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International General Certificate for Secondary Education

Class Assessment Nov (IGCSE-I)


Centre Candidate
Number Number

Branch: ___________________________ Date: ______________________

Accounting 0452
Nov 2020
Additional Material: Answer Sheet Total marks:24


Write your Centre number, candidate number and name on FOR EXAMINER’S USE
all the work you hand in. Max. Marks
Marks Obtained
Write in dark blue or black pen.
1 24
You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or rough working.
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters and glue or
correction fluid.
Answer All the questions. Total
At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely Percentage
The number of marks are given in brackets [ ] at the end of
each question or part question.

This document consists of 3 printed pages

Question 1: Prepare Journal entries in a Journal from the following transactions occurred
during November 2020.
Nov 1 Adam started a new business investing $100,000. $80,000 was deposited by a cheque and the
remaining amount cash.

Nov 5 Office rent was paid for the month $5,000 by cash.

Nov 6 Desks and chairs were purchased for the office on time $28,800 from ABC Ltd.

Nov 10 Equipment was purchased on credit for $50,000 from XYZ Ltd.

Nov 15 Motor Vehicle was purchased for $15,000 paying $10,000 by cheque and remainder in cash.

Nov 18 Bought office supplies worth $280 cash.

Nov 20 Our business provides services and we received $50,000 cash for services rendered.

Nov 21 $45,000 cash was deposited into the bank.

Nov 23 Employee Salaries were paid by cheque $38,500.

Nov 25 We paid ABC Ltd $20,000 through bank transfer.

Nov 28 We offered services worth $18,250 on credit to Delta Ltd.

Nov 30 The Equipment was fully paid by bank transfer to XYZ Ltd.

(Total Marks: 24)

Journal Entries

Date Details Debit ($) Credit ($)

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