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#Scala- Expressions V2

import{BufferedReader, IOException, InputStreamReader}

import java.util.StringTokenizer

class FastReader() {
val br: BufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
var st: StringTokenizer = _

def nextInt: Int = next.toInt

def nextLong: Long = next.toLong

def nextDouble: Double = next.toDouble

def next: String = {

while (st == null || !st.hasMoreElements)
st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)
catch {
case e: IOException =>

def nextLine: String = {

var str = ""
str = br.readLine
catch {
case e: IOException =>

trait Expression

object Expression {
val modulo = 1000000007

case class Number(value: Int) extends Expression

trait Binary extends Expression {

def eval(a: Int, b: Int): Int

trait Additive extends Binary

trait Multiplicative extends Binary

trait Unary extends Expression {

def eval(v: Int): Int

case object UnaryAddition extends Unary {

override def eval(v: Int): Int = v

case object UnarySubtraction extends Unary {

override def eval(v: Int): Int = -v

case object BinaryAddition extends Additive {

override def eval(a: Int, b: Int): Int = Math.floorMod(a.toLong + b,

case object BinarySubtraction extends Additive {

override def eval(a: Int, b: Int): Int = Math.floorMod(a.toLong - b,

case object Multiplication extends Multiplicative {

override def eval(a: Int, b: Int): Int = Math.floorMod(a.toLong * b,

case object Division extends Multiplicative {

override def eval(a: Int, b: Int): Int = {
val bb = BigInt(b).modPow(Expression.modulo - 2, Expression.modulo).toLong
Math.floorMod(a * bb, Expression.modulo).toInt

object Solution {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val sc = new FastReader

val s = sc.nextLine

def solve(s: String): Int = {

case class State(index: Int = 0, expressions: List[Expression] = Nil,
subexpressions: List[List[Expression]] = Nil)

def parseNumber(index: Int, number: Int = 0): (Int, Int) = if (index <
s.length) {
val c = s(index)
if (c.isDigit) parseNumber(index + 1, 10 * number + c - '0') else (index,
} else (index, number)

def eval(expressions: List[Expression]): Int = expressions match {
case Number(b) :: Nil => b
case Number(b) :: (op: Binary) :: Number(a) :: exs => eval(Number(op.eval(a,
b)) :: exs)
case _ => throw new Exception("Wrong expression")

def simplify(expressions: List[Expression]): List[Expression] = expressions
match {
case Number(b) :: (op: Unary) :: exs => simplify(Number(op.eval(b)) :: exs)
case (nextOp: Additive) :: Number(b) :: (op: Multiplicative) :: Number(a) ::
exs =>
simplify(nextOp :: Number(op.eval(a, b)) :: exs)
case exs@_ => exs

def inner(state: State): State = {
def withExpression(expression: Expression): State =
State(state.index + 1, expression :: state.expressions,

if (state.index < s.length) {

val c = s(state.index)
val nextState = c match {
case '(' => State(state.index + 1, Nil, state.expressions ::
case ')' => State(state.index + 1, Number(eval(state.expressions)) ::
state.subexpressions.head, state.subexpressions.tail)
case '+' => withExpression(state.expressions match {
case (_: Number) :: _ => BinaryAddition
case _ => UnaryAddition
case '-' => withExpression(state.expressions match {
case (_: Number) :: _ => BinarySubtraction
case _ => UnarySubtraction
case '*' => withExpression(Multiplication)
case '/' => withExpression(Division)

case d: Char if d.isDigit =>

val (nextIndex, number) = parseNumber(state.index)
State(nextIndex, Number(number) :: state.expressions,
case _ => state.copy(index = state.index + 1)

val nextExpressions = simplify(nextState.expressions)

inner(nextState.copy(expressions = nextExpressions))
} else state


#Map and Lambda Functions PYTHON

cube = lambda x: pow(x,3)# complete the lambda function

def fibonacci(n):
# return a list of fibonacci numbers
lis = [0,1]
for i in range(2,n):
lis.append(lis[i-2] + lis[i-1])

#HASKELL - Expressions

{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}

import Control.Applicative
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.List

main :: IO ()
main = do
n <- readLn :: IO Int
ns <- map read . words <$> getLine
let result = foldl' f (M.fromList [(head ns, "")]) (tail ns)
f !m n = M.fromList $
concatMap (\(val, ops) ->
[ ((val+n)`mod`101, '+':ops)
, ((val-n)`mod`101, '-':ops)
, ((val*n)`mod`101, '*':ops)
]) $
M.toList m
ans = reverse $ result M.! 0
putStrLn $ unwords $ concat $ zipWith (\a b -> [a, b]) (map show ns) (map (\op
-> [op]) $ ans ++ " ")

#HASKELL - Eval e^x

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import System.IO

eee :: Double -> Double -> Double

eee 1 x = x + 1
eee n x = ((x**n) / (product [1..n])) + (eee (n-1) x)

main :: IO ()
main = do
n_temp <- getLine
let n = read n_temp :: Int
forM_ [1..n] $ \a0 -> do
x_temp <- getLine
let x = read x_temp :: Double
print (eee 9 x)

getMultipleLines :: Int -> IO [String]

getMultipleLines n
| n <= 0 = return []
| otherwise = do
x <- getLine
xs <- getMultipleLines (n-1)
let ret = (x:xs)
return ret

#RUBY - Lazy Evaluation

n = gets.to_i
p {|i| i.to_s == i.to_s.reverse}.first(n)

#Lambda Calculus

#Yes the answer is single digit '4'

#Read Question Fella

#Map and Lambda Function - PYTHON

cube = lambda x: x ** 3

def fibonacci(n):
List = [0, 1]
for i in range(2, n):
List.append(List[i-1] + List[i-2])


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