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This documentary widely explores all the secrets

inside the Hampton Court. From the 1515,when the
first brick was put on the ground, to his renovation
in 1788 under William iii ‘s reign. The building was
firstly property of the Arcibishop Thomas
Wolsey,and from that time, the young Henry the
eight, started to pass all of his free time there. After,
when he wanted the Pope’ s permission to divorce
from his first wife, the Arcibishop, who couldn’t
provide it, gave the Hampton Court as a present to
the King. The court was a royal place and symbol of
the power of the king, and it was renewed whenever
the Henry the eight killed or divorced from a wife.
A symbol of the luxourios life of the king could be
seen from the enourmous kitchens, there where 200
chefs, one tonne of firewood was daily required and
there were consumed 3 millions litres of beer in a
year. Another example are the tapestries
embroidered with gold, make them shiny .

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