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Site Title: Operations Management, fifth edition Summary of Results

Book Title: Operations Management, fifth edition
100% Correct of 15 Scored items:
Location on Student Resources > Chapter 2: The 15 Correct: 100%
Site: strategic role and objectives of 0 Incorrect: 0%
operations > Multiple-choice questions:
B More information about scoring

Date/Time March 8, 2023 at 2:00 AM (UTC/GMT)


You are the operations manager of a company which couriers letters and packages
1. throughout the country, specialising in guaranteed overnight delivery. You charge
high prices, but if you fail to meet your guaranteed delivery time you pay
compensation to customers. Which of the following generic performance objectives
apply to you?

Your Answer: All of the above.

Yes, that's correct.

One of the five basic performance objectives is speed. Speed has a number of
2. effects on the internal operation. It:

Your Answer: Reduces inventories and reduces risk.

Yes, that's correct.

The name given to an approach to formulating operations strategy, most often used
3. in manufacturing operations?

Your Answer: Hill Methodology

Yes, that's correct.

Trade-off theory has been substantially modified to reflect the possibility that:
Your Answer: In the long term, different aspects of operations performance can
be improved simultaneously.

Yes, that's correct.

1 of 4 3/8/2023, 7:15 AM
Your Results for "Multiple-choice questions: B"

The influence of operational experience on operations decisions is an example of:

Your Answer: A bottom-up approach

Yes, that's correct.

The strategic positioning of a business in relation to its customers, markets and

6. competitors is called:

Your Answer: Business strategy

Yes, that's correct.

What name is given to those factors that are influential in the location decision that
7. relate to social, political and economic environment?

Your Answer: Community factors

Yes, that's correct.

An analysis of how much of the cost of a product or service is devoted to its primary
8. and secondary functions is called:

Your Answer: Economies of scale

Yes, that's correct.

The manner in which costs of running an operation decrease as it gets larger is

9. called:

Your Answer: Economies of scale Yes, that's correct.

Yes, that's correct.

The Platts-Gregory Procedure is:

Your Answer: A process for the formation of operations strategy.

Yes, that's correct.

2 of 4 3/8/2023, 7:15 AM
Your Results for "Multiple-choice questions: B"

A study of the vulnerability of supply chains to disruption relates to:

Your Answer: Supply chain risk

Yes, that's correct.

The ability to drive strategy is largely limited to:

Your Answer: Externally supportive operations function

Yes, that's correct.

Which of the following is a criticism of the idea that operations can have a leading
13. role in determining a company’s strategic direction?

Your Answer: All of the above

Yes, that's correct.

Which of the following objectives are most critical for roadside assistance services?
Your Answer: Speed and dependability

Yes, that's correct.

Volume flexibility refers to:

Your Answer: The operations ability to change its level of output or activity to
produce different quantities or volumes of product and service over

Yes, that's correct.

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