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1|11th Physics Ch.

2 Conceptual Questions [0312-5969383]




Q.1: If you are riding on a train that speeds past another train moving in the
same direction on an adjacent track, it appears that the other train is moving
backward. Why?


It is because of the relative nature of velocity.


Consider two trains moving with different velocities in the same direction. The
observer (you) is present in the faster train. When faster train having the observer
passes the slower train, the slower train appears moving backward, this is
 The faster train is moving ahead
 The slower train is lagging behind
If the other train gains the equal speed it will appear at rest.
2|11th Physics Ch.2 Conceptual Questions [0312-5969383]

Q.2: Can the velocity of a body reverse the direction when acceleration is
constant? If you think so, give an example.


Yes, the velocity of an object can reverse direction when acceleration is constant.


Consider a ball thrown vertically upward.

 The ball moves up with constant acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s2)
 At the highest point velocity of the ball becomes zero and it falls back with
the same acceleration ‘g’ due to gravity.

Thus, the direction of the velocity reverse but acceleration is constant.

Q.3 : When you stand still on the ground, how large a force does the ground
exert on you? Why doesn’t this force make you rise up into the air?


The ground exerts a force equal to weight of the body when the person stands still
on the ground.


According to Newton’s 3rd law, every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
When a person stands still on a ground he / she exerts an action force equal to
weight (w = mg) of the body. As a result ground exerts an opposite force on the
person equal to his/ her weight.

Q.4 : A man standing on the top of a tower throws a ball vertically up with
certain velocity. He also throws another ball vertically down with the same
speed. Neglecting air resistance, which ball will hit the ground with higher

3|11th Physics Ch.2 Conceptual Questions [0312-5969383]

Since the both balls have same initial velocity and there is no loss of energy due to
absence of air resistance therefore, both balls reach the ground with same speed.


If the man is standing at height ‘h’ from the ground then;

 Ball thrown vertically up with initial velocity vi covers additional height (h +

h1), goes to the highest point and then returns to the same height h with
same initial velocity because there is no loss of energy.
 From height h, ball thrown vertically up has the same initial velocity as of the
ball thrown vertically downward.
 Therefore, both balls reach the ground with same speed.

Q-5: The cricket coach explains that the follow-through with the shot will make
the ball travel a greater distance. Explain the reasoning in terms of the impulse-
momentum theorem.


The cricket coach explains follow-through with the shot because it will make the
ball travel a greater distance.


The follow-through technique with the shot increases

the time of impulse when the ball is leaving the bat, as a
result more impulsive force will act on the ball.


Thus the main purpose of the following through is to

extend the amount of time for which the bat and ball are in contact.
4|11th Physics Ch.2 Conceptual Questions [0312-5969383]

Q.6 When you release an inflated but untied why does it fly across then room?


The balloon flies across the room because of the conservation of momentum.


The escaping gas and the balloon form a closed system. When an inflated but
untied balloon at rest is released,

 The gas inside the balloon which is at high pressure rushes out from the open
end of the balloon.
 The balloon and remaining gas gain a momentum equal and opposite to the
momentum of the escaping gas.
 Therefore the balloon flies across the room opposite direction to the
escaping gas.

Q.7 Modern cars are not rigid but are designed to have “crumple zones”
(irregular fold) that collapse upon impact. What is the advantage of this new

Answer Modern cars are designed to have 'crumple zones' to increase the time
of change of the momentum of the driver and passengers in a crash. It reduces
average force and injuries.


As we know that;
5|11th Physics Ch.2 Conceptual Questions [0312-5969383]

From above equation it is clear that by increasing the time average force will
decrease and as a result it decreases chances of heavy injuries.

 In a car crash, the care and the passengers decelerate rapidly.

 They experience great forces because of the change in momentum which can
cause injuries.
 Crumple zones absorb some of the kinetic energy during accident by
increasing the time of impact. It reduces injuries.

Q.8 Why we can hit a long sixer in a cricket match rather that if we toss a ball for


We can hit a longer sixer with the help of a bat as compared to tossing a ball with
our hand due to transfer of momentum of the bat to the ball.


 By swinging the bat gets the momentum,

 When the bat comes in the contact with ball, that momentum is transferred
to the ball.
 Therefore ball can travel for a longer six.
 But when we throw a ball with our hand, it cannot transfer that much
momentum to the ball therefore ball cannot go for longer distance.
6|11th Physics Ch.2 Conceptual Questions [0312-5969383]

Q.9 An aeroplane while traveling horizontally dropped a bomb when it was

exactly above the target. The bomb missed the target. Explain


The bomber misses the target because of projectile motion of the bomb.


 The bomb has the same horizontal velocity as that of the aeroplane
 If the bomb is dropped when the aeroplane is exactly above the target, it will
strike a point ahead of the target because of the horizontal component of

10. Calculate the angle of projection for which kinetic energy at the summit is
equal to one-fourth of its kinetic energy at point of projection.


The angle of projection for which kinetic energy at the summit point is equal to
one-fourth of its kinetic energy at point of projection is 60


K.E at summit = K.E at point of projection

7|11th Physics Ch.2 Conceptual Questions [0312-5969383]

Q. 11 For any specific velocity of projection, the maximum range is equal to four
times of the corresponding height. Discuss.


The horizontal range R' of a projectile for any specific velocity cannot exceed from
the value of four times of the corresponding vertical height 'H’


We know that;

𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜃 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜃𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜃

8|11th Physics Ch.2 Conceptual Questions [0312-5969383]

For maximum range

Q.12 What is the angle for which the maximum height reached and
corresponding range are equal?


The angle for which the maximum height reached and corresponding range are
equal is 76
9|11th Physics Ch.2 Conceptual Questions [0312-5969383]


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