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Scene 1

(Akela, Rama, Raksha, Baloo, Bagheera)

Narrator 1: There are many strange legends of these jungles in India. But not one is as
strange as the story of a small boy named Mowgli.
Narrator 2: It all began when the silence of the jungle was broken by an unfamiliar sound.
(Mowgli is crying). It was a sound like one never heard before in this part of the jungle.
Narrator 3: Two wolves, Baloo and Bagheera follow this sound and find something unusual...
Akela: Look there is a baby in a basket crying!
Rama: Let´s take him to the cave.
Raksha: He is man cub! He is not like us
Baloo: Should we take him.?
Rama: Yes!
Raksha: Where did he come from?
Akela: I don’t know… What's his name?
Bagheera: We should call him mowgli.
Baloo: Oh! I love that name! But… is he safe here in the jungle?
Bagheera: We can teach him how to live here
Wolves: Great idea!

Scene 2
(Baloo, Akela, Rama, Bagheera, Mowgli)

Narrator 4: Many years later, Mowgli was learning the laws of the jungle
Narrator 2: Baloo, Bagheera and the wolves are teaching him how to survive!
Baloo: Mowgli, today we are going to teach you the laws of the jungle

Akela: Let's go!

Mowgli: ok! Lets go!

Bagheera: If you see a bee, you have to run
Rama: You can eat the fruits from the trees
Akela: But, be careful with the monkeys!
Raksha: Always follow the pack!
Bagheera: Never look at a snake in the eyes! It’s dangerous!
Baloo: And the most important… look for the bare necessities!
(All the cast dances at the rhythm of ‘Bare necessities’)
Mowgli: Ok! Now I know the laws of the jungle

Bagheera: But be careful, Shere Khan is the only one who doesn’t respect the rules of the
jungle and he can kill you!
Mowgli: That’s fine, I am not afraid of him!

Scene 3
(Shere Khan, Bad wolves, Mowgli)
Narrator 3: On the other side of the jungle, Shere Khan is tired of Mowgli
Narrator 1: He wants to kill him!
Shere Khan: Go and find Mowgli now! He can’t live in the jungle, we have to kill him!
Dizzy: Yes let’s go
Ziggy: Look! There he is!
(Mowgli sees them and they all start running)
Dizzy: You are so weak! You can’t go very far!
Mowgli: I am not scared of you!
Ziggy: You won’t last long (​laughs​)
Mowgli: Laugh, I don’t care!
Narrator 2: The bad wolves couldn’t catch him. Mowgli was faster than them!
Ziggy: Sorry master, he escaped again…
Shere Khan: You are more foolish and weak than him! Now, get out of here! I have to do this

Scene 4
(Mowgli, Shere Khan, Baloo, Bagheera, Wolves, Shanti)
Narrator 4: The next day, Shere Kahn planned to kill Mowgli.
Narrator 1: Mowgli was sleeping and Shere Khan woke him up with a big roar.
Mowgli: Oh no! Shere Khan! What are you doing here? Go away!
Shere Khan: Ha ha ha! I'm here to eat you.
Mowgli: It won’t be so easy to eat me.
Shere Khan: ha ha ha I will eat you very fast!
mowgli: aaaaa
Narrator 2: Mowgli grabs a spear and fights against Shere Khan.
Narrator 3: No one was there to help him, but Mowgli could do it alone!
Narrator 4: He defeated Shere Khan!
Narrator 1: After that day, Mowgli really wanted to go to the village. He would miss his
friends but never forget them. That day, they said goodbye.
Mowgli: Goodbye Bagheera, goodbye Baloo and wolves
Bagheera: I’m going to miss you, you are a good boy, but your home is the village...
Baloo: Thank you for always bringing me the honey, I am going to miss you!
Akela, Rama and Raksha: We love you!
Mowgli: I am going to miss you a lot!
Narrator 2: Mowgli went with Bagheera to the village
Narrator 3: Far away, they could see a girl. Mowgli left Bagheera with a hug and walked to
meet the girl.
Mowgli: Hello! Who are you?
Shanti: Hello, my name is Shanti and I live here in the village
Mowgli: Wow, I really like the village!
Shanti: Come with me! I will show it to you! Do you want to stay here?
Mowgli: Yes, I do. But I will always have a home in the jungle too.

The end (song)

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