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Kj johnson

Mrs farina

Senior Seminar

Feb 28, 2023

My life

When I heard that we were writing a paper about anything I did not know what to write. I'm

deciding if I should write about Michael Jordan, Michael Jackson, or I don't even know I just

couldn't stick to a topic. Then the deadline started to come up faster and faster and I couldn't

think of it. Then something i could have never thought about happened in my life and my whole

life changed. I couldn't think after that, I couldn't focus, I just couldn't do anything in life. So

after everything i had a chance to sit down and think about what to write about and i'm gone

write about my life and the life i had with my little cousin. It's the only thing right now I can

really write about without thinking too much about it. My whole life me and my family have

been close to each other. We would always be with each other. It would be me, my little cousin

dj and my other cousin chico. We were the first boys after years of having girls in the family. So

we have been close since birth. We would always be with each other and not hang out with our

girl cousins. It was just us three. So growing up I always lived in Toledo but they moved to

Atlanta so they grew up there. So we never really saw each other when they moved and I used to

be devastated because they were my brothers. During the school year I would be in Toledo and

they would be in Atlanta but when it was the summer either they would come down here or we

would go down there. Either way we were together in the summer. These summers used to be the

best summers I ever had because we would all be with each other and just have fun. We would

go everywhere and do everything. The thing we did the most was play basketball and me and

chico were the reason. So when we got older we still were hanging out but us and the DJ went

into different paths. The stuff he was doing me and chico weren't doing but we still supported

him after everything. So Sophomore he moved down to Toledo with me and my family so he can

get out the lifestyle he was living in atlanta. When he was here with us he was still doing the

same thing but he was getting better because we were all together. We were with each other

everyday and having fun, but he did something that the family didn't like so we decided to move

him to Arizona with his dad. It got worse there than it ever did and I didn't see him for two years.

We would talk every once and a while but we was both living two different lifestyle i didn wanna

be around it but some of the stuff he was doing i was proud of and i would tell him that

everytime i would talk to him but it wasn't enough for him to stop doing what he was doing. I

found out at the beginning of february that he was shot in killed in arizona. My whole life went

downhill after i heard the news. I just started to remember all the things me and him did and i

just started remembering one thing i told him. I told him”dj you either gonna be dead or in jail”.

Until right now writing this its been the only on my mind i will always miss him and love him in

my heart.

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