Republic of The Philippines

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Republic of the Philippines

Province of Iloilo
Municipality of New Lucena
Barangay ________________


EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. ______________


WHEREAS, Memorandum Circular No. 2019- 40, pursuant to Section 389 paragraph “f”
of the Local Government Code, it is the mandate of the Punong Barangay to “organize and lead
an emergency group whenever the same may be necessary for the maintenance of peace and
order or on occasions of emergency or calamity within the Barangay” subsequently
transcending the mandate of the barangay as the basic political unit of the government.
Furthermore, under Section 21 and 22 of the Republic Act No. 10121, the barangay council is
mandated to implement programs and projects aimed at the prevention and mitigation of man-
made disasters and natural hazards through its Local Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Fund (LDRRMF).

WHEREAS, the Bureau of Fire Protection, by virtue of both Republic Act No. 6975
otherwise known as the DILG Act of 1990 and the Republic Act No. 9514 otherwise Known as
the Fire Code of the Philippines of 2008, has the mandate to prevent and suppress destructive
fires at all cost with the active participation of the community. In its desire to institutionalize fire
prevention initiatives in the grassroots level, it initiated the creation of the OPLAN LIGTAS NA
PAMAYANAN, the BFP’s response to the ever growing demand for a more adaptive,
comprehensive and immersive fire protection program for the communities, rural and urban
villages and barangays.

WHEREAS, The Community Fire Auxiliary Group or CFAG, established under the
BAYANIHAN Program, is a neighborhood-based organization anchored on the Filipino
“bayanihan” concept of communal unity, work, and cooperation to achieve a particular goal. Its
main responsibilities are: responding to localized fire incidents as BFP responding teams are in
transit, and promoting community safety through activities guided by the BFP. It is a structured
organization of volunteers, composed of local residents, clustered by sitio / purók, neighborhood
blocks or by number of households in every barangay.

NOW THEREFORE, I name of Brgy.Captain, Punong Barangay of Barangay

__________________, New Lucena, Iloilo by virtue vested upon me by law do hereby order the
creation of the Community Fire Auxiliary Group (CFAG)

Section 1. Composition. The Community Fire Auxiliary Group (CFAG) shall be composed of
the following:

Barangay Chief CFAG: _________________ Punong Barangay

Assistant Barangay Chief CFAG: _______________ Barangay Councilor / Committee on
Public Safety, Peace and Order
Communication Unit: 1.__________

Evacuation Unit : 1.___________

Search and Rescue Unit: 1. __________
2. __________
Medical/ First Aid Unit: 1. __________
2. __________
3. __________
4. __________

Security and Traffic Unit: 1. __________

2. __________
3. __________
4. __________

Community Fire Defense Unit (CFDU)


Community Fire Defense Sub Unit (CFDSU): Fire Safety Teams

5. _________
7. __________


A. CHIEF (Barangay Captain) The Chief shall perform overall administrative supervision
and control of the CFAG organization. He/ She shall be responsible for the implementation of
fire prevention measures, and shall ensure that the units under his/her supervision shall adhere
to or follow the operational rules and regulations, and obey the tactical command.

B. ASSISTANT CHIEF (Barangay Councilor / Committee on Public Safety, Peace and

Order) Shall assist the CFAG Chief and assume duties and responsibilities in his/her absence in
all activities relating to fire safety measures and related programs.

C. COMMUNICATION UNIT in normal situation, is responsible for the dissemination of

information regarding the overall plan, function and responsibilities of each individual in case of
fire. During fires, the Communication Unit is in charge of: (A) sounding the alarm; (B) calling the
fire station for assistance; (C) communicating with the first responding units to guide them to the
specific location of the fire.

D. EVACUATION UNIT (A) Direct residents to the pre-designated evacuation area,

leading them through the safest evacuation route; (B) Control the flow and movements of
evacuees to avoid panic and accidents; (C) Account for affected residents under his charge and
report about missing persons and their possible location.

E. SEARCH-AND-RESCUE UNIT (A) Take charge of evacuation of “special case”

occupants such as elderly individuals, pregnant women, persons with disability and the like,
who cannot be evacuated in the normal manner; (B) Conduct room-by-room or house-to-house
search to make sure that everyone is evacuated; (C) Searche for occupants reported missing;
and (D) Rescue trapped occupants.

F. MEDICAL / FIRST AID UNIT Responsible for (A) the immediate administration of first-
aid or immediate medical intervention on injured persons, and (B) stabilizing victim(s) and
bringing them to the hospital or treatment facility.

G.SECURITY AND TRAFFIC UNIT (A) Secure and cordon area where fire is in progress;
(B) Prevent entry of looters, onlookers or bystanders, and other persons not involved in the
emergency operations, to avoid hampering movements of firefighting units; (C) Secure salvaged
valuables to minimize damages and loses; (D) Assist in guiding responding vehicles and units
to the incident site or the designated staging areas).


CLUSTER FIRE DEFENSE SUB-UNIT) The Community Fire Defense Unit (CFDU) is an
expanded barangay fire brigade with two interacting structures.

The CFDU shall be the primary brigade and shall be composed of not less than 10 members
who are residents of the barangay. It is to be headed by a Team Leader designated by the
Chief CFAG.

The CFDU shall have sub-units established in every sitio, purók, or residential cluster of
about 100 households. Each sub-unit shall have members of not less than seven (7) member
residents of the cluster and shall have a selected team leader. Both units shall have the
following functions. (A) The CFDU/CFDS shall be responsible for the initial extinguishment of
the fire; (B) Upon arrival of the first BFP unit, they shall assist in the firefighting operations under
the direction and control of the BFP Ground Commander.


Members of the community chosen and tasked with the regular conduct of inspection in their
area/neighborhood taking note of all hazards to be reported to the BFP station having
jurisdiction through the social media platform or other means. (see attached inspection and
reporting guide) Members of the CFDU and its sub-units can compose this team as they are the
ones within the vicinity. During the conduct of fire safety inspection under the LIGTAS-BAHAY
PROGRAM of this project, members of this team shall accompany the BFP’s designated
Bumbero sa Barangay.

SECTION 3. Effectivity. This Executive Order shall take effect immediately.

Done this _____ day of________, 2023 at Barangay ____________, Municipality of New
Lucena, Province of Iloilo, Philippines.

Punong Barangay

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