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"Water is the most critical resource issue of our lifetime

and our children's lifetime. The health of our waters is the
principal measure of how we live on the land"
- Luna Leopold

Restoration practitioners share simultaneously in the good

fortune and responsibility of participating in a new endeavor -
stepping beyond the current concept of natural resources
conservation to a newer concept of restoring the living
environment to an ecologically viable condition - to create
places that improve rather than degrade over time. Oliver
Wendell Holmes once said, "A mind stretched by a new idea
can never go back to its original dimension."
This document is a result of an unprecedented cooperative
effort among fifteen Federal agencies and partners to produce
a common reference on stream corridor restoration. It responds
to a growing national and international public interest in
restoring stream corridors. Increasingly, feature articles, case
studies, and published papers focus on stream corridors as
critical ecosystems in our living environment. The recent
25th anniversary of the Clean Water Act also has helped focus
attention on stream corridor restoration.
This document encapsulates the rapidly expanding body of
knowledge related to stream corridors and their restoration.
It makes no endorsement of one particular approach to
restoration over another; nor is it intended as a policy document
of any participating Federal agency. It includes the full range of
possibilities facing restoration practitioners, including no action
or passive approaches, partial intervention for assisted recovery,
and substantial intervention for managed recovery.
The document encourages locally led, public involvement in
restoration planning and implementation. The challenges in
restoring thousands of miles of degraded stream corridors must
involve government agencies, public and private landowners,
permit holders, and local volunteer, civic, and conservation
groups and individuals.
We encourage users of this document to supplement it with new
literature, and regionally or locally specific information. You
will find this document on the Internet at
stream_restoration. We encourage restoration practitioners to
share new information and case studies with others to advance
the art and science of stream corridor restoration.

We intend for the contents of this document to both entice
and challenge the reader by what they suggest - not only work
to be studied and expanded, but work to be initiated.
The dedication of those who contributed to its production
will emerge on the landscape as restored, productive stream cor-
ridors, if the document provokes further interest, thought, and
continued cooperative action.

The Federal lnteragency Stream

Restoration Working Group

ii Stream Corridor

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ................................................................................................ xix

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ I - 1


Chapter 1 Overview of Stream Corridors .............................................. ............ 1- 1

1.A Physical Structure and Time at Multiple Scales .................................... 1- 3
Physical Structure. .. ....... ...... ... .. ... ....... ...... ..... ..... ... ... ........ .. ..... .......... ..... ... .. 1- 3
Structure at Scales Broader Than the Stream Corridor Scale .. .. ... .. .. .. .. . 1- 5
Regional Scale.............................................. .................. .. ........... ... 1- 6
Landscape Scale ........ ............. ....... .. ....... ... ................. ....... .. ... .. .. ... 1- 7
"Watershed Scale" ...... ........ .. ...... .. ... ... ...... ........ ......... .... .. .......... .. . 1- 8
Structure At the Stream Corridor Scale .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. ..... .. ... . .. . .. .. ... .. . .. .. . .. 1- 10
Structure Within the Stream Corridor Scale .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. .. 1- 10
Temporal Scale ...................... ....... .................... .... .. .. ...................... ........... .. 1- 11

1.B A Lateral View Across the Stream Corridor .......................................... 1- 12

Stream Channel .. ................... ............ .................. .... ... ........ .... ....... ............. 1- 12
Channel Size ................ .. ... ..... ................. .. ....... ... ... ...... ......... .. ...... .. ..... 1- 13
Streamflow . .. .. .. ..... .. .. .. . ... .. ... . .. .. .. ... .. . .. . .. . . .. . . . .. . .. .. .. . .. . . . . . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . 1- 14
Channel and Ground Water Relationships .... .................. .. .... .. .. ...... 1- 15
Discharge Regime ................... .. .................................................... 1- 16
Floodplain ... ..... ........ ..... .. .................... ........ ............................ ..... .... .. ........ 1- 18
Flood Storage ......... .. .......... .. ...... ... ... ........... ........... ........ ... ........... .... ... 1- 18
Landforms and Deposits .. .. ... .. . .. .. ... . .. . .. .. .. .. . . .. . . . .. .. .. . . . . . .. . . . .. .. . .. . .. . . . .... . 1- 19
Transitional Upland Fringe ...................................... .. .. .. .. ..... .. .. .. ................. 1- 20
Vegetation Across t he Stream Corridor.............. ................ ..... ....... .. .. .. ...... .. 1- 21
Flood-Pulse Concept........................... .............................. ...... ......... ...... ... ... 1- 21

1.C A Longitudinal View Along the Stream Corridor ................................ .. 1- 24

Longitudinal Zones .... .................... ........... .. .... .... ............. ........... .... .. ........ ... 1- 24
Watershed Forms ...... .... ....... ........................ .... .. ......... .. .... ................... ....... 1- 24
Drainage Patterns ... ........ ........... ..... ..... ............ ............ ............ ........ .. .. 1- 25
Stream Ordering ............. .. ............ .... .. ...... ........ ......... .............. .......... .. 1- 25
Channel Form ................................................... ............ ......... ................ .... 1- 26
Single- and Multiple-Thread Streams ... .... ..... .... ... .......... ............ ... ...... 1- 26
Sinuosity .......................... ........... ....... ........ .. ..... ................. ..... ............. 1 - 27
Pools and Riffles ..................................................... ......... .. .... .... ..... ......... .. .. 1 - 28
Vegetation Along the Stream Corridor ....................................... ................ . 1 - 29
The River Continuum Concept ....... .............. ....... .. ...... ... .... ... ...... ............. ... 1 - 30

Contents iii
Chapter 2: Stream Corridor Processes, Characteristics, and Functions............ 2 - 1

2.A Hydrologic and Hydraulic Processes ...................................................... 2 - 3

Hydrologic and Hydraulic Processes Across t he Stream Corridor ...... ........... . 2 - 4
Interception, Transpiration, and Evapotranspiration .............................. 2 - 4
Interception ... ........ ........ ... ......... .................. .. . .. .. .. . .. . . .. . ... . . .. .. . . .. . .. . 2 - 4
Transpiration and Evapotranspiration ... ... ............... .............. .. .... .. . 2 - 5
Infiltration, Soil Moisture, and Ground Water ......... ............... .............. 2 - 7
Infiltration ... .... ............ .. ... ............. ...................... ... .... ... ....... .... ...... 2 - 7
Soil Moisture ....... ............ .. .................... ... .. .. ..... .. .......... ... ... ....... .... 2 - 9
Ground Water ..... ... .. .............. ..... .... ......... .. ..... .. ...... ......... .. ... ........ . 2 - 10
Runoff ............................. ................. .................................... .. ............ 2 - 11
Overland Flow..... . .. .... .. .. . .. .. .. .. .... ... . .. ... .. .. . . . . ... .. .. . .. . . .. . .... . .. .. . . .. . .. . 2 - 11
Subsurface Flow . .. .. .. . . . ... . .. .. .. .. .... ... . .. ... .. .. . .. . ... ...... .. .... .... .. .. .. . ... . .. . 2 - 12
Saturated Overland Flow ............ ... .............. ... ... .. ..... .. ... .......... ... ... . 2 - 13
Hydrologic and Hydraul ic Processes Along the Stream Corridor ... ..... ..... .. ... 2 - 14
Flow Analysis ...... .. ................. ...................... .... ................ .............. 2 - 14
Ecological Impacts of Flow ...................... ............ ............. .. ............ .. .. 2 - 15

2.B Geomorphic Processes .................................................... ........................ 2 - 15

Geomorphic Processes Across the Stream Corridor..... ........ .. .. ... .. ..... ........... 2 - 16
Geomorphic Processes Along the Stream Corridor .. .... ....... .... ..... .. ... ........ .. . 2 - 16
Sediment Transport ........................................................... ...... ........ ..... 2 - 16
Sediment Transport Terminology .... ... .. . .. .. . ... . .. . .. . .. . . ... . . .. . .. .. .. . ... .. . .. 2 - 18
Stream Power .......... ...... .... .. .................... ................. ................... 2 - 19
Stream and Floodplain Stability ........ ....... ............ .............. ...... ........ ..... 2 - 20
Corridor Adjustments ........ .......... ....... . ........... . ............ .. ...... ....... .. .... 2 - 21
Channel Slope ...... .. ... .... ....... .. ...... .... .... ..... ..................................... 2 - 22
Pools and Riffles . .. .. .. . .. ... . .. . .. .. ... .... ... .. .. . .. . .... .. . .. . .. . .... . . .. . .. .. .. . ... . .. .. 2 - 22
Long itudinal Profile Adjustments ..................... .... ............... ............ 2 - 23
Chan nel Cross Sections .............................................. ...... .. .. .. ....... . 2 - 23
Resistance to Flow and Velocity ........... .... ... ....................... .... .... ..... 2 - 23
Active Chan nels and Floodplains .. ....... ..... .......... ...... .... ... ..... .. ... ....... .. .. ...... 2 - 26

2.C Physical and Chemical Characteristics .................................................... 2 - 26

Physica l Characterist ics ..... .. ... ...... ......... ..................................... .......... ..... ... 2 - 26
Sediment ....................... ................................. .... ....... .. .......... ............. 2 - 26
Sediment Across the Stream Corridor . .. ... . .. . . . .. . .... . . .. . . .. . .. .. ... . .. . .. .. 2 - 27
Sediment A long the Stream Corridor ........ .. .. .... ... ... .... .. .. .. ......... ..... 2 - 28
Water Temperature ....... ................... ..................................... ............. 2 - 28
Wat er Temperature Across the Stream Corridor ... .... ... .......... .. ........ 2 - 28
Water Temperature Along the Stream Corridor . . . ... . . .. . . .. . .. . ... .. . . .. . .. 2 - 28

iv Stream Corridor
Chemica l Constituents .. .................. ..... ... ... .. ..... ..... ... ... .................. .... ......... 2 - 28
ph, Alkalinity, and Acidity ... ... . .. . .. . .. .. . . .. . .. .. . .. .. . . .. .. . ... . .. . . . .. . . .. ... . .. . .. . . .. .. 2 - 30
ph, Alkalinity, and Acidity Across the Stream Corridor ... .... .. ....... .... 2 - 30
ph, Alkalinity, and Acidity Along the Stream Corridor .... ........ .. ... .. . 2 - 31
Dissolved Oxygen . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. ... . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . .. ... . . .. . . . .. .. .. . . . .. . . . ... . . 2 - 31
Dissolved Oxygen Across the Stream Corridor .. .... ....... ......... ...... ... . 2 - 32
Dissolved Oxygen Along the Stream Corridor ....... ......... ........ .. ...... 2 - 32
Nutrients .. . .. .. .. ..... .. .. . .. .. .. .. .... . . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. ... .. . . . . .. . ... . .. . .. . .. . . ... . . 2 - 34
Nutrients Across the Stream Corridor .... .. ..... .. ..... .... .. ............... .... . 2 - 36
Nutrients Along the Stream Corridor ...... ........ .. ...... .... .. .. .... .. .. ..... ... 2 - 37
Toxic Organic Chemicals .. .. . ... . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . .. . .. . ... . .. . . .. . .. . . .. ... . .. . . . ... . . 2 - 38
Toxic Organic Chemicals Across the Stream Corridor ........... ..... ...... 2 - 38
Toxic Organic Chemicals Along the Stream Corridor . . .. . .. . .. ..... .. .. ... 2 - 38
Solubility ............ ...... ........... ... .. ..... ... .... ...... .... ..... .. .... ...... ... ..... ....... 2 - 38
Sorption . ... .. ...... .. .. .. ... .. .... . .. .. . ... . ... . .. .. . .. . ... .. . .. . .. . ... . . . .. . .. . .. . ... . .. . . ... . 2 - 40
Volatilization .. ...... .... .... .. .... .... ... .... ..... .......... .... .... ... ... ... .... .... .. .... ... 2 - 42
Degradation . .. . .. . ... . .. . .. ... . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . ... .. . ... . .. . ..... . .. .. . .. .... . ... . . 2 - 43
Toxic Concentrations of Bioavailable Metals . . . . . .. . ... .. . . .. . . . .. . .. . .... . . .. . .. . . 2 - 44
Toxic Concentrations of Bioavailable Metals Across
the Stream Corridor . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . ... . . . . . . .. . .. .. . ... ... . . .. .. 2 - 44
Toxic Concentrations of Bioava ilable Metals Along
the Stream Corridor .. . .. ... . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . ... . .. . .. . .. . .... . .. . . 2 - 45
Ecologica l Functions of Soi ls ....... ...... ............. ... .. ... .... ...... ..... ... .. ...... ... .. ... .... 2 - 45
Soil Microbiology .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .... . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . .. . .. .... . .. .. ... . ..... . .. . .. . .. . . ... . .. .. . . 2 - 46
Landscape and Topographic Position .. ........ ......... ........... .... .... ......... ... 2 - 47
Soil Temperature and Moisture Relationships . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. .. . . .. . ... . .. . . 2 - 47
Wetland Soils . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. ... . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . . . .. . .. . .. .. . . . . .. . . 2 - 48

2.D Biological Community Characteristics ........ .... ............. ....... .. ....... ........... 2 - 51
Terrestrial Ecosystems.............. .................. ... ....... ......... ....... ........................ 2 - 51
Ecological Role of Soil . . .. .. .. . ... ... . .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . .. . . ... . .. . .. . . . ... .. . .. 2 - 51
Terrestrial Vegetation . .. . .. ... . .. . .. ... . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. ... . .. . .. . . . . .. . ... .. . . .. . .. . . .. .. 2 - 51
Landscape Scale . ... . .. .. .. . .. . ..... .... .... ... .... .. .. . ... .... ...... ... .. ........... ... .. . . 2 - 53
Stream Corridor Scale ............ ... ... . ........ ... .... ... ... . ... . . ... .. ..... ... .. . ... ... 2 - 53
Plant Commu nities ..... ..... .. ... ........ ..... .. ....... ..... .... ... .............. .. .. .. .. . 2 - 54
Terrestrial Fauna . .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. ... . .. ... . .. . .. ... . ... . . .. .. . .. . ... .. . . . .. . . . .. ... . .. . . .. . . .. .. . . 2 - 56
Reptiles and Amphibians .... ........... ........ ... .... ........ .... .. ........... ... ...... 2 - 57
Birds ..... .......... ... ................. ...... ..... .... .. ....... .... .... ......... .... ... .... .. ..... 2 - 57
Mammals .. .. .. . ... ... .. . .. .. ... . . .. .... . .. . . .. .. . ... . .. .. . . .. .... .. . . . . . .. . .. ... . . .. .. . . . . . 2 - 58
Aquatic Ecosyst ems . .. .. ..... ... ...... ... . . ... . . .. ... .. . ..... .. . . .. . . .. ... . .. . . .. .. . .. ... . . .. . .. . . ... . . 2 - 59
Aquatic Habitat . .. ... . .. .. . .. . .. ... . .. .... .. . . . .. .. . .... .. .. . . . ..... .. . . .. . . . .. . ... . .. . .. . . .. .. . . 2 - 59
Wetlands . . .. .. .. . ..... .. .. .. . .. .. . .. ... .. .. . . .. . .. . .. . ... . .. . .. . .. . ... .. . . . .. . . . .. ... . .. . . .. . . .. .. . . 2 - 60
Aquatic Vegetation and Fauna . .. .... . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . . . .. . .... . . .. . . . .. . .. . . 2 - 63

Contents v
Abiotic and Biotic Interrelations in the Aquatic System .... .. ........ .......... 2 - 67
Flow Condition ... .... .. ... ....... ...... ..... .............. .......... .... .... ............... 2 - 68
Water Temperature .. ..... .... .............. ....... ..... ............. ..... .. ....... .. ...... 2 - 68
Effects of Cover .... .... .... .. ... .......... ...... ... ......... ......... .............. .... .. .... 2 - 68
Dissolved Oxygen . . .... .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. ..... .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . ... .... .. .. . . . .. .. . .. ... .. .. . 2 - 70
pH ...... ... .... ... ...... ...... .... ..... ... ... .............. .... ..... ... .. .... .. ......... .... ..... ... 2 - 71
Substrate.. .......... ... .... ..... .. ....... ... ...... ....... ......... ........ .. ... .. ...... ......... 2 - 71
Organic Material .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. ... .. . .. .. .. .. . . .. . . .. ......... .. . . . .. . . .. . ... . .. . 2 - 73
Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystem Components for
Stream Corridor Restoration . . .. . .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . . .. . .. ... . . . . ... . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . 2 - 75

2.E Functions and Dynamic Equilibrium ............................... ......................... 2 - 78

Habitat Functions .... .. .. .......... ..... ... ..... .... ... ...... .... ... ...... .... .. .. .... .. ....... ........ .. 2 - 80
Conduit Function ..... .... .. ... ... .. ... .... ...... .. ... ........... ..... ..... .. ........ ...... ... ...... ... .. 2 - 82
Fi lter and Barrier Fun ct ions ...... .... ...... .... .... ... ....... .... .. ................ .... .... .... ...... 2 - 84
Source and Sink Functions ... ... ... ... ...... ........ ... ."... ... .. ..... .... ... .. .. ....... ....... ...... 2 - 86
Dynamic Equilibrium ..... ...... .... ............... .. .. ........ ... ... .. .... ... ... .... ..... .... ... ...... .. 2 - 86

Chapter 3: Disturbance Affecting Stream Corridors.......................................... 3 - 1

3.A. Natural Disturbances .............................................................................. 3 - 3

3.B. Human-Induced Disturbances ...... .. .... ............... .......... .. ......................... 3- 6

Common Disturbances ......... ... .... ... ..... ...... ... .. ..... .... ... ... ... ... .... ... .. .......... .... . 3- 7
Dams ............. ... .. .. .......... ...... ............ .. .. ..... ..... ... ............. ..... .... ........ ... 3- 7
Channelization and Diversions 3- 8
Introduction of Exotic Species .. ......... ....... ...... .. .. .............. ... ..... ... ... ... . 3 - 10
Land Use Activities ..... .... ... ....... .. ...... ............. ...... ....... ... .. ..... ........ ... .... ........ 3 - 14
Agriculture .. . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . ..... . .. .. . .. .. . ..... .. ... . .. . .. .. .. . .. . . .. . ... .. . . .. .. . . . .. . . .. . .. . .. .. . 3 - 14
Veget ative Clearing ...... ............... ... ....... ..... .... ... .. ....... .. ......... .... .... 3 - 14
In stream Modifications .... .. . .. .. ..... ... .. .. .. ... .. . .. . . .. ... .. . . ... . ... . . .. . ... . .. . .. . 3 - 14
Soil Exposure and Compaction ...... .. ....... ...... ... .. ..... ... .... .. ...... .. .... .. 3 - 15
Irrigation and Drainage ...... ..... ....... ........ ... ... ... ... .... ... .. ...... .. .... .... .. 3 - 15
Sediment and Contaminants ..... .... ....... .... .. .. ... ... ........ ..... .. .... ...... ... 3 - 15
Forestry .. .. . .. . . .. . .. .. . .. .. . ... . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. ... ... .. .. .. ... . . .. . . .. . .. ... . . . . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . 3 - 16
Removal of Trees .. ...... .. ... ............. ............... ... ... ........... .... ... ....... ... . 3 - 16
Transportation of Products ... ....... .... ....... .. ... .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .... .... .. ..... ... 3 - 17
Site Preparation ..... ... . .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .... .. . . .. . ..... .. .... ... .... .. ..... ... . 3 - 17
Domestic Livestock Grazing . .. . .. .. .. .. ..... .... ... .. . .. . . . .. . ... . ... . . .. . . . .. . . .. . ..... .. . 3 - 18
Loss of Veget ative Cover .. ..... ....... .... ............ ... ... ...... .. ......... ........... 3 - 18
Physica l Impacts from Livest ock Presence ... ... ... ..... ...... ..... .. ... .... .... .. 3 - 19
Mining ........... .. ...... .. ... ... .......... ...... .... .................. ..... .... ...... ... ....... .. ... .. . 3 - 19
Vegetative Clearin g ..... ..... ..... ...... ... .. ... .... ... .. ...... .... .... .... .. ...... ... .. ... 3 - 20
Soil Disturbance ........ ... .... ........ .... ... ....... ... .. ... .. ... ....... .. .......... ... ... 3 - 20

vi Stream Corridor
Altered Hydrology ............... ... .......... .... ... ............ ... ......... ...... .. ..... .. 3 - 20
Contaminants ... ..... .... ........... ... .... ... .. ....... ......... ............ .. .... ... ..... ... 3 - 21
Recreation . .. .. . .. .. . ... .. .. .... .. ..... . .. . .... . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . .. .. .. . . .. . . . .. . .... .. . . .. . . .. .. . .. 3 - 21
Urbanization . .. . .. .. .. ... . ... .. .. . ... . . .. . .. .. . .. . . .. . .. . . . .. . . . .. .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. ... . .. . .. . . . .. .. .. . 3 - 22
Altered Hydrology . .. .... .... . .. . . .. .. . ... .. . . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . . . .. . . .... . .. .. . . . .. . ... . . 3 - 23
Altered Channels .. ...... .... ... ... ........... ...... ........ .......... .... .. .. ... .. ... ... ... . 3 - 24
Sedimentation and Contaminants .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... ... .. ...... .. .. .... .. .. .... 3 - 24
Habitat and Aquatic Life ... .. ... ... ...... ......... .... ..... ......... ...... ........ ...... 3 - 25
Summary of Potential Effects of Land Use Activities ... ....... ....... .......... ......... 3 - 26


Chapter 4: Getting Organized and Identifying Problems

and Opportunities ............................................................................ 4 - 1

4.A Getting Organized .................................................................................... 4 - 3

Setti ng Boundaries .. ..... ............. ....... ............ ......... .... .. .... ...... .... .. ......... ....... 4 -
Forming an Advisory Group . .. . .. .. . .. ... .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . . . .. . .. .. ... .. .. .. . .. .. . . ... .. .. .. . .. . 4 -
Establishing Technical Teams .. .. ..... .. ........................... ........................... ... .... 4 -
Identifying Funding Sources .. ................ ...... ......... ..... ...... ... .. ....... .. ..... ....... .. 4 -
Establishing a Decision Structure and Points of Contact .................... ...... .. .. 4 -
Facilitating Involvement and Information Sharing Among Participants ... .. .. . 4 -
Receiving Input from Restoration Participants . . .. .. . .. . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . .. . . . .. .. . .. 4 -
Informing Participants Throughout the Restoration Process . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 - 12
Selecting Tools for Facilitating Information Sharing
and Participant Involvement .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 - 13
Documenting the Process .... ............ ... .. ........ ... ..... .... ....... .... .. .. .. .. .. .... .. ........ 4 - 13

4.B Problem and Opportunity Identification .............................................. 4 - 16

Data Collection and Analysis . .. .. .... .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . . . . ... .. ... ... .. .. .. .. . . .. . .. . . ... . ... . .. . 4 - 16
Data Collection . .... .. ... .. . .. .. ..... . ... .. ... . ... ... . ... . . . .. .. . .. . .. .... . ... . . ... . ... ... .. .. .. . .. 4 - 16
Collecting Baseline Data .. ........ .... .... ........ ........ ................ ..... ........ . 4 - 16
Collecting Historical Data .. .. . . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . . . ... .. .. .. .. . . . . . .. . . .. . ... . ..... .. .. . . .. 4 - 16
Collecting Social, Cu ltural, an d Economic Dat a .... .. .... ......... ... .... .... 4 - 18
Prioritizing Data Collection .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. . . ... . ... . ... .. .. .. 4 - 18
Data Analysis .. . .... .. .. . ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... . . . .. . .. . ... .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. . . ... .. .. . .. .. .... . .. . . . 4 - 19
Existing Stream Corridor Structure, Functions, and Disturbances ........... .... . 4 - 19
Existing vs. Desired Structure and Fu nctions: The Reference Condition ........ 4 - 20
Causes of Altered or Impaired Conditions . ... ... . . . .. .. . . .. . .. ... .. .. .. . . .. . ... . ... .. .... .. 4 - 23
Landscape Factors Affecting Stream Corridor Condition . . . ... .. .. .. . . . ... . . .. 4 - 23
Stream Corridor and Reach Factors Affecting Stream
Corridor Conditions ................................. ................ ... .. ................ .. .... 4 - 25
Determination of Management Influence on Stream Corridor Conditions .. 4 - 26
Problem or Opportunity Statements for Stream Corridor Restoration ... ... .... 4 - 27

Contents vii
Chapter 5: Developing Goals, Objectives, and Restoration Alternatives ........ 5 - 1

5.A Developing Restoration Goals and Objectives ............. ... ...................... 5- 3

Defining Desired Future Stream Corridor Conditions .. . ...... ... .. ......... ... . .. ..... 5- 3
Identifying Scale Considerations.... .... .................. ... ... ... ....... ................. .... ... 5- 3
The Landscape Scale .. . .. .... .. . ... .. . .. . .... .. .. . .. .. . ... . . .. . . .. . . .. .. . . ... .. . . ... ... .. .. . .. . 5- 5
Regional Economic and Natural Resource
Management Considerations.. ... ............... ........ ... ............... .. ........ .. 5 - 5
Land Use Considerations..... .... ...... ..... ........... ...... ...... .. ..... ... .. ... ...... 5 - 5
Biodiversity Considerations .. .... .... . .... .. . .. ..... . ... .. ... . . .. . . ... . ... . .. . .. . .... .. 5 - 6
The Stream Corridor Scale . ... . .. .... .... . ... . .. . .. .... . . .. . . . . ... . .. . . .. . .. ... ... ... ... . .. 5 - 6
The Reach Scale ... .. . .. . .. ... .. ... .. .. . .. ... ... . .. .. .. . .. .... . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. ... . . .. . .. . .. . ... .. . 5 - 7
Identifying Restoration Constraints and Issues .. ........ ... . . . ............ .... ....... ..... 5 - 7
Technical Constraints . . . ... .. . ... ... .. .. . .... . .. .. .. . .... .. . . ... .. .. .. ... .. . .. . . . .. .. . ... . .. . .. 5- 8
Quality Assurance, Quality Control .... .. . .. .. . ... . ... . ... .. ... . ... .. . .. . . ... .. . .... ... .. 5- 8
Nontechnical Constraints .. ... . ... .. .. . .... ... .. .. . .... .. . . ... . .. .. .. ..... .. .. . .. .. . ... . . .. .. 5 - 9
Land and Water Use Conflicts .. .... . .. ... .. ...... .... .... ....... .. ... .. ......... ..... 5 - 9
Financial Issues .. ... . . ... .. ...... .......... . ....... ....... . ..... . ... . ..... ... .. .. . .. ..... ... . 5 - 9
Institutional and Legal Issues . .. ... . ... .. .. . .... ... . . .. . . . ... . ... .. ... . . .. . .. ... . . . .. . 5 - 11
Defining Restoration Goals....... ................. ..... ..... ........................ ........ ........ 5 - 12
Considering Desired Future Condition . .. .. .. .. ... ... . . .. .. . ... . ... .. .. . .. .. . ... ... . . .. . 5 - 12
Factoring In Constraints and Issues .. ... .. .. .. . .. .. .. . . . .. .. .. .. . . ... . .. . . . .... . ... .. .. . . 5 - 12
Defining Primary and Secondary Restoration Goals . . .... . .. . .. .. .. .. ... . ... . . .. . 5 - 12
Primary Restoration Goals .. .. .. ....... ... .... .. .. . ... . .......... ... . ..... .... .. .... . .. . 5 - 13
Secondary Restoration Goals........ .......... ..... .. ......................... ........ 5 - 13
Defi ning Restoration Objectives .. .... ............ ... . ...... . .... . ... . ............ .. ... ... .. .. . .. . 5 - 13

5.B Alternative Selection and Design ........ .... .......... ... ............. ............... ..... 5- 17
Important Factors to Consider in Designi ng Restoration Alternatives .. .... .... 5- 17
Managing Causes vs. Treating Symptoms ... . . .. . ... . . .. . . .. .. .. . ... ... .. .. .. . . .. . .. . 5- 17
Landscape/Watershed vs. Corridor/Reach .. .. .. . . .. . . . .... ... .. .. .. .. . . .. . ... .. ... . .. 5- 19
Other Time and Space Considerations .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. . ... .. .. . . . .. . . .. .... ... . ... . .. 5- 20
Supporting Analysis for Selecting Restoration Alternatives . ... . . ... . ..... .. ... . . .... 5- 21
Cost-Effectiveness and Incremental Cost Analysis . . . .. .. ... . .. .. .. .. .. . . ... .. ... . 5- 21
Data Requi rements: Solutions, Costs, and Outputs .. .. . .. . .... ........ ... 5- 21
Cost -Effectiveness Analysis . .. .. .......... .. .. .... .. ... . .. .... . ... . . .. .. .. ..... .. .. .... 5- 26
Incrementa l Cost Analysis .. . .. .. .......... .. .... ... . ... ........ ..... .. .. ............ .. . 5- 27
Decision Ma king- " ls It Worth It?" ....... ..... .. .... .. ............... ......... .. .. 5- 28
Evaluation of Benefits ... . .. ...... .... . ... .. ...... .... . ... . ...... ... .. .. . . ....... .. ... .. . 5- 29
Risk Assessm ent ... ......... .... ...... .... ...... .... ... ....... .. .. ... .... .... ... .... ...... ..... .. 5- 29
Environmental Impact Analysis . . ... ... ... .. ... .. .. ... . . ... ... .. . .. .. . . .. .. ... .. . .. ... . .. . 5 - 30

viii Stream Corridor

Chapter 6: Implementing, Monitoring, Evaluating, and Adapting.................. 6 - 1

6.A Restoration Implementation ....... .... ... ...... ............... ........... ........ .... .... .... 6 - 2
Securing Funding for Restoration Implementation .... .... ... ............ ..... ... ....... 6- 2
Identifying Tools to Facilitate Restoration Implementation .................... ........ 6- 3
Dividing Implementation Responsibilities . . .. .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. ... . . .. . .. . .. .. ... . . . .. .. .. . . . 6- 4
Identifying the Players . .. .. . . . .. . . . .. . ... . .. .. . .. . .. . . .. . . .. .. .... .. . . . .. . . .. .. .. . .. . . .. . .. .. . 6- 4
Assigning Responsibilities . .. ... .. . . .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .... . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . . .. . .. .. . .. 6- 6
Interdisciplinary Technical Team ........ ....... ....... .. .... .. ........ ... .... ......... 6 - 8
Volunteers ....... ....... .... .. ...... .. ......... ... ....... ... .... ...... ..... ... ...... ... ...... ... 6 - 8
Contractors.. ..... ......... ... ... ... .......... .. .. ......... .. ....... ........ ........ ..... .. ... . 6 - 10
Securing Commitments . .. . .. .... . .. . . ... .. . . .. . .. .. . .. . . .. . .. . ... .. . . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. . ... . . 6 - 10
Installing Restoration Measures ....... .. ....... ......... .... .... ...... ........................... 6 - 11
Determining the Schedule . ... .. . . .. ... . .. . . .. . .. .. . .. . . .. .. . ... . . ... . .. . .. .. . . .. . .. . . ... . . . 6 - 12
Obtaining the Necessary Permits . . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . . .. .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. .. . 6 - 13
Holding Pre-installation Conferences . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . ... . .. . . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . . ... . .. 6 - 14
Involving Property Owners .... .. . . . ... .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .... . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . . . 6 - 15
Securing Site Access .. . .. .. .. . .... . . .. . ... ... . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . ... .... .. . . . .. . . .. . . ... . .. .. .. . 6 - 15
Locate Existing Utilities . .. . .. .... . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. .. .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. .. . ... ... . .. 6 - 16
Confirming Sources and Ensuring Materials Standards .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . . ... ... . . 6 - 17
Characteristics of Successfu l Implementation ...... .. ...... ..... ... .......... .. .. .. ... ... .. 6 - 17
Central Responsibility in One Person .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. ... . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. .. ... . .. . .. 6 - 17
Thorough Understanding of Planning and Design Materials . . . . .. . .... ... . . 6 - 20
Familiarity with the Reach ........ ..................... ........... .. ...... ;.: . . . .. . . .. . . .. .. . .. 6 - 20
Knowledge of Laws and Regulations . .. .. . . .. . .. . . .. .. . ... . . ... . .. . . .. . . ... . .... . .. . . . 6 - 21
Understanding of Environmental Control Plans .. . . ... .. . . . .. . .. . . .. . . . ... . . .. .. .. . 6 - 21
Communication Among All Parties Involved in the Action . .. . . .. . . .. . . ... . . .. 6 - 21

6.B Restoration Monitoring, Evaluation, and Adaptive Management ............ 6 - 22

Monitoring As Part of a Stream Corridor Restoration Initiative ... ........... ... .. . 6 - 22
Components of a Monitoring Plan ...... .. .... .... ....... .... .. .... ...... .... ....... ......... ... 6 - 23
When to Develop the Monitoring Plan .. ..... ... ... .. ... .. .. .... ... ... .. ... ... ... .... .. .. .. ... 6 - 24
Developing a Monitoring Plan ....... ..... ...... .. .... .. ... .. .... .... ..... .... .. ..... ... ... ...... . 6 - 24
Step 1: Define The Restoration Vision, Goals, Objectives .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . ... . . . 6- 24
Step 2: Develop The Conceptual Model .. . .. . . .. . .. . . ... .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . . . .. .. .. . 6- 24
Step 3: Choose Performance Criteria ... ... ... ........... ..... .. ...... ..... ... ... .. ... . 6- 24
Link Performance to Goals ..... ........ .... .. .. ... ... .... ... ... .. ..... .... .. ......... . 6 - 24
Develop the Criteria .. .. ... .. . . .. . ... . ... ... . .. .. .. ... .... .. . .. .. ... . ..... ... . . .. . . .... ... 6 - 26
Identify Reference Sites .. . . .. . .. . ... . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . ..... ......... .. .. . .. 6 - 26
Step 4: Choose Monitoring Parameters And M ethods . . .... . .. . . .. . . . .. . ... . . 6 - 26
Choose Efficient Monitoring Pa ramet ers ........ ..... ..... .. ... .. ......... .... .. 6 - 27
Review Wat ershed Activities . . ... . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . ... . . . 6 - 27
Choose Methods for Sampling Design, Sampling, and Sample
Handling and Processing . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . ... . .. . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. .. .. . 6 - 28

Contents ix
Conduct Sociological Surveys . ..... . .. .. .. . ... . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . .. .. . . . .. . .. . .... 6 - 28
Rely on lnstream Organisms for Evidence of Project Success .. ..... .. . 6 - 28
Minimize the Necessary Measurements of Performance ................ 6 - 29
Incorporate Supplemental Parameters .... .. ..... .... ...... ... ....... ...... ..... .. 6 - 29
Step 5: Estimate Cost ........ ..... ... ............ .... ..... .. ........... .. ... ........ .. .... ... 6- 29
Step 6: Categorize The Types Of Data . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . . .. . . .. ... . . .. . .. . . .. . ... . . . . .... 6- 31
Step 7: Determine The Level Of Effort And Duration . . .. . . . .. . .. ... .. ......... 6- 31
Incorporate Landscape Ecology .. .. . .. .. . ... .. . .. .. . . . .. . .. .. . . . .. . .. . . .. ... . . .. .. ... 6 - 31
Determine Timing, Frequency, and Duration of Sampling . .. ... . . .. . ... 6 - 32
Develop a Statistical Framework . .. . ... . .. ... . .. . .. . . . .. .. . .. . . . .. .. .. .. . . .. . . . . .... 6 - 33
Choose the Sampling Level .. .. ............. .... .. ............. .. ........ ............ .. 6 - 33
Implementing and Managing the Monitoring Plan .. ..... .. ....... .. ...... ..... ......... 6 - 33
Envisioning the Plan . .. . . ... . .. ... . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . . ... . ... . . . . .. . .. . .... . .. . . . .. ... 6- 34
Determining Roles . .. . .. . .... .. . .. ... .. .. ..... . .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. . . . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . .. . 6- 34
Ensuring Quality .. ... . . .. . . ....... .. . . .. .. .. ..... .. .. .. .... . .. .. . . . ... .. .. . . . .. . .. . . ... . .. . . . . .... 6- 34
Interpreting Results . .. . . .. ... ... . .. ... ............ ... ... .. ... . . ..... ... .... .. ..... .. .. . . . . . .. . ... 6- 34
Managing Data . . .. ... . .. . . . ... . .. . .. .. ... . .. .... . .. .. ... . . .. .. .. . . .. .. ... .. . . .. . .. . . ... . . .. . . . . ... 6- 34
Managing Contracts .. . ... ... . .. ... .. .. . ... .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . ... . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. . ... 6- 34
Restoration Evaluation ... . .. . . . ... . .. .. . .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... ... ........... ..... ..... ..... .. . .. . . . . . ... 6- 34
Reasons to Evaluate Restoration Efforts .. ... .. .. .. . ..... ...... .... .... ........ ....... 6 - 35
Protecting the Restoration Investment ..... ..... ......... ...... ........ ...... ......... 6 - 35
Helping to Advance Restoration Knowledge for Future Applications . ... 6 - 36
Maintaining Accountability to Restoration Supporters . .. . . .. . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . .. . 6 - 36
Acting on the Results .... .............. .. ........... .... ... .............. ........ .. .... .. .... .......... 6 - 36
Alternative Actions . . .. . . . . ... .. . ... .. . .. . .... .. . ... .. . .. .. .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . ... .. . . . . .. . . .. . 6 - 37
Adaptive Management . ..... . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .... .. .. .. . ... .. . . . .. .. . .. .. .... . .. . . . .. . . . .... 6 - 37
Documenting and Reporting .. .. . .. .... .. .. . .... . .. ... ... . .. . . . ... . .. . . . ... . .. . .. . . . . .. . . ... 6 - 38
Dissemination of the Results . . ... . .. .. ... .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . . ... .. . . . . .. . . . .. . 6 - 39
Planning for Feedback During Restoration Implementation . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. ... 6 - 39
Making a Commitment to the Time Frame Needed to Judge Success .. 6 - 39
Evaluating Changes in the Sources of Stress
as Well as in the System Itself . . .. .... .. . .. .. . ... .. .. . . .. . . . ... . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . ... 6 - 41


Chapter 7: Analysis of Corridor Condition ........................................................ 7 - 1

7.A Hydrologic Processes .............................................................................. 7 - 3
Flow Analysis . . .. . .. . .. . . .. .. .. . .. . .. ... ....... .... .. .. .. . .... .. .. . .... . .. . .. . . .. .. . .... .... ........ .. ..... 7- 3
Flow Duration .. .. .. ... .. . . .. . .... .. . .. . .. . ... .. . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . . . .... . . . . .... .. . .. . .. . . . . ... .. 7- 3
Flow Frequency Analysis .... .. . .. .. . .... .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . . . . . .. . .. . . . .. . . . ... 7- 4
Flood Frequency Ana lysis ..... .... ...... ... ............ ......... ..... ....... ...... ... .... 7 - 4
Low-f low Frequency Analysis.. .... ........ ... .. ......... ....... ... ......... .... .. ..... 7 - 7
Channel Forming Flow ............................... .. ...... ........ .... .. ..... ....... . 7 - 8
Bankfull Discharge .... .. ..... ... ...... .... ....... .. ............ .. ........ .... .... .... ... ... . 7 - 10
Field Indicators of Bankfull Discharge ...... .......... ................. ..... ...... 7 - 10

x Stream Corridor
Determining Channel Forming Discharge from Recurrence Interval 7 - 12
Effective Discharge ........ ...... ................... .... ... .... .. ........... ..... .. ..... . .. 7 - 13
Determining Channel-Forming Discharge from
Other Watershed Variables .... ....... .. .... .. .... ..... ..... ..... .. ...... ....... .. ... .. 7- 15
Mean Annual Flow .............. .................... .. .. .... .. ..................... .... . .. 7- 15
Stage-Discharge Relationships .. ... ...... .. ...... ... ........... .... ... ... ... .. .. ...... ...... ..... . 7- 17
Continuity Equation ........ ..... ...... ....... ..... ... ..... ... ............ ......... ... ..... .... . 7- 17
Manning 's Equation ........................... .. ........ .... ... .. .. ............. .. ........... .. 7- 17
Direct Solution for Manning's n .......... .. .. .... ...... .... ..... .... ........ ... .. .. .. 7- 18
Using Manning's n Measured at Other Channels .. .. ......... ...... .. .. .... . 7- 19
Energy Equation ....... .. .. ... ...... .. .... .. ... .... .. ... .. ..... ...... .. ..... ...... ..... ..... .. ... . 7- 21
Analyzing Composite and Compound Cross Sections ................ ... ........ . 7- 23
Reach Selection ......... .... ... ...... ............. ..... ... ............................. ......... . 7- 23
Field Procedures ..... ..... ... ......... .... ........ .... ..... ..... .. .... ...... .... ... .... .... .. .... . 7- 24
Survey of Cross Section and Water Surface Slope .......... .. ........ .... .. 7- 24
Bed Material Particle Size Distribution .......... .. .. .. .. ........ .. ... .. ....... .. .. 7- 25
Discharge Measurement ........ ... .... ..... ..... .. .. ... .. ....... .. .. ... .. ..... ..... ... . 7- 25

7.B Geomorphic Processes ........................ .......................... ..... .... ................ . 7- 26

Stream Classification .. ........ ...... .. ... .. .... ... .. .. ....... ............... ..... .. .. .... ... .. .. ..... . 7- 26
Advantages of Stream Classification Systems ..... .. .... .... .. ........ .. ....... .. .. 7- 27
Limitations of Stream Classification Systems ...... ............ .. .. ........ .. .... .. 7- 27
Stream Classification Systems ................ ............... ......... ... ...... ......... .. 7- 28
Stream Order ................... .............. ...... ...... ..... .... ............... .... ..... ... . 7- 28
Schumm ........ .... .... ..... ..... ..... ............ ......... ....... ......... ... ................ . 7- 29
Montgomery and Buffington .. ..... .. ....................... ....... ....... .. .. .... ... . 7- 29
Rosgen Stream Classification System .. .... .... ...... .. .. .... .. .. ........ ........ .. 7- 29
Channel Evolution Models ..... .... .. ...... ........ ... ... ... ....... .. ........ ... .. ...... .. .. 7- 30
Advantages of Channel Evolution Models ...... ..... .. .... ..... .. ....... .. .. ..... .. 7- 34
Limitations of Channel Evolution Models .... .... ...... ..... .. ...................... . 7- 36
Applications of Geomorphic Analysis .. .... ........ .. .... .... .. .... ...... .. .. .. .... .. 7- 37
Proper Functioning Condition (PFC) ..... ... ... .. .. .. .. ................. .... .. ........ .. .... .. .. 7- 39
Hydraulic Geometry: Streams in Cross Section ........ ............. .. .... .. .. ... .. ...... .. 7- 41
Hydraulic Geometry and Stability Assessment .. ..... ...... ...... ...... .... ... .. .. 7- 44
Regional Curves .................. ... ..... ...... ........... .. .... ... .. ....... .. .. ... ......... .... . 7- 44
Plan form and M eander Geometry: Stream Channel Patterns .... .. ....... . 7- 47
Stream System Dynamics .... ................ ... .. ... ... .... ..... ... ....... ... .......... .......... . .. 7- 48
Determining Stream Instability: Is It Local or Systernwide ? .... .. .. ... ......... ... .. . 7- 50
System wide Instability ........ .. .... ..... .. ... ... .. ........ ..... ... ........ .. ....... ... .. .... . 7- 51
Local Instability ...... ....... .. ............. ... ..... .. .. .. .. ......................... ... .... ..... . 7- 51
Bed Stability .. .... .. ......... .... ...... ...... ..................................... ............... . 7- 51
Specific Gage A nalysis ........... .................... ... ........ ... .. ....... .. .... ..... .. . 7- 52
Comparative Surveys and Mapping ..... ...... .. ..... ... ... ............ ..... ..... .. 7- 53
Regression Functions for Degradation .... ... .. ........... ... .. ...... ... .. ...... .. 7- 54
Regression Functions for A ggradation .. .... ... .. .. ....... ...... ... .. .. ..... ... .. . 7- 55

Contents xi
Sediment Transport Processes .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . . .. ... . .. .. . .. .. . .. . ... . .. .. . . 7 - 57
Numerical Analyses and Models to Predict Aggradation
and Degradation . . .. ... .. .. ... .. . ... . .. .. .. . .... .. . .. . .. .. .. . . .. . .. . . ... . .. . .. . . . . .. . ... .. . .. . . .. 7 - 57
Bank Stability ..... ..... .. .... ...... . .. . .......... .. .. . .. ...... ... .. . ... ...... ... . . .. ... .... . ... .. . 7 - 57
Qualitative Assessment of Bank Stability ..... .............. ................ .. ... 7 - 57
Quantitative A ssessment of Bank Stability. ..... ... .. .... ..... .. .. .... .. ..... . . 7 - 59
Bank Instability and Channel Widening. ............ .. ............... ...... .. .... 7 - 60
Bank Stability Chart s .. ... .... .... ...... .. .. ... .... ..... ...... ... ...... .. .. ..... ....... .. .. 7 - 60
Predictions of Bank Stability and Channel Width .... ........ ........ ..... ... 7 - 62

7.C Chemical Characteristics ... ......... ..... ...... ..... .. ...... ........ .............................. 7 - 63
Data Co llection .. . .. . . . .. . .... . .. . . .... .. ... .. ... .. ... ........... .. .. . . . .. . .. . ... . .. . . . .. . . . .. ... . .. . . . .. 7 - 63
Constituent Selection . .. . . . . .. .. .. ... .. ..... . .. .. . .. ... .. . .. . .. . . ... . .. . . . .. . . .. . .. .. .. . . .. .. 7 - 63
Sampling Frequency .... ... .... .... ......... .... ... ....... ..... ... ...... ..... ... .. ..... ..... .... 7 - 63
Site Selection . . . .. . .. ... .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. ... . .. . .. .. .. . . .. . .. . . .. . ... . .. . . . .. . . . .. . ... .. . . . .. 7 - 64
Sampling Techniques .... ............ ... ..... ... ........... ..... .... .... .. .... ... .......... ...... ... ... 7 - 64
Sampling Protocols for Water and Sediment .. . . .. . ... . . . ... . . . .. . .. ... . . . .. . .. . .. .. 7 - 65
Manual Sampling and Grab Sampling ............. ................. ... ........... 7 - 65
Automatic Samplin g ..... .... .. ....... ..... ...... .. ... ..... ... ............ .... ........ 7 - 65
Discrete vs . Composite Sampling ......... .... ....... .... ...... ..... .. ..... .... ...... 7 - 66
Field Analyses of Water Quality Samples .. ..... ....... ... ............ .. .... .. .. .. ..... 7 - 67
pH .... .. ..... .. .. .. .... ... ....... .... ... ... .............. ... ............. .. ... ..... .. ...... ... ...... 7 - 68
Temperature . .. ... .. . .. . ... . .. .. ... .. .. . .... ... . .. ... .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. .. .. . . . .. . . .... .. . . .. . .. .. 7 - 68
Dissolved Oxygen .......... .. ...... .. ............. .... .. ... ........ .... ..... .......... ..... 7 - 68
Water Quality Sample Preparation and Handling for
Laboratory Analysis ... . .. .. . . . .. ... . . .. .. .. .... .. .. . .. . .. .. . . .. . .. . . .. .. .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . 7 - 69
Sample Preservation, Hand lin g, and Storage .... ... ... ....... .... ........ ..... 7 - 69
Sample Labeli ng .... ..... .. ...... .... ..... ... ..... .... .... .. ... .... ..... .. .. .... ......... ... 7 - 69
Sample Packaging and Shipping ... .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .... .. . ... . . . .. . . .... . .. . .. . . .. . . 7 - 70
Chain of Custody ...... ....... ........ .... ..... ... ..... .. ... ...... .... ... ... .. .. ... ..... ... 7 - 70
Collecting and Handling Sediment Quality Samples ............... ..... ... ..... 7 - 70
Collection Techniq ues .... .. . ......... ......... ... .. ... ... .... .. ...... ..... .... .... ..... 7 - 71
Sediment Analysis ..... ........... .. ..... ..... ... . .... ... .... .. ............... ............. 7 - 71
Data Management ... .. . .. .... .. ... . . .. .. .. .... .. . .. . .. .. .. . . .. . .. . . .. ..... .. .. .. ......... .. .... 7 - 72
Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) ............... .. ..... ....... ..... 7 - 73
Sample and Analytica l Qua lity Control. ....... .......... .... .... .... ..... .... ..... 7 - 73
Field Quality A ssurance .. ............... ....... .... ..... ........................ .... .. 7 - 74

7.D Biological Characteristics ......................................... ............. .................. 7 - 75

Synthetic Measures of System Condition ... .... ...... ... .. .. .. .. .... ... ..... . .. .. .... ...... . 7 - 75
Indicator Species . . . .... . .. .. . ... .. . .. .. . ... . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . 7 - 76
The Good and Bad of Indicator Species .... .... .. ....... ... ...... ........ ....... 7 - 76
Selecting Indicators .. .. ........... ..... ......... .. ... ..... .. .. ... ........... .... .......... 7 - 77
Riparian Response Guilds .............. ... ....... .. .... .. ....... .... ...... ... .... ..... . 7 - 78
Aquatic Invertebrates .. . . .. . .. ... .. .. . ..... ...... .... .. . . .. . .. .. . .... . . .. . . .. . . .. .. . 7 - 78

xii Stream Corridor

Diversity and Related Indices ............................................... ... ........... .. . 7- 78
Level of Complexity .................... ................................................. .. . 7- 79
Subsets of Concern ....... ... .. ............. ..... ... ....... ..... ...... ... .. .. .......... ... . 7- 79
Spatial Scale ....... ....... .. ............... ..... .... .. ..... ... .... ..... .. .. .. ... .. .... .... ... . 7- 79
Measures of Diversity ... .. ... ... ............... ..... ... .. ... ............... .... ... .... .. . 7- 79
Related Integrity Indices ............ ...... .. .. ..... .... ...... ... ... ......... .... .. ..... . 7- 80
Rapid Bioassessment ..... .......... ....... .. .................... ..... ... .. .. ..... ... ..... . 7- 80
Algae .... ............. ........ .. ....... ... .. .. ..... .... ........ ... ........ .... ... ................ 7- 81
Benthic Macroinvertebrates ... .... .... .... ... ........... ...................... ... ... .. . 7- 82
Fish .... ... ..... ....... ...... ... ... ......... ...... .... .. ........... .. ..... ... ..... .... .............. 7- 83
Establish ing a Standard of Comparison .. .... .... .... ... ....... ..... .. ......... . . 7- 83
Evaluating the Chosen Index ........................... ............ ......... ... ... ... . 7- 84
Classification Systems .................. .. ....... ....... ... ..... .................. ..... .. ... ... . 7- 85
Use of Classification Systems in Restoring Biological Conditions .. . . 7- 86
Analysis of Species Requirements .... .... ....... .. ...... .... ..... .. .. ..... ... .. ... ....... .... .. . . 7- 86
The Habitat Evaluation Procedures (HEP) ..... ... ... .. .. ...... ..... .. .. .... .. ... .... .. . 7- 87
Basic Concepts ....... .... .. .. ... .... ... .... .... .. ... .. ................ ... ............ ..... . . 7- 87
Use of HEP to Assess Habitat Cha nges ................. .......... .............. . 7- 88
lnstream Flow Incremental Methodology .... ..... ... .... ..... .... .... ..... .. .. . . 7- 88
Physical Habitat Simulation ..... ... ..... .... .... .... ... ....... ... .. ........ .. ....... .. ..... . . 7- 88
Two-d imensional Flow Modeling ..... .... ................ ... .. ... .... .... .. ... .. ... . 7- 90
Riverine Community Habitat Assessment and Restoration
Concept Model (RCHARC) .. .. .... .... .... .. ... .... ........ ... ..................... ... ..... . 7 - 91
Time Series Simulations .. ........ .... ............. ....... .. ... ..... ............ ........ ..... . 7 - 91
Individual-based Models ... ... ... ......... ...... ............... .. ...... .. ..... .... .... . . 7 - 92
SALMOD ...... ..... .. .... ... ... ..... ... .. .. ...... ..... .... ... .......... .... ... ....... .. .... .... . 7 - 93
Vegetation-Hydroperiod Modeling ....... .... ......... ... .... .... .. .. ... ........ ... .. .. . 7 - 94
Components of a Vegetation-hydroperiod Model ........ .... ... .. ........ . 7 - 94
Identifying Non-equilibrium Conditions ... .. .... ..... .... .... .... .... ... .. ... ... . 7 - 95
Veget ation Effects of System Alterations .... .... .... ............. ............. . . 7 - 95
Extreme Events and Disturbance Requirements ... ..... .. ......... .... ... ..... .... . 7 - 96

Chapter 8: Restoration Design ........................................................................... . 8 - 1

8.A Valley Form, Connectivity, and Dimension ........ ............................ ... ... . . 8- 4
Vall ey Form .. ..... ... .... .... ..... .... ... ....... .......... ... .. ... ..... ... ..... ... .. ... ....... .. .. ....... . . 8- 4
Stream Corridor Connectivity and Dimension .. .. .... ....... ..... .. ....... ..... ... ..... ... . 8-4
Cognitive Approach: The Reference Stream Corridor ....... ... .... ....... .... . 8- 7
Analytical Approach: Functional Requirements of a Target Species 8- 7
Designing for Drainage and Topography ........ .. .. ..... .... ........ ...... ... .... ..... .... . 8- 8

8.B Soil Properties ... ............ ....... ........ ........... ....... ... .. ...... .. ........ ... ... .. ...... .. .... . 8- 8
Compaction ... .............. ....... ... ........ ...... .. ... .. ...... ... ......... ..... .. ...................... . 8-9
Soil Microfauna ....... ... ........ ... ...... ............. .. .... .... ..... .. ........ .. .... .. ..... ..... ... .. . . 8- 9
Soil Salinity .. ... ...... .. ....... .. ..... ......... ..... .... ... ... ... ... .. ......... .. ....... .... ........ .. ...... . 8 - 10

Contents xiii
8.C Plant Communities .................................................................................. 8 - 10
Riparian Buffer Strips .............. ........... ..... ... ..... ... ............ ..... .............. ..... .. ... 8 - 11
Existing Vegetation ................... .. .... ................ .. .. .............. ......... .... .. .. ........ 8 - 11
Plant Community Restoration ...... ................. ............ .... .. .... ...... ...... ............ . 8 - 14
Horizontal Diversity ............ ........ .............. ................ .. ............................... 8 - 17
Connectivity and Gaps ....... .... ................................................. .. .. ... .. ..... 8 - 17
Boundaries .. ... ................... ... ........... .... ........................... .................. .. . 8 - 20
Vertical Diversity .... ...... ................................ ................................................ 8 - 21
Influence of Hydrology and Stream Dynamics ........ ...... .. ..... ......... .. .. ............ 8 - 22
Soil Bioengineering for Floodplains and Uplands ....... .. .. .............. .... ....... .... 8 - 23

8.D Habitat Measures ...................... .............................................................. 8 - 24

Greentree Reservoirs .................................................................................. 8 - 24
Nest Structures ....... .......... ........ ... .... ... ...... ....... ..... .. .............. ....... ... .. ........ ... 8 - 25
Food Patches ............................................................................... ........ .... ... 8 - 25

8.E Stream Channel Restoration ............................................... ................... 8 -

Procedures for Channel Reconstruction ...................................................... 8 -
Alignment and Average Slope ...................... .. .... .. ............................ ..... .... . 8 -
Channel Dimensions ............. .... ........ ..... .. .......... ... .. .. ......... .. .... ...... ... .... ... .... 8 -
Reference Reaches ...... ........ .......................................... ...................... 8 - 33
Application of Regime and Hydraulic Geometry Approaches .. ............ 8 - 36
Analytical Approaches for Channel Dimensions .................... .. ........ .... 8 - 37
Tractive Stress (No Bed Movement) ........ .. ...... ................................ 8 - 38
Channels with Moving Beds and Known Slope .............................. 8 - 38
Channels with Moving Beds and Known Sediment Concentration 8 - 39
Use of Channel Models for Design Verification ...... .... .. .. ...... .. .. .......... .. ........ 8 - 40
Physical Models ................ .. ............ .... ....... .. ... ... .. .............. .. ........ ..... .. 8- 41
Computer Models .. ... .. .. ... . .. . .. . ... . . .. ... . ... . .... . .. .. . . . .. . . ... . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . ... . .. .. . . .. 8- 41
Detailed Design ...... .................... ........ ...................... .............................. .. .. 8- 43
Channel Shape ....... ... .... ...... .... ...... .... ..... .... ................ ..... ... ....... .. ...... .. 8- 43
Channel Longitudinal Profile and Riffle Spacing .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8- 43
St ability Assessment ... ..... ................. .. .......... ................ ... ... .. ..... .. .. .. .. ...... .... 8- 44
Vertical (Bed) Stability ........ ........... .. ............. .... ... ... .. ... .. ... ................. ... 8- 44
Horizontal (Bank) Stability ..................... .... ...................... ..... ............... 8- 45
Bank Stability Check ...... ... .. ...... .. .. .............. .... .. ... .............................. .. 8- 46
A llowable Velocity Check ................................ .......... .. ....... .......... ....... 8- 48
Allowable Stress Check .................... .......... ............ .. .. ........................ .. 8- 48
Practical Guidance: Allowable Velocity and Shear Stress .. .. .. . .... .. .. .. .. .. . 8- 51
A llowable Stream Power or Slope ............................ ........ .. .. .. ........ .. .... 8- 52
Sediment Yield and Delivery .......... ...... ........ .. ............ .. .......... .............. 8- 53
Sediment Transport .......................... .. .. .... .... ......................... .. .... .. 8 - 53
Sediment Discharge Functions ...... .............. .................. .. .. .. ............ 8 - 55
Sediment Budgets ....... ......... .................. .................................. .... . 8 - 56
Exam ple of a Sediment Budget ........... ........ .... .... ........ ....... .. .... .. .. . 8 - 56

xiv Stream Corridor

Single Storm Versus Average Annual Sediment Discharge ... .......... . 8 - 58
Sediment Discharge After Restoration .......................... ....... .. .. ... ... . 8 - 60
Stability Controls .............. .. ... .......... ... .. ...................... .... ....... ........ .... ...... ... 8 - 60

8 .F Streambank Restoration .. .......... .... ..... .. ................. .. ............... .... ..... ....... . 8 - 61
Effectiveness of Technique ........................ ...... .... ........... .... .. ........ ....... ... .... . 8 - 62
Stabilization Techniques ..................... .......... .... ............................... .. ... ... .. .. 8 - 64
Anchored Cutting Systems ... ......... ........... .... .. .. ... .. ......... ......... .... ... .... . 8 - 64
Geo textile Systems ......... .. .. ... ... ...... ....... ...... ....... ... ...... .. ... ........... .. ..... . 8 - 65
Integrated Systems ... ..... ... ..... .... ........... .... ... ............. ..... .. ..... .. ..... ....... ..... ... . 8 - 66
Trees and Logs .......... .. ............ ... .. ...................... .. ... .. ........... ... ... ........ . 8 - 66

8.G In-Stream Habitat Recovery ...... ....... ............................................ .. ........ . 8 - 70

In-Stream Habitat Features .. ......... .......... .. ......... .... .............. ....................... . 8 - 71
In-Stream Habitat Structures .. ........ ..... .. .......... ......... ..... ... .. ..... ..... ..... ....... ... . 8 - 72
In-Stream Habitat Structure Design ........ ........ .. ..... ......... ........ .. .. .. .. .. ......... . 8 - 72
Plan Layout ... ..... ..... ..... ..... .. ......... ..... ............... ... .............. ........ .. .. ...... . 8 - 73
Select Types of Structures ................ ............... .................................... . 8 - 73
Size the Structures .... .... .............. ... .......... ...... ...... .............................. . 8 - 74
Investigate Hydraulic Effects ......... ... ........... .. ............. ... .. .................... . 8 - 74
Consider Effects on Sediment Transport ... .... .......... ................. .. ......... . 8 - 74
Select Materials .. .... .... ...... .... ...... ........ ......................... ...... ... ... .. .... .. .. . 8 - 74

8.H Land Use Scenarios .... .................... ................................... ..... ... ........ .. .... . 8 - 76
Design Approaches for Common Effects ................ ..................... .... ... ..... .. . 8 - 77
Dams ... .......... ..... ... ..... .... ...... ........... ....... ....... ... .. .. ....... ........... ... ...... .. . 8 - 77
Channelization and Diversions ... ... .. ......... ........ .... .. .... ... .. ........ ...... ... .. . 8 - 79
Exotic Species ............ .. ..... ...... ....... ... .................. .. .... .... .... ... ....... .. .... . 8 - 79
Agriculture ............... ............... ..... ..... ... .. ... ... .... ....... ... ... .......... .... ... ..... ....... . 8 - 83
Hypothetical Exiting Conditions ............ ....... .. .. .. .. ..... .. ... ... ........ .... ..... . 8 - 83
Hypothetical Restoration Response ....... ... ...... ...... .... .. .......... ..... ..... ... . 8 - 84
Forestry .. ..... .. ................... ............ ........... ....... .. .................................... ..... . 8 - 86
Forest Roads ................ ..... .... ..... ... .... ...... .... .... ............. ........ .. ... ... .. ..... . 8 - 88
Buffer Strips in Forestry ... ..... ... ..... ..... ..... ....... .. ... ... .... ... .... ...... .. ... ... ... . 8 - 89
Grazing ............................ ... .... ............. .... .. ..... .... ......... ............... .... .... ... .... 8 - 90
Mining ....... ......... ... .............................. .... ........ .... ..... ............. ... ....... ..... ... . 8 - 96
Recreation .... .... ................... ...... ..................... ... ...... .. ............ .... .. ... .. ......... . 8 - 97
Urbanization ............. ...... ......... ... ............ ....... .. .. .. ...... ... ..... ..... .... .............. . 8 - 97
Key Tools of Urban Stream Restoration Design ...... ..... .. .... ... .... ... ........ . 8 - 101

Chapter 9: Restoration Implementation, Monitoring, and Management ..... . 9 - 1

9.A Restoration Implementation ......... .. .......... .. ........... ... .......................... ... 9 - 3

Site Preparation .............. ....... .. ............... .. ............... ... .. ... ........ ...... ......... ... . 9 - 3
Delineating Work Zones ....... .. ................... ................ ... ........ .. ..... ... . . 9 - 3

Contents xv
Preparing Access and Staging Areas .... . ... ... .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . .... .. . . .. .. . ...... ... . .. 9- 4
Taking Precautions to Minimize Disturbance ... . . . .. . . . . .. ... . .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. 9- 4
Protection of Existing Vegetation and Sensit ive Habitat ........ ..... ..... 9 - 4
Erosion .. .. . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . .. ... ... . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. . . .. . . . . .. . ... . .. . .. . .. . ........ ..... 9 - 4
Water Qua lity . . .. . . .. . .. . . ... ... . .. ... .. .. .... .. ... .. .. . .. . . . . . .. . ... . .. . .. . .. . ... . ... . .. . .. 9 - 6
Air Qual ity. ...... .. ........... .. ....... .. ....... .. ......... ... ... .. ... .. ... .... ... .. .. .. ... .. . 9 - 7
Cu ltural Resources .... ........ ...... ..... .. ..... ......... .. ... ... .. ... ... ...... ... .... ...... 9 - 8
No ise ... .. .... ...... .. ... ... ..... .... .... ... ...... ...... ...... .. .. ..... ... ..... ... .. ... .. .. .... .... 9 - 8
Solid Waste Disposal . . .... . ... .. . .. . .. .... .. ..... .. .. . .. . . . .... .. . . .. ... .. .. . .. . . . .. . . .. .. 9 - 9
Worksite Sanitat ion . .. . . . ... .. .. . .. . .. ... .. . ..... .. .. . .. . . . ..... .. . . .. . .. ... .. .. . . . .. .. . .. 9 - 9
Obtaining Appropriate Equipment . . ... .. . ... .. . .. . .. . . . ..... ... . .. . .. ... . . .. . . .. . .. . .. 9- 9
Site Clearing ......... ....... ...... .... ... .... ...... ... .. .... ......... ....... ................ .. .... ... ...... . 9 - 10
Geographic Limits . . ... . . . .... .. . .. ... .. . .. .. ... ... . ..... .. .. . .. . . . .... . .. . . .. . .. ... .. .. . . . .. .. . 9 - 10
Removal of Undesirable Plant Species ... . ..... .. .. . .. . . . ... . . .. . . .. .. . ... . . .. . . .. ... . .. 9 - 10
Drainage . . .. .. .. . . .. .. . . ... . . . .... .. . ... .. ... . .. .... .. . ... .. .. .. . .. . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . .. ... .. .. . . .. . .. . . 9 - 11
Protection and Management of Existing Vegetation .. . . .. . .. .. . . . .. . . . .. .. . .. 9 - 12
Instal lation and Construction .......... ............ ........ .... ... ... .. ...... .. .... .. .. ...... ...... 9 - 12
Earth Moving .. . .. . . ... . . .. . ... .. . .. . ... . . .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. . .. . ... .... . .. . . . .. . ... . . .. . . . .. .. . .. 9 - 12
Fi ll Placement and Disposal ... .. ..... .. ... .... ..... ................. ... ..... .... .... .. 9 - 12
Contouring .... .. .... ..... .... .... ..... ...... .... ... .. .. ... .. .. .. .. ... ... ... ... .... .. ......... . 9 - 13
Final Gradi ng ..... ..... ... ...... ........... ... ....... .. .. ... ....... .... ....... .. .... .. .. ... .... 9 - 14
Diversion of Flow . . .. .. .. . . . ... .. ... . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . ... . . ... . . . ... .. . . ... . .. . .. ... . . .. . . . .. ... .. . 9 - 14
Installation of Plant Materials .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . ... .. . .... . . ... .. . .. .. . ... .. ... . . ... . . .. . .. .. . 9 - 15
Timin g .................... ..... .... .. .... ..... .... ............. .......... ... ... .... ... .... ........ 9 - 16
Acqu isit ion .. ... . .... . ..... .. ..... ... .. ... .. .. .. .... ...... . ... ... . .... .. . ..... .... ... ... ..... 9 - 16
Transportation and Storage ... ............. ....... .... ... .............. ........ .... ... 9 - 16
Planting Principles . ....... ... ... ...... ..... ..... ......... .... ... .... ...... ... .... .......... 9 - 17
Competing Plants ..... .. ...... ... ....... ........... ..... .. ....... ... .. ...... .... .. ...... . . 9 - 18
Use of Chemica ls ..... .. ........ ... .... ........... .. .. ... .... ... ............ .. .. .... ...... 9 - 18
Mu lches .......................... ... .... ..... ..... ... ....... ........ ....... ..... ..... .... ... ... 9 - 19
Irrigation ... ............ ... ..... ..... .... ... ......... ................. .. .... .. .. .... .. .. ...... ... 9 - 20
Fencin g .............. ... ...... ... .. ... ... ... .. ....... ......... ..... .... .. .. .... ..... ... .......... 9 - 20
Inspection . . . .. . .. . .. .. . . .. . .. .. . . .. . ... .. . .. . .. ... . .. .. ... .. . ... .. .. .. . ...... . . .. .. . .. .. . ... .. .. . . . .. .. . . .. 9 - 21
On-Site Inspection Following Installation ... .. ..... .... .. .... .............. ... .. ....... 9 - 22
Follow-up Inspections .. . ... .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . ... . . .. . . . .. . .. . .. 9 - 22
General Inspection ..... .... ......................... ...... ... ...... .... .... ... ... .. .... ... 9 - 23
Bank and Channel Structures ...... .... ... .... ... ... ... .. .... .. .. ... .. ..... ... ...... 9 - 23
Vegetation .. . .. . ... . . . . ... .. ... ... . .. . .. .. .... . ..... .. ..... .. ... .... ......... .... ............. 9 - 24
Urban Features ..... .. .... .... ... ... ... ....... .... ... .. ....... .. .. ........... ..... .......... 9 - 25
M aintenance ... .. ..... ..... .. .... .. ........ ... ...... ...... ...... ........ .... .... ... ....... ...... ... ... .. .. 9 - 26
Channels and Floodplains ... ... .. . .. . .. .... .... .. .. ... .. .. . . ... . . ... . . .. . .. . .. .. . . . .. .. . . .. 9 - 27
Protection/Enhancement Measures .. .. .. . ..... .. . ..... .. . . . . . ... . . .. . ... .. . . . . . . .. . . 9 - 27
Vegetation . . .. .. . .. . . . .. . . . .. ... . . ... .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . ...... .. . . .. . ... . . .. . .. .. . . . . . .. .... . .. 9 - 28
Other Fea tures . ... . ... . . ...... .... .. ... .. . ... ... ......... ..... .. ... ... . .... . .. .... . .. . . . .. . 9 - 28

xvi Stream Corridor

9.B Monitoring Techniques Appropriate for Evaluating Restoration ... ..... 9 - 29
Adaptive Management ... ......... ...... ...... ... ..... ... .... ..... ... ... ..... ................. ....... . 9 - 32
Implementation Monitoring .. .. ......... .... ........................... .. .. .... ... .... ... ..... .. .. . 9 - 32
Effectiveness Monitoring .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. ..... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .... .. . 9 - 32
Validation Monitoring .. .. ..................... .. ....................... ........ .. ..... ..... .. ... ....... 9 - 32
Evaluation Parameters .. .. .. .. ....... .... .. ........ .. . ... ..... .. .. .. . .. .. ............ .. .. .. .. .. ... . .. . 9 - 32
Physical Parameters .......... ...... ......... ............. ............ ............. ............ ... 9 - 32
Biological Parameters ........ ..................................... .................. ........... 9 - 33
Chemical Parameters . .... .. ..... .. ... ... .. .. ... .. .. .... .. .. ... .... ... .. ... .. .. .. .. ... .. .... .. 9 - 33
Referen ce Sites .. ..... .. .. ...... .... .. .... .......... ..... .. .. .. ...... .... ... ..... .. ...... .... .... .... .... .. 9 - 35
Human Interest Factors.... .. .. .. .. .. ... .... ...... .. .. ... .... .. ... .. .... .... .............. ... ... .... ... 9 - 38

9.C Restoration Management ......................................... ............................. 9 - 40

Streams ........ .. .... ..... .... .. ....... .. ... .. ... ..... ................... .. ..... ... .............. .. ... ..... .. 9 - 41
Forest s .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... .. .. .. .... .. .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .... .. 9 - 42
Grazed Lands ..... ........ .. .. ............ ..... ... .... .... .... ... ... ... ... .. ........ ..... ...... ....... ..... 9 - 43
Fish and Wildlife ............. ... .. .. ... .. .... ..... .......... .... .. .. ..... ........ .. .. ..... ....... .... ... .. 9 - 46
Human Use ..... .. .... .. .. .......... ...... . .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. .... .. .... .. ...... .... ..... ............. .. ... 9 - 46


Appendix A: Techniques...................................................................................... A - 1

Appendix B: U.S./Metric Conversion Factors .................................................... A - 31


References B- 1

Index B - 33

Contents xvii
xviii Stream Corridor

Machines printed this document, but people translated their collective knowledge
and experience into the printed word. The following agencies, people, and
affiliates cooperated and worked together to produce the interagency document,
"Stream Corridor Restoration: Principles, Processes, and Practices." Numerous
other people also worked in support or consultative roles within and outside of
the agencies, and their contribution is acknowledged and very much appreciated.

Federal Agencies
The following federal agencies collaborated to produce this document:

U.S. Department of Agriculture

• Agricultural Research Service
• Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service
• Forest Service
• Natural Resources Conservation Service
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Tennessee Valley Authority
Federal Emergency Management Agency
U.S. Department of Commerce
• National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration
- National Marine Fisheries Service
U.S. Department of Defense
• Army Corps of Engineers
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
U.S. Department of the Interior
• Bureau of Land Management
• Bureau of Reclamation
• Fish and Wildlife Service
• National Park Service
• U.S. Geological Survey

These federal agencies produced this document with their resources

and human talent, forming and supporting a Production Team,
a Communications Team, and a Steering Team.

Acknowledgements xix
Production Team
The Production Team developed much of the material for this document.
Some individuals on this team led the development of individual chapters and
wrote specific parts of the document. Contributing authors include recognized
experts from universities and consulting firms.
Name Affiliation Location

Adams, Carolyn USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service,

Watershed Science Institute Portland, OR

Allen, Hollis U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station Vicksburg, MS

Bates, A. Leon Tennessee Val ley Authority Muscle Shoals, AL

Booth, Derek Center for Urban Water Resources Management, U. of Washington Seattle, WA

Cleveland, Mark USDA-Forest Service Aberdeen, MD

Corry, Rob Environmental Al liance for Senior Involvement Washington, DC

Craft, Richard USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service Burlington, VT

Fairchild, Jim USDl-U.S. Geological Survey-BRO, Environ. and
Contaminant s Research Ctr. Columbia, MO

Fogg, Jim* USDl-Bureau of Land Management Denver, CO

Jim Golden USDA-Forest Service Bend, OR

Gray, Randall USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service Ft. Worth, TX

Hollins, Michael Ecosyst em Recovery Institute Freeland, MD

Homa, John lchthyological Associates, Inc. Ithaca, NY

Jackson, John K. Stroud Water Research Center Avondale, PA

Johnson, R. Roy Joh nson & Haight Environmental Consultants

Kelley, Kenneth R. Tennessee Valley Authority Muscle Shoals, AL

Klimas, Charles Charles Klimas & Associates, Inc. Seattle, WA

Landin, Mary U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station Vicksburg, M S

Mccardle, Kevin Environmental Al liance for Senior Involvement Washington, DC

Potts, Donald F. School of Forestry, U. of MT

Saele, Leland USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service Portland, OR

Scheyer, Joyce Mack USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service Lincoln, NE

Shepherd, Jennifer Environmenta l Alliance for Senior Involvement Washington, DC

Shields, Jr., F. Douglas USDA-Agricu lt ural Research Service, ARS National Sedimentation Lab. Oxford, M S

Steffen, Lyle USDA-Natu ra l Resources Conservation Service Lincoln, NE

Sullivan, Marie USDl-Fish and Wildlife Service Sacramento, CA

Thomas, Wi lbert 0. Michael Baker Jr., Inc. Alexandria, VA

Wells, Gary* USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service Lincoln, NE

Wesche, Tom Wyoming Water Resources Center, University of Wyoming Laramie, WY

Wi llard, Daniel E. School of Public & Environmental Affairs, Indiana University Bloomington, IN

*Co-leader, Production Team

xx Stream Corridor
Communications Team
The Communications Team developed the plan for promoting the creation of
this document, both in process and product. Members designed and produced
a variety of information materials for people interested in the document.
Name Affiliation Location

Becker, Hank USDA-Agricultural Research Service Greenbelt, M D

Davidek, June* USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service Washington, DC
Dawson, Michelle USDl-Bu reau of Land Management Washington, DC
Forshee, Carol U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Washington, DC
Hewitt, Dave U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Washington, DC
lcke, Tim U.S. Environmental Protection Agency W ashington, DC
M eeks, Tim Tennessee Va lley A uthority M uscle Shoals, A L
M unsey, Tom U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Washington, DC
O'Connor, M ike USDA-Forest Service Washington, DC
Rieben, Craig USDl-Fish and W ildlife Service Washington, DC
Tennyson, Janet USDl-Fish and W ildlife Service Washington, DC
White, David USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service Washington, DC

* Leader, Communications Team

Acknowledgements xxi
Steering Team
The Steering Team organized, led, and coordinated the production of this docu-
ment. Steering Team members not only represented the interests of their agen-
cies but also served as contact pivots for information to and from their agencies
and also wrote parts of the document. The Steering Team also secured
nonfederal peer review of this document and facilitated the signing of the
Memorandum of Understanding.

Name Affiliation Location

Bernard, Jerry** USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service Washington, DC

Bornholdt, Dave USDl-U.S. Geologica l Survey Reston, VA
Brady, Don U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Washington, DC
Burns, Meg J. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Baltimore, MD
Cope, Gene National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Washington, DC
National Marine Fisheries Service, Office of Habitat Conservation
Cunniff, Shannon USDl-Bureau of Reclamation Washington, DC
DiBuono, Richard U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Washington, DC
Euston, Andrew Department of Housing and Urban Development Washington, DC
Farrell, David A. USDA-Agricultural Research Service Beltsville, MD
Getzen, Beverley U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Washington, DC
Gray, John USDl-U.S. Geological Survey Reston, VA
Horton, Denise USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service Chattanooga, TN
Kelley, Kenneth R. Tennessee Valley Authority Muscle Shoals, AL
Kliwinski, Sharon USDl-National Park Service Washington, DC
LaFayette, Russell USDA-Forest Service Washington, DC
Mcshane, John Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington, DC
Miller, James E. USDA-Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service Washington, DC
Munsey, Tom U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Washington, DC
Nolton, Darrell U.S. A rmy Corps of Engineers Alexandria, VA
Norton, Doug U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Washington, DC
Robinson, Mike Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington, DC
Rylant, Karen E. Tennessee Val ley Authority Muscle Shoals, AL
Schilling, Kyle U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Ft. Belvoir, VA
Schmidt, Larry USDA-Forest Service Ft. Col lins, CO
Smalley, Dan USDl-Fish and Wildlife Service A rlington, VA
Stabler, Fred USDl-Bureau of Land Management Wash ington, DC
Tuttle, Ron ** USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service Wash ington, DC

**Co-leader, Steering Team

xxii Stream Corridor

Design and Printing Team
The Design and Printing Team members revised working and review drafts for
agency and peer comment. Several agency staffs developed the final product
layout, design, and printing.

Name Affiliation Location

Bartow, Sue Tetra Tech, Inc. Fairfax, VA

Bernard, Jerry USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service Washington, DC
Butcher, John Tetra Tech, Inc. Research Triangle Park, NC
Ca uley, Shannon Tetra Tech, Inc. Fairfax, VA
Corry, Rob Environment al A lliance for Senior Involvement Washington, DC
Creager, Clayton Tetra Tech, Inc. Calistoga, CA
Fogg, Jim USDl-Bureau of Land Management Denver, CO
Gleeson, Lisa** U.S. Department of Ag ricu lture Washington, DC
Grimm, Sandy USDA-Natural Resou rces Conservation Service Washington , DC
Gunning, Paul Tetra Tech, Inc. Fairfax, VA
Hiett, Liz Tetra Tech, Inc. Fairfax, VA
Hill, Linda* USDl-Bureau of Land Management Denver, CO
Cuffe, Kelly Tetra Tech, Inc. San Francisco, CA
Mccardle, Kevin Environmental Alliance for Senior Involvement Wash ington, DC
Martin, Marti Tetra Tech, Inc. Fairfax, VA
Meyer, Mary USDA-Natural Resou rces Conservation Service Bozeman, MT
Olson, Julie** U.S. Department of Agriculture Washington , DC
Pett, Sam Tetra Tech, Inc. Fairfax, VA
Proctor, Paula Tetra Tech, Inc. Fairfax, VA
Shepherd, Jennifer Environmental A lliance for Senior Involvement Wash ington, DC
Simpson, Jonathan * Tetra Tech, Inc. Fairfax, VA
Sutton, David ** U.S. Department of Agriculture Washington, DC
Tuttle, Ron USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service Wash ington, DC
Randy Varney Tetra Tech , Inc. San Francisco, CA
Wells, Gary USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service Lincoln, NE

** Layout, Design, and Printing

Nongovernmental Organizations
The World Wildlife Fund coordinated input and reviews from other
nongovernmental organizations.
Name Affiliation Location

Hunt, Constance World Wildlife Fund Washington, DC

Acknowledgements xxiii
Peer Review
In addition to internal agency reviews, an independent peer review panel coor-
dinated external reviews.

Name Affiliation Location

Clar, Michael L. Engineering Technologies Associates, Inc. Ellicott City, MD

Erickson, Nancy Illinois Farm Bureau Peoria, IL
Herrick, Edwin University of Illinois Urbana-C hampaign, IL
Hill, Kristina E. Department of Landscape Arch itecture, U. of Wash ington Seattle, WA
Hunt, Constance World Wildlife Fund Washington, DC
Ice, Dr. George National Council for Air & Stream Improvement Corvallis, OR
Leighton, Elizabeth WWF W ild Rivers Institute Scotland
Litjens, Gerard Foundation Ark Netherlands
Louthain, Jerry Washingt on State Department of Ecology Olympia, WA
Mcisaac, Greg University of Illinois, Ag. Engineering Dept. Urbana-Champaign, IL
Neil, C. R. Northwest Hydraulic Consultants, Ltd. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Patten, Dr. Duncan Society of Wetland Scientists Bozeman, MT
Rast, Georg WWF Floodplain Ecology Institute Rastatt, Germany
Reckendorf, Frank Reckendorf and Associates Salem, OR
Riley, Ann Waterways Restoration Institute Berkeley, CA
Roseboom, Donald Illinois St ate Water Survey Peoria, IL
Rosgen, Dave Wildland Hydrology Pagosa Springs, CO
Schueler, Thomas Center for Watershed Protection Ellicott City, MD
Sotir, Robbin B. Robbin B. Sotir & Associates Marietta, GA

xx iv Stream Corridor
Other Contributors
Other invaluable support and assistance was rendered by
numerous individuals, including:
Name Affiliation Location

Alonso, Carlos V. USDA-Agricultu ral Research Service Oxford, MS

Andrews, Ned U.S. Geological Survey Boulder, CO
Biedenharn, David U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Vicksburg, MS
Bingner, Ronald L. USDA-Agricultural Research Service Oxford, MS
Briggs, Mark Rincon Institute Tucson, AZ
Brashears, Bob U.S. Geological Survey Lakewood, CO
Cannell, John U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Washington, DC
Clark, Jerry National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Washington, DC
Copeland, Ronald U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Vicksburg, MS
Coreil, Paul D. Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, LA
Corrigan, Mary Beth . Tetra Tech, Inc. Fairfax, VA
Darby, Stephen E. USDA-Agricu ltural Research Service Oxford, MS
Davenport, Tom U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Chicago, IL
Eddy-Miller, Cheryl U.S. Geological Survey Cheyenne, WY
Fischenich, Craig U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Vicksburg, MS
Hankin, Howard USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service Washington, DC
Jackson, William L. USDl-National Park Service Fort Collins, CO
Hughey, Wil liam USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service Washington, DC
lschinger, Lee Midcontinental Ecological Science Center Ft Collins, CO
Klofstad, Gordon USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service Washington, DC
Krueper, David USDl-Bureau of Land Management Sierra Vista, AZ
Kuhnle, Roger A. USDA-Agricu ltural Research Service Oxford, MS
Labaugh, Jim U.S. Geological Survey Reston, VA
Levish, Dan USDl-Bureau of Reclamation Denver, CO
M artin, Kristen U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Washington, DC
Miller, Clint City of Boulder Boulder, CO
Morganwalp, David U.S. Geological Survey Reston, VA
Petri, Mark School of Natural Resources, U. of MO Col umbia, MO
Ratcliffe, Susan U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Washington, DC
Simon, Andrew USDA-Agricu ltural Research Service Oxford, MS
Stockman, Charlie USDl-National Park Service Washington, DC
Sumner, Richard U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Corvalis, OR
Taylor, Theresa USDl-Bureau of Reclamation Denver, CO
Troast, Judy USDl-Burea u of Reclamation Washington, DC
Wittler, Rodney J. USDl-Bureau of Reclamation Denver, CO
Woodward, Don USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service Washington, DC
Yang, C. Ted USDl-Bureau of Reclamation Denver, CO
Zabawa, Chris U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Washington, DC

Acknowledgements xxv
Over-view of
There is a phenomenal resiliency
Restoration: in the mechanisms of the earth.
A river or lake is almost never
dead. If you give it the slightest
Principles, chance... then nature usually
comes back.
Processes, - Rene Dubos 1981

and Practices

Why Is Stream Corridor Restoration diversity, species densities, and rates of biologi-
Important? cal productivity than most other landscape
The United States has more than 3.5 million
miles of rivers and streams that, along with Streams and stream corridors evolve in concert
closely associated floodplain and upland areas, with and in response to surrounding ecosystems.
comprise corridors of great economic, social, Changes within a surrounding ecosystem (e.g.,
cultural, and environmental value. These corri- watershed) will impact the physical, chemical,
dors are complex ecosystems that include the and biological processes occurring within a
land, plants, animals, and network of streams stream corridor. Stream systems normally func-
within them. They perform a number of eco- tion within natural ranges of flow, sediment
logical functions such as modulating stream- movement, temperature, and other variables, in
flow, storing water, removing harmful materials what is termed "dynamic equilibrium." When
from water, and providing habitat for aquatic changes in these variables go beyond their nat-
and terrestrial plants and animals. Stream corri- ural ranges, dynamic equilibrium may be lost,
dors also have vegetation and soil characteris- often resulting in adjustments in the ecosystem
tics distinctly different from surrounding that might conflict with societal needs. In some
uplands and support higher levels of species circumstances, a new dynamic equilibrium may

Fig. I. 1: Stream corridor in the

M idwest. Stream corridors have
great economic, social, cultural,
and environmental values.
eventually develop, but the time frames
in which this happens can be lengthy,
and the changes necessary to achieve this Human activity has profoundly
new balance significant. affected rivers and streams in all
Over the years, human activities have parts of the world, to such an
contributed to changes in the dynamic extent that it is now extremely
equilibrium of stream systems across
difficult to find any stream
the nation. These activities center on
manipulating stream corridor systems which has not been in some way
for a wide variety of purposes, includ- altered, and probably quite
ing domestic and industrial water sup- impossible to find any such river.
plies, irrigation, transportation,
- H.B.N. Hynes 1970
hydropower, waste disposal, mining,
flood control, timber management,
recreation, aesthetics, and more re-
cently, fish and wildlife habitat. In-
creases in human population and
industrial, commercial, and residential conveyance capacity, loss of habitat for
development place heavy demands on fish and wildlife, and decreased recre-
this country's stream corridors. ational and aesthetic values (National
The cumulative effects of these activities Research Council 1992). According to
result in significant changes, not only to the 1994 National Water Quality Inven-
stream corridors, but also to the ecosys- tory of 617,806 miles of rivers and
tems of which they are a part. These streams, only 56 percent fully sup-
changes include degradation of water ported multiple uses, including drink-
quality, decreased water storage and ing water supply, fish and wildlife
habitat, recreation, and agriculture, as
well as flood prevention and erosion
control. Sedimentation and excess nu-
trients were the most significant causes
of degradation (USEPA 1997) in the re-
maining 44 percent.
Given these statistics, the potential for
restoring the conditions in our na-
tion's rivers and streams and protect-
ing them from further damage is
almost boundless.
What Is Meant by Restoration?

Restoration is a complex endeavor that

begins by recognizing natural or
human-induced disturbances that are
damaging the structure and functions of
the ecosystem or preventing its recovery
to a sustainable condition (Pacific
Fig. 1.2: Concrete-lined channel. Stream systems Rivers Council 1996). It requires an un-
across the nation have been altered for a wide
derstanding of the structure and func-
variety of purposes.
tions of stream corridor ecosystems and

1- 2 Introduction
Restoration. Rehabilitation. and Reclamation

• Restoration is reestablishment of the structure and function of ecosystems (National Research

Council, 1992). Ecological restoration is the process of returning an ecosystem as closely as possible
to predisturbance conditions and functions. Implicit in this definition is that ecosystems are nat urally
dynamic. It is therefore not possible to recreate a system exactly The restoration process reestablishes
the general structure, function, and dynamic but self-sustaining behavior of the ecosystem.
• Rehabilitation is making the land useful again after a disturbance. It involves the recovery of eco-
system functions and processes in a degraded habitat (Dunster and Dunster 1996). Rehabilitation
does not necessarily reestablish the predisturbance condition, but does involve establishing geological
and hydrologically stable landscapes that support the natural ecosystem mosaic.
• Reclamation is a series of activities intended to change the biophysical capacity of an ecosystem.
The resulting ecosystem is different from the ecosystem existing prior to recovery (Dunster and Dunster
1996). The term has implied the process of adapting wild or natural resources to serve a utilitarian
human purpose such as the conversion of riparian or wetland ecosystems to agricultural, industrial, or
urban uses.
Restoration differs from rehabilitation and reclamation in that restoration is a holistic process not
achieved through the isolated manipulation of individual elements. While restoration aims to return
an ecosystem to a former natural condition, rehabilitation and reclamation imply putting a landscape
to a new or altered use to serve a particular human purpose (National Research Council 1992).

the physical, chemical, and biological Restoration practitioners involved with

processes that shape them (Dunster and stream corridors take one of three basic
Dunster 1996). approaches to restoration:
Restoration, as defined in this docu- • Nonintervention and undisturbed recov-
ment, includes a broad range of actions ery: where the stream corridor is
and measures designed to enable recovering rapidly, and active restora-
stream corridors to recover dynamic tion is unnecessary and even detri-
equilibrium and function at a self- mental.
sustaining level. The first and most
• Partial intervention for assisted recovery:
critical step in implementing restora- where a stream corridor is attempting
tion is to, where possible, halt distur-
to recover, but is doing so slowly or
bance activities causing degradation or
uncertainly. In such a case, action
preventing recovery of the ecosystem may facilitate natural processes
(Kauffman et al. 1993). Restoration ac-
already occurring.
tions may range from passive ap-
proaches that involve removal or • Substantial intervention for managed
attenuation of chronic disturbance ac- recovery: where recovery of desired
tivities to active restoration that in- functions is beyond the repair capaci-
volves intervention and installation of ty of the ecosystem and active
measures to repair damages to the restoration measures are needed.
structure of stream corridors. The specific goals of any particular
restoration should be defined within
the context of the current conditions
and disturbances in the watershed,

What Is Meant by Restoration? 1-3

tegrity includes a critical range of vari-
ability in biodiversity, ecological
processes, and structures, regional and
Streams Have the Capability to h istorical context, and sustainable cul-
Restore Themselves-We must be tural practices."
able to recognize these situations. Why Is a Stream Corridor
Restoration Document Needed?
"Each stream," says Christopher Hunter, "is a whole
greater than the sum of its geologic, climatic, hydrologic, Interest in restoring stream corridor
and biologic parts. " Those who would save rivers must ecosystems is expanding nationally and
first see each river whole, as a separate, vital, and internationally. Research is under way
unique group of elements and energies that constantly and guidelines are being developed for
seeks its own dynamic equilibrium (from Nick Lyons, stream corridor restoration in both the
Foreword to Better Trout Habitat: A Guide to public and private sectors. The number
Stream Restoration and Management; Hunter 1991). of case studies, published papers, tech-
It is this almost living quality of streams, along with the nology exchanges, research projects,
capability to repair and sustain themselves with the and symposia on both the technical
removal of disturbances, that this document must con- and process aspects of stream corridor
vey to the reader. This document addresses the need restoration is increasing.
within agencies for a comprehensive restoration context, Over the years, many federal agencies
an appreciation of the importance of removing key dis- have contributed to this growing body of
turbances to allow streams to restore themselves, and knowledge and have issued manuals and
to better determine those circumstances w hen active handbooks pertaining in some way to
intervention in the restoration process is the preferred stream restoration. Much of this older
alternative. literature, however, is significantly differ-
ent from this document in terms of phi-
losophy and technique. Narrow in
scope and focusing on only specific as-
pects, regions, objectives, or treatments,
it may be outdated and not reflective of
new restoration techniques and philoso-
phies. The result has been confusion
corridor, and stream. In all likelihood, and concern among both government
restoration will not involve returning a agencies and the public on how to evalu-
system to its pristine or original condi- ate the need for development and imple-
tion. The goal should be to establish mentation of restoration initiatives.
self-sustaining stream functions. In response, this document represents
Because this document may be a pri- an unprecedented cooperative effort by
mary reference on ecological restoration the participating federal agencies to
for many users, it is appropriate that produce a common technical reference
more than one definition of restoration on stream corridor restoration.
be included. The following definition of Recognizing that no two stream corri-
restoration has been adopted by the So- dors and no two restoration initiatives
ciety for Ecological Restoration (SER). are identical, this technical document
"Ecological restoration is the process of broadly addresses the elements of
assisting the recovery and management restoration that apply in the majority of
of ecological integrity. Ecological in- situations encountered. The document

1-4 Introduction
based on experiences and basic scien-
tific knowledge.
It is axiomatic that no restora- As a general goal, this document pro-
tion can ever be perfect; it is motes the use of ecological processes
impossible to replicate the bio- (physical, chemical, and biological) and
geochemical and climatological minimally intrusive solutions to restore
self-sustaining stream corridor func-
sequence of events over geolog-
ical time that led to the creation
and placement of even one par-
ticle of soil, much less to exactly
reproduce an entire ecosystem.
Therefore, all restorations are
exercises in approximation and
in the reconstruction of natural-
istic rather than natural assem-
blages of plants and animals
with their physical environ-

- Berger 1990

is not a set of guidelines that cover every

possible restoration situation, but it does
provide a framework in which to plan
restoration actions and alternatives.
What Does the Document Cover?

This document takes a more encom-

passing approach to restoration than
most other texts and manuals. It pro-
vides broadly applicable guidance for
common elements of the restoration
process, but also provides alternatives,
and references to alternatives, which
may be appropriate for site-specific
restoration activities. Moreover, the doc-
ument incorporates and reflects the ex- (b)
Fig.-/.3'; Stream corridor restoration can be
periences of the collaborating agencies
applied in both (a) urban and (b) rural settings.
and provides a common technical refer- No matter the setting, vegetation and soil
ence that can be used to restore systems characteristics in the corridor differ distinct ly
from the surrounding uplands.

What Does the Document Cover? 1- 5

tions. It provides information necessary Note that there are several things that
to develop and select appropriate alter- this document is not intended to be.
The document
is intended
natives and solutions, and to make in- • It is not a cookbook containing pre-
primarily for formed management decisions scribed "recipes" or step-by-step
interdisciplinary regarding valuable stream corridors and instructions on how to restore a
technical and their watersheds. In addition, the docu- stream corridor.
managerial ment recognizes the complexity of most
teams and indi- stream restoration work and promotes • While this document refers to issues
viduals responsi- an integrated approach to restoration. It such as nonpoint source pollution
ble for planning, supports close cooperation among all and best management practices, wet-
designing, and participants in order to achieve a com- lands restoration and delineation,
implementing mon set of objectives. lake and reservoir restoration, and
stream corridor water quality monitoring, it is not
restoration The guidance contained in this docu- meant to focus on these subjects.
initiatives. ment is applicable nationwide in both
urban and rural settings. The material • It is not a policy-setting document.
presented applies to a range of stream No contributing federal agency is
types, including intermittent and peren- strictly bound by its contents. Rather,
nial streams of all sizes, and rivers too it suggests and promotes a set of
small to be navigable by barges. It offers approaches, methods, and techniques
a scientific perspective on restoration applicable to most stream corridor
work ranging from simple to complex, restoration initiatives encountered by
with the level of detail increasing as the agencies and practitioners.
scale moves from the landscape to the • It is not intended to be an exhaustive
stream reach. research document on the subject of
stream corridor restoration. It does
provide, however, many references
for those desiring a deeper under-
standing of the principles and theo-
ries underlying techniques and issues
discussed in general terms.

Who Is the Intended Audience?

The document is intended primarily for

interdisciplinary technical and manage-
rial teams and individuals responsible
for planning, designing, and imple-
menting stream corridor restoration ini-
tiatives. The document may also be
useful to others who are working in
stream corridors, including contractors,
landowners, volunteers, agency staff,
and other practitioners.
How Is the Document Organized?

The document is organized to provide

Fig. 1.4: A stream corridor. The document pro- an overview of stream corridors, steps in
vides an overview of stream corridor structure restoration plan development, and
and functions. guidelines for implementing restoration.

1-6 Introduction
The d ocument has been divided into
three principal parts. Part I provides
backgrou nd on the fundamental con-
cepts of stream corridor structure,
Agencies Contributing to This
processes, functions, and the effects of
disturbance. Part II focuses on a gen-
eral restoration plan development • United States Department of Agriculture:
process comprised of several fundamen-
- Agricultural Research Service
tal steps. Part III exam ines the informa-
tion presented in Parts I and II to - Cooperative State Research, Education, and
consider how it can be applied in a Extension Service
restoration initiative. - Forest Service
Because of the size and complexity of - Natural Resources Conservation Service
the document, two features are used to
assist the reader to maintain a clear ori- • United States Department of Commerce:
entation within the document. These - National Oceanic and Atmospheric
features will allow the reader to more Administration
easily apply the information to specific
- National Marine Fisheries Service
aspects of a stream corridor restoration
initiative. These features are: • United States Department of Defense:
- Army Corps of Engineers
• Chapter dividers that include major
chapter sections and reader preview
and review questions for each chap- • United States Department of Housing and Urban

ter. Table 1.1 presents a summary of Development

these questions by chapter.
• Short chapter summaries included at
• United States Department of the Interior:
- Bureau of Land Management
the beginning and end of each chap-
- Bureau of Reclamatiori
ter that explain where the readers have
been, where they are in the document, - Fish and Wildlife Service
and where they are going. - United States Geological Survey
A special emphasis has been placed on - National Park Service
document orientation due to the special
mission that the document has to ful-
• United States Environmental Protection Agency

fill. The document audience will in- • Federal Emergency Management Agency

clude readers from many different • Tennessee Valley Authority

technical backgrounds and with various
levels of training. The orientation fea-
tures have been included to reinforce
the comprehensive and interdiscipli- suggested prior to more thorough read-
nary perspective of stream corridor ing. A reader seeking only a general u n-
restoration. derstanding of the principles of stream
restoration may skip over some of the
How Is the Docume nt Intended to
technical details in the body of the doc-
Be Used ?
ument. Use of document sections,
Use of the document mostly depends chapters, and headings allows each
on the goals of the reader. To begin reader to readily identify whether fur-
with, a quick overview of the material is

How Is the Document Intended to Be Used? 1- 7

ther, more detailed reading on a subject notes on restoration and to make the
will serve his or her purposes. document more relevant to local needs
The reader is urged to recognize the in- (e.g., a list of suitable native plant
terdisciplinary and technical nature of species for streambank revegetation).
stream restoration. While some techni- This document is being published in a
cal material may, on the surface, appear notebook form to allow insertion of:
irrelevant, it may in fact be highly rele- • Updated material that will be made
vant to a specific part of the process of available at the Internet sites printed
restoring a stream corridor. in the Preface.
Stream corridor restoration technologies • Addition of regional or locally rele-
and methodologies are evolving rapidly. vant materials collected by the reader.
Readers are encouraged to add their own

A Note About Units of Measurement

Metric units are commonly used throughout the world,
but most data published in the United States are in
English units. Although adoption of the metric system
is on the increase in the United States-and for many
federal agencies this conversion is mandated and being
planned for-restorers of stream corridors will continue
to use data that are in either metric or English units.
Appendix B contains a table of metric to English unit
conversion factors, in case a unit conversion is needed.

Readers are encouraged to share their restoration experi-
ences and provide feedback. They can do so by access-
ing the Stream Corridor Restoration home page on the
Internet address printed in the Preface. Other sources
of information may also be found by exploring the coop-
erating agencies' home pages on the Internet.

1-8 Introduction
Table 1.1
Chapter 1: Overview of Stream Corridors
1.A Physical Structure and Time at Multiple Scales
• What are the structural components of a stream corridor?
• Why are stream corridors of special significance, and why should they be
the focus of restoration efforts?
• What is the relationship between stream corridors and other landscape
units at broader and more local scales?
• What scales should be considered for a stream corridor restoration?

1.B A Lateral View Across the Stream Corridor

• How is a stream corridor structured from side to side?
• How do these elements contribute to stream corridor functions?
• What role do these elements play in the life of the stream?
• What do we need to know about the lateral elements of a stream corridor
to adequately characterize a stream corridor for restoration?
• How are the lateral elements of a stream corridor used to define flow pat-
terns of a stream?
1.C A Longitudinal View Along the Stream Corridor
• What are the longitudinal structural elements of a stream corridor?
• How are these elements used to characterize a stream corridor?
• What are some of the basic ecological concepts that can be applied to
streams to understand their function and characteristics on a longitudinal
• What do we need to know about the longitudinal elements that are
important to stream corridor restoration?

Chapter 2: Stream Corridor Processes, Characteristics, and Functions

2.A Hydrologic and Hydraulic Processes
• Where does stream flow come from?
• What processes affect or are involved with stream flow?
• How fast, how much, how deep, how often, and when does water flow?
• How is hydrology different in urban stream corridors?
2.B Geomorphic Processes
• What factors affect the channel cross section and channel profile?
• How are water and sediment related?
• Where does sediment come from and how is it transported downstream?
• What is an equilibrium channel?
• What should a channel look like in cross section and in profile?
• How do channel adjustments occur?
• What is a floodplain?
• Is there an important relationship between a stream and its floodplain?
2.C Physical and Chemical Characteristics
• What are the major chemical constituents of water?
• What are some important relationships between physical habitat and key
chemical parameters?
• How are the chemical and physical parameters critical to the aquatic life in
a stream corridor?
• What are the natural chemical processes in a stream corridor and water
• How do disturbances in the stream corridor affect the chemical character-
istics of stream water?

How Is the Document Intended to Be Used? 1- 9

Table 1.1 (continued)
2.D Biological Community Characteristics
• What are the important biological components of a stream corridor?
• What biological activities and organisms can be found within a stream
• How does the structure of stream corridors support various populations of
• What are the structural features of aquatic systems that contribute to the
biological diversity of stream corridors?
• What are some important biological processes that occur within a stream
• What role do fish have in stream corridor restoration?

2.E Functions and Dynamic Equilibrium

• What are the major ecological functions of stream corridors?
• How are these ecological functions maintained over time?
• Is a stream corridor stable?
• Are these functions related?
• How does a stream corridor respond to all the natural forces act-
ing on it (i.e., dynamic equilibrium)?

Chapter 3: Disturbance Affecting Stream Corridors

3.A Natural Disturbances
• How does natural disturbance contribute to shaping a local ecology?
• Are natural disturbances bad?
• How do you describe or define the frequency and magnitude of natural
• How does an ecosystem respond to natural disturbances?
• What are some types of natural disturbances you should anticipate in a
stream corridor restoration?
3.B Human-Induced Disturbances
• What are some examples of human-induced disturbances at several land-
scape scales?
• What are the effects of some common human-induced disturbances such
as dams, channeliza tion, and the introduction of exotic species?
• What are some of the effects of land use activities such as agriculture,
forestry, mining, grazing, recreation, and urbaniza tion?

Chapter 4: Getting Organized and Identifying Problems and

4.A Getting Organized
• Why is planning important?
• Is an Advisory Group needed?
• How is an Advisory Group formed?
• Who should be on an Advisory Group?
• How can funding be identified and acquired?
• How are technical t eams established and what are their roles?
• What procedures should an Advisory Group follow ?
• How is communication facilitated among affected stakeholders?

1- 10 Introduction
Table 1.1 (continued)
4.B Problem and Opportunity Identification
• Why is it important to spend resources on the problem ("When everyone
already knows what the problem is")?
• How can the anthropogenic changes that caused the need for the restora-
tion initiative be altered or removed?
• How are data collection and analysis procedures organized?
• How are problems affecting the stream corridor identified?
• How are reference conditions for the stream corridor determined?
• Why are reference conditions needed?
• How are existing management activities influencing the stream corridor?
• How are problems affecting the stream corridor described?

Chapter 5: Developing Goals, Objectives, and Restoration Alternatives

S.A Developing Restoration Goals and Objectives
• How are restoration goals and objectives defined?
• How do you describe desired future conditions for the stream corridor and
surrounding natural systems?
• What is the appropriate spatial scale for the stream corridor restoration?
• What institutional or legal issues are likely to be encountered during a
• What are the means to alter or remove the anthropogenic changes that
caused the need for the restoration (i.e., passive restoration)?
5.B Alternative Selection and Design
• How does a restoration effort target solutions to treat causes of impair-
ment and not just symptoms?
• What are important factors to consider when selecting among various
restoration alternatives?
• What role does spatial scale, economics, and risk play in helping to select
the best restoration alternative?
• Who makes the decisions?
• When is active restoration needed?
• When are passive restoration methods appropriate?

Chapter 6: Implement, Monitor, Evaluate, and Adapt

6.A Restoration Implementation
• What are the steps that should be followed for successful implementation?
• How are boundaries for the restoration defined?
• How is adequate funding secured for the duration of the project?
• What tools are useful for facilitating implementation?
• Why and how are changes made in the restoration plan once implementa-
tion has begun?
• How are implementation activities organized?
• How are roles and responsibilities distributed among restoration
• How is a schedule developed for installation of the restoration measures?
• What permits and regulations will be necessary before moving forward
with restoration measures?

How Is the Document Intended to Be Used? 1-11

Table I. 1 (continued)
6.B Restoration Monitoring, Evaluation, and Adaptive Management
• What is the role of monitoring in stream corridor restoration?
• When should monitoring begin?
• How is a monitoring plan tailored to the specific objectives of a restora-
tion initiative?
• Why and how is the success or failure of a restoration effort evaluated?
• What are some important considerations in developing a monitoring plan
to evaluate the restoration effort?

Chapter 7: Analysis of Corridor Condition

7.A Hydrologic Processes
• How does the stream flow and why is this understanding important?
• Is streamflow perennial, ephemeral, or intermittent?
• What is the discharge, frequency, and duration of extreme high and low
• How often does the stream flood?
• How does roughness affect flow levels?
• What is the discharge most effective in maintaining the stream channel
under equilibrium conditions?
• How does one determine if equilibrium conditions exist?
• What field measurements are necessary?

7 .B Geomorphic Processes
• How do I inventory geomorphic information on streams and use it to
understand and develop physically appropriate restoration plans?
• How do I interpret the dominant channel adjustment processes active at
the site?
• How deep and wide should a stream be?
• Is the stream stable?
• Are basin-wide adjustments occurring, or is this a local problem?
• Are channel banks stable, at-risk, or unstable?
• What measurements are necessary?

7 .C Chemical Characteristics
• How do you measure the condition of the physical and chemical condi-
tions within a stream corridor?
• Why is quality assurance an important component of stream corridor
analysis activities?
• What are some of the water quality models that can be used to evaluate
water chemistry data?
7 .D Biological Characteristics
• What are some important considerations in using biological indicators for
analyzing stream corridor conditions?
• Which indicators have been used successfully?
• What role do habitat surveys play in analyzing the biological condition of
the stream corridor?
• How do you measure biological diversity in a stream corridor?
• What is the role of stream classification systems in analyzing stream corri-
dor conditions?
• How can models be used to evaluate the biological condition of a stream
• What are the characteristics of models that have been used to evaluate
stream corridor conditions?

1- 12 Introduction
Table 1.1 (continued)
Chapter 8: Restoration Design
8.A Valley Form, Connectivity, and Dimension
• How do you incorporate all the spatial dimensions of the landscape into
stream corridor restoration design?
• What criteria can be applied to facilitate good design decisions for stream
corridor restoration?
8.B Soil Properties
• How do soil properties impact the design of restoration activities?
• What are the major functions of soils in the stream corridor?
• How are important soil characteristics, such as soil microfauna and soil
salinity, accounted for in the design process?
8.C Plant Communities
• What is the role of vegetative communities in stream corridor restoration?
• What functions do vegetative communities fulfill in a stream corridor?
• What are some considerations in designing plant community restoration
to ensure that all landscape functions are addressed?
• What is soil bioengineering and what is its role in stream corridor restora -
8.D Habitat Measures
• What are some specific tools and techniques that can be used to ensure
recovery of riparian and terrestrial habitat recovery?
8.E Stream Channel Restoration
• When is stream channel reconstruction an appropriate restoration option?
• How do you delineate the stream reach to be reconstructed?
• How is a stream channel designed and reconstructed?
• What are important factors to consider in the design of channel recon-
struction (e.g., alignment and average slope, channel dimensions)?
• Are there computer models that can assist with the design of channel
8.F Streambank Restoration
• When should stream bank stabilization be included in a restoration?
• How do you determine the performance criteria for streambank treat-
ment, including the methods and materials to be used?
• What are some streambank stabilization techniques that can be consid-
ered for use?
8.G lnstream Habitat Recovery
• What are the principal factors controlling the quality of instream habitat?
• How do you determine if an inst ream habitat structure is needed, and
what type of structure is most appropriate?
• What procedures can be used to restore instream habitat?
• What are some examples of instream habitat structures?
• What are some important questions to address before designing, select-
ing, or installing an instream habitat structure?

How Is the Document Intended to Be Used? 1- 13

8.H Land Use Scenarios
• What role does land use play in stream corridor degradation and
• What design approaches can be used to address the impacts of various
land uses (e.g., dams, agriculture, forestry, grazing, mining, recreation,
• What are some disturbances that are often associated with specific land
• What restoration measures can be used to mitigate the impacts of various
land uses?
• What are the potential effects of the restoration measures?

Chapter 9: Restoration Implementation, Monitoring, and Management

9.A Restoration Implementation
• What are passive forms of restoration and how are they "implemented"?
• What happens after the decision is made to proceed with an active rather
than a passive restoration approach?
• What type of activities are involved when installing restoration measures?
• How can impact on the stream channel and corridor be minimized when
installing restoration measures (e.g., water quality, air quality, cultural
resources, noise)?
• What types of equipment are needed for installing restoration measures?
• What are some important considerations regarding construction activities
in the stream corridor?
• How do you inspect and evaluate the quality and impact of construction
activities in the stream corridor?
• What types of maintenance measures are necessary to ensure the ongoing
success of a restoration?
9.B Monitoring Techniques Appropriate for Evaluating Restoration
• What methods are available for monitoring biological attributes of
• What can assessment of biological attributes tell you about the status of
the stream restoration?
• What physical parameters should be included in a monitoring manage-
ment plan?
• How are the physical aspects of the stream corridor evaluated?
• How is a restoration monitoring plan developed, and what issues should
be addressed in the plan?
• What are the sampling plan design issues that must be addressed to ade-
quately detect trends in stream corridor conditions?
• How do you ensure that the monitoring information is properly collected,
analyzed, and assessed (i.e., quality assurance plans)?
9.C Restoration Management
• What are important management priorities with ongoing activities and
resource uses within the stream corridor?
• What are some management decisions that can be made to support
stream restoration?
• What are some example impacts and management options with various
types of resource use within the stream corridor (e.g., forest management,
grazing, mining, fish and wildlife, urbanization)?
• When is restoration complete?

1- 14 Introduction

time Time (days)
of rise
Chapter 1: Overview of Stream Corridors
Chapter 2: Stream Corridor Processes,
Characteristics, and Functions
Chapter 3: Disturbance Affecting Stream

he purpose of Part I is to provide Untrained observers typically focus on

T background on fundamental concepts
necessary for planning and designing
only the longitudinal dimension of the
framework-the stream as it flows from
stream corridor restoration. Ward (1989) headwaters to mouth. This perspective is
described relationships that occur in the limited, however, because lateral and verti-
stream corridor using a four-dimensional cal movements of water, materials, energy,
framework (see figure below). This frame- and organisms also influence the character
work serves as a good starting point for of the stream corridor.
examining stream corridors.
The time dimension is also critically impor-
tant because stream corridors are
, I
constantly changing. Changes can
be detected in any number of
time frames- from minutes to
millennia. A challenge for
restoration practitioners,

Dimensions of the stream corridor.

A four-dimensional framework
serves as a good starting point for
examining stream corridors.
therefore, is to view time as well as ployed to try to reestablish structure
space in the stream corridor and functions so natural dynamic
equilibrium can once again occur
The physical structure of the stream
corridor is formed by the move- Part I is composed of three chapters:
ment of water, materials, energy,
• Chapter 1 defines the compo-
and organisms within this multi-
nents of the stream corridor and
dimensional framework. As move-
introduces the concepts of scale
ment affects structure, so too does
and structure. With these concepts
structure affect movement. This
in mind, structural elements with-
natural feedback loop helps to
in the stream corridor are exam-
create a state of balance within
ined first in the lateral and then
the stream corridor known as dy-
in the longitudinal dimensions.
namic equilibrium, which allows
the corridor to accommodate lim- • Chapter 2 presents information
ited change while maintaining its on the hydrologic and geomor-
essential structure and functions. phic processes that help build
structure in the stream corridor
Disturbances that affect stream Also addressed are the chemical
corridors can be natural or human- and biological characteristics that
induced. If they are severe enough, make a stream corridor unique in
they can alter the structure and func- the landscape. The chapter con-
tions of a stream corridor to a point cludes with a discussion of the six
that dynamic equilibrium is disrup- critical functions of the stream
ted. Restoration can then be em- corridor ecosystem and intro-
duces the concept of dynamic
• Chapter 3 summarizes the range
of disturbances that can stress the
stream corridor ecosystem, impact
dynamic equilibrium, and impair
the corridor's ability to perform
critical functions. Both natural and
human-induced disturbances are
discussed with a special emphasis
on land use activities.
The background information pre-
sented in Part I will be applied both
The care of the rivers is not a question of the
in restoration planning (Part II) and
rivers but of the human heart. plan implementation (Part Ill).
-Tanaka Shozo

I-ii Part I: Background

Overview of
1.A Physical Structure and Time at
Multiple Scales
1.B A Lateral View Across the Stream
1.C A Longitudinal View Along the
Stream Corridor

stream corridor is an ecosystem that (Figure 1.1). Water and other materials,
A usually consists of three major ele-
energy, and organisms meet and interact
within the stream corridor over space and
time. This movement provides critical func-
• Stream channel
tions essential for maintaining life such as
• Floodplain cycling nutrients, filtering contaminants
• Transitional upland fringe from runoff, absorbing and gradually re-
leasing floodwaters, maintaining fish and
Together they function as dynamic and
wildlife habitats, recharging ground water,
valued crossroads in the landscape.
and maintaining stream flows.

The purpose of this chapter is to define

the components of the
stream corridor and intro-
duce the concepts of scale
and structure. The chapter is
divided into three subsections.

Figure 1. 1: Stream corridors func-

tion as dynamic crossroads in the
landscape. Water and other materi-
als, energy, and organisms meet and
interact within the corridor.
Section 1.A: Physical Structure and stream corridors. The focus here is
Time at Multiple Scales on the lateral dimension of struc-
An important initial task is to iden- ture, which affects the movement
tify the spatial and time scales most of water, materials, energy, and or-
appropriate for planning and de- ganisms from upland areas into the
signing restoration. This subsection stream channel.
introduces elements of structure
Section 1.C: A Longitudinal View
used in landscape ecology and re-
Along the Stream Corridor
lates them to a hierarchy of spacial
scales ranging from broad to local. This section takes a longitudinal
The importance of integrating time view of structure, specifically as a
scales into the restoration process is stream travels down the valley from
also discussed. headwaters to mouth. It includes
discussions of channel form, sedi-
Section 1.8: A Lateral View Across ment transport and deposition, and
the Stream Corridor how biological communities have
The purpose of this and the follow- adapted to different stages of the
ing subsection is to introduce the river continuum.
types of structure found within

1-2 Chapter 1: Overview of Stream Corridors

1.A PhY.sical Structure and Time at Multiple
A hierarchy of five spatial scales, which Physical Structure
range from broad to local, is displayed
Landscape ecologists use four basic
in Figure 1.2. Each element within the
terms to define spatial structure at a
scales can be viewed as an ecosystem
particular scale (Figure 1.4): Preview Chap-
with links to other ecosystems. These
linkages are what make an ecosystem's • Matrix, the land cover that is domi- ter 2, Section E
external environment as important to nant and interconnected over the for a discussion
proper functioning as its internal envi- majority of the land surface. Often of the six criti-
ronment (Odum 1989). the matrix is forest or agriculture, ca I functions
but theoretically it can be any land performed by
Landscapes and stream corridors are stream corridor
cover type.
ecosystems that occur at different spa- ecosystems.
tial scales. Examining them as ecosys- • Patch, a nonlinear area (polygon)
tems is useful in explaining the basics that is less abundant than, and differ-
of how landscapes, watersheds, stream ent from, the matrix.
corridors, and streams function. Many • Corridor, a special type of patch that
common ecosystem functions involve links other patches in the matrix.
movement of materials (e.g., sediment Typically, a corridor is linear or elon-
and storm water runoff), energy (e.g., gated in shape, such as a stream
heating and cooling of stream waters), corridor.
and organisms (e.g., movement of
mammals, fish schooling, and insect • Mosaic, a collection of patches, none
swarming) between the internal and ex- of which are dominant enough to be
ternal environments (Figure 1.3). interconnected throughout the land-
The internal/external movement model
becomes more complex when one con- These simple structural element con-
siders that the external environment of cepts are repeated at different spatial
a given ecosystem is a larger ecosystem. scales. The size of the area and the spa-
A stream ecosystem, for example, has an tial resolution of one's observations de-
input/output relationship with the next termine what structural elements one is
higher scale, the stream corridor. This observing. For example, at the landscape
scale, in turn, interacts with the land- scale one might see a matrix of mature
stream corri-
scape scale, and so on up the hierarchy. forest with patches of cropland, pasture, dors, and
clear-cuts, lakes, and wetlands. Looking streams are
Similarly, because each larger-scale more closely at a smaller area, one ecosystems
ecosystem contains the one beneath it, might consider an open woodland to be that occur at
the structure and functions of the a series of tree crowns (the patches) different spa-
smaller ecosystem are at least part of the against a matrix of grassy ground cover. tial scales.
structure and functions of the larger.
Furthermore, what is not part of the On a reach scale, a trout might perceive
smaller ecosystem might be related to pools and well-sheltered, cool, pockets
it through input or output relationships of water as preferred patches in a matrix
with neighboring ecosystems. Investigat- of less desirable shallows and riffles, and
ing relationships between structure and the corridor along an undercut stream -
scale is a key first step for planning and bank might be its only way to travel
designing stream corridor restoration. safely among these habitat patches.

Physical Structure and Time at Multiple Scales 1- 3

Region Scale

Landscape Scale
Patuxent River Watershed

mixed landscape
• agricultural
• forest cover
Washington, DC

Stream Corridor Scale

Patuxent Reservoir

--- ' I

} " /
/ I
I Montgomery Co.

--- I

1 I



Reach Scale

Figure 1.2: Ecosystems at multiple scales.

Stream corridor restoration can occur at
any scale, from regional to reach.

1-4 Chapter 1: Overview of Stream Corridors

input environment output environment

Figure 1.3: A simple

ecosystem model.
ecosystem Materials, energy, and
organisms move from
an external input
environment, through
the ecosystem, and
into an external out-
put environment.

At the other extreme, the coarsest of the Structure at Scales Broader Than
imaging satellites that monitor the earth's the Stream Corridor Scale
surface might detect only patches or cor-
ridors of tens of square miles in area, The landscape scale encompasses the
and matrices that seem to dominate a stream corridor scale. In tum, the land-
whole region. At all levels, the matrix- scape scale is encompassed by the larger
patch-corridor-mosaic model provides a regional scale. Each scale within the hier-
useful common denominator for de- archy has its own characteristic structure.
scribing structure in the environment. The "watershed scale" is another form of
ecologists use
Figure 1.5 displays examples of the ma- spatial scale that can also encompass the four basic
trices, patches, and corridors at broad stream corridor. Although watersheds terms to define
and local scales. Practitioners should occur at all scales, the term "watershed spatial struc-
always consider multiple scales when scale" is commonly used by many practi- ture at a par-
planning and designing restoration. tioners because many functions of the ticular scale-
stream corridor are closely tied to drain- matrix, patch,
age patterns. For this reason, the "water- corridor, and
shed scale" is included in this discussion. mosaic.

Figure 1.4: Spatial

structure. Landscapes
can be described in
terms of matrix,
patch, corridor, and
mosaic at various

Physical Structure and Time at Multiple Scales 1- 5

(a) (b)
Figure 1.5: Spatial structure at (a) broad and (b) local scales. Patches, corridors, and matrices are
visible at the broad regional scale and the local reach scale.

Regional Scale • Major forested areas (e.g., redwood

A region is a broad geographical area forests in the Pacific Nonhwest).
with a common macroclimate and • Major metropolitan zones (e.g., the
sphere of human activities and interests Baltimore-Washington, DC, metro-
(Forman 1995). The spatial elements politan area).
found at the regional scale are called
• Major land use areas such as agricul-
landscapes. Figure 1.6 includes an ex-
Practitioners ture (e.g., the Com Belt).
ample of the New England region with
should always landscapes defined both by natural Corridors might include:
consider multi-
cover and by land use. • Mountain ranges.
ple scales
when planning Matrices in the United States include: • Major river valleys.
and designing • Desens and arid grasslands of the
restoration. • Interregional development along a
arid Southwest. major transponation corridor.
• Forests of the Appalachian Most practitioners of stream corridor
Mountains. restoration do not usually plan and de-
• Agricultural zones of the Midwest. sign restoration at the regional scale.
The perspective is simply too broad for
At the regional scale, patches generally
most projects. Regional scale is intro-
duced here because it encompasses the
• Major lakes (e.g., the Great Lakes) . scale very peninent to stream corridor
• Major wetlands (e.g., the Everglades). restoration-the landscape scale.

1- 6 Chapter 1: Overview of Stream Corridors

Landscape Scale ecosystem (e.g., agriculture and urban)
A landscape is a geographic area distin- (Figure 1. 7).
guished by a repeated pattern of com- Landscapes differ from one another
ponents, which include both natural based on the consistent pattern formed
communities like forest patches and by their structural elements, and the
wetlands and human-altered areas like predominant land cover that comprises
croplands and villages. Landscapes can their patches, corridors, and matrices.
vary in size from a few to several thou- Examples of landscapes in the United
sand square miles.
States include:
At the landscape scale, patches (e.g.,
• A highly fragmented east coast mosa-
wetlands and lakes) and corridors
ic of suburban, forest, and agricultur-
(e.g., stream corridors) are usually A landscape is
al patches.
described as ecosystems. The matrix is a geographic
usually identified in terms of the pre- • A north-central agricultural matrix area distin-
dominant natural vegetation commu- with pothole wetlands and forest guished by a
nity (e.g., prairie-type, forest-type, and patches. repeated pat-
wetland-type) or land-use-dominated tern of compo-
• A Sonoran desert matrix with willow- nents, which
cottonwood corridors. include both
Figure 1.6: The New England region. Structure
in a region is typically a function of natural • A densely forested Pacific Northwest natural com-
cover and land use. matrix with a pattern of clear-cut munities like
Source: Forman (1995). Reprinted with the permis- forest patches
sion of Cambridge University Press.
and wetlands
and human-

----- altered areas

Southern Quebec
like croplands
Adirondack The Maritimes
Region Region and villages.

\ New


• spruce-fir
• northern hardwood
• oak forest
pitch pine-oak
• suburban
• salt marsh
• rivers and lakes
• barrens
• industrial

Physical Structure and Time at Multiple Scales 1- 7

Spatial structure, especially in corridors,
helps dictate movement in, through,
and out of the ecosystem; conversely,
this movement also serves to change
the structure over time. Spatial struc-
ture, as it appears at any one point in
time, is therefore the end result of
movement that has occurred in the
past. Understanding this feedback loop
between movement and structure is a
key to working with ecosystems in any
"Watershed Scale"
Much of the movement of material, en-
ergy, and organisms between the stream
corridor and its external environments
Figure 1.7: Structure at the landscape scale. is dependent on the movement of
Patches and corridors are visible within an agri- water. Consequently, the watershed
cultural matrix. concept is a key factor for planning and
designing stream corridor restoration.
A woodlot within an agricultural ma- The term "scale," however, is incorrectly
trix and a wetland in an urban matrix applied to watersheds.
are examples of patches at the land- A watershed is defined as an area of land
scape scale. Corridors at this scale that drains water, sediment, and dis-
include ridgelines, highways, and solved materials to a common outlet at
the topic of this document-stream some point along a stream channel
corridors. (Dunne and Leopold 1978). Water-
At the landscape scale it is easy to per- sheds, therefore, occur at multiple
ceive the stream corridor as an ecosys- scales. They range from the largest river
tem with an internal environment and basins, such as the watersheds of the
external environment (its surrounding Mississippi, Missouri, and Columbia,
A more com- landscape). Corridors play an impor- to the watersheds of very small streams
plete broad tant role at the landscape scale and at that measure only a few acres in size.
scale perspec- other scales. Recall that a key attribute The term "watershed scale" (singular) is
tive of the of ecosystems is the movement of en- a misnomer because watersheds occur
stream corridor ergy, materials, and organisms in, at a very wide range of scales. This doc-
is achieved through, and out of the system. Corri-
when water- ument focuses primarily on the water-
dors typically serve as a primary path- sheds of small to medium-scale streams
shed science is
way for this movement. They connect and rivers. Watersheds in this size range
combined with
patches and function as conduits be- can contain all or part of a few different
tween ecosystems and their external landscapes or can be entirely encom-
environment. Stream corridors in par- passed by a larger landscape.
ticular provide a heightened level of
functions because of the materials and Ecological structure within watersheds
organisms found in this type of land- can still be described in matrix, patch,
scape linkage. corridor, and mosaic terms, but a dis-
cussion of watershed structure is more
meaningful if it also focuses on ele-

1-8 Chapter 1: Overview of Stream Corridors

ments such as upper, middle, and lower
watershed zones; drainage divides;
upper and lower h illslopes; terraces,
floodplains, and deltas; and features Hydrologic Unit Cataloging and Reach
within the channel. These elements and File/National Hydrography Dataset
their related functions are discussed in
sections B and C of this chapter. The USGS developed a national framework for cata-
loging watersheds of different geographical scales. Each
In short, watersheds and landscapes level, or scale, in the hierarchy is designated using the
overlap in size range and are defined by hydrologic unit cataloging (HUC) system. At the national
different environmental processes. level this system involves an eight-digit code that
Whereas the landscape is defined pri- uniquely identifies four levels of classification.
marily by terrestrial patterns of land
The largest unit in the USGS HUC system is the water
cover that may continue across drainage
resource region. Regions are designated by the first two
divides to where the consistent pattern
digits of the code. The remaining numbers are used to
ends, the watershed's boundaries are
further define subwatersheds within the region down to
based on the drainage divides them-
the smallest scale called the cataloging unit. For exam-
selves. Moreover, the ecological
ple, 10240006 is the hydrologic unit code for the Little
processes occurring in watersheds are
Nemaha River in Nebraska. The code is broken dow n as
more closely linked to the presence and
movement of water; therefore as func-
tioning ecosystems, watersheds also dif- 10 Region
fer from landscapes. 1024 Subregion
The difference between landscape scale 102400 Accoun ting code
and "watershed scale" is precisely why 10240006 Cataloging unit
practitioners should consider both
There are 21 regions, 222 subregions, 352 accounting
when planning and designing stream
units, and 2, 150 cataloging units in the United States.
corridor restoration. For decades the The USGS's Hydrologic Unit Map Series documents these
watershed has served as the geographic
hierarchical watershed boundaries for each state. Some
unit of choice because it requires con-
state and federal agencies have taken the restoration ini-
sideration of hydrologic and geomor-
tiative to subdivide the cataloging unit into even smaller
phic processes associated with the
watersheds, extending the HUC code to 11 or 14 digits.
movement of materials, energy, and or-
ganisms into, out of, and through the The Reach File/National Hydrography Dataset (RFINHD) is
stream corridor. a computerized database of streams, rivers, and other
water bodies in the United States. It is cross-referenced
The exclusive use of watersheds for the w ith the HUC system in a geographic information system
broad-scale perspective of stream corri- (GIS) format so users can easily identify both watersheds
dors, however, ignores the materials, en- and the streams contained within their boundaries.
ergy, and organisms that move across
and through landscapes independent of
water drainage. Therefore, a more com-
plete broad-scale perspective of the
stream corridor is achieved when water-
shed science is combined with land-
scape ecology.

Physical Structure and Time at Multiple Scales 1- 9

Structure at the Stream Corridor Corridors at the stream corridor scale
Scale include two important elements-the
stream channel and the plant commu-
The stream corridor is a spatial element nity on either side of the stream. Other
(a corridor) at the watershed and land- examples of corridors at this scale
scape scales. But as a part of the hierar- might include:
chy, it has its own set of structural
elements (Figure 1.8). Riparian • Streambanks
( streamside) forest or shrub cover is a • Floodplains
common matrix in stream corridors. In
• Feeder (tributary) streams
other areas, herbaceous vegetation
might dominate a stream corridor. • Trails and roads
Examples of patches at the stream corri- Structure Within the Stream
dor scale include both natural and Corridor Scale
human features such as:
At the stream scale, patches, corridors,
• Wetlands.
and the background matrix are defined
• Forest, shrubland, or grassland within and near the channel and in-
patches. clude elements of the stream itself and
• Oxbow lakes. its low floodplains (Figure 1.9). At the
next lower scale, the stream itself is seg-
• Residential or commercial develop- mented into reaches.
Reaches can be distinguished in a num-
• Islands in the channel. ber of ways. Sometimes they are defined
• Passive recreation areas such as pic- by characteristics associated with flow.
nic grounds. High-velocity flow with rapids is obvi-
ously separable from areas with slower
flow and deep, quiet pools. In other in-
stances practitioners find it useful to de-
fine reaches based on chemical or
biological factors, tributary confluences,
or by some human influence that
makes one part of a stream different
from the next.
Examples of patches at the stream and
reach scales might include:
• Riffles and pools
• Woody debris
• Aquatic plant beds
• Islands and point bars
Examples of corridors might include:
• Protected areas beneath overhanging
Figure 1.8: Structural elements at a stream
corridor scale. Patches, corridors, and matrix
are visible within the stream corridor.

1- 10 Chapter 1: Overview of Stream Corridors

• The thalweg, the "channel within the
channel" that carries water during
low-flow conditions.
• Lengths of stream defined by physi-
cal, chemical, and biological similari-
ties or differences.
• Lengths of stream defined by human-
imposed boundaries such as political
borders or breaks in land use or

Temporal Scale
The final scale concept critical for the
planning and design of stream corridor
restoration is time.
In a sense, temporal hierarchy parallels
spatial hierarchy. Just as global or re- Figure 1.9: Structural elements at a stream
gional spatial scales are usually too scale. Patches, corridors, and matrix are visible
large to be relevant for most restoration within the stream.
initiatives, planning and designing
restoration for broad scales of time is planned for in restoration designs.
not usually practical. Geomorphic or Flood specialists rank the extent of
climatic changes, for example, usually floods in temporal terms such as 10-
occur over centuries to millions of year, 100-year, and 500-year events
years. The goals of restoration efforts, (10%, 1%, 0.2% chance of recurrence.
by comparison, are usually described in See Chapter 7 Flow Frequency Analysis
time frames of years to decades. for more details.). These can serve as
Land use change in the watershed, for guidance for planning and designing
example, is one of many factors that restoration when flooding is an issue.
can cause disturbances in the stream Practitioners of stream corridor restora-
corridor. It occurs on many time scales, tion may need to simultaneously plan
however, from a single year (e.g., crop Stream corri-
in multiple time scales. If an instream dor restoration
rotation), to decades (e.g., urbaniza- structure is planned, for example, care that works
tion), to centuries (e.g., long-term forest might be taken that ( 1) installation with the dy-
management) . Thus, it is critical for the does not occur during a critical spawn- namic behavior
practitioner to consider a relevant range ing period (a short-term consideration) of the stream
of time scales when involving land use and (2) the structure can withstand a ecosystem will
issues in restoration planning and de- 100-year flood (a long-term considera- more likely
sign. tion). The practitioner should never try survive the
Flooding is another natural process that to freeze conditions as they are, at the test of time.
varies both in space and through time. completion of the restoration. Stream
Spring runoff is cyclical and therefore corridor restoration that works with the
fairly predictable. Large, hurricane-in- dynamic behavior of the stream ecosys-
duced floods that inundate lands far be- tem will more likely survive the test of
yond the channel are neither cyclical time.
nor predictable, but still should be

Physical Structure and Time at Multiple Scales 1- 11

1.B A Lateral View Across the Stream Corridor

The previous section described how the • Stream channel, a channel with flow-
matrix-patch-corridor-mosaic model ing water at least part of the year.
can be applied at multiple scales to ex- • Floodplain, a highly variable area on
amine the relationships between the one or both sides of the stream chan-
stream corridor and its external envi- nel that is inundated by floodwaters
ronments. This section takes a closer at some interval, from frequent to
look at physical structure in the stream rare.
corridor itself. In particular, this section
focuses on the lateral dimension. In • Transitional upland fringe, a portion of
cross section, most stream corridors the upland on one or both sides of
have three major components the floodplain that serves as a transi-
(Figure 1.10): tional zone or edge between the
floodplain and the surrounding land-
Some common features found in the
river corridor are displayed in Figure
1.11. In this example the floodplain is
seasonally inundated and includes fea-
tures such as floodplain forest, emer-
gent marshes and wet meadows. The
transitional upland fringe includes an
upland forest and a hill prairie. Land-
forms such as natural levees, are created
by processes of erosion and sedimenta-
tion, primarily during floods. The vari-
ous plant communities possess unique
moisture tolerances and requirements
and consequently occupy distinct land-
Each of the three main lateral compo-
nents is described in the following

Stream Channel
Channels are formed, maintained, and
altered by the water and sediment they
carry. Usually they are gently rounded
in shape and roughly parabolic, but
form can vary greatly.
Figure 1.12 presents a cross section of a
(b) typical stream channel. The sloped
Figure 1.10: The three major components of a bank is called a scarp. The deepest part
stream corridor in different settings (a) and of the channel is called the thalweg. The
(b). Even though specific features might differ dimensions of a channel cross section
by region, most stream corridors have a chan-
define the amount of water that can
nel, floodplain, and transitional upland fringe.

1- 12 Chapter 1: Overview of Stream Corridors


~ 11> ~ n
QI -~

- ~
, 0.. 3 :::J 0
iii" 0 ,OJ "O :T
~ 0 11>
"':T :::J
~.... ~


floodplain natural main

bluff lake levee slough island channel backwater lake bluff
f loodplain floodp lain

corridor - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- •

Figure 1.11: A cross section of a river corridor. The three main components of the river corridor
can be subdivided by structural features and plant communities. (Vertical scale and channel width
are greatly exaggerated.)
Source: Sparks, Bioscience, vol. 45, p. 170, March 1995. ©1995 American Institute of Biological Science.

pass through without spilling over the other variables must increase or de-
banks. Two attributes of the channel are crease proportionally if equilibrium is
of particular interest to practitioners, to be maintained. For example, if slope
channel size and streamflow. is decreased and streamflow remains
the same, either the sediment load or
Channel Size the size of the particles must also de-
Channel size is determined by four crease. Likewise, if flow is increased and
basic factors: the slope stays the same, sediment load
or sediment particle size has to increase
• Sediment discharge ( Q,) to maintain channel equilibrium.
• Sediment particle size (D 50 ) If a change occurs, the balance will tem-
• Streamflow ( QJ porarily be tipped and equilibrium lost.
The stream will then change its level ei-
• Stream slope (S)
ther upward (aggradation) or down-
Lane ( 1955) showed this relationship ward (degradation or incising),
qualitatively as:
s 50
oc Q w • S
- stream channel -
This equation can be envisioned as a
balance with sediment load on one
weighing pan and streamflow on the
other (Figure 1.13). The hook holding
the sediment pan can slide along the
horizontal arm according to sediment
size. The hook holding the streamflow
side slides according to stream slope. thalwegJ
Channel equilibrium occurs when all
Figure 1.12: Cross section of a stream channel.
four variables are in balance. If one
The scarp is the sloped bank and the thalweg is
variable changes, one or more of the the lowest part of the channel.

A Lateral View Across the Stream Corridor 1- 13

stream slope

Os • Dso ex Ow • S

Figure 1.13: Factors affecting channel degradation and aggradation. The "size" of the channel is
determined by the stream's energy, the slope, and the flow of water in balance with the size and
quantity of the sediment particles the stream moves.
Source: Rosgen (1996), from Lane, Proceedings, 1955. Published with the permission of American Society of
Civil Engineers.

depending on which direction the bal- Streamflow

ance is tipped.
A distinguishing feature of the channel
The stream balance equation is useful is streamflow. As part of the water cycle,
for making qualitative predictions con- the ultimate source of all flow is precip-
cerning channel impacts due to changes itation. The pathways precipitation
in runoff or sediment loads from the takes after it falls to earth, however, af-
watershed. Quantitative predictions, fect many aspects of streamflow includ-
Preview Chap- however, require the use of more com- ing its quantity, quality, and timing.
ter 2, Section B plex equations. Practitioners usually find it useful to di-
for more dis-
Sediment transport equations, for ex- vide flow into components based on
cussion on the
stream balance ample, are used to compare sediment these pathways.
equation. Pre- load and energy in the stream. If excess The two basic components are:
view Chapter 7, energy is left over after the load is
Sect ion B for moved, channel adjustment occurs as • Stormjlow, precipitation that reaches
information on the stream picks up more load by erod- the channel over a short time frame
measuring and ing its banks or scouring its bed. No through overland or underground
analyzing t hese matter how much complexity is built routes.
variables and into these and other equations of this • Basejlow, precipitation that percolates
the use of sedi- type, however, they all relate back to the to the ground water and moves slow-
ment transport basic balance relationships described by ly through substrate before reaching
equations. Lane. the channel. It sustains streamflow
during periods of little or no precipi-

1-14 Chapter 1: Overview of Stream Corridors

Streamflow at any one time might con-
sist of water from one or both sources.
If neither source provides water to the
f . lagtime

channel, the stream goes dry. ~

.... rising
..i::: limb
QJ .....
A storm hydrograph is a tool used to ..i:::~
~ QJ
show how the discharge changes with ·-
~ ....
>- re recession
time (Figure 1.14). The portion of the .":::'. ..i:::

hydrograph that lies to the left of the c .!!! /limb

peak is called the rising limb, which E E
-- QJre
shows how long it takes the stream to re ....
..... +-'
peak following a precipitation event. re
The portion of the curve to the right of
2 3 4
the peak is called the recession limb.
Time (days)
Channel and Ground Water
Figure 1. 14: A storm hydrograph. A hydro-
Interactions between ground water and graph shows how long a stream takes to rise
the channel vary throughout the water- from baseflow to maximum discharge and then
shed. In general, the connection is return to baseflow conditions.
strongest in streams with gravel
riverbeds in well-developed alluvial

Change in Hydrology After Urbanization

,,.--- lag ti~e ~efore
"I urbanization The hydrology of urban streams changes as sites are cleared

lag time after
and natural vegetation is replaced by impervious cover such
as rooftops, roadways, parking lots, sidewalks, and driveways.
One of the consequences is that more of a stream's annual
Q after
flow is delivered as storm water runoff rather than baseflow.
Depending on the degree of watershed impervious cover, the
- Qbefore annual volume of storm water runoff can increase by up to
16 times that for natural areas (Schueler 1995). In addition,
since impervious cover prevents rainfall from infiltrating into
the soil, less flow is available to recharge ground water.
Therefore, during extended periods without rainfall, baseflow
levels are often reduced in urban streams (Simmons and
Reynolds 1982).
Storm runoff moves more rapidly over smooth, hard pave-
Time (hours) ment than over natural vegetation. As a result, the rising
limbs of storm hydrographs become steeper and higher in
Figure 1. 15: A comparison of hydrographs
before and after urbanization. The discharge
urbanizing areas (Figure 1.15). Recession limbs also decline
curve is higher and steep er for urban streams more steeply in urban streams.
than for natural streams.

A Lateral View Across the Stream Corridor 1-15

Figure 1.16 presents two types of water
• Influent or "losing" reaches lose stream
water to the aquifer.
• Effluent or "gaining" reaches receive
discharges from the aquifer.
Practitioners categorize streams based
on the balance and timing of the storm-
flow and baseflow components. There
are three main categories:
• Ephemeral streams flow only during or Figure 1.17: An ephemeral stream. Ephemeral
immediately after periods of precipi- streams flow only during or immediately after
periods of precipitation.
tation. They generally flow less than
30 days per year (Figure 1.1 7).
• Intermittent streams flow only during Discharge is calculated as:
certain times of the year. Seasonal Q =AV
flow in an intermittent stream usual- where:
ly lasts longer than 30 days per year.
Q = Discharge (cfs)
• Perennial streams flow continuously
during both wet and dry times. A = Area through which the water is
Baseflow is dependably generated flowing in square feet
from the movement of ground water V = Average velocity in the downstream
into the channel. direction in feet per second
Discharge Regime As discussed earlier in this section,
Discharge is the term used to describe streamflow is one of the variables that
the volume of water moving down the determine the size and shape of the
channel per unit time (Figure 1.18). channel. There are three types of char-
The basic unit of measurement used in acteristic discharges:
the United States to describe discharge • Channel-forming (or dominant) dis-
is cubic foot per second (cfs). charge. If the streamflow were held
constant at the channel-forming

water table
water table -- -- -- -+... -- _..
... ...

--- ......

(a) Influent Stream Reach (b) Effluent Stream Reach

Figure 1. 16: Cross sections of (a) influent and (b) effluent stream reaches. Influent or " losing "
reaches lose stream water to the aquifer. Effluent or "gaining" reaches receive discharges from
the aquifer.

1-16 Chapter 1: Overview of Stream Corridors

discharge, it would result in channel
morphology close to the existing
channel. However, there is no
method for directly calculating
channel-forming discharge.
An estimate of channel-forming dis-
charge for a particular stream reach
can, with some qualifications, be
related to depth, width, and shape of
channel. Although channel-forming
discharges are strictly applicable only
to channels in equilibrium, the con-
cept can be used to select appropriate Figure 1.18: Channel discharge. Discharge is
channel geometry for restoring a dis- the product of area times velocity.
turbed reach.
discharge can be computed for either
• Effective discharge. The effective dis-
stable or evolving channels.
charge is the calculated measure of
channel-forming discharge. • Bankfull discharge. This discharge
occurs when water just begins to
Computation of effective discharge
leave the channel and spread onto
requires long-term water and sedi-
the floodplain (Figure 1.19) .
ment measurements, either for the
Bankfull discharge is equivalent to
stream in question or for one very
channel-forming (conceptual) and
similar. Since this type of data is
effective (calculated) discharge for
often not available for stream restora-
alluvial streams in equilibrium.
tion sites, modeled or computed data
are sometimes substituted. Effective

Channel-Forming Discharge
To envision the concept of channel-
forming discharge, imagine placing a
water hose discharging at constant rate
in a freshly tilled garden. Eventually, a
small channel will form and reach an
equilibrium geometry
At a larger scale, consider a newly
constructed floodwater- retarding
reservoir that slowly releases stored
floodwater at a constant flow rate.
This flow becomes the new channel-
forming discharge and will alter chan-
nel morphology until the channel
reaches equilibrium.
Figure 1. 19: Bankfull discharge. This is the flow
at w hich w ater begins to leave t he channel
and move onto the f loodplain.

A Lateral View Across the Stream Corridor 1- 17

Floodplain the elevation reached by a flood peak
of a given frequency (for example,
The floor of most stream valleys is rela-
the 100-year floodplain).
tively flat. This is because over time the
stream moves back and forth across the Professionals jnvolved with flooding
valley floor in a process called lateral issues define the boundaries of a
migration. In addition, periodic flood- floodplain in terms of flood frequen-
ing causes sediments to move longitudi- cies. Thus, 100-year and 500-year
Preview Chap- nally and to be deposited on the valley floodplains are commonly used in
ter 7, Section B floor near the channel. These two the development of planning and
for a discussion processes continually modify the flood- regulation standards.
of calculating plain.
effective dis- Flood Storage
charge. This Through time the channel reworks the
computation entire valley floor. As the channel mi- The floodplain provides temporary stor-
should be per- grates, it maintains the same average age space for floodwaters and sediment
formed by a size and shape if conditions upstream produced by the watershed. This at-
professional remain constant and the channel stays tribute serves to add to the lag time of a
w ith a good in equilibrium. flood-the time between the middle of
background in the rainfall event and the runoff peak.
hydrology, hy- Two types of floodplains may be de-
fined (Figure 1.20): If a stream's capacity for moving water
draulics, and
sediment and sediment is diminished, or if the
• Hydrologic floodplain, the land adja-
tra nsport. sediment loads produced from the wa-
cent to the baseflow channel residing
tershed become too great for the stream
below bankfull elevation. It is inun-
to transport, flooding will occur more
dated about two years out of three.
frequently and the valley floor will
Not every stream corridor has a
begin to fill. Valley filling results in the
hydrologic floodplain.
temporary storage of sediment pro-
• Topographic floodplain, the land adja- duced by the watershed.
cent to the channel including the
hydrologic floodplain and other
lands up to an elevation based on

topographic floodplain

hydro logic
floodp lain

Figure 1.20: Hydrologic and topographic floodplains. The hydrologic floodplain is defined by
bankfull elevation. The topographic floodplain includes the hydrologic floodplain and other lands
up to a defined elevation.

1- 18 Chapter 1: Overview of Stream Corridors

Landforms and Deposits • Oxbow lake, a body of water created
after clay plugs the oxbow from the
Topographic features are formed on the main channel.
floodplain by the lateral migration of
the channel (Figure 1.21). These fea- • Natural levees, formations built up
tures result in varying soil and moisture along the bank of some streams that
conditions and provide a variety of flood. As sediment-laden water spills
habitat niches that support plant and over the bank, the sudden loss of
animal diversity. depth and velocity causes coarser-
sized sediment to drop out of sus-
Floodplain landforms and deposits in- pension and collect along the edge of
clude: the stream.
• Meander scroll, a sediment formation • Splays, delta-shaped deposits of
marking former channel coarser sediments that occur when a
locations. natural levee is breached. Natural
• Chute, a new channel formed across levees and splays can prevent flood-
the base of a meander. As it grows in waters from returning to the channel
size, it carries more of the flow. when floodwaters recede.
• Oxbow, a term used to describe the • Backswamps, a term used to describe
severed meander after a chute is floodplain wetlands formed by nat-
formed. ural levees.
• Clay plug, a soil deposit developed at
the intersection of the oxbow and the
new main channel.

Figure 1.21: Landforms and deposits of a floodplain. Topographic features on the floodplain
caused by meandering streams.

A Lateral View Across the Stream Corridor 1- 19

Transitional Upland Fringe fringes have one common attribute,
however: they are distinguishable from
The transitional upland fringe serves as
the surrounding landscape by their
a transitional zone between the flood-
greater connection to the floodplain
plain and surrounding landscape. Thus,
and stream.
its outside boundary is also the outside
boundary of the stream corridor itself. An examination of the floodplain side
of the transitional upland fringe often
While stream-related hydrologic and ge-
reveals one or more benches. These
omorphic processes might have formed
landforms are called terraces (Figure
a portion of the transitional upland
1.23). They are formed in response to
fringe in geologic times, they are not re-
new patterns of streamflow, changes in
sponsible for maintaining or altering its
sediment size or load, or changes in wa-
present form. Consequently, land use
tershed base level-the elevation at the
activities have the greatest potential to
watershed outlet.
impact this component of the stream
corridor. Terrace formation can be explained
using the aforementioned stream bal-
There is no typical cross section for this
ance equation (Figure 1.13). When one
component. Transitional upland fringes
or more variables change, equilibrium
can be flat, sloping, or in some cases,
is lost, and either degradation or aggra-
nearly vertical (Figure 1.22). They can
dation occurs.
incorporate features such as hillslopes,
bluffs, forests, and prairies, often modi- Figure 1.24 presents an example ofter-
fied by land use. All transitional upland race formation by channel incision.
Cross section A represents a nonincised
channel. Due to changes in streamflow
or sediment delivery, equilibrium is lost

Figure 1.22: Transitional upland fringe. This Figure 1.23: Terraces formed by an incising
component of the stream corridor is a transi- stream. Terraces are formed in response to
tion zone between the floodplain and the new patterns of streamflow or sediment load
surrounding landscape. in the watershed.

1- 20 Chapter 1: Overview of Stream Corridors

and the channel degrades and widens. A. Nonincised Stream
The original floodplain is abandoned
and becomes a terrace (cross section B).
terrace floodplain terrace
The widening phase is completed when
a floodplain evolves within the
widened channel (cross section C).
Geomorphologists often classify land- bankfull channel
scapes by numbering surfaces from the
lowest surface up to the highest surface. B. Incised Stream (early widening phase)
Surface 1 in most landscapes is the bot-
tom of the main channel. The next
terrace floodplain ~ terrace
highest surface, Surface 2, is the flood-
plain. In the case of an incising stream,
Surface 3 usually is the most recently
formed terrace, Surface 4 the next older terrace
terrace, and so on. The numbering sys-
tem thus reflects the ages of the sur-
faces. The higher the number, the older
the surface. incised, widening channel

Boundaries between the numbered sur-

C. Incised Stream (widening phase complete)
faces are usually marked by a scarp, or
relatively steep surface. The scarp be-
tween a terrace and a floodplain is espe- terrace terrace
- floodplain -+
cially important because it helps
confine floods to the valley floor.
Flooding occurs much less frequently, if
at all, on terraces.

Vegetation Across the

Stream Corridor channel

Vegetation is an important and highly

Figure 1.24: Terraces in (A) nonincised and (B
variable element in the stream corridor. and C) incised streams. Terraces are abandoned
In some minimally disturbed stream floodplains, formed through the interplay of
corridors, a series of plant communities incising and floodplain widening.
might extend uninterrupted across the FAST
entire corridor. The distribution of these
communities would be based on differ-
type, extent and distribution, soil mois-
ent hydrologic and soil conditions. In
ture preferences, elevation, species com-
smaller streams the riparian vegetation
position, age, vigor, and rooting depth
might even form a canopy and enclose Preview
are all important characteristics that a
the channel. This and other configura- Chapter 2,
practitioner must consider when plan- Section D for
tion possibilities are displayed in Figure
ning and designing stream corridor more informa-
restoration. tion on plant
Plant communities play a significant community
role in determining stream corridor Flood-Pulse Concept
condition, vulnerability, and potential Floodplains serve as essential focal
for (or lack of) restoration. Thus, the points for the growth of many riparian

A Lateral View Across the Stream Corridor 1- 21

Closed Canopy Over Channel, Floodplain, plant communities and the wildlife
and Transitional Upland Fringe they support. Some riparian plant
species such as willows and cotton-
woods depend on flooding for regener-
ation. Flooding also nourishes
floodplains with sediments and nutri-
ents and provides habitat for inverte-
brate communities, amphibians,
reptiles, and fish spawning.
The flood-pulse concept was developed
Open Canopy Over Channel
to summarize how the dynamic interac-
tion between water and land is ex-
ploited by the riverine and floodplain
biota (Figure 1.26). Applicable primar-
ily on larger rivers, the concept demon-
strates that the predictable advance and
retraction of water on the floodplain in
a natural setting enhances biological
productivity and maintains diversity
(Bayley 1995).

Figure 1.25: Examples of vegetation structure

in the stream corridor. Plant communities play
a significant role in determining the condition
and vulnerability of the stream corridor.

1-22 Chapter 1: Overview of Stream Corridors

flood-tolerant trees

terrestrial Most river-
grasses spawning fish
start to breed.

maximum productio Lake and river

of aquatic spawning;
vegetation young-of-the-
year and
predators follow
moving littoral;
decomposition of fish and
terrestrial and older invertebrate
aquatic vegetation production high.

Young and adult

fish disperse and
feed, dissolved
oxygen (DO)

consolidation of
runoff of sediments;
nutrients moist soi l plant
resulting from germination Many fish
decomposition decomposition respond to
of stranded drawdown by
aquatic vegetation, finding deeper
mineralization of water.

regrowth of
grasses and shru
runoff and
concentration Fish migrate to
of nutrients main channel,
resulting from decomposition of most permanent lakes
decomposition remaining vegetation or tributaries.

aquatic/terrestrial transition zone


Figure 1.26: Schematic of the flood-pulse concept. A vertica lly exaggerated section of a
floodplain in five snapshots of an annual hydrological cycle. The left column describes the
movement of nutrients. The right column describes typical life history traits of fish.
Source: Bayley, Bioscience, vol. 45, p.154, March 1995. © 1995 American Institute of Biologica l Science.

A Lateral View Across the Stream Corridor 1- 23

1.C A Longitudinal View Along the Stream
The processes that develop the charac- Zone 1, or headwaters, often has the
teristic structure seen in the lateral view steepest gradient. Sediment erodes from
of a stream corridor also influence slopes of the watershed and moves
structure in the longitudinal view. downstream. Zone 2, the transfer zone,
Channel width and depth increase receives some of the eroded material. It
downstream due to increasing drainage is usually characterized by wide flood-
area and discharge. Related structural plains and meandering channel pat-
changes also occur in the channel, terns. The gradient flattens in Zone 3,
floodplain, and transitional upland the primary depositional zone. Though
fringe, and in processes such as erosion the figure displays headwaters as moun-
and deposition. Even among different tain streams, these general patterns and
types of streams, a common sequence changes are also often applicable to wa-
of structural changes is observable from tersheds with relatively small topo-
headwaters to mouth. graphic relief from the headwaters to
mouth. It is important to note that ero-
Longitudinal Zones sion, transfer, and deposition occur in
The overall longitudinal profile of most all zones, but the zone concept focuses
streams can be roughly divided into on the most dominant process.
three zones (Schumm 1977). Some of
the changes in the zones are character- Watershed Forms
ized in Figures 1.27 and 1.28. All watersheds share a common defini-
tion: a watershed is an "area of land that

Mountain headwater streams

flow swiftly down steep
slopes and cut a deep
V-shaped valley. Low-elevation streams
Rapids and merge and flow down
waterfalls are At an even lower
gentler slopes. The elevation a river wanders
common. valley broadens and and meanders slowly
the river begins to across a broad, nearly flat
meander. valley. At its mouth it may
divide into many separate
channels as it flows across
a delta built up of river-
borne sediments and into
the sea.

Figure 1.27: Three longitudinal profile zones. Channel and floodplain characteristics change as
rivers travel from headwaters to mouth.
Source: Miller (1990). © 1990 Wadsworth Publishing Co.

1-24 Chapter 1: Overview of Stream Corridors

drains water, sediment, and dissolved is its drainage pattern (Figure 1.29).
materials to a common outlet at some Drainage patterns are primarily con-
point along a stream channel" (Dunne trolled by the overall topography and
and Leopold 1978). Form varies greatly, underlying geologic structure of the
however, and is tied to many factors watershed.
including climatic regime, underlying
geology, morphology, soils, and vegeta- Stream Ordering
tion. A method of classifying, or ordering,
Drainage Patterns the hierarchy of natural channels within
a watershed was developed by Horton
One distinctive aspect of a watershed (1945) . Several modifications of the
when observed in planform (map view) original stream ordering scheme have

Headwaters Transfer Deposition


channel width

channel depth
mean flow velocit

Drainage Area (-downstream distance 2)

Figure 1.28: Changes in the channel in the three zones. Flow, channel size, and sediment
characteristics change throughout the longitudinal profile.

A Longitudinal View Along the Stream Corridor 1- 25

Figure 1.30: Stream ordering in a drainage net-
work. Stream ordering is a method of classify-
ing the hierarchy of natural channels in a

channel of lower order does not raise

the order of the stream below the inter-
section (e.g., a fourth-order stream in-
tersecting with a second-order stream is

- ....
still a fourth-order stream below the in-

tersection) .
J? Within a given drainage basin, stream
order correlates well with other basin
Figure 1.29: Watershed drainage patterns. parameters, such as drainage area or
Patterns are determined by topography and
channel length. Consequently, knowing
geologic structure.
Source: A.D. Howard, AAPG © 1967, reprinted by what order a stream is can provide clues
permission of the American Association of Petroleum concerning other characteristics such as
Geologists. which longitudinal zone it resides in
and relative channel size and depth.

been proposed, but the modified sys- Channel Form

tem of Strahler (1957) is probably the The form of the channel can change as
most popular today. it moves through the three longitudinal
Strahler's stream ordering system is por- zones. Channel form is typically de-
trayed in Figure 1.30. The uppermost scribed by two characteristics-thread
channels in a drainage n etwork (i.e., (single or multiple) and sinuosity.
headwater channels with no upstream
tributaries) are designated as first-order Single- and Multiple-Thread
streams down to their first confluence. Streams
A second-order stream is formed below Single-thread (one-channel) streams are
the confluence of two first-order chan- most common, but multiple-thread
nels. Third-order streams are created streams occur in some landscapes (Fig-
when two second-order channels join, ure 1.31). Multiple-thread streams are
and so on. Note in the figure that the further categorized as either braided or
intersection of a channel with another anastomosed streams.

1- 26 Chapter 1: Overview of Stream Corridors

Three conditions tend to promote the Sinuosity
formation of braided streams:
Natural channels are rarely straight.
• Erodible banks. Sinuosity is a term indicating the
• An abundance of coarse sediment. amount of curvature in the channel
(Figure 1.32). The sinuosity of a reach
• Rapid and frequent variations in dis-
is computed by dividing the channel
Braided streams typically get their start
when a central sediment bar begins to
form in a channel due to reduced
streamflow or an increase in sediment
load. The central bar causes water to
flow into the two smaller cross sections
on either side. The smaller cross section
results in a higher velocity flow. Given
erodible banks, this causes the channels
to widen. As they do this, flow velocity
decreases, which allows another central
bar to form. The process is then re-
peated and more channels are created.
In landscapes where braided streams
occur naturally, the plant and animal
communities have adapted to frequent
and rapid changes in the channel and
riparian area. In cases where distur-
bances trigger the braiding process,
however, physical conditions might be
too dynamic for many species.
The second, less common category of
multiple-thread channels is called anas-
tomosed streams. They occur on much
flatter gradients than braided streams
and have channels that are narrow and
deep (as opposed to the wide, shallow
channels found in braided streams) .
Their banks are typically made up of
fine, cohesive sediments, making them
relatively erosion-resistant.
Anastomosed streams form when the
downstream base level rises, causing a
rapid buildup of sediment. Since bank
materials are not easily erodible, the (b)

original single-thread stream breaks up Figure 1.31: (a) Single-thread and (b) braided
into multiple channels. Streams entering streams. Single-thread streams are most
common. Braided streams are uncommon and
deltas in a lake or b ay are often anasto-
usually formed in response to erodible banks,
mosed. Streams on alluvial fans, in con- an abundance of coarse sediment, and rapid
trast, can be braided or anastomosed. and frequent variations in discharge.

A longitudinal View Along the Stream Corridor 1- 27

centerline length by the length of Low to moderate levels of sinuosity are
the valley centerline. If the channel typically found in Zones 1 and 2 of the
length/valley length ratio is more longitudinal profile. Extremely sinuous
than about 1.3, the stream can be streams often occur in the broad, flat
considered meandering in form. valleys of Zone 3.
Sinuosity is generally related to the Pools and Riffles
product of discharge and gradient.
No matter the channel form, most
streams share a similar attribute of al-
ternating, regularly spaced, deep and
shallow areas called pools and riffles
(Figure 1.33). The pools and riffles are
associated with the thalweg, which me-
anders within the channel. Pools typi-
cally form in the thalweg near the
outside bank of bends. Riffle areas usu-
ally form between two bends at the
point where the thalweg crosses over
from one side of the channel to the
The makeup of the streambed plays
a role in determining pool and riffle
characteristics. Gravel and cobble-bed
streams typically have regularly spaced
pools and riffles that help maintain
(a) channel stability in a high-energy envi-
ronment. Coarser sediment particles
are found in riffle areas while smaller
particles occur in pools. The pool-to-
pool or riffle-to-riffle spacing is nor-
mally about 5 to 7 times the channel
width at bankfull discharge (Leopold
et al. 1964).
Sand-bed streams, on the other hand,
do not form true riffles since the grain
size distribution in the riffle area is sim-
ilar to that in the pools. However, sand-
bed streams do have evenly spaced
pools. High-gradient streams also usu-
ally have pools but not riffles, but for a
different reason. In this case, water
moves from pool to pool in a stairstep
Figure 1.32: Sinuosity: (a) low and (b) extreme.
Low to moderately sinuous streams are usually
found in Zones 1 and 2 of the longitudinal pro-
file. Extremely sinuous streams are more typical
of Zone 3.

1- 28 Chapter 1: Overview of Stream Corridors

Vegetation Along the Stream
Vegetation is an important and highly
variable element in the longitudinal as
well as the lateral view. Floodplains are
narrow or nonexistent in Zone 1 of the
longitudinal profile; thus flood-depen-
dent or tolerant plant communities
tend to be limited in distribution. Up-
land plant communities, such as forests
on moderate to steep slopes in the east-
or cross over
ern or northwestern United States,
might come close to bordering the
stream and create a canopy that leaves Figure 1.33: Sequence of pools and riffles in
little open sky visible from the channel. (a) straight and (b) sinuous streams. Pools
typically form on the outside bank of bends
In other parts of the country, headwa-
and riffles in the straight portion of the chan-
ters in flatter terrain may support plant nel where the thalweg crosses over from one
communities dominated by grasses and side to the other.
broad-leaved herbs, shrubs, or planted
Despite the variation in plant commu- zone. This phenomenon frequently
nity type, many headwaters areas pro- counteracts the natural tendency to de-
vide organic matter from vegetation velop broad and diverse stream corridor
along with the sediment they export to plant communities in the middle and
Zones 2 and 3 downstream. For exam- lower reaches. This is especially true
ple, logs and woody debris from head- when land uses involve clearing the
waters forests are among the most native vegetation and narrowing the
ecologically important features support- corridor.
ing food chains and instream h abitat Often, a native plant community is re-
structure in Pacific Northwest rivers placed by a planted vegetation commu-
from the mountains to the sea (Maser nity such as agricultural crops or
and Sedell 1994). residential lawns. In such cases, stream
Zone 2 has a wider and more complex processes involving flooding,
floodplain and larger channel than erosion/deposition, import or export of
Zone 1. Plant communities associated organic matter and sediment, stream
with floodplains at different elevations corridor habitat diversity, and water
might vary due to differences in soil quality characteristics are usually signif-
type, flooding frequency, and soil mois- icantly altered.
ture. Localized differences in erosion The lower gradient, increased sediment
and deposition of sediment add com- deposition, broader floodplains, and
plexity and diversity to the types of greater water volume in Zone 3 all set
plant communities that become the stage for plant communities differ-
established. ent from those found in either up-
The lower gradient, larger stream size, stream zone. Large floodplain wetlands
and less steep terrain in Zone 2 often become prevalent because of the gener-
attract more agricultural or residential ally flatter terrain. Highly productive
development than in the headwaters and diverse biological communities,

A Longitudinal View Along the Stream Corridor 1- 29

such as bottomland hardwoods, estab- Biological communities are uniquely
lish themselves in the deep, rich alluvial adapted to use externally derived or-
soils of the floodplain. The slower flow ganic inputs. Consequently, these
in the channel also allows emergent headwater streams are considered
marsh vegetation, rooted floating or heterotrophic (i.e., dependent on the
free-floating plants, and submerged energy produced in the surrounding
aquatic beds to thrive. watershed). Temperature regimes are
The changing sequence of plant com- also relatively stable due to the influ-
munities along streams from source to ence of ground water recharge, which
mouth is an important source of biodi- tends to reduce biological diversity to
versity and resiliency to change. Al- those species with relatively narrow
though many, or perhaps most, of a thermal niches.
stream corridor's plant communities Predictable changes occur as one pro-
might be fragmented, a continuous cor- ceeds downstream to fourth-, fifth-,
ridor of native plant communities is de- and sixth-order streams. The channel
sirable. Restoring vegetative connectivity widens, which increases the amount
in even a portion of a stream will usu- of incident sunlight and average tem-
ally improve conditions and increase its peratures. Levels of primary production
beneficial functions. increase in response to increases in
light, which shifts many streams to a
The River Continuum Concept dependence on autochthonous materials
The River Continuum Concept is an at- (i.e., materials coming from inside
tempt to generalize and explain longitu- the channel), or internal autotrophic
dinal changes in stream ecosystems production (Minshall 1978).
(Figure 1.34) (Vannote et al. 1980). In addition, smaller, preprocessed or-
This conceptual model not only helps ganic particles are received from up-
to identify connections between the wa- stream sections, which serves to balance
tershed, floodplain, and stream systems, autotrophy and heterotrophy within the
but it also describes how biological stream. Species richness of the inverte-
communities develop and change from brate community increases as a variety
the headwaters to the mouth. The River of new habitat and food resources ap-
Continuum Concept can place a site or pear. Invertebrate functional groups,
reach in context within a larger water- such as the grazers and collectors, in-
shed or landscape and thus help practi- crease in abundance as they adapt to
tioners define and focus restoration using both autochthonous and al-
goals. lochthonous food resources. Midsized
The River Continuum Concept hypoth- streams also decrease in thermal stabil-
esizes that many first- to third-order ity as temperature fluctuations increase,
headwater streams are shaded by the ri- which further tends to increase biotic
parian forest canopy. This shading, in diversity by increasing the number of
turn, limits the growth of algae, peri- thermal niches.
phyton, and other aquatic plants. Since Larger streams and rivers of seventh to
energy cannot be created through pho- twelfth order tend to increase in physi-
tosynthesis (autotrophic production), cal stability, but undergo significant
the aquatic biota in these small streams changes in structure and biological func-
is dependent on allochthonous materials tion. Larger streams develop increased
(i.e., materials coming from outside the reliance on primary productivity by
channel such as leaves and twigs) .

1- 30 Chapter 1: Overview of Stream Corridors

~cto" )

small mouth
bass ~redders

..... 4


E 5

6 particulat e




Relative Channel Width

Figure 1.34: The River Continuum Concept. The concept proposes a relationship between
stream size and the progressive shift in structural and functional attributes.
Source: Vannote et al. (1980). Published with the permission of NRC Research Press.

A Longitudinal View Along the Stream Corridor 1- 31

phytoplankton, but continue to receive The fact that the River Continuum Con-
heavy inputs of dissolved and ultra-fine cept applies only to perennial streams is
organic particles from upstream. Inver- a limitation. Another limitation is that
tebrate populations are dominated by disturbances and their impacts on the
fine-particle collectors, including zoo- river continuum are not addressed by
plankton. Large streams frequently carry the model. Disturbances can disrupt the
increased loads of clays and fine silts, connections between the watershed and
which increase turbidity, decrease light its streams and the river continuum as
penetration, and thus increase the sig- well.
nificance of heterotrophic processes. The River Continuum Concept has not
The influence of storm events and ther- received universal acceptance due to
mal fluctuations decrease in frequency these and other reasons (Statzner and
and magnitude, which increases the Higler 1985, Junk et al. 1989). Never-
overall physical stability of the stream. theless, it has served as a useful concep-
This stability increases the strength of tual model and stimulated much
biological interactions, such as competi- research since it was first introduced
tion and predation, which tends to in 1980.
eliminate less competitive taxa and
thereby reduce species richness.

1- 32 Chapter 1: Overview of Stream Corridors

2.A Hydrologic and Hydraulic Processes
• Where does stream flow come from?
• What processes affect or are involved with stream flow?
• How fast, how much, how deep, how often and when does water flow?
• How is hydrology different in urban stream corridors?
2.B Geomorphic Processes
• What factors affect the channel cross section and channel profile?
• How are water and sediment related?
• Where does sediment come from and how is it transported downstream?
• What is an equilibrium channel?
• What should a channel look like in cross section and in profile?
• How do channel adjustments occur?
• What is a floodplain?
• Is there an important relationship between a stream and its floodplain?
2.C Chemical Processes
• What are the major chemical constituents of water?
• What are some important relationships between physical habitat and key
chemical parameters?
• How are the chemical and physical parameters critical to the aquatic life in a
stream corridor?
• What are the natural chemical processes in a stream corridor and water column?
• How do disturbances in the stream corridor affect the chemical characteristics of
stream water?

2.D Biological Processes

• What are the important biological components of a stream corridor?
• What biological activities and organisms can be found within a stream corridor?
• How does the structure of stream corridors support various populations of organisms?
• What are the structural features of aquatic systems that contribute to the biological diversity
of stream corridors?
• What are some important biological processes that occur within a stream corridor?
• What role do fish have in stream corridor restoration?
2.E Stream Corridor Functions and Dynamic Equilibrium
• What are the major ecological functions of stream corridors?
• How are these ecological functions maintained over time?
• Is a stream corridor stable?
• Are these functions related?
• How does a stream corridor respond to all the natural forces acting on it
(i.e., dynamic equilibrium) ?
and Functions
2.A Hydrologic and Hydraulic Processes
2.B Geomorphic Processes
2.C Physical and Chemical Characteristics
2.D Biological Community Characteristics
2.E Functions and Dynamic Equilibrium

hapter 7 provided an overview of stream corridor look and function the way
C stream corridors and the many per-
spectives from which they should be
it does. While Chapter 7 presented still
images, this chapter provides "film
viewed in terms of scale, equilibrium, and footage" to describe the processes, char-
space. Each of these views can be seen as acteristics, and functions of stream corri-
a "snapshot" of different aspects of a dors through time.
stream corridor Section 2.A: Hydrologic and Hydraulic
Chapter 2 presents the stream corridor in Processes
motion, providing a basic understanding Understanding how water flows into and
of the different processes that make the through stream corridors is critical to
restorations. How fast, how much, how
deep, how often, and when water
flows are important
basic questions that
must be answered to

Figure 2. 1: A stream corridor in

motion. Processes, characteris-
tics, and functions shape stream
corridors and make them look
the way they do.
make appropriate decisions about nonetheless critical to the functions
stream corridor restoration . and processes of stream corridors.
Changes in soil or water chemistry
Section 2.8: Geomorphic Processes
to achieve restoration goals usually
This section combines basic hydro- involve managing or altering ele-
logic processes with physical or ments in the landscape or corridor.
geomorphic functions and charac-
teristics. Water flows through Section 2.D: Biological Community
streams but is affected by the kinds
of soils and alluvial features within The fish, wildlife, plants, and hu-
the channel, in the floodplain, and mans that use, live in, or just visit
in the uplands. The amount and the stream corridor are key ele-
kind of sediments carried by a ments to consider in restoration .
stream largely determines its equi- Typical goals are to restore, create,
librium characteristics, including enhance, or protect habitat to ben-
size, shape, and profile. Successful efit life. It is important to' under-
stream corridor restoration, stand how water flows, how
whether active (requiring direct sediment is transported, and how
changes) or passive (management geomorphic features and processes
and removal of disturbance fac- evolve,· however, a prerequisite to
tors), depends on an understanding successful restoration is an under-
of how water and sediment are re- standing of the living parts of the
lated to channel form and function system and how the physical and
and on what processes are involved chemical processes affect the
with channel evolution. stream corridor.

Section 2.C: Physical and Chemical Section 2.E: Functions and

Characteristics Dynamic Equilibrium

The quality of water in the stream The six major functions of stream
corridor is normally a primary ob- corridors are: habitat, conduit,
jective of restoration, either to im- barrier, filter, source, and sink.
prove it to a desired condition, or The integrity of a stream corridor
to sustain it. Restoration should ecosystem depends on how well
consider the physical and chemical these functions operate. This
characteristics that may not be section discusses these functions
readily apparent but that are and how they relate to dynamic

2- 2 Chapter 2: Stream Corridor Processes, Characteristics, and Functions

2.A Hydrologic and Hydraulic Processes

The hydrologic cycle describes the contin- gions that experience seasonal cycles of
uum of the transfer of water from pre- snowfall and snowmelt.
cipitation to surface water and ground The type of precipitation that will occur
water, to storage and runoff, and to the is generally a factor of humidity and air
eventual return to the atmosphere by temperature. Topographic relief and ge-
transpiration and evaporation (Figure ographic location relative to large water
bodies also affect the frequency and
Precipitation returns water to the earth's type of precipitation. Rainstorms occur
surface. Although most hydrologic more frequently along coastal and low-
processes are described in terms of rain- latitude areas with moderate tempera-
fall events (or storm events), snowmelt tures and low relief. Snowfalls occur
is also an important source of water, es- more frequently at high elevations and
pecially for rivers that originate in high in mid-latitude areas with colder sea-
mountain areas and for continental re- sonal temperatures.

"6 ~
"' n>

Figure 2.2: The hydrologic cycle. The transfer of water from precipitation to surface water and
ground water, to storage and runoff, and eventually back to the atmosphere is an ongoing cycle.

Hydrologic and Hydraulic Processes 2- 3

Precipitation can do one of three things intercepted in this manner is determined
once it reaches the earth. It can return by the amount of interception storage
to the atmosphere; move into the soil; available on the above-ground surfaces.
or run off the earth's surface into a In vegetated areas, storage is a function
stream, lake, wetland, or other water of plant type and the form and density
body. All three pathways play a role in of leaves, branches, and stems (Table
determining how water moves into, 2.1). Factors that affect storage in
across, and down the stream forested areas include:
• Leaf shape. Conifer needles hold
This section is divided into two subsec- water more efficiently than leaves.
tions. The first subsection focuses on On leaf surfaces droplets run togeth-
hydrologic and hydraulic processes in er and roll off. Needles, however,
the lateral dimension, namely, the keep droplets separated.
movement of water from the land into
the channel. The second subsection • Leaf texture. Rough leaves store more
concentrates on water as it moves in the water than smooth leaves.
longitudinal dimension, specifically as • Time of year. Leafless periods provide
streamflow in the channel. less interception potential in the
canopy than growing periods; howev-
Hydrologic and Hydraulic er, more storage sites are created by
Processes Across the Stream leaf litter during this time.
• Vertical and horizontal density. The
Key points in the hydrologic cycle serve more layers of vegetation that precip-
as organizational headings in this sub- itation must penetrate, the less likely
section: it is to reach the soil.
• Interception, transpiration, and • Age of the plant community. Some
evapotranspiration. vegetative stands become more dense
• Infiltration, soil moisture, and with age; others become less dense.
ground water. The intensity, duration, and frequency
• Runoff. of precipitation also affect levels of in-
Interception, Transpiration, and
Evapotranspiration Figure 2.3 shows some of the pathways
rainfall can take in a forest. Rainfall at
More than two-thirds of the precipita- Table 2. 1: Percentage of precipitation inter-
tion falling over the United States evap- cepted for various vegetation types.
orates to the atmosphere rather than Source: Dunne and Leopold 1978.

being discharged as streamflow to the Vegetative Type % Precipitation Intercepted

oceans. This "short-circuiting" of the
hydro logic cycle occurs because of the
Deciduous 13
two processes, interception and transpi-
Coniferous 28

Alfalfa 36

A portion of precipitation never reaches Corn

the ground because it is intercepted by Oats
vegetation and other natural and con- Grasses 10-20
structed surfaces. The amount of water

2-4 Chapter 2: Stream Corridor Processes. Characteristics, and Functions

the beginning of a storm initially fills precipitation
interception storage sites in the canopy. canopy
As the storm continues, water held in interception
and evaporation
these storage sites is displaced. The dis-
placed water drops to the next lower
layer of branches and limbs and fills
storage sites there. This process is re-
peated until displaced water reaches the
lowest layer, the leaf litter. At this point,
water displaced off the leaf litter either
infiltrates the soil or moves downslope
as surface runoff.
Antecedent conditions, such as mois-
ture still held in place from previous litter
storms, affect the ability to intercept interception
and store additional water. Evaporation and
will eventually remove water residing
in interception sites. How fast this
process occurs depends on climatic
conditions that affect the evaporation
Interception is usually insignificant in
areas with little or no vegetation. Bare
soil or rock has some small imperme-
mineral soil
able depressions that function as inter-
ception storage sites, but typically most Figure 2.3: Typical pathways for forest rainfall.
of the precipitation either infiltrates the A portion of precipitation never reaches the
soil or moves downslope as surface ground because it is intercepted by vegetation
runoff. In areas of frozen soil, intercep- and other surfaces.
tion storage sites are typically filled
with frozen water. Consequently, addi-
water originates from water taken in by
tional rainfall is rapidly transformed
into surface runoff.
Transpiration from vegetation and evap-
Interception can be significant in large
oration from interception sites and
urban areas. Although urban drainage
open water surfaces, such as ponds and
systems are designed to quickly move
lakes, are not the only sources of water
storm water off impervious surfaces, the
returned to the atmosphere. Soil mois-
urban landscape is rich with storage
ture also is subject to evaporation.
sites. These include flat rooftops, park-
Evaporation of soil moisture is, how-
ing lots, potholes, cracks, and other
ever, a much slower process due to cap-
rough surfaces that can intercept and
illary and osmotic forces that keep the
hold water for eventual evaporation.
moisture in the soil and the fact that
Transpiration and Evapotranspiration vapor must diffuse upward through soil
Transpiration is the diffusion of water pores to reach surface air at a lower
vapor from plant leaves to the atmos- vapor pressure.
phere. Unlike intercepted water, which Because it is virtually impossible to sep-
originates from precipitation, transpired arate water loss due to transpiration

Hydrologic and Hydraulic Processes 2- 5

Evaporation The net rate of movement is proportional to the
difference in vapor pressure between the water
Water is subject to evaporation whenever it is
surface and the atmosphere above that surface.
exposed to the atmosphere. Basically this process
Once the pressure is equalized, no more evapora-
tion can occur until new air, capable of holding
• The change of state of water from liquid to more water vapor, displaces the old saturated air.
vapor Evaporation rates therefore vary according to lati-
• The net transfer of this vapor to the atmosphere tude, season, time of day, cloudiness, and wind
The process begins when some molecules in the energy Mean annual lake evaporation in the
liquid state attain sufficient kinetic energy (primari- United States, for example, varies from 20 inches
ly from solar energy) to overcome the forces of in Maine and Washington to about 86 inches in
surface tension and move into the atmosphere. the desert Southwest (Figure 2.4).
This movement creates a vapor pressure in the

• <20 inches
• 20-30 inches
• 30-40 inches
Q 40-50 inches
D 50-60 inches
D 60- 70 inches
D 70- 80 inches
D >80 inches

Figure 2.4: Mean annual lake evaporation for the period 1946-1955.
Source: Dunne and Leopold (1978) modified fro m Kohler et al. (1959).

2- 6 Chapter 2: Stream Corridor Processes, Characteristics, and Functions

from water loss due to evaporation, the
•• •
two processes are commonly combined
and labeled evapotranspiration. Evapo-
transpiration can dominate the water
balance and can control soil moisture
content, ground water recharge, and
The following concepts are important
when describing evapotranspiration:
• If soil moisture conditions are limit-
ing, the actual rate of evapotranspira-
tion is below its potential rate.
• When vegetation loses water to the
atmosphere at a rate unlimited by
the supply of water replenishing the
roots, its actual rate of evapotranspi-
ration is equal to its potential rate of
rain 6
The amount of precipitation in a region
drives both processes, however. Soil
types and rooting characteristics also
play important roles in determining the
actual rate of evapotranspiration.
Infiltration, Soil Moisture, and
Ground Water
Precipitation that is not intercepted or
flows as surface runoff moves into the
soil. Once there, it can be stored in the
upper layer or move downward through dry
the soil profile until it reaches an area
completely saturated by water called the
phreatic zone.
Close examination of the soil surface re-
veals millions of particles of sand, silt,
and clay separated by channels of differ-
ent sizes (Figure 2.5). These macropores
include cracks, "pipes" left by decayed
roots and wormholes, and pore spaces
between lumps and particles of soil.
Water is drawn into the pores by gravity
and capillary action. Gravity is the
dominant force for water moving into
the largest openings, such as worm or Figure 2.5: Soil profile. Water is drawn into the
root holes. Capillary action is the domi- pores in soil by gravity and capillary action.

Hydrologic and Hydraulic Processes 2- 7

rainfall rainfall
.75 inches/hr 1.5 inches/hr

.75 inches/hr

A. Infiltration Rate = B. Runoff Rate =

rainfall rate, which is less than rainfall rate minus
infiltration capacity infiltration capacity

Figure 2.6: Infiltration and runoff. Surface runoff occurs when ra infa ll intensity exceeds infiltration

nant force for water moving into soils pacity, the excess water either is de-
with very fine pores. tained in small depressions on the soil
The size and density of these pore surface or travels downslope as surface
openings determine the water's rate of runoff (Figure 2.6).
entry into the soil. Porosity is the term The following factors are important in
used to describe the percentage of the determining a soil's infiltration rate:
total soil volume taken up by spaces be- • Ease of entry through the soil surface.
tween soil particles. When all those
spaces are filled with water, the soil is • Storage capacity within the soil.
said to be saturated. • Transmission rate through the soil.
Soil characteristics such as texture and Areas with natural vegetative cover and
tilth (looseness) are key factors in deter- leaf litter usually have high infiltration
mining porosity. Coarse-textured, sandy rates. These features protect the surface
soils and soils with loose aggregates soil pore spaces from being plugged by
held together by organic matter or small fine soil particles created by raindrop
amounts of clay have large pores and, splash. They also provide habitat for
thus, high porosity. Soils that are tightly worms and other burrowing organisms
packed or clayey have low porosity. and provide organic matter that helps
Infiltration is the term used to describe bind fine soil particles together. Both of
the movement of water into soil pores. these processes increase porosity and
The infiltration rate is the amount of the infiltration rate.
water that soaks into soil over a given The rate of infiltration is not constant
length of time. The maximum rate that throughout the duration of a storm.
water infiltrates a soil is known as the The rate is usually high at the begin-
soil's infiltration capacity. ning of a storm but declines rapidly as
If rainfall intensity is less than infiltra- gravity-fed storage capacity is filled.
tion capacity, water infiltrates the soil at A slower, but stabilized, rate of infiltra-
a rate equal to the rate of rainfall. If the tion is reached typically 1 or 2 hours
rainfall rate exceeds the infiltration ca- into a storm. Several factors are in-

2- 8 Chapter 2: Stream Corridor Processes, Characteristics, and Functions

valved in this stabilization process, 0.60

including the following: porosity

• Raindrops breaking up soil aggregates 0.50

and producing finer material, which
then blocks pore openings on the sur-
face and reduces the ease of entry. 0.40

• Water filling fine pore spaces and E"' field

unfilled capacity
reducing storage capacity. > pore space
>- 0.30
• Wetted clay particles swelling and 0
effectively reducing the diameter of a.
pore spaces, which, in turn, reduces e 0.20
transmission rates.
Soils gradually drain or dry following a 0.10
storm. However, if another storm occurs clay

before the drying process is completed, loam heavy

clay loam
there is less storage space for new water. 0 fine
sandy loam
clay loam
Therefore, antecedent moisture condi- light clay loam
sandy loam
tions are important when analyzing silt loam
ne sand
available storage. d

Soil Moisture
Figure 2.7: Water-holding properties of various
After a storm passes, water drains out of soils. Water-holding properties vary by texture.
upper soils due to gravity. The soil re- For a fine sandy loam the approximate differ-
mains moist, however, because some ence between porosity, 0.45, and field capacity,
0.20, is 0.25, meaning that the unfilled pore
amount of water remains tightly held in
space is 0.25 times the soil volume. The differ-
fine pores and around particles by sur- ence between field capacity and wilting point is
face tension. This condition, called field a measure of unfilled pore space.
capacity, varies with soil texture. Like Source: Dunne and Leopold 1978.
porosity, it is expressed as a proportion
by volume. pore water. The moisture content of the
The difference between porosity and soil at this point, which varies depend-
field capacity is a measure of unfilled ing on soil characteristics, is called the
pore space (Figure 2. 7). Field capacity permanent wilting point because plants
is an approximate number, however, be- can no longer withdraw water from the
cause gravitation drainage continues in soil at a rate high enough to keep up
moist soil at a slow rate. with the demands of transpiration, caus-
ing the plants to wilt.
Soil moisture is most important in the
context of evapotranspiration. Terrestrial Deep percolation is the amount of water
plants depend on water stored in soil. that passes below the root zone of
As their roots extract water from pro- crops, less any upward movement of
gressively finer pores, the moisture con- water from below the root zone (Jensen
tent in the soil may fall below the field et al. 1990).
capacity. If soil moisture is not replen- Ground Water
ished, the roots eventually reach a point
where they cannot create enough suc- The size and quantity of pore openings
tion to extract the tightly held interstitial also determines the movement of water
within the soil profile. Gravity causes

Hydrologic and Hydraulic Processes 2- 9

water to move vertically downward. aeration. It contains air and microbial
This movement occurs easily through respiratory gases, capillary water, and
larger pores. As pores reduce in size due water moving downward by gravity to
to swelling of clay particles or filling of the phreatic zone. Pellicular water is the
pores, there is a greater resistance to film of ground water that adheres to in-
flow. Capillary forces eventually take dividual particles above the ground
over and cause water to move in any water table. This water is held above the
direction. capillary fringe by molecular attraction.
Water will continue to move downward If the phreatic zone provides a consis-
until it reaches an area completely satu- tent supply of water to wells, it is
rated with water, the phreatic zone or known as an aquifer. Good aquifers
zone of saturation (Figure 2.8). The top usually have a large lateral and vertical
of the phreatic zone defines the ground extent relative to the amount of water
water table or phreatic surface. Just withdrawn from wells and high poros-
above the ground water table is an area ity, which allows water to drain easily.
called the capillary fringe, so named be- The opposite of an aquifer is an
cause the pores in this area are filled aquitard or confining bed. Aquitards or
with water held by capillary forces. confining beds are relatively thin sedi-
In soils with tiny pores, such as clay or ment or rock layers that have low per-
silt, the capillary forces are strong. Con- meability. Vertical water movement
sequently, the capillary fringe can ex- through an aquitard is severely re-
tend a large distance upward from the stricted. If an aquifer has no confining
water table. In sandstone or soils with layer overlying it, it is known as an
large pores, the capillary forces are weak unconfined aquifer. A confined aquifer is
and the fringe narrow. one confined by an aquitard.
Between the capillary fringe and the soil The complexity and diversity of aquifers
surface is the vadose zone, or the zone of and aquitards result in a multitude of

Figure 2.8: Ground

water related fea- potentimetric flowing perched water water table land
tures and terminolo- surface artesian table and aquifer well surface
gy. Ground water well losing I
elevation along the
1 gaining

stream corridor can
vary significantly over
short distances,
depending on subsur- ---- ------------
_.. va~~,~~~:'t~:- _
face characteristics.
Source: USGS Water water
spring table
Supply Paper #1988,
1972, Definitions of unconfined aquifer zone of
Selected Ground Water saturation

ground water
(phreatic water)


2- 10 Chapter 2: Stream Corridor Processes, Characteristics, and Functions

underground scenarios. For example, channel can function either as a
perched ground water occurs when a shal- recharge area (influent or "losing"
low aquitard of limited size prevents stream) or a discharge area (effluent
water from moving down to the or "gaining" stream).
phreatic zone. Water collects above the
aquitard and forms a "mini-phreatic Runoff
zone." In many cases, perched ground When the rate of rainfall or snowmelt
water appears only during a storm or exceeds infiltration capacity, excess
during the wet season. Wells tapping water collects on the soil surface and
perched ground water may experience a travels downslope as runoff. Factors
shortage of water during the dry season. that affect runoff processes include cli-
Perched aquifers can, however, be im- mate, geology, topography, soil charac-
portant local sources of ground water. teristics, and vegetation. Average annual
Artesian wells are developed in con- runoff in the contiguous United States
fined aquifers. Because the hydrostatic ranges from less than 1 inch to more
pressure in confined aquifers is greater than 20 inches (Figure 2.9).
than atmospheric pressure, water levels Three basic types of runoff are intro-
in artesian wells rise to a level where at- duced in this subsection (Figure 2.10):
mospheric pressure equals hydrostatic
pressure. If this elevation is above the • Overland flow
ground surface, water can flow freely • Subsurface flow
out of the well.
• Saturated overland flow
Water also will flow freely where the
Each of these runoff types can occur in-
ground surface intersects a confined
dividually or in some combination in
aquifer. The piezometric surface is the
the same locale.
level to which water would rise in wells
tapped into confined aquifers if the Overland Flow
wells extended indefinitely above the When the rate of precipitation exceeds
ground surface. Phreatic wells draw the rate of infiltration, water collects on
water from below the phreatic zone in the soil surface in small depressions
unconfined aquifers. The water level in (Figure 2.11) . The water stored in these
a phreatic well is the same as the spaces is called depression storage. It
ground water table. eventually is returned to the atmos-
Practitioners of stream corridor restora- phere through evaporation or infiltrates
tion should be concerned with locations the soil surface.
where ground water and surface water After depression storage spaces are filled,
are exchanged. Areas that freely allow excess water begins to move downslope
movement of water to the phreatic zone as overland flow, either as a shallow
are called recharge areas. Areas where the sheet of water or as a series of small
water table meets the soil surface or rivulets or rills. Horton (1933) was the
where stream and ground water emerge first to describe this process in the liter-
are called springs or seeps. ature. The term Horton overland flow or
The volume of ground water and the Hortonian flow is commonly used.
elevation of the water table fluctuate The sheet of water increases in depth
according to ground water recharge and velocity as it moves downhill. As it
and discharge. Because of the fluctua- travels, some of the overland flow is
tion of water table elevation, a stream trapped on the hillside and is called sur-

Hydrologic and Hydraulic Processes 2- 11

<1 inch Figure 2.9: Average
• 1- 10 inches annual runoff in the
• 10-20inches contiguous United
• >20 inches States. Average
annual runoff varies
with regions.
Source: USGS 1986.

face detention. Unlike depression stor- tion, the water table before a rainstorm
age, which evaporates to the atmos- has a parabolic surface that slopes to-
phere or enters the soil, surface ward a stream. Water moves downward
detention is only temporarily detained and along this slope and into the
from its journey downslope. It eventu- stream channel. This portion of the
ally runs off into the stream and is still flow is the baseflow. The soil below the
considered part of the total volume of water table is, of course, saturated. As-
overland flow. suming the hill slope has uniform soil
Overland flow typically occurs in urban characteristics, the moisture content of
and suburban settings with paved and surface soils diminishes with distance
impermeable surfaces. Paved areas and from the stream.
soils that have been exposed and com- During a storm, the soil nearest the
pacted by heavy equipment or vehicles stream has two important attributes as
are also prime settings for overland compared to soil upslope-a higher
flow. It is also common in areas of thin moisture content and a shorter distance
soils with sparse vegetative cover such to the water table. These attributes cause
as in mountainous terrain of arid or the water table to rise more rapidly in
semiarid regions. response to rainwater infiltration and
causes the water table to steepen. Thus a
Subsurface Flow
new, storm-generated ground water
Once in the soil, water moves in re- component is added to baseflow. This
sponse to differences in hydraulic head new component, called subsurface flow,
(the potential for flow due to the gradi- mixes with baseflow and increases
ent of hydrostatic pressure at different ground water discharge to the channel.
elevations). Given a simplified situa-

2- 12 Chapter 2: Stream Corridor Processes, Characteristics, and Functions

..... "O
0· ;n
::i Q.
..... Figure 2.10: Flow
paths of water over
a surface. The por-
tion of precipitation
that runs off or
infiltrates to the
ground water table
----/~ ----------
--- ------- depends on the soil's
permeability rate;

water <;)>" surface roughness;

table f.>r f./
ow and the amount,
duration, and intensi-
ty of precipitation.

In some situations, infiltrated storm pands further up the hillside. Because

water does not reach the phreatic zone quick return flow and subsurface flow
because of the presence of an aquitard. are so closely linked to overland flow,
In this case, subsurface flow does not they are normally considered part of
mix with baseflow, but also discharges the overall runoff of surface water.
water into the channel. The net result,
whether mixed or not, is increased Hydrologic and Hydraulic
channel flow. Processes Along the Stream
Saturated Overland Flow
Water flowing in streams is the collection
If the storm described above continues, of direct precipitation and water that
the slope of the water table surface can has moved laterally from the land into
continue to steepen near the stream. the channel. The amount and timing of
Eventually, it can steepen to the point
this lateral movement directly influences
that the water table rises above the Figure 2.11: Overland flow and depression
channel elevation. Additionally, ground storage. Overland moves downslope as an
water can break out of the soil and irregular sheet.
Source: Dunne and Leopold 1978.
travel to the stream as overland flow.
This type of runoff is termed quick return
depth and
The soil below the ground water break- velocity of
overland flow
out is, of course, saturated. Conse-
quently, the maximum infiltration rate
is reached, and all of the rain falling
on it flows downslope as overland
runoff The combination of this direct
precipitation and quick return flow is depression storage
called saturated overland flow. As the (depth of depressions
greatly exaggerated)
storm progresses, the saturated area ex-

Hydrologic and Hydraulic Processes 2-13

the amount and timing of streamflow, information is usually presented in a
which in turn influences ecological probability format. Two formats are es-
functions in the stream corridor. pecially useful for planning and design-
ing stream corridor restoration:
Flow Analysis
• Flow duration, the probability a given
Flows range from no flow to flood flows streamflow was equaled or exceeded
in a variety of time scales. On a broad over a period of time.
Preview Chap- scale, historical climate records reveal
ter 7, Section
• Flow frequency, the probability a
occasional persistent periods of wet and given streamflow will be exceeded
A for more de- dry years. Many rivers in the United
ta iled informa- (or not exceeded) in a year.
States, for example, experienced a de- (Sometimes this concept is modified
tion about cline in flows during the "dust bowl"
flow duration and expressed as the average number
decade in the 1930s. Another similar de- of years between exceeding [or not
and frequency.
cline in flows nationwide occurred in exceeding] a given flow.)
the 1950s. Unfortunately, the length of
record regarding wet and dry years is Figure 2.12 presents an example of a
short (in geologic time), making it is flow frequency expressed as a series of
difficult to predict broad-scale persis- probability curves. The graph displays
tence of wet or dry years. months on the x-axis and a range of
mean monthly discharges on the y-axis.
Seasonal variations of streamflow are The curves indicate the probability that
more predictable, though somewhat the mean monthly discharge will be
complicated by persistence factors. Be- less than the value indicated by the
cause design work requires using histor- curve. For example, on about January l,
ical information (period of record) as a there is a 90 percent chance that the
basis for designing for the future, flow



§ 5000

Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. April May June July Aug . Sept.


Figure 2. 12: An example of monthly probability curves. Monthly probability that the m ean
monthly discharge will be less than the values indicated. Yakima River near Parker, Washington.
(Data from U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.)
Source: Dunne and Leopold 1978.

2- 14 Chapter 2: Stream Corridor Processes, Characteristics, and Functions

discharge will be less than 9,000 cfs populations of a single species in sev-
and a 50 percent chance it will be less eral locations.
than 2,000 cfs. In general, completion of the life cycle
Ecological Impacts of Flow of many riverine species requires an
array of different habitat types whose
The variability of streamflow is a pri- temporal availability is determined
mary influence on the biotic and abiotic by the flow regime. Adaptation to this
processes that determine the structure environmental dynamism allows river-
and dynamics of stream ecosystems ine species to persist during periods
(Covich 1993). High flows are impor- of droughts and floods that destroy
tant not only in terms of sediment and recreate habitat elements (Poff
transport, but also in terms of recon- et al. 1997).
necting floodplain wetlands to the
This relationship is important because
floodplain wetlands provide spawning
and nursery habitat for fish and, later in
the year, foraging habitat for waterfowl.
Low flows, especially in large rivers,
create conditions that allow tributary
fauna to disperse, thus maintaining

2.B Ceomorphic Processes

Geomorphology is the study of surface • Sediment deposition, settling of erod-

forms of the earth and the processes ed soil particles to the bottom of a
that developed those forms. The hydro- water body or left behind as water
logic processes discussed in the previ- leaves. Sediment deposition can be
ous section drive the geomorphic transitory, as in a stream channel
processes described in this section. In from one storm to another, or more
turn, the geomorphic processes are the or less permanent, as in a larger
primary mechanisms for forming the reservou.
drainage patterns, channel, floodplain, Since geomorphic processes are so
terraces, and other watershed and closely related to the movement of
stream corridor features discussed in water, this section is organized into
Chapter 1. subsections that mirror the hydrologic
Three primary geomorphic processes processes of surface storm water runoff
are involved with flowing water, as fol- and streamflow:
lows: • Geomorphic Processes Across the
• Erosion, the detachment of soil parti- Stream Corridor
cles. • Geomorphic Processes Along the
• Sediment transport, the movement of Stream Corridor
eroded soil particles in flowing water.

Geomorphic Processes 2- 15
Cieomorphic Processes Across No matter the size, all particles in the
the Stream Corridor channel are subject to being trans-
ported downslope or downstream.
The occurrence, magnitude, and distrib-
The size of the largest particle a stream
ution of erosion processes in water-
can move under a given set of hy-
sheds affect the yield of sediment and
draulic conditions is referred to as
associated water quality contaminants
stream competence. Often, only very
to the stream corridor.
high flows are competent to move the
Soil erosion can occur gradually over largest particles.
a long period, or it can be cyclic or
Closely related to stream competence is
episodic, accelerating during certain
the concept of tractive stress, which cre-
seasons or during certain rainstorm
ates lift and drag forces at the stream
events (Figure 2.13). Soil erosion can
boundaries along the bed and banks.
be caused by human actions or by nat-
Tractive stress, also known as shear
ural processes. Erosion is not a simple
stress, varies as a function of flow depth
process because soil conditions are con-
and slope. Assuming constant density,
tinually changing with temperature,
shape, and surface roughness, the larger
moisture content, growth stage and
the particle, the greater the amount of
amount of vegetation, and the human
tractive stress needed to dislodge it and
manipulation of the soil for develop-
move it downstream.
ment or crop production. Tables 2.2
and 2.3 show the basic processes that The energy that sets sediment particles
influence soil erosion and the different into motion is derived from the effect
types of erosion found within the water- of faster water flowing past slower
shed. water. This velocity gradient happens
because the water in the main body of
Cieomorphic Processes Along flow moves faster than water flowing at
the Stream Corridor the boundaries. This is because bound-
The channel, floodplain, terraces, and
other features in the stream corridor are
formed primarily through the erosion,
transport, and deposition of sediment
by streamflow. This subsection de-
scribes the processes involved with
transporting sediment loads down-
stream and how the channel and
floodplain adjust and evolve through

Sediment Transport

Sediment particles found in the stream

channel and floodplain can be catego-
rized according to size. A boulder is the
largest particle and clay is the smallest
particle. Particle density d epends on the
size and composition of the particle Figure 2.13: Raindrop impact. One of many
(i.e., the specific gravity of the mineral types of erosion.
content of the particle).

2- 16 Chapter 2: Stream Corridor Processes, Characteristics, and Functions

aries are rough and create friction as Table 2.2: Erosion processes.
flow moves over them which, in turn,
slows flow. Agent Process
Raindrop impact Sheet, interill
The momentum of the faster water is
Surface water runoff Sheet, interill, rill, ephemeral gully, classic gully
transmitted to the slower boundary
Channelized flow Rill, ephemeral gully, classic gully, wind, streambank
water. In doing so, the faster water
Gravity Classic gully, streambank, landslide, mass wasting
tends to roll up the slower water in a
Wind Wind
spiral motion. It is this shearing mo-
tion, or shear stress, that also moves Ice Streambank, lake shore

bed particles in a rolling motion down- Chemical reactions Solution, dispersion

Table 2.3: Erosion types vs. physical processes.
Particle movement on the channel bot-
tom begins as a sliding or rolling mo-

• -
Erosion/Physical Process
tion, which transports particles along Erosion Type Concentrated Combination
the stream bed in the direction of flow Flow I

(Figure 2.14). Some particles also may Sheet and rill x

move above the bed surface by saltation, lnterill x
a skipping motion that occurs when Rill x
one particle collides with another parti- Wind
cle, causing it to bounce upward and Ephemeral gully
then fall back toward the bed. Classic gully
These rolling, sliding, and skipping mo- Floodplain scour
tions result in frequent contact of the Roadside
moving particles with the streambed Streambank
and characterize the set of moving par- Stream bed
ticles known as bed load. The weight of
these particles relative to flow velocity
causes them essentially to remain in
contact with, and to be supported by,
Surface mine
the streambed as they move down-
stream. Ice gouging

Direction of
shear due to Tendency of Suggested motion of a
decrease of velocity to roll grain thrown up into
velocity an exposed Diagram of turbulent eddies in the
toward bed. grain. saltating grains. flow.

Figure 2.14: Action of water on particles near the streambed. Processes that transport bed load
sediments are a function of flow velocities, particle size, and principles of hydrodynamics.
Source: Water in Environmental Planning by Dunne and Leopold© 1978 by W.H. Freeman and Company.
Used with permission.

Geomorphic Processes 2- 17
Part of the suspended load may be col-
loidal clays, which can remain in sus-
pension for very long time periods,
Wash Load and Bed-Material Load depending on the type of clay and
One way to differentiate the sediment load of a stream water chemistry.
is to characterize it based on the immediate source of Sediment Transport Terminology
the sediment in transport. The total sediment load in a
Sediment transport terminology can
stream, at any given time and location, is divided into
sometimes be confusing. Because of
two parts-wash load and bed-material load. The prima-
this confusion, it is important to define
ry source of wash load is the watershed, including sheet
some of the more frequently used
and rill erosion, gully erosion, and upstream streambank
erosion. The source of bed material load is primarily the
streambed itself, but includes other sources in the water- • Sediment load, the quantity of sedi-
shed. ment that is carried past any cross
section of a stream in a specified
Wash load is composed of the finest sediment particles
period of time, usually a day or a
in transport. Turbulence holds the wash load in suspen-
year. Sediment discharge, the mass
sion. The concentration of wash load in suspension is
or volume of sediment passing a
essentially independent of hydraulic conditions in the
stream cross section in a unit of
stream and therefore cannot be calculated using mea-
time. Typical units for sediment load
sured or estimated hydraulic parameters such as velocity
are tons, while sediment discharge
or discharge. Wash load concentration is normally a
units are tons per day.
function of supply; i.e., the stream can carry as much
wash load as the watershed and banks can deliver (for • Bed-material load, part of the total
sediment concentrations below approximately 3000 sediment discharge that is composed
parts per million). of sediment particles that are the
Bed-material load is composed of the sediment of size
same size as streambed sediment.
classes found in the streambed. Bed-material load moves • Wash load, part of the total sediment
along the streambed by rolling, sliding, or jumping, and load that is comprised of particle
may be periodically entrained into the flow by turbu- sizes finer than those found in the
lence, where it becomes a portion of the suspended streambed.
load. Bed-material load is hydraulically controlled and
• Bed load, portion of the total sedi-
can be computed using sediment transport equations
ment load that moves on or near the
discussed in Chapter 8.
streambed by saltation, rolling, or
sliding in the bed layer.
• Suspended bed material load, portion
of the bed material load that is trans-
Finer-grained particles are more easily ported in suspension in the water
carried into suspension by turbulent ed- column. The suspended bed material
dies. These particles are transported load and the bed load comprise the
within the water column and are there- total bed material load.
fore called the suspended load. Although
• Suspended sediment discharge (or sus-
there may be continuous exchange of
pended load), portion of the total sed-
sediment between the bed load and
iment load that is transported in sus-
suspended load of the river, as long as
pension by turbulent fluctuations
sufficient turbulence is present.
within the body of flowing water.

2-18 Chapter 2: Stream Corridor Processes, Characteristics, and Functions

• Measured load, portion of the total Stream Power
sediment load that is obtained by the One of the principal geomorphic tasks
sampler in the sampling zone. of a stream is to transport particles out
• Unmeasured load, portion of the total of the watershed (Figure 2.15). In this
sediment load that passes beneath manner, the stream functions as a trans-
the sampler, both in suspension and porting "machine;" and, as a machine,
on the bed. With typical suspended its rate of doing work can be calculated
sediment samplers this is the lower as the product of available power multi-
0.3 to 0.4 feet of the vertical. plied by efficiency.
The above terms can be combined in Stream power can be calculated as:
a number of ways to give the total <p=yQS
sediment load in a stream (Table 2.4).
However, it is important not to com- Where:
bine terms that are not compatible.
<p = Stream power (foot-lbs/second-
For example, the suspended load and
the bed material load are not compli-
mentary terms because the suspended y = Specific weight of water (lbs/ft3)
load may include a portion of the bed Q = Discharge (ft3/second)
material load, depending on the energy
available for transport. The total sedi- S = Slope (feet/feet)
ment load is correctly defined by the Sediment transport rates are directly re-
combination of the following terms: lated to stream power; i.e., slope and
discharge. Baseflow that follows the
Total Sediment Load = highly sinuous thalweg (the line that
Bed Material Load +Wash Load marks the deepest points along the
or stream channel) in a meandering
Bed Load + Suspended Load stream generates little stream power;
or therefore, the stream's ability to move
sediment, sediment-transport capacity, is
Measured Load+ Unmeasured Load
limited. At higher depths, the flow fol-
Sediment transport rates can be com- lows a straighter course, which increases
puted using various equations or mod- slope, causing increased sediment trans-
els. These are discussed in the Stream port rates. The stream builds its cross
Channel Restoration section of Chapter 8. section to obtain depths of flow and
channel slopes that generate the sedi-
Table 2.4: Sediment load terms. ment-transport capacity needed to
maintain the stream channel.
Classification System
Runoff can vary from a watershed, ei-
Based on Based on
Mechanism Particle Size ther due to natural causes or land use
of Transport practices. These variations may change
Wash load Suspended Wash load the size distribution of sediments deliv-
ro ered to the stream from the watershed
.2 by preferentially moving particular par-
....c: Suspended Bed-material
E bed-material load ticle sizes into the stream. It is not un-
'5 load
QI common to find a layer of sand on top
"iij of a cobble layer. This often happens
~ when accelerated erosion of sandy soils
Bed load Bed load

Geomorphic Processes 2- 19
First Order Stream Second to Fourth Order Stream Fifth to Tenth Order Stream

flow rate


particle size
on stream

Figure 2.15: Particle transport. A stream's total sediment load in the total of all sediment particles
moving past a defined cross section over a specified time period. Transport rates vary according to
the mechanism of transport.

occurs in a watershed and the increased is, the distribution of particle sizes in
load of sand exceeds the transport ca- each section of the stream remains in
pacity of the stream during events that equilibrium (i.e., new particles de-
move the sand into the channel. posited are the same size and shape as
particles displaced by tractive stress).
Stream and Floodplain Stability
Yang ( 1971) adapted the basic theories
A question that normally arises when described by Leopold to explain the
considering any stream restoration ac- longitudinal profile of rivers, the forma-
tion is "Is it stable now and will it be tion of stream networks, riffles, and
stable after changes are made?" The an- pools, and river meandering. All these
swer may be likened to asking an opin- river characteristics and sediment trans-
ion on a movie based on only a few port are closely related. Yang ( 1971) de-
frames from the reel. Although we often veloped the theory of average stream
view streams based on a limited refer- fall and the theory of least rate of en-
ence with respect to time, it is impor- ergy expenditure, based on the entropy
tant that we consider the long-term concept. These theories state that during
changes and trends in channel cross the evolution toward an equilibrium
section, longitudinal profile, and plan- condition, a natural stream chooses its
form morphology to characterize chan- course of flow in such a manner that
nel stability. the rate of potential energy expenditure
Achieving channel stability requires that per unit mass of flow along its course is
the average tractive stress maintains a a minimum.
stable streambed and streambanks. That

2-20 Chapter 2: Stream Corridor Processes, Characteristics, and Functions

Corridor Adjustments ment load ( Qs ) and median particle
size on the streambed (D 50 ):
Stream channels and their floodplains
are constantly adjusting to the water Q s • D 50 ~Q
• S

and sediment supplied by the water-

Lane's relationship suggests that a chan-
shed. Successful restoration of degraded
nel will be maintained in dynamic
streams requires an understanding of
equilibrium when changes in sediment
watershed history, including both nat-
load and bed-material size are balanced
ural events and land use practices, and
by changes in streamflow or channel
the adjustment processes active in chan-
gradient. A change in one of these vari-
nel evolution.
ables causes changes in one or more of
Channel response to changes in water the other variables such that dynamic
and sediment yield may occur at differ- equilibrium is reestablished. FAST
ing times and locations, requiring vari- FORWARD
Additional qualitative relationships
ous levels of energy expenditure. Daily
have been proposed for interpreting be-
changes in streamflow and sediment
havior of alluvial channels. Schumm
load result in frequent adjustment of
(1977) suggested that width (b), depth
bedforms and roughness in many
(d), and meander wavelength (L) are Preview Section
streams with movable beds. Streams
directly proportional, and that channel E for a further
also adjust periodically to extreme high-
gradient (S) is inversely proportional to discussion of
and low-flow events, as floods not only dynamic equi-
streamflow (QJ in an alluvial channel:
remove vegetation but create and in- librium.
crease vegetative potential along the
Q _ b, d, L
stream corridor (e.g., low flow periods w s
allow vegetation incursion into the
channel). Schumm (1977) also suggested that
Similar levels of adjustment also may width (b ), meander wavelength (L),
be brought about by changes in land and channel gradient (S) are directly
use in the stream corridor and the up- proportional, and that depth ( d) and
land watershed. Similarly, long-term sinuosity (P) are inversely proportional
changes in runoff or sediment yield to sediment discharge ( Q,) in alluvial
from natural causes, such as climate streams:
change, wildfire, etc., or human causes,
such as cultivation, overgrazing, or Qs - b, L, S
rural-to-urban conversions, may lead to d, p
long-term adjustments in channel cross
section and planform that are fre- The above two equations may be rewrit-
quently described as channel evolution. ten to predict direction of change in
channel characteristics, given an in-
Stream channel response to changes in
crease or decrease in streamflow or sedi-
flow and sediment load have been de-
ment discharge:
scribed qualitatively in a number of
studies (e.g., Lane 1955, Schumm Qw + - b+, d+, U, s-
1977). As discussed in Chapter l, one
of the earliest relationships proposed
for explaining stream behavior was sug-
gested by Lane (19 55), who related
mean annual streamflow ( QJ and
channel slope (S) to bed-material sedi-

Geomorphic Processes 2- 21
Combining the four equations above energy dissipation rate (Yang and Song
yields additional predictive relation- 1979), the following equation must be
ships for concurrent increases or de- satisfied:
creases in streamflow and/ or sediment
discharge: dP dS dQ
yQ - +S =O
Q w +Q s+ - b+, d+f-, L+, s+f-, p- dx dx dx

Q -Q - - b - d+f- L- s+/- p+
p QS = Stream power
x Longitudinal distance
Q Water discharge
S Water surface or energy slope
Channel Slope
y Specific weight of water
Channel slope, a stream's longitudinal
profile, is measured as the difference in Stream power has been defined as the
elevation between two points in the product of discharge and slope. Since
stream divided by the stream length be- stream discharge typically increases in
tween the two points. Slope is one of a downstream direction, slope must
the most critical pieces of design infor- decrease in order to minimize stream
mation required when channel modifi- power. The decrease in slope in a down-
cations are considered. Channel slope stream direction results in the concave-
directly impacts flow velocity, stream up longitudinal profile.
competence, and stream power. Since Sinuosity is not a profile feature, but it
these attributes drive the geomorphic does affect stream slope. Sinuosity is
processes of erosion, sediment trans- the stream length between two points
port, and sediment deposition, channel on a stream divided by the valley
slope becomes a controlling factor in length between the two points. For
channel shape and pattern. example, if a stream is 2,200 feet long
Most longitudinal profiles of streams from point A to point B, and if a valley
are concave upward. As described previ- length distance between those two
ously in the discussion of dynamic points is 1,000 feet, that stream has a
equilibrium, streams adjust their pro- sinuosity of 2.2. A stream can increase
file and pattern to try to minimize the its length by increasing its sinuosity,
time rate of expenditure of potential resulting in a decrease in slope. This
energy, or stream power, present in impact of sinuosity on channel slope
flowing water. The concave upward must always be considered if channel
shape of a stream's profile appears to reconstruction is part of a proposed
be due to adjustments a river makes restoration.
to help minimize stream power in a Pools and Riffles
downstream direction. Yang (1983)
applied the theory of minimum stream The longitudinal profile is seldom
power to explain why most longitudinal constant, even over a short reach. Dif-
streambed profiles are concave upward. ferences in geology, vegetation pat-
In order to satisfy the theory of mini- terns, or human disturbances can
mum stream power, which is a special result in flatter and steeper reaches
case of the general theory of minimum within an overall profile. Riffles occur

2-22 Chapter 2: Stream Corridor Processes, Characteristics, and Functions

where the stream bottom is higher rel- The importance of the bankfull channel
ative to streambed elevation immedi- has been established. Channel cross sec-
ately upstream or downstream. These tions need to include enough points to
relatively deeper areas are considered define the channel in relation to a por-
pools. At normal flow, flow velocities tion of the floodplain on each side. A
decrease in pool areas, allowing fine suggested guide is to include at least one
grained deposition to occur, and in- stream width beyond the highest point
crease atop riffles due to the increased on each bank for smaller stream corri-
bed slope between the riffle crest and dors and at least enough of the flood-
the subsequent pool. plain on larger streams to clearly define
its character in relation to the channel.
Longitudinal Profile Adjustments
A common example of profile adjust- In meandering streams, th e channel
ment occurs when a dam is constructed cross section should be measured in
on a stream. The typical response to areas of riffles or crossovers. A riffle or
dam construction is channel degrada- crossover occurs between the apexes of
tion downstream and aggradation up- two sequential meanders. The effects of
stream. However, the specific response differences in resistance to erosion of
is quite complex as can be illustrated by soil layers are prominent in the outside
considering Lane's relation. Dams typi- bends of meanders, and point bars on
cally reduce peak discharges and sedi- the insides of the meanders are con-
ment supply in the downstream reach. stantly adjusting to the water and sedi-
According to Lane's relation, a decrease ment loads being moved by the stream.
in discharge ( Q) should be offset by an The stream's cross section changes much
increase in slope, yet the decrease in more rapidly and frequently in the me-
sediment load (Qs) should cause a de- ander bends. There is more variability
crease in slope. This response could be in pool cross sections than in riffle
further complicated if armoring occurs cross sections. The cross section in the
(0 50 +), which would also cause an in- crossover or riffle area is more uniform.
crease in slope. Impacts are not limited Resistance to Flow and Velocity
to the main channel, but can include Channel slope is an important factor in
aggradation or degradation on tribu- determining streamflow velocity. Flow
taries as well. Aggradation often occurs velocity is used to help predict what
at the mouths of tributaries down- discharge a cross section can convey. As Figure 2.16:
stream of dams (and sometimes in the discharge increases, either flow velocity,
Channel cross sec-
entire channel) due to the reduction of tion. Information
flow area, or both must increase. to record w h en
peak flows on the main stem. Obvi-
collecting stream
ously, the ultimate response will be the cross section data.
result of the integration of all these
variables. +------- t o pographic floodplain - - -- - - - +

Channel Cross Sections

Figure 2 .16 presents the type of infor-
mation that should be recorded when
collecting stream cross section data. In
stable alluvial stream s, the high points
on each bank represent the top of the
bankfull channel.

Geomorphic Processes 2- 23
Roughness plays an important r ole in fore, depends on the bedforms present
streams. It helps determine the depth or when that discharge occurs.
stage of flow in a stream reach. As flow Vegetation can also contribute to rough-
velocity slows in a stream reach due to ness. In streams with boundaries con-
roughness, the depth of flow has to in- sisting of cohesive soils, vegetation is
crease to maintain the volume of flow usually the principal component of
that entered the upstream end of the roughness. The type and distribution of
reach (a concept known as flow conti- vegetation in a stream corridor depends
nuity). Typical roughness along the on hydrologic and geomorphic
boundaries of the stream includes the processes, but by creating roughness,
following: vegetation can alter these processes and
• Sediment particles of different sizes. cause changes in a stream's form and
• Bedforms.
Meandering streams offer some resis-
• Bank irregularities.
tance to flow relative to straight
• The type, amount, and distribution streams. Straight and meandering
of living and dead vegetation. streams also have different distributions
• Other obstructions. of flow velocity that are affected by the
alignment of the stream, as shown in
Roughness generally increases with in-
Figure 2.17. In straight reaches of a
creasing particle size. The shape and
stream, the fastest flow occurs just
size of instream sediment deposits, or
below the surface near the center of the
bedforms, also contribute to roughness.
channel where flow resistance is lowest
Sand-bottom streams are good exam- (see Figure 2.17 (a) Section G). In me-
ples of how bedform roughness anders, velocities are highest at the out-
changes with discharge. At very low dis- side edge due to angular momentum
charges, the bed of a sand stream may (see Figure 2 .1 7 (b) Section 3). The dif-
be dominated by ripple bedforms. As ferences in flow velocity distribution in
flow increases even more, sand dunes meandering streams result in both ero-
may begin to appear on the bed. Each sion and deposition at the meander
of these bedforms increases the rough- bend. Erosion occurs at the outside of
ness of the stream bottom, which tends bends (cutbanks) from high velocity
to slow velocity. flows, while the slower velocities at the
The depth of flow also increases due to insides of bends cause deposition on
increasing roughness. If discharge con- the point bar (which also has been
tinues to increase, a point is reached called the slip-off slope).
when the flow velocity mobilizes the The angular momentum of flow
sand on the streambed and the entire through a meander bend increases the
bed converts again to a planar form. height or super elevation at the outside
The depth of flow may actually decrease of the bend and sets up a secondary
at this point due to the decreased current of flow down the face of the
roughness of the bed. If discharge in- cut bank and across the bottom of the
creases further still, antidunes may pool toward the inside of the bend. This
form. These bedforms create enough rotating flow is called helical flow and
friction to again cause the flow depth to the direction of rotation is illustrated
increase. The depth of flow for a given on the diagram on the previous page by
discharge in sand-bed streams, there- the arrows at the top and bottom of
cross sections 3 and 4 in the figure.

2-24 Chapter 2: Stream Corridor Processes, Characteristics, and Functions

(a) (b)

Section C

...g. 3
..r:. Section E

Section G

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Horizontal Distance (feet)

high low
velocity velocity

Figure 2. 17: Velocity distribution in a

(a) straight stream branch and a (b) stream
Generalized Surface
meander. Stream flow velocities are different Streamlines
through pools and riffles, in straight and
curved reaches, across the stream at any point,
and at different depths. Velocity distribution
also differs dramatically from basef/ow condi-
tions through bankful/ flows, and flood flows.
Source: Leopold et al. 1964. Published by permission
of Dover Publications.
Velocity Distributions

The distribution of flow velocities in

straight and meandering streams is im- predators in pools. Riffle areas are not
portant to understand when planning as deep as pools, so more turbulent
and designing modifications in stream flows occur in these shallow zones. The
alignment in a stream corridor restora- turbulent flow can increase the dis-
tion. Areas of highest velocities generate solved oxygen content of the water and
the most stream power, so where such may also increase the oxidation and
velocities intersect the stream bound- volatilization of some chemical con-
aries indicates where more durable pro- stituents in water.
tection may be needed. Another extremely important function
As flow moves through a meander, the of roughness elements is that they cre-
bottom water and detritus in the pool ate aquatic habitat. As one example,
are rotated to the surface. This rotation the deepest flow depths usually occur
is an important mechanism in moving at the base of cutbanks. These scour
drifting and benthic organisms past holes or pools create very different

Geomorphic Processes 2- 25
habitat than occurs in the depositional sediment from the watershed. Vertical
environment of the slip-off slope. accretion is the deposition of sediment
on flooded surfaces. This sediment
Active Channels and generally is finer textured than point
Floodplains bar sediments and is considered to be
Floodplains are built by two stream an overbank deposit. Vertical accretion
processes, lateral and vertical accretion. occurs on top of the lateral accretion
Lateral accretion is the deposition of deposits in the point bars; however,
sediment on point bars on the insides lateral accretion is the dominant
of bends of the stream. The stream lat- process. It typically makes up 60 to 80
erally migrates across the floodplain as percent of the total sediment deposits
the outside of the meander bend in floodplains (Leopold et al. 19 64).
erodes and the point bar builds with It is apparent that lateral migration of
coarse-textured sediment. This naturally meanders is an important natural
occurring process maintains the cross process since it plays a critical role in
section needed to convey water and reshaping floodplains.

2.C Physical and Chemical Characteristics

The quality of water in the stream corri- a few key concepts that are relevant to
dor might be a primary objective of stream corridor restoration. The reader
restoration, either to improve it to a de- is referred to other sources (e.g.,
sired condition or to sustain it. Estab- Thomann and Mueller 1987, Mills et al.
lishing an appropriate flow regime and 1985) for a more detailed treatment.
geomorphology in a stream corridor As in the previous sections, the physical
may do little to ensure a healthy ecosys- and chemical characteristics of streams
tem if the physical and chemical charac- are examined in both the lateral and
teristics of the water are inappropriate. longitudinal perspectives. The lateral
For example, a stream containing high perspective refers to the influence of the
concentrations of toxic materials or in watershed on water quality, with partic-
which high temperatures, low dissolved ular attention to riparian areas. The lon-
oxygen, or other physical/ chemical gitudinal perspective refers to processes
characteristics are inappropriate cannot that affect water quality during trans-
support a healthy stream corridor. Con- port instream.
versely, poor condition of the stream
corridor-such as lack of riparian shad- Physical Characteristics
ing, poor controls on erosion, or exces-
sive sources of nutrients and oxygen- Sediment
demanding waste- can result in degra-
Section 2.B discussed total sediment
dation of the physical and chemical
loads in the context of the evolution of
conditions within the stream.
stream form and geomorphology. In ad-
This section briefly surveys some of the dition to its role in shaping stream
key physical and chemical characteristics form, suspended sediment plays an im-
of flowing waters. Stream water quality portant role in water quality, both in
is a broad topic on which many books the water column and at the sediment-
have been written. The focus here is on water interface. In a water quality con-

2- 26 Chapter 2: Stream Corridor Processes, Characteristics, and Functions

text, sediment usually refers to soil par- Sediment Across the Stream Corridor
ticles that enter the water column from Rain erodes and washes soil particles
eroding land. Sediment consists of par- off plowed fields, construction sites,
ticles of all sizes, including fine clay logging sites, urban areas, and strip-
particles, silt, and gravel. The term sedi- mined lands into waterbodies. Eroding
mentation is used to describe the depo- streambanks also deposit sediment into
sition of sediment particles in waterbodies. In sum, sediment quality
waterbodies. in the stream represents the net result
Although sediment and its transport of erosion processes in the watershed.
occur naturally in any stream, changes The lateral view of sediment is dis-
in sediment load and particle size can cussed in more detail in Section 2.B.
have negative impacts (Figure 2.18). It is worth noting, however, that from
Fine sediment can severely alter aquatic a water quality perspective, interest may
communities. Sediment may clog and focus on specific fractions of the sedi-
abrade fish gills, suffocate eggs and ment load. For instance, controlling
aquatic insect larvae on the bottom, fine sediment load is often of particular
and fill in the pore space between bot- concern for restoration of habitat for
tom cobbles where fish lay eggs. Sedi- salmonid fish.
ment interferes with recreational
activities and aesthetic enjoyment at Restoration efforts may be useful for
waterbodies by reducing water clarity controlling loads of sediment and sedi-
and filling in waterbodies. Sediment ment-associated pollutants from the
also may carry other pollutants into wa- watershed to streams. These may range
terbodies. Nutrients and toxic chemicals from efforts to reduce upland erosion
may attach to sediment particles on to treatments that reduce sediment de-
land and ride the particles into surface livery through the riparian zone. Design
waters where the pollutants may settle of restoration treatments is covered in
with the sediment or become soluble in Chapter 8.
the water column.
Studies have shown that fine sediment
intrusion can significantly impact the
quality of spawning habitat (Cooper
1965, Chapman 1988). Fine sediment
intrusion into streambed gravels can re-
duce permeability and intragravel water
velocities, thereby restricting the supply
of oxygenated water to developing
salmonid embryos and the removal of
their metabolic wastes. Excessive fine
sediment deposition can effectively
smother incubating eggs and entomb
alevins and fry. A sediment intrusion
model (Alonso et al. 1996) has been
developed, verified, and validated to
predict the w ithin-redd (spawning area)
sediment accumulation and dissolved Figure 2.18: Stream sedimentation. Although
sediment and its transport occur naturally,
oxygen status.
changes in sediment load and particle size
have negative impacts.

Physical and Chemical Characteristics 2- 27

Sediment Along the Stream Corridor dresses the effects of the temperature of
The longitudinal processes affecting influent water.
FAST sediment transport from a water quality The most important factor for tempera-
perspective are the same as those dis- ture of influent water within a stream
cussed from a geomorphic perspective reach is the balance between water ar-
in Section 2.B. As in the lateral perspec- riving via surface and ground water
tive, interest from a water quality point pathways. Water that flows over the
Preview Sec- of view may be focused on specific sedi- land surface to a stream has the oppor-
t ion D for ment size fractions, particularly the fine tunity to gain heat through contact with
more detail on sediment fraction, because of its effect surfaces heated by the sun. In contrast,
the effects of on water quality, water temperature, ground water is usually cooler in sum-
cover on water habitat, and biota. mer and tends to reflect average annual
temperature .
temperatures in the watershed. Water
Water Temperature flow via shallow ground water pathways
Water temperature is a crucial factor in may lie between the average annual
stream corridor restoration for a number temperature and ambient temperatures
of reasons. First, dissolved oxygen solu- during runoff events.
bility decreases with increasing water Both the fraction of runoff arriving via
temperature, so the stress imposed by surface pathways and the temperature
oxygen-demanding waste increases with of surface runoff are strongly affected
higher temperatures. Second, tempera- by the amount of impervious surfaces
ture governs many biochemical and within a watershed. For example, hot
physiological processes in cold-blooded paved surfaces in a watershed can heat
aquatic organisms, and increased tem- surface runoff and significantly increase
peratures can increase metabolic and the temperature of streams that receive
reproductive rates throughout the food the runoff.
chain. Third, many aquatic species can
Water Temperat ure Along t he
tolerate only a limited range of tempera-
Stream Corridor
tures, and shifting the maximum and
minimum temperatures within a stream Water also is subject to thermal loading
can have profound effects on species through direct effects of sunlight on
composition. Finally, temperature also streams. For the purposes of restoration,
affects many abiotic chemical processes, land use practices that remove overhead
such as reaeration rate, sorption of or- cover or that decrease baseflows can in-
ganic chemicals to particulate matter, crease instream temperatures to levels
and volatilization rates. Temperature in- that exceed critical thermal maxima for
creases can lead to increased stress from fishes (Feminella and Matthews 19 84).
toxic compounds, for which the dis- Maintaining or restoring normal tem-
solved fraction is usually the most perature ranges can therefore be an im-
bioactive fraction. portant goal for restoration.
Water Temperature Across the Chemical Constituents
Stream Corridor
Previous chapters have discussed the
Water temperature within a stream physical journey of water as it moves
reach is affected by the temperature of through the hydrologic cycle. Rain per-
water upstream, processes within the colates to the ground water table or be-
stream reach, and the temperature of comes overland flow, streams collect
influent water. The lateral view ad- this water and route it toward the

2- 28 Chapter 2: Stream Corridor Processes, Characteristics, and Functions

ocean, and evapotranspiration occurs Clay Sand
throughout the cycle. As water makes
this journey, its chemistry changes.
While in the air, water equilibrates with
atmospheric gases. In shallow soils, it
undergoes chemical exchanges with in-
organic and organic matter and with • organic coating
soil gases. In ground water, where transit • iron coating
times are longer, there are more oppor-
Figure 2.19: The organic coatings on suspend-
tunities for minerals to dissolve. Similar
ed sediment from streams. Water chemistry
chemical reactions continue along determines whether sediment will carry
stream corridors. Everywhere, water in- adsorbed materials or if stream sediments
teracts with everything it touches-air, will be coated.
rocks, bacteria, plants, and fish-and is
affected by human disturbances. The total concentration of all dissolved
ions in water, also known as salinity,
Scientists have been able to define sev-
varies widely. Precipitation typically
eral interdependent cycles for many of
contains only a few parts per thousand
the common dissolved constituents in
(ppt) of dissolved solids, while the
water. Central among these cycles is the
salinity of seawater averages about 35
behavior of oxygen, carbon, and nutri-
ppt (Table 2.5). The concentration of
ents, such as nitrogen (N), phosphorus
dissolved solids in freshwater may vary
(P), sulfur (S), and smaller amounts of
from only 10 to 20 mg/L in a pristine
common trace elements.
mountain stream to several hundred
Iron, for example, is an essential ele- mg/L in many rivers. Concentrations
ment in the metabolism of animals and may exceed 1,000 mg/Lin arid water-
plants. Iron in aquatic systems may be sheds. A dissolved solids concentration
present in one of two oxidation states. of less than 500 mg/L is recommended
Ferric iron (Fe3+) is the more oxidized for public drinking water, but this
form and is very sparingly soluble in threshold is exceeded in many areas of
water. The reduced form, ferrous iron the country. Some crops (notably fruit
(Fe2+ ), is more soluble by many orders trees and beans) are sensitive to even
of magnitude. In many aquatic systems, modest salinity, while other crops, such
such as lakes for example, iron can cycle as cotton, barley, and beets, tolerate
from the ferric state to the ferrous state high concentrations of dissolved solids.
and back again (Figure 2.19). The oxi- Agricultural return water from irrigation
dation of ferrous iron followed by the may increase salinity in streams, partic-
precipitation of ferric iron results in ularly in the west. Recommended salin-
iron coatings on the surfaces of some ity limits for livestock vary from 2,860
stream sediments. These coatings, along mg/L for poultry to 12,900 mg/ L for
with organic coatings, play a substantial adult sheep . Plants, fish, and other
role in the aquatic chemistry of toxic aquatic life also vary widely in their
trace elements and toxic organic chemi- adaptation to different concentrations
cals. The chemistry of toxic organic of dissolved solids. Most species have a
chemicals and metals, along with the m aximum salinity tolerance, and few
cycling and chemistry of oxygen, nitro- can live in very pure water of very low
gen, and phosphorus, will be covered ionic concentration.
later in this section.

Physical and Chemical Characteristics 2- 29

Samples fluctuations in pH also can stress
13.J.Hhii!§.!i . . . . . - .... aquatic organisms. Finally, acidic condi-
Si Oz 0.0 1.2 0.3 0.1 tions also can aggravate toxic contami-
Al .01 nation problems through increased
Fe .00 .015 solubility, leading to the release of toxic
Ca .0 .65 1.2 .8 1.41 .075
chemicals stored in stream sediments .
Mg .2 .14 .7 1.2 .027 pH, Alkalinity, and Acidity Across the
Na .6 .56 .0 9.4 .42 .220 Stream Corridor
K .6 .11 .0 .0 .072 The pH of runoff reflects the chemical
NH4 .0 characteristics of precipitation and the
HC03 3 7 4 land surface. Except in areas with signif-
S04 1.6 2.18 .7 7.6 2.14 1.1 icant ocean spray, the dominant ion in
Cl .2 .57 .8 17 .22 most precipitation is bicarbonate
N02 .02 .00 .02 (HCO,-). The bicarbonate ion is pro-
N03 .1 .62 .2 .0 duced by carbon dioxide reacting with
Total water:
solids 4.8 8.2 38 H 2 0 +CO 2 = H+ + HC0 3
pH 5.6 6.4 5.5 4.9
This reaction also produces a hydrogen
1. Snow, Spo oner Summit . U.S. Highw ay 50, Nevada (east of Lake
Tahoe) (Feth, Rogers, and Roberson, 1964). ion (H+), thus increasing the hydrogen
2. Average composition of ra in, August 1962 t o July 1963, at 27 points
in No rth Carolina and Virginia (Gambell and Fisher, 1966).
ion concentration and acidity and low-
3. Rain, Menlo Park, Calif., 7:00 p .m. Jan . 9 t o 8:00 a.m. Jan 10, 1958
(Whitehead and Fet h, 1964).
ering the pH. Because of the presence
4. Rain, M enlo Park, Calif., 8:00 a.m. t o 2:00 p.m. Jan 10, 1958 of CO 2 in the atmosphere, most rain is
(Whitehead and Feth, 1964).
5. Average for inland sampling st ations in the United States f o r 1 year. naturally slightly acidic, with a pH of
Table 2.5: Data from Junge and Werby (1958), as reported by Whitehead and
Feth (1964). about 5.6. Increased acidity in rainfall
Composition, in mil-
ligrams per liter, of
6. Averag e composition of precipitation, Willi amson Creek, Snohomish
County, Wash ., 1973-75. A lso reported: As, 0.00045 mg/L; Cu 0.0025
can be caused by inputs, particularly
rain and snow.
mg/l ; Pb, 0.0033 mg/ L; Zn, 0.0036 mg/l (Deithier, D.P., 1977, Ph.D.
t hesis. University of Washingt on, Seatt le).
from burning fossil fuels.
As water moves through soils and rocks,
pH, Alkalinity, and Acidity its pH may increase or decrease as addi-
tional chemical reactions occur. The car-
Alkalinity, acidity, and buffering capac- bonate buffering system controls the
ity are important characteristics of water acidity of most waters. Carbonate
that affect its suitability for biota and buffering results from chemical equilib-
influence chemical reactions. The acidic rium between calcium, carbonate, bicar-
or basic (alkaline) nature of water is bonate, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen
commonly quantified by the negative ions in the water and carbon dioxide in
logarithm of the hydrogen ion concen- the atmosphere. Buffering causes waters
tration, or pH. A pH value of 7 repre- to resist changes in pH (Wetzel 1975 ).
sents a neutral condition; a pH value Alkalinity refers to the acid-neutralizing
less than 5 indicates moderately acidic capacity of water and usually refers to
conditions; a pH value greater than 9 those compounds that shift the pH in
indicates moderately alkaline condi- an alkaline direction (APHA 1995, Wet-
tions. Many biological processes, such zel 1975). The amount of buffering is
as reproduction, cannot function in related to the alkalinity and primarily
acidic or alkaline waters. In particular, determined by carbonate and bicarbon-
aquatic organisms m ay suffer an os- ate concentration, which are introduced
motic imbalance under sustained expo- into the water from dissolved calcium
sure to low pH waters. Rapid carbonate (i.e., limestone) and similar

2- 30 Chapter 2: Stream Corridor Processes, Characteristics, and Functions

minerals present in the watershed. For tion also tend to stabilize highly vari-
example, when water interacts with able pH levels attributable to high rates
limestone, the following dissolution of photosynthesis.
reaction occurs: The pH within streams can have impor-
+ 2+
H + CaC0 3 =Ca + HC0 3 tant consequences for toxic materials.
This reaction consumes hydrogen ions, High acidity or high alkalinity tend to
thus raising the pH of the water. Con- convert insoluble metal sulfides to solu-
versely, runoff may acidify when all al- ble forms and can increase the concen-
kalinity in the water is consumed by tration of toxic metals. Conversely, high
acids, a process often attributed to the pH can promote ammonia toxicity. Am-
input of strong mineral acids, such as monia is present in water in two forms,
sulfuric acid, from acid mine drainage, unionized (NHJ and ionized (NH 4 +).
and weak organic acids, such as humic Of these two forms of ammonia, un-
and fulvic acids, which are naturally ionized ammonia is relatively highly
produced in large quantities in some toxic to aquatic life, while ionized am-
types of soils, such as those associated monia is relatively negligibly toxic. The
with coniferous forests, bogs, and wet- proportion of un-ionized ammonia is
lands. In some streams, pH levels can determined by the pH and temperature
be increased by restoring degraded wet- of the water (Bowie et al. 1985)-as pH
lands that intercept acid inputs, such as or temperature increases, the propor-
acid mine drainage, and help neutralize tion of un-ionized ammonia and the
acidity by converting sulfates from sul- toxicity also increase. For example, with
furic acid to insoluble nonacidic metal a pH of 7 and a temperature of 68 ° F,
sulfides that remain trapped in wetland only about 0.4 percent of the total am-
sediments. monia is in the un-ionized form, while
at a pH of 8.5 and a temperature of
pH, Alkalinity, and Acidity Along the 78 °F, 15 percent of the total ammonia
Stream Corridor is in the un-ionized form, representing
Within a stream, similar reactions occur 35 times greater potential toxicity to
between acids in the water, atmospheric aquatic life.
CO,, alkalinity in the water column, and
Dissolved Oxygen
streambed material. An additional char-
acteristic of pH in some poorly buffered Dissolved oxygen (DO) is a basic re-
waters is high daily variability in pH lev- quirement for a healthy aquatic ecosys-
els attributable to biological processes tem. Most fish and aquatic insects
that affect the carbonate buffering sys- "breathe" oxygen dissolved in the water
tem. In waters with large standing crops column. Some fish and aquatic organ-
of aquatic plants, uptake of carbon diox- isms, such as carp and sludge worms,
ide by plants during photosynthesis re- are adapted to low oxygen conditions,
moves carbonic acid from the water, but most sport fish species, such as
which can increase pH by several units. trout and salmon, suffer if DO concen-
Conversely, pH levels may fall by several trations fall below a concentration of 3
units during the night when photosyn- to 4 mg/L. Larvae and juvenile fish are
thesis does not occur and plants give off more sensitive and require even higher
carbon dioxide. Restoration techniques concentrations of DO (USEPA 1997).
that decrease instream plant growth
Many fish and other aquatic organisms
through increased shading or reduction
in nutrient loads or that increase reaera- can recover from short periods of low

Physical and Chemical Characteristics 2- 31

DO in the water. However, prolonged equivalent indicator rather than a true
episodes of depressed dissolved oxygen physical or chemical substance. It mea-
concentrations of 2 mg/L or less can re- sures the total concentration of DO that
sult in "dead" waterbodies. Prolonged eventually would be demanded as
exposure to low DO conditions can suf- wastewater degrades in a stream.
focate adult fish or reduce their repro- BOD also is often separated into car-
ductive survival by suffocating sensitive bonaceous and nitrogenous compo-
Preview Section eggs and larvae, or can starve fish by nents. This is because the two fractions
D for more in- killing aquatic insect larvae and other tend to degrade at different rates. Many
formation on prey. Low DO concentrations also favor water quality models for dissolved oxy-
DO. anaerobic bacteria that produce the gen require as input estimates of ulti-
noxious gases or foul odors often asso- mate carbonaceous BOD (CBODJ and
ciated with polluted waterbodies. either ultimate nitrogenous BOD
Water absorbs oxygen directly from the (NBODJ or concentrations of individ-
atmosphere, and from plants as a result ual nitrogen species.
of photosynthesis. The ability of water Oxygen-demanding wastes can be
to hold oxygen is influenced by temper- loaded to streams by point source dis-
ature and salinity. Water loses oxygen charges, nonpoint loading, and ground
primarily by respiration of aquatic water. BOD loads from major point
plants, animals, and microorganisms. sources typically are controlled and
Due to their shallow depth, large sur- monitored and thus are relatively easy
face exposure to air, and constant mo- to analyze. Nonpoint source loads of
tion, undisturbed streams generally BOD are much more difficult to ana-
contain an abundant DO supply. How- lyze. In general, any loading of organic
ever, external loads of oxygen-demand- material from a watershed to a stream
ing wastes or excessive plant growth results in an oxygen demand. Excess
induced by nutrient loading followed loads of organic material may arise
by death and decomposition of vegeta- from a variety of land use practices,
tive material can deplete oxygen. coupled with storm events, erosion,
Dissolved Oxygen Across the and washoff. Some agricultural activi-
Stream Corridor ties, particularly large-scale animal
Oxygen concentrations in the water col- operations and improper manure appli-
umn fluctuate under natural conditions, cation, can result in significant BOD
but oxygen can be severely depleted as loads. Land-disturbing activities of silvi-
a result of human activities that intro- culture and construction can result in
duce large quantities of biodegradable high organic loads through the erosion
organic materials into surface waters. of organic topsoil. Finally, urban runoff
Excess loading of nutrients also can de- often is loaded with high concentra-
plete oxygen when plants within a tions of organic materials derived from
stream produce large quantities of plant a variety of sources.
biomass. Dissolved Oxygen Along the
Loads of oxygen-demanding waste usu- Stream Corridor
ally are reported as biochemical oxygen Within a stream, DO content is affected
demand (BOD) . BOD is a measure of by reaeration from the atmosphere, pro-
the amount of oxygen required to oxi- duction of DO by aquatic plants as a
dize organic material in water by bio- by-product of photosynthesis, and con-
logical activity. As such, BOD is an sumption of DO in respiration by

2- 32 Chapter 2: Stream Corridor Processes, Characteristics, and Functions

plants, animals, and, most importantly, reaeration . In general, oxygen transfer
microorganisms. in natural waters depends on the fol-
Major processes affecting the DO bal- lowing:
ance within a stream are summarized in • Internal mixing and turbulence due
Figure 2.20. This includes the following to velocity gradients and fluctuation
• Temperature
• Carbonaceous deoxygenation
• Wind mixing
• Nitrogenous deoxygenation • Waterfalls, dams, and rapids
• Surface films
• Reaeration
• Water colum n depth.
• Sedim ent oxygen dem and
• Photosynth esis and respiration Figure 2.20: Interrelationship of major kinetic
of plants. processes for BOD and DO as represented by
water quality models. Complex, interacting
Reaeration is the primary route for in- physical and chemical processes can somet im es
troducing oxygen into m ost waters. be simplified by models in order to plan a
Oxygen gas (02 ) constitutes about 21 restoration.
percent of the atmosphere and readily
dissolves in water. The saturation con-
centration of DO in water is a measure
of the maximum amount of oxygen
that water can hold at a given tempera-
ture. Wh en oxygen exceeds the satura- carbonaceous
tion concentration, it tends to degas to atmospheric
the atmosphere. When oxygen is below oxygen
the saturation concentration, it tends to
diffuse from the atmosphere to water.
The saturation concentration of oxygen
decreases with temperature according to
a complex power function equation
(APHA 1995). In addition to tempera-
ture, the saturation concentration is af-
fected by water salinity and the
atmospheric pressure. As the salinity of
water increases, the saturation concen-
tration decreases. As the atmospheric
pressure increases the saturation con-
centration also increases.
Interactions between atmospheric and
DO are driven by the partial pressure
gradient in the gas phase and the con-
centration gradient in the liquid phase
(Tho m ann and Mueller 1987). Turbu-
lence and mixin g in either phase de-
crease these gradients and increase
reaeration, while a quiescent, stagnant
surface or films on the surface reduce

Physical and Chemical Characteristics 2- 33

Stream restoration techniques often (e.g., Thomann and Mueller 1987), and
take advantage of these relationships, a variety of well-tested computer mod-
for instance by the installation of artifi- els are available. Most stream water
cial cascades to increase reaeration. quality models account for CBOD in
Many empirical formulations have been the water column separately from
developed for estimating stream reaera- NBOD (which is usually represented
tion rate coefficients; a detailed sum- via direct mass balance of nitrogen
mary is provided in Bowie et al. (1985). species) and sediment oxygen demand or
In addition to reaeration, oxygen is pro- SOD. SOD represents the oxygen de-
duced instream by aquatic plants. mand of sediment organism respiration
Through photosynthesis, plants capture and the benthic decomposition of or-
energy from the sun to fix carbon diox- ganic material. The demand of oxygen
ide into reduced organic matter: by sediment and benthic organisms
can, in some instances, be a significant
G co 2 + G H 2 0 = C6 H 12 0 6 + G 0 2 fraction of the total oxygen demand in
Note that photosynthesis also produces a stream. This is particularly true in
oxygen. Plants utilize their simple pho- small streams. The effects may be par-
tosynthetic sugars and other nutrients ticularly acute during low-flow and
(notably nitrogen [N], phosphorus [P], high-temperature conditions, as micro-
and sulfur [S] with smaller amounts of bial activity tends to increase with in-
several common and trace elements) to creased temperature.
operate their metabolism and to build The presence of toxic pollutants in the
their structures. water column can indirectly lower oxy-
Most animal life depends on the release gen concentrations by killing algae,
of energy stored by plants in the photo- aquatic weeds, or fish, which provide
synthetic process. In a reaction that is an abundance of food for oxygen-
the reverse of photosynthesis, animals consuming bacteria. Oxygen depletion
consume plant material or other ani- also can result from chemical reactions
mals and oxidize the sugars, starches, that do not involve bacteria. Some pol-
and proteins to fuel their metabolism lutants trigger chemical reactions that
and build their own structure. This place a chemical oxygen demand on
process is known as respiration and receiving waters.
consumes dissolved oxygen. The actual
process of respiration involves a series
of energy converting oxidation-reduc- In addition to carbon dioxide and
tion reactions. Higher animals and water, aquatic plants (both algae and
many microorganisms depend on suffi- higher plants) require a variety of other
cient dissolved oxygen as the terminal elements to support their bodily struc-
electron acceptor in these reactions and tures and metabolism. Just as with ter-
cannot survive without it. Some mi- restrial plants, the most important of
croorganisms are able to use other com- these elements are nitrogen and phos-
pounds (such as nitrate and sulfate) as phorus. Additional nutrients, such as
electron acceptors in m etabolism and potassium, iron, selenium, and silica,
can survive in anaerobic (oxygen- are needed in smaller amounts and
depleted) environments. generally are not limiting factors to
Detailed information on analysis and plant growth. When these ch emicals are
modeling of DO and BOD in streams limited, plant growth may be limited.
is contained in a number of references This is an important consideration in

2- 34 Chapter 2: Stream Corridor Processes, Characteristics, and Functions

stream management. Plant biomass said to be the limiting nutrient on plant
(either created instream or loaded from growth. In streams experiencing exces-
the watershed) is necessary to support sive nutrient loading, resource man-
the food chain. However, excessive agers often seek to control loading of
growth of algae and other aquatic the limiting nutrient at levels that pre-
plants instream can result in nuisance vent nuisance conditions.
conditions, and the depletion of dis- In the aquatic environment, nitrogen
solved oxygen during nonphotosyn- can exist in several forms-dissolved ni-
thetic periods by the respiration of
trogen gas (N 2 ), ammonia and ammo-
plants and decay of dead plant material nium ion (NH3 and NH 4. ), nitrite
can create conditions unfavorable to (N0 2 - ), nitrate (N0 3 - ), and organic ni-
aquatic life.
trogen as proteinaceous matter or in
Phosphorus in freshwater systems exists dissolved or particulate phases. The
in either a particulate phase or a dis- most important forms of nitrogen in
solved phase. Both phases include or- terms of their immediate impacts on
ganic and inorganic fractions. The water quality are the readily available
organic particulate phase includes living ammonia ions, nitrites, and nitrates. Be-
and dead particulate matter, such as cause they must be converted to a form
plankton and detritus. Inorganic partic- more usable by plants, particulate and
ulate phosphorus includes phosphorus organic nitrogen are less important in
precipitates and phosphorus adsorbed the short term.
to particulates. Dissolved organic phos- It may seem unusual that nitrogen
phorus includes organic phosphorus could limit plant growth, given that the
excreted by organisms and colloidal atmosphere is about 79 percent nitro-
phosphorus compounds. The soluble gen gas. However, only a few life-forms
inorganic phosphate forms HlO 4 - ,
(for example, certain bacteria and blue-
HPO 4 i- ' and PO 43 - , collectively known
green algae) have the ability to fix nitro-
as soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) are gen gas from the atmosphere. Most
readily available to plants. Some con- plants can use nitrogen only if it is
densed phosphate forms, such as those available as ammonia (NH 3, commonly
found in detergents, are inorganic but
present in water as the ionic form am-
are not directly available for plant up- monium, NH 4• ) or as nitrate (N0 3 - )
take. Aquatic plants require nitrogen
(Figure 2.21). However, in freshwater
and phosphorus in different amounts. systems, growth of aquatic plants is
For phytoplankton, as an example, cells more commonly limited by phospho-
contain approximately 0.5 to 2.0 µg rus than by nitrogen. This limitation oc-
phosphorus per µg chlorophyll, and 7 3
curs because phosphate (PO 4 - ) forms
to 10 µg nitrogen per µg chlorophyll. insoluble complexes with common
From this relationship, it is clear that constituents in water (Ca++ and variable
the ratio of nitrogen and phosphorus amounts of OH-, er, and F). Phospho-
required is in the range of 5 to 20 rus also sorbs to iron coatings on clay
(depending on the characteristics of
and other sediment surfaces and is
individual species) to support full therefore removed from the water col-
utilization of available nutrients and
umn by chemical processes, resulting in
maximize plant growth. When the
the reduced ability of the water body to
ratio deviates from this range, plants
support plant growth.
cannot use the nutrient present in ex-
cess amounts. The other nutrient is then

Physical and Chemical Characteristics 2- 35

atmospheric N2

N03 ::I
N2 biota ;::;:
assimilation ::;;
cyanobacteria N02 ;:;·
NH 3 and microbial Ill
populations i5'
N03 benthic algae

c: N2
·.;:::; nitrogen particulate
u fixation organic matter
·.:::: N02 and associat ed decomposition NH 3
:t: microbes accum-
c: ulation
QI excretion
-0 NH3

ground water dissolved organic nitrogen N03

Figure 2.21: Dynamics and transformations of nitrogen in a stream ecosystem. Nutrient cycling
from one form to another occurs w ith changes in nutrien t inputs, as w ell as tempera ture and
oxygen available.

Nutrients Across the Stream Corridor

is the direct discharge of treated waste
Both nitrogen and phosphorus are from wastewater treatment plants, as
delivered to surface waters at an ele- well as combined sewer overflows
vated rate as a result of human activi- (CSOs). Such point source discharges
ties, including point source discharges are regulated under the National Pollu-
of treated wastewater and non point tant Discharge Elimination System
sources, such as agriculture and urban (NPDES) and usually are well character-
development. In many developed wa- ized by monitoring. The NPDES re-
tersheds, a major source of nutrients quires permitted dischargers to meet

2- 36 Chapter 2: Stream Corridor Processes, Characteristics, and Functions

both numeric and narrative water qual- Because of its tendency to sorb to sedi-
ity standards in streams. While most ment particles and organic matter,
states do not have numeric standards phosphorus is transported primarily in
for nutrients, point source discharges surface runoff with eroded sediments.
of nutrients are recognized as a factor Inorganic nitrogen, on the other hand,
leading to stream degradation and fail- does not sorb strongly and can be trans-
ure to achieve narrative water quality ported in both particulate and dissolved
standards. As a result, increasingly strin- phases in surface runoff. Dissolved in-
gent limitations on nutrient concentra- organic nitrogen also can be trans-
tions in wastewater treatment plant ported through the unsaturated zone
effluent (particularly phosphorus) have (interflow) and ground water to water-
been imposed in many areas. bodies. Table 2.6 presents common
In many cases the NPDES program has point and nonpoint sources of nitrogen
significantly cleaned up rivers and and phosphorus loading and shows the
streams; however, many streams still do approximate concentrations delivered.
not meet water quality standards, even Note that nitrates are naturally occur-
with increasingly stringent regulatory ring in some soils.
standards. Scientists and regulators now Nutrients Along the Stream Corridor
understand that the dominant source of Nitrogen, because it does not sorb
nutrients in many streams is from non- strongly to sediment, moves easily be-
point sources within the stream's water- tween the substrate and the water col-
shed, not from point sources such as umn and cycles continuously. Aquatic
wastewater treatment plants. Typical organisms incorporate dissolved and
land uses that contribute to the non-
particulate inorganic nitrogen into pro-
point contamination of streams are the teinaceous matter. Dead organisms de-
application of fertilizers to agricultural
compose and nitrogen is released as
fields and suburban lawns, the improper ammonia ions and then converted to
handling of animal wastes from live- nitrite and nitrate, where the process
stock operations, and the disposal of begins again.
human waste in septic systems. Storm
runoff from agricultural fields can con- Phosphorus undergoes continuous
tribute nutrients to a stream in dissolved transformations in a freshwater envi-
forms as well as particulate forms. ronment. Some phosphorus will sorb to

Table 2.6: Sources and concentrations of pollutants from common point and nonpoint sources.

Source ' Total Nitrogen (mg/L) Total Phosphorus (mg/L)

Urban runoffa 3- 10 0.2-1 .7
Livestock operationsa 6- 800b 4- 5
Atmosphere (wet deposition)a 0.9 o.015c
90% forestd 0.06-0.19 0.006-0.012
50% forestd 0.18- 0.34 0.013-0.015
90% agricultured 0 .77- 5.04 0.085- 0.104
Untreated wastewatera 35 10
Treated wastewatera,e 30 10
• Novotny and Olem (1994).
b As organic nitrogen.
c Sorbed to a irborne particu late.
d Omerni k (1987).
e Wit h secondary treat ment.

Physical and Chemical Characteristics 2-37

sediments in the water column or sub- The movement of organic chemicals
strate and be removed from circulation. from the watershed land surface to a
The SRP (usually as orthophosphate) is water body is largely determined by the
assimilated by aquatic plants and con- characteristics of the chemical, as dis-
verted to organic phosphorus. Aquatic cussed below under the longitudinal
plants then may be consumed by detri- perspective. Pollutants that tend to sorb
tivores and grazers, which in turn ex- strongly to soil particles are primarily
crete some of the organic phosphorus transported with eroded sediment. Con-
as SRP. Continuing the cycle, the SRP is trolling sediment delivery from source
rapidly assimilated by aquatic plants. area land uses is therefore an effective
management strategy. Organic chemi-
Toxic Organic Chemicals cals with significant solubility may be
Pollutants that cause toxicity in animals transported directly with the flow of
or humans are of obvious concern to water, particularly stormflow from im-
restoration efforts. Toxic organic chemi- pervious urban surfaces.
cals (TOC) are synthetic compounds Toxic Organic Chemicals Along the
that contain carbon, such as polychlori- Stream Corridor
nated biphenyls (PCBs) and most pesti- Among all the elements of the earth,
cides and herbicides. Many of these carbon is unique in its ability to form a
synthesized compounds tend to persist
virtually infinite array of stable covalent
and accumulate in the environment be-
bonds with itself: long chains, branches
cause they do not readily break down and rings, spiral helixes. Carbon mole-
in natural ecosystems. Some of the
cules can be so complex that they are
most toxic synthetic organics, DDT and
able to encode information for the orga-
PCBs, have been banned from use in
nization of other carbon structures and
the United States for decades yet con-
the regulation of chemical reactions.
tinue to cause problems in the aquatic
ecosystems of many streams. The chemical industry has exploited
this to produce many useful organic
Toxic Organic Chemicals Across the
chemicals: plastics, paints and dyes,
Stream Corridor
fuels, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and
TOCs may reach a water body via both other items of modern life. These prod-
point and nonpoint sources. Because ucts and their associated wastes and by-
permitted NPDES point sources must products can interfere with the health
meet water quality standards instream of aquatic ecosystems. Understanding
and because of whole effluent toxicity the transport and fate of synthetic or-
requirements, continuing TOC prob- ganic compounds (SOC) in aquatic envi-
lems in most streams are due to non- ronments continues to challenge
point loading, recycling of materials scientists. Only a general overview of
stored in stream and riparian sedi- the processes th at govern the behavior
ments, illegal dumping, or accidental of these chemicals along stream corri-
spills. Two important sources of non- dors is presented here.
point loading of organic chemicals are
application of pesticides and h erbicides
in connection with agriculture, silvicul- It is the nature of the carbon-carbon
ture, or suburban lawn care, and runoff bond that electrons are distributed rela-
from potentially polluted urban and in- tively uniformly between the bonded
dustrial land uses. atoms. Thus a chained or ringed hydro-
carbon is a fairly nonpolar compound.

2- 38 Chapter 2: Stream Corridor Processes, Characteristics, and Functions

This nonpolar nature is dissimilar to refers to the delocalized bonding struc-
the molecular structure of water, which ture of a ringed compound like ben-
is a very polar solvent. zene (Figure 2.23). (Indeed, all
On the general principle that "like dis- aromatic compounds can be considered
solves like," dissolved constituents in derivatives of benzene.) Because elec-
water tend to be polar. Witness, for ex- trons are free to "dance around the
ample, the ionic nature of virtually all ring" of the benzene molecule, benzene
inorganic constituents discussed thus and its derivatives are more compatible
far in this chapter. How does an organic with the polar nature of water.
compound become dissolved in water? A simple example will illustrate the
There are several ways. The compound factors enhancing aqueous solubility of
can be relatively small, so it minimizes organic compounds. Six compounds,
its disturbance of the polar order of each having six carbons, are shown in
things in aqueous solution. Alterna- Table 2.7. Hexane is a simple hydrocar-
tively, the compound may become bon, an alkane whose solubility is 10
more polar by adding polar functional mg/L. Simply by adding a single -OH
groups (Figure 2.22). Alcohols are or- group, which converts hexane to the al-
ganic compounds with -OH groups at- cohol hexanol, solubility is increased to
tached; organic acids are organic 5,900 mg/L. You can bend hexane into
compounds with attached -COOH a ringed alkane structure called cyclo-
groups. These functional groups are hexane. Forming the ring makes cyclo-
highly polar and increase the solubility hexane smaller than hexane and
of any organic compound. Even more increases its solubility, but only to 55
solubility in water is gained by ionic mg/L. Making the ring aromatic by
functional groups, such as -COO-. forming the six-carbon benzene mole-
Another way that solubility is enhanced cule increases solubility all the way to
is by increased aromaticity. Aromaticity 1,780 mg/L. Adding an -OH to benzene
to form a phenol leads to another dra-

Figure 2.22: Relative aqueous solubility of different functional groups. The solubility of a
contaminant in water largely determines the extent to which it will impact water quality


ester C-0-R

carbonyl -C-




ca rboxyl at e

10 100 1,000 10,000

Relative Aqueous Solubility

Physical and Chemical Characteristics 2- 39

H H tanol separate (neither is very soluble in
I I the other), and the concentration of the
1'c, 1'c, organic compound can be measured in
I II _._ II I each phase. The octanol-water partition
coe«icient, or K , is defined simply as:
~c / ~c / jj I OW

I I K = concentration in octanol /
H H concentration in water

Figure 2.23: Aromatic hydrocarbons. Benzene

The relation between water solubility
is soluble in water because of its "aromatic" and Kow is shown in Figure 2.24. Gener-
structure. ally we see that very insoluble com-
pounds like DDT and PCBs have very
high values of K w . Alternatively, organic

matic increase in solubility (to 82,000 acids and small organic solvents like
mg/L). Adding a chloride atom to the TCE are relatively soluble and have low
benzene ring diminishes its aromatic Kow values.
character (chloride inhibits the dancing The octanol-water partition coefficient
electrons), and thus the solubility of has been determined for many com-
chlorobenzene ( 448 mg/L) is less than pounds and can be useful in under-
benzene. standing the distribution of SOC
between water and biota, and between
water and sediments. Compounds with
In the 1940s, a young pharmaceutical high K w tend to accumulate in fish
industry sought to develop medicines tissue (Figure 2.25). The sediment-water
that could be transported in digestive distribution coefficient, often expressed
fluids and blood (both of which are as Kd, is defined in a sediment-water
essentially aqueous solutions) and mixture at equilibrium as the ratio of
could also diffuse across cell mem- the concentration in the sediment to
branes (which have, in part, a rather the concentration in the water:
nonpolar character). The industry devel-
oped a parameter to quantify the polar Kd = concentration in sediment /
versus non polar character of potential concentration in water
drugs, and they called that parameter One might ask whether this coefficient
the octanol-water partition coefficient. is constant for a given SOC. Values of Kd
Basically they put water and octanol for two polyaromatic hydrocarbons in
(an eight-carbon alcohol) into a vessel, various soils are shown in Figure 2.26.
added the organic compound of inter- For pyrene (which consists of four ben-
est, and shook the combination up. zene rings stuck together), the Kd ratios
After a period of rest, the water and oc- vary from about 300 to 1500. For
phenanthrene (which consists of three
Table 2.7: Solubility of six-carbon compounds.
benzene rings stuck together), Kd varies
Compound Solubility
from about 10 to 300. Clearly Kd is not a
constant value for either compound.
10 mg/L
But, Kd does appear to bear a relation to
Hexanol 5,900 mg/L
the fraction of organic carbon in the var-
Cyclohexane SS mg/L
ious sediments. What appears to be con-
Benzene 1,780 mg/L
stant is not Kd itself, but the ratio of Kd
Phenol 82,000 mg/L
to the fraction of organic carbon in the
Chlorobenzene 448 mg/L
sediment. This ratio is referred to as K :

2-40 Chapter 2: Stream Corridor Processes, Characteristics, and Functions

e 2,4.5,2',4',5' - PCB
DDT . . e 2,4.5,2',5' - PCB
....c: 106
QI • e 4.4' - PCB
i dichlofenthion
~ 10s . . chlorpyrifos

• ronnel
methyl chlorpyrifos
'f phosatone• • e di phenyl ether
&. 104 • parathion
QI dicapthon• naphthalene

~ f .t th . e e e
eni ro ion e
0 103 . e
c: I h
ma at ion ee ·~hlorobenzene
phosmel 2 4-D ' toluene
' carbon tetrachloride
0 tetrachloroethylene esalicylic acid
c: 102 e benzene
flourobenzene I•
nitrobenzene be zoic acid
phenylacetic acid
phenoxyzcetic acid e
o..____...____...____...____.._____..____.._____._____.____ ~

10-3 10-2 10-1 10 102 104 o

1 5 106
Solubility in Water (µmoles/L)
Figure 2.24: Relationship between octanol!H,O partition coefficient and aqueous solubility.
The relative solubility in water is a substance's " Water Partition Coefficient. "

5 1800 600
v 2,4,2', 4'- PCB e 1500
slope= Koc

benzene QI
0 1200 400 c:
.= 3 bi phenyl
• QI
>. 900
300 IO
CCI • diphenylether '"O QI
Cl 2 ::..:: ..s::.
0 0..
....I 600 200 '"O
1 300 100
2 3 4 5 6 7
Log Poet
0 '"""''---'----'---'----'----LI
0.0 .005 .01 0 .015 .020 .025
Figure 2.25: Relationship between octanol/
Fraction Organic Carbon
water partition (P0 ) coefficient and bioaccu-
mulation factor (BCF) in trout muscle. Water
Figure 2.26: Relationship between pyrene,
quality can be inferred by the accumulation
phenanthrene, and fraction organic carbon.
of contaminants in fish tissue.
Contaminant concentrations in sediment vs.
water (K) are related to the amount of organ-
ic carbon available.

Physical and Chemical Characteristics 2-41

K c = Kd / fraction of organic carbon
coefficient, the Henry's Law constant
in sediment (H), has been defined as the ratio of
Various workers have related K to K the concentration of an SOC in air in
and to water solubility (Table 2.8).
equilibrium with its concentration in
Using K w, Koc' and Kd to describe the

partitioning of an SOC between water H = SOC concentration in air /

and sediment has shown some utility, SOC concentration in water
but this approach is not applicable to "SOC" = synthetic organic compounds
the sorption of all organic molecules in A Henry's Law constant for an SOC can
all systems. Sorption of some SOC be estimated from the ratio of the com-
occurs by hydrogen bonding, such as pound's vapor pressure to its water sol-
occurs in cation exchange or metal ubility. Organic compounds that are
sorption to sediments (Figure 2.27). inherently volatile (generally low mole-
Sorption is not always reversible; or at cular weight solvents) have very high
least after sorption occurs, desorption Henry's Law constants. But even com-
may be very slow. pounds with very low vapor pressure
Volatilization can partition into the atmosphere. DDT
Organic compounds partition from and PCBs for example, have modest
water into air by the process of Henry's Law constants because their sol-
volatilization. An air-water distribution ubility in water is so low. These SOC
also have high Kd values and so may be-

Table 2.8: Regression equations for sediment adsorption coefficients (K 0
) for various

Equationa Chemical Classes Represented

log Koc= -0.55 log S + 3.64 (S in mg/L) 106 0.71 Wide variety, mostly pesticides
log K0 c -0.54 log S + 0.44 10 0.94 Mostly aromatic or polynuclear aromatics;
(S in mole fraction) two chlorinated

log K0 c = -0.557 log S + 4.277 15 0.99 Chlorinated hydrocarbons

(S in µ moles/L)d

log Koc = 0.544 log K0 w + 1.377 45 0.74 Wide variety, mostly pesticides
log K0 c = 0.937 log K0 w - 0.006 19 0.95 Aromatics, polynuclear aromatics, triazines, and
dinitroaniline herbicides

log K0 c = 1.00 log K0 w - 0.21 10 1.00 Mostly aromatic or polynuclear aromatics;

two chlorinated

log K0 c = 0.95 log K0 w + 0.02 9 e 5-triazines and dinitroaniline herbicides

log K0 c = 1.029 log K0 w - 0.18 13 0.91 Variety of insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides
log Koc = 0.524 log K0 w + 0.855d 30 0.84 Substituted phenylureas and alkyl-N-phenylcarbamates
log K0 c = 0.0067 (p - 45N) + 0.237d,f 29 0.69 Aromatic compounds, urea, 1.3.5-triazines,
carbamates, and uracils

log Koc= 0.681 log SCF(f) + 1.963 13 0.76 Wide variety, mostly pesticides
log Koc = 0.681 log 8CF(t) + 1.886 22 0.83 Wide variety, mostly pesticides
a Koc= soil (or sediment) ad sorption coefficient; S :;;; water solubility; Kow = octanolMwater partition coefficient; BCF(f) = b ioconcentration factor
from flowing-water t ests; BCF(t ) = bioconcentration factor from model ecosystems; P = parachor; N = number of sites in mo lecule w hich can
participate in t he formation of a hydrogen bond.
b No. = number of chemicals used to obtain regression equation.
c r 2 = correlatio n coefficient for regressio n equation.
d Equation originally given in terms of Korn· The relationship Korn :;;; K0 cf1.724 w as used to rewrite t he equation in t erms of Koc·
e Not available.
f Specific chemica ls used to obtain regression equation not specified.

2-42 Chapter 2: Stream Corridor Processes, Characteristics, and Functions

come airborne in association with par-
silica alumina
ticulate matter.
Degradation R
o ....... H-0-0/
SOC can be transformed into a variety II
of degradation products. These degrada-
tion products may themselves degrade.
Ultimate degradation, or mineraliza-
H H.
tion, results in the oxidation of organic e I /
carbon to carbon dioxide. Major trans- I 'H
formation processes include photolysis, c
hydrolysis, and oxidation-reduction re- Organic Bases Organic Acids
actions. The latter are commonly medi-
ated by biological systems. Figure 2.27: Two important types of hydrogen
bonding involving natural organic matter and
Photolysis refers to the destruction of a mineral surfaces. Some contaminants are car-
compound by the energy of light. The ried by sediment particles that are sorbed onto
energy of light varies inversely with its their surfaces by chemical bonding.

wavelength (Figure 2.28). Long-wave

light lacks sufficient energy to break
chemical bonds. Short wave light (x-rays
and gamma rays) is very destructive;
fortunately for life on earth, this type of
radiation largely is removed by our
upper atmosphere. Light near the visi-
ble spectrum reaches the earth's surface
and can break many of the bonds com-
mon in SOC. The fate of organic sol- Figure 2.28: Energy of electromagnetic radia-
tion compared with some selected bond ener-
vents following volatilization is usually
gies. Light breaks chemical bonds of some
photolysis in the earth's atmosphere. compounds through photolysis.
Photolysis also can be important in the
degradation of SOC in stream water. Wavelength Kilocalories Dissociation
(nanometers) per Gram • Mole Energies for
Hydrolysis refers to the splitting of an or- of Quanta Diatomic Molecules
ganic molecule by water. Essentially 20
water enters a polar location on a mole-
Infrared 30
cule and inserts itself, with an H +going 800 I• I
to one part of the parent molecule and 40
an OH going to the other. The two 600 Br• Br
parts then separate. A group of SOC Light 500 Cl• Cl
60 c. s
called esters are particularly vulnerable
to degradation by hydrolysis. Many es- 400 70 C•N
Near C •Cl
ters have been produced as pesticides Ultraviolet 350 80 C·O
or plasticizers. 90 H •Br
Middle 300
Oxidation-reduction reactions are what Ultraviolet 100 H •Cl
fuels most m etabolism in the bios- 110
phere. SOC are generally considered as 250 C• F
Far 120 O•O
sources of reduced carbon. In such situ- Ultraviolet
ations, what is needed for degradation 130
is a metabolic system with the appro- 140

Physical and Chemical Characteristics 2-43

priate enzymes for the oxidation of the Chemical consequences are rarely the
compound. A sufficient supply of other immediate goal of most restoration
nutrients and a terminal electron accep- actions. Plans that alter chemical
tor are also required. processes and attributes are usually
The principle of microbial infallibility in- focused on changing the physical and
formally refers to the idea that given biological characteristics that are vital
a supply of potential food, microbial to the restoration goals.
communities will develop the meta- Toxic Concentrations of
bolic capability to use that food for Bioavailable Metals
biochemical energy. Not all degrada-
tion reactions, however, involve the A variety of naturally occurring metals,
oxidation of SOC. Some of the most ranging from arsenic to zinc, have been
problematic organic contaminants established to be toxic to various forms
are chlorinated compounds. of aquatic life when present in suffi-
cient concentrations. The primary
Chlorinated SOC do not exist naturally,
mechanisms for water column toxicity
so microbial systems generally are not
of most metals is adsorption at the gill
adapted for their degradation. Chlorine
surface. While some studies indicate
is an extremely electronegative element.
that particulate metals may contribute
The electronegativity of chlorine refers
to toxicity, perhaps because of factors
to its penchant for sucking on electrons.
such as desorption at the gill surface,
This tendency explains why chloride ex-
the dissolved metal concentration most
ists as an anion and why an attached
closely approximates the fraction of
chloride diminishes the solubility of
metal in the water column that is
an aromatic ring. Given this character,
bioavailable. Accordingly, current EPA
it is difficult for biological systems to
policy is that dissolved metal concentra-
oxidize chlorinated compounds. An
tions should be used to set and mea-
initial step in that degradation, there-
sure compliance with water quality
fore, is often reductive dechlorination.
standards ( 40 CFR 22228-22236, May
The chlorine is removed by reducing
4, 1995). For most metals, the dissolved
the compound (i.e., by giving it elec-
fraction is equivalent to the inorganic
trons). After the chlorines are removed,
ionic fraction. For certain metals, most
degradation may proceed along oxida-
notably mercury, the dissolved fraction
tive pathways. The degradation of
also may include the metal complexed
chlorinated SOC thus may require a
with organic binding agents (e.g.,
sequence of reducing and oxidizing
methyl mercury, which can be produced
environments, which water may experi-
in sediments by methanogenic bacteria,
ence as it moves between stream and
is soluble and highly toxic, and can ac-
hyporheic zones.
cumulate through the food ch ain) .
The overall degradation of SOC often
Toxic Concentrations of Bioavailable
follows complex pathways. Figure 2.29
Metals Across the Stream Corridor
shows a complex web of metabolic
reaction for a single parent pesticide. Unlike synthetic organic compounds,
Hydrolysis, reduction, and oxidation toxic metals are naturally occurring. In
are all involved in the degradation of common with synthetic organics, met-
SOC, and the distribution and behavior als may be loaded to waterbodies from
of degradation products can be ex- both point and nonpoint sources. Pol-
tremely variable in space and time. lutants such as copper, zinc, and lead

2-44 Chapter 2: Stream Corridor Processes, Characteristics, and Functions

are often of concern in effluent from s
wastewater treatment plants but are II
required under the NPDES program to I
meet numeric water quality standards. s 0
Many of the toxic metals are present at HO-P-OEt HO - P-OEt
I oxidation I
significant concentrations in most soils OH OH
but in sorbed nonbioavailable forms.
Sediment often introduces significant s s 0
concentrations of metals such as zinc II s 11 o II
into waterbodies. It is then a matter of I OtE - p- OEt I OtE - p - OEt I
0 0
whether instream conditions promote

¢ ¢
bioavailable dissolved forms of the ~~=.-::..-:..h-:..-
y ro ysis ::::::,,.
I -?
. ===:
ox1 at1on
metal. '.1--o;,
N02 s,_;. OH
Non point sources of metals first reflect

parathion paraoxon

the characteristics of watershed soils. In iil iil

a. a.
0 0 c c
addition, many older industrial areas II II a. 8-.
OtE - 0 - 0Et OtE- P - OEt
have soil concentrations of certain met- I I s N02 0
als that are elevated due to past indus- 0 s II p - nitorphenol II

¢ ¢
OtE- P-OEt OtE- P-OEt
trial practices. Movement of metals from I I
0 0
soil to watershed is largely a function of
the erosion and delivery of sediment.
In certain watersheds, a major source of
metals loading is provided by acid mine

¢ NHi

'.Ys1s ¢OH
:r ~
drainage. High acidity increases the sol- OtE- P-OEt ~ :::,. I
ubility of many metals, and mines tend I ,;;:-
0 v;·

to be in mineral-rich areas. Abandoned s p - aminophenol 0
mines are therefore a continuing source II II
OtE - P-OEt OtE- P-OEt
of toxic metals loading in many streams. I I

Toxic Concentrations of Bioavailable

Metals Along the Stream Corridor phosphate

Most metals have a tendency to leave

the dissolved phase and attach to sus-
Figure 2.29: Metabolic reactions for a single
pended particulate matter or form in- parent pesticide. Particles break down through
soluble precipitates. Conditions that processes of hydrolysis, oxidation, reduction,
partition metals into particulate forms and photolysis.
(presence of suspended sediments, dis-
solved and particulate organic carbon,
carbonates, bicarbonates, and other tral pH's than in acidic or highly alka-
ions that complex metals) reduce po- line waters.
tential bioavailability of metals. Also, Ecological Functions of Soils
calcium reduces metal uptake, appar-
ently by competing with metals for ac- Soil is a living and dynamic resource
tive uptake sites on gill membranes. pH that supports life. It consists of inor-
is also an important water quality factor ganic mineral particles of differing sizes
in metal bioavailability. In general, (clay, silt, and sand), organic matter in
metal solubilities are lower at near neu- various stages of decomposition, nu-
m erous species of living organisms,

Physical and Chemical Characteristics 2-45

various water soluble ions, and various important to recognize these alterations
gases and water. These components and to consider their impacts on goals.
each have their own physical and chem- Soils perform vital functions through-
ical characteristics which can either sup- out the landscape. One of the most im-
port or restrict a particular form of life. portant functions of soil is to provide a
Soils can be mineral or organic depend- physical, chemical, and biological set-
ing on which material makes up the ting for living organisms. Soils support
greater percentage in the soil matrix. biological activity and diversity for
Mineral soils develop in materials plant and animal productivity. Soils
weathered from rocks while organic also regulate and partition the flow of
soils develop in decayed vegetation. water and the storage and cycling of nu-
Both soils typically develop horizons or trients and other elements in the land-
layers that are approximately parallel to scape. They filter, buffer, degrade,
the soil surface. The extreme variety of immobilize, and detoxify organic and
specific niches or conditions soil can inorganic materials and provide the me-
create has enabled a large variety of chanical support living organisms need.
fauna and flora to evolve and live under These hydrologic, geomorphic, and bio-
those conditions. logic functions involve processes that
Soils, particularly riparian and wetland help build and sustain stream corridors.
soils, contain and support a very high Soil Microbiology
diversity of flora and fauna both above
and below the soil surface. A large vari- Organic matter provides the main source
ety of specialized organisms can be of energy for soil microorganisms. Soil
found below the soil surface, outnum- organic matter normally makes up 1 to
bering those above ground by several or- 5 percent of the total weight in a min-
ders of magnitude. Generally, organisms eral topsoil. It consists of original tissue,
seen above ground are higher forms of partially decomposed tissue, and humus.
life such as plants and wildlife. However, Soil organisms consume roots and vege-
at and below ground, the vast majority tative detritus for energy and to build
of life consists of plant roots having the tissue. As the original organic matter is
responsibility of supporting the above decomposed and modified by microor-
ground portion of the plant; many in- ganisms, a gelatinous, more resistant
sects, mollusks, and fungi living on dead compound is formed. This material is
organic matter; and an infinite number called humus. It is generally black or
of bacteria which can live on a wide va- brown in color and exists as a colloid, a
riety of energy sources found in soil. group of small, insoluble particles sus-
It is important to identify soil bound- pended in a gel. Small amounts of
aries and to understand the differences humus greatly increase a soil's ability to
hold water and nutrient ions which en -
in soil properties and functions occur-
ring within a stream corridor in order hances plant production. Humus is an
to identify opportunities and limita- indicator of a large and viable popula-
tions for restoration. Floodplain and tion of microorganisms in the soil and it
terrace soils are often areas of dense increases the options available for vege-
population and intensive agricultural tative restoration.
development due to their flat slopes, Bacteria play vital roles in the organic
proximity to water, and natural fertility. transactions that support plant growth.
When planning stream corridor restora- They are responsible for three essential
tion initiatives in developed areas, it is transformations: denitrification, sulfur

2-46 Chapter 2: Stream Corridor Processes, Characteristics, and Functions

oxidation, and nitrogen fixation. Micro- slope occurs on the floodplain side
bial reduction of nitrate to nitrite and of the natural levee, so the floodplain
then to gaseous forms of nitrogen is becomes lowest at a point far from
termed denitrification. A water content the river. Parent materials decrease in
of 60 percent generally limits denitrifi- grain size away from the river due to
cation and the process only occurs at the decrease in sediment-transport
soil temperatures between 5 ° C and capacity in the slackwater areas.
7 5 ° C. Other soil properties optimizing
• Soils of topographic floodplains. Slightly
the rate of denitrification include a pH higher areas within and outside the
between 6 and 8, soil aeration below active floodplain are defined as the
the biological oxygen demand of the or- topographic floodplain. They are
ganisms in the soil, sufficient amounts usually inundated less frequently
of water-soluble carbon compounds, than the active floodplain, so soils
readily available nitrate in the soil, and may exhibit more profile develop-
the presence of enzymes needed to start ment than the younger soils on the
the reaction. active floodplain.
Landscape and Topographic • Soils of terraces. Abandoned flood-
Position plains, or terraces, are the next high-
est surfaces in stream corridors. These
Soil properties change with topographic
surfaces rarely flood. Terrace soils, in
position. Elevation differences generally
general, are coarser textured than
mark the boundaries of soils and floodplain soils, are more freely
drainage conditions in stream corridors.
drained, and are separated from
Different landforms generally have dif-
stream processes.
ferent types of sediment underlying
them. Surface and subsurface drainage Upon close examination, floodplain
patterns also vary with landforms. deposits can reveal historical events of
given watersheds. Soil profile develop-
• Soils of active channels. The active ment offers clues to the recent and geo-
channel forms the lowest and usually logic history at a site. Intricate and
youngest surfaces in the stream corri-
complex analysis methods such as car-
dor. There is generally no soil devel- bon dating, pollen analysis, ratios of
oped on these surfaces since the certain isotopes, etc. can be used to
unconsolidated materials forming
piece together an area's history. Cycles
the stream bottom and banks are
of erosion or deposition can at times be
constantly being eroded, transported,
linked to catastrophic events like forest
and redeposited.
fires or periods of high or low precipita-
• Soils of active floodplains. The next tion. Historical impacts of civilization,
highest surface in the stream corridor such as extensive agriculture or denuda-
is the flat, depositional surface of the tion of forest cover will at times also
active floodplain. This surface floods leave identifiable evidence in soils.
frequently, every 2 out of 3 years, so
it receives sediment deposition. Soil Temperature and Moisture
• Soils of natural levees. Natural levees
are built adjacent to the stream by Soil temperature and moisture control
deposition of coarser, suspended sed- biological processes occurring in soil.
iment dropping out of overbank Average and expected precipitation and
flows during floods. A gentle back- temperature extremes are critical pieces

Physical and Chemical Characteristics 2-47

of information when considering goals present in wetlands areas, creating such
for restoration initiatives. The mean an- drastic changes in physical and chemical
nual soil temperature is usually very conditions that most species found in
similar to the mean annual air tempera- uplands cannot survive. Hence the com-
ture. Soil temperatures do experience position of flora and fauna in wetlands
daily, seasonal, and annual fluctuations are vastly different and unique, espe-
caused by solar radiation, weather pat- cially in wetlands subject to permanent
terns, and climate. Soil temperatures are or prolonged saturation or flooding.
also affected by aspect, latitude, and ele- Hydric soils are defined as those that are
vation. saturated, flooded, or ponded long
Soil moisture conditions change sea- enough during the growing season to
sonally. If changes in vegetation species develop anaerobic conditions in the
and composition are being considered upper part. These anaerobic conditions
as part of a restoration initiative, a affect the reproduction, growth, and
graph comparing monthly precipitation survival of plants. The driving process
and evapotranspiration for the vegeta- behind the formation of hydric soils is
tion should be constructed. If the water flooding and/ or soil saturation near the
table and capillary fringe is below the surface for prolonged periods (usually
predicted rooting depth, and the graph more the seven days) during the grow-
indicates a deficit in available water, ir- ing season (Tiner and Veneman 1989).
rigation may be required. If no supple- The following focuses primarily on
mental water is available, different plant mineral hydric soil properties, but or-
species must be considered. ganic soils such as peat and muck may
The soil moisture gradient can decrease be present in the stream corridor.
from 100 percent to almost zero along In aerated soil environments, atmos-
the transriparian continuum as one pheric oxygen enters surface soils
progresses from the stream bottom, through gas diffusion, as soil pores are
across the riparian zone, and into the mostly filled with air. Aerated soils are
higher elevations of the adjacent up- found in well drained uplands, and gen-
lands (Johnson and Lowe 1985), which erally all areas having a water table well
results in vast differences in moisture below the root zone. In saturated soils,
available to vegetation. This gradient in pores are filled with water, which diffuse
soil moisture directly influences the gases very slowly compared to the at-
characteristics of the ecological commu- mosphere. Only small amounts of oxy-
nities of the riparian, transitional, and gen can dissolve in soil moisture, which
upland zones. These ecological differ- then disperses into the top few inches of
ences result in the presence of two eco- soil. Here, soil microbes quickly deplete
tones along the stream corridor-an all available free oxygen in oxidizing or-
aquatic-wetland/riparian ecotone and a ganic residue to carbon dioxide. This re-
non-wetland riparian/floodplain eco-
action produces an anaerobic
tone-which increase the edge effect of chemically reducing environment in
the riparian zone and, therefore, the bi-
which oxidized compounds are changed
ological diversity of the region. to reduced compounds that are soluble
Wetland Soils and also toxic to many plants. The rate
of diffusion is so slow that oxygenated
Wet or "hydric" soils present special conditions cannot be reestablished
challenges to plant life. Hydric soils are under such circumstances. Similar mi-

2-48 Chapter 2: Stream Corridor Processes, Characteristics, and Functions

crobial reactions involving decomposi- countered with depth are related to
tion of organic matter in waterlogged stratification of sediments sorted by size
anaerobic environments produce ethyl- during deposition by flowing water.
ene gas, which is highly toxic to plant Clay formation tends to occur in place
roots and has an even stronger effect and little translocation happens within
than a lack of oxygen. After all free oxy- the profile, as essentially no water
gen is utilized, anaerobic microbes re- moves through the soil to transport the
duce other chemical constituents of the particles. Due to the reactivity of wet
soil including nitrates, manganese ox- soils, clay formation tends to progress
ides, and iron oxides, creating a further much faster than in uplands.
reduced condition in the soil. Soils which are seasonally saturated or
Prolonged anaerobic reducing condi- have a fluctuating water table result in
tions result in the formation of readily distinct horizonation within the profile.
visible signs of reduction. The typical As water regularly drains through the
gray colors encountered in wet soils are profile, it translocates particles and
the result of reduced iron, and are transports soluble ions from one layer
known as gleyed soils. After iron oxides to another, or entirely out of the profile.
are depleted, sulfates are reduced to sul- Often, these soils have a thick horizon
fides, producing the rotten egg odor of near the surface which is stripped of all
wet soils. Under extremely waterlogged soluble materials including iron; known
conditions, carbon dioxide can be re- as a depleted matrix. Seasonally saturated
duced to methane. Methane gas, also soils usually have substantial organic
known as "swamp gas" can be seen at matter accumulated at the surface,
night, as it fluoresces. nearly black in color. The organics add
Some wetland plants have evolved spe- to the cation exchange capacity of the
cial mechanisms to compensate for hav- soil, but base saturation is low due to
ing their roots immersed in anoxic stripping and overabundance of hydro-
environments. Water lilies, for example, gen ions. During non-saturated times,
force a gas exchange within the entire organic materials are exposed to atmos-
plant by closing their stomata during pheric oxygen, and aerobic decomposi-
the heat of the day to raise the air pres- tion can take place which results in
sure within special conductive tissue massive liberation of hydrogen ions.
( aerenchyma). This process tends to in- Seasonally wet soils also do not retain
troduce atmospheric oxygen deep into base metals well, and can release high
the root crown, keeping vital tissues concentrations of metals in wet cycles
alive. Most emergent wetland plants following dry periods.
simply keep their root systems close to Wet soil indicators will often remain in
the soil surface to avoid anaerobic con- the soil profile for long periods of time
ditions in deeper strata. This is true of (even after drainage), revealing the his-
sedges and rushes, for example. torical conditions which prevailed. Ex-
When soils are continually saturated amples of such indicators are rust
throughout, reactions can occur equally colored iron deposits which at one time
throughout the soil profile as opposed were translocated by water in reduced
to wet soils where the water level fluctu- form. Organic carbon distribution from
ates. This produces soils with little zo- past fluvial deposition cycles or zones
nation, and materials tend to be more of stripped soils resulting from wetland
uniform. Most differences in texture en- situations are characteristics which are
extremely long lived.

Physical and Chemical Characteristics 2-49

Summary • Restoration activities may interact in a variety of
complex ways with water quality, affecting both
This section provides only a brief overview of the
the delivery and impact of water quality stres-
diverse and complex chemistry; nevertheless, two
key points should be evident to restoration practi-
tioners: Table 2.9 shows how a sample selection of com-
mon stream restoration and watershed manage-
• Restoring physical habitat cannot restore biologi-
ment practices may interact with the water quality
cal integrity of a system if there are water quality
parameters described in this section.
constraints on the ecosystem.

Table 2.9: Potential water quality impacts of selected stream restoration and watershed management practices.

• •
Restoration Water
Activities Temperature

Reduction of Decrease Decrease Decrease Increase/ Increase Decrease Decrease
land-disturbing decrease

Limit impervious Decrease Decrease Negligible Increase Increase Decrease Decrease

surface area in effect
the watershed

Restore riparian Decrease Decrease Decrease Decrease Increase Decrease Decrease

Restore Decrease Increase/ Increase/ Increase/ Decrease Increase Increase
wetlands decrease decrease decrease
Stabilize channel Decrease Decrease Decrease Decrease Increase Decrease Negligible
and restore effect
under-cut banks

Create drop Increase Negligible Negligible Increase/ Increase Negligible Decrease

structures effect effect decrease effect
Reestablish Negligible Negligible Negligible Increase/ Increase Negligible Negligible
riffle substrate effect effect effect decrease effect effect

2-50 Chapter 2: Stream Corridor Processes, Characteristics, and Functions

2.D Biological Community Characteristics

Successful stream restoration is based Terrestrial Vegetation

on an understanding of the relation-
ships among physical, chemical, and bi- The ecological integrity of stream corri-
ological processes at varying time scales. dor ecosystems is directly related to the
Often, human activities have acceler- integrity and ecological characteristics
ated the temporal progression of these of the plant communities that make up Review Section
and surround the corridor. These plant C for further
processes, resulting in unstable flow
communities are a valuable source of discussion of
patterns and altered biological structure
energy for the biological communities, the ecological
and function of stream corridors. This functions of
section discusses the biological struc- provide physical habitat, and moderate
solar energy fluxes to and from the sur- soils.
ture and functions of stream corridors
in relation to geomorphologic, hydro- rounding aquatic and terrestrial ecosys-
logic, and water quality processes. The tems. Given adequate moisture, light,
interrelations between the watershed and temperature, the vegetative com-
and the stream, as well as the cause and munity grows in an annual cycle of ac-
effects of disturbances to these interrela- tive growth/production, senescence, and
tionships are also discussed. Indices relative dormancy. The growth period is
and approaches for evaluating stream subsidized by incidental solar radiation,
corridor functions are provided in which drives the photosynthetic process
Chapter 7. through which inorganic carbon is con-
verted to organic plant materials. A por-
Terrestrial Ecosystems tion of this organic material is stored as
above- and below-ground biomass,
The biological community of a stream
while a significant fraction of organic
corridor is determined by the character-
matter is lost annually via senescence,
istics of both terrestrial and aquatic
fractionation, and leaching to the or-
ecosystems. Accordingly, the discussion
ganic soil layer in the form of leaves,
of biological communities in stream
twigs, and decaying roots. This organic
corridors begins with a review of terres-
fraction, rich in biological activity of
trial ecosystems.
microbial flora and microfauna, repre-
Ecological Role of Soil sents a major storage and cycling pool
of available carbon, nitrogen, phospho-
Terrestrial ecosystems are fundamen- rus, and other nutrients.
tally tied to processes within the soil.
The distribution and characteristics of
The ability of a soil to store and cycle
vegetative communities are determined
nutrients and other elements depends
by climate, water availability, topo-
on the properties and microclimate
graphic features, and the chemical and
(i.e., moisture and temperature) of the
physical properties of the soil, including
soil, and the soil's community of organ-
moisture and nutrient content. The
isms (Table 2.10) . These factors also de-
characteristics of the plant communities
termine its effectiveness at filtering,
directly influence the diversity and in-
buffering, degrading, immobilizing, and
tegrity of the fauna! communities. Plant
detoxifying other organic and inorganic
communities that cover a large area and
m aterials.
that are diverse in their vertical and hor-
izontal structural characteristics can
support far more diverse faunal com-

Biological Community Characteristics 2- 51

Animals these communities reflect the recent
Macro Subsisting largely on plant materials h istorical ( 100 years or less) physical
Small mammals-squirrels, gophers, woodchucks, mice, shrew s conditions of the landscape.
lnsects- springtails, ants, beetles, grubs, etc. The quantity of terrestrial vegetation, as
Millipedes well as its species composition, can di-
Sowbugs (woodlice) rectly affect stream channel characteris-
Mit es tics. Root systems in the streambank
Slugs and snails can bind bank sediments and moderate
Earthworms erosion processes. Trees and smaller
Largely predatory
woody debris that fall into the stream
can deflect flows and induce erosion at
some points and deposition at others.
Insects- many ants, beetles, et c.
Thus woody debris accumulation can
Mites, in some cases
influence pool distribution, organic
matter and nutrient retention, and the
formation of microhabitats that are im-
Micro Predatory or parasitic or subsisting on plant residues portant fish and invertebrate aquatic
Nematodes communities.
Streamflow also can be affected by the
abundance and distribution of terres-
trial vegetation. The short-term effects
of removing vegetation can result in an
Roots of higher plants
immediate short-term rise in the local
water table due to decreased evapotran-
spiration and additional water entering
Blue-green the stream. Over the longer term, how-
Diatoms ever, after removal of vegetation, the
Fungi baseflow of streams can decrease and
Mushroo m f ungi water temperatures can rise, particularly
Yeasts in low-order streams. Also, removal of
Molds vegetation can cause changes in soil
Actinomycetes of many kinds temperature and structure, resulting in
decreased movement of water into and
Aerobic A utot rophic
through the soil profile. The loss of sur-
face litter and the gradual loss of or-
Heterot rophic
ganic matter in the soil also contribute
Anaerobic Aut ot rophic
to increased surface runoff and de-
Heterotro ph ic
creased infiltration.
Table 2. 10: Groups of organisms commonly In most instances, the functions of veg-
presen t in soils. etation that are most apparent are those
that influence fish and wildlife. At the
munities than relatively homogenous landscape level, the fragmentation of
plant communities, such as m eadows. native cover types has been shown to
As a result of the complex spatial and significantly influence wildlife, often fa-
temporal relationships that exist be- voring opportunistic species over those
tween floral and faunal communities, requiring large blocks of contiguous
current ecological characteristics of habitat. In some systems, relatively

2-52 Chapter 2: Stream Corridor Processes, Characteristics, and Functions

small breaks in corridor continuity can floodplain, and the influx of turbid and
have significant impacts on animal cooler channel water influences light
movement or on the suitability of penetration and temperature of the
stream conditions to support certain inundated floodplain.
aquatic species. In others, establishing
Stream Corridor Scale
corridors that are structurally different
from native systems or that are inappro- At the stream corridor scale, the compo-
priately configured can be equally dis- sition and regeneration patterns of veg-
ruptive. Narrow corridors that are etation are characterized in terms of
essentially edge habitat may encourage horizontal complexity. Floodplains along
generalist species, nest parasites, and unconstrained channels typically are
predators, and, where corridors have vegetated with a mosaic of plant com-
been established across historic barriers munities, the composition of which
to animal movement, they can disrupt varies in response to available surface
the integrity of regional animal assem- and ground water, differential patterns
blages (Knopf et al. 1988). of flooding, fire, and predominant
winds, sediment deposition, and oppor-
Landscape Scale tunities for establishing vegetation.
The ecological characteristics and distri- A broad floodplain of the southern,
bution of plant communities in a wa- midwestern, or eastern United States
tershed influence the movement of may support dozens of relatively dis-
water, sediment, nutrients, and wildlife. tinct forest communities in a complex
Stream corridors provide links with mosaic reflecting subtle differences in
other features of the landscape. Links soil type and flood characteristics (e.g.,
may involve continuous corridors be- frequency, depth, and duration). In
tween headwater and valley floor contrast, while certain western stream
ecosystems or periodic interactions be- systems may support only a few woody
tween terrestrial systems. Wildlife use species, these systems may be struc-
corridors to disperse juveniles, to mi- turally complex due to constant rework-
grate, and to move between portions of ing of substrates by the stream, which
their home range. Corridors of a natural produces a mosaic of stands of varying
origin are preferred and include streams ages. The presence of side channels,
and rivers, riparian strips, mountain oxbow lakes, and other topographic
passes, isthmuses, and narrow straits variation can be viewed as elements of
(Payne and Bryant 1995). structural variation at the stream corri-
It is important to understand the differ- dor level. Riparian areas along con-
ences between a stream-riparian ecosys- strained stream channels may consist
tem and a river-floodplain ecosystem. primarily of upland vegetation orga-
Flooding in the stream-riparian ecosys- nized by processes largely unrelated to
tem is brief and unpredictable. The ri- stream characteristics, but these areas
parian zone supplies nutrients, water, may have considerable influence on the
and sediment to the stream channel, stream ecosystem.
and riparian vegetation regulates tem- The River Continuum Concept, as dis-
perature and light. In the river-flood- cussed in Chapter l, is also generally
plain ecosystem, floods are often more applicable to the vegetative components
predictable and longer lasting, the river of the riparian corridor. Riparian vegeta-
channel is the donor of water, sedi- tion demonstrates both a transriparian
ment, and inorganic nutrients to the gradient (across the valley) and an

Biological Community Characteristics 2- 53

intra-riparian (longitudinal, eleva- Plant Communities
tional) gradient (Johnson and Lowe The sensitivity of animal communities
1985). In the west, growth of riparian to vegetative characteristics is well rec-
vegetation is increased by the "canyon ognized. Numerous animal species are
effect" resulting when cool moist air associated with particular plant com-
spills downslope from higher elevations munities, many require particular devel-
(Figure 2.30). This cooler air settles in opmental stages of those communities
canyons and creates a more moist mi- (e.g., old-growth), and some depend on
crohabitat than occurs on the surround- particular habitat elements within those
ing slopes. These canyons also serve as communities (e.g., snags). The structure
water courses. The combination of of streamside plant communities also
moist, cooler edaphic and atmospheric directly affects aquatic organisms by
conditions is conducive to plant and providing inputs of appropriate organic
animal species at lower than normal al- materials to the aquatic food web, by
titudes, often in disjunct populations or shading the water surface and providing
in regions where they would not other- cover along banks, and by influencing
wise occur (Lowe and Shannon 1954). instream habitat structure through in-

Figure 2.30: Canyon effect. Cool moist air settles in canyons and creates microhabitat that occurs
on surrounding slopes.

2- 54 Chapter 2: Stream Corridor Processes, Characteristics, and Functions

puts of woody debris (Gregory et al. Increasing the patch size (area) of a
1991). streamside vegetation type, increasing
Plant communities can be viewed in the number of woody riparian tree size
terms of their internal complexity (Fig- classes, and increasing the number of
ure 2.31 ). Complexity may include the species and growth forms (herb, shrub,
number of layers of vegetation and the tree) of native riparian-dependent vege-
_species comprising each layer; competi- tation can increase the number of
tive interactions among species; and the guilds and the amount of forage, result-
presence of detrital components, such ing in increased species richness and
as litter, downed wood, and snags. Veg- biomass (numbers). Restoration tech-
etation may contain tree, sapling, shrub niques can change the above factors.
(subtree), vine, and herbaceous sub- The importance of horizontal complex-
shrub (herb-grass-forb) layers. Microto- ity within stream corridors to certain
pographic relief and the ability of water animal species also has been well estab-
to locally pond also may be regarded as lished. The characteristic compositional,
characteristic structural components. structural, and topographic complexity
Vertical complexity, described in the con- of southern floodplain forests, for ex-
cept of diversity of strata or foliage ample, provides the range of resources
height diversity in ecological literature, and foraging conditions required by
was important to studies of avian habi- many wintering waterfowl to meet par-
tat by Carothers et al. (1974) along the ticular requirements of their life cycles
Verde River, a fifth- or sixth-order at the appropriate times (Fredrickson
stream in central Arizona. Findings 1978); similar complex relationships
showed a high correlation between ri- have been reported for other vertebrates
parian bird species diversity and foliage and invertebrates in floodplain habitats
height diversity of riparian vegetation (Wharton et al. 1982). In parts of the
(Carothers et al. 1974). Short (1985) arid West, the unique vegetation struc-
demonstrated that more structurally di- ture in riparian systems contrasts dra-
verse vegetative habitats support a
greater number of guilds (groups of trees
species with closely related niches in a
community) and therefore a larger
number of species.
Species and age composition of vegeta-
tion structure also can be extremely im-
portant. Simple vegetative structure,
such as an herbaceous layer without
woody overstory or old woody riparian
trees without smaller size classes, cre-
ates fewer niches for guilds. The fewer
guilds there are, the fewer species there
are. The quality and vigor of the vegeta-
tion can affect the productivity of fruits, subshrubs
seeds, shoots, roots, and other vegeta-
tive material, which provide food for
wildlife. Poorer vigor can result in less
food and fewer consumers (wildlife). Figure 2.31: Vertical complexity. Complexity
may include a number of layers of vegetation.

Biological Community Characteristics 2- 55

matically with the surrounding uplands corridor and should take advantage of
and provides essential habitat for many the successional process by planting
animals (Knopf et al. 1988). Even hardy early-successional species to sta-
within compositionally simple riparian bilize an eroding streambank, while
systems, different developmental stages planning for the eventual replacement
may provide different resources. of these species by longer-lived and
Plant communities are distributed on higher-successional species.
floodplains in relation to flood depth, Terrestrial Fauna
duration, and frequency, as well as vari-
ations in soils and drainage condition. Stream corridors are used by wildlife
Some plant species, such as cottonwood more than any other habitat type
(Populus sp.), willows (Salix sp.), and (Thomas et al. 1979) and are a major
silver maple (Acer saccharinum ), are source of water to wildlife populations,
adapted to colonization of newly de- especially large mammals. For example,
posited sediments and may require very 60 percent of Arizona's wildlife species
specific patterns of flood recession dur- depend on riparian areas for survival
ing a brief period of seedfall to be suc- (Ohmart and Anderson 1986). In the
cessfully established (Morris et al. 1978, Great Basin area of Utah and Nevada,
Rood and Mahoney 1990). The resul- 288 of the 363 identified terrestrial ver-
tant pattern is one of even-aged tree tebrate species depend on riparian
stands established at different intervals zones (Thomas et al. 1979). Because of
and locations within the active meander their wide suitability for upland and ri-
belt of the stream. Other species, such parian species, midwestern stream corri-
as the bald cypress (Taxodium dis- dors associated with prairie grasslands
tichum ), are particularly associated with support a wider diversity of wildlife
oxbow lakes formed when streams cut than the associated uplands. Stream cor-
off channel segments, while still others ridors play a large role in maintaining
are associated with microtopographic biodiversity for all groups of vertebrates.
variations within floodplains that re- The fauna! composition of a stream cor-
flect the slow migration of a stream ridor is a function of the interaction of
channel across the landscape. food, water, cover, and spatial arrange-
Plant communities are dynamic and ment (Thomas et al. 1979). These habi-
change over time. The differing regener- tat components interact in multiple
ation strategies of particular vegetation ways to provide eight habitat features of
types lead to characteristic patterns of stream corridors:
plant succession following disturbances • Presence of permanent sources of
in which pioneer species well-adapted water.
to bare soil and plentiful light are grad-
ually replaced by longer-lived species • High primary productivity and bio-
that can regenerate under more shaded mass.
and protected conditions. New distur- • Dramatic spatial and temporal con-
bances reset the successional process. trasts in cover types and food avail-
Within stream corridors, flooding, ability.
channel migration, and, in certain bio-
• Critical microclimates.
mes, fire, are usually the dominant nat-
ural sources of disturbance. Restoration • Horizontal and vertical habitat diver-
practitioners should understand pat- sity.
terns of natural succession in a stream

2- 56 Chapter 2: Stream Corridor Processes, Characteristics, and Functions

• Maximized edge effect. Forested connectors between habitats
establish continuity between forested
• Effective seasonal migration routes.
uplands that may be surrounded by un-
• High connectivity between vegetated forested areas. These act as feeder lines
patches. for dispersal and facilitate repopulation
Stream corridors offer the optimal habi- by plants and animals. Thus, connectiv-
tat for many forms of wildlife because ity is very important for retaining biodi-
of the proximity to a water source and versity and genetic integrity on a
an ecological community that consists landscape basis.
primarily of hardwoods in many parts However, the linear distribution of
of the country, which provide a source habitat, or edge effect, is not an effec-
of food, such as nectar, catkins, buds, tive indicator of habitat quality for all
fruit, and seeds (Harris 1984). Up- species. Studies in island biogeography,
stream sources of water, nutrients, and using habitat islands rather than
energy ultimately benefit downstream oceanic islands, demonstrate that a
locations. In turn, the fish and wildlife larger habitat island supports both a
return and disperse some of the nutri- larger population of birds and also a
ents and energy to uplands and wet- larger number of species (Wilson and
lands during their movements and Carothers 1979). Although a continu-
migrations (Harris 1984). ous corridor is most desirable, the next
Water is especially critical to fauna in preferable situation is minimal frag-
areas such as the Southwest or Western mentation, i.e., large plots ("islands")
Prairie regions of the U.S. where stream of riparian vegetation with minimal
corridors are the only naturally occur- spaces between the large plots.
ring permanent sources of water on the Reptiles and Amphibians
landscape. These relatively moist envi-
ronments contribute to the high pri- Nearly all amphibians (salamanders,
mary productivity and biomass of the toads, and frogs) depend on aquatic
riparian area, which contrasts dramati- habitats for reproduction and overwin-
cally with surrounding cover types and tering. While less restricted by the pres-
ence of water, many reptiles are found
food sources. In these areas, stream cor-
ridors provide critical microclimates primarily in stream corridors and ripar-
ian habitats. Thirty-six of the 63 reptile
that ameliorate the temperature and
moisture extremes of uplands by pro- and amphibian species found in west-
viding water, shade, evapotranspiration, central Arizona were found to use ripar-
and cover. ian zones. In the Great Basin, 11 of 22
reptile species require or prefer riparian
The spatial distribution of vegetation is zones (Ohmart and Anderson 1986).
also a critical factor for wildlife. The lin-
ear arrangement of streams results in a Birds
maximized edge effect that increases Birds are the most commonly observed
species richness because a species can terrestrial wildlife in riparian corridors.
simultaneously access more than one Nationally, over 250 species have been
cover (or habitat) type and exploit the reported using riparian areas during
resources of both (Leopold 1933). some part of the year.
Edges occur along multiple habitat The highest known density of nesting
types including the aquatic, riparian, birds in North America occurs in south-
and upland habitats. western cottonwood habitats (Carothers

Biological Community Characteristics 2- 57

and Johnson 1971). Seventy-three per- Riparian areas provide tall dense cover
cent of the 166 breeding bird species in for roosts, water, and abundant prey for
the Southwest prefer riparian habitats a number of bat species, including the
(Johnson et al. 1977). little brown bat (Myotis lucifugus), big
Bird species richness in midwestern brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus), and the
stream corridors reflects the vegetative pallid bat (Antrozous pallidus). Brinson
diversity and width of the corridor. et al. (1981) tabulated results from sev-
Over half of these breeding birds are eral studies on mammals in riparian
species that forage for insects on foliage areas of the continental U.S. They con-
(vireos, warblers) or species that forage cluded that the number of mammal
for seeds on the ground (doves, orioles, species generally ranges from five to 30,
grosbeaks, sparrows). Next in abun- with communities including several
dance are insectivorous species that for- furbearers, one or more large mammals,
age on the ground or on trees and a few small to medium mammals.
(thrushes, woodpeckers) . Hoover and Wills (1984) reported 59
Smith ( 1977) reported that the distrib- species of mammals in cottonwood ri-
ution of bird species in forested habi- parian woodlands of Colorado, second
tats of the Southeast was closely linked only to pinyon-juniper among eight
to soil moisture. Woodcock (Scolopax other forested cover types in the region.
minor) and snipe (Gallinago gallinago ), Fifty-two of the 68 mammal species
red-shouldered hawks (Buteo lineatus), found in west-central Arizona in Bureau
hooded and prothonotary warblers of Land Management inventories use ri-
(Wilsonia citrina, Protonotaria citrea ), parian habitats. Stamp and Ohmart
and many other passerines in the (1979) and Cross (1985) found that ri-
Southeast prefer the moist ground con- parian areas had a greater diversity and
ditions found in riverside forests and biomass of small mammals than adja-
shrublands for feeding. The cypress and cent upland areas.
mangrove swamps along Florida's wa- The contrast between the species diver-
terways harbor many species found al- sity and productivity of mammals in
most nowhere else in the Southeast. the riparian zone and that of the sur-
rounding uplands is especially high in
arid and semiarid regions. However,
The combination of cover, water, and bottomland hardwoods in the eastern
food resources in riparian areas make U.S. also have exceptionally high habi-
them desirable habitat for large mam- tat values for many mammals. For ex-
mals such as mule deer (Odocoileus . ample, bottomland hardwoods support
hemionus), white-tailed deer (Odocoileus white-tail deer populations roughly
virginianus), moose (Alces alces), and elk twice as large as equivalent areas of up-
(Cervus elaphus) that can use multiple land forest (Glasgow and Noble 1971).
habitat types. Other mammals depend
on riparian areas in some or all of their Stream corridors are themselves influ-
range. These include otter (Lutra enced by certain animal activities (For-
canadensis), ringtail (Bassarisdus as tutus), man 1995). For example, beavers build
raccoon (Procyon lo tor), beaver (Castor dams that cause ponds to form within a
canadensis), muskrat (Ondatra zibethi- stream channel or in the floodplain. The
cus), swamp rabbit (Sylvilagus aquati- pond kills much of the existing vegeta-
cus), short-tailed shrew (Blarina tion, although it does create wetlands
brevicauda ), and mink (Mustela vison ). and open water areas for fish and mi-

2- 58 Chapter 2: Stream Corridor Processes, Characteristics, and Functions

gratory waterfowl. If appropriate woody tivities. A stream's cross-sectional shape
plants in the floodplain are scarce, and dimensions, its slope and confine-
beavers extend their cutting activities ment, the grain-size distribution of bed
into the uplands and can significantly sediments, and even its planform affect
alter the riparian and stream corridors. aquatic habitat. Under less disturbed
Over time, the pond is replaced by a situations, a narrow, steep-walled cross
mudflat, which becomes a meadow and section provides less physical area for
eventually gives way to woody succes- habitat than a wider cross section with
sional stages. Beaver often then build a less steep sides, but may provide more
dam at a new spot, and the cycle begins biologically rich habitat in deep pools
anew with only a spatial displacement. compared to a wider, shallower stream
The sequence of beaver dams along a corridor. A steep, confined stream is a
stream corridor may have major effects high-energy environment that may limit
on hydrology, sedimentation, and min- habitat occurrence, diversity, and stabil-
eral nutrients (Forman 1995). Water ity. Many steep, fast flowing streams are
from stormflow is held back, thereby af- coldwater salmonid streams of high
fording some measure of flood control. value. Unconfined systems flood fre-
Silts and other fine sediments accumu- quently, which can promote riparian
late in the pond rather than being habitat development. Habitat increases
washed downstream. Wetland areas with stream sinuosity. Uniform sedi-
usually form, and the water table rises ment size in a streambed provides less
upstream of the dam. The ponds com- potential habitat diversity than a bed
bine slow flow, near-constant water lev- with many grain sizes represented.
els, and low turbidity that support fish Habitat subsystems occur at different
and other aquatic organisms. Birds may scales within a stream system (Frissell
use beaver ponds extensively. The wet- et al. 1986) (Figure 2.32). The grossest
lands also have a relatively constant scale, the stream system itself, is mea-
water table, unlike the typical fluctua- sured in thousands of feet, while seg-
tions across a floodplain. Beavers cut- ments are measured in hundreds of feet
ting trees diminish the abundance of and reaches are measured in tens of
such species as elm (Ulmus spp.) and feet. A reach system includes combina-
ash (Fraxinus spp.) but enhance the tions of debris dams, boulder cascades,
abundance of rapidly sprouting species, rapids, step/pool sequences, pool/riffle
such as alder (Alnus spp. ), willow, and sequences, or other types of streambed
poplar (Populus spp.) . forms or "structures, " each of which
could be 10 feet or less in scale. Fris-
Aquatic Ecosystems sell's smallest scale habitat subsystem
includes features that are a foot or less
Aquatic Habitat
in size. Examples of these microhabitats
The biological diversity and species include leaf or stick detritus, sand or silt
abundance in streams depend on the over cobbles or other coarse material,
diversity of available habitats. Naturally moss on boulders, or fine gravel
functioning, stable stream systems pro- patches.
mote the diversity and availability of Steep slopes often form a step/pool se-
habitats. This is one of the primary rea- quence in stream s, especially in cobble,
sons stream stability and the restoration boulder, and bedrock stream s. Each
of natural functions are always consid- step acts as a miniature grade stabiliza-
ered in stream corridor restoration ac- tion structure. The steps and pools work

Biological Community Characteristics 2- 59

leaf and stick
detritus in

Q sand-silt
~ over cobbles

moss on

debris dam

Stream Segment Segment System Reach System "Pool/Riffle" System Microhabitat System

Figure 2.32: Hierarchical organization of a stream system and its habitat subsystems.
Approximate linear spatial sca le, appropriate to second- or third-order mountain stream.

together to distribute the excess energy A wetland is an ecosystem that depends

available in these steeply sloping sys- on constant or recurrent shallow inun-
tems. They also add diversity to the dation or saturation at or near the sur-
habitat available. Cobble- and gravel- face of the substrate. The minimum
bottomed streams at less steep slopes essential characteristics of a wetland are
form pool/riffle sequences, which also recurrent, sustained inundation or satu-
increase habitat diversity. Pools provide ration at or near the surface and the
space, cover, and nutrition to fish and presence of physical, chemical, and bio-
they provide a place for fish to seek logical features that reflect recurrent
shelter during storms, droughts, and sustained inundation or saturation.
other catastrophic events. Upstream mi- Common diagnostic features of wet-
gration of many salmonid species typi- lands are hydric soils and hydrophytic
cally involves rapid movements through vegetation. These features will be pre-
shallow areas, followed by periods of sent except where physicochemical, bi-
rest in deeper pools (Spence et al. otic, or anthropogenic factors have
1996). removed them or prevented their devel-
opment (National Academy of Sciences
Wetlands 1995). Wetlands may occur in streams,
Stream corridor restoration initiatives riparian areas, and floodplains of the
may include restoration of wetlands stream corridor. The riparian area or
such as riverine-type bottomland hard- zone may contain both wetlands and
wood systems or riparian wetlands. non-wetlands.
While wetland restoration is a specific Wetlands are transitional between terres-
topic better addressed in other references trial and aquatic systems where the
(e.g., Kentula et al. 1992), a general dis- water table is usually at or near the
cussion of wetlands is provided here. surface or the land is covered by shallow
Stream corridor restoration initiatives water (Cowardin et al. 1979). For vege-
should be designed to protect or restore tated wetlands, water creates conditions
the functions of associated wetlands. that favor the growth of hydrophytes-
plants growing in water or on a sub-

2-60 Chapter 2: Stream Corridor Processes, Characteristics, and Functions

strate that is at least periodically defi-
cient in oxygen as a result of excessive
water con tent (Coward in et al. 1979)
and prom otes the development of hy- Riparian Mapping
dric soils-soils that are saturated,
The riparian zone is a classic example of the maximized
flooded, or ponded long enough during
value that occurs when two or more habitat types meet.
the growing season to develop anaero-
There is little question of the substantial value of riparian
bic conditions in the upper part (Na-
habitats in the United States. The Fish and Wildlife
tional Academy of Sciences 1995).
Service has developed protocols to classify and map
Wetland functions include fish and riparian areas in the West in conjunction with the
wildlife h abitat, water storage, sediment National Wetlands Inventory (NW!). NW/ will map ripari-
trapping, flood dam age reduction, an areas on a 100 percent user-pay basis. No formal
water qu ality improvem ent/ pollution riparian mapping effort has been initiated. The NW/ is
control, and ground water recharge. congressionally mandated to identify, classify, and digi-
Wetlands have long been recognized as tize all wetlands and deepwater habitats in the United
high ly produ ctive habitats for th reat- States. For purposes of riparian mapping, the NW/ has
ened and endangered fish and wildlife developed a riparian definition that incorporates biologi-
species. Wetlands provide h abitat for cal information consistent with many agencies and
60 to 70 percent of the animal species applies information according to cartographic principles.
federally listed as threatened or endan- For NW/ mapping and classification purposes, a final def-
gered (Lohoefner 1997). inition for riparian has been developed:
The Federal Geographic Data Commit- Riparian areas are plant communities contiguous to and
tee has adopted the U.S. Fish and affected by surface and subsurface hydrological features
Wildlife Service's Classification of Wet- of perennial or intermittent lotic and lentic water bodies
lands and Deepwater Habitats of the (rivers, strea ms, lakes, and drainage ways). Riparian areas
United States (Cowardin et al. 1979) have one or both of the following characteristics: ( 1) dis-
as the national standard for wetlands tinctly different vegetative species than adjacent areas;
classification. The Service's National and (2) species similar t o adjacent areas but exhibiting
Wetlands Inventory (NWI) uses this more vigorous or robust growth forms. Riparian areas
system to carry out its congressionally are usually t ransitional between wetland and upland.
mandated role of identifying, classify- Th e definition applies primarily to regions of the lower
ing, mapping, and digitizing data on 48 states in the arid west where the mean annual pre-
wetlands and deepwater habitats. Th is cipitation is 16 inches or less and the mean annual evap-
system, which defines wetlands consis- oration exceeds mean annual precipitation. For purposes
tently with the National Academy of of this mapping, the riparian system is subdivided into
Science's reference definition, includes subsystems, classes, subclasses, and dominance types.
Marine, Estuarine, Riverine, Lacustrine, (USFWS 1997)
and Palustrine systems. The NWI h as
also developed protocols for classifying
and mapping riparian habitats in the
22 coterminous western states. tats with water containing ocean-
derived salts in excess of 0.5 parts per
The riverine system under Coward in's thousand (ppt) .
classification includes all wetlands and
deepwater habitats contained within a It is bounded on the upstream end by
channel except wetlands dominated by uplands and on the downstream end at
trees, shrubs, persistent emergents, the interface with tidal wetlands having
emergent mosses, or lich ens and habi- a concentration of ocean-derived salts
that exceeds 0 .5 ppt. Riverine wetlands

Biological Community Characteristics 2- 61

are bounded perpendicularly on the standards against which a wetland is
landward side by upland, the channel evaluated (Brinson 1995).
bank (including natural and manufac- Under the HGM approach, riverine wet-
tured levees), or by Palustrine wetlands. lands occur in floodplains and riparian
In braided streams, riverine wetlands corridors associated with stream chan-
are bounded by the banks forming the nels. The dominant water sources are
outer limits of the depression within overbank flow or subsurface connec-
which the braiding occurs. tions between stream channel and wet-
Vegetated floodplain wetlands of the lands. Riverine wetlands lose water by
river corridor are classified as Palustrine surface and subsurface flow returning to
under this system. The Palustrine sys- the stream channel, ground water
tem was developed to group the vege- recharge, and evapotranspiration. At the
tated wetlands traditionally called by extension closest to the headwaters,
such names as marsh, swamp, bog, fen, riverine wetlands often are replaced by
and prairie pothole and also includes slope or depressional wetlands where
small, shallow, permanent, or intermit- channel bed and bank disappear, or
tent water bodies often called ponds. they may intergrade with poorly drained
Palustrine wetlands may be situated flats and uplands. Usually forested, they
shoreward of lakes, river channels, or extend downstream to the intergrade
estuaries, on river floodplains, in iso- with estuarine fringe wetlands. Lateral
lated catchments, or on slopes. They extent is from the edge of the channel
also may occur as islands in lakes or perpendicularly to the edge of the flood-
rivers. The Palustrine system includes all plain. In some landscape situations,
nontidal wetlands dominated by trees, riverine wetlands may function hydro-
shrubs, persistent emergents, emergent logically more like slope wetlands, and
mosses and lichens, and all such wet- in headwater streams with little or no
lands that occur in tidal areas where floodplain, slope wetlands may lie adja-
salinity due to ocean-derived salts is cent to the stream channel (Brinson et
below 0.5 ppt. The Palustrine system is al. 1995). Table 2.11 summarizes func-
bounded by upland or by any of the tions of riverine wetlands under the
other four systems. They may merge HGM approach. The U.S. Fish and
with non-wetland riparian habitat Wildlife Service is testing an operational
where hydrologic conditions cease to draft set of hydrogeomorphic type de-
support wetland vegetation or may be scriptors to help bridge the gap between
totally absent where hydrologic condi- the Cowardin system and the HGM ap-
tions do not support wetlands at all proach (Tiner 1997).
(Cowardin et al. 1979). For purposes of regulation under Sec-
The hydrogeomorphic (HGM) approach is tion 404 of the Clean Water Act, only
a system that classifies wetlands into areas with wetland hydrology, hy-
similar groups for conducting functional drophytic vegetation, and hydric soils
assessments of wetlands. Wetlands are are classified as regulated wetlands.
classified based on geomorphology, As such, they represent a subset of the
water source, and hydrodynamics. This areas classified as wetlands under the
allows the focus to be placed on a Cowardin system. However, many areas
group of wetlands that function much classified as wetlands under the Cow-
more similarly than would be the case ardin system, but not classified as wet-
without classifying them. Reference wet- lands for purposes of Section 404, are
lands are used to develop reference nevertheless subject to regulation be-

2- 62 Chapter 2: Stream Corridor Processes, Characteristics, and Functions

cause they are part of the Waters of the Hydrologic I Dynamic surface wat er storage
United States. Lo ng-term surface water st orage
Subsurface storage of water
Aquatic Vegetation and Fauna
Energy dissipation
Stream biota are often classified in seven Moderation of ground-water flow or discharge
groups-bacteria, algae, macrophytes Biogeochemical LI ri.:.;en:..:..:t.....,c~yc:.;,;1i.....,n.::.g_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____.
(higher plants), protists (amoebas, fla- Removal of elements and compounds
gellates, ciliates), microinvertebrates Retentio n of particulates
(invertebrates less than 0.02 inch in Organic carbon export
length, such as rotifers, copepods, ostra- Plant habitat I Maintain characteristic plant communiti es
cods, and nematodes), macroinverte-
Maintain characteristic detrita l bi omass
brates (invertebrates greater than 0.02
inch in length, such as mayflies, stone-
Animal habitat I Maintain spatial habit at str ucture
Maintain interspersio n and connectivity
flies, caddisflies, crayfish, worms,
Maintain distribution and abundance of invertebrates
clams, and snails), and vertebrates
(fish, amphibians, reptiles, and mam- Maintain distribution and abundance of vertebrat es

mals) (Figure 2.33) . The discussion

Table 2. 11: Functions of riverine w etlands.
of the River Continuum Concept in
Source: Brinson et al. 1995.
Chapter l, provides an overview of the
major groups of organisms found in micro- and macroinvertebrates (Ruttner
streams and how these assemblages 1963). Planktonic plant forms are usu-
change from higher order to lower ally limited but may be present where
order streams. the watershed contains lakes, ponds,
Undisturbed streams can contain a re- floodplain waters, or slow current areas
markable number of species. For exam- (Odum 1971).
ple, a comprehensive inventory of The benthic invertebrate community of
stream biota in a small German stream, streams may contain a variety of biota,
the Breitenbach, found more than 1,300 including bacteria, protists, rotifers, bry-
species in a 1.2-mile reach. Lists of ozoans, worms, crustaceans, aquatic in-
algae, macroinvertebrates, and fish likely sect larvae, mussels, clams, crayfish, and
to be found at potential restoration sites other forms of invertebrates. Aquatic in-
may be obtained from state or regional vertebrates are found in or on a multi-
inventories. The densities of such stream tude of microhabitats in streams
biota are shown in Table 2.12. including plants, woody debris, rocks,
Aquatic plants usually consist of algae interstitial spaces of hard substrates, and
and mosses attached to permanent soft substrates (gravel, sand, and muck).
stream substrates. Rooted aquatic vege- Invertebrate habitats exist at all vertical
tation may occur where substrates are strata including the water surface, the
suitable and high currents do not scour water column, the bottom surface, and
the stream bottom. Luxuriant beds of deep within the hyporheic zone.
vascular plants may grow in some areas Unicellular organisms and microinver-
such as spring-fed streams in Florida tebrates are the most numerous biota in
where water clarity, substrates, nutrients, streams. However, larger macroinverte-
and slow water velocities exist. Bedrock brates are important to community
or stones that cannot be moved easily structure because they contribute signif-
by stream currents are often covered by icantly to a stream's total invertebrate
mosses and algae and various forms of biomass (Morin and Nadon 1991,

Biological Community Characteristics 2- 63

i gNploo"
red algae)

microorganisms £.
r epilithic
(e.g .. hyphomycete


organic ~ -­
matter .,.....

Figure 2.33: Stream invertebrate

biota. Food relation-
ships typically found
in streams.

Bourassa and Morin 1995). Further- effect on the abundance and taxonomic
more, the larger species often play im- composition of algae and periphyton in
portant roles in determining community streams. Likewise, macroinvertebrate
composition of other components of predators, such as stoneflies, can influ-
the ecosystem. For example, herbivo- ence the abundance of other species
rous feeding activities of caddisfly lar- within the invertebrate community
vae (Lamberti and Resh 1983), snails (Peckarsky 1985).
(Steinman et al. 1987), and crayfish Collectively, microorganisms (fungi
(Lodge 19 91) can have a significant and bacteria) and benthic invertebrates
Table 2.12: Ranges of densities commonly
facilitate the breakdown of organic ma-
observed for selected groups of stream biota. terial, such as leaf litter, that enters the
stream from external sources. Some
Biotic Density invertebrates (insect larvae and am-
Component (Individuals/Square Mile)
phipods) act as shredders whose feed-
Algae 109-1010
ing activities break down larger organic
Bacteria 1012 - 1013
leaf litter to smaller particles. Other in-
Protists 108 - 109
vertebrates filter smaller organic mater-
Microinvertebrates 103- 10s ial from the water (blackfly larvae,
Macroinvertebrates 104 - 10s some mayfly nymphs, and some caddis-
Vertebrates 100- 102 fly larvae), scrape material off surfaces

2-64 Chapter 2: Stream Corridor Processes, Characteristics, and Functions

(snails, limpets, and some caddisfly and tinction during and following the Pleis-
mayfly nymphs), or feed on material tocene Age (Fausch et al. 1984) . For ex-
deposited on the substrate (dipteran ample, 210 species are found west of the
larvae and some mayfly nymphs) (Moss Continental Divide, but only 40 of
1988). These feeding activities result in these species are found on both sides of
the breakdown of organic matter in ad- the continent (Minckley and Douglas
dition to the elaboration of invertebrate 1991 ). The relatively depauperate fauna
tissue, which other consumer groups, of the Western United States has been
such as fish, feed on. attributed to the isolating mechanisms
Benthic macroinvertebrates, particularly of tectonic geology. Secondary biologi-
aquatic insect larvae and crustaceans, cal, physical, and chemical factors may
are widely used as indicators of stream further reduce the species richness of a
health and condition. Many fish species specific community ( Minckley and
rely on benthic organisms as a food Douglas 1991, Allan 1995).
source either by direct browsing on the Fish species assemblages in streams will
benthos or by catching benthic organ- vary considerably from the headwaters
isms that become dislodged and drift to the outlet due to changes in many
downstream (Walburg 1971 ). hydrologic and geomorphic factors
Fish are ecologically important in which control temperature, dissolved
stream ecosystems because they are usu- oxygen, gradient, current velocity, and
ally the largest vertebrates and often are substrate. Such factors combine to de-
the apex predator in aquatic systems. termine the degree of habitat diversity
The numbers and species composition in a given stream segment. Fish species
of fishes in a given stream depends on richness tends to increase downstream
the geographic location, evolutionary as gradient decreases and stream size
history, and such intrinsic factors as increases. Species richness is generally
physical habitat (current, depth, sub- lowest at small headwater streams due
strates, riffle/pool ratio, wood snags, to increased gradient and small stream
and undercut banks), water quality size, which increases the frequency and
(temperature, dissolved oxygen, sus- severity of environmental fluctuations
pended solids, nutrients, and toxic (Hynes 1970, Matthews and Styron
chemicals), and biotic interactions (ex- 1980). In addition, the high gradient
ploitation, predation, and competition). and decreased links with tributaries re-
duces the potential for colonization
There are approximately 700 native and entry of new species.
freshwater species of fish in North
America (Briggs 1986). Fish species Species richness increases in mid-order
richness is highest in the Mississippi to lower stream reaches due to in-
River Basin where most of the adaptive creased environmental stability, greater
radiations have occurred in the United numbers of potential habitats, and in-
States (Allan 19 9 5). In the Midwest, as creases in numbers of colonization
many as 50 to 100 species can occur in sources or links between major
a local area, although typically only half drainages. As one proceeds down-
the species native to a region may be stream, pools and runs increase over rif-
found at any one location (Horwitz fles, allowing for an increase in fine
1978). Fish species richness generally bottom materials and facilitating the
declines as one moves westward across growth of macrophytic vegetation.
the United States, primarily due to ex- These environments allow for the pres-
ence of fishes more tolerant of low oxy-

Biological Community Characteristics 2- 65

gen and increased temperatures. Fur- Species generally may be referred to as
ther, the range of body forms increases cold water or warm water, and grada-
with the appearance of those species tions between, depending on their tem-
with less fusiform body shapes, which perature requirements (Magnuson et al.
are ecologically adapted to areas typi- 1979). Fish such as salmonids are usu-
fied by decreased water velocities. In ally restricted to higher elevations or
higher order streams or large rivers the northern climes typified by colder,
bottom substrates often are typified by highly oxygenated water. These species
finer sediments; thus herbivores, omni- tend to be specialists, with rather nar-
vores, and planktivores may increase in row thermal tolerances and rather spe-
response to the availability of aquatic cific reproductive requirements. For
vegetation and plankton (Bond 1979). example, salmonids typically spawn by
Fish have evolved unique feeding and depositing eggs over or within clean
reproductive strategies to survive in the gravels which remain oxygenated and
diverse habitat conditions of North silt-free due to upwelling of currents
America. Horwitz (1978) examined the within the interstitial spaces. Reproduc-
structure of fish feeding guilds in 15 tive movement and behavior is con-
U.S. river systems and found that most trolled by subtle thermal changes
fish species (33 percent) were benthic combined with increasing or decreasing
insectivores, whereas piscivores (16 per- day-length. Salmonid populations,
cent), herbivores (7 percent), omni- therefore, are highly susceptible to
vores (6 percent), planktivores (3 many forms of habitat degradation, in-
percent), and other guilds contained cluding alteration of flows, temperature,
fewer species. However, Allan (1995) and substrate quality.
indicated that fish frequently change Numerous fish species in the U.S. are
feeding habits across habitats, life declining in number. Williams and
stages, and season to adapt to changing Julien (1989) presented a list of North
physical and biological conditions. Fish American fish species that the American
in smaller headwater streams tend to be Fisheries Society believed should be
insectivores or specialists, whereas the classified as endangered, threatened, or
number of generalists and the range of of special concern. This list contains
feeding strategies increases downstream 364 fish species warranting protection
in response to increasing diversity of because of their rarity. Habitat loss was
conditions. the primary cause of depletion for ap-
Some fish species are migratory, return- proximately 90 percent of the species
ing to a particular site over long dis- listed. This study noted that 77 percent
tances to spawn. Others may exhibit of the fish species listed were found in
great endurance, migrating upstream 25 percent of the states, with the high-
against currents and over obstacles such est concentrations in eight southwestern
as waterfalls. Many must move between states. Nehlsen et al. (1991) provided a
salt water and freshwater, requiring list of 214 native naturally spawning
great osmoregulatory ability (McKeown stocks of depleted Pacific salmon, steel-
1984). Species that return from the head, and sea-run cutthroat stocks from
ocean environment into freshwater California, Oregon, Idaho, and Wash-
streams to spawn are called anadromous ington. Reasons cited for the declines
species. were alteration of fish passage and mi-
gration due to dams, flow reduction as-
sociated with hydropower and

2- 66 Chapter 2: Stream Corridor Processes, Characteristics, and Functions

agriculture, sedimentation and habitat that form and maintain them, are key
loss due to logging and agriculture, to developing successful stream restora-
overfishing, and negative interactions tion initiatives.
with other fish, including nonnative The emphasis on fish community
hatchery salmon and steelhead. restoration is increasing due to many
The widespread decline in the numbers ecological, economic, and recreational
of native fish species has led to current factors. In 1996 approximately 35 mil-
widespread interest in restoring the lion Americans older than 16 partic-
quality and quantity of habitats for fish. ipated in recreational fishing, resulting
Restoration activities have frequently in over $36 billion in expenditures
centered on improving local habitats, (Brouha 1997). Much of this activity is
such as fencing or removing livestock in streams, which justifies stream corri-
from streams, constructing fish pas- dor restoration initiatives.
sages, or installing instream physical While fish stocks often receive the great-
habitat. However, research has demon- est public attention, preservation of
strated that in most of these cases the other aquatic biota may also may be a
success has been limited or question- goal of stream restoration. Freshwater
able because the focus was too narrow mussels, many species of which are
and did not address restoration of the threatened and endangered, are often of
diverse array of habitat requirements particular concern. Mussels are highly
and resources that are needed over the sensitive to habitat disturbances and
life span of a species. obviously benefit from intact, well-
Stream corridor restoration practition- managed stream corridors. The south-
ers and others are now acutely aware central United States has the highest
that fish require many different habitats diversity of mussels in the world. Mus-
over the season and lifespan to fulfill sel ecology also is intimately linked
needs for feeding, resting, avoiding with fish ecology, as fish function as
predators, and reproducing. For exam- hosts for mussel larvae (glochidia).
ple, Livingstone and Rabeni ( 19 91) de- Among the major threats they face are
termined that juvenile smallmouth bass dams, which lead to direct habitat loss
in the Jacks Fork River of southeastern and fragmentation of remaining habi-
Missouri fed primarily on small tat, persistent sedimentation, pesticides,
macroinvertebrates in littoral vegeta- and introduced exotic species, such as
tion. Vegetation represented not only a fish and other mussel species.
source of food but a refuge from preda-
tors and a warmer habitat, factors that Abiotic and Biotic Interrelations
can collectively optimize chances for in the Aquatic System
survival and growth (Rabeni and Jacob- Much of the spatial and temporal vari-
son 1993). Adult smallmouth bass, ability of stream biota reflects variations
however, tended to occupy deeper pool in both abiotic and biotic factors, in-
habitats, and the numbers and biomass cluding water quality, temperature,
of adults at various sites were attributed streamflow and flow velocity, substrate,
to these specific deep-water habitats the availability of food and nutrients,
(McClendon and Rabeni 1987). Rabeni and predator-prey relationships. These
and Jacobson (1993) suggested that an factors influence the growth, survival,
understanding of these specific habitats, and reproduction of aquatic organisms.
combined with an understanding of the While these factors are addressed indi-
fluvial hydraulics and geomorphology

Biological Community Characteristics 2- 67

vidually below, it is important to re- titude, latitude, origin of the water, and
member that they are often interdepen- solar radiation (Ward 1985, Sweeney
dent. 1993). Temperature governs many bio-
chemical and physiological processes in
Flow Condition
cold-blooded aquatic organisms be-
The flow of water from upstream to cause their body temperature is the
downstream distinguishes streams from same as the surrounding water; thus,
other ecosystems. The spatial and tem- water temperature has an important
poral characteristics of streamflow, such role in determining growth, develop-
as fast versus slow, deep versus shallow, ment, and behavioral patterns. Stream
turbulent versus smooth, and flooding insects, for example, often grow and de-
versus low flows, are described previ- velop more rapidly in warmer portions
ously in this chapter. These flow charac- of a stream or during warmer seasons.
teristics can affect both micro- and Where the thermal differences among
macro-distribution patterns of numer- sites are significant (e.g., along latitudi-
ous stream species (Bayley and Li 1992, nal or altitudinal gradients), it is possi-
Reynolds 1992, Ward 1992). Many or- ble for some species to complete two or
ganisms are sensitive to flow velocity more generations per year at warmer
because it represents an important sites; these same species complete one
mechanism for delivering food and nu- or fewer generations per year at cooler
trients yet also may limit the ability of sites (Sweeney 1984, Ward 1992).
organisms to remain in a stream seg- Growth rates for algae and fish appear
ment. Some organisms also respond to to respond to temperature changes in a
temporal variations in flow, which can similar fashion (Hynes 1970, Reynolds
change the physical structure of the 1992). The relationships between tem-
stream channel, as well as increase mor- perature and growth, development, and
tality, modify available resources, and behavior can be strong enough to affect
disrupt interactions among species geographic ranges of some species
(Resh et al. 1988, Bayley and Li 1992). (Table 2.13) .
The flow velocity in streams determines Water temperature is one of the most
whether planktonic forms can develop important factors determining the dis-
and sustain themselves. The slower the tribution of fish in freshwater streams,
currents in a stream, the more closely due both to direct impacts and influ-
the composition and configuration of ence on dissolved oxygen concentra-
biota at the shore and on the bottom tions, and is influenced by local
approach those of standing water (Rut- conditions, such as shade, depth and
tner 1963). High flows are cues for tim- current. Many fish species can tolerate
ing migration and spawning of some only a limited temperature range. Such
fishes. High flows also cleanse and sort fish as salmonids and sculpins domi-
streambed materials and scour pools. nate in cold water streams, whereas
Extreme low flows may limit young fish such species as largemouth bass, small-
production because such flows often mouth bass, suckers, minnows, sun-
occur during periods of recruitment and fishes and catfishes may be present in
growth (Kohler and Hubert 1993). warmer streams (Walburg 19 71).
Water Temperature Effects of Cover
Water temperature can vary markedly For the purposes of restoration, land
within and among stream systems as a use practices that remove overhead
function of ambient air temperature, al-

2- 68 Chapter 2: Stream Corridor Processes, Characteristics, and Functions

Table 2. 13: Maximum weekly average temperatures for growth and short term maximum
temperatures for selected fish (°F).
Sou rce: Bru ngs and Jo nes 1977.

Species Max. Weekly Max. Temp. for Max. Weekly Max. Temp.
Average Temp. for Survival of Short Average Temp. for Embryo
Growth (Juveniles) Exposure (Juveniles) for Spawninga Spawningb

Atlantic salmo n 68°F 73°F 41°F 52°F

Bluegill 90°F 95°F 77°F 93°F
Brook trout 66°F 75°F 48° F 55°F
Common carp 70° F 9 1°F
Channel catfish 90°F 95°F 81 °F 84°f C
Largemouth bass 90°F 93°F 7Q°F 81 °Fc
Rainbow trout 66°F 75°F 48°F 55°F
Smallmouth bass 84°F 63°F 73°FC
Sockeye salmon 64°F 72°F 50° F 55°F
a Optimum or mean of the range of spawning temperatures reported for the speci es.
b Upper temperature for successful incubation and hatching reported for the species.
c Upper temperature for spawning.

cover or decrease baseflows can increase order meadow stream than in a compa-
instream temperatures to levels that ex- rable wooded reach from April through
ceed critical thermal maxima for fishes October, the reverse was true from No-
(Feminella and Matthews 1984). Thus, vember through March. In a review of
maintenance or restoration of normal temperature effects on stream macroin-
temperature regimes can be an impor- vertebrates common to the Pennsylva-
tant endpoint for stream managers. nia Piedmont, Sweeney (1992) found
Riparian vegetation is an important fac- that temperature changes of 2 to 6 °C
tor in the attenuation of light and tem- usually altered key life-history charac-
perature in streams (Cole 1994). Direct teristics of the study species. Riparian
sunlight can significantly warm streams, forest buffers have been shown to pre-
particularly during summer periods of vent the disruption of natural tempera-
low flow. Under such conditions, ture patterns as well as to mitigate the
streams flowing through forests warm increases in temperature following de-
rapidly as they enter deforested areas, forestation (Brown and Krygier 1970,
but may also cool somewhat when Brazier and Brown 1973).
streams reenter the forest. In Pennsylva- The exact buffer width needed for tem-
nia (Lynch et al. 1980), average daily perature control will vary from site to
stream temperatures that increased site depending on such factors as
12°C through a clearcut area were sub- stream orientation, vegetation, and
stantially moderated after flow through width. Along a smaller, narrow headwa-
1,640 feet of forest below the clearcut. ter stream, the reestablishment of
They attributed the temperature reduc- shrubs, e.g., willows and alders, may
tion primarily to inflows of cooler provide adequate shade and detritus to
ground water. restore both the riparian and aquatic
A lack of cover also affects stream tem - ecosystems. The planting and/ or
perature during the winter. Sweeney reestablishment of large trees, e.g., cot-
(1993) found that, while average daily tonwoods, willows, sycamores, ash, and
temperatures were higher in a second- walnuts (Lowe 1964), along larger,
higher order rivers can improve the seg-

Biological Community Characteristics 2- 69

ment of the fishery closest to the banks, less competitive in sustaining the
but has little total effect on light and species (Mackenthun 1969). Dissolved
temperature of wider rivers. oxygen concentrations of 3.0 mg/Lor
Heat budget models can accurately pre- less have been shown to interfere with
dict stream and river temperatures (e.g., fish populations for a number of rea-
Beschta 1984, Theurer et al. 1984). sons (Mackenthun 1969, citing several
Solar radiation is the major factor influ- other sources) (Table 2.14).
encing peak summer water tempera- Depletion of dissolved oxygen can re-
tures and shading is critical to the sult in the death of aquatic organisms,
overall temperature regime of streams including fish. Fish die when the de-
in small watersheds. mand for oxygen by biological and
chemical processes exceeds the oxygen
Dissolved Oxygen
input by reaeration and photosynthesis,
Oxygen enters the water by absorption resulting in fish suffocation. Oxygen de-
directly from the atmosphere and by pletion usually is associated with slow
plant photosynthesis (Mackenthun current, high temperature, extensive
1969). Due to the shallow depth, large growth of rooted aquatic plants, algal
surface exposure to air and constant blooms, or high concentrations of or-
motion, streams generally contain an ganic matter (Needham 1969).
abundant dissolved oxygen supply even
when there is no oxygen production by Stream communities are susceptible to
photosynthesis. pollution that reduces the dissolved
oxygen supply (Odum 1971). Major
Dissolved oxygen at appropriate con- factors determining the amount of oxy-
centrations is essential not only to keep gen found in water are temperature,
aquatic organisms alive but to sustain pressure, abundance of aquatic plants
their reproduction, vigor, and develop- and the amount of natural aeration
ment. Organisms undergo stress at re- from contact with the atmosphere
duced oxygen levels that make them (Needham 1969). A level of 5 mg/ L of

Table 2.14: Summary of dissolved oxygen concentrations (mg!L) generally associated with effects
on fish in salmonid and nonsalmonid waters.
Source: USEPA 1987.

level of Effect Salmonida Nonsalmonid

Early life stages (eggs and fry)
No production impairment 11 (8) 6.5
Slight production impairment 9 (6) 5.5
Moderate production impairment 8 (5)

Severe production impairment 7 (4)

Limit to avoid acute mortality 6 (3)

Other life stages

No production impairment 8 (0)

Slight production impairment 6 (O) 5.0

Moderate production impairment 5 (O) 4.0
Severe production impairment 4 (O) 3.5
Limit to avoid acute mortality 3 (O) 3.0
a Va lues for salmo nid early lif e stages are water co lumn co ncent rati ons recommended to achieve t he required conce ntratio n of dissolved oxygen
in t he g ravel spawning substrat e (shown in parentheses).

2- 70 Chapter 2: Stream Corridor Processes, Characteristics, and Functions

dissolved oxygen in water is associated increased acidity of rainfall in some
with normal activity of most fish (Wal- parts of the United States, especially
burg 19 71). Oxygen analyses of good areas downwind of industrial and
trout streams show dissolved oxygen urban emissions (Schreiber 1995). Of
concentrations that range from 4.5 to particular concern are environments
9.5 mg/L (Needham 1969). that have a reduced capacity to neutral-
ize acid inputs because soils have a lim-
ited buffering capacity. Acidic rainfall
Aquatic organisms from a wide range of can be especially harmful to environ-
taxa exist and thrive in aquatic systems ments such as the Adirondack region of
with nearly neutral hydrogen ion activ- upstate New York, where runoff already
ity (pH 7). Deviations, either toward a tends to be slightly acidic as a result of
more basic or acidic environment, in- natural conditions.
crease chronic stress levels and eventu-
ally decrease species diversity and
abundance (Figure 2.34). One of the Stream biota respond to the many abi-
more widely recognized impacts of otic and biotic variables influenced by
changes in pH has been attributed to substrate. For example, differences in

Figure 2.34: Effects of acid rain on some aquatic species. As acidity increases (and pH decreases) in
lakes and streams, some species are lost.

Rainbow trout 6i 6 6
(Oncorhyncus mykiss) ) $) ) $) ) P., *embryonic life stage
**selected species
Brown trout
(Sa/mo trutta)
- ,, 1._ 1102
a. 1192 illli.
Brook troutfontinalus)
(Salvelinus • r Ai J • £' J
£ J • £$ • Ai J
£$ • st2
Smallmouthbass ~~ ~
(Micropterus dolomieu) ~~ ~

Flathead minnow I
(Pimephalus promelas) ~
Pumpkinseed sunfish
(Lepomis gibbosus)
Yellow perch
I b ,,
(Perea flavescens) •
Bullfrog* I
(Rana catesbeiana)
W- o-od_ f_ro-g*- - - -1: -
(R. sylvatica)

American toad*

(Bufo americanus)
Spotted salamander*
(Ambystoma maculatum)
I l,/(

* ~~-, . . - .
. ---

Snail** I ..
- -- ---
, ~~
Mayf ly**

6.5 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3 .0


Biological Community Characteristics 2- 71

species composition and abundance usually greatest, but it tends to be
can be observed among macroinverte- highly discontinuous because of fea-
brate assemblages found in snags, sand, tures associated with fluvial activities
bedrock, and cobble within a single such as oxbow lakes and cutoff chan-
stream reach (Benke et al. 1984, Smock nels, and because of complex interac-
et al. 1985, Huryn and Wallace 1987). tions of local, intermediate, and
This preference for conditions associ- regional ground water systems (Naiman
ated with different substrates con- et al. 1994) (Figure 2.35).
tributes to patterns observed at larger Stream substrates are composed of vari-
spatial scales where different macroin- ous materials, including clay, sand,
vertebrate assemblages are found in gravel, cobbles, boulders, organic mat-
coastal, piedmont, and mountain ter, and woody debris. Substrates form
streams (Hackney et al. 1992). solid structures that modify surface and
Stream substrates can be viewed in the interstitial flow patterns, influence the
same functional capacity as soils in the accumulation of organic materials, and
terrestrial system; that is, stream sub- provide for production, decomposition,
strates constitute the interface between and other processes (Minshall 19 84) .
water and the hyporheic subsurface of Sand and silt are generally the least
the aquatic system. The hyphorheic zone favorable substrates for supporting
is the area of substrate which lies below aquatic organisms and support the
the substrate/water interface, and may fewest species and individuals. Flat or
range from a layer extending only rubble substrates have the highest den-
inches beneath and laterally from the sities and the most organisms (Odum
stream channel, to a very large subsur- 1971 ). As previously described, sub-
face environment. Alluvial floodplains strate size, heterogeneity, stability with
of the Flathead River, Montana, have a respect to high and baseflow, and dura-
hyphorheic zone with significant sur- bility vary within streams, depending
face water/ground water interaction on particle size, density, and kinetic en-
which is 2 miles wide and 33 feet deep ergy of flow. Inorganic substrates tend
(Stanford and Ward 1988). Naiman et to be larger upstream than downstream
al. (1994) discussed the extent and con- and tend to be larger in riffles than in
nectivity of hyphorheic zones around pools (Leopold et al. 1964 ). Likewise,
streams in the Pacific Northwest. They the distribution and role of woody de-
hypothesized that as one moves from bris varies with stream size (Maser and
low-order (small) streams to high-order Sedell 1994).
(large) streams, the degree of hy- In forested watersheds, and in streams
phorheic importance and continuity with significant areas of trees in their ri-
first increases and then decreases. In parian corridor, large woody debris that
small streams, the hyphorheic zone is falls into the stream can increase the
limited to small floodplains, meadows, quantity and diversity of substrate and
and stream segments where coarse sedi- aquatic habitat or range (Bisson et al.
ments are deposited over bedrock. The 1987, Dolloff et al. 1994). Debris dams
hyphorheic zones are generally not con- trap sediment behind them and often
tinuous. In mid-order channels with create scour holes immediately down-
more extensive floodpl ains, the spatial stream. Eroded banks commonly occur
connectivity of the hyphorheic zone in- at the boundaries of debris blockages.
creases. In large order streams, the spa-
tial extent of the hyphorheic zone is

2- 72 Chapter 2: Stream Corridor Processes, Characteristics, and Functions

Organic Material
Metabolic activity within a stream reach water
depends on autochthonous, allochtho-
... -~
nous, and upstream sources of food and <

nutrients (Minshall et al. 1985). Au- I

tochthonous materials, such as algae ...... ....

and aquatic macrophytes, originate '
within the stream channel, whereas al-
lochthonous materials such as wood,
leaves, and dissolved organic carbon,
originate outside the stream channel.
Upstream materials may be of au-
tochthonous or allochthonous origin
and are transported by streamflow to
downstream locations. Seasonal flood-
ing provides allochthonous input of or-
ganic material to the stream channel and
also can significantly increase the rate of
decomposition of organic material. Figure 2.35: Hyphorheic zone. Summary of the
The role of primary productivity of different means of migration undergone by
members of the stream benthic community.
streams can vary depending on geo-
graphic location, stream size, and sea-
son (Odum 1957, Minshall 1978). The gen reserves and result in fish kills and
river continuum concept (Vannote et al. other aesthetic problems in waterbodies.
1980) (see The River Continuum Concept
Eutrophication in lakes and reservoirs is
in section 1.E in Chapter 1) hypothe-
indirectly measured as standing crops
sizes that primary productivity is of
of phytoplankton biomass, usually rep-
minimal importance in shaded head-
resented by planktonic chlorophyll a
water streams but increases in signifi-
concentration. However, phytoplankton
cance as stream size increases and
biomass is usually not the dominant
riparian vegetation no longer limits the
portion of plant biomass in smaller
entry of light to stream periphyton. Nu-
streams, due to periods of energetic
merous researchers have demonstrated
flow and high substrate to volume ra-
that primary productivity is of greater
tios that favor the development of peri-
importance in certain ecosystems, in-
phyton and macrophytes on the stream
cluding streams in grassland and desert
bottom. Stream eutrophication can re-
ecosystems. Flora of streams can range
sult in excessive algal mats and oxygen
from diatoms in high mountain streams
depletion at times of decreased flows
to dense stands of macrophytes in low
and higher temperatures (Figure 2.36) .
gradient streams of the Southeast.
Furthermore, excessive plant growth can
As discussed in Section 2.C, loading of occur in streams at apparently low am-
nitrogen and phosphorus to a stream bient concentrations of nitrogen and
can increase the rate of algae and phosphorus because the stream currents
aquatic plant growth, a process known promote efficient exchange of nutrients
as eutrophication. Decomposition of this and metabolic wastes at the plant cell
excess organic matter can deplete oxy- surface.

Biological Community Characteristics 2- 73

stream portions of the stream. This uni-
directional movement of nutrients and
organic matter in lotic systems is
slowed by the temporary retention,
storage, and utilization of nutrients in
leaf packs, accumulated debris, inverte-
brates, and algae.
Organic matter processing has been
shown to have nutrient-dependent rela-
tionships similar to primary productiv-
ity. Decomposition of leaves and other
forms of organic matter can be limited
by either nitrogen or phosphorus, with
predictive N:P ratios being similar to
those for growth of algae and periphy-
ton. Leaf decomposition occurs by a
sequential combination of microbial
Figure 2.36: Stream eutrophication.
decomposition, invertebrate shredding,
Eutrophication can result in oxygen depletion. and physical fractionation. Leaves and
organic matter itself are generally low
In many streams, shading or turbidity in protein value. However, the coloniza-
limit the light available for algal tion of organic matter by bacteria and
growth, and biota depend highly on fungi increases the net content of nitro-
allochthonous organic matter, such as gen and phosphorus due to the accu-
leaves and twigs produced in the sur- mulation of proteins and lipids
rounding watershed. Once leaves or contained in microbial biomass. These
other allochthonous materials enter the compounds are a major nutritive source
stream, they undergo rapid changes for aquatic invertebrates. Decaying or-
(Cummins 1974). Soluble organic com- ganic matter represents a major storage
pounds, such as sugars, are removed via component for nutrients in streams, as
leaching. Bacteria and fungi subse- well as a primary pathway of energy
quently colonize the leaf materials and and nutrient transfer within the food
metabolize them as a source of carbon. web. Ultimately, the efficiency of reten-
The presence of the microbial biomass tion and utilization is reflected at the
increases the protein content of the top of the food web in the form of fish
leaves, which ultimately represents a biomass.
high quality food resource for shred- Organisms often respond to variations
ding invertebrates. in the availability of autochthonous, al-
The combination of microbial decom- lochthonous, and upstream sources. For
position and invertebrate shredding/ example, herbivores are relatively more
scraping reduces the average particle common in streams having open ripar-
size of the organic matter, resulting in ian canopies and high algal productiv-
the loss of carbon both as respired CO 2 ity compared to streams having closed
and as smaller organic particles trans- canopies and accumulated leaves as the
ported downstream. These finer parti- primary food resource (Minshall et al.
cles, lost from one stream segment, 1983). Similar patterns can be observed
become the energy inputs to the down- longitudinally within the same stream
(Behmer and Hawkins 1986).

2- 74 Chapter 2: Stream Corridor Processes, Characteristics, and Functions

Terrestrial and Aquatic aquatic systems. As the character and
Ecosystem Components for distribution of vegetation is altered by
Stream Corridor Restoration removal of biomass, agriculture, live-
stock grazing, development, and other
The previous sections presented the bio- land uses, and the flow patterns of
logical components and functional water, sediment, and nutrients are mod-
processes that shape stream corridors. ified, the interactions among system
The terrestrial and aquatic environ- components become less efficient and
ments were discussed separately for the effective. These problems can become
sake of simplicity and ease of under- more pronounced when they are aggra-
standing. Unfortunately, this is fre- vated by introductions of excess nutri-
quently the same approach taken in ents and synthetic toxins, soil
environmental restoration initiatives, disturbances, and similar impacts.
with efforts placed separately on the
uplands, riparian area, or instream Stream migration and flooding are
channel. The stream corridor must be principal sources of structural and
viewed as a single functioning unit or compositional variation within and
ecosystem with numerous connections among plant communities in most
and interactions between components. undisturbed floodplains (Brinson et al.
Successful stream corridor restoration 1981). Although streams exert a com-
cannot ignore these fundamental rela- plex influence on plant communities,
tionships. vegetation directly affects the integrity
and characteristics of stream systems.
The structure and functions of vegeta- For example, root systems bind bank
tion are interrelated at all scales. They sediments and moderate erosion
are also directly tied to ecosystem dy- processes, and floodplain vegetation
namics. Particular vegetation types may slows overbank flows, inducing sedi-
have characteristic regeneration strate- ment deposition. Trees and smaller
gies (e.g., fire, treefall gaps) that main- woody debris that fall into the channel
tain those types within the landscape at deflect flows, inducing erosion at some
all times. Similarly, certain topographic points and deposition at others, alter
settings may be more likely than others pool distribution, the transport of or-
to be subject to periodic, dramatic ganic material, as well as a number of
changes in hydrology and related vege- other processes. The stabilization of
tation structure as a result of massive streams that are highly interactive with
debris jams or occupation by beavers. their floodplains can disrupt the funda-
However, in the context of stream corri- mental processes controlling the struc-
dor ecosystems, some of the most fun- ture and function of stream corridor
damental dynamic interactions relate to ecosystems, thereby indirectly affecting
stream flooding and channel migration. the characteristics of the surrounding
Many ecosystem functions are influ- landscape.
enced by the structural characteristics of In most instances, the functions of veg-
vegetation. In an undeveloped water- etation that are most apparent are those
shed, the movement of water and other that influence fish and wildlife. At the
materials is moderated by vegetation landscape level, the fragmentation of
and detritus, and nutrients are mobi- native cover types has been shown to
lized and conserved in complex pat- significantly influence wildlife, often fa-
terns that generally result in balanced voring opportunistic species over those
interactions between terrestrial and requiring large blocks of contiguous

Biological Community Characteristics 2- 75

habitat. In some systems, relatively and Johnson 1971, Johnson 1971,
small breaks in corridor continuity can Carothers et al. 1974). Subsequent
have significant impacts on animal studies by other investigators found
movement or on the suitability of similar results. Basically, cottonwood-
stream conditions to support certain willow gallery forests of the North
aquatic species. In others, establishment American Southwest supported the
of corridors that are structurally differ- highest concentrations of noncolonial
ent from native systems or inappropri- nesting birds for North America. De-
ately configured can be equally struction and fragmentation of these ri-
disruptive. Narrow corridors that are es- parian forests reduced species richness
sentially edge habitat may encourage and resulted in a nearly straight-line re-
generalist species, nest parasites, and lationship between numbers of nesting
predators, and where corridors have pairs/acre and number of mature
been established across historic barriers trees/acre. Later studies demonstrated
to animal movement, they can disrupt that riparian areas are equally impor-
the integrity of regional animal assem- tant as conduits for migrating birds
blages (Knopf et al. 1988). (Johnson and Simpson 1971, Stevens et
Some riparian dependent species are al. 1977).
linked to streamside riparian areas with When considering restoration of ripar-
fairly contiguous dense tree canopies. ian habitats, the condition of adjacent
Without new trees coming into the habitats must be considered. Carothers
population, older trees creating this (1979) found that riparian ecosystems,
linked canopy eventually drop out, cre- especially the edges, are widely used by
ating ever smaller patches of habitat. nonriparian birds. In addition he found
Restoration that influences tree stands that some riparian birds utilized adja-
so that sufficient recruitment and patch cent nonriparian ecosystems. Carothers
size can be attained will benefit these et al. (1974) found that smaller breed-
species. For similar reasons, many ripar- ing species [e.g., warblers and the West-
ian-related raptors such as the common ern wood pewee ( Contopus sordidulus)]
black-hawk (Buteogallus anthracinus), tended to carry on all activities within
gray hawk (Buteo nitidus), bald eagle the riparian ecosystem during the
(Haliaeetus leucocephalus), Cactus ferrug- breeding season. However, larger
inous pygmy-owl (Glaucidium brasil- species (e.g., kingbirds and doves) com-
ianum cactorum), and Cooper's hawk monly foraged outside the riparian
(Accipiter cooperii), depend upon various ecosystem in adjacent habitats. Larger
sizes and shapes of woody riparian trees species (e.g., raptors) may forage miles
for nesting substrate and roosts. from riparian ecosystems, but still de-
Restoration practices that attain suffi- pend on them in critical ways (Lee et al.
cient tree recruitment will greatly bene- 1989).
fit these species in the long term, and Because of more mesic conditions cre-
other species in the short term. ated by the canyon effect, canyons and
Some aspects related to this subject their attendant riparian vegetation serve
have been discussed as ecosystem com- as corridors for short-range movem ents
ponents and functions under other sec- of animals along elevational gradients
tions. Findings from the earliest studies (e.g., between summer and winter
of the impacts of fragmentation of ri- ranges). Long-range movem ents that
parian habitats on breeding birds were occur along riparian zones throughout
published for the Southwest (Carothers North America include migration of

2- 76 Chapter 2: Stream Corridor Processes, Characteristics, and Functions

birds and bats. Riparian zones also braska has greatly decreased the
serve as stopover habitat for migrating amount of important wet meadow
birds (Stevens et al. 1977). Woody vege- habitat. This area has been declared
tation is generally important, not only critical habitat for the whooping crane
to most riparian ecosystems, but also to (Grus americana) (Aronson and Ellis
adjacent aquatic and even upland 1979), for piping plover, and for the in-
ecosystems. However, it is important to terior least tern. It is also an important
establish clear management objectives staging area for up to 500,000 sandhill
before attempting habitat modification. cranes (Grus canadensis ) from late Feb-
Restoring all of a given ecosystem to its ruary to late April and supports 150 to
"pristine condition" may be impossible, 250 bald eagles ( Haliaeetus
especially if upstream conditions have leucocephalus). Numerous other impor-
been heavily modified, such as by a tant species using the area include the
dam or other water diversion project. peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus),
Even if complete restoration is a possi- Canada goose (Branta canadensis), mal-
bility, it may not accomplish or com- lard (Anas platyrhynchos), numerous
plement the restoration goals. other waterfowl, and raptors (USFWS
1981). Thus, managers here are con-
For example, encroachment of woody fronted with means of reducing riparian
vegetation in the channel below several groves in favor of wet meadows.
dams in the Platte River Valley in Ne-

Biological Community Characteristics 2- 77

2.E Functions and Dynamic Equilibrium

Throughout the past two chapters, this Habitat-the spatial

document has covered stream corridor structure of the envi-
ronment which allows
structure and the physical, chemical,
species to live, repro-
and biological processes occurring in duce, feed, and move.
stream corridors. This information
shows how stream corridors function as Habitat
ecosystems, and consequently, how
these ch aracteristic structural features Barrier- the stoppage
and processes must be understood in of materials, energy,
order to enable stream corridor func- and organisms.

tions to be effectively restored. In fact,

reestablishing structure or restoring a
particular physical or biological process
is not the only thing that restoration
seeks to achieve. Restoration aims to Conduit-the ability of
reestablish valued functions. Focusing the system to transport
on ecological functions gives the materials, energy, and
restoration effort its best chance to organisms.

recreate a self-sustaining system. This

property of sustainability is what sepa-
rates a functionally sound stream, that
freely provides its many benefits to peo- Filter-the selective
ple and the natural environment, from penetration of materi-
an impaired watercourse that cannot als, energy, and organ-
sustain its valued functions and may re- isms.
main a costly, long-term maintenance
Section 1.A of Chapter 1 emphasized
matrix, patch, corridor and mosaic as Source-a setting
the most basic building blocks of physi- where the output of
cal structure at local to regional scales. materials, energy, and
organisms exceeds
Ecological functions, too, can be sum-
marized as a set of basic, common
themes that recur in an infinite variety
of settings. These six critical functions
are habitat, conduit, filter, barrier, source, Sink-a setting where
and sink (Figure 2.37) . the input of water,
energy, organisms
In this section, the processes and struc-
and materials exceeds
tural descriptions of the past two chap- output.
ters are revisited in terms of these
critical ecological functions. Sink
Two attributes are particularly impor- Figure 2.37: Critical ecosystem functions. Six
tant to the operation of stream corridor functions can be summarized as a set of basic,
functions: common themes recurring in a variety of settings.

2-78 Chapter 2: Stream Corridor Processes, Characteristics, and Functions

• Connectivity-This is a measure of average dimension and variance,
how spatially continuous a corridor number of narrows, and varying
or a matrix is (Forman and Godron habitat requirements (Dramstad et
1986). This attribute is affected by al. 1996).
gaps or breaks in the corridor and Width and connectivity interact
between the corridor and adjacent throughout the length of a stream corri-
land uses (Figure 2.38). A stream dor. Corridor width varies along the
corridor with a high degree of con- length of the stream and may have
nectivity among its natural commu- gaps. Gaps across the corridor interrupt
nities promotes valuable functions and reduce connectivity. Evaluating
including transport of materials and connectivity and width can provide
energy and movement of flora and some of the most valuable insight for
fauna. designing restoration actions that miti-
• Width-In stream corridors, this refers gate disturbances.
to the distance across the stream and The following subsections discuss each
its zone of adjacent vegetation cover. of the functions and general relation-
Factors affecting width are edges, ship to connectivity and width. The
community composition, environ- final subsection discusses dynamic
mental gradients, and disturbance equilibrium and its relevance to stream
effects of adjacent ecosystems, corridor restoration.
including those with human activity.
Example measures of width include

Figure 2.38: Landscapes with (A) high and (B) low degrees of connectivity. A connected landscape
structure generally has higher levels of functions than a fragmented landscape.

Functions and Dynamic Equilibrium 2- 79

Habitat Functions major river valleys together can provide
substantial habitat. North American fly-
ways include examples of stream and
river corridor habitat exploited by mi-
gratory birds at landscape to regional
Stream corridors, and other types of
naturally vegetated corridors as well,
can provide migrating forest and ripar-
Habitat is a term used to describe an ian species with their preferred resting
area where plants or animals (including and feeding habitats during migration
people) normally live, grow, feed, re- stopovers. Large mammals such as
produce, and otherwise exist for any black bear are known to require large,
portion of their life cycle. Habitats pro- contiguous wild terrain as home range,
vide organisms or communities of or- and in many parts of the country broad
ganisms with the necessary elements of stream corridors are crucial to linking
life, such as space, food, water, and smaller patches into sufficiently large
shelter. territories.
Under suitable conditions often pro- Habitat functions within watersheds
vided by stream corridors, many species may be examined from a somewhat dif-
can use the corridor to live, find food ferent perspective. Habitat types and
and water, reproduce, and establish vi- patterns within the watershed are signif-
able populations. Some measures of a icant, as are patterns of connectivity to
stable biological community are popu- adjoining watersheds. The vegetation of
lation size, number of species, and ge- the stream corridor in upper reaches of
netic variation, which fluctuate within watersheds sometimes has become dis-
expected limits over time. To varying connected from that of adjacent water-
degrees, stream corridors constructively sheds and corridors beyond the divide.
influence these measures. The corridor's When terrestrial or semiaquatic stream
value as habitat is increased by the fact corridor communities are connected at
that corridors often connect many small their headwaters, these connections will
habitat patches and thereby create usually help provide suitable alternative
larger, more complex habitats with habitats beyond the watershed.
larger wildlife populations and higher Assessing habitat function at the stream
biodiversity. corridor and smaller scales can also be
Habitat functions differ at various viewed in terms of patches and corri-
scales, and an appreciation of the scales dors, but in finer detail than in land-
at which different habitat functions scapes and watersheds. It is also at local
occur will help a restoration initiative scales that transitions among the vari-
succeed. The evaluation of habitat at ous habitats within the corridor can be-
larger scales, for example, may make come more important. Stream corridors
note of a biotic community's size, com- often include two general types of habi-
position, connectivity, and shape. tat structure: interior and edge habitat.
Habitat diversity is increased by a corri-
At the landscape scale, the concepts of
dor that includes both edge and interior
matrix, patches, mosaics and corridors
conditions, although for most streams,
are often involved in describing habitat
corridor width is insufficient to provide
over large areas. Stream corridors and

2- 80 Chapter 2: Stream Corridor Processes, Characteristics, and Functions

Edge and Interior Habitat edge is more pronounced when the amount of
interior habitat is minimal.
Two important habitat characteristics are edges
and interior (Figure 2.39) Edges are critical lines of Interior habitat occurs further from the perimeter
interaction between different ecosystems. Interior of the element. Interior is typified by more stable
habitats are generally more stable, sheltered envi- environmental inputs than those found at the
ronments where the ecosystem may remain rela- edge of an ecosystem. Sunlight, rainfall, and wind
tively the same for prolonged periods. Edge habi- effects are less intense in the interior. Many sensi-
tat is exposed to highly variable environmental gra- tive or rare species depend upon a less-disturbed
dients. The result is a different species composition environment for their survival. They are therefore
and abundance than observed interior habitat. tolerant of only "interior" habitat conditions. The
Edges are important as filters of disturbance to distance from the perimeter required to create
interior habitat. Edges can also be diverse areas these interior conditions is dependent upon the
with a large variety of flora and fauna. species' requirements.
Edges and interiors are scale-independent concepts. Interior plants and animals differ considerably from
Larger mammals known as interior forest species those that prefer or tolerate the edge's variability
may need to be miles from the forest edge to find With an abundance of edge, stream corridors
desired habitat, while an insect or amphibian may often have mostly edge species. Because large
be sensitive to the edges and interiors of the micro- ecosystems and wide corridors are becoming
habitat under a rotted log. The edges and interiors increasingly fragmented in modern landscapes,
of a stream corridor, therefore, depend upon the however, interior species are often rare and hence
species being considered. As elongated, narrow are targets for restoration. The habitat require-
ecosystems that include /and/water interfaces and ments of interior species (with respect to distance
often include natural/human-made boundaries as from edge are a useful guide in restoring larger
well at the upland fringe, stream corridors have an stream corridors to provide a diversity of habitat
abundance of edges and these have a pronounced types and sustainable communities.
effect on their biota.
Edges and interiors are each preferred by different
sets of plant and animal species, and it is inappro-
priate to consider edges or interiors as consistently
"bad" or "good" habitat characteristics. It may be
desirable to maintain or increase edge in some
circumstances, or favor interior habitats in others.
Generally speaking, however, human activity tends
to increase edge and decrease interior, so more
often it is restoring or protecting interior that
merits sp ecific management action.
Edge habitat at the stream corridor boundary typi-
cally has higher inputs of solar energy, precipita-
tion, wind energy, and other influences from the
adjacent ecosystems. The difference in environ-
mental gradients at the stream corridor's edge Figure 2.39: Edge and interior habitat of a woodlot.
results in a diversified plant and animal community In terior plants and animals differ considerably from
interacting with adjacent ecosystems. The effect of those that prefer or tolerate the edge's variability.

Natural Disturbances 2- 81
much interior habitat for larger verte- Pools may be formed downstream from
brates such as forest interior bird a log that has fallen across a stream and
species. For this reason, increasing inte- both upstream and downstream flow
rior habitat is sometimes a watershed characteristics are altered. The structure
scale restoration objective. formed by large woody debris in a
Habitat functions at the corridor scale stream improves aquatic habitat for
are strongly influenced by connectivity most fish and invertebrate species.
and width. Greater connectivity and in- Riparian forests, in addition to their
creased width along and across a stream edge and interior habitats, may offer
corridor generally increases its value as vertical habitat diversity in their canopy,
habitat. Stream valley morphology and subcanopy, shrub and herb layers. And
environmental gradients (such as grad- within the channel itself, riffles, pools,
ual changes in soil wetness, solar radia- glides, rapids and backwaters all pro-
tion, and precipitation) can cause vide different habitat conditions in
changes in plant and animal communi- both the water column and the
ties. More species generally find suitable streambed. These examples, all de-
habitat conditions in a wide, contigu- scribed in terms of physical structure,
ous, and diverse assortment of native illustrate once again the strong linkage
plant communities within the stream between structure and habitat function.
corridor than in a narrow, homoge-
neous or highly fragmented corridor. Conduit Function
When applied strictly to stream chan-
nels, however, this might not be true.
Some narrow and deeply incised
streams, for example, provide thermal
conditions that are critical for endan-
gered salmonids.
Habitat conditions within a corridor
vary according to factors such as climate The conduit function is the ability to
and microclimate, elevation, topogra- serve as a flow pathway for energy, ma-
phy, soils, hydrology, vegetation, and terials, and organisms. A stream corri-
human uses. In terms of planning dor is above all a conduit that was
restoration measures, corridor width is formed by and for collecting and trans-
especially important for wildlife. When porting water and sediment. In addi-
planning for maintenance of a given tion, many other types of materials and
wildlife species, for example, the dimen- biota move throughout the system.
sion and shape of the corridor must be
wide enough to include enough suit- The stream corridor can function as a
able habitat that this species can popu- conduit laterally, as well as longitudi-
late the stream corridor. Corridors that nally, with movement by organisms and
are too narrow may provide as much of materials in any number of directions.
a barrier to some species' movement as Materials or animals may further move
would a complete gap in the corridor. across the stream corridor, from one
side to another. Birds or small mam-
On local scales, large woody debris that mals, for example, may cross a stream
becomes lodged in the stream channel
with a closed canopy by moving
can create morphological changes to through its vegetation. Organic debris
the stream and adjacent streambanks. and nutrients may fall from higher to

2-82 Chapter 2: Stream Corridor Processes, Characteristics, and Functions

lower floodplains and into the stream isms) are in part the excesses of energy
within corridors, affecting the food sup- from its own system.
ply for stream invertebrates and fishes. One of the best known and studied ex-
Moving material is important because it amples of aquatic species movement
impacts the hydrology, habitat, and and interaction with the watershed is
structure of the stream as well as the ter- the migration of salmon upstream for
restrial habitat and connections in the spawning. After maturing in the ocean,
floodplain and uplands. The structural the fish are dependent on access to
attributes of connectivity and width also their upstream spawning grounds. In
influence the conduit function. the case of Pacific salmon species/ the
For migratory or highly mobile wildlife, stream corridor is dependent upon the
corridors serve as habitat and conduit resultant biomass and nutrient input of
simultaneously. Corridors in combina- abundant spawning and dying adults
tion with other suitable habitats, for ex- into the upper reaches of stream sys-
ample, make it possible for songbirds tems during spawning. Thus, connectiv-
to move from wintering habitat in the ity is often critical for aquatic species
neo-tropics to northern, summer habi- transport, and in tum, nutrient trans-
tats. Many species of birds can only fly port upstream from ocean waters to
for limited distances before they must stream headwaters.
rest and refuel. For stream corridors to Streams are also conduits for distribu-
function effectively as conduits for these tion of plants and their establishment
birds, they must be sufficiently con- in new areas (Malanson 1993). Flowing
nected and be wide enough to provide water may transport and deposit seeds
required migratory habitat. over considerable distances. In flood
Stream corridors are also conduits for stage, mature plants may be uprooted,
the movement of energy, which occurs relocated, and redeposited alive in new
in many forms. The gravity-driven en- locations. Wildlife also help redistribute
ergy of stream flow continually sculpts plants by ingesting and transporting
and modifies the landscape. The corri- seeds throughout different parts of the
dor modifies heat and energy from sun- corridor.
light as it remains cooler in spring and Sediment (bed load or suspended load)
summer and warmer in the fall. Stream is also transported through the stream.
valleys are effective airsheds, moving Alluvial streams are dependent on the
cool air from higher to lower elevations continual supply and transport of sedi-
in the evening. The highly productive ment, but many of their fish and inver-
plant communities of a corridor accu- tebrates can also be harmed by too
mulate energy as living plant material, much fine sediment. When conditions
and export large amounts in the form are altered, a stream may become either
of leaf fall or detritus. The high levels starved of sediment or choked with sed-
of primary productivity, nutrient flow, iment down-gradient. Streams lacking
and leaf litter fall also fuel increased appropriate amounts of sediment at-
decomposition in the corridor, allow- tempt to reestablish equilibrium through
ing new transformations of energy and downcutting, bank erosion, and channel
materials. At its outlet, a stream's out- erosion. An appropriately structured
puts to the next larger water body (e.g., stream corridor will optimize timing
increased water volume, higher temper- and supply of sediment to the stream to
ature, sediments, nutrients, and organ- improve sediment transport functions.

Functions and Dynamic Equilibrium 2-83

Local areas in the corridor are depen- nectivity (gap frequency) and corridor
dent on the flow of materials from one width (Figure 2.40). Elements which
point to another. In the salmonid ex- . are moving along a stream corridor edge
ample, the local upland area adjacent to may also be selectively filtered as they
spawning grounds is dependent upon enter the stream corridor. In these cir-
the nutrient transfer from the biomass cumstances it is the shape of the edge,
of the fish into other terrestrial wildlife whether it is straight or convoluted,
and off into the uplands. The local which has the greatest effect on filtering
structure of the streambed and aquatic functions. Still, it is most often move-
ecosystem are dependent upon the sedi- ment perpendicular to the stream corri-
ment and woody material from up- dor which is most effectively filtered or
stream and upslope to create a halted.
self-regulating and stable channel. Materials may be transported, filtered,
Stream corridor width is important or stopped altogether depending upon
where the upland is frequently a sup- the width and connectedness of a
plier of much of the natural load of stream corridor. Material movement
sediment and biomass into the stream. across landscapes toward large river val-
A wide, contiguous corridor acts as a leys may be intercepted and filtered by
large conduit, allowing flow laterally stream corridors. Attributes such as the
and longitudinally along the corridor. structure of native plant communities
Conduit functions are often more lim- can physically affect the amount of
ited in narrow or fragmented corridors. runoff entering a stream system through
uptake, absorption, and interruption.
Fiiter and Barrier Functions Vegetation in the corridor can filter out
much of the overland flow of nutrients,
sediment, and water.
Siltation in larger streams can be re-
duced through a network of stream cor-
ridors functioning to filter excessive
sediment. Stream corridors filter many
of the upland materials from moving
unimpeded across the landscape.
Stream corridors may serve as barriers Ground water and surface water flows
that prevent movement or filters that are filtered by plant parts below and
allow selective penetration of energy, above ground. Chemical elements are
materials and organisms. In many ways, intercepted by flora and fauna within
the entire stream corridor serves benefi- stream corridors. A wider corridor pro-
cially as a filter or barrier that reduces vides more effective filtering, and a con-
water pollution, 2- 83minimizes sedi- tiguous corridor functions as a filter
ment transport, and often provides a along its entire length.
natural boundary to land uses, plant
communities, and some less mobile Breaks in a stream corridor can some-
wildlife species. times have the effect of funneling dam-
aging processes into that area. For
Materials, energy, and organisms which example, a gap in contiguous vegetation
moved into and through the stream cor- along a stream corridor can reduce the
ridor may be filtered by structural attrib- filtering function by focusing increased
utes of the corridor. Attributes affecting runoff into the area, leading to erosion,
barrier and filter functions include con-

2- 84 Chapter 2: Stream Corridor Processes, Characteristics, and Functions



Figure 2.40: The width of the vegetation buffer influences filter and barrier functions.
Dissolved substances, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and other nutrients, entering a vegetated
stream corridor are restricted from entering the channel by friction, root absorption, clay, and
soil organic matter.
Adapted from Ecology of Greenways: Design and Function of linear Conservation Areas.
Edited by Smith and Hellmund. ©University of Minnesota Press 1993.

gullying, and the free flow of sediments the conditions of the corridor may ger-
and nutrients into the stream . minate and establish a population. The
Edges at the boundaries of stream corri- lobes have acted as a selective filter col-
dors begin the process of filtering. lecting some seeds at the edge and al-
Abrupt edges concentrate initial filter- lowing other species to interact at the
ing functions into a narrow area. A boundary (Forman 1995).
gradual edge increases filtering and
spreads it across a wider ecological
gradient (Figure 2.41).
Movement parallel to the corridor is
affected by coves and lobes of an un-
even corridor's edge. These act as barri-
ers or filters for materials flowing into
the corridor. Individual plants may
selectively capture materials such as
wind-borne sediment, carbon, or pro-
pagules as they pass through a convo- Figure 2.41: Edges can be (a) abrupt or
1uted edge. Herbivores traveling along (b) gradual. Abrupt edges, usually caused
by disturbances, tend to discourage movement
a boundary edge, for example, may stop
between ecosystems and promote movement
to rest and selectively feed in a shel- along the boundary. Gradual edges usually
tered nook The wind blows a few seeds occur in natural settings, are more diverse,
into the corridor, and those suited to and encourage movement between ecosystems.

Functions and Dynamic Equilibrium 2- 85

Source and Sink Functions they lack a suitable body of research
and practical application guidelines.
Forman (1995) offers three source and
sink functions resulting from floodplain
• Decreased downstream flooding
through floodwater moderation
and/or uptake

Sources provide organisms, energy or • Containment of sediments and

materials to the surrounding landscape. other materials during flood stage
Areas that function as sinks absorb or- • Source of soil and water organic
ganisms, energy, or materials from the matter
surrounding landscape. Influent and ef-
Biotic and genetic source/sink relation-
fluent reaches, discussed in Section 1.B
ships can be complex. Interior forest
of Chapter 1, are classic examples of
birds are vulnerable to nest parasitism
sources and sinks. The influent or "los-
by cowbirds when they try to nest in
ing" reach is a source of water to the
too small a forest patch. For these
aquifer, and the effluent or "gaining"
species, small forest patches can be
reach is a sink for ground water.
considered sinks that reduce their pop-
Stream corridors or features within them ulation numbers and genetic diversity
can act as a source or a sink of environ- by causing failed reproduction. Large
mental materials. Some stream corridors forest patches with sufficient interior
act as both, depending on the time of habitat, in comparison, support success-
year or location in the corridor. Stream- ful reproduction and serve as sources of
banks most often act as a source, for more individuals and new genetic com-
example, of sediment to the stream. At binations.
times, however, they can function as
sinks while flooding deposits new sedi- Dynamic Equilibrium
ments there. At the landscape scale, cor- The first two chapters of this document
ridors are connectors to various other have emphasized that, although stream
patches of habitats in the landscape and corridors display consistent patterns in
In constantly as such they are sources and conduits of
their structure, processes, and functions,
genetic material throughout the land- these patterns change naturally and con-
scape. stantly, even in the absence of human
like stream cor-
ridors, stability Stream corridors can also act as a sink disturbance. Despite frequent change,
is the ability of for storage of surface water, ground streams and their corridors exhibit a
a system to water, nutrients, energy, and sediment dynamic form of stability. In constantly
persist within allowing for materials to be temporarily changing ecosystems like stream corri-
a range of con- fixed in the corridor. Dissolved sub- dors, stability is the ability of a system
ditions. This stances, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, to persist within a range of conditions.
phenomenon This phenomenon is referred to as
and other nutrients, entering a vege-
is referred to dynamic equilibrium.
tated stream corridor are restricted from
as dynamic
entering the channel by friction, root The maintenance of dynamic equilib-
absorption, clay, and soil organic mat- rium requires that a series of self-cor-
ter. Although these functions of source recting mechanisms be active in the
and sink are conceptually understood, stream corridor ecosystem. These mech-

2-86 Chapter 2: Stream Corridor Processes, Characteristics, and Functions

anism s allow the ecosystem to control
external stresses or d isturbances within
a certain range of responses thereby
maintaining a self-sustaining condition. Stability, Disturbance, and Recovery
The threshold levels associated with Stability, as a characteristic of ecosystems, combines
these ranges are difficult to identify and the concepts of resistance, resilience, and recovery.
quantify. If they are exceeded, the sys- Resistance is the ability to maintain original form and
tem can become u nstable. Corridors functions. Resilience is the rate at which a system returns
may then un dergo a series of adjust- to a stable condition after a disturbance. Recovery is the
ments to ach ieve a new steady state degree to which a system returns to its original condition
condition, but usually after a long pe- after a disturbance. Natural systems have developed
riod of time h as elapsed. ways of coping with disturbance, in order to produce
Many stream systems can accomm odate recovery and stability. Human activities often superim-
fairly significant disturbances and still pose additional disturbances which may exceed the
return to functional condition in a rea- recovery capability of a natural system. The fact that
sonable time frame, once the source of change occurs, however, does not always mean a system
the disturbance is controlled or re- is unstable or in poor condition.
moved . Passive restoration is based on The term mosaic stability is used to denote the stability
this tendency of ecosystems to heal of a larger system within which local changes still take
themselves when external stresses are place. Mosaic stability, or the lack thereof, illustrates the
removed. Often th e removal of stress importance of the landscape perspective in making site-
and the time to recover naturally are an specific decisions. For example, in a rapidly urbanizing
economical and effective restoration landscape, a riparian system denuded by a 100-year
strategy. When significant disturbance flood may represent a harmful break in already dimin-
and alteration has occurred, however, a ished habitat that splits and isolates populations of a
stream corridor may require several rare amphibian species. In contrast the same riparian
decades to restore itself. Even then, the system undergoing flooding in a less-developed land-
recovered system may be a very differ- scape may not be a geographic barrier to the amphibian,
ent type of stream that, although at but merely the mosaic of constantly shifting suitable and
equilibrium again, is of severely dimin- unsuitable habitats in an unconfined, naturally function-
ished ecological value in comparison ing stream. The latter landscape with mosaic stability is
with its previous potential. When not likely to need restoration while the former landscape
restoration practitioners' analysis indi- without mosaic stability is likely to need it urgently.
cates lengthy recovery time or dubious Successful restoration of any stream corridor requires an
recovery potential for a stream, they understanding of these key underlying concepts.
may decide to use active restoration
techniques to reestablish a more func-
tional channel form, corridor structure,
and biological community in a much
shorter time frame. The main benefit of
an active restoration approach is regain-
turbance. In addition, disturbances can
ing functionality more quickly, but the
often stress the system beyond its nat-
biggest challenge is to plan, design, and
ural ability to recover. In these instances
implement correctly to reestablish the
restoration is needed to remove the
desired state of dynamic equilibrium.
cause of the disturbance or stress (pas-
This new equilibrium condition, how- sive) or to repair damages to the struc-
ever, may not be the same that existed ture and functions of the stream
prior to the initial occurrence of the dis- corridor ecosystem (active).

Functions and Dynamic Equilibrium 2- 87

Stream orridors
3.A Natural Disturbances
3.B Human-Induced Distrubances

isturbances that bring cha~ges to best be understood by how they affect

D stream corridors and assooated
ecosystems are natural events or human-
the ecosystem structure, processes, and
functions introduced in Chapters 7 and 2.
induced activities that occur separately or
A disturbance occurring within or adjacent
simultaneously (Figure 3.1). Either individ-
to a corridor typically produces a causal
ually or in combination, disturbances
chain of effects, which may permanently
place stresses on the stream corridor that
alter one or more characteristics of a
have the potential to alter its structure
stable system. A view of this chain is
and impair its ability to perform key eco-
illustrated in Figure 3.2 (Wesche 7985).
logical functions. The true impact of these
This view can be applied in many stream
disturbances can
corridor restoration initiatives with the
ideal goal of moving back
as far as feasible on
the cause-effect chain
to plan and select
restoration alternatives

Figure 3.1: Disturbance in the

stream corridor. Both natural
and human-induced distur-
bances result in changes to
stream corridors.
changes in
land or stream
of these subsequent forms of direct
corridor use
or indirect disturbance should be
addressed in restoration planning
and design for successful results.
changes in
stream This chapter focuses on under-
standing how various disturbances
changes in functi on affect the stream corridor and asso-
such as habitat,
sediment transport, ciated ecosystems. We can better
and st orage
determine what actions are needed
changes in
populat ion, to restore stream corridor structure
.___,, composition, and
distribution, and functions by understanding the
and lower water
table elevations
evolution of what disturbances are
stressing the system, and how the
Figure 3.2: Chain of events due to disturbance.
Disturbance to a stream corridor system typical- system responds to those stresses.
ly results in a causal chain of alterations to
stream corridor structure and functions. Section 3.A: Natural Disturbances
This section introduces natural dis-
turbances as a multitude of poten-
(Armour and Williamson 7988).
tial events that cover a broad range
Otherwise, chosen alternatives may
of temporal and spatial scales.
merely treat symptoms rather than
Often the agents of natural regen-
the source of the problem.
eration and restoration, natural dis-
Using this broad goal along with turbances are presented briefly as
the thoughtful use of a responsive part of the dynamic system and
evaluation and design process will evolutionary process at work in
greatly reduce the need for trial- stream corridors.
and-error experiences and enhance
Section 3.8: Human-Induced
the opportunities for successful
restoration . Passive restoration, as
the critical first option to pursue, Traditionally the use and manage-
will result. ment of stream corridors have fo-
cused on the health and safety or
Disturbances can occur anywhere material wealth of society Human-
within the stream corridor and as- induced forms of disturbances and
sociated ecosystems and can vary in resulting effects on the ecological
terms of frequency, duration, and structure and functions of stream
intensity A single disturbance event corridors are, therefore, common.
may trigger a variety of distur- This section briefly describes some
bances that differ in frequency, du- of these major disturbance activities
ration, intensity, and location. Each and their potential effects.

3-2 Chapter 3: Disturbance Affecting Stream Corridors

Changes on Broad Temporal Tectonics alter landscapes over periods of
and Spatial Scales hundreds to millions of years, typically
beyond the limits of human observance.
Disturbance occurs within variations of
Tectonics involves mountain-building
scale and time. Changes brought about
forces like folding and faulting or earth-
by land use, for example, may occur with-
quakes that modify the elevation of the
in a single year at the stream or reach
earth's surface and change the slope of
scale (crop rotation), a decade within the
the land. In response to such changes, a
corridor or stream scale (urbanization),
stream typically will modify its cross sec-
and even over decades within the land-
tion or its planform. Climatic changes, in
scape or corridor scale (long-term forest
contrast, have been historically and even
management). Wildlife populations, such
geologically recorded. The quantity, tim-
as monarch butterfly populations, may
ing, and distribution of precipitation often
fluctuate wildly from year to year in a
causes major changes in the patterns of
given locality while remaining nationally
vegetation, soils, and runoff in a land-
stable over several decades. Geomorphic
scape. Stream corridors subsequently
or climatic changes may occur over hun-
change as runoff and sediment loads vary
dreds to thousands of years, while weath-
er changes daily

3.A Natural Disturbances

Floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, fire, In general, riparian vegetation is re-

lightning, volcanic eruptions, earth- silient. A flood that destroys a mature
quakes, insects and disease, landslides, cottonwood gallery forest also com-
temperature extremes, and drought are monly creates nursery conditions nec-
among the many natural events that essary for the establishment of a new
disturb structure and functions in the forest (Brady et al. 1985), thereby in-
stream corridor (Figure 3.3). How creasing the resilience and degree of re-
ecosystems respond to these distur- covery of the riparian system.
bances varies according to their relative
stability, resistance, and resilience. In
many instances they recover with little
or no need for supplemental restora- Figure 3.3: Drought-
tion work one of many types of
natural disturban ce.
Natural disturbances are sometimes How a stream corri-
agents of regeneration and restoration. dor respo nds to d is-
Certain species of riparian plants, for turbances depends on
example, have adapted their life cycles its relative stability,
resistance, and
to include the occurrence of destruc-
tive, high-energy disturbances, such as
alternating floods and drought.

Natural Disturbances 3- 3
Ecosystem Resilience in Eastern
Upland Forests
Eastern upland forest systems, dominated by Resilience of the Eastern Upland Forest can be dis-
stands of beech/maple, have adapted to many rupted, however, by widespread effects such as
types of natural disturbances by evolving attributes acid rain and indiscriminate logging and associated
such as high biomass and deep, established root road building. These and other disturbances have
systems (Figure 3.4). Consequently, they are rela- the potential to severely alter lighting conditions,
tively unperturbed by drought or other natural dis- soil moisture, soil nutrients, soil temperature,
turbances that occur at regular intervals. Even and other factors critical for persistence of the
when unexpected severe stress such as fire or beech/maple forest. Recovery of an eastern
insect damage occurs, the impact is usually only "climax" system after a widespread disturbance
on a local scale and therefore insignificant in the might take more than 150 years.
persistence of the community as a whole.

Figure 3.4: Eastern upland forest system. The beech/maple-dominated system is resistent to many natural forms of
stress due to high biomass; deep, established root systems; and other adaptations.

3-4 Chapter 3: Disturbance Affecting Stream Corridors

Before the Next Flood

1993 floods, the 1995 floods were the fourth

R ecently the process of recovery from major
flood events has taken on a new dimension.
Environmental easements, land acquisition, and
largest in Arnold's history Because of the reloca-
tion and other floodplain management efforts,
relocation of vulnerable structures have become federal assistance to individuals totaled less than
more prominent tools to assist recovery and $40, 000. As the city of Arnold demonstrated,
reduce long-term flood vulnerability In addition having a local floodplain management plan in
to meeting the needs of disaster victims, these place before a flood makes it easier to take
actions can also be effective in achieving stream advantage of the mitigation opportunities after
corridor restoration. Local interest in and support a severe flood.
for stream corridor restoration may be high after Across the Midwest, the 1993 floods resulted in
a large flood event, when the floodwaters recede record losses with over 55, 000 homes flooded.
and the extent of property damage can be fully Total damage estimates ranged between $12
assessed. At this point, public recognition of the billion and $16 billion. About half of the damage
costly and repetitive nature of flooding can pro- was to residences, businesses, public facilities,
vide the impetus needed for communities and and transportation infrastructure. The Federal
individuals to seek better solutions. Advanced Emergency Management Agency and the U.S.
planning on a systemwide basis facilitates identifi- Department of Housing and Urban Development
cation of areas most suited to levee setback land
were able to make considerably more funding
acquisition, and relocation. available for acquisition, relocation, and raising
The city of Arnold, Missouri, is located about 20 the elevation of properties than had been avail-
miles southwest of St. Louis at the confluence of able in the past. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
the Meramec and Mississippi Rivers. When the and state agencies were also able to acquire
Mississippi River overflows its banks, the city of property easements along the rivers. As a result,
Arnold experiences backwater conditions-river losses from the 1995 floods in the same areas
water is forced back into the Meramec River, were reduced and the avoided losses will contin-
causing flooding along the Meramec and smaller ue into the future. In addition to reducing the
tributaries to the Meramec. The floodplains of the potential for future flood damages, the acquisi-
Mississippi, Meramec, and local tributaries have tion of property in floodplains and the subse-
been extensively developed. This development has quent conversion of that property into open
decreased the natural function of the floodplain. space provides an opportunity for the return of
In 1991 Arnold adopted a floodplain manage- the natural functions of stream corridors.
ment plan that included, but was not limited to I

a greenway to supplement the floodplain of the

Mississippi River, an acquisition and relocation
program to facilitate creation of the greenway,
regulations to guide future development and
ensure its consistency with the floodplain man-
agement objectives, and a watershed manage-
ment plan. The 1993 floods devastated Arnold
(Figure 3.5). More than $2 million was spent on
federal disaster assistance to individuals, and the
city's acquisition program spent $7.3 million in
property buyouts. Although not as severe as the
Figure 3.5: Flooding in Arnold, Missouri (1983).

Natural Disturbances 3-5

3.B Human-Induced Disturbances

Human-induced disturbances brought Physical disturbance effects occur at

about by land use activities undoubt- any scale from landscape and stream
edly have the greatest potential for in- corridor to stream and reach, where
troducing enduring changes to the they can cause impacts locally or at lo-
ecological structure and functions of cations far removed from the site of
stream corridors (Figure 3.6). Chemi- origin. Activities such as flood control,
cally defined disturbance effects, for ex- forest management, road building and
brought about ample, can be introduced through maintenance, agricultural tillage, and
by land use many activities including agriculture irrigation, as well as urban encroach-
activities un- (pesticides and nutrients), urban activi- ment, can have dramatic effects on the
doubtedly have ties (municipal and industrial waste geomorphology and hydrology of a wa-
the greatest contaminants), and mining (acid mine tershed and the stream corridor mor-
potential for drainage and heavy metals). phology within it. By altering the
introducing en- structure of plant communities and
They have the potential to disturb nat-
during changes soils, these and other activities can af-
to the ecologi- ural chemical cycles in streams, and
thus to degrade water quality. Chemical fect the infiltration and movement of
cal structure water, thereby altering the timing and
and functions disturbances from agriculture are
usually widespread, nonpoint sources. magnitude of runoff events. These dis-
of stream
Municipal and industrial waste conta- turbances also occur at the reach scale
minants are typically point sources and and cause changes that can be ad-
often chronic in duration. Secondary dressed in stream corridor restoration.
effects, such as agricultural chemicals The modification of stream hydraulics,
attached to sediments and increased for example, directly affects the system,
soil salinity, frequently occur as a result
of physical activities (irrigation or
heavy application of herbicide). In
these cases, it is better to control the
physical activity at its source than to
treat the symptoms within a stream
Biologically defined disturbance effects
occur within species (competition, can-
nibalism, etc.) and among species
(competition, predation, etc.). These
are natural interactions that are impor-
tant determinants of population size
and community organization in many
ecosystems. Biological disturbances due
to improper grazing management or
recreational activities are frequently
encountered. The introduction of
exotic flora and fauna species can in-
troduce widespread, intense, and con- Figure 3.6: Agricultural activity. Land use activi-
tinuous stress on native biological ties can cause extensive physical, biological, or
communities. chemical disturbances in a watershed and
stream corridor.

3- 6 Chapter 3: Disturbance Affecting Stream Corridors

causing an increase in the intensity of
disturbances caused by floods.
This section is divided into two subsec-
tions. Common disturbances are dis-
cussed first, followed by land use

Common Disturbances
Dams, channelization, and the intro-
duction of exotic species represent
forms of disturbance found in many
if not all of the land uses discussed
later in this chapter. Therefore, they
are presented as separate discussions
in advance of more specific land use
activities that potentially introduce
disturbance. Many societal benefits are
derived from these land use changes.
This document, however, focuses on Figure 3.7: An impoundment dam. Dams range
their potential for disturbance and sub- widely in size and purp~se, and in their effects
sequent restoration of stream corridors. on stream corridors.

communities, and habitat or can aug-
Ranging from small temporary struc- ment flows, which also results in alter-
tures constructed of stream sediment to ations to the stream corridor.
huge multipurpose structures, dams
Dams affect resident and migratory
can have profound and varying impacts
organisms in stream channels. The
on stream corridors (Figure 3.7). The
disruption of flow blocks or slows the
extent and impact largely depend on
passage and migration of aquatic or-
the purposes of the dam and its size in
ganisms, which in turn affects food
relation to stream flow.
chains associated with stream corridor
Changes in discharges from dams can functions (Figure 3.8). Without high
cause downstream effects. Hydropower flows, silt is not washed from the gravel
dam discharges may vary widely on a beds on which many aquatic species
hourly and daily basis in response to rely for spawning. Upstream fish move-
peaking power needs and affect the ment may be blocked by relatively
downstream morphology. The rate of small structures. Downstream move-
change in the discharge can be a signif- ment may be slowed or stopped by the
icant factor increasing streambank ero- dam or its reservoir. As a stream current
sion and subsequent loss of riparian dissipates in a reservoir, smolts of
habitat. Dams release water that differs anadromous fish may lose a sense of
from that received. Flowing streams can downstream direction or might be sub-
slow and change into slack water pools, ject to more predation, altered water
sometimes becoming lacustrine envi- chemistry, and other effects.
ronments. A water supply dam can de-
Dams also affect species by altering
crease instream flows, which alters the
water quality. Relatively constant flows
stream corridor morphology, plant
can create constant temperatures,

Human-Induced Disturbances 3- 7
which affect those species dependent streambed and banks may occur until
on temperature variations for reproduc- the equilibrium bed load is reestab-
tion or maturation. In places where ir- lished. Scouring lowers the streambed
rigation water is stored, unnaturally and erodes streambanks and riparian
low flows can occur and warm more zones, vital habitat for many species.
easily and hold less oxygen, which can Without new sources of sediment,
cause stress or death in aquatic organ- sandbars alongside and within streams
isms. Likewise, large storage pools keep are eventually lost, along with the
water cool, and released water can re- habitats and species they support.
sult in significantly cooler temperatures Additionally, as the stream channel
downstream to which native fish might becomes incised, the water table under-
not be adapted. lying the riparian zone also lowers.
Dams also disrupt the flow of sediment Thus, channel incision can lead to ad-
and organic materials (Ward and verse changes in the composition of
Standford 1979). This is particularly vegetative communities within the
evident with the largest dams, whereas stream corridor.
dams which are typically low in eleva- Conversely, when dams are constructed
tion and have small pools modify nat- and operated to reduce flood damages,
ural flood and transport cycles only the lack of large flood events can result
slightly. As stream flow slackens, the in channel aggradation and the narrow-
load of suspended sediment decreases ing and infilling of secondary channels
and sediment drops out of the stream (Collier et al. 1996).
to the reservoir bottom. Organic mater-
ial suspended in the sediment, which Channelization and Diversions
provides vital nutrients for downstream Like dams, channelization and diver-
food webs, also drops out and is lost to sions cause changes to stream corri-
the stream ecosystem. dors. Stream channelization and
When suspended sediment load is de- diversions can disrupt riffle and pool
creased, scouring of the downstream complexes needed at different times in
the life cycle of certain aquatic organ-
isms. The flood conveyance benefits of
channelization and diversions are often
offset by ecological losses resulting
from increased stream velocities and re-
duced habitat diversity. Instream modi-
fications such as uniform cross section
and armoring result in less habitat for
organisms living in or on stream sedi-
ments (Figure 3.10). Habitat is also
lost when large woody debris, which
frequently supports a high density of
aquatic macroinvertebrates, is removed
(Bisson et al. 1987, Sweeney 1992).
The impacts of diversions on the
stream corridor depend on the timing
Figure 3.8: Biological effects of dams. Dams and amount of water diverted, as well
can prevent the migration of anadromous fish as the location, design, and operation
and other aquatic organisms.

3-8 Chapter 3: Disturbance Affecting Stream Corridors

The Glen Canyon Dam Spiked Flow

threatened with loss from erosion. The spike flow

T he Colorado River watershed is a 242, 000-
square-mile mosaic of mountains, deserts, and
canyons. The watershed begins at over 14, 000
also liberated large quantities of vital nutrients. It
created 20 percent more backwater areas for
spawning native fish. No endangered species were
feet in the Rocky Mountains and ends at the Sea
significantly harmed, nor was the trout fishery
of Cortez. Many native species require very specific
immediately below Glen Canyon Dam harmed. The
environments and ecosystem processes to survive.
flow was not, however, strong enough to flush
Before settlement of the Colorado River water-
some nonnative species (e.g., tamarisk) from the
shed, the basin's rivers and streams were charac-
system as had been hoped. One important finding
terized by a large stochastic variability in the annu-
was that most of the ecological effects were real-
al and seasonal flow levels. This was representative
ized during the first 48 hours of the week-long
of the highly variable levels of moisture and runoff.
high-flow conditions.
This hydrologic variability was a key factor in the
evolution of the basin's ecosystems. The Bureau of Reclamation is continuing to moni-
tor the effects of the spike flow. The effects of the
Settlement and subsequent development and man-
restorative flood are not permanent. New beaches
agement of the waters of the Colorado River sys-
and sandbars will continue to erode. An adaptive
tem detrimentally affected the ecological processes.
management approach will help guide future deci-
Today over 40 dams and diversion structures con-
trol the river system and result in extensive frag- sions about spike flows and management of flows
to better balance the competing needs for
mentation of the watershed and riverine ecosys-
hydropower, flood protection, and preservation of
tem. Watershed development, in addition to the
the Grand Canyon ecosystem. It might be that
dams, has also resulted in modifications to the
short spike flows are ecologically more acceptable.
hydrology and the sediment input.
Changing flow releases provides another tool that,
Historically, flood flows moved nutrients into the if properly used, can help restore ecological
ecosystem, carved the canyons, and redistributed processes that are essential for maintaining ecosys-
sand from the river bottom creating sandbars and tem health and biodiversity
backwaters where fish could breed and grow. In
1963, the closure of Glen Canyon Dam, about 15
miles upstream of the Grand Canyon, permanently
altered these processes (Figure 3.9). In the spring
of 1996 the Bureau of Reclamation ran the first
controlled release of water from Glen Canyon Dam
to test and study the ability to use "spike flows"
for redistribution of sediment (sand) from the river
bottom to the river's margins in eddy zones. The
primary objective of the controlled release of large
flows was to restore portions of the ecological
equation by mimicking the annual floods which
used to occur in the Grand Canyon.
Flow releases of 45, 000 cfs were maintained for
one w eek. The results were mixed. Th e flood
heightened and slightly widened existing sandbars. Figure 3.9: Glen Canyon Dam. The Glen Canyon Dam
It built scores of new camping beaches and provid- permanently altered downstream functions and ecology.
ed additional protection for archeological sites

Human-Induced Disturbances 3- 9
of the diversion structure or its pumps the natural functions of the floodplain,
(Figure 3.11 ). The effects of diversions including temporary flood storage.
on stream flows are similar to those ad- Levees juxtaposed to streams tend to
dressed for darns. The effects of levees replace riparian vegetation. The loss or
depend on siting considerations, de- diminishrnent of the tree overstory and
sign, and maintenance practices. other riparian vegetation results in the
Flood damage
reduction mea- Earthen diversion channels leak, and changes in shading, temperature, and
sures encom- the water lost for irrigation may create nutrients discussed earlier.
pass a wide wetlands. Leakage may support a vege-
variety of tative corridor approaching that of a Introduction of Exotic Species
strategies, simple riparian community, or it can Stream corridors naturally evolve in an
some of which facilitate spread of exotic species, such environment of fluctuating flows and
might not be as tarnarisk (Tamarisk chinensis). Diver- seasonal rhythms. Native species
compatible sions can also trap fish, resulting in di-
with goals of adapted to such conditions might not
minished spawning, lowered health of survive without them. For stream corri-
stream corridor
species, and death of fish. dors that have naturally evolved in an
Flood damage reduction measures en- environment of spring floods and low
compass a wide variety of strategies, winter and summer flows, the diminu-
some of which might not be compati- tion of such patterns can result in the
ble with goals of stream corridor creation of a new succession of plants
restoration. Floodwalls and levees can and animals and the decline of native
increase the velocity of the stream and species. In the West, nonnative species
elevate flood heights by constraining like tamarisk can invade altered stream
high flows of the river to a narrow corridors and result in creation of a
band. When floodwalls are set farther habitat with lower stability. The native
back from streams, they can define the fauna might not secure the same sur-
stream corridor and for some or all of vival benefits from this altered condi-
tion because they did not evolve with
tamarisk and are not adapted to using it.
The introduction of exotic species,
whether intentional or not, can cause
disruptions such as predation, hy-
bridization, and the introduction of
diseases. Nonnative species compete
with native species for moisture, nutri-
ents, sunlight, and space and can ad-
versely influence establishment rates
for new plantings, foods, and habitat.
In some cases, exotic plant species can
even detract from the recreational value
of streams by creating a dense, impene-
trable thicket along the strearnbank.
Well-known examples of the effects of
exotic species introduction include the
Figure 3. 10: Stream channelization. Jnstream planned introduction of kudzu and the
modifications, such as uniform cross section inadvertent introduction of the zebra
and armoring, result in ecological decline. mussel. Both species have imposed

3- 10 Chapter 3: Disturbance Affecting Stream Corridors

widespread, intense, and continuous
stress on native biological communi-
ties. Tamarisk (also known as salt
cedar) is perhaps the most renowned
exotic in North America. It is an aggres-
sive, exotic colonizer in the West due to
its high rate of seed production and
ability to withstand long periods of

Figure 3.11: Stream diversion. Diversions are

built to provide water for numerous purposes,
including agriculture, industry, and drinking
water supplies.

Exotic Species in the West

Exotic animals are a common problem in
many areas of the West. "Wild" burros
wander up and down many desert wash-
es and stream corridors. Their destructive
foraging is often evident in sensitive ripar-
ian areas. Additionally, species such as
bullfrogs, not native to most of the West,
have been introduced in many waters
(Figure 3.12). Without the normal checks
and balances found in their native habitat
in the eastern United States, bullfrogs Figure 3.12: Bullfrog. Without the normal
reproduce prodigiously and prey on checks and balances found in the eastern
numerous native amphibians, reptiles, United States, bullfrogs in the West have
reproduced prodigiously.
fish, and small mammals.
Source: C. Zabawa.

Human-Induced Disturbances 3- 11
Salt Cedar Control at Bosque del
Apache National Wildlife Refuge,
New Mexico
burn indicated the herbicide might not have had
T he exotic salt cedar (Tamarix chinensis) has
become the predominant woody species
along many of the stream corridors in the
time to kill the plant prior to the burning.
Mechanical control using heavy equipment was
Southwest. The wide distribution of this species another option. Root plowing and raking have
can be attributed to its ability to tolerate a wide long been used as a technique for salt cedar con-
range of environmental factors and its adaptabili- trol. A plow is pulled by a bulldozer; severing salt
ty to new stream conditions accelerated by cedar root crowns from the remaining root mass
human activities (e.g., summer flooding or no about 12 to 18 inches below the ground surface,
flooding, reduced or altered water tables, high followed by root raking, which pulls the root
salinity from agricultural tail water; and high levels crowns from the ground for later stacking.
of sediment downstream from grazed water-
sheds). Salt cedar is particularly abundant on reg-
ulated rivers. Its ability to rapidly dominate ripari-
an habitat results in exclusion of cottonwood, wil-
low, and many other native riparian species.
Salt cedar control is an integral part of riparian
restoration and enhancement at Bosque de/
Apache National Wildlife Refuge on the Rio
Grande in central New Mexico. Diverse mosaics
of native cottonwood/black willow (Populus fre-
montii/Salix nigra) forests, screw bean mesquite
(Prosobis pubescens) brush/ands, and saltgrass
(Distichlis sp.) meadows have been affected by
this invasive exotic. The degree of infestation
varies widely throughout the refuge, ranging
from isolated plants to extensive monocu/tures
totaling thousands of acres. For the past 10
years, the refuge has experimented with me-
chanical and herbicide programs for feasible
control of salt cedar.
The refuge has experimented with several tech-
niques in controlling large salt cedar monocul-
tures prior to native plant establishment.
Herbicide/broadcast burn and mechanical tech-
niques have been employed on three 150-acre
units on the refuge (Figure 3.13). Initially, the
strategy for control was aerial application of a Figure 3.13: Salt cedar site (a) before and (b) after
low-toxicity herbicide, at 2 quarts/acre in the late treatment. Combinations of burning, chemical treat-
summer; followed by a broadcast prescribed burn ment, and mechanical control techniques can be used
a year later. This control method appeared effec- to control salt cedar, giving native vegetation an
opportunity to colonize and establish.
tive; however; extensive resprouting following the

3-12 Chapter 3: Disturbance Affecting Stream Corridors

There are advantages and disadvantages with
each technique (Table 3.1). Cost-effectiveness is
the distinct advantage of an herbicide/burn con-
trol program. Costs can be low if resprouting is
minor and burning removes much of the aerial
vegeta.t ion. Because an herbicide/burn program is
poteniially cost-effective, this technique is again
being experimented with at the refuge. Costs are
being further reduced by combining the original
herbicide with a less expensive herbicide. A delay
of 2 years prior to broadcast burning is expected
to dramatically reduce resprouting, allowing time
for the herbicide to effectively move throughout
the entire plant. Disadvantages of herbicide appli- Bosque del Apache
National Wildlife
cation include restrictions regarding application Refuge,
near water bodies and impacts on native vegeta- New Mexico
tion remnants within salt cedar monocultures.
Advantages of mechanical control include proven
effectiveness and more thorough site preparation spot herbicide applications are made using a 1
for revegetation. Disadvantages include signifi- percent solution from a small sprayer. To date,
cant site disturbance, equipment approximately 1, 000 acres of salt cedar have
breakdowns/delays, and lower effectiveness in been controlled, with over 500 acres effectively
tighter clay soils. Both methods require skill in restored to native riparian vegetative communi-
equipment operation, whether applying herbicide ties. A combination of techniques in the control
aerially or operating heavy equipment. of salt cedar has proven effective and will contin-
Other salt cedar infestations on the refuge are ue to be used in the future.
relatively minor, consisting of small groups of
plants or scattered individual plants. Nonetheless, Table 3. 1: Salt cedar control techniques at Bosque de/ Apache.
these patches are aggressively controlled to pre-
vent spread. Heavy equipment requires working
space and is generally restricted to sites of 1 acre
and larger. For these smaller areas, front end
loaders have been filled with "stinger bars, "
which remove individual plant root crowns much
• --····· ···

. .
. ..

.. :

30 x x x 99%
like a root plow For areas of less than 1 acre,

H uman-lnduced Disturbances 3- 13
Land Use Activities Vegetative Clearing
One of the most obvious disturbances
from agriculture involves the removal
According to the 1992 Natural Re- of native, riparian, and upland vegeta-
sources Inventory (USDA-NRCS 1992), tion. Producers often crop as much
cultivated and noncultivated cropland productive land as possible to enhance
make up approximately 382 million economic returns; therefore, vegetation
acres of the roughly 1.9 billion acres is sacrificed to increase arable acres.
existing in the contiguous United As the composition and distribution of
States, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the vegetation are altered, the interactions
U.S. Virgin Islands (excludes Alaska). between structure and function become
The conversion of undisturbed land to fragmented. Vegetative removal from
agricultural production has often dis- streambanks, floodplains, and uplands
rupted the previously existing state of often conflicts with the hydrologic and
dynamic equilibrium. Introduced at the geomorphic functions of stream corri-
landscape, watershed, stream corridor, dors. These disturbances can result in
stream, and reach scales, agricultural sheet and rill as well as gully erosion,
activities have generally resulted in en- reduced infiltration, increased upland
croachment on stream corridors with surface runoff and transport of contam-
significant changes to the structure and inants, increased streambank erosion,
mix of functions usually found in sta- unstable stream channels, and im-
ble systems (Figure 3.14). paired habitat.
lnstream Modifications
Flood-control structures and channel
modifications implemented to protect
agricultural systems further disrupt the
geomorphic and hydrologic characteris-
tics of stream corridors and associated
uplands. For agricultural purposes,
streams are often straightened or
moved to "square-up" fields for more
efficient production and reconstructed
to a new profile and geometric cross
section to accommodate increased
runoff. Stream corridors are also often
modified to enhance conditions for
single purposes such as fish habitat, or
to manage conditions such as localized
streambank erosion. Some of the po-
tential effects caused by these changes
are impaired upland or floodplain sur-
face and subsurface flow; increased
Figure 3. 14: Agriculture fragments natural
ecosystems. Cultivated and noncultivated crop-
water temperature, turbidity, and pH;
land make up approximately 382 million acres incised channels; lower ground water
of the roughly 1.9 billion acres existing in the elevations; streambank failure; and loss
contiguous United States, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, of habitat for aquatic and terrestrial
and the U.S. Virgin Islands (excludes Alaska). speoes.

3- 14 Chapter 3: Disturbance Affecting Stream Corridors

Soil Exposure and Compaction
Tillage and soil compaction interfere
with soil's capacity to partition and reg-
ulate the flow of water in the land-
scape, increase surface runoff, and
decrease the water-holding capacity of
soils. Increases in the rate and volume
of throughflow in the upper soil layers
are frequent. Tillage also often aids in
the development of a hard pan, a layer
of increased soil density and decreased
permeability that restricts the move-
ment of water into the subsurface.
The resulting changes in surface and
ground water flow often initiate incised
channels and effects similar to those
discussed previously for instream
modifications. Figure 3. 15: Central pivot irrigation systems use
ground water sources. Reliance on aquifers for
Irrigation and Drainage irrigation has brought about major changes in
Diverting surface water for irrigation ground water supply, as well as the landscape.
and depleting aquifers have brought
about major changes in stream corri-
dors. Aquifers have been a desired
source of water for agriculture because mented habitat and natural filtration
ground water is usually high-quality systems needed to slow and purify
and historically abundant and is a runoff. The results are often a com-
more reliable source than rivers, lakes, pressed and exaggerated hydrograph.
and reservoirs (Figure 3.15). Under-
ground water supplies have diminished Sediment and Contaminants
at an alarming rate in the United Disturbance of soil associated with
States, with ground water levels re- agriculture generates runoff polluted
ported to be dropping an estimated with sediment, a major nonpoint
foot or more a year under 45 percent of source pollutant in the nation. Pesti-
the ground water-irrigated cropland cides and nutrients (mainly nitrogen,
(Dickason 1988). phosphorous, and potassium) applied
Agricultural drainage, which allows the during the growing season can leach
conversion of wetland soils to agricul- into ground water or flow in surface
tural production, lowers the water water to stream corridors, either dis-
table. Tile drainage systems concentrate solved or adsorbed to soil particles. Ap-
ground water discharge to a point plied aerially, these same chemicals can
source, in contrast to a diffuse source drift into the stream corridor. Improper
of seeps and springs in more natural storage and application of animal
discharges. Subsurface tile drainage sys- waste from concentrated animal pro-
tems, constructed waterways, and duction facilities are potential sources
drainage ditches constitute a landscape of chemical and bacterial contaminants
scale network of disturbances. These to stream corridors.
practices have eliminated or frag-

Human-Induced Disturbances 3- 15
Soil salinity is a naturally occurring Forestry
phenomenon found most often in
floodplains and other low-lying areas Three general activities associated with
of wet soils, lakes, or shallow water ta- forestry operations can affect stream
bles. Dissolved salts in surface and corridors-tree removal, activities nec-
ground water entering these areas be- essary to transport the harvested tim-
come concentrated in the shallow ber, and preparation of the harvest site
ground water and the soils as evapo- for regeneration.
transpiration removes water. Agricul- Removal of Trees
tural activities in such landscapes can Forest thinning includes the removal of
increase the rate of soil salinization by either mature trees or immature trees
changing vegetation patterns or by ap- to provide more growth capability for
plying irrigation water without ade- the remaining trees. Final harvest re-
quate drainage. In the arid and moves mature trees, either singularly or
semiarid areas of the West, irrigation in groups. Both activities reduce vegeta-
can import salts into a drainage basin. tive cover.
Since crops do not use up the salts,
they accumulate in the soil. Salinity Tree removal decreases the quantity of
levels greater than 4 millimhos/cm can nutrients in the watershed since ap-
alter soil structure, promote waterlog- proximately one-half of the nutrients
ging, cause salt toxicity in plants, and in trees are in the trunks. Instream nu-
decrease the ability of plants to take up trient levels can increase if large limbs
water. fall into streams during harvesting and
decompose. Conversely, when tree
cover is removed, there is a short-term
increase in nutrient release followed by
long-term reduction in nutrient levels.
Drainage and Streambank Erosion
Removal of trees can affect the quality,
Many wetlands have been drained to increase the acres
quantity, and timing of stream flows
of arable land. The drainage area of the Blue Earth River
for the same reasons that vegetative
in the glaciated areas of west-central Minnesota, for
clearing for agriculture does. If trees are
example, has almost doubled due to extensive tile
removed from a large portion of a wa-
drainage of depressional areas that formerly stored sur-
tershed, flow quantity can increase ac-
face runoff. Studies to identify sources of sediment in
cordingly. The overall effect depends
this watershed have been made, and as a result, farmers
on the quantity of trees removed and
ha~e complied with reduced tillage and increased crop
their proximity to the stream corridor
residue recommendations to help decrease the suspend-
(Figure 3.16). Increases in flood peaks
ed sediment load in the river. Testing, however, indicates
can occur if vegetation in the area clos-
the sediment problem has not been solved. Some indi-
est to the stream is removed. Long-term
viduals have suggested that streambank erosion, not
loss of riparian vegetation can result in
erosion on agricultural lands, might be the source of the
bank erosion and channel widening,
sediment. Streambank erosion is more likely to be the
increasing the width/depth ratio (Hart-
result of drainage and subsequent changes to runoff
man et al. 1987, Oliver and Hinckley
patterns in the watershed.
1987, Shields et al. 1994). Water tem-
perature can increase during summer
and decrease in winter by removal of
shade trees in riparian areas. Allowing
large limbs to fall into a stream and di-

3-16 Chapter 3: Disturbance Affecting Stream Corridors

vert stream flow may alter flow patterns
and cause bank or bed erosion.
Removal of trees can reduce availability
of cavities for wildlife use and other-
wise alter biological systems, particu-
larly if a large percentage of the tree
cover is removed. Loss of habitat for
fish, invertebrates, aquatic mammals,
amphibians, birds, and reptiles can
Transportation of Products
Forest roads are constructed to move
loaded logs from the landing to higher-
quality roads and then to a manufac-
turing facility. Mechanical means to
move logs to a loading area (landing)
produce "skid trails." Stream crossings
Figure 3.16: Riparian forest. Streamside forest
are necessary along some skid trails cover serves many important functions such as
and most forest road systems and are stabilizing streambanks and moderating diur-
especially sensitive areas. nal stream temperatures.

Removal of topsoil, soil compaction,

and disturbance by equipment and log
skidding can result in long-term loss of Mechanical methods that completely
productivity, decreased porosity, de- remove competing species can cause
creased soil infiltration, and increased severe compaction, particularly in wet
runoff and erosion. Spills of petroleum soils. This compaction reduces infiltra-
products can contaminate soils. Trails, tion and increases runoff and erosion.
roads, and landings can intercept Moving logging debris into piles or
ground water flow and cause it to be- windrows can remove important nutri-
come surface runoff. ents from the soil. Depending on the
Soil disturbance by logging equipment methods used, significant soil can be
can have direct physical impact on removed from the site and stacked with
habitat for a wide variety of amphib- piled debris, further reducing site pro-
ians, mammals, fish, birds, and rep- ductivity.
tiles, as well as physically harm Intense prescribed fire can volatilize
wildlife. Loss of cover, food, and other important nutrients, while less intense
needs can be critical. Sediment can clog fire can mobilize nutrients for rapid
fish habitat, widen streams, and accel- plant ~ptake and growth. Use of fire
erate streambank erosion. can also release nutrients to the stream
Site Preparation in unacceptable quantities.
Preparing the harvested area for the Mechanical methods that cause signifi-
next generation of desired trees typi- cant compaction or decrease infiltra-
cally includes some use of prescribed tion can increase runoff and therefore
fire or other methods to prepare a seed the amount of water entering the
bed and reduce competition from un- stream system. Severe mechanical dis-
wanted species. turbance can result in significant ero-

Human-Induced Disturbances 3- 17
sion and sedimentation. Conversely, lowing discussion, cattle grazing pro-
less disruptive mechanical means can vides the focus, although sheep, goats,
increase organic matter in the soil sur- and other less common species also
face and increase infiltration. Each can have particular effects that might
method has advantages and disadvan- be different from those discussed. It is
tages. important to note that the effects dis-
Direct harm can occur to wildlife by cussed result from poorly managed
mechanical means or fire. Loss of habi- grazing systems.
tat can occur if site preparation physi- The primary impacts that result from
cally removes most competing grazing of domestic livestock are the
vegetation. Loss of diversity can result loss of vegetative cover due to its con-
from efforts to strongly limit competi- sumption or trampling and streambank
tion with desired timber species. Care- erosion from the presence of livestock
less use of mechanical equipment can (Table 3.2).
directly damage streambanks and cause
Loss of Vegetative Cover
Reduced vegetative cover can increase
Domestic Livestock Grazing soil compaction and decrease the depth
of and productivity of topsoil. Reduced
Grazing of domestic livestock, primar-
cover of mid-story and overstory plants
ily cattle and sheep, is commonplace
decreases shade and increases water
across the nation. Stream corridors are
temperatures, although this effect di-
particularly attractive to livestock for minishes as stream width increases.
many reasons. They are generally
Sediment from upland or streambank
highly productive, providing ample for-
erosion can reduce water quality
age. Water is close at hand, shade is
through increases in turbidity and at-
available to cool the area, and slopes
tached chemicals. Where animal con-
are gentle, generally less than 35 per-
centrations are large, fecal material can
cent in most areas. Unless carefully
increase nutrient loads above standards
managed, livestock can overuse these
and introduce bacteria and pathogens,
areas and cause significant disturbance
although this is uncommon. Dissolved
(Figure 3.17). For purposes of the fol-
oxygen reductions can result from high
temperature and nutrient-rich waters.
Extensive loss of ground cover in the
watershed and stream corridor can de-
crease infiltration and increase runoff,
leading to higher flood peaks and addi-
tional runoff volume. Where reduced
cover increases overland flow and pre-
vents infiltration, additional water may
flow more rapidly into stream channels
so that flow peaks come earlier rather
than later in the runoff cycle, produc-
ing a more "flashy" stream system. Re-
ductions in baseflow and increases in
Figure 3.17: livestock in stream. Use of stream stormflow can result in a formerly
corridors by domestic livestock can result in perennial stream becoming intermit-
extensive physical disturbance and bacteriolog- tent or ephemeral.
ical contamination.

3- 18 Chapter 3: Disturbance Affecting Stream Corridors

Table 3.2: Livestock impacts on stream reduced infiltration, and increased
corridors. runoff. Loss of capillarity reduces the
Impact ability of water to move vertically and
Decreased plant vigor laterally in the soil profile. Reduced
Decreased biomass soil moisture content can reduce site
Alteration of species composition and diversity
capacity for riparian-dependent plant
Reduction or elimination of woody species
species and favor drier upland species.
Elevated surface runoff Trailing can break down streambanks,
Erosion and sediment delivery to streams causing bank failure and increasing
Streambank erosion and failure sedimentation. Excessive trailing can
Channel instability result in gully formation and eventual
Increased width to depth ratios channel extension and migration.
Degradation of aquatic species
Unmanaged grazing can significantly
Water quality degradation
change stream geomorphology. Bank
References: Ames (1977); Knopf and Cannon (1982); Hansen et al.
(1995); Kauffman and Kreuger (1984); Brooks et al. (1991); Platts instability and increased sedimentation
(1979); M acDonald et al. (199 1).
can cause channel widening and in-
creases in the width/depth ratio. In-
Increased sedimentation of channels creased meandering may result, causing
can reduce channel capacity, increasing further instability. Erosion of fine ma-
width/depth ratios, forcing water into terials into the system can change
streambanks, and inducing bank ero- channel bottom composition and alter
sion. This leads to channel instability, sediment transport relationships.
causing other adjustments in the sys-
Excessive livestock use can cause break-
tem. Similarly, excessive water reaching
age or other physical damage to
the system without additional sediment
streamside vegetation. Loss of bank-
may cause channel degradation as in-
holding species and undercut banks
creased stream energy erodes channel
can reduce habitat for fish and other
bottoms, incising the channel.
aquatic species. Excessive sedimenta-
Physical Impacts from Livestock tion can result in filling of stream grav-
Presence els with fine sediments, reducing the
Trampling, trailing, and similar activi- survival of some fish eggs and newly
ties of livestock physically impact hatched fish due to lack of oxygen.
stream corridors. Impacts on soils are Excessive stream temperatures can
particularly dependent on soil moisture be detrimental to many critical fish
content, with compaction presenting a species, as well as amphibians. Loss
major concern. Effects vary markedly of preferred cover reduces habitat for
by soil type and moisture content. Very riparian-dependent species, particularly
dry soils are seldom affected, while birds.
very wet soils may also be resistant to
compaction. Moist soils are typically
more subject to compaction damage. Exploration, extraction, processing, and
Very wet soils may be easily displaced, transportation of coal, minerals, sand
however. Adjusting grazing use to peri- and gravel, and other materials has had
ods where soil moisture will minimize and continues to have a profound ef-
impacts will prevent many problems. fect on stream corridors across the na-
Compaction of soils by grazing animals tion (Figure 3.18). Both surface
can cause increased soil bulk density, mining and subsurface mining damage

Human-Induced Disturbances 3- 19
stream corridors. Surface mining meth- Vegetative Clearing
ods include strip mining, open-pit op- Mining can often remove large areas of
erations, dredging, placer mining, and vegetation at the mine site, transporta-
hydraulic mining. Although several of tion facilities, processing plant, tailings
these methods are no longer com- piles, and related activities. Reduced
monly practiced today, many streams shade can increase water temperatures
throughout the United States remain in enough to harm aquatic species.
a degraded condition as a result of
mining activities that, in some cases, Loss of cover vegetation, poor-quality
occurred more than a century ago. water, changes in food availability, dis-
Such mining activity frequently re- ruption of migration patterns, and sim-
sulted in total destruction of the stream ilar difficulties can have serious effects
corridor. In some cases today, mining on terrestrial wildlife. Species composi-
operations still disturb most or all of tion may change significantly with a
entire watersheds. shift to more tolerant species. Numbers
will likely drop as well. Mining holds
few positive benefits for most wildlife
Soil Disturbance
Transportation, staging, loading, pro-
cessing, and similar activities cause ex-
tensive changes to soils including loss
of topsoils and soil compaction. Direct
displacement for construction of facili-
ties reduces the number of productive
soil acres in the watershed. Covering of
soil by materials such as tailings piles
further reduces the acreage of produc-
tive soils. These activities decrease infil-
tration, increase runoff, accelerate
erosion, and increase sedimentation.
Altered Hydrology
Changes to hydrologic conditions due
to mining activity are extensive. Surface
mining is, perhaps, the only land use
with a greater capacity to change the
hydrologic regime of a stream than ur-
banization. Increased runoff and de-
creased surface roughness will cause
peaks earlier in the hydrograph with
steeper rising and falling limbs. Once-
perennial streams may become inter-
mittent or eph emeral as baseflow
Changes in the quantity of water leav-
Figure 3.18: Results of surface mining. Many
ing a watershed are directly propor-
streams remain in a degraded condition as a
result of mining activities.
tional to the amount of impervious

3- 20 Chapter 3: Disturbance Affecting Stream Corridors

surface or reduced infiltration in a wa- cial risk if operations are not carefully
tershed. Loss of topsoils, soil com- managed.
paction, loss of vegetation, and related Toxic runoff or precipitates can kill
actions will decrease infiltration, in- streamside vegetation or can cause a
crease runoff, increase stormflow, and shift to species more tolerant of mining
decrease baseflows. Total water leaving conditions. This affects habitat required Floating
the watershed may increase due to re- by many species for cover, food, and dredges and
duced in-soil storage. reproduction. hydraulic min-
Stream geomorphology can change ing with high-
Aquatic habitat suffers from several pressure hoses
dramatically, depending on the mining factors. Acid mine drainage can coat earlier in the
method used. Floating dredges and hy- stream bottoms with iron precipitates, century com-
draulic mining with high-pressure thereby affecting the habitat for pletely altered
hoses earlier in the century completely bottom-dwelling and feeding organ- streamcourses.
altered streamcourses. In many places isms. AMD also adds sulfuric acid to
virtually no trace of the original stream the water, killing aquatic life. The low
character exists today. Flow may run pH alone can be toxic, and most met-
completely out of view into piles of als exhibit higher solubility and more
mine tailings. Once-meandering bioavailability under acidic conditions.
streams may now be straight, gullied Precipitates coating the stream bottom
channels. Less extreme mining meth-
can eliminate places for egg survival.
ods can also significantly alter stream Fish that do hatch may face hostile
form and function through steepening stream conditions due to poor water
or lowering the gradient, adding high quality, loss of cover, and limited food
sediment loads, adding excessive water base.
to the system, or removing water from
the system. Recreation
Contaminants The amount of impact caused by recre-
Water and soils are contaminated by ation depends on soil type, vegetation
acid mine drainage (AMD) and the ma- cover, topography, and intensity of use.
terials used in mining. AMD, formed Various forms of foot and vehicular
from the oxidation of sulfide minerals traffic associated with recreational ac-
like pyrite, is widespread. Many hard tivities can damage riparian vegetation
rock mines are located in iron sulfide and soil structure. All-terrain vehicles,
deposits. Upon exposure to water and for example, can cause increased ero-
air, such deposits undergo sulfide oxi- sion and habitat reduction. At loca-
dation with attendant release of iron, tions heavily used by hikers and
toxic metals (lead, copper, zinc), and tourists, reduced infiltration due to soil
excessive acidity. Mercury was often compaction and subsequent surface
used to separate gold from the ore; runoff can result in increased sediment
therefore, m ercury was also lost into loading to the stream (Cole and Mar-
streams. Present-day miners using suc- ion 1988). Widening of the stream
tion dredges often find considerable channel can occur where hiking trails
quantities of mercury still resident in cross the stream or where intensive use
streambeds. Current heap-leaching destroys bank vegetation (Figure 3 .19) .
methods use cyanide to extract gold In areas where th e stream can support
fro m low-quality ores. This poses a spe- recreational boating, the system is vul-
nerable to addition al impacts (Figure

Human-Induced Disturbances 3- 21
far more damage to vegetation and
trails than do pedestrians.
YOU can make a difference!
.:7- Urbanization

,. ~-"-~·'f'
I •
l" Urbanization in watersheds poses spe-
i L /
v' cial challenges to the stream restoration
. •' practitioner. Recent research has shown
Please help us restore that streams in urban watersheds have
South Boulder Creek!
' a character fundamentally different
from that of streams in forested, rural,
or even agricultural watersheds. The
Using small paths and creating
new trails causes unnecessary amount of impervious cover in the wa-
impacts to the sensitive plants tershed can be used as an indicator to
and animals of the area.
predict how severe these differences
can be. In many regions of the country,
as little as 10 percent watershed imper-
vious cover has been linked to stream
Figure 3. 19: Trail sign. Recreational hiking can
degradation, with the degradation be-
cause soil compaction and increased surface coming more severe as impervious
runoff. cover increases (Schueler 1995).
Impervious cover directly influences
3.20). Propeller wash and water dis- urban streams by dramatically increas-
placement can disrupt and resuspend ing surface runoff during storm events
bottom sediments, increase bank ero- (Figure 3.21). Depending on the de-
sion, and disorient or injure sensitive gree of watershed impervious cover, the
aquatic species. In addition, waste dis-
charges or accidental spills from boats
or loading facilities can contribute pol-
lutants to the system (NRC 1992).
Both concentrated and dispersed recre-
ational use of stream corridors can
cause disturbance and ecological
change. Camping, hunting, fishing,
boating, and other forms of recreation
can cause serious disturbances to bird
colonies. Ecological damage primarily
results from the need for access for the
recreational user. A pool in the stream
might be the attraction for a swimmer
or fisherman, whereas a low stream-
bank might provide an access point for
boaters. In either case, a trail often de-
velops along the shortest or easiest
route to the point of access on the
stream. Additional impact may be a
function of the mode of access to the Figure 3.20: Recreational boating. Propeller
stream: motorcycles and horses cause wash and accidental spills can degrade stream

3- 22 Chapter 3: Disturbance Affecting Stream Corridors

annual volume of storm water runoff watershed to at least partially restore
can increase by 2 to 16 times its prede- the predevelopment hydrologic regime.
velopment rate, with proportional re- Some of the key changes in urban
ductions in ground water recharge streams that merit special attention
(Schueler 1995). from the stream restoration practi-
The unique character of urban streams tioner are discussed in the following
often requires unique restoration subsections.
strategies for the stream corridor. For
Altered Hydrology
example, the practitioner must seri-
ously consider the degree of upland de- The peak discharge associated with the
velopment that has occurred or is bankfull flow (i.e., the 1.5- to 2-year re-
projected to occur. In most projects, it turn storm) increases sharply in magni-
is advisable or even necessary to inves- tude in urban streams. In addition,
tigate whether upstream detention or channels experience more bankfull
retention can be provided within the flood events each year and are exposed
to critical erosive velocities for longer

25% deep 21 % deep

infiltration infiltration

Natural Ground Cover 10%-20% Impervious Surface

35% evapotranspiration 30% evapotranspiration

15% deep 5% deep

infiltration infiltration

35%-50% Impervious Surface 75%-100% Impervious Surface

Figure 3.21: Relationship between impervious cover and surface runoff. Impervious
cover in a w atersh ed results in increased surface runoff. As lit tle as 10 percent impervi-
ous cover in a watershed can result in stream degradation.

Human-Induced Disturbances 3- 23
intervals (Hollis 1975, Macrae 1996, tion of sanitary sewers underneath or
Booth and Jackson 1997). parallel to the stream channel.
Since impervious cover prevents rain- The wetted perimeter of a stream is th e
fall from infiltrating into the soil, less proportion of the total cross-sectional
flow is available to recharge ground area of the channel that is covered by
water. Consequently, during extended flowing water during dry-weather peri-
periods without rainfall, baseflow lev- ods. It is an important indicator of
els are often reduced in urban streams habitat degradation in urban streams.
(Simmons and Reynolds 1982). Given that urban streams develop a
larger channel cross section at the same
Altered Channels
time that their baseflow rates decline,
The hydrologic regime that had defined it necessarily fo llows that the wetted
the geometry of the predevelopment perimeter will become smaller. Thus,
stream channel irreversibly changes to- for many urban streams, this results in
ward higher flow rates on a more fre- a very shallow, low-flow channel that
quent basis. The higher flow events of wanders across a very wide streambed,
urban streams are capable of perform- often changing its lateral position in
ing more "effective work" in moving response to storms.
sediment than they had done before
(Wolman 1964). Sedimentation and Contaminants

The customary response of urban The prodigious rate of channel erosion

streams is to increase their cross- in urban streams, coupled with sedi-
sectional area to accommodate the ment erosion from active construction
higher flows. This is done by streambed sites, increases sediment discharge to
downcutting or streambank widening, urban streams. Researchers have docu-
or a combination of both. Urban mented that channel erosion consti-
stream channels often enlarge their tutes as much as 7 5 percent the total
cross-sectional areas by a factor of 2 to sediment budget of urban streams
5, depending on the degree of impervi- (Crawford and Lenat 1989, Trimble
ous cover in the upland watershed and 1997). Urban streams also tend to have
the age of development (Arnold et al. a higher sediment discharge than
1982, Gregory et al. 1992, and Macrae
Stream channels react to urbanization
not only by adjusting their widths and
depths, but also by changing their gra-
dients and m eanders (Riley 1998).
Urban stream channels are also exten-
sively modified in an effort to protect
adjacent property from streambank
erosion or flooding (Figure 3.22).
Headwater streams are frequently en-
closed within storm drains, while oth-
ers are ch annelized, lined, or arm ored Figure 3.22: Urban stream channel modifica-
tions. Channel armoring often prevents
by h eavy stone. Anoth er m odification
streams from accommodating hydrologic
unique to urban streams is the installa- changes that result from urbanization.

3- 24 Chapter 3: Disturbance Affecting Stream Corridors

nonurban streams, at least during the
initial period of active channel
The water quality of urban streams dur-
ing storm events is consistently poor.
Urban storm water runoff contains
moderate to high concentrations of
sediment, carbon, nutrients, trace met-
als, hydrocarbons, chlorides, and bacte-
ria (Schueler 1987) (Figure 3.23).
Although considerable debate exists as
to whether storm water pollutant con-
centrations are actually toxic to aquatic
organisms, researchers agree that pollu-
tants deposited in streambeds exert un-
desirable impacts on stream
Habitat and Aquatic Life Figure 3.23: Water quality in urban streams.
Surface runoff carries numerous pollutants to
Urban streams are routinely scored as urban streams, resulting in consistently poor
having poor instream habitat quality, water quality.
regardless of the specific metric or Source: C. Zabawa .

method employed. Habitat degradation

is often exemplified by loss of pool
and riffle structure, embedding of erodes below the fixed elevation of a
streambed sediments, shallow depths culvert or a pipeline.
of flow, eroding and unstable banks, The important role that riparian forests
and frequent streambed turnover. play in stream ecology is often dimin-
Large woody debris (LWD) is an im- ished in urban watersheds since tree
portant structural component of many cover is often partially or totally re-
low-order streams systems, creating moved along the stream as a conse-
complex habitat structure and generally quence of development (May et al.
making the stream more retentive. In 1997) (Figure 3.24). Even when stream
urban streams, the quantity of LWD buffers are reserved, encroachment
found in stream channels is reduced often reduces their effective width and
due to the loss of riparian forest cover, native species are supplanted by exotic
storm washout, and channel mainte- trees, vines, and ground covers.
nance practices (Booth et al. 1996, May The impervious surfaces, ponds, and
et al. 1997). poor riparian cover in urban water-
Many forms of urban development are sheds can increase mean summer
linear in nature (e.g., roads, sewers, and stream temperatures by 2 to 10 degrees
pipelines) and cross stream channels. Fahrenheit (Galli 19 91) . Since tempera-
The number of stream crossings in- ture plays a central role in the rate and
creases directly in proportion to imper- timing of biotic and abiotic reactions
vious cover (May et al. 1997), and in stream, such increases have an ad-
many crossings can become partial or verse impact on streams. In some re-
total barriers to upstream fish migra- gions, summer stream warming can
tion, particularly if the streambed irreversibly shift a cold-water stream to

Human-Induced Disturbances 3- 25
density (Schueler 1995, Shaver et al.
1995, Couch 1997, May et al. 1997).
The ability to restore predevelopment
fish assemblages or aquatic diversity is
constrained by a host of factors-irre-
versible changes in carbon supply, tem-
perature, hydrology, lack of instream
habitat structure, and barriers that limit
natural recolonization.

Summary of Potential Effects of

Land Use Activities

Table 3.3 presents a summary of the

disturbance activities associated with
major land uses and their potential for
changing stream corridor functions .
Many of the potential effects of distur-
Figure 3.24: Stream corridor encroachment.
Stream ecology is disturbed when riparian
bance are cumulative or synergistic.
forests are removed for development. Restoration might not remove all dis-
turbance factors; however, addressing
one or two disturbance activities can
dramatically reduce the impact of those
a cool-water or even warm-water remaining. Simple changes in manage-
stream, with deleterious effects on ment, such as the use of conservation
salmonoids and other temperature- buffer strips in cropland or managed
sensitive organisms. livestock access to riparian areas, can
Urban streams are typified by fair to substantially overcome undesired
poor fish and macroinvertebrate diver- cumulative effects or synergistic
sity, even at relatively low levels of wa- interactions.
tershed impervious cover or population

3- 26 Chapter 3: Disturbance Affecting Stream Corridors

Table 3.3: Potential effects of major Disturbance Activities
land use activities.

Potential Effects
Homogenization of landscape elements

Point source pollution

Nonpoint source pollution

Dense compacted soil

Increased upland surface runoff

Increased sheetflow w/surface erosion

rill and gully flow

Increased levels of fine sediment and

contaminants in stream corridor

Increased soil salinity

Increa sed peak flood elevation

Increased flood energy

Decreased infiltration of surface runoff

Decreased interflow and subsurface flow

Reduced ground w ater recharge and

aquifer volumes

Increased depth to ground water

Decreased ground water inflow t o stream

Increased flow velocities

Reduced stream meander

Increased or decreased stream stability

Increased stream migration

Channel widening and downcutting

Increased stream gradient and reduced

energy dissipation

Increased or decreased flow frequency

Reduced flow duration

Decreased capacity of floodplain and

upland to accumulate, store, and filter
materials and energy

Increased levels of sediment and

contaminants reaching stream

Decreased capacity of stream to

accumulate and store or filter materials
and energy

Reduced stream capacity to assimi late


Confined stream channel w/little

opportunity for habitat development

• Activity has potential for direct impact. • Activity has potentia l for indirect impact.

Human-Induced Disturbances 3- 27
Table 3.3: Potential effects of major Disturbance Act1v1t1es
land use activities (continued)

Potential Effects

Increased streambank erosion and

channel scour

Increased bank failure

Loss of instream organic matter and

related decomposition

Increased instream sediment, salinity,

and turbidity

Increased instream nutrient enrichment,

siltation, and contaminants leading to

Highly fragmented stream corridor with

reduced linear distribution of habitat
and edge effect

Loss of edge and interior habitat

Decreased connectivity and width within

the corridor and to associated ecosystems

Decreased movement of flora and fauna

species for seasonal migration, dispersal,
and population

Increase of opportunistic species,

predators, and parasites

Increased exposure to solar radiation,

weather, and temperature extremes

Magnified temperature and moisture

extremes throughout the corridor

Loss of riparian vegetation

Decreased source of instream shade,

detritus, food, and cover

Loss of vegetative composition, structure,

and height diversity

Increased water temperature

Impaired aquatic habitat diversity

Reduced invertebrate population in


Loss of associated w etland function

including water storage, sediment
trapping, recharge, and habitat

Reduced instream oxygen concentration

Invasion of exotic species

Reduced gene pool of native species for

dispersal and colonization

Reduced species diversity and biomass

• Activity has potential for direct impact . Activity has potential for indirect impact.

3- 28 Chapter 3: Disturbance Affecting Stream Corridors

a Stream
Chapter 4: Getting Organized and
Identifying Problems and
Chapter 5: Developing Goals, Objectives,
and Restoration Alternatives
Chapter 6: Implement, Monitor, Evaluate,
and Adapt

we// conceived and developed stream of the restoration effort by achieving sev-
A corridor restoration plan is critical to
any restoration effort. The restoration plan
eral key functions.

• Problem Solving Framework- The

establishes a framework for documenting
restoration plan establishes a frame-
the processes, forms, and functions oper-
work for addressing critical stream cor-
ating within the corridor, identifying dis-
ridor restoration issues, problems, and
turbances that disrupt or eliminate those
needs. As such, it prevents disjointed
functions, and planning and implement-
decision-making and facilitates the
ing restoration activities. The restoration
organization of restoration activities.
plan essentially serves as the cornerstone
• Documenting the Results of the
Process- The restoration plan serves
as a record of all sub-
sequent activities by
outlining the restora-
tion process. As a
result, the plan enables
the transfer of "lessons learned"
to other groups undertaking getting
restoration efforts and helps
legitimize the restoration process.
• Communication and problems
Outreach-The restoration plan opportunities
serves to communicate the ele- monitor,
evaluate, and
ments of the corridor restoration adapt
process to the public and other goals and
interested parties. It also serves
select and
an important symbolic function design
in that it represents the common alternatives
vision of multiple partners.
The overall objective of the restora- The Stream Corridor Restoration Plan
Development Process
tion plan will differ depending on
local needs and objectives. Each
complexity and extent of the mea-
corridor restoration initiative has
unique ecological, social, and eco- sures needed to achieve the
nomic conditions that dictate activi- planned restoration goals.
ties to meet specific needs and In recognition of the diversity of
changing circumstances. Despite restoration plan objectives, Part II of
these differences, the restoration the document focuses on identifying
plan should emphasize the ecologi- and explaining a general restoration
cal integrity of the stream corridor plan development process that each
initiative should follow This process
A Note About Scope
is characterized as a decision-
The restoration Although the concepts presented in making process composed of several
plan should these chapters are appropriate for
emphasize the
steps (see illustration). These funda-
all restoration initiatives, the organi- mental steps include: getting orga-
and restoration zational structure can be simplified nized; identifying problems and
of the ecological for smaller restorations.
integrity and
opportunities; developing goals and
the dynamic Not all restorations are complex or objectives; selecting and designing
stability of the restoration alternatives,· and imple-
costly Some may be as simple as a
stream corridor
slight change in the way that re- mentation, monitoring, evaluation,
by focusing on
multiple scales, sources are managed in and along and adaptation.
functions, and the stream corridor involving only
values. Each of these steps can be inte-
minor costs. Other restoration ini- grated in to any program- or
tiatives, however, may require sub- agency-specific restoration planning
stantial funds because of the process. In addition, these steps

II- ii Part II: Developing a Stream Corridor Restoration Plan

should not be viewed as sequential,
but iterative in nature. Many of the
fundamental steps may be repeated
or may occur simultaneously In ad-
dition, the process, which is based
on the philosophy of adaptive man-
agement, should be flexible enough
to adjust management actions and
directions in light of new informa-
tion about the corridor and about
progress toward restoration

Part II consists of three chapters

and is organized in accordance
with the fundamental steps of the
restoration plan development

• Chapter 4 introduces the first

two steps of plan development.
The first portion of the chapter
focuses on the basics of getting
organized and presents key steps
that should be undertaken to ini-
tiate the restoration process. The
remainder of the chapter centers
on problem/opportunity identifi-
cation and introduces the basics
of stream corridor condition
analysis and problem assessment.
• Chapter 5 presents information
concerning how restoration goals
and objectives are identified and
how alternatives are designed
and selected.
• Chapter 6 concludes with a dis-
cussion of implementation of
restoration as well as monitoring
and evaluation.

Natural Disturbances II- iii

C 0 E
0 0

high bias
+ high precision
• low accuracy
aoEI ldentif¥ing
Problems and
Op~or:tu n iti es
Organized and
Problems and
4.A Getting Organized
4.B Problem and Opportunity

tion as part of a broad-based cooperative

T he impetus for a restoration initiative
may come from several sources. The
realization that a problem or opportunity
initiative that draws from various funding
sources and addresses a diversity of inter-
exists in a stream corridor may warrant ests and objectives.
community action and any number of in-
Accompanying the recognition of the situ-
terested groups, and individuals may be
ation and initiation of the restoration ef-
actively involved in recognizing the situa-
fort is the initial proposal of "the solution."
tion and initiating the restoration effort.
This almost instantaneous leap from
Federal or state agencies may be desig-
problem/opportunity recognition to the
nated to undertake a corridor restoration
identification of the initial "solution"
effort as a result of a legislative mandate
occurs during the formative stage of
or an internal agency directive. Citizen
nearly every initiative involving water and
groups or groups with special cultural or
multiple landowners. This instantaneous
economic interests in the corridor (e. g.,
leap might not always address the true
native tribes, sport fishermen) may also
causes of the problem or identified oppor-
initiate a restoration effort. Still others
tunity and therefore might not result in a
might undertake stream corridor restora-
successful restoration initiative. chapter is divided into two sections
Projects that come through a logi- and includes a discussion of the
cal process of plan development core components of each of these
tend to be more successful. initial steps.

Regardless of the origins of the Section 4.A: Getting Organized

restoration initiative or the intro-
This section outlines some of the
duction of the proposed "solution, "
organizational considerations that
it is essential that the focus of the
should be taken into account when
leadership for the restoration plan-
conducting stream corridor restora-
ning process be at the local level;
i.e., the people who are pushing
for action, who own the land, who Section 4.8: Problem and
are affected, who might benefit, Opportunity Identification
who can make decisions, or who Once some of the organizational
can lead. With this local leadership logistics have been settled, the dis-
in place, a logical, iterative restora- turbances affecting the stream cor-
tion plan development process can ridor ecosystem and the resulting
be undertaken. Often, this ap- problems/opportunities need to be
proach will involve going back to identified. Section B outlines the
the identification of the problem or core components of the problem/
opportunity and realizing that the opportunity identification process.
situation is not as simple as initially One of the most common mistakes
perceived and needs further defini- made in planning restorations is the
tion and refinement. failure to characterize the nature of
the problems to be solved and
This chapter concentrates on the
when, where, and exactly how they
two initial steps of stream corridor
affect the stream corridor.
restoration plan development-
getting organized and problem!
opportunity identification. The

4-2 Chapter 4: Getting Organized and Identifying Problems and Opportunities

4.A Getting Organized

This section presents the key compo- of drinking water is usually more of a
nents of organizing and initiating the basin-specific or local-scale issue.
development of a stream corridor
In setting boundaries, two other factors
restoration plan and establishing a
are equally as important. One is the na-
planning and management framework
ture of human-induced disturbance, in-
to facilitate communication among all
cluding the magnitude of its impact on
involved and interested parties. Ensur-
stream corridors. The other factor is the
ing the involvement of all partners and
social organization of people, including
beginning to secure their commitment
where opportunities for action are dis-
to the project is a central aspect of
tributed across the landscape.
"getting organized" and undertaking a
restoration initiative. (See Chapter 6 for The challenge of establishing useful
detailed information on securing com- boundaries is met by conceptually su-
mitments.) It is often helpful to identify perimposing the three selection factors. Review Chap-
a common motivation for taking action One effective way of starting this ter 1. Preview
and also to develop a rough outline of process is through the identification, by Chapter S's
restoration goals. In addition, defining public forum or other free and open Identifying
the scale of the corridor restoration ini- means, of a stream reach or aquatic re- Scale Consider-
tiative is important. Often the issues to source area that is particularly valued by ations.
be addressed require that restoration be the community. The scoping process
considered on a watershed or whole- would continue by having resource
reach basis, rather than by an individ- managers or landowners define the geo-
ual jurisdiction or one or two graphical area that contributes to both
landholders. the function and condition of the val-
ued site or sites. Those boundaries
Setting Boundaries
Geographical boundaries provide a spa-
tial context for technical assessment
and a sense of place for organizing
community-based involvement. An es-
Core Components of Getting Organized
tablished set of project boundaries
streamlines the process of gathering, or- • Setting boundaries
ganizing, and depicting information for • Forming an advisory group
decision making. • Establishing technical teams
When boundaries are selected, the area • Identifying funding sources
should reflect relevant ecological • Establishing points of contact and a decision structure
processes. The boundaries may also re- • Facilitating involvement and information sharing among
flect the various scales at which ecologi- participants
cal processes influence stream corridors
(see Chapter 5, Identifying Scale Consid- • Documenting the process
erations). For example, matters affecting
the conservation of biodiversity tend to
play out at broader, more regional
scales. On the other hand, the quality

Getting Organized 4-3

would then be further adjusted to re- The advisory group generally meets for
flect community interests and goals. the following purposes:

Forming an Advisory Group • Carrying out restoration planning

Central to the development of a stream
corridor restoration plan is the forma- • Coordinating plan implementation.
tion of an advisory group (Figure 4.1 ). • Identifying the public's interest in the
An advisory group is defined as a col- restoration effort.
lection of key participants, including • Making diverse viewpoints and
private citizens, public interest groups, objectives known to decision makers.
economic interests, public officials, and
any other groups or individuals who are • Ensuring that local values are taken
interested in or might be affected by the into account during the restoration
restoration initiative. Grassroots citizen process.
groups comprise multiple interests that The point to remember is that the true
hopefully share a stated common con- role of the advisory group is to advise
cern for environmental conservation. the decision maker or sponsor-the
Such broad-based participation helps agency( s ), organization( s ), or individ-
ensure that self-interest or agency agen- ual( s) leading and initiating the restora-
das do not drive the process from the tion effort-on the development of the
top down. Local citizens should be en- restoration plan and execution of
listed and informed to the extent that restoration activities. Although the advi-
their values and preferences drive deci- sory group will play an active planning
sion making with technical guidance and coordinating role, it will not make
from agency participants. the final decisions. As a result, it is im-
portant that all members of the advi-
sory group understand the issues,
develop practical and well thought-out
recommendations, and achieve consen-
sus in support of their recommenda-
Typically, it is the responsibility of the
decision maker( s) to identify and orga-
nize the members of the advisory
group. Critical to this process is the
identification of the key participants.
Participants can be identified by mak-
ing announcements to the news media,
writing to interested organizations,
making public appearances, or directly
contacting potential partners.
The exact number of groups or individ-
uals that will compose the advisory
Figure 4. 1: Advisory group meeting. The advi- group is difficult to determine and is
sory group, composed of a variety of communi- usually situation-specific. In general, it
ty interests, plays an active role in advising the
is important that the group not be so
decision maker(s) throughout the restoration
small that it is not representative of all
Source: S. Ratcliffe. Reprinted by permission.

4-4 Chapter 4: Getting Organized and Identifying Problems and Opportunities

interests. Exclusion of certain commu- tees, to provide more information on a
nity interests can undermine the legiti- particular issue or subject.
macy of or even halt the restoration In general, interdisciplinary technical
initiative. Conversely, a large group teams should be organized to draw
might include so many interests that or- upon the knowledge and skills of differ-
ganization and consensus building be- ent agencies, organizations, and indi-
come unmanageable. Include a balance viduals. These teams can provide
of representative interests such as the continuity as well as important infor-
following: mation and insight from varied disci-
• Private citizens plines, experiences, and backgrounds.
• Public interest groups The expertise of an experienced multi-
• Public officials disciplinary team is essential. No single
text, manual, or training course can
• Economic interests provide the technical background and
It is important to note that while form- judgment needed to plan, design, and
ing an advisory group is an effective implement stream corridor restoration.
and efficient way to plan and manage A team with a broad technical back-
the restoration effort, not all restoration ground is needed and should include
decision makers will choose to establish expertise in both engineering and bio-
one. There might be cases where a logical disciplines, particularly in
landowner or small group of landown- aquatic and terrestrial ecology, hydrol-
ers elect to take on all of the responsi- ogy, hydraulics, geomorphology, and
bilities of the advisory group in sediment transport.
addition to playing a leadership or Team members should represent inter-
decision-making role. agency, public, and private interests and
Regardless of the number of individuals include major partners, especially if
involved, it is important for all project they are sharing costs or work on the
participants (and funders) to note at restoration initiative. Team makeup is
this early stage that the usual duration based on the type of task the team is as-
of projects is 2 to 3 years. There are no sembled to undertake. Members of the
guarantees that every project will be a technical teams can also be members of
success, and in some cases a project the advisory committee or even the
may fail simply due to lack of time to decision-making body.
allow nature to "heal itself" and restora- Some of the technical teams that could
tion methods to take effect. All partici- be formed to assist in the restoration
pants must be reminded up front to set initiative will have responsibilities such
realistic expectations for the project and as these:
for themselves.
• Soliciting financial support for the
Establishing Technical Teams restoration work.
Planning and implementing restoration • Coordinating public outreach.
work requires a high level of knowl- • Providing scientific support for the
edge, skill, and ability, as well as profes- restoration work. This support may
sional judgment. Often, the advisory encompass anything from conduct-
group will find it necessary to establish ing the baseline condition analysis to
special technical teams, or subcommit- designing and implementing restora-
tion measures and monitoring.

Getting Organized 4-5

Lower Missouri River Coordinated
Resource Management Efforts in
Northeast Montana
The large fluctuation of the water being released
T he Lower Missouri River Coordinated Resource
Management (CRM) Council is an outgrowth
of the Lower Fort Peck Missouri River Development
from Missouri River dams is causing changes in the
downstream river dynamics, channel, and stream-
banks. Before the dams, the river carried a sedi-
Group, which was formed in September 1990 as a
ment load based on the time of the year and flow
result of an irrigation and rural development meet-
event. Under natural conditions, a river system
ing held in Poplar, Montana. The meeting was held
matures and tries to be in equilibrium by transport-
to determine the degree of interest in economic
ing and depositing sediment. Today, below the
and irrigation development along the Missouri
dams, the water is much cleaner because the sedi-
River below Fort Peck Dam.
ment has settled behind the dams (Figure 4.2).
A major blockade to development seemed to be The clean water releases have changed the river
the erosion problems along the river. The Roosevelt system from what it was prior to the dams. The
County Conservation District and other local lead- clean water now picks up sediment in the river
ers decided that before developing irrigation along and attacks the streambanks, while trying to reach
the river, streambank erosion needed to be equilibrium. These probable causes and a river sys-
addressed. tem out of equilibrium could be part of the cause
of the river erosion.

Figure 4.2: Lower Missouri River. Water released from dams is causing downstream erosion.

4-6 Chapter 4: Getting Organized and Identifying Problems and Opportunities

Leaders in the group are politically active, traveling innovative erosion solutions on a site in Montana
to Washington, D. C., and meeting with congres- and one in North Dakota. The group helped the
sional delegates and the US Army Corps of USACE to select the site. NRCS assisted in the
Engineers (USACE) to secure funding to address design and implementation. For the first time in
streambank erosion. As a result of the trips to this area, materials such as hay bales, willow cut-
Washington, $3 million was appropriated and tings, and log revetments were used.
transferred to the USACE for streambank erosion • An interagency meeting and tour of erosion sites
abatement. However, efforts to agree on a mutual- was sponsored by the CRM Council in
ly beneficial solution continued to delay the September of 1996. In addition to local produc-
progress. The USACE had completed an economic ers, CRM Council members, NRCS state and
analysis of the area, and the only viable alternative national staff, USACE staff, researchers from the
it could offer was sloughing easements. This USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS)
would do little to save the valuable soils along the National Sedimentation Laboratory of Oxford,
Missouri River. Mississippi, attended the session. The group
The group seemed to be at a stalemate. In July agreed that the erosion problem needed to be
1994, then Chief of the Natural Resources studied further. The NRCS, USACE, and ARS have
Conservation Service (NRCS), Paul Johnson, met been doing studies on the River System below
with the members of the Lower Fort Peck Missouri Fort Peck Dam since the 1996 meeting. A final
River Development Group, local landowners, sur- report on the research is planned for summer of
rounding Conservation District members, NRCS 1998.
field office staff, and Bill Miller, Project Manager • The CRM Council has been surveying producers
for the Omaha District of the USA CE, at an erosion along the river to determine what they perceive
site along the Missouri River. After sharing of ideas to be their major problems. This helps the group
and information, Chief Johnson suggested that a to stay in tune with current problems.
Coordinated Resource Management (CRM) group • The CRM Council contracted with a group of
be formed to resolve the sensitive issues surround- Montana State University senior students from
ing the erosion and other problems of the river. He the Film and TV Curriculum to develop an infor-
instructed local and state NRCS staff to provide mational video about the Missouri River and its
technical assistance to the CRM group. The group resources. This project has been completed, and
followed Chief Johnson 's idea, and the Lower the video will be used to show legislators and
Missouri River CRM Council was formed. This has others what the problems and resources along
helped those involved in solving the problems to the river are.
overcome many of the stumbling blocks with
The group has been successful because of the
which they were being confronted. Some of these
CRM process. The process takes much effort by all
successes include:
involved, but it does w ork.
• Through the CRM Council the $3 million trans-
ferred to the USA CE was used to try some new

Getting Organized 4-7

Watershed Planning Through a
Coordinated Resource Management
Planning Process

• Create and sustain diverse habitats supporting

T he American River watershed, located in the
Sierra Nevada Mountains of California, com-
prises 963 square miles. It is an important source
diverse species.
• Ensure adequate ground cover to prevent silta-
of water for the region. The watershed also sup- tion of waterways.
ports a diversity of habitats from grassland at • Reduce erosion from roads and improvements.
lower elevations, transitioning to chaparral and to • Prevent and correct pollution discharges before
hardwood forest, and eventually to coniferous for- they adversely affect water quality
est at upper elevations. In addition, the watershed
• Reduce excessive growths of fire-dependent
is a recreational and tourist destination for the
brush species.
adjacent foothill communities like the greater
Sacramento metropolitan area and the San • Increase water retention and water yield of the
Francisco Bay area. watershed.
• Optimize and sustain native freshwater species.
Urban development is rapidly expanding in the
watershed, particularly at lower elevations. This Because of past conflicts and competing interests
additional development is challenging environ- among members of the group, a Memorandum of
mental managers in the watershed and stressing Understanding (MOU) was prepared to develop a
the natural resources of the area. In 1996, the cooperative framework within which the various
Placer County Resource Conservation District experts and interest groups could participate in
(PCRCD) spearheaded a multi-interest effort to natural resource management of the watershed.
address watershed concerns within the American The signatories jointly committed to find common
River watershed. Due to the range of issues to be ground from which to work. The first step was to
addresse_d, they sought to involve representatives establish "future desired conditions" that will meet
from various municipalities, environmental and the needs of all the signatories as well as the local
recreational groups, fire districts, ranchers, and landowners and the public.
state and federal agencies. The group established By including all of the signatories in the prioritiza-
a broad goal "to enhance forest health and the tion of implementation actions, PCRCD continues to
overall condition of the watershed, " as well as a keep the watershed planning process moving for-
set of specific goals that include the following: ward. In addition, PCRCD has encouraged the
• Actively involve the community and be respon- development of a small core group of landowners,
sive to its needs. agency representatives, and environmental organi-
• Optimize citizen initiative to manage fuels on pri- zations to determine how specific actions will be
vate property to enhance forest and watershed. implemented. Several projects that incorporate
holistic ecosystem management and land steward-
• Restore hydrologic and vegetative characteristics
ship principles to achieve measurable improvements
of altered meadows and riparian areas.
within the watershed are already under way

4-8 Chapter 4: Getting Organized and Identifying Problems and Opportunities

• Investigating sensitive legal, econom-
ic, or cultural issues that might influ-
ence the restoration effort.
• Facilitating the restoration planning, Interdisciplinary Nature of Stream
design, and implementation process Corridor Restoration
outlined in this document.
The complex nature of stream corridor restoration
It is important to note that technical ex- requires that any restoration initiative be approached
pertise often plays an important role in from an interdisciplinary perspective. Specialists from a
the success of restoration work. For ex- variety of disciplines are needed to provide both the
ample, a restoration initiative might in- advisory group and sponsor with valuable insight on sci-
volve resou rce management or land use entific, social, political, and economic issues that might
considerations that are controversial or affect the restoration effort. The following is a list of
involve complex cultural and social is- some of the professionals who can provide important
sues. An initiative might address issues input for this interdisciplinary effort:
like western grazing practices or water
rights and require the restriction of cer- • Foresters • Soil scientists
tain activities, such as timber or mineral • Legal consultants • Rangeland specialists
extraction, certain farming and grazing
• Botanists • Landscape architects
practices, or recreation (Figure 4.3). In
these cases, involving persons who have • Microbiologists • Fish and wildlife biologists

the appropriate expertise on regulatory • Engineers • Public involvement

programs, as well as social, political, • Hydrologists sp ecialists
and legal issues, can prevent derailment • Economists • Real estate experts
of the restoration effort. • Ecologists
• Geomorphologists
Perhaps the most important benefit of • A rchaeologists • Native Americans and
establishing technical teams, however, is Tribal Leaders
• Sociologists
that the advisory group and decision
makers will have the necessary informa-
tion to develop restoration objectives.
The advisory group will be able to inte-
grate the knowledge gained from the
analysis of what is affecting stream cor-
ridor structure and functions with the the need for restoration due to the ef-
information on the social, political, and forts of local citizens' groups. Funding
economic factors operative within the may come from cou nties or any entity
stream corridor. Essentially, the advisory that has taxing authority. Philanthropic
group will be able to help define a thor- organizations, nongovernmental orga-
ough set of restoration objectives. nizations, landowners' associations, and
voluntary contributions are other fund-
Identifying Funding Sources ing sources. Regardless of the source of
Identifying funding sources is often an funds, the funding agent (sponsor) will
early and vital step toward an effective almost certainly influence restoration
stream restoration initiative. The fund- decisions or act as the leader and deci-
ing needed may be minimal or substan- sion maker in the restoration effort.
tial, and it may come from a variety of
sources. Funding may come from state
or federal sources that have recognized

Getting Organized 4-9

some basic protocols to facilitate deci-
sion making and communication.
Within each group some of the follow-
ing rules of thumb might be helpful:
• Select officers
• Establish ground rules
• Establish a planning budget
• Appoint technical teams
In conjunction with establishing a deci-
sion structure, the sponsor, advisory
group, and relevant subcommittees
need to establish points of contact.
These points of contact should be peo-
ple who are accessible and possess
strong outreach and communication
skills. Points of contact play an impor-
Figure 4.3: livestock grazing. Technical teams
tant role in the restoration process by
can be helpful in addressing controversial and
complex issues that have the potential to influ-
facilitating communication among the
ence the acceptance and success of a restora- various groups and partners.
tion initiative.
Facilitating Involvement and
Information Sharing Among
Establishing a Decision Participants
Structure and Points of It is important that every effort be made
Contact to include all interested parties
Once the advisory group and relevant throughout the duration of the restora-
technical teams have been formed, it is tion process. Solicit input from partici-
important to develop a decision-making pants and keep all interested parties
structure (Figure 4.4) and to establish informed of the plan development, in-
clear points of contact. cluding uncertainties associated with a
particular solution, approach, or man-
As noted earlier, the advisory group will
agement prescription and what must be
play an active planning and coordinat-
involved in modifying and adapting
ing role, but it will not make the final
them as the need arises. In other words,
decisions. The primary decision-making
it is important to operate under the
authority should reside in the hands of
principles of both information giving
the stakeholders. The advisory group,
and information receiving.
however, will play a strong role by pro-
viding recommendations and inform- Receiving Input from Restoration
ing the decision maker( s) of various Participants
restoration options and the opinions of
the various participants. In terms of information receiving, a
special effort should be made to di-
It is important to note that the decision
rectly contact landowners, resource
m aker, as well as the advisory group,
users, and other interested parties to ask
may be composed of a collection of in-
them to participate in the planning
terests and organizations. Conse-
process. Typically, these groups or indi-
quently, both entities should establish

4-10 Chapter 4: Getting Organized and Identifying Problems and Opportunities

Decision Maker
Responsible for organizing the advisory
group and for leading the stream corridor
restoration initiative. The decision maker Technical Team
can be a single organization or a group of Researching and evaluating
individuals or organizations that have funding options for the
formed a partnership. Whatever the case stream corridor restoration
it is important that the initiative.
restoration effort be
locally led.

Advisory Group
Provides consensus-based Technical Team
recommendations to the Analyzing economic
decision maker based upon issues and concerns
Technical Team information from the relevant to the stream
Analyzing condition technical teams and input corridor restoration
of stream corridor from all participants. initiative.
structure and

Technical Team Technical Team

Analyzing social and Coordinating public
cultural issues and outreach efforts and
concerns relevant to the soliciting input from
stream corridor interested participants.
restorative initiative.

Figure 4.4: Flow of communication. Restoration plan development requires a decision structure
that streamlines communication between the decision maker, the advisory group, and the various
technical teams.

viduals will have some personal interest increasing buffer widths between agri-
in the condition of the stream corridor cultural fields and drainage channels).
and associated ecosystems in their re- Thus, it is in the best interest of the
gion. A failure to provide them the op- restoration initiative to include these
portunity to review and comment on persons as decision makers.
stream corridor restoration plans will A variety of public outreach tools can
often result in objections later in the be useful in soliciting input from partic-
process. ipants. Some of the most common
Private landowners, in particular, often mechanisms include public meetings,
have the greatest personal stake in the workshops, and surveys. Tools for Facili-
restoration work. As part of the restora- tating Participant Involvement and Infor-
tion effort it might be necessary for pri- mation Sharing During the Restoration
vate landowners to place some of their Process, provides a more complete list of
assets at increased risk, make them potential outreach options.
more available for public use, or reduce
the economic return they provide (e.g.,
restricting grazing in riparian areas or

Getting Organized 4-11

Informing Participants volvement and Information Sharing Dur-
Throughout the Restoration ing the Restoration Process.
Process It is important to note that the educa-
In addition to actively seeking input tional opportunities associated with in-
from participants, it is important that formation giving can help support
the sponsor( s) and the advisory group restoration initiatives. For example, in
regularly inform the public of the status cases that require the implementation of
of the restoration effort. The restoration costly management prescriptions, out-
initiative can also be viewed as a strong reach tools can be effective in improving
educational resource for the entire com- landowner awareness of ways in which
munity. Some effective ways to commu- risks and losses can be offset, such as
nicate this information and to provide incentive programs (e.g., Conservation
educational opportunities include Reserve Program) or cost-sharing proj-
newsletters, fact sheets, seminars, and ects (e.g., Section 319 of the Clean
brochures. A more complete list of po- Water Act). In these cases, the most
tential outreach tools is provided in the effective approach might be for the
box Tools for Facilitating Participant In- representative landowners serving on
the decision-making team to be respon-
sible for conducting this outreach to
their constituents.
In addition, educational outreach can
also be viewed as an opportunity to
Tools for Facilitating Participant demonstrate the anticipated benefits of
Involvement and Information Sharing restoration work, on both regional and
During the Restoration Process local levels. One of the most effective
ways to accomplish this is with periodic
Tools for Receiving Tools for Informing public field days involving visits to the
Input Participants restoration corridor, as well as pilot
• Public Hearings • Public Meetings demonstration sites, model farms, and
similar examples of restoration actions
• Task Forces • Internet Web Sites
• Training Seminars • Fact Sheets
Finally, wherever possible, information
• Surveys • News Releases
on the effectiveness and lessons learned
• Focus Groups • Newsletters from restoration work should be made
• Workshops • Brochures available to persons interested in carry-
• Interviews • Radio or TV Programs ing out restoration work elsewhere.
• Review Groups or Announcements Most large restoration initiatives will re-
quire relatively detailed documentation
• Referendums • Telephone Hotlines
of design and performance, but this in-
• Phone-in Radio Programs • Report Summaries formation is usually not widely distrib-
• Internet Web Sites • Federal Register uted. Summaries of restoration
experiences can be published in any of
a variety of technical journals, newslet-
ters, bulletins, Internet Web sites, or
other media and can be valuable to the
success of future restoration initiatives.

4-12 Chapter 4: Getting Organized and Identifying Problems and Opportunities

Selecting Tools for Facilitating ful mechanism for receiving input on
Information Sharing and the desirability of the various options
Participant Involvement under consideration (Figure 4. 7).

Although a variety of outreach tools can Some additional factors that should be
be used to inform participants and so- taken into account in selecting outreach
licit input, attention should be paid to tools include the following:
selecting the best tool at the most ap- • Strengths and weaknesses of individ-
propriate time. In making this selection, ual techniques. Chapter G's
it is helpful to consider the stage of the
• Cost, time, and personnel required Developing a
restoration process as well as the out- Monitoring
for implementation.
reach objectives. Plan.
• Receptivity of the community.
For example, if a restoration initiative is
in the early planning stages, providing Again, no matter what tools are se-
community members with background lected, it is important to make an effort
information through a newsletter or to solicit input from participants as well
news release might be effective in bring- as to keep all interested parties in-
ing interested parties to the table and in formed of plan developments. The In-
generating support for the initiative teragency Ecosystem Management Task
(Figures 4.5 and 4.6). Conversely, once Force (1995) provides the following
the planning process is well under way suggestion for a combination of tech-
and restoration alternatives are being niques that can be used to facilitate par-
selected, a public hearing may be a use- ticipant involvement and information
• Regular newsletters or information
sheets apprising people of plans and
CBF • NEWS T/1< i'u it 1:,/ett< 1 of rite C hn oprnl.<' H.n Fow1darw11
• Regularly scheduled meetings of
November 1993

Oyster Plan Falls Short

landowner and citizen groups.
on Conservation
•_.,,...,.,..,,111'-'-111«dUw, ...t1>11• MKW,m""' "°
...,.., ..
.....,.,Plf!id-il.,_.,u~ .........,..,,.•
• Public hearings.

11.,.._r'-• · Db/llltc~<dilllriU
• Field trips and workdays on project
sites for volunteers and interested
·~betZll,bewinr:. thtV!rpni.IM&rinoltaowus
Sd!kd~on1compromiK. ln opl:.C11"J'Olllsd­
~1ocbe lhl publlc!Uht:yfornufl<l1..m.edoy•
lenin f-oldlhll:lmdhwvutrmrictiail$.
F....... ~invotvel~of-i&luod_.
-.ic11~-~~ How.:w:r, lf1fitJlpQplll~
lfto~Nllseaism1ce l11luHlened. lllc10CIHoocxmk:
In addition, the innovative communica-
bcMks..;utot-e111frel1 i f W . d c - .... rm1tlkm.
For-,.e1n.CBl'111&1pupo1ed ~ofO..filhcrylnd1111
~ptt1111...,,IOl'f:b<iild oy11<Thabl!a1u!hollftSf-ylO
tion possibilities afforded by the Inter-
briQlllt>oul.--Y· Thi:~bdfn!Nmnl)b.

""""'"""~of//M..,.Ja... _,.,,.,..mnrd!ci.....
siomlrioda~ lhe m..t?ybylclm,lhcpablkltcd
lishery,lllelNsMlc. IDdlhcpiv11efilhetyOfltl\.~
net and the World Wide Web cannot be

RockfJSh Rebound Affirms

1llcddluc11.1Mcom111iuionhcarifi&CJ11111down 101~
ofqialiant. F-.llhllrcod...,.,rhrWe:ied? Y-.
l!mmtt!o~!hroltdoeO)'JICrp<lpUlalm ln V~llM
Management Controls declined.....,>-lold.dncethe111:it..,1 9IO$.Thtliillw&lol

~wldl a...c:ud1po.-.ollllripali...(Judfl1h).Thit
......i~-.jlMrilo~ln ""-Yl.Wld a:td
repiamdill.ollm-)haslkdin«lby•1lnillitr ... llwiqlbe
pcriad.~Ullkdoolbl !Nl ft-ieectnbeir.aproduced
bec.-lhtft ... f•WU..tllitalO!p........
Documenting the Process
Viilillla,Mldcd ",....,,....,lhe..,........_Dfl9.6 oncl ll.I SKCIDd.doei~1f'fea\lroQ!j~Yes. TrddaolanJ.
nspa:li"Cly, the ~--lnlbo:llilacryolbolli~ Tblbiu lheJ_Rl_WM&h<dpdmllilyf«letdO)'I~ k11916,
iltt.--.nomb:rolro-JIOdr:filhcau.P1pcr Mul ofa 100.
IOCll~nel. TblpR-.i.oaa:lddn-)0..<linMuylll'ld, !Mm
..tlmod>cr-~clepleled. ~lkdedlOlhe'­
-be ... '-"ttlinl-..bll-ibedoysll:rl. Aft.erun:.-lhc The final element of getting organized
ln 1970andlU . . . . lal9rlillVirJ:laia. TblAn'~)'I. llnl)af, itoehorvdtdecineol.....wyio1n.i11iiM1cw11111rew.
.,...adwrp1M1llllhe~y'11nllubrieL Stt • od.llollJMtt l
~Jbldbl!&¥C~thlllll<lkdine ia~IMllbcn!y~flilluct S«o,,c..., ,,..rr, involves the documentation of the vari-
ous activities being undertaken as part
of the stream corridor restoration effort.
Figure 4.5: Chesapeake Bay Foundation
Although the restoration plan, when
newsletter. Newsletters can be an effective completed, will ultimately document
way to communicate the status of restoration the results of the restoration process, it
efforts to the community.

Getting Organized 4-13

is also important to keep track of activi-
~ Press Re l eases ' program provides !he funds 10 reM01$ roon of the Roodpl&in foresu. mania
1mJ buffci- wllQ around a river 1han 1111)' prosram in !he 11Ation'5 hlstor,r," Sllkl Fm!
ties as they occur.
~ "t-* J1mkl~r • l.i<nt""1'" ' \1 ..1, ,.f 11JiIH•1' K111pp• .Eo:cn.iil'C Direct« of the En•iroommu! DrknJO Fllnd. "I! an t'l!truk.t: IM-
n linoi.J RiverMone ofthe coon1ry'1 yeMeM nawral ruources."

FOR IMMElllATF. R~;l,EASE Jhis lmpoflWll progr11111 is a volulll&I)'. iotmtiYC~ program design..t IO assiSI An effective way to identify important
March J0, 19'Jll l2ndowners in ta.ldng enYironme11t&!Jy scnlitive land QUI o( agricultural produc1i<lrl. •


u id Ron Wwfield, l'ret>dent of the l!linoi1 Farm Buruu. "Programs tih lhi$ ha~
pt01'Cfl\Obcpo!iitivcwayi 1ollddrenrwa:unl~~iu.ues." restoration issues and activities as well
Edgar alld Kustrt. f1rs1proposed!he11toio-ftderal ptn.'lenhip a year qo. l'rc$et"Vin1

PEORIA. ILL .• Gov. Jim Edgar today ~igned an agtecrMfM with the U. S.
and impovin1 !he Illinois River waMnhed. whldl eo.uairu nurly llalf o( !he
~1;ricultunl land in the Slllt. hu. been a priority for lho f.d&ar .dminiwahon. "Abocu
as keep track of those activities is
lullf of lbecommerdal 1rdfrcon Ille MM$1a!ppi River abo>'C St. Louis uacr the
~p"'111Xnt uf A&ricHll\lre on • ~S9 mil hon inltialive tu rr..o;IOf'e and JlfCJCIVC the
lllmoiJ Rivcrwaler..t.ed, lndudingmea.1ufC!l lon:duce 101lf1\IJioir1nd
scdin1e11111tioo. improve \llalerquahly, ~nd enluncr wildlife hllbll•I.
lllino~ Ri¥CO""." Edi"" !o&id. "Wo m11,11keep!Nil 1ra1T11;: n owing • we improve the
cnviromncnl ol the w11enhcd and intreuc: rcau1ionaJ~i1ieson lhc r!wr.
through the use of a "restoration
This l11l1Wivc tiecognizes lhat we 111! have a part 10 play in u.vmc lhi• riV'el" for rurul'!:
"Re,1orfog llllll pmtl!((il!g thc lllinou River Basm ·~of uom1t1W1 environmenial Md
ocooomic impon•lllX Ill the ~•ate ~nJ the n:uioo." 1hc Governor said. '"This unique
checklist" (National Research Council,
panncrship involv« Ille YCl\untary putic1p.:Won of ifldividwil !1ndowneri and targec~ In 1993. Ku51,.. formt>d 1he RiverWllktl neiw Ofk of volunia:n; to moniior the: hulth
up lu 232.00011CTC~o<cnv1ronmentaJ!ysen11i1ive land."
of rivers lll'ld strums atroN the •tall:. J(~a 1ho m.abl.i~ a River Strli!Cgy Team
lwlnging dil'ffSe interuu to the 1amc table 10 discu.s& wlla1 w;q f'CCded to impr<>Ye
lhelllincris River.
1992). The checklist can be maintained
The IS·year iniliativt: ,.;u cnmbi""' rlcmcn\$ of the USDA"• Conservation Reserve
Program. whklt cru:Olll"llKe5 lam;loW11m< to W'I' bm1ing tllcir mosl erodible land.
rrovide.' incentive• tn ·~~tore wetl:tnd5 :t.11d plant trees and Rrl'~ 10 improve the A re- ago !he Strarcgy Team. wilt! tlw help of IMte dwil 100 volunre.:o: lrotn
blni""'IS... CO!lSCrv.1ion and agrlcullun::. JNbhWd Ult Jn:car-ed Mana1emnu Plan
by the advisory group or sponsor and
quali1yofwatC1" . .001tan,Jwilo:llifeh:abiu11..
for rhc: Illinois Rivu. includ!n1 J4 recommendMioN fOf Improving the w8"rshetl.
"Today\ a,.1ee1Mn\ iK a trerMndous ~w:p forw11d in oor dforts to Qvt: tile 111"\d wal"r
rcJOUrcc.<r o f ttie lllinoi~ t<iver V•llcy." >aiJ Lt Gov. Bob Ku.vra. wllo hit'; led lhe t"..tlgu abo signed legislltl.oa crul~ the Ulmois RivaCoon:linllli"I Coonc!I,
used to engage project stakeholders and
c:Qm~ of l.JeTICY heW llld privatt cltizem wbo wm monitor the prc>1n:n of the
&!gar a.dminit1ra11on·~ c«ort~ io improve th! lllinoi~ RiYc::r. ""lly pre~ung m1llu,:11u1
of ton~ 1.r v;duable t~!I from ~llin1 away. landciw""'n; who i»"icipollc in 1h1~
moovillivt: p<ogrum will help keep lhc river open foreommeii:eand m.llke hackwUl:tt
lllinoit Corutf'l11ion h Krve EnhafiurMnl Pqram n recommend otbcr wa}'I
••tegovernrMnl canhelptnhan<:ethe wlknhed..
to inform them of the progress of
ltiok.e.~ and •trearn.< vialllc forwildllfeand l'CCrc::.Mioa.•

To actii.:ve the goal °' ~ing .'ledimcnl•lioo in lhe lllinoi~ Ri11er by 20 pcn:cnt.
"The Illinois Riwa- is in a rc:~OYflY WJC," Klllln. said. "Al lhe blnll Of OOf state in
llllll. lhc w&1emicd wu a prisliu pandi51.'. But ovtt time, polluting lndu.>tries. poor
restoration efforts. The checklist can
ini:cntivl:!>1Uc lari;"let.ltnownreioftltclTI05lerodiblc land in l9cuuntiHwitll higll famting pnctices and urbaniwioa nculy dlotnl a'lcl dc5troyed th"' mighly rha.
.o nluncn1111ionraic...Ane.o;tima1ed l4m11liontorrsofliedimc11tflows1hrouglt1he
Wllt.:nlx:d an11ual\y, wnh more tMn half nf i1dCfll"'it«I in 1he Illinois River. "Even1ually. the pooplc~10 1ht rivdt aid. Today, we llllvcreunction5on
disclwge1 by hctorie1 and citie&. nAlflY rarmm follow sound cOllscrvaiion prai:tiocs,
serve as an effective guide through the
lf!heproje.c1ed 1ntalof-:ZJ2.00011ercsr.iee:nrolled1nthe 1l1innl~Conurv~1ioo
Re."'rv' Enhancement i'rvgram. the fh1ancial obligation would be nearly SA~9
.and comnwnitiea an pb1nnlng brncr. ·Ille putnenltlp ~ment ~ined today i~
MstCllic:." remaining components of restoration
millioo nver 15 yur.. i11dudmg ~361 million m USDA fund~ ind S92 million m
Pamv:o-s and h1ndowncn. ean gel mnte iRfomi.atN>n abolJt lhe prosram from local

lllu101s, Maryh111dand Minnci.ot1are tlleonlyt(atninlhe 11at1CJ11tnC)tablish

USDA Sen"ieeCenltfotfocet., Furn ~ Age!'IC)' ollicu. tho! Natural Kc::sourt:«
C-011ionSen"ict.or fromlhe llllnoi.•~1ofN11turalRl!90UTCCS.
plan development and project imple-
Cumcrvllllion ReM:rw llnhanccrMnl program1., and 1he Jlhl"llliS program cncompa.,.....,.,
the mOM acreage. U. S. S«ret:;i.ry of Agricul1u1c Thin Gli<..'\.man w:.s in Peona
MoOO.y •o .• ign the :1£rumcnt wull Edgu.
mentation. In addition, a draft version
of Developing a Monitoring Plan (see
Chapter 6) should be prepared as part
Figure 4.6: Regional restoration news releases. of planning data collection.
A news release is an effective tool for inform-
ing the community of the planning of the
restoration initiative.
Source: State of Illinois.

Figure 4.7: local public hearing. Public hearings

are a good way to solicit public input on
restoration options.
So urce: S. Ratcliffe. Reprinted by permissio n.

4-14 Chapter 4: Getting Organized and Identifying Problems and Opportunities

Restoration Checklist (Adapted from National Research Council 1992)
During Planning. .. 0 Has the length of a monitoring program been
O Have all potential participants been informed of established that is sufficiently long to determine
the restoration initiative? whether the restoration work is effective?
O Has an advisory committee been established? 0 Have risk and uncertainty been adequately consid-
ered in planning?
0 Have funding sources been identified?
0 Have alternative designs been formulated?
0 Has a decision structure been developed and points
of contact identified? 0 Have cost-effectiveness and incremental cost of
alternatives been evaluated?
0 Have steps been taken to ensure that participants
are included in the restoration processes? During Project Implementation and Management. ..
0 Has the problem that requires treatment been 0 Based on the monitoring result, are the anticipated
investigated and defined? intermediate objectives being achieved? If not, are
appropriate steps being taken to correct the prob-
0 Has consensus been reached on the mission of the
restoration initiative?
0 Have restoration goals and objectives been identi-
0 Do the objectives or performance indicators need
to be modified? If so, what changes might be
fied by all participants in the restoration effort?
required in the monitoring program?
0 Has the restoration been planned with adequate
scope and expertise?
0 Is the monitoring program adequate?

0 Has the restoration plan had an annual or mid- During Postrestoration. ..

course correction point in line with adaptive man- 0 To what extent were restoration plan objectives
agement procedures? achieved?
0 Have the indicators of stream corridor structure 0 How similar in structure and function is the
and function been directly and appropriately linked restored corridor ecosystem to the reference
to the restoration objectives? ecosystem?
0 Have adequate monitoring, surveillance, manage- 0 To what extent is the restored corridor self-
ment, and maintenance programs been specified sustaining (or will be), and what are the mainte-
as an integral part of the restoration plan? Have nance requirements?
monitoring costs and operational details been inte- 0 If all stream corridor structure and functions were
grated so that results will be available to serve as not restored, have the critical structure and func-
input in improving techniques used in the restora- tions been restored?
tion work?
0 How long did the restoration initiative take?
0 Has an appropriate reference system (or systems)
0 What lessons have been learned from th is effort?
been selected from which to extract target values
of performance indicators for comparison in con- 0 Have those lessons been shared with interested
ducting the evaluation of the restoration initiative? parties to maximize the potential for technology
0 Have sufficient baseline data been collected over a
suitable period of time on the stream corridor and 0 What was the final cost , in net present value t erms,
associated ecosystems to facilitate before-and-after of the restoration work?
treatment comparisons? 0 What were the ecologica l, economic, and social
0 Have critical restoration procedures been tested on benefits realized by the restoration initiat ive?
a small experimental scale to minimize the risks of 0 How cost-effective w as the restoration in itiative?
failu re? 0 Would another approach to restoration have pro-
duced desirable results at lower cost ?

Getting Organized 4-15

4.B Problem and Opportunity Identification

Development of stream corridor Data Collection and Analysis

restoration objectives is preceded by an
Data collection and analysis are impor-
analysis of resource conditions in the
tant to all aspects of decision making
corridor. It is also preceded by the for-
and are conducted throughout the dura-
Preview mulation of a problem/opportunity
tion of the restoration process. The same
Chapter 7's statement that identifies conditions to
data and analytic techniques are often
Data Collection be improved through and benefit from
applied to, and are important compo-
and Analysis restoration activities. Although prob-
nents of, problem/opportunity identifi-
Methods lem/ opportunity identification can be
cation; goal formulation; alternative
sections. very difficult, in terms of measurable
selection; and design, implementation,
stream corridor conditions, it is the sin-
and monitoring. Data collection and
gle most important step in the develop-
analysis, however, begin with problem/
ment of the restoration plan and in the
opportunity identification. They are
restoration process. This section focuses
integral to defining existing stream corri-
on the six steps of the problem/oppor-
dor and reference conditions, identify-
tunity identification process that are
ing causes of impairment, and
critical to any stream corridor restora-
developing problem/opportunity state-
tion initiative.
ments. Data collection and analysis
should be viewed as the first step in
this process.

Data Collection

Data collection should begin with a

technical team, in consultation with the
advisory group and the decision maker,
The Six Steps of the Problem/
identifying potential data needs based
Opportunity Identification Process
on technical and institutional require-
ments. The perspective of the public
1. Data collection and analysis
should then be solicited from partici-
2. Definition of existing stream corridor conditions pants or through public input forums.
(structure and function) and causes of disturbance Data targeted for collection should gen-
3. Comparison of existing conditions to desired condi- erally provide information on both the
tions or a reference condition historical and baseline conditions of
4. Analysis of the causes (disturbances) of altered or stream corridor structure and functions,
impaired stream corridor conditions as well as the social, cultural, and eco-
5. Determination of how management practices might
nomic conditions of the corridor and
be affecting stream corridor structure and functions
the larger watershed.
6. Development of problem and opportunity statements Data are collected with the help of a
variety of techniques, including remote
sensing, historical maps and pho-
tographs, and actual resource inventory
using standardized on-site field tech-
niques, evaluation models, and other
recognized and widely accepted

4-16 Chapter 4: Getting Organized and Identifying Problems and Opportunities

methodologies. Community mapping Collecting Historical Data
(drawing areas of importance to the As described in earlier chapters, stream
community or individuals) is becoming corridors change over time in response
a popular method of involving the to ongoing natural or human-induced
public and children in restoration processes and disturbances. It is impor-
initiatives. This technique can solicit tant to identify historical conditions
information not accessible to tradi- and activities to understand the present
tional survey or data collection tech- stream corridor condition (Figure 4.8).
niques and it also makes the data
collection process accessible to the pub-
lic. Additional data collection and
analysis methods are discussed in
Part III, Chapter 7.
Collecting Baseline Data
Restoration work should not be at-
tempted without having knowledge of
existing stream corridor conditions. In
fact, it is impossible to determine goals
and objectives without this basic infor-
mation. As a result, it is important to
collect and analyze information that
provides an accurate account of existing
conditions. Due to the dynamic nature
of hydrologic systems, a range of condi-
tions need to be monitored. Ultimately,
these baseline data will provide a point
from which to compare and measure
future changes.
Baseline data consist of the existing
structure and functions of the stream
corridor and surrounding ecosystems
across scales, as well as the associated
disturbance factors. These data, when
compared to a desired reference condi-
tion (derived from either existing condi-
tions elsewhere in the corridor or
historical conditions), are important in
determining cumulative effects on the
stream corridor's structure and func-
tions (i.e., hydrologic, geomorphic,
habitat, etc.). Baseline data collection
efforts should include information
needed to determine associated prob-
lems and opportunities to be addressed (b)
in later design and implementation Figure 4.8: The Winooski River (a) in the 1930s
stages of the restoration process. and (b) at the same location in the 1990s.
Using photographs is one way to identify the
historical condition of the corridor.

Problem and Opportunity Identification 4-17

Part of collecting historical data is col- most interest to participants and should
lecting background information on the be collected with their assistance to
requirements of the species and eco- avoid derailment or alteration of the
systems of concern. Historical data restoration effort due to misconceptions
should also include processes that oc- and misinformation.
curred at the site. The historic descrip- Properly designed surveys of social atti-
tion may also be used to establish tudes, values, and perceptions can also
target conditions, or the reference con- be valuable tools both to assess the
dition, for restoration. Often the goal changes needed to accomplish the
of restoration will not be to return a restoration goals and to determine
corridor to a pristine, or pre-European changes in these intangible values over
settlement, condition. However, by un- time, throughout the planning process,
derstanding this condition, valuable and after implementation.
knowledge is gained for making deci-
sions on restoring and sustaining a Prioritizing Data Collection
state of dynamic equilibrium. Although data on both the historical
In terms of gathering historical data, and baseline conditions related to
emphasis should be placed on under- ecosystem structure and functions and
standing changes in land use, channel social, cultural, and economic values
planform, cover type, and other physi- are important, it is not always practical
cal conditions. Historical data, such as to collect all of the available informa-
maps and photographs, should be re- tion. Budgets and technical limitations
viewed and long-time residents inter- often place constraints on the amount
viewed to determine changes to the and types of data that can be collected.
stream corridor and associated ecosys- It is therefore important for the techni-
tems. Major human-induced or natural cal team, advisory group, and decision
disturbances, such as land clearing, maker to prioritize the data needed.
floods, fires, and channelization, At a minimum, the data necessary to ex-
should also be considered. These data plain the mechanisms or processes that
will be critical in understanding pre- affect stream corridor conditions need
sent conditions, identifying a reference to be collected. To illustrate the chal-
condition, and determining future lenges of data prioritization, consider
trends. the example of identifying data for as-
Collecting Social, Cultural, and sessing habitat functions. Potential
Economic Data habitat data could include items such
as the extent of impacted fish, wildlife,
In addition to physical, chemical, and and other biota; ecological aspects; bio-
biological data, it is also important to logical characteristics of soils and water;
gather data on the social, cultural, and vegetation (both native and nonnative);
economic conditions in the area. These and relationships among ecological
data more often than not will drive the considerations (Figure 4.9) . Depending
overall restoration effort, delimit its on the scope of the restoration plan,
scale, determine its citizen and land- however, data for all of these elements
owner acceptance, determine ability to might not be necessary to successfully
coordinate and communicate, and gen- accomplish restoration. This holds es-
erally decide overall stability and capa- pecially true for smaller restoration ef-
bility to maintain and manage. In forts in limited stream reaches.
addition, these data are likely to be of

4-18 Chapter 4: Getting Organized and Identifying Problems and Opportunities

An effective way to prioritize data col-
lection is through a scoping process
designed to determine those data which
are critical to decision making. The
scoping process identifies significant
concerns by institutional recognition
(laws, policies, rules, and regulations),
public recognition (public concern
and local perceptions), or technical
recognition (standards, criteria, and

Data Analysis

Data analysis, like data collection, plays

an important role in all elements of
problem identification as well as other
aspects of the restoration process. Data
analysis techniques range from qualita- Figure 4.9: Characterizing stream corridor condi-
tive evaluations using professional judg- tions. Data collection and analysis are impor-
ment to elaborate computer models. tant components of problem identification.

The scope and complexity of the

restoration effort, along with the bud- temperature, the condition of a stream
get, will influence the type of analytical corridor must be indexed by an appro-
techniques selected. A wealth of tech- priate suite of measurable attributes.
niques are discussed in the literature
There are no hard-and-fast rules about
and various manuals and will not be
which attributes are most useful in
listed in this document. Part I, however,
characterizing the condition of stream
provides examples of the types of
corridor structure and functions. How-
processes and functions that need to be
ever, as a starting point, consideration
analyzed. In addition, Part III discusses
should be given to describing present
some analytical techniques used for
conditions associated with the follow-
condition analysis and restoration de-
ing eight components of the corridor:
sign, offers some analytic methodolo-
gies, and provides additional references. • Hydrology
• Erosion and sediment yield
Existing Stream Corridor
Structure, Functions, and • Floodplain/riparian vegetation
Disturbances • Channel processes
The second step in problem identifica- • Connectivity
tion and analysis is determining which
stream corridor conditions best charac- • Water quality
terize the existing situation. Corridor • Aquatic and riparian species and
structure, functions, and associated dis- critical habitats
turbances used to describe the existing • Corridor dimension
condition of the stream corridor will be
determined on a case-by-case basis. Just Since the ultimate goal is to establish
as human health is indexed by such pa- restoration objectives in terms of the
rameters as blood pressure and body structure and functions of the stream

Problem and Opportunity Identification 4-19

corridor, it is useful to characterize those be similar to what the stream corridor
attributes which either measure or index would have been like had it remained
the eventual attainment of the desired relatively stable. It might represent a
ecological condition. Some measurable condition less ideal than the pristine,
attributes that might be useful for de- but substantially improved from the
scribing the above components of a present condition. Developing a set
stream corridor are listed in the box Mea- of reference conditions might not be
surable Attributes for Describing Conditions an easy task, but it is essential to con-
in the Stream Corridor. Detailed guidance ducting a good problem/opportunity
for quantifying many of the following at- analysis.
tributes is either described or referenced Several information sources can be very
elsewhere in this document. helpful in defining the reference condi-
Existing vs. Desired Structure tion. Published literature might provide
and Functions: The Reference information for developing reference
Condition conditions. Hydrologic data can often
be used to describe natural flow and
The third step in problem identification sediment regimes, and regional hy-
and analysis is to define the conditions draulic geometry relations may define
within which the stream corridor prob- reference conditions for channel dimen-
lems and opportunities will be defined sions, pattern, and profile. Published
and restoration objectives established. soil surveys contain soil map-unit de-
It is helpful to describe how the present scriptions and interpretations reflecting
baseline conditions of the stream corri- long-term ecological conditions that
dor compare to a reference condition that may be suitable for reference. Species
represents, as closely as possible, the lists of plants and animals (both histori-
desired outcome of restoration (Figure cal and present) and literature on
4.10). The reference condition might species habitat needs provide informa-
tion on distribution of organisms, both
by habitat characteristics and by geo-
graphic range.
In most cases, however, reference condi-
tions are developed by comparison with
reference reaches or sites believed to be
indicative of the natural potential of the
stream corridor. The reference site might
be the predisturbance condition of the
stream to be restored, where such condi-
tions are established by examining relic
areas (enclosures, preserves), historical
photos, survey notes, and/or other de-
scriptive accounts. Similarly, reference
conditions may be developed from
nearby stream corridors in similar phys-
iographic settings if those streams are
Figure 4.10: Example reference condition in minimally impacted by natural and
the western United States. A reference condi- human-caused disturbances.
tion may be similar to what the corridor would
have been like in a state of relative "dynamic

4-20 Chapter 4: Getting Organized and Identifying Problems and Opportunities

Measurable Attributes for Describing Conditions in the
Stream Corridor

Hydrology lateral (bank) erosion

total (annual) discharge floodplain scour
seasonal (monthly) discharge channel avulsionslrealignments
peak flows meander and braiding processes
minimum flows depositional features
annual flow durations
scour-fill processes
rainfall records
sediment transport class (suspended,
size and shape of the watershed
Erosion and Sediment Yield
Water Quality
watershed cover and soil health
dominant erosion processes
temperature, dissolved oxygen (BOD,
rates of surface erosion and mass
COD, and TOC)
suspended sediment
sediment delivery ratios
present chemical condition
channel erosion processes and rates
sediment transport functions present macroinvertebrate condition

Floodplain/Riparian Vegetation Aquatic and Riparian Species and

community type Critical Habitats
type distribution aquatic species of concern and
associated habitats
surface cover
canopy riparian species of concern and
associated habitats
community dynamics and succession
recruitment/reproduction native vs. introduced species
connectivity threatened or endangered species
Channel Processes benthic, macroinvertebrate, or
flow characteristics vertebrate indicator species
channel dimensions, shape, profile, Corridor Dimension
and pattern
plan view maps
substrate composition
topographic maps
floodplain connectivity
evidence of entrenchment and/or
deposition linearity, etc.

Problem and Opportunity Identification 4-21

The Condition Continuum "trashed" streams or completely channel-
ized water conduits.
One helpful way to conceptualize the
relationship between the current and ref- In concept, present conditions in the
erence conditions is to think of stream stream corridor exist somewhere along this
corridor conditions as occurring on a condition continuum. The condition objec-
"condition continuum." At one end of this tive for stream restoration from an ecolog-
continuum, conditions may be catego- ical perspective should be as close to the
Preview rized as being natural, pristine, or unim- dynamic equilibrium as possible. It should
Chapter 7's paired by human activities. A headwater be noted, however, that once other impor-
PFC section. wilderness stream could exist near this tant considerations, such as political, eco-
end of the continuum (Figure 4.11). At nomic, and social values, are introduced
the other end of the continuum, stream during the establishment of restoration
corridor conditions may be considered goals and objectives, the target may shift
severely altered or impaired. Streams at to restoring the stream to some condition
this end of the continuum could be totally that lies between the present situation and
dynamic equilibrium.
The proper functioning condition (PFC)
concept is used as a minimum target in
western riparian areas and can be the
basis on which to plan additional enhance-
ments (Pritchard et al. 1993, rev. 1995).

Figure 4.11: Condition continuum. The condition contin-
uum runs from (a) untouched by humans to (b) severely
So urce: L. Goldman.

4-22 Chapter 4: Getting Organized and Identifying Problems and Opportunities

Causes of Altered or Impaired
Conditions that provide the impetus
for stream corridor restoration activities Common Impaired or Degraded Stream
include degraded stream channel condi- Corridor Conditions
tions and degraded habitat. A thorough The follow ing list provides some examples of impaired
analysis of the cause or causes of these stream corridor conditions. A more complete list of these
alterations or impairments is funda- effects is provided in Chapter 3.
mental to identifying management op-
• Stream aggradation- filling (rise in bed elevation over
portunities and constraints and to
defining realistic and attainable restora-
tion objectives. • Stream degradation-incision (drop in bed elevation
over time)
As discussed in Chapter 3, for every
• Streambank erosion
stream corridor structural attribute and
function that is altered or impaired, • Impaired aquatic habitat
there may be a causal chain of events • Impaired riparian habitat
responsible for the impairment. As a re- • Impaired terrestrial habitat
sult, when conducting a problem analy- • Loss of gene pool of native species
sis, it is useful to consider factors that
• Increased peak flood elevation
affect stream corridor ecological condi-
tion at different levels or scales: • Increased bank failure
• Lower water table levels
• Landscape
• Increase of fine sediment in the corridor
• Stream corridor and reach
• Decrease of species diversity
Landscape Factors Affecting • Impaired water quality
Stream Corridor Condition • A ltered hydrology
When analyzing landscape-scale factors
that contribute to existing stream corri-
dor conditions, disturbances that result
in changes in water and sediment deliv- of change in runoff and sediment and
ery to the stream and in sources of con- the type of sediment load being trans-
tamination should be considered. In ported by the stream-suspended sedi-
alluvial stream corridors, for example, ment or bedload.
anything that changes the historical
balance between delivery of sediment The analysis of watershed effects on
to the channel and sediment-transport channels is aided by the use of stan-
capacity of the stream will elicit a dard hydrologic, hydraulic, and sedi-
change in channel conditions. When ment transport tools. Depending on
sediment deliveries increase relative the available data, results may range
to sediment-transport capacities, stream from highly precise to quantitative.
aggradation usually occurs; when Altered flow regimes, for example,
sediment-transport capacities increase might be readily discernible if the
relative to sediment delivery, stream in- stream has a long-term gauge record.
cision usually occurs. How the channel Otherwise, numerical runoff modeling
responds to changes in flow and sedi- techniques might be needed to place
ment regime depends on the magnitude an approximate magnitude on the

Problem and Opportunity Identification 4-23

2S t Z 2 Edd 5 2

Accelerated Bank Erosion:

The Importance of Understanding a Causal Chain of Events
To illustrate the concept of a causal chain bank vegetation, which also increases the
of events, consider the problem of accel- vulnerability of the bank to erosion; or to
erated bank erosion (Figure 4.12). Often structures in the stream (e.g., bridge abut-
the cause of accelerated bank erosion ments) that redirect the water flow into
might be attributed to increases in peak the bank. In this case, determining that
runoff or sediment delivery to a stream bank erosion has increased relative to
when a surrounding watershed is under- some reference rate is central to the iden-
going land use changes; to the loss of tification of an impaired condition. In
addition, understanding the cause or
causes of the increased erosion is a key
step in effective problem analysis. It is crit-
ical to the solution of the problem that
this understanding be factored in to the
development of restoration obj ectives and
management alternatives.

Figure 4.12: Bank erosion. The cause(s) of bank

erosion should be identified.

sampling data or measured reservoir

sedimentation rates.
change in peak flows resulting from a The stream channel itself might provide
change in land use conditions. Water some clues as to whether it is experienc-
developments such as storage reservoirs ing an increase or decrease in sediment
and diversions also must be factored delivery from the watershed relative to
into an analysis of altered watershed sediment-transport capacity. Special at-
hydrology (Figure 4.13) . tention should be paid to channel ca-
The effects of altered land use on sedi- pacities and depositional features such
ment delivery to streams may be as- as sand or gravel bars. If flooding seems
sessed using various analytical and to be more frequent, it might be an in-
empirical tools. These are discussed in dication that aggradation is occurring.
Chapters 7 and 8. However, these tools Conversely, if there is evidence of chan-
should be used with some caution un- nel entrenchment, such as exposed
less they have been verified and cali- bridge pier or abutment footings, degra-
brated with actual instream sediment dation is occurring. Similarly, if the

4-24 Chapter 4: Getting Organized and Identifying Problems and Opportunities

number and size of gravel bars are sig-
nificantly different from what is evident
in historical photos, for example, the
difference might be an indication that
either aggradation or erosion has been
enhanced. Care is needed when using
the channel to interpret possible
changes in watershed conditions since
similar channel symptoms can also be
caused by ch anges in conditions within
the stream corridor itself or by natural
variation of the hydrograph.

Stream Corridor and Reach

Factors Affecting Stream
Corridor Conditions

In addition to watershed factors affect-

Figure 4. 13: Water releases below a dam.
ing stream corridor conditions, it is im- Altering the flow regime of Glen Canyon Dam
portant to consider disturbances at the altered the stream condition.
stream corridor and reach scales. In
general, stream corridor structural at-
tributes and functions are greatly af- hydraulics, sediment-transport char-
fected by several important categories of acteristics, aquatic habitat, and water
activities if they occur within the corri- quality (e.g., dams and grade stabi-
dor. Chapter 3 explores these in more lization measures, bank riprap, logs,
detail; the following are some of the ac- bridge piers, and habitat "enhance-
tivities that commonly impact corridor ment'' measures) (Figure 4.15). In
structure and function. the case of logs, it might be the loss
of such structures rather than their
• Activities that alter or remove stream- addition that alters flow hydraulics
bank and riparian vegetation (e.g., and channel structure.
grazing, agriculture, logging, and
urbanization), resulting in changes in Altered riparian vegetation and physical
the stability of streambanks, runoff modification of channels and flood-
and transport of contaminants, water plains are primary causes of impaired
quality, or habitat characteristics of stream corridor structure and functions
Preview Chap-
riparian zones (Figure 4.14). because their effects are both profound
ters 7 and 8,
and direct. Addressing the causes of
• Activities that physically alter the mor- Analytical and
these changes m ight offer the best, most
phology of channels, banks, and Empirical Tools
feasible opportunities for restoring section.
riparian zones, resulting in effects stream corridors. However, the altered
such as the displacement of aquatic vegetation and physical modifications
and riparian habitat and the disrup- also may create some of the most sig-
tion of the flow of energy and materi- nificant challenges for stream corridor
als (e.g., channelization, levee con- restoration by constraining the number
struction, gravel mining, and access or type of possible solutions.
It is important to remember that there
• Instream modifications that alter are no simple analytical methods
channel shape and dimensions, flow available for analyzing relationships

Problem and Opportunity Identification 4-25

Whatever the situation, it is likely that
the analysis will require site-specific ap-
plication of ecological principles aided
by a few quantitative tools. It will
rarely be possible to determine
causative factors for resource impair-
ment using uninterpreted results from
off-the-shelf analytical models. Part III,
Chapter 7, contains a detailed discus-
sion of some of the quantitative tools
available to assist in the analysis of the
resource conditions within the stream
corridor ecosystem.

Determination of
Management Influence on
Stream Corridor Conditions
Once the conditions have been identi-
Figure 4.14: Residential development.
Urbanization can severely impair conditions
fied and the causes of those conditions
critical for riparian vegetation by increasing described, the key remaining question is
impervious surfaces. whether the causative factors are a func-
tion of and responsive to management.
Specific management factors that con-
between activities or events potentially
tribute to impairment might or might
disturbing the stream corridor and the
not have been identified with the causes
structure and functions defining the
of impairment previously identified.
corridor. However, there are modes by
which stream corridor activities and
structures can affect ecological condi-
tions that involve both direct and indi-
rect impacts. The box Examples of How
Activities Occurring Within the Corridor
Can Affect Structure and Functions pro-
vides some examples of the modes by
which activities can affect stream corri-
dor structure and functions.
In conducting the problem analysis, it
is important to investigate the various
Preview modes of ecological interaction at the
Chapter 7's reach and system scales. The analysis
Quantitative might need to be subjective and deduc-
Tools section. tive, in which case use of an interdisci-
plinary team is essential. In other cases,
the analysis might be enhanced by ap-
plication of available hydrologic, hy-
draulic, sedimentation, water quality, or Figure 4. 15: Riparian vegetation and structure.
habitat models. The loss of logs in a stream alters f low
hydraulics and channel structure.

4-26 Chapter 4: Getting Organized and Identifying Problems and Opportunities

To illustrate, consider again the example
of increased bank erosion. An initial
analysis of impaired conditions might
identify causes such as land uses in the
Localized Impacts Affecting the Stream
watershed that are yielding higher flows
and sediment loads, loss of streambank
vegetation, or redirection of flow from Spatial considerations in stream corridor restoration are
instream modifications. None of these, usually discussed at the landscape, corridor, and stream
however, identify the role of manage- scales (e.g., connections to other systems, minimum
ment influences. For example, if higher widths, or maximum edge concerns). However, the criti-
water and sediment yields are a func- cal failures in corridor systems can often occur at the
tion of improper grazing management, reach scale, where a single break in continuity or other
the problem migh t be mitigated simply weakness can have a domino effect on the entire corri-
by altering grazing practices. dor. Just as uncontrolled watershed degradation can
doom stream corridor restora tion effectiveness, so can
The ability to identify management in-
specific sites where critical problems exist that can pre-
fluences becomes critical when identify- vent the whole corridor from functioning effectively.
ing alternatives for restoration.
Description of past management influ- Examples of weaknesses or problems at the reach scale
ences may prevent the repetition of pre- that might affect the whole corridor are w ide-ranging.
vious mistakes and should facilitate Barriers to fish passage, lack of appropriate shade and
prediction of future system response for resultant loss of water temperature moderation, breaks
evaluating alternatives. Recognition of in terrestrial migration lands, or narrow points that make
management influences also is impor- some animals particularly vulnerable to predators can
tant for predicting the effectiveness of often alter conditions elsewhere in the corridor. In addi-
mitigation and the feasibility of specific tion, other sites might be direct or indirect source areas
treatments. Identifying the role of man- for problems, such as headcuts or rapidly eroding banks
agement is a key consideration when that contribute excessive sediment to the stream and
evaluating the ability of the stream cor- instability to the system, or locations with populations of
ridor to heal itself (e.g., without man- noxious exotic plant species that can spread to other
agement, with management, with parts of the corridor system. Some site-specific land use
management plus additional treat- problems can also have critical impacts on corridor
ments). The identification of past man- integrity, including chronic damage from grazing live-
agement, both in the watershed and in stock, irrigation water returns, and uncontrolled storm
the stream corridor, and its influence water outflows.
on those factors causing impairment
will therefore help to sharpen the focus
of the restoration effort.

Problem or Opportunity
Statements for Stream
the restoration effort but also become
Corridor Restoration
the basis for developing specific restora-
The final step in the process of prob- tion objectives. Moreover, they form
lem/ opportunity identification and the basis for determining success or
analysis is development of concise failure of the restoration initiative.
statements to drive the restoration ef- Problem/opportunity statements are
fort. Problem/opportunity statements therefore critical for design of a relevant
not only serve as a general focus for monitoring approach.

Problem and Opportunity Identification 4-27

For maximum effectiveness, these
statements should usually have the fol-
Examples of How Activities Occurring lowing two characteristics:
Within the Corridor Can Affect • They describe impaired stream corri-
Structure and Functions dor conditions that are explicitly stat-
ed in measurable units and can be
• Direct disturbance or displacement of aquatic and/or related to specific processes within
riparian species or habitats the stream corridor.
• Indirect disturbance associated with altered stream
• They describe deviation from the
hydraulics and sediment-transport capacity
desired reference condition (dynam-
• Indirect disturbance associated with altered channel ic equilibrium) or proper function-
and riparian zone sedimentation dynamics ing condition for each impaired
• Indirect disturbance associated with altered surface condition.
water-ground water exchanges
• Indirect disturbance associated with chemical
discharges and altered water quality

4-28 Chapter 4: Getting Organized and Identifying Problems and Opportunities

Bluewater Creek

and recreation opportunities. Although the RC&D

T he watershed analysis and subsequent treat-
ments performed at Bluewater Creek, New
Mexico, demonstrate successful watershed and
project did not develop, the Forest Service, as the
major land manager in the watershed, conducted
a thorough analysis on the lands it managed and
stream corridor restoration. Although most of the
work has taken place on federal land, the intermix- implemented a restoration initiative and monitor-
ing that continue to this day
ing of private lands and the values and needs of
the varied publics concerned with the watershed The effort has been based on five goals: (1) reduce
make it a valuable case study The project, begun flood peaks and prolong baseflows, (2) reduce soil
in 1984, has a record of progress and improved loss and resultant downstream channel and lake
land management. The watershed received the sedimentation, (3) increase fish and wildlife pro-
1997 Chief's Stewardship Award from the Chief of ductivity, (4) improve timber and range productivi-
the Forest Service and continues to host numerous ty, and (5) demonstrate proper watershed analysis
studies and research projects. and treatment methods. Also important is close
Located in the Zuni mountains of north-central adherence to a variety of legal requirements to
preserve the environmental and cultural values of
New Mexico, Bluewater Creek drains a 52,042-acre
watershed that enters Bluewater Lake, a 2,350-acre the watershed, particularly addressing the needs of
reservoir in the East Rio San Jose watershed. threatened, endangered, and sensitive plant and
Bluewater Creek and Lake provide the only oppor- animal species; preserving the rich cultural history
of the area; and complying with requirements of
tunity to fish for trout and other coldwater species
and offer a unique opportunity for water-based the Clean Water Act.
recreation in an otherwise arid part of New Mexico. For analysis purposes, the watershed was divided
The watershed has a lengthy history of complex into 13 subwatersheds and further stratified based
on vegetation, geology, and slope. Analysis of data
land uses. Between 1890 and 1940, extensive log-
ging using narrow-gauge railroad technology cut gathered measuring ground cover transects and
channel analysis from August 1984 through July
over much of the watershed. Extensive grazing of
livestock, uncontrolled fires, and some mining 1985 resulted in eight major conclusions: (1) areas
activity also occurred. Following logging by private forested with mixed conifer and ponderosa pine
species were generally able to handle rainfall and
enterprises, large portions of the watershed were
snowmelt runoff," (2) excessive peak flows, as well
sold to the USDA Forest Service in the early 1940s.
as normal flows continually undercut steep chan-
Grazing, some logging, extensive roading, and
increased recreational use continued in the water- nel banks, causing large volumes of bank material
shed. The Mt. Taylor Ranger District of the Cibola to enter the stream and lake system; (3) most
National Forest now manages 86 percent of the perennial and intermittent channels were lacking
watershed, with significant private holdings (12.5 the riparian vegetation they needed to maintain
percent) and limited parcels owned by the state of streambank integrity; (4) most watersheds had an
New Mexico and Native Americans. excessive number of roads (Figure 4.16); (5) trails
caused by livestock, particularly cattle, concentrate
In the early 1980s, local citizens worked with the runoff into small streams and erodible areas; (6)
Soil Conservation Service (now Natural Resources several key watersheds suffered from livestock
Conservation Service) to begin a Resource overuse and improper grazing management sys-
Conservation and Development (RC&D) project to tems; (7) some instances of timber management
protect water quality in the stream and lake as practices were exacerbating watershed problems;
well as limit lake sedimentation harming irrigation

Problem and Opportunity Identification 4-29

Figure 4.16: Vehicle traffic through wet meadow in Figure 4.17: Recently installed treatment. (April 1987.)
Bluewater Creek, NM. (May 1984.) Such traffic compacts Porous fence revetment designed to reduce bank failure.
and damages soil, changes flow patterns, and induces
gully erosion.

and (8) excessive runoff in some subwatersheds

continued to degrade the main channel.
Based on the conclusions of the analysis, a broad
range of treatments were prescribed and imple-
mented. Some were active (e.g., construction of
particular works or projects); others were more
passive (e.g., adjustments to grazing strategies).
Channel treatments such as small dams, gully
headcut control structures, grade control struc-
tures, porous fence revetments (Figures 4. 17,
4.18, and 4.19), and channel crossings (Figure
4.20) were used to affect flow regimes, channel Figure 4.18: Porous fence revetment aided by bank
sloping. (August 1987.) The photo shows initial revege-
stability, and water quality Riparian plantings,
tation during first growing season following treatment
riparian pastures, and beaver management pro-
grams were also established, and meander
reestablishment and channel relocation were con-
ducted. Land treatments, such as the establish- fences and seasonal area closures). Additional
ment of best management practices (BMPs) for attention was paid to improved road management
livestock, timber, roads, and fish and wildlife, were practices, and unnecessary roads w ere closed.
developed to prevent soil loss and maintain site Results of the project have largely met its goals,
productivity and the watershed is more productive and enjoy-
In a few cases, land and channel treatments were able for a broad range of goods, services, and val-
implemented simultaneously (e. g., livestock drift ues. Although one w eakness of the project was
the lack of a carefully designed monitoring and

4-30 Chapter 4: Getting Organized and Identifying Problems and Opportunities

evaluation plan, observers generally agree that the
completed treatments continue to perform their
designed function, while additional treatments add
to the success of the project.
Most of the small in-channel structures are func-
tioning as designed. The meander reestablishment
has lengthened the channel and decreased gradi-
ent in a critical reach. The channel relocation pro-
ject has just completed its first year, and initial
results are promising. Beaver have established
themselves along the main channel of Bluewater
Creek, providing significant habitat for fish and
wildlife, as their ponds capture sediment and mod-
Figure 4.19: Porous fence revetments after two growing
erate flood peaks. The watershed now provides a
seasons. (September 1988.) Vegetation is noticeably more varied and robust population of fish and
established over first growing season. wildlife species. Changes in road management
have yielded significant results. Road closures have
removed traffic from sensitive areas, and recon-
struction of two key roads has reduced sediment
damages to the stream. Special attention to road
crossings of wet meadows has begun to rehabili-
tate scores of acres dewatered by improper cross-
ings. Range management techniques (e.g., com-
bined allotments, improved fencing, and more
modern grazing strategies) are improving water-
shed condition. A limited timber management pro-
gram on the federal property has had beneficial
impacts on the watershed, but significant timber
harvest on private lands provided a cause for con-
cern, particularly regarding compliance with Clean
Water Act best management practices.
Figure 4.20: Multiple elevated culvert array at crossing
The local citizens who use the watershed have
of wet meadow. (June 1997.) The culvert spreads flow
and decreases erosion energy, captures sediment benefited from the improved conditions.
upstream, reduces flood peaks, and prolongs baseflows. Recreation use continues to climb.

Problem and Opportunity Identification 4-31

Problem/Opportunity Statements functions needing attention, while associated
opportunities might focus on reintroduction of
Problem/Opportunity statements should follow
native species that were previously eliminated from
directly from the analysis of existing and reference
the system. Prob/em/Opportunity statements can
stream corridor conditions. These statements can
also focus on the economic benefits of a proposed
be viewed as an articulation of some of the poten-
restoration initiative. By identifying such economic
tial benefits that can be realized through restora-
benefits to local landowners, it may be possible to
tion of the structure and functions of the stream
increase the number of private citizens participat-
corridor. For example, problem statements might
ing in the planning process.
focus on the impaired structural attributes and

Example problem statement:

Coarse sediment Geomorphic Input

from past Time Frame

mass wasting Watershed Process

in unit 3 Hillslope Unit Locator

associated with clearcut logging Activity

on unstable slopes is Conditions and Modifiers

reducing pools Channel Effects

on segments 1 and 2 Locator

and degrading summer rearing habitat. Resource Effects

Example opportunity statements:

• To prevent streambank erosion and sediment • To reintroduce nongame fish and salamanders in
damage and provide quality streamside vegeta- conjunction with implementing several stream
tion through bioengineering techniques-Four restoration techniques and eliminating point
Mile Run, Virginia. source discharges- Berkeley Campus Creek,
• To protect approximately 750 linear feet of Sligo California.
Creek through the construction of a parallel pipe Example statements adapted from Center for
system for storm water discharge control- Sligo Watershed Protection 1995.
Creek, Maryland.
• To enhance the creek through reconstruction of
instream habitat (e.g., pools and riffles)-Pipers
Creek, Washington.

4-32 Chapter 4: Getting Organized and Identifying Problems and Opportunities

Objectives, and
5.A Developing Restoration Goals and
5.B Alternative Selection and Design

restoration process. In other words, plan-

O nce the basic organizational steps
have been completed and the prob-
lems/opportunities associated with the
ners must work to ensure a logical flow
and relationship between problem and
stream corridor have been identified, the opportunity statements, restoration goals
next two stages of the restoration plan and objectives, and design.
development process can be initiated.
Remember that the restoration planning
These two stages, the development of
process can be as complex as the stream
restoration goals and objectives and alter-
corridor to be restored. A project might
native selection and design, require input
involve a large number of landowners and
from all partners. The advisory group
decision makers. It might also be fairly
should work in collaboration with the de-
simple, allowing planning through a
cision maker(s) and technical teams.
streamlined process. In either case, proper
During the objective development, alter- planning will lead to success.
native selection, and design stages, it is
Proper planning in the beginning of the
important that continuity be maintained
restoration process will save time and
among the fundamental steps of the
money for the life of the project. This is
often accomplished by managing Although active restorations that
the causes rather than the include the installation of designed
symptoms. measures are common, the "no
action" or passive alternative might
This chapter is divided into two sec-
be more ecologically desirable,
tions that describe the basic steps
depending on the specific goals
of defining goals and objectives, se-
and time frame of the plan.
lecting alternatives, and designing
restoration measures. Section 5.8: Alternative Selection
and Design
Section 5.A: Developing
Restoration Goals and Objectives The selection of restoration alterna-
tives is a complex process that is
Restoration objectives are essential
intended to address the identified
for guiding the development and
problems/opportunities and accom-
implementation of restoration ef-
plish restoration goals and objec-
forts and for establishing a means
tives. Some of the important
to measure progress and evaluate
factors to consider in designing
success. This section outlines some
restoration measures, as well as
of the major considerations that
some of the supporting analysis
need to be taken into account in
that facilitates alternative selection
developing restoration goals and
are discussed. '
objectives for a restoration plan.

5- 2 Chapter 5: Developing Goals, Objectives, and Restoration Alternatives

5.A Developing Restoration Cioals and
Developing goals and objectives for
a stream corridor restoration effort
follows problem/opportunity identifica-
tion and analysis. The goals develop- Components of the Goal and Objective
ment process should mark the Development Process
integration of the results of the assess- • Define the desired future condition.
ment of existing and desired stream
• Identify sca le considerations.
corridor structure and functions with
important political, economic, social, • Identify restoration constraints and issues.
and cultural values. This section • Define goals and objectives.
presents and explains some of the fun-
damental components of the goal and
objective development process.

Defining Desired Future

Stream Corridor Conditions
Identifying Scale
The development of goals and objec-
tives should begin with a rough outline,
as discussed in Chapter 4, and with the In developing stream corridor restora-
definition of the desired future condition tion goals and objectives it is important
of the stream corridor and surrounding to consider and address the issue of
landscape (Figure 5.1). The desired fu- scale. The scale of stream corridor
ture condition should represent the restoration efforts can vary greatly, from
common vision of all participants. This working on a short reach to managing a
clear, conceptual picture is necessary to large river basin corridor. As discussed
serve both as a foundation for more
specific goals and objectives and as a
target toward which implementation
strategies can be directed.
The vision statement should be consis-
tent with the overall ecological goal of
restoring stream corridor structure and
functions and bringing the system as
close to a state of dynamic equilibrium
or proper functioning condition as
The development of this vision state-
ment should be seen as an opportunity
for participants to articulate an ambi-
tious ecological vision. This vision will
ultimately be integrated with important
social, political, economic, and cultural
values. Figure 5. 1: Example of future conditions. The
desired future condition should represent the
common vision of all participants.

Developing Restoration Goals and Objectives 5- 3

Chesapeake Bay Program

The Chesapeake Bay was the first estuary targeted

A unique partnership that spanned across all
scales of the Chesapeake Bay watershed was
formed in 1983. The Chesapeake Bay Agreement
for restoration in the 1970s. Based on the scientific
data collected during that time, the agreement tar-
was signed that year by the District of Columbia, geted 40 percent reductions in nutrients, nitrogen,
the state of Maryland, the Commonwealths of and phosphorus by the year 2000. The committee
Pennsylvania and Virginia, the Chesapeake Bay has been instrumental in moving up the tributaries
Commission (a tri-state legislative body), and of the bay and improving agricultural practices,
the federal government represented by the removing nutrients, and educating the millions of
Environmental Protection Agency to coordinate residents about their role in improving the quality
and direct the restoration of the Chesapeake Bay of the bay Success has been marked by reduction
Recognizing that local cooperation would be in nutrients and an increase in populations of
vital in implementing any efforts, the Executive striped bass and other species (Figure 5.2). Recent
Committee created the Local Government Advisory fish kills in the watershed rivers, however, are
Committee (LGAC) in 1987. The LGAC acts as a reminders that maintaining the health of the
conduit to communicate current efforts in the Chesapeake Bay is a continuing challenge.
Program to the local level, as well as a platform for Success at the local level is key to the success of
local governments to voice their perceptions, ideas, the overall program. Chesapeake Bay
and concerns. The Land Growth and Stewardship Communities' Making the Connection catalogs
Subcommittee was formed in 1994 to encourage some of the local initiatives to restore local envi-
actions that reduce the impacts of growth on the ronments and improve the condition of the bay In
Bay and address other issues related to population Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, for example, a
growth and expansion in the region . Stream Team was formed to preserve and restore
the local streams. Its primary role is to coordinate
restoration efforts involving local landowners, vol-
unteers, and available programs. In one case, the
Stream Team was able to arrange materials for a
local fishing group and a farmer to fence a pasture
stream and plant trees. With continuous efforts
such as this, the Chesapeake Bay will become
cleaner one tributary at a time.

Figure 5.2: Chesapeake Bay.The Chesapeake Bay is a

unique estuarine ecosystem protected through intera-
gency cooperation.
Source: C. Za bawa.

5-4 Chapter 5: Developing Goals, Objectives, and Restoration Alternatives

previously, it is important to recognize, program or to address the requirements
however, that the functions of a specific of a particular endangered species.
streambank or reach ecosystem are not
Land Use Considerations
performed in isolation and are linked
to associated ecosystems in the sur- As discussed in Chapter 2, many of the
rounding landscape. As a result, goals characteristics and functions of the
and objectives should recognize the stream corridor are controlled by hydro-
stream corridor and its surrounding logic and geomorphic conditions in the
Review Chap-
landscape. watershed, particularly as they influence ters 2 and 3.
streamflow regime, sediment move-
The Landscape Scale ment, and inputs of nutrients and pol-
lutants (Brinson et al. 1995).
Technical considerations in stream cor-
ridor restoration usually encompass the As introduced in Chapter 3, changes in
landscape scale as well as the stream land use and increases in development
corridor scale. These considerations are a concern, particularly because they
may include political, economic, can cause rapid changes in the delivery
historical, and/or cultural values; nat- of storm water to the stream system,
ural resource management concerns; thereby changing the basic hydrologic
and biodiversity (Landin 1995). The patterns that determine stream configu-
following are some important issues ration and plant community distribu-
relevant to the landscape scale. tion (Figure 5.4). In addition, future
development can influence what the
Regional Economic and Natural stream corridor will be expected to ac-
Resource Management Considerations complish in terms of processing or stor-
Regional economic priorities and nat- ing floodwaters or nutrients, or with
ural resource objectives should be iden- respect to providing wildlife habitat or
tified and evaluated with respect to recreation opportunities.
their likely influence on the restoration
effort. It is important that restoration
goals and objectives reflect a clear un-
derstanding of the concerns of the peo-
ple living in the region and the
immediate area, as well as the priorities
of resource agencies responsible for
managing lands within the restoration
target area and providing support for
the initiative (Figure 5.3).
In many highly developed areas,
restoration may be driven largely by a
general recognition that stream corri-
dors provide the most satisfactory op-
portunities to repair and preserve
natural environments in the midst of
increasingly dense human occupation.
In wildland areas, stream corridor Figure 5.3: Western stream- landscape scale.
Developing goals and objectives requires the
restoration might be pursued as part
consideration of important social, economic,
of an overall ecosystem management ecological, and natural resource factors at the
landscape scale.

Developing Restoration Goals and Objectives 5-5

Where corridor restoration is intended
to result in establishing connectivity on
a landscape scale, management objec-
tives and options should reflect natural
patterns of plant community distribu-
tion and should be built to provide as
much biodiversity as possible. In many
instances, however, the driving force be-
hind restoration is the protection of cer-
tain threatened, endangered, game, or
other specially targeted species. In these
cases a balance must be struck A por-
tion of the overall restoration plan can
be directed toward the life requirements
of the targeted species, but on the
whole the goal should be a diverse
community (Figure 5.5).

Figure 5.4: Urban stream corridor. Population The Stream Corridor Scale
growth and land use trends, such as urbaniza-
tion, should be considered when developing Each stream corridor targeted for
restoration goals and objectives. restoration is unique. A project goal of
Landscape concerns pertinent to devel- restoring multiple ecological functions
oping goals and objectives for stream might encompass the channel systems,
corridor restoration should also include the active floodplain, and possibly adja-
an assessment of land use and projected cent hill slopes or other buffer areas
development trends in the watershed. that have the potential to directly and
By making an effort to accommodate indirectly influence the stream or pro-
predictable future land use and devel- tect it from surrounding land uses
opment patterns, degradation of stream (Sedell et al. 1990). A wide corridor is
corridor conditions can be prevented or
Biodiversity Considerations
The continuity that corridors provide
among different areas and ecosystem
types has often been cited as a major
tool for maintaining regional biodiver-
sity because it facilitates animal move-
ment (particularly for large mammals)
and prevents isolation of plant and ani-
mal populations. However, there has
been some dispute over the effective-
ness of corridors to accomplish these
objectives and over the creation of inap-
propriate corridors having adverse con-
sequences (Knopf 1986, Noss 1987, Figure 5.5: Animal population dynamics.
Simberloff and Cox 1987, Mann and Restoration plans may target species, but biodi-
versity should be the basic goal of restoration.
Plummer 1995).

5- 6 Chapter 5: Developing Goals, Objectives, and Restoration Alternatives

most likely to include a range of biotic ing interests (timber, grazing, mining,
community types and to perform many recreation) that are not always consis-
of the stream functions (floodwater and tent with the objectives of the restora- FAST
sediment storage, nutrient processing, tion plan can be difficult. In most cases, FORWARD

fish and wildlife habitat, and others) the final configuration of the corridor
that the restoration effort is intended to should balance multiple and often con-
restore. In many cases, however, it will flicting objectives, including optimizing
not be possible to reestablish the origi- ecological structure and function and Preview Chap-
nal corridor width, and restoration will accommodating the diverse needs of ter G's Adaptive
be focused on a narrower strip of land landowners and other participants. Management
directly adjacent to the channel. sect ion.
The Reach Scale
Where narrow corridors are established
through urban or agricultural land- A reach is the fundamental unit for de-
scapes, certain functions might be re- sign and management of the stream
stored (e.g., stream shading), while corridor. In establishing goals and ob-
others might not (e.g., wildlife move- jectives, each reach must be evaluated
ment). In particular, very narrow corri- with regard to its landscape and indi-
dors, such as western riparian areas, vidual characteristics, as well as their in-
may function largely as edge habitat fluence on stream corridor function and
and will favor unique and sometimes integrity. For example, steep slopes adja-
opportunistic plant and animal cent to a channel reach must be consid-
species. In some situations, creating a ered where they contribute potentially
large amount of edge habitat m ight be significant amounts of runoff, subsur-
detrimental to species that require face flow, sediment, woody debris, or
large forested habitat or are highly vul- other inputs. Another reach might be
nerable to predation or nest parasitism particularly active with respect to chan-
and disturbances. nel migration and might warrant ex-
The corridor configuration and restora- panding the corridor relative to other
tion options depend to a large extent reaches to accommodate local stream
on the pattern of land ownership and dynamics.
use at the stream corridor scale. Corri- Identifying Restoration
dors that traverse agricultural land may Constraints and Issues
involve the interests of many individual
landowners with varying levels of com- Once participants have reached consen-
mitment to or interest in the restoration sus on the desired future condition and
initiative. examined scale considerations, atten-
tion should be given to identifying
Often, landowners will not be inclined restoration constraints and issues. This
to remove acreage from production or process is important in that it helps
alter land use practices without incen- identify limitations associated with es-
tive. In urban settings, citizen groups tablishing specific restoration goals and
may have a strong voice in the objec- objectives. Moreover, it provides the in-
tives and layout of the corridor. On formation that will be needed when in-
large public land holdings, manage- tegrating ecological, social, political,
ment agencies might be able to commit and economic values.
to the establishment and managem ent
of stream corridors and their water- Due to the innumerable potential chal-
sheds, but the incorporation of compet- lenges involved in identifying all of the
constraints and issues, it is often help-

Developing Restoration Goals and Objectives 5- 7

ful to rely on the services of the inter-
disciplinary technical teams. Team
members support one another and pro-
vide critical expertise and the experience
necessary to investigate potential con-
straints. The following are some of the
restoration constraints and issues, both
technical and nontechnical, that should
be considered in defining restoration
goals and objectives.

Technical Constraints

Technical constraints include the avail-

ability of data and restoration technolo-
gies. In terms of data availability, it is
important that the technical team begin
by compiling and analyzing data avail-
able on stream corridor structure and Figure 5.6: Field sampling. Collecting the right
kinds of data with the proper quality control
functions. Analyzing these data will en-
and translating that data into information use-
able the identification of information ful for making decisions is a challenge.
gaps and should allow the restoration
effort to proceed, even though all of the
information might not be at hand. It Quality Assurance, Quality
should be noted that there is usually a Control
wealth of technical information avail-
The success of a stream corridor restora-
able either in published sources or in
tion plan depends on the following:
public agency offices as unpublished
source material. • Efficient and accurate use of existing
data and information.
In addition to data availability, a sec-
ond technical constraint might involve • Reliable collection of new data that
the tools or techniques used to analyze are needed, recognizing the required
or collect stream corridor data. Some level of precision and accuracy
restoration techniques and methodolo- (Figure 5.6).
gies are not complete and might not be • Interpretation of the meaning of the
sufficient to conduct the restoration ef- data, including translating the data
fort. It is also generally known that into information that can be used to
technology transfer and dissemination make planning decisions.
associated with available techniques are
far b ehind the existing information • A locally led, voluntary approach.
base, and field personnel might not The concept of quality assurance or
readily have access to needed informa- quality control is not new. When time,
tion. It is important that the technical materials, or money are to be ex-
teams are up-to-date with restoration pended, results should be as reliable
technology and are prepared to modify and efficiently derived as possible. Pro-
implemented plans through adaptive visions for quality control or quality as-
management as necessary. surance can be built into the restoration
plan, especially if a large number of

5- 8 Chapter 5: Developing Goals, Objectives, and Restoration Alternatives

contractors, volunteers, and other peo- pone, or even stop a restoration initia-
ple not directly under the control of the tive. As a result, it is important that the
planners are involved (Averett and advisory group and decision maker con-
Schroder 1993). sider appointing a technical team to in-
Many standards, conventions, and pro- vestigate these issues prior to defining
tocols exist to ensure the quality or reli- restoration goals and objectives.
ability of information used for planning Contained below is a brief discussion of
a restoration (Knott et al. 1992), in- some of the nontechnical issues that
cluding the following: can play a role in restoration initiatives.
Although many general examples and
• Sampling
case studies offer experience on address-
• Field analytical equipment ing nontechnical constraints, the nu-
• Laboratory testing equipment ances of each issue can vary by
• Standard procedures
Land and Water Use Conflicts
• Training
Land and water use conflicts are fre-
• Calibrations
quently a problem, especially in the
• Documentation western United States. The historical,
• Reviews social, and cultural aspects of grazing,
mining, logging, water resources devel-
• Delegations of authority opment and use, and unrestricted use
• Inspections of public land are emotional issues that
require coordination and education so
The quality of work and the restoration
that local and regional citizens under-
actions can be ensured through the fol-
stand what is being proposed in the
lowing (Shampine et al. 1992, Stanley
restoration initiative and what will be
et al. 1992, Knott et al. 1993):
• Training to ensure that all persons
Financial Issues
fully understand what is expected of
them. Planning, design, implementation, and
other aspects of the restoration initia-
• Products that are produced on time
tive must stay within a budget. Since
and that meet the plan's goals and
most restoration efforts involve public
agencies, the institutional, legal, and
• Established procedures for remedial regulatory protocols and bureaucracies
actions or adaptive management, can delay restoration and increase costs.
which means being able to make It is extremely important to recognize
adjustments as monitoring results are these problems early to keep the initia-
analyzed. tive on schedule and preclude or at
least minimize cost overruns.
Nontechnical Constraints
In some cases, funds might be insuffi-
Nontechnical constraints consist of fi- cient to accomplish restoration. The
nancial, political, institutional, legal means to undertake the initiative can
and regulatory, social, and cultural con- often be obtained by seeking out and
straints, as well as current and future working with a broad variety of cost-
land and water use conflicts. Any one of and work-sharing partners; seeking out
these has the potential to alter, post- and working with volunteers to perform

Developing Restoration Goals and Objectives 5- 9

Permits pool habitats; wetland restoration; placement of
tree root masses; and placement of revetment on
Federal, state, or local permits might be required
channel banks. CWA Section 404 requires that a
for some types of stream restoration activities.
state or tribe (one or both as appropriate) certify
Some states, such as California, require permits for
that an activity requiring a Section 404 permit is
any activity in a streambed. Placement of dredged
consistent with the state's or tribe's water quality
or fill material in waters of the United States
standards. Given the variety of actions covered by
requires a Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 404 per-
the CWA, as well as jurisdiction issues, it is vital to
mit from the US Army Corps of Engineers or, when
contact the Corps of Engineers Regulatory Branch
the program has been delegated, from the state.
and appropriate state officials early in the planning
The CWA requires the application of the Section
process to determine the conditions triggering the
404(b)(1) guidelines issued by the Environmental
need for permits as well as how to best integrate
Protection Agency in determining whether dis-
permit compliance needs into the planning and
charge should be allowed. A permit issued under
design of the restoration initiative. Chances are that
Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899
a well-thought-out planning and design process will
might also be required for activities that change the
address most, if not all, the information needs for
course, condition, location, or capacity of navigable
evaluation or certification of permit applications.
Federal issuance of a permit triggers the need for
Activities that could trigger the need for a CWA compliance with the National Environmental Policy
Section 404 permit include, but are not limited to, Act (see Nat ional Environmental Policy Act
re-creation of gravel beds, sand bars, and riffle and Considerat ions).

various levels of field work, as well as to

serve as knowledgeable experts for the
effort; costing the initiative in phases
that are affordable; and other creative
approaches (Figure 5. 7). Logistical sup-
port by a local sponsor or community
in the form of labor, boats, and other
equipment should not be overlooked.
Not all restorations are complex or
costly. Some might be as simple as a
slight change in the way that resources
are managed in and along the stream
corridor, involving only m inor costs.
Other restorations, however, may re-
quire substantial funds because of the
complexity and extent of measures
needed to achieve the planned restora-
Figure 5.7: Field volunteers. Volunteers assist- tion goals.
ing in t he restoration effort can b e an effective
way to com bat financial constraints.
Source: C . Zabawa.

5- 10 Chapter 5: Developing Goals, Objectives, and Restoration Alternatives

National Environmental Policy Act initiative include, but are by no means limited to, a
Considerations decision to provide federal funds for a restoration
initiative, a decision to significantly alter operation
The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of
and maintenance of federal facilities on a river sys-
1969 established the nation's policy to protect and
tem, or the need for a federal permit (e.g. , a Clean
restore the environment and the federal responsi-
Water Act Section 404 permit for placement of
bility to use "all practicable means and measures ...
dredged or fill material in waters of the United
to create and maintain conditions under which
man and nature can exist in productive harmony,
and fulfill the social and economic and other In addition, many states have environmental
requirements of present and future generations of impact analysis statutes patterned along the same
Americans." NEPA focuses on major federal actions lines as NEPA. Consultation with state and local
with the potential to significantly affect the human agencies should occur early and often throughout
environment. The Council on Environmental the process of developing a stream corridor
Quality's regulations implementing NEPA require restoration initiative. Jointly prepared federal and
the federal agency taking action to develop alter- state environmental documentation is routine in
natives to a proposed action, to analyze and com- some states and is encouraged.
pare the impacts of each alternative and the pro- The federal requirement to comply with NEPA
posed action, and to keep the public informed and should be integrated with the planning approach
involved throughout the project planning and for developing a restoration plan. When multiple
implementation. Although NEPA does not mandate federal actions are required to fully implement a
environmentally sound decisions, it has established restoration initiative, the identity of the lead feder-
a decision-making process that ultimately encour- al agency(s) and cooperating agencies should be
ages better, wiser, and fully informed decisions. established. This will facilitate agency adoption
When considering restoration of a stream corridor, of the NEPA document for subsequent decision
it is important to determine early on whether a making.
federal action will occur Federal actions that might
be associated with a stream corridor restoration

Institutional and Legal Issues Typical institutional and legal require-

Each restoration effort has its own ments cover a wide range of issues. Lo-
unique set of regulatory requirements, cally, restoration planners must be
which can range from almost no re- concerned with zoning permits and
quirements to a full range of local, state and county water quality permits.
county, state, and federal permits. Most federally sponsored and/ or
Properly planned restoration efforts funded initiatives require compliance
should m eet or exceed the intent of with the National Environmental Policy
both federal and non-federal require- Act and the Endangered Species Act. Ini-
ments. Restoration planners should tiatives that receive federal support
contact the appropriate local, state, and must comply with the National Historic
federal agencies and involve them early Preservation Act and the Wild and
in the process to avoid conflicts with Scenic Rivers Act. Permits might also be
these legal requirements. required from the US Army Corps of

Developing Restoration Goals and Objectives 5- 11

Considering Desired Future

As discussed earlier, the desired eco-

Example Goals and Objectives logical future condition of the stream
The following is an excerpt from of a restoration plan corridor is frequently based on pre-
used for restoration of Wheaton Branch, a severely development conditions or some com-
degraded urban stream in Maryland. The goal of the monly accepted idea of how the natural
project was to control storm water flows and improve stream corridors looked and functioned.
water quality Consequently, it represents the ideal sit-
OBJECTIVES ALTERNATIVES uation for restoration, whether or not
this reference condition is attainable.
(1 ) Remove urban Upstream pond retrofit
This ideal situation has been given the
term "potential, " and it may be de-
(2) Stabilize channel Install a double-wing scribed as the highest ecological status
bundles deflector, imbricated riprap, an area can attain, given no political,
and brush social, or economic constraints
(3) Control hydrologic Upstream storm water (Prichard et al. 1993). When applied to
regime retrofit management pond the initiative, however, this statement
(4) Recolonize stream Fish reintroduction might require modification to provide
community realistic and more specific goals for
Adapted from Center for Watershed Protection 1995.
Factoring In Constraints and

In addition to the desired future ecolog-

ical condition, definition of restoration
goals must also include other considera-
tions. These other factors include the
Engineers under Section 404 of the important political, social, and eco-
Clean Water Act and Section 10 of the nomic values as well as issues of scale.
Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899. When these considerations are factored
into the analysis, realistic project goals
Defining Restoration Goals
can be identified. The goals provide the
Restoration goals should be defined by overall purpose for the restoration effort
the decision maker( s) with the consen- and are based on a stream corridor's ca-
sus of the advisory group and input pability or its ideal ecological condition.
from the interdisciplinary technical
team(s) and other participants. As Defining Primary and Secondary
noted earlier, these goals should be an Restoration Goals
integration of two important groups of The identification of realistic goals is a
factors: key ingredient for restoration success
• Desired future condition (ecological since it sets the framework for adaptive
reference condition). management within a realistic set of ex-
• Social, political, and economic pectations. Unrealistic restoration goals
values. create unrealistic expectations and po-
tential disenchantment among stake-

5-12 Chapter 5: Developing Goals, Objectives, and Restoration Alternatives

holders when those expectations are
In defining realistic restoration goals, it
might be helpful to divide these goals Cultural Resource Considerations and
into two separate, yet connected, cate- the National Historic Preservation Act
gories-primary and secondary. Cultural resources also need to be considered during the
Primary Restoration Goals restoration process. Any activity that involves federal
funds, approval, licenses, or permits, or that occurs on
Primary goals should follow from the federal land, must comply with Section 106 of the
problem/opportunity identification and National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), as amended,
analysis, incorporate the participants' and its implementing regulations (Protection of Historic
vision of the desired future condition, and Cultural Properties, Title 36 of the Code of Federal
and reflect a recognition of project con- Regulations, Part 800) published by the national
straints and issues such as spatial scale, Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP).
needs found in baseline data collection,
practical aspects of budget and human Compliance with Section 106 is the responsibility of the
resources requirements, and special re- federal agency and, with rare exception, cannot be dele-
quirements for certain target or endan- gated. Section 106 requires that the ACHP be provided a
gered species. Primary goals are usually reasonable opportunity to comment on actions that
the ones that initiated the project, and might affect historic properties listed in or eligible for the
they may focus on issues such as bank National Register of Historic Places.
stabilization, sediment management, Every state has a State Historic Preservation Office,
upland soil and water conservation, which can provide information about known cultural
flood control, improved aquatic and resources in an assistance area and can assist with quick-
terrestrial habitat, and aesthetics. ly establishing contacts for needed expertise and outlin-
ing various requirements that will or might apply
Secondary Restoration Goals
Secondary goals should be developed
to either directly or indirectly support
the primary goals of the restoration ef- Restoration objectives should be de-
fort. For example, hiring displaced fined in terms of the same conditions
forestry workers to install conservation identified in the problem analysis and
practices in a forested watershed or re- should specifically state which impaired
gion could serve the secondary goal of stream corridor condition( s) will be
revitalizing a locally depressed econ- moved toward which particular refer-
omy, while also contributing to the pri- ence level or desired condition( s). The
mary goal of improving biodiversity in reference conditions provide a gauge
the restoration area. against which to measure the success of
Defining Restoration the restoration effort; restoration objec-
Objectives tives should therefore identify both im-
paired stream corridor conditions and a
Objectives give direction to the general quantitative measure of what consti-
approach, design, and implementation tutes unimpaired (restored) conditions.
of the restoration effort. Restoration ob- Restoration objectives expressed in
jectives should support the goals and terms of measurable stream corridor
also flow directly from problem/oppor- conditions provide the basis for moni-
tunity identification and analysis. toring the success of the project in
meeting condition objectives for the
stream corridor.

Developing Restoration Goals and Objectives 5- 13

Concepts Useful in Defining Conversely, a forested stream that has sluiced to
Restoration Goals and Objectives bedrock because large woody debris was lost from
the system might be much less vulnerable to fur-
Value: Social/economic values associated with a
ther deterioration.
change from one set of conditions to another.
Often, these values are not economic values, but Responsiveness: How readily or efficiently
rather amenity values such as improved water restoration actions will achieve improved stream
quality, improved habitat for native aquatic or corridor conditions. It can be conceptualized as the
riparian species, or improved recreational experi- ease with which the system can be moved toward
ences. Because stream corridor restoration often dynamic equilibrium. For example, a rangeland
requires a monetary investment, the benefits of stream that has become excessively wide and shal-
restoration need to be considered not only in low might respond very rapidly to grazing man-
terms of restoration costs, but also in terms of val- agement by establishing a more natural cross sec-
ues gained or enhanced. tion that is substantially narrower and deeper. On
the other hand, an agricultural stream that has
Tolerance: Acceptable levels of change in condi-
deeply incised following channelization might not
tions in the corridor. Two levels of tolerance are
readily reestablish grade or channel pattern in
response to improved watershed or riparian vege-
(1) Variable "management" tolerance that is tation conditions.
responsive to social concerns for selected areas.
Self-Sustainability: The degree to which the
(2) Absolute "resource" tolerance or minimal restored stream can be expected to continue to
acceptable permanent resource damage. maintain its restored (but dynamic) condition. The
Stream corridors in need of restoration usually (but creation or establishment of dynamic equilibrium
not always) exceed these tolerances. should always be a goal. However, it might be that
Vulnerability: How susceptible a stream's present intensive short-term maintenance is necessary to
condition is to further deterioration if no new ensure weeds and exotic vegetation do not get a
restoration actions are implemented. It can be con- foothold. The short-term and longer-term goals
ceptualized as the ease with which the system and objectives to ensure sustainability need to be
might move away from dynamic equilibrium. For carefully considered relative to funding, proximity
example, an alpine stream threatened by a head- of the site to population concentrations, and care-
cut induced by a poorly placed culvert might be takers.
extremely vulnerable to subsequent incision.

5- 14 Chapter 5: Developing Goals, Objectives, and Restoration Alternatives

Restoration of the
Elwha River Ecosystem

T he construction of numerous hydropower pro-

jects fueled the economic growth of the
Pacific Northwest during the early 1900s. With the
seemingly inexhaustible supply of anadromous
salmonids, little care was taken to reduce or miti-
gate the consequent impacts to these fish
(Hoffman and Winter 1996). Two hydropower
dams built on the Elwha River, on Washington's
Olympic Peninsula, were no exception.
The 108 ft. high Elwha Dam (Figure 5.8) was built
from 1910-13 about five miles from the river Figure 5.8: Elwha Dam. Fish passages were not construct-
mouth. Although state law required a fishway, one ed when the dam was built in 1910-1913.
was not built. As a result, salmon and steelhead
populations immediately declined, some to extinc- FERC's authority to issue long-term licenses for
tion, and remaining populations have been con- either dam, and it confers upon the Secretary of the
fined to the lower five miles ever since. The 210 ft. Interior the authority to remove both dams if that
high Glines Canyon Dam (Figure 5.9) was built action is needed to fully restore the Elwha River
from 1925-27 about eight miles upstream of the ecosystem and native anadromous fisheries. In a
first dam, also without fish passage facilities. Glines report to the Congress (DOI et al. 1994), the
was licensed for a period of 50 years in 1925 while Secretary concluded that dam removal was neces-
the Elwha Dam has never been licensed. sary to meet the goal of the Elwha Act. Subse-
In 1968, the project owner filed a license applica- quently, Interior completed the EIS process FERC had
tion for Elwha Dam and filed a relicense applica- begun but using the new standard of full ecosystem
tion for the Glines Canyon Dam in 1973. The restoration rather than "balancing" competing uses
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) did as FERC is required to do (NPS 1995).
not actively pursue the licensing of these two proj- Interior analyzed various ways to remove the dams
ects until the early 1980s when federal and state and manage the 18 million cubic yards (mcy) of
agencies, the Lower Elwha Kia/lam Tribe (Tribe), sediments that have accumulated in the two reser-
and environmental groups filed petitions with FERC voirs since dam construction. The preferred alter-
to intervene in the licensing proceeding. The native for the Glines Canyon Dam is to spill the
option of dam removal to restore the decimated reservoir water over successive notches construct-
fish runs was raised in most of these petitions, and ed in the concrete gravity-arch section, allowing
FERC addressed dam removal in a draft environ- layers of the dam to be removed with a crane
mental impact statement (EIS). Nonetheless, it was under dry conditions (NPS 1996). Standard dia-
apparent that disagreements remained over mond wire-saw cutting and blasting techniques
numerous issues, and that litigation could take a are planned. Much of the dam, including the left
decade or more. and right side concrete abutments and spillway,
Congressional representatives offered to broker a will be retained to allow for the interpretation of
solution. In October 1992, President George Bush this historic structure.
signed Public Law 102-495 (the Elwha River The foundation of the Elwha Dam failed during
Ecosystem and Fisheries Restoration Act; the Elwha reservoir filling in 1912, flooding downstream
Act), which is a negotiated settlement involving all areas such as the Tribe's reservation at the mouth
parties to the FERC proceeding. The Elwha Act voids of the river. A combination of blasted rock, fir

Developing Restoration Goals and Objectives 5- 15

mattresses, and other fill was used to plug the leak
(NPS 1996). To avoid a similar failure during
removal, the reservoir will be partially drained and
the river diverted into a channel constructed
through the bedrock footing of the left abutment.
This will allow the fill material and original dam
structure to be removed under dry conditions.
Following removal of this material, the river will be
diverted back to its historic location and the
bedrock channel refilled. Since the Elwha Dam was
built in an area that is religiously and culturally (a)

important to the Tribe, all structures will be

The 18 mcy of accumulated sediment consists of
about 9.2 mcy of silt and clay (<0.075 mm), 6.2
mcy of sand (0.075-<5 mm), 2.0 mcy of gravel
(5-<75 mm), and .25 mcy of cobbles (75-<300
mm). The coarse material (i.e., sand and larger) is
considered a resource that is lacking in the river
below the dams, the release of which will help
restore the size and function of a more natural
and dynamic river channel, estuary, and nearshore
marine areas. The silt- and clay-sized particles are Figure 5.9: Glines Canyon Dam. (a) Before removal and
also reduced in the lower river, but resuspension of (b) simulation after removal.

this material may cause the loss of aquatic life and

adversely affect water users downstream for the Following the removal of both dams, the salmon
approximately two to three years this process is and steelhead runs are expected to total about
expected to last (NPS 1996). Nevertheless, the pre- 390, 000 fish, compared to about 12, 000 to
ferred alternative incorporates the natural erosive 20,000 (primarily hatchery) fish. These fish will
and transport capacity of the river to move this provide over 800, 000 pounds of carcass biomass
material downstream, although roughly half of the (NPS 1995). About 13, 000 pounds of this biomass
fine and coarse materials will remain in the newly is marine-derived nitrogen and phosphorous, the
dewatered reservoir areas. Water quality and fish- benefits of which will cascade throughout the
eries mitigation actions are planned to reduce the aquatic and terrestrial ecosystem. The vast majority
impacts of sediment releases during and following of wildlife species are expected to benefit from the
dam removal. Revegetation actions will be imple- restoration of this food resource and the recovery
mented on the previously logged slopes for stabi- of over 700 acres of important lowland habitat.
lization purposes and to accelerate the achieve- Restoration of the fish runs will also support the
ment of old-growth characteristics. The old reser- federal government's trust responsibility to the
voir bottoms will be allowed to revegetate natural- Tribe for its treaty-reserved harvest rights. More
ly; "greenup" should occur within three to five wetlands will be recovered than will be lost from
years. draining the reservoirs.

5- 16 Chapter 5: Developing Goals, Objectives, and Restoration Alternatives

As in the case of restoration goals, it is • Construct an instream structure to
imperative that restoration objectives be provide a pool as a sediment trap.
realistic for the restoration area and be • Work with local landowners to
measurable. Objectives must therefore encourage near-stream conservation
be based on the site's expected capabil- efforts.
ity and not necessarily on its unaltered
natural potential. It is much more use- If these objectives were to be used as
ful to have realistic objectives reflecting success criteria, however, they would re-
stream corridor conditions that are quire more specific, measurable word-
both achievable and measurable than ing. For example, the first objective
to have vague, idealistic objectives re- could be written to state that button-
flecting conditions that are neither. bush planted along streambanks exhibit
a 50 percent survival rate after three
For example, an overall restoration goal growing seasons and are not less than
migh t be to improve fish habitat. Sev- 5 feet in height. This vegetative cover
eral supporting objectives might in- results in a net reduction in water tem-
clude the following: perature within the stream. It should be
• Improve water temperature by pro- noted that this issue of success or evalu-
viding shade plants. ation criteria is critical to stream corri-
dor restoration. This is explored in
more detail in Chapters 6 and 9.

5.B Alternative Selection and Design

The selection of technically feasible al- Important Factors to Consider

ternatives and subsequent design are in- in Designing Restoration
tended to solve the identified problems, Alternatives
realize restoration opportunities, and
The design of restoration alternatives is
accomplish restoration goals and objec-
a challenging process. In developing al-
tives. Alternatives range from making
ternatives, special consideration should Preview
minor modifications and letting nature
be given to managing causes as op- Chapter 8's
work to total reconstruction of the
posed to treating symptoms, tailoring restoration
physical setting. An efficient approach is design section.
restoration design to the appropriate
to conceptualize, evaluate, and select
scale (landscape/corridor/stream/
general solutions or overall strategies
reach), and other scale-related issues.
before developing specific alternatives.
This section focuses on some of the Managing Causes vs. Treating
general issues and considerations that Symptoms
should be taken into account in the se-
When developing restoration alterna-
lection and design of stream corridor
tives, three questions regarding the fac-
restoration alternatives. It sets the stage
tors that influence conditions in the
for the more detailed presentation of
stream corridor must be addressed. ..
restoration design in Chapter 8 of this
These are critical questions in determin-
ing whether a passive, nonstructural al-
ternative is appropriate or whether a
more active restoration alternative is

Alternative Selection and Design 5- 17

If it is not feasible to manage the
cause(s) of impaired conditions, then
mitigating the impacts of disturbance( s)
Alternative Selection and Design is an alternative method of implement-
Considerations ing sustainable stream corridor restora-
tion. By choosing mitigation, the focus
Supporting Analyses for Selecting Alternatives
of the restoration effort might then be
• Feasibility study on addressing only the symptoms of
• Cost-effectiveness analysis impaired conditions.
• Risk assessment When disturbance cannot be fully elim-
• Environmental impact analysis inated, a logical planning process must
be used to develop alternative manage-
Factors to Consider in Alternative Design ment options. For example, in analyz-
• Managing causes vs. treating symptoms ing bank erosion, one conclusion might
• Landscape/Watershed vs. corridor reach be that accelerated watershed sediment
delivery has produced lateral instability
• Other spatial and temporal considerations
in the stream system, but modification
of land-use patterns causing the prob-
lem is not a feasible management op-

1. What have been the implications of

past management activities in the
stream corridor (a cause-effects
2. What are the realistic opportunities
for eliminating, modifying, mitigat-
ing, or managing these activities?
3. What would be the response of
impaired conditions in the corridor if
these activities could be eliminated,
modified, mitigated, or managed?
If the causes of impairment can realisti-
cally be eliminated, complete ecosystem
restoration to a natural or unaltered
condition might be a feasible objective
and the focus of the restoration activity
will be clear. If the causes of impair-
ment cannot realistically be eliminated,
it is critical to identify what options
exist to manage eith er the causes or Figure 5.10: Streambank erosion. In designing
symptoms of altered conditions and alternatives for bank erosion it is important to
assess the f easibility of addressing the cause of
what effect, if any, those management
the problem (e.g., modify land uses) or treat-
options might have on the subject ing the symptom (e.g., insta ll bank-erosion
conditions. control structures).

5- 18 Chapter 5: Developing Goals, Objectives, and Restoration Alternatives

tion at this time (Figure 5.10). It might
therefore still be possible to develop a
channel erosion condition objective
and to identify treatments such as engi- Core Elements of Restoration
neered or soil-bioengineered bank ero- Alternatives
sion control structures, but it will not
be possible to return the stream corri- At a minimum, alternatives should contain a manage-
dor to its predisturbance condition. ment summary of proposed activities, including an
Other resource implications of in- overview of the following elements: I

creased watershed sediment delivery • Detailed site description containing relevant discussion I

will persist (e.g., altered substrate con- of all variables having a bearing on that alternative.
ditions, modified riffle-pool structure, • Identification and quantification of existing stream
and impaired water quality) . corridor conditions.
It is important to note that in treating • Analysis of the various causes of impairment and the
causes, a danger always remains that in effect of management activities on these impaired
treating one symptom of impairment, conditions and causes in the past.
another unwanted change in stream • Statement of specific restoration objectives, expressed
corridor conditions will be triggered. in terms of measurable stream corridor conditions and
To continue with the erosion example, ranked in priority order.
bank hardening in one location might • Preliminary design alternatives and feasibility analysis.
interfere with sedimentation processes
• Cost-effectiveness analysis for each treatmen t or
critical to floodplain and riparian habi-
tats, or it might simply transfer lateral
instabilities from one location in a • Assessment of project risks.
stream reach to some other location. • Appropriate cultural and environmental clearances.
• Monitoring plan linked to stream corridor conditions.
Landscape/Watershed vs.
Corridor/Reach • Anticipated maintenance needs and schedule.
• A lternative schedule and budget.
The design and selection of alternatives
• Provision to make adjustments per adaptive
should address the following relation-
• Reach to stream
• Stream to corridor
• Corridor to landscape
• Landscape to region upstream land uses. Land use activities
Characterizing those relationships re- within a watershed may vary widely
quires a good inventory and analysis of within generalized descriptions of
conditions and functions on all levels urban, agricultural, recreation, etc. For
including stream structure (both vertical example, urban residential land use
could comprise neighborhoods of man-
and horizontal) and human activities
within the watershed. icured lawns, exotic plants, and roof
runoff directed to nearby storm sewers.
The restoration design should include Or residential use might be composed
innovative solutions to prevent or miti- of neighborhoods with native cover
gate, to the extent possible, negative im- types, overhead canopy, and roof runoff
pacts on the stream corridor from flowing to wetland gardens. Restoration

Alternative Selection and Design 5- 19

design should address the storm water choosing alternatives, it is important to
flows, pollutants, and sediment load- consider the effect of the restoration on
ings from these different land uses that the entire landscape. A wide, connected,
could impact the stream corridor. and diverse stream corridor will en-
Since it is usually not possible to re- hance the functions of the landscape as
move the human activities that disturb well as those of the corridor. Connectiv-
stream corridors, where seemingly detri- ity and width also increase the resiliency
Review Chap- mental activities like gravel mining, of the stream corridor to landscape per-
ter 1's Dynamic damming, and road crossings are pres- turbations and stress, whether induced
Equilibrium ent in the watershed or in the stream naturally or by humans.
section. corridor itself, restoration design should Alternatives should also be relatively
provide the best possible solutions for elastic, although time and physical
maintaining optimum stream corridor boundaries might not be so flexible. As
functions while meeting economic and discussed in Chapter l, dynamic equi-
social objectives (Figure 5.11) . librium requires that the restoration
design be allowed an opportunity to
Other Time and Space mold itself to the changing conditions
Considerations of the corridor over time and to the
Restoration design flexibility is critical to disturbances that are a part of the nat-
long-term success and achievement of ural environment. Alternatives should
dynamic equilibrium. Beyond the be weighed against one another by
stream corridor is an entire landscape considering how they might react to in-
that functions in much the same way as creasing land pressures, climate
the corridor. When designing and changes, and natural perturbations.
Structure should be planned to provide
necessary functions at each phase of
the corridor's development.
A possible restoration design concept
is Forman and Godron's (1986) "string
of lights." Over time, the variations
among landscape elements mean that
some provide more opportunities for
desired functions than others. A stream
corridor connection provides a path-
way through the landscape matrix such
that it can be thought of as a string of
lights in which some turn on and burn
brightly for a time, while others fade
away for a short time (Figure 5.14). As
the string between these lights, the
stream corridor is critical to the long-
term stability of landscape functions.
Alternatives could therefore fit the
Figure 5. 11: Stream buffers in agricultural metaphor of a string of lights to sus-
areas. It is not possible to remove human tain the corridor through time.
activity from the corridor. Design alternatives
should provide the best possible way of achiev-
ing the desired goals without negating the

5- 20 Chapter 5: Developing Goals, Objectives, and Restoration Alternatives

Supporting Analyses for
Selecting Restoration
Once the restoration alternatives have
been defined, the next step is to evalu-
ate all the feasible alternatives and
management options. In conducting
this evaluation it is important to apply
several different screening criteria that
allow the consideration of a diverse
number of factors. In general, the appli-
cation of the following supporting ana-
lytical approaches ensures the selection
of the best alternative or group of alter-
natives for the restoration initiative:
• Cost-effectiveness and incremental
cost analysis
Figure 5.14: "String of lights." Patches along
• Evaluation of benefits the stream corridor provide habitat in an agri-
cultural setting.
• Risk assessment Source: C. Zabawa.
• Environmental impact analysis

Cost-Effectiveness and level of nonmonetary output under

Incremental Cost Analyses consideration. Subsequent incremental
cost analysis reveals the increases in
In its National Strategy for the Restora- cost that accompany increases in the
tion of Aquatic Ecosystems, the Na- level of output, asking the question
tional Research Council (NRC) states "As we increase the scale of this project,
that, in lieu of benefit-cost analysis, the is each subsequent level of additional
evaluation and ranking of restoration output worth its additional cost?"
alternatives should be based on a
framework of incremental cost analysis: Data Requirements: Solutions, Costs,
"Continually questioning the value of and Outputs
additional elements of a restorati()n by Cost-effectiveness and incremental cost
asking whether the actions are 'worth' analyses may be used for any scale of
their added cost is the most practical planning problem, ranging from local,
way to decide how much restoration is site-specific problems to problems at
enough" (NRC 1992). As an example, the more extensive watershed and
the Council cites the approach where ecosystem scales. Regardless of the
"a justifiable level [of output] is chosen problem-solving scale, three types of
in recognition of the incremental costs data must be obtained before conduct-
of increasing [output] levels and as part ing the analyses: a list of solutions and,
of a negotiation process with affected for each solution, estimates of its eco-
interests and other federal agencies" system or other nonmonetary effects
(NRC 1992). (outputs) and estimates of its economic
As described below, cost-effectiveness effects (costs).
analysis is performed to identify the The term "solutions" is used here to
least-cost solution for each possible refer generally to techniques for

Alternative Selection and Design 5- 21

Meander Reconstruction on the
J. Bar S. Winter Feeding Area

J anuary 1, 1997, was an eventful time for

Asotin Creek, Washington, residents. In a peri-
od of less than a year, two large flood events
occurred, causing extreme damage at numerous
sites throughout the watershed.
The ordinary high flow (often referred to as chan-
nel forming or bankfull flow) is the natural size
channel a river will seek, over time. Asotin Creek's
flows exceeded the ordinary high flow 10 times at
Asotin and Headgate parks.
One impacted site is on the South Fork of Asotin
Creek. This site, referred to as the J. Bar 5. winter
feeding site (Figure 5. 12) and owned by Jake and
Dan Schlee, received floods more than 10 times
the ordinary high flow. Previous to January 1, the
stream was located over a hundred feet away
from the haysheds and feeding area. When large
amounts of rock, cobble, and gravel collapsed
into the right side of the stream corridor, the
entire channel was directed toward the winter Figure 5.12: The J. Bar S. winter feeding area. This area
feeding area and hayshed. This redirection of received floods more than 10 times the ordinary high
flood flows undermined and eroded away thou-
sands of tons of valuable topsoil and property,
threatening the loss of the hayshed and corral. Additional benefits to the approach would be to
Fences and alternative water sources were reestablish proper alignment with the bridge and
destroyed. The challenges for stream restoration restore fish habitat. This alternative was installed
at this site were numerous because of the poten- within the last 2 weeks of September 1997. Care
tial bridge constriction at the bottom, excessive was used to move young steelhead out of the old
downcutting, and limited area within which to channel while the new meandering channel was
work (Figure 5.13). built. Other practices on site such as alternative
The Asotin County Conservation District put an water sources and fencing are soon to follow.
interdisciplinary team together in the spring of The meander reconstruction was designed to
1997 to develop a plan and alternative for the J. address both the landowners' concerns and
Bar 5. site. An innovative approach referred to as stream processes. Although on-site stream
meander reconstruction was proposed by the restoration cannot resolve problems higher up in
interdisciplinary team to correct the problem and the watershed, it can address immediate concerns
restore some natural capabilities of the stream. It regarding fish habitat and streambank stability
was accepted by the landowners and Asotin Numerous pools with woody debris were intro-
County Conservation District. Some natural capa- duced to enhance salmon rearing and resting
bilities are the dissipation of flood energy over habitat. The pools were designed and set to a
floodplains and maintenance of a stablt; ordinary scour pattern unique to this stream type. This
high flow channel. meander reconstruction is the first of its kind in
the state of Washington .

5- 22 Chapter 5: Developing Goals, Objectives, and Restoration Alternatives

Figure 5.13: South Fork of Asotin Creek restoration site. (a) Before reconstruction and (b) after reconstruction.

The principal funding for this project was provid- power rate payers in the Northwest. The purpose
ed by the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) for funding is to improve the fish habitat compo-
(Table 5.1). The BPA funds are used to help nent of the "Strategy for Salmon," which is one
implement the Asotin Creek Model Watershed of the four elements referred to as the four H's-
Plan, which is part of the Northwest Power harvest management, hatcheries and their prac-
Planning Council's "Strategy for Salmon." The tices, survival at hydroelectric dams, and fish habi-
moneys for funding by BPA are generated from tat improvement.

Table 5. 1: Project costs for J. Bar S. winter feeding area meander reconstruction and upstream revetments.

Projects Costs

Reconstruction meanders $10,200

Upstream revetments $2,800

Fencing $400

Riparian/streambank plantings and potential operation and maintenance $3,500

(to be completed)

Note: Original estimate in April 1997 was $26,600

Alternative Selection and Design 5- 23

The lnstream Flow Incremental IFIM is meant to be implemented in five sequential
Methodology phases-problem identification, study planning,
study implementation, alternatives analysis, and
The lnstream Flow Incremental Methodology (IFIM)
problem resolution. Each phase must precede the
is designed for river system management. IFIM is
remaining phases, though iteration is necessary for
composed of models linked to describe the spatial
complex projects.
and temporal habitat features of a given river
(Figure 5. 15). It uses hydrologic analyses to Problem Identification
describe, evaluate, and compare water use
The first phase has two parts- a legal-institutional
throughout a river system to understand the limits
analysis and a physical analysis. The legal-institu-
of water supply Its organizational framework is
tional analysis identifies all affected or interested
useful for evaluating and formulating alternative
parties, their concerns, information needs, relative
water management options. Ultimately, the goal of
influence or power, and the potential decision
any IFIM application is to ensure the preservation
process (e.g., brokered or arbitrated). The physical
or enhancement of fish and wildlife resources.
analysis determines the physical location and geo-
Emphasis is placed on displaying data from several
graphic extent of probable physical and chemical
years to understand variability in both water supply
changes to the system and the aquatic resources
and habitat.

yes need yes

more work feasible?
:J :J
0 0

analysis formulate
model alternatives

model total
strategy technical
design scoping
model network
Figure 5. 15: Overview of the
instream flow incremental
methodology. IFIM describes
the spatial and t emporal habi-
tat features of a given river.

5-24 Chapter 5: Developing Goals, Objectives, and Restoration Alternatives

of greatest concern, along with their respective • Risk: How often does the biological system
management objectives. collapse?

Study Planning • Economics: What are the costs and benefits?

The study planning phase identifies information Problem Resolution

needed to address project concerns, information This final phase includes selection of the preferred
already available, information that must be alternative, appropriate mitigation measures, and a
obtained, and data and information collection monitoring plan. Because biological and economic
methods. Study planning should result in a con- values differ, data and models are incomplete or
cise, written plan that documents all aspects of imperfect, opinions differ, and the future is uncer-
project execution and costs. It should also identify tain, IFIM relies heavily on professional judgment
pertinent temporal and spatial scales of evaluation. by interdisciplinary teams to reach a negotiated
Hydrologic information chosen to represent the solution with some balance among conflicting
baseline or reference condition should be reexam- social values.
ined in detail during this phase to ensure that bio- A monitoring plan is necessary to ensure compli-
logical reference conditions are adequate to evalu- ance with the agreed-upon flow management
ate critical life history phases of fish populations. rules and mitigation measures. Post-project moni-
toring and evaluation should be considered when
Study Implementation
appropriate and should be mandatory when chan-
The third phase consists of several sequential activ- nel form will respond strongly to the selected new
ities-data collection, model calibration, predictive flow and sediment transport conditions.
simulation, and synthesis of results. Data are col-
lected for physical and chemical water quality, For More Information on IFIM
habitat suitability, population analysis, and hydro- The earliest and best documented application of
logic analysis. IFIM relies heavily on models IFIM involved a large hydroelectric project on the
because they can be used to evaluate new projects Terror River in Alaska (Lamb 1984, Olive and Lamb
or new operations of existing projects. Model cali- 1984). Another application involved a Section 404
bration and quality assurance are key during this permit on the James River, Missouri (Cavendish and
phase to obtain reliable estimates of the total habi- Duncan 1986). Nehring and Anderson (1993) dis-
tat available for each life stage of each species cuss the habitat bottleneck hypothesis. Stalnaker
over time. et al. (1996) discuss the temporal aspects of
instream habitats and the identification of poten-
Alternatives Analysis
tial physical habitat bottlenecks. Relations between
The alternatives analysis phase compares all alter- habitat variability and population dynamics are
natives, including a preferred alternative and other described by Bovee et al. (1994). Thomas and
alternatives, with the baseline condition and can Bovee (1993) discuss habitat suitability criteria.
lead to new alternatives that meet the multiple IFIM has been used widely by state and federal
objectives of the involved parties. Alternatives are agencies (Reiser et al. 1989, Armour and Taylor
examined for: 1991 ). Additional references and information on
• Effectiveness: Are objectives sustainable? available training can currently be obtained from
• Physical feasibility: Are water supply limits the Internet at
exceeded? IFIM.html.

Alternative Selection and Design 5- 25

accomplishing planning objectives. For specific species in units called "habitat
example, if faced with a planning objec- units." Models for ecological communi-
tive to "Increase waterfowl habitat in ties and ecosystems are in the early
the Blue River Watershed," a solution stages of development and application
might be to "Construct and install 50 and might be more useful at the water-
nesting boxes in the Blue River riparian shed scale.
zone." Solutions may be individual
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
management measures (for example,
clear a channel, plant vegetation, con- In cost-effectiveness analysis, solutions
struct a levee, or install nesting boxes), that are not rational (from a production
plans (various combinations of man- perspective) are identified and can be
agement measures), or programs (vari- screened out from inclusion in subse-
ous combinations of plans, perhaps at quent incremental cost analysis.
the landscape scale). Cost-effectiveness screening is fairly
Cost estimates for a solution should in- straightforward when monetary values
clude both financial implementation are easily assigned. The "output" or
costs and economic opportunity costs. nonmonetary benefits of restoration ac-
Implementation costs are direct finan- tions are more difficult to evaluate.
cial outlays, such as costs for design, These benefits may include changes in
real estate acquisition, construction, intangible values of habitat, aesthetics,
operation and maintenance, and moni- nongame species populations, and oth-
toring. The opportunity costs of a solu- ers. The ultimate goal, however, is to be
tion are any current benefits available able to weigh objectively all of the ben-
with the existing state of the watershed efits of the restoration against its costs.
that would be foregone if the solution There are two rules for cost-effectiveness
were implemented. For example, restor- screening. These rules state that solu-
ation of a river ecosystem might require tions should be identified as inefficient
that some navigation benefits derived in production, and thus not cost-effec-
from an existing river channel be given tive, if ( 1) the same level of output
up to achieve the desired restoration. It could be produced by another solution
is important that the opportunity costs at less cost or (2) a greater level of out-
of foregone benefits be accounted for put could be produced by another solu-
and brought to the table to inform the tion at the same or less cost.
decision-making process.
For example, look at the range of solu-
The level to which a solution accom- tions in Figure 5.16. Applying Rule 1,
plishes a planning objective is mea- Solution C is identified as inefficient in
sured by the solution's output estimate. production: why spend $3,600 for 100
Historically, environmental outputs units of output when 100 units can be
have been expressed as changes in pop- obtained for $2, 600 with Solution B, a
ulations (waterfowl and fish counts, for savings of $1,000? In this example, So-
example) and in physical dimensions lution C could also be screened out by
(acres of wetlands, for example). In re- the application of Rule 2: why settle for
cent years, output estimates have been 100 units of output with Solution C
derived through a variety of environ- when 20 additional units can be pro-
mental models such as the U.S. Fish vided by Solution E at the same cost?
and Wildlife Service's Habitat Evalua- Also by applying Rule 2, Solution D is
tion Procedures (HEP), which summa- screened out: why spend $4,500 for 110
rize habitat quality and quantity for

5-26 Chapter 5: Developing Goals, Objectives, and Restoration Alternatives

- Units of Output Total Cost ($)
tigation of how the costs of extra units
of output increase as the output level
increases. Whereas total cost and total
output information for each solution is
3,600 needed for cost-effectiveness analysis,
incremental cost analysis requires data
showing the difference in cost (incre-
mental cost) and the difference in out-
put (incremental output) between each
8000 solution and the next-larger solution.

• Continuing with the previous example,
the incremental cost and incremental
.., 6000
output associated with each solution
u"'0 5000 D
0 E are shown in Figure 5.17. Solution A
.., 4000
would provide 80 units of output at a
3000 cost of $2,000, or $25 per unit. Solu-
2000 0 tion B would provide an additional 20
0 units of output (100 - 80) at an addi-
0 80 100 120 140 tional cost of $600 ($2,600 - $2,000) .
Units of Out put
The incremental cost per unit (incre-
mental cost divided by incremental out-
Figure 5. 16: Cost effectiveness frontier. This
put) for the additional 20 units B
graph p lots the solutions' t otal cost (vertical
axis) against their output levels (horizontal axis).
provides over A is, therefore, $30. Simi-
lar computations can be made for solu-
tions E and F. Solutions C and D have
been deleted from the analysis because
units when 10 more units could be pro- they were previously identified as ineffi-
duced by E for $900 less cost? cient in production.
Figure 5 .16 shows the "cost-effective- As shown in Figure 5.17, the incremen-
ness frontier" for the solutions listed in tal cost per unit is measured on the ver-
the table. This graph, which plots the tical axis; both total output and
solutions' total cost (vertical axis) incremental output can be measured on
against their output levels (horizontal the horizontal axis. The distance from
axis), graphically depicts the two the origin to the end of each bar indi-
screening rules. The cost-effective solu- cates total output provided by the corre-
tions delineate the cost-effectiveness sponding solution. The width of the bar
frontier. Any solutions lying inside the associated with each solution identifies
frontier (above and to the left), such as the incremental amount of output that
C and D, are not cost-effective and would be provided over the previous,
should not be included in subsequent smaller-scaled solution; for example,
incremental cost analysis. Solution E provides 20 more units of
Incremental Cost Analysis output than Solution B . The height of
the bar illustrates the cost per unit of
Incremental cost analysis is intended to
that additional output; for example,
provide additional information to sup-
those 20 additional units obtainable
port a decision about the desired level
through Solution E cost $50 each.
of investment. The analysis is an inves-

Alternative Selection and Design 5- 27

Level of Output Cost($}

No action 0
0 0
w 0
Incremental Cost
Incremental Output

A 80 80 2,000 2,000 25
B 100 20 2,600 600 30
E 120 20 3,600 1,000 50
F 140 20 7,000 3,400 170

.t:: 160 F
::::> 140
[ 120
lS 100
iii 80
<II 60
...!!! 40 E
-= 20 A B
00 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Units of Output

figure 5.17: Incremental cost and output display. This graph plots the cost per unit (vertical axis)
against the total output and incremental output (horizontal axis).

Decision Making-"ls It Worth It?"

cided that E's additional output is
The table in Figure 5.17 presents cost worth its additional cost, look to F,
and output information for the range of which provides 20 more units than E at
cost-effective solutions under considera- a cost of $1 70 each.
tion in a format that facilitates the in-
vestment decision of which (if any) Cost-effectiveness and incremental cost
solution should be implemented. This analyses will not result in the identifica-
decision process begins with the deci- tion of an "optimal" solution as is the
sion of whether it is "worth it" to im- case with cost-benefit analysis. How-
plement Solution A. ever, they do provide information that
decision makers can use to facilitate
Figure 5.17 shows Solution A provides and support the selection of a single so-
80 units of output at a cost of $25 each. lution. Selection may also be guided by
If it is decided that these units of out- decision guidelines such as output "tar-
put are worth $25 each, the question gets" (legislative requirements or regu-
becomes "Should the level of output be latory standards, for example),
increased?" To answer this question, minimum and maximum output
look at Solution B, which provides 20 thresholds, maximum cost thresholds,
more units than Solution A. These 20 sharp breakpoints in the cost-effective-
additional units cost $30 each. "Are ness or incremental cost curves, and lev-
they worth it?" If "yes/ look to the next els of uncertainty associated with the
larger solution, E, which provides 20 data.
more units than B at $50 each, again
asking "Are they worth it?" If it is de- In addition, the analyses are not in-
tended to eliminate potential solutions

5- 28 Chapter 5: Developing Goals, Objectives, and Restoration Alternatives

from consideration, but rather to pre- described cost effectiveness and
sent the available information on costs incremental cost analyses) .
and outputs in a format to facilitate 3. Nonmonetary benefits can be
plan selection and communicate the described in monetary terms. For
decision process. A solution identified example, when restoration provides
as "inefficient in production" in cost- better fish habitat than point source
effectiveness analysis might still be de- controls would provide, the monetary
sirable; the analysis is intended to make value of improved fish habitat (e.g.,
the other options and the associated economic benefits of better fishing)
trade-offs explicit. Reasons for selecting
needs to be described. Assigning a
"off the cost-effectiveness curve" might
monetary value to game or commer-
include considerations that were not cial species might be relatively easy;
captured in the output model being other benefits of improved habitat
used, or uncertainty present in cost and
quality (e.g., improved aesthetics) are
output estimates. Where such issues
not as easily determined, and some
exist, it is important that they be explic- (e.g., improved biodiversity) cannot
itly introduced to the decision process. be quantified monetarily. Each bene-
After all, the purpose of conducting fit must, therefore, be analyzed
cost-effectiveness and incremental cost differently.
analyses is to provide more, and hope-
fully better, information to support de- Key considerations in evaluating bene-
cisions about investments in fits include timing, scale, and value. The
environmental (or other nonmonetary) short-term and long-term benefits of
resources. each project must be measured. In addi-
tion, potential benefits and costs must
Evaluation of Benefits be considered with respect to results on
Cost-effectiveness and incremental a local level versus a watershed level. Fi-
cost analyses are but one approach for nally, there are several ways to value the
evaluating restoration projects. More environment based on human use and
broadly defined approaches, sometimes appreciation. Commercial fish values
referred to as benefit maximization, fall can be calculated, recreational or sport-
into three categories (USEPA 1995a): fishing values can be estimated by eval-
1. Prioritized benefits are ranked by uating the costs of travel and
preference or priority, such as best, expenditures, some aesthetic and im-
next best, and worst. Available infor- proved flood control values can be esti-
mation might be limited to qualita- mated through changes in real estate
tive descriptions of benefits, but value, and social values (such as
might be sufficient. wildlife, aesthetics, and biodiversity)
can be estimated by surveying people to
2. Quantifiable benefits can be counted determine their willingness to pay.
but not priced. If benefits are quan-
tifiable on some common scale Risk Assessment
(e.g., percent removal of fine sedi-
ment as an index of spawning sub- Stream-corridor restoration involves a
certain amount of risk that, regardless
strate improvement), a cost per unit
of the treatment chosen, restoration ef-
of benefits that identifies the most
forts will fail. To the extent possible, an
efficient producer of benefits can be
devised (similar to the previously identification of these risks for each al-
ternative under consideration is a useful

Alternative Selection and Design 5- 29

tool for analysis by the decision maker. distribution and is presented in several
A thorough risk assessment is particu- existing reports on hydrologic risk (e.g.,
larly important for those large-scale Van Haveren 1986).
restoration efforts which involve signifi-
cant outlays of labor and money or Environmental Impact Analysis
where a significant risk to human life or The fact that the impetus behind any
property would occur downstream stream corridor restoration initiative
should the restoration fail. is recovery or rehabilitation does not
A primary source of risk is the uncer- necessarily mean that the proposal is
tainty associated with the quality of without adverse effects or public con-
data used in problem analysis or troversy. Short-term and long-term ad-
restoration design. Data uncertainty re- verse impacts might result. For example,
sults from errors in data collection and implementation activity such as earth-
analysis, external influences on resource work involving heavy equipment might
variables, and random error associated temporarily increase sedimentation or
with certain statistical procedures (e.g., soil compaction. Furthermore, restora-
regression analysis) . Data uncertainty is tion of one habitat type is probably at
usually handled by application of statis- the expense of another habitat type; for
tical procedures to select confidence in- example, recreating habitat to benefit
tervals that estimate the quality of the fish might come at the expense of habi-
data used for analysis and design. tat used by birds.
The first source of risk is the possibility Some alternatives, such as total exclu-
that design conditions will be exceeded sion to an area, might be well defined
by natural variability before the project scientifically but have little social ac-
is established. For example, if a channel ceptability. Notwithstanding the envi-
is designed to pass a 50-year flood on ronmental impacts and trade-offs, both
the active floodplain, but it takes 5 fish and birds have active constituencies
years to establish riparian vegetation on that must be involved and whose con-
that floodplain, there is a certain risk cerns must be acknowledged. Therefore,
that the 50-year flood will be exceeded careful environmental impact analysis
during the 5 years it takes to establish considers the potential short- and long-
natural riparian conditions on the term direct, indirect, and cumulative
floodplain. A similar situation would impacts, together with full public in-
exist where a revegetation treatment re- volvement and disclosure of both the
quires a certain amount of moisture for impacts and possible mitigating mea-
vegetation establishment and assumes sures. This is no less important for an
the worst drought of record does not initiative to restore a stream corridor
occur during the establishment period. than for any other type of related
This kind of risk is readily amenable to activity.
statistical analysis using the binomial

5- 30 Chapter 5: Developing Goals, Objectives, and Restoration Alternatives

and d
and Adapting
6.A Restoration Implementation
6.B Restoration Monitoring, Evaluation,
and Adaptive Management

he development of restoration goals monitoring, evaluation, and management

T and objectives and the formulation within a planning context. Specifically, the
administrative and planning elements as-
and selection of restoration alternatives
does not mark the end of the restoration sociated with these activities are discussed
plan development process. Successful in detail. This chapter is intended to set
stream corridor restoration requires care- the stage for the technical or "how to"
ful consideration of how the restoration discussion of restoration implementation,
design will be implemented, monitored, monitoring, maintenance, and manage-
and evaluated. In addition, it requires a ment presented in Chapter 9. The present
commitment to long-term planning and chapter is divided into two main sections.
management that facilitates adaptation
Section 6.A: Restoration Implementation
and adjustment in light of changing eco-
logical, social, and economic factors. The first section examines the basics of
restoration implementation. It includes a
This chapter focuses on the final stages of discussion of all aspects relevant to carry-
restoration plan development. It presents ing out the design, including funding,
the basics of restoration implementation,
incentives, division of responsibili- ing the success of the restoration
ties, and the actual implementation initiative. In addition, it emphasizes
process. the importance of making adjust-
ments to the restoration design
Section 6.8: Restoration
based on information received dur-
Monitoring, Evaluation, and
Adaptive Management ing the monitoring and evaluation
process. Note especially that the
Once the basic design is executed,
plan development process can be
the monitoring, evaluation, and
reiterated if conditions in or affect-
adaptation process begins. This sec-
ing the stream corridor change or if
tion explores some of the basic
perceptions or goals change due to
considerations that need to be ad-
social, economic, or legal develop-
dressed in examining and evaluat-

&.A Restoration Implementation

Implementation is a critical component tion can be initiated. It is important to

of the stream corridor restoration remember that financing might ulti-
process. It includes all the activities nec- mately come from several sources. All
essary to execute the restoration design benefactors, both public and private,
and achieve restoration goals and objec- should be identified and appropriate
tives. Although implementation is typi- cost-sharing arrangements should be
cally considered the "doing," not the developed.
"planning," successful restoration im- An important element of securing fund-
plementation demands a high level of ing for restoration is linking the avail-
advance scheduling and foresight that able resources to the specific activities
constitutes planning by any measure. that will be part of implementation.
Securing Funding for Specifically, it should be the responsi-
Restoration Implementation bility of the restoration planners to cat-
egorize the various activities that will be
An essential component of any stream part of the restoration, determine how
corridor restoration initiative is the much each activity will cost to imple-
availability of funds to implement the ment, and determ ine how much fund-
restoration design. As discussed in ing is available for each activity. In
Chapter 4, identifying potential funding performing this analysis it should be
sources should be one of the first prior- noted that funding need not be thought
ities of the advisory group and decision of exclusively in terms of available
maker. By the time the restoration ini- "cash." Often many of the activities that
tiative reaches the implementation are part of the restoration effort can be
stage, however, the initial identification completed with the work of the staff of
of sources should be translated into a participating agency or other organi-
tangible resource allocations. In other zation .
words, all needed funding should be
secured so that restoration implementa-

6- 2 Chapter 6: Implementing, Monitoring, Evaluating, and Adapting

Securing Funding for Anacostia Restoration Initiatives
The Anacostia Watershed Restoration Committee annually seeks funding for many restora tion initia tives. In
FY9 1, more than 50 projects were funded by over a dozen local, state, and federal agencies. Funding sources
are matched with appropriate watershed projects. In about half a dozen
cases, special funding came from federal agencies like the Corps of
Engineers, USDA, and EPA. The overwhelming majority of projects, howev-
er, involved a skillful coordination of existing sources of support from state
and local governmental programs combined with additional help from
nongovernmental organizations such as Trout Unlimited and from other
citizen volunteers. The signatory agencies (e.g., the District of Columbia,
Prince George's and Montgomery Counties, and the state of Maryland)
fund most of the storm water retrofit, monitoring, and demonstration
projects, as well as public participation activities.
A key element in maximizing resources from existing programs is the orga-
nization of special technical assistance teams for priority subwatersheds
(Figure 6.1). Subwatershed Action Plan (SWAP) coordinators carry out
public education and outreach efforts, and they also assist in comparing
the management needs of their subwatersheds with activities of local gov-
ernment. Because many of the problems in the Anacostia relate to urban
storm wa ter runoff, many in frastructure projects can have a bearing on Figure 6. 1: Anacostia Basin.
restoration needs. When such infrastructure projects are identified, SWAP coor- Nine priority subwatersheds
dinators try to coordinate with the project sponsor and involve the sp onsor in compose the Anacostia Basin.
Source: MWCOG 1997. Reprinted by
the Anacostia program. If possible, the SWAP coordinator attempts to inte- permission.
gra te the retro fit and management obj ectives of the program and the proj ect.

It is im portant to note that there m ight Identifying Tools to Facilitate

be insufficient fu nding to carry out all Restoration Implementation
of the activities outlined in the stream
In addition to securing funding, it is
corrid or restoration d esign . In this situ-
important to identify the various tools
ation, planners should recognize that
and mechanisms available to facilitate
this is, in fact, a common occurrence
the implem entation of the restoration
and that restoration should proceed.
design. Tools available to the stream Review
An effort should be m ade, however, to
corridor restoration practitioner include Chapter 4's
prioritize restoration activities, execute conservati o n
a mix of both nonregulatory or incen-
them as effectively and efficiently as easement
tive-based m echanism s and regulatory
possible, and document success. Typi- section.
mechanisms. The Tools for Facilitating the
cally, if the restoration initiative is
Implementation of Stream Corridor
demonstrated as producing positive re-
Restoration Measures box contains a list
sults and benefits, additional funding
and description of some of these tools.
can be acquired.
As discussed in Chapter 4, the use of in-
centives can be effective in obtaining
participation from private landowners

Restoration Implementation 6- 3
stream corridor restoration . Regulatory
programs can be simple, direct, and
Important Components easy to enforce. They can be effectively
of Restoration used to control land use and various
Implementation land use activities.
• Securing Funding for Restoration Deciding which tool, or combination of
Implementation tools, is most appropriate for the
• Identifying Tools to Facilitate restoration initiative is not an easy en-
Implementation deavor. The following is a list of some
• Dividing Implementation important tips that should be kept in
Resp onsibilities mind when selecting among these tools
• Installing Restoration M easures (USEPA 1995a).
• Without targeted and effective educa-
tion programs, technical assistance
in the corridor and in gaining their and cost sharing alone will not
support for the restoration initiative ensure implementation.
(Figure 6.2). Incentive programs in- • Enforcement programs can also be
volving cost shares, tax advantages, or costly because of the necessary
technical assistance can encourage pri- inspections and personnel needed to
vate landowners to implement restora- make them effective.
tion measures on their property, even
if the results of these practices are not • The most successful efforts appear to
directly beneficial to the owner. use a mix of both regulatory and
incentive-based approaches. An effec-
In addition to incentives, regulatory ap- tive combination might include vari-
proaches are an important option for able cost-share rates, market-based
incentives, and regulatory backup
coupled with support services (gov-
ernmental and private) to keep con-
trols maintained and properly

Dividing Implementation
With funding in place and restoration
tools and activities identified, the focus
should shift to dividing the responsibil-
ities of restoration implementation
among the participants. This process
involves identifying all the relevant
players, assigning responsibilities, and
securing commitments.

Identifying the Players

The identification of the individuals
Figure 6.2: Landowner participation.
and organizations that will be responsi-
Restoration on private lands can be facilitated
by land o w ners.
ble for implementing the design is

6-4 Chapter 6: Implementing, Monitoring, Evaluating, and Adapting

Tools for Facilitating the Implementation of Stream Corridor
Restoration Measures

Education Programs that target the key audience involved with or affected by the
restoration initiative to elicit awareness and support. Programs can
include technical information as well as information on the benefits and
costs of selected measures.

Technical Assistance One-to-one interaction between professionals and the interested citizen
or landowner. Includes provision of recommendations and technical assis-
tance about restoration measures specific to a stream corridor or reach .

Tax Advantages Benefits that can be provided through state and local taxing authorities
or by a change in the federal taxing system that rewards those who
implement certain restoration measures.

Cost-share to Individuals Direct payment to individuals for installation of specific restoration mea-
sures. Most effective where the cost-share rate is high enough to elicit
widespread participation.

Cross-compliance Among A type of quasi-regulatory incentive/disincentive that conditions benefits

Existing Programs received on meeting certain requirements or performing in a certain way
Currently in effect through the 1985, 1990, and 1996 Farm Bills.

Direct Purchase of Stream Direct purchase of special areas for preservation or community-owned
Corridors or of Lands Causing greenbelts in urban areas. Costs of direct purchase are usually high, but
the Greatest Problems the results can be very effective. Sometimes used to obtain access to
critical areas whose owners are unwilling to implement restoration

Nonregulatory Site Inspections Periodic site visits by staff of local, state, or federal agencies can be a
powerful incentive for voluntary implementation of restoration measures.

Peers Simple social acceptance by one's peers or members of the surrounding

community, which can provide the impetus for an individual landowner
to implement restoration measures. For example, if a community values
the use of certain agricultural best management practices (BMPs), pro-
ducers in those communities are more likely to install them.

Restoration Implementation 6- 5
Tools for Facilitating the Implementation of Stream Corridor
Restoration Measures (continued)

Direct Regulation of Land Use Regulatory programs that are simple, direct, and easy to enforce. Such
and Production Activities programs can regulate land uses in the corridor (through zoning ordi-
nances) or the kind and extent of activities permitted, or they can set per-
formance standards for a land activity (such as retention of the first inch
of runoff from urban property in the corridor).

Easements Conservation easements on private property are excellent tools for imple-
menting parts of a stream corridor restoration plan (see more detailed
discussion in following box). Flowage easements may be a critical compo-
nent in order to design, construct, and maintain structures and flow

Donations In some instances, private landowners may be willing, or may be pro-

vided economic or tax incentives, to donate land to help implement a
restoration initiative.

Financing Normally, a restoration initiative will require multiple sources of funds,

and no single funding source may be sufficient. Non-monetary
resources may also be instrumental in successfully implementing a
restoration initiative.

essential to successful stream corridor involved in the implementation

restoration. Since the restoration part- process.
ners are identified early in the planning
process, at this point the focus should Assigning Responsibilities
be on "reviewing" the list of partici- To ensure the effective allocation of re-
pants and identifying the ones who are sponsibilities among the various partici-
most interested in the implementation pants, the decision maker(s) and
phase. Although some new players advisory group should rely on a special
might emerge, most of the participants interdisciplinary technical team. Specifi-
interested in the implem entation phase cally, the technical team should oversee
will already have been involved in some and m anage the implementation
aspect of the restoration effort (Figure process as well as coordinate the work
6.4). Typically, partners will change of other participants, such as contrac-
their participation as the process shifts tors and volunteers, involved with
from "evaluating" to "doing." restoration implementation. The fol-
The decision maker( s ), with assistance lowing are some of the responsibilities
from the advisory group, should iden- of the major participants involved in
tify the key partners that will be actively the implementation process.

6- 6 Chapter 6: Implementing, Monitoring, Evaluating, and Adapting

Conservation Easements agencies in acquiring and conveying easements
more efficiently since they are able to act quickly,
Conservation easements are an effective stream
take advantage of tax incentives, and mobilize
corridor management tool on private property
local knowledge and support.
regardless of whether the stream reach supports
high biodiversity or the stream corridor would ben- Conservation easements are beneficial to all parties
efit from active restoration in conjunction with a involved. The landowners benefit by receiving
modification of adjacent land use activities financial compensation for giving up the rights to
(Figure 6.3). Through a conservation easement, certain land use activities, enhancing the quality of
landowners receive financial compensation for giv- the natural resources present on their property,
ing up or modifying some of their development and, when applicable, eliminating problems associ-
rights while the easement holder acquires the right ated with human use in difficult areas. The quality
to enforce restrictions on the use of the property of the land will also increase as a result of provid-
ing increased fish and wildlife habitat, improving
Specific details of a conservation easement are
water quality by filtering and attenuating sedi-
developed on a case-by-case basis. Only those
ments and chemicals, reducing flooding, recharg-
activities which may be considered incompatible
ing ground water; and protecting or restoring bio-
with stream corridor management objectives may
logical diversity. Conservation easements are also
be restricted. The value of a conservation ease-
beneficial to public resource agencies because, in
ment is typically estimated as the difference
addition to the public benefit of improved quality
between the values of the underlying land with
of the stream corridor's natural resources, they
and without the restrictions imposed by the con-
provide an opportunity for public agencies to influ-
servation easement. Government agencies or non-
ence resource use without incurring the political
profit organizations must compensate landowners
costs of regulation or the full financial costs of
for the rights they are giving up, but not to exceed
outright land acquisition.
more than the results are worth to society The fair
market values of the land before and after an
easement is established are based on the "highest
and best" uses of the land with and without the
restrictions imposed by the easement. Once a con-
servation easement is established, it becomes part
of the title on the property, and any stipulations of
the conservation easement are retained when the
property is sold. Conservation easements may be
established indefinitely or for 25 to 30 years.
Conservation easements may be established with
federal agencies, such as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service or the Natural Resources Conservation
Service, with state agencies, or through nonprofit
organizations like The Nature Conservancy or
Public Land Trusts. It is often beneficial for federal,
Figure 6.3: Conservation easement.
state, or local governments to establish conserva-
Conservation easements are an effective tool
tion easements in partnership with nonprofit orga- for protecting valuable areas of the stream
nizations. Th ese organizations can assist public corridor.

Restoration Implementation 6-7

Interdisciplinary Technical Team operating agencies, citizen groups, and
As noted above, the interdisciplinary local governments. When consensus-
technical team is responsible for over- based decisions are not possible due to
seeing and coordinating restoration time limitations, the project manager
implementation and will assign imple- must be able to make quick and in-
mentation responsibilities. Before iden- formed decisions relevant to restoration
tifying roles, however, the technical implementation.
Review team should establish some organiza- Once the organizational issues have
Chapter4's tional ground rules. Some Important Or- been taken care of, the technical team
organizational ganizational Considerations for Successful can begin to address its coordination
consideration Teamwork reviews some of the impor- and management responsibilities. In
section. tant logistical issues that need to be ad- general, the technical team must grap-
dressed by the team. Organizational ple with several major management is-
considerations are also addressed in sues during the implementation
Chapter 4. process. The following are some of the
In addition to establishing ground major questions that are essential to
rules, the technical team should ap- successful management:
point a single project manager. This • How much time is required to imple-
person must be knowledgeable about ment the restoration?
the structure, function, and condition
• Which tasks are critical to meeting
of the stream corridor; the various ele-
the schedule?
ments of the restoration design; and the
policies and missions of the various co- • What resources are necessary to
complete the restoration?
• Who will perform the various
Decision Maker restoration activities?
Responsible for organizing the advisory
group and for leading the stream
corridor restoration initiative. The
Technical Team • Is the implementation team ade-
Researching and
decision maker can be a single
organization or a group of individuals
evaluating funding quately staffed?
o ptions for the stream
or o rganizations that have formed a corridor restoration
partnership. Whatever the se · ·
important that the
• Are adequate lines of communica-
restoration effort be tion and responsibility established?
Technical Team
Analyzing economic
• Are all competing and potentially
Advisory Group
issues and concerns
relevant to the
damaging interests and concerns
Technical Team
Provides consensus based
recommendations to the
stream corridor
restoration initiative.
adequately represented, understood,
Analyzing condition
of stream corridor
decision maker based upon
information from the
and addressed?
structure and technical teams and input
functio ns. from all participants. Volunteers
Technical Team
Coordinating and
managing restoration Volunteers can be very effective in as-
sisting with stream corridor restoration
Technical Team
Analyzing social and (Figure 6.5) . Numerous activities that
cultura l issues and
concerns relevant to the are part of the restoration implementa-
stream corridor
restorative initiative. Volunteers Contractors tion process are suitable for volunteer
labor. For example, soil bioengineering
and other uses of plants to stabilize
slopes are labor-intensive. Two crews of
Figure 6.4: Communication flow. This depicts a
at least two people each are needed for
possible scenario in which volunteers and con- all but the largest installations- one
tractors may become actively involved. crew at the harvest location and the

6- 8 Chapter 6: Implementing, Monitoring, Evaluating, and Adapting

Some Important Organizational Considerations for Successful Teamwork
Meeting • How often will the team meet?
Mechanics • Where?
• What will the agenda include?
• How do members get items on the agenda?
• Who will take minutes?
• How will minutes be distributed?
• Who will facilitate the meetings?

Team Decision • How will the team make decisions (vote, consensus, advise only)?
Making • What decisions must be deferred to higher authorities?

Problem • How will problems be addressed?

Solving • How will disagreements be resolved?
• What steps will be taken in the event of an impasse?

Communication • What additional information does the team need to function ?

and Information • How will necessary information be shared among team members, and by w hom?
• Who handles public relations?

leadership • What is needed from supervisors and/or managers to ensure project success?

other at the implementation site. How-

ever, a high level of skill or experience
is often not required except for the crew
leader, and training can commonly
occur on the job. Restoration installa-
tions involving plant materials are
therefore particularly suitable for youth,
Job Corps, or volunteer forces.
It should be noted that the use of vol-
unteers is not without some cost.
Equipment, transportation, meals, in-
surance, and training might all be re-
quired, and each carries a real dollar
need that must be met by the project Figure 6.5: Volunteer team. Volunteers can
perform important functions during the
budget or by a separate agency sponsor-
restoration implementation process.
ing the volunteer effort. However, those

Restoration Implementation 6- 9
costs are still but a fraction of what are completed within the proper specifi-
would otherwise be needed for nonvol- cations.
unteer forces. Although the contract will outline the
Contractors role the contractor is to perform, it
Contractors typically have responsibili- might be helpful for the technical team
ties in the implementation of the (or a member of the technical team) to
restoration design. In fact, many meet with the contractor to establish a
restoration efforts require contracting clear understanding of the respective
due to the staff limitations of participat- roles and responsibilities. This prein-
ing agencies, organizations, and stallation meeting might also be used
landowners. to formally determine the frequency
and mechanisms for reporting the
Contractors can assist in performing progress of any installation activities.
some of the tasks involved in imple- On the next page is a checklist of issues
menting restoration design. Specifically, that are helpful in determining some of
they can be hired to perform various the roles and responsibilities associated
tasks such as channel modification, in- with using contractors to perform
stallation of instream structures, and restoration-related activities.
bank revegetation (Figure 6.6). All tasks
performed by the contractor should be Securing Commitments
specified in the scope of the contract
The final element of the division of re-
and should be subject to frequent and
periodic inspection to ensure that they sponsibilities is securing commitments
from the organizations and individuals
that have agreed to assist in the imple-
mentation process. Two types of com-
mitments are particularly important to
ensuring the success of stream corridor
restoration implementation (USEPA
• Commitments from public agencies,
private organizations, individuals,
and others who will fund and imple-
ment programs that involve restora-
tion activities.
• Commitments from public agencies,
private organizations, individuals,
and others who will actually install
the restoration measures.
One tool that can be used to help se-
cure a commitment is a Memorandum
Figure 6.6: Contractor team. Contractors can of Understanding (MOU). An MOU is
assist in performing tasks that might be an agreement between two or more par-
involved in restoration such as installing bank ties that is placed in writing. Essentially,
stabilization measures. by documenting what each party specif-
Source: Ro bin Sotir and Associat es.
ically agrees to, defining ambiguous
concepts or terms, and outlining a con-
flict resolution process in the event of

6-10 Chapter 6: Implementing, Monitoring, Evaluating, and Adapting

Some Issues That Should Be Considered in Addressing Contractor Roles
and Responsibilities
• What constitutes successful completion of the contract obligations by the contractor?
• What is the planned order of work and necessary scheduling?
• Who is responsible for permitting?
• Where are utilities located and what are the related concerns?
• What is the relationship between the prime contractor and subcontractors? (In general, the chain of com-
munication should always pass through the prime contractor; and the prime contractor's representative is
always present on site. Normally, clients reserve the right to approve or reject individual subcontractors.)
• What records and reports will be needed to provide necessary documentation (forms, required j ob site
postings, etc.)?
• What arrangements are needed for traffic control?
• What specific environmental concerns are present on the site? Who has permit responsibility, both for
obtaining and for compliance?

misunderstandings, an MOU serves to accordance with the restoration design

formalize commitments, avoid disap- (Figure 6.7). If the plan involves con-
pointment, and minimize potential struction, implementation responsibili-
conflict. ties are often given to a private FORWARD

A second tool that can be effective is contractor. As a result, the contractor is

public accountability. As emphasized required to perform a variety of restora-
earlier, the restoration process should tion implementation activities, which
be an "open process" that is accessible can include large-scale actions like chan-
to the interested public. Once written nel reconfiguration as well as small-scale
Chapter 9's
commitments have been made and actions like bank revegetation. restoration
announced, a series of periodic public Whatever the scale of the restoration ac- measures
meetings can be scheduled for the pur- tion, the process itself typically involves section.
pose of providing updates on the at- several stages. These stages generally in-
tainment of the various restoration clude site preparation, site clearing, site
activities being performed. In this way, construction, and site inspection. Each
participants in the restoration effort can stage must be carefully executed to en-
be held accountable. sure successful installation of restora-
tion measures. (See Chapter 9 for a
Installing Restoration more detailed explanation of this
Measures process.)
A final element of stream corridor In addition to careful execution of the
restoration implementation is the installation process, it is important that
initiation of management and/ or all actions be preceded by careful plan-
installation of restoration measures in

Restoration Implementation 6- 11
ning. Such preinstallation planning is
essential to achieve the desired restora-
tion objectives and to avoid adverse en-
vironmental, social, and economic
impacts that could result. The following
is a discussion of some of the major
steps that should be taken to ensure
successful implementation of restora-
Chapter S's
tion-related installation actions.
permit section .
Determining the Schedule

Scheduling is a very important and

highly developed component of imple-
mentation planning and management. Figure 6.7: Installation of erosion control fabric.
For large-scale installation actions, Installing measures can be considered a "mid-
scheduling is now almost always exe- point" in restoration and not the completion.
cuted with the assistance of a computer- Preceding installation is the necessary planning,
based software program. Even for small with monitoring and adaptive management
actions, however, the principles of subsequent to the installation.
scheduling are worth following.

Permits Required Activities Covered Administered By
Table 6. 1:
Varies thresholds and definitions e.g., clearing/grading, sensitive/critical areas, water quality, Local grading,
Examples of per- vary by state aquatic access planning, or building
mit requirements departments; various
state departments
for restoration
activities. Federal
Permits Required Activities Covered Administered By
Section 10, Rivers and Harbors Act Building of any structure in the channel or along the banks U.S. Army Corps
of 1849 of navigable waters of the U.S. that changes the course, of Engineers
condition, location, or capacity

Section 404, Letters of permission Minor or routine work with minimum impacts U.S. Army Corps
Federal Clean of Engineers
Water Act Nationwide 3 Repair, rehabilitation, or replacement of structures destroyed
permits by storms, fire, or floods in past 2 years

13 Bank stabilization less than 500 feet in length solely for erosion

26 Filling of up to 1 acre of a non-tidal wetland or less than 500

linear feet of non-tidal stream that is either isolated from other
surface waters or upstream of the point in a drainage
network where the average annual flow is less than Sets

27 Restoration of natural wetland hydrology, vegetation, and

function to altered and degraded non-tidal wetlands, and
restoration of natural functions of riparian areas on private
lands, provided a wetland restoration or creation agreement
has been developed

Regional permits Small projects with insignificant environmental impacts

Individual permits Proposed filling or excavation that causes severe impacts,
but for which no practical alternative exists; may require an
environmental assessment

Section 401, Federal Clean Water Act Water quality certification State agencies
Section 402, Federal Clean Water Act Point source discharges, as well as nonpoint pollution State agencies
National Pollutant Discharge discharges
Elimination System (NPDES)

Endangered Species Act Otherwise lawful activities that may take listed species U.S. Fish and Wildl ife
Incidental Take Permit Service

6- 12 Chapter 6: Implementing, Monitoring, Evaluating, and Adapting

For tasks that are part of the actual in-
stallation work, scheduling is most effi-
ciently done by the contractor actually
charged with doing the work All sup-
porting activities, both before and dur-
ing installation, must be carefully
scheduled as well and should be the re-
sponsibility of the project manager.

Obtaining the Necessary Permits

Restoration installation actions con-

ducted in or in contact with streams,
wetlands, and other water bodies are
subject to various federal, state, and
local regulatory programs and require-
ments. At the federal level, a number of
these are aimed at protecting natural re-
sources values and the integrity of the Figure 6.8: Southwestern willow flycatcher.
nation's water resources. As discussed in Prior to initiating implementation activities,
Chapter 5, most of these require the is- permits may be needed to ensure the protec-
suance of permits by local, state, and tion of certain species such as the
federal agencies. Southwestern willow flycatcher.

If the action will be conducted or assis-

tance provided by a federal agency, the
agency is required to comply with fed- those instances where there will be a
eral legislation, including the National "taking" of species associated with the
Environmental Policy Act; sections 401, federal action. For non-federal activities
402, and 404 of the Clean Water Act; that might result in "taking" of a listed
the Endangered Species Act; Section 10 species, an incidental take permit is
of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899; required.
executive orders for floodplain manage-
Any work in floodplains delineated for
ment and wetland protection; and pos-
the National Flood Insurance Program
sibly other federal mandates depending
might also require participating com-
on the areas that would be affected (see
munities to adhere to local ordinances
Table 6.1).
and obtain special permits.
For example, under the Endangered
If the activity will affect lands such as
Species Act, federal agencies must en-
historic sites, archaeological sites and
sure that actions they take will not
remains, parklands, National Wildlife
jeopardize the continued existence of
Refuges, floodplains, or other federal
listed threatened or endangered species
lands, meeting requirements under a
or destroy or adversely modify their
number of federal, state, or local laws
critical habitats (Figure 6.8). Where an
might be necessary. Familiarity with the
action would jeopardize a species, rea-
likely requirements associated with the
sonable and prudent alternatives must
activities to be conducted and early
be implemented to avoid jeopardy. In
contact with permitting authorities will
addition, for federal agencies, an inci-
help to minimize delays. Local grading,
dental take statement is required in
planning, or building departments are

Restoration Implementation 6- 13
Whether or not that local agency claims
1 + - - - - - - B,C,D,E,K------ jurisdiction over the particular activity,
its staff will normally be aware of state
and federal requirements that might be
applicable. Local permit requirements
vary from place to place and change pe-
riodically, so it is best to contact the ap-
propriate agency for the most current
information. In addition, different juris-
dictions handle the designation of sen-
sitive or critical areas differently. Work
Using this diagram, determine where your activity will occur. The letters refer to the
permits listed below.
that occurs in the vicinity of a stream or
Permit Government Agency
wetland might or might not be subject
A Montana Stream Protection Act (124) . ...... Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks to state or local permit requirements
B Storm Water Discharge General Permits . . .. Department of Environmental Quality
C Streamside Management Zone Law .. . Department of Natural Resources & Conservation unique to aquatic environments. In ad-
D Montana Floodplain and Floodway . .... .... Department of Natural Resources & Conservation
Management Act
dition, state and local agencies might
E Short-term Exemption from Montana's .. . .. Department of Environmental Quality regulate other aspects of a project as
Surface Water Quality Standards (3A)
F Montana Natural Streambed and .......... Montana Association of Conservation Districts and well.
Land Preservation Act (310) Department of Natural Resources & Conservation
G Montana Land-use License or . . ... Department of Natural Resources & Conservation/ The sheer number of permits required
Easement on Navigable Waters Special Uses
H Montana Water Use Act . ........... . .. ..... Department of Natural Resources & Conservation for an aquatic restoration effort might
I Federal Clean Water Act (Section 404) . . ..... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
J Federal Rivers and Harbors Act (Section 10) . U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
appear daunting, but much of the re-
K Other laws that may apply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... various agencies quired information and many of the re-
depending upon your location & activity
medial measures are the same for all.
Figure 6.9 shows an example of how
Figure 6.9: Example of permits necessary for
Montana's permitting requirements
working in and around streams in Montana.
The number of permits required for an aquatic
mesh with those at the federal level.
restoration effort may appear daunting but
they are all necessary Holding Preinstallation
Source: MDEQ 1996. Reprinted by permission. Conferences

Preinstallation conferences should be

usually the best place to begin the per- conducted on site between the project
mit application process. They should manager and supervisor, crew foreman,
be approached as soon as a conceptual and contractor( s) as appropriate. The
outline of the project has been devel- purpose is to establish a clear under-
oped. At such a preapplication meet- standing of the respective roles and re-
ing, the project manager should bring sponsibilities, and to formally
such basic design information as the determine the frequency and mecha-
following: nisms for reporting the progress of the
work. In a typical situation, the agency
• A site map or plan.
reviews consultant work provides guid-
• A simple description of the restora- ance in the interpretation of internal
tion measures to be installed. agency documents or guidelines, and
• Property ownership of the site and takes a lead or at least supporting role
potential access route( s) . in acquiring permits and satisfying the
requirements imposed by regulatory
• Preferred month and year of imple- agencies. An additional conference with
mentation. any inspectors should be held with all
affected contractors and field supervi-

6- 14 Chapter 6: Implementing, Monitoring, Evaluating, and Adapting

sors to avoid potential misunderstand- Involving Property Owners
ings. Volunteers and noncontractor per-
sonnel should also be involved if they If possible, the project manager should
are critical to implementation. contact and meet with neighbors af- (
fected by the work, including those
At particularly sensitive sites, the need with site ownership, those granting ac-
to avoid installation-related damage cess and other easements, and others
should be valued at least as highly as nearby who might endure potential
the need to complete the planned im- noise or dust impacts.
plementation actions as designed. An
on-site meeting, if appropriate to the Securing Site Access
timing of installation and the seasonal-
ity of storms, can avoid many of the Obtaining right of entry onto private
emergency problems that might other- property can be a problematic and
wise be encountered in the future. At time-consuming part of restoration
a minimum, the project manager or (Figure 6.11). Several types of access
on-site superintendent and the local agreements with differing rights and
inspector( s) for the permitting juris- obligations are available:
diction( s) should attend. Other • Right of entry is the right to pass over
people with relevant knowledge and the property for a specific purpose
responsibility could also include the for a limited period of time. In many
grading contractor's superintendent, cases, if landowners are involved
the civil engineer or landscape architect from the beginning, they will be
responsible for the erosion and sedi- aware of the need to enter private
ment control plans, a soil scientist or property. Various types of easements
geologist, a biologist, and the plan can accomplish this goal.
checker( s) from the permitting juris-
diction( s) (Figure 6.10).
The meeting should ensure that all as-
pects of the plans are understood by the
field supervisors, that the key actions
and most sensitive areas of the site are
recognized, that the sequence and
schedule of implementing control mea-
sures are agreed upon, and that the
mechanism for emergency response is
clear. Any changes to the erosion and
sediment control plan should be noted
on the plan documents for future refer-
ence. Final copies of plans and permits
should be obtained, and particular at-
tention should be paid to changes that
might have been recorded on submitted
and approved plan copies, but not
transferred to archived or contractor
Figure 6.10: On-site meeting. Many problems
that might otherwise be encountered can
be avoided by appropriately timed on-site

Restoration Implementation 6- 15
• Implementation easement defines the In many cases little or no money may
location, time period, and purpose be exchanged in return for the ease-
for which the property can be used ment because the landowner receives
during implementation. substantial property improvements,
• Access easement provides for perma- such as stabilized streambanks, im-
nent access across and on private proved appearance, better fisheries, and
property for maintenance and moni- permanent stream access and stream
toring of a project. The geographic crossings. In some instances, however,
limits and allowable activities are the proposed implementation is in di-
specified. rect conflict with existing or planned
uses, and the purchase of an easement
• Drainage easement allows for the must be anticipated.
implementation and permanent
maintenance of a drainage facility at Locating Existing Utilities
a particular site. Usually, the property
Since most restoration efforts have a
owner has free use of the property
lower possibility of encountering utili-
for any nonconflicting activities.
ties than other earthwork activities, spe-
• Fee acquisition is the outright pur- cial measures might not be necessary. If
chase of the property. It is the most utilities are present, however, certain
secure, but most expensive, alterna- principles should be remembered (King
tive. Normally, it is unnecessary 1987).
unless the project is so extensive that
First, field location and highly visible
all other potential activities on the
markings are mandatory; utility atlases
property will be precluded.
are notoriously incomplete or inaccu-

Figure 6. 11: Site access. In certain areas, access agreements, such as a right of entry or implemen-
tation easement, might have to be obtained to install restoration measures.

6- 16 Chapter 6: Implementing, Monitoring, Evaluating, and Adapting

rate. Utilities have a particular size and
shape, not just a location, which might
affect the nature or extent of adjacent
implementation. They also require con- Characteristics of Successful
tinuous support by the adjacent soil or Implementation
temporary restraining structures. Rights-
of-way might also create constraints • Central responsibility in one person
during and after implementation. Even • Thorough understanding of planning and design
though all potential conflicts between documents
utilities and the proposed implementa- • Familiarity with the site and its biological and physical
tion should be resolved during imple- framework
mentation planning, field discovery of • Knowledge of laws and regulations
u nanticipated problems occurs fre-
• Understanding of environmental control plans
quently. Resolution comes only with
the active involvement of the utility • Communication among all parties involved in the
companies themselves, and the project project action
manager should not hesitate to bring
them on site as soon as a conflict is

Confirming Sources and Ensuring sibilities, identifying incentives, and se-

Material Standards curing funding. The Winooski River
Case Study is a good example. Cutting
First, the project manager must deter-
across these core activities, however, are
mine the final sources of any required
a few key concepts that can be consid-
fill dirt and then arrange a pickup
ered characteristics of successful restora-
and/or delivery schedule. The project
tion implementation efforts.
manager should also confirm the
sources of nursery and donor sites for Central Responsibility in
plant materials. Note, however, that de- One Person
laying the initial identification of these
sources until the time of site prepara- Most restoration efforts are a product of
tion almost guarantees that the project teamwork, involving specialists from
will suffer unexpected delays. In addi- such disparate disciplines as biology,
tion, it is important to double check geology, engineering, landscape archi-
with suppliers that all materials sched- tecture, and others. Yet the value of a
uled for delivery or pickup will meet single identifiable person with final re-
the specified requirements. Early atten- sponsibility cannot be overemphasized.
tion to this detail will avoid delays im- This project manager ignores the rec-
posed by the rejection of substandard ommendations and concerns of the
materials. project team only at his or her peril.
Rapid decisions, particularly during im-
Characteristics of Successful plementation, must nonetheless often
Implementation be made. Rarely are financial resources
As was discussed earlier, successful available to keep all members of the de-
restoration requires the efficient and ef- sign team on site during implementa-
fective execution of several core imple- tion, and even if some members are
mentation activities, such as installing present, the time needed to achieve a
restoration measures, assigning respon- consensus is simply not available.

Restoration Implementation 6- 17
Successful Implementation: The
Winooski River Watershed Project,

The Soil Conservation Service (SCS) joined with the

I n the late 1930s, an extensive watershed
restoration effort known as "Project Vermont"
was implemented in the Lower Winooski River
University of Vermont (UVM) and local landowners
to formulate a comprehensive, low-input approach
to restoring and protecting the watershed. One
Watershed, Chittenden County, Vermont. The pro-
hundred eighty-nine farmers participated in devel-
ject encompassed the lower 111 square miles
oping conservation plans for their farms, which
(including 340 farms) of the 1, 076-square-mile
covered approximatey 57 square miles. Other
Winooski River Watershed.
cooperators applied practices to another 38-
The Winooski River Watershed sustained severe square-mile area. Their approach relied heavily on
damage from major floods during the 1920s and plantings or a combination of plantings and
1930s. In addition, overgrazing, poor soil conser- mechanical techniques to overcome losses of both
vation practices on cropland areas, encroachment land and vegetated buffer along the river corridor,
to the streambanks, and forest clear-cutting also and in the uplands to make agricultural land sus-
led to excessive erosion (Figure 6.12). Annual ice- tainable and to restore deteriorating forestland.
flows and jams during snowmelt runoff further
The measures, many of which were experimental
exacerbated riverbank erosion. Throughout the
at the time, were installed from 1938 to 1941
watershed, both water and wind erosion were
primarily by landowners. Landowners provided
prevalent. In addition to problems in the low-lying
extensive labor and, occasionally, heavy equipment
areas, there were many environmental problems to
for earthmoving and transportation and placement
address on the uplands. The soil organic matter
of materials too heavy for laborers. SCS provided
was depleted in some areas, cropland had low
interdisciplinary (e.g., agronomy, biology, forestry,
productivity, pastures were frequently overgrazed,
soil conservation, soil science, and engineering)
cover for wildlife was sparse, and forest areas had
technical assistance in the planning, design, and
been clear-cut in many areas. In some cases, this
installation. UVM provided extensive educational
newly cleared land was subject to grazing, which
services for marketing and operation and mainte-
created additional problems.
In the stream corridor, a variety of measures were
implemented along 17 percent of the 33 river
miles to control bank losses, restore buffers, and
heal overbank floodflow channels. They included
the following:
• Livestock Exclusion: Heavy-use areas were fenced
back 15 feet from the top of the bank on
straight reaches, 200 feet or wider on the out-
sides of curves, and 200 feet wide in flood over-
flow entrance and exit sections.
Figure 6.12: Brushmattress and plantings after spring • Plantings and Soil Bioengineering Bank
runoff in March 1938. Note pole jetties. Brushmatting Stabilization: Where the main current was not
involves applying a layer of brush fastened down with
directed toward the treatment, streambanks
live stakes and wire.
were sloped back and planted with more than

6- 18 Chapter 6: Implementing, Monitoring, Evaluating, and Adapting

600, 000 cuttings and 70, 000 plants, primarily
willow. Brushmattresses, which in volved apply-
ing a layer of brush fastened down with live
stakes and wire, were used to protect the bank
until plantings could be made and established.
Where streamflow was directed toward the
bank, rock riprap was embedded at the toe up
to 2 or more feet above the normal water line.
Other toe protection techniques, such as pile
jetties, were used.
• Structures: In reaches where nearshore water
was deep (up to 74 feet) and bank voiding was
occurring, whole tree deflectors were used to Figure 6.13: Same site (Figure 6.12) in April 1995. Note
trap sediment and rebuild the voided section. remnants of old jetties and heavy bank cover. Restoration
Trees with butt diameters of 2 to 3 feet were measures are continuing to function well, more than 55
placed longitudinally along the riverbank with years after installation.

branches intact and with butts and tops slightly

overlapped. The butts were cabled to wooden Wildlife habitat improvement practices provided
piles driven 8 to 70 feet into the bank. The connectivity among the cropland, pasture, and
slope above the normal waterline was brush- forest areas; hedgerow plantings as travelways,
matted and planted. food sources, and cover; livestock exclusion areas
• Log pile check dams were constructed at the to encourage understory herbaceous growth for
entrances of flood overflow channels and filled cover and food sources; snags for small mammals
with one-person-size rocks for ballast. These and birds; and slash pile shelters as cover for rab-
served as barriers to overbank flow along chan- bits and grouse.
nels sculpted by previous floods. They were One reason for this historic project's usefulness to
installed in conjunction with extensive buffer modern environmental managers is the extensive
plantings, and in some cases, whole tree barri- documentation, including photos, maps, and
cades, that were laced down parallel to the detailed observations and records, available for
river along the top of the denuded bank. many of the sites. Complete aerial photography is
• At overbank locations where flow threatened available from before, during, and after imple-
buffer plantings, fog cribs were inset parallel to mentation. More than 600 photos provide a
the bank and filled with rock. Various tree chronology of the measures, and three successive
species were planted as a 200-foot or wider studies (Edminster and Atkinson 7949, Kasvinsky
buffer behind the cribs. The cribs provided pro- 7968, Ryan and Short 7995) document the per-
tection needed until the trees became well formance of the project.
established. The restoration measures implemented are con-
In the watershed, the conservation plans provided tinuing to function well today, more than 55
for comprehensive management for sustainable years after installation. Tree plantings along the
farming, grazing, forestry, and wildlife. The crop- corridor have matured to diameters as great as
land practices included contour strips, contour 45 inches and heights exceeding 700 feet (Figure
tillage, cover crops, crop and pasture rotation, 6. 13). The wooded river corridor averages 50 feet
grass and legume plantings, diversions, grassed wider than it did in the 7930s. Some of the mea-
waterways, log culvert crossings, contour furrows sures have failed, however, including all plantings
in pastures, livestock fencing, planting of without toe protection. Lack of maintenance and
hedgerows, field border plantings, reforestation, long-term follow-up also resulted in the failure of
and sustainable forest practices. restoration efforts at several sites.

Restoration Implementation 6-19

The Winooski River Watershed Project

A lthough the Winooski project was experimental in the 1930s, many of its elements were highly
• Recognition of the importance of landscape relationships and an emphasis on comprehensive
treatment of the entire watershed rather than isolated, individual problem areas.
• Using an interdisciplinary technical team for planning and implementation.
• Strong landowner participation.
• Empowerment of landowners to carry out the restoration measures using low-cost approaches
(often using materials from the farm).
• Fostering the use of experimental methods that are now recognized as viable biotechnical

The success of restoration efforts de- anticipate the duration of specific im-
pends more on having a competent plementation tasks, the lead time neces-
project manager than on any other fac- sary to prepare for those tasks, and the
tor. The ideal project manager should consequences of inevitable delays. A
be skilled in leadership, scheduling, manager who has little fam iliarity with
budgeting, technical issues, human rela- the planning and design effort can nei-
tionships, communicating, negotiating, ther execute the implementation plans
and customer relations. Most will find efficiently nor adjust those plans in the
this a daunting list of attributes, but an face of unanticipated conditions. Acer-
honest evaluation of a manager's short- tain amount of flexibility is key. Often
comings before restoration is under way specific techniques are tied to specific
might permit a complementary support building material, for example. Adjust-
team to assist the one who most com- ments are often made according to
monly guides restoration to comple- what is available.
Familiarity With the Reach
Thorough Understanding of
Planning and Design Materials Existing site conditions are seldom as
they appear on a set of engineering
Orchestrating the implementation of all plans. Variability in landform and vege-
but the simplest restoration efforts re- tation, surface water and ground water
quires the integration of labor, equip- flow, and changing site conditions dur-
ment, and supplies, all within a context ing the interval between initial design
determined by requirements of both and final implementation are all in-
the natural system and the legal system. evitable. Th ere is no substitute for fa-
Designs must be adequate and based miliarity with the site that extends
on a foundation of sound physical and beyond what is shown on the plans, so
biological principles, tempered with the that implementation-period "surprises"
experience of past efforts, both success- are kept to a minimum (Figure 6.14) .
ful and unsuccessful. Schedules must Similarly, when such surprises do occur,

6- 20 Chapter 6: Implementing, Monitoring, Evaluating, and Adapting

Understanding of Environmental
Control Plans

A project in which a designed restora-

tion measure is installed but the ecolog-
ical structure and function of an area are
destroyed is no success. The designer
must create a workable plan for mini-
mizing environmental degradation, but
the best of plans can fail in the field
through careless implementation.

Communication Among All

Parties Involved in the Action

Despite the emphasis here on a single

responsible project manager, the suc-
cess of a project depends on regular,
Figure 6. 14: Workers installing a silt fence. frequent, and open communication
Familiarity with on-site conditions is critical to among all parties involved in imple-
successful implementation of restoration mentation-manager, technical sup-
measures. port people, contractor, crews, inspec-
tors, and decision maker(s). No
a sound response must be based on the restoration effort proceeds exactly ac-
project manager's understanding of cording to plans, and not every contin-
both the restoration goals and the likely gency can be predicted ahead of time.
behavior of the natural system. But well-established lines of communi-
cation can overcome most complica-
Knowledge of Laws and tions that arise.

Site work in and around aquatic fea-

tures is one of the most heavily regu-
lated types of implementation in the
United States (Figure 6.15). Restrictions
on equipment use, season of the year,
distance from the water's edge, and
types of material are common in regu-
lations from the local to the federal
level. Not appreciating those regula-
tions can easily delay implementation
by a year or more, particularly if narrow
seasonal windows are missed. The cost
of a project can also multiply if re-
quired measures or mitigation are
Figure 6. 15: /nstream construction activity. Site
discovered late in the design or imple-
work in and around aquatic features is one of
mentation process. the most heavily regulated types of activity in
the United States and should not be attempted
without a sound knowledge of the relevant
laws and regulations.

Restoration Implementation 6- 21
6.B Restoration Monitoring, Evaluation, and
Adaptive Managemeni-

The restoration effort is not considered management is provided in Chapter 9

complete once the design has been im- of this document.
plemented. Monitoring, evaluation, and
adaptive management are essential Monitoring as Part of
components that must be undertaken Stream Corridor Restoration
Chapter 9's
to ensure the success of stream corridor Initiative
monitoring restoration. Each is carried out at a dif- Restoration monitoring should be
management ferent level depending on the size and guided by predetermined criteria and
section. scope of the design. checklists and allow for the recording of
Monitoring includes both pre- and results in regular monitoring reports. The
post-restoration monitoring, as well as technical analyses in a monitoring re-
monitoring during actual implementa- port should reflect restoration objectives
tion. All are essential to determining and should identify and discuss options
the success of the restoration design to address deficiencies. For example, the
and require a complete picture or un- report might include data summaries
derstanding of the structure and func- that indicate that forest understory con-
tions of the stream corridor. Monitoring ditions are not as structurally complex
provides needed information, docu- as expected in a particular management
ments chronological and other aspects unit, that this finding has negative con-
of restoration succession, and provides sequences for certain wildlife species,
lessons learned to be used in similar fu- and that a program of canopy tree thin-
ture efforts (Landin 1995). ning is recommended to rectify the
problem. The recommendation should
Directly linked to monitoring are restor- be accompanied by an estimate of costs
ation evaluation and adaptive manage- associated with the proposed action, a
ment. Using the information obtained proposed schedule, and identification of
from the monitoring process, the restor- possible conflicts with other restoration
ation effort should be evaluated to en- objectives.
sure it is functioning as planned and
achieving the restoration goals and
objectives. Even with the best plans,
designs, and implementation, the eval-
Restoration Monitoring,
uation will often result in the identifica-
Evaluation, and Adaptive
tion of some unforeseen problems and
require midcourse correction either
during or shortly following implemen- Restoration M onitoring
tation. Most restoration efforts will re- • Prog ress Toward Objectives
quire some level of oversight and • Regional Resource Priorities and Trends
on-site adaptive management.
• Watershed Activities
This section examines some of the ba- Restoration Evaluation
sics of restoration monitoring, evalua-
• Reasons to Evaluate Restoration Efforts
tion, and adaptive management. A more
detailed discussion on the technical • A Conceptual Framework for Evaluation
aspects of restoration monitoring

6- 22 Chapter 6: Implementing, Monitoring, Evaluating, and Adapting

Monitoring plans should be conceived
during the planning phase when the
goals and performance criteria are devel-
oped for the restoration effort. Baseline
studies required to provide more infor-
mation on the site, to develop restora-
tion goals, and to refine the monitoring
plan often are conducted during the
planning phase and can be considered
the initial phase of the monitoring
plan. Baseline information can form a
very useful data set on prerestoration
conditions against which performance
of the system can be evaluated.
Monitoring during the implementation Components of a Monitoring Figure 6. 16:
Monitoring of re-
phase is done primarily to ensure that Plan
vegetation efforts.
the restoration plans are correctly car-
Based on a thorough review of freshwa- Monitoring the results
ried out and that the natural habitats of revegetation
ter monitoring plans, some of which
surrounding the site are not unduly efforts is a critical part
had been in place for over 30 years, the
damaged. of restoring riparian
National Research Council (NRC) rec- zones along highly
Actual performance monitoring of the ommended the following factors to eroded channels.
completed plan is done later in the as- ensure a sound monitoring plan (NRC
sessment phase (Figure 6.16). Manage- 1990):
ment of the system includes both
• Clear, meaningful monitoring plan
management of the monitoring plan
goals and objectives that provide the
and application of the results to make
basis for scientific investigation.
midcourse corrections.
• Appropriate allocation of resources
Finally, results are disseminated to in-
for data collection, management,
form interested parties of the progress
synthesis, interpretation, and
of the system toward the intended
• Quality assurance procedures and
peer review.
• Supportive research beyond the pri-
Goals of a Restoration mary objectives of the plan.
Monitoring Plan • Flexible plans that allow modifica-
• Assess the performance of the tions where changes in conditions or
restoration initiative relative to new information suggests the need.
the proj ect goals.
• Useful and accessible monitoring
• Provide information that can be information available to all interest-
used to improve the performance ed parties.
of the restoration actions.
The box, Developing a Monitoring Plan,
• Provide information about the
shows the monitoring steps throughout
restoration initiative in general.
the planning and implementation of a
restoration. Each step is discussed in
this chapter.

Restoration Monitoring, Evaluation, and Adaptive Management 6-23

When to Develop the Step 2: Develop the Conceptual
Monitoring Plan Model
The monitoring plan should be devel- A conceptual model is a useful tool for
oped in conjunction with planning for developing linkages between planned
the restoration. Once the goals and ob- goals and parameters that can be used
jectives have been established in the to assess performance. In fact, a concep-
planning phase, the condition of the tual model is a useful tool throughout
system must be considered. the planning process. The model forces
Baseline monitoring enables planners to persons planning the restoration to
identify goals and objectives and pro- identify direct and indirect connections
vides a basis for assessing the perfor- among the physical, chemical, and bio-
mance of the completed restoration. logical components of the ecosystem, as
Monitoring therefore begins with the de- well as the principal components on
termination of baseline conditions and which to focus restoration and moni-
continues through the planning and im- toring efforts.
plementation of the restoration plan. Baseline studies might be necessary to
meet the following needs:
Developing a Monitoring Plan
• To define existing conditions without
Step 1: Define the Restoration any actions.
Vision, Goals, and Objectives • To identify actions required to restore
The goals set for the restoration drive the system to desired functions and
the monitoring plan design. Above all, values.
it is important to do the following: • To help design the restoration
• Make goals as simple and unambigu- actions.
ous as possible. • To help design the monitoring plan.
• Relate goals directly to the vision for
Step 3: Choose Performance
the restoration.
• Set goals that can be measured or
assessed in the plan. Link Performance to Goals
A link between the performance of the
system and the planned goals is critical.
If the goals are stated in a clear manner
Developing Performance and can be reworded as a set of testable
Criteria Involves: hypotheses, performance criteria can be
• Linking criteria to restoration goals. developed. Performance criteria are stan-
dards by which to evaluate measurable
• Linking criteria to the actual measurement
or otherwise observable aspects of the
restored system and thereby indicate
• Specifying the bounds or limit values for the the progress of the system toward meet-
criteria. ing the planned goals. The closer the tie
between goals and performance criteria,
the better the ability to judge the suc-
cess of the restoration efforts.

6- 24 Chapter 6: Implementing, Monitoring, Evaluating, and Adapting

Developing a Monitoring Plan
A. Planning 8. Implementing and Managing
Step 7: Define the restoration, vision, goals, and • Manager must have a vision for the
objectives life of the monitoring plan
Step 2: Develop the conceptual model • Roles and responsibilities must be
Step 3: Choose performance criteria clearly defined

• Link performance to goals • Enact quality assurance procedures

• Develop the criteria • Interpret the results

• Identify reference sites • Manage the data
Step 4: Choose monitoring parameters and • Provide for contracts
• Choose efficient monitoring C. Responding to the Monitoring Results
parameters • No action
• Review watershed activities • Maintenance
• Choose methods for sampling design, • Adding, abandoning, or
sampling, and sample handling/ decommissioning plan elements
• Modification of project goals
• Conduct sociological surveys
• Adaptive management
• Rely on instream organisms for
• Documentation and reporting
evidence of project success
• Dissemination of results
• Minimize the necessary measurements
of performance
• Incorporate supplemental parameters
Step 5: Estimate cost
• Cost for developing the monitoring
plan itself
• Quality assurance
• Data management
• Field sampling program
• Laboratory sample analysis
• Data analysis and interpretation
• Report preparation
• Presentation of results
Step 6: Categorize the types of data
Step 7: Determine the level of effort and
duration of monitoring
• Incorporate landscape ecology
• Determine timing, frequency, and
duration of sampling
• Develop statistical framework
• Choose the sampling level

Restoration Monitoring, Evaluation, and Adaptive Management 6- 25

are within the range of equilibrium
conditions. Monitoring may also in-
Primary Functions of Reference Sites clude forest inventories, range condi-
• Can be used as models for developing restoration tion assessments, evaluations of fish
actions for a site. and wildlife habitat or populations, and
• Provide a target to judge success or failure.
measurements of fire fuel loading. In
small rural or urban "greenbelt" pro-
• Provide a control system by w hich environmental
jects, more general qualitative character-
effects, unrelated to the restoration action, can be
ization of corridor integrity and quality
might be sufficient.
Numerous monitoring programs and
techniques have been developed for
Develop the Criteria particular types of resources, different
The primary reason for implementing regions, and specific management ques-
the monitoring plan must be kept in tions. For example, general stream sur-
mind: to assess progress and to indicate vey techniques are described by
the steps required to fix a system or a Harrelson et al. (1994), while a re-
component of the system that is not gional programmatic approach for
successful. monitoring streams in the context of
forest management practices in the
Criteria are usually developed through
Northwest is described in Schuett-
an iterative process that involves listing
Hames et al. (1993) . Similarly, moni-
measures of performance relative to
toring of fish and wildlife habitat
goals and refining them to arrive at the
quality and availability can be ap-
most efficient and relevant set of criteria.
proached from various avenues, ranging
Identify Reference Sites from direct sampling of animal popula-
A reference site or sites should be moni- tions to application of the habitat eval-
tored along with the restored site. Al- uation procedures developed and used
though pre- and post-implementation by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
comparisons of the system are useful in (1980a). Techniques specific to riparian
documenting effects, the level of success zone monitoring are given by Platts et
can be judged only relative to reference al. (1987).

Step 4: Choose Monitoring

Parameters and Methods Basic Questions to Ask When
Selecting Methods for
Monitoring should include an overall Monitoring
assessment of the condition and devel-
• Does the method efficiently provide accu-
opment of the stream corridor relative
rate data ?
to projected trends or "target" condi-
tions. In some cases, this assessment • Does the method provide reasonable and
may involve technical analyses of replicable data?
stream flow data, channel and bank • Is the method feasible within time and cost
condition, bedload measurements, and constraints?
comparisons of periodic aerial photog-
raphy to determine whether stream mi-
gration and debris storage and transport

6- 26 Chapter 6: Implementing, Monitoring, Evaluating, and Adapting

Choose Efficient Monitoring
There are two critical steps in choosing
efficient monitoring parameters. The
first is to identify parameters to moni-
tor. A scientifically based, relatively eas-
ily measured set of parameters that
provide direct feedback on success or
failure of restoration actions are identi-
fied. The NRC (1992) has recom-
mended that at least three parameters
should be selected and that they in-
clude physical, hydrological, and eco-
logical measures. The second step is to
select regional and system-specific para-
it is important that stream corridor Figure 6. 17: Urban
meters. Criteria development must be spraw l.
monitoring include periodic review of
based on a thorough knowledge of the Understanding
watershed cover and land use, including
system under consideration. changes in watershed
proposed changes (Figure 6.17). land uses, such as
Those responsible for resources in the increased urbaniza-
Patterns of water movement through
stream corridor must be aware of tion, is an important
and within the stream corridor are basic
changing watershed and regional re- aspect of restoration
considerations in developing objectives,
source priorities. The appropriate place monitoring.
design features, and management pro- Source: C. Zabawa.
to consider the implications of regional
grams. Proposals to increase impervious
needs is in the context of periodic
surfaces, develop storm water manage-
reevaluation of restoration objectives,
ment systems, or construct flood protec-
which is a function of the monitoring
tion projects that reduce floodplain
process. Therefore, an annual monitor-
storage potential and increase surface
ing report should include recognition
and ground water consumption are all
of ongoing or proposed initiatives (e.g.,
of legitimate concern to the integrity of
changes in regulations, emphasis on
the stream corridor. Stream corridor
restoration of specific fish populations,
managers should be aware of such pro-
endangered species listings) that might
posals and provide relevant input to the
influence priorities in the restored corri-
planning process. As changes are imple-
dor. Awareness of larger regional pro-
mented, their probable influence on the
grams may produce opportunities to
corridor should be considered in peri- Review
secure funding to support management
odic reevaluation of objectives and Chapter 3's
of the corridor.
maintenance and management plans. land use and
Review Watershed Activities hydrology
In rural settings, the corridor managers
The condition of the watershed controls should be alert to land use changes in Sections.
the potential to restore and maintain agricultural areas (Figure 6.18) . Con-
ecological functions in the stream corri- versions between crop and pasture
dor. As discussed in Chapter 3, changes lands might require verification that
in land use and/or hydrology can pro- fencing and drainage practices are con-
foundly alter basic stream interactions sistent with agreed-upon BMPs or rene-
with the floodplain, inputs of sediment gotiation of those agreements. Simi-
and nutrients to the system, and fish larly, in wildland areas, major water-
and wildlife habitat quality. Therefore, shed management actions (timber har-

Restoration Monitoring, Evaluation, and Adaptive Management 6- 27

vests, prescribed burn programs) should attitudes, values, and perceptions from
be evaluated to ensure that stream cor- prerestoration planning through imple-
ridors are adequately considered. mentation phases. Such surveys may
Increasing development and urbaniza- complement physical, chemical, and
tion may reduce the ability of the biological parameters that are normally
stream corridor to support a wide vari- considered in a monitoring plan. Socio-
ety of fish and wildlife species and, at logical surveys can reveal important
the same time, generate additional pres- shifts in the ways a community per-
sure for recreational uses. Awareness of ceives the success of a restoration effort.
development and population growth Rely on lnstream Organisms for
trends will allow a rational, rather than Evidence of Project Success
reactive, adjustment of corridor man- The restoration evaluation should usu-
agement and restoration objectives. Pro- ally focus on aquatic organisms and in-
posals for specific implementation stream conditions as the "judge and
activities, such as roads, bridges, or jury" for evaluating restoration success.
storm water detention facilities, within Instream physical, chemical, and bio-
or near the stream corridor should be logical conditions integrate the other
scrutinized so that concerns can be con- factors within the stream corridor. In-
sidered before authorization of the stream biota, however, have shown sen-
implementation. sitivity to complex problems not as well
Choose Methods for Sampling Design, detected by chemical or physical indica-
Sampling, and Sample Handling and tors alone in state water quality moni-
Processing toring programs. For instance, in
Parameters that might be included in a comparing chemical and biological cri-
restoration monitoring plan are well es- teria, the state of Ohio found that bio-
tablished in the scientific literature. Any logical criteria detected an impairment
Figure 6. 18: methods used for sampling a particular in 49.8 percent of the situations where
Confinement farm.
parameter should have a documented no impairment was evident with chemi-
Practitioners moni-
protocol (e.g., Loeb and Spacie 1994). cal criteria alone. Agreement between
toring stream corri- chemical and biological criteria was evi-
dor restoration in Conduct Sociological Surveys dent in 4 7.3 percent of the cases, while
rural areas should be
aware of changes in Scientifically designed surveys can be chemical criteria detected an impair-
agricultural land use. used to determine changes in social ment in only 2.8 percent of the cases
where biological criteria indicated at-
tainment (Ohio EPA 1990) . As a result,
Ohio's Surface Water Monitoring and
Assessment Program has recognized
that biological criteria must play a key
role in defining water quality standards
and in evaluating and monitoring stan-
dards attainment if the goal to restore
and maintain the physical, chemical,
and biological integrity of Ohio's waters
is to be met.

6-28 Chapter 6: Implementing, Monitoring, Evaluating, and Adapting

Minimize the Necessary
Measurements of Performance
A holistic perspective is needed when
monitoring restoration performance.
Still, monitoring should focus narrowly
and stability
Potential Evaluation Tools
and Criteria
'.'."."h-an I c~ro
_ n_e.,..

Flood stage surveys

Width-to-depth ratio

Rates of bank or bed erosion

,._n_s - - - - .
Table 6.2: Environmental
Source: Kondolf and
Micheli 1995.

Longitudinal profile
on the fewest possible measurements or
Aerial photography interpretation
indicators that most efficiently demon-
Improve Water depths
strate the overall condition of the aquatic
habitat Water velocities
stream corridor system and the success
Percent overhang, cover, shading
of the restoration effort. Costs and the Pool/riffle composition
ability to develop statistically sound Stream temperature
data may quickly get out of hand unless Bed material composition
the evaluation measures chosen are nar- Population assessments for fish,
invertebrates, macrophytes
rowly focused, are limited in number,
Improve Percent vegetative cover
riparian _ _ _ _ ___,
and incorporate existing data and work
habitat Species density
wherever appropriate. Size distribution

Existing data from state and federal Age class distribution

Plantings survival
agencies, community monitoring pro-
Reproductive vigor
grams, educational institutions, research
Bird and wi ldlife use
projects, and sportsmen's and other
Aerial photog raphy
groups should be considered when
planning for restoration evaluation. For water
quality pH
example, turbidity data are generally Dissolved oxygen
more common than sediment data. If Conductivity
one of the objectives of a restoration ef- Nitrogen
fort is to reduce sediment concentra- Phosphorus

tions, turbidity may provide a suitable Herbi ci d es/pesticides

surrogate measurement of sediment at Turbidity/opacity

Suspended/floating matter
little or no expense to restoration plan-
Trash loading
ners. Table 6.2 provides some other ex-
amples of restoration objectives linked
Recreation Visual resource improvement based
to specific performance evaluation tools and on landscape control point surveys
and m easures. involvement Recreational use surveys
Commun ity participation in
Incorporate Supplemental Parameters management

Although the focus of the monitoring

• Monitoring plan. Development of a
plan is on parameters that relate di- monitoring plan is an important and
rectly to assessment of performance, often ignored component of a moni-
data on other parameters are often use- toring cost assessment. The plan
ful and may add considerably to inter- should determine monitoring goals,
pretation of the results. For example,
acceptable and unacceptable results,
stream flow should be monitored if and potential contingencies for
water temperature is a concern.
addressing unacceptable results
Step 5: Estimate Cost (Figure 6.19) . The plan should speci-
fy responsibilities of participants.
Various project components must be
• Quality assurance (QA). The monitor-
considered when developing a cost esti-
ing plan should include an indepen-
mate. These cost components include:

Restoration Monitoring, Evaluation, and Adaptive Management 6-29

dent review to ensure that the
plan meets the restoration goals,
the data quality objectives, and
the expectations of the restora-
tion manager. The major cost
component of quality assurance
is labor.
• Data management. Monitoring
plans should have data manage-
ment specifications that start
with sample tracking (i.e., that
define the protocols and proce-
dures) and conclude with the
final archiving of the informa-
tion. Major costs include staff
labor time for data manage-
ment, data entry, database main-
tenance, computer time, and
data audits.
• Field sampling plan. Sampling
may range from the very simple,
Figure 6. 19: Monitoring. It is important to
such as photo monitoring, wildlife develop a framework for the monitoring
observation, and behavioral observa- protocol and a plan for monitoring evaluation.
tion (e.g., feeding, resting, move-
ment), to the more complex, such as
nutrient and contaminant measure- • Travel.
ment, water quality parameter mea-
surement, plankton group measure- • Shipping.
ment, productivity measurement in • Laboratory sample analysis. Laboratory
water column and substrate surface, analyses can range from simple tests
macrophyte or vegetation sampling, of water chemistry parameters such
and hydrological monitoring. The as turbidity, to highly complex and
cost components for a complex plan expensive tests, such as organic cont-
may include the following: aminant analyses and toxicity assays.
• Restoration management and field The cost components of laboratory
staff labor. sample analysis are usually estimated
in terms of dollars per sample.
• Subcontracts for specific field sam-
pling or measurement activities • Data analysis and interpretation.
(including costs of managing and Analysis and interpretation require
overseeing the subcontracted the expertise of trained personnel
activities). and may include database manage-
ment, which can be conducted by a
• Mobilization and demobilization
data managem ent specialist if the
costs. data are complex or by a technician
• Purchase, rental, or lease of or restoration manager if they are
equipment. relatively straightforward.
• Supplies.

6-30 Chapter 6: Implementing, Monitoring, Evaluating, and Adapting

• Report preparation. One of the final Consultation with agency personnel,
steps in the monitoring plan is to local universities and consultants, citi-
prepare a report outlining the zen environmental groups (e.g.,
restoration action, monitoring goals, Audubon chapters), and landowners in
methods, and findings. These docu- the area can reveal important informa-
ments are meant to serve as interpre- tion.
tative reports, synthesizing the field
and lab data analysis results. These Step 7: Determine the Level of
reports are typically prepared by a Effort and Duration
research scientist with the aid of a How much monitoring is required? The
research assistant. Report production answer to this question is dependent on
costs depend on the type and quality the goals and performance criteria for
of reports requested. the restoration as well as on the type of
• Presentation of results. Though not ecological system being restored. A
often considered a critical compo- monitoring plan does not need to be
nent of a monitoring plan, presenta- complex and expensive to be effective.
tion of plan results should be consid- Incorporate Landscape Ecology
ered, including costs for labor and
travel. The restoration size or scale affects the
complexity of the monitoring required.
Step 6: Categorize the Types of As heterogeneity increases, the problem
Data of effectively sampling the entire system
becomes more complex. Consideration
Several types of data gathered as part of must be given to the potential effect on
the monitoring plan may be useful in the restoration success of such things as
developing the plan or may provide ad- road noise, dogs, dune buggies, air pol-
ditional information on the perfor- lution, waterborne contamination,
mance of the system. The restoration stream flow diversions, human tram-
manager should also be aware of avail- pling, grazing animals, and myriad
able information that is not part of the other elements (Figure 6.20).
monitoring plan but could be useful.

Types of Data Important to Various Phases of the

• Restoration Planning
• Develop baseline data at the site.
• Implementation of Restoration Plan
• Monitor implementation activities.
• Collect as-built or as-implemented information.
• Postimplementation
• Collect performance data.
• Conduct other studies as needed.

Restoration Monitoring, Evaluation, and Adaptive Management 6- 31

Determine Timing, Frequency, and either by concentrating all tasks dur-
Duration of Sampling ing a single site visit or by carrying
The monitoring plan should be carried out one task or a similar set of tasks
out according to a systematic schedule. at several sites in a single day.
The plan should include a start date, • Frequency. Frequency of sampling
the time of the year during which field refers to the period of time between
studies should take place, the frequency samplings. In general, "new" systems
of field studies, and the end date for the change rapidly and should be moni-
plan. Timing, frequency, and duration tored more often than older systems.
are dependent on the aspects of system As a system becomes established, it is
type and complexity, controversy, and generally less vulnerable to distur-
uncertainty. bances. Hence, monitoring can be
• Timing. The monitoring plan should less frequent. An example of this is
be designed prior to conducting any annual monitoring of a marsh for
baseline studies. A problem often the first 3 years, followed by moni-
encountered with this initial sam- toring at intervals of 2 to 5 years for
pling is seasonality. Implementation the duration of the planned restora-
may be completed in midwinter, tion or until the system stabilizes.
when vegetation and other condi- • Duration. The monitoring plan
tions are not as relevant to the per- should extend long enough to pro-
formance criteria and goals of the vide reasonable assurances either that
restoration, which might focus on the system has met its performance
midsummer conditions. criteria or that it will or will not like-
Figure 6.20: Streams ly meet the criteria. A restored system
in the (a) western The field studies should be carried
out during an appropriate time of should be reasonably self-maintain-
and (b) eastern
United States. The the year. The driving consideration is ing after a certain period of time.
wide variability of the performance criteria. Because Fluctuations on an annual basis in
stream structure and weather varies from year to year, it is some parameters of the system will
function among dif-
wise to "bracket" the season with the occur even in the most stable mature
ferent regions of the systems. It is important for the plan
country makes stan-
sampling. For example, sampling
temperature four times during the to extend to a point somewhere after
dardized restoration
evaluation difficult. midsummer may be better than a the period of most rapid change and
single sampling in the middle of the into the period of stabilization of the
season. Sampling can be performed system.
(a) (b)

6-32 Chapter 6: Implementing, Monitoring, Evaluating, and Adapting

Develop a Statistical Framework
The monitoring study design needs to
include consideration of statistical is-
sues, including the location of sample
collection, the number of replicate sam-
ples to collect, the sample size, and oth-

ers. Decisions should be made based on
high bias low bias
an understanding of the accuracy and + low precision + low precision
precision required for the data (Figure = low accuracy = low accuracy
6.21) . The ultimate use of the data must
be kept in mind when developing the
sampling plan. It is useful to frequently
ask, "Will this sampling method give us
the answers we need for planning?" and
"Will we be able to determine the suc-
cess or performance of the restoration?"
Monitoring can consist of many differ-
high bias low bias
ent methods and can occur at varying + high precision + high precision
locations, times, and intensities, de- = low accuracy = high accuracy
pending on the conditions to be moni-
Figure 6.21: Patterns of shots at a target.
tored. The costs or expenditures of time Monitoring design decisions should be made
and resources also vary accordingly. The based on an understanding of the accuracy
challenge is to design the monitoring and precision required of the data.
plan to provide, in a cost-efficient and Source: Gilbert 1987 after Jessen 1978.

timely manner, accurate information to

provide the rationale for decisions fort depends on the information re-
made throughout the planning process, quired and the level of accuracy needed.
and during and after implementation to Quantity and quality of information de-
assess success. sired is in turn dependent in part on
The accuracy of the data to define envi- the expenditures necessary to carry out
ronmental conditions is of paramount the identified components of the sam-
concern, but the acceptable precision of pling plan.
the data can vary, depending on the tar-
get of concern. For example, if the Implementing and Managing
amount of pesticides in surface water is the Monitoring Plan
a concern, it is much cheaper to assay Management of the monitoring plan is
for the presence of groups of pesticides perhaps the least appreciated but one of
than to test for specific ones. Also, if the most important components of
overall water quality conditions are restoration. Because monitoring contin-
needed, seasonal sampling of biological ues well after implementation activities,
indicators may act as a surrogate for there is a natural tendency for the plan
long-term sampling of specific chemical to lose momentum, for the data to ac-
parameters. cumulate with little analysis, and for lit-
Choose the Sampling Level tle documentation and dissemination
of the information to occur. This sec-
The appropriate level of sampling or tion presents methods for preventing or
the number of replicates under any par- minimizing these problems.
ticular field or laboratory sampling ef-

Restoration Monitoring, Evaluation, and Adaptive Management 6- 33

Envisioning the Plan be used to summarize the results of the
monitoring plan. Most monitoring data
The restoration manager must have a vi- sets can be organized to allow direct
sion of the life (i.e., duration) of the graphing of the data using database or
monitoring plan and must see how the spreadsheet software.
plan fits into the broader topic of
restoration as a viable tool for meeting Managing Contracts
the goals of participating agencies, orga-
nizations, and sponsors. One of the most difficult aspects of
managing a monitoring plan can be
Determining Roles management of the contracts required
to conduct the plan. Most restoration
Carrying out the monitoring plan is requires that at least some of the work
usually the responsibility of the restora- be contracted to a consultant or an-
tion sponsor. However, responsibility other agency. Because monitoring plans
should be established clearly in writing are frequently carried out on a seasonal
during the development of the restora- basis, timing is important.
tion because this responsibility can last
for a decade or more. Restoration Evaluation
Ensuring Quality Directly linked to monitoring is the
evaluation of the success of the restora-
The restoration manager should con- tion effort. Restoration evaluation is in-
sider data quality as a high priority in tended to determine whether
the monitoring plan. Scientifically de- restoration is achieving the specific
fensible data require that at least mini- goals identified during planning,
mal quality assurance procedures be in namely, whether the stream corridor
place. has reestablished and will continue to
maintain the conditions desired.
Interpreting Results
Approaches to evaluation most often
Results of the monitoring plan should emphasize biological features, physical
be interpreted with objectivity, com- attributes, or both. The primary tool of
pleteness, and relevance to the restora- evaluation is monitoring indicators of
tion objectives. The restoration manager stream corridor structure, function, and
and the local sponsor may share re- condition that were chosen because
sponsibility in interpreting the results they best estimate the degree to which
generated by the monitoring plan. The restoration goals were met.
roles of the restoration manager and
local sponsor need to be determined Evaluation may target certain aquatic
before any data-gathering effort begins. species or communities as biological in-
Both parties should seek appropriate dicators of whether specific water qual-
technical expertise as needed. ity or habitat conditions have been
restored. Or, for example, evaluation
Managing Data may focus on the physical traits of the
channel or riparian zone that were in-
Data should be stored in a systematic tentionally modified by project imple-
and logical manner that facilitates mentation (Figure 6.22). In any case,
analysis and presentation. Development the job is not finished unless the condi-
of the monitoring plan should address tion and function of the modified
the types of graphs and tables that will stream corridor are assessed and adjust-

6- 34 Chapter 6: Implementing, Monitoring, Evaluating, and Adapting

ments, if necessary, are made. The time that evaluation takes time and money
frame for evaluating restoration success and is often seen as expendable excess
can vary from months to years, depend- in a proposed restoration effort when it
ing on the speed of the stream system's is misunderstood. It appears that the
response to the treatment applied. final restoration evaluation is some-
Therefore, performance evaluation often times abandoned so the remaining time
means a commitment to evaluate and money can be spent on the restora-
restoration long after it was imple- tion itself. Although an understandable
mented. temptation, this is not an acceptable
course of action for most restoration ef-
Reasons to Evaluate Restoration forts, and collectively the lack of evalua-
Efforts tion slows the development and
The evaluation of stream corridor improvement of successful restoration
restoration is a key step that is often techniques.
omitted. Kondolf and Micheli (1995) Protecting the Restoration
indicate that despite increased commit- Investment
ment to stream restoration, postrestora-
tion evaluations have generally been Stream corridor restoration can be ex-
neglected. In one study in Great Britain, tremely costly and represent substantial
only 5 of almost 100 river conservation financial losses if it fails to work prop-
enhancement projects had postimple- erly. Monitoring during and after the
mentation appraisal reports (Holmes restoration is one way to detect prob-
1991 ). lems before they become prohibitively
Why do practitioners of restoration complex or expensive to correct.
sometimes leave out the final evalua- Restoration may involve a commitment
tion process? One probable reason is of resources from multiple agencies,

Figure 6.22: tnstream modifications. Restoration evaluation may focus on the physical traits of
the channel that were intentionally modified during project implementation such as the riffles

Restoration Monitoring, Evaluation, and Adaptive Management 6- 35

groups, and individuals to achieve a va- ical backers, and all deserve to know
riety of objectives within a stream corri- the outcome of what they have sup-
dor. All participants have made an ported. Sometimes, restoration moni-
investment in reaching their own goals. toring may be strongly recommended
Reaching consensus on restoration or required by regulation or as a condi-
goals is a process that keeps these par- tion of restoration funding. For exam-
ticipants aware of each others' aims. ple, the USEPA has listed an evaluation
Review Chapter Evaluating restoration success should and reporting plan in guidance for
S's goals and maintain the existing group awareness grants involving restoration practices to
objectives and keep participants involved in help- reduce nonpoint source pollution. Re-
section. ing to protect their own investment. quirements notwithstanding, it is
worthwhile to provide the restoration
Helping to Advance Restoration effort's key financial supporters and
Knowledge for Future participants with a final evaluation.
Applications Other benefits such as enhancing public
Restoration actions are relatively new relations or gaining good examples of
and evolving and have the risk of fail- restoration successes and publishable
ure that is inherent in efforts with lim- case histories, can also stem from well-
ited experience or history. Restoration designed, well-executed evaluations.
practitioners should share their experi- Acting on the Results
ences and increase the overall knowl-
edge of restoration practices-those that Identified goals and objectives, as dis-
work and those that do not. Shared ex- cussed in Chapter 5, should be very
perience is essential to our limited clear and specific concerning the result-
knowledge base for future restoration. ing on-site conditions desired. However,
large or complex restoration efforts are
Maintaining Accountability to sometimes likely to involve a wide
Restoration Supporters range of goals. Restoration evaluations
are needed to determine whether the
The coalition of forces that make a
restoration effort is meeting and will
restoration effort possible can include a
continue to meet specific goals identi-
wide variety of interest groups, active
fied during planning, to allow for mid-
participants, funding sources, and polit-

Reasons to Prepare Written Documentation for the

Monitoring Plan
• Demonstrates that the monitoring plan is "happening."
• Demonstrates that the restoration meets the design specifications and perfor-
mance criteria.
• Assists in discussions with others about the restoration.
• Documents details that may otherwise be forgotten.
• Provides valuable information to new participants.
• Informs decision makers.

6- 36 Chapter 6: Implementing, Monitoring, Evaluating, and Adapting

course adjustments, and to report on
any unanticipated benefits or problems
as a result of the program. Adaptive management is not
The results from a monitoring plan are •adjustment managemen~ but a
an important tool for assessing the way of establishing hypotheses
progress of a restoration and informing early in the planning, then treat-
restoration decision makers about the ing the restoration process as
potential need for action.
an experiment to test the
Alternative Actions hypotheses.
Because restoration involves natural sys-
tems, unexpected consequences of
restoration activities can occur. The four
might not always influence the out-
basic options available are as follows:
come, but they are certainly capable of
• No action. If the restoration is gener- influencing the opinions of participants
ally progressing as expected or if and clients concerning the outcome.
progress is slower than expected but The first fundamental rule, then, is to
will probably meet restoration goals set proper expectations for the restora-
within a reasonable amount of time, tion effort. If the techniques to be used
no action is appropriate. are experimental, have some risk of fail-
• Maintenance. Physical actions might ure, or are likely to need midcourse cor-
be required to keep restoration devel- rections, these facts need to be made
opment on course toward its goals. clear. One effective way to set reason-
able expectations from the beginning is
• Adding, abandoning, or decommission- to acknowledge uncertainty, evaluation
ing plan elements. Significant changes of performance, and adjustments as
in parts of the implemented restora- part of the game plan.
tion plan might be needed. These
entail revisiting the overall plan, as Adaptive management involves adjust-
well as considering changes in the ing management direction as new infor-
design of individual elements. mation becomes available (Figure
6.23). It requires willingness to experi-
• Modification of restoration goals. ment scientifically and prudently, and
Monitoring might indicate that the to accept occasional failures (Intera-
restoration is not progressing toward gency Ecosystem Management Task
the original goals, but is progressing Force 1995). Since restoration is a new
toward a system that has other highly science with substantial uncertainty,
desirable functions. In this case, the adaptive management to incorporate
participants might decide that the new midcourse information should be
most cost-effective action would be expected. Moreover, through adaptive
to modify the restoration goals rather management specific problems can be
than to make extensive physical focused on and corrected.
changes to meet the original goals
for the restoration. It is recognized that restoration is un-
certain. Therefore, it is prudent to allow
Adaptive Management for contingencies to address problems
during or after restoration implementa-
The expectations created during the de- tion. The progress of the system should
cision to proceed with restoration be assessed annually. At that time, deci-

Restoration Monitoring, Evaluation, and Adaptive Management 6- 37

Restoration participants must remain
willing to acknowledge failures and to
learn from them. Kondolf (1995) em-
plan phasizes that even if restoration fails, it
provides valuable experimental results
3 that can help in the design of future ef-
Iii management "''"'
.... forts. Repeatedly, a cultural reluctance
"' to admit failure perpetuates the same
mistakes instead of educating others
rnonito{ about pitfalls that might affect their ef-
forts, too. Accepting failure reiterates
• Modify plans using monitoring, technical, and social the importance of setting appropriate
feedback expectations. Participants should all ac-
• Track restoration policy, programs, and individual pro-
knowledge that failure is one of the
jects as feedback for further restoration policy and
possible outcomes of restoration.
program redesign
Should failure occur, they should resist
the natural temptation to bury the.i r dis-
• Restoration initiatives: recommend annual assessments appointment and instead help others to
• use monitoring data and other data/expertise learn from their experience.
• midcourse corrections or alternative actions
Documenting and Reporting
• link reporting/monitoring schedules for midcourse
corrections The monitoring report should also in-
• Manager may contract some/al/ monitoring, but peri- clude a systematic review of changes in
odically must visit sites, review reports, discuss with resource management priorities and wa-
contractors. tershed conditions along with a discus-
sion of the possible implications for
restoration measures and objectives.
Figure 6.23: Adaptive management. The review should be wide-ranging, in-
Adjusting management direction as new cluding observations and concerns that
information becomes available requires a might not require immediate attention
willingness to experiment and accept but should be documented to ensure
occassional failures. continuity in case of turnover in per-
sonnel. The monitoring report should
sions can be made regarding any mid- alert project managers to proposed de-
course corrections or other alternative velopments or regulation changes that
actions, including modification of could affect the restoration effort, so
goals. The annual assessments would that feedback can be provided and
use monitoring data and might require stream corridor concerns can be consid-
additional data or expertise from out- ered during planning for the proposed
side the restoration team. Because the developments.
overall idea is to make the restoration Documentation and reporting of the
"work," while not expending large progress and development of the
amounts of funds to adhere to inflexi- restoration provide written evidence
ble and unrealistic goals, decisions that the restoration manager can use for
would be made regarding the physical a variety of purposes. Three simple con-
actions that might be needed versus al- cepts are common among the best-
terations in restoration goals. documented restorations:

6- 38 Chapter 6: Implementing, Monitoring, Evaluating, and Adapting

• A single file that was the repository Planning for Feedback During
of all restoration information was Restoration Implementation
A sound quality control/quality assur-
• The events and tasks of the restora- ance component of the restoration plan
tion were recorded chronologically in incorporates the means to measure and
a systematic manner. control the quality of an activity so that
• Well-written documents (i.e., plan- it meets expectations (USEPA 1995a).
ning and monitoring documents) Especially in restoration efforts that in-
were produced and distributed wide- volve substantial earthmoving and
ly enough to become part of the gen- other major structural modifications,
eral regional or national awareness of risk of unintentional damage to water
the restoration. quality or aquatic biota exists. Mid-
course monitoring should be part of the
Main sections in a general format for a
plan, both to guard against unexpected
monitoring report should include title
additional damage and to detect posi-
page, summary or abstract, introduc-
tive improvements (Figure 6.24).
tion, site description, methods, results,
discussion, conclusions, recommenda- Making a Commitment to the
tions, acknowledgments, and literature Time Frame Needed to Judge
cited. Success
Dissemination of the Results The time required for system recovery
should be considered in determining
Recipients of the report and other mon-
the frequency of monitoring.
itoring information should include all
interested parties (e.g., all state and fed- • Data on fractions of an hour might
eral agencies involved in a permit ac- be needed to characterize streamflow.
tion). In addition, complete files
should be maintained. The audience
can include beach-goers, birders, fish-
ers, developers, industry representatives,
engineers, government environmental
managers, politicians, and scientists.
The recipient list and schedule for deliv-
ery of the reports should be developed
by the restoration manager. If appropri-
ate, a meeting with interested parties
should be held to present the results of
the monitoring effort and to discuss the
future of the restoration. Large, com-
plex, and expensive restorations might
have wide appeal and interest, and
meetings on these restorations will re-
quire more planning. Presentations
should be tailored to the audience to
provide the information in the clearest
Figure 6.24: Streambank failure. Midcourse
and most relevant form. monitoring will guard against unexpected

Restoration Monitoring, Evaluation, and Adaptive Management 6- 39

• Hourly data might be needed for
water temperature and water quality.
• Weekly data might be appropriate to
show changes in the growth rate of
aquatic organisms.
• Monthly or quarterly data might be
necessary to investigate annual cycles.
• Annual measures might be adequate
to show the stability of streambanks.
• Organis~s with long life spans, such
as paddlefish or trees, might need to
be assessed only on the order of
decades (Figure 6.25).
The time of day for measurement
should also be considered. It might be
most appropriate to measure dissolved
oxygen at dawn, whereas temperature
might be measured most appropriately
in the mid- to late afternoon. Migra-
tions or climatic patterns might require
that studies be conducted during spe-
cific months or seasons. For example,
restoration efforts expected to result in Figure 6.25: Revegetated streambank.
increased baseflow might require stud- Monitoring and evaluation must take into
account the differences in life spans among
ies only in late summer and early fall.
organisms. Tree growth along the streambank
The expected time for recovery of the will be evaluated on a much longer time scale
stream corridor could involve years or than other restoration results.
decades, which should be addressed in
the duration of the study and its evalua-
tion. Moreover, if the purpose of
restoration is to maintain natural flood-
plain functions during a 10-year flood
event, it might take years for such an
event to occur and allow a meaningful
evaluation of performance.
Some efforts have been made to inte-
grate short- and long-term performance
monitoring requirements into overall
design. Bryant (1995) recently pre-
sented the techniques of a pulsed moni-
toring strategy involving a series of

6-40 Chapter 6: Implementing, Monitoring, Evaluating, and Adapting

short-term, high-intensity studies sepa- negative impacts because simply im-
rated by longer periods of low-intensity proving the stream itself will likely re-
data collection. MacDonald et al. sult in only temporary enhancements.
( 19 91) have described several different The beginning steps of ecological risk
types of monitoring by frequency, dura- assessment are largely designed around
tion, and intensity. characterization of an ecosystem's val-
Evaluating Changes in the ued features, characterization of the
Sources of Stress as Well as in stressors degrading the ecosystem, iden-
the System Itself tification of the routes of exposure of
the ecosystem to the stressors, and de-
Restoration might be necessary because scription of ecological effects that might
of stress currently affecting the stream result. If these factors are documented
corridor or because of damage in the for restoration during its design and ex-
past. It is critical to know whether the ecution, it should be clear how evaluat-
sources of stress are still present or are ing performance should address each
absent, and to incorporate treatment of factor after completion. Has the source
the sources of stress as part of the of stress, or its route of exposure, been
restoration approach. In fact, some diminished or eliminated? Are the neg-
practitioners will not enter into a ative ecological effects reversed or no
restoration effort that does not include longer present?
reducing or eliminating the source of

Restoration Monitoring, Evaluation, and Adaptive Management 6-41

lowest average
14-day flow ~

lowest I"+• I
average 7-day f low_:_..;

September October


Anal sis of
7.A Hydrologic and Hydraulic Processes
• How does the stream flow and why is this understanding important?
• Is streamflow perennial, ephemeral or intermittent?
• What is the discharge, frequency and duration of extreme high and low flows?
• How often does the stream flood?
• How does roughness affect flow levels?
• What is the discharge most effective in maintaining the stream channel under
equilibrium conditions?
• How does one determine if equilibrium conditions exist?
• What field measurements are necessary?
7 .B Geomorphic Processes
• How do I inventory geomorphic information on streams and use it to understand and
develop physically appropriate restoration plans?
• How do I interpret the dominant channel adjustment processes active at the site?
• How deep and wide should a stream be?
• Is the stream stable?
• Are basin-wide adjustments occurring, or is this a local problem?
• Are channel banks stable, at-risk, or unstable?
• What measurements are necessary?
7 .C Chemical Processes
• How do you measure the condition of the physical and chemical conditions within a
stream corridor?
• Why is quality assurance an important component of stream corridor analysis activities?
• What are some of the water quality models that can be used to evaluate water
chemistry data?

7 .D Biological Characteristics
• What are some important considerations in using biological indicators for analyzing
stream corridor conditions?
• Which indicators have been used successfully?
• What role do habitat surveys play in analyzing the biological condition of the
stream corridor?
• How do you measure biological diversity in a stream corridor?
• What is the role of stream classification systems in analyzing stream corridor conditions?
• How can models be used to evaluate the biological condition of a stream corridor?
• What are the characteristics of models that have been used to evaluate stream
corridor conditions?
Chapter 7: Analysis of Corridor Condition
Chapter 8: Restoration Design
Chapter 9: Restoration Installation,
Monitoring, and Management

tream corridor functions are recogniz- I and developed into a restoration plan in
S able and definable for the smallest
study area as well as for eco-regional lev-
Part II is applied. Part Ill shows how condi-
tion analysis and design can lead to
els. Because a corridor functions at all restoring corridor structure and the habi-
scales, the principles of restoration should tat, conduit, filter/barrier, source, and sink
be applied using those appropriate to the functions.
scale of concern.
• Chapter 7 discusses the measurement
Part Ill of this document is the "how to" and analysis of corridor condition. The
section. The understanding gained in Part analysis is broken down by scale and
• Physical processes, structures, and
• Geomorphic and hydrological cookbook of prescribed solu-
• Water chemistry tions.

• Biological analysis • Chapter 9 deals with construc-

tion topics that can occur after
This breakdown allows the
the stream corridor restoration
generation of a "picture" of design is complete and required
stream corridor conditions that
permits are obtained. Careful
comes into clearer focus as one construction and field inspection
descends in scale from maps
are necessary to ensure that the
and aerial photographs to the corridor is not degraded by con-
stream bed. struction activities. At the end of
• Chapter 8 contains design guid- successful restoration, the stream
ance and techniques to restore must be managed, maintained,
stream corridor structure and and monitored to ensure goals
functions. It is not, however, a and objectives are being met.

111- 2 Part Ill: Applying Restoration Principles

Analysis of
7 .A Hydrologic Processes
7 .B Geomorphic Processes
7 .C Chemical Characteristics
7 .D Biological Characteristics

Section 7.A: Hydrologic Processes through streams but is affected by the

Understanding how water flows into and kinds of soils and alluvial features within
through stream corridors is critical to de- the channel, in the floodplain, and in the
veloping restoration initiatives. How fast, uplands. The amount and kind of sedi-
how much, how deep, how often, and ments carried by a stream is largely a de-
when water flows are important basic terminant of its equilibrium characteristics,
questions that must be answered in order including size, shape, and profile. Success-
to make appropriate decisions about the ful implementation of the stream corridor
implementation of a stream corridor's restoration, whether active (requiring di-
restoration . rect intervention) or passive, (removing
only disturbance factors), depends on an
Section 7.8: Geomorphic Processes understanding of how water and sedi-
This section combines the basic hydrologic ment are related to channel form and
processes with the physical or geomorphic function, and on what processes are in-
functions and characteristics. Water flows volved with channel evolution.
Section 7.C: Chemical Section 7.D: Biological
Characteristics Characteristics
The quality of water in the stream The fish, wildlife, plants, and
corridor is normally a primary ob- human beings that use, live in, or
jective of restoration, either to im- just visit the stream corridor are key
prove it to a desired condition, or elements to consider, not only in
to sustain it. Restoration initiatives terms of increasing populations or
should consider the physical and species diversity, but also in terms
chemical characteristics that may of usually being one of the primary
not be readily apparent but that are goals of the restoration effort. A
nonetheless critical to the functions thorough understanding of how
and processes of stream corridors. water flows, how sediment is trans-
Chemical manipulation of specific ported, and how geomorphic fea-
characteristics usually involves the tures and processes evolve is
management or alteration of ele- important. However, a prerequisite
ments in the landscape or corridor to successful restoration is an un-
derstanding of the living parts of
the system and how the physical
and chemical processes affect the
stream corridor

7-2 Chapter 7: Analysis of Corridor Condition

7 .A Hydrologic Processes

Flow Analysis Most stream corridor restoration initia-

tives are on streams or reaches that lack
Restoring stream structure and function
systematic stream gauge data. Therefore,
requires knowledge of flow characteris-
estimates of flow duration and the fre-
tics. At a minimum, it is helpful to
quency of extreme high and low flows
know whether the stream is perennial,
must be based on indirect methods
intermittent, or ephemeral, and the rel-
from regional hydrologic analysis. Sev-
ative contributions of baseflow and
eral methods are available for indirect
stormflow in the annual runoff. It
estimation of mean annual flow and
might also be helpful to know whether
flood characteristics; however, few
streamflow is derived primarily from
methods have been developed for esti-
rainfall, snowmelt, or a combination of
mating low flows and general flow du-
the two.
ration characteristics.
Other desirable information includes
Users are cautioned that statistical
the relative frequency and duration of
analyses using historical streamflow
extreme high and low flows for the site
data need to account for watershed
and the duration of certain stream flow
changes that might have occurred dur-
levels. High and low flow extremes usu-
ing the period of record. Many basins
ally are described with a statistical pro-
in the United States have experienced
cedure called a frequency analysis, and
substantial urbanization and develop-
the amount of time that various flow
ment; construction of upstream reser-
levels are present is usually described
voirs, dams, and storm water
with a flow duration curve.
management structures; and construc-
Finally, it is often desirable to tion of levees or channel modifications.
estimate the channel-forming or domi- These features have a direct impact on
nant discharge for a stream (i.e., the the statistical analyses of the data for
discharge that is most effective in peak flows, and for low flows and flow
shaping and maintaining the natural duration curves in some instances. De-
stream channel). Channel-forming or pending on basin modifications and
dominant discharge is used for design the analyses to be performed, this could
when the restoration includes channel require substantial time and effort.
Flow Duration
Estimates of streamflow characteristics
needed for restoration can be obtained The amount of time certain flow levels
from stream gauge data. Procedures for exist in the stream is represented by a
determining flow duration characteris- flow duration curve which depicts the
tics and the magnitude and frequency percentage of time a given streamflow
of floods and low flows at gauged sites was equaled or exceeded over a given
are described in this section. The pro- period. Flow duration curves are usually
cedures are illustrated using daily based on daily streamflow (a record
mean flows and annual peak flows containing the average flow for each
(the maximum discharge for each year) day) and describe the flow characteris-
for the Scott River near Fort Jones, a tics of a stream throughout a range of
653-square-mile watershed in northern discharges without regard to the se-
California. quence of occurrence. A flow duration

Hydrologic Processes 7- 3
curve is the cumulative histogram of the by local convective storm runoff or
set of all daily flows. The construction where land uses vary significantly be-
of flow duration curves is described by tween the gauged and ungauged basins.
Searcy (1959), who recommends defin-
ing the cumulative histogram of stream- Flow Frequency Analysis
flow by using 25 to 35 well-distributed The frequency of floods and low flows
class intervals of streamflow data. for gauged sites is determined by ana-
Figure 7 .1 is a flow duration curve that lyzing an annual time series of maxi-
was defined using 34 class intervals and mum or minimum flow values (a
software documented by Lumb et al. chronological list of the largest or
(1990). The numerical output is pro- smallest flow that occurred each year).
vided in the accompanying table. Although previously described in Chap-
ter 1, flow frequency is redefined here be-
The curve shows that a daily mean flow
cause of its relevance to the sections
of 1, 100 cubic feet per second ( cfs) is
that follow. Flow frequency is defined
exceeded about 20 percent of the time
as the probability or percent chance of
or by about 20 percent of the observed
a given flow's being exceeded or not ex-
daily flows. The long-term mean daily
ceeded in any given year. Flow fre-
flow (the average flow for the period of
quency is often expressed in terms of
record) for this watershed was deter-
recurrence interval or the average number
mined to be 623 cfs. The duration curve
of years between exceeding or not ex-
shows that this flow is exceeded about
ceeding the given flows. For example, a
38 percent of the time.
given flood flow that has a 100-year re-
For over half the states, the USGS has currence interval is expected to be ex-
published reports for estimating flow ceeded, on average, only once in any
duration percentiles and low flows at 100-year period; that is, in any given
ungauged locations. Estimating flow year, the annual flood flow has a 1 per-
duration characteristics at ungauged cent chance or 0.01 probability of ex-
sites usually is attempted by adjusting ceeding the 100-year flood. The
data from a nearby stream gauge in a exceedance probability, p, and the re-
hydrologically similar basin. Flow dura- currence interval, T, are related in that
tion characteristics from the stream one is the reciprocal of the other (i.e.,
gauge record are expressed per unit area T == 1/p ). Statistical procedures for de-
of drainage basin at the gauge (i.e., in termining the frequency of floods and
cfs/mi 2 ) and are multiplied by the low flows at gauged sites follow.
drainage area of the ungauged site to
As mentioned earlier, most stream corri-
estimate flow duration characteristics
dor restoration initiatives are on
there. The accuracy of such a procedure
is directly related to the similarity of the streams or reaches lacking systematic
stream gauge data; therefore, estimates
two sites. Generally, the drainage area at
of flow duration characteristics and the
the stream gauge and ungauged sites
should be fairly similar, and streamflow frequency of extreme high and extreme
low flows must be based on indirect
characteristics should be similar for
methods from regional hydrologic
both sites. Additionally, mean basin ele-
vation and physiography should be analysis.
similar for both sites. Such a procedure Flood Frequency Analysis
does not work well and should not be Guidelines for determining the fre-
attempted in stream systems dominated quency of floods at a particular location

7-4 Chapter 7: Analysis of Corridor Condition

using streamflow records are docu-
mented by the Hydrology Subcommit-
tee of the Interagency Advisory
w 0
% of Time Flow
Equaled or Exceeded

Committee on Water Data (IACWD 100

1982, Bulletin 17B). The guidelines de- 1.4 100
scribed in Bulletin 17B are used by all 2 100
federal agencies in planning activities 2.8 100
involving water and related land re- 4 100
sources. Bulletin 17B recommends fit- 5.7 99.96
ting the Pearson Type III frequency 8.1 99.76
distribution to the logarithms of the an- 11 99.68
nual peak flows using sample statistics
16 99.43
(mean, standard deviation, and skew)
23 98.7
to estimate the distribution parameters.
33 96.89
Procedures for outlier detection and ad-
46 94.2
justment, adjustment for historical data,
development of generalized skew, and 66 85.02

weighting of station and generalized 93 74.54

skews are provided. The station skew is 130 65.98

computed from the observed peak 190 60.15
flows, and the generalized skew is a re- 270 55.03
gional estimate determined from esti- 380 49.03
mates at several long-term stations in 530 42.05
the region. The US Army Corps of Engi- 760 31.41
neers also has produced a user's manual 20.75
for flood frequency analysis (Report CPD- 11.95
13, 1994) that can aid in determining
2,200 5.1
flood frequency distribution parame-
3,100 2.25
ters. NRCS has also produced a manual
4,300 1.2
(National Engineering Handbook, Section
6,100 0.68
4, Chapter 18) that can also be used in
determining flood frequency distribu- 8,700 0.35

tion (USDA-SCS 1983). 12,000 0.16

17,000 0.06
Throughout the United States, flood fre- 106
25,000 0.04
quency estimates for uses gauging sta-
35,000 O.Q1
tions have been correlated with certain 10 5
50,000 0
climatic and basin characteristics. The
104 71,000 0
result is a set of regression equations u

that can be used to estimate flood mag-

~ 103
nitude for various return periods in un- Figure 7. 1: Flow
~ duration curve and
gauged basins (Jennings et al. 1994). ....... 102 associated data tables.
Reports outlining these equations often Data for the Scott River;
are prepared for state highway depart- near Fort Jones, CA,
ments to help them size culverts and 1951-1980, show that
rural road bridge openings. 0.5 2 5 10 30 50 80 95 99.5 a flow of 1, 100 cubic
% of Time Flow Equaled or Exceeded feet per second (cfs)
Estimates of the frequency of peak is exceeded about 20
flows at ungauged sites may be made by percent of the time.
using these regional regression equa- Source: Lumb et al. (1990).

Hydrologic Processes 7- 5
Sources of Daily Mean Discharge and Other Data from USGS Stream
Dally Mean Stl'Nmflow are computed by ranking the observed daily mean
Daily mean streamflow data needed for defining flows from %; to q1n . 365; where n is the number of
flow duration curves are published on a water- years of record, q 11; is the largest observation, and
year (October 1 to September 30) basis for each q1365 •nJ is the smallest observation. The ranked list
state by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in the is called a set of ordered observations. The q 11J that
report series Water Resources Data. The data col- are exceeded 10, 50, and 90 percent of the time
lected and published by the USGS are archived in are then determined. Flow duration percentiles
the National Water Information System (NWIS). (quantiles) for gauged sites are also published by
USGS in reports on low flow frequency and other
The USGS currently provides access to streamflow
streamflow statistics (e.g ., Atkins and Pearman
data by means of the Internet. The USGS URL
1994, Zalants 1991, Te/is 1991, and Ries 1994).
address for access to streamflow data is Approximately 400,000 sta- Peak Flow
tion years of historical daily mean flows for about Annual peak flow data needed for flood frequen-
18, 500 stations are available through this source. cy analysis are also published by the USGS,
The USGS data for the entire United States are archived in NWIS, and available through the inter-
also available from commercial vendors on two net at the URL address provided above. Flood fre-
CD-ROMs, one for the eastern and one for the quency estimates at gauged sites are routinely
western half of the country (e.g., CD-ROMs for published by USGS as part of cooperative studies
DOS can be obtained from Earth Info, and CD- with state agencies to develop regional regression
ROMs for Windows can be obtained from equations for ungauged watersheds. Jennings et
Hydrosphere Data Products. Both companies are al. (1994) provide a nationwide summary of the
located in Boulder, Colorado.) current USGS reports that summarize flood fre-
In addition to the daily mean flows, summary sta- quency estimates at gauged sites as well as
tistics are also published for active streamflow sta- regression equations for estimating flood peak
tions in the USGS annual Water Resources Data flows for ungauged watersheds. Annual and
reports. Among the summary statistics are the partial-duration (peaks-above-threshold) peak flow
daily mean flows that are exceeded 10, 50, and data for all USGS gauges can be obtained on one
90 percent of the time of record. These durations CD-ROM from commercial vendors.

7-6 Chapter 7: Analysis of Corridor Condition

tions, provided that the gauged and un-
gauged sites have similar climatic and
physiographic characteristics.
Frequently the user needs only such Flood Frequency Estimates
limited information as mean annual Flood frequency estimates also may be generated using
precipitation, drainage area, storage in precipitation data and applicable watershed runoff models
lakes and wetlands, land use, major soil such as HEC-1, TR-20, and TR-55. The precipitation record
types, stream gradients, and a topo- for various return-period storm events is used by the
graphic map to calculate flood magni- watershed model to generate a runoff hydrograph and
tudes at a site. Again, the accuracy of peak flow for that event. The modeled rainfall may be
the procedure is directly related to the from historical data or from an assumed time distribution
hydrologic similarity of the two sites. of precipitation (e.g., a 2-year, 24-hour rainfall event). This
Similarly, in many locations, flood fre- method of generating flood frequency estimates assumes
quency estimates from uses gauging the return period of the runoff event equals the return
stations have been correlated with cer- period of the precipitation event (e.g., a 2-year rainfall
tain channel geometry characteristics. event will generate a 2-year peak flow). The validity of this
These correlations produce a set of re- assumption depends on antecedent moisture conditions,
gression equations relating some chan- basin size, and a number of other factors.
nel feature, usually active channel
width, to flood magnitudes for various
return periods. A review of these equa-
tions is provided by Wharton (1995).
Again, the standard errors of the esti- Vogel and Kroll (1989 ) provide a sum-
mate might be large. mary of the limited number of studies
that have evaluated frequency distribu-
Regardless of the procedure or source of tions and fitting methods for low flows.
information chosen for obtaining flood The methodology used by USGS and
frequency information, estimates for USEPA is described below.
the 1.5, 2, 5, 10, 25, and (record per-
mitting) 50 and 100-year flood events The hypothetical daily hydrograph
may be plotted on standard log- shown in Figure 7 .2 is typical of many
probability paper, and a smooth curve areas of the United States where the an-
may be drawn between the points. nual minimum flows occur in late sum-
(Note that these are flood events with mer and early fall. The climatic year
probabilities of 67, 50, 20, 10, 4, 2, and (April 1 to March 31) rather than the
1 percent, respectively.) This plot be- water year is used in low-flow analyses
comes the flood frequency relationship so that the entire low-flow period is
for the restoration site under considera- contained within one year.
tion. It provides the background infor- Data used in low-flow frequency analy-
mation for determining the frequency ses are typically the annual minimum
of inundation of surfaces and vegeta- average flow for a specified number of
tion communities along the channel. consecutive days. The annual minimum
Low-Flow Frequency Analysis
7- and 14-day low flows are illustrated
in Figure 7.2. For example, the annual
Guidelines for low-flow frequency analysis minimum 7-day flow is the annual
are not as standardized as those for minimum value of running 7 -day
flood frequency analysis. No single fre- means.
quency distribution or curve-fitting
method has been generally accepted.

Hydrologic Processes 7- 7
(USEPA 1986, Riggs et al. 1980). Low
40 lowest average
........ flows for other durations and frequen-
14-day flow :-\
~ 30 cies are used in some states.
e 20 Computer software for performing low-
.c flow analyses using a record of daily
::;( 15
Ci lowest l"+~I mean flows is documented by Hutchi-
average 7-day flow__:_..t son (1975) and Lumb et al. (1990). An
August September October
example of a low-flow frequency curve
for the annual minimum 7-day low
Figure 7.2: Annual hydrograph displaying low flow is given in Figure 7.3 for Scott
flows. The daily mean flows on the lowest part River near Fort Jones, California, for the
of the annual hydrograph are averaged to give same period (1951 to 1980) used in the
the 7-day and 14-day low flows for that year. flood frequency analyses above.
From Figure 7.3, one can determine
USGS and USEPA recommend using that the Q7, 10 is about 20 cfs, which is
the Pearson Type III distribution to the comparable to the 99th percentile
logarithms of annual minimum d-day (daily mean flow exceeded 99 percent
low flows to obtain the flow with a of the time) of the flow duration curve
nonexceedance probability p (or recur- (Figure 7 .1). This comparison is consis-
rence interval T = 1/p). The Pearson tent with findings of Fennessey and
Type III low-flow estimates are com- Vogel (1990), who concluded that the
puted from the following equation: Q7, 10 from 23 rivers in Massachusetts
was approximately equal to the 99th
x d,T =Md - ~sd
flow duration percentile. The USGS rou-
where: tinely publishes low flow estimates at
xd,T = the logarithm of the annual gauged sites (Zalants 1991, Telis 1991,
minimum d-day low flow for Atkins and Pearman 1994).
which the flow is not exceeded Following are discussions of different
in 1 of T years or which has a ways to look at the flows that tend to
probability of p = 1/T of not form and maintain streams. Restora-
being exceeded in any given year tions that include alterations of flows or
M d= the mean of the logarithms of changes in the dimensions of the
annual minimum d-day low stream must include engineering analy-
flows ses as described in Chapter 8.
Sd = the standard deviation of the Channel-forming Flow
logarithms of the annual mini- The channel-forming or dominant dis-
mum d-day low flows charge is a theoretical discharge that if
~= the Pearson Type III frequency constantly maintained in an alluvial
factor stream over a long period of time
would produce the same channel geom-
The desired quantile, Qd,T' can be ob-
etry that is produced by the long-term
tained by taking the antilogarithm of
natural hydrograph. Channel-forming
the equation.
discharge is the most commonly used
The 7-day, 10-year low flow (Q7, 10 ) is single independent variable that is
used by about half of the regulatory found to govern channel shape and
agencies in the United States for man- form. Using a channel-forming dis-
aging water quality in receiving waters charge to design channel geometry is

7- 8 Chapter 7: Analysis of Corridor Condition


•- • 7-day low flow

Log-Pearson Type Ill

~ 102
•• •••••••••••
·;:: ••••••••
0 10

95 90 80 70 50 30 20 10 5
Annual Nonexceedance Probability (percent)

not a universally accepted technique, al- Figure 7.3: Annual minimum 7-day low flow
though most river engineers and scien- frequency curve. The Q, .. on this graph is about
tists agree that the concept has merit, at 20 cfs. The annual minimum value of 7-day
running means for this gauge is about 1O
least for perennial (humid and temper- percent.
ate) and perhaps ephemeral (semiarid)
rivers. For arid channels, where runoff is
generated by localized high-intensity as the natural sequence of events (Inglis
storms and the absence of vegetation 1949). Wolman and Miller (1960) de-
ensures that the channel will adjust to fined "moderate frequency" as events
each major flood event, the channel- occurring "at least once each year or
forming discharge concept is generally two and in many cases several or more
not applicable. times per year." They also considered
the sediment load transported by a
Natural alluvial rivers experience a wide
given flow as a percentage of the total
range of discharges and may adjust
amount of sediment carried by the river
their geometry to flow events of differ-
during the period of record. Their re-
ent magnitudes by mobilizing either
sults, for a variety of American rivers lo-
bed or bank sediments. Although Wol-
cated in different climatic and
man and Miller (1960) noted that "it is
physiographic regions, showed that the
logical to assume that the channel
greater part (that is, 50 percent or
shape is affected by a range of flows
more) of the total sediment load was
rather than a single discharge," they
carried by moderate flows rather than
concurred with the view put forward
catastrophic floods. Ninety percent of
earlier by civil engineers working on
"regime theory" that the channel- the load was carried by events with a re-
turn period of less than 5 years. The
forming or dominant discharge is the
precise form of the cumulative curve ac-
steady flow that produces the same
tually depends on factors such as the
gross channel shapes and dimensions

Hydrologic Processes 7- 9
predominant mode of transport (bed Bankfull Discharge
load, suspended load, or mixed load) The bankfull discharge is the discharge
and the flow variability, which is influ- that fills a stable alluvial channel up to
enced by the size and hydrologic char- the elevation of the active floodplain.
acteristics of the watershed. Small In many natural channels, this is the
watersheds generally experience a wider discharge that just fills the cross section
range of flows than large watersheds, without overtopping the banks, hence
and this tends to increase the propor- the term "bankfull." This discharge is
tion of sediment load carried by infre- considered to have morphological sig-
quent events. Thorough reviews of nificance because it represents the
arguments about the conceptual basis breakpoint between the processes of
of channel-forming discharge theory channel formation and floodplain for-
can be found in textbooks by Richards mation. In stable alluvial channels,
(1982), Knighton (1984), and Summer- bankfull discharge corresponds closely
field (1991). with effective discharge and channel-
Researchers have used various discharge forming discharge.
levels to represent the channel-forming The stage vs. discharge or rating curve
discharge. The most common are ( 1) presented in Figure 7.4 was developed
bankfull discharge, (2) a specific dis- for a hypothetical stream by computing
charge recurrence interval from the an- the discharge for different water surface
nual peak or partial duration frequency elevations or stages. Since discharges
curves, and (3) effective discharge. greater than bankfull spread across the
These approaches are frequently used active floodplain, stage increases more
and can produce a good approximation gradually with increasing discharge
of the channel-forming discharge in above bankfull than below bankfull,
many situations; however, as discussed when flows are confined to the channel.
in the following paragraphs, consider- Another method for determining the
able uncertainties are involved in all bankfull stage and discharge is to deter-
three of these approaches. Many practi- mine the minimum value on a plot re-
tioners are using specific approaches to lating water surface elevation to the
determine channel-forming discharge ratio of surface width to area. The fre-
and the response of stream corridors. quency of the bankfull discharge can be
Bibliographic information on these determined from a frequency distribu-
methods is available later in the tion plot like Figure 7.1.
Bankfull stage can also be identified
Because of the spatial variability within from field indicators of the elevation of
a given geographical region, the re- the active floodplain. The correspond-
sponse of any particular stream corridor ing bankfull discharge is then deter-
within the region can differ from that mined from a stage vs. discharge
expected for the region as a whole. This relationship.
is especially critical for streams draining
small, ungauged drainage areas. There- Field Indicators of Bankfull Discharge
fore, the expected channel-forming dis- Various field indicators can be used for
charge of ungauged areas should be estimating the elevation of the stage as-
estimated by more than one alternative sociated with b ankfull flow. Although
method, hopefully leading to consistent the first flat depositional surface is
estimates. often used, the identification of deposi-
tional surfaces in the field can be diffi-

7-10 Chapter 7: Analysis of Corridor Condition

cult and misleading and, at the very
least, requires trained, experienced field
personnel. After an elevation is selected
• rating based on
Manning equation

as the bankfull, the stage vs. discharge

curve can be computed to determine 21
the magnitude of the discharge corre-
sponding to that elevation.
........ 11

The above relationships seldom work in Cll 9
Cl bankfull stage
incised streams. In an incised stream, ....
the top of the bank might be a terrace
(an abandoned floodplain), and indica-
tors of the active floodplain might be
found well below the existing top of
bank. In this situation, the elevation of 100 1,000 10,000
the channel-forming discharge will be
Discharge (cfs)
well below the top of the bank. In addi-
tion, the difference between the ordi- Figure 7.4: Determination of bankfull stage
nary use of the term "bankfull" and the from a rating curve. The discharge that corre-
geomorphic use of the term can cause sponds to the elevation of the first flat deposi-
tional surface is the bankfull discharge.
major communication problems.
Field identification of bankfull eleva-
tion can be difficult (Williams 1978), Bankfull stage has also been defined
but is usually based on a minimum using morphologic factors, as follows:
width/depth ratio (Wolman 1955), to- • Schumm (1960) defined bankfull
gether with the recognition of some dis- stage as the height of the lower limit
continuity in the nature of the channel of perennial vegetation, primarily
banks such as a change in its sedimen- trees.
tary or vegetative characteristics. Others
have defined bankfull discharge as • Similarly, Leopold (1994) states that
follows: bankfull stage is indicated by a
change in vegetation, such as herbs,
• Nixon (1959) defined the bankfull grasses, and shrubs.
stage as the highest elevation of a
river that can be contained within • Finally, the bankfull stage is also
the channel without spilling water defined as the average elevation of
on the river floodplain or washlands. the highest surface of the channel
bars (Wolman and Leopold 1957).
• Wolman and Leopold ( 19 5 7)
defined bankfull stage as the eleva- The field identification of bankfull stage
tion of the active floodplain. indicators is often difficult and subjec-
tive and should be performed in stream
• Woodyer (1968) suggested bankfull reaches that are stable and alluvial
stage as the elevation of the middle (Knighton 1984). Additional guidelines
bench of rivers having several over- are reviewed by Wharton (1995) . In un-
flow surfaces. stable streams, bankfull indicators are
• Pickup and Warner (1976) defined often missing, embryonic, or difficult to
bankfull stage as the elevation at determine.
which the width/ depth ratio Direct determination of the discharge at
becomes a minimum. bankfull stage is possible if a stream

Hydrologic Processes 7-11

gauge is located near the reach of inter- rivers, the 1.5-year flow in an annual
est. Otherwise, discharge must be calcu- maximum series passed through the
lated using applicable hydraulic scatter of bankfull discharges measured
resistance equations and, preferably, along the course of the rivers. Richards
standard hydraulic backwater tech- (1982) suggested that in a partial dura-
niques. This approach typically requires tion series bankfull discharge equals the
that an estimation of channel rough- most probable annual flood, which has
ness be made, which adds to the uncer- a 1 year return period. Leopold (1994)
tainty associated with calculated stated that most investigations have
bankfull discharge. concluded that the bankfull discharge
Because of its convenience, bankfull recurrence intervals ranged from 1.0 to
discharge is widely used to represent 2.5 years. Pickup and Warner (1976)
The reader is determined bankfull recurrence inter-
cautioned that channel-forming discharge. There is no
universally accepted definition of bank- vals ranged from 4 to 10 years on the
the indicators
full stage or discharge that can be consis- annual series.
used to define
the bankfull tently applied, has general application, However, there are many instances
condition must and integrates the processes that create where the bankfull discharge does not
be spelled out the bankfull dimensions of the river. fall within this range. For example,
each time a The reader is cautioned that the indica- Williams (1978) determined that ap-
bankfull dis- tors used to define the bankfull condi- proximately 75 percent of 51 streams
charge is used tion must be spelled out each time a that he analyzed appeared to have recur-
in a project bankfull discharge is used in a project rence intervals for the bankfull discharge
plan or design.
plan or design. of between 1.03 and 5.0 years. Williams
used the elevation of the active flood-
Determining Channel-Forming
plain or the valley flat, if no active
Discharge from Recurrence Interval
floodplain was defined at a station, as
To avoid some of the problems related the elevation of the bankfull surface in
to field determination of bankfull stage, his analyses. He did not establish
the channel-forming discharge is often as- whether these streams were in equilib-
sumed to be represented by a specific rium, so the validity of using the top of
recurrence interval discharge. Some re- the streambank as the bankfull elevation
searchers consider this representative is in question, especially for those sta-
discharge to be equivalent to the bank- tions with valley flats. This might ex-
full discharge. Note that "bankfull dis- plain the wide range (1.02 to 200 years)
charge" is used synonymously with he reported for bankfull discharge re-
"channel-forming discharge" in this turn intervals for streams with valley
document. The earliest estimate for flats as opposed to active floodplains.
channel-forming discharge was the The range in return intervals for 19 of
mean annual flow (Leopold and Mad- the 28 streams with active floodplains
dock 1953). Wolman and Leopold was from 1.01to32 years. Nine of the
(195 7) suggested that the channel- 28 streams had bankfull discharge recur-
forming discharge has a recurrence in- rence intervals of less than 1.0 year. It
terval of 1 to 2 years. Oury (1973) should be noted that only 3 of those 28
concluded that the channel-forming streams had bankfull discharge recur-
discharge is approximately 97 percent rence intervals greater than 4.8 years.
of the 1.58-year discharge or the most About one-third of the active floodplain
probable annual flood. Hey (1975 ) stations had bankfull discharges near
showed that for three British gravel-bed the 1.5-year recurrence interval.

7-12 Chapter 7: Analysis of Corridor Condition

I- effective discharge

o_uency (i
«'rt; 0



Figure 7.5: Effective discharge determination flow duration curve (A) and the sedi-
from sediment rating and flow duration curves. ment transport rating curve (B). A
The peak of curve C marks the discharge that is graphical representation of the relation-
most effective in transporting sediment.
Source: Wolman and Miller (1960).
ship between sediment transport, fre-
quency of the transport, and the
effective discharge is shown in Figure
Although the assumption that the chan-
7.5. The peak of curve C marks the dis-
nel-forming flow has a recurrence inter-
charge that is most effective in trans-
val of 1 to 3 years is sufficient for
porting sediment and, therefore, does
reconnaissance-level studies, it should
the most work in forming the channel.
not be used for design until verified
through inspection of reference reaches, For stable alluvial streams, effective dis-
data collection, and analysis. This is es- charge has been shown to be highly
pecially true in highly modified streams correlated with bankfull discharge. Of
such as in urban or mined areas, as well the various discharges related to chan-
as ephemeral streams in arid and semi- nel morphology (i.e., dominant, bank-
arid areas. full, and effective discharges), effective
discharge is the only one that can be
Effective Discharge
computed directly. The effective dis-
The effective discharge is defined as the charge has morphological significance
increment of discharge that transports since it is the discharge that transports
the largest fraction of the sediment load the bulk of the sediment.
over a period of years (Andrews 1980).
The effective discharge represents the
The effective discharge incorporates the
single flow increment that is responsi-
principle prescribed by Wolman and
ble for transporting the most sediment
Miller (1960) that the channel-forming
over some time period. However, there
discharge is a function of both the mag-
is a range of flows on either side of the
nitude of the event and its frequency of
effective discharge that also carry a sig-
occurrence. An advantage of using the
nificant portion of the total annual sed-
effective discharge is that it is a calcu-
iment load.
lated rather than field-determined
value. The effective discharge is calcu- Biedenham and Thome ( 1994) used
lated by numerically integrating the a graphical relationship between the

Hydrologic Processes 7- 13
cum ulative percentage of sediment
transported and the water discharge
to define a range of effective disch arges Design Discharge and
responsible for the majority of the sedi- Ecological Fundion
ment transport on the Lower Mississippi Although a channel-forming or domi-
River. They found that approximately
nant discharge is important for design,
70 percent of the total sediment was
it is often not sufficient for channel
moved in a range of flows between
500,000 cfs and 1,200,000 cfs, which restoration initiatives. An assessment
corresponds to the flow that is equaled of a wider range of discharges might
or exceeded 40 percent of the time and be necessary to ensure that the func-
3 percent of the time, respectively. tional objectives of the project are met
Thorne et al. ( 19 9 6) used a similar ap- For example, a restoration initiative
proach to define the range of effective targeting low-flow habitat conditions
discharges on the Brahmaputra River. must consider the physical conditions
A standard procedure should be used in the channel during low flows.
for the determination of the effective
discharge to ensure that the results for
different sites can be compared. To be
practical, it must either be based on streams, mean daily values can underes-
readily available gauging station data or timate the influence of the high flows,
require only limited additional infor- and, therefore, it might be necessary to
mation and computational procedures. reduce the discharge averaging period
from 24 hours (mean daily) to 1 hour,
The basic components required for cal-
or perhaps 15 minutes.
culation of effective discharge are ( 1)
flow duration data and (2) sediment A sediment rating curve must be devel-
load as a function of water discharge. oped to determine the effective dis-
The method most commonly adopted charge. (See the Sediment Yield and
for determining the effective discharge Delivery section in Chapter 8 for more
is to calculate the total bed material details.) The bed material load should
sediment load (tons) transported by be used in the calculation of the effec-
each flow increment over a period of tive discharge. This sediment load can
time by multiplying the frequency of be determined from measured data or
occurrence for the flow increment computed using an appropriate sedi-
(number of days) by the sediment load ment transport equation. If measured
(tons/day) transported by that flow suspended sediment data are used, the
level. The flow increment with the wash load should be subtracted and
largest product is the effective discharge. only the suspended bed material por-
Although this approach has the merit of tion of the suspended load used. If the
simplicity, the accuracy of the estimate bed load is a significant portion of the
of the effective discharge is clearly de- load, it should be calculated using an
pendent on the calculation procedure appropriate sediment transport func-
adopted. tion and added to the suspended bed
material load to provide an estimate of
Values of mean daily discharges are
the total bed material load. If bed load
usually used to compute the flow dura-
measurements are available, these data
tion curve, as discussed above and pre-
can be used.
sented in Figure 7 .1 . However, on flashy

7- 14 Chapter 7: Analysis of Corridor Condition

Determination of effective discharge
using flow and sediment data is further
discussed by Wolman and Miller
(1960) and Carling (1988). Regional Relationship Between
Bankfull and Mean Annual Discharge
Determining Channel-Forming
Discharge from Other Watershed Because the mean annual flow for each stream gauge
Variables operated by the USGS is readily available, it is useful to
establish regional relationships between bankfull and
When neither time nor resources permit mean annual discharges so that one can be estimated
field determination of bankfull dis- whenever the other is available. This information can be
charge or data are unavailable to calcu- compared to the bankfull discharge estimated for any
late the effective discharge, indirect given ungauged site within a U.S. region. The user is
methods based on regional hydrologic cautioned, however, that regional curve values
analysis may be used (Ponce 1989). In have a high degree of error and can vary signifi-
its simplest form, regional analysis en- cantly for specific sites or reaches to be restored.
tails regression techniques to develop
empirical relationships applicable to
homogeneous hydrologic regions. For
example, some workers have used wa- tionship can be represented by func-
tershed areas as surrogates for discharge tions of the form:
(Brookes 1987, Madej 1982, Newbury b
and Gaboury 1993). Regional relation- Q bf = aA
ships of drainage area with bankfull where Q bf is the bankfull discharge in
discharge can provide good starting cfs, A is the drainage area in square
points for selecting the channel-forming miles, and a and b are regression coeffi-
discharge. cients and exponents given in Table 7 .1.
Within hydrologically homogeneous re- Establishing similar parametric relation-
gions where runoff varies with con- ships for other rivers of interest is useful
tributing area, runoff is proportional to because the upstream area draining into
watershed drainage area. Dunne and a stream corridor can be easily deter-
Leopold (1978) and Leopold (1994) de- mined from either maps or digital ter-
veloped average curves relating bankfull rain analysis tools. Once the area is
discharge to drainage area for widely determined, an estimate of the expected
separated regions of the United States. bankfull discharge for the corridor can
For example, relationships between be made from the above equation.
bankfull discharge and drainage area for
Mean Annual Flow
Brandywine Creek in Pennsylvania and
the upper Green River basin in Another frequently used surrogate for
Wyoming are shown in the Figure 7.6. channel-forming discharge in empirical
regression equations is the mean annual
Two important points are immediately
apparent from Figure 7.6. First, humid flow. The mean annual flow, Qm, is
equivalent to the constant discharge
regions that have sustained, widely dis-
tributed storms yield higher bankfull that would yield the same volume of
water in a water year as the sum of all
discharges per unit of drainage area
than semiarid regions where storms of continuously measured discharges. Just
high intensity are usually localized. Sec- as in the case of bankfull discharge, Qm
ond, bankfull discharge is correlated varies proportionally with drainage area
with drainage area, and the general rela- within hydrologically homogeneous

Hydrologic Processes 7-15

10,000 bankfull flow

~ 1000


mean annual flow

10 100 1000
Drainage Area (square miles)

Figure 7.6: Regional relationships for bankfull and mean annual discharge as a function of
drainage area. The mean annual flow is normally less than the bankfull flow.
Source: Dunne and Leopold 1978.

Table 7. 1: Functional parameters used in basins. Given that both Qbr and Qmex-
regional estimates of bankfull discharge. hibit a similar functional dependence
In column a are regression coefficients
on A, a consistent proportionality is to
and in column b are exponents that can
be expected between these discharge

be used in the bankfull discharge equation.
Source: Dunne and Leopold 1978. measures within the same region. In
fact, Leopold ( 1994) gives the following
River Basin average values of the ratio Qb/Qmfor
61 0.82 three widely separated regions of the
36 0.68 United States: 29.4 for 21 stations in
Upper Green River, WY 28 0.69 the Coast Range of California, 7 .1 for
San Francisco Bay Region, CA 53 0.93 20 stations in the Front Range of Col-
orado, and 8.3 for 13 stations in the
Eastern United States.

7-16 Chapter 7: Analysis of Corridor Condition

Stage vs. Discharge estimate conditions of substrate move-
Relatlonshlps ment at various levels of streamflow.
Surveys of stream channel cross sections Continuity Equation
are useful for analyzing channel form,
function, and processes. Use of survey Discharge at a cross section is com-
data to construct relationships among puted using the simplified form of the
streamflow, channel geometry, and vari- continuity equation:
ous hydraulic characteristics provides Q=AV
information that serves a variety of ap-
plications. Although stage-discharge where:
curves often can be computed from Q= discharge
such cross section data, users should be A= cross sectional area of the
cautioned to verify their computations flow
with direct discharge measurements
whenever possible. V= average velocity in the down-
stream direction
Information on stream channel geome-
try and hydraulic characteristics is use- Computing the cross-sectional area is a
ful for channel design, riparian area geometry problem. The area of interest
restoration, and instream structure is bounded by the channel cross section
placement. Ideally, once a channel- and the water surface elevation (stage)
forming discharge is defined, the chan- (Figure 7. 7). In addition to cross-
nel is designed to contain that flow and sectional area, the top width, wetted
higher flows are allowed to spread over perimeter, mean depth, and hydraulic
the floodplain. Such periodic flooding radius are computed for selected stages
is extremely important for the forma- (Figure 7. 7).
tion of channel macrofeatures, such as Uniform flow equations may be used
point bars and meander bends, and for for estimating mean velocity as a
establishing certain kinds of riparian function of cross section hydraulic
vegetation. A cross section analysis also parameters.
may help in optimal design and place-
ment of items such as culverts and fish Manning's Equation
habitat structures.
Manning's equation was developed for
Additionally, knowledge of the relation- conditions of uniform flow in which
ships between discharge and channel the water surface profile and energy
geometry and hydraulics is useful for re- grade line are parallel to the streambed,
constructing the conditions associated and the area, hydraulic radius, and aver-
with a particular flow rate. For example, age depth remain constant throughout
in many channel stability analyses, it is the reach. The energy grade line is a
customary to relate movement of bed theoretical line whose elevation above
materials to some measure of stream the streambed is the sum of the water
power or average bed shear stress. If the surface elevation and a term that repre-
relationships between discharge and sents the kinetic energy of the flow
certain hydraulic variables (e.g., mean (Chow 1959). The slope of the energy
depth and water surface slope) are grade line represents the rate at which
known, it is possible to estimate stream energy is dissipated through turbulence
power and average bed shear as a func- and boundary friction. When the water
tion of discharge. A cross section analy- surface slope and the energy grade line
sis therefore makes it possible to

Hydrologic Processes 7- 17
Manning's equation for mean velocity,
V (in feet per second or meters per sec-
ond), is given as:
V = R 2/3 5 112
k = 1.486 for English units (1 for metric
n =Manning's roughness coefficient

top R =hydraulic radius (feet or meters)

width -.___
S =energy slope (water surface slope).
area Manning's roughness coefficient may be
mean depth = top width
h d r d. area
thought of as an index of the features of
Y rau ic ra ius = wetted perimeter channel roughness that contribute to
the dissipation of stream energy. Table
Figure 7.7: Hydraulic parameters. Streams have
7.2 shows a range of n values for vari-
specific cross-sectional and longitudinal profile
characteristics. ous boundary materials and conditions.
Two methods are presented for estimat-
parallel the streambed, the slope of the ing Manning's roughness coefficient for
energy grade line is assumed to equal natural channels:
the water surface slope. When the slope • Direct solution of Manning's equa-
of the energy grade line is known, vari- tion for n .
ous resistance formulas allow comput-
• Comparison with computed n values
ing mean cross-sectional velocity.
for other channels.
The importance of Manning's equation
Each method has its own limitations
in stream restoration is that it provides
and advantages.
the basis for computing differences in
flow velocities and elevations due to Direct Solution for Determining
differences in hydraulic roughness. Manning's n
Note that the flow characteristics can be Even slightly nonuniform flow can be
altered to meet the goals of the restora- difficult to find in natural channels. The
tion either by direct intervention or by method of direct solution for Man-
changing the vegetation and roughness ning's n does not require perfectly uni-
of the stream. Manning's equation is form flow. Manning n values are
also useful in determining bankfull dis- computed for a reach in which multiple
charge for bankfull stage. cross sections, water surface elevations,
Manning's equation is also used to cal- and at least one discharge have been
culate energy losses in natural channels measured. A series of water surface pro-
with gradually varied flow. In this case, files are then computed with different n
calculations proceed from one cross sec- values, and the computed profile that
tion to the next, and unique hydraulic matches the measured profile is
parameters are calculated at each cross deemed to h ave an n value that most
section. Computer models, such as nearly represents the roughness of that
HEC-2, perform these calculations and stream reach at the specific discharge.
are widely used analytical tools.

7- 18 Chapter 7: Analysis of Corridor Condition

Table 7.2: Manning roughness coefficients for various boundaries.
Source : Ven te Chow 1964.

Boundary Manning Roughness, n Coefficient

Smooth concrete 0.01 2
Ordinary concret e lining 0.013
Vit rified clay 0.015
Shot concret e, untroweled, and earth channels in best condition 0.017
Straight unl ined earth canals in good condition 0.020
Rivers and earth canal s in fair condition-some growth 0.025
Winding natural streams and canals in poor condition-considerable 0.035
moss growth
Mountain streams with rocky beds and rivers with variable sections and 0.040-0 .050
some vegetation along banks
Alluvial channels. sand bed, no vegetation
1. Lower regime
Ripples 0.017-0 .028
Dunes 0.018-0.035
2. Washed-out dunes or transition 0.014-0.024
3. Upper regime
Plane bed 0.011 -0.0 15
Stand ing w aves 0.012-0.016
Antidunes 0.01 2-0 .020

Using Manning's n Measured at When the roughness coefficient is esti-

Other Channels mated from table values, the chosen n
The second method for estimating n value ( nb) is considered a base value
values involves comparing the reach to that may need to be adjusted for addi-
a similar reach for which Manning's n tional resistance features. Several publi-
has already been computed. This proce- cations provide procedures for adjusting
dure is probably the quickest and most base values of n to account for channel
commonly used for estimating Man- irregularities, vegetation, obstructions,
ning's n. It usually involves using values and sinuosity (Chow 1959, Benson and
from a table or comparing the study Dalrymple 1967, Arcement and Schnei-
reach with photographs of natural der 1984, Parsons and Hudson 1985).
channels. Tables of Manning's n values The most common procedure uses the
for a variety of natural and artificial following formula, proposed by Cowan
channels are common in the literature (1959) to estimate the value of n:
on hydrology (Chow 1959, Van Hav-
n = (nb + n 1 + n 2 + n 3 + nJ m
eren 1986) (Table 7.2). Photographs
of stream reaches with computed n where
values have been compiled by Chow nb = base value of n for a straight,
(1959) and Barnes (1967). Estimates uniform, smooth channel in
should be made for several stages, and natural materials
the relationship between n and stage
should be defined for the range of flows n1 = correction for the effect of sur-
of interest. face irregularities

Hydrologic Processes 7- 19
Uniform Flow
Under conditions of constant width, depth, area, roughness elements, such as channel bars, large
and velocity, the water surface slope and energy boulders, and woody debris; or other features that
grade line approach the slope of the streambed, cause convergence, divergence, acceleration, or
producing a condition known as "uniform flow" deceleration of flow (Figure 7.8). Resistance equa-
One feature of uniform flow is that the streamlines tions may also be used to evaluate these nonuniform
are parallel and straight (Roberson and Crowe flow conditions (gradually varied flow); however;
1996). Perfectly uniform flow is rarely realized in energy-transition considerations (backwater calcula-
natural channels, but the condition is approached tions) must then be factored into the analysis. This
in some reaches where the geometry of the chan- requires the use of multiple-transect models (e.g.,
nel cross section is relatively constant throughout HEC-2 and WSP2; HEC-2 is a water surface profile
the reach. computer program developed by the U.S. Army
Conditions that tend to disrupt uniform flow include Corps of Engineers, Hydrologic Engineering Center; in
bends in the stream course; changes in cross-section- Davis, California,· WSP2 is a similar program devel-
al geometry; obstructions to flow caused by large oped by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation

(a) (d) Figure 7.8:

paths for chan-
nels with
constrictions or
(a) Riffle or bar,
Source: J. Mcshane.
(b) Stream width
(b) restriction.
(c) Sweeper log.
(d) Stream lines
through a reach.


7- 20 Chapter 7: Analysis of Corridor Condition

n2 = correction for variations in cross
section size and shape
n3 = correction for obstructions Manning's n in Relation to Channel
n4 = correction for vegetation and
Just as Manning's n may vary significantly with changes
flow conditions
in stage (water level), channel irregularities, obstructions,
m= correction for degree of channel vegetation, sinuosity, and bed-material size distribution,
meandering n may also vary with bedforms in the channel. The
Table 7.3 is taken from Aldridge and hydraulics of sand and mobile-bed channels produce
Garrett (1973) and may be used to esti- changes in bedforms as the velocity, stream power, and
mate each of the above correction fac- Froude number increase with discharge. The Froude
tors to produce a final estimated n . number is a dimensionless number that represents the
ratio of inertial forces to gravitational force. As velocity
Energy Equation and stream power increase, bedforms evolve from rip-
ples to dunes, to washed-out dunes, to plane bed, to
The energy equation is used to calculate
antidunes, to chutes and pools. A stationary plane bed,
changes in water-surface elevation be-
ripples, and dunes occur when the Froude number (long
tween two relatively similar cross sec-
wave equation) is less than 1 (subcritical flow); washed-
tions. A simplified version of this
out dunes occur at a Froude number equal to 1 (critical
equation is:
flow); and a plane bed in motion, antidunes, and chutes
z 1 + d 1 + V 1 /2g = z 2 + d1 + V/ /2g +he and pools occur at a Froude number greater than 1
where: (supercritical flow). Manning's n attains maximum values
when dune bedforms are present, and minimum values
z= minimum elevation of when ripples and plane bedforms are present (Parsons
streambed and Hudson 1985).
d= maximum depth of flow
V= average velocity
g= acceleration of gravity he = L [Qn/ kAR2; 3 ] 2
he = energy loss between the two sec- where:
L= distance between cross sections
Subscript 1 indicates that the variable is
Q= discharge
at the upstream cross section, and sub-
script 2 indicates that the variable is at n= Manning's roughness coefficient
the downstream cross section. A= channel cross-sectional area
This simplified equation is applicable R= hydraulic radius (Area/wetted
when hydraulic conditions between the perimeter)
two cross sections are relatively similar
(gradually varied flow) and the channel k= 1 (SI units)
slope is small (less than 0.18). k= 1.486 (ft-lb-sec units)
Energy losses between the two cross sec- Computer models (such as HEC-2 and
tions occur due to channel boundary others) are available to perform these
roughness and other factors described calculations for more complex cross-
above. These roughnesses may be repre- sectional shapes, including floodplains,
sented by a Manning's roughness coeffi- and for cases where roughness varies
cient, n, and then energy losses can be laterally across the cross section
computed using the Manning equation. (USACE 1991 ).

Hydrologic Processes 7-21

Table 7.3: "n" value adjustments.
Source: Aldridge and Garrett (1973).

Degree of
Smooth 0.000

Compares to the smoothest channel attainable in a given bed material.

irregularity (n 1)
Minor 0.001-0.005 Compares to carefully dredged channels in good condition but having
slightly eroded or scoured side slopes.
Moderate 0.006-0.010 Compares to dredged channels having moderate to considerable bed
roughness and moderately sloughed or eroded side slopes.
Severe 0.011-0.020 Badly sloughed or scalloped banks of natural streams; badly eroded or
sloughed sides of canals or drainage channels; unshaped, jagged, and
irregular surfaces of channels in rock.

Variation in Gradual 0.000 Size and shape of channel cross sections change gradually.
channel cross
section (n2) Alternating 0.001-0.005 Large and small cross sections alternate occasionally, or the main flow
occasionally occasionally shifts from side to side owing to changes in cross-
sectional shape.

Alternating 0.010-0.015 Large and small cross sections alternate frequently, or the main flow
frequently frequently shifts from side to side owing to changes in cross-sectional

Effect of Negligible 0.000-0.004 A few scattered obstructions, which include debris deposits, stumps,
obstruction (n 3 ) exposed roots, logs, piers, or isolated boulders, that occupy less than
5 percent of the cross-sectional area.

Minor 0.005-0.015 Obstructions occupy less than 15 percent of the cross-sectional area and
the spacing between obstructions is such that the sphere of influence
around one obstruction does not extend to the sphere of influence
around another obstruction. Smaller adjustments are used for curved
smooth-surfaced objects than are used for sharp-edged angular objects.

Appreciable 0.020-0.030 Obstructions occupy from 15 to 20 percent of the cross-sectional area

or the space between obstructions is small enough to cause the effects
of several obstructions to be additive, thereby blocking an equivalent
part of a cross section.

Severe 0.040-0.050 Obstructions occupy more than 50 percent of the cross-sectional area
or the space between obstructions is small enough to cause turbulence
across most of the cross section.
Amount of
vegetation (n 4 )
1small 0.002-0.010 I Dense growths of flexible turf grass, such as Bermuda, or weeds
growing where the average depth of flow is at least two times the
height of the vegetation; supple tree seedlings such as willow,

I Medium 0.010-0.025
cottonwood, arrowweed, or saltcedar growing where the average
depth of flow is at least three times the height of the vegetation.

Turf grass growing where the average depth of flow is from one to
two times the height of the vegetation; moderately dense stem my
grass, weeds, or tree seedlings growing where the average depth of
the flow is from two to three times the height of the vegetation;
brushy, moderately dense vegetation, similar to 1- to 2-year-old willow
trees in the dormant season, growing along the banks and no
significant vegetation along the channel bottoms where the hydraulic
radius exceeds 2 feet.
Large 0.025-0.050 Turf grass growing where the average depth of flow is about equal to
the height of vegetation; 8- to 10-year-old willow or cottonwood trees
intergrown with some weeds and brush (none of the vegetation in
foliage) where the hydraulic radius exceeds 2 feet; bushy willows
about 1 year old intergrown with some weeds along side slopes (all
vegetation in full foliage) and no significant vegetation along channel
bottoms where the hydraulic radius is greater than 2 f eet .

Very Large 0.050-0.100 Turf grass growing where the average depth of flow is less than half
the height of the vegetation; bushy willow trees about 1 year old
intergrown with weeds along side slopes (all vegetation in full foliage)
or dense cattails growing along channel bottom; trees intergrown
with weeds and brush (all vegetation in full foliage).

Degree of meandering' Minor 1.00 Ratio of the channel length to valley length is 1.0 to 1.2.
(adjustment values
apply to flow confined Appreciable 1.15 Ratio of the channel length t o valley length is 1.2 t o 1.5.
in the channel and do
Severe 1.30 Ratio of the channel length t o valley length is greater t han 1.5.
not apply where
downvalley flow
crosses meanders) (m)
Adjustme nts fo r degree of irregu la rity, variations in cross section, effect of obstructions, a nd vegetation a re added to the base n va lue before multiplying by the
adjustment for meander.

7- 22 Chapter 7: Analysis of Corridor Condition

Backwater Effects
Straight channel reaches with perfectly uniform flow are rare in nature and, in most
cases, may only be approached to varying degrees. If a reach with constant cross-sec-
tional area and shape is not available, a slightly contracting reach is acceptable, provid-
ed there is no significant backwater effect from the constriction. Backwater occurs
where the stage vs. discharge relationship is controlled by the geometry downstream of
the area of interest (e.g., a high riffle controls conditions in the upstream pool at low
flow). Manning's equation assumes uniform flow conditions. Manning's equation used
with a single cross section, therefore, will not produce an accurate stage vs. discharge
relationship in backwater areas. In addition, expanding reaches also should be avoided
since there are additional energy losses associated with channel expansions. When no
channel reaches are available that meet or approach the condition of uniform flow, it
might be necessary to use multitransect models (e.g., HEC-2) to analyze cross section
hydraulics. If there are elevation restrictions corresponding to given flows (e.g., flood
control requirements), the water surface profile for the entire reach is needed and use
of a multitransect (backwater) model is required.

Analyzing Composite and A composite cross section has rough-

Compound Cross Sections ness that varies laterally across the sec-
tion, but the mean velocity can still be
Natural channel cross sections are rarely computed by a uniform flow equation
perfectly uniform, and it may be neces- with out subdividing the section. For ex-
sary to analyze hydraulics for very irreg- ample, a stream may have heavily vege-
ular cross sections (compound tated banks, a coarse cobble bed at its
channel) . Streams frequently have over- lowest elevations, and a sand bar vege-
flow channels on one or both sides that tated with small annual willow sprouts.
carry water only during unusually high
flows. Overflow channels and overbank A standard hydraulics text or reference
areas, which may also carry out-of-bank (such as Chow 1959, Henderson 1986,
flows at various flood stages, usually USACE 1991, etc.) should be consulted
have hydraulic properties significantly for methods of computing a composite
different from those of the main chan- n value for varying conditions across a
nel. These areas are usually treated as section and for varying depths of flow.
separate subchannels, and the discharge
Reach Selection
computed for each of these subsections
is added to the main channel to com- The intended use of the cross section
pute total discharge. This procedure ig- analysis plays a large role in locating
nores lateral momentum losses, which the reach and cross sections. Cross sec-
could cause n values to be underesti- tions can be located in either a short
mated. critical reach where hydraulic character-

Hydrologic Processes 7- 23
istics change or in a reach that is con-
sidered representative of some larger
area. The reach most sensitive to change Standard Step Backwater
or most likely to meet (or fail to meet) Computation
some important condition may be con- Many computer programs (e.g., HEC-2)
sidered a critical reach. A representative are available to compute water surface
reach typifies a definable extent of the
profiles. The standard step method of
channel system and is used to describe
Chow (1959, p. 265) can be used to
that portion of the system (Parsons and
Hudson 1985). determine the water surface elevation
(depth) at the upstream end of the reach
Once a reach has been selected, the
by iterative approximations. This method
channel cross sections should be mea-
uses trial water surface elevations to
sured at locations considered most
suitable for meeting the uniform flow determine the elevation that satisfies the
requirements of Manning's equation. energy and Manning equations written
The uniform flow requirement is ap- for the end sections of the reach. In
proached by siting cross sections where using this method, cross sections should
channel width, depth, and cross- be selected so that velocities increase or
sectional flow area remain relatively decrease continuously throughout the
constant within the reach, and the reach (USA CE 1991).
water surface slope and energy grade
line approach the slope of the stream-
bed. For this reason, marked changes in
channel geometry and discontinuities
in the flow (steps, falls, and hydraulic
jumps) should be avoided. Generally, Survey of Cross Section and
sections should be located where it Water Surface Slope
appears the streamlines are parallel to
The cross section is established perpen-
the bank and each other within the se-
dicular to the flow line, and the points
lected reach. If uniform flow conditions
across the section are surveyed relative
cannot be met and backwater computa-
to a known or arbitrarily established
tions are required, defining cross sec-
benchmark elevation. The distance/ ele-
tions located at changes in channel
vation paired data associated with each
geometry is essential.
point on the section may be obtained
Field Procedures by sag tape, rod-and-level survey, hydro-
graphic surveys, or other methods.
The basic information to be collected
Water surface slope is also required for
in the reach selected for analysis is a
a cross section analysis. The survey of
survey of the channel cross sections
water surface slope is somewhat more
and water surface slope, a measure-
complicated than the cross section sur-
ment of bed-material particle size
vey in that the slope of the water sur-
distribution, and a discharge measure-
face at the location of the section (e.g.,
ment. The U.S. Forest Service has pro-
pool, run, or riffle) must be distin-
duced an illustrated guide to field
guished from the more constant slope
techniques for stream channel refer-
of the entire reach. (See Grant et al.
ence sites (Harrelson et al. 19 94) that
1990 for a detailed discussion on recog-
is a good reference for conducting field
nition and characteristics of channel

7- 24 Chapter 7: Analysis of Corridor Condition

units.) Water surface slope in individual For estimating velocity in steep moun-
channel reaches may vary significantly tain rivers with substrate much coarser
with changes in stage and discharge. than the medium-gravel limitation of
For this reason, when water surface FISP samplers, a pebble count, in which
slopes are surveyed in the field, the at least 100 bed material particles are
low-water slope may be approximated manually collected from the streambed
by the change in elevation over the in- and measured, is used to measure sur-
dividual channel unit where the cross face particle size (Wolman 19 54). At
section is located, approximately 1 to 5 each sample point along a cross section,
channel widths in length, while the a particle is retrieved from the bed, and
high-water slope is obtained by mea- the intermediate axis (not the longest
suring the change in elevation over a or shortest axis) is measured. The mea-
much longer reach of channel, usually surements are tabulated as to number
at least 15 to 20 channel widths in of particles occurring within predeter-
length. mined size intervals, and the percentage
of the total number in each interval is
Bed Material Particle Size Distribution then determined. Again, the percentage
Computing mean velocity with resis- in each interval is accumulated to give a
tance equations based on relative particle size distribution, and the parti-
roughness, such as the ones suggested cle size data are reported as described
by Thorne and Zevenbergen (1985), re- above. Additional guidance for bed ma-
quires an evaluation of the particle size terial sampling in coarse-bed streams is
distribution of the bed material of the provided in Yuzyk (1986). If an armor
stream. For streams with no significant layer or pavement is present, standard
channel armor and bed material finer techniques may be employed to charac-
than medium gravel, bed material sam- terize bed sediments, as described by
plers developed by the Federal Inter- Hey and Thorne (1986) .
agency Sedimentation Project (FISP Discharge Measurement
1986) may be used to obtain a repre-
sentative sample of the streambed, If several discharge measurements can
which is then passed through a set of be made over a wide range of flows,
standard sieves to determine percent relationships among stage, discharge,
by weight of particles of various sizes. and other hydraulic parameters may be
The cumulative percent of material developed directly. If only one dis-
finer than a given size may then be charge measurement is obtained, it
determined. likely will occur during low water and
will be useful for defining the lower
Particle size data are usually reported end of the rating table. If two measure-
in terms of di' where i represents some ments can be made, it is desirable to
nominal percentile of the distribution have a low-water measurement and a
and di represents the particle size, usu- high-water measurement to define both
ally expressed in millimeters, at which ends of the rating table and to establish
i percent of the total sample by weight the relationship between Manning's n
is finer. For example, 84 percent of the and stage. If high water cannot be mea-
total sample would be finer than the sured directly, it may be necessary to es-
d 84 particle size. For additional guidance timate the high-water n (see the
on bed material sampling in sand-bed discussion earlier in the chapter).
streams, refer to Ashmore et al. (1988) .

Hydrologic Processes 7- 25
The Bureau of Reclamation Water Mea-
surement Manual (USDI-BOR 1997) is
an excellent source of information for
measuring channel and stream dis-
charge (Figure 7.9). Buchanan and
Somers (1969) and Rantz et al. (1982)
also provide in-depth discussions of
discharge measurement techniques.
When equipment is functioning prop-
erly and standard procedures are fol-
lowed correctly, it is possible to
measure streamflow to within 5 percent
of the true value. The USGS considers
a "good" measurement of discharge to
account for plus or minus 5 percent
and an "excellent" discharge measure-
ment to be within plus or minus 3 per-
cent of the true value.
Figure 7.9: Station
measuring discharge.
Permanent stations
provide measure-
ments for a wide 7.B Geomorphic Processes
range of flow, but
the necessary mea-
surements can be In planning a project along a river or Stream Classification
made in other ways. stream, awareness of the fundamentals
Source: C. Zabawa. The use of any stream classification sys-
of fluvial geomorphology and channel
tem is an attempt to simplify what are
processes allows the investigator to see
complex relationships between streams
the relationship between form and
and their watersheds.
process in the landscape. The detailed
study of the fluvial geomorphic Although classification can be used as a
processes in a channel system is often communications tool and as part of the
referred to as a geomorphic assessment. overall restoration planning process, the
The geomorphic assessment provides use of a classification system is not re-
the process-based framework to define quired to assess, analyze, and design
past and present watershed dynamics, stream restoration initiatives. The de-
develop integrated solutions, and assess sign of a restoration does, however, re-
the consequences of restoration activi- quire site-specific engineering analyses
ties. A geomorphic assessment generally and biological criteria, which are cov-
includes data collection, field investiga- ered in more detail in Chapter 8.
tions, and channel stability assessments. Restoration designs range from simple
It forms the foundation for analysis and to complex, depending on whether "no
design and is therefore an essential first action," only management techniques,
step in the design process, whether direct manipulation, or combinations
planning the treatment of a single reach of these approaches are used. Complete
or attempting to develop a comprehen- stream corridor restoration designs re-
sive plan for an entire watershed. quire an interdisciplinary approach as

7- 26 Chapter 7: Analysis of Corridor Condition

discussed in Chapter 4. A poorly de- Advantages of Stream
signed restoration might be difficult to Classification Systems
repair and can lead to more extensive
problems. The following are some advantages of
stream classification systems:
More recent attempts to develop a com-
prehensive stream classification system • Classification systems promote com-
have focused on morphological forms munication among persons trained
and processes of channels and valley in different resource disciplines.
bottoms, and drainage networks. Classi- • They also enable extrapolation of
fication systems might be categorized as inventory data collected on a few
systems based on sediment transport channels of each stream class to a
processes and systems based on channel much larger number of channels over
response to perturbation. a broader geographical area.
Stream classification methods are re- • Classification helps the restoration
lated to fundamental variables and practitioner consider the landscape
processes that form streams. Streams are context and determine the expected
classified as either alluvial or non- range of variability for parameters
all uvial. An alluvial stream is free to related to channel size, shape, and
adjust its dimensions, such as width, pattern and composition of bed and
depth, and slope, in response to changes bank materials.
in watershed sediment discharge. The
• Stream classification also enables the
bed and banks of an alluvial stream are
practitioner to interpret the channel-
composed of material transported by
forming or dominant processes active
the river under present flow conditions.
at the site, providing a base on which
Conversely, a non-alluvial river, like a
to begin the process of designing
bedrock-controlled channel, is not free
to adjust. Other conditions, such as a
high mountain stream flowing in very • Classified reference reaches can be
coarse glacially deposited materials or used as the stable or desired form of
streams which are significantly con- the restoration.
trolled by fallen timber, would suggest • A classification system is also very
a non-alluvial system. useful in providing an important
Streams may also be classified as either cross-check to verify if the selected
perennial, intermittent, or ephemeral, design values for width/depth ratio,
as discussed in Chapter 1. A perennial sinuosity, etc., are within a reason-
stream is one that has flow at all times. able range for the stream type being
An intermittent stream has the potential restored.
for continued flow, but at times the en-
Limitations of Stream
tire flow is absorbed by the bed mater-
Classification Systems
ial. This may be seasonal in nature.
An ephemeral stream has flow only fol- All stream classification systems have
lowing a rainfall event. When carrying limitations that are inherent to their ap-
flow, intermittent and ephemeral proaches, data requirements, and range
streams both have characteristics very of applicabilities. They should be used
similar to those of perennial streams. cautiously and only for establishing
some of the baseline conditions on

Geomorphic Processes 7- 27
which to base initial restoration plan- Stream Classification Systems
ning. Standard design techniques
should never be replaced by stream Stream Order
classification alone. Designation of stream order, using the
Some limitations of classification sys- Strahler (1957) method, described in
tems are as follows: Chapter 1, is dependent on the scale of
maps used to identify first-order
• Determination of bankfull or channel- streams. It is difficult to make direct
forming flow depth may be difficult comparisons of the morphological
or inaccurate. Field indicators are characteristics of two river basins ob-
often subtle or missing and are not tained from topographic maps of differ-
valid if the stream is not stable and ent scales. However, the basic
alluvial. morphological relationships defined by
• The dynamic condition of the stream Horton (1945) and Yang (1971) are
is not indicated in most classification valid for a given river basin regardless
systems. The knowledge of whether of maps used, as shown in the case
the stream is stable, aggrading, or study of the Rogue River Basin (Yang
degrading or is approaching a critical and Stall 1971, 1973).
geomorphic threshold is important Horton (1945) developed some basic
for a successful restoration initiative. empirical stream morphology relations,
• River response to a perturbation or i.e., Horton's law of stream order,
restoration action is normally not stream slope, and stream length. These
determined from the classification show that the relationships between
system alone. stream order, average stream length,
and slope are straight lines on semilog
• Biological health of a stream is usual-
ly not directly determined through a
stream classification system. Yang ( 19 71) derived his theory of aver-
age stream fall based on an analogy
• A classification system alone should
with thermodynamic principles. The
not be used for determining the type,
theory states that the ratio of average fall
location, and purpose of restoration
(change in bed elevation) between any
activities. These are determined
two stream orders in a given river basin
through the planning steps in Part II
is unity. These theoretical results were
and the design process in Chapter 8.
supported by data from 14 river basins
When the results of stream classifica- in the United States with an average fall
tion will be used for planning or de- ratio of 0.995 . The Rogue River basin
sign, the field data collection should be data were used by Yang and Stall
performed or directed by persons with (19 73) to demonstrate the relationships
experience and training in hydrology, between average stream length, slope,
hydraulics, terrestrial and aquatic ecol- fall, and number of streams.
ogy, sediment transport, and river me-
Stream order is used in the River Contin-
chanics. Field data collected by
uum Concept (Vannote et al. 1980),
personnel with only limited formal
described in Chapter l, to distinguish
training may not be reliable, particu-
different levels of biological activity.
larly in the field determination of bank-
However, stream order is of little help
full indicators and the assessment of
to planners and designers looking for
channel instability trends.
clues to restore hydrologic and geomor-
phic functions to stream corridors.

7- 28 Chapter 7: Analysis of Corridor Condition

Schumm Rosgen Stream Classification System
Other classification schemes combine One comprehensive stream classifica-
morphological criteria with dominant tion system in common use is based on
modes of sediment transport. Schumm morphological characteristics described
(1977) identified straight, meandering, by Rosgen (1996) (Figure 7.12) . The
and braided channels and related both Rosgen system uses six morphological
channel pattern and stability to modes measurements for classifying a stream
of sediment transport (Figure 7 .10). reach-entrenchment, width/depth
Schumm recognized relatively stable ratio, sinuosity, number of channels,
straight and meandering channels, with slope, and bedmaterial particle size.
predominantly suspended sediment These criteria are used to define eight
load and cohesive bank materials. On major stream classes with about 100
the other end of the spectrum are rela- individual stream types.
tively unstable braided streams charac- Rosgen uses the bankfull discharge
terized by predominantly bedload to represent the stream-forming dis-
sediment transport and wide, sandy charge or channel-forming flow. Bank-
channels with noncohesive bank mate- full discharge is needed to use this
rials. The intermediate condition is gen- classification system because all of the
erally represented by meandering morphological relationships are related
mixed-load channels. to this flow condition: width and depth
of flow are measured at the bankfull
Montgomery and Buffington
elevation, for example.
Schumm's classification system primar-
ily applies to alluvial channels; Mont- Except for entrenchment and
gomery and Buffington (1993) have width/depth ratio (both of which de-
proposed a similar classification system pend on a determination of bankfull
for alluvial, colluvial, and bedrock depth), the parameters used are rela-
streams in the Pacific Northwest that tively straightforward measurements.
addresses channel response to sediment The problems in determining bankfull
inputs throughout the drainage net- depth were discussed earlier in Chapter
1. The width/depth ratio is taken at
work. Montgomery and Buffington rec-
ognize six classes of alluvial bankfull stage and is the ratio of top
channels-cascade, step-pool, plane- width to mean depth for the bankfull
bed, riffle-pool, regime, and braided channel. Sinuosity is the ratio of stream
(Figure 7 .11). length to valley length or, alternatively,
valley slope to stream slope. The bed
The stream types are differentiated on material particle size used in the classi-
the basis of channel response to sedi- fication is the dominant bed surface
ment inputs, with steeper channels particle size, determined in the field by
(cascade and step-pool) maintaining a pebble-count procedure (Wolman
their morphology while transmitting 1954) or as modified for sand and
increased sediment loads, and low- smaller sizes. Stream slope is measured
gradient channels (regime and pool- over a channel reach of at least 20
riffle) responding to increased sediment widths in length.
through morphological adjustments. In
general, steep channels act as sediment- Entrenchment describes the relation-
delivery conduits connecting zones of ship between a stream and its valley
sediment production with low-gradient and is defined as the vertical contain-
response channels. ment of the stream and the degree to

Geomorphic Processes 7- 29
Channel Type
Suspended Load Mixed Load Bed Load

- - - channel boundary ..c
Cl O"I
. . . flow
·~ I
<II ~ bars

::: :::
_Q _Q

(Sln .~

·;: 0
~ Cll <II

...c Q)
c ...
c Q)
Q) "tl
IU :::?: Q)
.c ~ ~ er:::
u ...


..c ..c
c%i O"I O"I --'
High Relative Stability Low

(3%>) low bed load/total load ratio high (>11 %)

small sediment size large
small sediment load large
low flow velocity high
low stream power high

Figure 7.10: Classification of alluvial channels. entrenched if its flood-prone width is

Schumm's classification system relates channel less than 1.4 times the bankfull width.
stability to kind of sediment load and channel
type. A sample worksheet for collecting data
Source: Schumm, The Fluvial System.© 1977. and classifying a stream using the Ros-
Reprinted by permission of John Wiley and Sons, Inc. gen system is shown in Figure 7.13. A
field book for collecting reference reach
information is available (Leopold et al.
which it is incised in the valley floor. It
is, therefore, a measure of how accessi-
ble a floodplain is to the stream. The Channel Evolution Models
entrenchment ratio used in the Rosgen
classification system is the flood-prone Conceptual models of channel evolution
width of the valley divided by the bank- describe the sequence of changes a
full width of the channel. Flood-prone stream undergoes after certain kinds
width is determined by doubling the of disturbances. The changes can in-
maximum depth in the bankfull chan- clude increases or decreases in the
nel and measuring the width of the val- width/depth ratio of the channel and
ley at that elevation. If the flood-prone also involve alterations in the flood-
width is greater than 2 .2 times the plain. The sequence of changes is some-
bankfull width, the stream is consid- what predictable, so it is important that
ered to be slightly entrenched or con- the current stage of evolution be identi-
fined and the stream has ready access to fied so appropriate actions can be
its floodplain. A stream is classified as planned.

7- 30 Chapter 7: Analysis of Corridor Condition

Figure 7.11: Suggested stream classification
system for Pacific Northwest. Included are
classifications for nonalluvial streams.
Source: Montgomery and Buffington 1993 .

• I
. . . . . . . .Ill

Transport Limited Supply Limited

Typical Bed Variable Sand Gravel Gravel, Cobble, Boulder N/A Variable
Material cobble boulder

Bedform Laterally Multi- Laterally None Vertically None Variable

Pattern oscillary layered oscillary oscillary

Reach Type Response Response Response Response Transport Transport Transport Source

Dominant Bedforms Sinuosity, Bedforms Grains, Bedforms Grains, Boundaries Grains,

Roughness (bars, bedforms (bars, pools), banks (steps, banks (bed & LWD
Elements pools) (dunes, grains, LWD, pools), banks)
ripples, bars) sinuosity, grains, LWD,
banks banks banks

Dominant Fluvial, Fluvial, Fluvial, Fluvial, Fluvial, Fluvial, Fluvial, Hillslope,

Sediment bank bank failure, bank failure, bank hillslope, hillslope, hillslope, debris
Sources failure, inactive inactive failure, debris flow debris flow debris flow flow
debris flow channel channel, debris flow
debris flows

Sediment Overbank, Overbank, Overbank, Overbank, Bedforms Lee & stoss • Bed
Storage bedforms bedforms, bedforms, inactive sides of flow
Elements inactive inactive channel obstructions
channel channel

Typical Slope s < 0.03 s < 0.001 0.001 < s 0.01 < s 0.03 < s 0.08 < s Variable s > 0.20
(m/m) and and and and
s < 0.02 s < 0.03 s < 0.08 s < 0.30

Typical Unconfined Unconfined Unconfined Variable Confined Confined Confined Confined


Pool Spacing Vari able S to 7 5 to 7 no ne 1to 4 <1 Variable Vari abl e


Geomorphic Processes 7- 31
Single-Threaded Channels Multiple Channels

Entrenched (Ratio: < 1.4)

Entrenched (1.4-2.2) Slightly Entrenched (> 2.2)
Low moderate Moderate V~w moderate to High very High Low
widthldepth ratio toHlghw/d width/depth ratio wi deptH width/dept h w idth/depth wld
(<12) (>12) (>12) (<12) (>12) (>40) (<40)

Low Moderate Moderate Moderate Very High High Low Low-Hi

Sinuosity Sinuosity Sinuosity Sinuosity Sinuosity Sinuosity Sinuosity Sinuosity Sinuosity
(<1.2) (> 1.2) (> 1.2) (> 1.2) (> 1.5) (> 1.2) (<1.2) (1.2-1.5 )

0 0 0 0 0 0
- - - -
slope range

>0. 10
slope range

<0.02 --
slope range

- - - - - -

slope range

slope range


- - -




Schumm et al. (1984), Harvey and Wat- Figure 7. 12: Rosgen 's stream channel classifica-
son (1986), and Simon (1989) have tion system (Level If). This classification system
proposed similar channel evolution includes a recognition of specific characteristics
models due to bank collapse based on a of channel morphology and the re lationship
between the stream and its floodplain .
"space-for-time" substitution, whereby
Source: Rosgen 1996. Published by permission of
downstream conditions are interpreted Wi ldland Hydrology.
as preceding (in time) the immediate
location of interest and upstream con-
ditions are interpreted as following (in
time) the immediate location of inter- Simon 1989, 1995) have gained wide
est. Thus, a reach in the middle of the acceptance as being generally applicable
watershed that previously looked like for channels with cohesive banks.
the channel upstream will evolve to Both models begin with a pre-
look like the channel downstream. disturbance condition, in which the
Downs (1995) reviews a number of channel is well vegetated and has
classification schemes for interpreting frequent interaction with its flood -
channel processes of lateral and vertical plain. Following a perturbation in the
adjustment (i.e., aggradation, degrada- system (e.g., channelization or change
tion, bend migration, and bar forma- in land use), degradation occurs, usu-
tion) . When these adjustment processes ally as a result of excess stream power
are placed in a specific order of occur- in the disturbed reach. Channel degra-
rence, a channel evolution model dation eventually leads to oversteep-
( CEM) is developed. Although a num- ening of the banks, and when critical
ber of CEMs have been suggested, two bank heights are exceeded, bank fail-
models (Schumm et al. 1984 and ures and mass wasting (the episodic

7- 32 Chapter 7: Analysis of Corridor Condition


Party:_ _ _ __ _ _ __ Date:_ _ _ _ _ __ __
State:_ _ _ _ _ __ __ County:_ _ _ _ _ _ __
Stream : _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ __
Bankfull M easurements: Lat/Long _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _
Width Depth W/D _ _ _ __ _
Sinuosity (Stream LengthNalley Length) or (Valley Slope/Channel Slope):
Strm. Length Valley Slope _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Valley Length Channel Slope _ _ _ __ __ __
~ Vs
Sinuosity VL Sinuosity Cs _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __
Entrenchment Ratio (Flood prone Width/Bankfull Width):
Floodprone width is water level at 2x maximum depth in bankfull cross-section,
or width of intermediate floodplain (10-50 yr. event)
Bankfull Width Floodprone Width _ _ _ __ _ __
Entrenchment Ratio _ __ _ _ __ _
Slight= 2.2+ Moderate + 1.41 -2.2 Entrenched = 1.0- 1.4
Dominant Channel Soils:
Bed Material Left Bank Right Bank _ _ _ _ __
Description of Soil Profiles (from base of bank to top)
Left: _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Right: _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _
Riparian Vegetation:
Left Bank: Right Bank _ _ __ _ __ _ __
% Total Area (Mass) L R _ _ _ _ __ _
% Total Ht w/Roots L R _ _ _ _ _ __
Ratio of Actu al Bank Height to Bankfull Height _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _
Bank Slope (Horizontal to Vertical ): L R _ _ _ _ _ _ __

STREAM TYPE _ __ _ _ _


Metric English Particle Count Tot % % Count Tot % % Count Tot % %
(mm) (inches) # Tot Cum # Tot Cum # Tot Cum
<.062 <.002 Silt/Clay
.062-0.25 .002-.01 Fine Sand
0.25-.5 .01-.02 Med Sand
.5-1.0 .02-.04 Coarse Sand
1.0-2.0 .04-.08 Vy Coa rse Sand
2-8 .08-.32 Fine Gravel
8-16 .32-.63 Med Gravel
16-32 .63-1.26 Coarse Gravel
32-64 1.26-2.51 Vy Coarse Gravel
64- 128 2. 51-5.0 Small Cobbles
128-256 5.0-10.1 Larg e Cobbles
256-512 10.1-20.2 Sm Boulders
512-1024 20.2-40.3 Med Boulders
1024-2048 40.3-80.6 Lg Boulders
2048-4096 80.6-161 Vy Lg Bou lders

Figure 7.13: Example of stream classification worksheet used w ith Rosgen methods.
Source: NRCS 1994 (worksheet ) and Rosgen 1996 (pebble count). Published by permission of Wi ld land Hydrology.

Geomorphic Processes 7- 33
downslope movement of soil and rock) stages of evolution. Both models were
lead to channel widening. As channel developed for landscapes dominated by
widening and mass wasting proceed up- streams with cohesive banks. However,
stream, an aggradation phase follows in the same physical processes of evolu-
which a new low-flow channel begins tion can occur in streams with nonco-
to form in the sediment deposits. hesive banks but not necessarily in the
Upper banks may continue to be unsta- same well-defined stages.
ble at this time. The final stage of evolu- Table 7.4 and Figure 7 .15 show the
tion is the development of a channel processes at work in each of Simon's
within the deposited alluvium with di- stages.
mensions and capacity similar to those
of the predisturbance channel (Downs Advantages of Channel
1995). The new channel is usually Evolution Models
lower than the predisturbance channel,
and the old floodplain now functions CEMs are useful in stream corridor
primarily as a terrace. restoration in the following ways
(Note: Stages are from Simon's 1989
Once streambanks become high, either six-stage CEM):
by downcutting or by sediment deposi-
tion on the floodplain, they begin to • CEMs help to establish the direction
fail due to a combination of erosion at of current trends in disturbed or con-
the base of the banks and mass wasting. structed channels. For example, if a
The channel continues to widen until reach of stream is classified as being
flow depths do not reach the depths re- in Stage IV of evolution (Figure
quired to move the sloughed bank ma- 7.14 ), more stable reaches should
terials. Sloughed materials at the base occur downstream and unstable
of the banks may begin to be colonized reaches should occur upstream.
by vegetation. This added roughness Once downcutting or incision occurs
helps increase deposition at the base of in a stream (Stage III), the headcut
the banks, and a new small-capacity will advance upstream until it reach-
channel begins to form between the sta- es a resistant soil layer, the drainage
bilized sediment deposits. The final area becomes too small to generate
stage of channel evolution results in a erosive runoff, or the slope flattens to
new bankfull channel and active flood- the point that the stream cannot
plain at a new lower elevation. The generate enough energy to downcut.
original floodplain has been aban- Stages IV to VI will follow the h ead-
doned due to channel incision or exces- cut upstream.
sive sediment deposition and is now • CEMs can help to prioritize restora-
termed a terrace. tion activities if modification is
Schumm et al. (1984) applied the basic planned. By stabilizing a reach of
concepts of channel evolution to the stream in early Stage III with grade
problem of unstable channelized control measures, the potential
streams in Mississippi. Simon (1989) degradation of that reach and
built on Schumm's work in a study of upstream reaches can be prevented.
ch annelized streams in Tennessee. It also takes less intensive efforts to
Simon's CEM consisted of six stages successfully restore stream reach es in
(Figure 7.14). Both models use the Stages V and VI than to restore those
cross section, longitudinal profile, and in Stages III and IV.
geomorphic processes to distinguish

7-34 Chapter 7: Analysis of Corridor Condition

Class I. Sinuous, Premodified he::: critical bank height
::: direction of bank or
bed movement

Class II. Channelized Class Ill. Degradation Class IV. Degradation and Widening
h<hc h<hc h>hc
floodplain terrace

slumped material

Class V. Aggradation and Widening Class VI. Quasi Equilibrium

h>hc h<hc

i slumped
aggraded material aggraded material

Class I
Class Ill

Class V
nickpoint Class VI

oversteepened reach aggradation zone

Figure 7.14: Channel evolution model. A disturbed or

unstable stream is in varying stages of disequilibrium
along its length or profile. A channel evolution model
theoretically may help predict future upstream or
downstream changes in habitat and stream morphology
Source: Simo n 1989, USACE 1990.

Geomorphic Processes 7- 35
• CEMs can help match solutions to the • CEMs can help provide goals or
problems. Downcutting in Stage III models for restoration. Reaches of
occurs due to the greater capacity of streams in Stages I and VI are graded
the stream created by construction, or streams, and their profile, form, and
earlier incision, in Stage II. The down- pattern can be used as models for
cutting in Stage III requires treat- restoring unstable reaches.
ments such as grade control aimed at
modifying the factors causing the bot- Limitations of Channel Evolution
tom instability. Bank stability prob- Models
lems are dominant in Stages IV and V, The chief limitations in using CEMs for
so the approaches to stabilization stream restoration are as follows:
required are different from those for
Stage III. Stages I and VI typically • Future changes in base level eleva-
require only maintenance activities. tions and watershed water and sedi-
ment yield are not considered when
Table 7.4: Dominant hills/ope and instream
predicting channel response.
processes, characteristic cross section shape • Multiple adjustments by the stream
and bedforms, and condition of vegetation in simultaneously are difficult to pre-
the various stages of channel evolution.
Source: Simon 1989.

Class Dominant Processes Characteristic Forms Geobotanical

Name Fluvial Hillslope
Premodified Sediment transport - mild Stable, alternate channel bars; Vegetated banks to
aggradation; basal erosion convex top-bank shape; flow flow line.
on outside bends; line high relative to top bank;
deposition on inside channel straight or meandering.

II Constructed Trapezoidal cross section; linear Removal of vegetation.

bank surfaces; flow line lower
relative to top bank.

Ill Degradation Degradation; basal Pop-out Heightening and steepening of Riparian vegetation
erosion on banks. failures. banks; alternate bars eroded; high relative to flow
flow line lower relative to top line and may lean
bank. toward channel.

IV Threshold Degradation; basal Slab, Large scallops and bank retreat; Riparian vegetation
erosion on banks. rotational and vertical face and upper-bank high relative to flow
pop-out surfaces; failure blocks on line and may lean
failures. upper bank; some reduction in toward channel.
bank angles; flow line very low
relative to top bank.

v Aggradation Aggradation; Slab, Large scallops and bank retreat; Tilted and fallen
development of rotational and vertical face, upper bank, and riparian vegetation;
meandering thalweg; pop-out slough line; flattening of bank reestablishing
initial deposition of failures; low- angles; flow line low relative to vegetation on slough
alternate bars; reworking angle slides of top bank; development of new line; deposition of
of failed material on previously floodplain . material above root
lower banks. failed collars of slough line
material. vegetation.
VI Restabilization Aggradation; further Low-angle Stable, alternate channel bars; Reestablishing
development of slides; some convex-short vertical face on vegetation extends up
meandering thalweg; pop-out top bank; flattening of bank slough line and upper
further deposition of failures near angles; development of new bank; deposition of
alternate bars; reworking flow line. floodplain ; flow line high material above root
of failed material; some relative to top bank. collars of slough-line
basal erosion on outside and upper-bank
bends deposition of flood- vegetation; some
plain and bank surfaces. vegetation
establishing on bars.

7-36 Chapter 7: Analysis of Corridor Condition

Applications of Geomorphic reach under investigation, but character-
Analysis ization of additional reaches upstream
and downstream of the investigation
Stream classification systems and ch an- area can provide an understanding of
nel evolution models may be used to- the overall trend of the stream.
gether in resource inventories and
analysis to characterize and group Stream classification systems and chan-
streams. Although many classification nel evolution models also provide in-
systems are based on morphological pa-
Figure 7.15: Simon's channel evolution stages
rameters, and channel evolution models related to streambank shape. The cross-
are based on adjustment processes, the sectional shape of the streambank may be a
two approaches to stream characteriza- good indicator of its evolutionary stage.
tion complement each other. Both indi- Source: Simon 1989. Published by permission of the
American Water Resources Association.
cate the present condition of a stream

Class I. Premodified Class II. Constructed Class Ill. Degradation Class Illa. Degradation

Class IV. Threshold Class IVa. Threshold

vertical 1 previous
slab and face 70-90°
rotational \ /profile
failures I
upper bank degraded
25-50° channel
pop-out ', bottom

Class V. Aggradation
face - - - -\ previous
\ /profile

upper bank

slough line 20-25°

Class VI. Restabilization Class Via. Restabilization

previous . previous .
profile substantial profile substantial
vertical / bed-level / bed-level
face _______ , recovery ,----;:._-. - ________ / ecovery
70-90° \
1 moderately
\ non-dispersive \ dispersive
upper bank 1 materials
1 materials
f luvial \ fluvial
slough line 20· deposition ' deposition
/ ' /

Geomorphic Processes 7- 37
sights as to the type of stabj}jty prob- are already tending toward renewed sta-
lems occurring within the stream corri- bility and establishing riparian vegeta-
dor and potential opportunities for tion can accelerate the process.
restoration. Gullied stream channels are Both the stream classification and the
downcutting, so grade stabilization is re- stage of channel evolution inventories
quired before time and money are spent can serve as the foundation for assess-
on bank stabilization or floodplain ing systemwide stability. Channel
restoration. Similarly, incised channels width/depth ratio (F) at mean annual
with lateral instabilities are in the initial discharge and the percent of silt and
stages of widening, a process that often clay in the channel boundary (M) are
must be accommodated before equilib- useful diagnostics for determining sys-
rium conditions can be attained. Al- temwide adjustments. These variables
though most argue that channel can be plotted on Schumm's (1960)
widening must be accommodated to re- curve of width/depth ratio versus per-
store incised channels, in some cases cent silt-clay (F = 255M- 108 ) to assess
not allowing the stream to widen might stability (Figure 7.16). Schumm's
be preferred, depending on the value width/ depth ratio is the top width of
and priority placed on adjacent land the bankfull channel and the deepest
use and structures within the corridor. depth in the bankfull channel cross
On the other hand, incised streams that section. The term "M" is defined by the
have widened enough for a new inner relationship
channel and floodplain to begin form- M = [(Sc W) +(Sb 2D)] / (W + 2D)
ing are excellent candidates for vegeta-
tion management since these streams where
400.0 s=
percentage of silt and clay in the
bed material

• s =
percentage of silt and clay in the
bank material
• ,, F =255M· 1.0B
W= channel width
• • •••••• • •
D= channel depth
• .., • ••.
••• • •
Data from aggrading streams generally
plot above the line of best fit, whereas
data for degrading streams plot below
•• •
•• .1. ... • •• •
the line. Schumm's graph could also be
used as a guide in selecting an appro-
priate width/ depth ratio for an incised
• ••
, or recently disturbed channel.
Finally, classification systems and evolu-
tion models can help guide the selec-
tion of restoration treatments. As
mentioned above, there is little oppor-
Weighted M ean Percent Silt-Clay (M)
tunity for successfully establishing
streambank vegetation in streams with
Figure 7.16: Schumm's F versus M relationship. Data_for aggrad'.ng
vertical and horizontal instability. The
streams generally plot above or to the right of the /me. Degrading
or incising streams plot below the line.
banks of such streams are subject to
Source: Schumm 1960. deep-seated slope failures that are not

7- 38 Chapter 7: Analysis of Corridor Condition

usually prevented even by mature With the results of PFC analysis, it is
woody vegetation. Conversely, estab- possible to begin to determine stream
lishing and managing perennial grasses corridor and watershed restoration
and woody vegetation is critical to pro- needs and priorities. PFC results may
tecting streams that are already func- also be used to identify where gathering
tioning properly. more detailed information is needed
and where additional data are not
Proper Functioning needed.
Condition (PFC}
PFC is a methodology for assessing the
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) physical functioning of a riparian-
has developed guidelines and proce- wetland area. It provides information
dures to rapidly assess whether a stream critical to determining the "health" of a
riparian area is functioning properly in riparian ecosystem. PFC considers both
terms of its hydrology, landform/soils, abiotic and biotic components as they
channel characteristics, and vegetation relate to the physical functioning of ri-
(Prichard et al. 1993, rev. 1995). This parian areas, but it does not consider
assessment, commonly called PFC, is the biotic component as it relates to
useful as a baseline analysis of stream habitat requirements. For habitat analy-
condition and physical function, and it sis, other techniques must be employed.
can also be useful in watershed analysis.
The PFC procedure is currently a stan-
It is essential to do a thorough analysis dard baseline assessment for stream/ri-
of the stream corridor and watershed parian surveys for the BLM, and PFC is
conditions prior to development of beginning to be used by the U.S. Forest
restoration plans and selection of Service in the West. This technique is
restoration approaches to be used. not a substitute for inventory or moni-
There are many cases where selection toring protocols designed to yield de-
of the wrong approach has led to tailed information on the habitat or
complete failure of stream restoration populations of plants or animals depen-
efforts and the waste of costs of restora- dent on the riparian-stream ecosystem.
tion. In many cases, particularly in
PFC is a useful tool for watershed
wildland situations, restoration through
analysis. Although the assessment is
natural processes and control of land
conducted on a stream reach basis, the
uses is the preferred and most cost-ef-
ratings can be aggregated and analyzed
fective method. If hydrologic conditions
at the watershed scale. PFC, along with
are rapidly changing in a drainage, no
other watershed and habitat condition
restoration might be the wisest course
information, provides a good picture of
until equilibrium is restored.
watershed "health" and causal factors
Identifying streams and drainages affecting watershed "health." Use of
where riparian areas along streams are PFC will help to identify watershed-
not in proper functioning condition, scale problems and suggest manage-
and those at risk of losing function, is ment remedies.
an important first step in restoration
The following are definitions of proper
analysis. Physical conditions in riparian
function as set forth in TR 1737-9:
zones are excellent indicators of what is
happening in a stream or the drainage • Proper Functioning Condition-
above. Riparian-wetland areas are function-
ing properly when adequate vegeta-

Geomorphic Processes 7- 39
tion, landform, or large woody bility and potential, and comparing
debris is present to: that potential with current conditions.
1. Dissipate stream energy associated Although the PFC procedure defines
with high waterflows, thereby streams without floodplains (when a
reducing erosion and improving floodplain would normally be present)
water quality. as nonfunctional, many streams that
2. Filter sediment, capture bedload, lose their floodplains through incision
and aid floodplain development. or encroachment still retain ecological
functions. The importance of a flood-
3. Improve floodwater retention and plain needs to be assessed in view of
ground water storage. the site-specific aquatic and riparian
4. Develop root masses that stabilize community.
streambanks against cutting When using the PFC technique, it is
action. important not to equate "proper func-
5. Develop diverse ponding and tion" with "desired condition." Proper
channel characteristics to provide function is intended to describe the
the habitat and the water depth, state in which the stream channel and
duration, and temperature neces- associated riparian areas are in a rela-
sary for fish production, waterfowl tively stable and self-sustaining condi-
breeding, and other uses. tion. Properly functioning streams can
be expected to withstand intermediate
6. Support greater biodiversity.
flood events (e.g., 25- to 30-year flood
• Functional-at Risk-Riparian-wetland events) without substantial damage to
areas that are in functional condi- existing values. However, proper func-
tion, but an existing soil, water, or tioning condition will often develop
vegetation attribute makes them sus- well before riparian succession provides
ceptible to degradation. shrub habitat for nesting birds. Put an-
• Nonfunctional-Riparian-wetland other way, proper functioning condition
areas that clearly are not providing is a prerequisite to a variety of desired
adequate vegetation, landform, or conditions.
large debris to dissipate stream ener- Although based on sound science, the
gy associated with high flow and PFC field technique is not quantitative.
thus are not reducing erosion, im- An advantage of this approach is that
proving water quality, or performing it is less time-consuming than other
other functions as listed above under techniques because measurements are
the definition of proper function. not required. The procedure is per-
The absence of certain physical formed by an interdisciplinary team
attributes, such as absence of a and involves completing a checklist
floodplain where one should be, evaluating 17 factors dealing with hy-
is an indicator of nonfunctioning drology, vegetation, and erosional/
conditions. depositional characteristics. Training in
Assessing functionality with the PFC the technique is required, but the tech-
technique involves procedures for deter- nique is not difficult to learn. With
mining a riparian-wetland area's capa- training, the functional determinations
resulting from surveys are reproducible
to a high degree.

7-40 Chapter 7: Analysis of Corridor Condition

Other advantages of the PFC technique channel parameters at numerous cross
are that it provides an easy-to-under- sections and plotting them against a
stand "language" for discussing stream discharge. Such plots can be used with
conditions with a variety of agencies care for planning and preliminary de-
and publics, PFC training is readily sign. The use of hydraulic geometry re-
available, and there is growing intera- lationships alone for final design is not
gency acceptance of the technique. recommended.

Hydraulic Geometry: Streams Careful attention to defining stable

in Cross Section channel conditions, channel-forming
discharge, and streambed and bank
Stream corridor restoration initiatives characteristics are required in the data
frequently involve partial or total recon- collection effort. The primary role of
struction of channels that have been se- discharge in determining channel cross
verely degraded. Channel sections has been clearly demonstrated,
reconstruction design requires criteria but there is a lack of consensus about
for channel size and alignment. The fol- which secondary factors such as sedi-
lowing material presents an overview of ment loads, bank materials, and vegeta-
hydraulic geometry theory and provides tion are significant, particularly with
some sample hydraulic geometry rela- respect to width. Hydraulic geometry re-
tionships for relating bankfull dimen- lationships that do not explicitly con-
sions to bankfull discharge. sider sediment transport are applicable
Correlations between certain planform mainly to channels with relatively low
dimensions (e.g., meander characteris- bed-material loads (USACE 1994).
tics) of stable alluvial stream channels
to bankfull discharge and channel Hydraulic geometry relations can be de-
width also are discussed. veloped for a specific river, watershed,
or for streams with similar physio-
Hydraulic geometry theory is based on graphic characteristics. Data scatter is
the concept that a river system tends to expected about the developed curves
develop in a way that produces an ap- even in the same river reach. The more
proximate equilibrium between the dissimilar the stream and watershed
channel and the in-flowing water and characteristics are, the greater the ex-
sediment (Leopold and Maddock pected data scatter is. It is important to
1953). The theory typically relates an recognize that this scatter represents a
independent or driving variable, such as valid range of stable channel configura-
drainage area or discharge, to depen- tions due to variables such as geology,
dent variables such as width, depth, vegetation, land use, sediment load and
slope, and velocity. Hydraulic geometry gradation, and runoff characteristics.
relations are sometimes stratified ac-
cording to bed material size or other Figures 7.18 and 7.19 show hydraulic
factors. These relationships are empiri- geometry curves developed for the
cally derived, and their development re- upper Salmon River watershed in Idaho
quires a relatively large amount of data. (Emmett 1975 ). The scatter of data for
stable reaches in the watershed indicates
Figure 7 .17 presents hydraulic geome- that for a drainage area of 10 square
try relations based on the mean annual miles, the bankfull discharge could rea-
discharge rather than the bankfull dis- sonably range from 100 to 250 cfs and
charge. Similar hydraulic geometry rela- the bankfull width could reasonably
tionships can be determined for a range from 10 to 35 feet. These relations
watershed of interest by measuring

Geomorphic Processes 7-41

were developed for a relatively homoge- the preferred source of data for a hy-
neous watershed, yet there is still quite a draulic geometry relationship would be
bit of natural variation in the data. This the restoration initiative reach. This
illustrates the importance of viewing choice may be untenable due to channel
the data used to develop any curve (not instability. The second preferred choice
just the curve itself), along with statisti- is the project watershed, although care
cal parameters such as R1 values and must be taken to ensure that data are
confidence limits. (Refer to a text on acquired for portions of the watershed
statistics for additional information.) with physiographic conditions similar
Given the natural variation related to to those of the project reach.
stream and watershed characteristics, Statistically, channel-forming discharge
is a more reliable independent variable
Figure 7. 17: Channel morphology related to
for hydraulic geometry relations than
average annual discharge. Width, depth, and
velocity in relation to mean annual discharge
drainage area. This is because the mag-
as discharge increases downstream on 79 rivers nitude of the channel forming discharge
in Wyoming and Montana. is the driving force that creates the ob-
Source: Leopold and Maddock 1953. served channel geometry, and drainage



100 10 11
6•· •
· • 14
20 15


. 11
~ 1.0
15 • •

....Cll .......
. 11 •19
s: [
.... "'....
13• •
10 100 1000 10,000
Mean Annual Discharge (cfs)

7-42 Chapter 7: Analysis of Corridor Condition

ca 1000
• •
<II •• •
. '

• '.1 •

- •"' =
. •
Q8 28.3DA0.69

• •

1 10 100 1000 10,000
Drainage Area (DA) (square miles)

Figure 7. 18: Bankfull discharge versus drainage

area-Upper Salmon River area. Curves based
on measured data such as this can be valuable
tools for designing restorations (Emmett 1975).

•• •
••••• ." .. •

•• •
W 8 = 8.1DA0.38

' Road Creek

1'--~~~~ ........~~---~....__..__.._..._......._......._~__.....__.__._.......__._._...._~___._~...._.........._.._........_.
1 10 100 1000 10,000
Drainage Area (DA) (square miles)

Figure 7.19: Bankful/ surface width versus

drainage area- Upper Salmon River area.
Local variations in bankful/ width may be
significant. Road Creek widths are narrower
because of lower precipitation.

Geomorphic Processes 7-43

Hydraulic Geometry and Stability

Regime Theory and Hydraulic The use of hydraulic geometry relations

Geometry to assess the stability of a given channel
Regime theory was developed about a century ago by reach requires two things. First, the wa-
British engineers working on irrigation canals in what is tershed and stream channel characteris-
now India and Pakistan. Canals that required little main- tics of the reach in question must be
tenance were said to be "in regime, " meaning that they the same as (or similar to) the data set
conveyed the imposed water and sediment loads in a used to develop the hydraulic geometry
state of dynamic equilibrium, with width, depth, and relations. Second, the reasonable scatter
slope varying about some long-term average. These of the data in the hydraulic geometry
engineers developed empirical formulas linking low- relations must be known . If the data for
maintenance canal geometry and design discharge by a specific reach fall outside the reason-
fitting data from relatively straight canals carrying near- able scatter of data for stable reaches in
constant discharges (Blench 1957, 1969,· Simons and a similar watershed, there is reason to
Albertson 1963). Since few streams will be restored to believe that the reach in question may
look and act as canals, the regime relationships are not be unstable. This is only an indicator,
presented here. since variability in other factors (geol-
ogy, land use, vegetatio n, etc. ) may
About 50 years later, hydraulic geometry formulas similar cause a given reach to plot high or low
to regime relationships were developed by geomorphol- on a curve. For instance, in Figure 7 .1 7,
ogists studying stable, natural rivers. These rivers, of the data points from the Road Creek
course, were not straight and had varying discharges. A subbasin plot well below the line (nar-
sample of these hydraulic geometry relationship is pre- rower bankfull surface width) because
sented in the table on the following page. In general, the precipitation in this subbasin is
these formulas take the form : lower. These reaches are not unstable;
w = k 1 Q k2 0 50k3 they have developed smaller channel
0 =k 4
o ks 0 50k6 widths in response to lower discharges
(as one would expect) .
s =k 7
Q k" 0 50k9
In summary, the use of hydraulic geom-
where wand 0 are reach average width and depth in
etry relations requires that the actual
feet, S is the reach average slope, 0 50 is the median bed
data be plotted and the statistical coeffi-
sediment size in millimeters, and Q is the bankfull dis-
cients known. Hydraulic geometry rela-
charge in cubic feet per second. These formulas are
tions can be used as a preliminary
most reliable for width, less reliable for depth, and least
guide to indicate stability or instab ility
reliable for slope.
in stream reaches, but th ese indications
should be checked using other tech -
niques due to the wide natural variabil-
ity of the data (see Chapter 8 for more
area is merely a surrogate for discharge. information on assessment of channel
Typically, ch annel-forming discharge stability).
correlates best with channel width. Cor-
Regional Curves
relations with depth are somewhat less
reliable. Correlations with slope and ve- Dunne and Leopold (1978) looked at
locity are the least reliable. similar relationships from numerous
watersheds and publish ed regional
curves relating bankfull channel dimen-

7-44 Chapter 7: Analysis of Corridor Condition

sions to drainage area (Figure 7.20) . logic, and hydrologic regimes; there-
Using these curves, the width and fore, additional regional relationships
depth of the bankfull channel can be should be developed for specific areas
approximated once the drainage area of of interest. Several hydraulic geometry
a watershed within one of these regions formulas are presented in Table 7 .5.
is known. Obviously, more curves such Regional curves should be used only as
as these are needed for regions that ex- indicators to help identify the channel
perience different topographic, geo- geometry at a restoration initiative site

- San Francisco Bay region at 30"

500 annual precipitation
- Eastern United States
- Upper Green River, Wyoming
Upper Salmon River, Idaho


~ 50

~ 10
Ill '(' 5
c0 "'
·;;; ~
c u
a:i 50

~ 10

.1 .05 5 10 50 100 500

Mean Annual Discharge (cfs)

Figure 7.20: Regional curves for bankfull channel dimensions versus drainage area. Curves
showing channel dimensions relating to drainage area for a region of the country can be useful
in determining departure from "normal" conditions. The use of such curves must be tempered
with an understanding of the limitations of the specific data that produced the curves.
Source: Dunne and Leopold 1978.

Geomorphic Processes 7-45

Table 7.5: Limits of data sets used to derive regime formulas.
Source: Hey 1988, 1990.

Reference Data Source Sediment
. Concentration

Lacey 1958 Indian canals 0.1to0.4 Cohesive to 100 to < 500

slightly 10,000

Blench 1969 Indian canals 0.1to0.6 Cohesive 1 to 100,000 < 301 Not Ripples to
specified dunes

Simons and U.S. and Indian 0.318 to Sand 100 to 400 < 500 .000135 to Ripples to
Albertson 1963 canals 0.465 .000388 dunes

0.06 to 0.46 Cohesive 5 to 88,300 < 500 .000059 to Ripples to

.00034 dunes

Cohesive, Cohesive 137 to 510 < 500 .000063 to Plane

0.029 to 0.36 .000114

Nixon 1959 U.K. rivers gravel 700 to Not measured


Kellerhals 1967 U.S., Canadian, and 7 to 265 Noncohesive 1.1 to Negligible .00017 to Plane
Swiss rivers of low 70,600 .0131
sinuousity, an d lab

Bray 1982 Sinuous Canadian 1.9to145 194to "Mobile" bed .00022 to

rivers 138,400 .015

Parker 1982 Single channel Little 353 to

Canadian rivers cohesion 211,900

Hey and Meandering U.K. 14 to 176 138 to Os computed .0011 to

Thorne 1986 rivers 14,970 to range up .021
to 114

1 Blench (1969) provides adjustment factors for sediment concentrations between 30 and 100 ppm.

because of the large degree of natural the Lacey, Blench, and Simons and Al-
variation in most data sets. Published bertson formulas in channel restoration
hydraulic geometry relationships usu- work since these curves were developed
ally are based on stable, single-thread using canal data. Additionally, hydraulic
alluvial channels. Channel geometry- geometry relationships developed for
discharge relationships are more com- pristine or largely undeveloped water-
plex for multithread channels. sheds should not be applied to urban
Exponents and coefficients for hydraulic watersheds.
geometry formulas are usually deter- As shown in Table 7.5, hydraulic geom-
mined from data sets for a specific etry relationships for gravel-bed rivers
stream or watershed. The relatively are far more numerous than those for
small range of variation of the expo- sand-bed rivers. Gravel-bed relation-
nents k2 , k5 , and k8 is impressive, con- ships have been adjusted for bank soil
sidering the wide range of situations characteristics and vegetation, whereas
represented. Extremes for the data sets sand-bed formulas have been modified
used to generate the hydraulic geometry to include bank silt-day content
formulas are given in Tables 7.6 and (Schumm 1977). Parker (1982) argues
7.7. Because formula coefficients vary, in favor of regime-type relationships
applying a given set of hydraulic geom- based on dimensionless variables. Ac-
etry relationships should be limited to cordingly, the original form of the
channels similar to the calibration sites. Parker formula was based on dimen-
This principle severely limits applying sionless variables.

7-46 Chapter 7: Analysis of Corridor Condition

_ ..__.........._____
Table 7.6: Coefficients for selected hydraulic geometry formulas.

Nixon 1959 U.K. rivers Gravel-bed

0.5 0.545 0.33 1.258n2b -0.11

Leopold 1964
et al.

Ephemeral 0.5 0.3 -0.95

streams in
semiarid U.S.

Kellerhals 1967 Field (U.S., Gravel-bed 1.8 0.5 0.33 0.4 -o.12a 0 .00062 -0.4 o.92a
Canada, and rivers with
Switzerland) paved beds
and and small bed
laboratory material

Schumm 1977 U.S. (Great Sand-bed 37k, * 0.38 0.6k4* 0.29 -o.12a 0.01136k7* -0.32
Plains) and rivers with
Australia properties
(Riverine shown in
Plains of Table 6
New South
W a les)

Bray 1982 Canadian Gravel-bed 3.1 0.53 -0.07 0.304 0.33 -0.03 0.00033 -0.33 0.59
rivers rivers

Parker 1982 Single- Gravel-bed 6.06 0.444 -0.11 0.161 0.401 -0.0025 0.00127 -0.394 0.985
channel rivers, banks
Alberta with little
rivers cohesion

Hay and 1986 U.K. rivers Gravel -bed rivers with :

Grassy banks 2.39 0.5 0.41 0.37 -0.11 0.00296k7** -0.43 -0.09
with no trees
or shrubs

1-5% tree/ 1.84 0.5 0.41 0.37 -0.11 0.00296k7** -0 .43 -0.09
shrub cover

Great er than 1.5 1 0.5 0 .41 0.37 -0.11 0 .00296k7** -0.43 -0.09
5-50 % tree/
sh rub cover

Greater than 1.29 0.5 0.4 1 0.37 -0.11 0.00296k7** -0 .43 -0.09
50 % shrub
cover o r
incised fl o od

a Bed material size in Kellerh als' equation is 0 90 _

bn = M anning n.
k1• = M-0.39, where Mis the percent of bank materials finer than 0.074 mm. The discharge used in this equation is mean annual rather than bankfull.
k.. = M0.432, where M is the percent of bank materials finer than 0.074 mm. The discharge used in this equation is mean annual rather than bankfull.
k7 • = M-0.36, where Mis the percent of bank materials finer than 0.074 mm. The discharge used in this equation is mean annual rather t han bankfull.
k7 **;:; 0 540.84 O xo.10, where Ox= bed material t ra nsport rate in kg s-1 at water discharge Q, a nd 0 54 refers to bed material and is in mm.

Planform and Meander ships or coefficients specific to the site

Geometry: Stream Channel of interest is, however, preferable to
Patterns using pub lished relationships that may
span wide ranges in value. Figure 7 .22
Meander geometry variables are shown shows some planform geometry rela-
in Figure 7 .21. Channel planform tions by Leopold (1994) . Meander
parameters may be measured in the geometries that do not fall within the
field or from aerial photographs and range of predicted relationships may
may be compared with published rela- indicate stream instability and deserve
tionships, such as those identified in attention in restoration design.
the box. Developing regional relation-

Geomorphic Processes 7-47

Table 7.7: Meander geometry equations.
Source: Williams 1986.

- 2


Lm = 1.25Lb

Lm = 1.638
Applicable Range

Interrelations between meander features

18.0 :5 Lb :5 43,600 ft

12. 1 :5 8 :5 44,900 ft


Lb= 15A0.65
Applicable Range

Relations of meander features to channel size

Lm = 2 1A0.65 0 .43 :5 A :5 225,000 ft

0 .43 :5 A :5 225,000 ft
4 Lm = 4 .53Rc 8.5 :5 Rc:51 1,800 ft 28 8 = 13A0.65 0.43 :5 A :5 225,000 ft
5 Lb = 0.8Lm 26 :5 Lm :5 54, 100 ft 29 Re = 4.1A 0.65 0.43 :5 A :5 225,000 ft

6 Lb = 1.298 12.1 :5 8 :5 32,800ft 30 Lm = 6.5w1.12 4.9 :5 w :5 13,000 ft

7 Lb = 3.77Rc 8.5 :5 Re:5 11,800 ft 31 Lb = 4.4w1.12 4.9 :5 w :5 7,000 ft

8 8 = 0.61Lm 26 :5 Lm :5 76, 100 ft 32 8 = 3.7w1.12 4.9 :5 w :5 13,000 ft

9 8 = 0.78Lb 18.0 :5 Lb :5 43,600 ft 33 Re = 1.3w1.12 4.9 :5 w :5 7,000 ft
10 8 = 2.88Rc 8.5 :5 Rc:5 11,800 ft 34 Lm = 12901.52 0.10 :5 D :5 59 ft

11 Re = 0.22Lm 33 :5 Lm :5 54,100 ft 35 Lb = 86D1 .52 0.10 :5 D :5 57.7 ft

12 Re= 0.26Lb 22.3 :5 Lb :5 43,600 ft 36 8 = 80D1.52 0.10 :5 D :5 59 ft

13 Re= 0 .358 16 :5 8 :5 32,800 ft 37 Re= 23D1 .52 0.10 :5 D :5 57.7 ft
Relations of channel size to meander features Relations between channel width, channel depth,
and channel sinuosity
14 A= 0.0094Lm1.53 33 :5 Lm :5 76,100 ft
38 W = 12.5D1.45 0 .10 :5 D :5 59 ft
15 A= 0.0149Lb1 .53 20 :5 Lb :5 43,600 ft
39 D = o.11wo.89 4.92 :5 w :5 13,000 ft
16 A = 0 .02181.53 16 :5 8 :5 38, 100 ft
40 W = 73D1.23K·2.35 0 .1 0 :5 D :5 59 ft
17 A = 0.117Rc1.53 7 :5 Rc:5 11,800 ft and 1.20 :5 K :5 2.60
18 W = 0.01 9 Lm0.89 26 :5 Lm :5 76, 100 ft 41 D = 0.15w 0.50K1.48 4.9 :5 w :5 13,000 ft
19 W = 0 .026Lb0.89 16 :5 Lb :5 43,600 ft and 1.20 :5 K :5 2.60

20 w = 0.03180.89 10 :5 8 :5 44,900 ft Derived empirical equations for river-meander and channel-size

21 W = 0.81 Rc0.89 8.5 :5 Re :5 11 ,800 ft A = bankfull cross-sectional area.
W = bankfull width.
22 D = 0 .040Lm0.66 33 :5 Lm :5 76,1 00 ft D = bankfull mean depth.
Lm = meander wavelength.
23 D = 0.0 54Lb0.66 23 :5 Lb :5 43,600 ft Lb = along-channel bend length.
B = meander belt width.
24 D = 0.05580 66 16 :5 8 :5 38, 100 ft R, = loop radi us of curvature.
K = channel sinuosity.
25 D = 0 .127Rc0.66 8. 5 :5 Re:5 11 ,800 ft

Stream System Dynamics

Stream management and restoration
require knowledge of the complex inter-
actions between watershed and stream
processes, bou ndary sediments, and
bank and floodplain vegetation. Identi-
fying the causes of chan nel instability
or potential instability and having
knowledge of the magnitude and distri-
L meander w avelength bution of ch annel adjustment processes
M L meander arc length
w average w idth at bankf ull discharge are important for the following:
MA meander amplitude
rc radius of curvature • Estimating future channel changes.
e arc ang le
• Developing appropriate mitigation
Figure 7.21: Meander geometry variables.
Ada pted fro m Will iams 1986. • Protecting the stream corridor.

7-48 Chapter 7: Analysis of Corridor Condition

Meander Geometry Formulas
Reviews of meander geometry formulas are provided by Nunnally and Shields (1985,
Table 3) and Chitale (1973). Ackers and Charlton (1970) developed a typical formula
that relates meander wavelength and bankfull discharge, O (cfs), using laboratory data
and checking against field data from a wide range of stream sizes:
L = 38004s1
There is considerable scatter about this regression line; examination of the plotted data
is recommended. Other formulas, such as this one by Schumm (1977), also incorporate
bed sediment size or the fraction of silt-clay in the channel perimeter:
L = 18900m° I tvf
34 14

where Qmis average discharge (cfs) and M is the percentage of silt-clay in the perimeter
of the channel. These types of relationships are most powerful when developed from
regional data sets with conditions that are typical of the area being restored. Radius of
curvature, (, is generally between 1.5 and 4. 5 times the channel width, w, and more
commonly between 2w and 3w, while meander amplitude is 0.5 to 1. 5 times the
meander wavelength, L (USACE 1994). Empirical (Apmann 1972, Nanson and Hickin
1983 ) and analytical (Begin 1981) results indicate that lateral migration rates are
greatest for bends w ith radii of curvature between 2w and 4w

Adjustment processes that affect entire scour or ch annel incision, sufficient b ed

fluvial systems often include channel level lowering can lead to bank instabil-
incision (lowering of the channel bed ity and to changes in channel planform.
with time), aggradation (raising of the It is often difficult to differentiate be-
channel bed with time), planform tween local and systemwide processes
geometry changes, channel widening or without extending the investigation up-
narrowing, and changes in the magni- stream and downstream of the site in
tude and type of sediment loads. These question. This is because channels mi-
processes differ from localized grate over time and space and so may
processes, such as scour and fill, which affect previously u ndisturbed reaches.
can be limited in magnitude and extent. For example, erosion at a logjam ini-
In contrast, the processes of channel tially may be attributed to the deflec-
incision and aggradation can affect long tion of flows caused by the woody
reaches of a stream or whole stream debris blocking the channel. However,
systems. Long-term adjustment the appearance of large amounts of
processes, such as incision, aggradation, woody debris may indicate upstream
and channel widening, can exacerbate channel degradation related to instabil-
local scour problems. Whether ity of larger scope.
streambed erosion occurs due to local

Geomorphic Processes 7-49

e meanders of rivers and in flumes
e meanders of Gulf Stream
e meanders on glaciers

:t:. • •
..c: 10,000
... .t~._·_ ___.___.!


c: 1000



10 100 1000 5 10 100 1000 10,000 100,000

Channel Width (feet) Mean Radius of Curvature (feet)

Figure 7.22: Planform geometry relationships. Determining Stream

Meander geometries that do not plot close to
Instability: Is It Local or
the predicted relationship may indicate stream
instability Systemwide?
Source: Leopold 1994.
Stage of channel evolution is the pri-
mary diagnostic variable for differentiat-
ing between local and systemwide
channel stability problems in a dis-
turbed stream or constructed channel.
During basinwide adjustments, stage of
channel evolution usually varies system-
atically with distance upstream. Down-
stream sites might be characterized by
aggradation and the waning stages of
widening, whereas upstream sites might
be characterized (in progressive up-
stream order) by widening and mild
degradation, then degradation, and if
the investigation is extended far enough
upstream, the stable, predisturbed con-
dition (Figure 7 .23). This sequence of
stages can be used to reveal systemwide
instabilities. Stream classification can be
applied in a similar manner to natural
streams. The sequence of stream types
can reveal systemwide instabilities.
Figure 7.23: Bank instability. Determining if
instability is localized or systemwide is impera- Restoration measures often fail, not as
tive to establish a correct path of action. the result of inadequate structural de-

7- 50 Chapter 7: Analysis of Corridor Condition

sign, but rather because of the failure of ity). Perhaps the most common form of
the designers to incorporate the existing local instability is bank erosion along
and future channel morphology into the concave bank in a meander bend
the design. For this reason, it is impor- that is occurring as part of the natural
tant for the designer to have some gen- meander process. Local instability can
eral understanding of stream processes also occur in isolated locations as the
to ensure that the selected restoration result of channel constriction, flow ob-
measures will work in harmony with structions (ice, debris, structures, etc.),
the existing and future river conditions. or geotechnical instability. Local insta-
This will allow the designer to assess bility problems are amenable to local
whether the conditions at a particular bank protection. Local instability can
site are due to local instability processes also exist in channels where severe sys-
or are the result of some systemwide in- tem instability exists. In these situa-
stability that may be affecting the entire tions, the local instability problems will
watershed. probably be accelerated due to the sys-
tem instability, and a more comprehen-
Systemwide Instability sive treatment plan will be necessary.
The equilibrium of a stream system can Caution must be exercised if only local
be disrupted by various factors. Once treatments on one site are implemen-
this occurs, the stream will attempt to ted. If the upstream reach is stable
regain equilibrium by making adjust- and the downstream reach is unstable,
ments in the dependent variables. These a systemwide problem may again be
adjustments in the context of physical indicated. The instability may continue
processes are generally reflected in moving upstream unless the root cause
aggradation, degradation, or changes in of the instability at the watershed level
planform characteristics (meander is removed or channel stabilization at
wavelength, sinuosity, etc.) . Depending and downstream of the site is imple-
on the magnitude of the change and mented.
the basin characteristics (bed and bank
Local channel instabilities often can be
materials, hydrology, geologic or man-
attributed to redirection of flow caused
made controls, sediment sources, etc.),
by debris, structures, or the approach
these adjustments can propagate
angle from upstream. During moderate
throughout the entire watershed and
and high flows, obstructions often re-
even into neighboring systems. For this
sult in vortices and secondary-flow cells
reason, this type of disruption of the
that accelerate impacts on channel
equilibrium condition is referred to as
boundaries, causing local bed scour,
system instability. If system instability is
erosion of bank toes, and ultimately
occurring or expected to occur, it is im-
bank failures. A general constriction of
perative that the restoration initiative
the channel cross section from debris
address these problems before any bank
accumulation or a bridge causes a back-
stabilization or instream habitat devel-
water condition upstream, with acceler-
opment is considered.
ation of the flow and scour through the
Local Instability constriction.

Local instability refers to erosion and Bed Stability

deposition processes that are not symp-
In unstable channels, the relationship
tomatic of a disequilibrium condition
between bed elevation and time (years)
in the watershed (i.e., system instabil-

Geomorphic Processes 7- 51
Figure 7.24: 270 Specific Gauge Analysis
Changes in bed South Fork Forked Deer River
•••• river mile= 7.9 Perhaps one of the most useful tools
elevations over
available to the river engineer or geo-
time. Plotting river 265
bed elevations at morphologist for assessing the histori-
a point along the cal stability of a river system is the
river over time can 260 specific gauge record. A specific gauge
indicate whether
a major phase of --.
•••••••••• record is a graph of stage for a specific
discharge at a particular stream gauging
channel incision is > 255 L __ __i__ _..J.__ _ . ._ __ . __ ___.
location plotted against time (Blench
ongoing or has ! 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984
1969). A channel is considered to be in
passed. ~ 292
> Rutherford Fork Obion River equilibrium if the specific gauge record
..c .. river mile= 4.9 shows no consistent increasing or de-
! 288 • creasing trends over time, while an in-
:=. • creasing or decreasing trend is

. ....•.-·•
] 284
IXI indicative of an aggradational or degra-
dational condition, respectively. An ex-
ample of a specific gauge record is
..... shown in Figure 7.25 .
0 276 1...----1._--1.._-.J.._ _.__..L-_.____.
1958 1962 1986 1970 1974 1978 19821986
The first step in a specific gauge analysis
~ 295
.E:! is to establish the stage vs. discharge re-
w South Fork Obion River
290 ••• river mile= 5.9 lationship at the gauge for the period of
record being analyzed. A rating curve is

................ developed for each year in the period of

record. A regression curve is then fitted
280 • to the data and plotted on the scatter
275 plot. Once the rating curves have been
developed, the discharges to be used in
270L-_.L-_..J.__ _,__ _.__ ___.__ __,
the specific gauge record must be se-
1962 1966 1970 1974 1978 1982 1986
Year lected. This selection depends largely
on the objectives of the study. It is usu-
ally advisable to select discharges that
can be described by nonlinear func- encompass the entire range of observed
tions, where change in response to a flows. A plot is then developed showing
disturbance occurs rapidly at first and the stage for the given flow plotted
then slows and becomes asymptotic against time.
with time (Figure 7.24). Plotting bed Specific gauge records are an excellent
elevations against time permits evaluat- tool for assessing the historical stability
ing bed-level adjustment and indicates at a specific location. However, specific
whether a major phase of channel inci- gauge records indicate only the condi-
sion has passed or is ongoing. Various tions in the vicinity of the particular
mathematical forms of this function gauging station and do not necessarily
have been used to characterize bed-level reflect river response farther upstream
adjustment at a site and to predict fu- or downstream of the gauge. Therefore,
ture bed elevations. This method also even though the specific gauge record is
can provide valuable information on one of the most valuable tools used by
trends of channel stability at gauged river engineers, it should be coupled
locations where abundant data from with other assessment techniques to
discharge measurements are available.

7-52 Chapter 7: Analysis of Corridor Condition


265 60,000 cfs

.§. 40,000 cfs
Cl 260
:z: 26,000 cfs


255 11,000 cfs

6000 cfs
& n f

1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990

Figure 7.25: Specific gauge plot for Red River dation if there are large scour holes,
at Index, Arkansas. Select discharges from the particularly in bendways. The existence
gauge data that represent the range of flows. of very deep local scour holes may
Source: Biedenharn et al. 1997.
completely obscure temporal variations
assess reach conditions or to make pre- in the thalweg. This problem can some-
dictions about the ultimate response on times be overcome by eliminating the
a river. pool sections and focusing only on the
Comparative Surveys and Mapping crossing locations, thereby allowing
aggradational or degradational trends
One of the best methods for directly as- to be more easily observed.
sessing channel changes is to compare
channel surveys (thalweg and cross Although thalweg profiles are a useful
section). tool, it must be recognized that they re-
flect only the behavior of the channel
Thalweg surveys are taken along the bed and do not provide information
channel at the lowest point in the cross about the channel as a whole. For this
section. Comparison of several thalweg reason it is usually advisable to study
surveys taken at different points in time changes in the cross-sectional geometry.
allows the engineer or geomorphologist Cross-sectional geometry refers to
to chart the change in the bed elevation width, depth, area, wetted perimeter,
through time (Figure 7.26). hydraulic radius, and channel con-
Certain limitations should be consid- veyance at a specific cross section.
ered when comparing surveys on a If channel cross sections are surveyed
river system. When comparing thalweg at permanent monumented range
profiles, it is often difficult, especially locations, the cross-sectional geometry
on larger streams, to determine any at different times can be compared
distinct trends of aggradation or degra-

Geomorphic Processes 7- 53

- 1977 thalweg
1985 thalweg

? 300

w 280


260+00 280+00 300+00 320+00 340+00 360+00 380+00

Stationing (100 feet)

Figure 7.26: Comparative thalweg profiles. Comparison of time-sequential maps

Changes in bed elevation over the length of can provide insight into the planform
a stream can indicate areas of transition and
reaches where more information is needed.
instability of the channel. Rates and
Source: Biedenharn et al., USACE 1997. magnitude of channel migration (bank
caving), locations of natural and man-
made cutoffs, and spatial and temporal
directly. The cross section plots for each changes in channel width and planform
range at the various times can be over- geometry can be determined from
laid and compared. It is seldom the maps. With these types of data, channel
case, however, that the cross sections are response to imposed conditions can be
located in the exact same place year documented and used to substantiate
after year. Because of these problems, it predictions of future channel response
is often advisable to compare reach- to a proposed alteration. Planform data
average values of the cross-sectional can be obtained from aerial photos,
geometry parameters. This requires the maps, or field investigations.
study area to be divided into distinct
reaches based on geomorphic character- Regression Functions for Degradation
istics. Next, the cross-sectional parame- Two mathematical functions have been
ters are calculated at each cross section used to describe bed level adjustments
and then averaged for the entire reach. with time. Both may be used to predict
Then the reach-average values can be channel response to a disturbance, sub-
compared for each survey. Cross- ject to the caution statements below.
sectional variability between bends The first is a power function (Simon
(pools) and crossings (riffles) can ob- 1989a):
scure temporal trends, so it is often E = a tb
preferable to use only cross sections
from crossing reaches when analyzing where E = elevation of the channel bed,
long-term trends of channel change. in feet; a = coefficient, determined by

7- 54 Chapter 7: Analysis of Corridor Condition

regression, representing the premodi- cance of the fitted curves improves with
fied elevation of the channel bed, in additional data. Degradation and aggra-
feet; t =time since beginning of adjust- dation curves for the same site are fit
ment process, in years, where t 0 = 1.0 separately. For degrading sites, the equa-
(year prior to onset of the adjustment tions will provide projected minimum
process); and b = dimensionless expo- channel elevations when the value oft
nent, determined by regression and in- becomes large and, by subtracting this
dicative of the nonlinear rate of channel result from the floodplain elevation,
bed change (negative for degradation projected maximum bank heights. A
and positive for aggradation). range of bed adjustment trends can be
The second function is a dimensionless estimated by using different starting
form of an exponential equation dates in the equations when the initial
(Simon 1992): timing of bed level change is unknown.
Use of the equations, however, may be
z/z = a + b e (- k •l limited in some areas because of a lack

where of survey data.

Z= the elevation of the channel bed Regression Functions for Aggradation
(attimet) Once the minimum bed elevation has
z0 = the elevation of the channel bed been obtained, that elevation can be
at t 0 used as the starting elevation at a new
t 0 for the secondary aggradation phase
a= the dimensionless coefficient,
that occurs during channel widening
determined by regression and
(see discussion of channel evolution
equal to the dimensionless ele-
above). Secondary aggradation occurs at
vation (z/z0 ) when the equation
a site after degradation reduces channel
becomes asymptotic, a> 1 =
gradient and stream power to such an
aggradation, a<l = degradation
extent that sediment loads delivered
b= the dimensionless coefficient, from degrading reaches upstream can
determined by regression and no longer be transported (Simon
equal to the total change in the 1989a). Coefficient values for Simon's
dimensionless elevation (z/z0 ) power function for estimating sec-
when the equation becomes as- ondary aggradation can be obtained ei-
ymptotic ther from interpolating existing data or
k= the coefficient determined by re- from estimating their values as about
gression, indicative of the rate of 60 percent less than the corresponding
change on the channel bed per value obtained for the degradation
unit time phase.

t= the time since the year prior to The variation of the regression coeffi-
the onset of the adjustment cients a and b with longitudinal dis-
process, in years (t 0 =0) tance along the channel can be used as
an empirical model of bed level adjust-
Future elevations of the channel bed ment providing there are data from
can, therefore, be estimated by fitting enough sites. Examples using both
the equations to bed elevations and by equations are provided for the Obion
solving for the period of interest. Either River system, West Tennessee (Figure
equation provides acceptable results, 7.27). Estimates of bed-level change
depending on the statistical significance with time for unsurveyed sites can be
of the fitted relation. Statistical signifi-

Geomorphic Processes 7- 55
obtained using interpolated coefficient Caution: If one of the above mathemati-
a values and t 0 • For channels down- cal functions is used to predict future
stream from dams without significant bed elevations, the assumption is made
tributary sediment inputs, the shape of that no new disturbances have occurred
the a-value curve would be similar but to trigger a new phase of channel
inverted; maximum amounts of degra- change. Downstream channelization,
dation (minimum a values) occur im- construction of a reservoir, formation of
mediately downstream of the dam and a large woody debris jam that blocks
attenuate nonlinearly with distance far- the channel, or even a major flood are
ther downstream. examples of disturbances that can trig-
ger a new period of rapid change.

Figure 7.27:
Coefficient a and b
values for regression
• e 1st adjustment

functions for esti- -0.005 • • ~ •

• 2nd adjustment

mating bed level

adjustment versus -0.000 • • ••
I•• •
longitudinal distance
along stream. Future
bed elevations can
• •
be estimated by iJ
using empirical

-0.015 b-values from equation
Source: Simon 1989,
E = atb
• area of maximum
disturbance and
mouth of ob;o"
River forks

-0.030 ·'
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Distance Upstream from Mouth (miles)

e 1st adjustment
e 2nd adjustment

1.02 •===---=•

a-values from equation
z/z 0 = a + be(-kt)

,.., ...
area of maximum
.... e
disturbance and
.96 • ~ mouth of Obion

• River forks

20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Distance Upstream from Mouth (miles)

7- 56 Chapter 7: Analysis of Corridor Condition

The investigator is cautioned that the tion of dominant mechanisms of bank
use of regression functions to compute instability.
aggradation and degradation is an em- The level of intensity of geotechnical
pirical approach that might be appro- investigations varies in planning and
priate for providing insight into the design. During planning, enough infor-
degradational and aggradational mation must be collected to determine
processes during the initial planning the feasibility of alternatives being con-
phases of a project. However, this pro- sidered. For example, qualitative de-
cedure does not consider the balance scriptions of bank stratigraphy
between supply and transport of water obtained during planning may be all
and sediment and, therefore, is not ac- that is required for identifying domi-
ceptable for the detailed design of nant modes of failure in a study reach.
restoration features. Thorne (1992) describes stream recon-
Sediment Transport Processes naissance procedures particularly for
recording streambank data.
This document does not provide com-
Qualitative Assessment of Bank
prehensive coverage of sedimentation
processes and analyses critical to stream
restoration. These processes include Natural streambanks frequently are
erosion, entrainment, transport, deposi- composed of distinct layers reflecting
tion, and compaction. Refer to standard the depositional history of the bank
texts and reference on sediment, includ- materials. Each individual sediment
ing Vanoni (1975), Simons and Senturk layer can have physical properties quite
(1977), Chang (1988), Richards different from those of other layers. The
(1982), and USACE (1989a). bank profile therefore will ·respond ac-
cording to the physical properties of
Numerical Analyses and Models each layer. Since the stability of stream-
to Predict Aggradation and

Numerical analyses and models such as

HEC-6 are used to predict aggradation
and degradation (incision) in stream
channels, as discussed in Chapter, 8.

Bank Stability

Streambanks can be eroded by moving

water removing soil particles or by col-
lapse. Collapse or mass failure occurs
when the strength of bank materials is
too low to resist gravity forces. Banks
that are collapsing or about to collapse
are referred to as being geotechnically
unstable (Figure 7.28). The physical
properties of bank materials should be
described to aid characterization of po-
tential stability problems and identifica- Figure 7.28: Bank erosion by undercutting.
Removal of toe slope support leads to instability
requiring geotechnical solutions.

Geomorphic Processes 7- 57
banks with respect to failures due to
gravity depends on the geometry of the A.
bank profile and the physical properties
of the bank materials, dominant failure
mechanisms tend to be closely associ-
ated with characteristic stratigraphy or
succession of layers (Figure 7 .29) .
A steep bank consisting of uniform lay-
ers of cohesive or cemented soils gener- '\arcuate or
ally develops tension cracks at the top rotational
failure surface
of the bank parallel to the bank align-
ment. Slab failures occur when the c.
weight of the soil exceeds the strength overhang incipient failure plane
generated on
of the grain-to-grain contacts within the upper bank
soil. As clay content or cementing agent preferential
decreases, the slope of the bank de- retreat of
creases; vertical failure planes become basal layer coarse non-cohesive
lower bank
more flat and planar failure surfaces de-
velop. Rotational failures occur when D.
the bank soils are predominantly cohe-
outflow of
sive. Block-type failures occur when a sand and
weak soil layer is eroded away and the
layers above the weak layer lose struc-
t: sandy p~rvious
soil layer
tural support. fine-grained
soil layers
The gravity failure processes described
in Figure 7.29 usually occur after the 1. Seepage Outflow Initiates Soil Loss
banks have been saturated due to pre-
cipitation or high stream stages. The
water adds weight to the soil and re- continues
duces, grain-to-grain contacts and cohe-
sio.n forces while increasing the pore sandy pervious
soil layer
pressure. Pore pressure occurs when soil fine-grained _ --
water in the pore spaces is under pres- soil layers
sure from overlying soil and water. Pore 2. Undermined Upper Layer Falls,
pressure therefore is internal to the soil Blocks Detached
mass. Whe~ a stream is full, the flowing

Figure 7.29: Relationship of dominant bank
failure mechanisms and associated $tratigraph-
ics. (a) Uniform bank undergoing planar type
failure (b) Uniform shallow bank undergoing fine-grained
soil layers
rotational type failure (c) Cohesive upper bank,
noncohesive lower bank leads to cantilever 3. Failed Blocks Topple or Slide
type failure mechanism (d) Complex bank
stratigraphy may lead to piping or sapping
type failures.
Source: Hagerty 1991. In Journal of Hydraulic
Engineering. Vol. 117 Number 8. Reproduced by
permission of ASCE.

7- 58 Chapter 7: Analysis of Corridor Condition

water provides some support to the resistance. The shear strength of the
streambanks. When the stream level bank material represents the resistance
drops, the internal pore pressure pushes of the boundary to erosion by gravity.
out from within and increases the po- Shear strength is composed of cohesive
tential for bank failure. strength and frictional strength. For the
case of a planar failure of unit length,
The last situation described in Figure
7 .29 involves ground water sapping or
the Coulomb equation is applicable
piping. Sapping or piping is the erosion S, = c + ( N - µ) tan <j>
of soil particles beneath the surface by where S, =shear strength, in pounds per
flowing ground water. Dirty or sediment- square foot; c = cohesion, in pounds
laden seepage from a streambank indi- per square foot; N = normal stress, in
cates ground water sapping or piping is pounds per square foot; µ = pore pres-
occurring. Soil layers above the areas of sure, in pounds per square foot; and <j> =
ground water piping eventually will col- friction angle, in degrees.Also:
lapse after enough soil particles have
been removed from the support layer. N = W cos 8

Quantitative Assessment of Bank where W = weight of the failure block,

Stability in pounds per square foot; and e =
angle of the failure plane, in degrees.
When restoration design requires more
quantitative information on soil prop-
erties, additional detailed data need to
be collected (Figure 7.30). Values of co-
hesion, friction angle, and unit weight
of the bank material need to be quanti-
fied. Because of spatial variability, care-
ful sampling and testing programs are
required to minimize the amount of

data required to correctly characterize

stream bed
the average physical properties of indi-
vidual layers or to determine a bulk av- /
erage statistic for an entire bank.
Care must be taken to characterize soil Explanation

properties not only at the time of mea-

surement but also for the "worst case"
conditions at which failure is expected
H = bank height
failure plane length
friction angle
bulk unit weight
J- soil
(Thorne et al. 1981 ). Unit weight, cohe- W = weight of failure block
sion, and friction angle vary as a func- I = bank angle
Sa = Wsine (driving force)
tion of moisture content. It usually is Sr = cl+ Ntan<!> (resisting force)
not possible to directly measure bank N = Wcos e
e = (0.51 = 0.5<!>) (failure plane angle)
materials under worst-case conditions,
for the critical case Sa= Sr and:
due to the hazardous nature of unstable
He= 4c sin I cos ct>
sites under such conditions. A qualified 'Y (1 - cos [I -<!> ])
geotechnical or soil mechanics engineer
Figure 7.30: Forces acting on a channel bank
should estimate these operational assuming there is zero pore-water pressure.
strength parameters. Bank stability analyses relate strength of bank
Quantitative analysis of bank instabili- materials to bank height and angles, and to
moisture conditions.
ties is considered in terms of force and

Geomorphic Processes 7- 59
The gravitational force acting on the For fine-grained soils, cohesion and
bank is: friction angle data can be obtained
s = w sine from standard laboratory testing (triax-
ial shear or unconfined compression
Factors that decrease the erosional resis- tests) or by in situ testing with a bore-
tance (SJ, such as excess pore pressure hole shear test device (Handy and Fox
from saturation and the development 1967, Luttenegger and Hallberg 1981,
of vertical tension cracks, favor bank in- Thorne et al. 1981, Simon and Hupp
stabilities. Similarly, increases in bank 1992). For coarse-grained, cohesionless
height (due to channel incision) and soils, estimates of friction angles can be
bank angle (due to undercutting) favor obtained from reference manuals. By
bank failure by increasing the gravita- combining these data with estimates of
tional force component. In contrast, future bed elevations, relative bank sta-
vegetated banks generally are drier and bility can be assessed using bank stabil-
provide improved bank drainage, which ity charts.
enhances bank stability. Plant roots
provide tensile strength to the soil re- Bank Stability Charts
sulting in reinforced earth that resists To produce bank stability charts such as
mass failure, at least to the depth of the one following, a stability number
roots (Yang 1996). (N,) representing a simplification of the
bank (slope) stability equations is used.
Bank Instability and Channel
The stability number is a function of
- the bank-material friction angle (<j>) and
Channel widening is often caused by the bank angle (i) and is obtained from
increases in bank height beyond the a stability chart developed by Chen
critical conditions of the bank material. (1975) (Figure 7.31) or from Lohnes
Simon and Hupp (1992) show that and Handy (1968):
there is a positive correlation between
the amount of bed level lowering by N, = (4 sin i cos <j>) / [ 1 - cos ( i - <j>)]
degradation and amounts of channel The critical bank height He, where dri-
widening. The adjustment of channel ving forces. = resisting force S, for a
width by mass-wasting processes repre- given shear strength and bank geometry
sents an important mechanism of chan- is then calculated (Carson and Kirkby
nel adjustment and energy dissipation in 1972):
alluvial streams, occurring at rates cover-
He= N,(c / Y)
ing several orders of magnitude, up to
hundreds of feet per year (Simon 1994). where c =cohesion, in pounds per
square foot, and y =bulk unit weight of
Present and future bank stability may be soil in pounds per cubic foot.
analyzed using the following procedure:
Equations are solved for a range of
• Measure the current channel geome- bank angles using average or ambient
try and shear strength of the channel soil moisture conditions to produce the
banks. upper line "Ambient field conditions,
• Estimate the future channel geome- unsaturated." Critical bank height for
tries and model worst-case pore pres- worst-case conditions (saturated banks
sure conditions and average shear and rapid decline in river stage) are ob-
strength characteristics. tained by solving the equations, assum-
ing that <j> and the frictional component
of shear strength goes to 0.0 (Lutton

7- 60 Chapter 7: Analysis of Corridor Condition



::c: 20
QI Figure 7.31: Stability
E 10 number (NJ as a
z function of bank
-~ angle (i) for a failure
:cIll surface passing
5 through the bank
toe. Critical bank
height for worst-case
condition can be
Source: Chen 1975.

Slope Angle I (degrees)

1974) and by using a saturated bulk- with knowledge of the variability in co-
unit weight. These results are repre- hesive strengths. Five categories of
sented by the lower line, "saturated mean cohesive strength of channel
conditions." banks are identified in Figure 7.33.
The frequency of bank failure for the Critical bank heights above the mean
three stability classes (unstable, at-risk, low-water level and saturated condi-
and stable) is subjective and is based tions were used to construct the figure
primarily on empirical field data (Fig- because bank failures typically occur
ure 7.32) . An unstable channel bank during or after the recession of peak
can be expected to fail at least annually flows. The result is a nomograph giving
and possibly after each major storm- critical bank heights for a range of bank
flow in which the channel banks are angles and cohesive strengths that can
saturated, assuming that there is at least be used to estimate stable bank config-
one major stormflow in a given year. urations for worst-case conditions, such
as saturation during rapid decline in
At-risk conditions translate to a bank
failure every 2 to 5 years, again assum- river stage. For example, a saturated
ing that there is a major flow event to bank at an angle of 55 degrees and a
saturate the banks and to erode toe ma-
terial. Stable banks by definition do not
....QI 40 Figure 7.32:
fail by mass wasting processes. How- :::. 30 Example of a bank
..., unstable
ever, channel banks on the outside of stability chart for
.... 20 "'-.ambient field estimating critical
meander bends may experience erosion
of the bank toe, leading to oversteepen-
• at risk
unsaturated bank height (H).

ing of the bank profile and eventually ..:.:

c: 10 • • • •
Existing bank
stability can be
to bank caving episodes.
•• stable
conditions assessed, as w ell
as potential stable
Generalizations about critical bank ·;:: 1 design heights
u 90 80 70 60 50 40
heights (HJ and angles can be made Bank Angle (degrees) and slopes.

Geomorphic Processes
100 • The timing of renewed bank stability
c =cohesion, in pounds per square (in the case of aggradation and
:i:: inch
...... decreasing bank heights) .
"Qi 10 • The bank height and angle needed
.:it. for a stable bank configuration under
al c - 0 - 0.50 a range of moisture conditions.
+; 1 .___.....__..___...__...___...___...._____. Estimates of future channel widening
u 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 also can be made using measured
Bank Angle (degrees) channel-width data over a period of
years and then fitting a nonlinear func-
Figure 7.33: Critical bank-slope configurations
tion to the data (Figure 7.34). Williams
for various ranges of cohesive strengths under
saturated conditions. Specific data on the and Wolman (1984) used a dimension-
cohesive strength of bank materials can be less hyperbolic function of the follow-
collected to determine stable configurations. ing form to estimate channel widening
downstream from dams:

cohesive strength of 1. 7 5 pounds per

square inch would be unstable when where:
bank heights exceed about 10 feet. W = initial channel width, in feet

Predictions of Bank Stability and W, = channel width at t years after

Channel Width
W 1, in feet
Bank stability charts can be used to
determine the following: t = time, in years
j 1 = intercept
• The timing of the initiation of gener-
al bank instabilities (in the case of j 2 = slope of the fitted straight line on a
degradation and increasing bank plot ofWJ W,versus l/t
heights). Wilson and Turnipseed (1994) used a
power function to describe widening
after channelization and to estimate fu-
original floodplain surface ture channel widening in the loess area
....CV of northern Mississippi:
:=. 0
E w =x td
....::i111 5
c 10 future/
CV channel
E 15 widening by W =channel width, in feet
Ill mass-wasting
<I: 20 process x = coefficient, determined by regres-
0 25 projection sion, indicative of the initial channel
a; of slough-line angle
co 30
·.o:; 35 t = time, in years
> channel centerline /
.!!! 40
w d = coefficient, determined by regres-
100 80 60 40 20 0 sion, indicative of the rate of channel
Distance from Centerline of Channel (feet) widening.
Figure 7.34: Method to estimate future channel widening
(10-20 years) for one side of the channel. The ultimate bank
width can be predicted so that the future stream morphology
can be visualized.

7-62 Chapter 7: Analysis of Corridor Condition

7.C Chemical Characteristics
Assessing water chemistry in a stream taken as a readily available indicator of
restoration initiative can be one of the the potential for growth of attached
ways to determine if the restoration was algae. Averett and Schroder (1993)
successful. A fundamental understand- discuss additional factors involved in
ing of the chemistry of a given system is selecting constituents to sample.
critical for developing appropriate data
collection and analysis methods. Al- Sampling Frequency
though data collection and analysis are The needed frequency of sampling de-
interdependent, each has individual pends on both the constituent of inter-
components. It is also critical to have a est and management objectives. For
basic understanding of the hydrologic instance, a management goal of reduc-
and water quality processes of interest ing average instream nutrient concentra-
before data collection and analysis tions may require monitoring at regular
begin. Averett and Schroder (1993) dis- intervals, whereas a goal of maintaining
cuss some fundamental concepts used adequate dissolved oxygen (DO) during
when determining a data collection and summer low flow and high temperature
analysis program. periods may require only targeted mon-
itoring during critical conditions. In
Data Collection
general, water quality constituents that
Constituent Selection are highly variable in space or time re-
quire more frequent monitoring to be
Hundreds of chemical compounds can adequately characterized.
be used to describe water quality. It is
In many cases, the concentration of a
typically too expensive and too time-
constituent depends on the flow condi-
consuming to analyze every possible
tion. For example, concentrations of a
chemical of interest in a given system.
hydrophobic pesticide, which sorbs
In addition to selecting a particular
strongly to particulate matter, are likely
constituent to sample, the analytical
to be highest during scouring flows or
techniques used to determine the con-
erosion washoff events, whereas con-
stituent also must be considered. An-
centrations of a dissolved chemical that
other consideration is the chemistry of
is loaded to the stream at relatively
the constituent; for example, whether
steady rates will exhibit highest concen-
the chemical is typically in the dis-
trations in extremely low flows.
solved state or sorbed onto sediment
makes a profound difference in the In fact, field sampling and water quality
methods used for sampling and analy- analyses are time-consuming and ex-
sis, as well as the associated costs. pensive, and schedule and budget con-
straints often determine the frequency
Often it is effective to use parameters
of data collection. Such constraints
that integrate or serve as indicators for a
make it even more important to design
number of other variables. For instance,
data collection efforts that maximize
dissolved oxygen and temperature mea-
the value of the information obtained.
surements integrate the net impact of
many physical and chemical processes Statistical tools often are used to help
on a stream system, while soluble reac- determine the sampling frequency. Sta-
tive phosphorus concentration is often tistical techniques, such as simple ran-

Chemical Characteristics 7-63

dom sampling, stratified random sam- weather conditions. For this reason,
pling, two-stage sampling, and system- sampling is often conducted at bridge
atic sampling, are described in Gilbert crossings, taking into consideration the
(1987) and Averett and Schroder degree to which artificial channels at
(1993). Sanders et al. (1983) also de- bridge crossings may influence sample
scribe methods of determining sam- results. Finally, where constituent loads
pling frequency. and concentrations are of interest, it is
important to align water quality sample
Site Selection sites with locations at which flow can
The selection of sampling sites is the be accurately gauged.
third critical part of a sampling design. Sampling Techniques
Most samples represent a point in space
and provide direct information only on This section provides a brief overview of
what is happening at that point. A key water quality sampling and data collec-
objective of site selection is to choose a tion techniques for stream restoration
site that gives information that is repre- efforts. Many important issues can be
sentative of conditions throughout a treated only cursorily within the context
particular reach of stream. Because most of this document, but a number of ref-
hydrologic systems are very complex, it erences are available to provide the
is essential to have a fundamental un- reader with more detailed guidance.
derstanding of the area of interest to Key documents describing methods of
make this determination. water sample collection for chemical
External inputs, such as tributaries or ir- analysis are the U.S. Geological Survey
rigation return flow, as well as output, (USGS) protocol for collecting and pro-
such as ground water recharge, can dras- cessing surface water samples for deter-
tically change the water quality along mining inorganic constituents in
the length of a stream. It is because of filtered water (Horwitz et al. 1994), the
these processes that the hydrologic sys- field guide for collecting and processing
tem must be understood to interpret stream water samples for the National
the data from a particular site. For ex- Water Quality Assessment program
ample, downstream from a significant (Shelton 1994), and the field guide for
lateral source of a load, the dissolved collecting and processing samples of
constituent( s) might be distributed uni- streambed sediment for analyzing trace
formly in the stream channel. Particu- elements and organic contaminants for
late matter, however, typically is the National Water Quality Assessment
stratified. Therefore, the distribution of program (Shelton and Capel 1994). A
a constituent sorbed onto particulate standard reference document describing
matter is not evenly distributed. Averett methods of sediment collection is the
and Schroder ( 19 93) discuss different USGS Techniques for Water-Resource In-
approaches to selecting sites to sample vestigations, Field Methods for Measure-
both surface water and ground water. ment of Pluvial Sediment (Guy and
Sanders et al. (1983) and Stednick Norman 1982). The USGS is preparing
( 1991) also discuss site selection. a national field manual that describes
techniques for collecting and processing
Finally, practical considerations are an
water quality samples (Franceska Wilde,
important part of sample collection.
personal communication, 1997).
Sites first must be accessible, preferably
under a full range of potential flow and

7-64 Chapter 7: Analysis of Corridor Condition

Sampling Protocols for community compositions change dur-
Water and Sediment ing sample storage.)
Stream restoration monitoring may in- Disadvantages of grab sampling include
volve sampling both water and sedi- the potential for personnel to be avail-
ment quality. These samples may be able around the clock to sample during
collected by hand (manual samples), by storms and the potential for personnel
using an automated sampler (automatic to be exposed to hazardous conditions
samples), as individual point-in-time during sampling. Long-term sampling
samples (grab or discrete samples), or programs involving many sampling lo-
combined with other samples (compos- cations can be expensive in terms of
ite samples). Samples collected and labor costs.
mixed in relation to the measured vol- Grab sampling is often used to collect
ume within or flow through a system discrete samples that are not combined
are commonly termed volume- or flow- with other samples. Grab samples can
weighted composite samples, whereas also be used to collect volume- or flow-
equal-volume samples collected at regu- weighted composite samples, where
lar vertical intervals through a portion several discrete samples are combined
or all of the water column may be by proportion to measured volume or
mixed to provide a water column com- flow rates; however, this type of sam-
posite sample. pling is often more easily accomplished
Manual Sampling and Grab Sampling using automated samplers and flow me-
ters. Several examples of manual meth-
Samples collected by hand using vari- ods for flow weighting are presented in
ous types of containers or devices to USEPA (1992a). Grab sampling also
collect water or sediment from a receiv- may be used to composite vertical water
ing water or discharge often are termed column or aerial composite samples of
grab samples. These samples can re- water or sediment from various kinds of
quire little equipment and allow record- water bodies.
ing miscellaneous additional field
observations during each sampling visit. Automatic Sampling

Manual sampling has several advan- Automated samplers have been im-
tages. These approaches are generally proved greatly in the last 10 years and
uncomplicated and often inexpensive now have features that are useful for
(particularly when labor is already many sampling purposes. Generally,
available). Manual sampling is required such sampling devices require larger
for sampling some pollutants. For ex- initial capital investments or the pay-
ample, according to Standard Methods ment of rental fees, but they can reduce
(APHA 1995), oil and grease, volatile overall labor costs (especially for long-
compounds, and bacteria must be ana- running sampling programs) and in-
lyzed from samples collected using crease the reliability of flow-weighted
manual methods. (Oil, grease, and bac- compositing.
teria can adhere to hoses and jars used Some automatic samplers include an
in automated sampling equipment, upper part consisting of a microproces-
causing inaccurate results; volatile com- sor-based controller, a pump assembly,
pounds can vaporize during automated and a filling mechanism, and a lower
sampling procedures or can be lost part containing a set of glass or plastic
from poorly sealed sample containers; sample containers and a well that can
and bacteria populations can grow and be filled with ice to cool the collected

Chemical Characteristics 7- 65
samples. More expensive automatic personnel, but they can reduce these
samplers can include refrigeration needs and can produce flow-weighted
equipment in place of the ice well; such composite samples that might be te-
devices, however, require a 120-volt dious or impossible using manual
power supply instead of a battery. Also, methods.
many automatic samplers can accept
Discrete versus Composite Sampling
input signals from a flowmeter to acti-
vate the sampler and to initiate a flow- Flow rates, physical conditions, and
weighting compositing program. Some chemical constituents in surface waters
samplers can accept input from a rain often vary continuously and simultane-
gauge to activate a sampling program. ously. This presents a difficulty when
determining water volumes, pollutant
Most automatic samplers allow collect- concentrations, and masses of pollu-
ing multiple discrete samples or single tants or their loads in the waste dis-
or multiple composited samples. Also, charge flows and in receiving waters.
samples can be split between sample Using automatic or continuously
bottles or can be composited into a sin- recording flowmeters allows obtaining
gle bottle. Samples can be collected on reasonable and continuous flow rate
a predetermined time basis or in pro- measurements for these waters. Pollu-
portion to flow measurement signals tant loads can then be computed by
sent to the sampler. multiplying these flow volumes over the
In spite of the obvious advantages of period of concern by the average pollu-
automated samplers, they have some tant concentration determined from the
disadvantages and limitations. Some discrete or flow-composited samples.
pollutants cannot be sampled by auto- When manual (instantaneous) flow
mated equipment unless only qualita- measurements are used, actual volume
tive results are desired. Although the flows over time can be estimated only
cleaning sequence provided by most for loading calculations, adding addi-
such samplers provide reasonably sepa- tional uncertainty to loading estimates.
rate samples, there is some cross-conta- Analyzing constituents of concern in a
mination of the samples since water single grab sample collection provides
droplets usually remain in the tubing. the minimum information at the mini-
Debris in the sampled receiving water mum cost. Such an approach, however,
can block the sampling line and pre- could be appropriate where conditions
vent sample collection. If the sampling are relatively stable; for example, during
line is located in the vicinity of a periods without rainfall or other poten-
flowmeter, debris caught on the sam- tial causes of significant runoff and
pling line can also lead to erroneous when the stream is well-mixed. Most
flow measurements. often, the usual method is to collect a
While automatic samplers can reduce random or regular series of grab sam-
manpower needs during storm and ples at predefined intervals during
runoff events, these devices must be storm or runoff events.
checked for accuracy during these When samples are collected often
events and must be regularly tested and enough, such that concentration
serviced. If no field checks are made changes between samples are mini-
during a storm event, data for the entire mized, a clear pattern or time series for
event may be lost. Thus, automatic sam- the pollutant's concentration dynamics
plers do not eliminate the need for field can be obtained. When sampling inter-

7-66 Chapter 7: Analysis of Corridor Condition

vals are spaced too far apart in relation The most useful method for sample
to changes in the pollutant concentra- compositing is to combine samples in
tion, less clear understanding of these relation to the flow volume occurring
relationships is obtained. Mixing sam- during study period intervals. There are
ples from adjacent sampling events or two variations for accomplishing flow-
regions (compositing) requires fewer weighted compositing:
samples to be analyzed; for some as- 1. Collect samples at equal time inter-
sessments, this is a reasonable ap- vals at a volume proportional to the
proach. Sample compositing provides a flow rate (e.g., collect 100 mL of sam-
savings, especially related to costs for ple for every 100 gallons of flow that
water quality analyses, but it also results passed during a 10-minute interval)
in loss of information. For example, in- or
formation on maximum and minimum
concentrations during a runoff event is 2. Collect equal-volume samples at
usually lost. But compositing many varying times proportional to the
samples collected through multiple pe- flow (e.g., collect a 100-mL sample
riods during the events can help ensure for each 100 gallons of flow, irrespec-
that the samples analyzed do not in- tive of time).
clude only extreme conditions that are The second method is preferable for es-
not entirely representative of the event. timating load accompanying wet
Even though analytical results from weather flows, since it results in sam-
composited samples rarely equal aver- ples being collected most often when
age conditions for the event, they can the flow rate is highest.
still be used, when a sufficient distribu- Another compositing method is time-
tion of samples is included, to provide composited sampling, where equal
reasonably representative conditions for sample volumes are collected at equally
computing loading estimates. In some spaced time intervals (e.g., collect 100
analyses, however, considerable errors mL of sample every 10 minutes during
can be made when using analytical re- the monitored event). This approach
sults from composited samples in com- provides information on the average
pleting loading analyses. For example, conditions at the sampling point during
when maximum pollutant concentra- the sampling period. It should be used,
tions accompany the maximum flow for example, to determine the average
rates, yet concentrations in high and toxic concentrations to which resident
low flows are treated equally, true load- aquatic biota are exposed during the
ings can be underestimated. monitored event.
Consequently, when relationships be-
Field Analyses of Water Quality
tween flow and pollutant concentra-
tions are unknown, it is often
preferable initially to include in the Concentrations of various water quality
monitoring plan at least three discrete parameters may be monitored both in
or multiple composite sample collec- the field and in samples submitted to a
tions: during the initial period of in- laboratory (Figure 7.35). Some parame-
creasing flow, during the period of the ters, such as water temperature, must be
peak or plateau flow, and during the pe- obtained in the field. Parameters such
riod of declining flow. as concentrations of specific synthetic
organic chemicals require laboratory
analysis. Other parameters, such as nu-

Chemical Characteristics 7- 67
lyzed in the field, including pH, tem-
perature, and dissolved oxygen (DO) .
Levels of pH can change rapidly in sam-
ples after collection. Consequently, pH
often is measured in the field using a
hand-held pH electrode and meter.
Electrodes are easily damaged and con-
taminated and must be calibrated with
a standard solution before each use.
During calibrations and when site mea-
surements are conducted, field instru-
ments should be at thermal equilibrium
with the solutions being measured.
Because water temperature changes
rapidly after collection, it must be mea-
sured either in the field (using in situ
probes) or immediately after collecting
a grab sample. EPA Method 170.1 de-
scribes procedures for thermometric de-
termination of water temperature.
Smaller streams often experience wide
Figure 7.35: Field sampling. Sampling can also diurnal variations in temperature, as
be automated.
well as pH and DO. Many streams also
experience vertical and longitudinal
trient concentrations, can be measured variability in temperature from shading
by both field and laboratory analytical and flow velocity. Because of the effect
methods. For chemical constituents, of temperature on other water quality
field measurements generally should be factors, such as dissolved oxygen con-
considered as qualitative screening val- centration, temperatures always should
ues since rigorous quality control is not be recorded when other field measure-
possible. In addition, samples collected ments are made.
for compliance with Clean Water Act re-
Dissolved Oxygen
quirements must be analyzed by a labo-
ratory certified by the appropriate When multiple DO readings are re-
authority, either the state or the USEPA. quired, a DO electrode and meter (EPA
The laboratories must use analytic tech- method 360.1) are typically used. To
niques listed in the Code of Federal Regu- obtain accurate measurements, the Win-
lations (CFR), Title 40, Part 136, kler titration method should be used to
"Guidelines Establishing Test Proce- calibrate the meter before and after each
dures for Analysis of Pollutants Under day's use. Often it is valuable to recheck
the Clean Water Act." the calibration during days of intensive
use, particularly when the m easure-
The balance of this subsection notes
special considerations regarding those ments are of critical importance.
parameters typically sampled and ana- Oxygen electrodes are fragile and sub-
ject to contamination, and they need

7-68 Chapter 7: Analysis of Corridor Condition

frequent maintenance. Membranes cov- metals are the concern, bottles should
ering these probes must be replaced not have metal components that can
when bubbles form under the mem- contaminate the collected water sam-
brane, and the electrode should be kept ples. Similarly, when organic contami-
full of fresh electrolyte solution. If the nants are the concern, bottles and caps
meter has temperature and salinity should be made of materials not likely
compensation controls, they should be to leach into the sample.
used carefully, according to the manu-
Sample Preservation, Handling,
facturer's instructions.
and Storage
Water Quality Sample Sample preservation techniques and
Preparation and Handling for maximum holding times are presented
Laboratory Analysis in APHA (1995) and 40 CFR Part 136.
Cooling samples to a temperature of
Sample collection, preparation, preser-
4 degrees Celsius (°C) is required for
vation, and storage guidelines are de-
most water quality variables. To accom-
signed to minimize altering sample
plish this, samples are usually placed in
constituents. Containers must be made
a cooler containing ice or an ice substi-
of materials that will not interact with
tute. Many automated samplers have a
pollutants in the sample, and they
well next to the sample bottles to hold
should be cleaned in such a way that
either ice or ice substitutes. Some more
neither the container nor the cleaning
expensive automated samplers have re-
agents interfere with sample analysis.
frigeration equipment requiring a
Sometimes, sample constituents must
source of electricity. Other preservation
be preserved before they degrade or
techniques include pH adjustment and
transform prior to analysis. Also, speci-
chemical fixation. When needed, pH
fied holding times for the sample must
adjustments are usually made using
not be exceeded. Standard procedures
strong acids and bases, and extreme
for collecting, preserving, and storing
care should be exercised when handing
samples are presented in APHA (1995)
these substances.
and at 40 CFR Part 136. Useful material
also is contained in the USEPA NPDES Bacterial analysis may be warranted,
Storm Water Sampling Guidance Docu- particularly where there are concerns re-
ment (1992a) . garding inputs of sewage and other
wastes or fecal contamination. Bacterial
Most commercial laboratories provide
samples have a short holding time and
properly cleaned sampling containers
are not collected by automated sampler.
with appropriate preservatives. The lab-
Similarly, volatile compounds must be
oratories also usually indicate the m axi- collected by grab sample, since they are
mum allowed holding periods for each
lost through volatilization in automatic
analysis. Acceptable procedures for
sampling equipment.
cleaning sample bottles, preserving
their contents, and analyzing for appro- Sample Labeling
priate chemicals are detailed in various Samples should be labeled with water-
methods m anuals, including APHA proof labels. Enough information
(1995) and USEPA (1 979a). Water sam- sh ould b e recorded to ensure that each
plers, sampling h oses, and sample stor- sample label is un ique. The information
age bottles always should be made of recorded on sample container labels
m aterials compatible with the goals of also should be recorded in a sampling
the study. For example, when heavy notebook kept by field personnel. The

Chemical Characteristics 7- 69
label typically includes the following ing at its collection and ending when it
information: is analyzed. At each transfer of posses-
• Name of project. sion, both the relinquisher and the re-
ceiver of the samples are required to
• Location of monitoring. sign and date the form. The form and
• Specific sample location. the procedure document possession of
the samples and help prevent tamper-
• Date and time of sample collection.
ing. The container holding samples also
• Name or initials of sampler. can be sealed with a signed tape or seal
• Analysis to be performed. to help ensure that samples are not
• Sample ID number.
Copies of the chain-of-custody form
• Preservative used. should be retained by the sampler and
• Type of sample (grab, composite). by the laboratory. Contract laboratories
often supply chain-of-custody forms
Sample Packaging and Shipping
with sample containers. The form is
It is sometimes necessary to ship sam- also useful for documenting which
ples to the laboratory. Holding times analyses will be performed on the sam-
should be checked before shipment to ples. These forms typically contain the
ensure that they will not be exceeded. following information:
Although wastewater samples are not
• Name of project and sampling loca-
usually considered hazardous, some
samples, such as those with extreme
pH, require special procedures. If the • Date and time that each sample is
sample is shipped through a common collected.
carrier or the U.S. Postal Service, it must • Names of sampling personnel.
comply with Department of Transporta-
tion Hazardous Material Regulations • Sample identification names and
( 49 CFR Parts 171 -177). Air shipment numbers.
of samples defined as hazardous may • Types of sample containers.
be covered by the requirements of the
• Analyses performed on each sample.
International Air Transport Association.
• Additional comments on each
Samples should be sealed in leakproof
bags and padded against breakage.
Many samples must be packed with an • Names of all those transporting the
ice substitute to maintain a temperature samples.
of 4 degrees C during shipment. Plastic
Collecting and Handling
or metal recreational coolers make ideal
Sediment Quality Samples
shipping containers because they pro-
tect and insulate the samples. Accompa- Sediments are sinks for a wide variety
nying paperwork, such as the of materials. Nonpoint source dis-
chain-of-custody documentation, charges typically include large quanti-
should be sealed in a waterproof bag in ties of suspended material that settle
the shipping container. out in sections of receiving waters hav-
Chain of Custody ing low water velocities. Nutrients,
metals, and organic compounds can
Chain-of-custody forms document each bind to suspended solids and settle to
change in possession of a sample, start- the bottom of a water body when flow

7- 70 Chapter 7: Analysis of Corridor Condition

velocity is insufficient to keep them in peel, and Van Veen dredges. When in-
suspension. Contaminants bound to formation is needed about how chemi-
sediments may remain separated from cal depositions and accumulations have
the water column, or they may be resus- varied through time, sediment cores can
pended in the water column. be collected with a core sampling de-
Flood scouring, bioturbation (mixing vice. Very low density or very coarse
by biological organisms), desorption, sediments can be sampled by freeze
and biological uptake all promote the coring. A thorough description of sedi-
release of adsorbed pollutants. Organ- ment samplers is included in Klemm et
isms that live and feed in sediment are al. (1990).
especially vulnerable to contaminants Sediment sampling techniques are use-
in sediments. Having entered the food ful for two types of investigations re-
chain, contaminants can pass to feeders lated to stream assessments:
at higher food (trophic) levels and can ( 1) chemical analysis of sediments and
accumulate or concentrate in these or- (2) investigation of benthic macroinver-
ganisms. Humans can ingest these con- tebrate communities. In either type of
taminants by eating fish. investigation, sediments from reference
Sediment deposition also can physically stations should be sampled so that they
alter benthic (bottom) habitats and af- can be compared with sediments in the
fect habitat and reproductive potentials affected receiving waters. Sediments
for many fish and invertebrates. Sedi- used for chemical analyses should be
ment sampling should allow all these removed from the dredge or core sam-
impact potentials to be assessed. ples by scraping back the surface layers
of the collected sediment and extracting
Collection Techniques sediments from the central mass of the
Sediment samples are collected using collected sample. This helps to avoid
hand- or winch-operated dredges. Al- possible contamination of the sample
though a wide variety of dredges are by the sample device. Sediment samples
available, most operate in the following for toxicological and chemical examina-
similar fashion: tion should be collected following
method E 1391 detailed in ASTM
1. The device is lowered or pushed
( 19 91). Sediments for benthic popula-
through the water column by hand
tion analyses may be returned in total
or winch.
for cleaning and analysis or may receive
2. The device is released to allow clo- a preliminary cleaning in the field using
sure, either by the attached line or by a No. 30 sieve.
a weighted messenger that is
Sediment Analyses
dropped down the line.
There are a variety of sediment analysis
3. The scoops or jaws of the device
techniques, each designed with inherent
close either by weight or spring
assumptions about the behavior of sed-
iments and sediment-bound contami-
4. The device is retrieved to the surface. nants. An overview of developing
Ideally, the device disturbs the bottom techniques is presented in Adams et al.
as little as possible and closes fully so (1992). EPA has evaluated 11 of the
that fine particles are not lost. Com- methods available for assessing sedi-
mon benthic sampling devices include ment quality (USEPA 1989b ). Some of
the Ponar, Eckman, Peterson, Orange- the techniques may help to demonstrate

Chemical Characteristics 7- 71
attainment of narrative requirements of or the recording of erroneous data. Lost
some water quality standards. Two of or erroneous data can severely damage
these common analyses are introduced the quality of monitoring programs. A
briefly in the following paragraphs. sound and efficient data management
Bulk sediment analyses analyze the program for a monitoring program
total concentration of contaminants should focus on preventing such prob-
that are either bound to sediments or lems. This requires that data be man-
present in pore water. Results are re- aged directly and separately from the
ported in milligrams or micrograms per activities that use them.
kilogram of sediment material. This Data management systems include tech-
type of testing often serves as a screen- nical and managerial components. The
ing analysis to classify dredged material. technical components involve selecting
Results of bulk testing tend to overesti- appropriate computer equipment and
mate the mass of contaminants that software and designing the database, in-
will be available for release or for bio- cluding data definition, data standard-
logical uptake because a portion of the ization, and a data dictionary. The
contaminants are not biologically avail- managerial components include data
able or likely to dissolve. entry, data validation and verification,
Elutriate testing estimates the amount of data access, and methods for users to
contaminants likely to be released from access the data.
sediments when mixed with water. In To ensure the integrity of the database,
an elutriate test, sediment is mixed with it is imperative that data quality be con-
water and then agitated. The standard trolled from the point of collection to
elutriate test for dredge material mixes the time the information is entered into
four parts water from the receiving the database. Field and laboratory per-
water body with one part sediment sonnel must carefully enter data into
(USEPA 1990). After vigorous mixing, proper spaces on data sheets and avoid
the sample is allowed to settle before transposing numbers. To avoid tran-
the supernatant is filtered and analyzed scription errors, entries into a database
for contaminants. This test was de- should be made from original data
signed to estimate the amount of mate- sheets or photocopies. As a preliminary
rial likely to enter the dissolved phase screen for data quality, the database de-
during dredging; however, it is also use- sign should include automatic parame-
ful as a screening test for determining ter range checking. Values outside the
whether further testing should be per- defined ranges should be flagged by the
formed and as a tool for comparing program and immediately corrected or
sediments upstream and downstream of included in a follow-up review of the
potential pollutant sources. entered data. For some parameters, it
might be appropriate to include auto-
Data Management matic checks to disallow duplicate val-
All monitoring data should be orga- ues. Preliminary database files should
nized and stored in a readily accessible be printed and verified against the orig-
form. The potentially voluminous and inal data to identify errors.
diverse nature of the data, and the vari- Additional data validation can include
ety of individuals who can be involved expert review of the verified data to
in collecting, recording, and entering identify possible suspicious values.
data, can easily lead to the loss of data Sometimes, consultation with the indi-

7- 72 Chapter 7: Analysis of Corridor Condition

viduals responsible for collecting or en- to produce data of quality sufficient
tering original data is required to resolve to meet project objectives. Guidance
problems. After all data are verified and for producing the QAPP (formerly
validated, they can be merged into the termed the QAPjP) is contained in
monitoring program's master database. USEPA (1983e). The plan must
To prevent loss of data from computer address the following items:
failure, at least one set of duplicate • Title of project and names of
(backup) database files should be principal investigators.
maintained at a location other than
where the master database is kept. • Table of contents.
• Project description.
Quality Assurance and Quality
Control (QA/QC) • Project organization and QA/QC
Quality assurance (QA) is the manage-
• Quality assurance objectives and
ment process to ensure the quality of
criteria for determining precision,
data. In the case of monitoring projects,
accuracy, completeness, representa-
it is managing environmental data col-
tiveness, and comparability of data.
lection to ensure the collection of high-
quality data. QA focuses on systems, • Sampling procedures.
policies, procedures, program structures, • Sample custody.
and delegation of responsibility that
will result in high-quality data. Quality • Calibration procedures.
control (QC) is a group of specific pro- • Analytical procedures.
cedures designed to meet defined data
• Data reduction, validation, and
quality objectives. For example, equip-
ment calibration and split samples are
QC procedures. QA/QC procedures are • Internal quality control checks.
essential to ensure that data collected in • Performance and system audits.
environmental monitoring programs are
useful and reliable. • Preventive maintenance proce-
The following are specific QA plans re-
quired of environmental monitoring • Specific routine procedures to
projects that receive funding from EPA: assess data precision, accuracy,
representativeness, and compara-
• State and local governments receiving bility.
EPA assistance for environmental
monitoring projects must complete a • Corrective action.
quality assurance program plan • Quality assurance reports.
acceptable to the award official.
Sample and Analytical Quality Control
Guidance for producing the program
plan is contained in USEPA (1983d). The following quality control tech-
niques are useful in assessing sampling
• Environmental monitoring projects
and analytic performance (see also
that receive EPA funding must file a
USEPA 1979b, Horwitz et al. 1994):
quality assurance project plan, or
QAPP, (40 CFR 30.503), the purpose • Duplicate samples are independent
of which is to ensure quality of a spe- samples collected in such a manner
cific project. The QAPP describes that they are equally representative of
quality assurance practices designed the contaminants of interest. Dupli-

Chemical Characteristics 7- 73
cate samples, when analyzed by the er at the sampling site. Field blanks
same laboratory, provide precision test for contamination in the deion-
information for the entire measure- ized water and contamination intro-
ment system, including sample duced through the sampling proce-
collection, homogeneity, handling, dure. They differ from trip blanks,
shipping, storage, preparation, and which remain unopened in the field.
analysis. • Trip blanks test for cross-contamina-
• Split samples have been divided into tion during transit of volatile con-
two or more portions at some point stituents, such as many synthetic
in the measurement process. Split organic compounds and mercury. For
samples that are divided in the field each shipment of sample containers
yield results relating precision to sent to the analytical laboratory, one
handling, shipping, storage, prepara- container is filled with analyte-free
tion, and analysis. The split samples water at the laboratory and is sealed.
may be sent to different laboratories The blanks are transported to the site
and subjected to the same measure- with the balance of the sample con-
ment process to assess interlaborato- tainers and remain unopened.
ry variation. Split samples serve an Otherwise, they are handled in the
oversight function in assessing the same manner as the other samples.
analytical portion of the measure- The trip blanks are returned to the
ment system, whereas error due to laboratory with the samples and are
sampling technique may be estimat- analyzed for the volatile constituents.
ed by analyzing duplicate versions of
Field Quality Assurance
the same sample.
Errors or a lack of standardization in
• Spiked samples are those to which a field procedures can significantly de-
known quantity of a substance is crease the reliability of environmental
added. The results of spiking a sam- monitoring data. If required, a quality
ple in the field are usually expressed assurance project plan should be fol-
as percent recovery of the added lowed for field measurement proce-
material. Spiked samples provide a dures and equipment. If the QAPP is
check of the accuracy of laboratory not formally required, a plan including
and analytic procedures. similar material should be developed to
Sampling accuracy can be estimated by ensure the quality of data collected.
evaluating the results obtained from Standard operating procedures should
blanks. The most suitable types of be followed when available and should
blanks for this appraisal are equipment, be developed when not.
field, and trip blanks. It is important that quality procedures
• Equipment blanks are samples obtained be followed and regularly examined.
by running analyte-free water through For example, field meters can provide
sample collection equipment, such as erroneous values if they are not regu-
a bailer, pump, or auger, after decon- larly calibrated and maintained.
tamination procedures are complet- Reagent solutions and probe electrolyte
ed. These samples are used to deter- solutions have expiration periods and
mine whether variation is introduced should be refreshed periodically.
by sampling equipment.
• Field blanks are made by transferring
deionized water to a sample contain-

7- 74 Chapter 7: Analysis of Corridor Condition

7. D Biological Characteristics

Nearly all analytical procedures for as- for the corridor, a value observed at an
sessing the condition of biological re- "unimpacted" reference site, a range of
sources can be used in stream corridor values observed in other systems, or a
restoration. Such procedures differ, normative value for that class of stream
however, in their scale and focus and in corridors in a stream classification sys-
the assumptions, knowledge, and effort tem. However, the indicator itself and
required to apply them. These proce- the analysis that establishes the value
dures can be grouped into two broad of the indicator provide no direct infor-
classes-synthetic measures of system mation about what has caused the sys-
condition and analyses based on how tem to have a particular value for the
well the system satisfies the life history indicator.
requirements of target species or species Deciding what to change in the system
groups. to improve the value of the indicator
The most important difference between depends on a temporal analysis in
these classes is the logic of how they are which observed changes in the indica-
applied in managing or restoring a tor in one system are correlated with
stream corridor system. This chapter fo- various management actions or on a
cuses on metrics of biological condi- spatial analysis in which values of the
tions and does not describe, for indicator in different systems are corre-
example, actual field methods for lated with different values of likely con-
counting organisms. trolling variables. In both cases, no
more than a general empirical correla-
Synthetic Measures of System tion between specific causal factors and
Condition the indicator variable is attempted.
Synthetic measures of system condition Thus, management or restoration based
summarize some aspect of the struc- on synthetic measures of system condi-
tural or functional status of a system at tion relies heavily on iterative monitor-
a particular point in time. Complete ing of the indicator variable and trial
measurement of the state of a stream and error, or adaptive management, ap-
corridor system, or even a complete proaches. For example, an index of
census of all of the species present, is species composition based on the pres-
not feasible. Thus, good indicators of ence or absence of a set of sensitive
system condition are efficient in the species might be generally correlated
sense that they summarize the health of with water quality, but the index itself
the overall system without having to provides no information on how water
measure everything about the system. quality should be improved. However,
the success of management actions in
Use of indicators of system condition in
improving water quality could be
management or restoration depends
tracked and evaluated through iterative
completely on comparison to values of
measurement of the index.
the indicator observed in other systems
or at other times. Thus, the current Synthetic measures of system condition
value of an indicator for a degraded vary along a number of important di-
stream corridor can be compared to a mensions that determine their applica-
previously measured preimpact value bility. In certain situations, single
for the corridor, a desired future value species might be good indicators of

Biological Characteristics 7- 75
Indicator Species
Landres et al. ( 1988) define an indicator
Stream Visual Assessment Protocol species as an organism whose character-
istics (e.g., presence or absence, popula-
This is another assessment tool that provides a basic
tion density, dispersion, reproductive
level of stream health evaluation. It is intended to be the
success) are used as an index of attrib-
first level in a four-part hierarchy of assessment protocols
utes too difficult, inconvenient, or ex-
that facilitate planning stream restorations. Scores are
pensive to measure for oth er species or
assigned by the planners for the following:
environmental conditions of interest.
• Channel condition Ecologists and management agencies
• Hydrologic alteration have used aquatic and terrestrial indica-
• Riparian zone width tor species for many years as assessment
tools, the late 1970s and early 1980s
• Bank stability
being a peak interest period. During that
• Canopy cover time, Habitat Evaluation Procedures
• Water appearance (HEP) were developed by the U.S. Fish
• Nutrient enrichment and Wildlife Service, and the U.S. Forest
• Manure presence Service's use of management indicator
species was mandated by law with pas-
• Salinity
sage of the National Forest Management
• Barriers to fish movement Act in 1976. Since that time, numerous
• lnstream fish cover authors have expressed concern about
• Pools the ability of indicator species to meet
• Riffle quality the expectations expressed in the above
definition. Most notably, Landres et al.
• Invertebrate habitat
(1988) critically evaluated the use of
• M acroinvertebrates observed vertebrate species as ecological indica-
The p lanning assessment concludes with narratives of tors and suggested that rigorous justifi-
the suspected causes of observed problems, as well as cation and evaluation are needed before
recommendations or further steps in the planning the concept is used. The discussion of
process (USDA-NRCS 1998). indicator species below is largely based
on their paper.
The Good and Bad of Indicator Species
Indicator species have been used to pre-
some aspect of a stream corridor sys- dict environmental contamination,
tem; in others, community metrics, population trends, and habitat quality;
such as diversity, might be more suit- however, their use in evaluating water
able. Some indicators incorporate phys- quality is not covered in this section.
ical variables, and others do not. The assumptions implicit in using indi-
Measurements of processes and rates, cators are that if the habitat is suitable
such as primary productivity and chan- for the indicator it is also suitable for
nel meandering rates, are incorporated other species (usually in a similar eco-
into some and not into others. Each of logical guild) and that wildlife popula-
these dimensions must be evaluated rel- tions reflect habitat conditions.
ative to the objectives of the restoration However, because each species has
effort to determine which, if any, indi- unique life requisites, the relationship
cator is most appropriate. between the indicator and its guild may

7- 76 Chapter 7: Analysis of Corridor Condition

not be completely reliable, although the species do not reflect change as well
literature is inconsistent in this regard as more sensitive endemics. However,
(see Riparian Response Guilds subsec- because specialists usually have lower
tion below). It is also difficult to in- populations, they might not be the
clude all the factors that might limit a best for cost-effective sampling.
population when selecting a group of When the goal of monitoring is to
species that an indicator is expected to evaluate on-site conditions, using
represent. For example, similarities in indicators that occur only within the
breeding habitat between the indicator site makes sense. However, although
and its associates might appear to permanent residents may better
group species when in fact differences reflect local conditions, the goal of
in predation rates, disease, or winter many riparian restoration efforts is to
habitat actually limit populations. provide habitat for neotropical
Some management agencies use verte- migratory birds. In this case, resi-
brate indicators to track changes in dents such as cardinals or woodpeck-
habitat condition or to assess the influ- ers might not serve as good indica-
ence of habitat alteration on selected tors for migrating warblers.
species. Habitat suitability indices and • Size of the species home range. If
other habitat models are often used for possible, the home range should be
this purpose, though the metric chosen larger than that of other species in
to measure a species' response to its the evaluation area. Management
habitat can influence the outcome of agencies often are forced to use high-
the investigation. As Van Horne (1983) profile game or threatened and
pointed out, density and other abun- endangered species as indicators.
dance metrics may be misleading indi- Game species are often poor indica-
cators of habitat quality. Use of tors simply because their populations
diversity and other indices to estimate are highly influenced by hunting
habitat quality also creates problems mortality, which can mask environ-
when the variation in measures yields mental effects. Species with low pop-
an average value for an index that ulations or restrictions on sampling
might not represent either extreme. methods, such as threatened and
endangered species, are also poor
Selecting Indicators
indicators because they are difficult
Landres et al. (1988) suggest that if the to sample adequately, often due to
decision is made to use indicators, then budget constraints. For example,
several factors are important to consider Verner (1986) found that costs to
in the selection process: detect a 10 percent change in a ran-
• Sensitivity of the species to the envi- domly sampled population of pileat-
ronmental attribute being evaluated. ed woodpeckers would exceed a mil-
When possible, data that suggest a lion dollars per year.
cause-and-effect relationship are pre- • Response of an indicator species to
ferred to correlates (to ensure the an environmental stressor cannot be
indicator reflects the variable of inter- expected to be consistent across vary-
est and not a correlate). ing geographic locations or habitats
• Indicator accurately and precisely without corroborative research.
responds to the measured effect.
High variation statistically limits the
ability to detect effects. Generalist

Biological Characteristics 7- 77
Riparian Response Guilds document when, during the recovery
Vertebrate response guilds as indicators stage, the more sensitive species out-
of restoration success in riparian ecosys- compete generalists.
tems may be a valuable monitoring tool Aquatic Invertebrates
but should be used with the same cau-
Aquatic invertebrates have been used as
tions presented above. Croonquist and
indicators of stream and riparian health
Brooks (1991) evaluated the effects of
for many years. Perhaps more than
anthropogenic disturbances on small
other taxa, they are closely tied to both
mammals and birds along Pennsylvania
aquatic and riparian habitat. Their life
waterways. They evaluated species in
cycles usually include periods in and
five different response guilds, including
out of the water, with ties to riparian
wetland dependency, trophic level,
vegetation for feeding, pupation, emer-
species status (endangered, recreational,
gence, mating, and egg laying (Erman
native, exotic), habitat specificity, and
seasonality (birds) .
It is often important to look at the en-
They found that community coefficient
tire assemblage of aquatic invertebrates
indices were better indicators than
as an indicator group. Impacts to a
species richness. The habitat specificity
stream often decrease diversity but
and seasonality response guilds for birds
might increase the abundance of some
were best able to distinguish those
species, with the size of the first species
species sensitive to disturbance from
to be affected often larger (Wallace and
those which were not affected or were
Gurtz 1986). In summary, a good indi-
benefited. Neotropical migrants and
cator species should be low on the food
species with specific habitat require-
chain to respond quickly, should have a
ments were the best predictors of distur-
narrow tolerance to change, and should
bance. Edge and exotic species were
be a native species (Erman 1991 ).
greater in abundance in the disturbed
habitats and might serve as good indica- Diversity and Related Indices
tors there. Seasonality analysis showed
migrant breeders were more common in Biological diversity refers to the number
undisturbed areas, which, as suggested of species in an area or region and in-
by Verner (1984), indicates the ability of cludes a measure of the variety of
guild analysis to distinguish local im- species in a community that takes into
pacts. Mammalian response guilds did account the relative abundance of each
not exhibit any significant sensitivity to species (Ricklefs 1990). When measur-
disturbance and were considered unsuit- ing diversity, it is important to clearly
able as indicators. define the biological objectives, stating
exactly what attributes of the system are
In contrast, Mannan et al. (1984)
of concern and why (Schroeder and
found that in only one of the five avian
Keller 1990). Different measures of di-
guilds tested was the density of birds
versity can be applied at various levels
consistent across managed and undis-
of complexity, to different taxonomic
turbed forests. In other words, popula-
groups, and at distinct spatial scales.
tion response to restoration might not
Several factors should be considered
be consistent across different indicator
in using diversity as a measure of sys-
guilds. Also, periodically monitoring
tem condition for stream corridor
restoration initiatives is necessary to

7- 78 Chapter 7: Analysis of Corridor Condition

Levels of Complexity Spatial Scale
Diversity can be measured at several Diversity can be measured within the
levels of complexity-genetic, popula- bounds of a single community, across
tion/ species, community/ ecosystem, community boundaries, or in large
and landscape (Noss 1994). There is no areas encompassing many communi-
single correct level of complexity to use ties. Diversity within a relatively
because different scientific or manage- homogeneous community is known
ment issues are focused on different as alpha diversity. Diversity between
levels (Meffe et al. 1994). The level of communities, described as the amount
complexity chosen for a specific stream of differentiation along habitat gradi-
corridor restoration initiative should be ents, is termed beta diversity. The total
determined based on careful considera- diversity across very large landscapes
tion of the biological objectives of the is gamma diversity. Noss and Harris
project. (1986) note that management for
alpha diversity may increase local
Subsets of Concern
species richness, while the regional
Overall diversity within any given level landscape (gamma diversity) may be-
of complexity may be of less concern come more homogeneous and less
than diversity of a particular subset of diverse overall. They recommend a
species or habitats. Measures of overall goal of maintaining the regional species
diversity include all of the elements of pool in an approximately natural rela-
concern and do not provide informa- tive abundance pattern. The specific
tion about the occurrence of specific el- size of the area of concern should be
ements. For example, measures of defined when diversity objectives are
overall species diversity do not provide established.
information about the presence of indi-
vidual species or species groups of man- Measures of Diversity
agement concern. Magurran (1988) describes three main
Any important subsets of diversity categories of diversity measures- rich-
should be described in the process of ness indices, abundance models, and
setting biological objectives. At the indices based on proportional abun-
community level, subsets of species of dance. Richness indices are measures
interest might include native, endemic, of the number of species (or other
locally rare or threatened, specific element of diversity) in a specific sam-
guilds (e.g., cavity users), or taxonomic pling unit and are the most widely used
groups (e.g., amphibians, breeding indices (Magurran 1988). Abundance
birds, macroinvertebrates ). At the terres- models account for the evenness (equi-
trial landscape level, subsets of diversity tability) of distribution of species and
could include forest types or seral stages fit various distributions to known mod-
(Noss 1994). Thus, for a specific stream els, such as the geometric series, log se-
corridor project, measurement of diver- ries, lognorrnal, or broken stick. Indices
sity may be limited to a target group of based on the proportional abundance
special concern. In this manner, com- of species combine both richness and
parison of diversity levels becomes evenness into a single index. A variety
more meaningful. of such indices exist, the most common
of which is the Shannon-Weaver diver-
sity index (Krebs 1978):
H = - LP; loge P;

Biological Characteristics 7- 79
where • A measure of habitat diversity.
H= index of species diversity • A measure of local rarity.
S= number of species Other indices used to measure various
pi= proportion of total sample aspects of diversity include vegetation
belonging to the i'11 species measures, such as foliage height diver-
sity (MacArthur and MacArthur 1961 ),
Results of most studies using diversity and landscape measures, such as fractal
indices are relatively insensitive to the dimension, fragmentation indices, and
particular index used (Ricklefs 1979). juxtaposition (Noss 1994).
For example, bird species diversity in-
dices from 267 breeding bird censuses Related Integrity Indices
were highly correlated (r = 0.97) with Karr (1981) developed the Index of Bi-
simple counts of bird species richness otic Integrity to assess the diversity and
(Tramer 1969). At the species level, a health of aquatic communities. This
simple measure of richness is most index is designed to assess the present
often used in conservation biology status of the aquatic community using
studies because the many rare species fish community parameters related to
that characterize most systems are gen- species composition, species richness,
erally of greater interest than the com- and ecological factors. Species composi-
mon species that dominate in diversity tion and richness parameters may in-
indices and because accurate popula- clude the presence of intolerant species,
tion density estimates are often not the richness and composition of spe-
available (Meffe et al. 1994). cific species groups (e.g., darters), or the
Simple measures of species richness, proportion of specific groups (e.g., hy-
however, are not sensitive to the actual brid individuals). Ecological parameters
species composition of an area. Similar may include the proportion of top car-
richness values in two different areas nivores, number of individuals, or pro-
may represent very different sets of portion with disease or other
species. The usefulness of these mea- anomalies. Key parameters are devel-
sures can be increased by considering oped for the stream system of interest,
specific subsets of species of most con- and each parameter is assigned a rating.
cern, as mentioned above. Magurran The overall rating of a stream is used to
(1988) recommends going beyond the evaluate the quality of the aquatic
use of a single diversity measure and ex- biota.
amining the shape of the species abun- Rapid Bioassessment
dance distribution as well. Breeding Rapid bioassessment techniques are
bird census data from an 18-hectare most appropriate when restoration
(ha) riparian deciduous forest habitat goals are nonspecific and broad, such
in Ohio (Tramer 1996) can be used to as improving the overall aquatic com-
illustrate these different methods of munity or establishing a more balanced
presentation (Figure 7.36). Breeding and diverse community in the stream
bird species richness in this riparian corridor. Bioassessment often refers to
habitat was 38. use of biotic indices or composite
Pielou (1 993 ) recommends the use of analyses, such as those used by Ohio
three indices to adequately assess diver- EPA (1990), and rapid bioassessment
sity in terrestrial systems: protocols (RBP), such as those docu-
• A measure of plant species diversity. mented by Plafkin et al. (1989) . Ohio

7- 80 Chapter 7: Analysis of Corridor Condition

EPA evaluates biotic integrity by using
an invertebrate community index (ICI)
liijtil Species
American robin 18.5
that emphasizes structural attributes of
2 House wren 13
invertebrate communities and com-
3 Gray catbird 10.5
pares the sample community with a ref-
4 Song sparrow 9.5
erence or control community. The ICI is
5 Northern cardinal 7.5
based on 10 metrics that describe differ-
6 Baltimore oriole 7
ent taxonomic and pollution tolerance
7 Warbling vireo 6
relationships within the macroinverte-
8 Wood thrush 4.5
brate community. The RBP established
9 Common grackle 4.5
by USEPA (Plafkin et al. 1989) were de-
10 Eastern wood-pewee 4
veloped to provide states with the tech-
11 Red-eyed vireo 4
nical information necessary for
12 Indigo bunting 4
conducting cost-effective biological as-
13 Red-winged blackbird 4
sessments. The RBP are divided into five
14 Mourning dove 3
sets of protocols (RBP I to V), three for
15 Northern flicker 3
macroinvertebrates and two for fish
16 Blue jay 3
(Table 7.8).
17 Tufted titmouse 3
Algae 18 White-breasted nuthatch 3

Although not detailed by Plafkin et al. 19 American redstart 3

20 Rose-breasted grosbeak 3
(1989), algal communities are useful
for bioassessment. Algae generally have 21 Downy woodpecker 2
22 Great crested flycatcher 2
short life spans and rapid reproduction
23 Black-capped chickadee 2
rates, making them useful for evaluating
24 Carolina wren 2
short-term impacts. Sampling impacts
25 European starling 2
are minimal to resident biota, and col-
lection requires little effort. Primary 26 Yellow warbler 2
27 Brown-headed cowbird 2
productivity of algae is affected by phys-
28 American goldfinch 2
ical and chemical impairments. Algal 20
29 Wood duck
communities are sensitive to some pol-
30 Ruby-throated hummingbird
lutants that might not visibly affect
31 Red-bellied woodpecker
other aquatic communities. Algal com-
15 32 Hairy woodpecker
munities can be examined for indicator
33 Tree swallow
species, diversity indices, taxa richness, Qj
v 34 Blue-gray gnatcatcher
community respiration, and coloniza- c:
tion rates. A variety of nontaxonomic -g 10 35 Prothonotary warbler
.c 36 Common yellowthroat
evaluations, such as biomass and <(
37 Eastern phoebe
chlorophyll, may be used and are sum-
38 N. rough-winged swallow
marized in Weitzel (19 79). Rodgers et 5
al. (1979) describe functional m easure-
ments of algal communities, such as
primary productivity and community
respiration, to evaluate the effects of 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
nutrient enrichment. Species Sequence

Although collecting algae in streams re- Figure 7.36: Breeding bird census data. Species
quires little effort, identifying for met- abundance curve in a riparian deciduous forest
rics, such as diversity indices and taxa habitat.
Source: Tramer 1996.

Biological Characteristics 7- 81
Table 7.8: Five tiers of the rapid bioassessment protocols. RBPs are used to conduct cost-effective
biological assessments.
Source: Plafkin et al. 1989.

- II


Relative Level of Effort

Low ; 1-2 hr per site (n o

standardized sampling)

Intermediate; 1.5-2.5 hr
per site (all taxonomy
Level of Taxonomy/
Where Performed

Order, family/fi eld

Fam ily/field
Level of Expertise

One highly-trained

One highly-trained biologist

and one technician
performed in field)

Ill Benthic Most rigorous; 3-5 hr per Genus or One highly-trained biologist
invertebrates site (2-3 hr of total are for species/laboratory and one technician
lab taxonomy)

IV Fish Low; 1-3 hr per site (no Not applicable One highly-trained
fieldwork involved) biologist
v Fish Most rigorous; 2-7 hr per Species/field One highly-trained biologist
site (1-2 hr per site are for and 1-2 technicians
data analysis)

richness, may require considerable ef- As indicated above, the RBP are divided
fort. A great deal of effort may be ex- into three sets of protocols (RBP I to
pended to d ocument diurnal and III) for macroinvertebrates. RBP I is a
seasonal variations in productivity. "screening" or reconnaissance-level
analysis used to discriminate obviously
Benthic Macroinvertebrates
impaired and nonimpaired sites from
The intent of the benthic rapid potentially affected areas requiring fur-
bioassessm ent is to evaluate overall bio- ther investigation . RBP II and III use a
logical condition, optimizing the use of set of metrics based on ta:xon tolerance
the benth ic community's capacity to re- and community structure similar to the
flect integrated environmental effects ICI used by the state of Ohio. Both are
over time. Using benthic macroinverte- more labor-intensive than RBP I and in-
brates is advantageous for the fo llowing corporate field sampling. RBP II uses
reasons: family-level taxonomy to determine the
• They are good indicators of localized following set of metrics used in describ-
conditions. ing the biotic integrity of a stream:
• They integrate the effects of short- • Taxa rich ness.
term environmental variables. • Hilsenhoff biotic index (Hilsenhoff
• Degraded conditions are easily 1988) .
detected. • Ratio of scrapers to filtering collectors.
• Sampling is relatively easy. • Ratio of Ephemeroptera/Plecoptera/
• Th ey provide food for many fish of Trichoptera (EPT) and chironomid
commercial or recreational impor- abundances.
tance. • Percent contribution of dominant
• Macroinvertebrates are generally ta:xa.
abundant. • EPT index.
• Many states already h ave background • Community similarity index.
• Ratio of shred ders to total n umber of

7- 82 Chapter 7: Analysis of Corridor Condition

RBP III further defines the level of bi- be equal. All fish species, not just game
otic impairment and is essentially an species, should be collected for the fish
intensified version of RBP II that uses community assessment (Figure 7.37).
species-level taxonomy. As with ICI, the Karr et al. (1986 ) used 12 biological
RBP metrics for a site are compared to metrics to assess biotic integrity using
metrics from a control or reference site. taxonomic and trophic composition
and condition and abundance of fish.
Although the Index of Biological In-
Hocutt (1981) states "perhaps the most tegrity (IBI) developed by Karr was de-
compelling ecological factor is that signed for small midwestern streams, it
structurally and functionally diverse fish has been modified for many regions of
communities both directly and indi- the cou ntry and for use in large rivers
rectly provide evidence of water quality (see Plafkin et al. 1989 ).
in that they incorporate all the local en-
vironmental perturbations into the sta- Establishing a Standard of
bility of the communities themselves." Comparison

The advantages of using fish as bioindi- With stream restoration activities, it is

cators are as follows: important to select a desired end condi-
tion for the proposed management ac-
• They are good indicators of long- tion. A predetermined standard of
term effects and broad habitat condi- comparison provides a benchmark
tions. against which to measure progress. For
• Fish communities represent a variety example, if the chosen diversity mea-
of trophic levels. sure is native species richness, the stan-
dard of comparison might be the
• Fish are at the top of the aquatic
maximum expected native species rich-
food chain and are consumed by
ness for a defined geographic area and
time period.
• Fish are relatively easy to collect and
• Water quality standards are often
characterized in terms of fisheries.
• Nearly one-third of the endangered
vertebrate species and subspecies in
the United States are fish.
The disadvantages of using fish as
bioindicators are as follows:
• The cost.
• Statistical validity may be hard to
• It is difficult to interpret findings.
Electrofishing is the m ost commonly
used field technique. Each collecting
station sh ould be rep resentative of the
Figure 7.37: Fish samples. Water quality
study reach and similar to other reaches
standards are often characterized in terms
sampled; effort between reaches should of fish eries.

Biological Characteristics 7- 83
Historical conditions in the region ence of an invasive species in the com-
should be considered when establishing munity. Knowledge of the important
a standard of comparison. If current factors can be obtained from existing
conditions in a stream corridor are literature and from discussions with
degraded, it may be best to establish local and regional experts.
the standard at a period in the past that Diversity can be measured directly or
represented more natural or desired predicted from other information. Di-
conditions. Knopf (1986) notes that for rect measurement requires an actual in-
certain western streams, historical diver- ventory of the element of diversity, such
sity might have been less than current as counting the amphibian species in
due to changes in hydrology and en- the study area. The IBI requires sam-
croachment of native and exotic ripar- pling fish populations to determine the
ian vegetation in the floodplain. Thus, number and composition of fish
it is important to agree on what condi- species. Measures of the richness of a
tions are desired prior to establishing particular animal group require counts.
the standard of comparison. In addi- Determining the number of species in a
tion, the geographic location and size community is best accomplished with a
of the area should be considered. Pat- long-term effort because there can be
terns of diversity vary with geographic much variation over short periods. Vari-
location, and larger areas are typically ation can arise from observer differ-
more diverse than smaller areas. ences, sampling design, or temporal
The IBI is scaled to a standard of com- variation in the presence of species.
parison determined through either pro- Direct measures of diversity are most
fessional judgment or empirical data, helpful when baseline information is
and such indices have been developed available for comparing different sites.
for a variety of streams (Leonard and It is not possible, however, to directly
Orth 1986, Bramblett and Fausch 1991, measure certain attributes, such as
Lyons et al. 1996). species richness or the population level
Evaluating the Chosen Index of various species, for various future
For a hypothetical stream restoration conditions. For example, the IBI cannot
initiative, the following biological diver- be directly computed for a predicted
sity objective might be developed. As- stream corridor condition, following
sume that a primary concern in the area management action.
is conserving native amphibian species Predictions of diversity for various fu-
and that 30 native species of amphib- ture conditions, such as with restora-
ians have been known to occur histori- tion or management, require the use of
cally in the 386 m 2 watershed. The a predictive model. Assume the diver-
objective could be to manage the sity objective for a stream corridor
stream corridor to provide and main- restoration effort is to maximize native
tain suitable habitat for the 30 native amphibian species richness. Based on
amphibian species. knowledge of the life history of the
Stream corridor restoration efforts must species, including requirements for
be directed toward those factors that habitat, water quality, or landscape
can be managed to increase diversity to configuration, a plan can be developed
the desired level. Those factors might be to restore a stream corridor to meet
the physical and structural features of these needs. The plan could include a
the stream corridor or possibly the pres- set of criteria or a model to describe
the specific features that should b e

7-84 Chapter 7: Analysis of Corridor Condition

included to maximize amphibian rich- tion schemes or to present a single rec-
ness. Examples of indirect methods to ommended classification system. Rather,
assess diversity include habitat models we focus on some of the principal dis-
(Schroeder and Allen 1992, Adamus tinctions among classification systems
1993) and cumulative impact assess- and factors to consider in the use of
ment methods (Gosselink et al. 1990, classification systems for restoration
Brooks et al. 1991). planning, particularly in the use of a
Predicting diversity with a model is classification system as a measure of
generally more rapid than directly mea- biological condition. It is likely that
suring diversity. In addition, predictive multiple systems will be useful in most
methods provide a means to analyze actual riverine restoration programs.
alternative future conditions before im- The common goal of classification
plementing specific restoration plans. systems is to organize variation. Impor-
The reliability and accuracy of diversity tant dimensions in which riverine clas-
models should be established before sification systems differ include the
their use. following:

Classification Systems • Geographic domain. The range of sites

being classified varies from rivers of
Classification is an important compo- the world to local differences in the
nent of many of the scientific disci- composition and characteristics of
plines relevant to stream patches within one reach of a single
corridors-hydrology, geomorphology, river.
limnology, plant and animal ecology.
• Variables considered. Some classifica-
Table 7 .9 lists some of the classification
tions are restricted to abiotic vari-
systems that might be useful in identify-
ing and planning riverine restoration Table 7.9: Selected riverine and riparian classi-
activities. It is not the intent of this sec- fication systems. Classification systems are
tion to exhaustively review all classifica- useful in characterizing biological conditions.

Classification System Subject Geographic Citation


Riparian vegetation of Yampa, Plant communities Colorado Kittel and Lederer

San Miguel/Dolores River Basins (1993)

Riparian and scrubland Plant communities Arizona and Szaro (1989)

communities of Arizona and New Mexico
New Mexico

Classification of Montana Plant communities Montana Hansen et al.

riparian and wetland sites (1995)

Integrated riparian evaluation Hydrology, geomorphology, soils, lntermountain U.S. Forest Service
guide vegetation (1992)

Streamflow cluster analysis Hydrology with correlations to National Pott and Ward
fish and invertebrates (1989)

River Continuum Hydrology, stream order, water International, Vannote et al.

chemistry, aquatic communities national (1980)
World-wide stream Hydrology, water chemistry, International Pennak (1971)
classification substrate, vegetation

Rosgen's river classification Hydrology, geomorphology: National Rosg en (1996)

stream and valley types

Hydrogeomorphic wetland Hydrol ogy, geomorph ology, Natio nal Brinson (1 993)
classification vegetation

Recovery classes following Hydrology, geomorphology, Tennessee Hupp (1992)

channelization vegetation

Biological Characteristics 7- 85
ables of hydrology, geomorphology, Use of Classification Systems in
and aquatic chemistry. Other com- Restoring Biological Conditions
munity classifications are restricted Restoration efforts may apply several
to biotic variables of species compo- national and regional classification sys-
sition and abundance of a limited tems to the riverine site or sites of inter-
number of taxa. Many classifications est because these are efficient ways to
include both abiotic and biotic vari- summarize basic site description and
ables. Even purely abiotic classifica- inventory information and they can fa-
tion systems are relevant to biologi- cilitate the transference of existing in-
cal evaluations because of the impor- formation from other similar systems.
tant correlations (e.g., the whole con-
cept of physical habitat) between abi- Most classification systems are generally
otic structure and community com- weak at identifying causal mechanisms.
position. To varying degrees, classification sys-
tems identify variables that efficiently
• Incorporation of temporal relations. describe existing conditions. Rarely do
Some classifications focus on they provide unequivocal assurance
describing correlations and similari- about how variables actually cause the
ties across sites at one, perhaps ideal- observed conditions. Planning efficient
ized, point in time. Other classifica- and effective restoration actions gener-
tions identify explicit temporal tran- ally requires a much more mechanistic
sitions among classes, for example, analysis of how changes in controllable
succession of biotic communities or variables will cause changes toward de-
evolution of geomorphic landforms. sired values of response variables. A sec-
• Focus on structural variation or func- ond limitation is that application of a
tional behavior. Some classifications classification system does not substitute
emphasize a parsimonious descrip- for goal setting or design. Comparison
tion of observed variation in the clas- of the degraded system to an actual
sification variables. Others use classi- unimpacted reference site, to the ideal
fication variables to identify types type in a classification system, or to a
with different behaviors. For exam- range of similar systems can provide a
ple, a vegetation classification can be framework for articulating the desired
based primarily on patterns of state of the degraded system. However,
species co-occurrence, or it can be the desired state of the system is a
based on similarities in functional management objective that ultimately
effect of vegetation on habitat value. comes from outside the classification of
system variability.
• The extent to which management alter-
natives or human actions are explicitly Analyses of Species
considered as classification variables. Requirements
To the extent that these variables are
part of the classification itself, the Analyses of species requirements in-
classification system can directly volve explicit statements of how vari-
predict the result of a management ables interact to determine habitat or
action. For example, a vegetation how well a system provides for the life
classification based on grazing in- requisites of fish and wildlife species.
tensity would predict a change from Complete specification of relations be-
one class of vegetation to another tween all relevant variables and all
class based on a change in grazing species in a stream corridor system is
management. not possible. Thus, analyses based on

7- 86 Chapter 7: Analysis of Corridor Condition

species requirements focus on one or a set of target species involving trade-
more target species or groups of species. offs. Each of these dimensions must be
In a simple case, this type of analysis carefully considered in selecting an
may be based on an explicit statement analysis procedure appropriate to the
of the physical factors that distinguish problem at hand.
good habitat for a species (places where
it is most likely to be found or where it The Habitat Evaluation
best reproduces) from poor habitat Procedures (HEP)
(places where it is unlikely to be found Habitat evaluation procedures (HEP)
or reproduces poorly) . In more compli- can be used for several different types of
cated cases, such approaches incorpo- habitat studies, including impact assess-
rate variables beyond those of purely ment, mitigation, and habitat manage-
physical habitat, including other species ment. HEP provides information for
that provide food or biotic structure, two general types of habitat compar-
other species as competitors or preda- isons-the relative value of different
tors, or spatial or temporal patterns of areas at the same point in time and the
resource availability. relative value of the same area at differ-
Analyses based on species requirements ent points in time. Potential changes in
differ from synthetic measures of sys- wildlife (both aquatic and terrestrial)
tem condition in that they explicitly in- habitat due to proposed projects are
corporate relations between "causal" characterized by combining these two
variables and desired biological attri- types of comparisons.
butes. Such analyses can be used di- Basic Concepts
rectly to decide what restoration actions
will achieve a desired result and to eval- HEP is based on two fundamental eco-
uate the likely consequences of a pro- logical principles-habitat has a defin-
posed restoration action. For example, able carrying capacity, or suitability, to
an analysis using the habitat evaluation support or produce wildlife popula-
procedures might identify mast produc- tions (Fretwell and Lucas 1970), and
tion (the accumulation of nuts from a the suitability of habitat for a given
productive fruiting season which serves wildlife species can be estimated using
as a food source for animals) as a factor measurements of vegetative, physical,
limiting squirrel populations. If squir- and chemical traits of the habitat. The
rels are a species of concern, at least suitability of a habitat for a given
some parts of the stream restoration ef- species is described by a habitat suit-
fort should be directed toward increas- ability index (HSI) constrained between
ing mast production. In practice, this 0 (unsuitable habitat) and 1 (optimum
logical power is often compromised by habitat) . HSI models have been devel-
incomplete knowledge of the species oped and published by the U.S. Fish
habitat requirements. and Wildlife Service (Schamberger et al.
1982; Terrell and Carpenter, in press),
The complexity of these methods varies and USFWS (1981) provides guidelines
along a number of important dimen- for use in developing HSI models for
sions, including prediction of habitat specific projects. HSI models can be
suitability versus population numbers, developed for many of the previously
analysis for a single place and single described metrics, including species,
time versus a temporal sequence of guilds, and communities (Schroeder
spatially complex requirements, and and Haire 1993).
analysis for a single target species versus

Biological Characteristics 7- 87
The fundamental unit of measure in reservoir, and any areas of secondary
HEP is the Habitat Unit, computed as impact, such as a downstream river
follows: reach that might have an altered flow,
HU = AREA x HSI increased turbidity, or warmer tempera-
ture, or riparian or upland areas subject
where HU is the number of habitat to land use changes as a result of an in-
units (units of area), AREA is the areal creased demand on recreational lands.
extent of the habitat being described Areas such as an upstream spawning
(units of area), and HSI is the index of ground that are not contiguous to the
suitability of the habitat (unitless). primary impact site also might be af-
Conceptually, an HU integrates the fected and therefore should be included
quantity and quality of habitat into a in the study area.
single measure, and one HU is equiva-
lent to one unit of optimal habitat. The team also must establish project
objectives, an often neglected aspect of
Use of HEP to Assess Habitat Changes project planning. Objectives should
HEP provides an assessment of the net state what is to be accomplished in the
change in the number of HUs attribut- project and specify an endpoint to the
able to a proposed future action, such project. An integral aspect of objective
as a stream restoration initiative. A HEP setting is selecting evaluation species,
application is essentially a two-step the specific wildlife resources of con-
process-calculating future HUs for a cern for which HUs will be computed
particular project alternative and calcu- in the HEP analysis. These are often in-
lating the net change as compared to a dividual species, but they do not have
base condition. to be. Depending on project objectives,
species' life stages (e.g., juvenile
The steps involved in using and apply-
salmon), species' life requisites (e.g.,
ing HEP to a management project are
spawning habitat), guilds (e.g., cavity-
outlined in detail in USFWS (1980a).
nesting birds), or communities (e.g.,
However, some early planning decisions
avian richness in riparian forests) can
often are given little attention although
be used.
they may be the most important part of
a HEP study. These initial decisions in- lnstream Flow Incremental
clude forming a study team, defining Methodology
the study boundaries, setting study ob- The Instream Flow Increm ental
jectives, and selecting the evaluation Methodology (IFIM) is an adaptive sys-
species. The study team usually consists tem composed of a library of models
of individuals representing different that are linked to describe the spatial
agencies and viewpoints. One member and temporal habitat features of a given
of the team is generally from the lead river. IFIM is described in Chapter 5
project planning agency and other under Supporting Analysis for Selecting
members are from resources agencies Restoration Alternatives.
with an interest in the resources that
would be affected. Physical Habitat Simulation
One of the first tasks for the team is to The Physical Habitat Simulation
delineate the study area boundaries. (PHABSIM) model was designed by the
The study area boundaries should be U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service primarily
drawn to include any areas of direct im- for instream flow analysis (Bovee
pact, such as a flood basin for a new 1982). It represents the habitat evalua-

7- 88 Chapter 7: Analysis of Corridor Condition

tion component of a larger instream from direct observations of the attrib-
flow incremental methodology for in- utes used most often by a life stage,
corporating fish habitat consideration from expert opinion about what the life
into flow management, presented in requisites are, or a combination. Vari-
Chapter 5. PHABSIM is a collection of ous approaches are taken to factor as-
computer programs that allows evalua- sorted biases out of these suitability
tion of available habitat within a study data, but they remain indices that are
reach for various life stages of different used as weights of suitability. In the last
fish species. The two basic components step of the habitat component, hy-
of the model are hydraulic simulation draulic estimates of depth and velocity
(based on field-measured cross-sec- at different flow levels are combined
tional data) and several standard hy- with the suitability values for those at-
draulic methods for predicting water tributes to weight the area of each cell
surface elevations and velocities at un- at the simulated flows. The weighted REVERSE

measured discharges (e.g., stage vs. dis- values for all cells are summed to pro-
charge relations, Manning's equation, duce the WUA.
step-backwater computations). Habitat There are many variations on the basic
simulation integrates species and life- approach outlined above, with specific Review Chapter
stage-specific habitat suitability curves analyses tailored for different water S's Supporting
for water depth, velocity, and substrate management phenomena (such as hy- A nalysis for
with the hydraulic data. Output is a dropeaking and unique spawning habi- Selecting
plot of weighted usable area (WUA) tat needs), or for special habitat needs Restoration
against discharge for the species and life (such as bottom velocity instead of A lt ernatives
stages of interest. (Figure 7.38) mean column velocity) (Milhous et al.
The stream hydraulic component pre- 1989). However, the fundamentals of
dicts depths and water velocities at un- hydraulic and habitat modeling remain
observed flows at specific locations on a the same, resulting in a WUA versus dis-
cross section of a stream. Field measure- charge function. This function should
ments of depth, velocity, substrate ma- be combined with the appropriate hy-
terial, and cover at specific sampling drologic time series (water availability)
points on a cross section are taken at to develop an idea of what life states
different observable flows. Hydraulic might be affected by a loss or gain of
measurements, such as water surface el- available habitat and at what time of
evations, also are collected during the the year. Time series analysis plays this
field inventory. These data are used to role and also factors in any physical
calibrate the hydraulic simulation mod- and institutional constraints on water
els. The models then are used to predict management so that alternatives can be
depths and velocities at flows different evaluated (Milhous et al. 1990).
from those m easured. Several things must be remembered
The habitat component weights each about PHABSIM. First, it provides an
stream cell using indices that assign a index to microhabitat availability; it is
relative value between 0 and 1 for each not a measure of the habitat actually
habitat attribute (depth, velocity, sub- used by aquatic organisms. It can be
strate material, cover), indicating how used only if the species under consider-
suitable that attribute is for the life ation exhibit documented preferences
stage under consideration. These at- for depth, velocity, substrate material,
tribute indices are usually termed habi- cover, or other predictable microhabitat
tat suitability indices and are developed attributes in a specific environment of

Biological Characteristics 7- 89
A. Site-Specific Microhabitat Data B. Habitat
Suitability 0.8
cross section B Criteria -Ill 0.6
00 1 2 3 4
Velocity (ft/sec)
- 0.6
velocity Ill
cover 0.2
area 00 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
Depth (ft) Cover

C. Seasonal Relation Between Discharge and

Microhabitat for Each Life Stage

100,000 . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .


Figure 7.38: Conceptualization of how PHAB- competition and predation. The typical
SIM calculates habitat values as a function of application of PHABSIM assumes rela-
discharge. A. First, depth (Di), velocity (Vi), tively steady flow conditions such that
cover conditions (Ci), and area (Ai) are mea-
depths and velocities are comparably
sured or simulated for a given discharge. B.
Suitability index (SI) criteria are used to weight stable within the chosen time step.
the area of each cell for the discharge. The PHABSIM does not predict the effects of
habitat values for all cells in the study reach flow on channel change. Fin ally, the
are summed to obtain a single habitat value field data and computer analysis re-
for the discharge. C. The procedure is repeated quirements can be relatively large.
for a range of discharges.
Modified fro m Nestler et al. 1989. Two-dimensional Flow Modeling
Concern about the simplicity of the
one-dimensional hydraulic models used
in PHABSIM h as led to current research
interest in the use of more sophisticated
two-dimensional hydraulic m odels to

7- 90 Chapter 7: Analysis of Corridor Condition

simulate physical conditions of depth Riverine Community Habitat
and velocity for use in fish habitat Assessment and Restoration
analysis. A two-dimensional hydraulic Concept Model (RCHARC)
model can be spatially adjusted to rep-
resent the scale of aquatic habitat and Another modeling approach to aquatic
the variability of other field data. For habitat restoration is the Riverine Com-
example, the physical relationship be- munity Habitat Assessment and
tween different aquatic habitat types is Restoration (RCHARC) concept. This
often a key parameter when considering model is based on the assumption that
fish habitat use. The spatial nature of aquatic habitat in a restored stream
two-dimensional flow modeling allows reach will best mimic natural condi-
for the analysis of these relationships. tions if the bivariate frequency distribu-
The model can also consider the drying tion of depth and velocity in the subject
and wetting of intermittent stream channel is similar to a reference reach
channels. with good aquatic habitat. Study site
and reference site data can be measured
Leclerc et al. (1995) used two-dimen- or calculated using a computer model.
sional flow modeling to study the effect The similarity of the proposed design
of a water diversion on the habitat of and reference reach is expressed with
juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) three-dimensional graphs and statistics
in the Maisie River in Quebec, Canada. (Nestler et al. 1993, Abt 1995).
Average model error was reduced when RCHARC has been used as the primary
compared with traditional one-dimen- tool for environmental analysis on
sional models. Output from the two-di- studies of flow management for the
mensional modeling was combined Missouri River and the Alabama-Coosa-
with habitat suitability indexes with fi- Tallapoosa Apalachicola-Chatta-
nite element calculation techniques. hoochee-Flint Basin.
Output from the analysis included
maps displaying the spatial distribution Time Series Simulations
of depth, velocity, and habitat suitabil-
ity intervals. A relatively small number of applica-
tions have been made of time series
Physical data collection for this model- simulations of fish population or indi-
ing tool is intensive. Channel contour vidual fish responses to riverine habitat
and bed material mapping is required changes. Most of these have used
along with discharge relationships and PHABSIM to accomplish hydraulic
the upstream and downstream bound- model development and validation and
aries of each study reach. Velocity and hydraulic simulation, but some have
water-surface measurements for various substituted time-series simulations of
discharges are required for model cali- individual or population responses for
bration. Two-dimensional modeling habitat suitability curve development
does not address all of the issues related and validation, and habitat suitability
to hydrodynamics and flow modeling. modeling. PHABSIM quantifies the rela-
Mobile bed systems and variability in tionship of hydraulic estimates (depth
Manning's coefficient are still problem- and velocity) and measurements (sub-
atic using this tool (Leclerc et al. 1995). strate and cover) with habitat suitability
Moderate to large rivers with a stable for target fish and invertebrate life
bedform are most suited to this stages or water-related recreation suit-
methodology. ability. It is useful when relatively
steady flow is the major determinant

Biological Characteristics 7- 91
controlling riverine resources. Use of assess the risk that abundance will fall
PHABSIM is generally limited to river below some threshold requiring mitiga-
systems in which dissolved oxygen, sus- tion. For stream situations, several
pended sediment, nutrient loading, CompMech models have been devel-
other chemical aspects of water quality, oped that couple the hydraulic simula-
and interspecific competition do not tion method of PHABSIM directly with
place the major limits on populations an individual-based model of reproduc-
of interest. These limitations to the use tion and young-of-year dynamics,
of PHABSIM can be abated or removed thereby eliminating reliance on the
with models that simulate response of habitat-based component of PHABSIM
individual fish or fish populations. (Jager et al. 1993). The CompMech
model of smallmouth bass is being
Individual-based Models
used to evaluate the effects of alterna-
The Electric Power Research Institute tive flow regimes on nest success,
(EPRI) program on compensatory growth, mortality, and ultimately year
mechanisms in fish populations class strength in a Virginia stream to
(CompMech) has the objective of im- identify instream flows that protect fish-
proving predictions of fish population eries with minimum impact on hy-
response to increased mortality, loss of dropower production.
habitat, and release of toxicants (EPRI
1996). This technique has been applied A model of coexisting populations of
by utilities and resource management rainbow and brown trout in California
agencies in assessments involving direct is being used to evaluate alternative in-
mortality due to entrainment, impinge- stream flow and temperature scenarios
ment, or fishing; instream flow; habitat (Van Winkle et al. 1996). Model predic-
alteration (e.g., thermal discharge, tions will be compared with long-term
water-level fluctuations, water diver- field observations before and after ex-
sions, exotic species); and ecotoxicity. perimental flow increases; numerous
Compensation is defined as the capac- scientific papers are expected from this
ity of a population to self-mitigate de- intensive study.
creased growth, reproduction, or An individual-based model of smolt
survival of some individuals in the pop- production by Chinook salmon, as part
ulation by increased growth, reproduc- of an environmental impact statement
tion, or survival of the remaining for the Tuolumne River in California,
individuals. The CompMech approach considered the minimum stream flows
over the past decade has been to repre- necessary to ensure continuation and
sent in simulation models the processes maintenance of the anadromous fishery
underlying daily growth, reproduction, (FERC 1996). That model, the Oak
and survival of individual fish (hence Ridge Chinook salmon model (ORCM),
the classification of individual-based predicts annual production of salmon
models) and then to aggregate over in- smolts under specified reservoir mini-
dividuals to the population level. mum releases by evaluating critical fac-
The models can be used to make short- tors, including influences on upstream
term predictions of survival, growth, migration of adults, spawning and incu-
habitat utilization, and consumption bation of eggs, rearing of young, and
for critical life stages. For the longer predation and mortality losses during
term, the models can be used to project the downstream migration of smolts.
population abundance through time to Other physical habitat analyses were
used to supplement the population

7- 92 Chapter 7: Analysis of Corridor Condition

model in evaluating benefits of alterna- seasonal), and mortality (base, move-
tive flow patterns. These habitat evalua- ment-related, and temperature-related).
tions are based on data from an The model is limited to freshwater
instream flow study; a stream tempera- habitat for the first 9 months of life; es-
ture model was used to estimate flows tuarine and ocean habitats are not in-
needed to maintain downstream tem- cluded. Habitat area is computed from
peratures within acceptable limits for flow/habitat area functions developed
salmon. empirically. Habitat capacity for each
SALMOD life stage is a fixed maximum number
per unit of habitat available. Thus, a
The conceptual and mathematical mod- maximum number of individuals for
els for the Salmonid Population Model each computational unit is calculated
(SALMOD) were developed for Chi- for each time step based on streamflow
nook salmon in concert with a 12-year and habitat type. Rearing habitat capac-
flow evaluation study in the Trinity ity is derived from empirical relations
River of California using experts on the between available habitat area and
local river system and fish species in number of individual fish observed.
workshop settings (Williamson et al.
1993, Bartholow et al. 1993). SALMOD Partly due to drought conditions, most
was used to simulate young-of-year pro- of the flow alternatives to be evaluated
duction, assuming that the flow sched- did not actually occur during the flow
ules to be evaluated were released from evaluation study. When there is insuffi-
Lewiston Reservoir in every year from cient opportunity to directly observe
1976 to 1992 (regardless of observed and evaluate impacts of flow alterna-
reservoir inflow, storage, and release tives on fish populations, SALMOD can
limitations). be used to simulate young-of-the-year
production that may result from pro-
The structure of SALMOD is a middle posed flow schedules to be released or
ground between a highly aggregated regulated by a control structure such as
classical population model that tracks a reservoir or diversion.
cohorts/size groups for a generally large
area without spatial resolution, and an Other physical habitat analyses can be
individual-based model that tracks indi- used to supplement population models
viduals at a great level of detail for a in evaluating benefits of alternative flow
generally small area. The conceptual patterns. In the Trinity River Flow
model states that fish growth, move- Study, a stream temperature model was
ment, and mortality are directly related used to estimate flows needed to main-
to physical hydraulic habitat and water tain downstream temperatures within
temperature, which in turn relate to the acceptable limits for salmon. Both the
timing and amount of regulated stream- ORCM (FERC 1996) and SALMOD
flow. Habitat capacity is characterized by models concentrated on development,
the hydraulic and thermal properties of growth, movement, and mortality of
individual mesohabitats, which are the young-of-year Chinook salmon but
model's spatial computational units. with different mechanistic inputs, spa-
tial resolution, and temporal precision.
Model processes include spawning
(with redd superimposition), growth
(including maturation), movement
(freshet-induced, habitat-induced, and

Biological Characteristics 7- 93
Vegetation-Hydroperiod predict new site moisture conditions.
Modeling The most useful vegetation-hydroperiod
models have the following three com-
In most cases, the dominant factor that ponents:
makes the riparian zone distinct from
the surrounding uplands, and the most • Characterization of the hydrology or pat-
important gradient in structuring varia- tern of streamfiow. This can take the
tion within the riparian zone, is site form of a specific sequence of flows,
moisture conditions, or hydroperiod a summary of how often different
(Figure 7.39). Hydroperiod is defined flows occur, such as a flow duration
as the depth, duration, and frequency or flood frequency curve, or a repre-
of inundation and is a powerful deter- sentative flow value, such as bankfull
minant of what plants are likely to be discharge or mean annual discharge.
FAST found in various positions in the ripar- • A relation between streamfiow and mois-
ian zone. Formalizing this relation as a ture conditions at sites in the riparian
vegetation-hydroperiod model can pro- zone. This relation can be measured
vide a powerful tool for analyzing exist- as the water surface elevation at a
ing distributions of riparian vegetation, variety of discharges and summarized
Preview casting forward or backward in time to as a stage vs. discharge curve. It can
Chapter B's alternative distributions, and designing also be calculated by a number of
information on new distributions. The suitability of site hydraulic models that relate water
vegetation- conditions for various species of plants surface elevations to discharge, taking
hydroperiod can be described with the same concep-
into account variables of channel
tual approach used to model habitat geometry and roughness or resistance
suitability for animals. The basic logic to flow. In some cases, differences in
of a vegetation-hydroperiod model is simple elevation above the channel
straightforward. How wet a site is has a bottom may serve as a reasonable
lot to do with what plants typically approximation of differences in
grow on the site. It is possible to mea- inundating discharge.
sure how wet a site is and, more impor-
• A relation between site moisture condi-
tantly, to predict how wet a site will be
tions and the actual or potential vegeta-
based on the relation of the site to a
tion distribution. This relation express-
stream. From this, it is possible to esti-
es the suitability of a site for a plant
mate what vegetation is likely to occur
species or cover type based on the
on the site.
moisture conditions at the site. It can
Components of a Vegetation- be determined by sampling the dis-
hydroperiod Model tribution of vegetation at a variety of
The two basic elements of the vegeta- sites with known moisture condi-
tion-hydroperiod relation are the physi- tions and then deriving probability
cal conditions of site moisture at distributions of the likelihood of
various locations and the suitability of finding a plant on a site given the
those sites for various plant species. In moisture conditions at the site.
the simplest case of describing existing General relations are also available
patterns, site moisture and vegetation from the literature for many species.
can be directly measured at a number The nature and complexity of these
of locations. However, to use the vege- components can vary substantially and
tation-hydroperiod model to predict or still provide a useful model. However,
design new situations, it is necessary to the components must all be expressed

7- 94 Chapter 7: Analysis of Corridor Condition

in consistent units and must have a do-
main of application that is appropriate
to the questions being asked of the
model (i.e., the model must be capable
of changing the things that need to be
changed to answer the question). In
many cases, it may be possible to for-
mulate a vegetation-hydroperiod model
using representations of stream hydrol-
ogy and hydraulics that have been de-
veloped for other analyses such as
channel stability, fish habitat suitability,
or sediment dynamics.
Identifying Non-equilibrium
In altered or degraded stream systems,
current moisture conditions in the ri-
parian zone may be dramatically un- corresponds to the natural vegetation Figure 7.39:
suitable for the current, historical, or for which the plots are suitable. Vegetation/water
relationship. Soil
desired riparian vegetation. Several con- In many degraded stream systems all of moisture conditions
ditions can be relatively easily identi- these things have happened. Under- often determine the
fied by comparing the distribution of standing how the moisture conditions plant communities
vegetation to the distribution of vegeta- of plots correspond to the vegetation in in riparian areas.
tion suitabilities. the current system, as well as how they Source: C. Zabawa .

• The hydrology of the stream has will correspond in the restored system,
been altered; for example, if stream- is an important element of formulating
flow has diminished by diversion or reasonable restoration objectives and
flood attenuation, sites in the ripari- designing a restoration plan.
an zone may be drier and no longer Vegetation Effects of System
suitable for the historic vegetation or Alterations
for current long-lived vegetation that
was established under a previous In a vegetation-hydroperiod model,
hydrologic regime. vegetation suitability is determined by
streamflow and the inundating dis-
• The inundating discharges of plots in charges of plots in the riparian zone.
the riparian zone have been altered The model can be used to predict ef-
so that streamflow no longer has the fects of alteration in streamflow or the
same relation to site moisture condi- relations of streamflow to plot moisture
tions; for example, levees, channel conditions on the suitability of the ri-
modifications, and bank treatments parian zone for different types of vege-
may have either increased or tation. Thus, the effects of flow
decreased the discharge required to alterations and changes in channel or
inundate plots in the riparian zone. bottomland topography proposed as
• The vegetation of the riparian zone part of a stream restoration plan can be
has been directly altered, for exam- examined in terms of changes in the
ple, by clearing or planting so that suitability of various locations in the ri-
the vegetation on plots no longer parian zone for different plant species.

Biological Characteristics 7- 95
Flooding Tolerances of Various Plant Species
There is a large body of information on the flooding sites for various plant species, e.g., relatively flood-
tolerances of various plant species. Summaries of prone sites will likely have relatively flood-tolerant
this literature include Whitlow and Harris (1979) and plants. Inundating discharge is strongly related to
the multivolume Impact of Water Level Changes on relative elevation within the floodplain. Other things
Woody Riparian and Wetland Communities (Teskey being equal (i.e., within a limited geographic area
and Hinckley 1978, Walters et al. 1978, Lee and and with roughly equivalent hydrologic regimes),
Hinckley 1982, Chapman et al. 1982). This type of elevation relative to a representative water surface
information can be coupled to site moisture condi- line, such as bankfull discharge or the stage at mean
tions predicted by applying discharge estimates or annual flow, can thus provide a reasonable surro-
flood frequency analyses to the inundating dis- gate for site moisture conditions. Locally determined
charges of sites in the riparian zone. The resulting vegetation suitability can then be used to determine
relation can be used to describe the suitability of the likely vegetation in various elevation zones.

Extreme Events and Disturbance ignore because these are so widely per-
Requirements ceived as destructive both of biota and
of constructed river features. In reality,
Temporal variability is a particularly im- however, these extreme events seem to
portant characteristic of many stream be essential to physical ch annel mainte-
ecosystems. Regular seasonal differences nance and to the long-term suitability
in biological requirements are examples of the riverine ecosystem for distur-
of temporal variability that are often bance-dependent species. Cottonwood
incorporated into biological analyses in western riparian systems is one well-
based on habitat suitability and time understood case of a disturbance-de-
series simulations. The need for pendent species. Cottonwood
episodic extreme events is easy to regeneration from seed is generally re-
stricted to bare, moist sites. Creating
these sites depends heavily on channel
movement (meandering, narrowing,
Zonation of Vegetation
avulsion) or new flood deposits at high
There are a number of statistical procedures for estimat- elevations. In some western riparian
ing the frequency and magnitude of extreme events systems, channel movement and depo-
(see flood frequency analysis section of chapter 8) and sition tend to occur infrequently in as-
describing various aspects of hydrologic variation. sociation with floods. The same events
Changing these flow characteristics will likely change are also responsible for destroying
some aspect of the distribution and abundance of organ- stands of trees. Thus maintaining good
isms. Analyzing more specific biological changes generally conditions for existing stands, or fixing
requires defining the requirements of target species; the location of a stream's banks with
defining requirements of their food sources, competitors, structural measures, tends to reduce the
and predators; and considering how those requirements regeneration potential and the long-
are influenced by episodic disturbance events. term importance of this disturbance-
dependent species in the system as a

7- 96 Chapter 7: Analysis of Corridor Condition

8.A Valley Form, Connectivity, and Dimension
• How do you incorporate all the spatial dimensions of the landscape into stream corridor
restoration design?
• What criteria can be applied to facilitate good design decisions for stream
corridor restoration?

8.8 Soil Properties

• How do soil properties impact the design of restoration activities?
• What are the major functions of soils in the stream corridor?
• How are important soil characteristics, such as soil microfauna and soil salinity, accounted for
in the design process?

8.C Vegetative Communities

• What is the role of vegetative communities in stream corridor restoration?
• What functions do vegetative communities fulfill in a stream corridor?
• What are some considerations in designing plant community restoration to ensure that all
landscape functions are addressed?
• What is soil bioengineering and what is its role in stream corridor restoration?
8.D Riparian I Terrestrial Habitat Recovery
• What are some specific tools and techniques that can be used to ensure recovery of riparian
and terrestrial habitat recovery?

8.E Stream Channel Restoration

• When is stream channel reconstruction an appropriate restoration option?
• How do you delineate the stream reach to be reconstructed?
• How is a stream channel designed and reconstructed?
• What are important factors to consider in the design of channel reconstruction
(e.g., alignment and average slope, channel dimensions)?
• Are there computer models that can assist with the design of channel reconstruction?
8.F Streambank Restoration Design
• When should stream bank stabilization be included in a restoration?
• How do you determine the performance criteria for streambank treatment, including the
methods and materials to be used?
• What are some streambank stabilization techniques that can be considered for use?
8.G In-Stream Habitat Recovery
• What are the principal factors controlling the quality of instream habitat?
• How do you determine if an instream habitat structure is needed, and what type of structure
is most appropriate?
• What procedures can be used to restore instream habitat?
• What are some examples of instream habitat structures?
• What are some important questions to address before designing, selecting or installing an
instream habitat structure?

8.H Land Use Scenarios

• What role does land use play in stream corridor degradation and restoration?
• What design approaches can be used to address the impacts of various land useyi(e.g., dams,
agriculture, forestry, grazing, mining, recreation, urbanization)?
• What are some disturbances that are often associated with specific land uses?
• What restoration measures can be used to mitigate the impacts of various land uses?
• What are the potential effects of the restoration measures?
8.A Valley Form, Connectivity, and
8.B Soil Properties
8.C Plant Communities
8.D Habitat Measures
8.E Stream Channel Restoration
8.F Streambank Restoration
8.G lnstream Habitat Recovery
8.H Land Use Scenarios

of a successful stream corridor design is

D esign can be defined as the inten-
tional shaping of matter, energy, and
process to meet an expressed need. Plan-
how well the restored system sustains
itself over time while accommodating
ning and design connect natural processes identified needs.
and cultural needs through exchanges of
To achieve success, those carrying out
materials, flows of energy, and choices
restoration design and implementation
of land use and management. One test
in variable-land-use settings must under-
stand the stream corridor, watershed,
and landscape as a complex of
working ecosystems that
influence and are influenced
by neighboring ecosystems
(Figure 8.1). The probability
of achieving long-term, self-
sustaining functions across this
spatial complex increases with
Figure 8.1: Stream running through a
wet meadow. Restoration design must
consider site-specific conditions as an
integral part of larger systems.
"Leave It Alone I Let It Heal Itself"
There is a renewed emphasis on recovering damaged rivers (Barinaga
1996). Along with this concern, however, people should be reminded
periodically that they serve as stewards of watersheds, not just tinkerers
with stream sites. Streams in pristine condition, for example, should not
be artificially "improved" by active rehabilitation methods.
At the other end of the spectrum, and particularly where degradation is
caused by off-stream activities, the best solution to a river management
problem might be to remove the problem source and "let it heal itself."
Unfortunately, in severely degraded streams this process can take a long
time. Therefore the "leave it alone" concept can be the most difficult
approach for people to accept (Gordon et al. 1992).

an understanding of these relation- This approach produces multiple

ships, a common language for ex- benefits, including:
pressing them, and subsequent
• A healthy, sustainable pattern of
response. Designing to achieve
land uses across the landscape.
stream- or corridor-specific solu-
tions might not resolve problems • Improved natural resource quality
or recognize opportunities in the and quantity
landscape. • Restored and protected stream
Stream corridor restoration design corridors and associated ecosys-
is still largely in an experimental
stage. It is known however, that • A diversity of native plants and
restoration design must consider animals.
site-specific or local conditions to • A gene pool that promotes har-
be successful. That is, the design diness, disease resistance, and
criteria, standards, and specifica- adaptability
tions should be for the specific pro-
• A sense of stewardship for pri-
ject in a specific physical, climatic,
vate landowners and the public.
and geographic location. These ini-
tiatives, however, can and should • Improved management measures
work with, rather than against, the that avoid narrowly focused and
larger systems of which they are an fragmented land treatment.
integral part.

8- 2 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

Building on information presented Section 8.D: Habitat Measures
in Parts I and II, this chapter con- This section presents design guid-
tains design guidance and tech- ance for some habitat measures.
niques to address changes caused They are often integral parts of
by major disturbances and to re- stream corridor structure and
store stream corridor structure and functions.
function to a desired level. It begins
with larger-scale influences that Section 8.E: Stream Channel
design may have on stream corridor Restoration
ecosystems, offers design guidance Restoring stream channel structure
primarily at the stream corridor and and functions is often a fundamen-
stream scales, and concludes with tal step in restoring stream corridors.
land use scenarios.
Section 8.F: Streambank
The chapter is divided into seven Restoration
sections. This section focuses on design
guidelines and related techniques
Section 8.A: Valley Form,
Connectivity, and Dimension for streambank stabilization. These
measures can help reduce surface
This section focuses on restoring
runoff and sediment transport to
structural characteristics that prevail
the stream.
at the stream corridor and land-
scape scales. Section 8. G: lnstream Habitat
Section 8.8: Soil Properties
Restoring instream habitat structure
The restoration of soil properties and functions is often a key com-
that are critical to stream corridor ponent of stream corridor restora-
structure and functions are ad- tion.
dressed in this section.
Section 8.H: land Use Scenarios
Section 8.C: Plant Communities
This final section offers broad
Restoring vegetative communities design concepts in the context
is a highly visible and integral of major land use scenarios.
component of a functioning
stream corridor.

Restoration Design 8-3

8.A Valley Form, Connectivity, and Dimension

Valley form, connectivity, and dimen- The broad concept of connectivity, as

sion are variable structural characteris- opposed to fragmentation, involves
tics that determine the interrelationship linkages of habitats, species, communi-
of functions at multiple scales. Valley ties, and ecological processes across
intersections (nodes) with tributary multiple scales (Noss 1991 ). Dimension
stream corridors, slope of valley sides, encompasses width, linearity, and edge
and floodplain gradient are.characteris- effect, which are critical for movement
tics of valley form that influence many of species, materials, and energy within
functions (Figure 8.2) . the stream corridor and to or from
ecosystems in the surrounding land-
scape. Design should therefore address
these large-scale characteristics and their
effect on functions.

Valley Form
In some cases, entire stream valleys
have changed to the point of obscuring
geomorphic boundaries, making stream
corridor restoration difficult. Volcanoes,
earthquakes, and landslides are exam-
ples of natural disturbances that cause
changes in valley form. Encroachment
and filling of floodplains are among the
human-induced disturbances that mod-
ify valley shape.

Stream Corridor Connectivity

and Dimension
Connectivity and dimensions of the
stream corridor present a set of design-
related decisions to be made. How
wide should the corridor be? How long
should the corridor be? What if there
are gaps in the corridor? These struc-
tural characteristics have a significant
impact on corridor functions. The
width, length, and connectivity of exist-
ing or potential stream corridor vegeta-
tion, for example, are critical to habitat
functions within the corridor and adja-
Figure 8.2: Stream corridors. (a) Stream valley
cent ecosystems.
side slopes and (b) floodplain gradients Generally, the widest and most contigu-
influence stream corridor function.
ous stream corridor which achieves
habitat, conduit, filter, and other func-
tions (see Chapter 2) should be an

8-4 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

ecologically derived goal of restoration. transitional
Thresholds for each function are likely upland fringe0
found at different corridor widths. The
appropriate width varies according to 1~
soil type, with steep slopes requiring a
wider corridor for filter functions. A
conservative indicator of effective corri-
dor width is whether a stream corridor
can significantly prevent chemical con-
taminants contained in runoff from
reaching the stream (Forman 1995).
As discussed in Chapter 1, the corridor
should extend across the stream, its
banks, the floodplain, and the valley
slopes. It should also include a portion floodplain
of upland for the entire stream length ~
to maintain functional integrity (For-
man and Godron 1986).
Figure 8.3: Connections across a stream corridor. A ladder pattern of
A contiguous, wide stream corridor natural habitat can restore structure and functions where competing
might not be achievable, however, par- land uses prevail.
ticularly where competing land uses Adapted from Ecology of Greenways: Design and Function of Linear
Conservation Areas. Edited by Smith and Hellmund. © University of
prevail. In these cases, a ladder pattern Minnesota Press 1993.
of natural habitat crossing the flood-
plain and connecting the upland seg-
ments might facilitate sediment tend to result in underrepresentation of
trapping during floods and provide older, off-channel environments that
hydraulic storage and organic matter support vegetation different from that
for the stream system (Dramstad et al. in stream-front communities. Restrict-
1996). ing restoration to a narrow part of the
Figure 8.3 presents an example of these stream corridor usually does not restore
connections. The open areas within the the full horizontal diversity of broad
ladder pattern are representative of floodplains, nor does it fully accommo-
areas that are unavailable for restora- date functions that occur during flood
tion because of competing land uses. events, such as use of the floodplain by
aquatic species (Wharton et al. 1982).
Innovative management practices that
serve the functions of the corridor be- In floodplains where extensive subsur-
yond land ownership boundaries can face hydrologic connections exist, limit-
often be prescribed where land owners ing restoration to streamside buffer
are supportive of restoration. Altering zones is not recommended since signifi-
land cover, reducing chemical inputs, cant amounts of energy, nutrient trans-
carefully timed mowing, and other formation, and invertebrate activities
management practices can reduce dis- can occur at great distances from the
turbance in the corridor. stream channel outside the buffer areas
(Sedell et al. 1990). Similarly, failure to
Practical considerations may restrict
anticipate channel migration or peri-
restoration to a zone of predefined
odic beaver activity might result in a
width adjacent to the stream. Although
corridor that does not accommodate
often unavoidable, such restrictions

Valley Form, Connectivity, and Dimension 8-5

Corridor Width Variables
The minimum width of stream corridors based on ecological criteria (Figure 8.4).
Five basic situations in a river system are identified, progressing from seepage to river.
The key variables determining minimum corridor width are listed under each.
Figure 8.4: Factors for determining minimum corridor widths. Stream corridor functions are
directly influenced by corridor width.
Source: Forman 1·995. Reprinted with permission of Cambridge University Press.

_s Seepage
1. Sponge effect for hydrologic flows, mimimizing
downstream flooding
2. Control of dissolved-substance inputs from matrix

1st Order Stream

1. Same as for seepage

Sr 2nd to 4th Order Stream with Closed Canopy

1. Conduit for upland interior species; both sides of
stream so species readily crossing floodplain have
alternate routes
2. Control of dissolved-substance inputs from matrix
3. Conduit for streambank and floodplain species,
where beaver activities maintain water across the
floodplain and alter hillslope vegetation
4. Minimize hillslope erosion
5. Sponge effect for hydrologic flows, minimizing
downstream flooding
6. Friction effect, minimizing downstream sedimentation
7. Protect high habitat diversity and species
richness of floodplain

2nd to 4th Order Stream with Open Canopy

J 1. Same as for 2nd to ca . 4th order stream, closed canopy

2. Provide interior habitat for species conduit, as
migrating open stream intersects hillslopes
causing them to be open habitat

5th to 10th Order River

1. Conduit for upland interior species, on both sides
of river so species that rarely can cross the
floodplain have a route on each side
2. Provide interior habitat for species conduit, as
migrating open river intersects hillslopes
causing them to be open habitat
3. Minimize hillslope erosion
4. Shade and logs provide fish habitat where
river is adjacent to hillslope
5. Source of soil organic matter, an important base
of the river food chain
6. Shade and logs provide fish habitat wherever
river is as it migrates across the floodplain
7. Genetic benefit to upland species that can use
habitat continuity to infrequently cross floodplain
8. Sponge effect for hydrologic flows, minimizing
downstream flooding
9. Friction effect minimizing downstream sedimentation
10. Protect high habitat diversity and species
richness of floodplain
11 .Conduit for semiaquatic and other organisms
dependent on river channel resources

edge portion of corridor in upland
• interior portion of corridor in upland
• hillslope
• floodplain
meander band
• interior of patch of natural floodplain vegetation
• edge of patch of natural floodplain vegetation
other ecologically-compatible land use

8-6 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

fundamental dynamic processes
(Malanson 1993).
As previously discussed, restoration of
an ecologically effective stream corridor
requires consideration of uplands adja-
cent to the channel and floodplain.
Hillslopes might be a source area for
water maintaining floodplain wetlands,
a sediment source for channels on
bedrock, and the principal source of or-
ganic debris in high-gradient streams.
Despite these considerations, stream
corridors are often wrongly viewed as
consisting of only the channel and an
adjacent vegetative buffer. The width
of the buffer is determined by specific
objectives such as control of agricultural
runoff or habitat requirements of par- Figure 8.5: A maple in a New Mexico floodplain.
ticular animal species. This narrow A rare occurrence of a remnant population may
reflect desired conditions in a reference stream
definition obviously does not fully corridor.
accommodate the extent of the func-
tions of a stream corridor; but where
the corridor is limited by immovable width attributes that should be part of
resource uses, it often becomes a part the design.
of a restoration strategy.
Analytical Approach: Functional
Cognitive Approach: The Requirements of a Target Species
Reference Stream Corridor
The restoration plan objectives can be
Ideal stream corridor widths, as previ- used to determine dimensions for the
ously defined, are not always achievable stream corridor restoration. If, for ex-
in the restoration design. A local refer- ample, a particular species requires that
ence stream corridor might provide di- the corridor offer interior habitat, the
mensions for designing the restoration. corridor width is sized to provide the
Examination of landscape patterns is necessary habitat. The requirements of
beneficial in identifying a reference the most sensitive species typically are
stream corridor. The reference should used for optimum corridor dimensions.
provide information about gap width, When these dimensions extend beyond
landform, species requirements, vegeta- the land base available for restoration,
tive structure, and boundary characteris- management of adjacent land uses be-
tics of the stream corridor (Figure 8.5). comes a tool for making the corridor
effectively wider than the project para-
Restoration objectives determine the de- meters.
sired levels of functions specified by the
restoration design. If a nearby stream Optimum corridor dimensions can be
corridor in a similar landscape setting achieved through collaboration with in-
and with similar land use variables pro- dividuals and organizations who have
vides these functions adequately, it can management authority over adjacent
be used to indicate the connectivity and lands. Dimensions include width of

Valley Form, Connectivity, and Dimension 8- 7

edge effect associated. with boundaries ronmental objectives (e.g., flooding or
of the corridor and pattern variations habitat).
within the corridor, maximum accept- Restoration of microrelief is particularly
able width of gaps within the corridor, important where natural flooding has
and maximum number of gaps per unit been reduced or curtailed because a
length of corridor. topographically complex floodplain
Designing for Drainage and supports a mosaic of plant communi-
TOpography ties and ecosystem functions as a result
of differential ponding of rainfall and
The stream corridor is dependent on in- interception of ground water. Microre-
teractions with the stream to sustain its lief restoration can be accomplished by
character and functions (see Chapter 2). selective excavation of historic features
Therefore, to the extent feasible, the within the floodplain such as natural
restoration process should include wetlands, levees, oxbows, and aban-
blockage of artificial drainage systems, doned channels. Aerial photography
removal or setback of artificial levees, and remotely sensed data, as well as ob-
and restoration of natural patterns of servations in reference corridors, pro-
floodplain topography, unless these ac- vide an indication of the distribution
tions conflict with other social or envi- and dimensions of typical floodplain
microrelief features.

8.B Soil Properties

Stream corridor functions depend not

only on the connectivity and dimen-
sions of the stream corridor, but also
on its soils and associated vegetation.
The variable nature of soils across and
along stream corridors results in diverse
plant communities (Figure 8.6). When
designing stream corridor restoration
measures, it is important to carefully
analyze the soils and their related
potentials and limitations to support
diverse native plant and animal com-
munities, as well as for restoration
involving channel reconstruction.
Where native floodplain soils remain
in place, county soil surveys should be
used to determine basic site conditions
and fertility and to verify that the pro-
posed plant species to be restored are
appropriate. Most sites with fine-
textured alluvium will not require sup-
plemental fertilization, or fertilizers Figure 8.6: Distinct vegetation zones along
might be required only for initial estab- a mountain stream. Variable soils result in
lishment. In these cases excessive fertil- diverse plant communities.

8-8 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

ization could encourage competing
weed species or exotics. Soil should al-
ways be tested before making any fertil-
izer design recommendations.
County soil surveys can provide basic
information such as engineering limita-
tions or suitabilities. Site-specific soil
samples should, however, be collected
and tested when the restoration in-
volves alternatives that include stream
The connections and feedback loops
between runoff and the structure and
functions of streams are described in
Chapter 2. The functions of soil and
the connection between soil quality,
runoff, and water quality are also Figure 8.7: Compaction of streamside soil.
established in that chapter. These Compact soils may require deep plowing,
connections need to be identified and ripping, or vegetative practices to break up the
considered in any stream corridor impermeable layer.
restoration plan and design. For all
land uses, emphasis needs to be placed Compaction
on implementing conservation land
Soils that have been in row crops or
treatment that promotes soil quality
have undergone heavy equipment traffic
and the ability of the soils to carry out
(such as that associated with construc-
four major functions:
tion) can develop a relatively imperme-
• Regulating and partitioning the able compacted layer (plow pan or hard
flow of water (a conduit and filter pan) that restricts water movement and
function). root penetration (Figure 8.7) . Such
• Storing and cycling nutrients and soils might require deep plowing, rip-
other chemicals (a sink and filter ping, or vegetative practices to break up
function). the pan, although even these are some-
times ineffective. Deep plowing is usu-
• Filtering, buffering, degrading, ally expensive and, at least in the East,
immobilizing, and detoxifying should be used only if the planting of a
organic and inorganic materials species that is able to penetrate the pan
(a filter, sink, and barrier function). layer is not a viable option.
• Supporting biological activity in
the landscape (a source and habitat Soil Microfauna
function). On new or disturbed substrates, or on
References such as Field Office Technical row-cropped sites, essential soil mi-
Guide (USDA-NRCS) contain guidance croorganisms (particularly mycorrhizal
on the planning and selection of con- fungi) might not exist. These are most
servation practices and are available at effectively replaced by using rooted
most county offices. plant material that is inoculated or nat-
urally infected with appropriate fungi.
Stockpiling and reincorporating local

Soil Properties 8- 9
topsoils into the substrate prior to riparian species. High soil salinity is
planting is also effective (Allen 1995). not common in healthy riparian eco-
Particular care should be taken to avoid systems where annual spring floods
disturbing large trees or stumps since remove excess salts. Soil salinity can
the soils around and under them are also be altered by leaching salts through
likely source areas for reestablishment the soil profile with irrigation (Ander-
of a wide variety of microorganisms. In- son et al. 1984). Because of agricultural
oculation can be useful in restoring drainage and altered flows due to dam
some soil mycorrhizal fungi for particu- construction, salt accumulation often
lar species when naturally infected contributes to riparian plant commu-
plant stock is unavailable. nity declines.

Soil Salinity Soil sampling throughout a restoration

site may be necessary since salinity can
Soil salinity is another important con- vary across a floodplain, even on sites of
sideration in restoration because salt less than 20 acres. If salinity is a prob-
accumulation in the soil can restrict lem, one must select plant materials
plant growth and the establishment of adapted to a saline soil environment.

8.C Plant Communities

Vegetation is a fundamental controlling alder (Java and Everett 1992); palo

factor in stream corridor function. verde and honey mesquite (Anderson
Habitat, conduit, filter/barrier, source, et al. 1978); and many others. Selec-
and sink functions are all critically tied tion of vegetative species may be based
to the vegetative biomass amount, qual- on the desire to provide habitat for a
ity, and condition (Figure 8.8). Restora- particular species of interest. The cur-
tion designs should protect existing rent trend in restoration, however, is
native vegetation and restore vegetative to apply a multispecies or ecosystem
structure to result in a contiguous and approach.
connected stream corridor.
Restoration goals can be general (e.g.,
returning an area to a reference condi-
tion) or specific (e.g., restoring habitats
for particular species of interest such as
the least Bell's vireo, Vireo bellii (Baird
and Rieger 1988], or yellow-billed
cuckoo, Coccyzus americana (Anderson
and Laymon 1988]).
Numerous shrubs and trees have been
evaluated as restoration candidates, in-
cluding willows (Svejcar et al. 1992,
Hoag 1992, Conroy and Svejcar 1991,
Anderson et al. 1978); alder, service-
berry, oceanspray, and vine maple Figure 8.8: Stream corridor vegetation.
(Flessner et al. 1992); cottonwood and Vegetation is a fundamental controlling
poplar (Hoag 1992); Sitka and thinleaf factor in the functioning of stream corridors.

8-10 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

Riparian Buffer Strips In urban settings buffer sizing criteria
may be based on existing site controls
Managers of riparian systems have long
as well as economic, legal, and ecologi-
recognized the importance of buffer
cal factors. Practical performance crite-
strips, for the following reasons
ria for sizing and managing urban
(USACE 1991 ):
buffers are presented in the box Design-
• Provide shade that reduces water ing Urban Stream Buffers. Clearly, no
temperature. single recommendation would be suit-
• Cause deposition of (i.e., filter) able for all cases.
sediments and other contaminants. Because floodplain/riparian habitats are
• Reduce nutrient loads of streams. often small in area when compared to
surrounding uplands, meeting the mini-
• Stabilize streambanks with vegeta- mum area needs of a species, guild, or
tion. community is especially important.
• Reduce erosion caused by uncon- Minimum area is the amount of habitat
trolled runoff. required to support the expected or ap-
• Provide riparian wildlife habitat. propriate use and can vary greatly
across species and seasons. For example,
• Protect fish habitat. Skagen (USGS, Biological Resources Di-
• Maintain aquatic food webs. vision, Ft. Collins, Colorado; unpubl.
data) found that, contrary to what
• Provide a visually appealing green- might be considered conventional wis-
dom, extensive stream corridors in
• Provide recreational opportunities. southeastern Arizona were not more
Although the value of buffer strips is important to migrating birds than iso-
well recognized, criteria for their sizing lated patches or oases of habitat. In
are variable. In urban stream corridors a fact, oases that were <2.5 miles long
wide forest buffer is an essential com- and <30 ft. in width had more species
ponent of any protection strategy. Its and higher numbers of nonbreeding
primary value is to provide physical migrants than did corridors. Skagen
protection for the stream channel from found that the use of oases, as well as
future disturbance or encroachment. A corridors, is consistent with the ob-
network of buffers acts as the right-of- served patterns of long distance mi-
way for a stream and functions as an in- grants, where migration occurs along
tegral part of the stream ecosystem. broad fronts rather than north-south
corridors. Because small and/or isolated
Often economic and legal considera- patches of habitat can be so important
tions have taken precedence over eco- to migrants, riparian restoration efforts
logical factors. For Vermont, USACE should not overlook the important op-
(1991) suggests that narrow strips portunities they afford.
( 100 ft. wide) may be adequate to
provide many of the functions listed Existing Vegetation
above. For breeding bird populations
Existing native vegetation should be re-
on Iowa streams, Stauffer and Best
tained to the extent feasible, as should
(1980) found that minimum strip
woody debris and stumps (Figure 8.9) .
widths varied from 40 ft. for cardinals
In addition to providing habitat and
to 700 ft. for scarlet tanagers, American
erosion and sediment control, these fea-
redstarts, and rufous-sided towhees.
tures provide seed sources and harbor a

Plant Communities 8- 11
Designing Urban Stream Buffers
The ability of an urban stream buffer to realize its In most instances, it is a residential backyard. The
many benefits depends to a large degree on how vegetative target for the outer zone is usually turf
well it is planned, designed, and maintained. Ten or lawn, although the property owner is encour-
practical performance criteria are offered to gov- aged to plant trees and shrubs, and thus increase
ern how a buffer is to be sized, managed, and the total width of the buffer. Very few uses are
crossed. The key criteria include: restricted in this zone. Indeed, gardening, compost
piles, yard wastes, and other common residential
Criteria 1: Minimum total buffer width. activities often will occur in the outer zone.
Most local buffer criteria require that development
be set back a fixed and uniform distance from the Criteria 3: Predevelopment vegetative target.
stream channel. Nationally, urban stream buffers The ultimate vegetative target for urban stream
range from 20 to 200 ft. in width from each side buffers should be specified as the predevelopment
of the stream according to a survey of 36 local riparian plant community-usually mature forest.
buffer programs, with a median of 100 ft. Notable exceptions include prairie streams of the
(Schueler 1995). In general, a minimum base Midwest, or arroyos of the arid West, that may
width of at least 100 feet is recommended to pro- have a grass or shrub cover in the riparian zone. In
vide adequate stream protection. general, the vegetative target should be based on
the natural vegetative community present in the
Criteria 2: Three-zone buffer system.
floodplain, as determined from reference riparian
Effective urban stream buffers have three lateral zones. Turfgrass is allowed for the outer zone of
zones-stream side, middle core, and outer zone. the buffer.
Each zone performs a different function, and has a
different width, vegetative target and manage- Criteria 4: Buffer expansion and contraction.
ment scheme. The stream side zone protects the Many communities require that the minimum
physical and ecological integrity of the stream width of the buffer be expanded under certain
ecosystem. The vegetative target is mature riparian conditions. Specifically, the average width of the
forest that can provide shade, leaf litter, woody middle zone can be expanded to include:
debris, and erosion protection to the stream. The • the full extent of the 100-yr floodplain;
middle zone extends from the outward boundary
• all undevelopable steep slopes (greater than
of the stream side zone, and varies in width,
depending on stream order, the extent of the 100-
yr floodplain, adjacent steep slopes, and protected • steep slopes (5 to 25% slope, at four additional
wetland areas. Its key functions are to provide fur- ft. of slope per one percent increment of slope
ther distance between upland development and above 5%); or
the stream. The vegetative target for this zone is • any adjacent delineated wetlands or critical
also mature forest, but some clearing may be habitats.
allowed for storm water management, access, and
Criteria 5: Buffer delineation.
recreational uses.
Three key decisions must be made when delineat-
The outer zone is the buffer's "buffer," an addi-
ing the boundaries of a buffer. At what mapping
tional 25-ft. setback from the outward edge of the
scale will streams be defined? Where does the
middle zone to the nearest permanent structure.
stream begin and the buffer end? And from what

8- 12 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

point should the inner edge of the buffer be mea- • Mark the buffer boundaries with permanent
sured? Clear and workable delineation criteria signs that describe allowable uses
should be developed. • Educate buffer owners about the benefits and
uses of the buffer with pamphlets, stream walks,
Criteria 6: Buffer crossings.
and meetings with homeowners associations
Major objectives for stream buffers are to main-
• Ensure that new owners are fully informed
tain an unbroken corridor of riparian forest and to
about buffer limits/uses when property is
allow for upstream and downstream fish passage
sold or transferred
in the stream network. From a practical stand-
point, however, it is not always possible to try to • Engage residents in a buffer stewardship
meet these goals everywhere along the stream program that includes reforestation and
buffer network. Some provision must be made for backyard "bufferscaping" programs
linear forms of development that must cross the • Conduct annual buffer walks to check
stream or the buffer, such as roads, bridges, fair- on encroachment
ways, underground utilities, enclosed storm drains
Criteria 10: Buffer flexibility.
or outfall channels.
In most regions of the country, a hundred-foot
Criteria 7: Storm water runoff. buffer will take about 5% of the total land area
Buffers can be an important component of the in any given watershed out of use or production.
storm water treatment system at a development While this constitutes a relatively modest land
site. They cannot, however, treat all the storm reserve at the watershed scale, it can be a signifi-
water runoff generated within a watershed (gen- cant hardship for a landowner whose property is
erally, a buffer system can only treat runoff from adjacent to a stream. Many communities are legiti-
less than 10% of the contributing watershed to mately concerned that stream buffer requirements
the stream). Therefore, some kind of structural could represent an uncompensated "taking" of
BMP must be installed to treat the quantity and private property. These concerns can be eliminated
quality of storm water runoff from the remaining if a community incorporates several simple mea-
90% of the watershed. sures to ensure fairness and flexibility when
administering its buffer program. As a general
Criteria 8: Buffers during plan review and rule, the intent of the buffer program is to modify
construction. the location of development in relation to the
The limits and uses of the stream buffer systems stream but not its overall intensity. Some flexible
should be well defined during each stage of the measures in the buffer ordinance include:
development process-from initial plan review, • Maintaining buffers in private ownership
through construction.
• Buffer averaging
Criteria 9: Buffer education and enforcement. • Density compensation
The future integrity of a buffer system requires a • Variances
strong education and enforcement program. Thus, • Conservation easements
it is important to make the buffer "visible" to the
community, and to encourage greater buffer
awareness and stewardship among adjacent resi-
dents. Several simple steps can be taken to accom-
plish this.

Plant Communities 8-13

distribution patterns for various geo-
morphic settings and flow conditions
(e.g., Brinson et al. 1981, Wharton et al.
1982), and county soil surveys generally
describe native vegetation for particular
soils. More detailed and site-specific
plant community descriptions may be
available from state Natural Heritage
programs, chapters of The Nature Con-
servancy, or other natural resources
agencies and organizations.
Examination of the reference stream
corridor, however, is often the best way
to develop information on plant com-
munity composition and distribution.
Once reference plant communities are
defined, design can begin to detail the
Figure 8.9: Remnant vegetation and woody measures required to restore those
debris along a stream. Attempts should be
communities (Figure 8.10). Rarely is
made to preserve existing vegetation within
the stream corridor. it feasible or desirable to attempt to
plant the full complement of appropri-
variety of microorganisms, as described ate species on a particular site. Rather,
above. Old fencerows, vegetated stumps the more typical approach is to plant
and rock piles in fields, and isolated the dominant species or those species
shade trees in pastures should be re- unlikely to colonize the site readily.
tained through restoration design, as For example, in the complex bottom-
long as the dominant plant species are
native or are unlikely to be competitors
in a matrix of native vegetation (e.g.,
fruit trees) .
Nonnative vegetation can prevent estab-
lishment of desirable native species or
become an unwanted permanent com-
ponent of stream corridor vegetation.
For example, kudzu will kill vegetation.
Generally, forest species planted on
agricultural land will eventually shade
out pasture grasses and weeds, although
some initial control (disking, mowing,
burning) might be required to ensure
tree establishment.

Plant Community Restoration

An objective of stream corridor restora- Figure 8.10: A thriving and diverse plant com-
tion work might be to restore natural munity within a stream corridor. Examination
patterns of plant community distribu- of reference plant communities is often the
tion within the stream corridor. Numer- best way to develop information on the com-
position and distribution of plant communities
ous publications describe general at the restoration site.

8- 14 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

land hardwood forests of the Southeast,
the usual focus is on planting oaks.
Oaks are heavy-seeded, are often shade-
intolerant, and may not be able to read-
ily invade large areas for generations
unless they are introduced in the initial
planting plan, particularly if flooding
has been reduced or curtailed. It is as-
sumed that lighter-seeded and shade-
tolerant species will invade the site at
rates sufficient to ensure that the result-
ing forest is adequately diverse. This
process can be accelerated by planting
corridors of fast-growing species (e.g.,
cottonwoods) across the restoration
area to promote seed dispersal.
In areas typically dominated by cotton-
woods and willows, the emphasis might Figure 8. 11: Restoration of understory plant
species. Understory species can be introduced
be to emulate natural patterns of colo- at the restoration site after the initial tree
nization by planting groves of particular plantings have matured sufficiently.
species rather than mixed stands, and by
staggering the planting program over a
period of years to ensure structural vari- The concept of focusing restoration ac-
ation. Where conifers tend to eventually tions on a limited group of overstory
succeed riparian hardwoods, some species to the exclusion of understory
restoration designs may include scat- and other overstory species has been
tered conifer plantings among blocks of criticized. The rationale for favoring
pioneer species, to accelerate the transi- species such as oaks has been to ensure
tion to a conifer-dominated system. that restored riparian and floodplain
areas do not become dominated by op-
Large-scale restoration work sometimes
portunistic species, and that wildlife
includes planting of understory species,
functions and timber values associated
particularly if they are required to meet
with certain species will be present as
specific objectives such as providing es-
soon as possible. It has been docu-
sential components of endangered spe-
mented that heavy-seeded species such
cies habitat. However, it is often difficult
as oaks may be slow to invade a site
to establish understory species, which
unless planted (see Tennessee Valley
are typically not tolerant to full sun, if
Authority Floodplain Reforestation
the restoration area is open. Where par-
Projects- SO Years Later), but differen-
ticular understory species are unlikely
tial colonization rates probably exclude
to establish themselves for many years,
a variety of other species as well. Cer-
they can be introduced in adjacent
tainly, it would be desirable to intro-
forested sites, or planted after the initial
duce as wide a variety of appropriate
tree plantings have matured sufficiently
species as possible; however, costs and
to create appropriate understory condi-
the difficulties of doing supplemental
tions. This may also be an appropriate
plantings over a period of years might
approach for introducing certain over-
preclude this approach in most
story species that might not survive
planting in full sun (Figure 8.11).

Plant Communities 8- 15
Low Water Availability
In areas where water levels are low, artificial plantings will not survive if their
roots cannot reach the zone of saturation. Low water availability was associ-
ated with low survival rates in more than 80 percent of unsuccessful revege-
tation work examined in Arizona (Briggs 1992). Planting long poles (20 ft.)
of Fremont cottonwood (Populus fremontii) and Gooding willow in augered
holes has been successful where the ground water is more than 10 ft. below
the surface (Swenson and Mullins 1985). In combination with an irrigation
system, many planted trees are able to reach ground water 10 ft. below the
surface when irrigated for two seasons after planting (Carothers et al. 1990).
Sites closest to ground water; such as secondary channels, depressions, and
low sites where water collects, are the best candidates for planting, although
low-elevation sites are more prone to flooding and flood damage to the
plantings. Additionally, the roots of many riparian species may become
dormant or begin to die if inundated for extended periods of time (Burrows
and Carr 1969).

Plant species should be distributed tive species. These actions sometimes

within a restoration site with close at- have unintended consequences and
tention to microsite conditions. In addi- often prove to be extremely detrimental
tion, if stream meandering behavior or (Olson and Knopf 1986). As a result,
scouring flows have been curtailed, spe- many local, county, state, and federal
cial effort is required to maintain com- agencies discourage or prohibit planting
munities that normally depend on such of nonnative species within wetlands or
behavior for natural establishment. streamside buffers. Stream corridor
These may include oxbow and swale restoration designs should emphasize
communities (bald cypress, shrub wet- native plant species from local sources.
lands, emergent wetlands), as well as It may be feasible in some cases to focus
communities characteristic of newly de- restoration actions on encouraging the
posited soils (cottonwoods, willows, success of local seedfall to ensure that
alders, silver maple, etc. ). It is important locally adapted populations of stream
to recognize that planting vegetation on corridor vegetation are maintained on
sites where regeneration mechanisms no the site (Friedmann et al. 1995).
longer operate is a temporary measure, Plant establishment techniques vary
and long-term management and peri- greatly depending on site conditions
odic replanting is required to maintain and species characteristics. In arid re-
those functions of the ecosystem. gions, the emphasis has been on using
In the past, stream corridor planting poles or cuttings of species th at sprout
programs often included nonnative readily, and planting them to depths
species selected for their rapid growth that will ensure contact with moist soil
rates, soil binding characteristics, ability during the dry season (Figure 8.12) .
to produce abundant fruits for wildlife, Where water tables have declined pre-
or other perceived advantages over na- cipitously, deep auguring and tempo-

8-16 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

rary irrigation are used to establish cut- Horizontal Diversity
tings and rooted or container-grown
Stream corridor vegetation, as viewed
plants. In environments where precipi-
from the air, would appear as a mosaic
tation or ground water is adequate to
of diverse plant communities that runs
sustain planted vegetation, prolonged
from the upland on one side of the
irrigation is less common, and bare-
stream corridor, down the valley slope,
root or container-grown plants are
across the floodplain, and up the oppo-
often used, particularly for species that
site slope to the upland. With such
do not sprout reliably from cuttings.
broad dimensional range, there is a
On large floodplains of the South and
large potential for variation in vegeta-
East, direct seeding of acorns and plant-
tion. Some of the variation is a result of
ing of dormant bare-root material have
hydrology and stream dynamics, which Stream corri-
been highly successful. Other options,
will be discussed later in this chapter. dor restoration
such as transplanting of salvaged plants,
Three important structural characteris- designs should
have been tried with varying degrees of
tics of horizontal diversity of vegetation emphasize
success. Local experience should be
are connectivity, gaps, and boundaries. native plant
sought to determine the most reliable
species from
and efficient plant establishment ap- Connectivity and Gaps local sources.
proaches for particular areas and
species, and to determine what prob- As discussed earlier, connectivity is an
lems to expect. important evaluation parameter of
stream corridor functions, facilitating
It is important to protect plantings
the processes of habitat, conduit, and
from livestock, beaver, deer, small
filter/barrier. Stream corridor restora-
mammals, and insects during the estab-
tion design should maximize connec-
lishment period. Mortality of vegetation
tions between ecosystem functions.
from deer browsing is common and can
Habitat and conduit functions can be
be prevented by using tree shelters to
enhanced by linking critical ecosystems
protect seedlings.
to stream corridors through design that
emphasizes orientation and proximity.
Designers should consider functional
connections to existing or potential fea-
tures such as vacant or abandoned land,
rare habitat, wetlands or meadows, di-
verse or unique vegetative communities,
springs, ecologically innovative residen-
tial areas, movement corridors for flora
and fauna, or associated stream systems.
This allows for movement of materials
and energy, thus increasing conduit
functions and effectively increasing
habitat through geographic proximity.
Generally, a long, wide stream corridor
with contiguous vegetative cover is fa-
Figure 8.12: Revegetation with the use of vored, though gaps are commonplace.
deeply planted live cuttings. In arid regions, Th e most fragile ecological functions de-
poles or cuttings of species that sprout termine the acceptable number and size
readily are often planted to depths that
of gaps. Wide gaps can be barriers to mi-
assure contact with moist soil.

Plant Communities 8- 17
Tennessee Valley Authority Floodplain Reforestation Projects-
50 Years Later
The oldest known large-scale restoration of forest- ed, mostly on hydric soils adjacent to tributaries
ed wetlands in the United States was undertaken of the Tennessee River. Detailed records were kept
by the Tennessee Valley Authority in conjunction regarding the species planted and survival rates.
with reservoir construction projects in the South Some of these stands were recently located and
during the 1940s. Roads and railways were relo- studied to evaluate the effectiveness of the origi-
cated outside the influence of maximum pool nal reforestation effort, and to determine the
elevations, but where they were placed on extent to which the planted forests have come to
embankments, TVA was concerned that they resemble natural stands in the area.
would be subject to wave erosion during periods Because the purpose of the plantings was erosion
of extreme high water. To reduce that possibility, control, little thought was given to recreating nat-
agricultural fields between the reservoir and the ural patterns of plant community composition and
embankments were planted with trees (Figure structure. Trees were evenly spaced in rows, and
8.13). At Kentucky Reservoir in Kentucky and planted species were apparently chosen for maxi-
Tennessee, approximately 1,000 acres were plant- mum flood tolerance. As a result, the studied
stands had an initial composition dominated by
Figure 8.13: Kentucky Reservoir watershed, 1943. bald cypress, green ash, red maple, and similarly
Planting abandoned farmland with trees.

8- 18 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

water-tolerant species, but they did not originally Figure 8.14: Kentucky Reservoir watershed in 1991.
contain many of the other common bottom/and Thriving bottom/and hardwood forest.
forest species, such as oaks.
Shear et al. (in press) compared the plant commu- Oaks are an important component of southern
nities of the planted stands with forests on similar bottom/ands and are regarded as particularly
sites that had been established by natural invasion important to wildlife. In most modern restoration
of abandoned fields. They also looked at older plantings, oaks are favored on the assumption that
stands that had never been converted to agricul- they will not quickly invade agricultural fields. The
ture. The younger planted and natural stands were stands at Kentucky Reservoir demonstrate that
similar to the older stands with regard to understo- planted bottom/and forests can develop structural
ry composition, and measures of stand density and and understory conditions that resemble those of
biomass were consistent with patterns typical for natural stands within 50 years (Figure 8.14).
the age of the stands. Overstory composition of the Stands that were established by natural invasion
planted stands was very different from that of the of agricultural fields had similar characteristics.
others, reflecting the original plantings. However, The major compositional deficiency in both of the
both the planted sites and the fields that had been younger stands was the lack of heavy-seeded
naturally invaded had few individuals of heavy- species. The results of this study appear to support
seeded species (oaks and hickories), which made the practice of favoring heavy-seeded species in
up 3 7 percent of the basal area of the older stands. bottom/and forest restoration initiatives.

Plant Communities 8-19

gration of smaller terrestrial fauna and nities should be designed to exhibit
indigenous plant species. Aquatic fauna structural diversity and canopy closure
may also be limited by the frequency or similar to that of the reference stream
dimension of gaps. The width and fre- corridor. The reference stream corridor
quency of gaps should therefore be de- can provide information regarding plant
signed in response to planned stream species and their frequency and distribu-
corridor functions. Bridges have been tion. Design should aim to maintain the
designed to allow migration of animals, filtering capacity of the stream corridor
along with physical and chemical con- by minimizing gaps in the corridor's
nections of river and wetland flow. In width and length.
Florida, for example, underpasses are Buffer configuration and composition
constructed beneath roadways to serve have also received attention since they
Restored plant as conduits for species movement
communities influence wildlife habitat quality, in-
(Smith and Hellmund 1993). The cluding suitability as migration corri-
should be de- Netherlands has experimented with ex-
signed to ex- dors for various species and suitability
tensive species overpasses and under- for nesting habitat. Reestablishment of
hibit structural
passes to benefit particular species linkages among elements of the land-
diversity and
canopy closure (Figure 8.15). Although not typically scape can be critically important for
similar to that equal to the magnitude of an undis- many species (Noss 1983, Harris 1984).
of the refer- turbed stream corridor lacking gaps, However, as noted previously, funda-
ence stream these measures allow for modest func- mental considerations include whether
corridor. tions as habitat and conduit. a particular vegetation type has ever
The filtering capacity of stream corridors existed as a contiguous corridor in an
is affected by connectivity and gaps. For area, and whether the predisturbance
example, nutrient and water discharge corridor was narrow or part of an
flowing overland in sheet flow tends to expansive floodplain forest system.
concentrate and form rills. These rills in Establishment of inappropriate and
tum often form gullies. Gaps in vegeta- narrow corridors can have a net detri-
tion offer no opportunity to slow over- mental influence at local and regional
land flow or allow for infiltration. scales (Knopf et al. 1988). Local
Where reference dimensions are similar wildlife management priorities should
and transferable, restored plant commu- be evaluated in developing buffer width
criteria that address these issues.
The structure of the edge vegetation
between a stream corridor and the adja-
cent landscape affects the habitat, con-
duit, and filter functions. A transition
between two ecosystems in an undis-
turbed environment typically occurs
across a broad area.
Boundaries between stream corridors
and adjacent landscapes may be straight
or curvilinear. A straight boundary al-
Figure 8. 15: Underpass design. Underpasses
lows relatively unimpeded movement
should be designed to accommodate both along the edge, thereby decreasing
vehicular traffic and movement of small fauna.

8-20 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

species interaction between the two edge of the stream corridor is very dif-
ecosystems. Conversely, a curvilinear ferent from the vegetation that occurs
boundary with lobes of the corridor within the interior of the corridor. The
and adjoining areas reaching into one topography, aspect, soil, and hydrology
another encourages movement across of the corridor provide several naturally
boundaries, resulting in increased inter- diverse layers and types of vegetation.
action. The shape of the boundary can The difference between edge and interior
be designed to integrate or discourage vegetative structure are important design
these interactions, thus affecting the considerations (Figure 8.16). An edge
habitat, conduit, and filter functions.
that gradually changes from the stream
Species interaction may or may not be corridor into the adjacent ecosystems
desirable depending on the project will soften environmental gradients and
goals. The boundary of the restoration minimize any associated disturbances.
initiative can, for example, be designed These transitional zones encourage
to capture seeds or to integrate animals, species diversity and buffer variable nu-
including those carrying seeds. In some trient and energy flows. Although
cases, however, this interaction is dic- human intervention has made edges
tated by the functional requirements of more abrupt, the conditions of naturally
the adjacent ecosystem (equipment tol- occurring edge vegetation can be re-
erances within an agricultural field, for stored through design. The plant com-
instance) . munity and landform of a restored edge
should reflect the structural variations
Vertical Diversity found in the reference stream corridor.
Heterogeneity within the stream corri- To maintain a connected and contigu-
dor is an important design considera- ous vegetative cover at the edge of small
tion. The plants that make up the gaps, taller vegetation should be de-
stream corridor, their form (herbs, signed to continue through the gap. If
shrubs, small trees, large trees), and the gap is wider than can be breached
their diversity affect function, especially by the tallest or widest vegetation, a
at the reach and site scales. Stratifica- more gradual edge may be appropriate.
tion of vegetation affects wind, shading, Vertical structure of the corridor interior
avian diversity, and plant growth (For- tends to be less diverse than that of the
man 1995). Typically, vegetation at the

Figure 8.16: Edge vegetative

structure. Edge characteristics
can be abrupt or gradual, with
the gradual boundary typically
encouraging more interaction
between ecosystems.

interior - - - - - - - g r a d u a l edge

Plant Communities 8- 21
edge. This is typically observed when ial photography may also provide infor-
entering a woodlot: edge vegetation is mation on water diversions, ground
shrubby and difficult to traverse, water depletion, and similar changes in
whereas inner shaded conditions pro- the local hydrology.
duce a more open forest floor that al- A vegetation-hydroperiod model can be
lows for easier movement. Snags and used to forecast riparian vegetation dis-
downed wood may also provide impor- tribution (Malanson 1993). The model
tant habitat functions. When designing identifies the inundating discharges of
to restore interior conditions of stream various locations in the riparian zone
corridor vegetation, a vegetation struc- and the resulting suitability of moisture
ture should be used that is less diverse conditions for desired plants. Grading
than the vegetation structure used at the plans, for example, can be adjusted to
edge. The reference stream corridor will alter the area inundated by a given dis-
yield valuable information for this as- charge and thus increase the area suit-
pect of design. able for vegetation associated with a
Influence of Hydrology and particular frequency and duration of
Stream Dynamics flooding. A focus on the vegetation-
hydroperiod relationship will demon-
Natural floodplain plant communities strate the following:
derive their characteristic horizontal di-
versity primarily from the organizing • The importance of moisture condi-
tions in structuring vegetation of the
influence of stream migration and
flooding (Brinson et al. 19 81). As dis- riparian zone;
cussed earlier, when designing restora- • The existence of reasonably well
tion of stream corridor vegetation, accepted physical models for calcu-
nearby reference conditions are gener- lating inundation from streamflow
ally used as models to identify the ap- and the geometry of the bottomland.
propriate plant species and • The likelihood that streamflow and
communities. However, the original inundating discharges have been
cover and older existing trees might altered in degraded stream systems or
have been established before stream will be modified as part of a restora-
regulation or other changes in the wa- tion effort.
tershed that affect flow and sediment
characteristics. Generally, planting efforts will be easier
when trying to restore vegetation on
A good understanding of current and sites that have suitable moisture condi-
projected flooding is necessary for de- tions for the desired vegetation, such as
sign of appropriately restored plant in replacing historical vegetation on
communities within the floodplain. cleared sites that have unaltered stream-
Water management and planning agen- flow and inundating discharges. Mois-
cies are often the best sources of such ture suitability calculations will support
data. In wildland areas, stream gauge designs. Sometimes the restoration ob-
data may be available, or on-site inter- jective is to restore more of the desired
pretation of landforms and vegetation vegetation than the new flow condi-
may be required to determine whether tions would naturally support. Direct
floodplain hydrology h as been altered manipulation by planting and control-
through channel incision, beaver activ- ling competition can often produce the
ity, or other causes. Discussions with desired results within the physiological
local residents and examination of aer- tolerances of the desired species. How-

8- 22 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

ever, the vegetation on these sites will lished only on moist surfaces near the
be out of balance with the site moisture water's edge. This can complicate what
conditions and might require continued constitutes suitable moisture conditions
maintenance. Management of vegeta- and may require separate consideration
tion can also accelerate succession to a of establishment requirements, and per-
more desirable state. haps consideration of how sites might
Projects that require long-term supple- change over time. The application of
mental watering should be avoided due simulation models of plant dynamics
to high maintenance costs and de- based on solving sets of explicit rules
creased potential for success. Inversely, for how plant composition will change
there may be cases where the absence of over time may become necessary as in-
vegetation, especially woody vegetation, creasingly complex details of different
is desired near the stream channel. Al- requirements at different plant life his-
teration of streamflow or inundating tory stages are incorporated into the
discharges might make moisture condi- evaluation of site suitability. Examples
tions on these sites unsuitable for of this type of more sophisticated plant
woody vegetation. response model include van der Valk
(1981) for prairie marsh species and
The general concept of site suitability for Pearlstine et al. (1985) for bottomland
plant species can be extended from hardwood tree species.
moisture conditions determined by in-
undation to other variables determining Soil Bioengineering for
plant distribution. For example, Ohmart Floodplains and Uplands
and Anderson (1986) suggests that Soil bioengineering is the use of live and
restoration of native riparian vegetation dead plant materials, in combination
in arid southwestern river systems may with natural and synthetic support ma-
be limited by unsuitable soil salinities. terials, for slope stabilization, erosion
In many arid situations, depth to ground reduction, and vegetative establishment.
water might be a more direct measure of Preview Chap-
the moisture effects of streamflow on ri- There are many soil bioengineering sys- ter 8, Section F
parian sites than actual inundation. tems, and selection of the appropriate for more infor-
Both inundating discharge and depth to system or systems is critical to success- mat ion on soil
ground water are strongly related to ele- ful restoration. Reference documents bioengineering
vation. However, depth to ground water should be consulted to ensure that the techniques.
may be the more appropriate causal principles of soil bioengineering are un-
variable for these rarely inundated sites, derstood and applied. The NRCS Engi-
and a physical model expressing the de- neering Field Handbook, Part 650
pendence of alluvial ground water levels [Chapter 16, Streambank and Shoreline
on streamflow might therefore be more Protection (USDA-NRCS 1996) and
important than a hydraulic model of Chapter 18, Soil Bioengineering for Up-
surface water elevations. land Slope Protection and Erosion Re-
duction (USDA-NRCS 1992)] offers
Some stream corridor plant species have background and guidelines for applica-
different requirements at different life tion of this technology. A more detailed
stages. For example, plants tolerating description of soil bioengineering sys-
extended inundation as adults may re- tems is offered in Section 8.F, Stream-
quire a drawdown for establishment, bank Stabilization Design, of this
and plants thriving on relatively high chapter and in Appendix A.
and dry sites as adults may be estab-

Plant Communities 8- 23
8.D Habitat Measures

Other measures may be used to provide reservoirs are shallow, forested flood-
structure and functions. They may be plain impoundments usually created by
implemented as separate actions or as building low levees and installing outlet
an integral part of the restoration plan structures (Figure 8.17). They are usu-
to improve habitat, in general, or for ally flooded in early fall and drained
specific species. Such measures can pro- during late March to mid-April. Drain-
vide short-term habitat until overall ing prevents damage to overstory hard-
restoration results reach the level of woods (Rudolph and Hunter 1964).
maturity needed to provide the desired Most existing greentree reservoirs are in
habitat. These measures can also pro- the Southwest.
vide habitat that is in short supply. The flooding of greentree reservoirs, by
Greentree reservoirs, nest structures, design, differs from the natural flood
and food patches are three examples. regime. Greentree reservoirs are typi-
Beaver are also presented as a restora- cally flooded earlier and at depths
tion measure. greater than would normally occur
Greentree Reservoirs under natural conditions. Over time,
modifications of natural flood condi-
Short-term flooding of bottomland tions can result in vegetation changes,
hardwoods during the dormant period lack of regeneration, decreased mast
of tree growth enhances conditions for production, tree mortality, and disease.
some species (e.g., waterfowl) to feed on Proper management of green tree reser-
mast and other understory food plants, voirs requires knowledge of the local
like wild millet and smartweed. Acorns system-especially the natural flood
are a primary food source in stream cor- regime-and the integration of manage-
ridors for a variety of fauna, including ment goals that are consistent with
ducks, nongame birds and mammals, system requirements. Proper manage-
turkey, squirrel, and deer. Greentree ment of greentree reservoirs can provide

Figure 8. 17: Bottom-

/and hardwoods
serving as a green-
tree reservoir. Proper
management of
greentree reservoirs
requires knowledge
of the local system.

8- 24 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

quality habitat on an annual basis, but whether an internal "ladder" is neces-
the management plan must be well sary, height of placement, and habitat
designed from construction through type in which to place the box. Other
management for waterfowl. types of nest structures include nest
platforms for waterfowl and raptors;
Nest Structures nest baskets for doves, owls, and water-
Loss of riparian or terrestrial habitat in fowl; floating nest structures for geese;
stream corridors has resulted in the de- and tire nests for squirrels. Specifica-
cline of many species of birds and tions for nest structures for riparian and
mammals that use associated trees and wetland nesting species (including nu-
tree cavities for nesting or roosting. The merous Picids, passerines, waterfowl,
most important limiting factor for and raptors) can be found in many
cavity-nesting birds is usually the avail- sources including Yoakum et al. (1980),
ability of nesting substrate (von Haart- Kalmbach et al. (1969), and various
man 1957), generally in the form of state wildlife agency and conservation
snags or dead limbs in live trees (Sedg- publications.
wick and Knopf 1986). Snags for nest
Food Patches
structures can be created using explo-
sives, girdling, or topping of trees. Arti- Food patch planting is often expensive
ficial nest structures can compensate and not always predictable, but it can
for a lack of natural sites in otherwise be carried out in wetlands or riparian
suitable habitat since many species of systems mostly for the benefit of water-
birds will readily use nest boxes or fowl. Environmental requirements of
other artificial structures. For example, the food plants native to the area,
along the Mississippi River in Illinois proper time of year of introduction,
and Wisconsin, where nest trees have management of water levels, and soil
become scarce, artificial nest structures types must all be taken into considera-
have been erected and constructed for tion. Some of the more important food
double-crested cormorants using utility plants in wetlands include pondweed
poles (Yoakum et al. 1980). In many (Potamogeton spp. ), smartweed (Poly-
cases, increases in breeding bird density gonum spp. ), duck potato, spike sedges
have resulted from providing such struc- (Carex spp.), duckweeds (Lemna spp.),
tures (Strange et al. 1971, Brush 1983). coontail, alkali bulrush (Scirpus palu-
Artificial nest structures can also im- dosus ), and various grasses. Two com-
prove nestling survival (Cowan 1959). monly planted native species include
Nest structures must be properly de- wild rice (Zizania) and wild millet. De-
signed and placed, meeting the biologi- tails on suggested techniques for plant-
cal needs of the target species. They ing these species can be found in
should also be durable, predator-proof, Yoakum et al. (1980) .
and economical to build. Design speci-
fications for nest boxes include hole di-
ameter and shape, internal box volume,
distance from the floor of the box to
the opening, type of material used,

Habitat Measures 8-25

Importance of Beaver to Riparian ities of beaver (Baker et al. 1992, Medin and Clary
Ecosystems 1990). Beaver ponds are important waterfowl pro-
duction areas and can also be used during migra-
Beaver have long been recognized for their poten-
tion (Call 1970, Ringelman 1991 ). In some high-ele-
tial to influence riparian systems. In rangelands,
vation areas of the Rocky Mountains, beaver are
where loss of riparian functional value has been
solely responsible for the majority of local duck pro-
most dramatic, the potential role of beaver in
duction. In addition, species of high interest, such as
restoring degraded streams is least understood.
trumpeter swans, sandhill cranes, moose, mink, and
Beaver dams on headwater streams can positively river otters, use beaver ponds for nesting or feeding
influence riparian function in many ways, as summa- areas (Collins 1976).
rized by Olson and Hubert (1994) (Figure 8.18). They
improve water quality by trapping sediments behind Transplanting Beaver to Restore
dams and by reducing stream velocity, thereby Stream Functions
reducing bank erosion (Parker 1986). Beaver ponds Beaver have been successfully transplanted into
many watersheds throughout the United States dur-
ing the past 50 years. This practice was very com-
mon during the 1950s after biologists realized the
loss of ecological function resulting from overtrap-
ping of beaver by fur traders before the turn of the
century Reintroduction of beaver has restored the
U.S. beaver population to 6- 12 million, compared to
a pre-European level of 60-400 million (Naiman et
al. 1986). Much unoccupied habitat or potential
Figure 8.18: Beaver dam on a headwater stream. Beavers habitat still remains, especially in the shrub-steppe
have many positive impacts on headwater streams. ecosystem.
In forested areas, where good beaver habitat already
can alter water chemistry by changing adsorption
exists, reintroduction techniques are well established.
rates for nitrogen and phosphorus (Maret 1985) and
The first question asked should be "If the habitat is
by trapping coliform bacteria (Skinner et al. 1984).
suitable, why are beaver absent?" In the case of
The flow regime within a watershed can also be
newly restored habitat or areas far from existing
influenced by beaver. Beaver ponds create a sponge-
populations, reintroduction w ithout habitat improve-
like effect by increasing the area where soil and
ment might be warranted (Figure 8.20). Beavers are
water meet (Figure 8.19). Headwaters retain more
livetrapped from areas
water from spring runoff and major storm events,
that have excess popu-
which is released more slowly, resulting in a higher
lations or from areas
water table and extended summer flows. This
where they are a nui-
increase in water availability, both surface and subsur-
sance. It is advisable to
face, usually increases the width of the riparian zone
obtain beavers from
and, consequently, favors wildlife communities that
habitat that is similar to
depend on that vegetation. There can be negative
where they will be
impacts as well, including loss of spawning habitat,
introduced to ensure
increase in water temperatures beyond optimal levels
for some fish species, and loss of riparian habitat.
Figure 8.19: A beaver
Richness, diversity, and abundance of birds, her- pond. Bea ver ponds cre-
petiles, and mammals can be increased by the activ- ate a sponge-like effect.

8-26 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

other vegetation, might preclude successful estab-
lishment. Transplanting beaver before willows are
established may create the conditions needed to
both establish and maintain riparian shrubs or trees.
In these cases it may be helpful to provide beaver
with a pickup truck load of aspen or other trees to
use as building material at or near the reintroduc-
tion site. This may encourage beaver to stay near
the site and strengthen dams built of sagebrush or
other shrubs (Apple et al. 1985).
Figure 8.20: Beaver habitat. It is advisable to obtain
beaver from habitat that is similar to where they will
be introduced.
Nuisance Beaver
Unfortunately, beaver are not beneficial in all situa-
they are familiar with available food and building tions, which is all too obvious to those managing
materials (Smith and Prichard 1992). This is particu- damage control. In many cases where they live in
larly important in shrub-steppe habitats. close proximity to humans or features important to
Reintroduction into degraded riparian areas within humans, beaver need to be removed or their dam-
the shrub-steppe zone is controversial. Convention- age controlled. Common problems include cutting
al wisdom holds that a yearlong food supply must or eating desirable vegetation, flooding roads or
be present before introducing beaver. In colder cli- irrigation ditches by plugging culverts, and increas-
mates, this means plants with edible bark, such as ing erosion by burrowing into the banks of streams
willow, cottonwood, or aspen, must be present to or reservoirs. In addition, beaver carry Giardia
provide a winter food supply for beaver (Figure species pathogens, which can infect drinking water
8.21). But often these species are the goal of supplies and cause human health problems.
restoration. In some cases willows or other species Control of nuisance beaver usually involves remov-
can be successfully planted as described in other ing the problem animals directly or modifying their
sections of this document. In other areas, condi- habitat. Beaver can be livetrapped (Bailey or Han-
tions needed to sustain planted cuttings, such as a cock traps) and relocated to a more acceptable
high water table and minimal competition with location or killed by dead-traps (e.g., Conibear
#330) or shooting (Miller
1983). In cases where the
water level in a dam must
be controlled to prevent
flooding, a pipe can be
placed through the dam
with the upstream side per-
forated to allow water flow.

Figure 8.21: A beaver lodge.

The living chamber in a beaver
lodge is above water and used
year-round. Deep entrances
enable beavers to obtain
food from underwater caches
in winter.

Habitat Measures 8- 27
8.E Stream Channel Restoration

Some disturbances to stream channels Procedures for Channel

(e.g., from surface mining activities, ex- Reconstruction
treme weather events, or major highway
If watershed land use changes or other
construction) are so severe that restora-
factors have caused changes in sediment
tion within a desired time frame re-
yield or hydrology, restoration to an
quires total reconstruction of a new
historic ch annel condition is not rec-
channel. Selecting dimensions (width,
ommended. In such cases, a new chan-
depth, cross-sectional shape, pattern,
nel design is needed. The following
slope, and alignment) for such a recon-
procedures are suggested:
structed channel is perhaps the most
difficult component of stream restora- 1. Describe physical aspects of the
tion design. In the case of stream chan- watershed and characterize its hydro-
nel reconstruction, stream corridor logic response.
restoration design can proceed along This step should be based on data
Review Chapter one of two broad tracks: collected during the planning phase,
4's Data Collec- 1. A single-species restoration that as described in Chapter 4.
tion Planning focuses on habitat requirements of 2. Considering reach and associated
section . certain life stages of species (for constraints, select a preliminary
example, rainbow trout spawning). right-of-way for the restored stream
The existing system is analyzed in channel corridor and compute the
light of what is needed to provide a valley length and valley slope.
given quantity of acceptable habitat
for the target species and life stage, 3. Determine the approximate bed
and design proceeds to remedy any material size distribution for the new
deficien cies noted. channel.

2. An "ecosystem restoration" or Many of the channel design procedures

"ecosystem management" approach described below require the designer to
that focuses design resources on the supply the size of bed sediments. If the
chemical, hydrologic, and geomor- project is not likely to modify bed sedi-
phic functions of the stream corridor. ments, the existing channel bed may be
This approach assumes that commu- sampled using procedures reviewed in
nities will recover to a sustainable Chapter 7. If predisturbance conditions
level if the stream corridor structure were different from those of the existing
and functions are adequate. The channel, and if those conditions must
strength of this approach is that it be restored, the associated sediment
recognizes the complex interdepen- size distribution must be determined .
dence between living things and the This can be done by collecting represen-
totality of their environments. tative samples of bed sediments from
nearby, similar streams; by excavating to
Although m ethods for single-species locate the predisturbance bed; or by ob -
restoration design pertaining to treat- taining the information from historic
ments for aquatic habitat are included resources.
elsewhere in this ch apter, the second
track is emphasized in this section. Like velocity and depth, bed sediment
size in natural streams varies continu-

8- 28 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

ously in time and space. Particularly tern, compute effective discharge or esti-
troublesome are streams with sediment mate bankfull discharge.
size distributions that are bimodal mix- A sediment rating curve must be devel-
tures of sand and gravel, for example.
oped to integrate with the flow dura-
The median ( D50 ) of the overall distrib-
tion curve to determine the effective
ution might be virtually absent from
discharge. The sediment load that is re-
the bed. However, if flow conditions sponsible for shaping the channel (bed
allow development of a well-defined
material load) should be used in the
armor layer, it might be appropriate to
calculation of the effective discharge.
use a higher percentile than the median
This sediment load can be determined
(e.g., the D 75 ) to represent the bed ma-
from measured data or computed using
terial size distribution. In some cases, a an appropriate sediment transport
new channel excavated into a heteroge-
equation. If measured suspended sedi-
neous mixture of noncohesive material
ment data are used, the wash load, typi-
will develop an armor layer. In such a
cally consisting of particles less than
case, the designer must predict the
0.062 mm, should be deleted and only
likely size of the armor layer material. the suspended bed material portion of
Methods presented by Helwig (1987) the suspended load used. If the bed
and Griffiths (19 81) could prove he! p-
load in the stream is considered to be
ful in such a situation.
only a small percentage of the total bed
4. Conduct a hydrologic and hydraulic material load, it might be acceptable to
analysis to select a design discharge simply use the measured suspended
or range of discharges. bed material load in the effective dis-
Conventional channel design has re- charge calculations. However, if the bed
volved around selecting channel dimen- load is a significant portion of the load,
sions that convey a certain discharge at it should be calculated using an appro-
or below a certain elevation. Design dis- priate sediment transport function and
charge is usually based on flood fre- then added to the suspended bed mate-
Review Chapter
quency or duration or, in the case of rial load to provide an estimate of the 1 and Chapter
canals, on downstream supply needs. total bed material load. If bed load 7's channel-
Channel restoration, on the other hand, measurements are available, which sel- form ing,
implies designing a channel similar to dom is the case, these observed data effective,
one that would develop naturally under can be used. and design
similar watershed conditions. Flow levels and frequencies that cause d ischarges
flooding also need to be identified to sections.
Therefore, the first step in selecting a de-
sign discharge for restoration is not to help plan and design out-of-stream
determine the controlling elevation for restoration measures in the rest of the
flood protection but to determine what stream corridor. If flood management is
discharge controls channel size. Often a constraint, additional factors that are
this will be at or close to the 1- to 3-year beyond the scope of this document
recurrence interval flow. See Chapters 1 enter the design. Environmental fea-
and 7 for discussions of channel-form- tures for flood control channels are de-
ing, effective, and design discharges. Ad- scribed elsewhere (Hey 1995, Shields
ditional guidance regarding streamflow and Aziz 1992, USACE 1989a, Brookes
analysis for gauged and ungauged sites 1988).
is presented in Chapter 7. The designer Channel reconstruction and stream cor-
should, as appropriate to the stream sys- ridor restoration are most difficult for

Stream Channel Restoration 8- 29

incised streams, and hydrologic analy- analysis and development of stage-
ses must consider several additional fac- discharge relationships are presented
tors. Incised stream channels are in Chapter 7.
typically much larger than required to 5. Predict stable planform type
convey the channel-forming discharge. (straight, meandering, or braided) .
Restoration of an incised channel may
involve raising the bottom of a stream Channel planform may be classified as
to restore overbank flow and ecological straight, braided, or meandering, but
functions of the floodplain. In this type thresholds between categories are arbi-
of restoration, compatibility of restored trary since channel form can vary contin-
floodplain hydrology with existing land uously from straight to single-channel
uses must be considered. meanders to multiple braids. Naturally
straight, stable alluvial channels are rare,
A second option in reconstructing in- but meandering and braided channels
cised channels is to excavate one or are common and can display a wide
both sides to create a new bankfull range of lateral and vertical stability.
channel with a floodplain (Hey 1995).
Again, adjacent land uses must be able Relationships have been proposed that
Review Chapter to accommodate the new, excavated allow prediction of channel planform
7's hydrologic floodplain/ channel. based on channel slope, discharge, and
analysis and bed material size (e.g., Chang 1988),
A third option is to stabilize the incised but they are sometimes unreliable (Chi-
channel in place, and to enhance the tale 1973, Richards 1982) and give
low-flow channel for environmental widely varying estimates of the slope
benefits. The creation of a floodplain threshold between meandering and
might not be necessary or possible as braiding. As noted by Dunne (1988),
part of a stream restoration. "The planform aspects of rivers are the
In cases where channel sizing, modifi- most difficult to predict," a sentiment
cation, or realignment are necessary, or echoed by USACE (1994), "... available
where structures are required to en- analytical techniques cannot determine
hance vertical or lateral stability, it is reliably whether a given channel modi-
critical that restoration design also in- fication will be liable to meander devel-
clude consideration of the range of opment, which is sensitive to
flows expected in the future. In urbaniz- difficult-to-quantify factors like bank
ing watersheds, future conditions may vegetation and cohesion."
be quite different from existing condi- Stable channel bed slope is influenced
tions, with higher, sharper, peak flows. by a number of factors, including sedi-
If certain instream flow levels are re- ment load and bank resistance to ero-
quired to meet restoration objectives, it sion. For the first iteration, restoration
is imperative that those flows be quan- designers may assume a channel plan-
tified on the basis of a thorough under- form similar to stable reference chan-
standing of present and desired nels in similar watersheds. By
conditions. Good design practice also collecting data for stable channels and
requires checking stream channel hy- their valleys in reference reaches, in-
draulics and stability at discharges well sight can be gained on what the stable
above and below the design condition. configuration would be for the restora-
Stability checks (described below) may tion area. The morphology of those
be quite simple or very sophisticated. stream types can also provide guidance
Additional guidance on hydrologic or additional converging lines of evi-

8- 30 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

dence that the planform selected by the Alignment and Average Slope
designer is appropriate.
In some cases, it might be desirable
After initial completion of these five to divert a straightened stream into a
steps, any one of several different paths meandering alignment for restoration
may be taken to final design. Three ap- purposes. Three approaches for mean-
proaches are summarized in Table 8.1. der design are summarized in the adja-
The tasks are not always executed se- cent box.
quentially because trial and error and
For cases where the design channel will
reiteration are often needed.
carry only a small amount of bed mate-

- Approach A

D etermine
and channel
alignment. 1
Empirical formulas
for meander
wavelength, and
adaptation of
measurements from
Approach B (Hey 1994)
Determine bed
discharge to be
carried by design
channel at design
Analyze measured
data or use
sediment transport
function2 and
hydraulic properties
- Approach C (Fogg 1995)

C ompute
mean flow,
width, depth,
and slope at
Regime or hydraulic
geometry formulas
with regional
Table 8. 1: Three
approaches to
achieving final
design. There are
variations of the
final steps to a
conditions or nearly compute bed of reach upstream restoration design,
undisturbed reaches. material sediment from design reach . after the first five
concentration .
steps described in
Compute Channel length = Compute mean Regime or hydraulic Compute or Appropriate
sinuosity, sinuosity X valley flow, width, geometry formulas estimate flow relationship between
the text are done.
channel length. Channel depth, and slope with regional resistance depth, bed sediment
length, and slope= valley slope/ at design coefficients, or coefficient at size, and resistance
slope. sinuosity. discharge.4 analytical methods design coefficient, modified
(e.g. White,, discharge. based on expected
1982, or Copeland, sinuosity and
1994).3 bank/berm vegetation.

Compute Regime or hydraulic Compute Sinuosity= valley Compute Uniform flow equation
mean flow geometry formulas sinuosity and slope/ channel mean channel (e.g. Manning, Chezy)
width and with regional channel length. slope. slope and continuity equation,
depth at coefficients, and Channel length= depth and design channel
design resistance equations sinuosity X valley required to cross-sectional shape;
discharge.4 or analytical length. pass design numerical water
methods (e.g. discharge. surface profile models
tractive stress, Ikeda may be used instead of
and Izumi, 1990, or uniform flow equation.
Chang, 1988).

Compute Empirical formulas, Determine Lay out a piece of Compute Allowable velocity or
riffle spacing observation of meander string scaled to velocity or shear stress criteria
(if gravel similar streams, geometry and channel length on a boundary based on channel
bed), and add habitat criteria. channel map (or equivalent sheer stress at boundary materials.
detail to alignment. procedure) such design
design. that meander arc discharge.
lengths vary from 4
to 9 channel widths.

Check Check stability. Compute riffle Empirical formulas, Compute Sinuosity= valley
channel spacing (if gravel observation of sinuosity and slope/ channel slope.
stability and bed), and add similar streams, channel Channel length=
reiterate as detail to design. habitat criteria. length. sinuosity X valley
needed. length.

Check channel Check stability. Compute Lay out a piece of

stability and si nuosity and string sea led to
reiterate as channel channel length on a
needed. length. map (or equivalent
procedure) such that
meander arc lengths
vary from 4 to 9
channel widths.

Check channel Check stability.

stability and
reiterate as

1 Assumes meandering planform would be stable. Sinuosity and arc-length are known.
2 Computation of sediment transport without calibration against measured data may give highly unreliable results for a specific channel
(USACE, 1994, Kuhnle, et al., 1989).
3 The two methods list ed assume a straight channel. Adjustments w ould be needed to allow for effects of bends.
4 Mean flow width and depth at design discharge wil l give channel dimensions since design discharge is bankfull. In some situations channel may be increased t o
allow for freeboard. Regime and hydraulic geometry formulas should be examined to determine if they are mean width or top width.

Stream Channel Restoration 8- 31

lent procedure, such that the meander
arc length L (the distance between in-
USACE Channel Restoration flection points, measured along the
Design Procedure channel) ranges from 4 to 9 channel
widths and averages 7 channel widths.
A systematic design methodology has been developed for
Meanders should not be uniform.
use in designing restoration projects that involve channel
reconstruction (USACE, WES). The methodology includes The incised, straightened channel of the
use of hydraulic geometry relationships, analytical determi- River Blackwater (Norfolk, United King-
nation of stable channel dimensions, and a sediment dom) was restored to a meandering
impact assessment. The preferred geometry is a compound form by excavating a new low-level
channel with a primary channel designed to carry the effec- floodplain about 50 to 65 feet wide
tive or "channel forming" discharge and an overbank area containing a sinuous channel about 16
designed to carry the additional flow for a specified flood feet wide and 3 feet deep (Hey 1995).
discharge. Channel width may be determined by analogy Preliminary calculations indicated that
methods, hydraulic geometry predictors, or analytically the bed of the channel was only slightly
Currently under development are hydraulic geometry pre- mobile at bankfull discharge, and sedi-
dictors for various stream types. Once a width is determined ment loads were low. A carbon copy de-
for the effective discharge, depth and channel slope are sign process was used, recreating
determined analytically by balancing sediment inflow from meander geometry from the mid-19th
upstream with sediment transport capacity through the century (Hey 1994). The River Neath
restored channel. Meander wavelength is determined by (Wales, United Kingdom), an active
analogy or hydraulic geometry relationships. Assumption of gravel-bed stream, was diverted at five
a sine-generated curve then allows calculation of channel locations into meandering alignments
planform. The stability of the channel design is then evalu- to allow highway construction. Existing
ated for the full range of expected discharges by conduct- slopes were maintained through each
ing a sediment impact assessment. Refinements to the diversion, effectively illustrating a
design include variation of channel widths at crossings and "slope-first" design (Hey 1994).
pools, variable lateral depths in pools, coarsening of the
channel bed in riffles, and bank protection. Channel Dimensions
Selection of channel dimensions in-
volves determining average values for
rial load, bed slope and channel dimen- width and depth. These determinations
sions may be selected to carry the de- are based on the imposed water and
sign discharge at a velocity that will be sediment discharge, bed sediment size,
great enough to prevent suspended sed- bank vegetation, resistance, and average
iment deposition and small enough to bed slope. However, both width and
prevent erosion of the bed. This ap- depth may be constrained by site fac-
proach is suitable only for channels tors, which the designer must consider
with beds that are stationary or move once stability criteria are met. Channel
very infrequently-typically stable width must be less than the available
cobble- and gravel-bed streams. corridor width, while depth is depen-
dent on the upstream and downstream
Once mean channel slope is known, controlling elevations, resistance, and
channel length can be computed by the elevation of the adjacent ground
multiplying the straight line down- surface. In some cases, levees or flood-
valley distance by the ratio of valley walls might be needed to match site
slope to channel slope (sinuosity). constraints and depth requirements.
Meanders can then be laid out using a Average dimensions determined in this
piece of string on a map or an equiva-

8- 32 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

step should not be applied uniformly. reach is a reach that will be used as a
Instead, in the detailed design step de- template for the geometry of the re-
scribed below, nonuniform slopes and stored channel. The width, depth, slope,
cross sections should be specified to and planform characteristics of the refer-
create converging and diverging flow ence reach are transferred to the design
and resulting physical diversity. reach, either exactly or by using analyti-
The average cross-sectional shape of cal or empirical techniques to scale
natural channels is dependent on dis- them to fit slightly different characteris-
charge, sediment inflow, geology, rough- tics of the project reach (for example, a
ness, bed slope, bank vegetation, and larger or smaller drainage area).
bed and bank materials. Although bank It is impossible to find an exact replica
vegetation is considered when using of the watershed in which the restora-
some of the empirical tools presented tion work is located, and subjective
below, many of the analytical ap- judgement may play a role in determin-
proaches do not consider the influence ing what constitutes similarity. The level
of bank material and vegetation or make of uncertainty involved may be reduced
unrealistic assumptions (e.g., banks are by considering a large number of stable
composed of the same material as the reaches. By classifying the reference
bed). These tools should be used with streams, width and depth data can be
care. After initial selection of average grouped by stream type to reduce the
channel width and depth, designers scatter inherent in regional analyses.
should consider the compatibility of A second common meaning of the term
these dimensions with reference reaches. reference reach is a reach with a desired
Reference Reaches biological condition, which will be
used as a target to strive for when com-
Perhaps the simplest approach to select- paring various restoration options. For
ing channel width and depth is to use instance, for a stream in an urbanized
dimensions from stable reaches else- area, a stream with a similar drainage
where in the watershed or from similar area in a nearby unimpacted watershed
reaches in the region. The difficulty in might be used as a reference reach to
this approach is finding a suitable refer- show what type of aquatic and riparian
ence reach. A reference reach is a reach community might be possible in the
of stream outside the project reach that project reach. Although it might not be
is used to develop design criteria for the possible to return the urban stream to
project reach. predevelopment conditions, the charac-
A reference reach used for stable chan- teristics of the reference reach can be
nel design should be evaluated to make used to indicate what direction to move
sure that it is stable and has a desirable toward. In this use of the term, a refer-
morphological and ecological condi- ence reach defines desired biological
tion. In addition, the reference reach and ecological conditions, rather than
must be similar enough to the desired stable channel geometry. Modeling
project reach so that the comparison is tools such as IFIM and RCHARC (see
valid. It must be similar to the desired Chapter 7) can be used to determine
project reach in hydrology, sediment what restoration options come closest
load, and bed and bank material. to replicating the habitat conditions of
the reference reach (although none of
The term reference reach has several the options may exactly match it).
meanings. As used above, the reference

Stream Channel Restoration 8- 33

Meander Design 2. Use of empirical relationships that allow
computation of meander wavelength, L,
Five approaches to meander design are described
and amplitude based on channel width or
below, not in any intended order of priority. The
discharge. Chang (1988) presents graphical
first four approaches result in average channel
and algebraic relationships between meander
slope being determined by meander geometry.
wavelength, width-depth ratio, and friction
These approaches are based on the assumption
factor. In addition to meander wavelength,
that the controlling factors in the stream channel
specification of channel alignment requires
(water and sediment inputs, bed material grada-
meander radius of curvature (Hey 7976) and
tion, and bank erosional resistance) will be similar
meander amplitude or channel slope. Hey
to those in the reference reach (either the restora-
(1976) also suggests that Lis not usually
tion reach before disturbance or undisturbed
uniquely determined by channel width or dis-
reaches). The fifth approach requires determina-
charge. Rechard and Schaefer (1984) provide
tion of stream channel slope first. Sinuosity follows
an example of development of regional formu-
as the ratio of channel slope to valley slope, and
las for meander restoration design. Chapter 7
meander geometry (Figure 8.22) is developed to
includes a number of meander geometry rela-
obtain the desired sinuosity.
tionships developed from regional data sets.
1. Replacement of meanders exactly as found Newbury and Gaboury (1993) designed mean-
before disturbance (the carbon copy tech- ders for a straightened stream (North Pine River)
nique). This method is appropriate if hydrology by selecting meander amplitude to fit between
and bed materials are very similar or identical to floodplain terraces. Meander wavelength was
predisturbance conditions. Old channels are set at 12.4 times the channel width (on the
often filled with cohesive soils and may have high end of the literature range), and radius
cohesive boundaries. Accordingly, channel sta- of curvature ranged from 1. 9 to 2.3 times the
bility may be enhanced by following a previous channel width.
channel alignment.

Figure 8.22: Variables used to describe and design

meanders. Consistent, clear terminology is used in
meander design.
Adapted from Williams 1986.

L meander wavelength
ML meander arc length
w average width at bankfull discharge
MA meander amplitude
rc radius of curvature
e arc angle

8- 34 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

3. Basin-wide analysis to determine funda- 5. Slope first. Hey (1994) suggests that meanders
mental wavelength, mean radius of curva- should be designed by first selecting a mean
ture, and meander belt width in areas "rea- channel slope based on hydraulic geometry for-
sonably free of geologic control." This mulas. However, correlation coefficients for
approach has been used for reconstruction of regime slope formulas are always much smaller
streams destroyed by surface mining in subhu- than those for width or depth formulas, indicat-
mid watersheds of the western United States. ing that the former are less accurate. Channel
Fourier analysis may be used with data digitized slope may also be determined by computing the
from maps to determine fundamental meander value required to convey the design water and
wavelength (Hasfurther 1985). sediment discharges (White et al. 1982,
Copeland 1994). The main weakness of this
4. Use of undisturbed reaches as design mod-
approach is that bed material sediment dis-
els. If the reach targeted for restoration is close-
charge is required by analytical techniques and
ly bounded by undisturbed meanders, dimen-
in some cases (e.g., Hey and Thorne 1986) by
sions of these undisturbed reaches may be stud-
hydraulic geometry formulas. Sediment dis-
ied for use in the restored reach (Figure 8.23).
charges computed without measured data for
Hunt and Graham (1975) describe successful
calibration may be unreliable.
use of undisturbed reaches as models for design
and construction of two meanders as part of
Site-specific bed material samples and
river relocation for highway construction in
channel geometries are needed to apply
Montana. Brookes (1990) describes restoration
these analytical techniques and to achieve
of the Elbaek in Denmark using channel width,
confidence in the resulting design.
depth, and slope from a "natural" reach down-
stream, confirmed by dimensions of a river in a
neighboring watershed with similar area, geolo-
gy, and land use.

Figure 8.23: The natural meander

of a stream. Rivers meander to
increase length and reduce gradi-
ent. Stream restorations often
attempt to reconstruct the chan-
nel to a previous meandering con-
dition or one "copied" from a ref-
erence reach.

Stream Channel Restoration 8- 35

Application of Regime and most compatible with single-channel
Hydraulic Geometry Approaches sand and gravel streams with low bed-
material sediment discharge, unstable
Typical regime and hydraulic geometry channels ( aggrading or degrading pro-
relationships are presented in Chapter files) can depart strongly from pub-
7. These formulas are most reliable for lished relationships.
width, less reliable for depth, and least
reliable for slope. Literature references to the use of hy-
draulic geometry formulas for sizing
Exponents and coefficients for hydraulic restored channels are abundant. Initial
geometry formulas are usually deter- estimates for width and depth for the
mined from data for the same stream, restored channel of Seminary Creek,
the same watershed, streams of a simi- which drains an urban watershed in
lar type, or the same physiographic re- Oakland, California, were determined
gion. Because formula coefficients vary, using regional hydraulic geometry for-
application of a given set of hydraulic mulas (Riley and MacDonald 1995).
geometry or regime relationships Hey (1994, 1995) discusses use of hy-
should be limited to channels similar draulic geometry relationships deter-
to the calibration sites. Classifying mined using regression analyses of data
streams can be useful in refining regime from gravel bed rivers in the United
relationships (See Chapter 7's section Kingdom for restoration design. New-
on Stream Classification). bury and Gaboury (1993) used regional
Published hydraulic geometry relation- hydraulic geometry relations based on
ships are usually based on stable, sin- drainage area to check width and depth
gle-thread alluvial channels. Hydraulic of restored channels in Manitoba.
geometry relationships determined Hydraulic geometry formulas for sizing
through stream classification of refer- stream channels in restoration efforts
ence reaches can also be valuable for must be used with caution since a num-
designing the stream restoration. Chan- ber of pitfalls are associated with their
nel geometry-discharge relationships use:
are more complex for multithread chan-
nels. Individual threads may fit the rela- • The formulas represent hydraulic
tionships if their partial bankfull geometry only at bankfull or mean
discharges are used in place of the total annual discharge. Designers must
streamflow. Also, hydraulic geometry re- also select a single statistic to
lationships for gravel-bed rivers are far describe bed sediment size when
more numerous in the literature than using hydraulic geometry relation-
those for sand-bed rivers. ships. (However, refinements to the
Hey and Thome [1986] formulas for
A trial set of channel properties (aver- slope in Table 7.5 should be noted.)
age width, depth, and slope) can be
evaluated by using several sets of • Downstream hydraulic geometry for-
regime and hydraulic geometry formu- mulas are usually based on the bank-
las and comparing results. Greatest full discharge, the elevation of which
weight should be given to formulas can .be extremely difficult to identify
based on sites similar to the project in vertically unstable channels.
reach. A logical second step is to use • Exponents and coefficients selected
several discharge levels in the best- for design must be based on streams
suited sets of formulas. Because hy- with slopes, bed sediments, and bank
draulic geometry relationships are

8- 36 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

materials similar to the one being are equations, the system is indetermi-
designed. nate. Indeterminacy of the stable chan-
• The premise is that the channel nel design problem has been addressed
shape is dependent on only one or in the following ways:
two variables. • Using empirical relationships to
• Hydraulic geometry relationships are compute some of the unknowns
power functions with a fair degree of (e.g., meander parameters).
scatter that may prove too great for • Assuming values for one or more of
reliable engineering design. This scat- the unknown variables.
ter is indicative of natural variability • Using structural controls to hold one
and the influence of other variables or more unknowns constant (e.g.,
on channel geometry. controlling width with bank revet-
In summary, hydraulic geometry rela- ments).
tionships are useful for preliminary or • Ignoring some unknown variables by
trial selection of design channel proper- simplifying the channel system. For
ties. Hydraulic and sediment transport example, a single sediment size is
analyses are recommended for final de- sometimes used to describe all Review Chapter
sign for the restoration. boundaries, and a single depth is 7's section on
used to describe water depth rather hydraulic
Analytical Approaches for
than mean and maximum depth as geometry
Channel Dimensions
suggested by Hey (1988). relationships.
Analytical approaches for designing
• Adopting additional governing equa-
stream channels are based on the idea
tions based on assumed properties of
that a channel system may be described streams with movable beds and banks.
by a finite number of variables. In most
The design methods based on "ex-
practical design problems, a few vari- tremal hypotheses" fall into this cate-
ables are determined by site conditions
gory. These approaches are discussed
(e.g., valley slope and bed material below under analytical approaches
size), leaving up to nine variables to be
for channels with moving beds.
computed. However, designers have
only three governing equations avail- Table 8.2 lists six examples of analytical
able: continuity, flow resistance (such as design procedures for sand-bed and
Manning, Chezy, and Darcy-Weisbach), gravel channels. These procedures are
and sediment transport (such as Ackers- data-intensive and would be used in
White, Einstein, and Brownlie) . Since high-risk or large-scale channel recon-
this leaves more unknowns than there struction work.

Table 8.2: Selected

Stable Channel
UilJlml Sediment
Transport Equation
Third Relation
analytical procedures
for stable channel
Copeland 1994 Sand-bed rivers Brownl ie Brow nlie Left t o designer's discretion
Chang 1988 Sand-bed rivers Various Various Minimum stream power
Chang 1988 Gravel-bed rivers Bray Chang (similar in Minimum slope
form to Parker,

Abou-Saida 1987 Sand-bed canals Liu-Hwang Einstein-Brown Left to designer's discretion

and Saleh
Whit e et al. 1981 Sand-bed rive rs W hite et al. Ackers-White Maximum sediment transport
Griffiths 1981 Gravel-bed rivers Griffiths Shields Empirical stability index

Stream Channel Restoration 8- 37

Tractive Stress {No Bed Movement) poorly suited for channels with moving
Tractive stress or tractive force analysis beds. Additional limitations of the trac-
is based on the idea that by assuming tive stress design approach are discussed
negligible bed material discharge by Brookes (1988) and USACE (1994).
(Q = O) and a straight, prismatic chan- Tractive stress approaches are appropri-
nel with a specified cross-sectional ate for designing features made of rock
shape, the inequality in variables and or gravel (artificial riffles, revetments,
governing equations mentioned above etc.) that are expected to be immobile.
is eliminated. Details are provided in Channels with Moving Beds and
many textbooks that deal with stable Known Slope
channel design (e.g., Richards 1982, Si-
More general analytical approaches for
mons and Senturk 1977, French 1985).
designing channels with bed material
Because the method is based on the
discharge reduce the number of vari-
laws of physics, it is less empirical and
ables by assuming certain constant val-
region-specific than regime or hydraulic
ues (such as a trapezoidal
geometry formulas. To specify a value
cross-sectional shape or bed sediment
for the force "required to initiate mo-
size distribution) and by adding new
tion," the designer must resort to empir-
equations based on an extremal hy-
ical relationships between sediment size
pothesis (Bettess and White 1987). For
and critical shear stress. In fact, the only
example, in a refinement of the tractive
difference between the tractive stress ap-
stress approach, Parker (1978) assumed
proach for design stability analysis and
that a stable gravel channel is character-
the allowable stress approach is that the
ized by threshold conditions only at the
effect of cross-sectional shape (in partic-
junction point between bed and banks.
ular, the bank angles) is considered in
Using this assumption and including
the former (Figure 8.24). Effects of tur-
lateral diffusion of longitudinal mo-
bulence and secondary currents are
mentum due to fluid turbulence in the
Figure 8.24: Low poorly represented in this approach.
energy system with analysis, he showed that points on the
small bank angles. Tractive stress approaches typically pre- bank experience stresses less than
Bank angles need to sume constant discharge, zero bed ma- threshold while the bed moves.
be considered when terial sediment transport, and straight,
using the tractive Following Parker's work, Ikeda et al.
prismatic channels and are therefore
stress approach. (1988) derived equations for stable
width and depth (given slope and bed
material gradation) of gravel channels
with unvegetated banks composed of
noncohesive material and flat beds in
motion at bankfull. Channels were as-
sumed to be nearly straight (sinuosity
< 1.2) with trapezoidal cross sections
free of alternate bars. In a subsequent
paper Ikeda and Izumi (1990) exte~d~d
the derivation to include effects of ng1d
bank vegetation.
Extremal hypotheses state that a stable
channel will adopt dimensions that lead
to minimization or maximization of
some quantity subject to constraints im-

8- 38 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

posed by the two governing equations signer's confidence that the appropriate
(e.g., sediment transport and flow resis- channel dimensions have been selected.
tance) . Chang (1988) combined sedi- Subsequent work by Thome et al. (1988)
ment transport and flow resistance modified these formulas to account for
formulas with flow continuity and mini- effects of bank vegetation along gravel-
mization of stream power at each cross bed rivers. The Thome et al. (1988) for-
section and through a reach to generate mulas in Table 8.3 are based on the data
a numerical model of flow and sedi- presented by Hey and Thome (1986) in
ment transport. Special relationships for Table 7.6.
flow and transverse sediment transport
in bends were also derived. The model Channels with Moving Beds and
was used to make repeated computa- Known Sediment Concentration
tions of channel geometry with various White et al. (1982) present an analyti-
values for input variables. Results of the cal approach based on the Ackers and
analysis were used to construct a family White sediment transport function, a
of design curves that yield d (bankfull companion flow resistance relationship,
depth) and w (bankfull width), given and maximization of sediment trans-
bankfull Q, S, and D50 . Separate sets of port for a specified sediment concentra-
curves are provided for sand and gravel tion. Tables (White et al. 1981) are
bed rivers. Regime-type formulas have available to assist users in implement-
been fit to the curves, as shown in Table ing this procedure. The tables contain
8.3. These relationships should be used entries for sediment sizes from 0.06 to Table 8.3: Equa -
with tractive stress analyses to develop 100 millimeters, discharges up to tions for river

converging data that increase the de- 35,000 cubic feet per second, and sedi- width and depth .

Data Domain
Chang 1988 Meandering or braided sand-bed rivers with:
Equiwidth point-bar 0.00238 < SD 50-0.S Q-0.51 and 3.49k 1* 0.47
streams and stable canals SD50-o.5 Q-0.55 < 0.05

Straight braided streams 0.05 < SD 50-0.5 Q-0.55 and Unknown and
so50-o.s o -o.s1 < 0.047 unusual

Braided point-bar and 0.047 < SD50-o.5 0 -o.s1 < 33 .2k1 ** 0.93 0.45
wide-bend point-bar indefinite upper limit
streams; beyond upper limit
lie steep, braided streams

Thorne 1988 Same as for Thorne and Hey Gravel-bed rivers 1.905 + k1 ***
et al. 1986

Adjustments for bank Grassy banks with no trees w= 1.46wc- d = 0.8815 de+
vegetation• or shrubs 0.8317 0.2106

1-5% tree and shrub cover w = 1.306 w e- d = 0.5026 de +

8.7307 1.7553

5-50% tree and shrub cover w = 1.161 w c- d = 0.5413 de+

16.8307 2.7 159

Greater than 50% tree and w = 0.9656 w c- d = 0.7648 de +

shrub cover, or incised into 10.6102 1.4554
flood plain

Chang equations for determining river width and depth. Coefficients for equations of the form w ; k1QK2; d ; K4QK5; where w is mean bankfull width (ft). Q is the bankfull
or dominant discharge (ftl/5), d is mean bankfull depth {ft), 050 is median bed-material size {mm), and Sis slope {ft/ft).
a w, and d, in these equations are calculated using exponents and coefficients from the row labeled "gravel-bed rivers" ..
k, * ; {S D50--0.5 - 0.002380-o.51)0.02.
k4* ; exp[-0.38 {420.17S o50·0.5o-o.51 -1)0.4J.
k, ** ; {S D50--O.s )0.84_
k4** ; 0.015 - 0.025 In Q - 0.049 In {S 050-05).
k1***; 0.2490[ ln{0.00106470 50 1.15/sQ0.42 )]2.
k4 *** ; 0.2418 1n(0.0004419D, 0 '-' S1soo.42).

Stream Channel Restoration 8- 39

ment concentrations from 10 to 4,000 <lure assumes a straight channel with a
parts per million. However, this proce- trapezoidal cross section and omits the
dure is not recommended for gravel bed portion of the cross section above side
channels (USACE 1994). Sediment con- slopes when computing sediment dis-
centration at bankfull flow is required charge. Effects of bank vegetation are
as an input variable, which limits the considered in the assigned roughness
usefulness of this procedure. Procedures coefficient.
for computing sediment discharge, Q5, The Copeland procedure was tested by
are outlined in Chapter 7. Copeland application to two existing stream chan-
(1994) found that the White et al. nels, the Big and Colewa Creeks in
(1982) method for channel design was Louisiana and Rio Puerco in New Mex-
not robust for cohesive bed materials, ico (Copeland 1994). Considerable pro-
artificial grade controls, and disequilib- fessional judgment was used in selection
rium sediment transport. The method of input parameters. The Copeland
was also found inappropriate for an un- method was found inapplicable to the
stable, high-energy ephemeral sand-bed Big and Colewa Creeks (relatively stable
stream (Copeland 1994). However, Hey perennial streams with sand-clay beds),
(1990) found the Ackers-White sedi- but applicable to Rio Puerco (high-en-
ment transport function performed well ergy, ephemeral sand-bed stream with
when analyzing stability of 18 flood stable profile and unstable banks). This
control channels in Britain. result is not surprising since all stable
The approach described by Copeland channel design methods developed to
(1994) features use of the Brownlie date presume alluvial (not cohesive or
(1981) flow-resistance and sediment- bedrock) beds.
transport relations, in the form of the
software package "SAM" (Thomas et al. Use of Channel Models for
1993). Additional features include the Design Verification
determination of input bed material In general, a model can be envisioned
concentration by computing sediment as a system by whose operation the
concentration from hydraulic parame- characteristics of other similar systems
ters for an upstream "supply reach" rep- may be predicted. This definition is
resented by a bed slope, a trapezoidal general and applies to both hydraulic
cross section, bed-material gradation, (physical) and computational (math-
and a discharge. Bank and bed rough- ematical) models. The use and opera-
ness are composited using the equal ve- tion of computer models has improved
locity method (Chow 1959) to obtain in recent years as a result of better
roughness for a cross section. A family knowledge of fluvial hydraulics and the
of slope-width solutions that satisfy the development of sophisticated digital
flow resistance and sediment transport control and data acquisition systems.
relations are then computed. The de-
Any stream corridor restoration design
signer then selects any combination of
needs careful scrutiny because its long-
channel properties that are represented
by a point on the slope-width curve. Se- term impact on the stream system is not
easy to predict. Sound engineering
lection may be b ased on minimum
stream power, maximum possible slope, often dictates the use of computer mod-
width constraint due to right-of-way, or els or physical models to check the va-
lidity of a proposed design. Since most
maximum allowable depth. The current
( 19 9 6) version of the Copeland proce- practitioners do not have easy access to
physical modeling facilities, computer

8-40 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

models are much more widely used. et al. (1979), and Yalin (1971) and are
Computer models can be run in a qual- beyond the scope of this document.
itative mode with very little data or in a Physical modeling, like computational
highly precise quantitative mode with a modeling, is a technology that requires
great deal of field data for calibration specialized expertise and considerable
and verification. experience. The U.S. Army Waterways
Computer models can be used to easily Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Missis-
and cheaply test the stability of a restora- sippi, has extensively developed the
tion design for a range of conditions, or technique of designing and applying
for a variety of alternative channel con- physical models of rivers.
figurations. A "model" can vary in cost
Computer Models
from several hundred dollars to several
hundred thousand dollars, depending Computer models are structured and
on what model is used, the data input, operated in the same way as a physical
the degree of precision required, and the model (Figure 8.25). One part of the
length and complexity of the reach to be code defines the channel planform, the
modeled. The decision as to what mod- bathymetry, and the material properties
els are appropriate should be made by a of transported constituents. Other parts
hydraulic engineer with a background in of the code create conditions at the
sediment transport. boundaries, taking the place of the lim-
The costs of modeling could be small iting walls and flow controls in the
compared to the cost of redesign or re- physical model. At the core of the com-
construction due to failure. If the conse- puter code are the water and sediment
quences of a project failure would result transport solvers. "Turning on" these
in a high risk of catastrophic damage or solvers is equivalent to running the
death, and the site-specific conditions physical model. At the end of the simu-
result in an unacceptable level of uncer- lation run the new channel bathymetry
tainty when applying computer models, and morphology are described by the
a physical model is the appropriate tool model output. This section summarizes
to use for design. computational channel models that can
be useful for evaluation of stream corri-
Physical Models dor restoration designs. Since it is not
possible to include every existing model
In some instances, restoration designs
can become sufficiently complicated to Figure 8.25: Use of
exceed the capabilities of available com- models for design
set up
putational models. In other situations, model of execute model evaluation.
prototype model results
time might be of the essence, thus pre- Modeling helps
cluding the development of new com- evaluate economics
and effectiveness of
putational modeling capabilities. In
alternative designs.
such cases the designer must resort to
select model
physical modeling for verification. evaluat e
to evaluate results
Depending on the scaling criteria used
to achieve similitude, physical models
can be classified as distorted, fixed, or
movable-b ed models. The theory and new accept
practice of physical modeling are cov- restoration or revise
design design
ered in detail by French (1985), Jansen

Stream Channel Restoration 8-41

Table 8.4: Examples of computational models.

Discretization and formulation:
Unsteady flow I stepped hydrograph
One-dimensional I quasi-two-dimensional YIN YIY YIN NIN NIN N YIY Y IY
Two-dimensional I depth-average flow N N N y y YIY N NIY
Deformable bed I banks YIN YIY YIN YIN YIN YIN YIY YIY
Graded sediment load y y y N y

Nonuniform grid y y y y y

Variable time stepping

Numerical solution scheme:
Standard step method
Finite difference
Finite element
Modeling capabilities:
Upstream water and sediment hydrographs
Downstream stage specification y y y N y

Floodplain sedimentation N N y N N
Suspended I total sediment transport YIN YIN NIY YIN NIN NIY NIY NIY
Bed load transport y y y N y N N y

Cohesive sediments N N y y N y N y

Bed armoring y y y N N N y y
Hydraulic sorting of substrate material y y y N N N y y
Fluvial erosion of streambanks N y N N N N y y

Bank mass failure under gravity N N N N N N y N

Straight I irregular nonprismatic reaches YIN YIN YIY NIN NIN YIY YIY
Branched I looped channel network YIN YIN YIY NIN NIN NIN NIN
Channel beds y N y N y

Meandering belts N N N y N
Rivers y y y y y

Bridge crossings N N y N N
User support:
Model documentation
User guide I hot-line support NIN YIN YIY YIN NIN YIN NIN YIN
Note: Y = Yes; N = No.

in the space available, the discussion DOS operating systems. Their concep-
here is limited to a few selected models tual and numerical schemes are robust,
(Table 8.4). In addition, Garcia et al. having been proven in field applica-
(1994) review mathematical models of tions, and the code can b e successfully
meander bend migration. used by persons without detailed
These models are characterized as hav- knowledge of th e core computational
ing general applicability to a particular techniques. Examples of these models
class of problems and are generally and their features are summarized in
available for desktop computers using Table 8.4. The acronyms in the column

8-42 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

titles identify the following models: depth, bed slope, and bed material size
CHARIMA (Holly et al. 1990), vary continuously along the horizontal
FLUVIAL-12 (Chang 1990), HEC-6, plane. These variations give rise to nat-
TABS-2 (McAnally and Thomas 1985), ural heterogeneity and patterns of veloc-
MEANDER (Johannesson and Parker ity and bed sediment size distribution
1985), the Nelson/Smith-89 model that are important to aquatic ecosystems.
(Nelson and Smith 1989), D-0-T Widths, depths, and slopes computed
(Darby and Thorne 1996, Osman and during design should be adopted as
Thorne 1988), GSTARS (Molinas and reach mean values, and restored chan-
Yang 1996) and GSTARS 2.0 (Yang et al. nels should be constructed with asym-
1998). GSTARS 2.0 is an enhanced metric cross sections (Hunt and Graham
and improved PC version of GSTARS. 1975, Keller 1978, Iversen et al. 1993,
HEC-6, TABS-2, and USGS are federal, MacBroom 1981) (Figure 8.26). Simi-
public domain models, whereas larly, meander planform should vary
CHARIMA, FLUVIAL-12, MEANDER, from bend to bend about average values
and D-0-T are academic, privately of arc length and radius. A reconstructed
owned models. floodplain should not be perfectly flat
With the exception of MEANDER, all (Figure 8.27).
the above models calculate at each
computational node the fractional sedi- Channel Longitudinal Profile and
ment load and rate of bed aggradation Riffle Spacing
or degradation, and update the channel In stream channels with significant
topography. Some of them can simulate amounts of gravel (D 50 > 3 mm) (Hig-
armoring of the bed surface and hy- ginson and Johnston 1989), riffles
draulic sorting (mixing) of the underly- should be associated with steep zones
ing substrate material. CHARIMA, near meander inflection points. Riffles
FLUVIAL-12, HEC-6, and D-0-T can are not found in channels with beds of
simulate transport of sands and gravels. finer materials. Studies conducted by
TABS-2 can be applied to cohesive sedi- Keller and Melhorn (1978) and con-
ments (clays and silts) and sand sedi- firmed by Hey and Thorne (1986) indi-
ments that are well mixed over the cate pool-riffle spacing should vary
water column. USGS is specially de- between 3 and 10 channel widths and
signed for gravel bed-load transport. average about 6 channel widths even in
FLUVIAL-12 and HEC-6 can be used for bedrock channels. More recent work by
reservoir sedimentation studies. Roy and Abrahams (1980) and Higgin-
GSTARS 2.0 can simulate bank failure. son and Johnston (1989) indicates that
Comprehensive reviews on the capabili- pool-riffle spacing varies widely within
ties and performance of these and other a given channel.
existing channel models are provided in Average riffle spacing is often (but not
reports by the National Research Coun- always) half the meander length since
cil (1983), Fan (1988), Darby and riffles tend to occur at meander inflec-
Thome (1992), and Fan and Yen (1993). tion points or crossovers. Riffles some-
times appear in groups or clusters. Hey
Detailed Design
and Thorne (1986) analyzed data from
Channel Shape 62 sites on gravel-bed rivers in the
United Kingdom and found riffle spac-
Natural stream width varies continu- ing varied from 4 to 10 channel widths
ously in the longitudinal direction, and

Stream Channel Restoration 8-43



b1 f1


g9 g1
w a a1
c c1
e e1
Figure 8.26: Example b bl
plan and profile of a d d1
naturally meandering
f f1
stream. Channel cross
sections vary based
on width, depth, and
slope. Station

with the least squares best fit at 6.31 hydrologic events during project life.
channel widths. Riffle spacing tends to Good design practice also requires
be nearer 4 channel widths on steeper checking channel performance at dis-
gradients and 8 to 9 channel widths on charges well above and below the de-
more gradual slopes (RD. Hey, per- sign condition. A number of
sonal communication, 1997). Hey and approaches are available for checking
Thorne (1986) also developed regres- both the vertical (bed) and horizontal
sion formulas for riffle width, mean (bank) stability of a designed stream.
depth, and maximum depth. These stability checks are an important
part of the design process.
Stability Assessment
The risk of a restored channel being Vertical (Bed) Stability
damaged or destroyed by erosion or de- Bed stability is generally a prerequisite
position is an important consideration for bank stability. Aggrading channels
for almost all restoration work. Design- are liable to braid or exhibit accelerated
ers of restored streams are confronted lateral migration in response to middle
with rather high levels of uncertainty. In or point bar growth. Degrading chan-
some cases, it may be wise for designers nels widen explosively when bank
to compute risk of failure by calculating heights and angles exceed a critical
the joint probability of design assump- threshold specific to bank soil type. Bed
tions being false, design equation inac- aggradation can be addressed by stabi-
curacy, and occurrence of extreme

8-44 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

lizing eroding channels upstream, con-
trolling erosion on the watershed, or in-
stalling sediment traps, ponds (Haan et
al. 1994), or debris basins (USACE
19 8 9b). If aggradation is primarily due
to deposition of fines, it can be ad-
dressed by narrowing the channel,
although a narrower channel might
require more bank stabilization.
If bed degradation is occurring or ex-
pected to occur, and if modification is
planned, the restoration initiative
should include flow modification,
grade control measures, or other ap-
proaches that reduce the energy gradi-
ent or the energy of flow. There are
many types of grade control structures.
The applicability of a particular type of designs for grade control structures that Figure 8.27: A stream
structure to a specific restoration de- improve streamside habitat and aes- meander and raised
pends on a number of factors, such as floodplain. Natural
thetic resources (Figure 8.28) . floodplains rise
hydrologic conditions, sediment size slightly between a
and loading, channel morphology, Horizontal (Bank) Stability crossover and an
floodplain and valley characteristics, apex of a meander.
Bank stabilization may be necessary in
availability of construction materials,
restored channels due to floodplain
ecological objectives, and time and
land uses or because constructed banks
funding constraints. For more informa-
are more prone to erosion than "sea-
tion on various structure designs, refer
soned" ones, but it is less than ideal if
to Neilson et. al. (1991), which pro-
ecosystem restoration is the objective.
vides a comprehensive literature review
on grade control structures with an an-
notated bibliography. Grouted boulders
can be used as a grade control structure.
They are a key component in the suc-
cessful restoration of the South Platte
River corridor in Denver, Colorado
(McLaughlin Water Engineers, Ltd.,
Grade control structure stilling basins
can be valuable h abitats in severely de-
graded warm water streams (Cooper
and Knight 1987, Shields and Hoover
1991). Newbury and Gaboury (1993)
describe the construction of artificial rif-
fles th at serve as bed degradation con-
trols. Kern (1992) used "river bottom
ramps" to control bed degradation in a
River Danube meander restoration ini- Figure 8.28: Grade control structure. Control measures can
tiative. Ferguson ( 19 91) reviews creative double as habitat restoration devices and aesthetic fe atures.

Stream Channel Restoration 8-45

Floodplain plant communities owe (Chow 1959). In most cases, outer
their diversity to physical processes that banks of restored or newly constructed
include erosion and deposition associ- meanders will require protection. Struc-
ated with lateral migration (Henderson tural techniques are needed (e.g.,
1986). Bank erosion control methods Thorne et al. 1995) if immediate stabil-
must be selected with the dominant ity is required, but these may incorpo-
erosion mechanisms in mind (Shields rate living components. If time permits,
and Aziz 1992). the new channel may be constructed
Bank stabilization can generally be "in the dry" and banks planted with
grouped into one of the following woody vegetation. After allowing the
three categories: ( 1) indirect methods, vegetation several growing seasons to
(2) surface armor, and (3) vegetative develop, the stream may be diverted in
methods. Armor is a protective material from the existing channel (R.D. Hey,
in direct contact with the streambank. personal communication, 1997).
Armor can be categorized as stone, Bank Stability Check
other self-adjusting armor (sacks,
blocks, rubble, etc.), rigid armor (con- Outer banks of meanders erode, but
crete, soil cement, grouted riprap, etc.) erosion rates vary greatly from stream
and flexible mattress (gabions, concrete to stream and bend to bend. Observa-
blocks, etc.) . Indirect methods extend tion of the project stream and similar
into the stream channel and redirect the reaches, combined with professional
flow so that hydraulic forces at the judgment, may be used to determine
channel boundary are reduced to a the need for bank protection, or ero-
nonerosive level. Indirect methods can sion may be estimated by simple rules
be classified as dikes (permeable and of thumb based largely on studies that
impermeable) and other flow deflectors relate bend migration rates to bend
such as bendway weirs, stream "barbs," geometry (e.g., Apmann 1972 and re-
and Iowa vanes. Vegetative methods can view by Odgaard 1987) (Figure 8.29) .
function as either armor or indirect pro- More accurate prediction of the rate of
tection and in some applications can erosion of a given streambank is at or
function as both simultaneously. A beyond the current state of the art. No
fourth category is composed of tech- standard methods exist, but several re-
niques to correct problems caused by cently developed tools are available.
geotechnical instabilities. None of these have been used in ex-
tremely diverse settings, and users
Guidance on selection and design of
should view them with caution.
bank protection measures is provided
by Hemphill and Bramley (1989) and Tools for predicting bank erosion may
Henderson (1986). Coppin and be divided into two groups: ( 1) those
Richards (1990), USDA-NRCS (1996), which predict erosion primarily due to
and Shields et al. (1995) provide addi- the action of water on the streambank
tional detail on the use of vegetative surface and (2) those which focus on
techniques (see following section). subsurface geotechnical characteristics.
Newly constructed channels are more Among the former is an index of
susceptible to bank erosion than older streambank erodibility based on field
existing channels, with similar inflows observations of emergency spillways
and geometries, due to the influence of (Moore et al. 1994, Temple and Moore
vegetation, armoring, and the seasoning 1997). Erosion is predicted for sites
effect of clay deposition on banks

8-46 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

Figure 8.29: Channel exhibiting accelerated 30°
lateral migration. Erosion of an outer bank unreliable
on the Missouri River is a natural process; .......
however, the rate of erosion should be
........ stable
;: 20·
monitored. ..c
~ 10·

10· 45• 90°
Bank Angle (deg)

Stage I

.... stable
;: 20·


where a power number based on veloc-

ity, depth, and bend geometry exceeds
an erodibility index computed from o· .__---~---~
10· 45• 90°
tabulated values of streambank material Bank Angle (deg)
properties. Also among this group are
analytical models such as the one devel-
Stage II
oped by Odgaard (1989), which con-
tain rather sophisticated representations
of flow fields, but require input of an 30° unstable
empirical constant to quantify soil and unreliable
vegetation properties. These models ....... stable
should be applied with careful consid- ;: 20·
eration of their limitations. For exam- "iii
ple, Odgaard's model should not be ::c:
~ 10·
applied to bends with "large curvature." cc
The second group of predictive tools fo-
cuses on banks that undergo mass fail-
ure due to geotechnical processes. Side
slopes of deep channels may be high
and steep enough to be geotechnically
Stage Ill
unstable and to fail under the influence
of gravity. Pluvial processes in such a
situation serve primarily to remove Figure 8.30: Bank failure stages. Stability of
a bank will vary from stable to unstable
blocks of failed material from the bank
depending on bank height, bank angle, and
toe, leading to a resteepened bank pro- soil conditions.
file and a new cycle of failure, as shown
in Figure 8.30. Study of bank failure
processes along incised channels has

Stream Channel Restoration 8-47

led to a procedure for relating bank Perhaps because of its simplicity, the
geometry to stability for a given set of allowable velocity method has been
soil conditions (Osman and Thorne used directly or in slightly modified
1988). If banks of a proposed design form for many restoration applications.
channel are to be higher than about 10 Miller et al. (1983) used allowable ve-
feet, stability analysis should be con- locity criteria to design man-made
ducted. These analyses are described in gravel riffles located immediately down-
detail in Chapter 7. Bank height esti- stream of a dam releasing a constant
mates should allow for scour along the discharge of sediment-free water.
outside of bends. High, steep banks are Shields (1983) suggested using allow-
also susceptible to internal erosion, or able velocity criteria to size individual
piping, as well as streambanks of soils boulders placed in channels to serve as
with high dispersion rates. instream habitat structures. Tarquin and
Baeder (1983) present a design ap-
Allowable Velocity Check proach based on allowable velocity for
Fortier and Scobey (1926) published ta- low-order ephemeral streams in
bles regarding the maximum nonscour- Wyoming landscapes disturbed by sur-
ing velocity for given channel boundary face mining. Velocity of the design
materials. Different versions of these ta- event (10-year recurrence interval) was
bles have appeared in numerous subse- manipulated by adjusting channel
quent documents, notably Simons and length (and thus slope), width, and
Senturk (1977) and USACE (1991) . The roughness. Channel roughness was ad-
applicability of these tables is limited to justed by adding meanders, planting
relatively straight silt and sand-bed shrubs, and adding coarse bed material.
channels with depths of flow less than The channel width-to-depth ratio de-
3 feet and very low bed material loads. sign was based on the pre-mining chan-
Adjustments to velocities have been nel configuration.
suggested for situations departing from
Allowable Stress Check
those specified. Although slight refine-
ments have been made, these data still Since boundary shear stress is more ap-
form the basis of the allowable velocity propriate than velocity as a measure of
approach. the forces driving erosion, graphs have
Figure 8.31 contains a series of graphs also been developed for allowable shear
that summarize the tables and aid in stress. The average boundary shear
selecting correction factors for flow stress acting on an open channel con-
depth, sediment concentration, flow veying a uniform flow of water is given
frequency, channel curvature, bank by the product of the unit weight of

slope, and channel boundary soil water (y, lb/ft ) times the hydraulic ra-
properties. Use of the allowable velo- dius (R, ft) times the b ed slope S:
city approach is not recommended 't = yRS
for channels transporting a significant Figure 8.32 is an example of allowable
load of material larger than 1 mm. shear stress criteria presented in graphi-
The restoration design, however, cal form. The most famous graphical
should also consider the effects of presentation of allowable shear stress
hydraulic roughness and the protec- criteria is the Shields diagram, which
tion afforded by vegetation. depicts conditions necessary for initial
movement of noncohesive particles on

8-48 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

2.0 <I: 1 0
.... 0 .
1.8 tJ
....0v frequency of design flow
~ 0.9
c: alignment
....ra 1.6
·€ 0.8
'+:' 1.4
v :::: 0.7 ' - - - - - - - - - - - - -
....~ 8 16 14 12 10 8 6 4
0 1.2 Curve Radius + Water Surface Width
1.0 ~ 1.0 Notes:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ....0 In no case should the
Flood Frequency (percent chance) ~ 0.8 allowable velocity be
c: exceeded when the 10%
1.5 chance discharge occurs,
·~ 0.6
a; bank slope regardless of the design
0.4 ....___ _ _ __ flow frequency.
c 1.4

u 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0

v 1.3 Cotangent of Slope Angle (z)
....ra 1.2
c: 1.2 u

v 0 1.1
~ 1.1
0 depth of design flow ....ra
u 1.0 c: 1.0
0.9 ~ 0.9
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 density
20 0
Water Depth (feet) u 0 . 8~-----------
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
Void Ratio (e)
Basic Velocities for Coherent Earth Materials (vb)
Basic Velocity for Discrete Particles of Earth Materials (vb)
6.5 Fine S Gravel Cobble
~6 .0 (:/-- 12.0
:::. 11 .0 Enter chart with D75 particle size
(,\,~~ 10.0 to determine basic velocity.
~ 5.0
~ 4.5

y.. oY..
- ~ 9.0
:::. 8.0
·;::; 7.0
~ ~ 6.0
4.0 o'-2 sediment laden--...
~\..· v 5.0
sediment laden flow ·;;;
3.5 ra 4.0
10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 3.0
Plasticity Index ....__ sediment free
5.5 1.0
o.o._____ _____ __...._....__.___._....___.__._......_...._
5.0 Ya ~ Yi 1 2 4 6 8101 5
Grain Size (inches)
~4.5 6(,
:::. Allowable Velocities for Unprotected Earth Channels
Channel Boundary Materials Allowable Velocity
0 <.,\-?(., Discrete Particles
~ 3.5 0~· oY.. Sediment Laden Flow
~y.. ,
v 0 1s > 0.4mm basic velocity chart value x O x Ax B
~ 3.0 0 1s < 0.4mm 2.0 fps
Sediment Free Flow
2.5 o'-s 01s > 0.2mm basic velocity chart value x 0 x A x B
~\,· 0 1s < 0.2mm 2.0 fps
sediment free flow
2.0 Coherent Earth Materials
10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Pl > 10 basic velocity chart value x O x A x F x Ce
Plasticity Index Pl < 10 2.0 fps

Figure 8.31: Allowable velocities for unprotected earth channels. Curves reflect practical exp erien ce in
design of stable earth channels.
Source: USDA So il Conservation Service 1977.

Stream Channel Restoration 8-49

Figure 8.32: 1.00 should be noted that entrainment does
Allowable mean 0.70 C =fine suspended sediment not imply channel erosion. Erosion will
shear stress for occur only if the supply of sediment
channels with 0.40
from upstream is less than that trans-
boundaries of non- .-. ported away from the bed by the flow.
cohesive material "'~ 0.20
"' However, based on a study of 24 gravel-
larger than 5 mm J:I
c bed rivers in the Rocky Mountain re-
carrying negligible
bed material load. gion of Colorado, Andrews (1984)
Shear stress concluded that stable gravel-bed chan-
diminishes with nels cannot be maintained at values of
increased suspend- the Shields constant greater than about
ed sediment con-
0.02 0.080. Smaller Shields constant values
Source: Lane 1955. are more conservative with regard to
0.01 .____ _.___--L.---L-'--'-----L----''--....l.......L..J channel scour, but less conservative
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.7 1 2 3 4 5
with regard to deposition. If Ss = 2.65,
Dso (mm)
and the constant is assumed to be 0.06,
a flat bed straight channel in terms of the equation above simplifies to 0 50 =
dimensionless variables (Vanoni 1975). 10.lRS.
The Shields curve and other allowable Allowable shear stress criteria are not
shear stress criteria (e.g., Figure 10.5, very useful for design of channels with
Henderson 1966; Figure 7.7, Simons beds dominated by sand or finer mate-
and Senturk 1977) are based on labora- rials. Sand beds are generally in motion
tory and field data. In simplest form, at design discharge and have dunes, and
the Shields criterion for channel stabil- their shear stress values are much larger
ity is (Henderson 1966): than those indicated by the Shields cri-
RS/[(Ss-l)Osl <a constant terion, which is for incipient motion on
a plane bed. Allowable shear stress data
for Os > rv 6 mm for cohesive materials show more scat-
where Ss is the specific gravity of the ter than those for sands and gravels
sediment and Ds is a characteristic bed (Grissinger et al. 1981, Raudkivi and
sediment size, usually taken as the me- Tan 1984 ), and experience and observa-
dian size, 0 50, for widely graded mater- tion with local channels are preferred to
ial. Note that the hydraulic radius, R, published charts like those shown in
and the characteristic bed sediment size, Chow (1959). Models of cohesive soil
Os' must be in the same units for the erosion require field or laboratory eval-
Shields constant to be dimensionless. uation of model parameters or con-
The dimensionless constant is based on stants. Extrapolation of laboratory
measurements and varies from 0.03 to flume results to field conditions is diffi-
0.06 depending on the data set used to cult, and even field tests are subject to
determine it and the judgment of the site-specific influences. Erosivity of co-
user (USACE 1994). hesive soils is affected by the chemical
composition of the soil, the soil water,
These constant values are for straight
and the stream, among other factors.
channels with flat beds (no dunes or
other bedforms). In natural streams, However, regional shear stress criteria
bedforms are usually present, and val- may be developed from observations of
ues of this dimensionless constant re- channels with sand and clay beds. For
quired to cause entrainment of bed example, USACE (1993) determined
material may be greater than 0.06. It that reaches in the Coldwater River Wa-

8-50 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

tershed in northwest Mississippi should the erosion resistance of bank materials,
be stable with an average boundary rather than for a single design condition.
shear stress at channel-forming (2-year) Frequency and duration of discharges
discharge of 0.4 to 0.9 lb/ft2. causing erosion are important factors in
The value of the Shields constant also stability determination. In cobble- or
varies with bed material size distribu- boulder-bed streams, bed movement
tion, particularly for paved or armored sometimes occurs only for discharges
beds. Andrews (1983) derived a regres- with return periods of several years.
sion relationship that can be expressed Computing velocity or shear stress from
as: discharge requires design cross sections,
RS/[(S 5 - l)DJ < 0.0834 (D/D 50 r 0081 2 slope, and flow resistance data. If the
design channel is not extremely uni-
When the left side of the above expres- form, typical or average conditions for
sion equals the right, bed-sediment par- rather short channel reaches should be
ticles of size D are at the threshold of
I considered. In channels with bends,
motion. The D50 value in the above ex- variations in shear stress across the sec-
pression is the median size of subsur- tion can lead to scour and deposition
face material. Therefore, if 0 50 = 30 mm, even when average shear stress values
particles with a diameter of 100 mm are within allowable limits. The NRCS
will be entrained when the left side of (formerly SCS) (1977) gives adjustment
the above equation exceeds 0.029. This factors for channel curvature in graphi-
equation is for self-formed rivers that cal form that are based on very limited
have naturally sorted gravel and cobble data (see Figure 8.31). Velocity distribu-
bed material. The equation holds for tions and stage-discharge relations for
values of D/D 50 between 0.3 and 4.2. It compound channels are complex
should be noted that R and D on the
I (Williams and Julien 1989, Myers and
left side of the above equation must be Lyness 1994).
expressed in the same units.
Allowable velocity or shear stress crite-
Practical Guidance: Allowable ria should be applied to in-channel
Velocity and Shear Stress flow for a compound cross section with
overbank flow, not cross-sectional aver-
Practical guidance for application of age conditions (USACE 1994). Channel
allowable velocity and shear stress flow resistance predictors that allow for
approaches is provided by the Natural changing conditions with changing dis-
Resources Conservation Service (USDA- charge and stage should be used rather
NRCS), formerly the U.S. Soil Conser- than constant resistance values.
vation Service (SCS)(1977), and USACE
(1994). See Figure 8.31. If the existing channel is stable, design
channel slope, cross section, and rough-
Since form roughness due to sand ness may be adjusted so that the current
dunes, vegetation, woody debris, and and proposed systems have matching
large geologic features in streams dissi- curves of velocity versus discharge
pates energy, allowable shear stress for (USACE 1994) . This approach, while
bed stability may be higher than indi- based on allowable velocity concepts,
cated by laboratory flume data or data releases the procedure from published
from uniform channels. It is important empirical values collected in other
to compute cross-sectional average ve- rivers that might be intrinsically differ-
locities or shear stresses over a range of ent from the one in question.
discharges and for seasonal changes in

Stream Channel Restoration 8- 51

Allowable Stream Power or However, similar criteria may be devel-
Slope oped for basins of interest. For example,
data points representing stable reaches
Brookes (1990) suggested the product in the Coldwater River watershed of
of bankfull velocity and shear stress, northwestern Mississippi are shown in
which is equal to the stream power per Figure 8.34 as stars. This watershed is
unit bed area, as a criterion for stability characterized by incised, straight ( chan-
in stream restoration initiatives. This is nelized) sand-bed channels with cohe-
based on experience with several sive banks. Slopes for stable reaches
restoration initiatives in Denmark and were measured in the field, and 2-year
the United Kingdom with sandy banks, discharges were computed using a wa-
beds of glacial outwash sands, and a tershed model (HEC-1) (USACE 1993).
rather limited range of bankfull dis-
charges (rv 15 to 70 cfs). These data are Brookes' stream power criterion is one of
plotted as squares, triangles, and circles several region-specific stability tests. Oth-
in Figure 8.33. ers include criteria based on slope and
shear stress. Using empirical data and
Brookes suggested that a stream power observation, the Corps of Engineers has
value of 2.4 ft-lb/sec/ft2 discriminated developed relationships between slope
well between stable and unstable chan- and drainage area for various watersheds
nels. Projects with stream powers less in northwestern Mississippi (USACE
than about 1.0 ft-lb/sec/ft failed 1989c). For example, stable reaches in
through deposition, whereas those with three watersheds had slopes that clus-
stream powers greater than about 3.4 ft- tered around the regression line:
lb/sec/ft2 failed through erosion.
S = 0.0041 A-0365
Since these criteria are based on obser-
vation of a limited number of sites, ap- where A is the contributing drainage
plication to different stream types (e.g., area in square miles. Reaches with much
cobble-bed rivers) should be avoided. steeper slopes tended to be degra-
Figure 8.33:
Brookes' stream
e failure through erosion
power stability e generally successful
criteria. Stream e failure through deposition
power is the prod- - lines of constant stream power
uct of bankfull o stable reaches, Coldwater
River basin, Mississippi
velocity and shear
stress. 0.01
0 6
· es •
ft 16
s s-1
ft -<

eoJ3<1]' •
• • 0

10 100
Bankfull Discharge per Unit Width, ft 2 s·1

8- 52 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

Allowable Shear Stress
The shape of the bed material size distribution is an Jackson and Van Haveren (1984) present an itera-
important parameter for determining the threshold tive technique for designing a restored channel
of motion of individual sediment sizes in a bed con- based on allowable shear stress. Separate calcula-
taining a mixture of sand and gravel. Beds com- tions were performed for channel bed and banks.
posed of unimodal (particle-size distribution shows Channel design included provision for gradual
no secondary maxima) mixtures of sand and gravel channel narrowing as the bank vegetation devel-
were found to have a narrow range of threshold ops, and bank cohesion and resistance to erosion
shear stresses for all sizes present on the bed sur- increase. Newbury and Gaboury (1993) use an
face. For unimodal beds, the threshold of motion of allowable tractive force graph from Lane (1 955) to
all grain sizes on the bed was found to be estimated check stability of channel restoration initiatives in
adequately by using the Shields curve for the medi- Manitoba streams with cobble and gravel beds.
an grain size. Bed sediments composed of bimodal Brookes (1991) gives an example of the application
(particle-size distribution shows one secondary maxi- of this method for designing urban channels near
mum) mixtures of sands and gravels were found to London. From a practical standpoint, boundary
have threshold shear stresses that are still a function shear stresses can be more difficult to measure and
of grain size, although much less so than predicted conceptualize than velocities (Brookes 1995).
by the Shields curve. For bed material with bimodal Allowable shear stress criteria may be converted to
size distributions, using the Shields curve on individ- allowable velocities by including mean depth as a
ual grain sizes greater than the median size overesti- parameter.
mates the threshold of motion and underestimates The computed shear stress values are averages for
the threshold of motion for grain sizes less than the the reach in question. A verage values are exceeded
median size. Critical shear stresses for gravel beds at points, for example, on the outside of a bend.
may be elevated if gravels are tightly interlocked or

dational, while those with more gradual problem. Sediment transport relation-
slopes tended to be aggradational. ships are heavily dependent on the data
Downs (1995) developed stability crite- used in their development. Inaccuracy
ria for channel reaches in the Thames may be reduced by selecting transport
Basin of the United Kingdom based functions appropriate to the stream type
entirely on slope: channels straightened and bed sediment size in question. Addi-
during the 20th century were deposi- tional confidence can be achieved by ob-
tional if slopes were less than 0.005 and taining calibration data; however,
erosional if slopes were greater. calibration data are not available from a
channel yet to be constructed. If the ex-
Sediment Yield and Delivery isting channel is reasonably stable, de-
Sediment Transport
signers can compute a sediment
discharge versus streamflow relationship
If a channel is designed using an empiri- for the existing and proposed design
cal or a tractive stress approach, compu- channels using the same sediment trans-
tation of sediment-transport capacity port function and try to match the curves
allows a rough check to determine as closely as possible (USACE 1994).
whether deposition is likely to be a

Stream Channel Restoration 8- 53

If information is available regarding fractions, allowing the simulation of
sediment inflows into the new channel, hydraulic sorting and armoring.
a multiyear sediment budget can be HEC-6 allows the designer to estimate
computed to project likely erosion and long-term response of the channel to a
deposition and possible maintenance predicted series of water and sediment
needs. Sediment load can also be com- supply. The primary limitation is that
puted, using the hydraulic properties HEC-6 is one-dimensional, i.e., geome-
and bed material gradations of the up- try is adjusted only in the vertical direc-
stream supply reach and a suitable sedi- tion. Changes in channel width or
ment transport function . The USACE planform cannot be simulated. Another
software SAM (Copeland 1994) in- Federal sediment routing model is the
cludes routines that compute hydraulic GSTARS 2.0 (Yang et al. 1998). GSTARS
properties for uniform flow and sedi- 2.0 can be used for a combination of
ment discharge for single cross sections subcritical and supercritical flow com-
of straight channels using any of 13 dif- putations without interruption in a
ferent sediment transport functions. semi-two-dimensional manner. The use
Cross sections may have complex geom- of stream tube concept in sediment
etry and boundary materials that vary routing enables GSTARS 2.0 to simulate
along the section. Output can be com- channel geometry changes in a semi-
bined with a hydrograph or a flow du- three-dimensional manner.
ration curve to obtain sediment load.
The amount and type of sediment sup-
HEC-6 (USACE 1993) is a one- plied to a stream channel is an impor-
dimensional movable-boundary, tant consideration in restoration
open-channel-flow numerical model because sediment is part of the balance
designed to simulate and predict (i.e., between energy and material load)
changes in river profiles resulting from that determines channel stability. A gen-
scour and deposition over moderate eral lack of sediment relative to the
time periods, typically years, although amount of stream power, shear stress,
applications to single flood events are or energy in the flow (indexes of trans-
possible. A continuous discharge record port capacity) usually results in erosion
is partitioned into a series of steady of sediment from the channel boundary
flows of variable discharge and dura- of an alluvial channel. Conversely, an
tion. For each discharge, a water surface oversupply of sediment relative to the
profile is calculated, providing energy transport capacity of the flow usually
slope, velocity, depth, and other vari- results in deposition of sediment in
ables at each cross section. Potential that reach of stream.
sediment transport rates are then com-
puted at each section. These rates, Bed material sediment transport analy-
combined with the duration of the flow, ses are necessary whenever a restoration
permit a volumetric accounting of sedi- initiative involves reconstructing a
ment within each reach. The amount of length of stream exceeding two mean-
scour or deposition at each section is der wavelengths. A reconstruction that
then computed, and the cross section modifies the size of a cross section and
geometry is adjusted for the changing the sinuosity for such a length of chan-
sediment volume. Computations then nel should be analyzed to ensure that
proceed to the next flow in the sequence, upstream sediment loads can be trans-
and the cycle is repeated using the up- ported through the reconstructed reach
dated cross section geometry. Sediment with minimal deposition or erosion.
calculations are performed by grain size Different storm events and the average

8- 54 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

annual transported bed material load be calculated using each formula. The
also should be examined. formulas that best agree with available
measured sediment discharges should
Sediment Discharge Functions
be used to estimate the rate of sediment
The selection of an appropriate dis- discharge during flow conditions when
charge formula is an important consid- actual measurements are not available.
eration when attempting to predict
sediment discharge in streams. Numer- The following formulas may be consid-
ous sediment discharge formulas have ered in the absence of any measured
been proposed, and extensive sum- sediment discharges for comparison:
maries are provided by Alonso and • Meyer-Peter and Muller (1948)
Combs (1980), Brownlie (1981), Yang formula when the bed material is
(1996), Bathurst (1985), Gomez and coarser than 5 mm.
Church (1989), and Parker (1990).
• Einstein (1950) formula when bed
Sediment discharge rates depend on load is a substantial part of the total
flow velocity; energy slope; water sediment discharge.
temperature; size, gradation, specific • Toffaleti (1968) formula for large
gravity, and shape of the bed material sand-bed rivers.
and suspended-sediment particles;
channel geometl)' and pattern; extent of • Colby (1964) formula for rivers with
bed surface covered by coarse material; depths less than 10 feet and median
rate of supply of fine material; and bed bed material values less than 0.8 mm.
configuration. Large-scale variables such • Yang (1973) formula for fine to
as hydrologic, geologic, and climatic coarse sand-bed rivers.
conditions also affect the rate of sedi-
• Yang (1984) formula for gravel trans-
ment transport. Because of the range
port when most of the bed material
and number of variables, it is not possi-
ranges from 2 to 10 mm.
ble to select a sediment transport for-
mula that satisfactorily encompasses all • Ackers and White (19 73) or
the conditions that might be encoun- Engelund and Hansen (1967) formu-
tered. A specific formula might be more la for sand-bed streams having sub-
accurate than others when applied to critical flow.
a particular river, but it might not be • Laursen (1958) formula for shallow
accurate for other rivers. rivers with fine sand or coarse silt.
Selection of a sediment transport for- Available sediment data from a gaging
mula should include the following station may be used to develop an em-
considerations (modified from Yang 1996): pirical sediment discharge curve in the
• Type of field data available or mea- absence of a satisfactory sediment dis-
surable within time, budget, and charge formula, or to verify the sedi-
work hour limitations. ment discharge trend from a selected
formula. Measured sediment discharge
• Independent variables that can be
or concentration should be plotted
determined from available data.
against streamflow, velocity, slope,
• Limitations of formulas versus field depth, shear stress, stream power, or
conditions. unit stream power. Th e curve with the
If more than one formula can be used, least scatter and systematic deviation
the rate of sediment discharge should should be selected as the sediment rat-
ing curve for the station.

Stream Channel Restoration 8- 55

Sediment Budgets constrictions; and at reservoirs, lakes,
A sediment budget is an accounting of significant flooded areas, etc. Sediment
sediment production in a watershed. budgets similar to the table are con-
It attempts to quantify processes of ero- structed for each subwatershed so the
sion, deposition, and transport in the sediment yield to the point of deposi-
basin. The quantities of erosion from all tion can be quantified.
sources in a watershed are estimated A sediment budget has many uses, in-
using various procedures. Typically, the cluding identification of sediment
tons of erosion from the various sources sources for treatment (Figure 8.34). If
are multiplied by sediment delivery ra- the goal for a restoration initiative is to
tios to estimate how much of the reduce sedimentation from a watershed,
eroded soil actually enters a stream. it is critical to know what type of ero-
The sediment delivered to the streams sion is producing the most sediment
is then routed through the watershed. and where that erosion is occurring. In
The sediment routing procedure in- stream corridor restoration, sediment
volves estimating how much of the sed- yield (both in terms of quantity and
iment in the stream ends up being average grain size diameter) to a stream
deposited in lakes, reservoirs, wetlands, and its floodplain need to be identified
or floodplains or in the stream itself. and considered in designs. In channel
An analysis of the soil textures by ero- stability investigations, the amount of
sion process is used to convert the tons sand and gravel sediment entering the
of sediment delivered to the stream into stream from the watershed needs to be
tons of silt and clay, sand, and gravel. quantified to refine bed material trans-
Sediment transport processes are ap- port calculations.
plied to help make decisions during the Example of a Sediment Budget
sediment routing analysis. The end re-
A simple application of a sediment
sult is the sediment yield at the mouth
transport equation in a field situation
of the watershed or the beginning of a
illustrates the use of a sediment budget.
project reach .
Figure 8.35 shows a stream reach being
Table 8.5 is a summary sediment budget evaluated for stability prior to develop-
for a watershed. Note that the informa- ing a stream corridor restoration plan.
tion in the table may be from measured Five representative channel cross sec-
values, from estimates based on data tions (A, B, C, D, and E) are surveyed.
from similar watersheds, or from model Locations of the cross sections are se-
outputs (AGNPS, SWRRBWQ, SWAT, lected to represent the reach above
WEPP, RUSLE, and others. Contact the and below the points where tributary
NRCS National Water and Climate Data streams, D and E, enter the reach . Addi-
Center for more information on these tional cross sections would need to be
models). Sediment delivery ratios are surveyed if the stream at A, B, C, D,
determined for watershed drainage or E is not typical of the reach.
areas, based on sediment gauge data
An appropriate sediment transport
and reservoir sedimentation surveys.
equation is selected, and the transport
The watershed is subdivided into sub- capacity at each cross section for bed
watersheds at points where significant material is computed for the same flow
sediment deposition occurs, such as at conditions. Figure 8.35 shows the sedi-
bridge or road fills; where stream cross- ment loads in the stream and the trans-
ings cause channel and floodplain port capacities at each point.

8-56 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

Table 8.5: Example of a sediment budget for a watershed.

Erosion Average Sediment Delivered

Source Erosion Rate ~ - - to Blue Stem Lake

•• ·-
(tons/acre/year -
or tons/bank -

Sheet, rill, and

ephemeral gully
Adequate Cropla nd 6000 3.0 18,000 30 5400 14,380 3620
Inadequat e Cropland 1500 6.5 9750 30 7790 1960
Adequate Pasture/hayl and 3400 1.0 3400 20 2940 460
Inadequate Pasture/hayl and 600 6.0 3600 20 3120 480
Adequate Fo restland 1200 0.5 600 20 520 80
Inadequate Forestland 300 5.5 1650 20 1430 220
Adequate Parkland 700 1.0 700 30 140
Inadequate Parkland 0 0 0 30 0
Adequate Other 420 2.0 840 20 110
Inadequate Other
Classic gully
Stream bank
Slight 14 50 100 700 140 560
Moderat e 10.5 150 1580 100 320 1260
Severe 3.5 600 2100 100 420 1680
Total erosion 43,520 Total sediment to 10,730
Blue Stem Lake

The transport capacities at each point

are compared to the sediment load at
each point. If the bed material load ex-
ceeds the transport capacity, deposition
is indicated. If the bed material trans-
port capacity exceeds the coarse sedi-
ment load available, erosion of the
channel bed or banks is indicated.
Figure 8.35 compares the loads and
transport capacities within the reach.
The stream might not be stable below
B due to deposition. The 50 tons/day
deposition is less than 10 percent of the
total bed material load in the stream.
This small amount of sediment is prob-
ably within the area of uncertainty in
such analyses. The stream below C
probably is unstable due to the excess
energy (transport capacity) causing ei-
ther the banks or bottom to be eroded.
Figure 8.34: Eroded upland area. Upland
After this type of analysis is complete, sediment so urces should be identified in
the stream should be inspected for a sediment budget.

Stream Channel Restoration 8- 57

Figure 8.35:
Sediment budget.
Stream reaches
should be evaluated
for stability prior
to developing a section
restoration plan. A

Bed Material Load Routing Computations

Bed material load transport capacity at A 400 tons/day

Bed material load transport capacity at B 500 tons/day
Bed material load transport capacity at C 900 tons/day
Bed material load transport capacity at D 150 tons/day
Bed material load transport capacity at E 250 tons/day ~0
Transport capacity at A 400 tons "dY
Load to B 400 tons transported below A
+ 150 tons from tributary D.
550 tons to B
Transport capacity at B 500 tons

50 tons deposition below B (550 - 500 = 50)

Load to c 500 tons transported below B
+ 250 tons from tributary E
750 tons to C Note:
Numbers represent
Transport capacity at C 900 tons tons/day bed material

150 tons erosion below C (750 - 900 = -150 tons) load in stream.

areas where sediment is building up or used to help predict the quantity of bed
where the stream is eroding. If these material sediment transported by a
problem areas do not match the predic- stream during a single storm event or
tions from the calculations, the sedi- over a typical runoff year.
ment transport equation may be To calculate the amount of sediment
inappropriate, or the sediment budget, transported by a stream during a single
the hydrology, or the channel surveys storm event, the hydrograph for the
may be inaccurate. event is divided into equal-length seg-
Single Storm versus Average Annual ments of time. The peak flow or the
Sediment Discharge average discharge for each segment is
The preceeding example predicts the determined. A spreadsheet can be devel-
amount of erosion and deposition that oped that lists the discharges for each
can be expected to occur over one day segment of a hydrograph in a column
at one discharge. The bed material (Table 8.6). The transport capacity from
the sediment rating curve for each dis-
transport equation probably used one
grain size of sediment. In reality, a vari- charge is shown in another column
ety of flows over varying lengths of time (Figure 8.36). Since the transport ca-
move a variety of sediment particle pacity is in tons/day, a third column
sizes. Two other approaches should be should include the length of time repre-
sented by each segment of the hydro-

8- 58 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

Table 8.6: Sediment discharges for segments 600
of a hydrograph. The amount of sedimen t
discharg ed through a reach varies with t ime
during a stream flow event.
....... 500

A!ll,,!.IM M!i!,,!ifM Mll! ..!.iM M!ii,,!.iM i•l!ll@•·•!ii•,,•1,•f!IM•

.!1! 200

. . . . . . ..
. . ..-. . ·
.· -. .
· .. . 0 100 •
lillml ... - . O A B
0 10 20

A 100 150 .42 62

280 1700 .42 708
483 6000 .42 2500
500 6500 .42
390 4500 .42
155 530 .42
80 90 .42
TOtaf totJS ft~

600 • •
• ••• •
• • ••• • •
• •••••• • •
•• •
. ..
• .: .....
'. ..
• ••
• I ••

.. -
• • • •
• • •
• •
"' 20 • ••

• •

6 •
4 •••• • •

.1 .2 .4 .6 .8 1 2 4 6 8 10 20 40 60 80100 200 400 600 1000 5000 10,000
Suspended Sediment (tons/day)

Figure 8.36: Sediment rating curve. A "sediment

rating curve" rates the quantity of sediment
carried by a specific stream flow at a defined
point or gage.

Stream Channel Restoration 8- 59

graph. This column is multiplied by potential changes in runoff or sedi-
the transport capacity to create a final ment yield are predicted to occur in the
column that represents the amount of watershed above a potential restoration
sediment that could be transported over site, the sediment transport analyses
each segment of the hydrograph. Sum- should be done again based on these
ming the values in the last column potential changes.
shows the total bed material transport
capacity generated by that storm. Stability Controls
Average annual sediment transport in The risk of a restored channel's being
a stream can be determined using a damaged or destroyed by erosion or
procedure very similar to the storm deposition can be reduced if economic
prediction. The sediment rating curve considerations permit installation of
can be developed from predictive equa- control measures. Control measures
tions or from physical measurements. are also required if "natural" levels
The annual flow duration curve is sub- of channel instability (e.g., meander
stituted for the segmented hydrograph. migration) are unacceptable in the
The same type of spreadsheet described restored reach.
above can be used, and the sum of the In many cases, control measures double
values in the last column is the annual as habitat restoration devices or aesthetic
sediment-transport capacity (based on features (Nunnally and Shields 1985,
predictive equations) or the actual an- Newbury and Gaboury 1993). Control
nual sediment transport if the rating measures may be categorized as bed sta-
curve is based on measured data. bilization devices, bank stabilization de-
Sediment Discharge After Restoration vices, and hydrologic measures. Reviews
of control measures are found in Vanoni
After the sediment transport analysis (1975), Simons and Senturk (1977),
results have been field-checked to en- Petersen (1986), Chang (1988), and
sure that field conditions are accurately USACE (1989b, 1994), and are treated
predicted, the same analyses are re-
only briefly here. Haan et al. ( 1994) pro-
peated for the new cross sections and vide design guidance for sediment con-
slope in a reconstructed stream or trol on small watersheds. In all cases,
stream reach. Plans and designs may be sediment control systems should be
modified if the second analysis indi- planned and designed with the geomor-
cates significant deposition or erosion phic evolution of the watershed in mind.
could occur in the modified reach. If

8- 60 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

8.F Streambank Restoration

Even where streams retain relatively ployed to help ensure plant establish-
natural patterns of flow and flooding, ment and improve habitat conditions.
stream corridor restoration might re- As discussed earlier in this chapter, inte-
quire that streambanks be temporarily gration of woody vegetative cuttings, in-
(years to decades) stabilized while dependently or in combination with
floodplain vegetation recovers. The ob- other natural materials, in streambank
jective in such instances is to arrest the erosion control projects is generally re-
accelerated erosion often associated ferred to as soil bioengineering. Soil-
with unvegetated banks, and to reduce bioengineered bank stabilization
erosion to rates appropriate for the systems have not been standardized for
stream system and setting. In these situ- general application under particular
ations, the initial bank protection may flow conditions, and the decision as to
be provided primarily with vegetation, whether and how to use them requires
wood, and rock as necessary (refer to careful consideration of a variety of fac-
Appendix A). tors. On larger streams or where erosion
In other cases, land development or is severe, an effective approach involves
modified flows may dictate the use of a team effort that includes expertise in
hard structures to ensure permanent soils, biology, plant sciences, landscape
stream stability, and vegetation is used architecture, geology, engineering, and
primarily to address specific ecological hydrology.
deficiencies such as a lack of channel Soil bioengineering approaches usually
shading. In either case (permanent or employ plant materials in the form of
temporary bank stabilization), stream- live woody cuttings or poles of readily
flow projections are used (as described sprouting species, which are inserted
in Chapter 7) to determine the degree deep into the bank or anchored in vari-
to which vegetation must be supple- ous other ways. This serves the dual
mented with more resistant materials purposes of resisting washout of plants
(natural fabrics, wood, rock, etc.) to during the early establishment period,
achieve adequate stabilization. while providing some immediate ero-
The causes of excessive erosion may be sion protection due to the physical re-
reversible through changes in land use, sistance of the sterns. Plant materials
livestock management, floodplain alone are sufficient on some streams
restoration, or water management. In or some bank zones, but as erosive
some cases, even normal rates of bank forces increase, they can be combined
erosion and channel movement might with other materials such as rocks, logs
be considered unacceptable due to adja- or brush, and natural fabrics (Figure
cent development, and vegetation 8.37) . In some cases, woody debris is
might be used primarily to recover incorporated specifically to improve
some habitat functions in the vicinity habitat characteristics of the bank and
of "hard" bank stabilization measures. near-bank channel zones.
In either case, the considerations dis- Preliminary site investigations (see
cussed above with respect to soils, use Figure 8.38) and engineering analyses
of native plant species, etc., are applica- must be completed, as described in
ble within the bank zone. However, a Chapter 7, to determine the mode of
set of specialized techniques can be em- bank failure and the feasibility of using

Streambank Restoration 8- 61
vegetation as a component of bank sta- be evaluated to determine how vegeta-
bilization work. In addition to the tech- tion can or cannot be used. Soil cohe-
nical analyses of flows and soils, siveness, the presence of gravel lenses,
preliminary investigations must include ice accumulation patterns, the amount
consideration of access, maintenance, of sunlight reaching the bank, and the
urgency, and availability of materials. ability to ensure that grazing will be
Generalizations regarding water levels precluded are all considerations in as-
and flow velocities should be taken sessing the suitability of vegetation to
only as indications of the experiences achieve bank stabilization. In addition,
reported from various bank stabiliza- modified flow patterns may make por-
tion projects. Any particular site must tions of the bank inhospitable to plants
because of inappropriate timing of in-
undation rather than flow velocities
and durations (Klimas 1987). The need
to extend protection well beyond the
immediate focus of erosion and to pro-
tect against flanking is an important
design consideration.
As noted in Section 8.E, streambank sta-
bilization techniques can generally be
classified as armor, indirect methods, or
vegetative methods. The selection of the
appropriate stabilization technique is ex-
tremely important and can be expressed
in terms of the factors discussed below.

Effectiveness of Technique
The inherent factors in the properties
of a given bank stabilization technique,
and in the physical characteristics of a
proposed work site, influence the suit-
ability of that technique for that site.
Effectiveness refers to the suitability
and adequacy of the technique. Many
techniques can be designed to ade-
quately solve a specific bank stability
problem by resisting erosive forces and
geotechnical failure. The challenge is
to recognize which technique matches
the strength of protection against the
strength of attack and therefore per-
forms most efficiently when tested by
the strongest process of erosion and
most critical mechanism of failure. En-
(b) vironmental and economic factors are
Figure 8.37: A stabilized streambank. Plant integrated into the selection procedure,
materials can be combined with other materi- generally making soil bioengineering
als such as rocks, logs or brush, and natural methods very attractive. The chosen so-
fabrics. [(a) during and (b) after.]

8- 62 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

Careless Creek, Montana

Careless Creek were eroding. The inventory

I n the Big Snowy Mountains of central Montana,
Careless Creek begins to flow through range-
lands and fields until it reaches the Musselshell
helped to locate the areas causing the most
problems. Priority was given to headquarters,
River. At the beginning of the century, the stream corrals, and croplands, where stabilization of
was lined with a riparian cover, primarily of wil- approximately 5, 000 feet of streambank has
low. This stream corridor was home to a diversity taken place, funded by EPA monies.
of wildlife such as pheasant, beaver, and deer. Passive efforts have also begun to stabilize the
In the 1930s, a large reservoir was constructed to banks. Irrigation flows in Careless Creek have
the west with two outlets, one connected to been decreased for the past 5 years, enabling
Careless Creek. These channels were meant to some areas, such as the one pictured, to begin
carry irrigation water to the area fields and on to to self-heal (Figure 8.39b). Vegetation has been
the Musselshell River. Heavy flows during the given a chance to root as erosion has begun to
summer months began to erode the banks stabilize. Other practices, such as fencing, are
(Figure 8.39a). In the following years, ranchers being implemented, and future treatments are
planned to provide a long-term solution.
began clearing more and more brush for pasture,
sometimes burning it out along a stream.
Figure 8.39: Careless Creek. (a) Eroded streambank
"My Dad carried farmer's matches in his pocket.
(May 1995) and (b) streambank in recovery (December
There was a worn spot on his pants where he
would strike a match on his thigh," said Jessie
Zeier, who was raised on a ranch near Careless
Creek, recalling how his father often cleared
Any remaining willows or other species were
eliminated in the following years as ranchers
began spraying riparian areas to control sage-
brush. This accelerated the streambank erosion
as barren, sometimes vertical, banks began
sloughing off chunks of salted g<None>s devel-
oped to help the planning effort. Many organiza-
tions took part, including the Upper and Lower
Musselshell Conservation Districts; Natural
Resources Conservation Service; Montana
Department of Natural Resources and
Conservation; Montana Department of Fish;
Wildlife and Parks; Deadman's Basin Water
Users Association; U.S. Bureau of Reclamation;
Central Montana RC&D; City of Roundup;
Roundup Sportsmen; county commissioners;
and local landowners.
As part of the planning effort, a geographic
information system resource inventory was
begun in 1993. The inventory revealed about
50 percent of the banks along the 18 miles of

Streambank Restoration 8- 63
flow velocities if planted at high densi-
ties. Often, they can be placed deep
enough to maintain contact with ade-
quate soil moisture levels, thereby elim-
inating the need for irrigation. The
reliable sprouting properties, rapid
growth, and general availability of cut-
tings of willows and other pioneer
species makes them particularly appro-
priate for use in bank revegetation pro-
jects, and they are used in most of the
integrated bank protection approaches
described here (see Figure 8.41).

Anchored Cutting Systems

Several techniques are available that

Figure 8.38: Eroded bank. Preliminary site employ large numbers of cuttings
investigation and analyses are critical to arranged in layers or bundles, which
successful streambank stabilization design. can be secured to streambanks and par-
tially buried. Depending on how these
lution, however, must first fulfill the re- systems are arranged, they can provide
quirement of being effective as bank direct protection from erosive flows,
stabilization; otherwise, environmental prevent erosion from upslope water
and economic attributes will be irrele- sources, promote trapping of sediments,
vant. Soil bioengineering can be a useful and quickly develop dense roots and
tool in controlling streambank erosion, sprouts. Brush mattresses and woven
but it should not be considered a mats are typically used on the face of a
panacea. It must be performed in a judi- bank and consist of cuttings laid side by
cious manner by personnel experienced side and interwoven or pinned down
in channel processes, biology, and with jute cord or wire held in place by
streambank stabilization techniques. stakes. Brush layers are cuttings laid on
terraces dug into the bank, then buried
Stabilization Techniques so that the branch ends extend from the
bank. Fascines or wattles are bundles of
Plants may be established on upper
cuttings tied together, placed in shallow
bank and floodplain areas by using tra-
trenches arranged horizontally on the
ditional techniques for seeding or by bank face, partially buried, and staked
planting bare-root and container-grown in place. A similar system, called a reed
plants. However, these approaches pro-
roll, uses partially buried and staked
vide little initial resistance to flows, and
burlap rolls filled with soil and root
plantings may be destroyed if subjected
material or rooted shoots to establish
to high water before they are fully es-
herbaceous species in appropriate habi-
tablished. Cuttings, pole plantings, and tats. Anchored bundles of live cuttings
live stakes taken from species that
also have been installed perpendicular
sprout readily (e.g., willows) are more
to the channel on newly constructed
resistant to erosion and can be used gravel floodplain areas to dissipate
lower on the bank (Figure 8.40). In
floodwater energy and encourage depo-
addition, cuttings and pole plantings
sition of sediment (Karle and Dens-
can provide immediate moderation of
more 1994).
8- 64 Chapter 8: Restoration Design
dead stout stake
wire secured
to stakes

live and dead stout stake spacing

2 feet on center

dead stout stake driven on 2-foot centers

each way, minimum length 2 1/2 feet

Figure 8.40: Cutting systems. Details of brushmattress technique.

Source: USDA-NRCS 1996a.
Note: Rooted/leafed condition of the living plant material is not representative at the time of installation.

Geotextile Systems successive "lifts" of soil, alternating

with brush layers. This approach allows
Geotextiles have been used for erosion reconstruction of a bank and provides
control on road embankments and considerable erosion resistance (see
other upland settings, usually in combi- Green River case study). Natural fibers
nation with seeding, or with plants are also used in "fiber-schines," which
placed through slits in the fabric. In are sold specifically for streambank ap-
self-sustaining streambank applications, plications. These are cylindrical fiber
only natural, biodegradable materials bundles that can be staked to a bank
should be used, such as jute or coconut with cuttings or rooted plants inserted
fiber (Johnson and Stypula 1993). The through or into the material.
typical streambank use for these materi-
als is in the construction of vegetated Vegetated plastic geogrids and other
geogrids, which are similar to brush lay- nondegradable materials can also be
ers except that the fill soils between the used where geotechnical problems re-
layers of cuttings are encased in fabric, quire drainage or additional strength.
allowing the bank to be constructed of

Streambank Restoration 8- 65
springy branches provide interference to
flow and trap sediment. The principal
objective to these systems is the use of
large amounts of cable and the poten-
tial for trees to be dislodged and cause
downstream damage.
Some projects have successfully used
large trees in conjunction with stone to
provide bank protection as well as im-
proved aquatic habitat (see case study).
Large logs with intact root wads are
placed in trenches cut into the bank,
such that the root wads extend beyond
the bank face at the toe (Figure 8.42).
The logs are overlapped and/or braced
Figure 8.41: Results of live staking along a with stone to ensure stability, and the
streambank. Pioneer species are often most protruding rootwads effectively reduce
appropriate for use in bank revegetation flow velocities at the toe and over a
projects. range of flow elevations (Figure 8.43).
A major advantage of this approach is
Integrated Syste111s that it reestablishes one of the natural
A major concern with the use of struc- roles of large woody debris in streams
tural approaches to streambank stabi- by creating a dynamic near-bank envi-
lization is the lack of vegetation in the ronment that traps organic material and
zone directly adjacent to the water. De- provides colonization substrates for in-
spite a long-standing concern that vege- vertebrates and refuge habitats for fish.
tation destabilizes stone revetments, The logs eventually rot, resulting in a
there has been little supporting evi- more natural bank. The revetment sta-
dence and even some evidence to the bilizes the bank until woody vegetation
contrary (Shields 1991). Assuming that has matured, at which time the channel
loss of conveyance is accounted for, the can return to a more natural pattern.
addition of vegetation to structures In most cases, bank stabilization pro-
should be considered. This can involve jects use combinations of the tech-
placement of cuttings during construc- niques described above in an integrated
tion, or insertion of cuttings and poles approach. Toe protection often requires
between stones on existing structures. the use of stone, but amounts can be
Timber cribwalls may also be con- greatly reduced if large logs can also be
structed with cuttings or rooted plants used. Likewise, stone blankets on the
extending through the timbers from the bank face can be replaced with geogrids
backfill soils. or supplemented with interstitial plant-
ings. Most upper bank areas can usually
Trees and Logs be stabilized using vegetation alone,
Tree revetments are made from whole although anchoring systems might be
tree trunks laid parallel to the bank, required. The Green River bank restor-
and cabled to piles or deadman an- ation case study illustrates one success-
chors. Eastern red cedar (Juniperus vir- ful application of an integrated approach
giniana) and other coniferous trees are on a moderate-sized river in Washing-
used on small streams, where their ton State.

8- 66 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

existing vegetation, plantings or Figure 8.42: Revet-
soil bioengineering systems ment system. Details

i of rootwad and
boulder technique.

8- to 12-foot -



thalweg channel

boulder 1 1/2 times

diameter of log
footer log

Figure 8.43: Installation of logs with intact

root wads. An advantage to using tree revet-
ments is the creation of habitat for inverte-
brates and fish along the streambank.

Streambank Restoration 8- 67
Green River Bank Restoration Initiative
King County, Washington

T he King County, Washington, Surface Water

Management Division initiated a bank
restoration initiative in 1994 that illustrates a vari-
fish and wildlife habitat, particularly for
salmon ids.
Site investigations included surveys of stream
ety of project objectives and soil bioengineering cross sections, velocity measurements at two dis-
approaches (Figure 8.44). The project involved charge levels, soil characterizations, and assess-
stabilization of the bank of the Green River along ment of fish use of existing habitat features in
a 500-foot section of a meander bend that was the area. The streambank was vertical, 5 to 10
rapidly migrating into the adjacent farm field. feet high, and composed of silty-clay-loam alluvi-
The project objectives included improvement of um with gravel lenses. Flow velocities were 2 to 5
fps for flows of 200 and 550 cfs. Fish were pri-
Typical Cross-Section of Restored Bank marily observed in areas of low velocities and/or
Section View
It;~ M11{.
~e--;.n.illef> Lev£E
near woody debris, and along the channel mar-
;.<.ce$s fZ.oAt:>
In August, large woody debris was installed along
t!.'l.tSnN(x BAAIK
TD S& EKdtVlrTEO the toe of the bank. The logs were cedar and fir,
25 feet long and 28 to 36 inches in diameter,
with root wads 6 to 8 feet in diameter. The logs
were placed in trenches cut 15 feet back into the
bank so that the root wads extended into the
channel, and large (3- to 4-foot diameter) boul-
ders were placed among the logs at the toe. Log
(a) and boulder placement was designed to interlock
and brace the logs and prevent movement. The
Typical Detail - Log Pattern
Plan View
project used approximately 10 logs and 20 boul-
C'tlST7Nt:r ders per 100 lineal feet of bank. In September,

vegetated geogrids were installed above the toe
rDP oP- M NK.

/ ; zone to stabilize the high bank (Figure 8.45).

r oe of!
.$t.<JPf:t The project was completed with installation of a
:-----•-..J variety of plants, including container-grown
conifers and understory species, in a minimum
25-foot buffer along the top of the bank.

M re: VGf,li/llffi/) Within 2 months of completion, the site was sub-

6e06RIO LAy E<,S
N~ SHtJWN jected to three high flows, including an 8,430-cfs
event in December 1994. Measured velocities
along the bank were less than 2 fps at the sur-
face and less than 1 fps 2 feet below the surface,
indicating the effectiveness of the root wads in

T moderating flow velocities (Figure 8.46). Some

surface erosion and washout of plants along the
top bank occurred, and a subsequent event
caused minor damage to the geogrid at one loca-
tion . The maintenance repairs consisted of
Figure 8.44: Construction details. replanting and placement of additional logs to
Source: King County Surface Water Management Division.

8-68 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

Figure 8.45: Partially installed vegetated geogrid. Figure 8.46: Completed system. Note calm water
Installed above the toe to stabilize high bank. along bankline during high flow.

halt undermining of the geogrid. The 1995 grow-

ing season produced dramatic growth of the wil-
low cuttings in the geogrid, although many of
the planted trees in the overbank zone died
(Figure 8.47). Initial observations have document-
ed extensive fish use of the slow-water habitats
among the root wads at the toe of the bank, and
in scour holes created by flows deflected toward
the channel bottom.
The site continues to be carefully monitored, and
the effectiveness of the approach has led to the
implementation of similar designs elsewhere in
the region. The project designers have concluded Figure 8.47: Completed system after one year. Note
that future projects of this type should use small dramatic willow growth from vegetated geogrid.
plants rather than large rooted material in the
overbank zone to reduce costs, improve survival,
and minimize damage due to equipment access
for maintenance or repair. Based on their obser-
vations of fish response along the restored bank
and in nearby stream reaches, they also recom-
mend that future projects incorporate a greater
variety of woody debris, including brushy material
and tree tops, along the toe and lower bank.

Streambank Restoraton 8-69

8.Ci lnstream Habitat Recovery

As described in Chapter 2, habitat is the (Part II). Design of channels, structures,

place where a population lives and in- or restoration features can be guided
cludes living and nonliving compo- and fine tuned by assessing the quality
nents. For example, fish habitat is a and quantity of habitats provided by
place, or set of places, in which a single the proposed design. Additional guid-
fish, a population, or an assemblage of ance on assessing the quantity and qual-
fish can find the physical, chemical, ity of aquatic habitat is provided in
and biological features needed for life, Chapter 7.
including suitable water quality, passage This section discusses the design of in-
routes, spawning grounds, feeding and stream habitat structures for the pur-
resting sites, and shelter from predators pose of enhancing physical aquatic
and adverse conditions (Figure 8.48) . habitat quality and quantity. It should
Principal factors controlling the quality be noted, however, that the best ap-
of the available aquatic habitat include: proach to habitat recovery is to restore a
• Streamflow conditions. fully functional, well-vegetated stream
• Physical structure of the channel. corridor within a well-managed water-
shed. Man-made structures are less sus-
• Water quality (e.g., temperature, pH, tainable and rarely as effective as a
dissolved oxygen, turbidity, nutrients, stable channel. Over the long term,
alkalinity) . design should rely on natural fluvial
• The riparian zone. processes interacting with floodplain
vegetation and associated woody debris
• Other living components. to provide high-quality aquatic habitat.
The existing status of aquatic habitats Structures have little effect on popula-
within the stream corridor should be tions that are limited by factors other
assessed during the planning stage than physical habitat.

Figure 8.48: /nstream habitat. Suitable water quality, passage routes, and spawning grounds are
some of the characteristics of fish habitat.

8- 70 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

lnstream Habitat Features hydraulic parameters at design
The following procedures to restore in-
stream habitat are adapted from New- • Rehabilitation reach survey. Survey
bury and Gaboury (1993) and Garcia rehabilitation reaches in sufficient
(1995) . detail to prepare channel cross
section profiles and construction
• Select stream. Give priority to reaches
drawings and to establish survey
with the greatest difference between
reference markers.
actual (low) and potential (high) fish
carrying capacity and with a high • Preferred habitat. Prepare a sum-
capacity for natural recovery processes. mary of habitat factors for biologi-
cally preferred reaches using
• Evaluate fish populations and their
regional references and surveys. Man-made
habitats. Give priority to reaches with
Identify multiple limiting factors structures are
habitats and species of special inter-
for the species and life stages of less sustain-
est. Is this a biological, chemical, able and rarely
greatest concern. Where possible,
or physical problem? If a physical as effective as
undertake reach surveys in refer-
problem: a stable
ence streams with proven popula-
• Diagnose physical habitat problems. tions to identify local flow condi- channel.

• Drainage basin. Trace watershed tions, substrate, refugia, etc.

lines on topographical and geolog- • Design a habitat improvement plan.
ical maps to identify sample and Quantify the desired results in terms
rehabilitation basins. of hydraulic changes, habitat im-
• Profiles. Sketch main stem and provement, and population increas-
tributary long profiles to identify es. Integrate selection and sizing of
discontinuities that might cause rehabilitation works with instream
abrupt changes in stream charac- flow requirements.
teristics (falls, former base levels, • Select potential schemes and struc-
etc.). tures that will be reinforced by the
• Flow. Prepare flow summary for
rehabilitation reach using existing
or nearby records if available
(flood frequency, minimum flows,
historical mass curve). Correct for
drainage area differences. Compare
magnitude and duration of flows
during spawning and incubation
to year class strength data to deter-
mine minimum and maximum
flows required for successful repro-
• Channel geometry survey. Select
and survey sample reaches to
establish the relationship between
channel geometry, drainage area,
and bankfull channel-forming dis- Figure 8.49: Surveying a stream. Channel
charge (Figure 8.49) . Quantify surveys establish baseline information
needed for restoration design.

lnstream Habitat Recovery 8- 71

existing stream dynamics and determined approximately 18 percent
geometry. The following section of the structures need maintenance.
provides additional detail on use Where inadequate flows and excessive
of habitat structures. sediment delivery occur, structures have
• Test designs for minimum and a brief lifespan and limited value in
maximum flows and set target terms of habitat improvement. Further-
flows for critical periods derived more, the study concluded that in-
from the historical mass curve. stream habitat structures generally
provided increased fish habitat.
• Implement planned measures.
Before structural habitat features are
• Arrange for on-site location and added to a stream corridor restoration
elevation surveys and provide design, project managers should care-
advice for finishing details in the fully determine whether they address
stream. the real need and are appropriate.
• Monitor and evaluate results. Major caveats include the following:
• Arrange for periodic surveys of the • Structures should never be viewed as
rehabilitated reach and reference a substitute for good riparian and
Preview Chap- upland management.
reaches, to improve the design,
ter 9 for an
as the channel ages. • Defining the ecological purpose of a
introduction to
construction structure and site selection are as
lnstream Habitat Structures
and monit oring important as construction technique.
fo llow-up Aquatic habitat structures (also called
• Scour and deposition are natural
activities. instream structures and stream im-
stream processes necessary to create
provement structures) are widely used
fish habitat. Overstabilization there-
in stream corridor restoration. Com-
fore limits habitat potential, whereas
mon types include weirs, dikes, random properly designed and sited struc-
rocks, bank covers, substrate reinstate-
tures can speed ecological recovery.
ment, fish passage structures, and off-
channel ponds and coves. Institutional • Use of native materials (stone and
factors have favored their use over more wood) is strongly encouraged.
holistic approaches to restoration. For • Periodic maintenance of structures
example, it is often easier to obtain au- will be necessary and must be incor-
thority and funding to work within a porated into project planning.
channel than to influence riparian or
watershed land use. Habitat structures lnstream Habitat Structure
have been used more along cold water Design
streams supporting salmonid fisheries Design of aquatic habitat structures
than along warm water streams, and the should proceed following the steps pre-
voluminous literature is heavily sented below (Shields 1983). However,
weighted toward cold water streams. the process should be viewed as itera-
In a 1995 study entitled Stream Habitat tive, and considerable recycling among
Improvement Evaluation Project, 1,234 steps should be expected.
structures were evaluated according to • Plan layout.
their general effectiveness, the habitat
quality associated with the given struc- • Select types of structures.
ture type, and actual use of the struc- • Size the structures.
tures by fish (Bio West 1995). The study
• Investigate hydraulic effects.

8- 72 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

• Consider effects on sediment trans- Cross Section
not to scale
• Select materials and design structures.
Each step is described below. Construc-
tion and monitoring follow-up activi-
ties are described in Chapter 9.

Plan Layout
The location of each structure should
be selected. Avoid conflicts with bridges,
riparian structures, and existing habitat
resources (e.g., stands of woody vegeta-
tion). The frequency of structures should design flow
be based on the habitat requirements
previously determined, within the con-
text of the stream morphology and
physical characteristics (see Chapter 7).
Care should be taken to place structures
where they will be in the water during
baseflow. Structures should be spaced
to avoid large areas of uniform condi-
tions. Structures that create pools Front Elevation
not to scale
should be spaced five to seven channel
widths apart. Weirs placed in series
should be spaced and sized carefully to
avoid placing a weir within the backwa-
ter zone of the downstream structure,
since this would create a series of pools
with no intervening riffles or shallows.

Select Types of Structures

The main types of habitat structures are

weirs, dikes (also called jetties, barbs,
deflectors (Figure 8.50), spurs, etc.),
random rocks (also called boulders),
and bank covers (also called lunkers).
Substrate reinstatement (artificial rif-
fles), fish passage structures, and off- key into t
streambed, ~°,?
channel ponds and coves have also approx. -...:.....----'
been widely employed. Fact sheets on D100

several of these techniques are provided

in the Techniques Appendix, and numer-
ous design web sites are available Figure 8.50: lnstream habitat structure.
Wing deflector habitat structure.
(White and Brynildson 1967, Seehom Source: USDA-NRCS 1996a.
1985, Wesche 1985, Orsborn et al.
1992, Orth and White 1993, Flosi and
Reynolds 1994).

lnstream Habitat Recovery 8- 73

Evidence suggests that traditional de- empirical equations like those pre-
sign criteria for widespread bank and sented by Heiner (1991) can be used to
bed stabilization measures (e.g., con- roughly estimate the depth of scour
crete grade control structures, homoge- holes at weirs and dikes.
neous riprap) can be modified, with no
functional loss, to better meet environ- Investigate Hydraulic Effects
mental objectives and improve habitat Hydraulic conditions at the design flow
diversity. Table 8. 7 may be used as a should provide the desired habitat;
general guide to relate structural type to however, performance should also be
habitat requirement. Weirs are generally evaluated at higher and lower flows.
more failure-prone than deflectors. Barriers to movement, such as ex-
Deflectors and random rocks are mini- tremely shallow reaches or vertical
mally effective in environments where drops not submerged at higher flows,
higher flows do not produce sufficient should be avoided. If the conveyance of
local velocities to produce scour holes the channel is an issue, the effect of the
near structures. Random rocks (boul- proposed structures on stages at high
ders) are especially susceptible to un- flow should be investigated. Structures
dermining and burial when placed in may be included in a standard backwa-
sand-bed channels, although all types ter calculation model as contractions,
of stone structures experience similar low weirs, or increased flow resistance
problems. Additional guidance for eval- (Manning) coefficients, but the amount
uating the general suitability of various of increase is a matter of judgment or
fish habitat structures for a wide range limited by National Flood Insurance
of morphological stream types is pro- Program ordinances. Scour holes should
vided by Rosgen (1996). Seehorn be included in the channel geometry
(1985) provides guidance for small downstream of weirs and dike since a
streams in the eastern United States. major portion of the head loss occurs
The use of any of these guides should in the scour hole. Hydraulic analysis
also consider the relative stability of should include estimation or computa-
the stream, including aggradation tion of velocities or shear stresses to be
and incision trends, for final design. experienced by the structure.
Size the Structures Consider Effects on Sediment
Structures should be sized to produce Transport
the desired aquatic habitats at the nor- If the hydraulic analysis indicates a
mal range of flows from baseflow to shift in the stage-discharge relation-
bankfull discharge. A hydrological ship, the sediment rating curve of the
analysis can provide an estimate of the restored reach may change also, lead-
normal range of flows (e.g., a flow du- ing to deposition or erosion. Although
ration curve), as well as an estimate of modeling analyses are usually not cost-
extreme high and low flows that might effective for a habitat structure design
be expected at the site (see Chapter 7). effort, informal analyses based on as-
In general, structures should be low sumed relationships between velocity
enough that their effects on the water and sediment discharge at the bankfull
surface profile will be slight at bankfull discharge may be helpful in detecting
discharge. Detailed guidance by struc- potential problems. An effort should
tural type is presented in the Tech- be made to predict the locations and
niques Appendix. For informal design, magnitude of local scour and deposi-

8- 74 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

Table 8.7: Fish habitat improvement structures-suitability for stream types.
Source: Rosgen 1996.


A2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
81-1 Poor Poor Good Excellent Poor Poor Poor Good
81 Excellent Excellent N/A N/A Excellent Excellent N/A Excellent
82 Excellent Good Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent
83 Fair Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor
84 Fair Poor Poor Good Poor Poor Poor Poor
BS Fair Poor Poor Good Poor Poor Poor
C1-1 Poor Poor Fair Excellent Poor Poor Poor Good
C1 Good Fair Fair Excellent
C2 Excellent Good Good Excellent
C3 Fair Poor Poor Good
C4 Fair Poor Poor Good Poor
cs Fair Poor Poor Good Poor
C6 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
01 Fair Poor Poor Fair Fair Fair Fair
02 Fair Poor Poor Fair Fair Fair Fair Poor

•&mlm1fof!.!.1§+-. .p•a1.fii.1§·•-im
A1 N/A N/A N/A N/A Excellent Good Poor Poor
A2 N/A N/A N/A N/A Excellent Excellent Excellent Poor
81-1 Good Good Good Excellent Fair Good Good Fair
81 Good Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Fair
82 Excellent Excellent Good Excellent Good Good Good Good
83 Poor Fair Fair Fair Poor Poor
84 Poor Fair Fair Fair Poor Poor Poor Poor
BS Poor Poor Poor Poor
C1-1 Good Good Good Excellent Poor Fair Fair Fair
C1 Good Good Good Excellent Poor Fair
C2 Good Excellent Excellent Exce llent Poor Good Excellent Excellent
C3 Fair Good Fair
C4 Poor Good Fair
cs Poor Poor
C6 N/A N/A N/A N/A Poor Poor
01 Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor N/A
02 Po or Poor Poor Poo r Poor N/A Po or

Excellent - No limitat ion t o location of structure placement or special modif icatio n in design.
Good - Under most conditions, very effective. Minor modification of design o r placement requ ired .
Fa ir - Serious limitation w hich can be overcome by placement location, design modification, or stabilization t echniques.
Generally not recommended d ue to difficulty of offsetting pot ential adverse consequences and hig h probability of reduced effectiveness.
Poor - Not recommended due to morphological character of stream type and very low probability of success.
Not Applicable- Generally not considered since habitat components are not lim it ing.
Note: A3, A3-a, A4, A4-a, AS, AS-a channel types are not evaluated d ue to limited fisheries value.

lnstream Habitat Recovery 8- 75

tion. Areas projected to experience sig- or logs generated from construction of
nificant scour and deposition should channels or other project features. Logs
be prime sites for visual monitoring give long service if continuously sub-
after construction. merged. Even logs not continuously wet
can give several decades of service if
Select Materials chosen from decay-resistant species.
Materials used for aquatic habitat struc- Logs and timbers must be firmly fas-
tures include stone, fencing wire, posts, tened together with bolts or rebar and
and felled trees. Priority should be must be well anchored to banks and
given to materials that occur on site bed. Stone size should be selected
under natural conditions. In some based on design velocities or shear
cases, it may be possible to salvage rock stress.

8.H Land Use Scenarios

As discussed in Chapter 3, most stream objective of the restoration design

corridor degradation is directly attribut- should be to eliminate or moderate
able to land use practices and/or hydro- disruptive influences sufficiently to
logic modifications at the watershed allow recovery of dynamic equilibrium
level that cause fundamental disruption over time (NRC 1992).
of ecosystem functions (Beschta et al. If chronic land use impacts on the
1994) (Figure 8.51). Ironically, land stream or riparian system cannot be
use practices, including hydrologic controlled or moderated, or if some
modifications, can offer the opportu- elements of the stream network (e.g.,
nity for restoring these same degraded headwaters) are not included in the
stream corridors. Where feasible, the restoration design, it must be recog-
nized that the restoration action may
have limited effectiveness in the long-
Restoration measures can be designed
to address particular, site-specific de-
ficiencies (an eroding bank, habitat
features), but if they do not restore
self-maintaining processes and the
functions of a stream corridor, they
must be regarded as a focused "fix"
rather than an ecosystem restoration .
In cases where land use practices are
the direct cause of stream corridor
degradation and there is a continuing
downward trend in landscape condi-
tion, there is little point in expending
resources to address symptoms of the
Figure 8.51: Sediment-laden stream. Most
stream corridor d egradation can be attributed
problem rather than the problem itself
to impacts resulting from surrounding land (DeBano and Schmidt 1989).

8- 76 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

Design Approaches for Best management practices can be ap-
Common Effects plied individually or in combination to
protect and improve surface water qual-
Agriculture, forestry, grazing, mining,
ity and aquatic habitat in reservoirs as
recreation, and urbanization are some
well as downstream. Several approaches
of the principal land uses that can re-
have been designed for improving or
sult in disturbance of stream corridor
maintaining acceptable levels of dis-
structure and functions. A watershed
solved oxygen (DO), temperature, and
analysis will help prioritize and coordi-
other constituents in reservoirs and tail-
nate restoration actions (Platts and
waters. One design approach uses
Rinne 1985, Swanson 1989) and may
pumps, air diffusers, or air lifts to in-
indicate critical or chronic land use ac-
duce circulation and mixing of the
tivities causing disturbance both inside
oxygen-poor but cold hypolimnion
and outside the stream corridor. Ad-
with the oxygen-rich but warm epil-
dressing these in the restoration plan
imnion, resulting in a more thermally
and design, may greatly improve the
uniform reservoir with increased DO.
effectiveness and success of restoration
Another design approach for improving
water quality in tailwaters for trout fish-
Restoration measures designed in re- eries involves mixing of air or oxygen
sponse to these effects may be similar with water passing through the turbines
across land uses. Sediment and nutrient at hydropower dams to improve con-
management in urban, agricultural, and centrations of DO. Reservoir waters can
forest settings, for instance, may require also be aerated by venting turbines to
the use of buffer strips. Although the the atmosphere or by injecting com-
buffer strips have many common design pressed air into the turbine chamber
characteristics, each setting has site- (USEPA 1993).
specific factors.
Modification to the intakes, the spill-
Dams way, or the tailrace of a dam can also be
designed to improve temperature or
Dams alter the flow of water, sediment, DO levels in tailwaters. Installing vari-
organic matter, and nutrients, resulting ous types of weirs downstream of a
in both direct physical and indirect bio- dam achieves similar results. These de-
logical effects in tailwaters and down- sign practices rely on agitation and tur-
stream riparian and floodplain areas bulence to mix reservoir releases with
(see Chapter 3). Stream corridors below atmospheric air to increase levels of DO
dams can be partially restored by modi- (USEPA 1993).
fying operation and management ap-
Adequate fish passage around dams, di-
proaches. Impacts from the operation
versions, and other obstructions may be
of dams on surface water quality and
a critically important component of
aquatic and riparian habitat should be
restoring healthy fish populations to
assessed and the potential for improve-
previously degraded rivers and streams.
ment evaluated. The modification of
A fact sheet in Appendix A shows an
operation approaches, where possible,
example for fish passages. However,
in combination with the application of
designing, installing, and operating fish
properly designed and applied best
passage facilities at dams are b eyond
management practices, can reduce the
the scope of this handbook. Further,
impacts caused by dams on down-
the type of fish passage facility and the
stream riparian and floodplain habitats.
flows necessary for operation are gener-

Land Use Scenarios 8-77

ally site specific. Further information and habitat in the reservoir and tribu-
on fish passage technology can be tary deltas.
found in other references, including Three options should be considered-
Environmental Mitigation at Hydroelec- complete removal, partial removal, and
tric Projects - Volume II. Benefits and staged breaching. The option is selected
Costs of Fish Passage and Protection based on the condition of the dam and
(Francfort et al., 1994 ); and Fish Passage future maintenance required if not
Technologies: Protection at Hydropower completely removed, and on the best
Facilities (Office of Technology Assess- way to deal with the sediment now
ment, Congress of the United States, stored behind the dam. The following
Washington DC, OTA-ENV-641 ). elements must be considered in manag-
Adjusting operation procedures at some ing sediment:
dams can also result in improved qual- • Removing features of dams necessary
ity of reservoir releases and downstream to restore fish passage and ensure
conditions. Partial restoration of stream safety.
corridors below dams can be achieved
by designing operation procedures that • Revegetation of the reservoir areas.
mimic the natural hydrograph, or desir- • Long-term monitoring of sediment
able aspects of the hydrograph. Modifi- transport and river channel topo-
cations include scheduling releases or graphy, water quality, and aquatic
the duration of shutoff periods, institut- ecology.
ing procedures for the maintenance of
minimum flows, and making seasonal • Long-term protection of municipal
and industrial water supplies.
adjustments in pool levels and in the
timing and variation of the rates of • Mitigation of flood impacts caused
drawdowns (USEPA 1993). by long-term river aggradation.
Modifying operation and management • Quality of sediment, including iden-
approaches, in combination with the tification of the lateral and vertical
application of properly designed best occurrence of toxic or otherwise
management practices, can be an effec- poor-quality sediment.
tive approach to partially restoring Water quality issues are primarily re-
stream corridors below dams. However, lated to suspended sediment concentra-
dam removal is the only way to begin tion and turbidity. These are important
to fully restore a stream to its natural to municipal, industrial, and private
condition. It is important to note, how- water users, as well as to aquatic com-
ever, that unless accomplished very munities. Water quality will primarily
carefully, with sufficient studies and be affected by any silt and clay released
modeling and at significant cost, re- from the reservoirs and by reestablish-
moving a dam can cause more damage ment of the natural sediment loads
downstream (and upstream) than the downstream. During removal ·of the
dam is currently causing until a state of dam and draining of the lake, the un-
dynamic equilibrium is reached. Dam vegetated reservoir bottoms will be ex-
removal lowers the base level of up- posed. Lakebeds will be expected to
stream tributaries, which can cause reju- have large woody debris and other or-
venation, bed and bank instability, and ganic material. A revegetation program
increased sediment loads. Dam removal is necessary to control dust, surface
can also result in the loss of wetlands runoff, and erosion and to restore habi-

8-78 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

tat and aesthetic values. A comprehen- Channelization and Diversions
sive sediment management plan is
needed to address the following: Channelization and flow diversions
represent forms of hydro logic modifica-
• Sediment volume and physical prop- tion commonly associated with most
erties. principal land uses, and their effects
• Sediment quality and associated dis- should be considered in all restoration
posal requirements. efforts (see Chapter 3). In some cases,
restoration design can include the re-
• Hydraulic and biological characteris-
moval or redesign of channel modifica-
tics of the reservoir and downstream
tions to restore preexisting ecological
and flow characteristics.
• Alternative measures for sediment
Modifications of existing projects, in-
cluding operation and maintenance or
• Impacts on downstream environ- management, can improve some nega-
ment and channel hydraulics. tive effects without changing the exist-
• Recommended measures to manage ing benefits or creating additional
sediment properly and economically. problems. Levees may be set back from
the stream channel to better define the
Objectives of sediment management stream corridor and reestablish some or
should include flood control, water all of the natural floodplain functions.
quality, wetlands, fisheries, habitat, and Setback levees can be constructed to
riparian rights. allow for overbank flooding, which pro-
For hydropower dams, the simplest de- vides surface water contact with stream-
commissioning program is to dismantle side areas such as floodplains and
the turbine-generator and seal the water wetlands.
passages, leaving the dam and water- Instream modifications such as uniform
retaining structures in place. No action cross sections or armoring associated
is taken concerning the sediments since with channelization or flow diversions
they will remain in the reservoir and the may be removed, and design and place-
hydraulic and physical characteristics of ment of meanders can be used to
the river and reservoir will remain essen- reestablish more natural channel char-
tially unchanged. This approach is vi- acteristics. In many cases, however, ex-
able only if there are no deficiencies in isting land uses might limit or prevent
the water-retaining structures (such as the removal of existing channel or
inadequate spillway capacity or inade- floodplain modifications. In such cases,
quate factors of safety for stability) and restoration design must consider the ef-
long-term maintenance is ensured. In fects of existing channel modifications
some cases, decommissioning can in- or flow diversions, in the corridor and
clude partial removal of water-retaining the watershed.
structures. Partial removal involves de-
molition of a portion of the dam to Exotic Species
create a breach so that it no longer
functions as a water-retaining structure. Exotic species are another common
problem of stream corridor restoration
For additional information, see Guide- and management. Some land uses have
lines for the Retirement of Hydroelectric actually introduced exotics that have be-
Facilities published by the American So- come uncontrolled, while others have
ciety of Civil Engineers (ASCE) in 1997. merely created an opportunity for such

Land Use Scenarios 8- 79

The Multispecies Riparian Buffer
System in the Bear Creek, IA
Introduction cations). It has only been recently that placement
or enhancement of riparian vegetation or
T he Bear Creek Watershed in central Iowa is a
small (26.8 mi2) drainage basin located with-
in the Des Moines Lobe subregion of the Western
"streamside filter strips" has been recommended
to reduce sediment and chemical loading, modify
Corn Belt Plains ecoregion, one of the youngest flow regime by reducing discharge extremes,
and flattest ecological subregions in Iowa. In gen- improve structural habitat, and restore energy
eral, the land is level to gently rolling with a poor- relationships through the addition of organic
ly developed stream network. Soils of the region matter and reduction in temperature and dis-
are primarily developed in glacial till and alluvial, solved oxygen extremes.
lacustrine, and windblown deposits. Prior to The Riparian Management System
European settlement of the region (ca 1847) the (RiMS)
watershed consisted of the vast tallgrass prairie The Agroecology Issue Team of the Leopold
ecosystem, interspersed with wet prairie marshes Center for Sustainable Agriculture, Iowa State
in topographic lows and gallery forests along University, Ames, IA, is conducting research on
larger order streams and rivers. Native forest was the design and establishment of an integrated
limited to the Skunk River corridor into which riparian management system (RiMS) to demon-
Bear Creek flows. strate the benefits of properly functioning riparian
Subsequent conversion of the land, including the buffers in the heavily row-cropped landscape of
riparian zone, from native vegetation to row the midwestern U.S. The purpose of the RiMS is
crops, extensive subsurface drainage tile installa- to restore the essential ecological functions that
tion, dredge ditching, and grazing of fenced riparian ecosystems once provided. Specific objec-
riparian zones have resulted in substantial stream tives of such buffers are to intercept eroding soil
channel modification. Records suggest that artifi- and agricultural chemicals from adjacent crop
cial drainage of marshes and low prairies in the fields, slow floodwaters, stabilize streambanks,
upper reaches of the Bear Creek watershed was provide wildlife habitat, and improve the biologi-
completed about 1902, with ditch dredging com- cal integrity of aquatic ecosystems. The regional-
pleted shortly thereafter. While the main stream iza tion of this system has been accomplished by
pattern appears to have remained about the designing it with several components, each of
same since that time, significant channelization which can be modified to fit local landscape con-
continued into the 1970s. Additional intermittent ditions and landowner objectives.
channels have developed in association with new The Agroecology Issue Team is conducting
drainage tile and grass waterway installation. detailed studies of important biological and physi-
Present land use in the Bear Creek watershed is cal processes at both the field and watershed
typical of the region, with over 87% of the land scale to provide the necessary data to allow
area devoted to row crop agriculture. resource managers to make credible recommen-
Landscape modifications and present land-use dations of buffer placement and design in a wide
practices have produced nonpoint source pollu- variety of landscapes. In addition, socioeconomic
tion in the watershed, which landowners have data collected from landowners in the watershed
addressed by implementing soil conservation are being used to identify landowner criteria for
practices (e.g. reduced tillage, terracing, grass accepting RiMS. The team also is quantifying the
waterways) and better chemical input manage- non-market value placed on the improvement in
ment (e.g. more accurate and better timed appli- surface and ground water quality

8- 80 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

The actual development and establishment of the depressional area near the creek and constructing
RiMS along Bear Creek was initiated in 1990 a low berm. The subsurface drainage tile was
along a 0. 6-mile length of Bear Creek on the Ron rerouted to enter the wetland at a point that
and Sandy Risdal Farm. The buffer strip system maximizes residence time of drainage tile water
has subsequently been planted along 3.5 miles of within the wetland. A simple gated water level
Bear Creek upstream from this original site. The control structure at the wetland outlet provides
RiMS consists of three components: 1) a multi- control of the water level maintained within the
species riparian buffer (MRB), 2) soil bioengineer- wetland. Cattail rhizomes (Typha glauca Godr.)
ing technologies for streambank stabilization, and collected from a local marsh and road ditch were
3) constructed wetlands to intercept and process planted within the wetland and native grasses
nonpoint source pollutants in agricultural and forbs planted on the constructed berm.
drainage tile water. Future plans include the construction of addition-
Multi-species Riparian Buffer (MRB) al tile drainage wetlands within the Bear Creek
The general MRB consists of three zones. The
rapid growth of this buffer community can System Effectiveness
change a heavily impacted riparian zone into a Long-term monitoring has demonstrated the sig-
functioning riparian ecosystem in a few short nificant capability of the RiMS to intercept erod-
years. The combinations of trees, shrubs, and ing soil from adjacent cropland, intercept and
native grasses can be modified to fit site condi- process agricultural chemicals moving in shallow
tions (e.g. soils, slope), major buffer biological subsurface water; stabilize stream channel move-
and physical function(s), owner objectives, and ment, and improve instream environments, while
cost-share program requirements. also providing wildlife habitat and quality timber
Soil Bioengineering products. The buffer traps 70-80% of the sedi-
ment carried in surface runoff and has reduced
It has been estimated that greater than 50% of
nitrate and atrazine moving in the soil solution to
the stream sediment load in small watersheds in
levels well below the maximum contaminant lev-
the Midwest is the result of channel erosion. This
els specified by the USEPA. Streambank bioengi-
problem has been worsened by the increased ero-
neering systems have virtually stopped bank ero-
sive power of streams resulting from stream
sion along treated reaches and are now trapping
channelization and loss of riparian vegetation.
channel sediment. The constructed wetland has
Several different soil bioengineering techniques
reduced nitrate in the tile drainage water by as
have been employed in the Bear Creek water-
much as 80% depending on the season of the
shed. These include the use of willow posts and
year. Wildlife benefits have also appeared in a
stakes driven into the bank, live willow fascines,
very short time, with a nearly fivefold increase in
live willow brush mattresses, and biodegradable
bird species diversity observed within the buffer
geotextile anchored with willow stakes on bare
strip versus an adjacent, unprotected stream
slopes. Alternatives used to stabilize the base of
the streambank include rock and anchored dead
plant material such as cedar or bundled maple. While the RiMS function is being assessed through
experimental plot work with intensive process
Constructed Wetlands
monitoring, economic benefits and costs to
Small, constructed wetlands which are integrated landowners and society also are being deter-
into the riparian buffer have considerable poten- mined. Landowners surveys, focus groups, and
tial to remove nitrate and other chemicals from one-on-one interviews have identified the concern
the extensive network of drain tile in the that water quality should be improved by reduc-
Midwest. To demonstrate this technology, a small ing chemical and sediment inputs by as much as
(60 d ) wetland was constructed to process 50%. Landowners are willing to pay for this
drainage tile water from a 12-acre cropped field. improved water quality as well as volunteer their
The wetland was constructed by excavating a time to help initiate the improvements.

Land Use Scenarios 8- 81

The Multispecies Riparian Buffer
System in the Bear Creek, IA
Watershed {continued)

While the RiMS can effectively intercept and treat Support for this work is from the Leopold Center
nonpoint source pollution from the uplands, it for Sustainable Agriculture, the Iowa Department
should be stressed that a riparian management of Natural Resources through a grant from the
system cannot replace upland conservation prac- USEPA under the Federal Nonpoint Source
tices. In a properly functioning agricultural land- Management Program (Section 319 of the Clean
scape, both upland conservation practices and an Water Act), and the USDA (Cooperative State
integrated riparian system contribute to achieving Research Education and Extension Service),
environmental goals and improved ecosystem National Research Initiative Competitive Grants
functioning. Program, and the Agriculture in Concert with the
Environment Program.

exotics to spread. Again, control of ex- flows created by impoundments are al-
otic species has some common aspects tered to favor native species and when
across land uses, but design approaches exotics such as salt cedar are removed
are different for each land use. before revegetation is attem pted (Briggs
Control of exotics in som e situations et al. 19 94) .
can be extremely difficult and may be Salt cedar is an aggressive, exotic colo-
impractical if large acreages or well- nizer in the West due to its long period
established populations are involved . and high rate of seed production, as well
Use of herbicides may be tightly regu- as its ability to withstand long periods of
lated or precluded in m any wetland and inundation. Salt cedar can be controlled
streamside environments, and for some either by clearing with a bulldozer or by
exotic species there are no effective con- direct application of herbicide (Sudbrock
trol measures that can be easily imple- 1993 ); however, improper treatments
mented over large areas (Rieger and may actually increase the density of salt
Kreager 1990) . Where aggressive exotics cedar (Neill 1990).
are present, every effort sh ould be m ade Controlling exotics and weeds can be
to avoid unnecessary soil disturbance or important because of potential compe-
disruption of intact native vegetation, tition with established native vegeta-
and newly established populations of tion, colonized vegetation, and
exotics should be eradicated. artificially planted vegetation in restora-
Nonnative species such as salt cedar tion work Exotics compete for mois-
(Tamarix spp .) and Russian olive ture, nutrients, sunlight, and space and
(Elaeagnus angustifolia) can outcom- can adversely influence establishment
pete native plantings and negatively rates of new plantings. To improve the
affect their establishment and growth. effectiveness of revegetation work, ex-
The likelihood of successful reestablish- otic vegetation should be cleared prior
ment often increases when artificial to planting; nonnative growth must also

8- 82 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

be controlled after planting. General shown can apply in different agricul-
techniques for control of exotics and tural settings.
weeds are mechanical (e.g., scalping or
tilling), chemical (herbicides), and fire. Hypothetical Existing
For a review of treatment methods and Conditions
equipment, see U.S. Forest Service Reminiscent of the highly disruptive
(1965) and Yoakum et al. (1980). agricultural activities discussed in
Chapter 3, Figure 8.52 illustrates hypo-
thetical conditions that focus primarily
America's Private Land-A Geography on production agriculture. Although
of Hope (USDA-NRCS 1996b) chal- functionally isolated contour terraces Figure 8.52:
lenges all of us to "regain our sense of and a waterway have been installed in Hypothetical condi-
place and renew our commitment to the nearby cropland, the scene depicts tions. Activities caus-
private landowners and the public." an ecologically deprived landscape. ing change in this
It suggests that as we learn more about agricultural setting.
Many of the potential disturbance
the complexity of our environment,
harmony with ecological processes that
extend across all landscapes becomes
more of an imperative than an ideal.
Furthermore, conservation provisions
of the 1996 Farm Bill and accompany-
ing endeavors such as the National
Conservation Buffer Initiative (USDA-
NRCS 1997) offer flexibility to care for
the land as never before. The following
land use scenario attempts to express
this fl exibility in the context of com-
prehensive, locally led conservation
work, including stream corridor
This scenario offers a brief glimpse into
a hypothetical agricultural setting where
the potential results of stream corridor
restoration might begin to take form.
Computer-generated simulations are
used to graphically illustrate potential
changes brought about by restoration
work and associated comprehensive,
on-farm conservation planning. It fo-
cuses, conceptually, on vegetative clear-
ing, instream modifications, soil
exposure and compaction, irrigation
and drainage, and sediment or contami-
nants as the most disruptive activities
associated with agricultural land use.
Although an agricultural landscape
typical of the Midwest was selected
for illustrative purposes, the concepts

Land Use Scenarios 8-83

Figure 8.53: Hypothetical restoration response. Possible results of stream ping during floods, water storage,
corridor restoration are presented in this computer-altered photograph. movement of flora and fauna, species
diversity, interior habitat conditions,
and provision of organic materials to
aquatic communities were described as
just a few of the functional conditions
affected by these structural attributes.
Continuous indigenous vegetative
cover across the widest possible stream
corridor was generally identified as the
most conducive to serving the broadest
range of functions. This discussion
went on to suggest that a long, wide
stream corridor with contiguous vegeta-
tive cover is a favored overall character-
istic. A contiguous, wide stream
corridor may be unachievable, however,
where competing land uses prevail.
Furthermore, gaps caused by distur-
bances (utility crossings, highways and
access lanes, floods, wind, fire, etc.)
are commonplace.
Restoration design should establish
functional connections within and ex-
ternal to stream corridors. Landscape
elements such as remnant patches of
riparian vegetation, prairie, or forest
exhibiting diverse or unique vegetative
communities; productive land that can
support ecological functions; reserve or
abandoned land; associated wetlands or
meadows; neighboring springs and
stream systems; ecologically innovative
residential areas; and movement corri-
dors for flora and fauna (field borders,
activities and subsequent changes windbreaks, waterways, grassed terraces,
outlined in Chapter 3 come to mind. etc.) offer opportunities to establish
Those hypothetically reflected in the these connections. An edge (transition
figure are highlighted in Table 8.8. zone) that gradually changes from one
land use into another will soften envi-
Hypothetical Restoration ronmental gradients and minimize
Response disturbance.
Previous sections of this chapter and With these and the broad design guide-
earlier chapters identified connectivity lines presented in previous sections of
and dimension (width) as important this chapter in mind, Figure 8.53 pre-
structural attributes of stream corridors. sents a conceptual computer-generated
Nutrient and water flow, sediment trap- illustration of hypothetical restoration

8-84 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

Disturbance Activities

Table 8.8: Summary of prominent agriculturally

related disturbance activities and potential effects.

Potential Effects
Decreased landscape diversity
Point source pollution
Nonpoint source pollution
Dense compacted soil
Increased upland surface runoff
Increased sheetflow with surface erosion rill and gully flow
Increased levels of fine sediment and contaminants in stream corridor
Increased soil salinity
Increased peak flood elevation
Increased flood energy
Decreased infiltration of surface runoff
Decreased interflow and subsurface flow to and within the stream corridor
Reduced ground water recharge and aquifer volumes
Increased depth to ground water
Decreased ground water inflow to stream
Increased flow velocities
Reduced stream meander
Increased or decreased stream stability
Increased stream migration
Channel widening and downcutting
Increased stream gradient and reduced energy dissipation
Increased flow frequency
Reduced flow duration
Decreased capacity of floodplain and upland
Increased sediment and contaminants
Decreased capacity of stream
Reduced stream capacity to assimilate nutrients/pesticides
Confined stream channel with little opportunity for habitat development
Increased streambank erosion and channel scour
Increased bank failure
Loss of instream organic matter and related decomposition
Increased instream sediment, salinity, or turbidity
Increased instream nutrient enrichment, sedimentation, and conta minants
leading t o eutrophication

• Activity has pot ential for d irect impact. • Activity has pot ential for indirect impact.

Land Use Scenarios 8- 85

Disturbance Activities

Table 8.8: Summary of prominent agriculturally

related disturbance activities and potential effects

Potential Effects
Highly fragmented stream corridor with reduced linear distribution of habitat
and edge effect
Loss of edge and interior habitat
Decreased connectivity and dimension (width) within corridor and to associated
Decreased movement of flora and fauna species for seasonal migration,
dispersal repopulation
Reduced stream capacity to assimilate nutrients/pesticides
Increase of opportunistic species, predators
Increased exposure to solar radiation, weather, and temperature
Magnified temperature and moisture extremes in corridor
Loss of riparian vegetation
Decreased source of instream shade, detritus, food, and cover
Loss of edge diversity
Increased water temperature
Impaired aquatic habitat
Reduced invertebrate population
Loss of wetland function
Reduced instream oxygen
Invasion of exotic species
Reduced gene pool
Reduced species diversity

• Activity has potential for direct impact. • Activity has potential for indirect impact.

results. Table 8.9 identifies some of tate stream corridor restoration. Forest
the restoration measures hypothetically management may be an on-going land
implemented and their potential use and part of the restoration effort.
effects on restoring conditions within Regardless, accessing and harvesting
the stream corridor and surrounding timber affects streams in many ways
landscape. including:

Forestry • Alteration of soil conditions.

Stream corridors are a source of large • Removal of the forest canopy.

volumes of timber. Timber harvesting • Reduction in the potential supply
and related forest management prac- of large organic (woody) debris
tices in riparian corridors often necessi- (Belt et al. 1992).

8- 86 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

Restoration Measures

Table 8.9: Summary of prominent restoration

measures and potential resulting effects.

Potential Resulting Effects

Increased landscape diversity
Increased stream order
Reduced point source pollution
Reduced nonpoint source pollution
Increased soil friability
Decreased upland surface runoff
Decreased sheetflow, width, surface erosion, rill and gully flow
Decreased levels of fine sediment and contaminants in stream corridor
Decreased soil salinity
Decreased peak flood elevation
Decreased flood energy
Increased infiltration of surface runoff

Increased interflow and subsurface flow to and within stream corridor

Increased ground water recharge and aquifer volumes
Decreased depth to ground water
Increased ground water inflow to stream
Decreased flow velocities
Increased stream meander
Increased stream stability
Decreased stream migration
Reduced channel widening and downcutting
Decreased stream gradient and increased energy dissipation
Decreased flow frequency
Increased flow duration
Increased capacity of floodplain and upland
Decreased sediment and contaminants
Increased capacity of stream
Increased stream capacity to assimilate nutrients/pesticides
Enhanced stream channel with more opportunity for habitat development
Decreased streambank erosion and channel scour
____ __,

Decreased bank failure

Gain of instream organic matter and related decomposition
Decreased instream sediment, salinity, or turbidity

• M easure contributes directly to resulting effect . M easure contributes little to resulting effect.

Land Use Scenarios 8- 87

Restoration Measures

Table 8.9: Summary of prominent restoration measures

and potential resulting effects (continued).

Potential Resulting Effects

Decreased instream nutrient enrichment, siltation, and contaminants
leading to eutrophication
Connected stream corridor with increased linear distribution of habitat and
edge effect
Gain of edge and interior habitat
Increased connectivity and dimension (width) within corridor and to
associated ecosystems
Increased movement of flora and fauna species for seasonal migration,
dispersal repopulation
Decrease of opportunistic species, predators
Decreased exposure to solar radiation, weather, and temperature
Decreased tern erature and moisture extremes in corridor
Increased riparian vegetation
Increased source of in stream shade, detritus, food, and cover
Increase of edge diversity
Decreased water tern erature
Enhanced aquatic habitat
Increased invertebrate population
Increased wetland function
Increased instream oxy en
Decrease of exotic species
Increased gene pool
Increased species diversity

• Measure contributes directly to result ing effect . • Measure cont ribut es lit tl e t o resulting effect.

Forest Roads most extreme road system reh abilita-

tion requires full road closure. Full road
The vast majority of the restoration de- closure involves removal of culverts and
sign necessary following timber h arvest restoration of the streams that were
is usually devoted to the road system, crossed. It can also involve the ripping
where the greatest alteration of soil con- or tilling of road surfaces to allow plant
ditions has taken place. Inadequate establishment. If natural vegetation h as
drainage, poor location, improperly not already invaded areas of exposed
sized and maintained culverts, and lack soils, planting and seeding might be
of erosion control measures on road necessary.
prisms, cut-and-fill slopes, and ditches
are problems common to a poor road Full closure might not be a viable alter-
design (Stoner and McFall 1991). The native if roads are needed to provide

8- 88 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

access for other uses. In these circum-
stances a design to restrict traffic might
be appropriate. Volu ntary traffic control
usually cannot be relied on, so traffic BMP Implementation and Section 319 of
barriers like gates, fences, or earth the Clean Water Act
berms could be necessary. Even with Section 319 of the Clean Wa ter Act of 1987 required the
traffic restriction, roads require regular states to identify and submit BMPs for USEPA approval to
inspection for existing or potential help control nonpoint sources of pollution. As of 1993, 41
m aintenance needs. The best time for of 50 states had EPA-approved voluntary or regulatory BMP
inspection is during or immediately programs dealing with silvicultural (forest management)
after large storms or snowmelt episodes activities. The state BMPs are all similar; the majority deal
so the effectiveness of the culverts and with roads. Montana, for example, has a total of 55 specif-
road drainage features can be witnessed ically addressed forest practices. Of those 55 practices, 35
first-h and. Design sh ould address regu- deal with road planning and location, road design, road
lar m aintenance activities including maintenance, road drainage, road construction, and stream
road grading, ditch cleaning, culvert crossmgs.
cleaning, erosion control vegetation
establish ment, and vegetation m anage-

Buffer Strips in Forestry

temperature, food supply, stream struc-
Forested buffer strips are generally more ture, sediment control) and found th at
effective in reducing sediment and effective b uffer widths varied with the
chemical loadings in the stream corri- slope of adj acent uplands, the d istribu-
dor than vegetated filter strips (VFS). tion of wetlands, soil and vegetation
However, they are susceptible to similar characteristics, and land use. They con-
problems with concentrated flows. cluded that practical determinations of
Buffers constructed as part of a conser- stream buffer width can be made using
vation system increase effectiveness. such analyses, but it is clear that a
A stiff-stemmed grass hedge could be generic buffer width which would pro-
planted upslope of either a VFS or a vide habitat maintenance while satisfy-
woody riparian forest buffer. The stiff- ing human demands does not exist.
stemmed grass hedge keeps sediment Th e determination of buffer widths
out of the buffer and increases shallow involves a broad perspective that inte-
sheet flow through the buffer. grates ecological functions and land
Most state BMPs also have special sec- use. The section on design approaches
tions devoted to limitations for forest to common effects at the beginning of
management activities in riparian this chapter also includes some discus-
"buffer strips" (also referred to as sion on stream buffer width.
Streamside Management Zones or Stream corridors have varied dimen-
Streamside Protection Zones). sions, but stream buffer strips have
Budd et al. (1987) developed a proce- legal dimensions that vary by state
dure for determining buffer widths for (Table 8.10) . The buffer may be only
streams within a single watershed in the part of the corridor or it may be all of it.
Pacific Northwest. They focused their Unlike designing stream corridors for
attention primarily on maintenance of recreation features or grazing use, de-
fish and wildlife habitat quality (stream signing for timber harvest and related
forest management activities is quite

Land Use Scenarios 8-89

regimented by law and regulation. Spe- Vegetative recovery is often more effec-
cific requirements vary from state to tive than installing a structure. The veg-
state; the state Forester's office or local etation maintains itself in perpetuity,
Extension Service can provide guidance allows streams to function in ways that
on regulatory issues. USDA Natural Re- artificial structures cannot replicate, and
source Conservation Service offices and provides resiliency that allows riparian
Soil and Water Conservation District of- systems to withstand a variety of envi-
fices also are sources of information. ronmental conditions (Elmore and
Refer to Belt et al. (1992) and Welsch Beschta 1987)
(1991) for guidance on riparian buffer
Designs that promote vegetative recov-
strip design, function, and management. ery after grazing are beneficial in a
Salo and Cundy (1987) provide infor- number of ways. Woody species can
mation on forestry effects on fisheries. provide resistance to channel erosion
Cirazing and improve channel stability so that
other species can become established.
The closer an ecosystem is managed to As vegetation becomes established,
allow for natural ecological processes to channel elevation will increase as sedi-
function, the more successful a restora- ment is deposited within and along the
tion strategy will be. In stream corridors banks of the channel ( aggradation ),
that have been severely degraded by and water tables will rise and may reach
grazing, rehabilitation should begin the root zone of plants on former ter-
with grazing management to allow for races or floodplains. This aggradation of
vegetative recovery. the channel and the rising water table

Stream Buffer Strip Requirements

Width Shade or Canopy Leave Trees
Idaho Class I* Fixed m inimum 75% current shad e• Yes, number per 1000 feet,
(75 feet) dependent on stream
w idth b
Class II** Fixed m1n1mum None None
(5 feet)
W ashington Type 1, 2, Var iable by 50 %, 75% if Yes, n umber per 1000 feet,
and 3* stream w id t h temperature > 60°F dependent on stream width
(5 to 100 feet) and bed material

Type 4** None None 2~ per 10~0 feet,

6 inches diameter I
- - I
California Class I and Variable by slope 50% overstory and/or Yes; number t o be
Class II* and stream class understory; dependent d etermined by canopy
(SO to 200 feet) on slope and stream class d ensity

Class Ill**
No n eb 50 % u nderstorye No nee
O regon Class I** Variable, 3 times 50 % existing canopy, Yes; number per 1000 feet
stream w idt h 75% exist in g sh ade and basa l area per 1000
(25 t o 100 feet) feet by stream width

Class II special Nonef 75% existing shade None
protection* *

* Human water supply or fisheries use.

** Streams capable of sediment transport (CA) or other influences (ID and WA) or significant impact (OR) on downstream waters.
a In ID, t he shade req uirement is designed t o maintain stream temperatures.
b In ID, the leave tree requirement is designed to provide for recruitment of large woody debris.
c May range as high as 300 feet for some types of timber harvest.
Table 8. 10: Buffer d To be determined by field inspection.
strip requirements e Residua l vegetation must be sufficient to prevent degradatio n of downstream beneficia l uses.
f In eastern OR, operat ors are requi red to "leave stabilizat ion strips of undergrowth ... sufficient to prevent washing of sediment into
by state. Class I streams below. "

8- 90 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

Pacific Northwest Floods of 1996
Floods, Landslides, and Forest Management-
'The Rest of The Story'

Warm winds, intense rainfall, and rapid snowmelt remain in place if they are in fourth-order or
during the winter of 7995-96 and again in the smaller streams and are situated in a manner that
winter of 7996-97 caused major flooding, land- maintains a connection between the structure
slides, and related damage throughout the Pacific and the streambank. They will be most durable
Northwest (Figure 8.54). Such flooding had not in watersheds with low landslide/debris torrent
been seen for more than 30 years in hard-hit frequency
areas. Damage to roads, campgrounds, trails,
watersheds, and aquatic resources was wide-
spread on National Forest Service lands. These
events offered a unique opportunity to investi-
gate the effects of severe weather, examine the
influence and effectiveness of various forest man-
agement techniques, and implement a repair
strategy consistent with ecosystem management
The road network in the National Forests was
heavily damaged during the floods. Decisions
about the need to replace roads are based on
long-term access and travel requirements.
Relocation of roads to areas outside floodplains is
a measure being taken. Examination of road
crossings at streams concluded with design rec-
ommendations to keep the water moving, align
culverts horizontally and longitudinally with the
stream channel, and minimize changes in stream
channel cross section at inlet basins to prevent
debris plugs.
Many river systems were also damaged. In some
systems, however, stable, well-vegetated slopes
and streambanks combined with fully functioning
floodplains buffered the effects of the floods.
Restoration efforts will focus on aiding natural
processes in these systems. Streambank stabiliza-
Figure 8.54: 1996 Landslides. (a) April landslide:
tion and riparian plantings will be commonly
debris took out the track into the Greenwater River
used. Examination of instream structure durability and (b) July landslide: debris took out the road and
concluded that structures are more likely to deposited debris into the river.

Land Use Scenarios 8- 91

allow more water to be stored during described. Factors affecting present
wet seasons, thereby prolonging flow condition (i.e., management stress vs.
even during periods of drought (Elmore natural stress) and conditions
and Beschta 1987). required for the stream to resume
Kauffman et al. (1993) observed that natural functions need to be
fencing livestock out of the riparian assessed. Anthropogenic factors caus-
zone is the only grazing strategy that ing stream degradation must be iden-
consistently results in the greatest rate tified and changed.
of vegetative recovery and the greatest • Design and implementation should
improvement in riparian function. be driven by attainable goals, objec-
However, fencing is very expensive, re- tives, and management activities that
quires considerable maintenance, and will achieve the desired structure and
can limit wildlife access-a negative functions.
impact on habitat or conduit functions. • Implementation should include a
Some specialized grazing strategies hold monitoring plan that will evaluate
promise for rehabilitating less severely management, allowing for correc-
impacted riparian and wetland areas tions or modifications as necessary,
without excluding livestock for long pe- and a strong compliance and use
riods of time. The efficiency of a num- supervision program.
ber of grazing strategies with respect to The main consideration for selecting a
fishery needs are summarized in grazing system is to have an adequate
Tables 8.11 and 8.12 (from Platts vegetative growing season between the
1989). They summarize the influence of period of grazing and timing of high-
grazing systems and stream system char- energy runoff It is impossible to pro-
acteristics on vegetation response, pri- vide a cookie-cutter grazing strategy for
marily from a western semiarid every stream corridor; designs have to
perspective. Some general design rec- be determined on the ground, stream
ommendations for selecting a strategy by stream, manager by manager. Simply
include the following (Elmore and decreasing the number of livestock is
Kauffmann 1994): not a solution to degraded riparian con-
• Each strategy must be tailored to a ditions; rather, restoring these degraded
particular stream or stream reach. areas requires fundamental changes in
Management objectives and compo- the ways that livestock are grazed
nents of the ecosystem that are of (Chaney et al. 1990).
critical value must be identified (i.e., Clearly, the continued use of grazing
woody species recovery, streambank systems that do not include the func-
restoration, increased habitat diversi- tional requirements of riparian vegeta-
ty, etc.). Other information that
tion communities will only perpetuate
should be identified includes present riparian problems (Elmore and Beschta
vegetation, potential of the site for 1987). Kinch (1989) and Clary and
recovery, the desired future condi- Webster (1989) provide greater detail
tion, and the current factors causing on riparian grazing management and
habitat degradation or limiting its designing alternative grazing strategies.
recovery. Chaney et al. (1990) present photo his-
• The relationships between ecological tories of a number of interesting graz-
processes that must function for ing restoration case studies, and of the
riparian recovery should be

8- 92 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

Table 8.11: Evaluation and rating of grazing strategies.

Strategya Level to Which Stream


•• • .. .
Riparian Riparian
Vegetation is .. Rehabilitation
Commonly Used Potential

Continuous season-long Heavy Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor

Holding (sheep or cattle) Heavy Excellent Poor Poor Fair Poor
Short duration-high Heavy Excellent Poor Poor Poor Poor
intensity (cattle)

Three herd-four pasture Heavy to Good Poor Poor Poor Poor 2

(cattle) moderate
Holistic (cattle or sheep) Heavy to light Good Poor to Poor Good Poor to 2-9
good excellent
Deferred (cattle) Moderate to Fair Poor Poor Fair Fair 3
Seasonal suitability Heavy Good Poor Poor Fair Fair 3

Deferred-rotation (cattle) Heavy to Good Fair Fair Fair Fair 4

Stuttered deferred- Heavy to Good Fair Fair Fair Fair 4
rotation (cattle) moderate
Winter (sheep or cattle) Moderate to Fair Good Fair Fair to Good 5
heavy good
Rest-rotation (cattle) Heavy to Good Fair to Fair Fair to Fair 5
moderate good good
Double rest-rotation Moderate Good Good Fair good Good 6

Seasonal riparian M oderate to Good Good Good Fai r Fair 6

preference light
(cattle or sheep)

Riparian pasture As prescribed Good Good Good Good Good 8

(cattle or sheep)

Corridor fencing None Excellent Good to Good to Good Excellent 9

(cattle or sheep) excellent excellent
Rest-rotation with Light Good Good to Good to Good Excellent 9
seasonal preference excellent excellent

Rest or closure None Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent 10

(cattle or sheep)

• Jacoby (1989) and Platts (1989) define t hese management strategies

b Rating scale based on 1 (poorly compatible) to 10 (highly compatible with fishery needs)

Land Use Scenarios 8- 93

Table 8.12: Generalized relationships between grazing systems, stream system characteristics, and riparian vegetation

Grazing Steep Steep Moderate Moderate Flat Flat

System Low Sediment High Sediment Low Sediment High Sediment Low Sediment High Sediment
Load Load Load Load Load Load
No grazing Shrubs + Shrubs + Shrubs + Shrubs + Shrubs + Shrubs +
Herbs + Herbs + Herbs + Herbs + Herbs + Herbs +
Banks 0 Banks 0 to+ Banks 0 Banks + Banks + Banks +
Winter or Shrubs + Shrubs + Shrubs + Shrubs + Shrubs + Shrubs +
dormant Herbs + Herbs + Herbs + Herbs + Herbs + Herbs +
season Banks 0 Banks Oto+ Banks + Banks + Banks + Banks +
Early growing Shrubs + Shrubs + Shrubs + Shrubs + Shrubs + Shrubs +
season Herbs + Herbs + Herbs + Herbs + Herbs + Herbs +
Banks 0 Banks 0 to+ Banks + Banks + Banks + Banks +
Deferred or Shrubs Shrubs Shrubs Shrubs Shrubs Shrubs
late season Herbs + Herbs + Herbs + Herbs + Herbs + Herbs +
Banks 0 to- Banks 0 to- Banks 0 to+ Banks Banks + Banks +
Three-pasture Shrubs Shrubs Shrubs Shrubs Shrubs Shrubs
rest rotation Herbs + Herbs + Herbs + Herbs + Herbs + Herbs +
Banks Oto - Banks Oto - Banks 0 to+ Banks + Banks + Banks +
Deferred Shrubs I Shrubs Shrubs Shrubs Shrubs +
rotation Herbs + Herbs + Herbs + Herbs + Herbs +
Banks Oto- I Banks +to O Banks + Banks + Banks +
Early rotation Shrubs + Shrubs + Shrubs + Shrubs + Shrubs + Shrubs +
Herbs + Herbs + Herbs + Herbs + Herbs + Herbs +
Banks 0 to - Banks 0 to+ Banks +to 0 Banks + Banks + Banks +
Shrubs Shrubs Shrubs Shrubs Shrubs Shrubs
Herbs + Herbs + Herbs + Herbs + Herbs + Herbs +
Banks 0 to- Banks 0 to- Banks 0 to+ Banks Banks + Banks +
Season-long Shrubs Shrubs Shrubs Shrubs Shrubs Shrubs
Herbs Herbs Herbs Herbs Herbs Herbs
Banks 0 to - Banks 0 to - Banks Banks Banks Banks
Spring and fall Shrubs - Shrubs - Shrubs Shrubs Shrubs Shrubs
Herbs - Herbs - Herbs Herbs Herbs Herbs
Banks 0 to- Banks 0 to - I Banks Banks Banks Banks 0 to+
Spring and Shrubs Shrubs Shrubs Shrubs Shrubs Shrubs
summer Herbs Herbs Herbs Herbs Herbs Herbs
Banks 0 to - Banks 0 to - Banks Banks - to 0 Banks - to O Banks Oto+

Note: - =decrease;+= increase; 0 = no change. Stream gradient: 0 to 2% = flat; 2 to 4% = moderate;> 4% =steep. Banks refers to bank stability.

8-94 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

Oven Run, Pennsylvania

minum, sulfate, and acidity. Six former strip

T he effects of abandoned mines draining
into the surrounding lands cause dramatic
changes in the area (Figure 8.55(a)). Runoff with
mines, which had a range of problems, were
identified. They included deep mine openings
that have large flows of acid mine drainage, acid
high levels of minerals and acidity can denude
the ground of vegetation, expose the soil, and mine seepage into streams, eroding spoil areas,
areas of ponded water that infiltrate into ground
allow erosion with the sediment further stressing
streams and wetland. Any efforts to restore water (adding to the acid mine drainage), and
streams in this environment must deal with the areas downhill of seepage and deep mine
problem if any success is to be likely drainage that are denuded and eroding.

The Natural Resources Conservation Service, for- Control efforts included grading and vegetating
merly known as the Soil Conservation Service the abandoned mine to reduce infiltration
has been working on the Oven Run project ' through acid-bearing layers and reduce erosion
along with the Stonycreek Conemaugh River and sedimentation, surface water controls to
Improvement (SCRIP) to improve water quality in carry water around the sites to safer outlets, and
treating discharge flow with anoxic limestone
a 4-mile reach above the Borough of Hooversville.
drains and chambered passive wetland treatments
SCRIP is a group of local and state government
(Figure 8.55(b)). Additionally, 1,000 feet of trees
as well as hundreds of individuals interested in
improving the water quality in an area on were planted along one of the site streams to
Pennsylvania's Degraded Watersheds list. shade the Stoneycreek River. Average annual
costs for the six sites were estimated to be
The initial goal of improving water quality result- $503, 000 compared to average annual benefits
ed in improving habitat and aesthetic qualities. of $573,000.
The water coming into Hooversville had higher-
The sites are being monitored on a monthly
than-desired levels of iron, manganese, alu-
basis, and 4 years after work was begun the
treatments have had a measurable success. The
acid influent has been neutralized, and the efflu-
ent is now a net alkaline. Iron, aluminum, and
manganese levels have been reduced, with iron
now at average levels of 0. 5 mgIL from average
levels of 35 mg/L.

Figure 8.55: Stream corridor (a) before and (b) after



Land Use Scenarios 8- 95

short-term results of some of the avail- and stability assessments will be based
able grazing strategies. on modeled runoff rates reflecting ex-
pected watershed conditions. The hy-
Mining drologic analysis for post-mining
Post-mining reclamation of stream cor- restoration should also address sedi-
ridors must begin with restoration of a ment production from the reclaimed
properly functioning channel. Because landscape. Sediment budgets (see Chap-
many of the geologic and geomorphic ter 7) will be needed for both the pe-
controls associated with the pre-distur- riod of vegetation establishment and
bance channel may have been obliter- the final revegetated condition.
ated by mining operations, design of The hydrologic analyses will provide
the post-mining channel often requires restoration practitioners with the flow
approaches other than mimicking the and sediment characteristics needed for
pre-disturbance condition. Channel restoration design. The analyses may
alignment, slope, and size may be de- also indicate a need for at least tempo-
termined on the basis of empirical rela- rary runoff detention and sediment re-
tions developed from other streams in tention during the period of vegetation
the same hydrologic and physiographic establishment. However, the post-min-
settings (e.g., Rechard and Schaefer ing channel should be designed for
1984, Rosgen 1996). Others (e.g., Has- long-term equilibrium with the fully re-
further 1985) have used a combination claimed landscape.
of empirical and theoretical approaches
for design of reclaimed channels. Total Water quality issues (e.g., acid mine
reconstruction of stream channels is drainage) often control the feasibility of
treated at length in Section 8.E. Other stream restoration in mined areas and
sections of the chapter address stabiliza- should be considered in design.
tion of streambanks, revegetation of Recreation
floodplains and terraces, and restora-
tion of aquatic and terrestrial habitats. Both concentrated and dispersed recre-
Additional guidance is available in In- ational use of stream corridors can
terfluve, Inc. (1991). cause damage and ecological change.
Ecological damage primarily results
Surface mining is usually associated from the need for access for the recre-
with large-scale disturbances in the con- ational user. A trail often will develop
tributing watershed, therefore, a rigor- along the shortest or easiest route to
ous hydrological analysis of pre- and the point of access on the stream.
post-mining conditions is critical for Additional resource damage may be a
stream corridor restoration of disturbed function of the mode of access to the
systems. The hydrologic analysis should stream: motorcycles and horses cause
include a frequency analysis of extreme far more damage to vegetation and
high- and low-flow events to assess trails than do pedestrians. Control of
channel performance in the post- streambank access in developed recre-
mining landscape. ation sites must be part of a restora-
Hydrologic modeling may be required tion design. On undeveloped or
to generate runoff hydrographs for the unmanaged sites, such control is
post-mining channel because watershed more difficult but still very necessary
geology, soils, vegetation, and topogra- (Figure 8.56) .
phy may be completely altered by min-
ing operations. Thus, channel design

8- 96 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

Rehabilitation of severely degraded
recreation areas may require at least
temporary use restrictions. Even actively
eroding trails, camp and picnic sites,
and stream access points can be stabi-
lized through temporary site closure
and combinations of soil and vegeta-
tion restoration (Wenger 1984, Marion
and Merriam 1985, Hammitt and Cole
1987). Closure will not provide a long-
term solution if access is restored with-
out addressing the cause of the original
problem. Rather, new trails and recre-
ation sites should be located and con-
structed based on an understanding of
vegetation capabilities, soil limitations,
and other physical site characteristics. Figure 8.56: Controlled access. Control of
Basically, the keys to a successful design streambank access is an important part
are: of the restoration design.
Source: J. McShane.
• Initially locating or moving use to
the most damage-resistant sites. water enlarge channels, which increases
sediment loads downstream.
• Influencing visitor use.
Determine if the watershed is (a) fully
• Hardening use areas to make them urbanized, (b) undergoing a new phase
more resistant. of urbanization, or (c) is in the begin-
• Rehabilitating closed sites. ning stages of urbanization (Riley,
An increase in the amount of impervi-
Few land uses have the capacity to alter ous cover in a watershed leads to in-
water and sediment yield from a creased peak flows and resulting
drainage as much as the conversion of channel enlargement (Figure 8.57).
a watershed from rural to urban condi- Research has shown that impervious
tions; thus, few land uses have greater cover of as little as 10 to 15 percent of
potential to affect the natural environ- a watershed can have significant adverse
ment of a stream corridor. effects on channel conditions (Schueler
As a first step in hydrologic analyses, 1996). Magnitudes of channel-forming
designers should characterize the nature or bankfull flood events (typically 1-
of existing hydrologic response and the to 3-year recurrence intervals) are in-
likelihood for future shifts in water and creased significantly, and flood events
sediment yield. Initially, construction that previously occurred once every
activities create excess sediment that can year or two may occur as often as one
be deposited in downstream channels or two times a month.
and floodplains. As impervious cover Enlargement of streams with subse-
increases, peak flows increase. Water be- quent increases in downstream sedi-
comes cleaner as more area is covered ment loads in urbanized watersheds
with landscaping or impervious mater- should be expected and accommodated
ial. The increased flows and cleaner in the design of restoration treatments.

Land Use Scenarios 8- 97

where the explanatory variables are
drainage area in square miles (A), chan-
nel slope in feet per mile (SL), the 2-
year, 2-hour rainfall in inches (RI2),
basin storage in percent (ST), basin
development factor (BDF), which is a
measure of the extent of development
of the drainage system (dimensionless,
ranging from 0 to 12), percent impervi-
ous area (IA), and the equivalent rural
peak discharge in cubic feet per second
(RQlOO) in the example equation
Sauer et al. (1983) provide the allow-
able range for each variable. The two
indices of urbanization in the equation
are BDF and IA. They can be used to
Figure 8.57: Storm water flow on a paved
adjust the rural peak discharge RQ 100
surface. Impervious surfaces increase peak
flows and can result in channel enlargement. (either estimated or observed) to urban
Source: M. Corrigan. conditions.

Procedures for estimating peak dis- Sauer et al. (1983) provide equations
charges are described in Chapter 7, and like the one above and graphs that re-
effects of urbanization on magnitude of late the ratio of the urban to rural peak
peak flows must be incorporated into discharge (UQx/RQx) for recurrence in-
the analysis. Sauer et al. (1983) investi- tervals x = 2, 10, and 100 years. The 2-
gated the effect of urbanization on peak year peak ratio varies from 1.3 to 4.3,
flows by analyzing 199 urban water- depending on the values of BDF and IA;
sheds in 56 cities and 31 states. The ob- the 10-year ratio varies from 1.2 to 3.1;
jective of the analysis was to determine and the 100-year ratio varies from 1.1
the increase in peak discharges due to to 2.6. These ratios indicate that urban-
urbanization and to develop regression ization generally has a lesser effect on
equations for estimating design floods, higher-recurrence-interval floods be-
such as the 100-year or 1 percent cause watershed soils are more satu-
chance annual flood, for ungauged rated and floodplain storage more fully
urban watersheds. Sauer et al. (1983) depleted in large floods, even in the
developed regression equations based rural condition.
on watershed, climatic, and urban char- More sophisticated hydrologic analyses
acteristics that can be used to estimate than the above are often used, includ-
the 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, and 500-year ing use of computer models, regional
urban annual peak discharges for un- regression equations, and statistical
gauged urban watersheds. The equation analyses of gauge data. Hydrologic
for the 100-year flood in cubic feet per models, such as HEC-1 orTR-20, are
second (UQlOO) is provided as an ex- often already developed for some urban
ample: watersheds.
UQlOO = 2.50 A 29 SL 1' (RI2+3) Once the flood characteristics of the
52 28
(ST+8r (13 - BDFr IA RQ100
06 63 stream are adjusted for urbanization,
new equilibrium channel dimensions

8-98 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

can be estimated from hydraulic geom- however, sediment yields increase sig-
etry relationships developed using data nificantly as vegetation is cleared and
from stable, alluvial channels in similar bare soil is exposed during the con-
(soils, slope, degree of urbanization) struction process. In more arid climates,
watersheds, or other analytical ap- sediment yield from an urban water-
proaches. Additional guidance for de- shed may actually be lower than the
sign of restored channels is provided yield from a rural watershed due to the
earlier in this chapter in the section on increased impervious area and vegeta-
channel reconstruction. tion associated with landscaping, but
Changes in flooding caused by urban- the period of urbanization (i.e., con-
ization of a watershed can be mitigated struction) is still the time of greatest
during urban planning through prac- sediment production.
tices designed to control storm runoff. The effect of urbanization on sediment
These practices emphasize the use of discharge is illustrated in Figure 8.58,
vegetation and biotechnical methods, as which contains data from nine sub-
well as structural methods, to maintain basins in a 32-square-mile area in the
or restore water quality and dampen Rock Creek and Anacostia River Basins
peak runoff rates. Strategies for control- north of Washington, DC (Yorke and
ling runoff include the following: Herb 1978). During the period of data
• Increasing infiltration of rainfall and collection (1963-74), three subbasins
streamflow to reduce runoff and to remained virtually rural while the oth-
remove pollutants. ers underwent urban development. In
1974, urban land represented from 0 to
• Increasing surface and subsurface 60 percent of land use in the nine sub-
storage to reduce peak flows and basins. These data were used to develop
induce sediment deposition. a relation between suspended sediment
• Filtration and biological treatment of yield and the percentage of land under
suspended and soluble pollutants construction. This relation indicated
(i.e., constructed wetlands). that suspended sediment yield in-
creased about 3.5 times for watersheds
• Establishment and/or enhancement
with 10 percent of the land area under
of forested riparian buffers.
construction. However, suspended-sedi-
• Management of drainage from the ment yields for watersheds where sedi-
transportation network. ment controls (primarily sediment
• Introduction of trees, shrubs, etc., for basins) were employed for 50 percent
various restoration purposes. of the construction area were only
about one-third of these for areas with-
In addition to changes in water yield, out controls. The effect of controls is
urbanization of a watershed frequently seen in the figure. The three curves pre-
generates changes in its sediment yield. sent growing season data for three peri-
In humid climates, vegetative cover ods of increasing sediment control:
prior to urbanization often is adequate 1963-67, when no controls were used
to protect soil resources and minimize on construction sites; 1968-71 , when
natural erosion, and the combination controls were mandatory; and 1972-74,
of impervious area and vegetation of a when controls were mandatory and
fully urban watershed might be ade- subject to inspection by county officials.
quate to minimize sediment yield. Dur- It further illustrates that storm runoff is
ing the period of urbanization, not the only factor affecting storm sedi-

Land Use Scenarios 8- 99

10,000 • Stream and corridor protection and
1963-67 •
5000 1968-71

1972-74 •
All of these objectives emphasize the
use of vegetation for sediment control.
Additional information on BMPs for
• controlling runoff and sediment in
urban watersheds can be found in the
"'c: Techniques Appendix.
0 1000
.=:. In theory, a local watershed manage-
ment plan might be the best tool to
.c: 500
u protect a stream corridor from the cu-
3"' mulative impact of urban development;
QI however, in practice, few such plans
"lJ have realized this goal (Schueler 1996).
VI To succeed, such plans must address the
amount of bare ground exposed during
....0 100
VI construction and the amount of imper-
vious area that will exist during and
50 after development of the watershed.
More importantly, success will depend
on using the watershed plan to guide
development decisions, and not merely
•• •
archiving it as a one-time study whose



100 500 1000
recommendations were read once but
never implemented (Schueler 1996) .
Storm Runoff (cfs-days)
Key Tools of Urban Stream
Figure 8.58: Sediment-transport curves for Restoration Design
growing season storms. The effect of urban-
ization on sediment discharge is illustrated Restoration design for streams degraded
from data collected in a 32-square-mile area. by prior urbanization must consider
pre-existing controls and their effects on
restoration objectives. Seven restoration
ment discharge as evidenced by the sig-
tools can be applied to help restore
nificant scatter about each relation.
urban streams. (Schereler, 1996) These
In addition to sediment basins, man- tools are intended to compensate for
agement practices for erosion and sedi- stream functions and processes that
ment control focus on the following have been diminished or degraded by
objectives: prior watershed urbanization. The best
• Stabilizing critical areas along and results are usually obtained when the
on highways, roads, and streets. following tools are applied together.

• Siting and placement of sediment Tool 1. Partially restore the predevelopment

migration barriers. hydrological regime. The primary objec-
tive is to reduce the frequency of bank-
• Design and location of measures to full flows in the contributing watershed.
divert or exclude flow from sensitive This is often done by constructing up-
areas. stream storm water retrofit ponds that
• Protection of waterways and outlets. capture and detain increased storm

8-100 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

water runoff for up to 24 hours before instream habitat structure that has
release (i.e., extended detention). A been blown out by erosive floods. Key
common design storm for extended de- restoration elements include the cre-
tention is the one-year, 24 hour storm ation of pools and riffles, confinement
event. Storm water retrofit ponds are and deepening of the low flow chan-
often critical in the restoration of small nels, and the provision of greater struc-
and midsized streams, but may be im- tural complexity across the streambed.
practical in larger streams and rivers. Typical tools include the installation of
Tool 2. Reduce urban pollutant pulses. log checkdams, stone wing deflectors
A second need in urban stream restora- and boulder clusters along the stream
tion is to reduce concentrations of nutri- channel.
ents, bacteria and toxics in the stream, Tool 5. Reestablish Riparian Cover. Ripar-
as well as trapping excess sediment ian cover is an essential component of
loads. Generally, three tools can be ap- the urban stream ecosystem. Riparian
plied to reduce pollutant inputs to an cover stabilizes banks, provides large
urban stream: storm water retrofit woody debris and detritus, and shades
ponds or wetlands, watershed pollution the stream. Therefore, the fifth tool in-
prevention programs, and the elimina- volves reestablishing the riparian cover
tion of illicit or illegal sanitary connec- plant community along the stream net-
tions to the storm sewer network work. This can entail active reforesta-
Tool 3. Stabilize channel morphology. Over tion of native species, removal of exotic
time, urban stream channels enlarge species, or changes in mowing opera-
their dimensions, and are subject to tions to allow gradual succession. It is
severe bank and bed erosion. Therefore, often essential that the riparian corridor
it is important to stabilize the channel, be protected by a wide urban stream
and if possible, restore equilibrium buffer.
channel geometry. In addition, it is also Tool 6. Protect critical stream substrates.
useful to provide undercuts or overhead A stable, well sorted streambed is often
cover to improve fish habitat. Depend- a critical requirement for fish spawning
ing on the stream order, watershed im- and secondary production by aquatic
pervious cover and the height and angle insects. The bed of urban streams, how-
of eroded banks, a series of different ever, is often highly unstable and
tools can be applied to stabilize the clogged by fine sediment deposits. It is
channel, and prevent further erosion. often necessary to apply tools to restore
Bank stabilization measures include the quality of stream substrates at
imbricated rip-rap, brush bundles, soil points along the stream channel. Often,
bioengineering methods such as willow the energy of urban storm water can be
stakes and bio-logs, lunker structures used to create cleaner substrates-
and rootwads. Grade stabilization mea- through the use of tools such as double
sures are discussed earlier in this chap- wing deflectors and flow concentrators.
ter and in Appendix A. If thick deposits of sediment have accu-
Tool 4. Restore Instream habitat structure. mulated on the bed, mechanical sedi-
Most urban streams have poor instream ment removal may be needed.
habitat structure, often typified by in- Tool 7. Allow for recolonization of the
distinct and shallow low flow channels stream community. It may be difficult to
within a much larger and unstable reestablish the fish community in an
storm channel. The goal is to restore urban stream if downstream fish barri-

Land Use Scenarios 8- 101

ers prevent natural recolonization.
Thus, the last urban stream restoration
tool involves the judgment of a fishery
biologist to determine if downstream
fish barriers exist, whether they can be
removed, or whether selective stocking
of native fish are needed to recolonize
the stream reach.

8- 102 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

Monitoring, and
~ ~ ·- ---··---~---

9.A Restoration Implementation

• What are passive forms of restoration and how are they "implemented"?
• What happens after the decision is made to proceed with an active rather than a passive
restoration approach?
• What type of activities are involved when installing restoration measures?
• How can impact on the stream channel and corridor be minimized when installing resto-
ration measures (e.g, water quality, air quality, cultural resources, nois'e)?
• What types of equipment are needed for installing restoration measures?
• What are some important considerations regarding construction activities in the
stream corridor?
• How do you inspect and evaluate the quality and impact of construction activities in the
stream corridor?
• What types of maintenance measures are necessary to ensure the ongoing success of
a restoration?

9.B Monitoring Techniques Appropriate for Evaluating Restoration

• What methods are available for monitoring biological attributes of streams?
• What can assessment of biological attributes tell you about the status of the
stream restoration?
• What physical parameters should be included in a monitoring management plan?
• How are the physical aspects of the stream corridor evaluated?
• How is a restoration monitoring plan developed, and what issues should be addressed in
the plan?
• What are the sampling plan design issues that must be addressed to adequately detect
trends in stream corridor conditions?
• How do you ensure that the monitoring information is properly collected, analyzed, and
assessed (i.e., quality assurance plans)?

9.C Restoration Management

• What are important management priorities with ongoing activities and resource uses
within the stream corridor?
• What are some management decisions that can be made to support stream restoration?
• What are some example impacts and management options with various types of resource
use within the stream corridor (e.g., forest management, grazing, mining, fish and wild-
life, urbanization)?
• When is restoration complete?
Monitoring, and
9.A Restoration Implementation
9.B Monitoring Techniques Appropriate for
Evaluating Restoration
9.C Restoration Management

ompletion of the restoration design Implementation, management, and moni-

C marks the beginning of several impor-
tant tasks for the stream restoration prac-
toring/evaluation may proceed as part of
a larger setting, or they may be considered
titioner. Emphasis must now be placed on components of a corridor-specific restora-
prescribing or implementing restoration tion effort. In either case, they require
measures, monitoring and assessing the full planning and commitment before
effectiveness of the restoration, and man- the restoration plan is implemented. The
aging the design to achieve the desired technical complexity of a project must be
stream corridor conditions (Figure 9.1). determined by the restoration practitioner
based on available resources, technology,
and what is necessary to achieve restora-
tion goals. There must be reasonable
assurance that there
will be continuing
access for ongoing
inspection, mainte-

Figure 9. 1: A restored stream.

Strea m corridor restorat ion
measures must be properly
installed, monitored, and man-
aged to be successful.
nance, emergency repairs, manage- Section 9.8: Monitoring Techniques
ment, and monitoring activities as Appropriate for Evaluating
well. All cooperators should be
aware that implementation, moni- The purpose of restoration monitor-
toring, and management might re- ing is to gather data that will help
quire unanticipated work, and that to determine the success of the
plans and objectives might change restoration effort. This section pre-
over time as knowledge improves sents some of the monitoring tech-
or as changes occur niques appropriate for evaluating
restoration .
This chapter builds on the discus-
sion of restoration implementation, Section 9. C: Restoration
monitoring, evaluation, and adap- Management
tive management presented in Management of the restoration be-
Chapter 6. Specifically, it moves be- gins with the implementation of
yond the planning components as- the plan. The "adaptive manage-
sociated with these key restoration ment'' approach was presented in
activities and discusses some of the Chapter 6 as an important part of
technical issues and elements that the planning process. It provides
restoration practitioners must con- the flexibility to detect when
sider when installing, monitoring, changes are needed to achieve suc-
and managing stream corridor cess and to be able to make the
restoration measures. necessary midcourse, short-term
The discussion that follows is di- corrections.
vided into three major sections. Ideally, the long-term management
of a successful restoration will in-
Section 9.A: Restoration
Implementation volve only periodic monitoring to
check that the system is sustaining
This first section describes the im-
itself through natural processes.
plementation of restoration mea-
However, this is rarely the case for
sures beyond just removing
stream corridors in human-inhab-
disturbance factors and taking
ited landscapes.
other passive approaches that allow
the stream corridor to restore itself New crops, markets, and govern-
over time. ment programs can rapidly and sig-
nificantly alter the physical,
Technical considerations relating to
chemical, and biological character-
site preparation, site clearing, con-
istics of stream corridors and their
struction, insp ection, and main te-
watersheds, destroying restoration
nance are discussed in this section.
efforts. Conversion of rural lands

9-2 Chapter 9: Restoration Implementation, Monitoring, and Management

and wild/ands to urban uses and matic changes, predation, disease,
exploitation of natural resources fire, genetic changes, and catastro-
can change the landscape and phes like earthquakes, hurricanes,
cause natural processes to become tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, land-
unbalanced, leaving the stream cor- slides, and floods. Long-term man-
ridor with no way to sustain itself. agement of the restored stream
corridor will therefore require vigi-
Additionally, natural imbalances can
lance, anticipation, and reaction to
occur due to local and regional cli-
future changes.

9.A Restoration Implementation

Implementation of stream corridor Delineating Work Zones

restoration must be preceded by careful
planning. Such planning should in- The area in which restoration occurs is
clude the following (at a minimum): defined by many disparate factors. This
area is determined most fundamentally
• Determining a schedule. by the features of the landscape that
• Obtaining necessary permits. must be affected to achieve restoration
goals. Boundaries of property owner-
• Conducting preimplementation
ship, restrictions imposed by permit re-
quirements, and natural or cultural
• Informing and involving property features that might have special signifi-
owners. cance can also determine the work zone.
• Securing site access and easements. A heavy-equipment operator or crew
supervisor cannot be expected to be
• Locating existing utilities. aware of the multiple requirements that
• Confirming sources of materials and govern where work can occur. Thus,
ensuring standards of materials. delineation of those zones in the field
The careful execution of each planning
step will help ensure the success of the
restoration implementation. Full
Major Elements of
restoration implementation, however,
Restoration Implementation
involves several actions that require
careful execution as well as the coopera- • Review of Plans
tion of several participants. See Chap- • Site Preparation
ters 4 and 5 for specific guidance on • Site Clearing
planning a stream corridor initiative. • Installation and Construction

Site Preparation • Site Reclamation/Cleanup

• Inspection
Site preparation is the first step in the
implementation of restoration mea- • Maintenance
sures. Preparing the site requires that
the following actions be taken.

Restoration Implementation 9- 3
should be the first activity conducted site transport of mud and sediment
on the site. The zones should be by vehicles.
marked by visible stakes and more • In the event of damage to any private
preferably by temporary fencing (usu- or public access roads used to trans-
ally a bright-colored sturdy plastic net- port equipment or heavy materials to
ting) . This delineation should conform and from the site, those responsible
to any special restrictions noted or tem- should be identified and appropriate
porary stakes placed during the precon- repairs should be made.
struction meeting between the project
manager and field inspector. Taking Precautions to Minimize
Preparing Access and Staging
Areas Every effort should be made to mini-
mize and, where possible, avoid site
A site is often accessed from a public disturbance. Emphasis should be placed
road in an upland portion of the site. on addressing protection of existing
Ideally, for convenience, a staging area vegetation and sensitive habitat, erosion
for crew, equipment, and materials can and sediment control, protecting air
be located near an access road close to and water quality, protecting cultural re-
the restoration site but out of the sources, minimizing noise, and provid-
stream corridor and away from wet- ing for solid waste disposal and
lands or areas with highly erodible worksite sanitation.
soils. The staging area should also be
out of view from public thoroughfares, Protection of Existing Vegetation and
if possible, to increase security. Sensitive Habitat

Although property ownership, topogra- Fencing can be an effective way to en-

phy, and preexisting roads make access sure protection of areas within the con-
to every site unique, several principles struction site that are to remain
should guide design, placement, and undisturbed (e.g., vegetation designated
construction of site access: to be preserved, sensitive terrestrial
habitat, or sensitive wetland habitat).
• Avoid any sensitive wildlife habitat
or plant areas or threatened and As in delineating work zones, fencing
endangered species and their desig- should be placed around all protected
nated critical habitat. areas during initial site preparation,
even before the access road is fully con-
• Avoid crossing the stream if at all structed, if possible, but certainly before
possible; where crossing is unavoid- wholesale earthmoving begins. Fencing
able, a bridge is almost mandatory. material should be easy to see, and
• Minimize slope disturbance since areas should be labeled as protection
effective erosion control is difficult areas. Caution should always be exer-
on a sloped roadway that will be cised when grading is planned adjacent
heavily used. to a protected area.
• Construct roadways with low gradi- Erosion
ents; ensure that storm water runoff Many well-established principles of ef-
drains to outlets; install an adequate fective erosion and sediment control
roadbed; and, if possible, set up a can be readily applied to stream corri-
truck-washing station at the entrance dor restoration (Goldman et al. 1986).
of the construction site to reduce off- Every effort should be made to prevent

9-4 Chapter 9: Restoration Implementation, Monitoring, and Management

erosion because prevention is always
more effective than having to trap al-
ready-eroded sediment particles in
runoff. Erosion and sediment controls
should be installed during initial site
The most basic method of control is
physical screening of areas to remain
undisturbed. Properly chosen, installed,
and maintained sediment control mea-
sures can provide a significant degree of
filtration for sediment-bearing runoff
(Figure 9.2) .
Where undisturbed areas lie downslope
of implementation activities, one
method of controlling sediment is the
use of a silt fence, which is normally
Figure 9.2: Silt fence at a construction site.
made of filter fabric. Silt fences can pro-
Properly chosen and installed silt fences can
vide a significant degree of filtration for provide a significant degree of off-site sedi-
sediment-bearing runoff, but only if ment control.
correctly chosen, installed, and main-
tained. Design guidelines for silt fences
include the following: event if the sediment against the fence
is not removed.
• Drainage area of 1 acre or less.
Straw bales are also common sediment
• Maximum contributing slope gradi- control measures. Bales should be
ent of 2 horizontal to 1 vertical. placed in trenches about 4 inches deep,
• Maximum upslope distance of 100 ft. staked into the ground, and placed with
their ends (not just corners) abutting
• Maximum flow velocity of 1 ft./sec.
each other. Figure 9.4 presents example
Installation is even more critical than straw bale installation guidelines. The
material type; most fabric fences fail be- limitations on siting are the same as for
cause either runoff carves a channel be- silt fences, but straw bales are typically
neath them or sediment accumulates less durable and might need to be re-
against them, causing them to collapse. placed.
To help prevent failure, the lower edge
Where the scope of a project is so small
of the fabric should be placed in a 4-
that no official erosion control plans
to 12-inch-deep trench, which is then
have been prepared, control measures
backfilled with native soil or gravel, and
should be appropriate to the site, in-
wire fencing should be used to support
stalled promptly, and maintained ap-
the fabric.
Figure 9.3 presents example silt fence
Proper restoration implementation re-
installation guidelines. Properly in-
quires managers to prepare for "unex-
stalled silt fences commonly fail due to
pected" failure of erosion control
lack of maintenance. One rainfall event
measures. By the time moderate to
can deposit enough sediment that fail-
heavy rains can be expected, the follow-
ure will occur during the next rainfall

Restoration Implementation 9- 5
Joints in filter fabric shall be spliced
at posts. Use staples, wire rings, or
equivalent to attach fabric to posts. 2"x 2" 14 ga. wire
- - - - - mesh or equivalent, if
standard strength
fabric used
filter fabric

~Minimum ~
4"x 4" trench.
Backfill trench with
Post spacing may be increased
to 8' if wire backing is used. ~ native soil or 3/4"-1/5" /
""washed gravel.

2 "x 4" wood posts, steel

fence posts, rebar, or equivalent

Note: Filter fabric fences shall be installed along contour whenever possible.

Figure 9.3: Silt fence installation guidelines. ing preparations should have been
Erosion control measures must be installed
Source: King County, Washington. • Additional erosion control materials
should be stockpiled on site, includ-
ing straw bales, filter fabric and wire
~centerline of backing, posts, sand and burlap bags,
¥ swale or ditch
and channel lining materials (rock,
Figure 9.4: Straw
geotextile fabric or grids, jute netting,
bale installation
guidelines. Straw coconut fabric material, etc.).
bales are common • Inspection of the construction site
sediment control

should occur during or immediately
baled hay after a rain storm or other significant
Source: King County, or straw
Washington. -- .....
cQJ runoff event to determine the effec-
tiveness of sediment control mea-
• A telephone number for the site
superintendent or project manager
should be made available to neigh-
boring residents if they witness any
Notes: 2-2"x 2"x 3" pegs problems on or coming from the
Embed bales 4" to 6". each bale
Drive stakes min. 1~."
into ground surfac/i
./JJ site. Residents should be educated on
what to watch for, such as sediment-
laden runoff or failed structures.
(. '/'Y " •
Water Quality
Although sediment is the major source
of water quality impairment on con-
struction sites, it is not the only source.
Motorized vehicles and equipment or
improperly stored containers can leak

9- 6 Chapter 9: Restoration Implementation, Monitoring, and Management

petroleum products. Vehicles should be
steam-cleaned off site on a regular basis
and checked for antifreeze leaks and re-
paired. (Wildlife can be attracted to the
sweet taste of most antifreeze and poi-
soned.) Various other chemicals such as
fertilizers and pesticides can be washed
off by rain. Most of these problems can
be minimized or avoided entirely by
thoughtful siting storage areas for
chemicals and equipment and staging
areas. Gradients should not favor rapid
overland flow from these areas into ad-
jacent streams and wetlands. Distances
should be as great as possible and the
intervening vegetation as dense as site
traffic will allow.
Occasionally, implementation activities Figure 9.5: Heavy equipment. Avoid heavy
will require the entry or crossing of equipment in stream channels unless absolutely
heavy equipment into the stream chan- necessary.
nel (Figure 9.5) . Construction site
planning and layout should always seek possible, off site. All containers should
to avoid these intrusions. When these be rinsed and disposed of properly.
intrusions are absolutely necessary, they
should be infrequent. Gravelly Air Quality
streambeds are best able to receive traf- Air quality in the vicinity of a restora-
fic; finer substrates should be reinforced tion site can be affected by vehicle
with a geoweb network backfilled with emissions and dust. Rarely, however,
gravel. In addition, any equipment used will either be a major concern during
in these activities should be thoroughly implementation activities. Vehicle emis-
steam-cleaned prior to stream entry. sions are regulated at the source (the
Application of fertilizers and pesticides vehicle), and dust is usually associated
can also be a source of pollution into primarily with haul roads or major
water bodies, and their use may be earthmoving during dry periods. The
closely regulated in restoration settings. need for dust control should be evalu-
Where their use is permitted, the site ated during initial restoration imple-
manager should closely monitor the mentation and road planning (if not
quantity applied, the local wind condi- previously determined during the plan-
tions, and the likelihood of rainfall. ning phase of the restoration initiative).
Potential water quality impacts are a Site conditions, duration of construc-
function of the characteristics of the se- tion activities, prevailing winds, and
lected pesticide, its form, mode of appli- proximity to neighbors should be con-
cation, and soil conditions. Pesticides sidered when making decisions on dust
and fertilizers must be stored in a control. Temporary road surfaces or pe-
locked and protected storage unit that riodic water spraying of the road surface
provides adequate protection from leaks are both effective in controlling dust.
and spills. Pesticides must be prepared Covered loads and speed limits on all
or mixed far from streams and, where temporary roads will also reduce the

Restoration Implementation 9- 7
potential for construction-related dust conducted during the planning process
and debris leaving the site (Hunt in accordance with the State Historic
1993). Where appropriate, use of vol- Preservation Officer (SHPO). If a site is
unteer labor in lieu of diesel-powered uncovered unexpectedly, all activity that
equipment will help to protect air qual- might adversely affect the historic prop-
ity in and surrounding the site. Due to erty must cease, and the responsible
safety concerns, it is recommended that agency official must notify the U.S. De-
volunteers not be used on a site where partment of the Interior (USDI) Na-
heavy equipment will also be used. tional Park Service and the SHPO.
Upon notification, the SHPO deter-
Cultural Resources
mines whether the activity will cause an
Since stream corridors have been a irreparable loss or degradation of signif-
powerful magnet for human settlement icant data. This might require on-site
throughout history, it is not uncommon consultation with a 48-hour response
for historic and prehistoric resources to time for determining significance and
be buried by sediment or obscured by appropriate mitigation actions so as not
vegetation along stream corridors. It is to delay implementation activities inor-
quite possible to discover cultural re- dinately.
sources during restoration implementa-
If the property is determined not to be
tion (particularly during restoration
that requires earth-disturbing activities). significant or the action will not be ad-
(See Figure 9.6.) verse, implementation activities may
continue after documenting consulta-
Prior to implementation, any potential tion findings. If the resource is signifi-
cultural resources should be identified cant and the on-site activity is
in compliance with section 106 of the determined to be an adverse action that
National Historic Preservation Act. An cannot be avoided, implementation ac-
archaeological record search should be tivities are delayed until appropriate ac-
tions can be taken (i.e., detailed survey,
recovery, protection, or preservation of
the cultural resources). Under the His-
torical and Archaeological Data Preser-
vation Act of 1974, USDI may assume
liability for delays in implementation.
Noise from restoration sites is regulated
at the state or local level. Although cri-
teria can vary widely, most establish
reasonable and fairly consistent stan-
The U.S. Housing and Urban Develop-
ment (HUD) agency has set a maxi-
mum acceptable construction noise
emission of 65 A-weighted decibels
(dBA) at the property line. Numerous
studies conducted since the late 1960s
Figure 9.6: Archaeological site. Cultural suggest that community complaints rise
resources, such as those at this site in South
dramatically above 55 dBA (Thumann
Dakota, are commonly found near streams.

9- 8 Chapter 9: Restoration Implementation, Monitoring, and Management

and Miller 1986). Meeting the HUD tion effort as a whole is sometimes evi-
standard ( 65 dBA) requires that typical dent only to the project manager.
construction equipment be over 300 Under such conditions, achieving ade-
feet away from the listener; avoiding the quate job site cleanliness is almost im-
chance of any significant complaints re- possible because the manager alone
quires about 500 feet of separation or does not have time to tidy up trash and
more. The project manager should con- debris. Meetings with work crews to
tact surrounding neighbors prior to emphasize this element of the work
restoration implementation. Public should occur early in the construction
awareness of and appreciation for the process and be repeated as often as re-
project goals help improve tolerance for quired. People working on site, whether
off-site noise impacts. (Impacts from contractors, volunteers, or government
noise on equipment operators is usu- personnel, need to be reminded of
ally not significant since most construc- these needs as an unavoidable part of
tion equipment meets the noise doing their jobs.
standards imposed by the U.S. General
Worksite Sanitation
Services Administration of 7 5 dBA at 50
feet.) Sanitation facilities for work crews
should be identified before construc-
High noise levels might be a concern to tion begins. Particularly in remote
wildlife as well, particularly during the areas, the temptation to allow ad hoc
breeding season. Any sensitive species arrangements will be high. In urban
that inhabit the project vicinity should areas, the existing facilities of a neigh-
be identified and appropriate actions boring business might be offered. In
taken to reduce noise levels that could most settings, however, one or more
adversely affect these species. portable toilets should be provided and
Solid Waste Disposal might be required by local building or
Debris is an inevitable by-product of grading permits. Although normally
implementation activities. The manage- self-contained, any facilities should be
ment of debris is a matter of job site located to minimize the risk of contam-
safety, function, and aesthetics. From ination of surface water bodies by leak-
the first day, the locations of equipment age or overflow.
storage, vehicle unloading, stockpiled Obtaining Appropriate
materials, and waste should be identi- Equipment
fied. At the end of each workday, all
scattered construction debris, plant ma- Standard earthmoving and planting
terials, soil, and tools should be gath- equipment is appropriate for most
ered up and brought to their respective restoration work. Small channels or
holding areas. The site should be left as wetland pool areas can be excavated
neat and well organized as possible at with backhoes or track-mounted exca-
the end of each day. Even during the vators or trackhoes. Trackhoes are mo-
workday, sites in close proximity to bile over rough or steep terrain (Figure
business or residential districts should 9.7) . They have adequate reach and
be kept as well organized and "sightly" power to work at a distance from the
as possible to avoid complaints and de- stream channel; with an opposing
lays initiated by unhappy neighbors. "thumb" on the bucket, they can ma-
The importance of these measures to neuver individual rocks and logs with
the safety and efficiency of the restora- remarkable precision. Logs can also be

Restoration Implementation 9- 9
Figure 9.7: Backhoe the ground is extremely wet and soft.
in operation at a Under these circumstances, light-track-
restoration site.
ing equipment with low-pressure tires
Backhoes are
mobile in rough or rubber tracks might work. Seeds
terrain and can planted on restoration sites are com-
move rocks and monly broadcast by hydroseeding, re-
logs with remark- quiring a special tank truck with a
able precision. pump and nozzle for spraying the mix-
Source: M . Landin.
ture of seeds, fertilizer, binder, and
water (Figure 9.8) . A wider range of
seed species can be planted more effec-
tively with a seed drill towed behind a
tractor (e.g., Haferkamp et al. 1985).
Where access is limited, hand planting
or aerial spreading of seeds might be

Site Clearing
Once the appropriate construction
equipment has been acquired and site
preparation has been completed, any
placed by a helicopter's cable. Although necessary site clearing can begin. Site
the hourly rate is about that of the daily clearing involves setting the geographic
cost of ground-based equipment, the limits, removing undesirable plant
ability to reach a stream channel with- species, addressing site drainage issues,
out use of an access road is sometimes and protecting and managing desirable
indispensable. existing vegetation.
Where access is good but the riparian Geographic Limits
corridor is intact, instream modifica-
tions can be made with a telescoping Site clearing should not proceed unless
crane. This equipment comes in a vari- the limits of activity have been clearly
ety of sizes. A fairly large, fully mobile marked in the field. Where large trees
unit can extend across a riparian zone are present, each should be marked
100 feet wide to deliver construction with colored and labeled flagging to en-
materials to a waiting crew without dis- sure that the field crew understands
turbing the intervening ground or vege- what is to be cut and what is to remain
tation. Where operational constraints and be protected from damage.
permit their use, bulldozers and scrap-
ers can be very useful, particularly for Removal of Undesirable Plant
earthmoving activities that are ab- Species
solutely necessary to get the job done. Undesirable plant species include non-
In addition, loaders are excellent tools native and invasive species that might
for transporting rocks, transplanting threaten the survival of native species.
large plants, and digging and placing Undesirable plants are normally re-
sod. moved by mechanical means, but the
For planting, standard farm equipment, specific method should be tailored to
such as tractors with mounted disks or the species of concern if possible. For
harrows, are generally suitable unless example, simply cutting the top growth

9-10 Chapter 9: Restoration Implementation, Monitoring, and Management

Figure 9.8: Hydroseeding of a streambank. Drainage
Special tank trucks carrying seed, water, and
fertilizer can be used in revegetation efforts. Sites that are very wet and poorly
drained might require extra prepara-
tion. However, many of the traditional
might be adequate management for
some plants, but others might resprout efforts to improve drainage are in par-
rapidly. Where herbicides are selected tial or direct conflict with wetland-pro-
(and permitted), their use might need tection regulations and might conflict
with the restoration goals of the project
to precede clearing of the top growth
as a whole. Standard engineering ap-
by up to 2 weeks to allow full absorp-
tion of certain chemicals used for this proaches should be reviewed for appro-
purpose. priateness, as well as the timing and
schedule of the restoration activities.
For initial brush removal, a variety of
Specific techniques for improving the
track-mounted and towed equipment
is available. Bulldozers are most com- workability of a wet construction site de-
monly used because of their ready pend on the particular access, storage
availability, but other equipment can needs, and site characteristics. Load-bear-
often work more rapidly or more ing mats can provide stable areas for
effectively with minimal site distur- equipment and the unloading of plant
materials. Surface water may be inter-
cepted above the working area by a shal-
Hand clearing with portable tools low ditch and temporarily routed
might be the only appropriate method around the construction area. Subsurface
in some sensitive or difficult areas. water can sometimes be intercepted by a
perforated pipe set in a shallow trench,
such as a French drain, but the topogra-
phy must be favorable to allow positive
drainage of the pipe to a surface outlet.

Restoration Implementation 9- 11
Protection and Management of be specified in the contract documents
Existing Vegetation and discussed at a preimplementation
Protecting existing vegetation on a
restoration site requires a certain degree When identifying and marking vegeta-
of attention and advanced planning. An tion protection zones, the rooting ex-
area on a site plan that is far from all tent of the vegetation should be
earthmoving activity might appear to respected. Fencing and flagging of pro-
the site foreman as the ideal location tected vegetation should be sturdy and
for parking idle equipment or stockpil- maintained. Despite the cool shade and
ing excess soil. Only a careless minute fencing, vegetation protection zones are
with heavy equipment, however, can re- neither a picnic area nor a storage/stag-
duce a vegetated area to churned earth ing area. They are zones of no distur-
(Figure 9.9). Vegetation designed for a bance.
protection zone should be clearly When working in riparian corridors
marked in the field . with mature conifers, it is especially im-
Existing vegetation might also require portant to protect them from mechani-
temporary protection if it occupies a cal operations which can cause severe
part of the site that will be worked, but damage.
only late in the implementation se-
Installation and Construction
quence. Before that time, it is best left
undisturbed to improve the level of Following site preparation and clearing,
overall erosion control. To save mobi- restoration installation activities such as
lization costs, most earthmoving con- earthmoving, diversion of flow, and the
tractors normally begin construction by installation of plant materials can pro-
clearing every part of the site that will ceed.
eventually require it. If clearing is to be
phased instead, this requirement must Earthmoving

Fill Placement and Disposal

How and where fill is placed on a site
should be determined by the final
placement of restoration measures. Fills
adjacent to retaining walls or similar
structures need to meet the criteria for
structural fill.
Where plants will be the final treatment
of a fill slope, the requirements for soil
materials and compaction are not as se-
vere. Loose soil on a steep slope is still
prone to erosion or landsliding, how-
ever. Where fill is to be placed on
slopes steeper than about 2 :1, a soils
engineer should determine whether any
special measures are appropriate (Fig-
ure 9.10). Even on gentler slopes, sur-
Figure 9.9: Lessons to be learned. Heavy equip- face runoff from above should not be
ment can quickly reduce a vegetated area to allowed to saturate the new material
churned earth.

9- 12 Chapter 9: Restoration Implementation, Monitoring, and Management

soil engineer review
or supervision
typical face angle
for rockeries, '--...
gabions, etc.

J plantings/seedings
~orizontal ~

Figure 9.10: Treatment of cuts and fills. Slope be vegetated with species that will be
gradient is an important factor in determining used at the restoration site to protect
appropriate restoration measures.
the soil from erosion and noxious
since the stability of noncompacted fills
is generally quite low.
To reduce grading expenses, the cut and The erosive power of water flowing
fill should be balanced so no material down a slope should be recognized
needs to be transported to or from the during earthmoving. The steepest direc-
site. If the volume of material resulting tion down a hillside is also the direc-
from cuts exceeds that from fills, some tion of greatest erosion by overland or
of the soil must be disposed of off-site. channelized flow. The overall topogra-
Disposal sites can be difficult to locate phy of the graded surface should be de-
and might require an additional grad- signed to minimize the uncontrolled
ing permit from the local jurisdiction. flow of runoff in this direction. Chan-
These possibilities should be planned nelized flow should be diverted to
for far enough in advance to avoid ditches cut into the soil that more
unanticipated delays during implemen- closely follow the level contours of the
tation. land. Dispersed sheet flow should be
broken up by terraces or benches along
As a general rule, topsoil removed from the slope that also follow topographic
the site should be properly stockpiled contours. On a fine scale, the ground
for reuse during the final stages of im- surface can be roughened by the tracks
plementation. Even if undesirable of a bulldozer driven up and down the
species are present, the topsoil will pro- slope, or by a rake or harrow pulled
vide a growth medium suitable for the perpendicularly to the slope. In either
plant community appropriate to the case, the result is a set of parallel ridges,
site. It will also be a source of native spaced only a few inch es apart, that fol-
species that can reestablish the desired low the contours of the land surface
diversity most rapidly (Liebrand and and greatly reduce on-site erosion.
Sykora 1992). Stockpiled soil also can

Restoration Implementation 9- 13
Final Grading and enhanced plant growth. Com-
Earthmoving should result in a slope paction by excessive reworking from
that is stable, minimizes surface erosion earthmoving equipment can result in a
by virtue of length and gradient, and lower rate of rainfall infiltrating the soil
provides a favorable environment for and, consequently, a higher rate of ero-
plant growth. The first two criteria are sive surface runoff. The result is a loss
generally determined by plans and can of the topsoil needed to support plant
be modified only minimally by varia- growth and less moisture available for
tions in grading techniques. Where the plants that remain.
plans specify a final slope gradient Diversion of Flow
steeper than about 1:1, however, vegeta-
tion reestablishment will be very diffi- Channelized flow (from stream chan-
cult, and a combination of stabilization nels, ditches, ravines, or swales) might
structures, soil bioengineering, and ge- need to be diverted, impounded, or
otechnical methods will probably be otherwise controlled during implemen-
necessary. The shape at the top of the tation of restoration measures. In some
slope is also important: if it forms a cases, this need might be temporary,
straight abrupt edge, plant regrowth will until final grading is complete or plant-
be nearly impossible. A rounded edge ings have become established. In other
that forms a gradual transition between cases, the diversion is a permanent part
upland and slope will be much more of the restoration. Permanent facilities
suitable for growth (Animoto 1978). frequently replace temporary measures
Providing a favorable environment for at the same location but are often con-
plant growth requires attention to the structed of different materials.
small-scale features of the slope. Rough- Temporary dikes, lined or grassed water-
textured slopes, resulting from vehicle ways, or pipes can be used to divert
tracks or serrated blades, provide a channelized flow. Runoff can also be
much better environment for seedlings impounded in ponds or sediment
than do smooth-packed surfaces (Fig- basins to allow sediment to settle out.
ure 9 .11). Small terraces should be cut Most temporary measures are not engi-
into slopes steeper than about 3: 1 to neered and are constructed from mate-
create sites of moisture accumulation rials at hand. Dikes (ridges of soil up to
Figure 9.11: Track- a few feet high) are compacted to
roughened area. achieve some stability and are some-
Rough-textured times armored to resist erosion. They
slopes provide a
are used to keep water from washing
much better environ-
ment for seedlings over a newly graded or planted slope
than do smooth- where erosion is otherwise likely, and
packed surfaces. to divert runoff into a natural or artifi-
cial channel. The loosened soil from
swales can be readily compacted into
an adjacent dike, improving the
efficiency and capacity of the runoff di-
version. Pipes or rock-lined ditches can
carry channelized water down a slope
that is steep enough to otherwise suffer
erosion; they can also be used to halt
erosion that has already occurred from

9-14 Chapter 9: Restoration Implementation, Monitoring, and Management

uncontrolled discharges. Flexible plastic flexible plastic (unless anticipated dis-
pipe is most commonly used in these charges are very great), and the con-
situations, although the outlet must be struction area can be kept totally and
carefully located or well armored with reliably dry. A dam must be constructed
rocks or sandbags to avoid merely shift- at the pipe inlet to shunt the water, and
ing the point of erosion farther down- an adequate apron of nonerosive mater-
slope. ial must be provided at the discharge.
Sediment ponds and traps are basins ei- Both of these structures can themselves
ther dug into the soil with a rock-ar- lead to instream damage, but with care
mored overflow or impounded by an the problems are only temporary. Since
embankment with an outlet. A fraction fish passage and migration are generally
of the sediment carried by the site precluded with such a diversion, its ap-
plicability is limited. Plant establish-
runoff will settle out in the trap, de- ment is an
pending on the ratio of surface area or In some situations unexpectedly erosive important
storage volume to inflow rate. The util- conditions will demand better outlet or part of most
ity of sediment ponds may be limited channel protection than that originally restoration
depending on the sediment-trapping ef- specified in the plans. Erosion control initiatives that
ficiency. A sediment pond can also re- in these settings might require a thick require active
lease nearly as much sediment as is blanket of angular rocks and geotextiles restoration.
ultimately trapped if the pond is not (cloth, plastic grids, or netting) used
built to handle maximum surface water with plantings. New types of geotextiles
flows or is not maintained properly. are becoming widely available and can
Several techniques are available where serve a wide range of flow conditions.
the active streamflow must be tem- Where possible, channels and spillways
porarily isolated from installation activ- should be stabilized using soil bioengi-
ities. Most common are temporary neering or other appropriate techniques.
dams, constructed of sandbags, geotex- Installation of Plant Materials
tile fences, water control structures, or
sheet piles. All may be suitable in cer- Plant establishment is an important
tain situations, but have drawbacks. part of most restoration initiatives that
Sandbags are inexpensive, but sub- require active restoration. Detailed local
merged burlap sacks rot quickly and the standards and specifications that de-
sand used to fill them might not be ap- scribe planting techniques and estab-
propriate for the stream. Fabric fences lishment procedures should be
can be used in conjunction with sand- developed. Native species should be
bags, but they will not withstand high used where possible to achieve the
flows. Water control structures, such as restoration goals. Vegetation can be in-
long water-filled tubes available com- stalled by seeding; planting vegetative
mercially, can be very effective, but need cuttings; or using nursery-grown bare-
ample lateral space and carry a high ini- rooted, potted, and burlap-wrapped
tial cost. They also can be swept away specimens. If natural colonization and
by high flows. Sheet piles are effective if succession is appropriate, techniques
heavy equipment is already on site, but may include controlling exotic species
their installation and removal can mo- and establishing an initial plant com-
bilize much fine sediment. munity to h asten succession.
Alternatively, water can be diverted into
a bypass pipe, normally made of large

Restoration Implementation 9-15

Timing some regions of the country to ensure
The optimum conditions for successful successful establishment of vegetation.
plant installations are broad and vary Acquisition
from region to region. As a general rule,
Native plant species are preferred over
temperature, moisture, and sunlight
exotic ones, which might result in un-
must be adequate for germination and
foreseen problems. Some plant materi-
establishment. In the eastern and mid-
als can be obtained from commercial
western United States, these conditions
sources, but many will need to be col-
are met beginning in late winter or
lected. When attempting to restore na-
early spring, after ground thawing, and
tive plant communities, it is desirable
continuing through mid-autumn. In the
to use appropriate genotypes. This re-
West, the typical summertime dryness
quires the collection of seeds and plants
normally limits successful seedings to
from local sources. Early contact with
late summer or early autumn. Where
selected sources of rooted stock and
arid conditions persist through most of
seed can ensure that appropriate species
the year, plants and seedings must take
in adequate quantities will be available
advantage of whatever rainfall occurs,
when needed.
typically in late autumn or winter, or
supplemental irrigation must be pro- The site itself might also be a good
vided. Because the requirements can source of salvageable plants. Live cut-
vary so much for different species, the tings can be collected from healthy na-
local supplier or a comprehensive refer- tive vegetation at the donor site. Sharp,
ence text (e.g., Schopmeyer 1974, Ford- clean equipment must be used to har-
ham and Spraker 1977, Hartmann and vest the plant material. Vegetation is
Kester 1983, Dirr and Heuser 1987) normally cut at a 40 to 50 degree angle
should be consulted early in the using loppers, pruners, or saws. If the
restoration design phase. If rooted stock whole plant is being used, the cut is
is to be propagated from seed before it made about 10 inches above the
is planted at the restoration site, 1 to 2 ground, which encourages rapid regen-
years (including seed-collection time) eration in most species. Cuttings typi-
should be allowed. cally range from 0.4 to 2 inches in
diameter and 2 to 7 feet long.
Plants should be installed when dor-
mant for the highest rate of survival. After harvesting, the donor site should
Survival is further influenced by species be left in a clean condition. This will
used and how well they are matched to avoid the potential for landowner com-
site conditions, available moisture, and plaints and facilitate potential reuse of
time of installation. In mild climates, the site at some time in the future.
the growth of roots occurs throughout Large unused material can be cut for
the winter, improving survival of fall firewood, piled for wildlife cover, or
plantings. Where high wintertime flows scattered to hasten decomposition. Any
are anticipated, however, first-season diseased material should be burned, per
cuttings might not survive unless given local ordinances.
some physical protection from scour. Transportation and Storage
Alternatively, planting can occur in the
spring before dormancy ends, but sup- The requirements for the transport and
plemental irrigation might be needed storage of plant materials vary, depend-
even in areas of abundant summertime ing on the type of material being used.
rainfall. Irrigation might be necessary in Depending on species, seeds may require
a minimum period of dormancy of sev-
9- 16 Chapter 9: Restoration Implementation, Monitoring, and Management
eral weeks or months, with specific tem- should always be shaded from direct
perature requirements during that time. sun. On days with low humidity and
Some seeds may also require scarifying temperatures above 60 degrees Fahren-
or other special treatment. Nurseries that heit, the need for care and speed is par-
specialize in native plants are recom- ticularly great. Where temperatures are
mended because they should be cog- below this level, "day-after" installation
nizant of any special requirements. is acceptable, although not optimal. Any
Although the necessary information for greater delay in installation will require
any chosen species should be readily refrigeration, reliably cold weather on
available from local seed sources or agri- site, or storage in water.
cultural extension offices, this interval
Rooted stock is also prone to drying,
must be recognized and accounted for in particularly if pots or burlap-wrapped
the overall implementation schedule. roots are exposed to direct sun. Sub-
Live cuttings present rather severe limi- mergence of the roots in water is not
tations on holding time. In most cases, recommended for long periods, but 1
they should be installed on the day they to 2 hours of immersion immediately
are harvested, unless refrigerated storage prior to planting is a common practice
areas are secured. Thus, donor sites must to ensure the plant begins its in-place
be close to the restoration site, and ac- growth without a moisture deficit. On-
cess and transportation must be orches- site storage areas should be chosen with
trated to coincide with the correct stage ample shade for pots. Bare-rooted or
of construction. Live cuttings should be burlap-wrapped stock should be heeled
tied in manageable bundles, with the into damp ground or mulch while
cut ends all lying in the same direction. awaiting final installation.
Since drying is the major threat to sur-
Planting Principles
vival at this stage, cuttings should be
covered with damp burlap during trans- The specific types of plants and plant
port and storage (Figure 9.12). They installations are generally specified in
the construction plans and therefore
will have been determined long before
implementation. A project manager or
site foreman should also know the
basic installation principles and tech-
niques for the area.
The type of soil used should be deter-
mined by the types of plants to be sup-
ported. Ideally, the plants have been
chosen to match existing site condi-
tions, so stockpiled topsoil can be used
to cover the plant material following
layout. However, part of the rehabilita-
tion of a severely disturbed site might
require the removal of unsuitable top-
soil or the import of new topsoil. In
these situations, the requirements of the
Figure 9.12: live cuttings covered with damp chosen plant species should be deter-
burlap to prevent drying during transport. mined carefully and the soil procured
Drying is a major threat to survival of live from suitable commercial or field sites
cuttings during transport and storage.

Restoration Implementation 9- 17
that have no residual chemicals and un- Competing Plants
desirable plant species. Although a well-chosen and established
When using seeds, planting should be plant community should require no
preceded by elimination of competing human assistance to maintain vigor and
plants and by preparation of the function, competition from other plants
seedbed (McGinnies 1984). The most during establishment might be a prob-
common methods of seeding in a lem. Competing plants commonly do
restoration setting are hand broadcast- not provide the same long-term benefits
ing and hydroseeding. Hydroseeding for stability, erosion control, wildlife
and other methods of mechanical seed- habitat, or food supply. The restoration
ing might be limited by vehicular access plan therefore must include some
to the restoration site. means to suppress or eliminate them
during the first year or two after con-
When using either cuttings or rooted
stock, the soil and the roots must make
good contact. This requires compaction Competing plants may be controlled
of the soil, either by foot or by equip- adequately by mechanical means. Cut-
ment, to avoid air pockets. It also re- ting the top growth of competing plants
quires that the soil be at the right can slow their development long
moisture content. If it is too dry (a rare enough for the desired plants to be-
condition), the soil particles cannot come established. Hand weeding is also
"slip" past each other to fill in voids. If very effective, although it is usually fea-
it is too wet (far more common, espe- sible only for small sites or those with
cially in wetland or riparian environ- an ongoing source of volunteer labor.
ments), the water cannot squeeze out of Unfortunately, some species can survive
the soil rapidly enough to allow com- even the most extreme mechanical
paction to occur. treatment. They will continue to
Another aspect to consider is that quite reemerge until heavily shaded or
frequently after planting, the resulting crowded out by dense competing
soil is too rough and loose to support stands. In such cases the alternatives are
vigorous seed growth. The roughness limited. The soil containing the roots of
promotes rapid drying, and the loose- the undesired vegetation can be exca-
ness yields poor seed-to-soil contact vated and screened or removed from
and also erratic planting depths where the site, relatively mature trees can be
mechanical seed drills are used. As a re- planted to achieve near-instantaneous
sult, some means of compaction should shading, or chemical fertilizers or herbi-
be employed to return the soil to an ac- cides can be applied.
ceptable state for planting. Use of Chemicals
Special problems may be encountered In situations where mechanical controls
in arid or semiarid areas (Anderson et are not enough, the application of fer-
al. 1984 ). The salt content of the soil in tilizers and the use of herbicides to sup-
these settings is critical and should be press undesirable competing species
tested before planting. Deep tillage is may be necessary.
advisable, with holes augured for
saplings extended to the water table if Herbicides can eliminate undesirable
at all possible. First-year irrigation is species more reliably, but they may
mandatory; ongoing fertilization and eliminate desirable species. Their use
weeding will also improve survival. near watercourses may also be severely

9- 18 Chapter 9: Restoration Implementation, Monitoring, and Management

curtailed by local, state, and federal per- soil following decomposition. A variety
mit requirements. Several herbicides are of mulches are available with different
approved for near-stream use and de- benefits and limitations, as shown in
grade quickly, but their use should be Table 9.1.
considered a last resort and the effects Organic mulches, particularly those
of excessive spray or overspray carefully based on wood (chips or sawdust),
controlled. have a high nitrogen demand because
If herbicide use is both advisable and of the chemical reactions of decomposi-
permitted, the specific choice is based tion. If nitrogen is not supplied by fer-
first on whether the herbicide is ab- tilizers, it will be extracted from the
sorbed by the leaves or by the roots soil, which can have detrimental effects
(e.g., Jacoby 1987). The most common on the vegetation that is mulched. Cer-
foliar-absorbed herbicide is 2,4-D, man- tain species of wood, such as redwood Since herbi-
ufactured by numerous companies and and cedar, are toxic to certain species of cides and
particularly effective on broadleaf weeds seedlings and should not be used for fertilizers may
and some shrubs. Other foliar herbi- mulch. be problematic
cides have become available more re- near surface-
Straw is a common mulch applied on water, they
cently and are commonly mixed with construction and revegetation sites be- should be used
2,4-D for broad-spectrum control. Root- cause it is inexpensive, available, and ef- only if other
absorbed herbicides are either sprayed alternatives are
fective for erosion control. Appropriate
(commonly mixed with dye to show application rates range from about not available.
the area of application) or spread in 3,000 to 8,000 lb/acre. Straw can be
granular form. They persist longer than spread by hand or broadcast by
most foliar herbicides, and some are machine, although uniform application
formulated to kill newly sprouted
is difficult in windy conditions. Straw
weeds for some time after application. must be anchored for the same reason:
Since herbicides and fertilizers may be it is easily transported by wind. It can
problematic near surface water, they be punched or crimped into the soil
should be used only if other alterna- mechanically, which is rapid and inex-
tives are not available. pensive, but requires high application
rates. It can be covered with jute or plas-
tic netting, or it can be covered with a
Mulching limits surface erosion, sup- sprayed tackifier (usually asphalt emul-
presses weeds, retains soil moisture, and sion at rates of about 400 gal/ acre) .
can add some organic material to the Straw or hay can also be a source of un-

Mulch Benefits Limitations Table 9. 1: Types

Chipped wood Readily available; inexpensive; High nitrogen demand; may inhibit seedlings; of mulches.
judged attractive by most may float offsite in surface runoff
Rock May be locally available and Can inhibit plant growth; adds no nutrients;
inexpensive suppresses diverse plant community; high cost
where locally unsuitable or unavailable

Straw or hay Available and inexpensive; may May need anchoring; may include undesirable
add undesirable seeds seeds
Hydraulic Blankets soil rapidly and Provides only shallow-rooted grasses, but may
mulches inexpensively out compete woody vegetation
Fabric mats Relatively (organic) or very (inorganic) High costs; suppresses most plant growth;
durable; works on steep slopes inorganic materials harmful to wildlife
Commercial Excellent soil amendment at Limited erosion-control effectiveness; expensive
compost moderate cost over large areas

Restoration Implementation 9- 19
desirable weed seed and should be in- stallation to dry months, or where a
spected prior to application. wet-weather planting may have to en-
Wood fibers provide the primary me- dure a first-year drought. Initial costs
chanical protection in hydraulic are lowest with a simple overhead
mulches (usually applied during hy- spraying system. Spray systems, how-
droseeding). Rates of 1 to 1.5 tons/acre ever, have inefficient water delivery and
are most effective. They can also be ap- have heightened potential for vandal-
plied as the tackifier over straw at about ism. Drip-irrigation systems are there-
one-third the above rate. Hydraulic fore more suitable at many sites
mulches are adequate, but not as effec- (Goldner 1984). There is also a greater
tive as straw, for controlling erosion in potential for undesirable species with
most settings. However, they can be ap- spray irrigation since the area between
The value of individual plants receives moisture.
an effective plied on slopes steeper than 2:1, at dis-
mulch to the tances of 100 feet or more, and in the Fencing
final success wind.·On typical earthmoving and con- If the plant species chosen for the site
of an initiative struction projects, they are favored be- are suitable, little or no special effort
is generally cause of the speed at which they can be will be necessary for survival and estab-
well in excess applied and the appearance of the re- lishment. During the initial construc-
of its cost, sulting slope-tidy, smooth, and faintly
even when
tion and postconstruction phases,
green. The potential drawbacks-intro- however, plants will commonly need
the most ex- ducing fertilizers and foreign grasses
pensive treat- some measure of physical protection.
that are frequently mixed into hydraulic Construction equipment, work crews,
ment is used.
mulches-should be carefully evalu- onlookers, grazing horses and cattle,
ated. and browsing deer and other herbivores
An appropriate mulch in many restora- can reduce a new plant installation to
tion settings is a combination of straw barren or crushed twigs in very short
and organic netting, such as jute or order. Vandalism is also a potential
coconut fibers (Figure 9.13) . It is the problem in populated areas. Fencing is
most costly of the commonly used sys- an effective, low-cost method to provide
tems, but erosion control and moisture
retention are highly effective, and the
problems with undesirable seeds and
excess fertilizers are reduced. The value
of an effective mulch to the final suc-
cess of an initiative is generally well in
excess of its cost, even when the most
expensive treatment is used.
In any restoration that involves replant-
ing, the need for irrigation should be
carefully evaluated. Irrigation might not
be needed in wetland and near-stream
riparian sites or where rainfall is well
distributed throughout the year. Irriga-
tion may b e essential to ensure success Figure 9.13: A well-mulched site. Mulching is
on upland sites, in riparian zones where an effective method for improving the final
seasonal construction periods limit in- outcome of stream corridor restoration.

9- 20 Chapter 9: Restoration Implementation, Monitoring, and Management

physical protection from these types of
hazards and should be included in vir-
tually any restoration.
The type of fencing should be chosen
for the type of hazard anticipated. Inex-
pensive, fluorescent orange plastic fenc-
ing is very effective for controlling
people and equipment during construc-
tion, but it rarely makes a suitable long-
term barrier. Domestic cattle can be
controlled by a variety of wood and
wire fences (Figure 9.14). Depending
on the density of grazing animals, these
fences are best assumed to be perma-
nent installations and their design cho-
sen accordingly. Electric fences can also
be effective, and the higher cost of the
electrification equipment can be offset In the case of contracted work, it is the Figure 9. 14: A perma-
by lower costs for materials and instal- responsibility of the construction in- nent livestock fence.
lation. Where deer are a known prob- spector to monitor installation activities Fencing is an effec-
lem, fencing must be robust, but it tive, low-cost method
to ensure that the contractor completes of providing physical
probably will not need to remain in work according to the contract plans protection to restora-
place permanently after well-chosen and specifications. At key points during tion sites.
plants have matured. Damage from construction, the inspector should con-
small mammals may be halted with sult with clients and design team( s) for
chicken wire alone, surrounding indi- assistance. The inspector should create
vidual saplings, or below-ground col- comprehensive documentation of the
lars. Individual wire cages or other construction history in anticipation of
control devices might be necessary to any future audit or quantity dispute. All
protect trees. inspections should result in a written
record that includes at least the infor-
mation shown in Figure 9.15.
Frequent, periodic inspection of work,
Daily and weekly reports are invaluable
whether done by a landowner, contrac-
to maintain clear communication about
tor, volunteer group, or government
billable days, progress, and anticipated
personnel, is mandatory. Defects such
problems. These written reports estab-
as poor planting methods, stressed
lish the authority to release payment to
plant materials, inadequate soil com-
the contractor and provide the main
paction, or sloppy erosion control, may
documentation in case of a dispute be-
become evident only weeks or months
tween the client and contractor. Com-
after completion of work unless the ac-
pleteness, timeliness, and clarity of
tivities on the site are regularly re-
documentation are critical.
viewed. Some of those activities may
require specialized testing, such as the Inspection of restoration elements that
degree of compaction of a fill slope. involve management actions (i.e., lano-
Most require little more than observa- use controls, grazing restrictions, etc. )
tions by an inspector familiar with all require follow-up communication with
elements of the design. the resource manager or landowner. A

Restoration Implementation 9- 21
promptly and should determine
whether all elements of the contract
Inspector's Daily Report have been fulfilled satisfactorily. Before
scheduling this final inspection, the
Date: project manager and inspector, together
Project: with any other necessary members of
the restoration team, inspect the work
and prepare a list of all items requiring
completion by the contractor. This "pre-
Temperature: H_ L_ Precip:_ Hours: Workable_ final" inspection is in fact the most
comprehensive review of the work that
Work Done will occur, so it must be conducted with
care and after nearly all of the work has
Contractor Equipment On-Site been completed. The final inspection
should occur with representatives of
Personnel On-Site
both the client and the contractor pre-
sent after completion of all required
work and after site cleanup, but before
Materials Used and Location
equipment is removed from the site to
facilitate additional work if necessary. It
must address removal of protection
measures no longer needed, such as silt
Inspection Time _ _ __
fences. These are an eyesore and might
Inspector's Signature _ _ _ _ __ inhibit restoration. A written report
should state the complete or provi-
sional acceptance of the work, the basis
review of the action against the plan on which that judgment has been
Figure 9. 15:
Sample of an and applicable standards should be made, and any additional work that is
inspector's daily conducted. For example, rotational needed prior to final acceptance and
report. Frequent, grazing may be a critical plan element payment.
periodic inspection
to achieve restoration of the stream cor-
is a mandatory Follow-up Inspections
part of restoration
ridor. Inspection of this plan element
implementation. would involve a review of the rotation Planning for successful implementation
scheme, condition of individual pas- should always look beyond the period
tures or ranges, and condition of fenc- of installation to the much longer inter-
ing and related watering devices. val of plant establishment. Twelve or
Keep in mind that although plans and more additional site visits are advisable
specifications should be specific to the over a period of many months or years.
conditions of the site, they might have Such inspections will generally require
been developed from generic sets or a separate budget item that must be an-
from those implemented elsewhere. ticipated during restoration planning. If
they are included in the specifications,
On-Site Inspection Following they may be the responsibility of the
Installation contractor. A sample inspection sched-
ule is shown in Table 9.2. Although this
Th e final inspection after installation level of activity after installation m ight
determines the conditions under which seem beyond the scope of a project, any
the contractor( s) can be paid and the restoration work that depends on the
contract finalized. It must occur

9- 22 Chapter 9: Restoration Implementation, Monitoring, and Management

growth of vegetation will benefit greatly Table 9.2: Sample inspection schedule.
from periodic review, particularly dur- Time Since Installation Inspection Interval
ing the first two years. 2 weeks (4 total)
2 Months
Documentation of follow-up inspec- 6 Months 1 month (5 total)
tions is important, both to justify rec- 2 Years 6 months (3 total)
ommendations and to provide a record
from which chronic problems can be interfere with restoration objectives.
identified. Documentation can include The integrity of fences, water access,
standard checklists, survey data, cross crossings, and other livestock control
sections, data sheets, data summaries, measures should be inspected (Figure
and field notes. Sketches, maps, and 9.17). Lack of compliance with agreed-
permanent photo points can be used to upon best management practices
document vegetation development. should be noted as well. Aerial photos
Videotape can be particularly useful to are particularly useful in the overview
document the performance of structures inspection, but inspections by boat or
during various flows, to illustrate on foot can be more informative in
wildlife use and floodplain storage of many cases.
floodwaters, and otherwise to record
the performance and functions of the Bank and Channel Structures
corridor system. Special inspections should be con-
Inspection reports are primarily in- ducted following high flows, particu-
tended to address maintenance issues. larly after the first flood event following
Problems discovered in the inspection installation. Soil bioengineering mea-
process should be documented in a re- sures should be assessed during pro-
port that details deficiencies, recom- longed drought and immediately after
mends specific maintenance, and high flows during the first few years fol-
explains the consequences of not ad-
dressing the problems. Postplanting in-
spections to ensure survival require
documentation and immediate action.
Consequently, the reporting and re-
sponse loop should be simple and di-
rect so that inspections indicating the
need for emergency structural repairs
can be reported and resolved without
General Inspection
To the extent feasible, the entire stream
corridor should be inspected annually
to detect areas of rapid bank erosion
or debris accumulation (Figure 9.16).
A general inspection can also identify
inappropriate land uses, such as en-
croachments of roads near banks or
uncontrolled irrigation water returns,
that might jeopardize restoration mea- Figure 9. 16: Flood debris. The entire corridor
sures, affect water quality, or otherwise should be inspected annually to detect areas of
debris accumulation from flood flows.

Restoration Implementation 9- 23
lowing installation until the system is Vegetation
well established. Streambanks that have been stabilized
Most routine inspections of bank and using plantings alone or soil bioengi-
channel measures should be conducted neering techniques require inspections,
during low-water conditions to allow especially in the first year or two after
viewing of the measure as well as chan- planting (Figure 9.18). It is important
nel bed changes that might threaten its that the planted material be checked
future integrity. This is particularly true frequently to ensure that the material is
of bank stabilization works where the alive and growing satisfactorily. Any
principal mechanism of bank failure is dead material should be replaced and
undermining at the toe. A low water in- the cause of mortality determined and
spection should involve looking for dis- corrected if possible. If the site requires
placed rock, settling or tilting, watering, rodent control, or other reme-
undermining, and similar problems dial actions, the problem must be de-
(Johnson and Stypula 1993). tected and resolved immediately or the
damage may become severe enough to
In the past, bank stabilization measures
were routinely cleared of vegetation to require extensive or complete replant-
ing. Competition from weeds should be
facilitate inspection and prevent dam-
noted if it is likely to suppress new
age such as displacement of rock by
plantings. If nonnative plants capable
trees uprooted from a revetment during
a flood. However, evidence that vegeta- of invading and outcompeting native
species are known to be present in the
tion compromises revetment integrity
has not been documented (Shields area, both plantings and existing native
vegetation should be inspected. Any
1987, 1988). Leaving vegetation in
newly established nonnative popula-
place or planting vegetation through
tions should be eradicated quickly.
rock blankets has been encouraged to
realize the environmental benefits of After the first growing season, semi-
Figure 9. 17: Fencing. vegetated streambanks. Consequently, annual to annual evaluations should be
The integrity of agencies have modified inspection and sufficient in most cases. At the end of a
fencing should be
maintenance guidelines accordingly in 2-year period, 50 percent or more of the
inspected periodi-
some areas. originally installed plant material
should be healthy and growing well
(Figure 9 .19). If not, determining the
cause of die-off and subsequent replant-
ing will probably be necessary. If the in-
stallation itself is determined to have
been improper, any warranty or dis-
pute-resolution clauses in the plant in-
stallation contract might need to be
The effectiveness of bank protection is
based largely on the development of
the plants and their ability to bind soils
at moderate flow velocities. The bank
protection measures should be in-
spected immediately after high-flow
events in the first few years, particularly

9- 24 Chapter 9: Restoration Implementation, Monitoring, and Management

if the plantings have not fully estab-
lished. Washouts, slumping of geogrids,
and similar problems require detection
and correction, since they might be-
come the sites of further deterioration
and complete failure if left uncorrected.
Floodplain and other off-channel plant-
ings might be important components of
the corridor restoration plan as well. In-
spection requirements are similar to
those on streambank sites but are less
critical to the integrity of the project in
terms of preventing additional damage.
Nevertheless, several site visits are ap-
propriate during the first growing sea-
son to detect problems due to
features may be a major focus of the in- Figure 9. 18: Revege-
browsing, insects, too much or too little
spection program. Facilities, nest boxes, tation project. It is
water, and other causes. Inspection of important that the
trails, roads, storm water systems, and
plantings that require irrigation during planted material be
similar features must be inspected to
establishment, as well as of the irriga- inspected frequently
ensure they are in satisfactory condition to ensure that it is
tion system, may be needed on a
and are not contributing to degradation alive and growing
weekly or more frequent basis.
of the stream corridor. Access points re- satisfactorily.
Techniques for inspecting vegetation quired to accomplish maintenance and
survival are fairly straightforward. Satis- emergency repairs should be checked
factory survival rates may be deter- for serviceability. Popular public use
mined using stem counts within sample areas, particularly stream access points,
plots or estimates of cover percentages, should be evaluated to determine
depending on the purpose of the plant-
ings. For example, Johnson and Stypula
(1993) suggest that woody plantings es-
tablished for streambank protection
should not include open spaces more
than 2 feet in dimension. In most cases,
such criteria can be established in ad-
vance based on common-sense deci-
sions regarding the adequacy of
establishment relative to the objectives.
Where more detailed monitoring is ap-
propriate to document development of
habitat quality or similar objectives,
more rigorous monitoring techniques
can be used. (See Section 9.B).
Urban Features
Stream corridor objectives may require Figure 9.19: Revegetation project, 1 to 2 years
periodic inspections of features other postconstruction. At the end of a 2-year p eri-
than the stream, streambank, and corri- od, 50 percent or more of the original plant-
dor vegetation. In urban areas, these ings should be healthy and growing well.
Source: King County, Washington .

Restoration Implementation 9- 25
whether measures are being damaged, ing the design phase or based on
erosion is being initiated, or project ob- project-specific needs. Such mainte-
jectives are otherwise being impeded. nance activities as clearing culverts or
Inspection should reveal whether signs, regrading roads can be anticipated,
trail closures, and other traffic-control scheduled, and funded well in
measures are in place and effective. advance. In many instances, the
Trash and debris dumping, off-road ve- scheduled maintenance fund can be
Preview Section hicle damage, vandalism, and a wide a tempting source for emergency
9.8, Monitoring variety of other detrimental occurrences funds, but this can result in neglect
Techniques may be noted during routine inspec- of routine maintenance, which may
Appropriate tions. eventually produce a new, more cost-
for Evaluation ly, emergency.
Restoration. Maintenance
• Emergency maintenance requires
Maintenance encompasses those repairs immediate mobilization to repair or
to restoration measures which are based prevent damage. It may include mea-
on problems noted in annual inspec- sures such as replacement of plants
tions, are part of regularly scheduled that fail to establish in a soil bioengi-
upkeep, or arise on an emergency basis. neered bank stabilization, or repair
• Remedial maintenance is triggered by of a failing revetment. Where there is
the results of the annual inspection a reasonable probability that repair
(Figure 9.20). The inspection report or replacement might be required
should identify and prioritize main- (e.g., anything that depends on vege-
tenance needs that are not emergen- tation establishment), sources of
cies, but that are unlikely to be funding, labor, and materials should
addressed through normal scheduled be identified in advance as part of
maintenance. the contingency planning process.
However, there should be some
• Scheduled maintenance is performed at
general strategy for allowing rapid
intervals that are preestablished dur-
response to any emergency.

Figure 9.20:
Remedial mainte-
nance. Soil bio-
engineering used
to repair failing

9-26 Chapter 9: Restoration Implementation, Monitoring, and Management

Many maintenance actions will require concerns about safety in streams with
permits, and such requirements should high recreational use. In cases where
be identified well in advance to accom- woody debris sources have been de-
modate permitting delays. Similarly, pleted, periodic addition of debris may
access to areas likely to require main- be a prescribed maintenance activity.
tenance (e.g., bank stabilization struc- (See next page for story on engineered
tures) should be guaranteed at the time log jams.)
of construction, and the serviceability
of access roads verified periodically. Protection/Enhancement
Various agencies and utilities may have
maintenance responsibilities that in- Measures intended to enhance fish
volve portions of the stream corridor, habitat, deflect flows, or protect banks
such as road and transmission line are likely to require periodic mainte-
crossings. This work should be coordi- nance. If failure occurs soon after instal-
nated as necessary to ensure there are lation, the purpose and design of the
no conflicts with corridor objectives. measure should be reevaluated before it
is repaired, and the mechanism of fail-
Channels and Floodplains ure should be identified. Early failure is
Corridor restoration that includes re- an inherent risk of soil- bioengineered
configuration of the channel and flood- systems that are not fully effective until
plain may require remedial action if the the plants are well rooted and the stems
system does not perform as expected in reach a particular size and density. Al-
the first few years after work has been though a design weakness may be iden-
completed. Any repairs or redesign, tifiable and should be corrected, more
however, should be based on a careful often the mechanism of failure will be
analysis of the failure. Some readjust- that the measure has not yet developed
ment is to be expected, and a continu-
ing dynamic behavior is fundamental
to successful restoration. Because estab-
lishment of a dynamic equilibrium
condition is usually the intent, main-
tenance should be limited to actions
that promote self-sustainability.
Many traditional channel maintenance
actions may be inappropriate in the
context of stream corridor restoration.
In particular, removal of woody debris
may be contrary to restoration objec-
tives (Figure 9 .21). Appropriate levels
of woody debris loading should be a
design specification of the project, and
the decision to remove or reposition
particular pieces should be based on
specific concerns, such as unacceptably
accelerated bank erosion due to flow
deflection, creation of ice jams causing Figure 9.21: Accumulated woody debris.
an increased chance for flooding, or Removal of woody debris may be contrary
to restoration objectives.

Restoration Implementation 9- 27
full resistance to high-flow velocities or access the stream (for fishing, etc.).
saturation of bank soils. Replanting Plantings can be physically removed or
should be an anticipated potential trampled. Replanting, fencing, posting
maintenance need in this situation. signs, or taking other measures might
In many stream corridor restoration be needed.
areas, the intent of streambank and Other Features
channel measures is to provide tempo-
rary stabilization until riparian vegeta- A wide variety of other restoration fea-
tion develops and assumes those tures will require regular maintenance
functions. In such cases, maintenance of or repair. Rural restoration efforts might
some structures might become less im- require regular maintenance and peri-
portant over time, and they might even- odic major repair or replacement of
tually be allowed to deteriorate. They fences and access roads for manage-
can be wholly or partially removed if ment and fire control. Public use areas
they represent impediments to natural and recreational facilities require up-
patterns of channel migration and con- keep of roads, trails, drainage systems,
figuration, or if some components (ca- signs, and so forth (Figure 9.22). Main-
bles, stone, geofabrics) become hazards. tenance of urban corridors may be in-
tensive, requiring trash removal,
Vegetation lighting, and other steps. An adminis-
Routine maintenance of vegetation in- trative contact should be readily avail-
cludes removal of hazardous trees and able to address problems as they
branches that threaten safety, buildings, develop. As the level of public use in-
fences, and other structures, as well as creases, contracting of maintenance ser-
maintenance of vegetation along road vices might become necessary, and
shoulders, trails, and similar features. administration of maintenance duties
will become an increasingly important
Planted vegetation may require irriga- component of corridor management.
tion, fertilization, pest control, and sim-
ilar measures during the first few years Restoration measures placed to benefit
of establishment. In large-scale planting fish and wildlife (e.g., nest boxes and
efforts, such as floodplain reforestation platforms, waterers) need annual dean-
efforts, maintenance may be precluded. ing and repair. These maintenance ac-
Occasionally, replanting will be needed tivities can be as time-consuming as the
because of theft. original installation, and structures that
are in bad condition might draw public
Maintenance plans should anticipate attention and criticism. The mainte-
the need to replant in case soil- bio- nance commitment should be recog-
engineered bank protection structures nized before such structures are
are subjected to prolonged high water installed. Special wildlife management
or drought before the plants are fully units, such as moist-soil-management
established. Techniques using numer- impoundments and green-tree reser-
ous cuttings establish successfully, it voirs, require close attention to be man-
might be desirable to thin the dense aged effectively.
brush that develops to allow particular
trees to grow more rapidly, especially if Flooding and drawdown schedules
channel shading is a restoration objec- must be fine-tuned based on site-
tive. Often, bank protection measures specific conditions (Fredrickson and
become popular points for people to Taylor 1982). Special equipment might
be needed to maintain levees, to work

9- 28 Chapter 9: Restoration Implementation, Monitoring, and Management

on soft ground, to repair drainage struc-
tures, and to pump out facilities, all of
which might incur substantial fuel
costs. The maintenance needs in these
kinds of situations require that profes-
sional resource managers be on site reg-
ularly. Not operating the restoration
attentively can create nuisance or haz-
ardous conditions, have severe detri-
mental effects on existing resources, and
fail to produce the desired results.
Mosquito control may also be a mainte-
nance concern near inhabited areas,
particularly if the restoration encour-
ages the development of slack-water
areas, such as beaver ponds, backwaters,
and floodplain depressions. In some
cases, control techniques may directly Figure 9.22: Streamside trail. Public use areas
interfere with restoration objectives, but and recreational facilities require upkeep of
threats to people and livestock might roads, trails, and signs.
make them necessary.

9.B Monitoring Techniques Appropriate for

Evaluating Restoration

As discussed in Chapter 6, the comple- logical conditions at various spatial

tion of implementation does not mark and temporal scales.
the end of the restoration process. • Risk assessment: Used to identify caus-
Restoration practitioners must plan for es and sources of impairment within
and invest in the monitoring of stream ecosystems.
corridor restoration. The type and ex-
• Baseline characterization: Used to Review previ-
tent of monitoring will depend on spe-
quantify ecological processes operat- ous chapters
cific management objectives developed
ing in a particular area. for an introduc-
as a result of stream corridor characteri- tion to the
zation and condition analysis. Monitor- This section examines monitoring from restoration of
ing may be conducted for a number of the perspective of evaluating the perfor- stream corridor
different purposes including: mance of a restoration initiative. Such structure and
• Performance evaluation: Assessed in initiatives seek to restore the structure functions.
terms of project implementation and and functions discussed in earlier chap-
ecological effectiveness. Ecological ters. Designing a monitoring program
relationships used in monitoring and that directly relates to those valued
assessment are validated through col- functions requires careful planning to
lection of field data. ensure that a sufficient amount of infor-
mation is collected. Such monitoring
• Trend assessment: Includes longer term uses measurements of physical, biologi-
sampling to evaluate changing eco- cal, and chemical parameters to evalu-

Restoration Implementation 9-29

Engineered Log Jams for Bank
Protection and Habitat Restoration

ed the potential environmental, economic, and

M ost riverbank protection measures are
not designed to improve aquatic or
riparian habitat, and many restoration initiatives
aesthetic benefits outweighed the risks. An
experimental project consisting of three ELJs
lack sufficient engineering and geomorphic was implemented to control severe erosion
along 1,400 ft. of the upper Cowlitz River. The
analysis to effectively restore natural functions
channel at the site was 645 ft. wide and had
of riparian and aquatic ecosystems. The ecolog-
ical importance of instream woody debris (WO) an average bank erosion rate of 50 ft./yr from
has been well documented. Woody debris with- 1990 to 1995. Five weeks after constructing the
in a stream can often influence the instream log jams, the project experienced a 20-year
recurrence flow (30,000 ft. /s). Each EU
channel structure by increasing the occurrence
of pools and riffles. As a result, streams with remained intact and met design objectives by
WO typically have less erosion, slower routing transforming an eroding shoreline into a local
of organic detritus (the main food source for depositional environment (i.e., accreting shore-
aquatic invertebrates), and greater habitat line). Approximately 93 tons of WO that was
diversity than straight, even-gradient streams in transport during the flood was trapped by the
with no debris. Woody debris also provides EUs, alleviating downstream hazards and
habitat cover for aquatic species and character- enhancing structure stability Improvements in
istics ideally suited for fish spawning. physical habitat included creation of complex
scour pools at each EU (Abbe et al. 1997).
Reintroduction of WO (or log jams) in many
parts of the United States has been extensive Landowners have been delighted by the experi-
but limited understanding of WO stability ha; ment. The EUs have remained intact, increased
hampered many of these efforts. Engineered Jog in size, and reclaimed some of the formerly
jams (ELJs) can restore riverine habitat and in eroded property even after being subjected to
some situations can provide effective bank pro- major floods in February 1996 and March
tection (Figure 9.23). Although WO is often 1997. When compared to traditional bank
considered a hazard because of its apparent stabilization methods, which typically employ
mobility, research in Olympic National Park has the extensive use of exotic materials such as
documented that stable WO jams can occur rock rarely found in /ow-gradient alluvial chan-
throughout a drainage basin (Abbe et al. 199 7). nels, ELJs can offer an effective and /ow-cost
Even in large alluvial channels that migrate at alternative for erosion control, flood control,
and habitat enhancement. The cumulative
rates of 30 ft./yr, jams can persist for centuries,
creating a mosaic of stable sites that in turn effect of most traditional bank stabilization
methods over time results in progressive chan-
host the large trees necessary to initiate stable
jams. Engineered log jams are designed to emu- nel confinement and detachment of the ripari-
late natural jams and can meet management or an environment from the channel (e.g., loss of
restoration objectives such as bank protection streamside vegetation). In stark contrast, the
and debris retention. cumulative effects of using ELJs include long-
term protection of a significant floodplain,
After learning about the uncertainty and poten- improvement of instream and riparian habitat,
tial risks of creating man-made log jams, and bank stabilization (Abbe et al. 199 7).
landowners near Packwood, Washington, decid-

9-30 Chapter 9: Restoration Implementation, Monitoring, and Management

Comprehensive geomorphic and hydraulic
engineering analysis is required to deter-
mine the type of WO needed and the
appropriate size, position, spacing, and
type of ELJ structure for the particular
site(s) and project objectives. Inappropriate
design and application of ELJs can result in
negative impacts such as local accelerated
bank erosion, unstable debris, or channel
avulsion. Acknowledging the potential risks
and uncertainties of ELJs, their use should
be limited to well-documented experimen-
tal situations. Continued research and
development of ELJs involving field applica-
tion in a variety of physiographic and cli-
matic conditions is needed. ELJs can pro-
vide a means to meet numerous objectives
in the management and restoration of
rivers and riparian corridors throughout the
United States.

Figure 9.23:
Engineered log jams.
Engineered log jams
(ELJs) can restore
riverine habitat and
in some situations
provide effective
bank protection.

Restoration Implementation 9- 31
ate the effectiveness of the restoration cess by determining whether the
and to facilitate adaptive management restoration had the desired effect on the
where needed. Sampling locations, ecosystem. Monitoring variables focus
measurements to be made, techniques on indicators that document achieve-
to be used, and how the results will be ment of desired conditions and are
analyzed are important considerations closely linked with project goals. It is
in monitoring. important that indicators selected for
Review Chapter effectiveness monitoring are sensitive
Adaptive Management enough to show change, are measur-
7D's section on
analytical The implementation, effectiveness, and able, are detectable and have statistical
methods for validation components of performance validity. This level of monitoring is
evaluating monitoring provide a vehicle to deter- more time-consuming than implemen-
biological mine the need for adaptive manage- tation monitoring, making it more
attributes. ment. Adaptive management is the costly. To save time and money, moni-
process of establishing checkpoints to toring at this level is usually performed
determine whether proper actions have on a sample population or portion of a
been taken and are effective in provid- project with results extrapolated to the
ing desired results. Adaptive manage- whole population.
ment provides the opportunity for
Validation Monitoring
course correction through evaluation
and action. Validation monitoring answers the
question "Are the assumptions used in
Implementation Monitoring restoration design and cause-effect rela-
Implementation monitoring answers the tionships correct?" Validation monitor-
question, "Were restoration measures ing considers assumptions made during
done and done correctly?" Evaluating planning and execution of restoration
the effectiveness of restoration through measures. This level of monitoring is
physical, biological, and/ or chemical performed in response to nonachieve-
monitoring can be time-consuming, ment of desired results once proper
expensive, and technically challenging. implementation is confirmed. A res-
Time and partnerships are needed to toration initiative that fails to achieve
build the capability for evaluating pro- intended results could be the result of
Adaptive improper assumptions relative to eco-
ject effectiveness based on changes in
management logical conditions or selection of in-
provides the
ecological condition. Therefore, an
important interim step to this goal is valid monitoring indicators. This level
implementation monitoring. This com- of monitoring is always costly and re-
for course cor-
rection through paratively simple process of document- quires scientific expertise.
evaluation and ing what was done and whether or not
Evaluation Parameters
action. it was done properly can yield valuable
information that promotes refinement Physical Parameters
of restoration practices.
A variety of channel measurements are
Effectiveness Monitoring appropriate for performance evaluation
Effective monitoring answers the ques- (Figure 9.24). The parameters pre-
tion "Did restoration measures achieve sented in Table 9.3 should be consid-
the desired results?" or more simply ered for measurement of physical
"Did the restoration initiative work?" performance and stability. Stream pat-
Effectiveness monitoring evaluates sue- tern and morphology are a result of the

9- 32 Chapter 9: Restoration Implementation, Monitoring, and Management

interaction of eight measurable parame-
ters-width, depth, channel slope,
roughness of channel materials, dis-
charge, velocity, sediment loads, and
sediment size (Leopold et al. 1964).
These parameters and several other di-
mensionless ratios (including entrench-
ment, width/depth ratio, sinuosity, and Review Chap-
meander/width ratio) can be used to ters 2 and 7 for
group stream systems with similar form information on
and pattern. They have been used as chemical water
delineative criteria in stream classifica- parameters and
tion (Rosgen 1996) . Natural streams are their sampling.
not random in their variation. Also, review
Chapter B's sec-
A change in any of the primary stream
tion on refer-
variables results in a series of channel ence reaches.
adjustments, resulting in alterations of
channel pattern and form, and atten-
dant changes in riparian and aquatic

Biological Parameters Figure 9.24: Measurement of a stream corridor.

Monitoring the physical aspects of the stream
Biological monitoring can cover a broad corridor system is important in evaluating the
range of organisms, riparian conditions, success of any restoration effort.
and sampling techniques. In most cases,
budget and staff will limit the diversity
stream system, such as high water tem-
and intensity of evaluation methods
peratures and low dissolved oxygen,
chosen. Analytical m ethods for evaluat-
limit biological communities, direct
ing biological attributes are discussed in
monitoring of these attributes can pro-
Section 7.D of this document.
vide an evaluation of the performance
Table 9.4 provides examples of the bio- of more intensive remedial practices, in-
logical attributes of stream ecosystems cluding point source pollution reduc-
that may be related to restoration goals. tion.
Biological aspects of the stream corridor
that may be monitored as part of per- Chemical Parameters
formance goals include primary pro- Monitoring is necessary to determine if
ductivity, invertebrate and fish
a restoration initiative has had the de-
communities, riparian/terrestrial sired effect on water chemistry. The type
wildlife, and riparian vegetation. This
and extent of chemical monitoring de-
may involve monitoring habitat or pends upon the goal of the monitoring
fauna to determine the degree of suc- program. Major chemical parameters of
cess of revegetation efforts or instream
water and their sampling are discussed
habitat improvements. in Chapters 2 and 7.
Biological monitoring programs can in-
A factor in designing a chemical moni-
clude the use of ch emical measures. For toring approach is the amount of
example, if specific stressors within the
change expected in a system. If the

Monitoring Techniques Appropriate for Evaluating Restoration 9- 33

Table 9.3: Physical parameters to be considered in establishing evaluation criteria for measure-
ment of physical performance and stability.

Plan view Sinuosity, width, bars, riffles, pools, boulders, logs

Cross sectional profiles - by reach Sketch of full cross section
and features
Bank response angle
Depth bankfull
Width/depth ratio
Longitudinal profile Bed article size distribution
Water surface slope
Bed slope
Pool size/shape/profile
Riffle size/shape/profile
Bar features
Classification of existing
streams (all reaches) Varies with classification system

Assessment of hydrologic flow 2-, 5-, 10- ear storm h drograi:>hs

regimes through monitoring
Discharge and ve locity of base flow
Channel evolutionary Decreased or increased runoff, flash flood flows
track determination
I ncisement/degradation
Overwideni ng/aggradation
Sinuosity trend- evolutionary state, lateral migration
Increasing or decreasing sinuosity
Bank erosion patterns
Corresponding riparian Saturated or ponded riparian terraces
Alluvium t erraces and fluvi al levees
upland/well-dra ined/sloped or terraced geomorphology
Riparian vegetation composition, community patterns and
successional changes
Corresponding watershed Land use/land cover
trends- past 20 years and future
20 years Land management
Soil types
Regional climate/weather

restoration goal, for example, is to re- dicators are especially useful when de-
duce the salinity in a stream by 5 per- termining the bioaccumulation of a
cent, it would be much more difficult chemical.
to detect than a goal of reducing salin- Water chemistry samples are typically
ity by 50 percent. easier to replicate, can disclose slow
Chemical monitoring can often be used changes over time, and be used to pre-
in conjunction with biological monitor- vent catastrophic events when ch emical
ing. There are pros and cons for using characteristics are near toxic levels. For
chemical and biological parameters example, water quality monitoring
when monitoring. Biological parame- might detect a slow decrease in pH over
ters are often good integrators of several a period of time. Some aquatic organ-
water quality parameters. Biological in- isms, such as trout, m ight not respond

9- 34 Chapter 9: Restoration Implementation, Monitoring, and Management

to this gradual change until the water Table 9.4: Examples of biological attributes
becomes toxic. However, water quality and corresponding parameters that may be
related to restorat ion goals and monitored as
monitoring could detect the change
part of performance evaluation.
and thereby avoid a catastrophic event.
An ideal monitoring program would Biological Parameter
include both biological and chemical
Primary Periphyton
parameters. productivit y
Important chemical and physical para- Vascular and nonvascular
meters that might have a significant in- macrophytes
fluence on biological systems include Zooplankton/diatoms
the following: Invertebrat e Species
• Temperature
• Turbidity Biomass
• Dissolved oxygen Macro/micro
Aquatic/terrestri al
• pH
Fish Anadromous and resident species
• Natural toxics (mercury) and manu- community
Specific populations or life stages
factured toxics
Number of outmigrating smelts
• Flow Number of return ing adults
Riparian wildlife/ Amphibians/reptiles
• Nutrients t errestria I
community M ammals
• Organic loading (BOD, TOC, etc.)
• Alkalinity/Acidity Riparian Structure
veget ation
• Hardness
Condit ion
• Dissolved and suspended solids Function
• Channel characteristics Changes in t ime (successio n,
colonizatio n, extirpation, et c.)
• Spawning gravel
surement and scientific interpretation
• Instream cover of the information as it relates to the
• Shade stream corridor. In turn, an evaluation
of the amount of change attributed to
• Pool/riffle ratio restoration must be based on estab-
• Springs and ground water seeps lished reference conditions developed
by the monitoring of reference sites.
• Bed material load
The following are important considera-
• Amount and size distribution of tions in reference site selection:
large woody debris (i.e., fallen trees)
• What do we want to know about the
These parameters may be studied inde- stream corridor?
pendently or in conjunction with bio-
• Are identified sites minimally-
logical measurements of the ecological
• Are the identified sites representative
Reference Sites of a given ecological region, and do
Understanding the process of change re- they reflect the range of natural vari-
quires periodic monitoring and mea-

Monitoring Techniques Appropriate for Evaluating Restoration 9- 35

I U!ZS I •• 5 :a ;ewe A IASCC 14 * « Ji SlJ 44 0910& µJ!4J4 ,
Performance Evaluation of Fish Barrier Modifications
Fish barrier modifications provide a good example Table 9.5: Methods to evaluate effectiveness of
of a technically difficult performance evaluation. fish barrier modifications.
The goal of the restoration is easily understood
Modification Method
and stated. Barrier modification provides one of
Fishway counts Observation windows
two options-to increase populations (increase
upstream and downstream movement) or to
Fish traps/weirs
decrease populations (restrict movement).
In all cases, the specific target species should be
Population Mark and recapture
identified. If the goal is to restore historic runs of estimates
Snorkel counts
commercial fishes, data for commercial landings
Redd counts
may be available to provide guidance. Habitat
Creel census
models are available for species such as Atlantic
Direct counts of spawning adults
salmon and can provide insight into expected
carrying capacities of nursery habitat. Existing runs Timing of Radio tagging
in adjacent or nearby river(s) may be examined for between Pit tags
population levels and trends that can provide points
Dyes and other external marks
insight into realistic goals. Barriers may be planned Computer-coded tags
for only short-term protection of some species
(e.g., protection against cannibalism) or for longer
years; sturgeon live for decades. Adequate homing
term exclusion of problematic or undesirable
to natal areas may require several generations to
build a significant migrating population and to fill
Methodologies to evaluate the success of fish bar- all year classes. Floods or droughts can impact fry
rier modifications can use a variety of field meth- and juvenile life stages and do not become appar-
ods to count the number of adult spawners, to ent in adult spawning populations until several
determine the abundance of fry, to estimate the years have elapsed. Restoration and monitoring
size of the outmigrating juvenile population, or to goals need to be formulated to take these non-
monitor the travel time between specific points restoration-limiting factors into account.
within a watershed (Table 9.5). However, consider- Examination of year-class structure of returning
ation needs to be given to factors that may influ- adults might be useful, or investigations that aver-
ence the success of the population outside the age the size of spawning runs for multiple years
study area. Commercial fishing, disease, predation, might be appropriate.
limited food supply, or carrying capacity of juvenile
Performance evaluation study methodologies must
or adult habitat may be more important control-
use appropriate monitoring techniques. Collecting
ling factors than access to spawning and nursery
techniques need to be relatively nondestructive.
Collecting weirs, traps, or nets need to be
The performance evaluation must allow ample designed to limit injury or predation and should
time for the species to complete its life cycle. Many function over a wide range of flow and debris lev-
anadromous species have life spans of 4 to 7 els. Monitoring techniques should not extensively

9- 36 Chapter 9: Restoration Implementation, Monitoring, and Management

limit movement. Weirs and traps should not cause (trout and salmon), and appropriate handling
excessive delays in migration, and fish tags should techniques need to be used. Avoiding extreme
not encumber movement. Techniques are often environmental conditions (excessively high or low
species- and life stage-specific. Fish tags, including water temperature or flow) may be important.
radio tags, may be appropriate for older, larger Nondestructive techniques, such as hydroacousitics
individuals, whereas chemical marks, dyes, fin and radio tags, have several advantages, but care
clips, or internal microtags may be appropriate needs to be taken to differentiate between back-
for smaller organisms. Certain fish, such as alosids ground noise (mechanical, debris, entrained air,
(American shad and river herring), may be more nonlaminar flow), other species, and target
difficult to handle than others, such as salmonids species.

Monitoring Techniques Appropriate for Evaluating Restoration 9- 37

ability associated with a given stream Human Interest Factors
Many human Human activities requiring use of a
interest-oriented • What is the least number of sites healthy environment may often be im-
criteria used in required to establish reference portant factors for evaluating stream
performance conditions? corridor restorations (Figure 9.25) . In
evaluations can these cases, the ability of the stream
serve the dual • What are the impediments to refer-
ence site access? corridor to support the activity indicates
function of
benefits drawn from the stream corridor
evaluating Reference sites provide examples of a
elements of
as well as adding insight into stream
properly functioning ecosystem. It is ecosystem condition. Many human in-
human use and from these reference sites that desired
ecological con- terest-oriented criteria used in perfor-
conditions are determined and levels of mance evaluations can serve the dual
dition together.
environmental indicators identified. En- function of evaluating elements of
vironmental indicators become the per- human use and ecological condition
formance criteria to monitor the success together:
of a initiative.

Figure 9.25: Human interest in the stream corridor. Aesthetics are a highly valued benefit
associated with a healthy stream corridor.

9- 38 Chapter 9: Restoration Implementation, Monitoring, and Management

Additional References for Monitoring
Averett, R. C., and L.J. Schroder. 1993. A guide to the design of surface-water-quality
studies: US Geological Survey Open-File Report 93-105, U.S. Geological Survey
Karr, J.R., and W Chu. 1997. Biological monitoring and assessment: Using Multimetric
Indexes Effectively USEPA 235-R97-001. University of Washington, Seattle.
Kerchner, J.L. 1997. Setting Riparian/Aquatic Restoration Objectives Within a Watershed
Context. In Restoration Ecology Vol. 5, No. 45.
Manley, P.A., et al. 1995. Sustaining Ecosystems: A Conceptual Framework. USDA
Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Region, San Francisco, CA. 216 pp.
McDonald, L. H., et al. 1991. Monitoring Guidelines to Evaluate Effects of Forestry
Activities on Streams in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska. USEPA, Region 10, Seattle,
WA. 166 pp.
Sanders, TG., R.C. Ward, J.C. Loftis, TD. Steele, D.D. Adrian, and V Yevjevich . 1983,
Design of networks for monitoring water quality Water Resources Publications,
Littleton, CO., 328 p.
Stednick, J. D. 1991 . Wild/and water quality sampling and analysis. Academic Press,
San Diego.
Ward, R. C., J.C. Loftis, and G. B. McBride. 1990. Design of water quality monitoring
systems. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York.

• Human health (disease, toxic/fish Use surveys, which determine the suc-
consumption advisories) cess of the restoration in terms of
• Aesthetics (odor, views, sound, litter) human use, can provide additional bio-
logical data. Angler survey, creel census,
• Non-consumptive recreation (hiking, birding questionnaires, and sign-in trail
birding, whitewater rafting, canoeing, boxes that request observations of spe-
outdoor photography) cific species can also provide biological
• Consumptive recreation (fishing, data. Citizens' groups can participate ef-
hunting) fectively, providing valuable assistance
at minimal cost.
• Research and educational uses
• Protection of property (erosion con-
trol, floodwater retention)

Monitoring Techniques Appropriate for Evaluating Restoration 9- 39

9.C Restoration Management

Management is the long-term manipu- a Charles River corridor project in Mass-

lation and protection of restoration re- achusetts, the complex ownership pat-
sources to achieve objectives. tern along the river requires direct
Management priorities for the stream active management in some areas and
corridor ecosystem are set during the easements in others. In the remainder,
planning phase and refined during de- management is largely a matter of en-
sign. These priorities should also be couraging appropriate use (Barron
subject to ongoing revision based on 1989). Many smaller restorations might
regular monitoring and analysis. Man- be similarly diversified with manage-
Management agement needs can range from rela- ment decisions involving a variety of
needs can tively passive approaches that involve participants. Participation and adher-
range from rel- removal of acute impacts to intensive ence to restoration best management
atively passive efforts designed to restore ecosystem practices (BMPs) may be encouraged
approaches that functions through active intervention. through various programs, such as the
involve removal
Whereas a preceding section described NRCS's Conservation Reserve Program,
of acute impacts
the need to provide adequate mainte- multi-agency riparian buffer restoration
to intensive
nance for the restoration elements, initiatives, and cost-sharing opportuni-
efforts designed
to restore restoration management is the collec- ties available under the EPA Section 319
ecosystem func- tive set of decisions made to guide the Program.
tions through entire restoration effort to success. Programs intended to reduce nonpoint
active inter- The restoration setting and the priori- source pollution of waterways often
vention. ties of participants can make manage- encourage the use of practices to ad-
ment a fairly straightforward process or dress problems such as agricultural
a complex process that involves numer- runoff or sediment generated by timber
ous agencies, landowners, and inter- harvest operations. Because many prac-
ested citizens. Development of a tices focus on activities within the
management plan is less difficult when stream corridor, existing practices
the corridor and watershed are under should be reviewed to determine their
the control of a single owner or agency applicability to the stream corridor
that can clearly state objectives and pri- restoration plan (Figure 9.26). Al-
orities. Some stream corridor restora- though the ecological restoration objec-
tions have, in fact, involved extensive tives for the corridor might require
land acquisition to achieve sufficient more restrictive management, existing
management control to make restora- practices can provide a good starting
tion feasible. Even then, competing in- point and establish a rationale for mini-
terests can exist. Decisions must be mum management prescriptions. In
made regarding which resource uses are stream corridor restoration efforts in-
compatible with the defined objectives. volving numerous landowners, it might
More commonly, stream corridor man- be appropriate to develop a revised set
agement decisions will be made in an of practices specific to the restoration
environment of conflicting interests, area. Participants should have the op-
overlapping mandates and regulatory portunity to participate in developing
jurisdictions, and complex ownership the practices and should be willing to
patterns, both in the corridor and in the commit to compliance before the
surrounding watershed. For example, in restoration is implemented.

9-40 Chapter 9: Restoration Implementation, Monitoring, and Management

Regulatory controls influencing man-
agement options are increasingly com-
plex and require regular review as
management plans evolve and adapt. In
some areas, regulatory oversight of ac-
tivities in streamside areas and in the
vicinity of wetlands involves fairly rigid
rules that may conflict with specific
proposed management actions (e.g., se-
lective tree removals). Implementation
of management actions in such cases
will require coordination and approval
from the regulating agencies. Many state
and local jurisdictions vary their restric-
tions according to classification systems
reflecting the condition of the stream-
side area or wetland in terms of "natu-
ralness"; for example, sites with large
Figure 9.26: Livestock fences used as a BMP. Reviewing existing BMPs
trees might receive a higher level of pro-
can be useful in establishing management prescriptions.
tection than sites that have been heavily
Restoration is intended specifically to
improve the condition of the stream
corridor; however, an activity that is al-
lowable initially might be regulated as
the corridor condition improves. These
changes should be anticipated to the
extent possible in developing long-term
management and use plans.

In effect, stream corridor restoration

and ongoing monitoring constitute
stream management. Many problems
detected during monitoring can be re-
solved by manipulation of the stream
corridor vegetation (Figure 9.27), land
uses, where possible, and only occa-
sionally, by direct physical manipula-
tion of the channel. If "resetting" of the
channel system is necessary, it essen-
tially becomes a redesign problem.
Where lateral erosion occurs in unantic-
ipated areas and poses an unacceptable
threat to function, property, or infra-
structure, another restoration approach
might have to be initiated.
Figure 9.27: Pruning streamside vegetation. Monitoring might detect
the need for manipulation of streamside vegetation.
In cases where streamflow control is an maintain natural patterns of structural
option, it likely will be a significant and compositional diversity and regen-
component of the management plan to eration. In other systems, fire might be
maintain baseflows, water temperatures, inappropriate or might be precluded if
and other attributes. However, appro- the stream corridor is in an urban set-
priate flow patterns should have been ting. In the latter case, silvicultural treat-
defined during the design phase, with ments might be needed to emulate the
components of corridor management effects of fire.
prescribed accordingly. If hydrologic Recovery of degraded streamside forests
patterns change after the restoration is can be encouraged and accelerated
established, significant redesign or through silvicultural efforts. Active in-
management changes might be required tervention and management may be es-
for the entire corridor. Ultimately, a sential to maintain the character of
well-planned, prepared stream corridor native plant communities where river
restoration design predicts and ad- regulation has contributed to hydrology
dresses the potential for hydrologic and sedimentation patterns that result
change. in isolation from seed sources (Klimas
Forests 1991, Johnson 1994). Streamside
forests used as buffers to prevent nutri-
In forested environments, the planning ents from reaching streams may require
and design phases of stream corridor periodic harvests to remove biomass
restoration should set specific objectives and maintain net uptake (Lowrance et
for forest structure and composition al. 1984, Welsch 1991). However,
within the corridor. If existing forests buffers intended to intercept and de-
are developing in the desired direction, grade herbicides might be most effec-
action may not be needed. In this case, tive if they are managed to achieve
forest management consists of protec- old-growth conditions (Entry et al.
tion rather than intervention. In de- 1995).
graded stream corridor forests,
achieving desired goals requires active Management of corridor forests should
forest management. In many corridors not proceed in isolation from manage-
economic return to private and public ment of adjacent upland systems (Fig-
landowners is an important objective of ure 9.28) . Upland harvests can result in
the restoration plan. Stream corridor raised water tables and tree mortality in
restoration may accommodate eco- riparian zones. Coordinated silvicul-
nomic returns from forest management, tural activities can reduce timber losses
but management within the stream cor- as well as minimize the need for roads
ridor should be driven primarily by eco- (Oliver and Hinckley 1987).
logical objectives. If the basic goal is to Forests managed by government agen-
restore and maintain ecological cies are usually subject to established
tions, silviculture should imitate natural restrictions on activities in riparian
processes that normally occur in the areas. Elsewhere, BMPs for forestry prac-
corridor. tices are designed to minimize non-
Numerous forest management activities point source pollution and protect
can promote ecological objectives. For water quality. BMPs typically include re-
example, some corridor forest types strictions on road placement, equip-
might benefit from prescribed fire or ment use, timber removal practices, and
wildfire management programs that other similar considerations. Existing

9-42 Chapter 9: Restoration Implementation, Monitoring, and Management

Figure 9.28: Streamside forests and adjacent their role is a positive one. Existing
uplands. Management of streamside forests state BMPs might be sufficient to pro-
should not proceed in isolation from manage- mote proper grazing, but might not be
ment of adjacent upland systems.
innovative or adaptive enough to meet
the restoration objectives of a corridor
state BMP guidelines may be appropri- management program.
ate for application within the restora- Complete exclusion of livestock is an
tion area but often require some effective approach to restore and main-
modification to reflect the objectives of tain riparian zones that have been
the restoration or other pre-identified badly degraded by grazing. In some
constraints on activities in the vicinity cases, exclusion may be sufficient to re- Figure 9.29: Livestock
of streams and wetlands. verse the damage without additional in- in stream. Uncontrolled
livestock grazing can
Grazed Lands tervention. In some degraded systems,
have severe detrimental
removal of livestock for a period of effects on streambanks,
Livestock grazing is a very important years fo llowed by a planned manage- riparian vegetation, and
stream corridor management issue in ment program may allow recovery with- water qua lity.
most nonforested rangelands and in
many forested areas. Uncontrolled live-
stock grazing can have severe detrimen-
tal effects on streambanks, riparian
vegetation, and water quality, particu-
larly in arid and semiarid environ-
ments (Behnke and Raleigh 1978,
Elmore and Beschta 1987, Chaney et
al. 1990) (Figure 9.29). Livestock natu-
rally concentrate in the vicinity of
streams; therefore, special efforts must
be made to control or prevent access if
stream corridor restoration is to be
In som e cases, livestock m ay act as an
agent in restoration. Management of
livestock access is critical to ensure

Restoration Management 9-43

Partners Working for the Big Spring
Creek Watershed
other pollutants out of streams and lakes. Area
T he Big Spring Creek watershed occupies a
diverse, primarily agricultural landscape in cen-
tral Montana, where the nation's third largest
landowners are implementing conservation prac-
tices such as improving the riparian vegetation
(Figure 9.30), treating streambank erosion, and
freshwater spring (Big Springs) provides untreated
developing water sources off the stream for live-
drinking water for the 7, 000 residents of
stock. Because the project has been well received
Lewistown and is the source of one of Montana's
by the agricultural producers, it has been possible
best trout streams, Big Spring Creek.
for cooperating agencies to participate in addition-
Conservation work by federal, state, and local al watershed improvements. The US. Fish and
agencies, private organizations, and citizens in the Wildlife Service Partners for Wildlife program has
255,000-acre Big Spring Creek watershed is not provided funding for several stream restoration
new. Actually, various projects and developments and riparian improvement projects. In addition, the
have occurred over the last several decades. For Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks is
example, the flood control project that protects actively participating in fisheries habitat projects,
the city of Lewistown has its roots in the 1960s including the Brewery Flats Stream Restoration.
when, after experiencing a series of floods, the city
Implementation of the Big Spring Creek Watershed
of Lewistown and community leaders decided to
take action. The Fergus County Conservation Partnership has brought many positive changes to
District, Fergus County Commissioners, City of the predominantly agricultural Big Spring Creek
watershed. Since most of the agricultural opera-
Lewistown, US. Natural Resources Conservation
Service, and many community leaders all worked tions are livestock or grain, the major emphasis is
on riparian/stream improvement and grazing man-
together on this project. The Big Spring Creek
agement. Thus far, more than 30 landowners have
Flood Control Project now protects the city of
Lewistown from recurrent flooding. participated in the project by installing conservation
practices that include over 8 miles of fencing, and
Conservation work now, though, goes beyond 13 off-stream water developments, with more
flood control. It involves working to solve resource than 10 miles of stream/riparian area protected.
problems on a watershed basis, recognizing that
what happens upstream has an effect on the Studies show that stream characteristics and water
downstream resources. We should look beyond quality are the best indicators of watershed vitality
Thus, an active monitoring strategy in the water-
property boundaries at the whole watershed con-
sidering the "cumulative effects" of all our a~tions.
shed provides feedback to measure any improve-
ments. Preproject and postproject fisheries (trout)
With that in mind, the Fergus County Conservation
surveys are conducted in cooperation with the
District, with assistance from its citizen committee
has been working the last few years to improve ' Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks
and protect the watershed. With funding from the on selected streams. On East Fork Spring Creek,
Montana Department of Environmental Quality fencing and off-stream water development were
(Section 319), the Big Spring Creek Watershed implemented on a riparian/stream reach that was
severely degraded from livestock use. Fish popula-
Partnership was formed.
tions and size structure changed dramatically from
This project helps agricultural producers and other preproject to postproject work. Salmonid numbers
landowners to plan and install conservation prac- increased from 12 to 32 per 1, 000 feet, and aver-
tices to prevent erosion and keep sediment and age size increased by 50 percent. In addition to

9-44 Chapter 9: Restoration Implementation, Monitoring, and Management

fisheries surveys, benthic macroinvertebrate com-
munities are collected and analyzed on a number
of streams. This analysis relates to the stream's bio-
logical health or integrity Community structure,
function, and sensitivity to impact are compared to
baseline data. Habitat conditions on three of six
monitoring sites on Big Spring Creek from 1990 to
1997 have shown improved conditions from a sub-
optimal to an optimal rating. Monitoring will con-
tinue on major streams in the watershed, which
will help to provide important feedback as to the
project's effectiveness.
Although the major emphasis is on improving and
protecting the riparian areas and streams in the
watershed, other ongoing efforts include partic-
ipating in the "Managing Community Growth" ini-
tiative, preserving agriculture and open space, and
developing recreational and environmental
resources. An active committee of the group is
involved in one of the largest stream restoration
initiatives ever to be undertaken in Montana,
planned for 1998. Included in this project is an
environmental education trial site being developed
with the local schools.
Working with watersheds is a dynamic process,
and as a result new activities and partners are con-
tinually incorporated into the Big Spring Creek
Watershed Partnership. The following agencies and Figure 9.30: The Big Spring Creek watershed. (a) A heavily
organizations are currently working together with impacted tributary within the Big Spring Creek watershed
the citizens of the watershed to protect this "very and (b) the same tributary after restoration.
special place. "
Fergus County Conservation District U.S. Forest Service
M.S. U. -Extension Service, Fergus County City Of Lewistown
U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service Fergus County Commissioners
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Snowy Mountain Chapter Trout Unlimited
Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks Central Montana Pheasants Forever
Montana Department of Environmental Quality Lewistown School District No. 1
Montana Department of Natural Resources and Lewistown Visioning Group
Lewistown Area Chamber of Commerce

Restoration Management 9-45

out permanent livestock exclusion (El- available (e.g., Martin 1986). Inappro-
more and Beschta 1987). Systems not priate or haphazard use of some tech-
badly damaged might respond to graz- niques can have unintended
ing management involving seasonal detrimental effects (for example, plac-
and herd size restrictions, off-channel ing wood duck nest boxes in areas that
or restricted-access watering, use of ri- lack brood habitat). Programs intended
parian pastures, herding, and similar to manipulate fish and wildlife popula-
techniques (Chaney et al. 19 90). Re- tions or habitats should be undertaken
sponse to grazing is specific to channel in consultation with the responsible
types and season. state or federal resource agencies.
In off-channel areas of the stream corri- Restoration of a functional stream corri-
Corridors that dor, grazing may require less intensive dor can be expected to attract beaver in
include grazing management. Grazing might have lim- many areas. Where beaver control is
or have live- ited potential to be used as a habitat warranted because of possible damage
stock in adja- manipulation tool in certain ecosys- to private timberlands or roads, in-
cent areas tems, such as the Northern Plains, creased mosquito problems, and other
require vigi- where native grazing animals formerly concerns, controls should be placed as
lance to ensure controlled ecosystem structure (Sever- soon as possible and not after the dam-
that fences are son 1990). However, where grazing oc- age is done. Techniques are available to
maintained curs within the stream corridor, it might prevent beaver from blocking culverts
and herd man- or drain pipes and destroying trees. In
conflict directly with ecosystem restora-
agement BMPs
tion objectives if not properly managed. some cases, effective beaver control re-
are followed.
Corridors that include grazing or have quires removal of problem animals
livestock in adjacent areas require vigi- (Olson and Hubert 1994).
lance to ensure that fences are main-
tained and herd management BMPs are Human Use
followed. Stream corridors in urban areas are usu-
ally used heavily by people and require
Fish and Wildlife
much attention to minimize, control, or
Stream and vegetation care are the focus repair human impacts. In some cases,
of many fish and wildlife management human disturbance prevents some
activities in the stream corridor. Hunt- stream corridor functions from being
ing and fishing activities (Figure 9.31), restored. For example, depending on
nuisance animal control, and protec- the amount of degradation that has oc-
tion of particular species may be ad- curred, urban streams might support
dressed in some restoration plans. relatively few, if any, native wildlife
Special management units, such as sea- species. Other concerns, such as im-
sonally flooded impoundments specifi- proved water quality, might be ad-
cally designed to benefit particular dressed effectively through proper
groups of species (Fredrickson and Tay- restoration efforts. Addressing impacts
lor 1982), might be appropriate com- from surrounding developed areas
ponents of the stream corridor, (such as uncontrolled storm water
requiring special maintenance and runoff and predation by pets) requires
management. Numerous fish and coordination with community agencies
wildlife management tools and tech- and citizen groups to minimize, pre-
niques that address temporary defi- vent, or reverse damage. Management
ciencies in habitat availability are of urban corridors might tend to em-

9-46 Chapter 9: Restoration Implementation, Monitoring, and Management

A Creek Ran Through It

P ortland, Oregon, sprang up along the Willa-

mette River. As time went on and the city
grew, it came to occupy a sequestered spot
outfalls along the Willamette River and the
Columbia Slough. Tanner Creek became a part of
the cause of combined sewer overflows (CSOs).
between the Willamette and Columbia Rivers and In the early 1990s, the city of Portland began to
the higher reaches of the Sylvan Hills. But before develop a plan to eliminate CSOs. The Tanner
the city expanded to this point, a creek ran Creek Stream Diversion Project was identified
through it-Tanner Creek. early in the CSO planning process as a corner-
The Tanner Creek watershed, comprising approxi- stone project, a relatively inexpensive method
mately 1, 600 acres, extended from the forested of removing clean storm water from the com-
hills through a canyon and across the valley floor bined system, thereby reducing CSOs. Nearly
to the Willamette River. During summer months, 10 miles of pipe ranging from 84 inches to 60
the creek was placid if not dry But during the inches in diameter will be constructed to once
heavy winter rains, the creek became a raging again carry storm water directly to the river. In
torrent. addition, best management practices for storm
As the city of Portland expanded, the creek water management will be included. Finally,
was diverted into the sewer system and the creek opportunities for water feature enhancements
floodway was filled in to make way for develop- and educational and cultural opportunities will be
ment. These combined sewers drained directly to explored in partnership with the community and
the Willamette River and the Columbia Slough other agencies.
until a series of interceptor pipes and a municipal Principal among these opportunities is daylighting
sewage treatment plant were constructed in the a portion of the stream in the city's River District.
1940s and 1950s. In partnership with community leaders, special
However, this new system did not have sufficient interest groups, a private developer, and other
capacity to handle the combined sewage and agencies, the city's Bureau of Environmental
storm water flows during periods of heavy rain, Services is leading a study of possible design
which frequently occur during the winter months. alternatives. For more information contact: Nea
As a result, rather than flowing to the treatment Lynn Robinson, Project Manager, Tanner Creek
plant for processing and disinfection, the com- Stream Diversion Project, City of Portland,
bined sewage and storm water overflowed to Oregon.

Restoration Management 9-47

phasize recreation, educational oppor-
tunities, and community activities more
than ecosystem functions. Administra-
tive concerns may focus heavily on
local ordinances, zoning, and construc-
tion permit standards and limitations.
Community involvement can be an im-
portant aspect of urban stream corridor
restoration and management. Commu-
nity groups often initiate restoration
and maintain a feeling of ownership
that translates into monitoring input,
management oversight, and volunteer
labor to conduct maintenance and
management activities. It is essential
that community groups be provided
with professional technical guidance in-
cluding assistance in translating regula-
Figure 9.31: Local fisherman. Fishing and other
recreational activities must be considered in tory requirements. It is also important
restoration management. that proposed management actions in
urban corridors be discussed in advance
with interested groups affected by tree
Figure 9.32: Off-road cutting or trail closures.
vehicle. Low- and
high-impact use areas In nonurban areas, recreation can usu-
should be clearly ally be accommodated without impair-
marked within public ing ecological functions if all concerned
stream corridors. parties consider ecosystem integrity to
be the priority objective (Johnson and
Carothers 19 82). Strategies can be de-
vised and techniques are available to
minimize impacts from activities such
as camping, hiking (trail erosion),
and even the use of off-road vehicles
(Cole and Marion 1988) (Figure 9.32).
Recreationists should be educated on
methods to minimize impacts on the
ecosystem and on restoration structures
and vegetation. Location of areas desig-
nated for low-impact use and areas off-
limits to certain high-impact activities
(such as off-road vehicles, biking, horse-
back riding, etc.) should be clearly
marked. Access should be restricted to
areas where new vegetation has not yet
been fully established or where vegeta-
tion could be damaged beyond the
point of survival.

9-48 Chapter 9: Restoration Implementation, Monitoring, and Management

All the flowers of all the tomorrows are in the seeds of today.
-Chinese proverb

There will come a time when you believe everything is finished.

That will be the beginning.
-Louis L'Amour

Restoration Management 9-49

Appendix A

"The outstanding scientific discovery of the twentieth

century is not television, or radio, but rather the complex-
ity of the land organism. Only those who know the most
about it can appreciate how little we know about it. The
last word in ignorance is the man who says of an animal
or plant: "What good is it?" If the land mechanism as a
whole is good, then every part is good, whether we
understand it nor not. If the biota, in the course of aeons,
has built something we like but do not understand, then
who but a fool would discard seemingly useless parts?
To keep every cog and wheel is the first precaution of
intelligent tinkering."

-Aldo Leopold 1953, pp. 145-146

The following are presented as examples of the many
The user of techniques that are being used in support of stream
this document corridor restoration. Only a limited number of techniques
is cautioned not to by broad category are shown as examples. Neither the
attempt to replicate number of examples nor their descriptions are intended to
or apply any of be exhaustive. The examples are conceptual and contain lit-
the techniques dis- tle design guidance. All restoration techniques, however,
played without should be designed; often through an interdisciplinary
determining their
approach discussed in Part II of this document. Limited
appropriateness as
guidance is provided on applications, but local standards,
an integral part of
the restoration criteria, and specifications should always be used.
These and other techniques have specific ranges of
applicability in terms of physical and climate adaptation,
as well as for different physiographic regions of the
country. Techniques that are selected must be components
of a system designed to restore specific functions and
values to the stream corridor. The use of any single tech-
nique, without consideration of system functions and
values, may become a short-lived, ineffective fix laid on a
system-wide problem. All restoration techniques are most
effective when included as an integral part of a restoration
plan. Typically a combination of techniques are prescribed
to address prevailing conditions and desired goals.
Effective restoration will respond to goals and objectives
that are determined locally through the planning process
described in Chapters 4 though 6.
Appendix A A-1
The restoration plan may prescribe a variety of approaches
depending on the condition of the stream corridor and the
restoration goals:
• No action. Simply remove disturbance factors and "let
nature heal itself."
• Management. Modify disturbance factors to allow
continued use of the corridor, while the system recovers.
• Manipulation . Change watershed, corridor, or stream
conditions through land use changes, intervention, and
designed systems ranging from installing practices to
altering flow conditions, to changing stream morpholo-
gy and alignment.

Regardless of the techniques applied, they should restore

the desired functions and achieve the goals of the restora-
tion plan. The following are general considerations that
apply to many or all of the techniques in this appendix:
• The potential adverse impacts from failure of these and
other techniques should be assessed before they are
• Techniques that change the channel slope or cross
section have a high potential for causing channel insta-
bility upstream and downstream. They should therefore
be analyzed and designed by an interdisciplinary team
of professionals. These techniques include: weirs, sills,
grade control measures, channel realignment, and
meander reconstruction.
• The potential impact on flood elevations should be
analyzed before these and other techniques are used.
• Many techniques will not endure on streams subject to
headcuts or general bed degradation.
• Some form of toe protection will be required for many
bank treatment techniques to endure where scour of the
streambank toe is anticipated.
• Any restoration technique installed in or in contact with
streams, wetlands, floodplains, or other water bodies are
subject to various federal, state, and local regulatory
programs and requirements. Most techniques presented
in this appendix wo uld require the issuance of permits
by federal, state, and local agencies prior to installation.

A-2 Stream Corridor

Appendix A: Contents

Boulder Clusters ....................................... ............................................................... A - 5
Weirs or Sills .......................................................... .................................................. A - 5
Fish Passages ..... ......... ...... .... .. ................... ........... .................................... ..... ......... A - 6
Log/Brush/Rock Shelters ......................... ............................................................... A - 6
Lunker Structures ..................................... ............................................................... A - 7
Migration Barriers .................................................................................................. A - 7
Tree Cover ...... ............ .......... .................................... .............................................. A - 8
Wing Deflectors .......................................... ............................................................ A - 8
Grade Control Measures ...................................................... .................................. A - 9

Bank Shaping and Planting .................................................................................. A - 10
Branch Packing .......... .. .......................................................................................... A - 10
Brush Mattresses ..................................................................... ............................... A - 11
Coconut Fiber Roll .......................... ......................................... .. ............................. A - 11
Dormant Post Plantings ........................................................................................ A - 12
Vegetated Gabions ................................................................................................ A - 12
Joint Plantings ........................................................................................................ A - 13
Live Cribwalls .......................................................................................................... A - 13
Live Stakes ................................................................................. ............................. A - 14
Live Fasci nes.. .................. .. ................ ... .... ............... ...... ... ................ ............. .......... A - 14
Log, Rootwad, and Boulder Revetments .............................................................. A - 15
Riprap ..... .... ...... ... ......... ........ .. ................................................................................. A - 15
Stone Toe Protection.............................................................................................. A - 16
Tree Revetments ................. .. ............... ............ ...... .................................. .............. A - 16
Vegetated Geogrids ............................................................ .................................... A - 17

Sediment Basins ............. ......................................................................................... A - 18
Water Level Control ............................ ................... ......... ................................ ...... A - 18

Maintenance of Hydraulic Connections ................................ ........ ........................ A - 19
Stream Meander Restoration ................................................................................ A - 19


Livestock Exclusion or M anagement .................................................................... A - 20
Riparian Forest Buffers .......................................................................................... A - 20
Flushing for Habitat Restoration .................................................................... ...... A - 21

Appendix A A-3
Best Management Practices: Agriculture .............................................................. A - 22
Best Management Practices: Forestland .......................... .................. ....... ........... A - 22
Best Management Practices: Urban Areas ........................ .................................... A - 23
Flow Regime Enhancement ................................................................................ .. A - 23
Streamflow Temperature Management .... .......................................................... A - 24

A-4 Stream Corridor

Appendix A: Techniques

Boulder Clusters Applications and Effectiveness

• Can be used in most stream habitat types including riffles, runs, flats,
glides and open pools.
• Greatest benefits are realized in streams with average flows exceeding 2
feet per second.
• Group placements are most desirable. Individual boulder placement
might be effective in very small streams.
• Most effective in wide, shallow streams with gravel or rubbl e beds.
• Also useful in deeper streams for providing cover and improving sub-
• Not recommended for sand bed (and smaller bed materials) streams
because they tend to get buried.
Gro ups of boulders placed in the base • Added erosive forces might cause channel and bank failures.
fl ow channel t o provide cover, creat e • Not recommended for streams which are aggrading or degrading.
scou r ho les, or areas of red uced velocity. • May promote bar formation in streams with high bed material load.
For More Information
• Consult the following references: Nos. 11, 13, 21, 34, 39, 55, 60, 65, 69.

Weirs or Sills Applications and Effectiveness

• Create structural and hydraulic diversity in uniform channels.
• If placed in series, they should not be so close together that all riffle and
run habitat is eliminated.
• Pools will rapidly fill with sediment in streams transporting heavy bed
material loads.
• Riffles often are created in downstream deposition areas.
• Weirs placed in sand bed streams are subject to failure by undermining.
• Potential to become low flow migration barriers.
• Selection of m aterial is important.
- Boulder weirs are generally more permeable than other materials and
might not perform well for funneling low flows. Voids between
Log, bou lder, o r quarrystone structures boulders may be chinked with smaller rock and cobbles to maintain
p laced across the channe l and anchored flow over the crest.
to the streamba nk and/or bed to creat e - Large, angular boulders are most desirable to prevent movement
poo l habitat, contro l bed erosio n, or during high flows.
col lect and retain gravel. - Log weirs will eventually decompose.
• Design cross channel shape to meet specific need(s).
- Weirs placed perpendicular to flow work well for creating backwater.
- Diagonal orientations tend to redistribute scour and deposition
patterns immediately downstream.
- Downstream "V's" and "U's" can serve specific functions but caution
should be exercised to prevent failures.
- Upstream "V's" or "U's" provide mid-channel, scour pools below the
weir for fish habitat, resting, and acceleration maneuvers during fish
- Center at lower elevation than sides will maintain a concentrated low
flow chan nel.
For More Information
• Consult the following references: Nos. 11, 13, 44, 55, 58, 60, 69.

Appendix A A-5

Fish Passages Applications and Effectiveness

• Can be appropriate in streams where natural or human placed obstruc-
tions such as waterfalls, chutes, logs, debris accum ulations, beaver dams,
dams, sills, and culverts interfere with fish migration.
• The aquatic ecosystem must be carefully evaluated to assure that fish
passages do not adversely impact other aquatic biota and stream corridor
• Slopes, depths and relative positions of the flow profile for various flow
ranges are important considerations. Salmon ids, for example, can easily
negotiate through vertical water drops where the approach pool depth is
1.25 times the height of the (drop subject to an overall species-specific
Any one of a number of instream limit on height) (CA Dept. of Fish and Game, 1994).
changes which enhance the • The consequences of obstruction removal for fish passage must be
opportunity for target fish species to carefully evaluated. In some streams, obstructions act as barriers to
freely move to upstream areas for undesirable exotics (e.g. sea lamprey) and are useful for scouring and
spawning, habitat utilization, and sorting of materials, create important backwater habitat. enhance organic
other life functions. material input, serve as refuge for assorted species, help regulate water
temperature, oxygenate water, and provide cultural resources.
• Designs vary from simple to complex depending on the site and the
target species.
For More Information
• Consult the following references: Nos., IL 69, 81.

Log/Brush/Rock Shelters Applications and Effectiveness

• Most effective in low gradient stream bends and meanders where open
pools are already present and overhead cover is needed.
• Create an environment for insects and other organisms to provide an
additional food source.
• Can be constructed from readily available materials found near the site.
• Not appropriate for unstable streams which are experiencing severe bank
erosion and/or bed degradation unless integrated with other stabilization
• Important in streams where aquatic habitat deficiencies exist.
• Should, where appropriate, be used with soil bioengineering systems and
vegetative plantings to stabilize the upper bank and ensure a regenerative
Logs, brush, and rock structures
source of streambank vegetation.
installed in the lower portion of
• Not generally as effective on the inside of bendways.
streambanks to enhance fish habitat,
encourage food web dynamics, prevent For More Information
streambank erosion, and provide • Consult the following references: Nos. 11, 13, 39, 55, 65.

A-6 Stream Corridor


Lunker Structures Applications and Effectiveness

• Appropriate alo ng outside bends of streams where water depths can be
m aintained at or above the top of the structure.
• Suited to streams where fi sh habitat deficiencies exist.
• Should, where appropriate, be used with soil bioengineering systems and
vegetative plantings to stabilize the upper bank and ensure a regenerative
source of streambank vegetation.
• Are often used in conjunction with wing deflectors and weirs to di rect and
manipulate fl ows.
• Are not recommended fo r streams with heavy bed material loads.
• Most commo nly used in streams with gravel-cobble beds.
• Heavy equip ment may be necessary fo r excavating and installing the
Cells constructed of heavy wooden planks materials.
and blocks which are imbedded into the • Can be expensive.
toe of streambanks at channel bed level For More Information
to provide covered compartments for fish
• Consult the fo llowing references: Nos. 10, 60, 65, 85.
shelter, habitat, and prevention of
streambank erosion .

Migration Barriers Applications and Effectiveness

• Effective fo r specific fi shery management needs such as separating species
or controll ing nuisance species by creating a barrier to m igratio n.
• Must be carefully evaluated to assure migratio n barriers do not adversely
impact other aquatic biota and stream corridor fu nctions.
• Both physical structures or electro nic measures can be used as barriers.
Structures can be installed across most streams, but in general they are
most practical in streams with baseflows depths under two feet and
widths under thirty fee t.
- Temporary measures such as seines can also be used under the above
- Electronic barriers can be installed in deeper channels to discourage
Obstacles placed at strategic locations passage. Electronic barrier employs lights, electrical pulses or sound
a long stre ams to preve nt undesirable frequencies to discourage fis h fro m entering the area. This technique
specie s from accessing upstrea m a reas. has the advantage of not disturbing the strea m and providing a
solutio n for control in deep water.
• Barriers should be designed so that flood flows will not flank them and
cause failures.
For More Information
• Consult the fo llowing references: Nos. 11 , 55.

Appendix A A-7

Tree Cover Applications and Effectiveness

• Can provide benefits at a low installation cost.
• Particularly advantageous in streams where the bed is unstable and felled
trees can be secured from the top of bank.
• Channels must be large enough to accommodate trees without threaten-
ing bank erosion and limiting needed channel flow capacity.
• Design of adequate anchoring systems is necessary.
• Not recommended if debris jams on downstream bridges might cause
subsequent problems.
• Require frequent maintenance.
• Susceptible to ice damage.
Felled trees placed along the For More Information
streambank to provide overhead cover, • Consult the following references: Nos. 11, 55, 69.
aquatic organism substrate and
habitat, stream current deflection,
scouring, deposition, and drift

Wing Deflectors Applications and Effectiveness

• Should be designed and located far enough downstream from riffle areas
to avoid backwater effects that would drown out or otherwise damage the
• Should be sized based on anticipated scour.
• The material washed out of scour holes is usually deposited a short
distance downstream to form a bar or riffle
area. These areas of deposition are often composed of clean gravels that
provide excellent habitat for certain species.
• Can be installed in series on alternative streambanks to produce a
meandering thalweg and associated structural diversity.
Structures that protrude from either • Rock and rock-filled log crib deflector structures are most common.
streambank but do not extend entirely • Should be used in channels with low physical habitat diversity, particu-
across a channel. They deflect flows larly those with a lack of stable pool habitat.
away from the bank, and scour pools • Deflectors placed in sand bed streams may settle or fai l due to erosion of
by constricting the channel and sand, and in these areas a filter layer or geotextile might be needed
accelerating flow. underneath the deflector.

For More Information

• Consult the following references: Nos. 10, 11 , 18, 21, 34, 48, 55, 59, 65,
69, 77.

A-8 Stream Corridor


Grade Control Measures Applications and Effectiveness

• If a stable channel bed is essential to the design, grade control should be
considered as a first step before any restoration measures are imple-
mented (if degradational processes exist in channel system).
• Used to stop headcutting in degrading channels.
• Used to build bed of incised stream to higher elevation.
• Can improve bank stability in an incised channel by reducing bank
• Man-made scour holes downstream of structures can provide improved
aquatic habitat.
• Upstream pool areas created by structures provide increased low water
depths for aquatic habitat.
Rock, wood, earth, and other material • Potential to become low flow migration barrier.
structures placed across the channel and • Can be designed to allow fish passage.
anchored in the streambanks to provide a • If significant filling occurs upstream of structure, then downstream
"hard point" in the streambed that resists channel degradation may result.
the erosion forces of the degradational • Upstream sediment deposition may cause increased meandering
zone, and/or to reduce the upstream tendencies.
energy slope to prevent bed scour. • Siting of structures is critical component of design process, including soil
mechanics and geotechnical engineering.
• Design of grade control structures should be accomplished by an experi-
enced river engineer.
For More Information
• Consult the following references: Nos. 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 17, 18, 25, 26, 31 ,
37, 40, 63, 66, 84.

Appendix A A-9

Bank Shaping and Planting Applications and Effectiveness

• Most successful on streambanks where moderate erosion and channel
migration are anticipated.
• Reinforcement at the toe of the embankment is often needed.
• Enhances conditions for colonization of native species.
• Used in conjunction with other protective practices where flow velocities
exceed the tolerance range for available plants, and where erosion occurs
below base flows.
• Streambank soil materials, probable groundwater fluctuation, and bank
loading conditions are factors for determining appropriate slope condi-
• Slope stability analyses are recommended.
Regrading streambanks to a stable slope, For More Information
placing topsoil and other materials • Consult the following references: Nos. 11 , 14, 56, 61, 65, 67, 68, 77, 79.
needed for sustaining plant growth, and
selecting, installing and establishing
appropriate plant species.

Branch Packing Applications and Effectiveness

• Commonly used where patches of stream bank have been scoured out or
have slumped leaving a void.
• Appropriate after stresses causing the slump have been removed .
• Less commonly used on eroded slopes where excavation is required to
install the branches.
• Produces a filter barrier that prevents erosio n and scouring from
streambank or overbank flows.
• Rapidly establishes a vegetated streambank.
• Enhances conditions for colonization of native species.
• Provides immediate soil reinforcement.
• Live branches serve as tensile inclusions for reinforcement once installed.
• Typically not effective in slump areas greater than four feet deep or fou r
feet wide.
Alternate layers of live branches and For More Information
compacted backfill which stabilize and • Consult the fo llowing references: Nos. 14, 21, 34, 79, 81.
revegetate slumps and holes in

A-10 Stream Corridor


Brush Mattresses Applications and Effectiveness

• Form an immediate protective cover over the stream bank.
• Capture sediment during fl ood fl ows.
• Provide o pportunities fo r rooting of the cuttings over the stream ban k.
• Rapidly resto res riparian vegetatio n and streamside habitat.
• Enhance conditions for colo nizatio n of native vegetation.
• Limited to the slope above base fl ow levels.
• Toe protectio n is required where toe scour is anticipated.
• App ropriate where exposed stream banks are threatened by high fl ows
prio r to vegetatio n establishment.
• Should not be used o n slopes which are experiencing mass movemen t or
other slo pe instability.
For More Information
Combination of live stakes, live • Consult the fo llowing references: Nos. 14, 21, 34, 56, 65, 77, 79, 81.
facines, and branch cuttings installed
to cover and physically protect
streambanks; eventually to sprout and
establish numerous individual plants.

Coconut Fiber Roll Applications and Effectiveness

• Most commonly available in 12 inch diameter by 20 foot lengths.
• Typically staked near the toe of the streambank with dormant cuttings
and rooted plants inserted into slits cut into the rolls.
• Appropriate wh ere m oderate toe stabilization is required in conjunctio n
wi th restoration of the stream bank and the sensitivity of the site all ows
fo r o nly minor disturbance.
• Provide an excellent medium for promoting plant growth at the water's
• Not appropriate for sites with high velocity flows or large ice build up.
• Flexibility for molding to the existi ng curvature of the streambank.
• Requi res little site disturbance.
Cylindrical structures composed of • The rolls are buoyant and requi re secure anchoring.
coconut husk fibers bound together • Can be expensive.
with twine woven from coconut • An effective life of 6 to 10 years.
material to protect slopes from erosion • Sho uld, where appropriate, be used with soil bioengineering systems and
while trapp ing sediment which vegetative plantings to stabilize the upper bank and ensure a regenerative
encourages plant growth within the source of streamside vegetation.
fiber roll. • Enhances conditions for colonization of native vegetation.
For More Information
• Consult the fo llowing references: Nos. 65, 77.

Appendix A A-11

Dormant Post Plantings Applications and Effectiveness

• Can be used as live piling to stabilize rotational failures on stream banks
where minor bank sloughing is occurring.
• Useful for quickly establishing riparian vegetation, especially in arid
regions where water tables are deep.
• Will reduce near bank stream velocities and cause sediment deposition in
treated areas.
• Reduce streambank erosion by decreasing the near-bank flow velocities.
• Generally self-repairing and will restem if attacked by beaver or livestock;
however, provisions should be made to exclude such herbivores where
• Best suited to non-gravely streams where ice damage is not a problem.
Plantings of cottonwood, willow, poplar, • Will enhance conditions for colonization of native species.
or other species embedded vertically into • Are less likely to be removed by erosion than live stakes or smaller
stream banks to increase channel cuttings.
roughness, reduce flow velocities near the • Should, where appropriate, be used with soil bioengineering systems and
slope face, and trap sediment. vegetative plantings to stabilize the upper bank and ensure a regenerative
source of streamside vegetation.
• Unlike smaller cuttings, post harvesting can be very destructive to the
donor stand, therefore, they should be gathered as 'salvage' from sites
designated for clearing, or thinned from dense stands.
For More Information
• Consult the following references: Nos. 65, 77, 79.

Vegetated Gabions Applications and Effectiveness

• Useful for protecting steep slopes where scouring or undercutting is
occurring or there are heavy loading conditions.
• Can be a cost effective solution where some form of structural solution is
needed and other materials are not readily available or must be brought
in from distant sources.
• Useful when design requires rock size greater than what is locally available.
• Effective where bank slope is steep and requires moderate structural support.
• Appropriate at the base of a slope where a low toe wall is needed to
stabilize the slope and reduce slope steepness.
• Will not resist large, lateral earth stresses.
• Should, where appropriate, be used with soil bioengineering systems and
Wire-mesh, rectangular baskets filled with vegetative plantings to stabilize the upper bank and ensure a regenerative
small to medium size rock and soil and source of stream bank vegetation.
laced together to form a structural toe or • Require a stable fo undation.
sidewall. Live branch cuttings are placed • Are expensive to install and replace.
on each consecutive layer between the • Appropriate where channel side slopes must be steeper than appropriate
rock filled baskets to take root, for riprap or other material, or where channel toe protection is needed,
consolidate the structure, and bind it to but rock riprap of the desired size is not readily available.
the slope. • Are available in vinyl coated wire as well as galvanized steel to improve
• Not appropriate in heavy bedload streams or those with severe ice action
because of serious abrasion damage potential.
For More Information
• Consult the following references: Nos. 11, 18, 34, 56, 77.

A-12 Stream Corridor


Joint Plantings Applications and Effectiveness

• Appropriate where there is a lack of desired vegetative cover o n the face
of existing or required rock riprap.
• Root systems provide a mat upon which the rock riprap rests and prevents
loss of fines from the underlying soil base.
• Root systems also improve drainage in the soil base.
• Will quickly establish riparian vegetation.
• Should, where appropriate, be used with other soil bioengineering
systems and vegetative plantings to stabilize the upper bank and ensure a
regenerative source of streambank vegetation.
• Have few limitations and can be installed from base flow levels to top of
slope, if live stakes are installed to reach ground water.
Live stakes tamped into joints or openings • Survival rates can be low due to damage to the cambium or lack of soil/
between rock which have previously been stake interface.
installed on a slope or while rock is being • Thick rock riprap layers may require special tools for establishing pilot
placed on the slope face. holes.
For More Information
• Consult the fo llowing references: Nos. 21, 34, 65, 77, 81.

Live Cribwalls Applications and Effectiveness

• Provide protection to the streambank in areas with near vertical banks
where bank sloping options are limited.
• Afford a natural appearance, immediate protection and accelerate the
establishment of woody species.
• Effective on outside of bends of streams where high velocities are present.
• Appropriate at the base of a slope where a low wall might be required to
stabilize the toe and reduce slope steepness.
• Appropriate above and below water level where stable streambeds exist.
• Don't adj ust to toe scour.
• Can be complex and expensive.
• Should, where appropriate, be used with soil bioengineering systems and
vegetative plantings to stabilize the upper bank and ensure a regenerative
Hollow, box-like interlocking source of streambank vegetatio n .
arrangements of untreated log or timber
For More Information
members filled above baseflow with
• Consult the following references: Nos. 11, 14, 21, 34, 56, 65, 77, 81.
alternate layers of soil material and live
branch cuttings that root and gradually
take over the structural functions of the
wood members.

Appendix A A-13

Live Stakes Applications and Effectiveness

• Effective where site conditions are uncomplicated, construction time is
limited, and an inexpensive method is needed.
• Appropriate for repair of small earth slips and slumps that are frequently
• Can be used to stake down surface erosion control materials.
• Stabilize intervening areas between other soil bioengineering techniques.
• Rapidly restores riparian vegetation and streamside habitat.
• Should, where appropriate, be used with other soil bioengineering
systems and vegetative plantings.
• Enhance conditions for colonization of vegetation from the surrounding
plant community.
Live, woody cuttings which are tamped • Requires toe protection where toe scour is anticipated.
into the soil to root, grow and create a For More Information
living root mat that stabilizes the soil by • Consult the following references: Nos. 14, 21, 34, 56, 65, 67, 77, 79, 81.
reinforcing and binding soil particles
together, and by extracting excess soil

Live Fascines Applications and Effectiveness

• Can trap and hold soi l on streambank by creating smal l dam-like
structures and reducing the slope length into a series of shorter slopes.
• Facilitate drainage when installed at an angle on the slope.
• Enhance conditions for colonization of native vegetation.
• Should, where appropriate, be used with other soil bioengineering
systems and vegetative plantings.
• Requires toe protection where toe scour is anticipated.
• Effective stabilization technique for streambanks, requiring a minimum
amount of site disturbance.
• Not appropriate for treatment of slopes undergoing mass movement.
For More Information
Dormant branch cuttings bound together • Consult the following references: Nos. 14, 21, 34, 65, 77, 81.
into long sausage-like, cylindrical bundles
and placed in shallow trenches on slopes
to reduce erosion and shallow sliding .

A-14 Stream Corridor


Log, Rootwad, and Applications and Effectiveness

• Will tolerate h igh boundary shear stress if logs and rootwads are well
Boulder Revetments anchored.
• Suited to streams where fish habitat deficiencies exist.
• Should, where appropriate, be used with soil bioengineering systems and
vegetative plantings to stabilize the upper bank an d ensure a regenerative
source of streambank vegetation.
• Will enhan ce d iversity in ri parian areas when used with soil bioengineer-
ing systems.
• Will have limited life depending on climate and tree species used. Some
species, such as cottonwood or willow, often sprout and accelerate
• Might need eventual replacement if colonization does not take place or
soil bioengin eering systems are not used .
Boulders and logs with root masses • Use of native materials can sequester sediment and woody debris, restore
attach ed p laced in and on streambanks to streambanks in high velocity streams, and improve fis h rearing and
provide streambank erosion, t rap spawning habitat.
sed iment, and improve habit at diversity. • Site must be accessible to heavy equipment.
• Materials might not be readily available at some locations.
• Can create local scour and erosion.
• Can be expensive.
For More Information
• Consult the following references: Nos. 11, 34, 77.

Riprap Applications and Effectiveness

• Can be vegetated (see joint plantings).
• Appropriate where long term durabi lity is needed, design discharge are
h igh, there is a significant threat to life or high value property, or there is
no practical way to otherwise incorporate vegetation into the design.
• Should, where appropriate, be used with soil bioengineering systems and
vegetative plantings to stabilize the upper bank and ensure a regenerative
source of stream bank vegetation.
• Flexible and not impaired by slight movement from settlement or other
• Should not be placed to an elevation above which vegetative or soil
bioengineering systems are an appropriate alternative.
A bl an ket of appro priat ely sized stones • Commonly used form of bank protection.
extendi ng from t he toe of slope to a • Can be expensive if materials are not locally available.
height needed for long term durabil ity. For More Information
• Consult the fo llowing references: Nos. 11, 14, 18, 34, 39, 56, 67, 70, 77.

Appendix A A-15

Stone Toe Protection Applications and Effectiveness

• Sh ould be used on streams where banks are being undermined by toe
scour, an d where vegetation cannot be used.
• Stone prevents removal of the failed streambank material that collects at
the toe, allows revegetation and stabilizes the streambank.
• Should, where appropriate, be used with soil bioengineering systems and
vegetative plantings to stabilize the upper bank and ensure a regenerated
source of streamside vegetation.
• Can be placed with minimal d isturbance to existing slope, habitat, and
For More Information
• Consult the following references: Nos. 10, 21. 56, 67, 77, 81.
A r idge of quarried rock or strea m cobble
placed at the toe of the streambank as an
armor to deflect flow from the bank,
sta bilize the slope and promote sed iment

Tree Revetments Applications and Effectiveness

• Design of adequate anchoring systems is necessary.
• Wire anchoring systems can present safety hazards.
• Work best on streams with streambank heights under 12 feet and bankfull
velocities under 6 feet per second.
• Use inexpensive, readily available materials.
• Capture sediment and enhances conditions for colonization of native
species particularly on streams with high bed material loads.
• Limited life and must be replaced periodically.
• Might be severely damaged by ice flows.
• Not appropriate for installation directly upstream of bridges and other
channel constrictions because of the potential for downstream damages
A row of interconnected trees attached to should the revetment dislodge.
t he t o e of the streambank or t o deadmen • Should not be used if they occupy more than 15 percent of the channel's
in t he strea mbank to redu ce fl ow cross sectional area at bankfull level.
velocities along eroding streambanks, trap • Not recommended if debris jams on downstream bridges might cause
sediment, and provide a substrate for subsequent problems.
p lant establishment and erosion control. • Species that are resistant to decay are best because they extend the
establishment period for planted or volunteer species that succeed them.
• Requires toe protection where toe scour is anticipated.
• Should, where appropriate, be used with soil bioengineering systems and
vegetative plantings to stabilize the upper bank and ensure a regenerated
source of streamside vegetation.
For More Information
• Consult the following references: Nos. 11, 21. 34, 56, 60, 77, 79.

A-16 Stream Corridor


Vegetated Geogrids Applications and Effectiveness

• Quickly establish riparian vegetatio n if properly designed and installed.
• Can be installed on a steeper and higher slope and has a higher initial
tolerance of flow velocity than brush layering.
• Can be complex and expensive.
• Produce a newly constructed, well-reinforced streambank.
• Useful in restoring outside b ends wh ere erosion is a problem.
• Capture sedimen t and enhances conditions for colonization of native
• Slope stability analyses are recommended.
• Can be expensive.
• Require a stable foundation .
For More Information
Alternating layers of live branch cuttings • Consult the fo llowing references: Nos. 10, 11, 14, 21, 34, 56, 65, 77.
and compacted soil with natural or
synthetic geotextile materials wrapped
around each soil lift to rebuild and
vegetate eroded streambanks.

Appendix A A-17

Sediment Basins Applications and Effectiveness

• Provide an interim means of reduci ng the sediment load from a stream.
• Used occasionally to sort sediment sizes.
• Temporarily reduce excessive sediment loads until the upstream water-
shed can be protected from accelerated erosion.
• Can also be used to separate out sediment which may be causing dam-
ages downstream along reaches which are incapable of transporting the
sediment sizes.
• Can be integrated with more permanent stormwater management ponds.
• Can only trap the upper range of particle sizes (sand and gravel) and
allow finer particles (silt and clay) to pass through .
Ba rriers, often employed in conjunction • Require a high level of analysis.
with excavated pools, constructed across a • Require periodic dredging and other maintenance.
drainage way or off-stream and connected For More Information
to the stream by a flow diversion channel • Consult the fo llowing references: Nos. 10, 13, 29, 45, 49, 69, 74, 80.
to t ra p and store waterborne sediment
a nd debris.

Water Level Control Applications and Effectiveness

• Appropriate where flow depth in the stream, adjoining wetland, or the
interdependent saturation zone in the adjoining riparian area is insuffi-
cient to provide desired functions.
• Need will often vary by season and requires fl exible control devices
which can be managed accordingly.
• The complexities of maintaining sediment balances, temperature eleva-
tion, change in channel substrate, changes in flow regime, and a host of
other considerations must be factored into planning and design.
• Requires a high level of analysis.
For More Information
• Consult the following references: Nos. 11, 13, 15, 69, 75.
Ma na gi ng w at e r levels with in the
cha nnel a nd a djoining ripa ria n zone to
control aquatic pl a nts a nd rest o re
desired functions, including aquatic
ha bitat.

A-18 Stream Corridor


Maintenance of Applications and Effectiveness

• Used to prevent losses of aquatic habitat area and diversity.
Hydraulic Connections • Slackwater areas adjoining the main channel have potential for spawning
and rearing areas for many fis h species and are a key component of
habitat for wildlife species that live in or m igrate through the riparian
• Recreation value can be enhanced if connecting channels are deep enough
fo r small boats or canoes.
• Effective along reaches of realigned channel where cutoffs have been
• Not effective in streams with insufficient stages or d ischarges to maintain
satisfactory hydraulic connections to the abandoned channel reaches.
• May require maintenance if sedimentation is a problem.
Maintenance of hyd raulic connect ivity to • May h ave limited life.
allow movement of water and biota • Require a high level of analysis.
between t he stream and abandoned For More Information
channel re aches. • Consult the fo llowing references: Nos. 15, 56, 69, 75.

Stream Meander Applications and Effectiveness

• Used to create a more stable stream with more habitat diversity.
Restoration • Requires adequate area where adjacent land uses may constrain locations.
• May not be feasible in watersheds experiencing rapid changes in land
• Streambank protection might be required on the outside of bends.
• Significant risk of failure.
• Requires a high level of analysis.
• May cause significant increases in flood elevations.
• Effective discharge should be computed for both existing and future
conditions, particularly in urbanized watersheds.
For More Information
• Consult the following references: Nos. 13, 16, 22, 23, 24, 46, 4 7, 52, 53,
Transformatio n of a straightened stream 54, 56, 61 , 72, 75, 77, 78, 79 , 86.
into a mea nderi ng o ne t o rei ntroduce
natural dyna mics impro ve cha nnel
st a bil ity, ha bitat qua lity, aesthetics, a nd
other stream corrido r fu nctions or va lues.

Appendix A A-19

Livestock Exclusion Applications and Effectiveness

• Appropriate where livestock grazing is negatively impacting the stream
or Management corridor by reducing growth of woody vegetation, decreasing water
quality, or contributing to the instability of streambanks.
• O nce the system has recovered, rotational grazing may be incorporated
into the management plan.
• Must be coordinated with an overall grazing plan.
For More Information
• Consult the following references: Nos. 18, 39, 73.

Fencing, alternate sources of water and

shelter, and managed grazing to protect,
maintain, or improve riparian flora and
fauna and water quality.

Riparian Forest Buffers Applications and Effectiveness

• Applicable on stable areas adjacent to permanent or intermittent streams,
lakes, ponds, wetlands and areas with ground water recharge.
• Unstable areas such as those with high surface erosion rates, mass soil
movement, or active gullies will require stabilization prior to establish-
ment of riparian forest buffers.
• Tolerant plant species and supplemental watering may be needed in
some areas.
• Sites in arid and semi-arid regions may not have sufficient soil moisture
throughout the growing season to support woody plants.
• Concentrated flow erosion, excessive sheet and rill erosion, or mass soil
Streamside vegetation to lower water movement must be controlled in upland areas prior to establishment of
temperatures, provide a source of detritus riparian forest buffers.
and large woody debris, improve habitat,
For More Information
and to re duce sediment, organic materia l,
nutrients, pesticides and other pollutants • Consult the following references: Nos. 20, 34, 49, 51, 70, 78, 79, 81, 82,
migrating to the stream. 88, 89.

A-20 Stream Corridor


Flushing for Habitat Applications and Effectiveness

• Appropriate as part of an overall watershed management plan.
Restoration • May cause flooding of old floodplains below dams, depletion of gravel
substrates, and significant changes in channel geometry.
• Flushing of fine sediments at one location may only move the problem
further downstream.
• Seasonal discharge limits, rate of change of flow, and river stages down-
stream of impoundment should be considered to avoid undesirable
impacts to instream and riparian habitat.
• Can be effective in improving gradation of streambed materials, suppres-
sion of aquatic vegetation, and maintenance of stream channel geometry
necessary for desired instream habitat.
• Can induce floodp lain scouring to provide suitable growing conditions
for riparian vegetation.
• Requires high level of analysis to determine necessary release schedule.
• May not be feasible in areas where water rights are fully allocated.

A high-magnitude, short duration release For More Information

from a reservoir to scour fine-grained • Consult the following references: Nos. 11, 13, 32, 35, 41 , 45, 57, 61, 73,
sediments from the streambed and restore 74, 81.
suitable instream habitat.

Appendix A A-21

Best Management Applications and Effectiveness

• Used where current management systems are causing problems on-site or
Practices: Agriculture within farm or field boundaries and have a high potential to impact the
stream corridor.
• Also applied where watershed management plans are being implemented
to improve environmental conditions.
• Must fit within a comprehensive farm management plan, a watershed
action plan, or a stream corridor restoration plan.
• Should consider the four season conservation of the soil, water, and
microbial resources base.
• Tillage, seeding, fertility, pest management, and harvest operations should
consider environmental qualities and the potential to use adjacent lands
in water and soil conservation and management and pest management.
• Grazing land management should protect environmental attributes,
including native species protection, while achieving optimum, long-term
resource use.
• Where crops are raised and the land class allows, pastures should be
Individual and systematic approaches
managed with crop rotation sequences to provide vigorous forage cover
aimed at mitigating non-point source
while building soil and protecting water and wildlife qualities.
pollution from agricultura l land.
• Orchards and nursery production should actively monitor pest and water
management techniques to protect ecosystem qual ity and diversity.
• Farm woodlots, wetlands, and field borders should be part of an overall
farm plan that conserves, protects, and enhances native plants and
animals, soil, water, and scenic qualities.
• BMPs may include: contour farming, conservation tillage, terracing,
critical area planting, nutrient managem ent, sediment basins, filter strips,
waste storage management, and integrated pest management.
For More Information
• Consult the following references: Nos. 73, 78, 81.

Best Management Applications and Effectiveness

Practices: Forestland • Used where current management systems are causing problems in the
watershed and have a high potential to impact the stream corridor.
• Also applied where management plans are being implemented to restore
one or more natural resource functions in a watershed.
• Must consider how it fits within a comprehensive forestland management
plan, a watershed action plan, or a stream corridor restoration plan.
• BMPs may include: preharvest planning, streamside management
measures, road construction or reconstruction, road management, timber
harvesting, site preparation and forest generation, fire management,
revegetation of disturbed areas, forest ch emical management, and forest
wetland management.
For More Information
• Consult the following references: Nos. 9, 20, 27, 30, 34, 42, 49, 51, 70,
78, 79, 81, 82, 83, 88, 89.

Individual and systematic approaches for

mitigating non-point source pollution
from forest land.

A-22 Stream Corridor


Best Management Applications and Effectiveness

• Used to improve and/ or restore ecological functions which have been
Practices: Urban Areas impaired by urban activities.
• Needs to be integrated with BMPs on other lands in the landscape to
assure that stream restoration is applied along the entire stream corridor
to the extent possible.
• The use of individual urban BMPs should be coordinated with an overall
plan for restoring the stream system.
• Urban sites are highly variable and have a high potential for d isturbance.
• Applicability of the treatment to the site situation in terms of physical
layout, relationship to the overall system, arrangements for maintenance,
and protection from disturbances are often critical considerations.
• BMPs may include: extended detention dry basins, wet ponds, con-
structed wetlands, oil-water separators, vegetated swales, filter strips,
infiltration basins and trenches, porous pavement, and urban forestry.
For More Information
Individual or systematic approaches • Consult the following references: Nos. 29, 34, 43, 49, 78, 80, 81, 83.
designed to offset, reduce, or protect
against the impacts of urban development
and urban activities on the stream

Flow Regime Enhancement Applications and Effectiveness

• Appropriate where human-induced changes have altered stream flow
characteristics to the extent that streams no longer support their former
• Can restore or improve threatened functions (e.g., substrate materials or
distribution of flow velocities to support the natural food web).
• Can require extensive changes over broad areas involving many land
• Can be expensive.
• Has been used for remediation of depleted dissolved oxygen levels,
reduction in salinity levels, or to maintain a minimum flow level for
downstream users.
Manipulation of watershed features (such • Must determine what impacts from historical changes in the flow regime
as changes in land use or construction of over time can be mitigated using fl ow enhancement techniques.
impoundments) for the purpose of For More Information
controlling streamflow and improving
• Consult the fo llowing references: Nos. 32, 39, 45, 57, 75, 81.
physical, chemical and biological

Appendix A A-23

Streamflow Temperature Applications and Effectiveness

• Effective for smaller streams where bank vegetation can provide substan-
Management tial shading of the channel and on which much of the canopy has been
• Appropriate practices are those that establish streamside vegetation,
increase vegetative cover, increase infiltration and subsurface flow,
maintain base flow, and reduce erosion.
• Turbid water absorbs more solar radiation than clear; therefore, erosion
control in watersheds can help in reducing thermal pollution.
• Flow releases from cooler strata of reservoirs must be exercised with
caution. Although cooler, water from this source is generally low in
dissolved oxygen and must be aerated before discharging downstream.
Selective mixing of the reservoir withdrawal can moderate temperature as
may be required.
Streamside vegetation and upland • There m ight be opportunities in irrigated areas to cool return flows prior
practices to reduce elevated streamflow to discharge to streams.
For More Information
• Consult the following references: Nos. 32, 39, 45, 73, 80, 81, 88, 89.

A-24 Stream Corridor

Appendix A: List of References

1. Abt, S.R., G.B. Hamilton, C.C. Watson, 8. Flosi, G., and F. Reynolds. 1991.
and J.B. Smith. 1994. Riprap sizing for California salmonid stream habitat and
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large rivers be restored? A focus on
3. Blaisdell, F.W. 1948. Development and rehabilitation. Bioscience 45 (3) .
hydraulic design, Saint Anthony Falls
stilling basin. American Society of Civil 11. Gray, D.H., and A.T. Leiser. 1982.
Engineers, Trans. 113:483-561, Paper No. Biotechnical slope protection and erosion
2342. control. Van Nostrand Reinholm, New
4. Clay, C.H. 1961. Design of fishways and
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5. Cooper, C.M., and S.S. Knight. 1987. 13. Harrelson, C.C., J.P. Potyondy, C.L.
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control structures and in naturally occur- sites: an illustrated guide to field technique.
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6. Darrach, A.G. et al. 1981. Building water 14. Harris, F.C. 1901. Effects of dams and
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7. DuPoldt, C.A., Jr. 1996. Compilation of projects. Water Resources Bulletin 22 ( 4):
technology transfer information from the 549-558.
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Agriculture, Natural Resources Conserva- Extension. 1996. Buffer strip design,
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Stewards of Our Streams. Ames, Iowa.

Appendix A A-25
17. King County, Washington Department of 25. Maryland Department of Natural Re-
Public Works. 1993. Guidelines for bank sources, Forest Service. 1993. Soil erosion
stabilization projects. Seattle, Washington. and sediment control guidelines for forest
harvest operations in Maryland. Annapolis,
18. Leopold, A. 1949. A Sand County almanac Maryland.
and sketches here and there. Oxford Univer-
sity Press, New York 26. McLaughlin Water Engineers, Ltd. 1986.
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Vegas, Nevada.
27. McMahon, T.A. 1993. Hydrologic design
20. Leopold, L.B., and M.G. Wolman. 1957. for water use. In Handbook of Hydrology, ed.
River and channel patterns: braided, mean- D.R. Maidment. McGraw-Hill, New York
dering, and straight. Professional Paper
282-B. U.S. Geological Survey, 28. Metropolitan Washington Council of
Washington, DC. Governments. 1992. Watershed restoration
source book. Department of Environmental
21. Linder, W.M. 1963. Stabilization of stream Programs, Anacostia Restoration Team,
beds with sheet piling and rock sills. Pre- Washington, DC.
pared for Federal Interagency Sedimenta-
tion Conference, Subcommittee on 29. Milhous, RT., and R. Dodge. 1995.
Sedimentation, ICWR, Jackson, Flushing flow for habitat restoration. In
Mississippi. Proceedings of the First International Confer-
ence on Water Resources Engineering, ed.
22. Little, W.C., and J.B. Murphy. 1982. W.H. Espey, Jr. and P.G. Combs. American
Model study of low drop grade control Society of Civil Engineers, New York
structures. Journal of the Hydraulic Division,
ASCE, Vol. 108, No. HYlO, October, 1982, 30. Minnesota Department of Natural
pp. 1132- 1146. Resources. 1995. Protecting water quality
and wetlands in forest management. St.
23 . Logan, R., and B. Clinch. 1991. Montana Paul, Minnesota.
forestry BMP's. Montana Department of
State Lands, Service Forestry Bureau. 31. Murphy, TE. 1967. Drop structures for
Missoula, Montana. Gering Valley project, Scottsbluff County,
Nebraska, Hydraulic Model investigation.
24. Maryland Department of the Environ- Technical Report No. 2-760. U.S. Army
ment, Water Management Administration. Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment
1994. 1994 Maryland standards and Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi .
specifications for soil erosion and sediment
control. In association with Soil Conserva- 32. National Research Council. 1992.
tion Service and Maryland State Soil Restoration of aquatic ecosystems: science,
Conservation Committee, Annapolis, technology and public policy. National
Maryland. Academy Press, Washington, DC.

A-26 Stream Corridor

33. Neilson, FM., TN. Waller, and K.M. 41. Saele, L.M. 1994. Guidelines for the design
Kennedy. 1991. Annotated bibliography on of stream barbs. Stream bank Protection
grade control structures. Miscellaneous and Restoration Conference. U.S. Depart-
Paper, HL-914. U.S. Army Corps of ment of Agriculture, Natural Resources
Engineers Waterways Experiment Station, Conservation Service, Portland, Oregon.
Vicksburg, Mississippi.
42. Schueler, TR. 1987. Controlling urban
34. Nelson, W.R., J.R. Dwyer, and W.E. runoff: a practical manual for planning and
Greenberg. 1988. Flushing and scouring designing urban BMPs. Metropolitan
flows for habitat maintenance in regulated Washington Council of Governments,
streams. U.S. Environmental Protection Washington, DC.
Agency, Washington, DC.
43. Schultz, R.C., J.P. Colletti, TM. Isenhart,
35. New Hampshire Timberland Owners W.W. Simpkings, C.W. Mize, and M.L.
Association. 1991. A pocket field guide for Thompson. 1995. Design and placement
foresters, landowners and loggers. Concord, of a multi-species riparian buffer strip.
New Hampshire. Agroforestry Systems 29: 201-225 .

36. New York Department of Environmental 44. Schumm, S.A. 1963. A tentative classifica-
Conservation. 1992. Reducing the impacts tion system of alluvial rivers. Circular 477.
of stormwater runoff from new development. U.S. Geological Survey, Washington, DC.
Albany, New York.
45. Schumm, S.A. 1977. The fluvial system.
3 7. Pennsylvania Fish Commission. John Wiley and Sons, New York.
(Undated). Fish habitat improvement for
streams. Pennsylvania Fish Commission, 46. Schumm, S.A., M.D. Harvey, and C.A.
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Watson. 1984. Incised channels: morpholo-
gy, dynamics and control. Water Resources
38. Reid, G.K., and R. D. Wood. 1976. Publications, Littleton, Colorado.
Ecology of inland waters and estuaries.
D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. 47. Seehorn, M.E. 1992. Stream habitat
improvement handbook. Technical Publica-
39. Rosgen, D.L. 1985. A stream classification tion R8-TP 16. U.S. Department of
system-riparian ecosystems and their Agriculture, Forest Service, Atlanta,
management. First North American Georgia.
Riparian Conference, Tucson, Arizona.
48 . Shields, FD., Jr. 1982. Environmental
40. Rosgen, D.L. 1993 . River restoration features for flood control channels. Water
using natural stability concepts. In Resources Bulletin, AWRA 18(5): 779-784.
Proceedings of Watershed 93, A National
Conference on Watershed Management. 49 . Shields, FD., Jr. 1983. Design of habitat
Alexandria, Virginia. structures open channels. Journal of Water
Resources Planning and Management, ASCE
109: 4 .

Appendix A A-27
50. Shields, FD., Jr., and N.M. Aziz. 1992. 58 . U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1983.
Knowledge-based system for environmen- Streambank protection guidelines. U.S.
tal design of stream modifications. Applied Army Corps of Engineers, Washington,
Engineering in Agriculture, ASCE 8: 4. DC.

51. Shields, FD., Jr., and RT. Milhous. 1992. 59. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1989.
Sediment and aquatic habitat in river Engineering and design: environmental
systems. Final Report. American Society engineering for local flood control
of Civil Engineers Task Committee on channels. Engineer Manual No. 1110-2-
Sediment Transport and Aquatic Habitat. 1205. Department of the Army, U.S. Army
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 118(5). Corps of Engineers, Washington, DC.

52. Shields, FD., Jr., C.M. Cooper, and S.S. 60. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest
Knight. 1992. Rehabilitation of aquatic Service. 1989. Managing grazing of
habitats in unstable streams. Fifth Sympo- riparian areas in the Intermountain Region,
sium on River Sedimentation. Karlsruhe. prepared by Warren P. Clary and Bert F
Webster. General Technical Report INT-
53. Shields, FD., Jr., S.S. Knight, and C.M. 263. Intermountain Research Station,
Cooper. 1995. Incised stream physical Ogden, UT.
habitat restoration with stone weirs.
Regulated Rivers: Research and Management 61. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil
10. Conservation Service. 1977. Design of
open channels. Technical Release 25.
54. Tate, C.H., Jr. 1988. Muddy Creek grade
control structures, Muddy Creek, Mississippi 62. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural
and Tennessee. Technical Report HL-88-11 . Resources Conservation Service. (Con-
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways tinuously updated) . National handbook
Experiment Station, Vicksburg, of conservation practices. Washington,
Mississippi. DC.

55. Thompson, J.N., and D.L. Green. 1994. 63. U.S. Departm ent of Agriculture, Soil
Riparian restoration and streamside erosion Conservation Service. (1983). Sediment-
control handbook. Tennessee Department storage design criteria. In National
of Environment and Conservation, Engineering Handbook, Section 3. Sedi-
Nashville, Tennessee. mentation, Chapter 8 . Washington, DC.

56. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1970. 64. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural
Hydraulic Design of Flood Control Channels. Resources Conservation Service. 1992.
EM-1110-1601 , (Revision in press 1990). Wetland restoration, enhancement or
creation. In Engineering Field Handbook.
57. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1981. Ch apter 13. Washington, DC.
Main report, Final report to Congress on
the streambank erosion control evaluation 65 . U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural
and demonstration Act of 1974, Section Resources Conservation Service. 1992 .
32, Public Law 93-251. U.S. Army Corps Soil bioengineering for upland slope
of Engineers, Washington, DC. protection and erosion reduction. In
Engineering field handbook, Part 650,
Chapter 18.
A-28 Stream Corridor
66. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural 72. U.S. Department of Transportation.
Resources Conservation Service. 1995. 1975. Highways in the river environment-
Riparian forest buffer, 391, model state hydraulic and environmental design consider-
standard and general specifications. Water- ations. Training and Design Manual.
shed Science Institute, Agroforesters
and Collaborating Partners, Seattle, 73. Vanoni, VA., and RE. Pollack. 1959.
Washington. Experimental design of low rectangular drops
for alluvial flood channels. Report No. E-82.
67. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural California Institute of Technology,
Resources Conservation Service. c1995. Pasadena, California.
(Unpublished draft). Planning and design
guidelines for streambank protection. South 74. Vitrano, D.M. 1988. Unit construction of
National Technical Center, Fort Worth, trout habitat improvement structures for
Texas. Wisconsin Coulee streams. Administrative
Report No. 27. Wisconsin Department of
68. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Natural Resources, Bureau of Fisheries
Resources Conservation Service. 1996. Management, Madison, Wisconsin.
Streambank and shoreline protection. In
Engineering field handbook, Part 650, 75. Waldo, P. 1991. The geomorphic
Chapter 16. approach to channel investigation. In
Proceedings of the Fifth Federal Interagency
69. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Sedimentation Conference, Las Vegas,
Resources Conservation Service, and Nevada.
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency.
1994. Illinois Urban Manual. Champaign, 76. Welsch, D.J. 1991. Riparian forest buffers.
Illinois. Publication NA-PR-07-91. U.S. Depart-
ment of Agriculture, Forest Service,
70. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Radnor, Pennsylvania.
1993. Guidance specifying management
measures for sources of nonpoint pollution in 77. Welsch, D.J., D.L. Smart et al. (Undated) .
coastal waters. Publication 840-B-92-002. Forested wetlands: functions, benefits and the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, use of best management practices. (Coordi-
Office of Water, Washington, DC. nated with U.S. Natural Resources Conser-
vation Service, U.S. Army Corps of
71. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Engineers, U.S. Environmental Protection
1995. Water quality of riparian forest buffer Agency, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
systems in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. U.S. Forest Service). Publication No. NA-
EPA-903-R-95-004. Prepared by the PR-01-95. U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Nutrient Subcommittee of the Chesapeake Forest Service, Radnor, Pennsylvania.
Bay Program.

Appendix A A-29
Additional Information:

Andrews, E.D. 1983. Entrainment of gravel Short, H., and J. Ryan. 1995. The Winooski
from naturally sorted riverbed material. River watershed evaluation project report.
Geological Society of America 94: 1225-1231. Americorps-Corporation for National and
Community Service, and U.S. Department of
Arizona Riparian Council. 1990. Protection Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation
and enhancement of riparian ecosystems (An Service, Williston, Vermont.
Annotated Bibliography). Phoenix, Arizona.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conserva-
Coppin, N.J., and I.G. Richards. 1990. Use of tion Service. (Undated) . Agriculture Informa-
vegetation in civil engineering. Butterworths, tion Bulletin 460. Washington, DC.
London, England.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural
Henderson, J.E., and F.D. Shields. 1984. Resources Conservation Service. 1996.
Environmental features for streambank protection Examining a 1930's case study summary:
projects. Technical Report E-84-11. U.S. Army restoration of the Winooski River watershed,
Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Vermont. Watershed Science Institute,
Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi. Burlington, Vermont.

Marble, A.D. 1992. A guide to wetland Washington State Department of Ecology.

functional design . Lewis Publishers, Boca 1992. Stormwater management manual for the
Raton, Florida. Puget Sound basin. Olympia, Washington.

Naiman, R.J. 1992. Watershed management. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.

Springer-Verlag, New York. 1995. Best management practices for water
quality. Bureau of Forestry, Madison, Wisconsin.
Pacific Rivers Council. 1993 . Entering the
watershed. Washington, DC. Wullstein, L.H., D. Duff, and J. McGurrin et al.
1995. Indexed bibliography on stream habitat
Schueler, T.R., P.A. Kumble, and M.A. Heraty. improvement. Trout Unlimited. U.S. Fish and
1992. A current assessment of urban best Wi ldlife Service, U.S. Forest Service, University
management practices. Washington of Utah, Ogden, Utah.
Metropolitan Council of Governments for
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
Washington, DC.

A-30 Stream Corridor

Appendix B

Unit of measure Abbreviation mm cm m km in ft mi

millimeter mm 0.1 0.001 0.0394 0.003

centimeter cm 10 0.01 0.394 0.033

meter m 1000 100 0.001 39.37 3.281

kilometer km 1000 3281 0.621

inch in 25.4 2.54 0.0254 0.083

foot ft 304.8 30.48 0.305 12

mile mi 1609 1.609 5280

Unit of measure Abbreviation m2 ha km2 ft2 acre mi2

square meter m2 10.76

hectare ha 10000 O.D1 107600 2.47 0.00386

square kilometer km2 1x106 100 247 0.386

square foot ft2 0.093

acre acre 4050 0.405 43560 0.00156

squa re mile mi2 259 2.59 640

Unit of measure Abbreviation km3 m3 L Mgal acre-ft ft3 gal
cubic kilometer km3 1x109 811000

cubic meter m3 1000 35.3 264

liter 0.001 0.0353 0.264

million U.S. gallons Mg al 3.07 134000 1x106

acre-foot acre-ft 1233 0.3259 43560 325848

cubic foot ft3 0.0283 28.3 7.48

gal lon gal 3.785 0.134

Flow Rate
Unit of measure Abbreviation km3/yr m3/s Us mgd gpm cfs acre-ftlday
cubic kilometers/year km3/yr 31.7 723 1119 2220

cubic meters/second m3/s (m3/sec) 0.0316 1000 22.8 15800 35.3 70.1

Iiters/second Us (Usec) 0.001 0.0228 15.8 0.0353 0.070

million U.S. ga llons/day mgd (Mgal/d) 0.044 43.8 694 1.547 3.07

U.S. gallons/minute gpm (gal/min) 0.063 0.0022 0.0044

cubic feet/second cfs (ft3/s) 0.0283 28.3 0.647 449 1.985

acre-feet/day acre-ft/day 14.26 0.326 226.3 0.504

Unit of measure Abbreviation F c
Fahrenheit .56 (after subtracting 32)

Celsius c 1.8 (then add 32)

Appendix B A-31

Abbe, TB., D.R. Montgomery, and C. Petroff. Alonso, C.V., F.D. Theurer, and D.W. Zachmann.
1997. Design of stable in-channel wood debris 1996. Sediment Intrusion and Dissolved Oxygen
structures for bank protection and habitat Transport Model-SIDO. Technical Report No. 5.
restoration : an example from the Cowlitz River, USDA-ARS National Sedimentation Laboratory,
WA. In Proceedings of the Conference on Oxford, Mississippi.
Management of Landscape Disturbed by Channel
Incision, May 19-23. American Public Health Association (APHA). 1995.
Standard methods for the examination of water
Abt, S.R. 1995. Settlement and submergence and wastewater. 19th ed. American Public
adjustments for Parshall flume. Journal of Health Association, Washington, DC.
Irrigation Drainage Engineering, ASC E 121 (5):
317-321. American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM).
1991. Standard methods for the examinations
Ackers, P., and Charlton. 1970. Meandering of water and wastewater. 18th ed. American
geometry arising from varying flows. Journal of Public Health Association, Washington, DC.
Hydrology 11 (3): 230-252.
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). 1997.
Ackers P., and W.R. White. 1973 . Sediment Guidelines for the retirement of hydroelectric
transport- new approach and analysis. Ameri- facilities.
ca n Society of Civil Engineers Proc. Paper 101 67.
Journal of the Hydraulics Division, ASCE Ames, C.R. 1977. Wildlife conflicts in ripa ria n
99(HY11 ): 2041-2060. management. In Importance, preservation and
management of riparian habitat, pp. 39-51.
Adams, W.J., R.A. Kimerle, and J. W. Barnett, Jr. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report
1992. Sediment quality and aquatic life RM- 43. Rocky Mountain Forest and Range
assessment. Environmental Science and Experiment Station. Fort Collins, Colorado.
Technology 26(1 O): 1864-1875.
Anderson, B.W., J. Dissano, D.L. Brooks, and R.D.
Adam us, P.R. 1993. Irrigated wetlands of the Ohmart. 1984. Mortality and growth of cotton-
Colorado Plateau: information synthesis and wood on dredge-spoil. In California riparian
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U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Environ- pp. 438-444. University of California Press,
mental Research Laboratory, Corvallis, Oregon . Berkeley.

Aldridge, B.N, and J.M. Garrett. 1973. Roughness Anderson, B.W., and S.A. Laymon . 1988. Creating
coefficients for stream channels in Arizona. U.S. habitat for the Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus
Geological Survey Open-File Report. U.S. americana) . In Proceedings of the California
Geological Survey. riparian systems conference: protection,
management, and restoration for the 1990s,
A llan, J.D . 1995. Stream ecology-structure and coord. D.L. Abel, pp. 469-472. USDA Forest
function of running waters. Chapman and Hall, Service General Technica l Report PSW-110.
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Station, Berkeley, California. Pages 469-472.
Allen, E.B. 1995. Mycorrhizal limits to rangeland
restoration: soil phosphorus and fungal species Anderson, B.W., R.D. Ohmart, and J. Disano. 1978.
composition. In Proceedings of the Fifth Revegetating the riparian floodplain for wildlife.
International Rangeland Congress, Salt Lake In Symposium on strategies for protection and
City, Utah. management of floodplain wetlands and other
riparian ecosystems, pp. 3 18-33 1. USDA Forest
A lonso, C .V., and S.T. Combs. 1980. Channel Service General Technical Report W0- 12.
width adjustment in straight alluvial streams.
USDA-ARS 5-31 - 5-40.

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B-32 Stream Corridor


A c Connectivity and width, 2-79, 8-4,

Adaptive management, 6-37, 9-32 Channel, 1-12,
Aggradation equilibrium, 1-13 reference stream corridor, 8-7
regression functions, 7-55 scarp, 1-12 restoration design, 8-20
Agriculture size, 1-13 Conservation easements, 6-7
vegetative clearing, 3-14 thalweg, 1-12 Contouring, 9-13
hypothetical condition and Channel form, 1-26 Cost components and analysis, 5-2 1
restoration response, 8-83 anastomosed streams, 1-27 benefits evaluation, 5-29
instream modifications, 3-14 braided streams, 1-27 cost-effectiveness analysis, 5-26
irrigation and drainage, 3-15 predicting stable type, 8-30 data requirements, 5-21
restoration, 8-83 Channel incision, 1-20 decision making, 5-28
sediment and contaminants, 3- 15 Channel slope, 2-22 estimations, 6-29
soil exposure and compaction, 3-15 longitudinal profiles, 2-22 incremental cost analysis, 5-27
Alternatives Channel cross section, 2-23 Cross section surveys, 7-53
design, 5-17 composite and compound cross Cultural resources, 9-8
restoration alternatives, 5-17 sections, 7-23
supporting analyses, 5-25 field procedures, 7-24 D
Aquatic habitat, 2-59 site/reach selection, 2-23, 7-23 Dams
subsystems, 2-59 Channel evolution models, 7-30 as a disturbance, 3-7
Aquatic vegetation, 2-63 advantages of, 7-34 best management practices, 8-77
applications of geomorphic effects on stream corridors, 8-77
B analysis, 7-37 Glen Canyon Dam spiked flow
Backwater limitations of, 7-36 experiment, 3-9
comput ation, 7-24 Channel-forming (or dominant) removal, 8- 78
effect s, 7-23 discharge, 1-16, 7-3, 7-8 Data analysis and management, 7-72
Bank stability, 7-57 determining from recurrence costs, 6-30
bank erosion, 8-45 interval, 7-4, 7-12 Degradation
bank stability check, 8-44 determining from watershed regression functions, 7-54
charts, 7-60 variables, 7-15 Design, 8-1
critical bank heights, 7-60 mean annual f low, 7-15 Discharge, 1-16
protection measures, 8-46 Channel models, 8-40 continuity equation, 7-17
qualitative assessment, 7-57 computer models, 8-41 design discharge for restoration,
quantitative assessment, 7-59 physical models, 8-41 8-29
Bank stabilization, 8-45, 8-6 1 Channel restoration, 8-28 measurement, 7-25
anchored cutting systems, 8-64 dimensions, 8-32, 8-37 Drainage, for implementation, 9-11
geotextile syst ems, 8-65 inspection, 9-23 Dynamic equilibrium, 1-1 , 2-86
trees and logs, 8-66 maintenance, 9-26 Disturbance, 2-87, 3- 1
Bank restoration, 8-6 1 moving beds, known slope, 8-38 Arnold, MO f lood, 3-5
inspections, 9-23 moving beds, known sediment biologica l, 3-6, 7-96
Bankfull discharge, 1-17, 7- 10 concentration, 8-39 broad scale, 3-3
field indicators, 7-1O reconstruction procedures, 8-28 causal chain of events, 3- 1
Benthic invertebrates, 2-64 reference reach, 8-33 chemical, 3-6
benthic rapid bioassessment, 7-82 shape, 8-43 natural disturbances, 3-3
Beaver Channel roughness, 2-24 physical, 3-6
ecosystem impacts, 8-26 formation of aquatic habitat, 2-25
impact of dams, 2-58 in meandering streams, 2-25 E
transplanting, 8-26 Channel stability Ecological Restoration, t-3
Biologica l diversity bank, 7-50 Ecosystem
complexity, 7-78 bed, 7-5 1 internal/external movement model,
evaluating indices, 7-84 local, 7-51 1-3
in developing goals and objectives, systemwide, 7-51 stream-riparian, 2-53
5-6 Channel widening, 7-60 relationship btw. terrestrial/aquatic
Index of Biotic Integrity, 7-79 predictions, 7-62 ecosystems, 2-75
measures of diversity, 7-79 Channelization and diversions, 3-8 river floodplain, 2-53
spacial scale, 7-79 restoration design, 8-79 Effective discharge, 1-17 , 7- 13
standard of comparison, 7-83 CompMech (compensatory mecha- Erosion, 2-15, 2-27,
subsets of concern, 7-79 nisms), 7-92 control of, 2-27, 9-4
Buffers, 8-11 use with PHABSIM, 7-92 Environmental impact analysis, 5-30
forested buffer strips, 8-89 Conditions in stream corridor, 4-19 Eutrophication, 2-73
multispecies riparian buffer system, causes of impairment, 4-23
8-81 condition continuum, 4-22
requirements, 8-90 management influence, 4-26
urban stream buffers, 8- 12 Conduit function, 2-82

Index B-33
Evaluation, 6-34, 6-41 Flow Ground water
baseline characterization, 9-29 allowable velocity check, 8-48, 8-51 aquifer, 2-10
effectiveness monitoring, 9-32 allowable stress check, 8-48, 8-5 1 aquitards, 2-10
fish barrier modifications, 9-36 baseflow, 1-14. 2-13 capillary fri nge, 2-10
human interest, 9-38, 9-46 daily mean streamflow, 7-6 confined aquifer, 2-11
implementation monitoring, 9-32 ecological impacts, 2-15 pellicular water, 2-10
parameters, 9-32 ephemeral streams, 1-16 phreatic zone, 2-11
performance evaluation, 9-29 effluent or gaining reaches, 1-16 recharge area, 2-11
reference sites, 9-35 impact on fauna, 2-68 springs, seeps, 2-11
risk assessment, 9-29 influent or " losing " reaches, 1-16 unconfined aquifer, 2-11
trend assessment, 9-29 intermittent streams, 1-16 vadose zone, 2-10
validation monitoring, 9-32 mean annual flow, 7-15
Evaporation, 2-6
Evapotranspiration, 2-7
peak flow, 7-6
perennial streams, 1-16
Habitat Evaluation Procedures (HEP),
Exotic species, 3-1 O stormflow, 1-14 7-87
control, 8-79 sources of data, 7-6 Habitat functions, 2-78
sa lt cedar, 3- 12 uniform flow, 7-20 edge and interior, 2-81, 8-21
Western U.S., 3-11 Flow duration, 2-14 Habitat Recovery (instream), 8-70
flow duration curve, 7-3 procedures, 8-71
F Flow frequency, 2-14, 7-4 Hydraulic geometry
Fauna flood frequency analysis, 7-4, 7-7 channel planform, 7-47
aquatic fauna, 2-63 low-flow frequency analysis, 7-7 hydraulic geometry curves Salmon
beaver (see Beaver above) Food patches, 8-25 River, 7-43
benthic invertebrates, 2-63 Forests and forestry hydraulic geometry theory, 7-41 ,
birds, 2-57 buffer strips, 8-89 8-36
fish, 2-65 managing restoration, 9-42 meander geometry, 7-47, 7-48,
habitat features, 2-56 site preparation, 3-17 7-49
mammals, 2-58 transportation, 3-17, 8-88 regime formulas, 7-49
mussels, 2-67 tree removal, 3-16 regime theory, 7-44
reptiles and amphibians, 2-57 Functions, 2-78 regional curves, 7-44
Fencing, 9-20 barrier, 2-78 relations based on mean annual
Filter and barrier functions, 2-84 condu it, 1-8, 2-78 discharge, 7-41
edges, 2-85 filter, 2-78 stability assessment, 7-44
Fish, 2-65 habitat, 2-78 Hydrologic cycle, 2-3
barriers, 8-75, 9-36 sink, 2-78 Hydrologic unit cataloging, 1-9
bioindicators, 7-83 source, 2-78
feeding and reproduction Funding,
strategies, 2-66 organization, 4-9
restoration implementation, 6-2 Indicator species, 7-76
managing restoration, 9-46 aquatic invertebrates
species richness, 2-65 habitat evaluation procedures,
Floodplain, 1-12 G 7-78
hydrologic floodplain , 1-18 Geomorphic assessment, 7-26 riparian response guilds, 7-78
topographic f loodplain, 1-18 Geomorphology, 2-15 selecting indicators, 7-77
flood storage, 1-18 Goals and Objectives, 5-12, 5-14 Infiltration, 2-8
lag time, 1-18 desired future conditions, 5-3, infiltration capacity, 2-8
lateral accretion, 2-26 5-12 infiltration rate, 2-8
stability, 2-24 responsiveness, 5-14 porosity, 2-8
vertical accretion, 2-26 restoration constraints and issues, Implementing restoration, 6-2
Floodplain landforms and deposits, 5-7 construction, 9-12
1-19 restoration goals, 5-12 emergency maintenance, 9-26
backswamps, 1-19 restoration objectives, 5-13 flow diversion, 9-14
chute, 1-19 scale considerations, 5-3 minimizing disturbance, 9-4
clay plug, 1-19 self-sustainability, 5- 14 plant establishment, 9-15
meander scroll, 1-19 tolerance, 5-14 remedial maintenance, 9-26
natural levees, 1-19 value, 5-14 scheduled maintenance, 9-26
oxbow, 1-19 vulnerability, 5- 14 site preparation, 9-3, 9-10
oxbow lake, 1-19 Grazi ng staging areas, 9-4
restoration of microrelief, 8-8 loss of vegetative cover, 3-18 work zone, 9-3
splays, 1-19 physical impacts, 3- 19 Inspection, 9-2 1
Flood-pulse concept, 1-2 1 restoration, 8-90, 9-43 lnstream Flow Incremental Methodol-
Greentree reservoirs, 8-24 ogy (IFIM), 5-24, 7-88,

B-34 Stream Corridor

lnstream structures, 8-72 Organic material, 2-73 R
design, 8-72 autochthonous, 1-30, 2-73 Rapid bioassessment, 7-80
engineered log jams, 9-30 allochthonous, 1-30, 2-73 Reach file/National Hydrography
inspection, 9-23 heterotrophic, 1-30 Dataset, 1-9
Interception, 2-4 Organizing restoration Reach scale, 1-1 O
.precipitation pathways, 2-5 advisory group, 4-4 in developing goals and ob1·ectives
Irrigation, 9-20 boundary setting, 4-3 5~ '
commitments, 6- 1O Rehabilitation, 1-3
L contractors, 6-1 O Recovery, 2-87
Landscape scale, 1-7 characteristics of success, 6-17 Recreation, 3-21
in goals and objective develop- decision maker, 4-4 restoration design, 8-97
ment, 5-5 decision structure, 4-1 O Regional hydrological analysis 7-15
Land use dividing responsibilities, 6-4, 6-6 Regional scale, 1-6 '
design approaches for common documentation, 4-13 Rehabilitation, 1-3
effects, 8-76 information sharing, 4-12 Resistance, 2 -87
developing goals and ob1·ectives permits, 6-13 Resilience, 2 -87
5~ ' schedules, 6-12 in Eastern upland forests 3-4
summary of disturbance activities scoping process, 4-3 Restoration, 1-2, 1-3 '
3-26 ' sponsor, 4-4 Riffles (see Pools and riffles)
Log jams, engineered, 9-30 technical teams, 4-5, 6-8 Risk assessment, 5-29
Longitudinal zones, 1-24 tools, 6-3 River. continuum concept, 1-30
Longitudinal profile, 2-23, 8-43 volunteers, 6-8 Riverine Community Habitat
adjustments, 2-23 Overland flow, 2-11 Assessment and Restorat ion
depression storage, 2-11 Concept Model (RCHARC), 7-91
Horton overland flow, 2-1 2
M surface detention, 2-12
Rosgen stream classification system
7-29 '
Managing restoration, 9-40
Manning's equation, 7-17 Runoff, 2-11
direct solution for Manning's n
p Quick return flow, 2-13
7-18 ' Physical Habitat Simulation Model
Froude number, 7-21 (PHABSIM), 7-88
time series simulations, 7-91
indirect solution for Manning's n Salmonid population model
7- 19 ' use with CompMech, 7-92 (SALMOD), 7-93
Manning's n in relation to Physical structure Sampling
bedforms, 7-21 corridor, 1-3 automatic, 7-65
Monitoring, 6-22 patch, 1-3 chain of custody, 7-70
acting on results, 6-37 matrix, 1-3 discrete versus composite, 7-66
dissemination of results, 6-39 mosaic, 1-3 field analysis, 7-67
documenting and reporting, 6-38 Pools and riffles, 1-28, 2-22 field sampling plan, 6-30
1nspect1on, 9-21 riffle spacing, 8-43 frequency, 7-63, 6-32
monitoring plan, 6-23 6-25 6-29 Problem/opportunities identification grab, 7-65
6,33 ' ' ' 4-16 '
labeling, 7-69
performance criteria, 6-24 baseline data, 4-17 laborat ory sample analysis, 6-30
level of effort, 6-31 community mapping, 4-17 manual, 7-65
parameters, and methods, 6-26 data analysis, 4-19 packaging and shipping, 7-70
target conditions, 6-26 data collection, 4-16 preparation and handling, 7-69
types of data, 6-31 historical data, 4-17 preservation, 7-69
Montgomery and Buffington problem/opportunity statements site selection, 7-64
4-27 '
classification system, 7-29 timing and duration, 6-32
Mining reference condition, 4-20 Saturated overland flow, 2-13
altered hydrology, 3- 19 reference reach, 4-20 Scarp, 1-12
contaminants, 3-20 reference site, 4-20 Schumm
reclamation, 8-96 Proper Functioning Condition (PFC) classification system, 7-29
7~9 ,
soil disturbance, 3-20 equation, 2-21
vegetative clearing, 3-20 Public outreach, 4-12 Sediment
Mulches, 9-19 tools, 4-13 ecological and water quality
impacts, 2-26
N Q Sediment control, 9-4
Nest structures, 8-25 Quality assurance and quality control hay bales, 9-5
cost s, 6-29 silt fence , 9-5
restoration planning, 5-8 Sediment deposition, 2-15
0 sampling, 7-73 Sediment sampling
Oak Ridge Chinook salmon model analysis, 7-7 1
(ORCM), 7-92 collection techniques, 7-7 1

Index B-35
Sediment transport, 2-15, 8-53
bed load, 2-18
Stability (in stream and floodplain),
2-20, 2-87
Urbanization, 3-22
bed-material load, 2-18, 2-19 assessment, 8-44 altered chan nels, 3-24. 8-97
budget , 8-56 allowable stress check, 8-48 altered hydrology, 3-23, 8-97
discharge functions, 8-55 allowable velocity check, 8-48 design tools, 8-101
HEC-6, 8-54 controls, 8-64 habitat and aquatic life, 3-25
impact on habitat, 2-26 horizontal stability, 8-45 inspection program, 9-25
impact on water quality, 2-26 vertical stability, 8-44 runoff controls, 8-99
measured load, 2-19 Storm hydrograph, 1-15 sediment controls, 8-100
particle movement, 2-17 after urbanization, 1-15 sed imentation and contaminants,
processes, 7-57 recession limb, 1-15 3-24
saltation, 2-17 rising limb, 1-15
sediment load, 2-18 Stream classification, 7-26, 7-85
sediment rating curve, 7-13, 8-29 applications of geomorphic v
stream competence, 2-16 analysis, 7-37 Valley form, 8-4
stream power, 2-19, 8-52 advantages, 7-27 Vegetation
suspended bed material load, 2-18 alluvial vs. non-alluvial, 7-27 across the stream corridor, 1-21
suspended load, 2-18, 2-19 limitations, 7-27 along the stream corridor, 1-29
suspended sediment discharge, use in restoring biological canyon effect, 2-54
2-18 conditions, 7-86 distribution and characteristics,
tractive (shear) stress, 2-16, 8-38, Stream corridor, 1-1 2-51
8-48, 8-51 adjustments, 2-21 flood ing tolerances, 7-96, 8-22
unmeasured load, 2-19 common features, 1-1 2 horizontal complexity, 2-52, 8-17
wash load, 2-18, 2-19 Stream corridor scale, 1-10 internal complexity (diversity),
Single-thread streams, 1-26 in developing goals and objectives, 2-51
Sinuosity, 1-27 5-6 landscape scale, 2-53
affecting slope, 2-22 Stream health structure, 2-55
meander design, 8-34, 8-36 visual assessment, 7-76 stream corridor scale, 2-53
Site access, 6-15, 9-4 Stream instability, 7-50 vertical complexity (diversity),
access easement, 6-16 bed stability, 7-51 2-55, 8-21
drainage easement, 6-16 local, 7-51 zonation, 7-96
fee acquisition, 6-16 systemwide, 7-5 1 Vegetation-hydroperiod modeling,
implementation easement, 6-16 Stream order, 1-25 7-94
right of entry, 6-15 as a classification system, 7-28 use in restoration, 8-23
Site clearing, 9-10 stream continuum concept, 1-30 Vegetation restoration, 8-14
Species requirements, 7-86, 8-7 Stream scale, 1-10 existing vegetation, 8-11
Specific gauge analysis, 7-52 Stream stability (balance), 1-14, 2-20 inspection, 9-24
Soil Stream system dynamics, 7-48 maintenance, 9-28
compaction, 8-9 Substrate, 2-71 restoration species, 8-1 O
ecological role of, 2-5 1 bed material particle size revegetation, 8-14, 9-15
depleted matrix, 2-49 distribution, 7-25, 8-28
functions, 2-45 hyphorheic zone, 2-72 w
hydric soils, 2-48 pebble count, 7-25 Waste disposal, sanitation, 9-9
microbiology, 2-46, 2-5 1, 8-9 vertical (bed) stability Water surface
salinity, 8-10 Subsurface flow, 2-12 energy equation, 7-21
soil surveys, 8-9 profile, 7-18
topographic position, 2-47 T slope survey, 7-2 4
type, 2-46 Temporal sca le, 1- 11 Water temperature, 2-28
wetland, 2-48 Terrace, 1-20 effects of cover, 2-68
Soil bioengineering, 8-23, 8-61 formation, 1-20 impacts of surface versus ground
geotechnical engineering, 9-13 numbering, 1-2 1 water pathways, 2-28
Soil moisture, 2-9 Thalweg, 1-12 impacts on fauna, 2-68
evaporation, 2-6 profiles, 7-53 sampling, 7-68
deep percolation, 2-9 surveys, 7-53 thermal loading, 2-28
field capacity, 2-9 Transitional upland fringe, 1-12, 1-20
permanent wilting point, 2-9 Transpiration, 2-5
relationship with temperature, Two-dimensional flow modeling,
2-47 7-90
Source and sink functions, 2-86
Spatial scale, 1-3
landscapes, 1-7
region, 1-6
reach, 1-10
watershed, 1-8

B-36 Stream Corridor

Water quality
acidity, 2-30, 2-31
alka linity, 2-30, 2-3 1
biochemical oxygen demand (BOD),
dissolved oxygen, 2-3 1, 2-70,
(sampling) 7-68
iron, 2-29
metals, 2-44
nitrogen, 2-35
pH, 2-30, 2-71, (samp/ing)7-68
phosphorus, 2-35
restoration implementation, 9-6
salinity, 2-29
toxic organic chemicals, 2-38
Watershed, 1-24
designing for drainage and
topography, 8-8
drainage patterns, 1-25
watershed scale, 1-8
Wetlands, 2-60
functions, 2-61
hydrogeomorphic approach, 2-62
National Wetlands Inventory, 2-67
palustrine wetlands, 2-62
plant adaptation, 2-49
USFWS Classification of Wetlands
and Deepwater Habitats of the
United States, 2-61
Width (see Connectivity and width)


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