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A One Act Play


Isaiah A. Florida

Blk 7 Lot 9 Deca Homes Phase 1,

Barangay Dumlog, Talisay City, Cebu
Phone: 09993888725
Cast of Characters

Ryan Tores: The man who has brain tumor

Mesh Abella: The girl who loves Tofi, but

also has heart problems

Doctor Loose: Ryan’s Doctor

Waiter: A fast food restaurant



At somewhere around Talisay City

Monday evening, Present Time


Scene 1

SETTING: On a evening Monday, Ryan was at

Cebu South Hospital trying to
check up for his health. He then
went to the doctor’s office at
room 305 located at the 3rd floor
of the building. The weather was
cloudy and is about to rain.

RISE: At the hospital, Ryan was really

worried about his health. He
kept thinking about when will he
die. He was at the 3rd floor of
the hospital sitting outside
Dr. Loose’s Office. Ryan was
diagnosed with brain tumor for
2 years.

(He felt cold and nervous then he
said this to himself and sighs)
I hope that my tumor will get better soon, please Lord help
me fight for my life.


(He stepped outside to his office

to call Ryan’s name to come)
Ryan, it’s now your turn, you can now come in to my office
for a checkup.
(He stood up from his seat and he walked
towards Dr. Loose office nervously.
When he came in to the office, he
looked for a chair to sit in and then
he sat on it)
Okay so doctor, how is my tumor? Is my tumor getting worse?


Well I have a good news and a bad news for you

(He then take a deep breathe to tell
the good and the bad news for Ryan’s
So what do you want to hear first? The good or the bad?

(Ryan felt really nervous now and he
takes a deep breath)
Okay I wan’t to hear the good news first


Well the good news is that there is still a possibility that

we could extend your life span
(He sighed and he felt really bad
for Ryan to hear the bad news)
And uhm… well… the bad news… I’m sorry, but… you only have 6
months to live… it’s the maximum time you can live Ryan…

(He started to cry and lost his hope.
(He wiped his tears using his towel
and started to lose control of his
But… Please is there a way to cure me?
(He said this in a worried voice)
Please do something, I want to live longer, please I’ll pay
you more than anything. Please cure me.


(He started to feel really bad for

him and he look down at his table
and look at Ryan back at his eyes)
I’m really sorry, we doctors can’t do anything anymore, we
tried our best to cure your tumor but I think your tumor has
gotten really worse. I’m really sorry, I know it’s hard to
accept but… I wish you will heal, all we can do is pray…


Okay doctor… thank you…

(He couldn’t stop himself from
crying, he then get up from his
chair and leaves the room. He
walks out in a sad mood, he looks
down at the floor walking and
he felt really confused and does
not know what to do)


(End of scene)

Scene 2

SETTING: At the empty streets

with cold wind rushing by.

RISE: He walked at the empty streets

and he didn’t not expect to see
his close friend and also his

past crush, Mesh, who was also

walking down the streets.

(He sees Mesh walking at the streets and
he then approached Mesh trying to start
a conversation)

Hey Mesh, heyy! I didn’t expect to see you here, how have
you been doing?
(He then smiled to Mesh but it was a
forced smile)

(Mesh was shock to see Ryan and she
can’t believe that they met again)

Wait, Ryan…? Is that you?

(She said this with an excited voice)
OMG I can’t believe that it’s you! Hey! What’s up?

(Ryan smiled at her and he looks down
and back to Mesh’s eyes)
Nothing much, and also I’m doing fine Mesh! Thanks for
asking, also I’m surprised that you’re also here!

Oh! Well I’m about to go to home but then I found you, well
wanna hang out for a bit? It’s been a while since we hanged

Well sure! Where do you want us to go?

Well we could go to a park, and maybe we could find some
small restaurants in there

Alright! Also I was just wondering if how’s your health
doing, I’ve heard from your parents from the past few months
that you have heart problems, are you alright?

Well yeah! I’m glad that I’m doing fine and I’m also healing
now! My doctor told me that I’m now okay soo… yeah!
(She felt guilty after saying that to

Okay I’m glad! Let’s go now!
(He smiled to Mesh and he went beside at
the left on Mesh then they started
walking towards the park)


(End of scene)


Scene 3

SETTING: At the park with few restaurants

nearby and with light rain

RISE: Ryan and Mesh walked around the

park and started looking up the
sky with few stars shining
beneath them. They talked for a
while then both of them walked
around the park and have found
a small fast food restaurant
to eat. They went towards the
restaurant to eat and spend
time with each other.

(He felt happy when entering the
restaurant, he couldn’t believe
that he spend a time again with
Mesh that was his past crush and
his best friend)
Well we could sit here I guess!
(He then led Mesh to a table to sit
Sooooo what do you want to eat Mesh?
(He then looks at the restaurant menu)
We could try roast beef and a burger!

Well that’s okay for me! Let’s also have a cold iced tea!
(He then looks for the waiter and
raised his hand to caught the waiter’s
Uhm waiter!

(He walks towards their table)
What do you want to have for today’s evening sir?

We want 2 burgers and 2 roast beef, we would also like to
have a cold iced tea

Okay please wait for a few minutes for the food to be served
(He then walks away and went to the
chef’s room to report the chef on
what to cook and serve)

Alright thank you!

(He then looked at Ryan’s eyes)
Don’t worry, I’ll pay for us tonight!

Well it’s okay I was also willing to pay but alright! Thank
you! I’ll make sure to pay you back when we could spend
another time together!
(He then smiled to Mesh but then he look
down at the table looking upset)

(She looked at Ryan and she felt that
something is bothering him)
Hey Ryan…? Are you okay? You don’t look okay
(She also felt a bit worried to Ryan)

Oh, well… yeah! I’m okay! I’m just worried about few things
though but I’m all good!
(He smiled a bit to Mesh but he couldn’t
make himself to get comfortable about
his health problems)
Let’s just enjoy our time together!

Okay, but I’m a bit worried though, you seem to have some
things going on, just open up to me when you need something.
To be honest, I’m kind of happy now that we met again! You
know… it’s been a while since we met and spent time
together! I did not expect that I could meet you this night!

Don’t worry about me, I’m alright! I’m also kinda happy that
I met you again! Let’s just enjoy our time this night and
probably in the future! And yeah, we should probably hang
out more just like in the past!


Alright! Just tell me when you need something!

(He holds the tray with the food on
it then he went toward’s Ryan and
Mesh’s table)
Here’s the food you ordered!
(He started to place the plate with
their food on it at the table)

Thank you!

(Both of them eat the food together

and pay the food that they ate,
then after that, they left the

Hey Mesh! Thanks for the food! I’m sorry but I have to go
home as soon as possible because I have things to do, well I
can take you home though!

Sure! And also thanks for the time too! You can take me
home! And yeah we could just use messenger app to talk in

(Then Ryan went with Mesh to take her

home and then Ryan went to his home
as well)

(End of scene)

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