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The abortion

By Natalia Medrano Valencia


Abortion is a very controversial issue which consists of ending a pregnancy either with
surgery or medications. It is a process that is carried out many times when a violation
occurs or the contraceptive is damaged. It is legal in 58 countries but in 134 countries
it can be carried out only when the life of the pregnant woman is in danger. It is a
subject that has many di erent opinions which must always be respected no matter
what another thinks.

There are two positions on this issue, the pro-abortion and the pro-life. The pro-choice
are the people who defend the right of women to want an abortion or not. The pro-
lifers are the people who are totally against abortion, they do not consider it as
something fair and good. Each position has its arguments. One of the most common
is pain felt by the fetus. The pro-lifers say that the fetus can feel pain although the pro-
abortion think otherwise. Most scientists accept that the fetus begins to feel pain from
week 20. Then we have a somewhat indecent argument which implies that the woman
is guilty of getting pregnant, many pro-lifers say it although it really is nonsense since in
many cases, as I had already mentioned, the pregnancy could be caused by a
damaged contraceptive or a rape which would not be the woman's fault at all.
"Abortion is murder" is another argument widely used by pro-life people who a rm
that in no situation should an abortion be given as it would be something cruel. Well, in
fact there are many occasions that could be valid, for example, a 10-year-old girl is
raped and becomes pregnant, the consequences of maintaining the pregnancy could
cost her life because her body is not prepared to have a baby. This could also cost the
life of the little one since a minor is more likely to have a premature and underweight
baby which could also lead to death.Also, having a baby could cause both physical
and mental problems for the mother. Sometimes, when adolescents become pregnant,
they are forced to abandon their studies in order to support the baby because in some
cases, they do not have a good economic level and the father is not with her. The
mother can also have traumas, depending on the context in which she became
pregnant, for example if she was raped. She may have psychological problems such
as anxiety, stress, fear of being judged, or family problems. In case the woman decides
to have it even though she knows that it will not be easy to keep it, she can make an
e ort for her child or give him up for adoption. Adoption centers are safe for children
and, you can choose the adoptive family also if you want to continue seeing your child,
sometimes you can make an agreement to be able to make regular visits. Now, to
avoid pregnancy, we should talk to children about sex education so that they are
informed and do not commit something that could be a big mistake.

In my conclusion, abortion should be legal in all countries in any situation. Illegalizing it

could end the lives of both the woman and the child. Also, the woman can choose for
herself, it is one of her rights.


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