more students who are set free with good passes the less points(for a a tag) the
taggers will score. Repeat the process to better the previous score for an
alternative approach to the game.
Arrange the class into three separate lines for each team. The goalie will be at
the endline in a goal. The rest of the goalies will be placed between two traffic
cones thta are placed 8-10 feet from the goal net. The sideline players are
standing at each sideline. The players will roam the floor but start at their own
side of the midcourt line. First , you must practice some speedball skills:
•  FLIP UP - place ball between feet , jump , and catch the ball
•  FOOT SLIDE - place the foot under a rolling ball and it slides up the leg and
catch the ball
•  JUGGLE UP - from a bounce , juggle the ball off any body part(except
"hands") and catch the ball
1. Any ball on the floor can't be picked up - play soccer rules
2. Running with the ball is permitted until tagged - at that point the tagger
kicks the ball - tagee must move away 3 paces
3. The sideline players pass the ball to their players(soccer kick)
4. The goalies may throw the ball to their players
5. Players may throw , catch , kick and score
•  1 point for a kick between the
•  2 points for a run ( only after 3 consecutive throws) outsdie the cones and
past the endline
•  3 points for a soccer kick into the
The game starts with a jump ball as in b-ball and play continues using soccer ,
volleyball(slapping , hitting) , basketball and speedball skills . The goalie may be
removed when there is a score . That person will move between the cones. After
a score , the goalies throw the ball to a player. When there is a new line change ,
the game starts again with a jump ball . The players exchange with the
sidelines , the sidelines go to goalies and the goalies go to the players.
NOTE : Remember a ball may be lifted anytime off the fllor using speedball
skills .
    Y (cone)    X (goal net )
X        Y( cone)

        P                     P                      P                 P

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< MIDCOURT

Arrange the hula hoops around the gym (7-10) and place a ball in each hoop to be
used as a safe haven for runners who will stay there until they practice a skill .
Choose 4-5 taggers with deck rings to chase the runners. If   a   runner decides
to enter the hoop , they will have to perform one of the following skills in the
hoop :
•  5 soccer toe
•  5 side
•  3
•  5 tosses to
After that is performed then they will have to leave the hoop. Any runner that
is tagged must give the ring to the tagged person. Establish a 30 second time
limit each time. The object is not to perform all four skills before the time limit
or nevr to be tagged .
Arrange the class around a large parachute numbered off from 1-4 . Place 4-5
soccerballs on the parachute that they will try to pop off by waving the chute up
and down at shoulder level(no lifting above head). Call one number to go around
the chute in all directions. When the ball pops off the chute onto the floor that
ball is taken out of the game. But the number called students must try to either
head the ball from a no bounce or juggle the ball back onto the chute. After a
time limit a score is kept on how many soccerballs remain on the parachute. Call a
new number each time or repeat the process trying to beat the previous record .
Arrange the class into two teams on the jump circle of the b-ball court. The
teams will be sitting on the floor and in a crab kick position. Make a dividing line
at two places with a traffic cone to differentiate the teams. Assign 2-3 players
to stand up behind their respective teams. These will bw the catchers , or the
ones who must stop the ball before it lands on the floor by a kick from the other
team(crab soccer?). After a few moments switch to new catchers until all had a
turn. After a catch that player gived it to the closest teammate.

Ball control is the ability to make the ball do what you want. We all have a
vision of how we want to move the ball in our mind. Yet, we cannot always
replicate this vision with our feet. When you have good football ball control –
you can manipulate the ball anyway you want. Footballers with
exceptional ball control always stand out.

How to catch a netball ball?

Take a firm hold of the netball ball with both hands and with your fingers open. Push the
ball away from your chest (torso). Use enough force to propel the ball towards your
intended target. Catch the ball with your fingers spread wide open. Doing so gives you a
better grip when you receive it.
Netball Ball Handling Drills | Catching and Throwing…
Search for: How to catch a netball ball?
How can I improve my handling skills in netball?
Try these netball ball drills to develop your catching prowess and feeding accuracy.
They will help you keep control while you pivot and receive the ball on the move or
stationary. NETBALL BALL SKILLS: All beginners want to improve their ability to control
and handle the ball.

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