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Home Assignment

XI Sci. Chemistry Marks-25

Section A
Q.1) Select and write the correct answer Marks-4
1) The angle between two covalent bonds is minimum in

a) CH4 b) C2H2 c) NH3 d) H2O

2) In which group of elements of the modern periodic table are

halogen placed?

a) 17 b) 6 c) 4 d) 2

3) The unstable isotope of hydrogen is

a) H-1 b) H-2 c) H-3 d) all the three

4)The radioactive isotope used in the treatment of Leukemia is

a)60 Co b) 226 Ra c)32 P d)126 I

Q.2) Answer the following Marks-3

1)What is the tincture of iodine?

2) Define mass defect

3)Identify the type of overlap present in H2 and HF molecule

Section B

Q.3) Answer any four of the following Marks-8

1) Give any two differences between the soap and synthetic

2)Half life of24Na is 900 min.what is its decay constant ?

3)Give any four uses of NaOH (costic soda)

4)Give one laboratory method and one industrial method for

preparation of dihydrogen

5)Explain saponification with reaction?

Section C

Q.4) Answer any two of the following Marks-6

1)State octet rule. Explain its inadequencies with respect to
incomplete octet and expanded octet
2)Explain geometry of methane molecule on the basis of Sp3
3)Define Antiseptic and Disinfectant with suitable example
Section D
Q.5) Answer any one of the following Marks-4
1) a) Define the relationship between half life and decay
constant of a radioelement
b) Explain nuclear fission and nuclear fusion with suitable
2) a) How the atomic size vary in a group and across a period ?
Explain with suitable example
b)Explain characteristics of `P` block elements

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