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Dear Roman Empire,

We, two empires, have been at war with each other for 721 years. This is the longest human
conflict in world history. All of a sudden! I know it sounds crazy, but I don't care what caused
all this. Besides Palestine, the country is being wiped out by Israel as we speak. Palestine was a
French colony and never belonged to the Israelis to be wiped out. Israel is illegally occupying
and developing land that does not belong to it. Israel is also a notorious violator of the Geneva
Convention. I don't think it would be a good idea to wipe out a country like Palestine. I think
Israel should be wiped off the map, watching them destroy another country. Overall, Israel,
Iraq, and Afghanistan have been at war since the time of man's existence. One day they will
learn to coexist. Otherwise, they will only destroy each other. We don't need war like everyone
else to destroy our beautiful world. I feel very threatened by the Greek Empire, that's you. I
know you were very angry with them after they started taking Greece. You also claimed to let
Greece be independent, but in 146 BC you destroyed them. Then you made Greece a province
of the Roman Empire. You and I are enemies, for some reason. But if we had settled the
disputes between us, there would have been no war or destruction of anything. I wish we had,
but we still blame each other. One of the greatest achievements that we Persians have
achieved is our achievement in the trade routes, which was a project started by the Egyptians
that King Darius completed. . King Darius connected the Arabian Sea and Persian Gulf trade
routes with Egypt, which was also extremely successful. Many trade routes from other
countries passed through our empire, and caravans often carried goods through our country.
Precious, semi-precious jewelry and precious stones were often brought to Persia via the Silk
Road. Spices were also important introduced to Persia by merchants. Trade is a huge source of
wealth for our empire. At that time, our empire was the largest empire ever seen in the
ancient world. The Persian religion is made up of the teachings of Islam and local
Zoroastrianism. We enter a period of decline following Xerces I's failed invasion of Greece in
480 BC. Expensive defense of the Persian lands drained the empire's funds, resulting in heavier
taxes on the Persian subjects. King Darius ordered the construction of better roads, in the hope
of being able to communicate and link the empire with more remote parts of the region. The
Persians implemented a new system of weights and measures. I want to apologize for my
behavior. Also, I wish our empires could try to work together.
Best regards,
Persian Empire.

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