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Team members

Fabiola Vigueras Torres

Mariana Delgado Pérez
América Lisset Zárate Pedraza
Miguel Angel de los Cobos Lozano
Jorge Alberto Velasco Domínguez

Teacher: Olazagasti Morales Any Linda

Subject: English V



Miguel: Hello everybody, hope everyone is good. Today me and my team are going
to present you one of the biggest and most controversial social problems which
started quite a long time ago but that still represent a big problem on our days. I’m
talking about “Racism”. So, let’s get started.

So, what exactly is Racism? Is it really relevant? Well let me go ahead and start
explaining to you. So, racism is understood as a way of thinking that automatically
approves or rejects an individual, without giving himself the task of knowing him or
who he is, only according to whether he belongs to one race or another. That is, a
form of preference, segregation, or exclusion based on skin color, ethnic lineage, or
cultural background. Racism usually leads to discriminatory practices, such as the
granting of privileges (social, economic, legal, etc.) to one race over another, or the
refusal to associate with people of other ethnicities.

And just to make you realize even more how much this problem is affecting us as
society let me expose you the reality on the day by day. According to BBC, the
median household wealth of white people has increased from $150,000usd in 1967
to almost 1 million in 2015, on the other hand in the same period of time wealth of
afro American and hispan people has gone from $25,000usd to barely $90,000usd.

If we talk about education statistics show that for each 40 students who complete
high school, only 10 are Afro-American, if we talk about university the number gets

With unemployment, in 2012 the rate of Afro-Americans people was 16%, for white
people was 8%. However, in 2020 due pandemic the rates went closer with a 16.8%
for Afro-Americans and 12.4% for white people.

As you can see this a problem that affects millions every day on every scenario, this
is something you can confirm with your eyes only by walking down the street and it
is something that we didn’t cause but that we must stop.
Lisset: All right, so now that we know what kind of problem we are talking about,
let’s move on to the next thing. We are going to give you five potential solutions to
make better this situation and of course to have a truly impact on society.
First one is in regards of education; you must educate yourself, and listen to people
that have suffered from racism on a daily basis, read books, watch documentaries,
and even podcasts where this topic is arrived, for you to be able to really understand
the matter. All of this in order to get in context with the problem and then from there
look for solutions.
Then, you must generate empathy, not just with yourself but with others, inside your
own family is a good place to start, for example. It´s imperative to be empathic with
others in order to make a better society. Also, it makes easier understanding
problems and giving nice solutions for them as well.
Following with the next one, we suggest to challenge discrimination and racism
when you see it on your regular day, it’s really common to see it happen in jokes or
comments, yet you never really know how much it can hurt someone with your
words, if you realize that a person has been slandering with racist comments it’s your
duty to explain to that person the problematic with its actions.

Now, we are going to present you another two actions to reduce racism in our
society. The following one, is that we recommend to make statements in social
networks about these problematics, it’s really common for this to happen in the web,
make people understand that it’s really offensive and could hurt others. Try to use
social media apps like Facebook, Instagram and/or tik Tok to get as much impact as
possible and to touch the highest amount of people. In that way racism will a trending
topic and it will have much more possibilities to end this horrible matter.
Finally, we suggest to not judge people by the simple fact of how they look, always
approach with kindness and respect, take care of your words or you can hurt

Miguel: So, to finish todays presentation I’d like to give you an example of an
actual movement which final purpose is, in fact, eradicate racism. I’m talking about
“Black Lives Matter”.
Black Lives Matter is an organization and a movement that started back in 2013 after
Tyvon Martin, an Afro-American citizen of Florida, was killed by an officer under
suspicious reasons. This movement took more power in 2014 and since then it has
been growing and taking more and more importance among people.
Its mission is to "eradicate white supremacy" and intervene through local power "in
the violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes."
So basically, what this movement is looking for is to prevent murders against Afro-
American people from the officers, problem that is very common in the U.S.
However, this is only one of many types of racism that people suffer around the
world but it’s a great example that show us that racism exists, that racism affects
millions of people and that we must do something in order to live in a better society.
Miguel: So, this was everything from our part, thank you so much for your attention
and hopefully you stick with something to start doing something now. Thank you.

BBC News Mundo. (2020, 19 junio). Racismo en EE.UU.: 6 gráficos que muestran cómo ha cambiado la
situación de los afroestadounidenses desde los años 60.
Cdmx, D. L. E. P. P. C. Y. de la. (s. f.). Racismo. Consejo para Prevenir y Eliminar la Discriminación de la
Banco Mundial. (2021, 11 noviembre). El Grupo Banco Mundial: abordar el racismo y la discriminación
racial. World Bank.
United Nations. (s. f.). Discriminación racial y mestizaje | Naciones Unidas.

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