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4 Grammar  ★ Name:

have got and object pronouns like + noun, and and but
1 Match the sentence halves 1– 6 to a – f. 3 Complete the words to make sentences with
1 I’ve got two brothers and a like, and, or but.
2 I’ve got two aunts, but 1 I l i k e gaming, b u t I don’t like
3 I like football, but shopping.
4 My brother is a nice person and 2 Lola l ke magazines, d she likes
5 I like Mila Kunis and sport, too.
6 I don’t like Rihanna and Bruno Mars, but 3 My brother do n’ t like shopping,
b I like it.
a two sisters. 4 We l k surfing the internet, a
b we all like him. they like it, too.
c my cousin likes her, too. 5 You l e films, u I don’t like them.
d my brother doesn’t like it. 6 Bruno l e sport, n I like it,
e my cousin likes them. too.
f I haven’t got an uncle.

2 Complete the questions and short answers. Put it together

1  Have you got a brother?
Yes, I  have  . 4 Tick (✓) the sentences that are true for you.
2 Have you   a sister? 1 I’ve got a brother.
No, I    . 2 I haven’t got a sister.
3 Has   got a grandma? 3 I like TV.
Yes, she    . 4 I don’t like gaming.
4 Has he   an uncle? 5 I like magazines.
No, he    . 6 I don’t like shopping.
5   you got an aunt? 7 I like sport.
Yes, we    . 8 I don’t like films.
6 Have they   a cousin? 9 I like music.
No, they    . 10 I don’t like magazines.

together Starter  •  Grammar Unit 4  ★ PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 2019

4 Grammar  ★ ★ Name:

have got and, but, and object pronouns

1 Complete the questions with have got and the 3 Complete the sentences with and or but. Then
short answers. choose the correct object pronouns.
1  Have you got a brother? 1 I’ve got two uncles,  and I like them / it.
Yes,  I have  . 2 Emma likes football,   I don’t like it / us.
2 Have you   a sister? 3 My sister likes shopping,   I like them /
No, I    . it, too.
3   she got a grandma? 4 I like gaming,   my cousins don’t like
  hasn’t. them / it.
4 Has he   an uncle? 5 We like magazines,   my brother doesn’t
No,    . like you / them.
5   we got an aunt? 6 Lara likes films,   I like it / them, too.
  have. 7 I like surfing the internet,   my sister
6 Have they   a cousin? doesn’t like them / it.
No,    .

2 Write sentences with have got or haven’t got. Put it together

1 I / two / brothers / and / I / two / sisters

4 Answer the questions for you.
 I’ve got two brothers and I’ve got two sisters.
1 Have you got brothers or sisters?
2 I / an / aunt / but / I / not /an/ uncle

2 Have you got cousins?

3 She / a / game console / and / she / a /
skateboard 3 Have you got aunts and uncles?


  4 What are your interests?

4 We / a / grandma / but / we / not / grandpa I really like  



5 He / a / stepdad / and / he / two / half-sisters I really don’t like  



6 They / a / phone / but / they / not / an /
MP3 player

together Starter  •  Grammar Unit 4  ★★ PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 2019

4 Grammar  ★ ★ ★ Name:

have got object pronouns

1 Complete the questions and short answers 3 Write sentences with the same meaning. Use
with have got. the words in brackets and object pronouns.
1  Have you  got a brother? 1 I am next to my sister.
 Yes, I have.  ✓  She is next to me. (she)
2   you   a sister? 2 She is near my brother.
   ✓   (he)
3   she   a grandma? 3 He is next to my grandpa and grandma.
   ✗   (they)
4   he   an uncle? 4 They are opposite my uncle.
   ✗   (he)
5   we   an aunt? 5 We are in front of my cousins.
   ✓   (they)
6   they   a cousin? 6 You are near me.
   ✗   (I)

and, but Put it together

2 Write sentences with and or but.
1 I / got / two aunts / not got / uncle 4 Answer the questions for you.
 I’ve got two aunts, but I haven’t got an uncle. 1 Have you got brothers or sisters?
2 I / got two brothers / two sisters  
  2 Have you got cousins?
3 She / got / grandma / not got / grandpa 3 Have you got aunts and uncles?
  4 What are your friend’s interests? Write about
4 I / like / football / my brother / not like / it what he/she likes and doesn’t like.
5 My brother / be / nice person / I / like / him  
6 We / like / Matt Damon / our cousin / like /  
him / too

7 I / not like / Rihanna / my sister / like / her

together Starter  •  Grammar Unit 4  ★★★ PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 2019
4 Vocabulary  ★ Name:

Family Put it together

1 Find the family words below in the
wordsearch  . 3 Complete the sentences for you. Use interests
words from Exercise 2.
aunt  ​brother  ​cousin  ​dad  ​
grandma  ​
1 I like    .
grandpa  mum  sister  ​uncle
2 I don’t like    .
B Q D A D E X G 3 My friend likes
4 My friend doesn’t like
5 My mum / cousin / aunt likes
6 My mum / cousin / aunt doesn’t like

2 Match 1–8 to a–h to make words for interests.
Then write the interests below in 10 –16.
1 mag d a ping
2 T b sic
3 gam c the internet
4 spo d azines
5 fil e ing
6 surfing f V
7 shop g rt
8 mu h ms
9  magazines

together Starter  •  Vocabulary Unit 4  ★ PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 2019

4 Vocabulary  ★ ★ Name:

Family Put it together

1 Read the clues and complete the crossword

with family words. 3 Complete the sentences for you. Use family
1 2 3
words from Exercise 1 and interests words from
Exercise 2.
1 I like   and    .
6 7
2 I don’t like   or    .
3 My friend likes   and
4 He / She doesn’t like   or
5 My   likes   and
6 My   doesn’t like
  or    .
4 your mum’s mum is your …
7 My   likes   and
7 your mum’s sister is your …
8 your dad’s other child (girl) is your …
8 My   doesn’t like
9 your mum’s dad is your …
  or    .
1 your dad’s other child (boy) is your …
2 your mum’s brother is your …
3 your grandpa’s child (boy) is your …
5 your grandpa’s child (girl) is your …
6 your aunt’s child is your …

2 Complete the sentences with the words below.
films  gaming  magazines  music  shopping
sport surfing the internet   TV

1 I like  films on   and at the cinema.

2 Alejo likes    . Football is his favourite.
3 I’ve got new headphones. I really like    .
4 My friend likes    . She’s at her console every day.
5 Brisa likes books and women’s    .
6 My grandma likes   for furniture in town.
7 I like   on my phone for new music.

together Starter  •  Vocabulary Unit 4  ★★ PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 2019

4 Vocabulary  ★ ★ ★ Name:

Family Put it together

1 Write definitions for the family words below.

Use the words in brackets. 3 Write your own answers to the questions about
interests below. Use complete sentences.
1 brother  (dad)
What are your interests?
 My brother is my dad’s child.

2 dad  (aunt)  

3 grandma  (mum)  

What don’t you like?
4 grandpa  (dad)  

5 mum  (uncle)  

What are the interests of the people in your
6 uncle  (dad)  

7 sister  (mum)  

8 cousin  (aunt)  

9 aunt  (mum)  

What don’t they like?

2 Complete the interests words.  
1 I like  films on T  and at the  
2 Santino likes s   . His favourite is  
3 Renata likes g   . She plays Minecraft
on her console every day.
4 Paloma likes women’s m  more
than books.
5 I like s  on
my phone to learn new things.
6 I’ve got some new headphones because I really
like m   .
7 My aunt likes s  for furniture in

together Starter  •  Vocabulary Unit 4  ★★★ PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 2019
4 Skills Name:

Reading 2 Read the text again. Then complete the

1 Read the text. Then complete the sentences
1 Lucía  only likes magazines and surfing
with the correct names.
the internet.
2 Alejandro’s sister has got  
  to Alejandro.
3 Alejandro’s mum doesn’t like  
4 Kiara and Alejandro both like  
5 Alejandro’s friends are  
  to him.

3 Read the text again. Are the sentences T (true)

or F (false)?
1 Alejandro really likes
magazines. T    F  ✓
Hi! I’m Alejandro. My mum, dad, sister, and
2 Kiara and Alejandro like
I are all different, but my family are very
gaming. T    F 
important to me. I really like gaming, music,
and sport, but my sister, Lucía, only likes 3 Alejandro’s dad likes films. T    F 
magazines and surfing the internet. She’s 4 Alejandro’s friends like
got different interests, but I really like her. My surfing the internet. T    F 
mum and dad are great, too, but they don’t 5 Benjamín likes gaming. T    F 
like gaming or music. They like films. My 6 Alejandro’s sister likes sport. T    F 
friends have got the same interests as me.
I like them a lot. Benjamín has got a great
games console in his house – he likes gaming. Writing
Kiara likes sport and she really likes football.
I like it, too. My friends are very special to me.
Put it together

1  Alejandro and Kiara like football. 4 Write sentences about your family’s interests.
2   likes magazines. Use the verb like and some of the words below.
3   likes music. aunt  brother  cousin  dad  grandma
4   has got a games grandpa  mum  sister  uncle
films  gaming  magazines  music  
shopping  sport  surfing the internet  TV

 My uncle likes films and TV.

together Starter  •  Skills Unit 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 2019
Put it together Speaking
7 Complete the conversation with the words and
5 Write sentences about your family’s interests phrases below.
and your interests. Use the object pronouns it
or them and the words but or and. And who’s  Is that  Really?  Tell me about
 My brother likes TV, but I don’t like it. We’ve got the same interests.
What are their interests?   What’s his name?
 My sister likes magazines and I like them, too.
  Leah: 1
 Tell me about the people in this photo.
  Is that your brother next to your uncle?
  Nicole: No – that’s my cousin.
  Leah: 2
  Nicole: His name’s Kevin.

  We both like gaming.
  Leah: 4
  the woman
between your grandma and your uncle? Is
Put it together that your mum?
Nicole: No, that’s my sister, Paula!
6 Answer the questions for you. Leah: 5
  How old is
What does your friend like?
Nicole: She’s thirty. She doesn’t like music, but she

really likes shopping.

Leah: 6
  your mum

behind Paula?

Nicole: Yes. She’s Julia and my dad’s name is Ian.
What do you like? Is it the same or different?
Leah: 7

Nicole: Mum likes music and Dad likes TV.

Put it together

8 Complete the conversation with your own
  Maia: Is that your brother? What’s his name?
Maia: And who’s that woman? Is that your mum?
Maia: How old is she?
Maia: What are her interests?

together Starter  •  Skills Unit 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 2019

4 Unit Summary Name:

Vocabulary have got: yes / no questions

Have I / you got a pen?
Review the vocabulary. Write your own study notes
(or translation) for each word. Has he / she / it got a big living room?
Have we / you / they got a games console?
Family have got: Short answers
Affirmative Negative
Yes, I / you have. No, I / you haven’t.
Yes, he / she / it has. No, he / she / it hasn’t.
Yes, we / you / they have. No, we / you / they haven’t.
like + noun: Affirmative and negative
mum   I / You like films.
sister   He / She / It likes surfing the internet.
uncle   We / You / They like TV.
Interests I / You don’t like music.
films   He / She / It doesn’t like magazines.
gaming   We / You / They don’t like sport.
music   Object pronouns
shopping   Subject pronouns Object pronouns
sport   I me
surfing the internet   you (singular) you
TV   he him
she her
Grammar it it
we us
have got: Affirmative and negative
you (plural) you
they them
I / You have got an uncle.
The subject of a sentence usually goes before the verb.
He / She / It has got a big living room.
Rodrigo has got a skateboard.
We / You / They have got a stepdad.
The object of a sentence usually goes after the verb.
Negative Rocío likes magazines.
I / You haven’t got an uncle. Object pronouns replace object nouns in a sentence.
He / She / It hasn’t got a big living room. She’s got the phone. = She’s got it.
We / You / They haven’t got a stepdad. We like films. = We like them.
Have got describes possession of things and people.
and, but
We use and to add related information.
I like gaming and I like surfing the internet, too.
We use but to show contrasting or unexpected
I’ve got a phone, but I haven’t got a games console.

together Starter  •  Unit 4 Summary PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 2019

4 Unit self-evaluation checklist Name:

1 Complete the self-evaluation. Tick (✓) the box that best matches your ability.

Unit 4 I can do this I can do I can do this I need

very well. this well. with some some more
help. practice.

Talk about families.

Page 44: Exercises 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Page 45: Exercise 6
Talk about interests.
Page 46: Exercises 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Say what we like and don’t like.
Page 47: Exercises 1, 2
Write about our families and their interests.
Page 48: Exercises 1, 2, 3, 4
Page 49: Exercise 4
Read about teenagers and the important people in
their lives.
Page 50: Exercises 1, 2, 3, 4, The world around you
Interview a friend about a family photo.
Page 52

2 Complete the tables.

What I remember


Practical English

One thing I
need to improve
To improve,
I can …

I feel about this unit.

together Starter  •  Unit 4 self-evaluation checklist PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 2019
4 Project self-evaluation Name:

Talking about people in a photo

1 Complete the self-evaluation. Tick (✓) the box that best matches how you feel about your project.

Unit 4 Excellent Very good Good Developing

Preparing I listened to the conversation about

Jaime’s photo and answered questions
about it.
Planning your I chose a photo of my friends or family.
Making notes I made notes about each person in
the photo. I wrote who they are and
their names and interests. I thought of
questions to ask about the photo.
Rehearsing I used my notes to make my interview. I
and checking practised it with a partner. We checked
our language and intonation.
Finalising and I acted out my interview in front of
presenting the class. I recorded my interview
and showed it to the class. I watched
other interviews and chose my three
favourite interviews.

I’m proud of For next time, I want to improve

2 Write what people say about your project.

Me My classmates My teacher

3 Tick (✓) how you feel about your project.

Before my project, I felt about the unit grammar and vocabulary.

Now I feel about the unit grammar and vocabulary.

I think my project is  ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

together Starter  •  Project self-evaluation Unit 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 2019

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