He4rt Class 5

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He4rt Class #5

Tem uma mosca na minha sopa.

HAVE - Ter (posse)

Has a fly on my soup ❌


There is (singular)

There are (plural)

There is a free English Class to watch every thursday.

He4rt Class #5 1
There is a batman popcorn bowl on my desk.
There’s an annoying mosquito here. F*ck.

There are plenty bolsonaristas relatives in my family.

There are forty-nine incredible people here tonight.
There are many opportunities for senior developers at the moment.

There is no way to finish this task until tomorrow.

There isn’t a single person to help me to refactor this code.
There aren’t many opportunities for junior developers right now.
I think there aren’t any bugs left to correct. I think I’ll commit tomorrow morning.

Is there a problem in deploying on a Friday?

→ Yes, there is a problem.
→ No, there is not a problem.

→ Yes, there is.

→ No, there is not.

→ Yes.
→ No.

Is there something I can do for you?

→ Yes, there is something you can do for me.

→ No, there is not something you can do for me.
→ Yes, there is.

→ No, there is not.

→ Yes.

He4rt Class #5 2
→ No.

Are there good restaurants where you live?

→ Yes, there are.

→ No, there are not.

→ Not too many.

→ Depends on the neighborhood.

How many developers are there in the company where you work?
→ Twelve in total, I guess.

→ Not too many, only four.

He4rt Class #5 3

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