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Physical abilities

For these people, most of their organs have failed, or are failing because their have reached the

end of human development. Bones, for instance, have become weak due to shrinkage in terms of

size and strength. This makes most of them bedridden, and if they happen to walk, they do so for

short distances. They cannot see well because of defects such as cataracts which makes the eyes

cloudy hence impairing their vision. They also cannot hear well and also lose sense of smell.

However, if proper diet is maintained and constant practice engaged, oldest old can do a variety

of things such as walking for long distances and running some few miles. They can also do daily

chores and participate in volunteer activities. However, there is decline when one attains the age

of 100 because the body cannot fully function even if exercise and proper diet is maintained.

Psychosocial abilities

Oldest old tend to be happy people because they have little time left and cannot spend their time

on uneventful relationships. Most of them are single people because their partners have either

died or divorced. Therefore, you find most of them being happy and very social. Most are raised

under home cares because they are weak to help themselves.

Cognitive abilities

Constant exercise and proper diet make the body organs function for long including the oldest

old. Therefore, those who practice a lot tend to think well and have better reflexes compared to

those who don’t exercise and eat well. However, most of the people at this age are bedridden

with most of their organs being weak. They tend to forget easily and lose concentration because

of Alzheimer’s disease.

Experience with an oldest old

My neighbor lives with her mother who is 89 now. She takes care of her and I had the

opportunity to mingle with her. From what I have seen, she is physically fit because she

exercises for 3 hours everyday and takes a walk every afternoon. Even though old, she can speak

and reason well. She loves being in company of children which makes her think and reason well.

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