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Durham, NC (919) 636-2246
__________________________________________________________________ _________________________

Product Management Certification candidate at UNC Chapel Hill. 10 years of professional writing, research, and online
marketing experience. Broad-based experience with public policy research, online marketing, and advertising, press
releases, and social media management.


Freelance Work February 2022-Present

• Create and edit video for corporate marketing
• Build and manage corporate paid search and paid social ads for company Brand Awareness
• Create and edit photos for corporate websites

SMRT Systems, Raleigh, NC October 2021-February 2022

SMRT Systems is a POS software company for the dry-cleaning industry.

Marketing Manager
• Create and edit videos for company marketing materials
• Manage oversight of company website redesign. Write copy and work with graphic designers on layout of new
• Design marketing materials and campaigns for existing and potential clients highlighting benefits and value
proposition of company’s software
• Writing copy for website publication and email marketing campaigns
• Build ads and manage company Facebook and Google ad accounts
• Conduct virtual and in-person interviews with SMRT customers for marketing distribution

ROI Revolution, Raleigh, NC January 2021-October 2021

ROI Revolution is a digital marketing agency that provides businesses with paid search, Google Shopping, social media
advertising, Amazon advertising, SEO, conversion rate optimization, and product feed optimization services.

Social Media Analyst

• Manage 8-client portfolio with monthly budgets exceeding $250,000
• Create and execute monthly budgets and social media strategies for e-commerce companies on multiple social
media platforms including Facebook, Pinterest, and LinkedIn
• Build out customized campaigns, audiences, and ads for social media advertising, with a focus on Brand
Awareness, Lead Generation, and revenue growth
• Manage customizable Google Data Studio reports for each client for presenting weekly and monthly performance
• Audit potential clients’ social media portfolio for potential business partnership

ENGAGED MEDIA INC., Chapel Hill, NC November 2018- January 2020

Engaged Media Inc. is a digital and print magazine publisher focusing on automotive, homes, outdoor, and action sports.

Email Marketing Manager

· Write copy for e-newsletters for Engaged Media’s digital publications
· Manage development team based out of India
· Manage email lists totaling over 300,000 users
· Coordinate all email marketing and email acquisition for Engaged Media
· Manage company’s digital sales portfolio
· Design and build email campaigns partnering with business partners to grow company subscribers and advertiser

INTERMARKETS, Reston, VA (Working remotely in Chapel Hill, NC) December 2015 – October 2018
Intermarkets provides exclusive representation to online publishers, giving advertisers access to an engaged audience of
over 30 million unique readers every month.

Content Coordinator
▪ Coordinate all digital publishing for Intermarkets owned publications
▪ Write blog copy for company owned-and-operated websites
▪ Manage websites with a combined 157 million annual page views
▪ Manage Facebook pages with a combined audience of 8 million people
▪ Design Facebook ads and create unique audiences for campaign targeting
▪ Manage Facebook advertising budget of over $5,000
▪ Manage and send company newsletters to over 300,000 people
▪ Manage editorial process for external writers
▪ Manage Facebook and Google analytics to determine reach, SEO and campaign effectiveness


Master of Public Policy 2015

George Mason University Arlington, VA

B.A., Political Science & Economics 2011

Guilford College Greensboro, NC


Product Management Certification Candidate- UNC Chapel Hill (2023)


▪ Highly skilled in product management, targeted marketing, Google and Facebook Analytics, Jira, Miro, SQL, Tableau, Agile
software development, Scrum, Balsamiq Wireframes, InVision Studio, SEO, WordPress, Lexis-Nexis. Proficient in Final Cut
Pro/Vegas Movie Studio Video Editing Suites, Facebook Business Manager, Google Data Studio, Google Analytics,
Pinterest, LinkedIn Business Manager, iMovie, Photoshop, GIS, STATA, Office, and SPSS Statistical Software, HubSpot,
Salesforce, iContact, Sailthru, and Critical Impact email platforms. Other skills include user story development,
prioritization, building product roadmaps, MVPs, vision and mission statements, data analysis, and user inputs.

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