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Measures for the Hiring and 外籍教师聘任和管理办法(征求意见

Management of Foreign 稿)

Teachers (Draft for Solicitation

of Comments)
 Unique Post Views [Sitewide Reset Occurred on:
3/17/2021]: 608

Time of Release: 2020-07-21 09:00


Chapter I: General Provisions

Article 1: (Legislative Basis) These Measures are drafted

on the basis of the "P.R.C. Education Law", the
"Teachers Law of the P.R.C.", the "P.R.C. Regulations
on the Administration of the Entry and Exit of
第一章 总 则
Foreigners", and other laws and regulations so as to
promote international cooperation and exchanges on
education and regulate the hiring and management of 第一条 (立法依据)为了促进教育国际
foreign teachers.
Article 2: (Concept Delineation) "Foreign teachers" as 根据《中华人民共和国教育法》《中华人民
used in these Measures refers to foreign nationals hired
by education establishments who have obtained work 共和国教师法》《中华人民共和国出境入境
permits to come to China and work residency certificates
and who are engaged in educational and teaching work in 管理法》《中华人民共和国外国人入境出境
[mainland] China.
"Education establishments" as used in these 管理条例》等法律法规,制定本办法。
Measures refers to all kinds of lawfully established
schools and kindergartens, private tutoring
establishments, and off-campus training establishments 第二条 (概念界定)本办法所称外籍教
carrying out education with a formal record.
Article 3: (Basic Policy) The recruitment of foreign
teachers is to follow the policy of expanding openness,
hiring to meet demand, ensuring quality, optimizing
services, and classified management.
Article 4: (Scope of Hiring) Posts hiring foreign teachers
should have the actual educational and pedagogical need
with no appropriate candidates currently available
domestically, and not violate relevant state provisions.

Article 5: (Special Obligations) Foreign teachers shall
comply with China's laws and regulations, follow social
mores and teachers' professional ethics, and comply with 第三条 (基本方针)聘任外籍教师遵循
the principle of separating education and religion, the
education and teaching activities and conduct that they 扩大开放、按需聘任、保证质量、优化服
carry out shall comply with China's education policies
and basic education requirements, and must not endanger 务、分类管理的方针。
national sovereignty, security, honor, or the societal
public interest.
Article 6: (Management System) The State Council's 第四条 (聘任范围)聘任外籍教师的岗
administrative departments for education are responsible
for overall regulation of education establishments' hiring 位,应是有教育教学工作实际需要、国内暂
of foreign teachers; the State Council administrative
departments for foreign affairs, science and technology, 缺适当人选且不违反国家有关规定的岗位。
public security, and immigration are responsible for
management efforts in accordance with their duties and
division of labor, such as for foreign teachers' visas, work
permits to come to China, entry, and residence
certificates. 第五条 (特定义务)外籍教师应当遵守
Local people's governments' administrative
departments for education are responsible for oversight 中国法律法规,遵守中国的公序良俗和教师
and management of education establishments' hiring of
foreign teachers within that administrative region; local 职业道德,遵守教育与宗教相分离的原则,
people's governments’ external affairs department,
administrative departments for science and technology, 所实施的教育教学活动和内容应当符合中国
public security organs, and other relevant departments
are to be responsible in accordance with their duties and 的教育方针和教学基本要求,不得损害中国
division of labor for management efforts related to
foreign teachers in that administrative region. 的国家主权、安全、荣誉和社会公共利益。

第六条 (管理体制)国务院教育行政部
Chapter II: Conditions and Procedures
Article 7: (Basic Requirements) Foreign nationals with
the requirements for obtaining permits to come work in
China and work residency permits, and who possess the
education or teaching professional certifications provided
for in this law, may be hired by education establishments
as foreign teachers.
Article 8: (Qualifications Requirements) Foreign
teachers shall possess teaching credentials and skills
necessary for their engaging in teaching activities. Of
these, those serving as subject matter teachers (including
foreign languages) shall possess a bachelors degree or
higher and 2 years or more educational work experience
teaching that subject at an education establishment or
relevant work experience in the field; those serving as
foreign language training teachers shall have a bachelors
degree or higher, have undergone training in language
education and have obtained language teaching
credentials, and will usually teach their mother language;
to teach courses in Chinese, Mandarin levels must have
reached level 3 b or higher (HSK- hanyu shuiping kaoshi
standard level) or have obtained the corresponding
certificate level by taking the HSK.
Foreign nationals that have obtained a doctorate or
obtained teaching certifications from their country of
nationality, or who have a bachelors degree or higher in
education, may waive the relevant teaching experience

第二章 条件和程序

第七条 (基本要求)外籍人员具备取得
Article 9: (Other requirements) Foreign teachers shall be
physically and psychologically healthy, have good 来华工作许可和工作类居留证件所需要的条
character, have no criminal record, have no history of
infectious disease or psychiatric disorders, and not use 件,具备本办法规定的教育教学专业资质,
drugs or have used habit-forming medications for a long
time, or have other illnesses or conduct that might impact 可以由教育机构聘任为外籍教师。
student's safety and physical or psychological health.
Article 10: (Related Permits) Foreign nationals engaged
in work as foreign teachers shall get work permits for
foreigners coming to China, Z visas, and work residency
certificates, and obtain approvals and make the filings for
foreign teachers as provided before they can carry out 第八条 (资质条件)外籍教师应当具备
teaching activities.
Article 11: (Establishment Responsibility) Education 能。其中,在各级各类学校担任学科专业
establishments hiring foreign teachers shall confirm that
the foreign nationals have professional credentials and (含外国语言文学专业)教师的,应当具备
corresponding qualifications for serving as a foreign
teacher. 学士以上学位和相关教育机构相关学科 2 年

Article 12: (Work Permits) The education
establishments hiring foreign teachers shall apply for 历;担任外国语言培训教师的,应当具备学
permits for foreigners to come to China to work from the
provincial-level people's governments' administrative 士以上学位并受过相应的语言教学专门训
departments for science and technology or the authorized
administrative departments. In addition to the materials 练,取得相应的语言培训资质且一般从事母
required for permits for foreigners coming to work in
China, they shall also submit proof of the foreign 语国母语教学;用中文教授相关课程的,普
teachers' teaching qualifications as provided for in article
8 of these Measures, an explanation of the reason for the 通话水平应达到《普通话水平测试等级标
hiring, and a personal pledge of the fore nationals'
compliance with articles 5 and eligibility under article 9 准》三级乙等及以上标准或者通过汉语水平
of these Measures.
Article 13: (Visa Applications) Potential foreign teachers
shall apply for Z visas from the visa authorities based
abroad based on the relevant procedures and provisions. 外籍人员已获得博士学位,或者取得国
The visa authorities based abroad may use methods such
as interviews and verifications of materials to decide 籍国教师资格证书,或者拥有教师教育类学
whether to issue a Z visa.

Article 14: (Residence Permits) Educational 要求。

establishments shall assist foreign teachers they want to
hire in submitting applications for work residence
permits to the public security organs of local people's
government at the county-level or above.
Article 15: (Teacher Filings) Within 5 working days of
第九条 (其他条件)外籍教师应当身心
foreign teachers receiving their permit to come work in
China, education establishments shall upload copies or
electronic documents of materials such as the first page
of the contract, the page that indicates the dates of
employment, and the signatures of both parties, the
foreign teacher's work permit, and residents permit to the
national foreign teachers' comprehensive information
service platform, and the service platform is to generate a
foreign teacher filing number.

Article 16: (Domestic Applications) Where education

第十条 (相关许可)外籍人员从事外
institutions plan to hire foreigners who already lawfully
reside in mainland China to be foreign teachers, they
shall handle permits for working in China and work
residence permits in accordance with these Measures,
可、Z 字签证和工作类居留证件,获得批准
and conduct foreign teachers filings as provided. Where
education establishments plan to have foreigners who
have obtained permanent residency credentials serve as
foreign teachers, they need to conduct foreign teacher
filings in accordance with provisions.

Chapter III: Service and Management 第十一条 (机构职责)教育机构聘任外

Article 17: (Establishment Duties) Education
establishments shall complete systems for hiring, 任外籍教师的专业资质和相应条件。
managing, serving, and evaluating foreign teachers,
regulate foreign teachers' conduct, safeguard the lawful
rights and interests of foreign teachers, and keep foreign
teachers' employment files.
第十二条 (工作许可)拟聘任外籍教师的
Article 18: (Contract Management) Education
establishments shall sign written contracts with the 教育机构应当向省级人民政府科学技术行政
foreign teachers they hire. The content of the contract
shall include, but is not limited to: The foreign teachers' 部门或者其授权的行政部门申请外国人来华
work tasks, work address, the duties of the post, the
period of employment, the rights and obligations of both 工作许可。除外国人来华工作许可所需的材
parties, evaluation methods, dispute resolution
mechanisms, and liability for contract violations. 料外,还应当提交拟聘用外籍教师符合本办
Article 19: (Information Notifications) Education
establishments shall announce information such the
names, nationality, and other basic information on
foreign teachers they hire and well as the post they are
hired for, their filing number, work permit, and other
information on their information boards and website,
except as otherwise provided by the state.
Article 20: (Training for Positions) Based on the foreign
teachers' education background and the characteristics of
the profession, education establishments shall draft a
第十三条 (签证申请)拟聘任的外籍教师
training plan for before and after foreign teachers take
their positions, and shall organize or entrust a specialized
educational establishment with the capacity to carry out
at least 20 hours of training for the position for foreign
机关申请办理 Z 字签证。
teachers hired for the first time, with content including
China's Constitution, laws, national conditions, teaching
ethics, education policies, professional knowledge and 驻外签证机关可通过面谈、核实材料等
educational skills.
方式,依法决定是否签发 Z 字签证。
Article 21: (Establishment Management) Education
establishments shall strengthen services and management
for foreign teachers in accordance with laws and 第十四条 (居留许可)教育机构应当协
contractual agreements, and ensure the quality of
education and teaching. 助拟聘任的外籍教师向县级以上地方人民政
Education establishments or foreign teachers must not
carry out short-term concentrated courses through clearly 府公安机关出入境管理机构申请工作类居留
unreasonable methods such as concentrated class
schedule arrangements. 证件。

第十五条 (教师备案)教育机构应当在

Article 22: (Management of Part-time 外籍教师收到来华工作许可及居留许可后五

Employment) During a single employment period,
foreign teachers can only enter into a contract with one 个工作日内,将合同文本首页、注明聘期页
education establishment to obtain a filing number.
With the consent of the hiring establishment, foreign 和双方签字页、外籍教师来华工作许可、居
teachers may have reasonable part-time work in other
education establishments. Where foreign teachers work 留许可等材料的副本或者电子文本上传至全
part-time, the employing establishment, the foreign
teacher, and the part-time education establishment shall 国外籍教师综合信息服务平台,由服务平台
sign a tripartite agreement to clarify the rights and
responsibilities of all parties. The hiring establishment
must not collect any fees from the part-time education
establishment. The part-time employment contract shall
be reported for filing to the regulatory department for
education which shall circulate a list to be filed by the
entry/exit management departments of the public security
organs. Foreign teachers' cumulative class time for part-
time employment must not exceed their class time at the
hiring establishment.
第十六条 (境内申请)教育机构拟聘任

Article 23: (Evaluation Oversight) Education 已在中国境内合法居留的外国人担任外籍教

establishments shall complete evaluation systems,
strengthen regulation and oversight of foreign teacher's 师的,应当按照本办法办理来华工作许可和
professional ethics and styles, and comprehensively
evaluate foreign teachers' performance of their duties. 工作类居留证件,并按规定进行外籍教师备
Where foreign teachers are teaching minors, the hiring
establishment shall perform legally-prescribed duties to 案。教育机构拟聘任取得永久居留资格的外
protect minors and employ appropriate measures to
ensure physical safety and physical and psychological 国人担任外籍教师的,需按规定进行外籍教
health of the minors.

Article 24: (Incentive Measures) Education

establishments shall safeguard and support foreign
teachers carrying out teaching and research, academic 第三章 服务和管理
exchanges, and other such activities, and their
participation in democratic management through
appropriate methods. 第十七条 (机构职责)教育机构应当健
Education establishments shall give commendations
and awards to foreign teachers with outstanding 全外籍教师聘任、管理、服务和考核制度,
performance in areas such as education and teaching,
cultivation of talent, and promoting international 规范外籍教师任教行为,保障外籍教师合法
exchanges with China, and may make recommendations
for awards or commendations to the competent 权益,妥善保管外籍教师的任职档案。
departments or apply to governments and their
第十八条 (合同管理)教育机构应当与

Article 25: (Modification of Employment) Where
foreign teachers change their employment to a different 当包括但不限于:外籍教师的工作任务、工
educational institution, the education establishments shall
apply de Novo for a permit for foreigners coming to
China to work and a work residence permit, and handle
the relevant formalities, and concurrently apply de Novo
to obtain a foreign teachers filing number in accordance
with these provisions.

Article 26: (Platform Construction) The State Council

第十九条 (信息公示)教育机构应当将
administrative departments for education is to establish
and manage the national foreign teachers' comprehensive
information services platform and establish specific
regulations for foreign teachers' filings.
Administrative departments for education and
education establishments may register on the national
foreign teachers' comprehensive information services
platform and log-in to the platform for filings and
inquiries into relevant information.

Chapter IV: Oversight and Accountability 第二十条 (岗位培训)教育机构应当根

Article 27: (Information Sharing) Establish information
sharing mechanisms for foreign teachers. The State 籍教师职前和职后培训计划,对初次聘任的
Council's administrative departments for science and
technology shall send information on foreign teachers 外籍教师,应当自行组织开展或者委托具备
who have been issued work permits to come to China to
the State Council's administrative departments for 条件的专业教育机构开展不少于二十个学时
education in real time, and the State Council's
administrative departments for education shall send the 的岗位培训,内容应当包括中国宪法、法
list of those prohibited foreign teachers to the State
Council administrative departments for science and 律、国情、师德、教育方针政策和业务知
technology in real time.
Article 28: (Routine Regulation) Local people's 识、教学能力等。
governments' administrative departments for education
and for science and technology, public security organs'
entry/exit bodies, and other relevant departments shall 第二十一条 (机构管理)教育机构应当
strengthen routine regulation of education establishments'
hiring of foreign teachers, to promptly discover and 依照法律和合同约定加强对外籍教师的服务
investigate violations of relevant laws and regulations in
the hiring of foreign teachers. 与管理,保证教育教学质量。
Where in the course of routine oversight or through
channels such as complaints and reports, administrative
departments for education and educational guidance
bodies discover that education establishments have hired
foreign nationals to serve as teachers, they shall inspect
whether they have permits for foreigners coming to work
in China, work residence permits, and foreign teach filing
number and shall promptly report any illegality to the
competent departments.
Article 29: (Creditworthiness Records) Establish a credit
record system for foreign teachers. Foreign teachers'
第二十二条 (兼职管理)同一聘期内,
compliance with Chinese laws and contractual
agreements, high quality of education and teaching, and
good educational ethics shall be reflected in education
establishments' evaluations and reported to the
administrative departments for education to be included
in the records of the foreign teachers' comprehensive
information services platform. 经聘任机构同意,外籍教师可以在其他
The administrative departments for science and
technology and the entry-exit management bodies of 教育机构合理兼职。外籍教师兼职的,聘任
public security organs are to facilitate foreign teachers
who have received commendations from the government 机构、外籍教师与兼职教育机构应当签订三
and relevant departments and have good credit records in
obtaining permits and handling relevant procedures. 方协议,明确各方权责。聘任机构不得向兼
Article 30: (Records of Untrustworthiness) In any of the 职教育机构收取任何费用。兼职聘任合同应
following situations where foreign teachers violate
contract provisions, the education establishments shall 当报主管教育部门备案,主管教育部门应当
report to the administrative departments for education
after giving punishments. Upon verification by the 将名单通报公安机关出入境管理部门备案。
administrative departments for education, they are to be
included in credit records: 外籍教师累计兼职授课时间不得多于在聘任
(1) Serious academic misconduct;
(2) Violating regulations to engage in compensated work 机构的授课时间。
outside of the educational establishment that hired them;
(3) Dismissal for violations of the hiring establishment's
(4) Leaving the position without authorizations before the
completion of the hiring period.

第二十三条 (考核监督)教育机构应

Article 31: (Employment Prohibitions) In any of the 当健全考核制度,加强对外籍教师师德师风

following situations, education establishments shall
dismiss foreign teachers and report to the administrative 的规范和监督,全面考核外籍教师的履职情
departments for education to make a credit record:
(1) Have actions or speech that harm China's national
sovereignty, security, reputation, or the societal public
(2) Was pursued for criminal responsibility;
(3) Obstructing the implementation of education policies;
(4) Had conduct in violation of public security
management such as drug use;
(5) Sexually assaulted or abused minors;

第二十四条 (鼓励措施)教育机构应当
(6) Illegally engaged in religious education or
proselytization; 保障、支持外籍教师开展教学研究、学术交
(7) Engaged in cult activities;
(8) Sexually harassed students or otherwise seriously
violated China's social mores and teachers' professional 教育机构对在教育教学、人才培养、促
ethics and code of conduct'

(9) Provided false information in applying to come to 当予以表彰奖励,并可以向有关主管部门推

China to serve as a teacher;

(10) Have a cumulative total of more than three records

of untrustworthiness as provided for in article 30 of these

Education establishments must not hire foreign

personnel with the circumstance provided for in the 第二十五条 (聘任变更)外籍教师转聘
preceding paragraph to serve as foreign teachers.

Article 32: (Illegal hiring) Where education
establishments and other social organizations illegally 办理相关手续,同时按本办法规定重新申请
hire foreign nationals as teachers without permits or
filings, or organize hiring of foreign nationals to illegally 获得外籍教师备案号码。
engage in educational and teaching activities, the public
security organs and their entry/exit management bodies
for local people's governments at the county-level or
above are to give punishments in accordance with
law. Where a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility
is to be pursued in accordance with law.
第二十六条 (平台建设)国务院教育行
Article 33: (Establishment Fraud) Where documents and
materials are fabricated or modified in applications for
foreign teachers' work permits to come to China or work
residency permits, the public security organs and their
entry/exit management bodies for the local people's
government county-level or higher are to give
punishments in accordance with law. 教育行政部门、教育机构可以在全国外
Article 34: (Management Responsibility) In any of the 籍教师综合信息服务平台注册,登录平台备
following situations where education establishments
violate these Measures, the administrative departments 案、查询相关信息。
for education at the county-level or above shall order
corrections and give a fine of up to 10,000 RMB per
incident, and give warnings or punishments to the
primary responsible persons for the education
establishment; where the circumstances are serious, they
may be lawfully ordered to stop recruiting students, and 第四章 监督与责任
the administrative departments for science and
technology are not to accept their applications for
foreigners to come to China to work for 1-3 years; and 第二十七条 (信息共享)建立外籍教师
where the circumstances are especially serious, the
administrative departments for education are to cancel 信息共享机制。国务院科学技术行政部门应
their permits.
(1) Hiring foreign nationals who have failed to obtain 当把发放外国人来华工作许可的外籍教师信
foreign teacher filing numbers to serve as foreign
teachers or not timely reporting for filing; 息实时推送给国务院教育行政部门,国务院

(2) Discovering that foreign teachers have been hired 教育行政部门应当把从业禁止的外籍教师名

who have the circumstances listed in articles 30 or 31 of
these Measures, and not promptly punishing them; 单实时推送给国务院科学技术行政部门。
(3) Arranging for foreign teachers to engage in illegal
business activities or carry out clear unreasonable
traveling short-term concentrated coursework;

第二十八条 (日常监管)地方人民政府
(4) Inadequately managing foreign teachers, causing a
heinous social impact; 教育行政部门、科学技术行政部门、公安机

(5) Not promptly conducting an investigation and
handling of complaints from students' parents that
foreign teachers have violated laws or regulations;
(6) Misleading the public by conducting false publicity
regarding foreign teachers resume and abilities;
(7) Violated regulations on part-time work for foreign

Article 35: (Situation Notices) Where the administrative

departments for science and technology or public security
organs discover in their work that education
establishments have illegally hired foreign nationals or
that foreign teachers have illegal or criminal activities,
they shall promptly send notice of the situation and the
results of investigations to the administrative departments
for education.
Chapter V: Supplemental Provisions

Article 36: (Supplementary Provisions) Where schools 第二十九条 (诚信记录)建立外籍教师

of higher learning hire foreign teachers to conduct
academic exchanges or as short-term visiting scholars, 信用记录制度。外籍教师在聘任期间遵守中
they shall follow relevant provisions to apply for F visas
or corresponding Visa types. Schools of higher learning 国法律、合同约定,教育教学质量高、师德
are to conduct management of foreign teachers'
educational and teaching activities with reference to these 师风良好,教育机构应当在考核中予以反
These measures may be applied by reference for the 映,并向主管教育行政部门报告,纳入全国
hiring of foreign teachers at schools for the children of
foreign nationals. 外籍教师综合信息服务平台予以记录。
Where online training establishments hire foreign
nationals outside the mainland to take on educational and
teaching work, refer to the provisions of these Measures 对获得政府及有关部门表彰、信用记录
on qualification requirements and contract formation, to
carry out services and management. 良好的外籍教师,由科学技术行政部门和公

Article 37: (Accompanying Policies) Each province, 安机关出入境管理机构在获得许可、办理相

autonomous region, and directly-governed municipalities'
administrative departments for education may draft 关手续等方面提供便利。
specific regulations for managing the hiring of foreign
Article 38: (Effective Date) This law is to take effect on
第三十条 (失信记录)外籍教师违反合
Where provisions on hiring foreign teachers that
were previously published by the State Council
departments for the administration of education or for
science and technology, or by the former Foreign Experts
Bureau, are inconsistent with these Measures, these
Measures are controlling.
Those already engaged in foreign teacher work prior to
the implementation of these Measures shall perform
filing duties in accordance with article 19 of these
Measures within 6 months of the data on which these (二)在受聘任的教育机构以外违规从
Measures take effect.




第三十一条 (从业禁止)外籍教师有


















累计超过 3 条的。



第三十二条 (非法聘任)教育机构及





第三十三条 (机构造假)在申请外籍教





第三十四条 (管理责任)教育机构违反



1 千元以上 1 万元以下的罚款,对教育机构



1-3 年内对其外国人来华工作许可申请不予

















第三十五条 (情况通报)科学技术行政




第五章 附 则

第三十六条 (补充规定)高等学校聘请


按照相关规定申请 F 字或相应类别签证。高








第三十七条 (配套政策)各省、自治



第三十八条 (生效日期)本办法自

2020 年 月 日起施行。









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