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Ulangan Harian Limit Fungsi Aljabar

Nama :
Paraf Siswa Paraf Orang Tua / Wali Murid
Kelas :

Hari Tanggal :
Komentar Orang Tua / Wali Murid


1. By the investigating the behaviuor of the function f(x) = x + 5 in the ficinity of x = 3 show that
lim f ( x )=8
x →3
2. Find the value of the following limits
2 x −3 x
a. lim
x →0 x+ 1
x + 2 x−15
b. lim
x →3 x−3
3. By first factorising the numerator, simplify the following rational functions, stating the value for
which the function does not exist (is discontinuous), and the find the limits
x +8
a. lim
x →2 x+ 2

x 2 +5 x
b. lim
x→−1 x
x2 −2
4. Find the limit lim
x→ √ 2 x− √ 2
5. Kecepatan benda setiap saat ditentukan dengan rumus 𝑣(𝑡) = 0,2𝑡 2 − 0,4𝑡. Perubahan kecepatan
v ( t )−v (5)
untuk t mendekati 5 dirumuskan denganlim . Nilai perubahan kecepatan benda
t →5 t−5
tersebut adalah…

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