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Weather Tools: Rain Gauge Experiment

Standards: K-ESS2-1, K-ESS3-2, K-2-ETS1-1

-describe how scientists measure weather

Hook: Before break, we learned about the rain gauge. Who can remind us why we might want
to make our very own rain gauge?

Teaching Method:
The teacher will guide students as they make their very own rain gauge, asking students high
cognitive questions to deepen learning: why is the top left open? Why do you think we are
putting pebbles in the water bottle? What might happen if we did not put pebbles in the bottle?

-14 plastic water bottles
-brown bags to take it home

Student Activity:
Students will participate by making a rain gauge. Students will collaborate with their peers to
make their own rain gauge. Students will take their rain gauge home, so they can measure the
rainfall with their families.

-Teacher observation
-completion of activity
-anecdotal notes

-Implement IEP supports
-repeat/reword instructions

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