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Fall 2018
T/R 8:00-9:15 and 9:25-10:40

Dr. Barry Atticks –Associate Professor of Music
Office: (717) 871-4651
Room 233 Winter Performing Arts Center
Office Hours: W 2-3, T/R 2:30-3:30, others by appt. and Online at Googlehangout

This introductory course is designed to develop an understanding of MIDI, sequencing, and
digital audio through the integration of in-class demonstrations, lectures, and hands-on
projects and activities in-class and online. The course covers topics such as creating,
recording, and editing MIDI sequences and digital audio data. The course will also address
topics such as programming, arranging, composing, and mixing in the MIDI and Audio
environments. In addition, computer notation skills will also be stressed.

COMMUNITIES OF LEARNERS: All members of the Millersville University’s Professional

Education Unit will create learning communities of inquiry and action, focus on students, and
demonstrate exemplary professional practices.

Learning Communities of We will engage in learning communities in which reflection, collaboration,

Inquiry and Action lifelong learning, and habits of mind are developed and nurtured.
Focus on Students We will balance knowledge and the principles and concepts delineated in
professional and state standards with an appreciation of all students’
individuality, diversity, and cultures.
Exemplary Professional We will demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and dispositions of exemplary
Practices professionals. We will have strong competence in our content knowledge,
pedagogical content knowledge and skills as delineated in professional, state,
and institutional standards. We will demonstrate professional dispositions or
standards of conduct. We will be supportive of students, families, and the
school and community as well as will serve as catalysts for positive and
responsible change.
Dispositions Statement Faculty in the Professional Education Unit evaluate professional dispositions
for all undergraduate and graduate students. Students are expected to (1)
Communicate Professionally, (2) Demonstrate Professional Growth, (3)
Demonstrate Professional Relationships, (4) Exhibit Attributes Suitable to the
Profession, and (5) Display Responsible and Ethical Behavior. Students are
referred to the evaluation criteria and the administrative policy on-line at:

Millersville University and its faculty are committed to assuring a safe and productive
educational environment for all students. In order to meet this commitment and to comply with
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and guidance from the Office for Civil Rights, the
University requires faculty members to report incidents of sexual violence shared by students to
the University’s Title IX Coordinator. The only exceptions to the faculty member’s reporting
obligation are when incidents of sexual violence are communicated by a student during a
classroom discussion, in a writing assignment for a class, or as part of a University-approved
research project.


Outcome Demonstrated by Assessment
1 Students will be able to Students will need to successfully Exams and
use a basic MIDI/Audio work the labs workstations to be Projects
system and will able to complete projects and exams
understand the routing
between different

2 Students will understand Students will take exams that Exams

the technology behind address the technology in the
MIDI and audio computer lab and will be asked
questions regarding it
3 Students will be able to Students will need to successfully Projects and
create, record, and edit utilize these parameters in Logic to Exams
MIDI sequences and be able to complete projects and
Audio Tracks in Logic exams

4 Students will be able to Students will need to successfully Exams and

create mixes with utilize these parameters to be able Projects
automation and digital to complete projects and exams
effects processing

5 Students will be able to Students will submit scores for Final Exam
effectively and efficiently projects and create scores in a and Project
utilize a professional testing situation using Sibelius
notation package notation


Course Integration Evaluation

Studio and Commercial Music Students will perform on Observations by professor
Ensemble their major performance and/or video assessment
instrument in a studio
recording setting
Language of Music and Students will use their Listening quizzes and exams
Solfege I listening skills that are being
developed in this course to
assist them in analyzing

Throughout the course, the departmental outcomes of performer, educator, and entrepreneur
will be addressed in the following ways (partial list)
 Performer
o Students will use their backgrounds and experiences as performers to
record in the class and studio on their own projects as well as other
student projects.
o Students will use their performance and compositional skills to write and
play original material for required projects.
 Educator
o Through online and classroom discussions, students will mentor each other
via feedback and critique.
 Entrepreneur
o Students will learn about the challenges and rewards of starting their own
professional music company and working as independent composers,
arrangers, producers, and engineers


CLASS ATTENDANCE: Regular attendance is highly recommended. A "no-cut" policy will be

strictly enforced on those days when any kind of exam (announced or unannounced) is given.
Students will be allowed to reschedule an exam only when granted a "legal" excuse under the
following conditions:

1) Illness; health center/doctor's excuse required for all dates when an announced exam is
2) Personal matter or family emergency (circumstances beyond reasonable control of the
3) Participation in a university-sanctioned event; Official notice required.

Students are responsible for all information/materials provided in class, regardless of type of
absence; instructor will provide assistance only to those who have legal absences as defined

Required Materials:

o LOGIC 10.3 or 10.4 by David Nahmani (Peachpit Press)
 Book or E-Book 10.3
 Book or E-Book 10.4

o SIBELIUS 7 MUSIC NOTATION by James Humberstone (Cengage
Learning, 2012)
 Portable Storage Device to be brought to every class-4GB or higher
 Headphones with 1/4in jack

CLASS PARTICIPATION: All students are expected to:

1) Contribute to discussions based upon assigned readings, listening examples, and

Previous knowledge and experience.

2) Participate fully in the various musical activities, which are offered as a means to
further develop musical awareness.

3) Conduct themselves in a manner that is respectful of:

a. All individuals and their viewpoints.
b. The academic process.
c. University property, specifically the classroom in which the class is given

4) Pay attention and take notes using a pencil and paper. Laptops, or any other
electronic devices should be turned off and not used in class unless used for note-
taking or Logic/Sibelius. Talking or any disruptive behavior takes away from the
learning experience of others. Please do not talk during musical examples, videos, or

5) TEXTING during class is prohibited. It is distracting to me and other students.
IF you are done with an assignment early, go further and try new things or read
ahead in the book or work on Sibelius.

No food or beverages, with the exception of closed bottled water away from
equipment, are permitted in computer lab or recording studios. NO EXCEPTIONS.
If there is a violation, you will lose your privilege to use the lab and studios,
which may result in failing the course.

If you have any documented disabilities, please let me know on the first day of class so that I can
do my best to accommodate your needs.

Students are responsible for all information/materials provided in class, regardless of

type of absence-consult your peers for what you missed; instructor will provide
assistance only to those who have legal absences as defined above.


A Midterm and Final Exam will be given based on in-class discussions, listening examples,
assigned readings, and other covered assignments. Projects will be assigned throughout the
semester to reinforce concepts learned in class. See Course Calendar for anticipated

ONLINE classes will take place weekly in addition to the 2 hour meeting times each week.
Each week you will receive instructions regarding the online assignment for that
asynchronous session. Material learned in the online environment will be tested on both the
midterm and final exams.

GRADING BREAKDOWN and IMPORTANT DATES:  (subject to change and I may also require certain parts of
projects to be done prior to the completion date)
 TBA---------------------DUE October 2
 Commercial-----------DUE October 30
 Movie------------------DUE November 29


 Score Rearranging--DUE September 27
 Entry Method—-----DUE November 8
 Lead Sheet------------DUE December 6


FINAL EXAM (20%)---WEEK of DECEMBER 10 (see final exam schedule
for time of your sections exam at end of syllabus)


    94-100  A          80-82  B-            67-69  D+
    90-93  A-            77-79  C+            63-66  D
    87-89  B+           73-76  C              60-62  D-
    83-86  B-             70-72  C-            Below 60  F

Class participation
No formal points are awarded for class participation, although your level of Involvement is duly noted. Students
that are actively engaged and contribute in class discussions, both face to face and online, can help influence
their final grades. For example, if a student's final grade is on the borderline between an A or a B, and there is
ample evidence of the student's class participation, the student will be awarded an A.

Policy on Late Work

Generally speaking, late assignments are not accepted for any reason. If a student reports extreme extenuating
circumstances, we will consider addressing late work on a case by case basis. However, even if a student is
approved for consideration, there is no guarantee we can accommodate late work - regardless of the situation.
Depending upon the size of the class, it might not be physically possible to accommodate late submissions from
students. Submitting late work, for whatever reason, creates additional work for your instructor and teacher
assistants to review and grade. If you require special considerations for submitting late work, please contact
your instructor and teacher assistants as soon as possible. If a student gets very far behind, the only option may
be to withdraw from the class. Students attempting to hand in all their work on the last day of Finals Week will
not be successful.

The digital media content creation industry is driven by strict deadlines. If you aspire to work professionally in
the industry, we encourage you to get used to completing things on time. Your contributions to this class are a
vital ingredient for all of us. The exchange of information, and sharing of the creative process, can only happen if
you stay up to date with the assigned material.

Adding and Dropping

It is your responsibility to officially withdraw from this class if you do not want a grade. Please check with the
registrar department regarding when the last day to drop with a "W" is. If you do not withdraw, you will get a
grade. Your instructor will not withdraw you.

Academic Honesty
You will be encouraged to examine and review examples of professional work. You will also be encouraged to
exchange ideas and collaborate with fellow classmates. However, please avoid copying other people's work. If
you submit copies of someone's work, you will receive zero credit and possible dismissal from the course.

TENTATIVE SCHEDULE. Professor has the right to alter schedule based on pacing and student progress.

WEEK of August 27th

 Introduction to the Course and Syllabus Review
 Teamwork and Communication
 Introduction to Logic
 Logic Basics

 Making Music with Logic NOW! in Logic X
WEEK of September 3rd
 Logic Basics Continued
 Introduction to Audio and MIDI
 Homework TBA
 Sibelius
o Copying Files
o Moving Around the Score
o Exploring the Ribbon and Status Bar

WEEK of September 10th
 Recording Audio
 Homework TBA
 Sibelius
o Exploring Playback
o Simple Editing
WEEK of September 17th
 Editing Audio
 Homework TBA
 Sibelius
o Changing Instruments
o Editing Text
WEEK of September 24th
 Virtual Drum Tracks
 Homework TBA
 Sibelius Score Rearranging Project (Sept 27 DUE)
WEEK of October 1st
 Recording MIDI
 Online Class on Tuesday, October 2
 Homework TBA
 PROJECT 1 DUE (Oct 2)
 Sibelius
o Printing Scores

o Creating and Exploring New Score
o Using the Mouse to Populate Score
WEEK of October 8th
 NO CLASS on OCTOBER 9 (Fall Break)
 Creating and Editing MIDI-Class will not meet. There will be an online

WEEK of October 15th
 Midterm Review
 Sibelius
o Using Flexi-time Recording
WEEK of October 23rd
 NO Face to Face Class on Thursday, October 26th
 Sibelius
o Step Time and Alphanumeric Entry
o Entering Pitch Before Rhythm
WEEK of October 30th
 Editing Pitch and Time
 PROJECT 2 DUE (October 30)
 NO F2F CLASS on Tuesday, however, we will have a special mentoring class
with high school students on Tuesday (TBA). There will be an online class
as well
 Homework TBA
 Sibelius
o Dynamics and Phrasing
o Re-inputting Pitches
o Working with Parts
o Printing and Exporting
Week of November 5th
 Editing an Arrangement
 Homework TBA
 Sibelius

o Entry Method Project (DUE NOV 8)
Week of November 12th
 Mixing, part 1
 Homework TBA
 Sibelius
o Importing MIDI Files
o Importing MusicXML Files
o Exploring Guitar Tab and Chord Symbols
Week of November 19th
 Mixing, part 2
 Homework TBA
Week of November 26th
 Automation
 Project Presentations
 PROJECT 3 DUE (Nov29)
 Sibelius
o Drum Notation
o Lyrics
o Repeats
WEEK of December 3rd
 Course Wrap-up and Final Exam Study
 Sibelius
o 8:00AM Section: Final Exam is on Tuesday, December 11 (2:45-4:45)
o 9:25AM Section: Final Exam is on Wednesday, December 13 (2:45-4:45)


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