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Topic 2: The effect of eutrophication on marine organisms.

Eutrophication can be defined as the enrichment of nutrients specifically phosphorus and
nitrogen within the water body which allows a massive growth of algae (Algal blooms) which
then consume the dissolved oxygen that the marine organisms used for respiration and
photosynthesis. As a result, the living organisms that live in the aquatic environment die
(Bouteldjaoui, 2020). The increase in population growth every year had a big impact on
marine organisms. Living near coastal areas can be beautiful but destructive at the same time.
It all starts when nutrients get into lakes or oceans. What is seen as waste to humans can be
food to plants and other creatures. The nutrients from these food/wastes feed algae. The more
algae grow, the more it blocks sunlight from entering the waters. Eventually, the algae die too
and bacteria digest dead plants which ultimately uses up the remaining oxygen and gives off
more CO2. If the living marine population cannot swim away from this unhealthy
environment, they too will become unhealthy and slowly die. This project will discuss the
impacts of eutrophication on marine organisms and measures that take to help prevent

Causes of Eutrophication
Eutrophication in marine life is the algal blooms that grow abundantly blocking the sunlight
and depleting the dissolved oxygen which prevents photosynthesis and respiration from
happening as result, the marine species die. Main nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen
are the cause of eutrophication that came from the land into the sea via runoff, streams, rivers
from rainwater, and also from the breaking down of organic material within the marine water.
Wastewater, sewage sludge, and agricultural practices like fertilizers are some of the sources
of eutrophication that are transferred through runoffs and others mentioned above (European
Commission, 2021). Human activities have sped up the extent and rate of Eutrophication
through point source discharges and non-point loadings that limit nutrients like phosphorus
and nitrogen that enter the aquatic ecosystem (Example, Cultural Eutrophication). There is
clear evidence that nutrient loading to lakes, estuaries, and coastal oceans has greatly
increased through human activities over the past few decades and that this has caused or
enhanced many of the symptoms of the aquatic ecosystem transformation known as
eutrophication (Bishop et al., 2006).
The picture below illustrates the Human Phosphorus cycle. Solid lines denote the following
flows: (1) mining of naturally occurring P mineral; (2) use of P for agriculture (e.g., in
fertilizers); (3) P use in food (e.g., as a constituent or preservative); (4) P in human excreta;
(5) P discharged to the environment as a result of inefficient P-removal in wastewater
treatment; (6) P in agricultural run-off resulting in diffuse pollution (6). Dashed lines show
the material flow option that closes the cycle via P recovery from wastewater (7). Losses are
Adapted from Childers et al. (2011).
Impacts of Eutrophication on Marine Environment
The impact of Eutrophication is categorized into 3 categories, primary impacts, secondary
impacts, and socio-economic impacts.

Primary impacts
The primary impact of eutrophication is the growth of algal in the marine environment that is
controlled by the level of the nutrients nitrogen and phosphorus and a fewer extent of the
further inorganic compounds. So, as the level of the algal blooms increases, eutrophication
also increases which therefore results in the marine species’ composition to a quicker
expansion of algal species along with the toxic algal species then shift from lasting
macroalgae to a complicated nuisance species.
Another one was the increase of suspended particles leading to the extent of microbial
blooms, decreased water clarity, and an increasing rate of precipitation resulting in the
destruction of benthic habitat shaded by submerged vegetation (Dorgham,2013). As a result
nutrients from the land being washed down into the ocean cause an increase in the
concentration of nutrients that change the ratio among nutrients causing the appearance of
phytoplankton bloom (Chen, 1999). Chen, further stated that when phytoplankton bloom
mostly occurs, then the energy is in the microbial bloom thus encouraging the bacteria to
reproduce more decomposing organic matter and consume more dissolved oxygen thus
resulting in the toxic environment causing an increased rate of death of fish, selfish and
Furthermore, in the southern Baltic Sea, referred to as the “Bodden”, studies carried out in
this region claim that “Signs of eutrophication of sediments of the Bodden include increases
in inorganic and organic carbon-nitrogen and phosphorus, microbial biomass and enzymatic
decomposition potential of substrates, nitrification, denitrification, and nutrient fluxes from
the sediments, all of which can be measured.” More nitrogen and phosphorus present in the
water means an increasing population of algae and microphytes which leads to the decay of
high plant biomass which causes an increase in oxygen consumption that led to anoxic
conditions in bottom waters and sediments since the biological oxygen consumption exceeds
the supply of oxygen by diffusion by orders of magnitude. With increasing eutrophication,
the structure of the phytoplankton community changes, resulting in an unpredictable number
of fresh algae blooms. Increased turbidity of the water column and oxygen depletion greatly
influence the “bottom water population” communities with changes in their distribution,
abundance, diversity, and physiological state. (Lutz-Arend Meyer-Reil, 2000)

Secondary impacts
The secondary impacts of eutrophication are the large algal blooms that have the following
effects on the marine ecosystem. So, with the increased level of the algae, it blocks the
sunlight from entering the marine ecosystem which reduces the depth distribution of the
seagrasses and large algae. The dead algae which act as the organic material increase in
decomposition also have the effect of oxygen deficiency that is found beneath the marine
bed. Consequently, the well-known range for dissolved oxygen termed to be detrimental
ranges from 0-3 mg/L so, at this point, where there is less/ low oxygen concentration, there is
most likely to find dead marine species or have fled. Overall, it gives rise to a balance of the
ecosystem and a shift in biodiversity.
According to (Gypens, 2010) having done extensive research on eutrophication and ocean
acidification, it was known that because of the washed-out waste of minerals in ocean waters
there is induced acidification. This resulted in high amounts of CO 2 as well as high water
temperatures. Marine life is deeply affected by this.
In addition, algal blooms may cause further impediments in marine ecosystems since the
growth of these water plants will require a high amount of oxygen that may potentially result
in further issues such as; deoxygenation, water toxicity, and disruption to the normal
ecosystem functioning (Mohammad N.S et al. , 2018).

Socio-economic impacts
According to a case study from Abu Dhabi (Rajan, 2020), stated the impacts of
Eutrophication on coastal waters due to an increase in the amount of sewage per day of about
400,000m3 causes continuous algal blooms with a maximum concentration of 18 x 10 cells/L.
This causes harmful impacts on the marine ecosystem, such as the killing of finfish
(Nematalosa nasus) and later loss of benthic organisms.
The fishery industry will be affected due to the reduction of fish and shellfish stock in the
marine ecosystem that is caused by oxygen depletion. The toxins found in algal blooms
influence the humans in shellfish poisoning as well as being very harmful to livestock in the
coastal waters. Dronkers et al (2022) argued that the anthropogenic activities have altered the
two specific nutrients nitrogen and phosphate for quite some time now has the greatest threat
to the marine species, causing the poor health of water, disturbing the ecological balance
within the coastal zones leading to harmful effects upon the recreational activities, ecosystem
resilience, and fisheries.

Actions Done to Reduce Effects of Eutrophication

There are many different management options available that have been tested both in the
scientific community and autonomously by pond and lake managers. These methods can be
broadly grouped into physical, chemical, or biological control techniques. No one method is
ranked highest among the others, as each case of eutrophication has to be managed uniquely
based on the specific circumstances. (S. S. Rathore, 2016)

A technique that acts to increase the oxygen levels of a pond and minimize stratification.
Because there are already high levels of phosphorous and low DO levels due to
eutrophication, to help the water organism and not destroy them in the process, aeration
provides a way to supply enough oxygen into the water by the installation of an ‘aeration
pump’. This pump will supply enough oxygen into the affected water which will lower the
pH and create more tolerable oxygen and temperature conditions at the depths, allowing them
to spread their range. Having a wider range of suitable habitats can reduce predation on
zooplankton so that they might increase their predation on undesirable algae populations.

Chemical treatment: Using Algicide

Just like how herbicides are used to kill unwanted herbs in a vegetation zone, algicides can be
used to kill unwanted algae in a water body (particularly ponds). Copper sulfate is mostly
contained in these algicides and so it interferes with the photosynthetic process in algae and
kills their growth. However, it is recommended for long-term use since copper is toxic to fish
but can be only considered as a last resort is decides to be used.

A Mesocosm experiment was carried out to study how marine organisms respond to
eutrophication (Chen, 1999). Chen argued that the results from the Mesocosm experiment can
be used to develop an ecosystem model and validate.

Algal blooming needs to be monitored frequently to reduce the number of excessive harmful
algae. This could be done with the help of the applications In-Situ (optical remote sensing)
and computer models. Determining the water quality through the DO level to see if the
marine species can survive in it. To reduce the sources of eutrophication, for instance, inputs
of fertilizers, phosphate stripping that is to eliminate phosphorus from domestic wastewater,
and buffer strips (slowing down and reducing the release of phosphorus into the marine
ecosystem by filtering storm runoff). Bunce et al (2018) further discussed the implications of
lessening the nutrient availability in the system which is the removal of enriched sediments,
removal of plant material, and the water treatment chemically.

In summary, eutrophication is the growth of algal blooms that are common in many
countries that have possible negative effects on the marine species (fish-kill) and also have
an impact on the socioeconomic. However, there are a few approaches carried out by some
countries like the UK and Europe to lessen the effects of eutrophication like reducing the
sources of nutrient availability, buffer strips, and reducing fertilizer inputs and phosphorus.
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[2] Beusekom, J. D. (2022, March 30). Eutrophication in coastal environments. From Marine Species
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[3] Bouteldjaoui, F. (2020, July 27). What are the harmful effects of eutrophication on the aquatic
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[11] Lutz-Arend Meyer-Reil, M. K. (2000). Eutrophication of Marine Waters: Effects on Benthic

Microbial Communities. Retrieved from ScienceDirect:

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