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Tema 1. Daily Routines Estructuras gramaticales

Oración afirmativa Oración interrogativa

Sujeto + verbo o rutina + complemento Auxiliar + sujeto + verbo / acción o rutina + complemento
I brush my teeth at 6:00 am every day. Do you brush your teeth at 6:00 am every day?
She brushes her teeth at 7:00 am every day. Yes, I brush my teeth at 6:00 am every day.
No, I do not brush my teeth at 6:00 am every day.
Oración negativa No, I don`t.
Sujeto + auxiliary do / does + not + complement Does she brush her teeth at 7:00 am every day?
I do not / don`t brush my teeth at 6:00 am every day. Yes, she brushes her teeth at 7:00 am every day.
No, she does not brush her teeth at 7:00 am every day.
She does not / doesn`t brush her teeth at 7:00 am every day. No, she doesn`t.

1. Reescribe estas preguntas luego respóndelas.
 Your hair every day / wash / do / you?
 Gets up / she / Does / on Mondays / early?
 Carlos and Peter / in the afternoon / study English / Do?
 Walk / you / Do / in the park on Sundays?
 Have lunch / they / Do / at noon / every day?
2. Responder las siguientes preguntas.
 Do your parents read the news in the afternoon?
 Does she play soccer on weekends?
 Do the students at the library in this moment?
 Does he play the guitar in a band tonight?
 Do your family eat the dinner at the restaurant?



Nevar Sometimes Often Usually Always

Nunca Algunas veces A menudo Usualmente Siempre

Estructuras gramaticales
Forma afirmativa Para interrogar usamos la palabra “how often”
Sujeto+ frecuencia+ verbo+ complemento
 I sometimes go to the cinema on Saturdays.  How often does Betty prepare dinner? (25%)
Betty sometimes prepares dinner

1. Ordene las siguientes oraciones
 Apple juice / Reny / often / drink.
 Yoga / Laura / sometimes / practice.
 To the cinema on Saturdays / they / go / usually.
 Always / to the school early / she / come.
 The children / play / always / in the park.
2. Responder las siguientes preguntas
 How often does she comb her hair? (25%)
 How often do the students go to the school? (50%)
 How often does Teresa go to the beach? (75%)
 How often Do Tony and Peter visit their parents on weekend? (100%)
 How often Does Carlos eat cookies in the classroom? (0%)


son expresiones que se usan para hablar de frecuencia y se colocan al final de la oración (once, twice, three times, every day, entre otras.
 once: se usa para decir que algo ocurre una vez.
I go to the movies on Saturdays.
I go to the movies once a week.

 twice: se usa cuando algo ocurre 2 veces.

Daniela prepares coffee in the mornings and in the afternoons.
Daniela prepares coffee twice a day.

 para más de tres ocasiones utilizamos un número y la palabra times.

Mary visit me three times a week.
 para preguntar usamos “How often”
1. Ordenar las siguientes oraciones
 brush / her hair / three times a day / Carolina.
 Tony and Maria / twice a week / study English.
 go to the mall / Betty / once a week.
 The boys / on Saturdays / play videogames.
 The students / three times a day / the smart phone / use.
2.Responder las siguientes preguntas.
 How often Does Diego go to the Dentist? (1/ month).
 How often Does Mary go to the gym? (2/ week).
 How often Does She wash the dishes? (3/ day).
 How often Do the students study Biology? (2/week).
 How often Do you go to on vacations? (1/year).

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