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5  Oxygen Transport
John W. Baynes, Norma Frizzell, and George M. Helmkamp Jr.

Hb and their interaction with O2 and other small molecules,

LEARNING OBJECTIVES and the pathologic aspects of selected Hb mutations.

After reading this chapter, you should be able to:

Properties of oxygen
■ Describe the mechanism of oxygen binding to myoglobin
and hemoglobin. Most oxygen in the body is bound to a carrier protein
■ Describe conformational differences between deoxygenated containing heme
and oxygenated hemoglobins.
Photosynthetic organisms release diatomic oxygen into the
■ Define the concept of cooperativity in oxygen binding to
earth’s atmosphere during energy production, contributing
to the current level of 21% oxygen in air. In mixtures of gases,
■ Describe the Bohr effect and its role in modulating the
each component makes a specific contribution, known as its
binding of oxygen to hemoglobin.
partial pressure (Dalton’s law), that is directly proportional to
■ Explain how 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate interacts with hemo-
globin and influences oxygen binding. its concentration. It is also customary to use the partial pressure
■ Summarize the processes by which carbon dioxide is of a gas as a measure of its concentration in physiologic fluids.
transported from peripheral tissues to the lungs. For atmospheric O2 at a barometric pressure (sea level) of
■ Describe the major classifications of hemoglobinopathies. 760 mmHg, or torr (101.3 kP, or kPa; 1 atmosphere absolute,
■ Explain the molecular basis of sickle cell disease. or ATA), the partial pressure of oxygen, pO2, is ~160 mmHg
(21% of 760). The amount of O2 in solution is, in turn, directly
proportional to its partial pressure. Thus in the arterial blood
(37°C, pH 7.4) the pO2 is 100 mmHg, which produces a
concentration of dissolved O2 of 0.13 mmol/L. This level of
INTRODUCTION dissolved O2, however, is inadequate to support efficient aerobic
Vertebrates are aerobic organisms Rather, the major fraction of O2 transported in blood and
stored in muscle is complexed with the iron (ferrous, Fe2+)
Vertebrates have a closed circulatory system and a mechanism
proteins Hb and Mb, respectively. Hb is a tetrameric protein
for extraction of O2 from air (or water) and release of carbon
with four O2-binding sites (heme groups). In arterial blood
dioxide (CO2) in waste products. Inspired O2 leads to an efficient
with a Hb concentration of 150 g/L (2.3 mmol/L) and O2
utilization of metabolic fuels, such as glucose and fatty acids;
saturation of 97.4%, the contribution of protein-bound O2 is
expired CO2 is a major product of cellular metabolism. This
about 8.7 mmol/L. This concentration represents a dramatic
utilization of O2 as a metabolic substrate is accompanied by
67-fold increase over physically dissolved O2. The total oxygen-
the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) that are capable
carrying capacity of the arterial blood, in dissolved and
of damaging virtually all biological macromolecules (Chapter
protein-bound forms, is 8.8 mmol/L - almost 200 mL of dis-
42). Organisms protect themselves from radical damage in
solved oxygen per liter of blood, the equivalent of the oxygen
several ways: sequestering O2, limiting production of ROS, and
content of a liter of air.
detoxifying them. Heme proteins participate in these protective
mechanisms by sequestering and transporting oxygen. The
major heme proteins in mammals are myoglobin (Mb) and
hemoglobin (Hb). Mb is found primarily in skeletal and striated CHARACTERISTICS OF MAMMALIAN
muscle, and it serves to store O2 in the cytoplasm and deliver GLOBIN PROTEINS
it on demand to the mitochondrion. Hb is restricted to
erythrocytes, where it facilitates the transport of O2 and CO2 Globins constitute an ancient family of
between the lungs and peripheral tissues. This chapter presents soluble metalloproteins
the molecular features of Mb and Hb, the biochemical and Globins are a ubiquitous family of proteins, found in micro-
physiologic relationships between the structures of Mb and organisms, plants, invertebrates, and vertebrates. Present-day

CHAPTER 5  Oxygen Transport 47.e1

Abstract Keywords

Globins are highly conserved proteins containing a heme Allosteric regulation

(protoporphyrin) prosthetic group, which binds oxygen. Anemia
Monomeric myoglobin maintains a store of oxygen in muscle 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate
for mitochondrial metabolism; tetrameric hemoglobin binds Bohr effect
oxygen for transport in blood. Hemoglobin is an allosteric Cooperativity
protein consisting of two α and two β subunits, which Globin
change in structure and interaction in response to oxygen Heme
and allosteric effectors. Oxygen exerts a positive, homotropic Heme protein
effect on oxygen binding; with a Hill coefficient of 2.7, hemo- Hemoglobin
globin is nearly saturated with oxygen in the lungs. Negative, Hemolytic anemia
heterotropic allosteric effectors, such as protons (Bohr effect) Hemolysis
and CO2, promote the release of oxygen in peripheral tissue. Hill coefficient
2,3-Bisphosphoglycerate also decreases the oxygen affinity of Methemoglobin
hemoglobin; this is an important adaptation to high altitude Myoglobin
and pulmonary disease. Mutations in globin genes lead to Nitric oxide
a spectrum of structural and functional variants, some of Protoporphyrin
which are pathogenic, such as HbS, which causes sickle cell Relaxed (R) state
disease. Sickle cell disease
Tense (T) state
48 CHAPTER 5  Oxygen Transport

10 20 30 40 50 Fig. 5.1 Human globin amino acid

sequences are highly conserved. An
A B C alignment of human globins is depicted,
Mb GLSDGEWQLVLNVW GKVEADIPGHG QEVLIR LFKGHP ETLEKF D K F K -H L with identical amino acid residues in
Hbα VLSPADKTNVKAAW GKVGAHAGEYG AEALER MFLSFP TTKTYF P H F - - D L orange. The two residues in green,
HbγA GHFTEEDKATITSLW GKV--NVEDAG GETLGR LLVVYP WTQRFF D S F G -N L conserved in all metazoan globins. Helical
α-globin; Hbβ, β-globin; HbγA, γA-globin;
60 70 80 90 100 110 Cygb, cytoglobin; Ngb, neuroglobin.


120 130 140 150 160 170


globins, with their spectacular diversity of function, are most C

likely derived from a single ancestral globin. Although the C -terminus
extent of amino acid identity among invertebrate and ver- E D
tebrate globins varies widely and can often appear random,
two features are noteworthy: the invariant residues PheCD1 H
and HisF8 and the characteristic patterns of hydrophobic
residues in helical segments (Fig. 5.1). Human Mb consists B
of a single globin polypeptide (153 amino acid residues, F G
17,053 Da). Human Hb is a tetrameric assembly of two
α-globin polypeptides (141 residues, 15,868 Da) and two
β-globin polypeptides (146 residues, 15,126 Da). A single heme
prosthetic group is noncovalently associated with each globin N-terminus
The secondary structure of mammalian globins is domi- A
nated by a high proportion of α-helix, with more than 75%
of the amino acids associated with eight helical segments.
Fig. 5.2 Myoglobin is a compact globular protein. In this drawing
These α-helices are organized into a tightly packed, nearly
of mammalian Mb, only the globin polypeptide backbone is shown,
spherical tertiary structure, designated the globin fold (Fig. with emphasis on the high proportion of secondary structure (exclusively
5.2). So universal is this overall tertiary structure among α-helix). The two-layer, three-over-three arrangement of α-helices is
all globins that the conventional nomenclature for globin highlighted by the light and dark shades of red. The heme group is
residues follows that defined initially for sperm whale illustrated as a gray “ball-and-stick” structure, with iron (yellow) and a
bound oxygen molecule (red).
Mb - namely, helices A, B, C, and so forth, starting at the
N-terminus, separated by corners AB, BC, and so forth, with
residues numbered within each helix and corner. For example, Polar amino acids are located almost exclusively on the
residue A14, an amino acid that participates in electrostatic exterior surface of globin polypeptides and contribute to the
stabilization between helix A and the GH corner, corresponds remarkably high solubility of these proteins (e.g., 370 g/L
to Lys15 in insect Hb, Lys16 in Mb and α-globin, and Lys17 in [37% protein solution; 5.7 mmol/L] Hb in the erythrocyte).
β-globin. Amino acids that are both polar and hydrophobic, such as
CHAPTER 5  Oxygen Transport 49



HisF8 HisE7


F helix

Proximal side Distal side

Fig. 5.3 Heme is a complex of porphyrin and iron. (A) In this view, the carbon framework of protoporphyrin IX, a conjugated tetrapyrrole ring,
is shown in gray; O2 molecules are red. Iron (yellow sphere) prefers six ligands in an octahedral coordination geometry; pyrrole nitrogen atoms
(blue spheres) provide four of these. PheCD1 makes critical hydrophobic and electrostatic stacking interactions with the porphyrin ring. (B) In the
oxygenated globin structure, the planar heme is positioned between the proximal and distal histidines (HisF8 and HisE7, respectively); only HisF8
has an imidazole nitrogen (blue sphere) close enough to bond with iron. The α-helices that contain these histidines are shown in pink. In deoxygen-
ated globins, the sixth position remains vacant, leaving a pentacoordinated iron. In the oxygenated state, O2 occupies the sixth position. Both
porphyrin propionate moieties participate in hydrogen and electrostatic bonding interactions with globin side chains and solvent.

threonine, tyrosine, and tryptophan, are oriented with their Globins increase the aqueous solubility of the otherwise
polar functions toward the protein’s exterior. Hydrophobic poorly soluble, hydrophobic heme prosthetic group. Once
residues are buried within the interior, where they stabilize sequestered inside a hydrophobic pocket created by the folded
the folding of the polypeptide and form a pocket that accom- globin polypeptide, heme is in a protective environment that
modates the hydrophobic heme prosthetic group. Notable minimizes the spontaneous oxidation of Fe2+ (ferrous) to Fe3+
exceptions to this general distribution of amino acid residues (ferric: rusting) in the presence of O2. Such an environment
in globins are the two histidines, in the E and F helices, that is also essential for globins to bind and release O2. Should the
play indispensable roles deep within the heme pocket (Fig. iron atom become oxidized to the ferric state, heme can no
5.3). Their side chains are oriented perpendicular to and lay longer interact reversibly with O2, compromising its function
on either side of the heme prosthetic group. One of the side in O2 storage and transport.
chain imidazole nitrogens of the invariant proximal histidine
(HisF8) is close enough to bond directly to the pentacoordinate
Fe2+ atom. On the opposite side of the heme plane, the distal Myoglobin: An oxygen storage protein
histidine (HisE7), which is too far from the heme iron for
Mb binds O2 that has been released from Hb in tissue
direct bonding, functions to stabilize bound O2 by hydrogen
capillaries and subsequently diffused into tissues
Located in the cytosol of skeletal, cardiac, and some smooth
muscle cells, Mb stores a supply of O2 that is readily available
to cellular organelles, particularly the mitochondrion, that
Structure of the heme prosthetic group carry out oxidative metabolism. Mb is a monomeric heme
protein; with its single ligand-binding site, the reversible reaction
Heme, the O2-binding moiety common to Mb and Hb,
is a porphyrin molecule to which an iron atom (Fe2+) of Mb with O2
is coordinated Mb + O2  MbiO2
The Fe-porphyrin prosthetic group of heme is planar and
may be described by the following equations:
hydrophobic, with the exception of two propionate groups that
are exposed to solvent. Heme becomes an integral component K a = [ MbiO2 ] [ Mb][O2 ]
of the holoprotein during polypeptide synthesis; it is heme
Y = [ MbiO2 ] {[ MbiO2 ] + [ Mb]}
that gives globins their characteristic purple-red color - purple
in the deoxygenated state in venous blood, red in the oxygenated where Ka is an affinity or equilibrium constant, and Y is
state in arterial blood. the fractional O2 saturation. Combining these two equations,
50 CHAPTER 5  Oxygen Transport

Peripheral tissue Lung

Oxygen saturation (Y )

A 22-year-old pregnant woman carrying a fetus of 31 weeks’

gestational age was brought to the maternity clinic of a hospital
for suspected CO poisoning.
The patient was experiencing headache, nausea, and visual
abnormalities. She stated that her workplace had been undergoing
0.25 repairs to the heating and ventilation systems during the past
2 weeks, and on the day of her hospital visit, the fire department
had evacuated the building after detecting a high level of CO,
200 ppm, compared with a typical urban street level of 10 ppm.
0 Her blood pressure was 116/68 mmHg with a pulse rate of 100
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
pO2 (mmHg) and respiratory rate of 24/min. Noteworthy in the patient’s
evaluation was a carboxy-Hb (COHb) component of 15% of
Fetal Fetal Adult Adult
venous arterial venous arterial total Hb at the time of admission (normal = 3%, but may exceed
blood blood blood blood 10% in heavy smokers). Fetal monitoring indicated a fetal heart
rate of 135, with occasional, moderate irregularities. Uterine
Fig. 5.4 Oxygen saturation curves of myoglobin and hemoglobin.
contractions were occurring every 3–5 min.
Mb and Hb have different O2 saturation curves. The fractional saturation The patient was treated in the hospital’s hyperbaric O2
(Y) of O2-binding sites is plotted against the concentration of O2 (pO2 chamber: 30 min at 2.5 ATA, then 60 min at 2.0 ATA. She also
[mmHg]). Curves are shown for Mb, fetal Hb (HbF), and adult Hb (HbA). received magnesium sulfate intravenously to resolve the premature
Also indicated, by arrows and shading, are the normal levels of O2 contractions. The patient was discharged 2 days later. She
measured in various adult and fetal blood samples. delivered a healthy female infant at 38 weeks of gestational age
who, on examination at birth and at 6 weeks of age, exhibited
no apparent sequelae to maternal exposure to CO or 100% O2.

expressing the concentration of O2 in terms of its partial Comment

Carbon monoxide is a normal product of heme catabolism and
pressure (pO2) and substituting the term P50 for 1/Ka yields
has a range of physiologic activities in vascular, neuronal, and
the equation for the O2 saturation curve of Mb:
immunologic systems. Like O2, CO also binds to heme prosthetic
Y = pO2 {pO2 + P50 } groups. Because the affinity of globin-bound heme for CO is
about 250 times that for O2, prolonged exposure of hemoglobin
By definition, the constant P50 is the value of pO2 at which to exogenous CO would be virtually irreversible (t1/2 for reversal
Y = 0.5, or half the ligand sites are occupied by O2. In a plot in blood, 4–8 h) and lead to highly toxic levels of carboxy-Hb.
of Y versus pO2, the equation for ligand binding by Mb describes Hyperbaric O2 is the treatment of choice for severe or complicated
a hyperbola (Fig. 5.4) with a P50 of 4 mmHg. The low value CO poisoning.
of P50 reflects a high affinity for O2. In the capillary beds of The administration of 100% O2 at 2–3 ATA creates arterial and
muscle tissues, pO2 values are in the 20–40 mmHg range. tissue pO2 values of 2000 mmHg and 400 mmHg, respectively
Predictably, working muscles exhibit lower pO2 values than (20 times normal). The immediate result is a reduction in the
t1/2 of carboxy-Hb in less than 30 min. Hyperbaric O2 is also
muscles at rest. With its high affinity for O2, myocyte Mb readily
used in the treatment of decompression sickness, arterial gas
becomes saturated with O2 that has entered from the blood.
embolism, radiation-induced or ischemic tissue injury, and severe
As O2 is consumed during aerobic metabolism, it dissociates hemorrhage.
through mass action from Mb and diffuses into mitochondria,
the power plants of the muscle cell. Whales and other diving
mammals have unusually high concentrations of Mb in their
muscle tissue; the Mb is thought to function as a large oxygen
reservoir for prolonged periods under water. several types of subunit–subunit interactions in the quaternary
structure (Fig. 5.5). Importantly, within the Hb tetrahedron,
each subunit is in contact with the other three. Experimental
Hemoglobin: An oxygen transport protein analysis of the quaternary structure indicates multiple non-
covalent interactions (hydrogen bonds and electrostatic bonds)
Hb is the principal O2-transporting protein in human between each pair of dissimilar subunits - that is, at the α–β
blood; it is localized exclusively in erythrocytes interfaces. In contrast, there are fewer and predominantly
Adult Hb (HbA) is a tetrahedral array of two identical α-globin hydrophobic interactions between identical subunits at the
and two identical β-globin subunits, a geometry that predicts α1–α2 or β1–β2 interfaces. The actual number and nature of
CHAPTER 5  Oxygen Transport 51

This subtle conformational change triggers major structural

realignments elsewhere within that globin subunit. In turn,
Heterodimer β2
interface these tertiary structural changes are transmitted, even ampli-
fied, in the overall quaternary structure, such that a 12–15°
α1 rotation and a 0.10-nm displacement of the α1β1 dimer relative
to the α2β2 dimer take place. Because of the inherent asymmetry
of the α2β2 tetramer, these combined motions result in quite
dramatic changes within and, more importantly, between the
αβ heterodimers. Because of structural changes in hemoglobin
as a result of binding of oxygen and other effectors, the binding
affinity for subsequent molecules of oxygen may be increased
(positive cooperativity) or decreased (negative cooperativity).

Hb can bind up to four molecules of O2 in a

cooperative manner
With its multiple ligand-binding sites and structural changes
in response to binding, the oxygen affinity and the fractional
Heme iron saturation of Hb are more complex functions than those of
Mb. Consequently, the equation for the fractional O2 saturation
curve must be modified to the following:
Y = pO2n {pO2n + P50n }
Fig. 5.5 Hemoglobin is a tetramer of four globin subunits. Hb is
a tetrahedral complex of two identical α-globins (α1 and α2, green) and where the exponent n is the Hill coefficient. In a plot of Y
two identical β-globins (β1 and β2, maroon). With this geometry, each versus pO2 when n > 1, the equation for ligand binding describes
globin subunit contacts the other three subunits, creating the interfaces
a sigmoid (S-shaped) curve (see Fig. 5.4). The Hill coefficient,
and interactions that define cooperativity. One of the heterodimer
interfaces is outlined in a dashed oval. determined experimentally, is a measure of cooperativity among
ligand-binding sites - that is, the extent to which the binding
of O2 to one subunit influences the affinity of O2 to other
subunits. For fully cooperative binding, n is equal to the number
contacts differ in the presence or absence of O2. Strong associa- of sites (four in Hb), an indication that binding at one site
tions within each αβ heterodimer and at the interface between maximally enhances binding at other sites in the same molecule.
the two heterodimers (see Fig. 5.5) are now recognized as major The normal Hill coefficient for adult Hb (n = 2.7) reflects strongly
factors determining O2 binding and release. Thus Hb is more cooperative ligand binding. Hb has a considerably lower affinity
appropriately considered a dimer of heterodimers (αβ)2 rather for O2, reflected in a P50 of 27 ± 2 mmHg compared with
than an α2β2 tetramer. Although a solution of HbA is theoreti- myoglobin (P50 = 4 mmHg). In the absence of cooperativity,
cally a dynamic mixture of heterodimers and tetramers, under even with multiple sites, the Hill coefficient would be 1 - that
physiologic conditions (high Hb and neutral pH), the equilibria is, binding of one molecule of O2 would not influence the
greatly favor the tetramer: 99.0% for oxygenated Hb and 99.9% binding of other molecules. Decreased or absent cooperativity
for deoxygenated Hb. is observed for Hb mutants that have lost functional subunit–
subunit contacts (Table 5.1). The steepest slope of the saturation
curve for Hb lies in a range of pO2 that is found in most tissues
Interactions of hemoglobin with oxygen
(see Fig. 5.4). Thus relatively small changes in pO2 will result
Hb binds oxygen cooperatively, with a Hill coefficient in considerably larger changes in the interaction of Hb with
of ~2.7 O2. Accordingly, slight shifts of the curve in either direction
As a gas-delivery vehicle, Hb must be able to bind O2 efficiently will also dramatically influence O2 affinity.
as it enters the lung alveoli during respiration and to release
O2 to the extracellular environment with similar efficiency Hemoglobin subunits may assume two different
as erythrocytes circulate through tissue capillaries. This conformations that differ in O2 affinity
remarkable duality of function is achieved by cooperative The mechanism underlying the cooperativity in oxygen binding
interactions among globin subunits. When deoxygenated Hb by hemoglobin involves a shift between two conformational
becomes oxygenated, significant structural changes extend states of the hemoglobin molecule that differ in oxygen affin-
throughout the protein molecule. In the heme pocket, as a ity. These two quaternary conformations are known as the
consequence of O2 coordination to iron and a new orientation T (tense) and R (relaxed) states, respectively. In the T state,
of atoms in the heme structure, the proximal histidine and interactions between the heterodimers are stronger; in the R
helix F to which it belongs shift their positions (see Fig. 5.3). state, these noncovalent bonds are, in summation, weaker.
52 CHAPTER 5  Oxygen Transport

Table 5.1 Classification and examples of hemoglobinopathies

Classification Common name Mutation Frequency Biochemical changes Clinical consequences

Abnormal solubility HbC Glu →Lys 6(β)
Common Intracellular crystallization Mild hemolytic anemia; splenomegaly
of oxygenated protein; (enlarged spleen)
increased erythrocyte fragility
Decreased O2 affinity Hb Titusville Asp94(α)→Asn Very rare Heterodimer interface altered Mild cyanosis (blue-purple skin
to stabilize T state; decreased coloration from deoxygenated blood)
Increased O2 affinity Hb Helsinki Lys82(β)→Met Very rare Reduced binding of 2,3-BPG Mild polycythemia (increased
in T state erythrocyte count)
Ferric heme HbM Boston His58(α)→Tyr Occasional Altered heme pocket Cyanosis of skin and mucous
(methemoglobin) (mutation of distal His) membranes; decreased Bohr effect
Unstable protein Hb Gun Hill Δβ91–95 Very rare Misfolding caused by loss of Formation of Heinz bodies (inclusions
Leu in heme pocket and of denatured Hb); jaundice (yellow
shorter helix coloration of integument and sclera);
pigmented urine
Abnormal synthesis Hb Constant Tyr142(α)→Gln Very rare Loss of termination codon; α-Thalassemia (hemolytic anemia,
Spring decreased mRNA stability splenomegaly and jaundice)

Hemoglobinopathies are usually classified according to the most prominent change to the protein’s structure, function, or regulation. Initial identification of
a mutation often involves electrophoretic or chromatographic analysis, as shown in Fig. 5.9 for HbSC, a double heterozygous genotype associated with a
sickle cell disease–like phenotype. Δ, deletion mutant.

A Deoxy B Oxy
T state R state
Tense β2 Relaxed
Low affinity High affinity
Asn102 Asn102 β2
Asp94 Asp94
O O 0.28

α1 HN

Fig. 5.6 Noncovalent bonds differ in deoxygenated and oxygenated hemoglobin. In the middle of the interface between the two αβ
heterodimers are the residues Asp94(α) on the α1-globin of one heterodimer and Trp37(β) and Asn102(β) on the β2-globin of the other heterodimer (see
dashed oval in Fig. 5.5). Each has side chain atoms capable of noncovalent interactions. (A) In the deoxygenated T state, the distance between
the Asp and Trp residues favors a hydrogen bond, whereas the distance between Asp and Asn is too great. (B) As a result of the conformational
changes that accompany the transition to the oxygenated R state, the distance between Asp and Trp is now too large, but the distance between
Asp and Asn is compatible with the formation of a new hydrogen bond. Elsewhere along this interface, other bonds are created and broken. An
identical alignment of residues and noncovalent interactions is found between the α2- and β1-globin monomers. Distances are shown in nanometers
(nm). Hydrogen bonds are commonly 0.27–0.31 nm in length.

O2 affinity is lower in the T state and higher in the R state. hydrogen and electrostatic bonds. Approximately 30 amino
Transition between these states is accompanied by the breaking acids participate in the noncovalent interactions that character-
of existing noncovalent bonds and formation of new ones at ize the deoxygenated and oxygenated Hb conformations.
the heterodimer interfaces (Fig. 5.6). Contact between the two Several models have been developed to describe the transi-
αβ heterodimers (see Fig. 5.5) is stabilized by a mixture of tion between the T and R states of Hb. At one extreme is a
CHAPTER 5  Oxygen Transport 53

Peripheral tissue Lung


Pulse oximetry (pulse-ox) is a noninvasive method of estimating

the oxygen saturation of arterial Hb. Two physical principles are
involved: first, the visible and infrared spectral characteristics of

O2 saturation (Y)
oxy- and deoxy-Hb are different; second, arterial blood flow has
(R) (T)
a pulsatile component that results from volume changes with
each heartbeat. Transmission or reflectance measurements are [H+]
made in a translucent tissue site with reasonable blood flow - [CO2]
commonly a finger, toe, or ear of adults and children or a foot
or hand of infants. The photodetector and microprocessor of the
pulse oximeter permit a calculation of oxygen saturation (SpO2
= peripheral capillary oxygen saturation) that typically correlates
within 4%–6% of the value found by arterial blood gas analysis.
Pulse oximetry is used to monitor the cardiopulmonary status
during local and general anesthesia, in intensive care and neonatal 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
units, and during patient transport. Body movement, radiated
ambient light, elevated bilirubin, and artificial or painted fingernails P50 values pO2 (mmHg)
can interfere with pulse oximetry.
Conventional two-wavelength instruments “assume” that
Fig. 5.7 Allosteric effectors decrease the oxygen affinity of
the optical measurements are associated with oxygenated and hemoglobin. O2 interaction with Hb is regulated by allosteric effectors.
deoxygenated hemoglobins; they cannot discriminate among Under physiologic conditions, HbA exhibits a highly cooperative O2
oxy-, carboxy-, and metHb. Newer technologies, however, utilize saturation curve. With an increase in the erythrocyte concentration of
six or eight wavelengths and permit multiple Hb species discrimina- any of three allosteric effectors - H+, CO2, or 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate
tion with an accuracy of ±2% and precision of ±1%. (2,3-BPG) - the curve shifts to the right (position B), indicating a decreased
affinity for O2 (increase in P50 value). Actions of the effectors that modulate
O2 affinity appear to be additive. Conversely, a decrease in any of the
allosteric effectors shifts the curve to the left (position A). Increasing
temperature will also shift the curve to the right. The sensitivity of O2
model in which each Hb subunit sequentially responds to O2 saturation to H+ is known as the Bohr effect. Normal ranges of O2
binding with a conformational change, thereby permitting measured in pulmonary and peripheral-tissue capillaries are indicated
by shaded areas.
hybrid intermediates of the T and R states. At the opposite
extreme is a model in which all four subunits switch concertedly;
hybrid states are forbidden, and binding of O2 to one subunit
shifts the equilibrium of all subunits from the T to the R state thus their designation as allosteric (other site) effectors.
simultaneously. The molecular structures of deoxygenated and Through long-range conformational effects, they alter the
partially and fully ligated Hb have been studied extensively by ligand- or substrate-binding affinity of the protein. Allosteric
a broad range of thermodynamic and kinetic techniques, yet proteins are typically multiple-subunit proteins. The O2-binding
progress toward reconciling inconsistencies among classic and affinity of Hb is affected positively by O2 as well as a number
more recent models has been slow. These different viewpoints of chemically diverse allosteric effectors, including H+, CO2,
on conformational changes in multiple-subunit proteins are and 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate (2,3-BPG; Fig. 5.7). When an
discussed further in the section on allosteric enzymes in allosteric effector affects its own binding to the protein (at
Chapter 6. other sites), the process is termed homotropic (e.g., the effect
of binding of O2 at one site on Hb enhances the affinity for
binding of O2 to other sites on Hb). When the allosteric effector
ALLOSTERIC MODULATION OF THE is different from the ligand whose binding is altered, the process
OXYGEN AFFINITY OF HEMOGLOBIN is termed heterotropic (e.g., the effect of H+ [pH] on the P50
for oxygen binding to Hb). These interactions lead to horizontal
shifts in the O2 binding curves (see Fig. 5.7).
Allosteric proteins and effectors
Hb is an allosteric protein; its affinity for O2 is regulated Bohr effect
by small molecules
Hb is one of the best-studied examples of an allosteric protein. Acidic pH (protons) decreases the O2 affinity of Hb
Allosteric effectors are small molecules that bind to proteins The O2 affinity of Hb is exquisitely sensitive to pH, a phe-
at sites that are spatially distinct from the ligand-binding sites, nomenon known as the Bohr effect. The Bohr effect is most
54 CHAPTER 5  Oxygen Transport

readily described as a right shift in the O2 saturation curve unprotonated N-terminal amino groups of the globin poly-
with decreasing pH. Thus an increased concentration of H+ peptides to form carbamino adducts:
(decreased pH) favors an increased P50 (lower affinity) for O2
Hb – NH2 + CO2  Hb – NHCOO − + H +
binding to Hb, equivalent to an H+-dependent shift of Hb
from the R to the T state. This transient covalent chemical modification of Hb is not
To understand the Bohr effect at the level of protein structure only a specialized example of allosteric control, resulting in a
and to appreciate the role of H+ as a heterotropic allosteric stabilization of deoxygenated Hb; it also represents one form
effector, it is important to recall that Hb is a highly charged of transport of CO2 to the lungs for clearance from the body.
molecule. The residues that participate in the Bohr effect include Between 5% and 10% of the total CO2 content of blood exists
the N-terminal Val amino group of α-globin and the C-terminal as carbamino adducts.
His side chain of β-globin. The pKa values of these weak acids There is a strong physiologic correlation between pCO2 and
differ sufficiently between the deoxygenated and oxygenated the O2 affinity of Hb. CO2 is a major product of mitochondrial
forms of Hb to cause the uptake of 1.2–2.4 protons by the oxidation and, like H+, is particularly abundant in metabolically
deoxygenated, compared with the oxygenated, tetramer. active tissues. Upon diffusing into blood, CO2 can react with
Identification of specific amino acid residues of the α- and oxygenated Hb, shift the equilibrium toward the T state, and
β-globins that participate in the Bohr effect is complicated by thereby promote the dissociation of bound O2 (see Fig. 5.7).
differential interactions of other charged solutes with deoxy- The vast majority of peripheral tissue CO2, however, is hydrated
and oxy-Hb. Thus a preferential binding of a given anion (i.e., by erythrocyte carbonic anhydrase to carbonic acid (H2CO3),
Cl− and/or organic phosphates) to deoxygenated Hb involves a weak acid that dissociates partially to H+ and HCO3−:
the alteration of the pKa of some cationic groups, thereby CO2 + H2O  H2CO3 enzyme-catalyzed reaction
contributing to the overall observed Bohr effect. For example,
there is compelling evidence showing that Val1(α) is relevant H2CO3  H + + HCO3− spontaneous dissociation
to the Bohr effect only in the presence of Cl−. The pKa of this Interestingly, from both carbamino adduct formation and
group shifts from 8.00 in deoxygenated Hb to 7.25 in oxygen- hydration/dissociation reactions involving CO2, an additional
ated Hb in the presence of a physiologic concentration of pool of protons is generated. These are protons that become
Cl− (≈100 mmol/L). Further, the participation of the Val1(α) available to participate in the Bohr effect and facilitate O2–CO2
groups in the chloride-dependent Bohr effect is strongly exchange. During its return to the lungs, blood transports two
modulated by CO2 because of the formation of CO2 (carbamino) forms of CO2: carbamino-Hb and the H2CO3/HCO3− acid–
adducts of Hb (described later in the chapter). conjugate base pair. Blood and Hb are now exposed to a low
pCO2, and through mass action, the carbamino adduct forma-
As Hb binds O2, protons dissociate from selected
tion is reversed, and binding of O2 is again favored. Similarly,
weak-acid functions; conversely, in acidic media,
in the pulmonary capillaries, erythrocyte carbonic anhydrase
protonation of the conjugate bases inhibits O2 binding
converts H2CO3 to CO2 and H2O, which are expired into the
During their circulation between pulmonary alveoli and atmosphere (see Chapter 36).
peripheral tissue capillaries, erythrocytes encounter markedly Working muscles not only produce the allosteric effectors
different conditions of pO2 and pH. The high pO2 in the lungs H+ and CO2 as by-products of aerobic metabolism but also
promotes ligand saturation and forces protons from the Hb liberate heat. Because the binding of O2 to heme is an exo-
molecule to stabilize the R state. In the capillary bed, particularly thermic process, the O2 affinity of Hb decreases with
in metabolically active tissues, the pH is slightly lower due to increasing temperature. Thus the microenvironment of an
the production of acidic metabolites, such as lactate. Oxygenated exercising muscle profoundly favors a more efficient release
Hb, upon entering this environment, will acquire some “excess” of Hb-bound O2 to the surrounding tissue.
protons and shift toward the T state, promoting the release of
O2 for uptake by tissues for aerobic metabolism.
Effect of 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate
Effects of CO2 and temperature 2-3-Bisphoglycerate (2,3-BPG), an intermediate in
carbohydrate metabolism, is an important allosteric
Like H+, CO2 is increased in venous capillaries and is a effector of Hb
negative allosteric effector of the O2 affinity of Hb 2,3-BPG is synthesized in human erythrocytes in a one-step
Closely related to the Bohr effect is the ability of CO2 to alter shunt from the glycolytic pathway (Chapter 9). Like H+ and
the O2 affinity of Hb. The increase in pCO2 in venous capillaries CO2, 2,3-BPG is an indispensable negative allosteric effector
decreases the affinity of Hb for O2. Accordingly, a right shift that, when bound to Hb, causes a marked increase in P50 (see
in the ligand-saturation curve occurs as pCO2 increases. It Fig. 5.7). Were it not for the high erythrocyte concentration
should be emphasized that the allosteric effector is, in fact, of 2,3-BPG (~4 mmol/L), the O2 saturation curve of Hb would
CO2, not HCO3−: CO2 forms a reversible covalent bond with the approach that of Mb!
CHAPTER 5  Oxygen Transport 55


β1 β2
The supply-and-demand curves for whole blood and packed red +
cell availability and utilization point to an impending crisis and Val1

the need to develop alternatives. Red cell substitutes are transfu- –
sion alternatives that are potentially useful during major surgical Lys82
procedures and hemorrhagic shock emergencies. +
Three types of artificial O2 carriers have been investigated: –
Hb-based oxygen carrier (HBOC), liposome- or nanoparticle-
+ 2,3-BPG
encapsulated Hb, and perfluorocarbon emulsions. HBOCs are
hemoglobins derived from allogeneic, xenogeneic, or recombinant – +
sources that have been modified by polymerization, crosslinkage, Lys82 –
or conjugation. These modifications facilitate purification and
sterilization, and they minimize toxicity and immunogenicity. + Val1
They are also necessary to stabilize the extracellular Hb tetramers; +
otherwise, the hemoglobin dissociates into dimers and monomers
in plasma and is excreted in urine. The artificial forms have O2 His143
affinity (P50) in the range 16–38 mmHg, compared to ~27 mM His2
for Hb, but they usually have diminished cooperativity (n = 2,3-BPG
1.3–2.1) and Bohr effects. O O–
Several HBOCs have progressed through clinical evaluation, O C
and some are used in medical procedures in some countries. P O CH
O– O
Adverse effects are not uncommon with HBOCs. Increased
vasoconstriction with subsequent hypertension occurs a result O–
of increased binding of nitric oxide (NO), an endogenous regulator
of vasodilation, by extracellular Hb. Other problems include Fig. 5.8 2,3-Bisphosphoglycerate binds preferentially to deoxygen-
increased heme oxidation to metHb, elevated iron deposition in ated hemoglobin. On the surface of the deoxygenated Hb tetramer
tissues, gastrointestinal distress, neurotoxicity, and interference where the two β-globins (purple) interact, there is a cleft formed by
with diagnostic measurements. Molecular engineering of human the N-terminal amino acid residue (Val1(β)) and the side chains of His2(β),
Hb, now under way in a number of laboratories, seeks to improve Lys82(β), and His143(β) (stick models). This site consists of eight cationic
the O2 binding and allosteric properties of HBOCs and minimize groups, sufficient to bind with high affinity one molecule of 2,3-BPG
the side effects. Packaging of hemoglobin in liposomes or (ball-and-stick model; phosphorus, orange), a molecule with five anionic
groups at physiologic pH. This array of positive charges does not exist
nanocapsules, producing artificial red blood cells, is also a
in oxygenated Hb. In fetal Hb (HbF), His143(β) is replaced by a Ser residue.
promising technology because this limits the escape of Hb into
extravascular spaces.

curve to the right, thereby facilitating the release of more O2

At one end of the twofold symmetry axis within the qua- to tissues. Under most circumstances, the rightward shift has
ternary structure of Hb, there is a shallow cleft defined by an insignificant effect on the O2 saturation of Hb in the lungs.
cationic amino acids of the juxtaposed β-globin subunits (Fig.
5.8). A single molecule of 2,3-BPG binds to this site. A critical
consequence of the conformational differences between
the T and R states is that deoxygenated Hb preferentially
interacts with the negatively charged 2,3-BPG. Multiple
electrostatic interactions stabilize the complex between the Interaction of hemoglobin with
polyanionic effector and deoxygenated Hb. The cleft is too nitric oxide
narrow in fully oxygenated Hb to accommodate 2,3-BPG.
The importance of 2,3-BPG as a negative allosteric effector Nitric oxide, a potent vasodilator, is stored on Hb as
is underscored by observations that its concentration in the S-nitrosoHb (SNO-Hb)
erythrocyte changes in response to various physiologic and Nitric oxide (NO) is a gaseous free radical capable of oxidative
pathologic conditions. During chronic hypoxia (decreased pO2) modification (nitration, nitrosation, nitrosylation) of biological
secondary to pulmonary disease, anemia, or shock, the level macromolecules. Yet this highly reactive molecule, also known
of 2,3-BPG increases. Such compensatory increases have also as endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF), is syn-
been described in cigarette smokers and on adaptation to high thesized in endothelial cells and participates in normal vascular
altitudes. The net result is a greater stabilization of the deoxy- physiology, including vasodilation (smooth muscle), hemostasis
genated, low-affinity T state and a further shift of the saturation (platelet), and adhesion molecule expression (endothelial cell).
56 CHAPTER 5  Oxygen Transport

Erythrocytes make up the largest intravascular reservoir of

Neuroglobin and cytoglobin: Minor
bioactive NO, and Hb is indispensable for its formation, storage,
mammalian hemoglobins
and release. SNO-Hb is the product of S-nitrosylation of the
Cys93β side chains of Hb. These Cys thiol groups can accept Two other globins have recently been identified in humans
NO by transfer from intracellular S-nitrosoglutathione or from Neuroglobin (Ngb) is expressed primarily in the central nervous
heme-bound NO (nitrosyl-Hb). NO is released by exchange system and some endocrine tissues; cytoglobin (Cygb) is
from SNO-Hb to Cys side chains of anion exchanger 1, an ubiquitously expressed, primarily in cells of fibroblast origin.
erythrocyte membrane protein that can then deliver NO to Tissue concentrations of both are < 1 mmol/L. The Ngb poly-
the plasma. The formation and breakdown of SNO-Hb are peptide has 151 amino acid residues (16,933 Da), whereas
sensitive to pO2; NO is released from Hb in response to hypoxia Cygb contains 190 residues (21,405 Da), with “extensions”
or on conversion to the T state, for example, in venous capil- of 20 amino acids at both the N- and C-termini (see Fig. 5.1).
laries, where it induces vasodilation and increased blood flow. Both human proteins share only about 25% sequence identity
Another remarkable process within the erythrocyte is the with Mb and Hb. Yet all key elements of the globin fold are
allosterically regulated conversion of nitrite (NO2−) to NO, a present: the three-over-three α-helix sandwich; the proximal
reaction performed by deoxygenated Hb. This intrinsic “nitrite and distal His residues; and a hydrophobic, heme-containing
reductase” activity takes advantage of the moderate NO2− con- pocket.
centration in the erythrocyte (up to 0.3 µmol/L). Although In contrast to Mb and Hb, Ngb and Cygb contain hexa-
the chemistry is complex, the reaction is thought to yield a coordinate hemes for both the Fe2+ and the Fe3+ valency
labile intermediate nitrosyl-metHb(ferric) that can readily states. The distal HisE7, serving as the sixth ligand, must
transfer NO to Cys93(β) on oxygenated Hb. be displaced to permit binding of O2. Yet the O2 affinities of
Ngb and Cygb are surprisingly high, with P50 values in the
range of 1.0–7.5 mmHg and 0.7–1.8 mmHg, respectively,
ADVANCED CONCEPT BOX compared with a P50 < 27 mmHg for Hb. Binding of O2 to
the dimeric Cygb is cooperative (Hill coefficient = 1.2–1.7)
ACUTE MOUNTAIN SICKNESS but independent of pH. Conversely, monomeric Ngb exhibits
- TOO HIGH, TOO FAST a pH-dependent O2 affinity. The functions of these minor
Acute mountain sickness (AMS) develops in individuals who globins remain elusive. Ngb appears to be comparable to Mb,
ascend rapidly to ambient conditions of hypobaric oxygen. mediating the delivery of O2 to retinal mitochondria. Cygb
Symptoms of hypoxia include shortness of breath, rapid heart is thought to function as an enzyme cofactor, supplying O2
rate, headache, nausea, anorexia, and sleep disturbance. These for the hydroxylation of Pro and Lys side chains in some
can develop at altitudes of 2000 m (25% incidence) and higher proteins.
to 4000 m or more (50% incidence). The most severe form is
high-altitude cerebral edema (2% incidence), a potentially fatal
condition characterized by ataxia and other neuromuscular and Hemoglobin variants
neurologic problems.
At 4000 m, the barometric pressure is 460 mmHg, leading More than 95% of the Hb found in adult humans is HbA,
to an ambient partial pressure of O2 of 96 mmHg (sea level, with the α2β2 globin subunit composition. HbA2 accounts for
160). Physiologic calculations yield values of a tracheal pO2 of
2%–3% of the total and has an α2δ2 polypeptide composition.
86 mmHg (sea level, 149), an alveolar pO2 of 50 mmHg (sea
HbA2 is elevated in β-thalassemia, a disease characterized by
level, 105), and an arterial pO2 of 45 mmHg (sea level, 100). At
this arterial partial pressure of O2, Hb saturation is only 81% a deficiency in β-globin biosynthesis. Functionally, these two
(see Fig. 5.4). Consequently, the O2-carrying capacity of arterial adult hemoglobins are indistinguishable. Not surprisingly,
blood decreases to 160 mL/L (sea level, 198). Hypoxia can also mutations of the gene encoding δ-globin are without clinical
lead to overperfusion of vascular beds, endothelial leakage, and consequence.
edema. Another minor Hb is fetal Hb (HbF); its subunits are α-
Humans adapt to high altitude (acclimatization) by several globin and γ-globin. Although it accounts for no more than
mechanisms. Hyperventilation is a critical short-term response 1% of adult Hb, HbF predominates in the fetus during the
that serves to decrease alveolar pCO2 and, in turn, increase second and third trimesters of gestation and in the neonate.
alveolar pO2. Arterial pH is also increased during hyperventilation, Gene switching on chromosome 11 causes HbF to decrease
leading to a higher affinity of Hb for O2. A gradual increase in
shortly after birth. The most striking functional difference
2,3-BPG typically occurs in response to chronic hypoxia. Another
between HbF and HbA is its decreased sensitivity to 2,3-BPG.
important adaptive mechanism is polycythemia, an increase in
erythrocyte concentration that results from erythropoietin stimula- Comparison of the primary structures of the β- and γ- poly-
tion of bone marrow cells. Within 1 week of acclimatization, peptides reveals a replacement of His143β by Ser in γ-globin
the Hb concentration can increase by as much as 20% to provide (see Fig. 5.1). Consequently, two of the cationic groups that
near-normal arterial O2 content. participate in the binding of the anionic allosteric effector are
no longer available (see Fig. 5.8). Predictably, the interaction of
CHAPTER 5  Oxygen Transport 57

2,3-BPG with HbF is weaker, resulting in an increased affinity

CLINICAL BOX for O2 (P50 of 19 mmHg for HbF compared with 27 mmHg for
A STUDENT WITH HbA) and a greater stabilization of the oxygenated R state. The
HYPERVENTILATION, NUMBNESS, direct benefit of this structural and functional change
AND DIZZINESS in the HbF isoform is a more efficient transfer of O2
from maternal HbA to fetal Hb (see Fig. 5.4). Separation
A college student with severe muscle spasms in her arms, numb- of these and other Hb variants in the clinical laboratory is
ness in her extremities, some dizziness, and respiratory difficulty
performed by electrophoretic and chromatographic analyses
was brought to the student health center. The patient had
(Fig. 5.9).
been vigorously exercising in an attempt to relieve the stress of
forthcoming examinations when she suddenly began to experience
forced, rapid breathing. Suspecting hyperventilation, a health-care
worker began to reassure the student and helped her recover
by getting her to breathe into a paper bag. After 20 minutes,
the spasms ceased, feeling returned to her fingers, and the
lightheadedness resolved.
Alveolar hyperventilation is an abnormally rapid, deep, and
prolonged breathing pattern that leads to respiratory alkalosis SEPARATION OF HEMOGLOBIN
- that is, a profound decrease in pCO2 and an increase in blood VARIANTS AND MUTANTS:
pH that can be attributed to an increased loss of CO2 from the DIAGNOSIS OF
body. With decreased [CO2] and [H+], two allosteric effectors of HEMOGLOBINOPATHIES
O2 binding and release, the affinity of Hb for O2 increases suf-
ficiently to reduce the efficiency of delivery of O2 to peripheral The mobility of a protein during electrophoresis or chromatog-
tissues, including the central nervous system. Another charac- raphy is determined by its charge and interaction with the matrix.
teristic of alkalosis is a decreased level of ionized calcium in Three commonly used techniques provide sufficient resolution
plasma, a situation that contributes to muscle spasms and cramps. to separate Hb variants differing in a single charge from HbA:
In general, hyperventilation may be triggered by hypoxemia, electrophoresis, isoelectric focusing, and ion-exchange chroma-
pulmonary and cardiac diseases, metabolic disorders, pharma- tography. Electrophoretic and chromatographic separations of
cologic agents, and anxiety. See also Chapter 36. Hb are illustrated in Fig. 5.9.



Detector response

AFSC standards
G Philadelphia

AA A1c A2

AFSC standards
Retention time
– C, A2 S F A +

Fig. 5.9 Normal and abnormal hemoglobins can be separated by electrophoretic and chromatographic methods. (A) This panel shows
cellulose acetate electrophoresis (pH 8.4) of blood samples obtained for neonatal screening. This rapid technique will tentatively identify HbS and
HbC, two common mutant hemoglobins in the African American population. Additional tests are required for a definitive diagnosis. FS, Newborn
with sickle cell disease; SC, Double heterozygote child with sickle cell–like disease; AS, Child with sickle cell trait; SS, Adult with sickle cell disease;
AF, Normal neonate. (B) This trace illustrates high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) with a cation-exchanger solid phase, a technique capable
of separating and quantifying more than 40 hemoglobins. HPLC may also be used to measure HbA1c, a glycated protein that is measured clinically
as an index of mean blood glucose concentration in diabetes mellitus (Chapter 31). Also shown is the elution profile of Hb G Philadelphia
(Asn68(α)→Lys), a common but benign variant that co-migrates with HbS on electrophoresis.
58 CHAPTER 5  Oxygen Transport

Sickle cell disease: A common CLINICAL BOX

In sickle cell disease (SCD), distortion of erythrocyte METHEMOGLOBINEMIA
structure (sickling) limits capillary blood flow
Clinically, an individual with SCD presents with intermittent In a rural region of the state, a 4-month-old infant was seen at
the local emergency room for episodes of seizures, breathing
episodes of hemolytic anemia, resulting from chronic lysis of
difficulty, and vomiting. The infant’s skin and mucous membranes
red cells, and painful vasoocclusive crises. Common features
were bluish, indicating cyanosis. Analysis of arterial blood revealed
also include impaired growth, increased susceptibility to infec- a chocolate brown color, a normal pO2, an O2 saturation of
tions, and multiple-organ damage. In the African American 60%, and a metHb (ferric-heme) level of 35%.
population in the United States, SCD affects 90,000–100,000 The tentative cause of the acute toxic methemoglobinemia
individuals, a frequency of 0.2%; heterozygous, mostly asymp- was found to be well water contaminated by a nitrate/nitrite
tomatic carriers number 8% in this population. concentration of 34 mg/L. The infant was treated successfully
SCD is caused by an inherited single-point mutation in by intravenous administration of methylene blue (1–2 mg/kg)
the gene encoding β-globin, leading to the expression of the that serves to accelerate indirectly the enzymatic reduction of
Hb variant HbS. Indeed, HbS has been studied biochemically, metHb to normal (ferrous) Hb by NADPH metHb reductase, which
biophysically, and genetically for more than 50 years, making is normally a minor pathway for conversion of metHb to Hb.
SCD the paradigm of a molecular disease. The mutation is Comment
Glu6(β)→Val: a surface-localized charged amino acid is replaced MetHb is formed when the ferrous iron of heme is oxidized to
by a hydrophobic residue. Valine on the mutant β-globin subunit ferric iron; it is produced spontaneously at a low rate and more
rapidly in the presence of certain drugs, nitrites, and aniline
fits into a complementary pocket (sometimes called a sticky
dyes. In genetic forms of methemoglobinemia, mutation of either
patch) formed on the β-globin subunit of a deoxygenated Hb
the proximal or the distal His to Tyr makes the heme iron more
molecule, a pocket that becomes exposed only upon the release susceptible to oxidation (see Table 5.1). The extent of oxidation
of bound O2 in tissue capillaries. in Hb tetramers can range from one heme group to all four.
HbA remains a true solute at rather high concentrations, Erythrocytes contain an NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase, or NADH
largely as a result of a polar exterior surface that is compat- diaphorase, that is responsible for the majority of metHb reduc-
ible and nonreactive with nearby Hb molecules. In contrast, tion. Infants are particularly vulnerable to methemoglobinemia
HbS, when deoxygenated, is less soluble and has a more because their level of NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase is half
hydrophobic surface. It forms long filamentous polymers that of adults. Moreover, their higher level of HbF is more sensitive
that readily precipitate, distorting erythrocyte morphology to to oxidants compared with HbA.
the characteristic sickle shape. In the homozygous individual
with SCD (HbS/HbS), the complex process of nucleation
and polymerization occurs rapidly, producing about 10% of
circulating erythrocytes that are sickled. In the heterozygous
individual (HbA/HbS, sickle cell trait), the kinetics of sickling offers an explanation for the persistence of HbS in the gene
are decreased by at least a factor of 1000, thereby accounting pool.
for the asymptomatic nature of this genotype. In dilute solu-
tion, HbS has interactions with O2 (P50 value, Hill coefficient)
that are similar to those for HbA. However, the Bohr effect on Other hemoglobinopathies
concentrated HbS is more pronounced, leading to a greater
release of O2 in the capillaries and increased propensity for More than 1000 mutations in the genes encoding the
sickling. α- and β-globin polypeptides have been documented
Sickled erythrocytes exhibit less deformability. They no As with most mutational events, most lead to few, if any, clinical
longer move freely through the microvasculature and often problems. There are, however, several hundred mutations that
block blood flow, especially in the spleen and joints. Moreover, give rise to abnormal Hb with pathologic phenotypes. Hb
these cells lose water, become fragile, and have a considerably mutants, or hemoglobinopathies, are usually named after the
shorter life span, leading to hemolysis and anemia (hemo- location (hospital, city, or geographical region) in which the
lytic anemia). Except during extreme physical exertion, the abnormal protein was first identified. They are classified accord-
heterozygous individual appears normal. For reasons that ing to the type of structural change and altered function and
remain to be elucidated, heterozygosity is associated with the resulting clinical characteristics (see Tables 5.1 and 5.2).
an increased resistance to malaria, which is caused by the Although many of these mutants have predictable phenotypes,
infectious agent Plasmodium falciparum in the erythrocyte. This others are surprisingly pleiotropic in their impacts on multiple
observation represents an example of a selective advantage properties of the Hb molecule. With few exceptions, Hb variants
that the HbA/HbS heterozygote exhibits over either the are inherited as autosomal recessive traits. Occasionally, double
HbA/HbA normal or the HbS/HbS homozygote and probably heterozygotes are identified (e.g., HbSC; see Fig. 5.9).
CHAPTER 5  Oxygen Transport 59

CLINICAL BOX Table 5.2 Complete blood count (CBC)

Reference value
SICKLE CELL VASOOCCLUSIVE Parameter Patient (male) (SI units)*
White blood cell 6.82 × 109/L 4.0–11.0 × 109/L
Acute vasoocclusive crises are the most common problem reported count, WBC
by individuals with sickle cell disease (SCD); they are also the
Red cell count, RBC 4.78 × 1012/L 4.0–5.2 × 1012/L (F);
most frequent reason for emergency room treatment and hospital 4.5–5.9 × 1012/L (M)
admission. Episodes of vasoocclusive pain are unpredictable and
are often excruciating and incapacitating. The origin of this Hemoglobin, Hb 6.1 mmol/L 7.4–9.9 mmol/L (F);
progressive pain involves altered rheologic and hematologic 8.4–10.9 mmol/L (M)
properties of erythrocytes attributable to HbS polymerization Hematocrit, HCT 33.4% 41–46% (F);
and aggregation. Microvascular dysfunction is precipitated by 37–49% (M)
an inflammatory response, indicated by elevation of plasma
Mean corpuscular 71.9 fL 80–96 fL
acute-phase proteins. Ultimately, impaired vasomotor responses
volume, MCV
in arterioles and adhesive interactions between sickled erythrocytes
and endothelial cells in postcapillary venules restrict blood flow Mean corpuscular 21.3 pg/cell 26–34 pg/cell
to tissues throughout the body. hemoglobin, MCH
Epidemiologic data indicate that 5% of patients with SCD Mean corpuscular 296 g/L 320–360 g/L
can expect to experience 3–10 episodes of severe pain annually. hemoglobin
Typically, the pain crisis resolves within 5–7 days, but a severe concentration, MCHC
crisis may cause pain that persists for weeks. To provide relief
Red cell distribution 17.7% 11.5–14.5%
to the patient, nonnarcotic, narcotic, and adjuvant analgesics
width, RDW
are used alone or in combination.
The severity and duration of the pain dictate the most Platelet count, PLT 274 × 109/L 150–350 × 109/L
appropriate analgesic regimen. Parenterally administered opioids Mean platelet volume, 8.6 fL 6.4–11.0 fL
are frequently used for the treatment of severe pain in vasooc- MPV
clusive crises. Several recent studies suggest additional options
for the patient and physician: continuous intravenous infusion
of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and continuous epidural
*F, female; M, male; fL = 10 −15 L; pg = 10 −12 g. To convert mmol Hb/L
to g Hb/dL, multiply by 0.01611. Automated laboratory evaluation of
administration of local anesthetics and opioid analgesics effectively
blood provides invaluable information for the monitoring and diagnosis
decreased pain that was unresponsive to conventional measures. of health and disease. The complete blood count, performed on a sample
In addition to analgesia, oxygen therapy and fluid management of whole blood, includes counts of red cells (erythrocytes), white cells
are also initiated. (leukocytes), and platelets and quantitative indices of the red cells (MCV,
MCH, MCHC, and RDW). The results describe the hematopoietic status of
the bone marrow and the presence of anemia and its possible cause.
Data presented are characteristic of an individual with iron deficiency
anemia: low Hb, low MCV (microcytosis), and low MCH (hypochromia).
The volume of hemolysate required (<100 µL) makes these See also reference values in Appendix 1.
techniques suitable for neonatal and adult blood samples.
Quantification is performed by scanning densitometry or
absorption spectrometry. Indications of abnormalities in
screening tests are followed by complete blood count (Table
5.2), additional protein analysis, and DNA analysis to identify SUMMARY
specific mutations to the globin genes.
■ This chapter describes two important proteins that
reversibly interact with O2: myoglobin (Mb), a tissue
oxygen storage protein, and hemoglobin (Hb), a blood
CLINICAL TEST BOX oxygen transport protein. Both use an ancient
COMPLETE BLOOD COUNT heme-containing polypeptide domain motif to
sequester O2 and increase its solubility.
A complete blood count (CBC) provides information on blood
■ As a tetramer of globins, Hb is one of the
cell populations and their characteristics. Data are obtained from
whole blood samples by automated hematology analysis. Some best-characterized examples of cooperativity in ligand
instruments also provide leukocyte differentials, reticulocyte count, interactions. Conformational changes in both the
and red cell morphology. A typical printout of the results for tertiary and the quaternary structures characterize the
one individual and the reference range is shown in Table 5.2. transition between deoxygenated and oxygenated
states. With its wide variety of effector molecules,
60 CHAPTER 5  Oxygen Transport

Goodman, M. A., & Malik, P. (2016). The potential of gene therapy approaches
for the treatment of hemoglobinopathies: Achievements and challenges.
ACTIVE LEARNING Therapeutic Advances in Hematology, 7, 302–315.
Meier, E. R., & Rampersad, A. (2016). Pediatric sickle cell disease: Past successes
1. Explain why some genetic mutations in α-globin or β-globin and future challenges. Pediatric Research, 81(1–2), 249–258.
Roderique, J. D., Josef, C. S., Feldman, M. J., et al. (2015). A modern literature
result in a pathologic phenotype, whereas most remain silent review of carbon monoxide poisoning theories, therapies, and potential targets
or benign. Describe the mutations that are the most difficult for therapy advancement. Toxicology, 334, 45–58.
to detect. Thein, S. L. (2011). Milestones in the history of hemoglobin research.
2. Speculate on the mechanisms by which an adult with sickle Hemoglobin, 35, 450–462.
Yuan, Y., Tam, M. F., Simplaceanu, V., et al. (2015). New look at hemoglobin
cell disease would benefit from a fetal hemoglobin (HbF)
allostery. Chemical Reviews, 115, 1702–1724.
level of 20%.
3. Many hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers (HBOC) and some
hemoglobin variants have a decreased sensitivity to pH. Discuss
the consequences of a reduced Bohr effect. RELEVANT WEBSITES
4. Summarize the observations of experimental animals in which
the gene encoding myoglobin has been ablated (knocked Anemia: Pathophysiologic consequences, classification, and clinical investigation:
Protein domain structures:
The red cell and anemia (detailed five-part presentation by pathologist E.
Uthman): Blood cells and the CBC:
Hb is also a prototype of allosteric proteins and
enzymes. Sickle Cell Information Center (comprehensive site for both patients and
■ Protons, through the Bohr effect, and CO2 promote professionals):
Teaching cases, American Society of Hematology: http://
the release of oxygen from hemoglobin in peripheral
tissue. 2,3-Bisphosphoglycerate is also an important
allosteric effector of Hb, decreasing the oxygen affinity
of hemoglobin; this is an important adaptation to high
altitude and in pulmonary disease. ABBREVIATIONS
■ Mutations in globin genes lead to a spectrum of
structural and functional variants, some of which are 2,3-BPG 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate
pathogenic, such as HbS, which causes sickle cell COHb Carboxyhemoglobin
disease. Hb Hemoglobin
HbA Adult (normal) hemoglobin
HbA1c Glycated hemoglobin
HbF Fetal hemoglobin
FURTHER READING HbS Sickle Cell hemoglobin
Mb Myoglobin
Alayash, A. I. (2014). Blood substitutes: Why haven’t we been more successful? metHb Methemoglobin (Fe+3)
Trends in Biotechnology, 32, 177–185. SCD Sickle Cell disease
Giardina, B., Mosca, D., & De Rosa, M. C. (2004). The Bohr effect of haemoglobin
in vertebrates: An example of molecular adaptation to different physiological SNO-Hb S-nitrosohemoglobin
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