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Education Manifesto

Lily Dashiell
Chesapeake College
EDU:101 Foundations of Education
Dr. Deanna Reinard

My thoughts on the future of my classroom have changed a lot over time. I used to think

it would be the best idea to have complete control over my classroom and students. Being one

of those teachers who has hallpasses or something. However, my teaching program instructor

in highschool changed my view almost entirely. The way she ran her classroom allowed for

creativity, confidence and comfort. She treated her students as people. Something huge to me

that this teacher did was allow for students to use the bathroom or leave the classroom

whenever, without asking. They were given this freedom and it wouldnt be taken from them

unless something was done to make it be taken away from them . This was such an important

thing to me, for a secondary education setting, because personally I needed that privilege. I

suffered from anxiety really badly during my high school career and it was really important to me

that I could get up and move if I needed to. And sometimes speaking was difficult. That's an

aspect I know I want to include in my future classroom. I want to be an understanding and

optimistic teacher. One who you know you can come to and speak with if something is wrong.

That's the reason I want to teach so badly. I want to be able to make a difference, even if it's

small or happens with one student, it would mean the world to me. I also want to be a teacher

who makes learning fun and accessible for all students. There should be many different ways

for students to learn. Not just a lecture. I want all my students to voice their opinions and we can

incorporate what works best for them. I want my students to know in my classroom they are

people, and not just bodies trying to force to graduate. I think parent interaction will be the basis

of maybe a weekly letter to all parents. Like a sort of newsletter, informing them what's going on

in the classroom and outlining different resources to use outside of the classroom. Also having a

line of communication if they want to reach out to me. I want to stay involved in the change of
technology. Especially teaching teenagers it's important to stay on top of that and include it

inside the classroom, if the students want that. I think I want to include a mix of student centered

and teacher centered learning. I can lead the classroom when needed and aid in instruction, but

also allow for their students to take responsibility for their own education. Depending on the

student this can be more or less of each style.A major fear of mine is becoming a teacher who

does not allow for communication or criticism. I want my students to be able to talk to me, tell

me what they like and don't like. My job is to help them learn, and how am I supposed to do this

without their help. This is a collaborative job, I refuse to isolate myself from my students. My

whole goal is to make my students not only enjoy learning, but feel safe and comfortable in my


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