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K-W-L Chart Sample

What I
Wonder  What I have Learned
What I Know
(or want to
-World history is divided -How the world -In Vietnam, I studied Vietnamese history and
into 6 periods: foundations, has changed just some general knowledge about world
classical, post-classical, during different history. So far, I’ve known a bit about the
early-modern, modern, periods of the World War 1, World War 2 and some
contemporary. history. Revolution. But they are very general. I’m
-World history is a subject -How can learning looking forward to learn more interesting facts
about human history history around the about the history.
across boundaries. world change my
-Human is developed from mind.  
the apes. -The difference
-The World War 2 started between  
in 1939 and ended in 1945. Vietnam’s history
and other  
countries’ history.












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