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Global Warming is real.

by: Chelsea A. Bongo 11- Maparaan

“Global warming isn’t a prediction. It’s happening” quoted by James Hansen. A quote I like
to start with. As of today many people are not fully aware of what’s happening to the world.
Global Warming is definitely the single greatest environmental challenge that the planet earth is
facing at present. It is essential to understand the gravity of the situation. The fuel which you use
in order to power your homes, cars, businesses and more is heating up the planet faster than
expected. We are recording the hottest days and decades ever. What’s alarming is that the
temperature of the earth has climbed to the highest point it has ever been in the past 12,000
years. It only gets worse from here if we don’t stop it now.
The recent studies in this sphere have proved beyond the shadow of any doubt that the
temperature of the atmosphere is increasing each year. The increase in the amount of carbon-
dioxide in the atmosphere is considered as the most contributing reason for this global
phenomenon. This has caused an increase of the temperature by about 1 degree Fahrenheit per
year. Where in Europe, where it’s famous Alpine glacier fall victim to it’s warming climate.
Some regions are warming at a far greater pace. One such region is the Arctic. A new study
shows that the Arctic has warmed nearly four times faster than the rest of the world over the past
43 years. This means the Arctic is on average around 3℃ warmer than it was in 1980.This is
alarming, because the Arctic contains sensitive and delicately balanced climate components that,
if pushed too hard, will respond with global consequences. If things will continue going this way,
it will result in the complete melting of the polar ice caps. The immediate outcome of this would
be the rise of sea levels. The countries which are having large coastal areas will be the first to
suffer from it.
It is not just the responsibility of the various government to take steps for preventing this. It’s
high-time to make strong decisions and unite in order to protect our land and the planet from
dilapidation .In conclusion, Global warming is the greatest environmental challenge that the
planet Earth is facing. We believe quality infrastructure and improved procurement processes are
central to combating climate change and are key to climate mitigation and adaptation efforts.
Greener supply chains can help protect natural resources. Greater effectiveness in public
spending can increase resilience to shocks from a changing climate. With a pressing need to
adapt to a changing climate, we have a unique opportunity to make the right decisions.

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