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Dear respondents, we are graduating students of Health Science at Salaam University. This is
a questionnaire prepared for data collection concerning factors contributing occupational
injury among workers at Agdage construction company. The purpose of this questionnaire is
for academic reason. Your information will be kept confidentially. Therefore, we kindly
request you to answer these questions to the best of your knowledge.
 Do not write your name on this questionnaire
 The research is for academic purpose not money
 Your information will be private
Please circle your answer to the provided answers to the best of your knowledge.
Number Question Answer
1 What is your age? A. 15-25
B. 25-35
C. 35 above

2 What is your sex? A. Male

B. Female

3 What is your marital status? A. Single

B. Married
C. Divorced
D. widowed

4 What is your education level? A. Primary level

B. Secondary level
C. University level
D. Non formal education

5 What is your occupation? A. Employee

B. Unemployed
C. Student
D. Housewife

6 Have you ever experienced occupational A. Yes

injury? B. No

7 If yes, what was the cause of your injury? A. Chemicals

B. Fell from a high place
C. Something entered my
D. Others


Number Question Answer

9 Lack of personal experience can contribute A. Agree
occupational injury. B. Disagree
C. Strongly agree
D. Strongly disagree

10 How long have you been working this company? A. 1-3 years
B. 3-6 years
C. More than 6 years

11 Before you were employed in this company, had A. Yes

you worked for another place? B. No

12 If yes, how many years? A. Less than a year

B. 1-2 years
C. More than 2 years

13 Lack of education and training can contribute A. Agree

occupational injury B. Disagree
C. Strongly agree
D. Strongly agree

14 Do you get safety and development training from A. Yes

your company? B. No

15 Do you believe that age can contribute A. Yes

occupational injury? B. No

16 Older employees are more vulnerable for A. Agree

occupational injury than younger employees. B. Disagree
C. Strongly agree
D. Strongly


Number Question Answer

17 Lack of personal protective equipment (PPE) is A. Agree
the most cause of occupational injury. B. Disagree
C. Strongly agree
D. Strongly disagree

18 Do you use PPE while you are working? A. Yes

B. No

19 If yes, do you buy it for yourself or the company A. I buy PPE for my
buys? self
B. The company buys it
C. Others

20 Lack of supervision can contribute occupational A. Agree

injury. B. Disagree
C. Strongly agree
D. Strongly disagree

21 I can work without supervision A. Agree

B. Disagree

22 The company does not allow to work without an A. Usually

expert supervision. B. Sometimes
C. never

23 Our company has a first aid department A. yes

B. No


Number Question Answer

24 Unsafe workplace can contribute occupational A. Agree
injury B. Disagree
C. Strongly agree
D. Strongly disagree

25 Our company is a safe place to work A. Agree

B. Disagree

26 The employees may expose themselves to A. Usually

chemical hazards while working B. Sometimes
C. never

27 Chemical hazards are the most causes of A. Agree

occupational injury. B. Disagree
C. Strongly disagree

28 Improper lighting can contribute occupational A. Agree

hazards B. Disagree

29 Do you work under improper lighting for this A. Yes

company? B. No


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