Screenplay Physics

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Screenplay physics

During the 19th century many scientist pioneers , like Faraday and
Amphere, found that the international community should consider
the magnetism and the electricity as 2 parts of the same medal.
This is how the study of electromagnetism as begin.
The scottish scientist Maxwell give the biggest impulse writing 4
equations , the well famous Maxwell’ s equation where he wrote
down , in the third one,that the light is an electromagntic wave, and
he also found the speed of light.
That was an amazing discovery, but there were still some misteries.
It was thought at the time that empty space was filled with a
background medium called the luminiferous aether in which the
electromagnetic field existed. Some physicists thought that this
aether acted as a preferred frame of reference for the propagation of
light and therefore it should be possible to measure the motion of
the Earth with respect to this medium, by measuring the isotropy of
the speed of light. Beginning in the 1880s several experiments were
performed to try to detect this motion, the most famous of which
is the experiment performed by Albert A. Michelson and Edward W.
Morley in 1887.[142] The detected motion was always less than the
observational error.
This can be considered as the most important failed experiment in
the history of physics.
This brought the international community to 3 possible answers:
The earth is stationary to the aether. The most possible
The aether cause a distortion of the beams. The one invented for the
The speed of light is equal at everytime in every direction.the most
The second one brought lorenz to make his transformations
formulas, that inspired poincarre who wrote formulas that can be
considered as the primary idea of the special relativity.
Meanwhile most of the scientist thought that everything was
discovered, but a young worker from the patent office of Bern
change everything.
Albert Einstein was a very elegant person in making theories , but
not in dressing.
For this reason he found obsolete the luminifer aether assuming
that the speed of light use the vacuum as a medium and is speed is
This is one of the pillars of the special relativity.
Many people can wrongly assume that everything is relative, but
that is not correct.scientist needed to have values that are the same
in every system and the speed of light is one of them.
The rest is history.

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