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- Children: No data are available on the use of

LIPOMED ® 20% MCT/LCT LIPOMED ® 20% MCT/LCT in children.

Soya Oil, - The safety of LIPOMED ® 20% MCT/LCT during preg-
Medium-chain Triglycerides, nancy and lactation has not been assessed, but it
use during these periods is not considered to consti-
Emulsion for Intravenous Infusion tute a hazard. Nevertheless, medicines should not
be used in pregnancy especially during the first
trimester, unless the expected benefit is thought to
COMPOSITION outweight any possible risk to the fetus.
Each 1000 mL contains:
Soya Oil ....................................................................... 100 g DOSAGE
Medium-chain Triglycerides ..................................... 100 g Adult Patients
- Tocopherol, Sodium Oleate,
Egg Lecithin, Glycerol, a LIPOMED ® 20% MCT/LCT can provide up to 60% of
Sodium Hydroxide, Water for Injection. the daily non-protein calories at an average dose of
Osmolarity ± 380 mOsm/L 1 - 2 g/kg of body weight per day.
The infusion rate (for 70 kg patient) during the first
PHARMACOLOGY 15 minutes should not exceed 0.25 - 0.5 mL/kg body
The mode of action is just the same as the one given weight/hr. If no adverse effects are observed during
orally. Medium-chain Triglycerides as a source of this initial infusion, the rate can be increased to 1 mL/kg
calories. Long-chain Triglycerides supply essential fatty body weight/hr.
acid which is needed by the body. Not more than 250 mL of LIPOMED ® 20% MCT/LCT
should be infused into adults on the first day of therapy.
INDICATIONS If the patient shows no untoward reactions, the dose
LIPOMED ® 20% MCT/LCT is indicated as a source of can be increased on the following day.
calories and essential fatty acids for patients requiring Maximum therapy should not be more than 10 days.
parenteral nutrition.
Fat emulsions should be allowed to warm to room
temperature before infusion.
- The administration of LIPOMED ® 20% MCT/LCT is
contra-indicated in patients demonstrating disturb-
ances in normal fat metabolism such as pathologic SHAKE WELL BEFORE USE
hyperlipemia, lipoid nephrosis, severe liver damage DO NOT ADMINISTER IF EMULSION IS NOT HOMOGENOUS
or acute pancreatitis if accompanied by hyper- AFTER SHAKING OR IF BOTTLE IS DAMAGED
lipemia. It is further contra-indicated in patients with
ketoacidosis or hypoxia, in thromboembolism and in Administration
acute shock states. LIPOMED ® 20% MCT/LCT should be administered
- Since egg yolk phospholipids are present do not as part of a total parenteral nutrition regimen via
administer to patients with severe egg allergies. a peripheral vein or a central venous catheter.
LIPOMED ® 20% MCT/LCT can be infused into the
ADVERSE REACTIONS same central or peripheral vein as the carbohy-
Adverse reactions directly related to fat emulsions in drate and amino acid solutions by means of a short
general are of two types: Y-connector near the infusion site. This allows for mixing
- Immediate (acute) reactions: Dyspnea, cyanosis, al- of the solutions immediately before entering the vein.
lergic reactions, hyperlipemia, hypercoagulability, Flow rates of each solution should be controlled
nausea, vomiting, headache, flushing, hyperthermia, separately by infusion pumps, if these are used. As a
sweating, chills, sleepiness, chest and back pain. general rule fat emulsions should not be mixed with
- Delayed reactions: Hepatomegaly, jaundice due to electrolytes, drugs or any other additives in the infusion
central lobular cholestasis, splenomegaly, thrombo- bottle. LIPOMED ® 20% MCT/LCT may be used with
cytopenia, leucopenia, transient increases in liver nutrient mixing bag systems only if the resulting mixtures
function tests, and overloading syndrome. The de- are compatible and stable.
position of a brown pigmentation in the reticuloendo- Filters should not be used for administration of fat
thelial system, the so-called “intravenous fat pig- emulsions.
ment”, has been reported. The cause and the sig-
nificance of this phenomenon are unknown. OVERDOSAGE
In the event of fat overload during therapy, stop the
PRECAUTIONS infusion of LIPOMED ® 20% MCT/LCT , until visual in-
- Caution should be exercised in administering intra- spection of the plasma, determination of triglycerides
venous fat emulsions in patients with metabolic concentrations, or measurement of plasma light-
acidosis, liver damage, pulmonary disease, sepsis, scattering activity by nephelometry indicate the lipid
diseases of the reticuloendothelial system, renal has cleared. Re-evaluate the patient and institute
insufficiency, anemia or blood coagulation disorders, appropriate corrective measures.
or when there is danger of fat embolism.
- The too rapid infusion of fat emulsions can cause fluid PRESENTATION
and/or fat overloading resulting in dilution of serum Glass bottle with contents of 100 mL
electrolyte concentrations, overhydration, congested Glass bottle with contents of 250 mL
states, pulmonary edema, impaired pulmonary Glass bottle with contents of 500 mL
diffusion capacity, fat embolism. A too rapid infusion Reg. No.: DKL1222249949A1
of LIPOMED ® 20% MCT/LCT can also cause hyper-
ketonaemia and/or metabolic acidosis, especially STORAGE
when carbohydrates are not administered simulta- Store at temperature below 30°C. Do not freeze.
neously. If accidentally frozen, discard bottle. Unused contents
- When LIPOMED ® 20% MCT/LCT is administered, the must be discarded and should not be stored for later
patient's capacity to eliminate the infused fat from use. Do not use bottles showing evidence of phase
the circulation must be monitored. The lipemia must separation.
clear between daily infusions.
- Especially where fat emulsions are administered for Manufactured by: PT SANBE FARMA
extended periods of time and in neonates, the pa- Bandung - Indonesia
tient's haemogram, blood coagulation, liver function * BI 058 - 2
and platelet count should be closely monitored.
- Administration of LIPOMED ® 20% MCT/LCT should be
accompanied by simultaneous carbohydrate infu-
sions making up to 40% (at least) of the total calorie

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