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Name: tasbeeha khalid Class: bba 4b

Write at least 600 words to answer all the questions.

1. Relationship:

Win-Lose Win-Win
Balance in the relationship:

Action Needed:

Lose-Lose Lose-Win

Low High

2. (At least 20 words): I still remember that time when I tried to comfort my sister when her cat
died. Because I can feel her pain as I have also lost my pet a year ago. When I showed her some
sympathy and she refused. For her it was a huge lose because she was so attached with her cat.
She knew that everything will be fine soon.

3. (At least 20 words):

4. Relation improves

5. Abundance mentality

6. It will be quite normal for me

7. Loyal and long lasting relation

8. Attacking the issues not the people

9. Totally depends on the situations

10. Please only write about the story from the book page 174-178 or thereabouts where Stephen
and his seven-year-old son make an agreement. For example, please read below Q 15. (At least
20 words):
Matilda was a dauntless lady! She was the daughter of King Henry I of England, and was his sole
genuine child after the passing of his son Prince William in the 'White Ship' disaster.

Guidelines of this agreement:

11. (At least 20 words):
Indicate the boundaries (standards, strategies, and so forth) inside which results are to be cultivated.

Resources for this agreement:

12. (At least 20 words):

Identify the human, financial, technical or organizational support available to help accomplish the
Accountability of this agreement:
13. (At least 20 words):
Sets up the norms of execution and the hour of assessment.

Consequences of this agreement:

14. (At least 20 words):

Specify—great and terrible, natural and logical—what does and will happen as a result of the
Examples for above:

15. (At least 40 words)

Question (Your own) Answer
1. I will think upon win-win benefit and is
Assuming I approach it with a mutually beneficial significant in light of the fact that this conduct
methodology it will assist me with having will give advantages to the two players rather
something to do with father’s choice and I will than losing one or both.
feel that my viewpoints or thoughts are
esteemed by my father1.Why is shared benefit
approach significant?

2. What are the consequences of not having a At the point when you think lose win or win lose
shared benefit approach? so it will experience one party so which is
morally likewise off-base and at some point this
conduct advance significant distances in

3. When would there say there is sufficient At the point when more than one individual
opportunity and trust to deal with the issue sitting in a spot is best an ideal opportunity for
together? choice on the grounds that many exhorts will
you hear and afterward be powerful for deciding

4. What is in stake? In stake one of party will experience another will

benefited or both can be endure.

By sitting and Taking advices from various kinds

5. How will you present the thought and take up of your field individuals will help you for
the issue with that individual? proficient answer for the issue.

17. yes






Your best friend yes1 2 3 4
Your partner/Soul Mate/ Closest Person yes1 2 3 4
A close family member 1 2 3 yes4
A team member at work 1 2 3 yes4
Your boss/supervisor/teacher yes1 2 3 4

2. (At least 25 words):

yes this sort of time I confronted that I was clarifying and nobody was paying attention to me that I
portrayed them my circumstance I was feeling exceptionally alone and hurted that what iam and
their thought process the truth.
3. (At least 25 words):
When im not intrigued by the subject of clarification so I neglected to listen ordinarily in light of the
fact that I would have rather not have any familiarity with them and afterward answer their

4. (Select your answer):

Evaluate Probe Advise Interpret

5. (Select your answer):

Evaluate Probe Advise Interpret

6. (Select your answer):

Evaluate Probe Advise Interpret

7. (Select your answer):

Evaluate Probe Advise Interpret

Okay but first think Evaluate
Iam always right
Shut up you Probe
Shut up

No I can not Evaluate

Please make my assignment
I am not interested Interpret
Do you know about him
9. (At least 25 words):
I will work as indicated by my needs and afterward will eliminate the very most noticeably terrible
things from my life and afterward will attempt to act as per my rundown and need.

10. (At least 25 words):


Indeed my mom comprehends me each time at whatever point I feels miserable I go to my mom and
put my head in her in arms and afterward she pays attention to me after that she begin persuading
me for the specific thing.
11. (At least 25 words):
The non-verbal communication tells more than the verbal correspondence in light of the fact that
these articulation and the images depicts the truth concealed after the words and their brain

12. (At least 25 words):

Some of the time the non-verbal communication doesn't match the words in the event that there is
covered up some reality behind and the individual is attempting to stow away.

13. (At least 25 words):


It did described the hidden message so im in favour of them.

Who was it with?

When was it?

What was the topic?

Why do you want to do it over?

What happened? (At least 20 words):

15. (At least 20 words):
Answer: ego in relationship lead to break the connections since everybody thinks he is the
preeminent however really by thinking mutual benefit both can get by.

16. (At least 20 words):

I need the discussion of comprehension and to be perceived like the two players feels one another
and afterward listen that what is within the speaker and what is the thing he/she needs to impart to
you that gives an interior fulfilment and effortlessness.

17. (At least 25 words):


Im legit , care taker and mystery guardian which permits other to trust on me if any one remove
me regardless of them I never opens the insider facts of them on the grounds that its a modest
conduct which I disdain a ton.

18. (At least 25 words):


There isn't anything in me Alhamdulillah that individuals distrust me yet I’m extremely amusing and
chill kid so first individuals believe that he is a drum yet subsequent to investing energy with me they
understand that I’m simply carefree not the drum.

19. (At least 25 words):


Indeed there are many parts I looked before in light of the fact that occasionally tiny conduct of an
individual prevailed upon me and a seemingly insignificant detail hurt me yet I never shows it really
to anybody that I’m irate or frustrated from you they understand from my impediments after the

20. (At least 25 words):

Indeed my private activities square up with public activity on the grounds that I’m not double dealing
individual I truly do acknowledge to them that you are doing this and this is my activity against them
increases to them I don't like defaming.

21. (At least 20 words):

Who was it with?

When was it?

What was the topic?

What happened? (At least 20 words)

22. (At least 20 words):

Indeed once it was not my mistake but rather I began first when I message my friend she simply see
that message and overlooked them which drive me mad and put speck on my confidence then after
at some point when he informed to me I break the fellowship with him with brutal trade of words
and delivered my retribution.

23. (At least 20 words):


Yes i did communicated properly to him but he was not listening of me then i become angry and
smash all the friendship and delete his number
24. (At least 20 words):
Answer: yes sometimes

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