Monarch Butterfly Ingles

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monarch butterfly

The butterfly hatches from eggs, hatches as a larva, spends most of its time
eating milkweed, then creates a protective bag in the pupal stage for about a
week or two and completes its metamorphosis into adult butterflies.
Interesting fact
The colors of the butterfly warn predators that they are poisonous, this is due
to the milkweed, if a bird eats it it would cause a vomit or the death
the great migration
In the east, only monarchs that emerge in late summer or early fall make the
annual southward migration for the winter. As the days get shorter and the
weather gets colder, they know it's time to leave their breeding grounds in the
northern US and Canada and head south to the mountains of central Mexico,
where it does more heat. Some migrate almost 5,000 kilometers.
His diet is based on milkweed
threats to survival
Conservation groups have petitioned the US government to list the monarch
butterfly under the Endangered Species Act. Although a decision has not yet
been made, scientists warn that the species is in serious decline and faces great
Western monarchs have declined by more than 99 percent since the 1980s.
Eastern monarchs have declined by about 80 percent.

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