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"People who commit suicide do not want PREVENT IT? JEVYROSE BULAWIN

to die, but rather to end their pain."

Depression is considered a mental illness. It is Everything, including prior triumphs and Suicide prevention
defined as sadness, loss, or anger that interferes what had given life purpose, appears If you notice suicide warning signals in
with a person's daily activities. meaningless. Everything that gave the someone you care about, you may wonder
person a sense of worth or self-esteem is if you should intervene. What if you're
Sadness is a natural human emotion.
gone. These assets or achievements no mistaken? What if the person becomes
Depression, on the other hand, is more than
longer matter, appear real, or are irate? It's natural to feel uneasy or terrified
that. Depression is defined as extreme sadness
overwhelmed by negative self-images. in such situations. Anyone who talks about
or despair that lasts more than a few days. It
interfering with daily chores may cause physical All they feel is misery, and sometimes they suicide or exhibits other warning
symptoms such as discomfort, weight loss or commit suicide as a result of their terrible indicators, on the other hand, requires
increase, unusual sleeping patterns, or a lack of self-images. That is why it is critical to immediate assistance—the sooner the
vitality. understand that people who commit better.
suicide do not want to die, but rather to
Inability to focus, excessive guilt, or feelings of end their pain. It can be extremely difficult for anyone to
worthlessness are other symptoms of depression The majority of suicidal people exhibit talk to a friend or family member about
that some people experience, coupled with warning indications or clues of their their suicidal thoughts and feelings.
suicidal or fatal thoughts.
intentions. Recognizing these warning However, the easiest approach to
signs and knowing how to respond to them determine whether someone is suicidal is
Depression is the most common mental illness.
is the most effective method to prevent to ask.
So, what is actually going on within the mind of a suicide. If someone suspect a friend or Tip 2: In a crisis, act immediately.
depressed person? family member is suicidal, one can help If a friend or family member expresses a
prevent suicide by pointing out desire to die or commit suicide, it is critical
According to a study and interview conducted by alternatives, expressing genuine concern, to assess the person's immediate danger.
Cynthia Lubow (2013), the world can physically and involving a doctor or psychologist.
appear to be a gloomy place during a significant Talking about killing or harming oneself, Tip 3: Offer assistance and support.
depressive episode. What was once beautiful talking or writing a lot about death or If a friend or family member is suicidal, the
may now appear unattractive, bland, or even dying, and seeking out items that could be best thing you can do is listen to them. Let
sinister. Depressed people may assume that
used in a suicide attempt, such as your loved one know they are not alone
their loved ones, including their own children, are
firearms and drugs, are all major warning and that you care about them. However,
better off without them. Nothing appears to be
signals for suicide. These warning signs do not accept responsibility for your loved
reassuring, joyful, or worth living for. There is no
apparent chance for things to improve, and are considerably more dangerous if the one's healing. You can provide assistance,
history is reinterpreted and perceived as person has a mood illness, such as but you cannot make a suicidal person
confirmation that everything has always been depression or bipolar disorder, is addicted better. They must make a personal
horrible, and will always be. to alcohol, has attempted suicide in the commitment to their recovery.
It's tough to remember or believe what looked past, or has a family history of suicide.
typical before the experience when this reality
change occurs. Anything that contradicts what Hopelessness is a more subtle, yet as
the person believes during the episode appears hazardous, warning sign of suicidal depressed-person-
to be as improbable as a memory or message
thoughts. According to research, 0110134#:~:text=Everything%20seems%20meani
telling him or her that the sky is purple. For
hopelessness is a strong predictor of ngless%2C%20including%20previous,overshadow
example, if a person is unable to feel love for a
suicide. People who are hopeless may ed%20by%20negative%20self%2Dimages.
spouse and someone reminds him or her that he
or she used to experience that love, the person
express "unbearable" emotions, forecast a
dark future, and claim that they have
may assume he or she was lying to
nothing to look forward to. eatment
himself/herself and others—even if he or she
truly felt it at the time. Because the person
cannot recall feeling the love and cannot feel it
during the episode, he or she believes that he or
she never felt it. The same thing happens when
we experience happiness or pleasure. Attempts
to reassure the individual that he or she used to
be happy and would be happy again can make
the person feel even more misunderstood and
alienated because he or she believes it isn't true.


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