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Velasquez, Rica Mae A.

BSCS 2 – BLK 1

Algorithm and Complexity 1

1. What are the key takeaways from the video?

The differences between an algorithm in a program where algorithm is a set of

instructions while program provides instructions. Also, the characteristics of an algorithm

in terms of definiteness, finiteness, and effectiveness.

2. What are the most important points of the video?

The importance of learning the differences between an algorithm and a program

and also the importance of knowing how useful an algorithm not just in creating a program,

but also in our daily lives.

3. What was the most important or valuable thing you took away from the video?
That algorithm is very useful in real life and an effective way to make better

decisions in life. Also, with the best algorithm, a computer program will be able to produce

very accurate results, as well as in finding the best possible way of solving a problem.

4. How do you think the information from the video will impact your thinking or
behavior in the future?
To live a better and more peaceful life, we must follow and obey rules; thus,

algorithms are crucial mediators whose involvement obviously influences what we

perceive, and thus what we do. Additionally, it will become a useful tool that I will be

carrying in my journey to achieve my dream career in tech industry.

5. Can you think of any possible drawbacks or limitations to the information

presented in the video?
I think all the information there are well presented and I think I gained the learning and
knowledge that I need to apply in my journey in surviving this course as well as in the

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