The Molecular Basis of A-Thalassemia

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The Molecular Basis of a-Thalassemia

Douglas R. Higgs
MRC Molecular Haematology Unit, Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford,
John Radcliffe Hospital, Headington, Oxford OX3 9DS, United Kingdom

The globin gene disorders including the thalassemias are among the most common human
genetic diseases with more than 300,000 severely affected individuals born throughout the
world every year. Because of the easy accessibility of purified, highly specialized, mature
erythroid cells from peripheral blood, the hemoglobinopathies were among the first tractable
human molecular diseases. From the 1970s onward, the analysis of the large repertoire of
mutations underlying these conditions has elucidated many of the principles by which
mutations occur and cause human genetic diseases. This work will summarize our current
knowledge of the a-thalassemias, illustrating how detailed analysis of this group of diseases
has contributed to our understanding of the general molecular mechanisms underlying many
orphan and common diseases.

he molecular basis of a-thalassemia has been to most human genetic diseases and furtheranal-
T extensively reviewed many times in the past
(Higgs et al. 1989; Harteveld and Higgs 2010),
ysis of these uniquely well-characterized gene
clusters will continue to elucidate important
so why should we take the opportunity to revisit new mechanisms by which mammalian genes
this topic; what can this contribute to our fur- are normally switched on and off during cell fate
ther understanding of how globin synthesis may decisions, and how this is perturbed in both
be perturbed and how this relates more gener- common and orphan genetic diseases.
ally to human genetic disease? In my view, de- An argument that is commonly put forward
spite the extensive new knowledge of human is that the globin genes are very unusual, atypical
genetic disease that is being obtained from the genes and what we learn from them may be ex-
application of new generation sequencing of ceptions to the rule. On the contrary, it is hard to
material from patients with a wide range of in- think of a single example in which what has been
herited and acquired human genetic diseases, established from analyzing the globin genes (in-
many of the principles by which mutations cause volving enhancers, locus control regions, boun-
human disease have been established for many dary elements, promoters, RNA processing, and
years since the application of modern molecular numerous aspects of protein translation, struc-
and cellular biology to the globin gene disor- ture, and function) has been limited to these
ders. It is underrecognized that what we have genes rather than establishing general principles
learned from the hemoglobinopathies applies of mammalian genome organization and how

Editors: David Weatherall, Alan N. Schechter, and David G. Nathan

Additional Perspectives on Hemoglobin and Its Diseases available at
Copyright # 2013 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a011718
Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2013;3:a011718

D.R. Higgs

this relates to gene expression. Furthermore, the disease traits (Higgs 2009a; Williams and Weath-
molecular mechanisms by which globin gene erall 2012). Among people originating from
mutations arise (chromosomal rearrangements, these areas, compound heterozygotes and ho-
telomere truncations, homologous and illegiti- mozygotes for some mutations may have severe
mate recombination, gene conversion, copy hematologic phenotypes. When a-globin syn-
number variation, nucleotide polymorphism, thesis is reduced to 25% or less, patients may
changes in tandem repeats, abnormal methyla- suffer from a moderately severe hemolytic ane-
tion, the involvement of antisense RNAs, and mia associated with readily detectable excess b-
many more) are now known to be common to globin chains in the form of b4 tetramers (re-
many human diseases and yet were first recog- ferred to as HbH); hence, the condition is called
nized in the globin gene disorders. Their analy- HbH disease (Chui et al. 2003; Vichinsky 2012).
sis has been at the forefront of identifying the When a-globin synthesis is even further reduced
mechanisms by which mutations at every level (or even abolished), this gives rise to a severe
of gene expression may cause human disease. intrauterine anemia associated with excess g-
Rather than being unusual outliers, the glo- globin chains in the form of g4 tetramers (re-
bin genes are in most ways, typical mammalian ferred to as Hb Bart’s); hence, this condition is
genes, which when mutated cause typical hu- referred to as the Hb Bart’s hydrops fetalis syn-
man genetic diseases by common mechanisms drome (BHFS) (Lorey et al. 2001; Vichinsky
and have pioneered our understanding of how 2012). The high frequency of a-thalassemia
natural mutations cause human genetic disease. trait, HbH disease, and BHFS means that tens
In the future, it will be important to contin- of thousands of patient samples have been ana-
ue using the knowledge gained from the well- lyzed and that probably most of the natural mu-
characterized globin gene disorders to further tations affecting these genes are now known.

develop our understanding of the mechanisms Consequently, in most instances, accurate genet-
by which both common and orphan human ic counseling and (when appropriate) prenatal
genetic diseases may arise. In this article, I sum- testing can be made available in countries where
marize some of what we have learned from study- the health care infrastructure is able to support
ing mutations of the a-globin cluster and how this. However, even when all known mutations
this may provide insight into how we may un- have been excluded, new, often rare but infor-
derstand the mechanisms underlying human ge- mative genetic variants are still being found.
netic disease in general.
Expression of the a-like and b-like globin
Down-regulation of a-globin synthesis causes chains is regulated by clusters of genes on chro-
a-thalassemia, which is characterized by under- mosomes 16 and 11, respectively (Higgs and
production of fetal (HbF, a2g2) and adult (HbA, Wood 2008; Noordermeer and de Laat 2008).
a2b2) hemoglobin (Higgs et al. 1989). The con- The a-like gene cluster is located close to the
siderable diversity of mutations that have been telomere of chromosome 16 (16p13.3) includ-
identified is explained by the fact that carriers ing an embryonic gene (z) and two fetal/
for a-thalassemia are (to some extent) protected adult genes arranged along the chromosome in
from falciparum malaria in a manner that we the order telomere-z-a2-a1-centromere, sur-
still do not fully understand (reviewed in Higgs rounded by widely expressed genes (Fig. 1).
2009a; Williams and Weatherall 2012). Conse- The normal cluster is denoted aa. Approx-
quently, in tropical and subtropical regions of imately 25 – 65 kb upstream of the a-globin
the world (where malaria is endemic), a-thalas- genes there are four highly conserved noncod-
semia reaches very high frequencies, making it ing sequences, or multispecies conserved se-
one of the most common of all human genetic quences (MCS), called MCS-R1 to -R4, which

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Molecular Basis of a-Thalassemia

60 k 70 k 80 k 90 k 100 k 110 k 120 k 130 k 140 k 150 k 160 k 170 k 180 k 190 k 200 k 210 k 220 k

NPRL3 ξ α2 α1 Luc7L
MHU genes
Deletions -α4.2

Duplications BS

VNTR repeats

Classic haplotype



Figure 1. The human a-globin cluster (50 -z-a2-a1-30 ) surrounded by widely expressed genes (MPG, NPRL3,
and Luc7L) on chromosome 16 (16p13.3). Below this, the multispecies conserved elements (MCS-Rs) are

shown. The X, Y, and Z boxes are the regions of duplication that play a part in the generation of the common
a-thalassemias, as discussed in the text. The most common deletions removing one (-a3.7 and -a4.2) or both
(--Med and --SEA) a genes and causing thalassemia are shown as horizontal bars, as are the unusual deletions
a-ZF and (aa)TM. Duplications of the cluster BS and FD are also indicated. For a full catalog of all deletions that
cause a-thalassemia, see Higgs (2009a). At the bottom of the figure the positions of common repeats, variable
number random repeats (VNTRs) and single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are shown. The region con-
taining all SNPs and VNTRs corresponding to the classic haplotype used in population studies (as discussed in
the text) is illustrated as a thin horizontal line. The regulatory SNP (rSNP) that creates new functional GATA1-
binding sites seen in the Melanesian nondeletional a-thalassemia is shown with an asterisk. The extent of the
a-globin locus present in the humanized mouse is shown as a thin line.

are thought to be involved in the regulation of promoters of the a-like globin genes (Fig. 2).
the a-like globin genes (see Fig. 1). It is of inter- Binding of these factors is associated with wide-
est that three of these elements (MCSR1 – 3) spread modifications of the associated chro-
lie within the introns of the adjacent wide- matin reflecting activation (e.g., histone acety-
ly expressed gene NPRL3 (Kowalczyk et al. lation). Finally, RNA polymerase II (PolII) is
2012b). Of these elements to date, only MCS- recruited to both the upstream regions and the
R2 (also known as HS-40) has been shown to globin promoters as transcription starts in early
be essential for a-globin expression (Higgs and erythroid progenitors (Anguita et al. 2004; Ver-
Wood 2008). nimmen et al. 2007). At the same time, the up-
As multipotent hemopoietic progenitors stream elements and promoters of the globin
commit to the erythroid lineage and begin to genes interact with each other via the formation
differentiate to form mature red blood cells, key of chromatin loops. It has recently been shown
erythroid transcription factors (e.g., GATA-2, that HS-40 is critically required for looping to
GATA-1, SCL, Sp/XKLF, NF-E2) and various occur and for the stable recruitment of PolII
cofactors (e.g., FOG, pCAF, p300) progressively to the a-globin promoters (Vernimmen et al.
bind to the upstream MCS-R elements and the 2007, 2009).

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D.R. Higgs

Polycomb repressive complexes

Erythroid and
Stem cell
widely expressed TF

Activated chromatin

CMP First appearance of DHSs

α-Globin genes




Figure 2. In stem cells and early progenitors, the cluster is silenced by the Polycomb repressive complex. In
multipotent cells (CMP), the cluster is primed in the upstream region (MCSR-2) by multiprotein complexes
containing SCL and NF-E2 nucleated by GATA-2. In committed erythroid progenitors (U-MEL, proerythroblast
stage), additional remote regulatory sequences are bound by multiprotein complexes containing various com-
binations of SCL, NF-E2, and GATA1 replacing GATA2. At this stage, the a-globin promoter is also occupied by
a combination of factors including NF-Y and is poised for expression. In differentiating erythroid cells, the
preinitiation complex (PIC), including PolII, is recruited to the enhancers in a cooperative manner but inde-
pendently of the promoter. Krüppel-like transcription factors are also recruited, independently of the upstream
elements and to the promoter. At this final stage, the a-globin promoter is now occupied by a multiprotein
complex that represents a docking site for the recruitment of the PIC, which is entirely dependent on the
presence of the upstream elements that interact with the promoter, forming a loop.

This series of up-regulatory events taking sive survey of chromatin modifications in ery-
place in erythroid cells is only a part of the com- throid and nonerythroid cells showed that the
plete story of a-globin regulation. Although the a-globin cluster is marked by a specific signa-
a-globin genes are expressed in a strictly tissue- ture (H3K27me3) in nonerythroid cells but
specific manner, they are contained in a large less so in erythroid cells (Garrick et al. 2008).
chromosomal region, which is broadly tran- The H3K27me3 mark is imposed by a histone
scriptionally active and bears the hallmarks methyltransferase (EZH2), which forms part
of constitutively active chromatin (Flint et al. of a repressive Polycomb complex called PRC2
1997; Daniels et al. 2001). Therefore, it was pre- (Morey and Helin 2010). Consistent with this,
dicted that within such a region, mechanisms components of this complex (EZH2 and SUZ12)
should exist to maintain the a-globin genes have also been found at the a-globin cluster in
in a silent state in nonerythroid cells. An exten- nonerythroid cells. The PRC2 complex recruits

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Molecular Basis of a-Thalassemia

histone deacetylases (HDACs) and another re- assemic individuals. In addition to SNPs form-
pressive Polycomb complex (called PRC1) ing ancestral haplotypes (Higgs et al. 1986), it
(Lynch et al. 2012). Experimental data suggest had been shown that extensive polymorphic
that together, these complexes (PRC1, PRC2, variations caused by genomic rearrangements
and HDACs) maintain the silence of the a genes were found in hematologically normal individ-
in multipotent cells and differentiated nonery- uals. These variants are summarized in detail by
throid cells (Garrick et al. 2008; Lynch et al. 2012) Higgs (2009a) but the most notable small-scale
but that they are cleared from the a-globin pro- variations in the a cluster occur in the many G-
moter before the activation steps described (see rich VNTRs in this region (Flint et al. 1997)
Fig. 2). together with the small- and large-scale varia-
Activation of the a-globin genes can thus be tions commonly observed in the subtelomeric
thought of as a multistep process in which tran- region of chromosome 16 (Wilkie et al. 1991).
scription of a globin is at first somewhat leaky, Studies of the different arrangements of these
albeit expressed at very low levels, in hemato- polymorphisms and VNTRs in various popula-
poietic stem cells when the a genes are partially tion samples have made it possible to define a
repressed by the Polycomb system. As cells dif- series of a-globin gene haplotypes that have
ferentiate down the nonerythroid pathway, the been of considerable value both in the analy-
genes become increasingly silenced by Poly- sis of evolutionary aspects of the gene clusters
comb so that in mature nonerythroid cells no and in defining the origins of many of the a-
transcription can be detected. In contrast, as thalassemia mutations (Higgs et al. 1986; Higgs
cells differentiate along the erythroid pathway, 2009b). In addition to their value as genetic
Polycomb silencing is removed as the activating markers, these variants have been useful in
events are played out on the cluster (see Fig. 2) distinguishing functionally important areas of

(De Gobbi et al. 2011). All results to date have the a-globin cluster from regions that appear
been obtained by analyzing populations of cells to be of little functional significance (Rugless
so that we only see the average effects. Seeing the et al. 2008).
true order of events in single cells is a challenge
for the future.
Although most sequence variants in the a-glo-
bin cluster (including variation within HS-40)
Over the past few years, whole genome analysis are caused by neutral SNPs, we currently know
has revealed the scale of variation across the of 69 point mutations or oligonucleotide vari-
human genome in apparently normal individ- ants that alter gene expression, referred to as
uals (Lupski and Stankiewicz 2005; Day 2010). nondeletional forms of a-thalassemia (denoted
Such variation results from single-nucleotide aTa or aaT depending on whether the a2 or a1
polymorphisms (SNPs), variations in the num- gene is affected). As for many other human ge-
bers of tandem repeats (VNTRs), variations in netic diseases, these mutations may affect the
microsatellites, copy number variants (CNVs, canonical sequences that control gene expres-
caused by homologous or illegitimate recombi- sion, including the CCAAT and TATA box se-
nation), segmental duplications and deletions, quences associated with the promoter, the ini-
and chromosomal translocations (Lupski and tiation codon (ATG), splicing signals (GT/AG),
Stankiewicz 2005; Day 2010). Although herald- the termination codon (TAA), and the polyade-
ed as a surprise, in fact the extent of variation nylation ( polyA) signal (AATAAA). In addition
and mechanisms underlying such polymorphic to these mutations, a-thalassemia may also be
changes were anticipated from detailed charac- caused by in-frame deletions, frame-shift mu-
terization of the regions containing the globin tations, and nonsense mutations (often leading
loci in large numbers (thousands) of nonthal- to nonsense-mediated decay of the RNA) and/

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or to the production of abnormal protein. Some described in patients with b-thalassemia in-
variants alter the structure of the hemoglobin termedia. Because these patients are simply het-
molecule making the dimer (ab) or tetramer erozygotes for the b-thalassemia mutations, the
(a2b2) unstable. Such molecules may precipi- implication is that their relatively severe phe-
tate in the red cell, forming insoluble inclusions notype results from the production of excess
that damage the red cell membrane. Over the a-globin chains from the a genes in the dupli-
past few years, it has become apparent that some cated regions. In one pedigree, three a clusters
a-globin structural variants are so unstable that (aa:aa:aa) are present on one copy of chro-
they undergo very rapid postsynthetic degrada- mosome 16 (Fichera et al. 1994). Provisional
tion and thereby cause the phenotype of a- data suggest that at least two and possibly all
thalassemia. A full list of sequence variations three clusters in the duplicated region are fully
in the structural genes that cause a-thalassemia active. A carrier for this abnormal chromosome
is available (Higgs 2009a). An even greater num- (aa:aa:aa/aa), with a total of eight a genes,
ber of similar point mutations have been de- has an a/b-globin chain synthesis ratio of 2.7
scribed for the b-like globin genes (summarized (Fichera et al. 1994). A recent study has more
in Giardine et al. 2011). Of all such variants, a fully characterized what appears to be a very
major class of mutations that is not found in the similar rearrangement in another Italian fami-
globin genes is trinucleotide expansions (Lopez ly with b-thalassemia intermedia (Harteveld
Castel et al. 2010). Furthermore, to date, no et al. 2008) revealing a duplication of 260 kb
mutations affecting mRNAs or long noncoding (see BS in Fig. 1). These investigators also char-
RNAs have been found. acterized another duplication of 175 kb of
chromosome 16 lying between the end of the
a cluster and the telomere (see FD in Fig. 1).

Again the phenotype of a compound heterozy-
gote for this rearrangement (aa:aa/aa) and
b-thalassemia trait suggested that the addition-
Rarely, chromosomal translocations involving al a clusters in the duplicated segment are fully
16p13.3 place the a-globin locus at the tip of active, indicating that all sequences required
another chromosome, as seen, for example, in for fully regulated a-globin expression lie in
some relatives of patients with the ATR-16 syn- this duplicated segment of chromosome 16.
drome (Gibbons 2012) (see below). To date, These findings, delimiting the region required
we know of 16 individuals with such balanced to direct fully regulated expression of the hu-
translocations and none of them has a-thal- man a-globin cluster, are consistent with exper-
assemia (Steinberg et al. 2009). Because the imental data from a mouse model in which the
closest centromeric breakpoint of these chro- mouse a-globin cluster was replaced with
mosomal translocations lies only 1.2 Mb from 135 kb of the human a-globin cluster (Wal-
the a-globin genes, these findings show that the lace et al. 2007). This region contains all se-
cis-acting sequences required for full a-globin quences within a region of conserved synteny
regulation are contained within this region and between the human and mouse, including the
that expression is not perturbed by rearrange- globin genes and their regulatory elements. The
ments on this scale. In two individuals with pattern and levels of expression of the human
unbalanced translocations and three copies of transgenes in this segment of DNA suggest
16p13.3, the a/b-globin chain synthesis ratios that this region of 135 kb contains all of the
were 1.5 and 1.6 (Wainscoat et al. 1981; Buckle sequences required to express the a-globin
et al. 1988), again indicating that the additional, genes correctly from an appropriate chromo-
mislocalized copy of the a complex is expressed somal environment, although, as discussed pre-
even though its genomic position has changed. viously (Wallace et al. 2007), the level of expres-
Two large, internal duplications of the ter- sion in a mouse environment is less than in the
minal region of chromosome 16 have also been human.

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Molecular Basis of a-Thalassemia

a-THALASSEMIA CAUSED BY DELETIONS some (Trent et al. 1981). Further recombination

REMOVING ONE OR MORE OF THE events between the resulting chromosomes (a,
DUPLICATED STRUCTURAL GENES aa, and aaa) may give rise to quadruplicated
a genes (aaaa) (De Angioletti et al. 1992), or
Heteroduplex and DNA sequence analysis has quintuplicated (aaaaa) (Cook et al. 2006) or
shown that the duplicated a-globin genes (aa) other unusual patchwork rearrangements. Al-
are embedded within two highly homologous, though these long-standing observations have
4-kb duplication units whose sequence identity pointed to the mechanism by which -a and
appears to have been maintained throughout aaa chromosomes arise, it has now been shown
evolution by gene conversion and unequal cross- (using single DNA molecule polymerase chain
over events (Lauer et al. 1980; Zimmer et al. reaction) how they may occur in vivo (Lam
1980; Michelson and Orkin 1983; Hess et al. and Jeffreys 2007). From this work, the over-
1984). These regions are divided into ho- all picture is one of reciprocal recombination
mologous subsegments (X, Y, and Z) by non- (and unequal exchange) occurring in mitosis
homologous elements (I, II, and III) (see Figs. 1 ( premeiotic) in the germ line. The estimated
and 3). Reciprocal homologous recombination frequencies of -a and aaa arrangements in
between Z segments, which are 3.7 kb apart, sperm are in the order of 1– 5  105. Deletions
produces chromosomes with only one a gene and duplications may also occur in somatic
(-a3.7, rightward deletion) (see Figs. 1 and 3) tissues by related mechanisms, although dele-
(Embury et al. 1980) that cause a-thalasse- tions detected in blood occur by intrachromo-
mia and others with three a genes (aaaanti3.7) somal rather than interchromosomal recom-
(Goossens et al. 1980). Recombination between bination.
homologous X boxes, which are 4.2 kb apart, In addition to the common -a chromo-

also gives rise to an a-thalassemia determinant somes, several rare deletions that remove either
(-a4.2, leftward deletion) (see Figs. 1 and 3) the a1 or a2 gene (leaving one gene intact, -a)
(Embury et al. 1980) and an aaaanti4.2 chromo- have been described. In general, these remove

Rightward crossover (Z box) Z



Leftward crossover (X box)




Figure 3. The mechanism by which the common deletions underlying a-thalassemia occur. Crossovers between
misaligned Z boxes give rise to the -a3.7 and aaaanti3.7 chromosomes. Crossovers between misaligned X boxes
give rise to -a4.2 and aaaanti4.2 chromosomes.

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D.R. Higgs

either the a1 or a2 gene by nonhomologous from their a-thalassemia: in some patients, a-

recombination. All of these deletions leave one thalassemia trait (--/aa) and, in others, HbH
a gene intact, and it is therefore possible to as- disease (--/-a). In patients with more extensive
sess the influence of these deletions on expres- deletions, with monosomy for a large segment of
sion of the remaining gene. When all of the data 16p13.3, a-thalassemia is associated with devel-
from these deletions that cause a-thalassemia opmental abnormalities and mental retardation
are considered alongside the observations from (so-called ATR-16 syndrome; see below) (Gib-
nonthalassemic variants (see above), it appears bons 2012).
that large segments of the a-globin cluster are It is interesting to note that all of the a-
not essential for a-globin expression (Rugless thalassemia deletions that occur at polymor-
et al. 2008). Figures showing the full list of cur- phic frequencies in human populations are lim-
rently known deletions removing a single a gene ited to the a cluster and do not extend into the
are presented by Rugless and colleagues (2008). surrounding genes, suggesting that deletion of
It is now known that many human diseases these genes (even in heterozygotes) may result
(referred to as copy number variants) ranging in a selective disadvantage. Detailed analysis of
from color blindness to inherited neuropa- several of these determinants of a-thalassemia
thies (Carvalho et al. 2010) result from unequal indicates that they often result from illegitimate
exchange of low copy number duplicated se- or nonhomologous recombination events (e.g.,
quences in exactly the same way as described Nicholls et al. 1987; Rugless et al. 2008). Such
in the globin clusters. In these diseases, too, events may involve short regions of partial se-
the phenotypes associated with gain or loss of quence homology at the breakpoints of the mol-
gene product may be quite different. ecules that are rejoined, but they do not involve
the extensive sequence matching required for

homologous recombination as described in the

previous section. Sequence analysis has shown
that members of the dispersed family of Alu re-
peats are frequently found at or near the break-
There are currently approximately 50 deletions points of these deletions. Alu-family repeats oc-
from the a-globin cluster that either completely cur frequently in the genome (3  105 copies)
or partially delete both a-globin genes, and con- and seem to be particularly common in and
sequently no a-chain synthesis is directed by around the a-globin cluster, where they make
these chromosomes in vivo. Examples of two up 25% of the entire sequence. These repeats
common deletions --MED and --SEA are shown may simply provide partially homologous se-
in Fig. 1. Homozygotes for such chromosomes quences that promote DNA-strand exchanges
(--/--) have the Hb BHFS. Compound hetero- during replication, or possibly a subset of Alu
zygotes for these deletions and deletions remov- sequences may be more actively involved in the
ing a single a gene (see above) have HbH disease process. Detailed sequence analysis of the junc-
(--/-a). With completion of the DNA sequence tions of the a-globin deletions has revealed sev-
of 16p13.3 and beyond (International Human eral interesting features including palindromes,
Genome Sequencing Consortium 2004), it has direct repeats, and regions of weak homolo-
been possible to define the full extent of many gy. Some deletions involve more complex re-
of the deletions that remove both a genes (--). arrangements that introduce new pieces of
These deletions can be grouped into those (like DNA bridging the two breakpoints of the dele-
--MED and --SEA) (see Fig. 1) that lie entirely tion. In two deletions, this inserted DNA or-
within the a-globin cluster and deletions that iginates from upstream of the a cluster, and
extend up to 800 kb beyond the a cluster appears to have been incorporated into the
to include the flanking genes. Although these junction in a manner suggesting that the up-
deletions remove other genes, affected hetero- stream segment lies close to the breakpoint re-
zygotes appear phenotypically normal apart gions during replication (Nicholls et al. 1987;

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Molecular Basis of a-Thalassemia

Rugless et al. 2008). Orphan sequences from ties). How might monosomy for 16p13.3 cause
unknown regions of the genome are frequently such developmental abnormalities? One possi-
found bridging the sequence breakpoints of bility is that deletion of a large number of genes
other a-thalassemia deletions. Such complex from one copy of chromosome 16 may unmask
deletion events are now being recognized with mutations in its homolog; the more genes that
increasing frequency by new generation se- are deleted the greater the probability of this
quencing (Zhang et al. 2009). At least two of occurring. A further possibility is that some
the deletions result from chromosomal breaks genes in 16p are imprinted (Reik and Walter
in the 16p telomeric region that have been 2001) so that deletions could remove the only
“healed” by the direct addition of telomeric re- active copy of the gene. At present there is no
peats (TTAGGG)n (Flint et al. 1994). This evidence for imprinting of the 16p region (re-
mechanism is described below in further detail. viewed in Schneider et al. 1996), and in the rel-
All currently known deletions that remove both atively few ATR-16 cases analyzed there appear
a genes are summarized in Higgs (2009a). to be no major clinical differences between pa-
tients with deletions of the maternally or pater-
nally derived chromosomes (Gibbons 2012). It
therefore seems more likely that there are some
genes in the 16p region that encode proteins
Nearly all patients with large deletions (up to whose effect is critically determined by the
900 kb) from the end of chromosome 16p (re- amount produced—so-called dosage-sensitive
moving one copy of up to 52 genes) appear phe- genes. Examples of such genes include those en-
notypically normal apart from the presence of coding proteins that form heterodimers, those
a-thalassemia. However, in 40 patients analyzed required at a critical level for a rate-determining

to date, deletions of .900 kb have been associ- step of a regulatory pathway, and tumor sup-
ated with a variety of developmental abnormal- pressor genes (e.g., TSC2). Removal of genes
ities; such patients are said to have the ATR-16 from one copy of 16p13.3 consistently reduces
syndrome (Wilkie et al. 1990; Gibbons 2012). their levels of expression to 50% of normal (V
Relating phenotype to genotype is difficult in Buckle and colleagues, unpubl.). If the deletion
these cases because of the rather heterogeneous includes one or more dosage-sensitive genes,
nature of the underlying abnormalities. Using this could account for the clinical effects seen
a combination of conventional cytogenetics, in ATR-16 patients. The region lying between
fluorescent in situ hybridization, and molecu- 900 and 1700 kb from the 16p telomere, deleted
lar analysis, at least three types of chromosomal in all patients with the characteristic features of
rearrangements (translocation, inversion/dele- ATR-16 syndrome, contains genes and gene
tion, and truncation) have now been found in families of known function that have been im-
ATR-16 patients. To date, few breakpoints have plicated in a wide range of disorders with few or
been fully characterized. However, in some no features in common with ATR-16. One of
cases, telomeric truncations have been docu- these (SOX8) was considered as a strong candi-
mented; in these cases, it appears that the affect- date because it is involved in the regulation of
ed chromosomes have been broken, truncated, embryonic development and is strongly ex-
and “healed” by the direct addition of telomeric pressed in the brain (Pfeifer et al. 2000). How-
repeats (TTAGGG)n, as described above for ever, a recently described Brazilian patient with a
some less extensive 16p deletions in patients deletion that removes both the a-globin locus
with a-thalassemia. and SOX8 was not associated with mental retar-
Altogether, 11 cases of ATR-16 have been dation (MR) or any dysmorphism (Bezerra et al.
shown to have pure monosomy for 16p13.3 2008). It is clear that further examples of ATR-16
and deletions of 900 – 1700 kb with various de- owing to monosomy for 16p13.3 would have
velopmental abnormalities (e.g., facial dysmor- to be characterized to identify the gene(s) re-
phism, speech delay, and skeletal abnormali- sponsible for the MR and other developmental

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abnormalities associated with this condition. by the deletion. Barbour and colleagues (2000)
However, we cannot rule out the fact that similar and Tufarelli and colleagues (2003) further
deletions may cause different phenotypes owing characterized this mutation and showed that
to variations in the genetic background. The the deletion juxtaposes a downstream gene
ATR-16 syndrome has served as an important (Luc7L) next to the structurally normal a2-glo-
model for improving our general understanding bin gene. Although this a2 gene retains all of its
of the molecular basis for mental retardation local (e.g., promoter) and remote (e.g., MCS-
(Gibbons 2012). The ATR-16 syndrome pro- R2/HS-40) cis-acting elements, its expression
vided the first examples of mental retardation is silenced and its associated CpG island (see
caused by a cryptic chromosomal translocation Fig. 4) becomes completely methylated dur-
and truncation. Further work showed that such ing early development, and the chromatin asso-
telomeric rearrangements may underlie a signif- ciated with the promoter remains inactive and
icant proportion of unexplained mental retar- inaccessible, even in erythroid cells. From the
dation (Flint et al. 1995). The current challenge analysis of experimental models recapitulating
is to understand in detail the mechanisms by this deletion and from further characteriza-
which monosomy causes developmental ab- tion of the affected individual (Tufarelli et al.
normalities; the ATR-16 syndrome provides an 2003), it was shown that transcription of anti-
excellent model for addressing this issue. All de- sense mRNA from Luc7L through the a2-globin
letions currently associated with ATR-16 syn- gene was responsible for methylation of the as-
drome are shown in Higgs (2009a). sociated CpG island and silencing of a-globin
expression. Since this original report, the au-
thors have identified two additional individu-
als (also from Poland) with the same mutation.


The mutation is not only important for under-
During a study to identify thalassemia in standing the molecular basis for this rare form
families from the Czech Republic, Indrak and of thalassemia, but also illustrates a new mech-
colleagues (1993) reported a novel deletion anism underlying human genetic disease. Since
(.18 kb) involving the a1 and u gene (denoted this description, it has become increasingly clear
a-ZF) (see Figs. 1 and 4). Heterozygotes for this that antisense RNAs may play important roles
deletion have a mild hypochromic microcytic in regulating mammalian gene expression (Ko-
anemia with a reduced a/b-globin chain bio- walczyk et al. 2012a). In terms of causing hu-
synthesis ratio and Hb H inclusions. These find- man genetic disease, there has been a report of
ings suggested that although the a2 gene ap- a similar mechanism silencing the mismatch re-
peared to be intact, it had been inactivated pair gene MSH2 in patients with susceptibility

90 k 100 k 110 k 120 k 130 k 140 k 150 k 160 k 170 k 180 k 190 k 200 k 210 k 220 k 230 k 240 k

genes C16orf35 ζ ψζ αD ψα1 α2 α1 θ Luc7L +108


C16orf35 ζ ψζ αD ψα1 α2 Luc7L +108

Figure 4. The key features of the a-ZF mutation. In the normal cluster, the promoters of the a-globin genes lie in
unmethylated CpG-rich islands. Partial deletion of Luc7L juxtaposes this truncated gene next to the remaining
a2-globin gene and RNA transcripts from Luc7L extend through the a2-globin gene. This process is thought to
attract de novo DNA methylases early in development, methylating the a2 CpG island and silencing it.

10 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2013;3:a011718

Molecular Basis of a-Thalassemia

to colorectal cancer (Lynch syndrome) (Ligten- -R3, and -R4), which contain similar combina-
berg et al. 2009). tions of binding sites to MCS-R2 but whose
functions are not yet clear. Together with similar
deletions removing the regulatory elements con-
trolling the b-globin cluster (Kioussis et al. 1983;
Grosveld et al. 1987), these observations were
among the first to illustrate in detail how muta-
As discussed earlier, expression of the a genes tion of distal regulatory elements can cause hu-
is critically dependent on a multispecies con- man genetic disease.
served, noncoding regulatory sequence (MCS- The mechanisms by which these natural mu-
R) that lies 40 kb upstream of the z2-globin tations have arisen are quite diverse. In one, the
gene. This region (called MCS-R2) is associated deletion resulted from a recombination event
with an erythroid-specific DNase I hypersensi- between partially homologous Alu repeats that
tive site, referred to as HS-40. Detailed analysis are normally 62 kb apart (Hatton et al. 1990).
of MCS-R2 has shown that it contains multiple In another, the deletion arose via a subtelomeric
binding sites for the erythroid-restricted trans- rearrangement (Flint et al. 1996). The chromo-
acting factors GATA-1 and NF-E2, and binding somal breakpoint was found in an Alu element
sites for the ubiquitously expressed Sp/XKLF located 105 kb from the 16p subtelomeric re-
familyof transcription factors (Higgs et al. 2008). gion. The broken chromosome was stabilized
The first indication that remote regulatory with a new telomere acquired by recombination
sequences controlling a-globin expression might between this Alu element and a subtelomeric
exist came from observations on a patient with Alu repeat associated with the newly acquired
a-thalassemia (Hatton et al. 1990). Analysis of chromosome end. In at least five cases, the chro-

the abnormal chromosome (aa)RA from this mosomes appear to have been broken and then
patient showed a 62-kb deletion from upstream stabilized by the direct addition of telomeric re-
of the a complex that includes HS-40. Although peats to nontelomeric DNA (Flint et al. 1994).
both a genes on this chromosome are intact and Sequence analysis suggests that these chromo-
entirely normal, they appear to be nonfunctional. somes are “healed” via the action of telomerase,
Since this original observation, many more pa- an enzyme that is normally involved in main-
tients with a-thalassemia caused by deletions of taining the integrity of telomeres. In the remain-
HS-40 and a variable amount of the flanking ing cases, the mechanism has not yet been es-
DNA have been described, summarized in Higgs tablished. However, it is interesting that some
and Wood (2008). Until recently, the smallest of (e.g., [aa]IJ, [aa]Sco) (Liebhaber et al. 1990;
these deletions, which completely abolishes a- Viprakasit et al. 2003), but not all, of these mu-
globin expression, removed both MCS-R1 and tations appear to have arisen de novo, because
MCS-R2. Recently, an even smaller deletion, neither parent has the abnormal chromosome.
which removes 3.3 kb of DNA including
MCS-R2 but no other MCS-R element, was de-
scribed (see Fig. 1) (Phylipsen et al. 2010). The
phenotype (HbH disease) of the proband, which
carries the same small deletion on both copies of
chromosome 16, is consistent with expression of a-Thalassemia is common throughout Melane-
both cis-linked a genes being down-regulated sia and is frequently caused by the known -a3.7
but not completely abolished (Coelho et al. and -a4.2 mutations. However, it is also docu-
2010). This suggests that other cis-acting ele- mented that in some Melanesian patients (from
ments on this chromosome ( possibly MCS- Papua New Guinea and Vanuatu) with a-thal-
R1) can activate a-globin expression. Clearly, assemia (a-thalassemia trait and HbH disease),
these new observations demand further analysis the a-globin genes are intact, suggesting a non-
of the other upstream MCS elements (MCS-R1, deletional form of a-thalassemia (aTa/aa or

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Figure 5. The key features of the Melanesian form of a-thalassemia. A regulatory SNP (rSNP) located between
the z- and a2-globin genes creates a new GATA1-binding site, which in turn also creates a new promoter. This
promoter preferentially interacts with the upstream enhancer elements (gray curved arrow) and steals activity
from the a genes (dashed curved arrow). In the hypothetical looping model (below), the upstream element
interacts with the new promoter but not the a genes.

aTa/aTa) (Fig. 5). In these patients, detailed moter competes with the a-globin promoters
mapping and DNA sequence analysis of the a and “steals” the activity of the upstream regula-

genes and all of the upstream MCS elements was tory elements, thus resulting in a-thalassemia.
normal, and yet further studies showed that this Several lines of evidence suggest that the a-glo-
form of a-thalassemia is linked to the a-globin bin promoters may indeed compete for the ac-
cluster at 16p13.3. To identify the mutation re- tivity of the upstream regulatory elements, in
sponsible for this unusual form of a-thalasse- particular, MCS-R2(HS-40). First, it has been
mia, De Gobbi and colleagues (2006) cloned noted that although the sequences of the dupli-
this region from an affected homozygote and cated a genes and their promoters are identical,
resequenced 213 kb of DNA containing and the gene (a2) nearest MCS-R2 is expressed at
flanking the a-globin cluster, identifying 283 a higher level than the more distal gene (a1).
SNPs. The SNP responsible for the mutation Furthermore, additional duplications of the a
was identified when the SNPs were aligned genes (aaa, aaaa, and aaaaa) do not lead to
with a tiled microarray analyzed using labeled a linear increase in a-globin expression1; genes
RNA from the patient’s erythroid cells. This located further from MCS-R2 are expressed at
configuration revealed a new peak of mRNA progressively lower levels. When one a gene is
expression (located between the z and cz deleted from the chromosome (-a), the remain-
genes), which coincides with a SNP that creates ing a gene appears to recruit more PolII and
a GATA-1 binding site. In association studies, is expressed at increased levels (Rugless et al.
this SNP is always linked to the phenotype of 2008). It was recently shown that MCS-R2 also
a-thalassemia. Like the MCS-R elements, this regulates expression of another gene (NME4)
new GATA site binds erythroid transcription located 300 kb away from this element on chro-
factors in vivo and becomes activated in ery- mosome 16 (Lower et al. 2009). The a-globin
throid cells. Why should creating a new promot- genes lie between MCS-R2 and NME4. When
er-like sequence between the a genes and their both a genes are deleted, expression of NME4
regulatory elements cause a-thalassemia? Per- increases by a factor of eightfold. Together these
haps the most likely explanation is that, because findings suggest that promoters may compete
it lies closer to the MCS elements, this new pro- for the activity associated with enhancers, and

12 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2013;3:a011718

Molecular Basis of a-Thalassemia

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