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Dr Aizaz & Dr Amina 14.8.


Anatomically Largest Lobe: Lateral Lobe AL

Structurally Largest Lobe: Medial Lobe SM
Largest Zone: Peripheral Zone LP
Ca Prostate: Posterior Lobe & Posterior Zone
BPH: Transitional Zone & Medial Lobe
Good Analgesic But Weak Anesthetic: NO
Weak Analgesic But Strong Anesthetic: Halothane
Halothane (Inc Cerebral Blood Flow, dissociates in light & Dec Hepatic Blood Flow)
Fast Fibers: A Alpha Lower Pitch of Sound: Thyroarytenoids
Cut her Finger: A beta Tense Vocal Cords: Cricothyroid
Pain & Tempt: A Beta Relax Vocal Cords: Thyroarytenoids
Touch & Pressure: A Beta Dampers the Voice: Volcalis (abductor)
Sharp Fast Pain/fastest pain: A Delta Adduction: Lateral Cricothyroid
LA: C Fibres, Slow Pain: C Fibres Abduction: Posterior Cricothyroid
Vocal cords in taut position: posterior

REM(center in pons): Acetylcholine (cholinergic) + Reticular Formation

NREM1/ Slow wave sleep: Serotonin + Theta Waves
NREM2 Low frequency waves, deep sleep, teeth grinding, somniloquy (sleep talking)
Eyes open and awake: Beta Wakes
Eyes closed and awake: Alpha Waves

• Bronchogenic Ca: Adrenal Glands

• Sq Cell Ca of Lungs: Release PTH
• Small Cell Ca of Larynx: ACTH Cushing
• Sq Cell Ca Of larynx: Thyroid
• Paraneoplastic syndrome of Kidney: Polycythemia
• Carcinoid tumor of ileum secretes: serotonin
• Oat cell carcinoma: ACTH
• Tumor of ovaries that secrets excess estrogen: Granulosa cell tumor

Stratified Squamous: Nasal Vestibule

Lymphoid Tissue + Simple Cuboidal: Payers Patches
Lymphoid Tissue + Stratified Squamous: Palatine Tonsils
Stratified Cuboidal epithelium: Sweat Glands
Stratified Columnar Epithelium: Salivary Glands
Pseudostartified columnar ciliated epithelium: eustachian tube
Pure Serous: Parotid gland
Pure Mucinous: Lingual Gland
Mix: Submandibular Gland
Pure Serious acini + Stratified Epithelium: Lacrimal Glands
Tubular Structure + Aggr. Of Lymphoid Tissue: Appendix
Str. Squamous Non. Keratinized: CORNEA
Str. Squamous: HYMEN
Simple Cuboidal: THYROID
Simple Columnar: Pre Terminal Bronchioles
Simple cuboidal ciliated Bronchioles W/O Goblet cells: Terminal bronchioles
Clara Cells: Terminal Bronchioles (Conducting Zone)
Goblet Cells: Tertiary Bronchioles (simple columnar)
(Goblet cells are present upto Bronchi or tertiary bronchioles)
Interalveolar Septum: Macrophages
Follicles with cuoboidal epithelium & has colloids: Thyroid
Pseudostratified Columnar Ciliated with Goblet Cells: Trachea
Stratified Squamous epithelium non keratinized: Larnyx
Tubular Structure with pseudostratified epithelium & thick muscular wall: Ductus Deferens
Transistional epithelium: Dome cells
Small lumen + 3 layers of smooth muscles + transitional epithelium: ureter
Simple columnar in stomach
Simple cuoboidal: ovaries
Ciliated/non ciliated epithelium having 3 layers of muscles: ITP
Str squamous with inc vascularity + elasticity + tubular glands: VAGINA
Non ciliated columnar with crypts: cervix
Columnar epithelium + crypts + indistinct smooth muscles: uterus

Per Speculum: Erythromatous Plaques, Punctate, Strawberry, PH normal, Pain while
intercourse, Burning Sensation, Itching
Offensive Smell, Foul Smell
Green, Grey, Pink Frothy, Yellow Vaginal Discharge
Give Metronidazole to both partners
Most Common Sexually Transmitted Disease (Give Ofloxacin) STD
Most Common Overall
Penile Ulcer in Males
CANDIDA (Most common in 3rd Trimester)
Curd Like
Clue Cells (biwi give clues)+Non Painfull,
Early Miscarriage + Pre Term Birth(Most common cause)
Fishy Smell,
White Grey Color Discharge
Bacteroids also causes Purulent Peritonitis
Most common lesion of vulva: condyloma
Vulva Intraepithelial Disease: Paget Disease
Sexually Transmitted + UTI: S. Saphrophyticus
Painful Genital Ulcers: Hemophilus Durecyi

Pharyngeal Arches
1 : Mandibular nerve, maxillary nerve, chordatympani
2nd:facial nerve
3rd: glossopharyngeal nerve + stylopharyngeus muscle
4th: superior laryngeal nerve
6th: recurrent laryngeal nerve
Pharyngeal Pouches
1st: Middle ear tympanic cavity + eustachian auditory tube
2nd: palatine tonsils + tonsillar fossa
3 : thymus + inferior parathyroid gland
4th: superior parathyroid gland + parafollicular cells of thyroid

Pseudo-Hyphae: Candida Astereognosia: Parietal AP

Hyphae: Aspergillus Propanognosia: Temporal >
Non-Hyphae: Mucor/Rhizopus TemporoParietalOccipial
Asterognosis (damage to cuneatus & gracilis)
Cingulate Gyrus Taste Area Acute Vision Loss
Lower Limb Broca’s Speech area Thalamus
Secondary Somesthetic Insula Cortex, operculum,
Area, stroke due to berry Inferomedial part of
aneurysm temporal, basal ganglia
Neglect on one side of body

High Pressure: Paccianian

Low Pressure: Meissners
Warmth/Steady Pressure/High Static Pressure/slow adapting: Ruffinis
Iggo Dome Receptors: Merkels Disc
Tactile Two Point Discrimination: Meissners
Tactile Receptors on finger tips: Meissners
Cold detection: Krause

Pregnant Lady + Hypertension: Labetalol>Methyl Dopa

Hypertension + Emergency: Hydralazine>Labetalol
Eclampsia + Hypertension: MgSO4
C Section + Hypertension: Hydralazine

Ventral Group: Expiration During Expiration

Dorsal Group: Inspiratory ramp signals (basic rhythm)
Apenuestic Center: Deep Inspiration
Neumotaxic Center in Pons: Sends Rate & rhythm signals to Dorsal

(Soap bubble) Giant Cell Tumor. G E Epiphysis

Osteochondroma. O M Metaphysis
(Sunburst) Ewing Sarcoma. E D Diaphysis
Snowstorm: complete mole
Opsonization: C3b, IgG (others: C3b, C4b, C5b)
Chemotactic: C5a
Vasodilators: PGD2, PGE2, PGF2
Fever: IL1>TNF
Pain: Bradykinin>Prostaglandins E2
Endotoxin mediates action by: IL1
Produced by the action of lipoxygenase on arachidonic acid & as a potent chemotactic
factor LTB4
Compliment fixation IgG3 and IgM

Type1(Anaphylactic Reaction): Bee Sting, allergic, asthma, urticaria

Type2(Antibody Mediated): Myasthenia Gravis, Good Pasteur Disease, Erythroblastic
Fetalis, Cresenteric GN, Farmer’s Lung, Transfusion Reactions
Type3(Compliment Mediated): SLE(associated with limban sac disease), Diphtheria Vaccine
in Urticaria (affects CD8+ Cells), Sclerosis, Post Strept. GN, Lupus Nephritis, Systemic
Sclerosis, post vaccine, farmer’s lung
Type4(Cell Mediated): Multiple Sclerosis, TB(Type 1 helper T cells), PPD Test, Latex Glove
Reaction, DM1, Cyanide Poisoning Complex 4, Hashimoto disease (type4>type2)

Temperature of Set Point Increases (Hypothermic State): Dec in Sweating & Inc Shivering.
Temperature of Body Point Increases (Hyperthermic State): Inc in Sweating & Dec in

Opioids: Naloxone
Organophosphate: Pralidoxime>phenobarbitone. Symptoms reversal: atropine.
Phenobarbital antidote: bicarbonate NaHCO3
Aspirin: bicarbonate
Acetaminophen: n acetylcysteine

Chromosomal Abnormalities:
AML: 8:21t
CML: 9:22t BCR ABL Philadelphia
Burkitt Lymphoma: 8:14t
Mantle Cell Lymphoma: 11:14t
Follicular Lymphoma: 14:18t
Ewing Sarcoma: 11:22t (radiolucent, clearly demarcated & diaphysis)
Prostatic Carcinoma: 7:21t & 17:21t
ALL: CD 19
P-ANCA: hep B
C-ANCA: neuroblastoma
CD-56: NK Tumor cell marker
C-myc: Burkitt Lymphoma
N-myc: Neuroblastoma
Duchene Muscle Dystrophy (aminoacids impermeable) + G6PD (protective against P
falciparum and commonly occurs in males) + Hemophilia: X-Linked Recessive
Alpha 1-AntiTrypsin: Autosomal recessive
Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Lumbar Lordosis (achondroplasia, Blue sclera), Huntington
Disease (Choreiform Movements, mood changes, Behavioral Changes): Autosomal
True Hermaphrodite: XX/XY>XXY
Klinefelter syndrome: 47XXY
Turner syndrome: 45XO
46XY(female):androgen sensitivity syndrome (absent sec sexual characters)
46XX: CAH (ambiguous genaltilia)
Spinda bifida = downsyndrome

Metabolic Diseases:
• Hyperemesis Gravidarum: Hypovolemic Hyporchloremic Metabolic Alkalosis
• Metabolic Acidosis: Hyperkalemia (causes flaccidity)
• Metabolic Alkalosis: Hypokalemia
• Hydrochlorthiazide side effects:
• Severe Diarrhea: Hyponatremia + Metabolic Acidosis with normal anion gap
• Acute Diarrhea: Metabolic Acidosis
• Prolonged/Chronic Diarrhea: Metabolic Alkalosis
• Adrenal Insufficiency: Hyperkalemia
• Acetylsalicyclic acid toxicity: Metabolic acidosis
• Sinking of heart: hyponatremia
• Shock: Metabolic acidosis e compensatory respiratory acidosis
• Renin secretion inc by: Hypokalemia
• Patient presented with blood transfusion + prolonged ST Segment + Displacement:
• Massive Blood Transfusion: Hyperkalemia
• Repeated Blood Transfusion: Hypocalcemia
• Multiple Blood Transfusions: Hemochromatosis
• Tall T Waves: Hyperkalemia
• U waves, inverted T Waves: Hypokalemia
• Hyperexcitability of Neurons: Hypocalcemia
• Hyperpolarization of Neurons: Efflux of K
• Surgeon more curious before surgery: hyperkalemia
• Inc PH: Hypokalemia
• Aspirin causes Alkalosis
• Amiloride: K+ Sparing Drug
• Hypertension & Hyperkalemia, what drug should not be given: SPIRINOLACTONE
• In burn patients, excitability dec due to Hyponatremia. Low Action potential
• High altitude: Metabolic Acidosis (Acute respiratory alkalosis compensated by
metabolic acidosis)
• Digoxin toxicity is with Quinidine and digoxin itself causes Hyperkalemia.
• Hyperglycemia in diabetic patients increases Urine Volume.
• Hypothyroidism: Increases Cholesterol.
• Catecholamines in 24Hr causes: Vasoconstriction.
• Suxamethonium: Bradycardia>Hyperkalemia>malignant hyperthermia
• Salbutamol: hypokalemia
• Prolonged use of metabolic alkalosis causes increase chloride levels in Blood
• Metabolic acidosis: acetazolamide given for Glaucoma
• Severe Hyperkalemia: When suxamethonium is given for repeated burns
• Drug leading to hyponatremia in SIADH: carbamazepine
• Acute response to Exercise: Hyperkalemia.
• Girls with PCOS: increase INSULIN.
• Emphysema: Raise in Plasma CO2.
• Chronic respiratory acidosis: PH is normal.
• U wave in ECG: Hyperglycemia.
• More Ca+2 in ST Segment.
• In hyperkalemia drug which is aldosterone antagonist is Spironolactone.
• Hyperkalemia is associated with succinylcholine (malignant hyperthermia).
• Prominent feature of RTA: hyperkalemia.
• Hypokalemia: dec dietary intake.
• Dexamethasone over hydrocortisone: less Na+ retention.
• Over dose of terbutaline in mother causes HYPOKALEMIA.
• Projectile Vomiting in 3 weeks old child since birth: hypocholermic metabolic
• Acidosis and hypokalemia: fluid has lost from colon
• Hyperexcitability of neuron by def of K
• Decrease in nerve action potential in RMP (K efflux): hypokalemia
• Decrease neuronal excitability: hyperkalemia
• Increased neuronal excitability by Dec calcium
• Nep: inc diastolic heart rate
• Nep: local vasoconstriction

Polyhydramnios: Duodenal Atresia.

Oligohydramnios: Bilateral Renal Agenesis.
Extraembryonic Coelom: Epiblast
Extraembryonic Mesoderm: Endoderm
Intraembryonic Mesoderm: Late Plate Mesoderm

Great Cardiac Vein: Left Anterior Interventricular Artery

Middle Cardiac Vein: Post Interventricular Artery
Small Cardiac Vein: Marginal Artery
Anterior Cardiac vein directly into right atrium

Red Green : Protopanosgonia. RGP

Green Red: Duetonopia. GRD


Submental Lymph Nodes: Lower Lip Ca, Tip Of Tongue,

Submandibular Lymph Nodes: External Nose, Anterior part of nasal Cavity, Anterior 2/3rd
JuguloOmohyoid Lymph Nodes: Posterior 1/3rd of tongue
Celiac Lymph Nodes: Duodenal Ulcer, Fundus of Stomach,
Superior Mesenteric Nodes: Appendix,
Internal & External Iliac Lymph Nodes: Prostate, Cervix
Internal Iliac Lymph Nodes:
External Iliac Lymph Nodes:
Iliocolia/mesocolic lymph nodes: Ca Colon (Adenocarcinoma)
Superficial Inguinal Lymph Nodes: Skin of Glans Penis & Clitoris, Labia Majora, Big Toe
(Vertical), Area Around Anus (Horizontal), Boil below hymen (Horizontal), Boil on Labia
(Upper medial)
Deep Inguinal Lymph Nodes: Glans Penis & Clitoris,
Para Aortic Lymph Nodes: Testicular Tumor (Para Aortic LN>Retroperitoneal/Lumbar LN),
Ovarian Ca, Right Testis (Right Aortocaval),
Kidneys: Lumbar LN
Angle of louis: t4-t5, Clark nucleus T1-L3, Numbness of thumb C6,Biceps Jerk
C6,lateral wrist C6,Triceps Jerk C7,Knee Jerk L3,Knee Cap Patella L4,Medial
malleolus L4,Lateral Malleolus S1,Sole of foot S1,femoral L4-L5, Ankle Jerk S1,PUJ
T12-L2, cholecystitis pain T7-T9,Umbilicus T10, Xiphisternum T9, gastroesophageal
junction T11, trachea bifurcation T4-T5, Hyoid C3, thyroid C4, cricoid c6,
Descending thoracic aorta starts at lower border of T4, Chin to supraclavicular: C2-
C3, Right crus of diaphragm: L1-L3, L5 damage: weak dosiflexion, tip of scapula: T7
vertebrae, nucleus pulposis T10-T12, suprarenal glands T5-T9, conus medularis L1

External Oblique Muscle: External Aponeurosis

Transversalis Fascia: Internal Aponeurosis
Internal Oblique Muscle: Conjoint Tendon & Cremasteric Fascia
Micturition Reflex: Pons
Micturition Reflex Center: Sacral Parasympathetic Segment
Initiation of Micturition Reflex/ Micturition controlled by: Stretch receptors/mechanoreceptors
in bladder wall
Micturition center(stimulatory): Pons
Micturition center (inhibitory): Midbrain
Processing Micturition: cerebral cortex
Micturition Reflex Center/ integration: Sacral segment of spinal cord
Voluntary inhibition of Micturition: Pudendal Nerve
Sympathetic loss to bladder: pain & feeling sensation loss
Bladder & rectum fullness: DCML

Pelvic Structures & Vessels

• During hysterectomy what vessel has a chance of damage at Pelvic brim: OVARIAN
• Common location of ureter damage during hysterectomy: Base of Broad ligament
• Fallopian tube ligation, bleeding due to damage of UTERINE ARTERY
• C-Section : Leakage due to damage of UTERINE ARTERY
• Hysterectomy & Tubal ligation: URETER + UTERINE ARTERIES
• When a person goes BL Oophorectomy & Hysterectomy: Dec Estrogen
• URETER damaged at Pelvic Brim while OVARIAN ARTERY Ligation
• Uterine artery passes anterior to URETER
• Damaged at Pelvic Brim: OVARIAN
• Post-Hysterectomy. Patient presented with lumbar pain & anuria: URETER ligation.
• Ureter damaged during hysterectomy (1)Cardinal ligament. (2)Broad ligament (3)
Pelvic brim
Steroids: Intranuclear, acts on genes
Growth Hormone: On plasma membrane
Anti D antibody: naturally in plasma
BRCA genes are in nucleus
Carbonic anhydrase: cytoplasm of rbcs
TB Antibodies: On cell surface
Thyroid receptors inside the nucleus
Lipholipic acts via messenger RNA
Glycolytic enzyme present in RBC: in cytoplasm
Insulin acts via tyrosine kinase (receptors on cell membrane)
Glucagon: cyclic cAMP
Propofol has steroid nucleus
Gram neg bacteria has endotoxin in their cell membrane
Black Color: Alkaptonuria (enzyme def: homogenitase oxidase)
Burnt Urine: Maple Syrup Disease (alpha ketoacid dehydrogenase)
Congenital Erythropoitic Porphyria: Inc Urine Uroporphyrin 1
Urine becomes black on exposure to air, enzyme def: homogenestase oxidase
Culture Medium:
• Diphtheria: Loffer Medium
• Bacillus Anthrax: Blood Agar/Sudan black
• Gram -ve & +ve d/f by Periplasmic space
• Capsule of B anthrax stained in M Fayaan’s Stain
• Vesicles containing clear fluid diagnosis confirmed by tZank smear
• Best for urine culture: CLED agar (1ml of urine required)
• Proteus: gram -ve, non lactose fermenting: Chocolate agar
• Shooting star motility + yellow colonies of TCBC: Vibrio cholera
• Vibrio cholera: resistant to alkaline medium + shooting star motility
• d/f b/t rickettsia & mycoplasma: Giemsa stain
• gram +ve, catalase -ve: stret pneumonia (lancet shaped)
• cajal stain cells within CNS with multiple cytoplasmic processes: Protoplasmic Astrocytes
• gonorrhea: gram staining

Tumor Markers:
• Ovarian tumor marker raised in breast cancer is BRCA.
• KRAS mutation colorectal
• HCC: afp, alcohol:afp
• Yolk sac tumor marker: afp
• Ovarian: Ca125
• Reduced alpha fetoprotein in pregnancy: down syndrome
• PAS+: Whipple disease
• Colon + Hemicolectomy for B stage Carcinoma: CEA
• Pancreas Ca 19-9
• Lymphoma LDH inc
• Non seminatious type bHCG raised
Head of femur in children: obturator artery
Head of femur in adults: retinacular>medial circumflex
Avascular necrosis of head of femur: medial circumflex
Neck of femur supplied by: medial circumflex & lateral circumflex
• Thyroid: Protein synthesis
• Cortisol: gluconeogenesis
• Ansa cervicalis:Omohyoid (hypoglossal C123)
• Anemic/pale/ischemic/embolic/white infarct: heart, spleen, kidneys
• Hemorrhagic/red: lungs and intestine, liver
• Common brain tumor: astrocytoma
• Common brain tumor in children: medulloblastoma
• Patient asked to grib the card between index finger and thumb, which nerve is been
• Nephrotoxic + bone marrow suppression (anti cancer): cisplatin
• Nephrotoxic + not bone marrow suppression: cyclosporine (inhibits d/f of T cells)
• Parotid: benign tumor (pleomorphic adenoma), malignant (mucoepidermoid tumor)
• Long head of Biceps transverses the shoulder joint.
• Long head of biceps femoris supplied by tibial nerve of sciatic nerve
• Short head of biceps femoris supplied by common peroneal nerve of sciatic nerve.
• Part of stomach with abundant circular muscles: Antrum
• Commonest type of bronchogenic ca is adenocarcinoma
• Antibodies/immunoglobulins > Plasma cells > B Lymphocytes > Bone Marrow.
• Mononuclear phagocytic cells derived from bone marrow.
• Chronic Bronchitis causes Amylase Deficiency
• 10 percent in temperature inc CROM by 5percent.
• Direct branch of subclavian is Dorsal Scapular artery. Direct branch of brachial plexus is
Suprascapular Nerve.
• Most common leukemia in children is ALL
• Startum functionalis is formed by compactum & spongiosum.
• Pseudomonas aurignosa associated with bronchiectasis.
• Characteristic feature of cerebellar disease:
• Hyperglycemic factor release by pancreas: Glucagon
• Hypoglycemic factor release by pancreas: Insulin
• Attachment of epithelium to basal membrane of gingiva: hemidesmosomes
• Perforation of ant duodenal ulcer: greater sac>rt paracolic gutter>RIF
• Perforation of duodenal wall & pancreatic rupture: (1)Posterior into Lesser sac. (2)
anteriorly into a.RT posterior subphrenic space, b.RT paracolic gutter, c. greater sac
• Locally malignant: basal cell ca BCC
• Locally spreading: amleoblastoma
• Locally aggressive: malenoma

• DNA replication: Interphase

• DNA shortening: Telomerase
• Regarding cell cycle G2 phase is between S phase to M Phase.
• Cell is most radiosensitive in what phase: M phase > G2 phase > G1 phase
• Chromosomal replication: S Phase
• Phase of cell cycle in which sister chromatids are parallel: Prophase
• S1 phase: duplication of DNA

• Wiskott Aldrich syndrome: Child with thrombocytopenia, immunodeficiency &

• Weber syndrome: Contralateral paralysis, ipsilateral ptosis and lateral deviation of eye.
• Recurrent infections + sinusitis + bronchiectasis + infertility + situs: kartagenous
• Pt had broad nose + syndactyl + exophthalmos + cleft palate + dished in face
appearance: alport syndrome
• Sore throat + Water house Friedrichsen disease: N meningitides.

• Proximal muscles + Flexors: rubrospinal + Mediculoreticular Fibres (Sit on Rubber Mat)
• Antigravity + Extensor Muscles: vestibulospinal + Pontoreticulospinal tract (VIP makes
you standup)
• Cells causing lymphocyte production and cell turnover: zona fasiculata
• Glial cells: brain damage
• Astrocytes: damaged tissues replacement cells + regenerative cells of brain
• Antigen presenting cells: dendritic cells
• First sign of puberty in females: thelarche
• Connective tissue of brain/CNS: oligodandrocites
• INSULIN: (1) rapid action is entry of K into cell. (2) intermediate is stimulation of
proteins. (3) late action: mRNA for lipogenesis
• Danazole: S/E hirturism
• Tampon>shock>stap aures
• Na, Glucose, H2O with or without ADH: PCT
• Hemorrhage & Dehydration: PCT
• Bring volume back: DCT
Par boiling paddy for storage of vitamin B1
Saccule: up and down
Utricle: straight
Semi circular canals: round

Foramen Ovale: Mandibular Nerve & Accessory Meningeal artery

Foramen Rotundum: Maxillary Nerve
Foramen Spinosum: Middle Meningeal Artery
Superior Orbital Fissure: Ophthalmic Nerve
Jugular Foramen: CN9,10,1(accessory part) & sigmoid sinus
Hypoglossal canal: CN12
Foramen Magnum: Brainstem & Spinal part of CN11
Invasive foramen: nasopalatine nerve
Inf orbital fissure: zygomatic nerve
Superior orbital fissure: lacrimal & frontal nerve
Foramen cecum: emissary veins
Pterygopalatine fissure: chorda tympani

• Grey matter: astrocytes (spinal cord)

• White matter: oligodendrocytes (brain)
• Rich source of proteins: HDL
• Rich source of cholesterol: LDL
• Rich source of TAGs: Chylomicrons

• Bleeding in polyp: hamartomatous

• Juvenile polyposis syndrome is hamartomatous
• Juvenile polyp is familial adenomatous

• Neostriatum: Putamen + Caudate

• Striatum: Lentiform + caudate
• Lentiform: Putamen + Globus pallidus

• Supination by Supinator muscle plus biceps brachii supplied by Musculocutaneous

and radial nerve. (upper trunk)
• Pronation by Pronator teres and supplied by Median Nerve.
• FFP (Factor9+13), CP (Factor8)
• Moist heat: coagulation
• Dry heat: oxidation
• Reinfarction :CKMB
• Low Oxygen concentration: SVC
• Low Oxygen Saturation: umbilical vein
• Flow through orifice: density
• Flow through medium: viscosity
Immediate action: K into cells
Intermediate: Protein synthesis
Delayed: lipogenesis
Pap Smear for Ca Cervix by HPV 16>IUCD: Cervical Dysplasia
Polyps in Colon: Dysplasia (high grade or low grade)
Upper lobe: ELN: superior thyroid artery (Branch of ECA)
Lower lobe: RLN: inferior thyroid artery (Branch of thyrocervical trunk)
Injured while thyroidectomy: ELN
Injured while tracheostomy: RLN
During tonsillectomy inc bleeding via tonsillar artery

Costal pleura: intercostal nerve

Mediastinal pleura: phrenic nerve
Diaphragmatic pleura: phrenic + lower six intercoastal nerves
• Oxalic kidney stones, defective gene is LYCINE
• BCC most common type: nodular
• Mid cycle, cervix has more viscosity
• Secreted in saliva: erythromycin
• Acute vision loss preserved due to collateral supply by PCA
• Unconscious pulse, drug given through ETT unresponsive is NEP
• In child, spinal cord ends at upper border of L3
• Contraction: actin and myosin. Relaxation: Tropomyosin
• Low affinity by MHC-1 in thymus (paracrine action) to form CD8 cells
• Eosinophilia in apoptopic cells is due to loss of cytoplasmic RNA
• Class of tumor cells acts against the host cells is CD8 cells
• Cells that have dense granules and igE antibodies on their cell membrane are
• Pericardium is present between FIBROUS and VISCERAL layer
• Damage to cerbellopontine area: loss of tunning fork reflex
• Inc PaCO2 will cause tachycardia
• Followup in HIV is by CD4+ Helper T cells. HIV is B cell lymphoma.
• Hyphema is blood in anterior chamber
• Foam cells in atheroma are formed by MONOCYTES
• Testicular tumor of non seminomatous type, lab finding is raised bHCG
• Giant cell arthritis is associated with Polymyalgia rheumatica
• Fever + hypotension in gram neg is due to ENDOTOXIN
• Dilated cardiomyopathy, function disturbed is SYSTOLIC
• Rt sided paralysis + loss of vibration tongue deviated to left: lesion of medial
• Benign tumor:warthin tumor (nephroblastoma)
• Drug leading to hyponatremia in SIADH is carbamazepine
• Adductor pollisis longus (ulnar), abductor pollicis longus (radial), abductor
pollicis brevis (median)
• Agranular cerebral cortex: primary motor area
• Digastric ligament is attached to HYOID bone
• Wound contraction is mediated by Myofibroblasts(secondary wound
• Remodeling of tissue by Metalloproteinases>collagenase>elastase
• Travelers diarrhea not responding to anti diarrheal, give NORFLOXACIN
• During exercise, arteriolar constriction decreases
• Pre ganglionic to lacrimal gland is by Greater petrosal branch of facial nerve
and post ganglionic is by ptergopalantine ganglion supplied by maxillary of
• Structure lying deep & parallel to carotid sheath is SYMPATHETIC TRUNK
• Thyroid gland
• Anterolaterally: SCM, sternohyoid, sternothyroid
• Post laterally: carotid sheath
• Medially: RLN, pharynx, larynx, trachea
• Posteriorly: parathyroid glands
• Person writes from left hand + RTA + now cannot d/f from left to right,
difficulty in writing and comprehension, and word retrieval: right parietal
• Bleeding disorders
• BT & APTT: vWB disease
• APTT: Hemophilia
• All 3: DIC
• Only BT: Platelet defect

• Sudden cruciating pain in chest + lens discoloration: mitral valve prolapse

• Drug safe in liver decompensation disease: oxazepan
• Cellular changes
• Reversible: cellular swelling, hydropic changes, vacuolar degeneration,
plasma membrane blebs, mitochondrial swelling
• Irreversible: cell membrane damage, mitochondrial densities seen,
contraction bands in cytoplasm
• Oneg with AB+: hemoglobinuria
• IUCD + endometrial pain + fever: ACTINOMYCOSIS
• T lymphocytes activated MHC class 2 by : Gamma Interferons
• Diazepan antidote is flumazenil
• Mineral of bone strength is hydroxyapatite
• After ovulation, oocyte is in prophase of 2nd miotic division
• Woman with tingling sensations & numbness diagnosed as demyelinating
injury, affected cells are OLIGODENDROCYTES
• Straited muscle + continuous rhythmic contractions: Cardiac Muscles
• Common cause of mutation of protooncogenes is VIRUS not radiation
• Mullarian duct forms appendix testis
• Saliva is released by VIP (dec contraction of gall bladder)
• Taste sensation nucleus of thalamus: VPN (ventroposteromedial), fear and
anxiety, flight by dorsomedial nucleus. Lateral nucleus: feeding center
• Patient with ataxia, part of cerebellum affected is VERMIS
• Least likely to be damaged in chin or neck is GENIOGLOSSUS
• Monocyte disarray: HCOM
• in PCOS what inc in adrogens: LH
• a girl with PCOS: inc insulin
• Renal Arteries
• Renal Pelvis + Columns: Interlobar
• Capsule & glomerulus: interlobular
• Hilum: segmental
• Base of pyramids: arcuate
• Chlorpromazine most common side effect is dystonia
• PDGF are present on platelets arises from: Alpha granules
• Child having aspergillous and staph Aures infection, cause is NADPH oxidase
• ACE inhibitors inc renin and increase bradykinin and decrease angiotensin 2
by: inhibiting kalikranin mechanism
• Acute confusion and paradoxical agitation by benzodiazepines
• Intellectual: wernikes area (difficulty in writing & reading)
• Bullae few hours (Serous), many days (purulent)
• Lady was given some inj at 14th day of her mensturation cycle: inhibit
• Mental foramen relation is 2nd lower premolar
• Heuser’s membrane from hypoblast will make boundary of extracelomic
• Cell remodeling enzyme is metalloproteinases>Collagenase>elastrase
• Meissners activity is secretory
• Hormone inc activity of lipoprotein lipase is INSULIN
• Ground substance of alveolar duct is alveoli
• Pulmonary artery 6th arch, CCA is 4th arch
• Inguinal lymphadenitis affects Lower body of uterus
• Fascia scarpa extends to Membranous part of Urogenital Diaphragm
• Vomiting center in MEDULLA
• Medial side of lesser omentum is hepatogastric ligament
• Tramtrack appearance in bronchiectasis
• Both RLN served, what muscle spared: cricothyroid
• Catecholamines synthesis from TYROSINE
• NEP synthesis require Dopamine Hydroxylase
• In Alzheimer, part of brain involved is Entorhinal Cortex
• Emphysema: raised plasma CO2
• What connects WBC to endothelium: ICAM>LFA (Genetic defect: LFA)
• Pt in ER with HR of 25BBP, QRS is wide and bizzare, pace maker in PURKINJEE
• IV drug that inc abdominal movements: Bethinicol
• Young man addict with s/s of needle track marks on arm: culture for
• patient presented with roberstein pupil: Pre tactal Nucleus
• dec hepatoglobin: sideroblastic anemia
• most common brain tumor by radiation: meningioma
• high bp, 180/110, ANA+, compliment level normal: Nodular GN
• pt has cavernous thrombosis, first sign would be loss of ABDUCTION
• clear fluid vesicles, HSV tZank smear. For HSV: Acyclovir, for HSV keratitis:
• tight cells of adrenal gland related to mesothelium
• saccarades controlled by cerebellum
• heart failure due to fibrinous pericarditis
• C1Q+ve and GBM splitting + antigen antibody complex:
Membranoproliferative GN
• G6PD def: Self limiting
• Pt has tinitis and facial muscle paralysis>cerebellopontine angle
• Pt has recurrent infections + cleft lip + cleft palate + cardiac defect: dec
lymphocyte carrying immunoglobulins
• Simvastatin MOA dec intrahepatic Cholesterol synthesis
• Blood group Agglutinins (not present until 20 weeks)(1) On RBC Surface
(2)Glycoproteins in nature (3)immunogenic
• Vaginal adenosis is a type of metaplasia
• Painless gradual loss of one eye with normal xray: optic nerve glioma
• Superior cerebral peduncle to Rostral midbrain
• Mean transportation of mucus in nasal mucosa is 6mm/min
• Damage to PCF, nerves affected are 5,7,9,10
• Dicyclomine acts on M3 receptors
• Drug that depletes epinephrine stores and decrease sympathetic: clonidine
• Young boy + graft from siblings, after sometime develops rash, diarrhea &
yellowish sclera. Test performed is hyperamylesemia
• Erectile tissue of penis has muscarinic receptors
• Pituitary gland lies medial to carotid sheath
• Abundant cilia: maxillary sinus
• Patient with left superior Quadrantanopia which tract involved: Rt Meyers
loop (temporal lobe) damage
• Indirect hernia occurs due to defect in Conjoint tendon
• Lump on forehead, ananstomosis, and single layer of endothelium:
• Normal healthy persons> sympathetic> blood supply inc to muscles
• Hormone responsible for increased gastric emptying is GASTRIN
• Mechanism of apoptosis and autoimmune disease: molecular mimicry
• Female patient + excess of mensturation, imaging shows endometrial
hyperplasia: excess of estrogen
• Most concentrated substance which is more at end of CD more than in PCT:
• Pre mature rupture of amniotic cavity + still birth: compliment activation
• Triceps reflex lost due to lower cervical trunk loss
• Lumbar hernia protrudes from inferior lumbar triangle
• Diaphragmatic pleura: phrenic + intercostal
• Tumor produced by carcinoid tumor: serotonin
• Amniocentesis cannot be done before 10 weeks (done at 11 weeks and 2%
• Oneg has no antigen, AB+ has no aglutinnins(antibodies)
• Patent foramen ovale causes patent foramen scundum
• Urorectal septum separates rectum & urogenital sinus
• Esophagus: upper 1/3rd has straited skeletal muscle>striated squamous
epithelium thorough out.
• Esophagus upper 2/3rd squamous carcinoma
Esophagus middle 1/3rd adenocarcinoma
• Dark urine, black in color, nappy black: alkaptonuria
• Endotoxin mediates IL1
• Salbutamol acts on selective B2
• Gram +ve, catalase +ve, coagulase -ve: Strept Pyrogenes
• Boy circumcision done, after that rash: HPV
• thigh anterior surface hit, artery damaged is PROFUNDA FEMORAL
• excessive opening of mouth prevented by TMJ
• Ext carpi ulnaris supplied by Post interousseus nerve of radial
• Sulfonamide given in norcardia
• Heart needs 60% energy from fats
• Lung compliance dec by dec lung volume
• Gestational age>fundal height: renal agenesis
• Gestational age<fundal height: esophageal atresia
• Crosses placenta and effects fetus: PTU
• Most common inherited thrombotic disorder: factor V laiden
• Most common inherited bleeding disorder: VWB disease
• Most common acquired bleeding disorder: AntiPhospholipid Syndrome
• To access prolonged live disease: ALBUMIN
• Chronic vs acute liver disease: PT
• Velocity of conduction inc due to large diameter, what other cause: Na
channels inc permeability
• RTA + damaged: Pubic symphysis. Structure damaged: LEVATOR ANI not rectum
• Adrenal cortex: Mesoderm
• Adrenal medulla: neural crest cells
• Ovarian cancer spreads by peritoneal cavity
• Sinus at saggital and tentonium: inf petrosal sinus
• Quartan malaria: p malaria
• Malignant tertian/quotidian: p falciparum
• Tumor suppression gene in renal agenesis and gonadal agenesis: WT1
• Prostacyclins derived from endothelial cells
• No taste buds on filiform papilla
• Hormone responsible for glucogenolysis, gluconeogenesis & ketogenesis:
• Methyldopa MOA alpha agonist on CNS
• Upper part of vagina formed and canalized by lower fusion of paramesonephric
• Lyme disease by spirochete
• Large friable irregular vegetations seen on infective endocarditis
• No vaccination + large platelets BS Syndrome
• Regarding osteon, has circumferential lamella
• Remnant of osteon: intestinal lamella
• Osteonic canals connecting obliquely and transversally connecting medullary
cavity is Volkmans canal
• Old bone in intestinal lamella is Haversian canal
• Spongy bone surrounds haversian canal
• Malaria enters as sporozoites(active stage), dominant form: hypnozoites
• In spleen worn out blood cells, come and filter out at what part: red pupl and
• Superficial inguinal nerve transverses ilioinguinal nerve
• Transient adhesions: selectins
• Firm adhesions: integrins
• 17Y presented with epistaxis + nasopharyngeal angiofibroma. Surgeon decided
• Administration of glucocorticoids leads to inc glucose uptake into the cells
• P. Falciparum is unicellular Protozoan
• Tamoxifen s/e endometrial hyperplasia
• Tumor suppressor gene tp53 induces cell arrest in G1-S Phase
• Posture maintained by muscle spindles is by ALPHA motor neurons and by
• After 80hrs of acute MI what will be decreased: CKMB
• Karyotype 46XX + ambiguous genaltalia: CAH
• Girl + fever + petechial hemorrhages: N. Meningitides MOA Endotoxin
• GFR inc by afferent arteriolar dilatation OR efferent arteriolar constriction
• In CKD, plasma CO2 tends to be low
• Route of speard of RCC is renal veins
• Potassium sparing are LOOP DIURETICS
• Space formed by extra embryonic splanchnic and somatopleuric is extra
embryonic coelom
• Tumor with nerve sheath involvement is carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma
• Tumor going to anterior surface of SCM will engorge: Ext Jugular vein
• Phrenic nerve avulsion at its origin: (1)hemi/ipsilateral diaphragm paralysis
(2)loss of sensation of central tendon of diaphragm
• CCK: gastric emptying + inc gastric motility + inc pancreatic secretions and inc
Ca+2 . following decrease gastric concentration: somatostatin
• Sternal angle (angle of louis) T4, T5
• Knee extended and locked in midstance position due to lesion of femoral nerve
• Aphasia is due damage of temporal lobe
• Thrombin converting fibrinogen to fibrin: fibrinopeptide
• Investigation to d/f nevus amemicus & segmental hypomelanosis: diascopy
• Dec physiological dead space by atelectasis
• Lesion of genicocalcarine tract: homonymous heminopia + macular sparing
• Elevation of jaw: masseter
• Lines the ventricles of brain and central canal of spinal cord: ependymal cells
• Male with mask like fascies and resting tremors: lesion of caudate lobe
• Cervix softening: progesterone
• Cuts his finger: liquefactive necrosis
• Drug used in headache but not in peripheral vascular disease: ergometrine
• Cushing syndrome: eosinophilia
• 1carbon carrier: biotin, transfer: folate
• Female with hard cystic swelling between labia majora and minora due to great
vestibular gland
• Woman + uterine Ca. Ca can go directly to labia majora via ROUND LIGAMENT
• Ejaculation by pudendal>sympathetic and erection by parasympathetic
• Main support of uterus: transverse cervical ligament (cardinal ligament)
• Germinal follicles are present in cortex of lymph nodes
• Angiogenesis in wound healing by VEGF>PDGF
• Angiogenesis by vasculostasis. Angiogenesis done by VEGF ( check online)
• Post MI, abundant is VGEF
• Dec in pregnancy Protein C>AT3
• Abd hysterectomy done, wound washed with NS, it touches the pelvic brim and
goes to Rt Subphrenic space
• Hep b vaccination confirmed by Anti HBsAg
• Blind vagina, absence of sec sexual characters: androgen insensitivity syndrome
• Anti hypertensive in a pt during surgery to asthamatic pt: IV NITROGLYCERINE
• Triceps Reflex Loss: Lower Cervical injury & upper brachial
• Alkalization is useful in toxication of phenobarbitone
• Positive nitrogen balance in normal pregnancy
• Cobalt halflife is 5years
• 1st degree prolapse: uterosacral ligament
• 2nd degree prolapse: uterosacral ligament
• 3rd degree prolapse: uterosacral ligament> cardinal
• 4th degree prolapse: cardinal ligament
• Flexor of thigh at hip: psoas muscle. Muscle that cause hip extension & knee
flexion: semitendinous, abduction of hip limited by pubofemoral, adduction
of hip limited by iliofemoral. Extension of hip w/o knee flexion: adductor
• Pralitaxel: microtubule inhibitor.
• Test which rule out disease: sensitivity
• True neg & false positive: specific
• Pre load of heart: left ventricular end diastolic volume
• Co relation coefficient R value perfect relation between two values: +1
• Major antigen presenting cells are dendritic cells
• Most common organ in primary amyloidosis is KIDNEY
• Glucagon stimulated by EXERCISE
• Auto antibodies in autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) is ANTI I
• Rubella in 7th week causes CATARACT
• Overall Deafness> cataract
• Female of perimenopausal age group, excess of FSH
• Cisplatin MOA crosslink DNA
• Histology shows flask shaped cells with multiple dendritic synapse: CEREBELLAR
• Phenyalanine, which aminoacid is restricted: aromatic amines (typtophan,
tyrosine & phenylalanine)
• Observational study: COHORT
• Young children + prominent forehead + everted looking eyes, long longitudinal
mandible and hypogonadism: FRAGILE X SYNDROME (has trinucleotide
repeats) (most common intellectual disability after Downs syndrome)
• Child during day, difficulty seeing, loss of pigment in hair, skin and enzymes.
Deficient: tyrosinase
• New born baby has abd pain and distention in lumbar area on palpitation
mobile mass, died after 3 days due to: non uninion of ureteric bud to
metanephric bud
• Post menopausal woman on hrt for 10 years. Hx of breast cancer in her sister.
She is at a risk of developing breast cancer
• Child with hx of easy fatigue and muscle cramps and low levels of lactate and
high glucagon: Macrdle disease
• Pap smear is secondary prevention
• Location of decend of 2nd pharyngeal arch to epicardial ridge in lower neck:
lateral to neck and ant to SCM
• Hexamethylamine is an alkylating agent used in ovarian cancer. Route of
administration is IM
• During maturation and parturition what layer is shed: BASALIS
• Young girl having pain in inferolateral region of abd prior to 2 weeks of onset of
mensturation but hemodynamically normal: mittel schmerz
• Hypoxemia: L-R shunt if asked physiological then hypoventilation
• Sarcomere is seen in H zone, structure seen on relaxed muscle: Thin filaments
• DCT: H+ confers final composition of urine
• ABO antigen: secreted in Saliva
• Medium sized blood vessels have valves
• Female came from rural area, 15-20 episodes of motion: ingestion of vibro
• Insensible water loss from body 200-400
• Cause of left axis deviation is right ventricular damage
• Sympathetic supply of lower respiratory tract: t1, t2, t3, t4
• Hla b27: uveitis
• Use of diuretics: loss of sodium
• Antibiotics reacting with vit K and causing hypothrombinemia: cefazolin
• S/e of epidural anasthesia is hypotension
• Oral cancer, most common cancer in karachi
• Finger injury activates kinin & also coagulation by factor 7
• Grin card between index and thumb: anterior interosseous nerve (ulnar)
• Dec DNA and cell activity is a feature of cellular aging
• Cephalosporins MOA transpeptidase
• Pt in OT develops SVT, DOC Ca channel blockers
• If suxamethonium is contradicted then rocurium
• Shortest acting tolbutamide
• Ant spinothalamic: crude touch and pressure
• Lat spinothalamic: pain and temperature
• Ventral spinothalamic: tickling
• Raphe nucleus: serotonin
• Ability of kidney to secrete concentrated urine inc if rate of blood flow to
medulla decreases
• Major source of energy in 24 hrs of brain is ketone bodies
• Slow wave sleep: serotonin (raphe nucleus)
• CIS atracurium preferred over atracurium due to Less HISTAMINE release
• If accommodation is to remain contact and light reflex is lost, lesion is in
pretectal area
Above sacral segment injury
Spastic bladder, automatic bladder, urge incontinence
at sacral segment injury
Atonic bladder, autonomous, overflow
• CM5 configuration: indifferent lead placement
• Part of brain that do pain perception: dorsal horn substantia gelatinosa
• Cystoscope and endoscope by tyndilization
• Endoscopic instruments by glyceraldehyde 2%
• Known diabetic, came in ER with low glucose level: DOC glebeinclainamide
• Latismus dorsi muscle paralyzed, supplied by dorsal scapular nerve. Part of
brachial cord damaged: post cord
• Pt presented with hyperacusis and facial nerve palsy, damaged is Nerve to
• Evoked potential due to auditory
• v/q ratio less than normal: shunt, infinite: dead space, embolism
• changes seen in a patient who is given 1 Litre of NS: dec urine OSM
• in alcoholics, pts with hypoglycemia, initial treatment is thiamine
• structure lies close to crus cerebri: substantia nigra
• structure lies posterior to cerebral aqueduct: pre tectum
• horseshoe kidney associated with pelvic ureteric junction abnormality
• verge of anal canal lymphatics: internal pudendal lymph nodes
• pt + pre auricular swelling + ottorhea + occasional lymphadenopathy: trucut
biopsy. (parotid gland swelling: aspirational biopsy)
• appropriate test for growth: insulin stimulation test
• structure prone to damage in quadrangular space: post circumflex humeral
heart disease: Mitral Valve
other diseases: Tricuspid
common AV disease: Tricuspid
aortic: right 2nd ICS
pulmonary: left 2nd ICS
tricuspid: left 4th ICS sternal end
Mitral Left 4th/5th ICS Midclavicular
Mid diastolic murmur: Mitral stenosis
Pan Systolic murmur: Mitral Regurg, Tricuspid regurg, VSD
Ejection systolic: Aortic Stenosis
Early diastolic: aortic regurgitation
Machine like murmur: PDA
• pan systolic murmur: membranous part of IV septum
• In breast Ca, orange peep secretions is due to Invasive carcinoid cells
• Tributary of portal vein: inf epigastric vein
• Special characteristics from other class: Osteoclast
• Volume of amniotic fluid at term: 800ml
• ICU + CVP: epidermidis
• In intrinsic factor what cause activation of coagulation: factor 12 Hageman
• Sciatic nerve root L4 L5 SI S2 S3
• Iliolumbar is a branch of internal iliac
• Alpha adrenergic: pupillary dilation
• Liver is derived from foregut
• From ventral mesogastrium: pancreas
• From dorsal mesogastrium: splenorenal
• Pt on LRTI for many days, what will be seen: cilia
• In amyotropic lateral sclerosis, pt disease will effect motor supply, what part of
spinal cord effected: VENTRAL HORN
• Pt had rta, injury to occipital region, now having homonymous heminopia, what
structure damaged: optic radiation
• Iliac crest L4, IVC L5
• Csf exam necessary to rule out retinoblastoma and malenoma of eye
• Left cleft palate due to damage of palantine shelves
• If EF will increase, what will decrease: end systolic volume
• Drug used post operatively is ketorolac>pethidine
• Drug used post operatively in asthmatics: pethidine
• Tumor of eye which spreads to liver: malenoma
• Vol of air in lungs after max expiration: residual vol
• Platelets imp function is plug formation
• Peroxisomes are formed by SER
• Lysosomes are formed by Golgi apparatus
• Nissel bodies: RER (granular ER)
• Basophilia of cells: RER
• Senseless speech, and cannot remember words: temporal lobe/mamilothalamic
tract damage
• Central and peripheral chemoreceptors respond to CO2
• Max ventricular filling in atrial systole
• Anterior 2/3rd interventricular artery by LAD by LCA (Great Cardiac Vein)
• Posterior interventricular artery by RCA (Middle Cardiac Vein)
• LCX lateral surface of heart (left atrium & left ventricular surface) POSTERIOR
side. (Anterior Cardiac Vein) L1, AVL, V5, V6
• Inferior wall by Rt Marginal of RCA (2, 3, avF)
• Apex of heat by ant interventricular artery by LCA
• Anterior wall by LAD by LCA V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6
• Posterior wall MI st depression in V2, V3 & R
• Patient has cavernous sinus thrombosis, nerve damaged will be abducens CN6
• Sexual hx + painful chanrche + irregular eversion of the scrotum, may metasize
to brain: syphilis
• Joint which is fibrocartilaginous and amphiarthroses: distal talofibular joint
• Blood supply of thalamus, sub thalamus, hypothalamus by ICA
• Arm cannot move forward as before: injury to upper trunk of brachial plexus
• Cannot extend knee, injury at L3, L4
• Absence of limbs is due to malformation of late plate mesoderm
• Lymphatic drainage of base of T10 is ant axillary
• Petit mal epilepsy: spike and slow wave
• Bleeding from wall of mastoid antrum: sigmoid sinus. From ant wall (ICA), from
floor (Jugular bulb)
• Thoracocentesis: 9th IC nerve
• In IDDM person suffering from htn: Propranol
• Diabetic person with leg ulcer: meropanum
• Structure lying lateral to lateral arcuate ligament is quadratus lamborum
• Characteristics of myofibrosis: TEAR DROP CELLS
• Bone marrow biopsy in neonates: TIBIA, in adults: iliac crest>sternum
• B cell markers used in identification of CD 19,20
• Vertebrae with bifid spinous: cervical
• Edward syndrome: trisomy 18, low set ears, microcephaly, small jaw, cleft lip
and occiput and epicanthal folds
• Air-blood barrier in lungs consists of Alveolar type 1 cells
• Commonly absent congenitally: teres minor
• Obese: distribution of drug (gentamycin)
• Non obese: excretion
• Dec haptoglobin + heinz bodies: G6PD
• Howel jolly bodies: sickle cell anemia & splenectomy
• Patient have repeated infections of viral and bacterial, may also have present:
dec cells in paracortex (digorge syndrome: dec lymphocytes carrying
• Above 70years: asthenospermic
• Thoracic duct drains at junction of left subclavin and internal jugular vein
• SA node: sub epicardium
• AV node: endocardium
• Conducting system of heart: Sub endocardium
• Transmigration of neutrophils: diapedesis
• Absence seizures (pseudo seizure): Ethosuzimide,
• Status epilepticus: lorazepam
• Primary generalized epilepsy & myoclonic seizures: valproic acid
• Warfarin: given orally. PT>INR Extrinsic pathways. Vitamin K dependent.
Factors 2, 7, 9, 10 protein c, protein s, tissue thromboplastin(factor 7).
Activates factor X and inhibits antithrombin 3
• Heparin given IV, aptt, instrinsic pathway, Hageman factor 12
• Lacrimation during eating: facial nerve
• Risk of lichen planus to malignancy is 10-15%
• FRC:ERV+RV and IC:IRV+TV (volume of air after inspiration or normal expiration:
FRC)(vol of air maximally inspired then maximally expired: Vital capacity)
• Rods & cones & outer layer by choroidal artery, other by central retinal artery
• In liver parenchymal enzyme inc is ALT
• MRSA treatment Fusidic acid
• 20y girl with amenorrhea having monthly lower abdominal pain, O/E intact
• Mother + alcohol: prematurity
• PNS to Parotid gland is by Glossopharyngeal nerve
• s/e of morphine: constipation
• in neurogenic shock: dec peripheral vascular resistance
• cause of inc ketone bodies in diabetes: insulin deficiency (insulin given to inc
• rt frontal lobe optic tract compression leads to left homonymous hemianopia
• DOC for travellers diarrhea: Norfloxacin>diphenoxylate
• Max Emax:CO2 maximum diffusion capacity. To measure diffusion: CO
• Bone matrix: osteoblast (osteocytes)
• Bone resorption: osteoclast
• Bone remodeling: osteoblast + osteoclast
• Bone remodeling vit: vitamin C (def causes hydroxylation of proline & lysine)
• Mineralization: vit D
• Demineralization: PTH
• SVA: chorda tympani + Facial nerve
• GVE: supplies smooth muscle glands, parotid gland & fibres from CNS + VGE of
vagus: dorsal motor nucleus
• What drug lowers TAGs: ferofibrate
• Alcoholic patient develops steatohepatitis due to: acetaldehyde
• igA nephropathy by inc mesangial matrix
• caudal pons + horizontal fibres: middle cerebellar peduncle
• cerebellum + midbrain: superior cerebellar peduncle
• cerebellum + medulla: inferior cerebellar peduncle
• stress hormone: CRH>Cortisol>ACTH
• stress + Vasoconstriction: Catecholamines (epi, nor epi)
• emboli first go to IVC>right atrium>pulmonary capillaries
• standing for long duration, what dec: CVP
• acute memory loss: limbic association area. Chronic/long term memory loss:
• tracheostomy in adults C2-C3(vertebral level C6-C7), in children C3-C4
• most prominent feature of vagotomy: dec distal stomach peristalsis
• insulin secretion inc by: secretin and dec by sympathetic activity
• Cheilosis & corneal vacuolization by def of Riboflavin
• Fundamental defect in SLE: failure of B & T cells for tolerance to self antigens
• Darkness: melatonin
• Early morning: cortisol
• Deep sleep: GH + prolactin
• Ptosis + Meosis (constricted pupils): Horner Syndrome
• Ptosis + mydriasis (dilated pupils): oculomotor
• Ptosis + normal eyes: myasthenia gravis
• After terminal ileal resection: dec bile secretion and water absorption
• Sympathetic stimulation in fire or flight: dec airway obstruction
• Acetoacetate is a ketone body
• Alpha rhythm on ecg, inc frequency due to low paCO2 or hyperventilation
• Brunners gland in duodenum
• Boy fell from height, compression of sole of foot: ant arch damage
• Pt had head injury + inc breathing: Cheyne stroke breathing
• Derivative of neural crest cells: dorsal root ganglion
• Na-bile Acid transporter in ileum
• A wave: right atrial contraction
• C wave: right ventricular contraction
• V wave: isovolumetric relaxation phase
• T wave: ventricular repolarization
• Low paCO2: dec cerebral blood flow
• Safe in liver decompensation disease: Oxazepam
• Buried in lateral sulcus of cerebrum: insula
• Small gut resection due to crohns develops hyperoxaluria: inc oxalate
absorption from gut
• Vit A given is protection specific
• Blood pooled in lower limb: arterial pressure will dec.
• Only afferent nerve to brain is optic and self regenerative neurons in
• microtubules present in centrioles
• mitochondria are abundant in apical end of ciliated cells
• pt has used carbonic anhydrase inhibitors: urine will be alkaline
• Babinski sign positive due to damage of PYRAMIDS
• Max aortic pressure: slow ejection phase
• From sitting to standing: dec venous return
• Female has fibrous mass, non mobile, 3cm in size: desmoplasia
• Child has bald patch on head + papillamotous projections, has abdundane of
sebaceous glands: basal cell carcinoma
• Lesion of 0.5-2mm in brain and abdomen: neurofibromatosis 1
• Cardiolipin phospholipids are present in mitochondria
• In DI: dec urine osmolarity
• What anti HIV drup causes pancreatitis & peripheral neuropathy:
• Pre central gyrus: Motor. Post central gyrus: sensory.
• Prostatic urethra rupture, contents goes to: retropubic space
• Penile/spongy urethra rupture, contents goes to:scrotum>ant abd wall
• Bulbar urethra rupture, contents goes to: superficial
• Membranous urethra rupture, contents goes to: deep pouch
• End expiratory volume would be inc in COPD
• Child with aggressive behavior: haloperidol
• Tape worm DOC: niclosamide
• Pt in cardiac diastole, backflow of blood, murmur is Early diastolic murmur
• Higher at apex than base: V/Q
• Sq cell ca of penis: phimosis
• Haploid DNA with haploid no of chromosomes: chromatids
• Reticular formations: lymphoid organs
• Venous blood has more hematocrit than arterial blood
• Deep sea divers, suddenly ascends: seizures
• Oral glucose load will inc GIP
• Arterial septal defect is osteom secundum
• Perception of digust is by left insular cortex
• A pt having 2P followed by QRS complex: Dec AV nodal conduction
• Saliva as compared to plasma is HYPOTONIC
• Lesion in horizontal gaze: frontal eye field
• Hemagglutinin: complex glycoprotein
• During Exercise blood dec to kidneys
• Pt of upper motor neuron lesion came with rt side hypertonia with
exaggerated reflexes & positive Babinski sign: left broadmanns area 4
• Disequilibrium response of autonomic system is shown in Meineir’s Disease
• Effect of multiparity on cervix is Dysplasia
• Acclimization: inc in pulmonary ventilation
• Most common opportunistic infection in HIV: Candida
• Whiplash injury, damage to C5,6: loss of flexion of forearm
• Right Shift (Bohr’s effect): Dec in PH (rise in H ions), inc CO2, Inc
temperature, inc 2,3 GDP. Left shift (Haldane effect): rise in PH (less H ions),
dec CO2, dec temperature, dec 2,3 GDP
• Left gastroepiploic is a branch of splenic artery. Magna artery is a branch of
splenic artery. Gastroduodenal artery is a branch of common hepatic artery.
Gastric fundus bleeding by short gastric arteries of splenic artery.
Gastrosplenic ligament has left gastro epiploic artery. cystic artery is a
branch of right hepatic artery. Supply of proximal bile duct is rt hepatic
artery. Rt accessory hepatic artery arises from SMA. Left gastric artery is a
branch of celiac artery. Upper 2cm of duodenum is by rt gastric artery. Left
gastric accessory artery arises from left hepatic. Pancreatoduodenal artery
by gastroduodenal artery.

Aortic insufficiency is associated with ankylosing spondylitis
• Aortic stenosis: angina like symptoms
• Aortic Regurgitation: bounding pulse
• Mitral valve prolapse: myxoid degeneration + corda tendinea broken
• Mitral valve stenosis: A fib, absent a wave
• Co artaction of Aorta: bicuspid aortic valve
• Dicrotic notch: aortic valve closure
• Benedicts test: reducing substance of urine
• Present between the gap junctions: conexins
• Normal A/a ratio: 0.8
• When both alleles are fully expressed in heterozygotes: co dominance
• TGF Beta closes cranial sutures
• Kidney activates cholecalciferol
• Nikel: Lung cancer>nasal ca
• Aldosterone action is to displace Na+ from cytoplasm to cell membrane
• Rat flees: yersina petis
• Peroneal artery is a branch of posterior tibial artery. Plantaris is supplied by
tibial nerve. Deep planter artery is a branch of dorsal pedis artery. Soleus by
tibial artery.
• Drug causes tachycardia even at normal dose: iso sorbide di nitrate
• In internal capsule hemorrhage: Contalateral UMN lesion. Injury to internal
capsule, spastic paralysis of opposite side. Deviation of mouth to opposite
side + eyes close (ant part of post limb of internal capsule without genu).
• Drooling of saliva + deviation of angle of mouth to the left + can close his
eyes: supra nuclear lesion of facial nerve.
• Tinitis + facial muscle paralysis: cerebropontine angle
• Final common motor pathway: alpha motor neurons
• Anterior Hypothalamus: AC : Sweating & vasodilation
• Posterior hypothalamus: HC : Shivering & Vasoconstriction
• In circadian rhythm (suprachiasmatic nucleus), bronchoconstriction is max at
early morning
• Old woman + IHD + presented with irregular heart beat: DOC Lidocaine
• 2nd order neurons of anterior spinothalamic tract lies in substantia gelatinosa
• Thick wall + fewer arterial arcades: jejunum
• No submucosa in gall bladder (this d/f it from colon)
• d/f b/t epiphysis of boys & girls is 3 years
• Mood: Serotonin, Emotions: dopamine. Lack of which hormone causes
anxiety: GABA
• Immunity works in presence of thyroxine
• Structure that connects hypothalamus & hippocampus is fornix
• Lactate has transport maximum
• Decrease pressure in right atrium: release of ADH
• Common cause of Ascites in patient of HCV: dec colloid osmotic pressure
• Supporting cells of pars nervosa: pituicytes
• In metaplasia, if chromosomes divide transversely then ISOCHROMOSOMES
• Quine and distilled water on tongue to check VPN Nucleus
• Cortical layer of oocytes secrets estrogen
• Polyps? Cervical ca? metaplasia or dysplasia?
• RSV cause bronchiectasis in children
• Structure passes through groove in mediastinum on left side: esophagus
• PTH levels doesn’t change in osteoporosis
• GLP1 agonist & anti diabetic is EXENATIDE
• Blood clot has fibrin
• Strongest inhibitory signals comes from Purkinjee cells of cerebral cortex
• Microglial cells (macrophages of CNS): start activity in inflammatory response
• Effect of oxygenation of carboxyhemoglobin is by Le Chatelier's principle
• Sound is best perceived at choclear area (develops in 6 weeks)
• Colon ca MHC2, RBC interleukin 3
• Uneventful tooth extraction, presented on next day: anticoagulant effect of
• Long standing asthma (charcot layden): increased lymphocytic proliferative
response to mitogens
• Lymph flow decreases by hemorrhage
• Man + oral ulcer + b/l pleural effusion, vasculitis, restricted lung disease:
Progressive Systemic sclerosis
• Half life of kanamycin: 12hrs
• Epinephrine on glucose: glycogenolysis
• Left pons connected to Right cerebellum, left cerebrum
• Insoluble form of iron stored as hemosiderin, soluble form by Feritin
• Circulating immunoglobulins by plasma cells
• Olfactory area present in anterior perforating material
• Common protein for smooth + skeletal muscle contraction: ACTIN. Common to
pulmonary and skeletal blood vessels: protein permeability.
• Progesterone: always secretory phase
• Cyanide poisoning will effect COMPLEX 4 (cytochrome C oxidase)
• Rbc venous blood have more chloride ions
• Stretch reflex: monosynaptic
• Inverse stretch reflex: disynaptic
• Withdrawl reflex: multisynaptic
• Drug which causes sneezing and nasal congestion caused by Metformin
• Cells responsible for innate immunity: CHO sequence in bacterial cell wall
• CO measured by thermodilution method is known as Indicator Dilution method
• Voluntary movements are initiated by BASAL GANGLIA (planning voluntary
• What decreases pencilin excretion from kidneys: probenecid
• Sleep paralysis due to thalamus
• PNS effect: Efflux of K
• Olfactory bulb: BIPOLAR
• Primary oocyte surrounded by cellular layer: corona radiata and by non cellular
layer: zona pellicuda
• Pt with anemia + wrist drop + constipation + peripheral neuropathy: lead
• Climbing fibres to purkinjee arises from Inferior olivatory nucleus
• Pt had bleeding + deranged BT & APTT, what to give CP
• Oxytocin: causes water retention
• Pancreatic injury, content goes to LESSER SAC
• Post rotatory nystagmus caused by Endolymph in Semicircular canals
• Pt presented to you with both lower limb weakness and gait problems and has
peripheral tingling sensations: Shwanoma
• Chorea MOA neutral NaCl absorption
• Crescent shaped, 36 to 48hrs P.Falciparum
• Middle cerebellar peduncle originates from: contralateral basal pontine nucleus
• Primary active transport requires PUMP
• Jaw claudication: giant cell arteritis
• Hemorrhagic cystitis due to cyclophasphamide
• Remnant of gubernaculum in females is round/broad ligament of uterus
• Bleeding from nipple, no mass palpable: intraductal papilloma
• Gracilis muscle by obturator nerve
• Microscopy shows gland tissues in tissue submucosa: duodenum
• Endometrial adenocarcinoma: direct extension into the adjacent tissues
• Estrogen prolonged use causes: endometrial carcinoma & protective against
Ovarian carcinoma. Mixed HRT causes breast cancer.
• In pheochromocytoma, insulin would be less
• 5&7 benedoch arteries, 2&10 superior vesical arteries
• Na is actively (aldosterone) absorbed in colon and passively in jejunum
• Trichomonas: wet smear of vaginal discharge
• Infundibulum of pituitary gland is associated with pars tuberalis
• Great sephanous vein passes via fossa ovalis
• Inspiration: bp low and venous return inc
• Max safe effective dose of local anasthesia without giving epinephrine is
bupivacaine 50
• Cells with basal infoldings: microvilli
• Somatostatin and histamine has paracrine effects
• Hepatic veins goes to IVC. Left gastric vein goes to Portal vein
• Carcinogens which causes mutations are acquired
• Microscopic slide showing transverse striations and myofibrils:
• Eosinophilia in apoptotic cells is due to loss of RNA
• Nerve supply of internal uretheral sphinter: splanchic vessels
• Cephalohematoma is b/t skull and periosteum and commonest site is parietal
• Inherited form of endometrial ca is HNPCC
• Leptin: enzyme linked receptor
• Most common tumor in 2nd decade of life: osteosarcoma
• Adenoma Ca shown by Colon Ca
• Pt on sildenafil for erectile dysfunction, not given for lowering bp is NITRATES
• Pt on thiazides + loop diuretics: nacl absorption inhibited at LOH
• Patient with uroporphyin 1 in urine, enzyme deficient is uroporphyrin 3
• Pre neoplasia: dysplastic nevus
• Myelohyoid and anterior belly of digastric by TGN, others by facial!
• Liver carcinoma caused by aflatoxins. Tip of nose is supplied by Opthalmic
branch of TGN. Masseter muscle is also supplied by TGN. Lacrimal gland
supplied by TGN. Tongue bite + hx of sensation loss on tongue: Lingual nerve
of TGN.
• Pt having vesicles on lat forehead + medical orbits + ala of nose + pain and
headache: Maxillary division of TGN (not facial as in HSV)
• Granuloma has PLASMA cells and Giant cells
• Low frequency hearing loss in child is Conductive hearing loss
• Proliferation of mammary ducts and fat deposition, duct and dutal growth,
pigmenting of areola is by: estrogen, if alveoli and lobule & alveoli
development: Progesterone.
• Endometrial thickness: progesterone. Endometrial proliferation: estrogen
• Lactation in pregnancy is inhibited by Estrogen>progesterone
• Vein dilated in portal hypertension: left colic
• Bipolar neurons has one dendrite
• Progress to Grade 4 encephalopathy: diuretics. Caused by PCM
• Child + photosensitivity + rashes + urinary + fecal problems + raised
uroporphyrin: congenital erythropoietic porphyria.
• Child + translucent swelling on ant abd wall, umbilicus attached to its apex:
• Physiological shunt: V/Q is zero
• Impermeable to water: TAHL
• Androgens: Leydig cells + Testosterone
• Sertoli cells: androgen binding protein + inhibin + spermatogenesis
• Elevation of jaw: masseter>medial pterygoid
• Forcefully expired: rectus abdominis
• Lipid bilayer membrane mostly influenced by cholesterol content is iron
• RBB: septomarginal trabeculae LBB: muscular part of IV septum
• Loop diuretics therapeutic and toxic sideeffect is low blood volume
• CaCl2 was given to a rat in lab, now leads to hypercalcemia this will lead to inc
24,25 DiOHC
• Mean systolic pressure max in Renal artery and max pulse pressure in Dorsal
• Specific gravity of urine associated with concentration
• Hepatocyte membrane damage is cause of inc ALT
• DOC in chlamydia: Oofloxacin
• Therapeutic use of calcitonin is Paget disease
• VD/VT ratio of PaO2 is 45mmhg, mixed expired CO2 30hg is 0.3
• Hyaline cartilage in trachea + costal cartilages
• Surgical removal of duodenum will cause gastric emptying
• Pt stand suddenly: inc pulse pressure
• Pt having facial palsy + angular chieletis + fissure tongue: merkersson Rosenthal
• Peripheral vasodilation in septic shock
• 1degree centrigrade decrease how much CRMO2 dec: 7%
• Submandibular gland deep and superficial part divided by mylohyoid muscle
• Retinoblastoma extraocular spread is by optic nerve
• Multiple myeloma: m protein. Nephrogenic DM(adh cant acts on dct)
• Regarding M.TB: resides in macrophages phagocytes & avoid destruction of the
lysosomal enzymes
• Inc Na in body due inc K in body
• A male with stoop posture + resting tumors + inability to walk, what other
features: lead pipe rigidity
• Which of the following pressure is measured b/t arterial and venous blood
when blood is stopped? Mean systemic filling pressure
• Main support of medial arch is flexor hallucis longus
• Anti apoptopic effect: BCL2, BCL-XL & MCL 1
• Common acyanotic VSD
• Common cyanotic TOF
• Common complication in TOF: VSD
• Most common great vessel deformity: PDA
• Medial quardarnt of breast: internal mammary
• Tail of breast: posterior mammary (scapular lymph nodes)
• Drank 2L of water: Inc ICF vol>dec ICF osm>inc ecf vol>dec ecf osm
• Type of change in metaplasia is epithelial change
• Boat shaped cysts: pneumocystic jivorci
• Pt has hx of multiple myeloma, now has hypercalcemia, polyuria and confusion:
ADH cannot act on tubules
• What vascular part of fibula used in bone graft: middle
• During normal diastole, backflow of blood is dicrotic notch
• Difficulty in reading black board: axial myxoma
• Sciatic nerve injury + difficulty standing from sitting, injury to hamstring muscle
• Child with rheumatic disease: group A strept
• Sexually active female +burning micturition + suprapubic pain + dysuria + gram
neg rods, indole +ve, oxidase +: e coli
• Femoral hernia desends behind inguinal ligament
• Post lat pelvic wall formed by sacro coccyx joint
• Lens metabolism requires glucose
• Tragus + ear: 1st pharyngeal arch
• Superficial palmar arch by Ulnar artery. Deep palmar arch by radial artery
• Person have post abd wall mass arises from pelvic area having central fibrosis
with surrounding cells with pseudo rossetes and polychromasia: wilms tumor
• Chronic intravascular hemolysis: hemosidrenuria
• Acute intravascular hemolysis: dec hepatoglobin
• Periarticular erosions: RA
• Protein metabolism best assessed by urea and creatinine
• Derivative of ciliary epithelium: autonomic ganglia
• If mother is rh+ and father is rh-, no risk
• Cancer which is treatable and good prognosis: gastric adenocarcinoma
• Amoeba resides in cecum
• AB+, ffps of ab neg can be used
• Shortest in respiratory tree: alveolar sac
• Epiploic appendices in sigmoid colon
• Ulnar nerve lies medial to brachial artery in upper arm
• Asterognosia: post occipital
• Hereditary telangiectasia: LIPS
• App dose of dopamine to inc renal blood flow: 2-5ug/kg/min
• Safety margin: therapeutic index
• Longest acting insulin: bovine ultralente
• Anti D antibody: clinically can cause hemolytic anemia
• Yellow granules: actinomyces
• Yellow colonies: staph aures
• Mutation in sickle cell anemia is missense
• Xylocaine s/e: mild syncope, cholorpromazine: dystonia
• Most lethal in pregnancy hep e
• Atheroma has fatty streaks
• Osteoblastic activity is dec by cortisol
• Hypoglycemic effect of sulfonylurea is inc by phenylbutazone
• Lung pressure test in emphysema will show inc lung volume
• Chenodeoxycholic acid is used to dissolve uncalcified cholesterol stones
• Injury to medial border of scapula, muscle spared is infraspinatous
• Best time for IV prophylaxis is on OT table
• Sotalol is class 3 anti htn
• Complain of SOB, xray shows large shadow in chest, on echo it was related to
right ventricle of heart, containing hemorhagic and narcotic tissue:
• major source of urea is ammonia in body
• bun/cr greater than 20:pre renal azotemia
• pre menopausal: tamoxifen (benefit effect on breast), post menopausal:
aromatic inhibitors, osteoporosis: raloxifene
• parallel lights infront of retina: myopia
• more chances of pregnancy during LH surge
• ureter narrows at VUJ>entering in bladder
• obstruction of uteric colic more at the level of pelvic brim bounded by ext iliac
• homocystinuria: associated with vit b12
• XXY true hermaphrodite
• T cell leukemia: type 1 RNA virus
• Intraepithelial lesion of vulva: condyloma
• Na absorption: aldosterone, excretion: ANP
• Reproductive girl: menarche, breasts:thelarche
• Beirs block: lignocaine
• Connection b/t cell to cell with protein channels and low electrical resistance:
tight junctions
• Shigella have endotoxin in outer cell wall + bloody diarrhea
• Effect of PNS on Sa node is due inc permeability of K ions
• Uterine artery pulsations can be heard at 7 weeks
• Type 1 collagen: Fibrocartilage, Tendons, fascia, skin & bone
• Type 2 collagen: Elastic (ear pinna) & hyaline cartilage(larynx, synovial joints,
trachea) + vitreous
• Type 3 collagen: blood vessels + uterus + reticulin
• Type 4 collagen: Basement membrane
• Sesamoid cartilage: ala of nose
• Sesamoid bone: patella
• Thyphoid: 1-4weeks peyer patches, >4 weeks gall bladder
• IUCD: most common complication: purulent vaginal discharge
• Pelvic diaphragm formed by contribrution of Pubococcygeus
• NO max limit for 8 hrs 20 (25ppm)
• On upper part of Piriformis : superior gluteal nerve passes
• USG waves per second 20,000
• All 4 parathyroid are supplied by inferior thyroid artery
• Unmyelinated nociceptors primary afferent fibres synapses directly what
neurons: Spinothalamic neurons of lamina 1
• Medial arcuate ligament is formed by fascia of psoas
• Lactic acid inj was given, pt respiratory rate inc via Chemoreceptor in medulla
• During development, optic groove formed at 22 day
• Ilioinguinal nerve: superficial ring
• Genital branch of genitofemoral is in deep inguinal ring
• Imp hormone of cushing is PROGESTERONE
• Short AP, long transverse: plattyploid
• Pt + megaloblastic anemia with orotate in urine due to orotate enzyme
deficiency: pyramidine
• Low O2: SVC>umbilical artery
• Actinomycin-D acts by prevent RNA synthesis
• Bhcg maintain corpus leuteum
• Function of latrazole clomipheme: release of gnRH
• Inf epigastric artery is a branch of ext iliac artery
• Transfer RNA interacts with free amino acids
• Greater splanchic nerve synapses in celiac ganglion
• In hookworm infection: spectacle shaped bilobed nucleus in peripheral blood
• Aspirin reduces fever by inhibiting prostaglandrin synthesis
• Fibrinoids + myomectomy: midline incision
• Green sputum + ring lesion: bronchiectasis
• Tissue affected by radiation is hematopoietic
• Osmolarity maintained by ADH
• Critical tactile sensation by post white coloumn
• Liver disease + clear spaces: TAGS
• Vasoconstriction by IP3 mechanism shown by ADH
• Iodide oxidation to t4 occurs at follicular cells of thyroid
• Mother alcoholic: baby microcephalic
• 5/10,000 population
• Graves disease: inc O2 consumption
• Right crus of diaphragm attached to L1, L2, L3
• Facial vein to cavernous sinus: sup ophthalmic vein
• Most common in neonatal meningitis: strep aglactae
• During intrauterine life, testosterone by placental hcg
• Alpha value 0.001 (chance of correctly rejecting the null hypothesis 1/1000)
• Sle patient + letharly + weakeness + jaundice + hemolytic anemia + having
raised LDH: investigation: direct anti globulin antibody
• Dopamine receptors feature: D1 acts via adenyl cyclase
• Caseum 137, half life 10 years
• Intrauterine ossification of humerus at 14 weeks
• Pfannenstiel incision + serosanguinous discharge: wound dehiscence
• Feedback by which hormone for LH surge before ovulation: ESTROGEN
• Pt has cns symptoms and amenorrhea, she is diagnosed as a case of
prolactinoma, she has heminopia on both temporal fields due to lesion in
• Insulin given in DKA, immediate response is inc pH
• Following causes shock in vascular injury:TNF. Septic shock by TNF.
• Cricoid cartilage 4/6 arch
• Turner (streak ovaries). In leukemia eye involvement in 80% cases
• Astrocytes are ecf K buffers
• Lesser and greater sac are separated by epiploic foramen
• Softening of cervix: prostaglandin (hydration of collagens)
• Insulin and glucagon are released when there is inc in CCK
• Enzyme imp for females: aromatase.
• Cns tumor, high insulin, high c peptide, low glucose: insulinoma
• End diastolic vol depends upon venous return
• Treponema pallidum: causes yaws
• (Therapeutic dose: potency)(therapeutic index: safety)(therapeutic window:
range of dose)(therapeutic effectiveness: efficacy)
• Anticancer drug contraindicated in renal impairment: cisplatin
• Dorsal(spinal+cranial)
• Ventral( thoracic, abd, pelvic)
• Same substrate for glycolysis, glycogenolysis, HMP shunt: fructose 6 phostphate
• Neonates with tetanus: 9 is ans
• Change occurs from sea level to 12000feet: RVH (pulmonary hypertension)
• Recurrent abortions, what enzyme level to be checked: progesterone
• Mumps rna virus
• d/f b/t IDA and thalassemia: HBA2
• female with oligomenorrhea, karyotype 46XX, 45XO associated with GONADAL
• female travelled from cold area, buccal mucosa eruption by HSV1
• stomach is mobilized to anastomose with upper portion of thorax, artery
mobilized: RT gastroepiploic artery
• back pain + sciatica L4, l5
• in fetus blood from carotid enters from aorta
• in lung formation, canalicular phase what happens: vasculogenesis
• pregnancy of 28 weeks, no complication, suddenly needed resustitaion, due to
respiratory insufficiency & zero respiratory effort: dec lamellar bodies in type
• best assessment of fetus: CRL at 8 week
• kidney activates calciferol
• radioimmunoassay of hormone, small displacement of antibody due to
excessive antibody response
• women have lower median and high SD in their group
• psychi physiological indirect action of brain: pupillary dilation
• same in glycolysis and gluconeogenesis: fructose 1,6 bisphosphonates
• initiation of labour can be done by giving prostaglandin E2 antagonists
• grade 4 cervical Ca: int iliac Lymph nodes
• steroid produced by fetal adrenal cortex: DHEA
• pituitary tumor causes junctional scotoma
• transfused without any reaction: Oneg to Aneg
• female with hard cystic sweeling on labia majora & minora: greater vestibular
• Homocysteine is due to decrease of methionine
• Barrier b/t blood & csf is endothelial cells.
• OCP MOA: inhibit fsh
• How to d/f cells in myelocytic stage: staining of granules
• In CO poisoning, hypercapnia occurs due to arterial pO2 remains the same
• Miturition is controlled by mechanoreceptors in bladder wall
• After using chloramphenicol (eye drops) pt develops ecchymosis, epistaxis: ITP
• Universal donor: O neg
• Universal recipient: AB pos
• Virulence of staph aures: peptideA>coagulase +ve>capsule
• Half life of kanamycin: 12 hrs
• 10 rise in paCo2, rise in HCO3 is 3
• Outbreak of diarhea: cross sectional study
• Inactivation gates of Na are closed during depolarized state
• Thalassemia: inc iron
• Rhythm control: lidocaine (s/e perioral parathesia)
• During exercise: dec pulmonary resistance
• Pelvic diaphragm: pubococcygous>puborectalis
• Pect minor not working due to coracoid damage of scapula
• Pt having right sided weakness, loss of vibration sense, tongue deviated to opposite
side, lesion in ant spinal artery (medial medullary syndrome)
• Unable to open eye, facial nerve damaged (at midbrain)
• Lateral cord has two anterior divisions (supply bisceps brachi)
• Saphenous nerve: post cutaneous femoral nerve
• Healing of wound by microfilaments
• In embryo the mesothelium covering the lungs forms the visceral layer of pleura
• Child born + sent home, after 15 hours cyanosis: TGA
• Membranocartilagenous ossification: frontal bone
• Lateral part of cerebral hemisphere: planning and controlling fine discrete
• Diet suggested in type 1 hypercholesterolemia: low CHO diet
• Upon autopsy, a pt was having a thrombus and line of zahn, this is seen in Pre
mortum thrombus
• Man with hepatoma develops dependent edema with dilated abd wall veins,
structure involved is IVC
• Bleeding from transverse cervical artery: thyrocervical trunk ligated
• Linea aspara of femur joins pectineal line
• GH: converts chondrocytes to osteoblasts
• In which anti hormonal therapy is given: breast CA
• During game, boy injured which area that there is vertical diplopia and
exophthalmos: floor
• Formed from ventral mesogastrium: FALCIPARUM LIGAMENT
• Tributary of portal vein: inf mesenteric vein
• In bery aneurysm, PICA: CN3 palsy
• Ext oblique fibres interdigits at Serratus anterior fibres
• Neutrophils enters inflammatory area by post capillary venules
• Lateral rotation of arm by teres minor
• After stroke sudden movements in one arm n leg, due to subthalamic nucleus lesion
• Pt with short 4/5metaarpals and short stature: pseudohypoparathyroidism
• Criglar najar type 2, enzyme deficient: UDP Glucoronosyltransferase
• Subcutaneous part of anal canal is striated muscle
• Complete loss of intercostobrachial nerve: sensory loss of medial side of arm
• Branch of intercostal nerve is peritoneal sensory
• Most common hsp acquired UTI: Ecoli>Proteus>saphrophyticus
• Only PT raised, liver disease: factor 7 def
• Karyopnotic index for hormonal evaluation (estrogen activity) indicating cervical
• Growth hormone inhibits LPL
• Krebsiella inf: CGD
• D/f rickettsia and mycoplasma: giemsa stain
• Preganglionic SNS: directly regulates adrenal medulla
• Cells causes lymphocyte production and cell turnover: zona fasiculata
• If rca gets blocked after giving marginal artery, portion of heart will be blocked: AV
• Transplant and now on immunosuppressants develops angular cheilitis: candida
• Aortic arch dilation will damage left bronchus
• Subcutaneous part of ext anal sphinter contains smooth muscles that are attached
to Coccygoanal body
• Geniohyoid: elevates hyoid
Left Umbilical vein: ligamentum teres
Right umbilical vein: obliterates
Umbilical arteries: medial umbilical ligament
Urachus: median umbilical ligament
• 1st part of duodenum is intraperitoneal
• Optic grooves forms at 22 days
• Myelination in fetus at 4 months
• Most common site of gastric ulcer is at incisura on lesser curvature
• Houstan valves: transverse valve of colon
• Leads to CAD: trans fatty acids
• Artificial pacemaker is implanted in moderator bands
• Hyperglycemia in diabetes: inc urine volume
• Major ECF/blood/plasma/interstitial buffer: HCO3. Major rbc buffer:hb, major
ICF:proteins, renal buffer: phosphate, exclusive renal buffer: ammonia, bone buffer:
Most common opportunistic infection in HIV: TB
Most common opportunistic infection in AIDS: pneumocystic jivorcii
Fungal in HIV: Candida albicans
Most common opportunistic infection in immunocompromised: candida
• Person develops flu & influenza in winter DOC amantadine
• Azygous directly into SVC, rt bronchial: rt 3rd post IC artery
• Superficial inguinal lymph nodes follows round ligament of uterus
• Synchondrosis: bone ends are covered with hyaline cartilages
• Corpus collasum contains commissural fibres
• Child + eating habbits + excessive obesity + short stature + mental retarded:
Prade Villi Syndrome
• P value of drug is significant if less than 0.005
• ICA blocked, backflow to what artery cause flow to scalp: supra orbital artery
• In acanthosis, what layer of oral mucosa is involved: spinosum
• Blood clot retraction: platelets
• Popliteal artery is medial to the femur
• After hemorrhage, hb binds with hepatoglobin
• Ovaries prevented from coming to abdominal wall by Broad ligament
• Gastrectomy: def of parietal cells
• Hemicolectomy for B stage carcinoma: CEA
• Free fatty acids are metabolically inert
• Girl with delayed wound healing + weight loss + inc appetite + fasting glucose
180, next step: HB1AC
• Most abundant cells in pancreas: B cells
• Behind Pancreatic Head (IVC), Uncinate(Aorta), Neck( Portal vein & SMV)
Front uncinate (SMA)
• Blow to rt eye near to the medial nasal bridge:fracture of orbital plate of frontal
• Root of tongue, backward movement difficulty in closing of oropharyngeal isthmus:
• Annular pancreas: ventral bud fails to rotate
• Waddling gait due to SGN, difficulty in standing from sitting.enzyme: createnine
• Langerhan cells are in TB
• MHC genes: immunity recognition
• Paramagnetic cylinder for O2
• Drug used in pulmonary edema because it dec pre load: glyceryl tri nitrate
• Post synaptic inhibition means post synaptic hyperpolarization
• Pregnant lady + Mitral stenosis: IV Heparin
• Suxamethonium (given in burn patient): bradycardia + hyperkalemia + malignant
• Salbutamol: hypokalemia
• Child + severe asthama + cyanosed: systemic steroid + bronchodilator
• Procaine + prilocaine causes methimaglobinemia
• Neurovascular bundle present between fascia beneath endothoracic fascia
• Longest NMB Pancuroium
• Safe in liver imparement: atracurium
• Pt at high altitude, dead space of one third of tidal volume, pCO2 of venous blood is
45mmhg what will be the FiCO2 30
• SAH, calcium channel blocker: nimodipine
• Mac in inhalational anasthesia is OIL GAS Coefficient
• Density of CSF: 1.0005 specific gravity of CSF 1.005
• Antemartum thrombus: line of zahn
• Pt with hypertension and hyperkalemia, what diuretic shouldn’t be used:
• raise ICP and bronchodilation: ketamine
• what causes initiation of both intrinsic and extrinsic factor: Ca2+ Factor 4
• pain receptors + structure preventing damage from rotatory movements of head is
falx cerebri
• saphenous nerve is terminal branch of post cutaneous femoral nerve
• lateral to medial, arrangement in cerebral nuclei: DGEF
• 1st line of drug for tonic clonic: topiramate. For partial seizures: phenobarbital
(enzyme inducer)
• Action of bromocriptine: enhance effect of dopamine on pituitary>dec prolactin
release from pituitary
• Lateral to medial: cutaneous & gracilis
• Cerebral oxygen metabolic rate is 3-4ml/min/100g
• Measure of dispersion: SD
• Pulmonary fibrosis + cyanide poisoning: stagnant hypoxia
• Pre ganglionic SNS directly regulates adrenal medulla
• Duration of LA can be inc or dec by giving vasopressin
• Irritation in nasal cavity by TGN
• Lung compliance inc in old age
• Overdose of TAGS: gen tonic clonic fits
• Complete loss of intercostobrachial nerve: sensation loss on medial side of arm
• Candesartan effects efficacy of oxytetraclyclin
• Drug contraindicated in acute intermittent porphyria: thiopentate sodium
• Concept of conduction of 1 sensation modality in a sensory nerve fibre: labelled line
• SVT:digoxin (MOA: inc intracellular Ca)
• Pt had tachycardia + doc prescribed a drug after which he got thyroid problem:
• MOA + TCA common effects: toxicity associated with certain foods
• Muscular relaxant of choice in laporatomy: atracurium
• Amygdala and hippocampus connection: mamilothalamic body
• Rta + abd moving n helping him breathe: ext oblique muscle
• Behavioral changes are produced by peer seeders
• Pt has damaged b/l temporal disc, he will have homonymous hemianopia
• In axonal membrane, constant membrane potential depends upon membrane
• During sympathectomy what area in lumber is spared L1
• PTU: inhibit thyroid peroxidase enzyme
• Isoflurance doesn’t produce epileptic activity on eeg
• Lung compliance inc in old age
• b/l oophorectomy & hysterectomy: dec estrogen
• deltoid muscle causes inversion and resists eversion
• pinna in ear from mesoderm
• in case of right and left shunt: inc paCO2
• damage to upper trunk of brachial plexus: erbs palsy
• ext anal sphinter attached to perineal body: anteriorly
• chylomicrons are secreted in small intestine
• oral anticoagulant: vit b12
• enzyme inducer is phenobarbital
• B neg has no A&B antigen and no RH factor
• Per day urine 1.5litre, min excreted 500 ml
• Facial swelling + puffy eyes + swallon legs + mild cellulitis after mosquito bite: sub
epithelial electron dense hump (type 2)
• Part of brain involved in REM (Ach) sleep: reticular formation
• Structure pierces the clavicopectoral fascia is cephalic vein
Adductor pollicis longus: ulnar,
abductor pollicis longus: radial,
flexor pollicis brevis + flexor pollicis longus: median
• Structure damaged during LP is longitudinal Spinal Ligament
• Lactation during pregnancy inhibited by estrogen
• Initiate coagulation after injury: Hageman factor 12
• Syndesmosis is a type of fibrous joint
• Levodopa: dizziness + orthostatic hypotension
• Connective tissue in embryo: mesoderm
• Heart structure that closes immediately after birth is foramen ovale
• Drug induced SLE: hydralazine
• Type 4 is delayed t cell mediated DM1
• Ova enter into what stage instead of entering into second meosis: diplotene
• Choroid tumor of eye comes from lungs
• Recurrent kliebsiella infection in CGD
• MRI brain, cystic swelling, origin of left atrial myxoma: fossa ovalis
• Urogenital diaphragm: structure lateral to vagina + external urethral sphincter is
present in it
• Pain in pericarditis: phrenic nerve
• Not related to pain: hypothalamus
• Ureteric bud arises from mesonephric duct
• Fat embolism seen by fat strain
• Cornybacterium: palisade pattern
• A pt have markedly inflamed lesions with clear demarcated on rt cheek: typical
• Farmer with hyperkeratosis, parakeratosis, atypical cells, browncolor lesion on face n
cheek: actinic keratosis
• Multifactorial cause: CF
• Turner: monosomy
• MOA of TCA: blocks resorption of serotonin & NEP in presynaptic terminal
• Glossopharyngeal nerve: bitter taste
• Cribriform to ethmoid
• Aphasia due to broca damage, frontal lobe
• Loop diuretics acts on TAHL
• AP in cardiac muscles: influx of Ca
• Inc in VMA: tumor of adrenal medulla
• Ossification of parietal bone from center to outward, last to ossify is angle
• Pulmonary vascular resistance of intant is similar to adult in 1st week
• Barbiturates contradicted in porphyria
• Major defect in CLD: raised PT
• FDP + no factor 8: give CP
• Neisseria use which to adhere: pillus
• Site of cervical Ca: endo cervix
• Sperm acellular outer layer is zona pellucida
• To pass a needle in pleural cavity, structure not pierced is levator costorum
• Against after FSH in males: dec sperm count
• Middle cerebellar contains pontocerebellar
• Retraction of mandible: post fibres of temporalis
• Elevation of mandible: ant fibres of temporalis
• Dec arterial O2 tension by dec atmospheric O2
• TRALI occurs in 6hrs
• Bladder trigone Mesoderm
• Bladder transitional epithelium Endoderm
• Internal anal sphinter: hypogastric plexus
• DIC is a normal presentation of AML
• Basophilia due to ribosomes>RER
• Most common after liver transplant: polymyoma>CMV
• Most common premalignant lesion: leukoplakia
• Most lethal premalignant lesion:erythroplakia
• Most common premalignant condition: submucosal fibrosis
• Most lethal premalignant condition: lichen planus
• Axillary artery starts with relation to first rib (medially)
• Pudendal nerve block may injure Urogenital diaphragm causing urinary incontinence
CVS 11 weeks and 2% risk
Chordocentesis 15 weeks and 1% risk
Amnio 20 weeks and 2-5%
• Pregnant lady + IV drug abuser + b/l crepts: pneumocystic jivorcii
• Hormone inactivated by lungs: Serotonin
• Sinusoids in liver are lined by fenestrated endothelium
• Introduction of cold water into ears: creation of conventional currents in endolymph
• Duodenum acidification leads to dec gastric emptying
• Hypospadias is due to defect of urogenital fold
• Epispadias is due to defect of genital tubercle
• Loop diuretics are Ca wasting and thiazides are Ca sparing
• Randomization of study subjects in a clinical trial is most helpful for controlling: co
• Pharmacokinetics: lithium toxicity with thiazides
• In extra dural hemorrhage, blood will accumulate in DURA CALVARIA
• Neuroectodermal in nature: sphincter papillary muscle
• No time for blood cross match, give Oneg
• Abnormal protein metabolism, what will appear in urine TRYPTOPHAN
• RMP: K efflux. Cardiac: Ca influx
• What prevents collapse of lungs: residual volume
• Therapeutic effects of loop diuretics is low blood volume
Least dilatable/distensible part: Membranous urethra
Most dilatable/distensible part: penile urethra
Narrowest part: Ext urethral orifice
• Deep cervical artery is a branch of costocervical trunk
• Drug that causes myocardial depression before ketamine: propofol
• Imbalance in hemostasis in case of uremia is Platelet function defect
• Bicornuate uterus due to paramesonephric duct
• Olfaction passes to mitral cells and then to olfactory cortex w/o passing via Thalamus
• Heterophile antibody: Infectious Mononucleosis.
• EBV common in humans and animals: Infectious Mononucleosis.
• Basophilic inclusions: Infectious Mononucleosis.
• Secondary active transport: concentration gradient
• Dec edema due to arterial constriction, and edema inc due to venous constriction
• Diabetic nephropathy: glycosylated HB
• Primary oocyte + fluid filled spaces: secondary follicle
• Burn to spinosum granulosum: pressure sensation
• Development of embryo in 3rd month: mesenchyme
• Vesicles on face and eyes and nose: facial via TGN (HSV)
• Pre ganglionic sympathetic: white rami
• Blood brain barrier by capillary endothelium
• During exercise, CO is augmented by inc vascular contractibility
• CKMB Cardiac, CKMM Muscle, CKBB brain
• Hypercellular bone marrow is seen in myelodysplastic syndrome
• Most common breast carcinoma is invasive ductal carcinoma
• Reversal of L-R shunt: eisennger
• Ligant ion gated channels: GABA A receptors
• Middle ear is aerated at POSTERIOR wall
• Difference between PCT & DCT: PCT has more brush border enzymes, DCT has more
H ions
• Hypervitaminosis A: hypersplenism
• Organism causing oesteomylitis in HIV: Mycobacterium Hemophilus
• Submandibular nerve crossed by lingual nerve
• Dec permeability via BBB is of Dopamine
• Benign mesenchymal tumor is Leiomyoma
• New born + blueish swelling: hemangioma
• Adductor longus: anterior division by obturator nerve
• On histology slide, flask shaped cell bodies with large long axons: grey matter of
spinal cord
• Boy with palmer xanthomas + high cholesterol: hypercholesteremia 3
• Hyponatremia with inc ECF: CCF
• Highest telomerase activity in Germ cells
• Progesterone is a precursor of aldosterone, cortisol, androstenedione
• Apoptosis: cell shrinkage
• Ant half of sphincter urethra is covered by UD
• Bromocriptine s/e nausea
• External injury activates extrinsic pathway
• Homocysteine comes from methionine
• Inverse relation to blood flow is resistance
• Obturator internus: sacral plexus
• Bacterial spore resistant to oxidation because low water content and diplonic acid
• Why CO2 is dangerous: rapidly forms H+ ions in Arterial blood
• Left supra cardial vein will form hemiazygous
• Pericytes are present in small blood vessels
• Vascularity in lungs is seen in canalicular. Also bring aeration
• Myxoma peritonei spread: direct extension
• Gate theory of pain: sensory non noxious stimulus
• Structure of centromere: 9 droplets at periphery & 2 in center
• Sexual drive in females is PNS
• Oxytocin is potentiated in pregnancy by ESTROGEN
• Superior petrosal sinus attached to tentonium cerebri
• Kyphosis + male with weak respiration: dec FEV1
• Epidural anesthesia enters into sacral hiatus
• Endometrial Ca is complex hyperplasia with atypia
• Plasma O2 sat 26%, at sea level 97%
• Maternal mortality rate in pak has inc to 100 times
• T lymphocytes 80-90, B lymphocytes 10-20
• Male external genitalia by DHT, internal genitalia by Testosterone
• Fever + pain + redness + tenderness by TNF a
• Periorbital edema: protein loss
• Structure with longitudinal adventitia: large sized vein
• Child + hydrop fetalis: thalassemia A
• Supraoptic chiasm compression: ADH effected
• Disuse atrophy: dec protein synthesis & inc lysis
• Le Fraumeni- only one allele of tp53 affected
• Vessel above piriformis: superior gluteal artery
• Main support of pelvic viscera: levator ani>UD
• Corpus luteum secretes progesterone
• Epidural space extends from foramen magnum to S2
• Down syndrome epigenetic changes
• Homocystine to access def of vit b12
• Woman + raynauld phen + develops sclerodactylyl + dysphagia + telangiectasia: anti
centromere antibody
• Muscles of phonation is nucleus ambiguous of brainstem
• Semen is alkaline and vagina is acidic. Ph 5-6
• Fat embolism: lipid droplets appear spherical in shape
• Roker bottom feet, trisomy 18: Edward syndrome
• UGS waves: 20,000hz
• Pericardium: pericardiophrenic artery
• Epicardium: coronary artery
• Secretory granules from neurohypophysis stored in nerve endings
• Feature of acid fast bacilli of tb: cell wall made up of peptidoglycans
• Muscle fibres arranged around long bones: parallel
• Nutmeg liver: chronic passive congestion
• Optic neuritis by vit b12 def
• In adults subarachenoid space ends at lower border of S1
• In basal condition, cardiac muscles uses fat
• Liquefactive necrosis is seen in bacterial infection
• Pregnant lady of 18 weeks, most sensitive test for DM: OGTT
• Part of levator ani that swings/slings around anus: puborectalis
• Blood vessels are in dense subcutaneous tissue
• Blood group with H antigen is O, with anti H is OH
• Diffusional capacity of pulmonary capillaries inc in Polycythemia asthma
• Bacterial virulence depends upon dose of toxin
• S2>s1 more frequency
• Life span of corpus leuteum inc with endogenous HCG
• Hemoptysis and hematuria due to goodpasteur GN type 2
• Microtia is due to defect of 1st brachial arch
• In classical galatosemia, defect is in galactose 1 PUT
• Adrogenital syndrome: high 17 ketoacids, low cortisol and high pregnolone
• Regarding bronchopulmonary segment: aerated by tertiary bronchus
• Undifferentiated germ cells: type a spermatogenesis
• Pt + non ulcerated lesion: N gonorrhea
• Serous cells: nucleus pushed to base
• Sexually active +penile ulcer: chlamydia
• Mylin sheath damage: membrane resistance to nodal and internodal occurs
• Lat pelvic wall lymph node removal will damage Obturator nerve
• Cochlea formation 6 weeks and laryngotracheal groove in 4th week
• Alpha motor neurons are myelinated
• Cardiac arrest: epinephrine/adrenaline
• Cardiogenic shock: dopamine and dobutamine
• Bradycardia: atropine
• Short fingers: brachydactyly
• 1st mature division of primary oocyte will produce sec oocyte & first polar body
• Rt shift O2 dissociation curve, p50: 35
• Major factor in causing inc force of contration in cardiac muscle: inc pre load
• Effected by radiation: skin>intestines
• Edema due to dec colloidal osmotic pressure
• AP diameter shorter than transverse: Gynecoid
• AP diameter more than transverse: contracted
• Anti hbs antigen for detection of hep b
• Radiation therapy for fungating growth: 1000-2000rads
• Least way of metastasis of cervical ca is vascular
• Choriocarcinoma: bhcg raised
• Fungus causing meningitis: cryptococcus
• Dec O2 tension: V/Q mismatch
• Frothy urine BM with pink cytoplasm cell shows: reabsorption of proteins
• Christmas disease is hemophila B
• Main factor to keep blood supply to tissues is arterial smooth muscle contraction
• Fungal infection invading lamina paprica with thrombosis: MUCOR
• Lateral ventricle dilated, defect in foramen of monro
• Lat border of deep inguinal ring: TF
• Left arm weakness+ tongue deviation: medial medulla
• Sensory supply to uterus reaches via broad ligament
• Common way to detect tumor: peripheral blood smear
• Early/easy way to detect tumor: tumor marker
• sickle cell has hbs
• dec reticulocytes seen in CRF
• inguinal lymphadenitis would affect lower part of uterus
• antigen binding site: hypervariable portion of H & L
• pharynx elevating muscles are 4-6th arch
• no LDL: type 2 hyperlipidemia
• L5 displaced on S1: spondylolisthesis
• Hemolytic anemia is due to preformed antibodies
• Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria DOC eclizumab
• Mcardle disease def of what enzyme: muscle glycogen phosphorylase
• CO poisoning: dec oxygen binding at one site only
• Vmax: facilitated diffusion
• Dendritic synapses: substantia nigra
• Diameter of lumen of arteriole: 0.03mm or 30um
• Esophagus compress by left atrium
• Bronchogenic Ca post to left lung, cause compression of VAGUS nerve
• Structure that passes through groove on left side: esophagus
• Bare area of liver: coronary ligament
• Labyrinth artery AICA
• Adductor canal in hamstings
• In femoral sheath, artery is lateral
• Defecation without will: injury to inferior rectal nerve
• Pt is having restricted movements in left lateral gaze, inability to close eyes, loss of
hearing: lesion in cerebellopontine angle
• Intermediate mesoderm: genitourinary system
• Natural course of polycythemia leads to myelodysplastic syndrome
• Eosinophilia in Hodgkin lymphoma
• Deep inguinal canal is lateral to inferior epigastric artery (branch of ext iliac artery)
• Dilator of alimentary canal has longitudinal muscles
• Motor supply of tongue + winkling of tongue & weakness: hypoglossal nerve
• Lateral to IEA: Indirect inguinal hernia
• Medial to IEA: direct inguinal hernia
• Loss of eminence, lateral sensation lost + hyperflexion of arm: musculocutaneous
• Popliteal vein is lateral to popliteal artery
• part of temporal lobe visible on medial surface on the hemisphere: inf temp lobe
• ant cardiac vein into right atrium
• tumor of muscle of GIT, a protein which connects cell together: fibronectin
• neg water clearance: inc ADH (SIADH)
• fracture to floor of MCA: greater wing of sphenoid
• leucoerythroblastic reaction seen in myelodysplastic syndrome
• lymphocytes from blood enters into nodes by: subscapular afferent lymphatic
• diclofenax: COX2 inhibitor
• which of following has max chemotactic action: acute inflammation
• peripheral neuropathy sec to diabetes, defective are endothelial cells
• shortest acting LA: midazolam
• cimetidine cause IMPOTENCE
• wheatstone bridge: analysis of soil and comparison
• most abundant substance in protoplasm after water is proteins
• bleeding after spinal: LMWH
• ischiopubic rami fusion at 07 years
• aspiration, xray shows obstruction of bronchus: collapse of alveoli
• MAC is level of anasthesia in Alveoli
• Sneeze reflex: afferent TGN, efferent Vagus nerve
• Corneal reflex: afferent TGN, efferent Facial nerve
• Succinylcholine caused by absence of pseudocholinesterase
• Non exercising: sympathetic stimulation, exercising: local metabolites
• Spirinolactone causes hyperkalemia
• GTN is venodilator
• Pt with edema, productive cough + orthopnea: CCF
• NMB safe in renal disease: atracurium
• Vit d activity accessed by 25-OH cholicalceferol
• Brain tumor & immunohistopathology GFAF + tumor of which cell: astrocytes
• Fetus + fetal alcohol syndrome: thin upper lip
• Bradykinin released from lungs acts on ductus deferens
• Farmer + lesion on forehead: Acanthosis
• Farmer + lesion on foot: cutaneous larva migrans
• Fracture of mandible, 2nd tracheal ring for tracheostomy
• Anti thrombotic: heparin (exerts its action by potentiating effort of AT3)
• Thrombolytics: plasminogen
• Overdose of TCA, physicians concerned about Cardiac rhythm
• Most potent agonist in asthma is albutarol
• Pre sympathetic supply of ciliary ganglion: long ciliary
• Neuroleptic malignant syndrome by haloperidol
• Sudden withdrawl of steroid will cause: suppression of adrenal cortex
• Hypokalemia: decreases dietary intake
• Cerebral perfusion pressure is equal to MAP when: When dura is open
• CSF of water 60mmhg
• Not isotonic to plasma: dextrose
• Antibiotic that acts on NM transmission: aminoglycoside
• Best way to find central tendency: weighted mean
• ICF has low PH
• Cocaine: max vasoconstriction
• DNA virus acting on respiratory system: adeno virus
• Surfactant def: dec compliance
• Similar to atropine: scopolamine
• Drug which is withdrawn 48hrs before surgery to prevent lactic acidosis: metformin
• Nociceptors are present in meninges
• In metabolic acidosis, compensation is done by inc glutamine absorption
• Following hormone decrease in acute liver disease: Pseudocholinesterase
• No of airways in lower segment 23
• Less in fetus than mother: pO2
• Muscle of eye causing inc drainage of tear: orbicularis oculi
• Emphysema: rise in plasma pCO2
• Dead space: hypotension>old age
• Opoids causing fetal excitation with MAO inhibitors: Pethidine
• Size of aerosol reaching alveoli in aerolyzed therapy: <0.5
• Drug used in angina but doesn’t cause vasodilation: metaprolol
• Fentanyl doesn’t effect CNS
• Postpartum lady + bleeding after uterine atony: give oxytocin
• Arachenoid Pia mater merge to form coccygeal ligament at S2
• Metformin preferred over other: doesn’t cause hypoglycemia
• 2nd heart sound: delayed pulmonary closure
• Raised CVP pressure: dec HR>inc in peripheral resistance
• Steep curve of dose adjustment shows: small dose more response
• Fenestrations are common in submacular area
• Extensors of MCP: post interosseous radial nerve
• flexors of MCP: post interosseous median nerve
• radial pulse between abd.p.l and e.p.l
• autoradiography uses: isotopes bound with antibodies
• most imp feedback for tuburoglomerular is: dec peritubular sodium concentration
• open mouth: lateral pterygoid
• trypsin acts on lysine. Trypsinogen activated by enterokinase
• posterior cranial fossa: basilar artery anterior to pons
• mother milk lack iron>lactoferrin
• atropine inhibits sweat glands
• vagus cut: apnea
• ant to aorta: celiac plexus
• hyperextension of neck leads to lower motor nerve lesion of upper limb
• epithelioid cells in leprosy
• not passing meconium: imperfect anus with rectovaginal fistula
• ectoderm: CNS
• septic shock not improving: distributive type of shock
• thyroid: protein synthesis. Cortisol: gluconeogenesis
• acetaminophen metabolism: reaction glucuronidation
• HHV8 kaposi sarcoma in aids (purple nodules on skin)
• Genetic testing: amniotic fluid analysis
• Contraction: length of sarcomere dec
• Loss of thirst due to low plasma osmolarity
• Injury to kidney with intact gerota fascia, urine goes to pelvis
• Reticular formation: floor of sylvian aqueduct
• T configuration of HB has low affinity for O2
• O2 diffusion is directly proportion to alveolar capillary surface area
• Headache every morning: tolerance
• Nerve lying lateral to trachea: vagus
• Shauman bodies: sarcoidosis
• Pherinocolic ligament: spleen
• Urine specific gravity: concentration
• Close lips: orbicularis oris
• Slow component of nystagmus is controlled by vestibular nucleus
• Burkitt lymphoma has nasopharyngitis
• Nerve metabolism blocked by cyanide poisoning
• Supra optic nucleus damage: inc and dilute urine
• Primary cns tumor: glial cell tumor
• Atypical pneumonia: mycoplasma
• Vit D resistant rickets: Fanconi syndrome
• Anoxemia of cilia contains 20
• Farmer + sheep: anthrax
• Medial canthal ligament: lacrimal bone + frontal process of maxilla
• Subsequent AP can summate
• Aldosterone CCT>DCT>CT
• Olfactory nerves can repair every 2 weeks: basal cells
• Commonest brain tumor: astrocytoma
• Commonest brain tumor in children: medulloblastoma
• Insulin acts on Na-K atpase
• 60y + diabetic + 20 years + rapid progressive renal failure, most likely kimmel stein
Wilson disease
• Epinephrine dec cutaneous blood flow
• Optic fibres end in lateral geniculate body
• Tingling movements: listeria
• Part of stomach which have abundant circular muscles: ANTRUM
• In axilla: cords
• Facial spaces are filled with connective tissue
• Mosquito bite: filiariasis
• Sub dural hematoma: bridging veins>superior cerebral vein
• Liver maintains glucose levels between meals by glycolysis
• Chronic pancreatitis: amylase def
• Direct branch of brachial plexus: dorsal scapular
• Ant frontenelle closes at 18 month
• Zona glomerulosa associated with sodium reabsorption
• Startum functionalis is formed by compactum and spongiosum
• Overdose of terbutaline in mother: hypokalemia
• Potential feature of RTA: hyperkalemia
• Visceral efferent fibres to smooth muscles and heart
• O2 requirement in 70kg man is 250
• Antigen appears on rbc at 20weeks
• Shigella by mucosal invasion
• Attachment of epithelium to basal membrane by hemidesmosome
• Contraindicated with inc ICP: ketamine
• If ICP inc, there will be dec HR
• Sore throat + waterhouse friedrischen disease: N meningitides
• Muscle relaxant that can be given to asthamatic: cisatracurium
• Common in smokers: warthin
• Obt externus: post division of obturator nerve
• Chondrocytes are mature cartilage
• Commonest malignancy after transplant: skin, before 5 years: skin, after 5 years:
• Acidosis and hypokalemia: fluid loss from colon
• Par boiling paddy for Vit B1 thiamine
• Elderly + DM2: tolbutamide
• Corpus collasum lesion: loss of connection b/t two hemispheres
• Retromandibular vein + maxillary vein: superficial temporal vein
• Gustatory sweating by damage to auricotemporal nerve
• Branch of ECA in parotid gland is post auricular
• Rt intercostobrachial trunk origin: rt anteromedial brachial trunk
• Normal cerebral blood flow is 150ml/min
• Absorptive surface of intestine: 200m2
• Glucose in placenta: facilitated diffusion, in renal system by secondary active
• Def of what causes thrombosis instead of bleeding: factor12
• Passive immunization by T lymphocytes
• Human placental lactogen counterpart of GH in pregnancy
• Fracture of 1st lumbar vertebrae: compression of conus medullaris
• Tubal nerve is not parasympathetic
• Strongest ligament of body: iliofemoral
• Alveolar ventilation dec by hering beur reflex
• Ca prostate goes to vertebrae
• Drug with aqueous diffusion: digoxin
• Pulmonary smooth muscles: O2 sensing K channels
• Pt + hyperglycemic coma, what insulin requires: regular
• Lateral ventricular horn is related anterior to the corpus collasum
• Common cause of inc BT:aspirin
• Neutrophils inc by inc in G-CSF
• Ulcers on medial side of eye + herpes infection: ophthalmic nerve of TGN
• White matter: oligodendrocytes
• Grey matter: astrocytes
• In stress more ACTH would be more in ant pituitary
• Superior cardiac plexus has Left Vagus
• Pia mater: enters sulci and brain fissures
• Drippling of saliva: supranuclear nucleus
• Popliteal lymph node enlarged: lateral sole of foot
• Adenocarcinoma will go to ileocolic/mesocolic lymph node
• Function of Sertoli cells: blood testis barrier
• Tactile receptors on finger tips: meissners
• G protein and phospholipase c: IP3
• Salivation: glossopharyngeal
• Neurogenic shock: dec systemic filling pressure
• Pseudostratified: all cells rests on BM
• Lymph nodes are superficial with vein
• Ulcer due to aerobic & aerophilic: meleny’s ulcer
• Prostaglandins in semen comes from seminal vesicles
• Exercise: ventilation inc by ventilation
• Atheroma formation due to inc systemic diastolic pressure
• If Na channels blocked: absolute refractory period
• Anti-Platelet aggregator and vasodilator: prostacyclin
• Platelet aggregation is caused by thromboxanes A2
• Membranous labyrinth: contains receptors of balance and hearing
• Loss of abduction of thumb: median nerve
• Drug administered which will more in ECF: mannitol
• Hematopoiesis in fetus in mid trimester: LIVER
• Pigmented and neuronal layer of retina that keeps it in position: glycosaminoglycans
• LCA arises from posterior aortic sinus
• Peripheral neuritis: thiamine def
• Noxious stimulus: lamina 1
• Some laparoscopic and gynae surgery done, infection by bacteroids fragilis
• Drug which has no receptors in body: AL(OH)2
• Most potent toxin produced by streptococcus: streptolycin
• Diplopia due to fall of image beyond forvea centralis
• Angiomyolipoma is associated with sclerosis of kidney
• Carotid sheath: continues downwards to meet adventitia of aorta
• Child + sore thoart, risk of developing bladder cancer: bladder extrophy
• Less in minerals: tubers
• Purine metabolism end product: uric acid
• Crypts tonsillar abscess: streptococcus
• First web drained in infraclavicular lymph nodes
• Cardiac tumor: myxoma
• CHO separated from protein: result in aggregation and precipitation
• Acidosis: Inc RR Amyloidosis: rectal biopsy
• Coagulative necrosis: boundaries preserved
• Rete ridges: Verrucous Ca.
• AICA is a branch of basilar
• About left kidney: tail of pancreas lies anteriorly
• Thirst initiated by intracellular dehydration
• In DM: dec sensitivity of satiety center
• Pneumonia: a hemolytic optichin: strep pneumonia
• Rectal bleeding + polyps: hemartomatous
• Highest source of unsaturated fattyacids: soya bean
• Regarding corda equina: ant & post roots of spinal cord from L1-L5
• Unmyelinated nociceptors primary afferent fibers synapses directly: spinothalamic
• Vascular invasion + invade capsule in follicular
• Lipoproteins are secreted by space of disse
• Glycocalyx: CHO moiety
• Creationism d/f from dwarfism: severe mental retardation
• Fibrinoid necrosis, what area of thickening of arterioles: fibromuscular dysplasia
• During immunity: numerous cells are helper T cells
• Valproate s/e fulminant hepatitis
• Medial cord continues as ulnar
• Sentinel biopsy of axillary lymph nodes are done to avoid axillary dissection
• Chleosis + seborrheic dermatitis: riboflavin
• Pt + loss of erectile function + gynecomastia, which one raised: prolactin
• Actinobacter bounea: imiparum
• For reinfarction: check CKMB
• Immunoglobulins: passive artificial
• Actively secreted by renal tubules: benzylpencilin
• Tumor of ovaries that secrets excessive estrogen: granulosa cell tumor
• A toxin causes afb
• Axillary artery ends at lower border of teres minor
• Gubernaculum testis: scrotal ligament
• Pleurocentesis: lower border of 9th ICS in midaxillary line
• Pericardiocentesis for straw color fluid: left parasternal 3rd ICS
• Post rami of C2: greater occipital
• Dorsal scapular nerve: levator scapulae
• Ext carpi ulnaris: post interosseous radial nerve
• On autopsy thick myocardium: coxackie virus
• Corneal transparency is maintained by corneal endothelium
• Sudden rise in pulse pressure is due to dec in arterial compliance
• Premalignant of breast: atypical hyperplasia of duct
• Benign tumor of breasts: fibroadenoma sclerosing adenosis
• Adrenal insufficiency + inc urinary sodium: unable to reabsorb Na from tubules
• WBC differs on basis of nuclear shape
• Microbes removed from lungs by H2O2
• Collagen fibres stain with eosins
• Middle aged woman + scleral icterus: intravascular hemolysis
• Tumor + nerve sheath involvement: ex pleomorphic adenoma
• Hirturism + irregular menses: androstendione inc
• Grade 3 tumor 50-75%
• Spinal sensory neurons are pseudounipolar
• LA toxicity: supportive
• Weil falix test for rickettsia
• Antenatal thalassemia by CVS
• Alpha & gamma in descending pathways
• Acute PN: e coli
• LCX: posterior side of Lateral ventricle
• Stongest inhibitory signals from purkinjee cells of cerebellum
• Osteogenic imperfecta: defect in collagen synthesis
• Osteogenesis: ALP secreted by osteoblast
• Vit c def: hydroxylation of proline
• In osteogenesis bonrete: matrix produced by osteoblast in osteoid
• Starvation: ketone bodies inc
• Ambiguous nucleus in medulla
• Clinical trial + single blind: subject is unaware of being treated with active drug or
• Blood transfusion leading to TRALI: pulmonary infilterates + opacities on chest xray
• Nutrition of bone by osteocyte
• Montoux test: CD4 cells
• Measles: subacute sclerotizing pneumonitis
• Most common cause of cancer after radiation: leukemia
• Tetanus and diphtheria releases exotoxin
• No agglutinins: AB+
• Aplasia: failure to produce cells
• Hypertensive changes in eye: av nipping
• Rod: detects low intensity light
• Repeated abortions due to disturbance of progesterone
Na, glucose, h2O with/without ADH: PCT
Hemorrhage and dehydration:PCT
Bring volume back: DCT
• Scarpa fascia(fascia transversalis + fascia iliaca): continuous with membrane of
urogenital diaphragm
• Meningitis: 0-6months: Group B>e.coli. 6-6years: strept pneumonaie. Old age >60
stret pnemonaie
• Femoral nerve L2 L3 L4, sciatic nerve: S2, S3, S4
• Warfarin antidote: ffp, warfarin action reversal: vit k
• erbs palsy: upper trunk of brachial plexus damaged
route of hepatic biopsy: T10 mid axillary line
route of splenic biopsy: 10th rib mid axillary line
• dura and arachnoid extends upto S2
• pia extends upto tip of coccyx & sulci & fissures of brain
• internal capsule supplied by ant 1/3 by ACA, post 2/3 by MCA
• remain in Go: skeletal muscles

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