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DEPARTMENT OF KAUMARBHRITYA KAUMARBHRITYA CASE SHEET JAME OF THE PATIENT: Rohit Bust SL.NO: OF AGE/SEN: Ny |m . OPD.NO: §~ FATHER'S NAME: Pauniind Busht IPD NO: €-j06 MOTHER'S NAME — Poo} 0 Bisht D.O.A: 1-03-2021 OCCUPATION: te tae D.O.D: 26-03-2024 RELIGION: Hinde WEIGHT: 25> SOCIAL ECONOMIC STATUS: p.0.B: 04/03) 2010 ADDRESS: Wheamagax Detdacun INFORMANT: 121. Pradhana Vedana (Chief Complaints):- * difficulty im wadding * Unaled woe Y Replat hand 322. Anubandh Vedana (Associated Complaints):- 125, Kula Vrittanta (Family History): 126. Vaiyaktika Vrittanta (Personal History):= a) Appetite- (ood b) Sleep- “Sound ©) Bowel habit- Qi.e. €) Mictarition ¢-¢ sH¥,| dy 127. Prenatal History: M.Maternal History GAPL- 43 4)Py Ly Medications During Pregnancy-__ Maternal Disease (if any)- N. Birth history: Gestational Age- full tou Mode of Delivery- NVD/LSCS/Vacuum/Assisted- Presentation- Vitex Place- {ioypital Complications During Delivery- low feo drat Role | Cry aller birth Oeiyad ty Feeding- Guat fed Upto 240% None - Neonatal Jaundice: fo Birth Weight U8 128, Developmental History:- : Delayed vont 131. Examination Y. General Physical Examination:- © Pallor- P° © Icterus- T « Edema- No eduma « Nail- Norval © Cyanosis- © ¢ Lymph nodes- Not Palpousle 7. Samsthanika Parkisha (Systemic Examination):- 43.Respiratory S © Inspection- Wilateed symmcbical nonal cheat : ath e Palpation- Tactile vecat Yosonree, Wntiin ne © Percussion-Voeat susonanee wituin nomat Units on Goth 2 Auscultation- Kerra ai tab And Butte ‘0 ies banuls normal. 44.GIT: e Inspection- ce vitnatedl umbilicus, re Prominidt veins! abdomen + Palpation- No kndunss, soft & mo Or Le! © Percussion- pultnis Abst q wa © Auscultation- plo Bubble sount « Inspection- Ne dilated vena «0 abnerwal palp alation, « Palpation- Apes beats tn the lr SH TL smch rmediol to Mie chviulir ° Perenssion- No Sigal Heal finding momal Cardin, dullnw- e Auscultation- ¢,¢, batinclle eacd « ho added found 46,CNS:- e Higher Mental Functions- (ittum ermal Lonnals © Motor Nervous System- ee) Nutrition- ff) Power- 5 nral ait gg) Tome hh) Clonus- ii) Jerks- © Sensory Nervous System WNL ; 47.Locomotory System:- Mab step qa | | 48.Excretory System:- 3 WAL 49.others:- 4 f AA. Dashavidha Pariksha:- 1. Prakriti- oi 9qq" 2. Vikriti- Og T, Dat 3.Saara- Aagthit 4, Samhanana- 777 5. Pramana- Height q chitel~2oem 6. Satmya- 5 Yor 7. Satva- "70T wea 8. Ahara Shakti- zr] 9. Vyayamashakti- 255, 10. Vaya- eytaeay BB. Ashtavidha Pariksha:- Nadi:- 90| mun Shabda: Haz Mutra:- 5-6 Hnwal, Mala: 9:4 tHme/ ea Jihwa: omic 137. 138. 139. Vyavachedaka Nidana (Differential Diagnosis): Uae Vyadhi Vinischaya (Final Diagnosis) Yury ¢. Menaplayea'] Chiktsa Sutra (Treatment):- p36] Parca a Bhar 2 eee ce Reel eg emer a- Treatment Given/Planned:- Ash chun 100 9) Sate Wale a EC Make & ve oa oe Te bo pach Take J paul ee hos : sing 6 to tte Ne Uca fea ee ( vernenl bona Parinama:- , . water pr 30 ane —-HSurerdwo; payeisossy) euepaa ypurqnuy — “zp rypione sie Hs my myrepery mora ~(sjureydiwo jory>) vuepog eueypesg —“Ipt PAY, npreauupey sssaday SSILV8 DINONODI TV1D0s “Py -xororen ani" ‘NouLvd990 UC Wy AWN saiaHLoW hec}a/ee «won etl hlhywoa ot ‘ONdat @ AWWW savamiiys -$ ‘oxo ww | re -xasaoy 80 01s MUL Tm prrys «ANALY BML AO AWN ‘AHS aSV9 VALRINARIVIAVY VALI WAVY, 40 INAALUVda @N -Sr9ayoq duping suoneaydiuo-> paidco 22m pn, -wonmuEssig “patsissy/tannse, SOS YAN ~u0K19C J0 apo, Py 9c ay jeuoHEsas) Trey -(kue y) ON -AouwuBaag fun (ONEDIPOIN, “Ty9%> “Tavs Kosi pousorey “oO Sp = KaoNstH ered vhea/s-h -wonmary (P bmep| 7 -naey pao (2 promos lois (4 om) -anaddy (© “Gos peuosieg) enuenuia eMDTEA A, pretribs so =2(G0rsH suey) eyuENELA HAY, ut “ort “shi 54.Locomotory System:- Henigys sige O47 ly lg Cetera Gruct gins Sign ae) 55.Exeretory System: 1. Prakriti- 44 3.Saara- ¢qH Hil a 5. Pramana- W&1) 7. Satva- “OU 9. Vyayamashakti- 5717, FF. Ashtavidha Pariksha:- Nadi:- $5] mun Mutra:- U-5 tives ‘oo Mala: 4 | doug. Fihwa: eq 2. Vikriti. Titre 4. Samhanana-%gT- 6. Satmya- 8. Ahara Shakti- ipy7a7) 10.Vaya giearaeay Shabda: qe Sparasha: p.afate Drik: GAT « Miplapia + Akriti: epg” Lait infey = Mn — p00 « Rectory = 1pauue] g/Uaat suaunyeas L, wubos - ou rome nth ooh Jat [ uh 092 = hens © ape ape qe vate mt + pe Geta (quoune: 241) ELMS ESM caper [bs srvate (ssouterq pouty) wAmyIsIUTA TYPES ~Gsisouduid jeuas9 ECD) MUEPIN EXEPSHOMAEKA Ss “9st DEPARTMENT OF KAUMARBHRITYA KAUMARBHRITYA CASE SHEET NAME OF THE PATIENT: Va Kanw at SL.NO: 24 Aci 9 yf |Femabe- OPD.No: 5 FATHER'S NAME: Sukh Singh Kam way IPDNO: 29 2_ MOTHER’S NAME Rung Kanwar D.O.A: 23/04] 202) DOD: Z/lor/20%] WEIGHT: 15° key D.O.B: 24/02/20) OCCUPATION: (Bustnesy RELIGION: Hinde SOCIAL ECONOMIC STATUS: ADDRESS: Shimla tnudal Pradinr INFORMANT: (ott 161. Pradhana Vedana (Chief Complaints):~ Patiy stiffness and sinttig ty Knee joint & elbow jount Unable fo clad sree Syss 162. Anubandh Vedana (Associated Complaints):- No Asso cated Complannts 163. Adhyatana Vedana Vrittanta (History of Present illness):- is j Paliont ty suffering frome pain, tfnus 6 Ue atl ee elbow Tome & Unable tr walk € Send om dy Old fabio! har gone Haan allapetiue Ht but ro mbig ‘now Yuk hae Come br falainjadls Ayruaseln. Hospital pr isd. Voorva Vyadhi Vrittanta (Past History):- No- past ee wat woticedl etter tuabmenct 165. Kula Vrittanta (Family History):- No family dastorg 166. Vaiyaktika Vrittanta (Personal History):- a) Appetite- Nomal - 1~ b) Sleep- Normal ©) Bowel habit- dre aday 4) Micturition- 23 ime day 167. Prenatal History:- Q Maternal History GAPL- $y A.? Lo. Medications During Pregnancy- fotjx Acid €\ Iron $ pplements Maternal Disease (if any)- yyy i R. Birth history:- Gestational Age- RALLE feum Mode of Delivery- NYD/LSCS/ Vacuum/Assisted- Presentation-Vertox Place- Govt hospital Complications During Detivery- None Cry after birth- Spenlansous ty Feeding- Ajfec 2-4 houw ce ih Neonatal Jaundice- No Birth Weight- 2° laa 168. Developmental History:~ Normal mlsstones 171. Examination GG. General Physical Examination:~ © Pallor- Risent (+) «© Ieterus- 2° © Edema- “sto + Toil © Nail Yellowish * Cyanosis- No Lymph nodes- Swell HH. Samsthanika Parkisha (Systemic Examination):~ 57.Respiratory Syste ¢ Inspection- Bilatuial $ ymmsbital, normal. dha” eypuraon © Palpation- Tact vost Lsonaner wen vormal Limits othr des © Percussion- local ssonawe © nornods Luts © Auscultation- Nemal & 58.GIT: sins © Inspection- Gntratly situated uubilicus , fot abdomen © Palpation- "0 tendancy, t& wo Orgauomntgaly © Percussion- Dut wel mormal Jusonance © Auscultation- Supple sound pwaent © Inspection- fab moseau, ‘no N= Apek beat normal sion- Normal Cacdine dullness Auscultation- ¢,, iabnetl head, Wo added. wounds. ¢ Higher Mental Functions- © Motor Nervous System- 00) Nutrition- pp) Power~ ep aa at oy Wutin Normal Urns rr) Clonus- sa} derks- © Sensory Nervous System Witten Movweal Leanite (nabinai -e6eQ 01 roy mp Prempro, qual yrs 3 treme TD “emk 7K oy 9 omd'p comps og emp papunnn mM wayomerr, -aység S109001090-19 175. 176. 177, 178. a, Vyavachedaka Nidana (Differential Di ones + fxbe cctiewlan olisease eo Suits ° Rites ducase iagnosis):. e Psoriasis Vyadhi Vinischaya (Final Diagnosis) shear ara J Twouile mttaitis Chiktsa Sutra (Treatment):- cua Bea Machtaay ze =, Der emg = TePtamaray p Ccadaraarey seit: Treatment Given/Planned:- . Omesh fr days pris, Wage = 60 am Parinama:- ~ Rébrgs with treatment Discharge advice: Rau DEPARTMENT OF KAUMARBH RITYA KAUMARBHRITYA CASE SHEET NAME OF THE PATIENT: KRISHNA PATEL- SL.NO: 0 AGEISEX: | 64) OPD.NO: OS~ FATHER’S NAME: Mr: Remwilas IPD No: MOTHER'SNAME UG Sytbac DOA: 4£)s] 202) OCCUPATION: Pesinery DOD: 22) osf2o0r) RELIGION: = Winds, WEIGHT: 49 SOCIAL ECONOMIC STATUS: eee tm.a) DOB: 4] 40) 2014 ADDRESS: INFORMANT: augHyr 181. Pradhana Vedana (Chief Complaints):- Pipi euthy im stling clown €; dinding Up Binee, Umoutts, 182, Anubandh Vedana (Associated Complaints):- Pass 6) Wnts in Upp Ue 185. 186. 187. 188. — Developmental History:- Kula Vrittanta (Family History):- No huvtory Vaiyaktika Vrittanta (Personal History):- a) Appetite. Good b) Sleep- Sound ©) Bowel habit- once a dew d) Micturition- 3-07 4 yee aday- Prenatal History:- S. Maternal History GAPL- 4¢- to Pe Le Medications During Pregnancy- *— Maternal Disease (if any)- — T. Birth history:- Gestational Age- Full fem Mode of Delivery- NYB/LSCS/ Vacuum/Assisted- Presentation- yutex Place- Hospalal Complications During Delivery- — Cry after birth- Spontemeous Feeding- Neonatal Jaundice- 745 Birth Weight- - 3 keg Norwmat 191. Examination KK. General Physical Evamination:~ © Pallor- f° © Teterus- 2° © Edema- No edema © Nail Normal © Cyanosis- 48 ~ © Lymph nodes- 48 LL. Samsthanika Parkisha (Systemic Examination):~ 64. Respiratory System- © Inspection- fhilalial symmubital , Morrat thet expanrton © Palpation- Tatilr vocal susonaee willun hovmnal Unt On both aids © Percussion- Veal suonance witlin wormal Umit on bet lang folds « © Auscultation- ermal act eb, “6 Bustle rourds - 65.GIT: e Inspection- Gna heated umbilicus , Ho prominunt veins To Pesanedts © Palpation- We fenduwin, syt & no oaganomgals , © Percussion- Qullnia cbsent © Auscultation- No added sound » 66.CVS:- © Inspection- Nonnal thot 10m, * Palpation- Apey beats tm Uft St Te space Sine. medial te trad ea + Percussion- ye Fiyipeant finding. © Auscultation- ¢, y, distinc iia aie, ated 67.CNS:- © Higher Mental Functions- Wun ‘normal © Motor Nervous System- ee it) Nutrition- uu) Power- vy) Tone- 68.Locomotory System:- Gowerls am ayn C t) WoddLing. got tH) 69.Exeretory System:- NAL 70.0thers:- N/A MM. Dashavidha Pariksha:- ‘ 1, Prakriti- fi% O03 2. Vikriti- ATED . 08a 4, Samhanana- "qc 5. Pramana- Jey 6. Satmya- FEY VT 7.Satva- HAUT 8. Ahara Shakti- Tiara 9, Vyayamashakti- Fey 10. Vaya- dieljaeay NN. Ashtavidha Pariksha:- Nadis= 90 J min Shabda: Zqaz Mutra:- 2-4 Himes] day Sparasha: eyelahaoy” Mala: times | olay Jibwa: HR 192. Investigations: fevesd sir. wa oo Inge un unit }L -mununed “661 . + (ub 5) br faihrorie’ yen aeahey copy Pk Step ab vem TIMI INL O : “(Gs Yn ap gee «Panay we BN te Pe yy sat, Chor aby seteles bin Geta B?i-n iokjen neviol alas tants MBeypjno ‘inte, Due uber sQquaunes4]) eS EPID — “LOL -x(asoutieig penuasaypi) HUEPIN EYEPIDEALSA — “SOE

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