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Free Radical Research

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Exercise associated with γ-oryzanol

supplementation suppresses oxidative stress and
prevents changes in locomotion in Drosophila

Mustafa Munir Mustafa Dahleh, Stífani Machado Araujo, Vandreza Cardoso

Bortolotto, Franciane Cabral Pinheiro, Márcia Rósula Poetini, Elize Aparecida
Santos Musachio, Luana Barreto Meichtry, Shanda de Freitas Couto &
Marina Prigol

To cite this article: Mustafa Munir Mustafa Dahleh, Stífani Machado Araujo, Vandreza Cardoso
Bortolotto, Franciane Cabral Pinheiro, Márcia Rósula Poetini, Elize Aparecida Santos Musachio,
Luana Barreto Meichtry, Shanda de Freitas Couto & Marina Prigol (2021): Exercise associated with
γ-oryzanol supplementation suppresses oxidative stress and prevents changes in locomotion in
Drosophila�melanogaster, Free Radical Research, DOI: 10.1080/10715762.2021.1895992

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Exercise associated with c-oryzanol supplementation suppresses oxidative

stress and prevents changes in locomotion in Drosophila melanogaster
Mustafa Munir Mustafa Dahleh , Stıfani Machado Araujo , Vandreza Cardoso Bortolotto ,
Franciane Cabral Pinheiro , Marcia Ro
sula Poetini , Elize Aparecida Santos Musachio ,
Luana Barreto Meichtry , Shanda de Freitas Couto and Marina Prigol
Laboratory of Pharmacological and Toxicological Evaluations Applied to Bioactive Molecules, LaftamBio - Federal University of Pampa,
Itaqui, Brazil


Association to early mortality and sedentarism was already demonstrated in the literature; never- Received 11 November 2020
theless, some possible biochemical mechanisms around physical inactivity still need answers. The Revised 20 January 2021
use of an invertebrate model, such as Drosophila melanogaster, can reproduce reliable responses Accepted 23 February 2021
in inducing an exercise protocol with exogenous antioxidant supplementation. This study main
evaluates the effect of exercise (EXE) associated with c-oryzanol (ORY) supplementation to Exercise; locomotor
improve locomotor behavior, antioxidant defenses, and survival in Drosophila melanogaster. Two- behavior; Drosophila
day old flies were submitted to a protocol for seven days, divided into five groups: Control, melanogaster; antioxidant;
Movement-Limited Flies (MLF), EXE, ORY [25 mM], and EXE þ ORY [25 mM]. The survival rate was biochemical parameters
evaluated, followed by open field and negative geotaxis. Flies were euthanized and subjected to
analysis for acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and antioxidant enzymes activity, glycidic and lipid
parameters, body weight, reactive species (RS), and lipid peroxidation. EXE and EXE þ ORY flies
showed increased survival and locomotor activity, improved glycidic and lipid parameters, with a
lower RS production, and increased antioxidant defenses compared to Control, and EXE þ ORY
when compared to the EXE group, obtained an increase in the ratio of protein levels/body
weight, decreased ratio of triglyceride levels/body weight and decreased lipid peroxidation.
However, MLF showed less survival and decreased locomotor activity, possibly due to increased
AChE activity and reduced antioxidant defenses. The EXE and EXE þ ORY demonstrate effective
results in maintaining endogenous defenses, with increased locomotor activity, supporting evi-
dence on EXE benefits, and supplementation with antioxidant compounds face of
health paradigms.
 New protocol system of exercise on Drosophila melanogaster model.
 ORY demonstrates synergistic effect with EXE.
 Exercise with ORY supplementation increases locomotor behavior.
 Exercise with ORY supplementation decrease oxidative damages on flies.

CONTACT Marina Prigol Laboratory of Pharmacological and Toxicological Evaluations Applied to Bioactive
Molecules, LaftamBio – Federal University of Pampa, CEP 97.650-000, Itaqui, RS, Brazil
Supplemental data for this article can be accessed here.
ß 2021 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

Introduction stress defenses in Drosophila melanogaster exposed to

the EXE protocol for seven days.
Sedentarism is evidenced as one of the leading causes of
mortality globally, associated with non-transmissible dis-
eases, such as obesity and hypercholesterolemia [1]. In Materials and methods
this sense, physical activity is encouraged for individuals
Materials and fly culture conditions
of all ages to avoid pathologies and maintain homeosta-
sis [2]. Performing an exercise (EXE) has high therapeutic The wild-type Drosophila melanogaster (Harwich strain),
power in systemic and psychological diseases [3]. obtained by CIPBIOTEC (Unipampa/S~ao Gabriel), was
Food compounds of natural origin can act as adju- used. Both sexes of flies were kept in an incubator, at a
vants to perform an EXE protocol, as they can contrib- controlled temperature (24 –25  C), humidity 30–50%,
ute to an increased response to these protocols [4]. and maintained in a twelve-hour light/dark cycle
Therefore, the c-oryzanol (ORY), a compound extracted (12:12), a standard diet consisting of corn flour, sugar,
from rice bran oil, demonstrated adjuvant effects when yeast, wheat germ, powdered milk, and methylparaben.
administering it together with EXE, like showed in a The ORY (Figure S1) was obtained from Tokyo Chemical
study when thirty healthy individuals induced to ORY Industry Co., Ltd. (Tokyo, Japan).
supplementation, showing an intensification of anaer-
obic capacity [5]. ORY is already described in the litera-
Experimental design and exercise protocol
ture for having antioxidant activity, increasing the
activity of protective enzymes in Drosophila mela- Two-day-old flies were used, separated into the follow-
nogaster [6]. However, no studies demonstrate the ORY ing groups: Control (without EXE þ vehicle), MLF (with-
potential related to the induction of EXE given the out EXE þ vehicle þ locomotor limitations), EXE
increase in endogenous antioxidant defenses. (EXE þ vehicle), ORY (without EXE þ ORY 25 lM), and
Commonly, the use of murine models in EXE is veri- EXE þ ORY (EXE þ ORY 25 lM). EXE and EXE þ ORY flies
fied, but there are ethical and economic limitations that were subjected to the EXE protocol for seven days,
limit more extensive explorations in EXE, as well as the while Control, ORY, and MLF were kept in their culture
number of animals used. Thus, it is necessary to use medium in the same period. On the seventh day, the
alternative models, such as Drosophila melanogaster, groups were subjected to behavioral tests and on the
which have easy reproduction and management, pos- eighth day to biochemical analyzes (Figure 1). ORY was
sess a metabolically complex organism, preserve several diluted in 1% sucrose (vehicle) with a final concentra-
metabolic signals relevant to physical exercise [7], and tion of 25 lM [6].
have an innate negative geotaxis mechanism, which is Thirty flies from EXE and EXE þ ORY were submitted
used to induce continuous movements of the inverte- to the EXE protocol (Table 1), where they were added
brate [8,9]. The study’s main was to verify if ORY supple- to a tube (6 cm high  1.5 cm diameter) and subjected
mentation improves locomotor behavior and oxidative to climbing activity. The movement performed by the

Figure 1. Schematic representation of the experimental EXE protocol of this study.


Table 1. Exercise protocol in minutes for each day, on seven Body weight
consecutive days.
Days Exercise Rest Exercise Rest Exercise Rest Exercise Rest Total
Body weight was calculated based on the weight differ-
1 15 5 15 5 15 5 15 5 60 ence at the beginning of treatment and the end of the
2 20 5 15 5 15 5 15 5 65 seven days of the EXE protocol [11].
3 20 5 20 5 15 5 15 5 70
4 20 5 20 5 20 5 15 5 75
5 20 5 20 5 20 5 20 5 80
6 15 5 15 5 15 5 15 5 60 Sample preparation
7 20 5 15 5 15 5 15 5 65
Rest: Minutes with no movement by the machine, with the flies, kept For biochemical analysis, each group of flies was anes-
on suspension.
thetized and euthanized with the temperature at 5  C
and homogenized with HEPES buffer, pH 7.0, in 1:10
experimental apparatus consists of three rotations per
(flies/volume lL) proportion. The samples were centri-
minute (rpm), with the subtle induction of the fly’s
fuged at 1000  g at 4  C, with supernatant removed
mobility causing them to fall whenever they reach the
from the sample for further analysis.
apex of the tube, inducing their mobility by the innate
instinct of negative geotaxis (details in Figure S2, A-E).
To maintain similar conditions of manipulation of the Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity
animals, Control, MLF, and ORY groups were kept in fal-
con tubes during the EXE session. The experimental The supernatant was added with KPi buffer 0.25 M pH
device was developed by our research group (INPI, 8.0, 5 mM DTNB (5.50 -dithiobis (2-nitrobenzoic acid)),
BR10202000813; 2020). As the apparatus is a new with the reaction formed from the addition of 7.25 mM
device, we carried out pilot tests, demonstrating that acetylthiocholine [12]. The samples were reading with a
seven days perform a better development and adapta- spectrophotometer at 412 nm for 120 s. The AChE activ-
tion pattern to EXE in our fly model. The euthanasia of ity expressed as lmol AcSCh/h/mg protein.
the exercised flies was applied 4 h after the last EXE, all
properly fed and rested, in the same way as the other
groups. The MLF group was kept in a container with a Glucose, triglyceride levels, and glycogen
limited 5 cm of space, considered half of the other measurement
groups (10 cm) (details in Figure S3). Measurement of glucose and triglyceride levels carried
The average of all experiments using twenty flies out using LabtestV kit for the dosage of glucose and

was represented as n ¼ 1. Four independent experi- triglyceride levels and performed according to the man-
ments were performed for each behavioral test or bio- ufacturer’s instructions. Results were obtained from a
chemical analysis (n ¼ 4). standard glucose and triglyceride curve, with the results
expressed by mg/dL tissue.
Survival rate Extraction of glycogen patterns in small tissue
amounts according to [13], in the supernatant, was
The survival rate was assessed by counting the number of added potassium hydroxide (K(OH)) incubated at 100  C
live flies daily until the end of the experimental period. for 10 min, after ethanol was added to the sample,
being incubated again at 70  C for 10 min, for the reac-
Open field test (OFT) tion was added H2O and reactive iodine (1.5 M KI and
0.1 M I2). Reaction performed in spectrophotometry
In the OFT performed to assess the flies’ exploratory
at 460 nm.
and locomotor activity, the number of quadrants per-
formed by a single fly during the 60 s period was quan-
tified [10]. Cell viability assay
The cell’s ability to reduce resazurin to resorufin was
Negative geotaxis analyzed, acting as a reaction fluorescence marker [14].
After the experiment period, fly mobility was evaluated To form the reaction was added 180 mL of the sample,
with the negative geotaxis method [6]. Climbing time 20 mL of TRIS Buffer (pH 7.0), and 10 mL of resazurin as
was assessed through the space traveled by the fly, the reaction catalyst. The samples were incubated on a
from the base to a limit established at the top of the microplate for one hour, reading with a spectropho-
tube (8 cm high and 1.5 cm diameter). tometer at 513 nm.

Determination of reactive species (RS) for NPSH measurement [20]. The supernatant was added
with 0.5 M PCA and centrifuged at 10.000 rpm for 5 min,
The samples were centrifugated at 3570 rpm for 5 min at
kept in incubation for 15 min at room temperature, with
4  C. For the reaction was add 2’70 -dichlorofluorescein
a reading by spectrophotometer at 412 nm. Non-protein
diacetate (DCF-DA) used as an oxidizing agent. The fluor-
thiols measured with the resuspension pellet of de sam-
escence emission of DCF to DCF-DA monitored after 1 h
ples was added 0.5 M Tris HCl pH 8.0, 5 mM DTNB, kept
at an excitation wavelength of 488 nm and an emission
in incubation for 15 min at room temperature, with a
of 520 nm using a fluorescence spectrometer. The results
reading by spectrophotometer at 412 nm.
were obtained and expressed as a percentage of the
control DCF formation in arbitrary units (AU) [15].
Protein levels
Determination of thiobarbituric acid reactive The quantification of protein content was verified using
substances (TBARS) the method of [21]. Using the supernatant, distilled
water and CoomassieV brilliant blue g-250 were added
The reaction forms a plasmatic marker oxidative stress,
malondialdehyde (MDA), as a marker of lipid to the samples, and as a standard, bovine serum albu-
peroxidation’s final product [16]. The supernatant was min was used. There were incubated for 10 min and
added with 20% acetic acid pH 3.5, 0.8% acid thiobarbitu- read through spectrophotometry at 595 nm. Protein
ric (TBA) pH 3.2, 8% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), being levels were used to quantify protein content and assess
incubated at 95  C for 120 min. Samples were submitted the amount of lean mass in Drosophila melanogaster.
to wavelength in a spectrophotometer at 532 nm, and
lipid peroxidation was expressed as MDA nmol/mg tissue.
Statistical analysis

Determination of antioxidant enzymes activity Normality was assessed with the Shapiro–Wilk test, and
the homogeneity of the data was analyzed using
In the superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, the super- Bartlett’s test. Then, one-way ANOVA was performed, fol-
natant was added with KPi buffer 0.25 M pH 8.0, N, N, lowed by Bonferroni’s test. The percentage of survival
N-tetramethylethylenediamine the reaction catalyzing determined by the Kaplan–Meier curve and the statistical
by 0.15% quercetin [17]. Submit to spectrophotometer significance of log-rank Mantel–Cox. Differences between
at 406 nm for 120 s. The enzymatic activity was groups considered significant when P-value <.05.
expressed as U/mg protein (one unit defined as the
amount of enzyme required to inhibit the rate of oxida-
tion of quercetin by 50% at 25  C). Results
In the catalase (CAT) activity, the supernatant was used Exe with ORY supplementation increase survival
with 0.25 M phosphate buffer (2.5 mM EDTA, pH 7.0), 30% rate in Drosophila melanogaster
hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and 0.012% Triton X-100, sub-
jected to spectrophotometry of 240 nm for 120 s. The In the assessment of survival, we observed an increase
activity was expressed as U/mg protein (one unit decom- in the survival of EXE compared to the Control
poses 1 lmolH2O2/min at pH 7.0 and 25  C) [18]. (p ¼ .0368, Figure 2) and EXE þ ORY (p ¼ .034, Figure 2),
In the glutathione-S-transferase (GST) activity, the and a decrease in on the MLF (p ¼ .0002, Figure 2). At
supernatant was added with KPi buffer 0.25 M pH 8.0,
2.5 mM EDTA, and 100 mM GSH addition, with 50 mM 1-
chloro-2–4-dinitrobenzene. Read at 340 nm spectropho-
tometer for 120 s, and expressed in million units of
enzyme activity/mg protein (mU/mg protein), the reac-
tion started with GST reduced for GSH by conjugation
reaction with 1-chloro-2–4-dinitrobenzene, forming 4-
dinitrophenyl glutathione [19].

Determination of non-protein and protein thiols

(NPSH & PSH) Figure 2. The survival rate of flies exposed to EXE protocol with
ORY in Drosophila melanogaster. The total number of flies repre-
To determine NPSH and PSH, the supernatant was used sents the sum of four independent experiments. aDifference to
to analyze protein thiol content and the pellet reserve the Control group; bDifference to the MLF group.

Figure 3. Effect of the seven days of EXE protocol and ORY supplementation on the flies exploratory and locomotor activities in
Drosophila melanogaster. (A) Open field test; (B) Negative geotaxis test. The data are represented as the mean ± SEM. aDifference
to the Control group; bDifference to the MLF group; cDifference to the EXE group; dDifference to the ORY group.

the same time, a higher survival in the EXE (p < .0001,

Figure 2) and EXE þ ORY (p < .0001, Figure 2) groups
when compared to the MLF.

Exe improves mobility behavior with ORY

In the OFT, the MLF group had a smaller number of
crossings than all experimental groups. There was a sig-
nificant increase in the flies’ locomotion in the EXE and
EXE þ ORY group, with a higher number of crossings
than the Control. The EXE þ ORY showed a higher num-
ber of quadrants traveled to the EXE and ORY (ANOVA:
F4.15 ¼ 69.78, p < .0001, Figure 3(A)). The negative geo-
Figure 4. Effects on acetylcholinesterase activity after seven
taxis test has no statistical differences (ANOVA: F4.15 ¼ days of EXE protocol with ORY supplementation in Drosophila
1.693, p ¼ .2039, Figure 3(B)). melanogaster. The data are represented as the mean ± SEM.
Difference to the Control group; cDifference to the EXE group;
Difference to the ORY group; eDifference to the EXE þ ORY.
Exe with ORY supplementation provide lower
An increase in the ratio of protein levels/body
levels of AChE activity
weight was observed in groups EXE and EXE þ ORY
The MLF group showed a significant increase in AChE compared to the Control group and while it was found
activity concerning all experimental groups. There were a decrease in this ratio on the MLF group compared to
no differences in the ORY, EXE, and EXE þ ORY with the the EXE, ORY, and EXE þ ORY groups. ORY; EXE þ ORY
Control (ANOVA: F4.15 ¼ 15.41; p < .0001, Figure 4). showed a higher ratio of protein levels/body weight
when compared to the ORY group (ANOVA: F4.15 ¼
19,79, p ¼ <.0001; Figure 5(C)). The MLF group had a
Effect of EXE with ORY supplementation in weight higher triglyceride levels/body weight ratio compared
and body composition to the Control group, while EXE þ ORY had a lower rate
The MLF had a significant increase in body weight com- of this ratio than the MLF group (ANOVA: F4.15 ¼ 5.998,
pared to the Control and ORY group when EXE and p ¼ .0043; Figure 5(D)).
EXE þ ORY significantly decreased compared to the
Control and MLF (ANOVA: F4.15 ¼ 37.93, p < .0001; Exe with ORY supplementation on lipid and
Figure 5(A)). MLF obtained a lower amount of body pro-
glycidic parameters of the flies
tein compared to the EXE þ ORY group (ANOVA: F4.15 ¼ Higher levels of triglycerides were shown in MLF con-
3.676, p ¼ .0280; Figure 5(B)). cerning Control and ORY. EXE and EXE þ ORY flies had

Figure 5. Effects on body weight and protein body composition in Drosophila melanogaster, assessed by (A) Weight; (B) Protein
levels; (C) Protein levels/body weight ratio; (D) Triglycerides levels/body weight ratio. The data are represented as the
mean ± SEM. aDifference to the Control group; bDifference to the MLF group; dDifference to the ORY group.

a significant decrease in triglyceride levels compared to Effects of EXE with ORY on parameters of RS and
the MLF group (ANOVA: F4.15 ¼ 5.906, p ¼ .0046; Figure damage to the lipid components of the
6(A)). The MLF group has a statistical difference in glu- cell membrane
cose levels compared to EXE þ ORY and EXE. The EXE
The MLF group was observed to increase those levels
group has higher glucose levels regarding Control, ORY, compared to all experimental groups. A significant
and EXE þ ORY (ANOVA: F4.15¼ 11.71, p ¼ .0002; Figure decrease in RS levels was showed in EXE and EXE þ ORY
6(B)). The MLF group has lower glycogen than the compared to Control, and ORY has a significant increase
Control group. The glycogen in EXE got a significant in EXE and EXE þ ORY (ANOVA: F4.15 ¼ 19.88, p < .0001;
difference compared to Control, MLF, ORY. EXE þ ORY Figure 8(A)).
had higher glycogen concerning the Control, MLF, EXE, In the MDA levels, MLF have an increase in those lev-
and ORY (ANOVA: F4.15 ¼ 37.67; p < .0001, Figure 6(C)). els compared to all experimental groups. EXE þ ORY
group significantly decreases these levels compared to
Control, EXE, and ORY (ANOVA F4.15 ¼ 35.06, p < .0001;
Figure 8(B)).
Evaluation of cell viability on EXE with ORY
supplementation The response of antioxidant enzymes parameters
The MLF group showed a significant decrease in cell
in EXE with ORY supplementation
viability compared to the Control, EXE, and EXE þ ORY SOD activity was reduced in the MLF group compared
(ANOVA: F4.15 ¼ 5.230; p ¼ .0077, Figure 7). to all experimental groups; However, the EXE flies

Figure 6. Effects on lipid and glycidic parameters in Drosophila melanogaster after seven days of EXE with ORY administration,
assessed by (A) Triglyceride levels; (B) Glucose levels; (C) Body glycogen reserves. The data are represented as the mean ± SEM.
Difference to the Control group; bDifference to the MLF group; cDifference to the EXE group; dDifference to the ORY group;
Difference to the EXE þ ORY group.

increase SOD defense compared to the control.

EXE þ ORY group has a significant increase in SOD
activity compared to Control, EXE, and ORY (ANOVA:
F4.15 ¼ 16.95, p < .0001; Figure 9(A)). The MLF have a
significant decrease in CAT levels regarding Control and
ORY groups. EXE was found with higher levels of CAT
activity concerning the Control group. The increase in
CAT activity was statistically significant in EXE þ ORY with
Control, EXE, and ORY (ANOVA: F4.15 ¼ 2.293, p ¼ .0006;
Figure 9(B)). GST activity has a significant increase in
EXE þ ORY compared to all experimental groups (ANOVA:
F4.15 ¼ 7.091, p ¼ .0021; Figure 9(C)).

Cell redox state after EXE with ORY

Figure 7. Evaluation of cell viability by reducing resazurin supplementation measured by NPSH and
after seven days of EXE protocol with ORY administration in PSH levels
Drosophila melanogaster. The data are represented as the
mean ± SEM. aDifference to the Control group; cDifference to There was a significant decrease in NPSH levels in the
the EXE; eDifference to the EXE þ ORY group. MLF group than Control, EXE, and EXE þ ORY groups,

Figure 8. RS levels and lipid peroxidation on Drosophila melanogaster after seven days of EXE protocol, assessed by (A) Levels of
Reactive Species; (B) Lipid peroxidation. The data are represented as the mean ± SEM. aDifference to the Control group;
Difference to the EXE group; dDifference to the ORY group; eDifference to the EXE þ ORY group.

Figure 9. Effects of EXE with ORY in Drosophila melanogaster on antioxidant enzymes after seven days of EXE protocol, assessed
by (A) Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) activity; (B) Catalase (CAT) activity; (C) Glutathione-S-transferase (GST) activity. The data are
represented as the mean ± SEM. aDifference to the Control group; bDifference to the MLF group; cDifference to the EXE group;
Difference to the ORY group; eDifference to the EXE þ ORY group.

Figure 10. Non-protein and protein thiols levels after induction of seven days of EXE and ORY administration in Drosophila mela-
nogaster, evaluated by (A) Non-protein thiols (NPSH); (B) Protein thiols (PSH). The data are represented as the mean ± SEM.
Difference to the Control group; cDifference to the EXE group; dDifference to the ORY group; eDifference to the
EXE þ ORY group.

while EXE significantly increased NPSH concerning maintained, suggesting the preservation of loco-
Control. ORY has lower NPSH levels regarding EXE and motor behavior.
EXE þ ORY (ANOVA: F4.15 ¼ 15.49, p < .0001; Figure The results of body weight in EXE þ ORY group sug-
10(A)). It was verified a decrease in the PSH levels in gest an increase in the metabolic demand for energy
MLF compared to Control, EXE, and EXE þ ORY when substrates, changing the invertebrate’s body compos-
ORY has lower PSH levels than EXE and EXE þ ORY ition [9]. demonstrated similar effects only with EXE on
(ANOVA: F4.15 ¼ 7.861, p ¼ .0013; Figure 10(B)). Drosophila. In addition, there is an increase in the pro-
tein levels/body weight ratio in the EXE and EXE þ ORY
groups, suggesting an increase in lean mass in
Drosophila melanogaster submitted to the EXE, similar
This study mainly showed EXE and ORY synergic effect to that found in EXE induced mammals [24]. The MLF
in improving locomotor behavior and defense against group showed an increase in the triglyceride levels/
oxidative stress in flies. Our results demonstrated that body weight ratio, predicting that the fat mass is pre-
the combination of EXE þ ORY contributed to loco- dominant in the MLF, thus showing the importance of
motor activity in the flies; this is related to increased the EXE performance to increase lean mass and
long-term survival and one of the main factors involved decrease fat mass, since EXE adjuvant to ORY was able
in regulating cellular processes [8,22,23]. Locomotor to decrease the triglyceride levels/body weight ratio
activity improvement of the flies may be related to the when compared to MLF. Therefore, the increase in body
increase in antioxidant defense, as seen in the combin- weight of MLF in our results reflects the accumulation of
ation of EXE þ ORY, which may be responsible for triglycerides, possibly associated with movement limita-
expanding the therapeutic action of EXE [24]. In our tion during the experiments, being a contributing factor
climbing activity data, the flies submitted on the proto- to the development of oxidative stress [9,22]. In contrast,
col showed no significant differences between the changes in the body composition of EXE and EXE þ ORY
groups, indicating no possible interference with the flies, mainly with increased protein levels, can help pre-
innate mechanism of the negative geotaxis of flies [25]. vent oxidative damages [9,27]. The regulation of trigly-
The AChE activity in MLF represents high hydrolysis ceride levels by EXE and EXE þ ORY indicates an efficient
of acetylcholine, an important neurotransmitter respon- adaptation of the model to EXE, since one of the charac-
sible for a considerable fraction of locomotor behavior, teristics of the activity is the use of fat as an energetic
which may explain the decrease in locomotion of flies substrate, momentarily preserving the glycolytic reserve,
in the MLF group, as in the study by [26], demonstrated prolonging physical performance [28].
that flies that were induced to be exposed to situations It is possible to verify an increase in glucose levels in
of high production of RS obtained a higher AChE, lead- the Drosophila melanogaster in the EXE and EXE þ ORY
ing to less locomotion. In our study the EXE þ ORY groups, when we attribute this result to the increased
group, physiological levels of this enzyme were need for tissue energy of the flies’ organism. The

increase in these levels may also be due to the increase found in large levels, which can lead to the induction of
and replenishment of the animal’s body glycogen an increase in dysfunction in cellular flies [24].
reserves, an indicator mechanism of adaptation to EXE EXE þ ORY and EXE results in NPSH and PSH levels dem-
by the invertebrate, considering that in mammalian onstrate an ability to maintain the redox state of cells,
organisms, an increase in glycolytic reserves is showing flies’ ability to adapt to EXE, generating
observed, given higher availability energy substrate, important defenses against free radicals. MLF with
increasing physical performance [29,30]. decreased levels be more susceptible to deregulation of
The adaptive response to EXE involves the favorable the redox state of cells, predicting possible changes
disposition of the antioxidant enzymes system and the mediated by increased oxidative stress [26,33].
modulation of oxidative damage [24]. Nevertheless, the The cell viability indicates that EXE þ ORY can neu-
practice of strenuous EXE can increase oxidative stress tralize possible damage that can modify cell integrity,
due to the production of RS [24]. The supplementation unlike MLF, which can indicate cell damage, possibly
of ORY with EXE slows down RS formation, while the enhanced by the large generation of RS, as demon-
MLF group does not. Therefore, the administration of strated by [34], where flies subjected to situations of
antioxidant compounds with EXE can regulate this cel- high production of RS, show that the stabilization of
lular oxidative state more quickly, considering that both parameters as cell viability can be associated with cell
act in regulating this cellular redox state [31]. The levels integrity, as well as the opposite, where less cell viabil-
of RS produced by the ORY group were similar to the ity indicates the increase in the RS, possibly causing
Control group, which indicates a regular production of cell damage.
these components since the production of RS is natur-
ally found under physiological levels, as observed in the
study by [6]. In the MLF group, higher lipid peroxidation
was found, where research by [24] shows that the Our results demonstrated the ability of ORY combined
increase in this parameter may be related to dysfunc- with EXE to increase the locomotor performance and
tion of the transport of substances between cells, the survival of Drosophila melanogaster without over-
increasing the oxidative stress, which can be even more loading the cellular oxidative state. Likewise, it can be
harmful in organisms with low antioxidant defenses, as seen that EXE þ ORY was able to increase antioxidant
was verified in our data, where MLF have low activity of defenses, able to control the production of RS, neces-
these enzymes. EXE þ ORY was able to suppress lipid sary for the regulation of cellular metabolism, with
peroxidation, showing that the exercised flies have a improvements in lipid and glycemic parameters, in add-
higher capacity to control and neutralize RS, similar to ition to the increase in the rate of protein levels, which
that found in murines in EXE [24,32]. acts in the regulation of the organism/metabolism of
The SOD and CAT activity in MLF indicates less pro- Drosophila melanogaster.
tection against harmful quinones and semiquinones,
generated from oxygen instability conditions, wherein
Author contributions
[26], flies subjected to high generation of RS, showed a
decrease in the activity of these enzymes. However, in MMMD, SMA, MP designed the study. MMMD, SMA, VCB,
our study, EXE and EXE þ ORY showed more significant and FCP performed the biochemical analysis, MMMD, SMA,
VCB, MRP, EASM, and LBM achieve the behavioral tests.
protection against these free radicals, suggesting a MMMD analyze data and drafted the manuscript. SMA, VCP,
higher antioxidant defense. Likewise, the GST activity in SFC, MP edited and revised the manuscript. All authors con-
the EXE þ ORY group suggests a detoxification activity tributed substantially to the research and approved the final
for xenobiotics in Drosophila melanogaster. In contrast, version of the manuscript.
there is less protection against possible xenobiotics in
the MLF, where [26] demonstrate that flies subjected to Disclosure statement
conditions of high free radical production present
greater sensitivity in protecting against potential exter- The authors declare that they have no known competing for
financial interests or personal relationships.
nal agents capable of generating oxidative stress, such
as xenobiotics.
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