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(Flange Stress Analysis)

In Flange analysis as per Sec. VIII Div. 1. App 2 are the shear force & torsional moment
Ans. No. Only the bending moment & Axial force is considered

How can you predict flange leakage?

Ans.: Check rigidity factor (J)

What are the two design conditions in stress analysis?

Ans: Operating & Gasket seating

What are the limitations in Flange analysis as per NC3658.3?

1. Flanges, bolts, and Gaskets used are designed based on as specified in ASME B 16.5a and
2. Bolting material must have an allowable stress value at 100°F(38°C) >=20000 psi (138 MPa)
(High Strength Bolting)

API 650

Is appendix P of API 650 what is the tank diameter limitation?

Ans.: Applicable only for 120 feet diameter & larger

API SM 23, API 617

API 617 & NEMA SM 23 require that the combined resultants of the forces & moments of
the inlet, side stream & discharge connections be resolved at the centerline of the what
connection ?
Ans.: Larger connection

WRC 107

What WRC bulletin used in checking local stresses in Spherical & cylindrical shells due to
external loadings like piping load?
Ans.; WRC 107

Define Stress Intensity

Ans.: Stress Intensity is twice the maximum shear stress

In WRC 107 what Theory of Failure is used to determine the equivalent stress intensity
Ans.: Maximum Shear Stress Theory or Tresca Criteria

What code is used in classifying stresses ( Pm, Q, Pl )

Ans.: ASME Sec VII Div. 2

API 610

Appendix F of API 610 states that the individual component forces & moments acting on
each pump nozzle flange shall not exceed the range specified in Table 2.1 by a factor of
more than ____________________
Ans.: 2 (two)

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